#911 ls 4x02
callmebrycelee · 2 years
This reaction is for the season 4, second episode "The New Hot Mess" which originally aired January 31, 2023. The episode was written by Bob Goodman and directed by Chad Lowe. Spoilers ahead!
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The 126 go up against baseball-sized hail, frogs, and porta potties. TK and Carlos look for a venue for their upcoming nuptials but first they have to deal with the fact that Carlos is married? To Michelle Blake's little sister, Iris? Oh, and Tommy gives her number to a guy who nearly choked on a frog and got stuck in a ferris wheel only to find out he is her new minister. Our fearless leader, Owen, joins up with a motorcycle gang called the Honor Dogs and finds out they might be ... gasp ... white nationalists!
Okay, now that we're all caught up, let's talk about episode two - THE NEW HOT MESS!!!
In our cold open, we get a woman named Lila Geralds (Ashley Rae Spillers) waking up to her home shaking violently. It's not an earthquake; it's just her crazy ex-husband, Mitch (Jamison Webb) driving off with their trailer attached to his pickup. She calls 9-1-1 and our favorite dispatcher answers. Grace asks her for her location but Lila tells her she doesn't know.
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The 126 get the call, of course, and go after the husband. Sgt. Ty O'Brien (Neal McDonough) is also on the chase. Meanwhile debris is falling off of the trailer and onto the road. Grace asks if Lila knows where Mitch is going and she tells her that he has an empty lot in a place called Birch Glen.  TK and Marjan are in a helicopter flying over the pickup and trailer and Marjan attempts to repel down on top of the trailer. Mitch starts swerving. The 126 pulls up alongside his truck and Owen attempts to talk him down by talking about how he has been divorced twice. Turns out the man is upset because the judge told Lila she could stay in the house. 
Marjan crashes through the trailer ceiling to rescue Lila but Lila is resistant. Lila is adamant she is not leaving the house because the judge said she could stay. The trailer starts to fall apart and Marjan manages to extract herself and Lila out of the trailer before it crashes. The SWAT Team and Sgt. O'Brien are waiting at mile marker 23 and when Mitch drives towards them, the trailer gets caught underneath the overpass. The day is saved!
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Title card!
Owen meets with special agents Rose Casey (Amanda Schull) and Chuck Biondi (Rob Parks) in regard to the Honor Dogs. Owen tells them he doesn't know much about them. Agent tells Owen the group is trying to reclaim Texas and is officially a terrorist group. The agents believe the Honor Dogs are plotting a terrorist attack. There is also a truck carrying three times the explosives used in the Oklahoma City Bombing. Long story short, they want Owen to go undercover to infiltrate the group. 
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Tommy goes to see her bestie Grace at the 9-1-1 dispatch center. Grace goes on break so they can go have a lady chat. They talk about the new pastor, Trevor (D.B. Woodside). Grace is curious to see if the reverend has called Tommy but Tommy is avoiding him because she is deeply unnerved by the fact he is her pastor. Tommy is worried about people gossiping about her. Grace encourages Tommy to call the reverend. Fun fact: Grace waited until she was married to have sex with Judd. Tommy tells Grace she doesn't know if she wants to get married again but she does want something more than a dinner companion. Tommy tells Grace she will call Trevor to tell him she is not interested. 
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TK and Carlos prepare for Iris's arrival. TK is understandably nervous. I mean it's not every day you meet your fiance's wife. During their visit, Iris gives TK the third degree. She calls him short, wonders why he is a paramedic instead of a firefighter, and also asks why he wants to get married when he and Carlos are pretty much already married. TK mentions he's been in three comas - OD, hypothermia, and when he got shot. Poor TK! Baby boy has been through a lot! 
Carlos tells Iris he and TK love each other and they want to get married. Iris reminds him he is already married. She asks for the divorce papers and when TK hands them to her, she says she will take them with her and look them over. I do not like her. Not at all. Wish she would've stayed missing. Ooh, that's so mean. Forgive me, y'all! Poor TK! He does not deserve this! Carlos, you're on my shit list right now!
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TK talks to Nancy about Iris holding him and Carlos' wedding hostage. TK has a bad feeling about Iris and I think he is totally valid in his feelings. I don't trust her and it has nothing to do with her mental health. Reverend Trevor shows up at the station house and Nancy teases Tommy when she finds out he is a pastor. Tommy apologizes for giving him her number without knowing what his job was but Trevor says he believes God brought them together. Smooth move, Mr. Preacher Man. Tommy agrees to have dinner with him. 
Owen goes back to the hole in the wall where the Honor Dogs gather. He runs into the young guy, Mikey (Richard Meehan). He talks to Red (Dan Sanders-Joyce), the bartender, and asks why they brand their members with an eagle instead of a dog. Owen insinuates the eagle has ties with Nazism. Owen goes to use the restroom and does some spying. This scene was so tense because I was wondering if Owen was going to get caught. He is caught after he bugs the office by none other than Sgt. O'Brien. The real question is: Is he working undercover or is he an Honor Dog?
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Owen and O'Brien have drinks and Owen finds out Sgt. O'Brien is, indeed, an Honor Dog. O'Brien asks Owen why he's there. O'Brien tells Owen that this is not a place where he wants to be. He tells Owen to finish his beer and never come back. He is NOT welcome there. Owen meets with Special Agent Casey in a parking garage about what he found out at the bar. He tells her about O'Brien. Owen worries his cover is blown. Owen feels conflicted because he likes O'Brien. He says every time he makes a new male friend it ends badly. Hmm, good observation Owen. When Agent talks about the bug being activated, Owen tells her he forgot to activate it.
Tommy gets all dolled up and looks AMAZING for her date with Trevor, and Mr. Preacher Man looks sexy as hell himself. She invites him inside and their sexual chemistry is off the charts. Tommy is being so forward, uncharacteristically forward. I wondered if this was a dream sequence. Tommy tells Trevor she is feeling conflicted because she has never dated a preacher. He tells her he has no plans on preaching tonight. They start kissing and he tells her to try not to cry out the Lord's name. He rips open her dress and Tommy wakes up from her very sexy dream.
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Tommy goes to Owen to talk about her feelings for Trevor. She tells Owen she is having sex dreams about her pastor. Owen tells her he is flattered she came to him. Tommy tells Owen she gave the guy they saved at the fair her number and that she feels bad about it because he's her pastor. Owen asks if the sex dream came before or after she found out he was a pastor. Owen asks her what Trevor was wearing in the dream. Tommy is like, why is that important. Owen asks if she likes the church and she says yes. Owen tells her to say no to the date with Trevor because he once asked out a receptionist at his haircutting place and he tells her that if it doesn't work out, she can't go back. Very valid advice, Captain Strand! Tommy thanks him for the advice!
TK goes to see Iris and asks if they can talk. He asks if she had time to look at the divorce papers but Iris is being super evasive. TK tries to prove that he loves Carlos, which he shouldn't have to do because who the hell is this woman anyway, and Iris questions if they are a match or not. Iris tells TK it would be a mistake to sign the divorce papers. TK reminds Iris that Carlos is gay and his and asks why she won't sign. Iris says she should be his first and only marriage. She says she should get an annulment and not a divorce. TK asks what she meant by him being exactly what she thought he would be. She calls him a hot mess. She says he can be Carlos' life work. Way harsh, Iris!
Tommy gets ready (for real) for her date with Trevor. She invites him inside and they have a witty repartee. Tommy cooks for them ... and three others. Judd, Grace, and Charlie show up but it's clear they are unaware Trevor was going to be there. Izzy and Evie also show up to dinner as well. Grace gives Tommy the stink eye. 
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O'Brien is waiting in Owen's home when Owen arrives. He gives Owen back the bug he left in Red's office. Owen accuses him of being a Nazi. He tells O'Brien he is a disgrace. O'Brien asks Owen who he is working for. ATF or FBI. O'Brien mentions Red has security cameras but he got to them before Red did. O'Brien tells Owen he needs to take care of him. Gulp! He tells Owen he is going to take him somewhere.
TK is still smarting from Iris' burn. He starts to question whether he and Carlos getting married is a good idea. Carlos asks him what's going on and TK asks him if he sees him as a project. A bird with a broken wing or a tragic case that needs rescuing. TK asks if Carlos married Iris because he thought he could save her from her mental illness. Carlos reminds TK that Iris's mental illness came later and that when they got married, he was the project. TK asks if he thinks he's a hot mess, Carlos says yes but that he is his hot mess. Dawww! I'm still mad at you, Carlos. THe scene ends with Carlos getting an important call. 
Dinner is over at the Vega residence. Trevor gets ready to leave and Tommy walks him out. Grace chastises Tommy for what she did. Judd is confused and Grace tells him that he, Charlie, and her are. the third, fourth, and fifth wheels on Tommy's first date with the pastor. Tommy says she feels terrible and Grace says she should. Tommy tells Grace she likes him. Trevor comes back and kisses Tommy at the door. Ooooh, yes!!! He tells her next date, no chaperones. Get it, Mr. Preacher Man!  
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Carlos drives to a police scene where Iris's car is abandoned and the divorce papers are found on the seat. Where is Iris? Did she have a mental health episode? Did she go missing? Was she kidnapped? or is she just crying wolf to mess with Carlos and TK? 
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Speaking of crying wolf, "Cry Wolf" is the name of our next episode. I'm interested to see what happens next. Is O'Brien really an Honor Dog or are him and Owen working toward the same goal? Where is Iris? Is she alive or dead? Can she be trusted? How long will they drag out this whole Carlos is already married storyline? Hopefully we don't go too long without a resolution to this plot. I'm also interested in seeing Tommy's romance with Trevor develop. Also, can we please get some more Nancy, Marjan, Mateo, and Paul next episode? Pretty please! Sigh ... Until next time ...
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 lone star 4x02
spoilers ahead
aw I missed Grace so much 😍
loving Marjan getting a moment, I hope we'll see more of her this season, maybe she'll get an actual storyline 🤞
also, lmao this is so funny, why is this woman so difficult 😂 istg ls is a drama only sometimes, mostly it's a fucking comedy 😂
unpopular opinion but: I actually enjoyed Owen in s3, and I'm still enjoying him haha, tbh he was only really insufferable in s2, now I kinda like him, and his scenes are hilarious, and I'm kinda interested in his storyline this season 😂 (more interesting than tarlos that's for sure, and that's still so weird to even think lmao)
Grace and Tommy have the best friendship in this show 💯 lmao I love them
"just my wife" lmao okay that was funny - it's still not the best plot ngl, it's just so... low stakes, so low basically nonexistent - I already said that in a post before, but like, so what if they can't get married in a few weeks? 😂 like, this is just such a dumb reason jfc, we know they're gonna stay together, this is just drama for the sake of drama - I'm still gonna try to enjoy it tho, maybe they'll make it fun 💁🏻‍♀️😂
I was about to say this convo is annoying, but them recalling TK's accidents and the "how many comas have you been in" 😂 😂 lmao this is so funny
oh wow... she didn't sign the papers, who could've seen it coming..... just about everyone but okay 🙄 it's just such a boring storyline I'm sorry but like, it might've been a funny convo, but the overall plotline is just so boring, and making Iris just annoying tbh
OH MY GOD WHO CARES ABOUT THE VENUE 🙄🙄🙄 like, seriously, I can't express how boring I find this, they can literally find another place or wait a little longer
why is tarlos' storyline the most boring this season, please can this be over and can they get something more interesting?
Tommy being awkward with the pastor oh my god I love her so much, but someone shut her up pls 😂😂😂
okay, that leather jacket and hair kinda ruffled by the helmet - it's working for me, why is Rob Lowe so hot, I wasn't prepared to be (this) attracted to Owen this season 😭
thank god that was just Tommy's dream, because the dialogue was really making me cringe lol
I'm loving Tommy and Owen's friendship too 😂
I'm sorry, I guess I'm happy they're getting an annulment, and we're adding some drama now, but like.... I really don't fucking care, what is happening, tarlos were my fave part of this show and now I just wait for their scenes to be over, what have you done writers 🙄
okay, that tarlos scene was adorable and I love them - im still already over that whole marriage and Iris thing tho
oh, now Iris disappeared? okay, now it's getting interesting
that was a good episode, it flew by so fast tbh haha
loved Tommy and I'm lowkey here for the pastor storyline, but it seems to be going well, and we're only on episode 2, so I wonder what's gonna get fucked up
pls tell me Grace and Judd will get some story of their own because so far they're kinda to the side
same with Mateo, Marjan and Paul and Nancy - like, please give them something, they each had like an episode about them (aside from Nancy I think) and we're in s4, give them some longer storylines pls
(also, can we get begins episodes for them? that'd be so cool pls)
I kinda like Owen's story, it's interesting, and it's taking surprisingly little screen time for Owen 😂 (also, Rob Lowe has always been hot, but this season it's like, really standing out, almost as much as the beginning of s3 with the beard 🥵 wtf)
and finally, tarlos.... I was kinda over their whole story, but Iris disappearing makes it interesting tbh, so far it's been boring - hope it'll get even better!
so, tbh I liked this one more than 4x01 and I hope that now it'll get better and better haha
(tho was there literally like only one emergency this episode?)
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Carlos and TK, Season 4: parallel statements of love and devotion
911 Lone Star: Abandoned (4x04) | The New Hot Mess (4x02) | Swipe Left (4x12) | A House Divided (4x16) | In Sickness and in Health (4x18)
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rafaelsilvasource · 4 months
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RAFAEL SILVA as CARLOS REYES on 911: LONE STAR S4 E2 | “The New Hot Mess” | Episode Stills (1/4)
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tkstrandsource · 2 years
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4x02 “New Hot Mess”
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lonestarlgbt · 2 years
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tk & nancy being complete children spying on their work mom
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xofemeraldstars · 6 days
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lonestardust · 1 year
"And when did you figure that out?" "soulmates? i've never heard you say that before?... how long have you thought that?" "probably.. the day I met you.." "since the first night i took you home" the way tk walked into carlos' life and immediately felt like home and everywhere he's never been all at once, he saw his soulmate in tk and he KNEW right away; from the moment he laid eyes on him on that call, in the bar, when he was leaving after they hooked up, when he opened up to him at the police station and their eyes met, when he took him out on a date and tk spent the night bothered and in his feelings about something else, he knew when tk was on that hospital bed and carlos not knowing if he'll ever wake up, he KNEW when he was at the juice bar and lied saying that it's not like the end of the world if its not meant to be when he knew it was and will break his heart. he knew that tk is his soulmate when they were laying down gazing at a promising night sky and becoming official.
because it's tk who's resilient and loves openly and deeply that made carlos live; from the very moment he walked into his life, tk made him want to live and not just survive on crumbs of hard won love from his family. it's his soulmate's love that made him start a relationship with his parents where all of his parts are acknowledged and seen and loved equally... and i'm thinking of tk saying that this is not a mistake, that they're definitely not a mistake. tk really is the key that unlocked carlos and the dream that he would not allow himself to have. but he now has, constantly consistently and continually. TK STRAND IS CARLOS REYES SOULMATE
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
all night long
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tags: M x M Smut, sex, gay, sex, anal sex, anal fingering, oral sex, possessive tk strand, 4x02 Coda, The New Hot Mess, 4 x 02: The New Hot Mess
Summary: TK has some feelings about seeing Carlos in plaid
Author's Note: Carlos Reyes in plaid is my weakness and I had to write something about that soooo this was born. I hope you enjoy the fic! Comments and kudos keep me going.
Thank you to @noxsoulmate for beta'ing this.
TK groans as Carlos pushes him against the wall, his hands dropping down to start to undo Carlos’ pants.
“Whoever invented plaid and allowed you to wear it is a gift,” TK groans as he trails kisses along Carlos’ jaw to his neck where he leaves a very impressive bruise. 
He knows they should probably talk more about what Carlos had said on the couch about being broken, but right now he’s thinking with his downstairs brain and that is fully winning out.
Not that either of them minds at the moment.
Carlos shoves a leg in between TK’s and rolls his thick thigh up against TK’s thickening cock.
“If I knew you would have this kind of reaction to a simple pattern, I’d have worn it sooner,” Carlos teases, moving his hand up from cupping TK’s neck to being tangled in his hair.
TK groans as Carlos uses his grip on his hair to yank his neck back and attach his lips to his pulse point.
“Baby, please,” TK gasps, dropping his hands down to grab onto Carlos’ perfect ass. He squeezes the handfuls that he gets and pulls him in closer so that their bodies are flush together.
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angeltk @noxsoulmate  @beautifulhigh @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @bonheur-cafe
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
Fic Rec Day
So wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words thanks for tagging me @ladytessa74 @wandering-night19 @carlos-in-glasses
💜Most hits: Danger Zone College AU with roommates who hate each other :)
💜Most Kudos: (okay all of these will be Danger Zone because it's my only multichapter so far so I'll take the second most now) In good hands : TK and Carlos first attempt at BDSM
💜Most Comments: A Heart with New Skin : Carlos learning to love Lou II.
💜Most Bookmarks: In good hands
💜Most words: (unpublished Kurtbastian story at 100k+ haunting me lol) but published for 911-LS: Danger Zone
💜Least words: I'm a hot mess : A 4x02 fill in from TK's perspective.
An open tag to all those who haven't done it and want to. please doooo.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend, wishing you a Happy New Year 🎉🎆🍾!! Hope things are going well so far and you're not too drenched in ice or snow or cold (my brother is in NM and he's freezing his ass off apparently). For reasons that definitely include the upcoming season's proximity, I'm going to try to get more into 911 LS this year. I've decided that while we've got excellent taste in ships, we've done poorly in focusing on shows where those ships can thrive, meaning they have a showrunner who can
tell a compelling story, writers who can bring that story to life, and a promo team that can get the audience excited. Let's take just promo for example. LS just came out with its 2nd or 3rd trailer and it's still 3 week's away!! Even if they are also doing smaller emergencies, the frog storm looked a hell of a lot of more exciting than the blimp "emergency". And from what I've seen of the stills, it will feature a lot of Tarlos, and I haven't seen much in the way of guest stars. Contrast that with RNM. We all remember the seasonal promo posters that looked like an elementary school project and the 5 sec episode previews they abandoned during S4 (this isn't even considering the episode synopsis where if a particular character was mentioned my excitement level flatlined). Then there's the Malex if it all, remember we got so excited when a still of them was promoted on Twitter for 4x02 since it had literally never been done before?? Sad days. And as for OG lately we've gotten confusing/inaccurate episode synopsis, previews of scenes that were made to look intense and turned out to be "meh", stills released right before the episode and then 50 scenes released the day it premieres. Its a mess. And I guess I can't complain that those things didn't feature Buddie since there wasn't anything in the season for them to feature.  I don't think we have to rehash the baffling and horrible writing choices of both RNM and OG's showrunners those are well documented. So that leaves the individual writing of each show, where RNM abandoned logic and 911 abandoned emotion in order to force scenes that did no one any favors. Anyway this got longer than intended and ultimately saltier, I was trying to say Happy New Year and it turned into this. So again happy New year!! Maybe with time and GA input KR will come up with a plotline that doesn't make me hear nails on a chalkboard when it's mentioned.
Hi my friend and Happy New Year to you as well, even though this is now a few days late. (I wanted to finish the book I started yesterday, a sequel to a romcom I very much enjoyed and one of the only actual books I’ve managed to read recently, but it ended up being kind of awful and torpedoed my whole day and sucked the serotonin right out of me instead of giving me MORE like it was supposed to 😒😒😒 hate this for me. So I put this off a little longer so I didn’t end up being TOO salty or going off on a fully unrelated tangent). Luckily I’m back home where it’s chilly (for me) but nothing too wet or miserable and I got to enjoy some sweatpants for a few days before I have to go back to my cold office and uncomfortable work clothes.
You’re so right, we DO have excellent taste in ships but whooo boy WHAT is the deal with being shafted by shows? (And now books too apparently because my life is a joke, hell bent on not allowing me to thrive with the things I find joy in.) I have been soooo jealous of not just the promo coming out so early, but also official stills coming from set during filming! OG couldn’t even get stills for for some episodes until a few hours before airing! To say nothing of the incorrect synopsis/previews, and 700 clips released on episode day messes. Plus LS got new cast photos this year while OG has still been using stuff from s1-2!  I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t been paying much if any attention to news about LS so all I know is the Tarlos stuff sounds really exciting and the only guest stars I remember is for some FBI/DEA something or other operation that (of course) Owen is for some reason involved in helping with. Color me unsurprised. But knowing that’s how LS has been pretty much from the jump, it’s easier to just grit my teeth through the Owen centricity and sometimes it’s at least entertaining 🤷🏻‍♀️ The frog thing sounds interesting but definitely feels like a “hook” that’s going to end up being almost nothing and quickly resolved but if we’re lucky we’ll at least get some jokes out of it about TK taking one home and Carlos getting a panicked look about it. Also, the LS emergencies have never had quite the resonance or the tie in with the main plots that OG had so them cutting back after the ice storm (which really was excessive at 4 episodes and by cutting down on the weird Owen centricity could have been done in 2 *maybe* 2.5 or 3 episodes tops, revolving around the group as a whole more) isn’t probably going to change the format of regular episodes much from previous seasons. But with the wedding coming up, the possibility of Carlos getting injured, and Ronan being a tease and really excited for multiple episodes, I feel like the Tarlos stuff is going to be really good!
I’m cackling because taking shots at the RNM promo department will never NOT be funny. I mean, honestly WTF was their deal with promo posters?! *insert “is this a promo poster for ANTS” gif here* At least they were somewhat more honest by always seaming to make Alex the smallest and furthest away and never near Michael which is....mostly what we got after s1 so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. Not that OG 911 is much better since there’s a fan that does massively impressive posters for episodes that completely outshine anything the official team does.
ANYWAY, I’m with you down in the salt mine and surrounded by wasted potential so lets hope this year we can finally get some more fulfilling stories/storylines, and that our beloved OG wee-woos can get back on track. The only good thing about them having a longer hiatus is they have the chance to take the reaction to the finale, especially Buck’s mess of a storyline, and 6a as a whole into consideration and maybe make some changes. Honestly if they completely dropped Buck’s storyline and it never came up ever again I wouldn’t even care and would actually prefer that at this point. Remember when he got meaty storylines that involved the other main characters and was the focus for a few episodes and then arcs finished and new ones started and we got several things going on for multiple characters at once? *cracked voice* yeah.... Well, here’s to hoping! 🍾🥂 *clink*
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Youtube links for the 911 4x02 promo and lone star 2x02 promo that played at the end of the episodes:
+ an article teasing who Buck's new covid crush is
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crazelouoff · 3 years
Ranking of 911 Disaster episodes
I have decided that I would like to rank each episode of 911 and 911 lone star. this is strictly opinion base for myself and I would like to hear if you either agree or disagree with me. 
For this one, I will be ranking the disaster episodes from both shows. so lets start. 
9. Blackout (OG 5x02 5x03) 
The latest disaster episodes for the OG 911, these episodes unfortunately have many plot holes in them and the way the writers decided to just wrap up this storyline and never mention it afterwards just frustrates me. But it did give us the breakup of EddieAna so bonus points there I guess. #Now give us the BUCKTAYLOR breakup and make BUDDIE official!
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8. Mudslide (OG 4x02)
I just don’t seem to go back to watch it as much as I do the other disaster episodes. Honestly, I think I do need to go back and watch it again as I don’t really remember much of this episode.
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7. Tornado (LS 1x04)
The first Lone Star disaster episode, I like it but I just prefer the other ones. The next one and this one is kind of on the same level path but the next one kind of just had a leg up to this one.
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6. Volcano (LS 2x02)
Same as the tornado episode, I kind find myself watching the other episodes more really. The emotion that we get at the end of the episode by the character due to the death of Tim gives it a bonus point but I feel it just doesn’t really have any general feelings towards it as we didn’t particularly see Tim much. Carlos comforting TK though, my heart!
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5. Sand storm (LS 2x14)
The season finale of the second series, this episode gives us more of MATEO (thank god!) and Carlos babysitting! 
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4. Solar storm (LS 1x10)
Finally gives us Tarlos, enough said,
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3. Earthquake (OG 2x02 2x03)
The first real disaster episode, still one of the best episodes the OG show has done. 3rd place as I just prefer watching the other episodes.
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2. Wildfire (LS 2x03)
Ah, The crossover episode, this just ranks second due to the fact we get TK calling Buck out for hitting on him.
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1: Tsunami (OG 3x02 3x03)
No surprise really for me, I always find myself coming back to these episodes and I still get the same feelings as when I first watched it. The pure emotions of each of the characters is such gold.
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You cannot be you without him, because the you who sits here on this couch with your fiancé in the home you share with him would never have taken shape without his guiding hands. A man named Carlos Reyes would have existed, but not this one. He would have been somebody else. — Made From Stardust by @paperstorm
911 Lone Star: Pilot (1x01) | Yee-Haw (1x02) | The New Hot Mess (4x02) | A House Divided (4x16)
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rafaelsilvasource · 4 months
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RAFAEL SILVA as CARLOS REYES on 911: LONE STAR S4 E2 | “The New Hot Mess” | Episode Stills (3/4)
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
Different anon.
I tried looking up the confirmation about Peter and Angela, but I didn't find anything. Were they considered higher risk because of their ages? I mean, it would also explain a bit why the OG 9-1-1 was so much more diligent with masking than LS.
So it's not necessarily confirmation from an "official" source, but it's confirmation from that 911 News twitter, and from what I can tell they tend to be mostly accurate.
(here is the tweet in question)
And yeah, they are both higher risk due to their ages. Angela is also even more high risk because she has a familial history of diabetes, and people with diabetes (both type 1 and 2) have a much higher risk of getting severely ill with COVID should they contract it.
If you watch season 4, especially the first half of the season, it's also really clear they're being EXTRA careful with Angela if you look at how her scenes were shot and who she was interacting with. She clearly had stand-ins a lot of the time for over-the-shoulder shots where Athena was standing closely to somebody, and they did camera tricks when the focus was on her to make it seems as if she was closer to the person she was talking to. And when she legitimately had to be close to somebody (like Sylvia in 4x01 and 4x02), usually they cast an actor who was a little bit older (which tells me they probably were one of the people who got the COVID shot ahead of a lot of other people).
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