bobcatblahs · 4 months
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aralezinspace · 1 year
✨Requests are open!✨
Here’s what I’ll write:
Sandman (MorpheusxReader, Dreamling) SFW, NSFW
Doctor Who (9-13xReader, 9xRose, 10xRose, DoctorxRiver) SFW, NSFW
Assassin’s Creed (Altair, Ezio, Kassandra, EivorxReader, AltMar, EzioLeo) SFW, NSFW
Black Butler (SebaCiel) SFW, NSFW
Send em in!! If you need/want ideas, search "writing prompts" on this blog for ideas! ✨Masterlist✨ ✨Current WIPs✨
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First Chance at a Family
Day 2 of 2020′s 31 Days of Ficmas.  Thanks to @doctorroseprompts for the list!
Prompt: ginger/gingerbread
Rating: T
Pairing: 9xRose AU; mini-sequel to Second Chance at Forever
Summary: Rose & John’s journey to parenthood, told in 4 parts.  Warnings for: morning sickness, pregnancy, etc
2020 31 Days of Ficmas masterlist  |  Second Chance at Forever
“Ugh.”  Wiping at her mouth Rose leaned back, closing the toilet lid and reaching for the flush.  Tilting over onto her side, she rested her heated face against the soothingly cold bathroom floor, feeling like death warmed over.  “This is the third morning in a row, and I’m starting to think it’s not the New Year’s hangover,” she mumbled into the tiles.  “I’m not ready to go there.”
Her one comfort was that John was surely already at work, blissfully unaware of the physical and mental turbulence occurring in her stomach.  No need to worry him before she had to.
“If I still don’t feel well tomorrow, I’ll go see a doctor,” she bartered with her stomach, hand hovering over it for a moment before clenching her fist and lowering it to the ground.  That, she felt, would be a tacit acknowledgement of the increasingly-likely scenario, and she wasn’t ready to face that yet.  “And if not, definitely the day after.”
She lay there for a few more minutes, eventually determining it was safe to resume her day.  Moving gingerly, she washed her face and brushed her teeth, pulling her dressing gown tightly around her as she shuffled towards the kitchen-
And froze, shocked to see her husband sitting at the table sipping from a mug and writing on a piece of paper.
“Morning,” he said flatly, not looking up.  “That’s for you.”  His head tilted in the direction of a steaming mug across from him, and she sank into the seat without taking her eyes off him.
Lifting the mug to her lips, she found ginger tea, her stomach clenching at the implication.
“I thought you had office hours this morning,” she broke the silence once she’d drunk half of it. “Why…”
“My wife is sick, I wanted to be here if she needed me.  However, I didn’t want to intrude if she wasn’t ready to tell me what’s going on?”
And just like that, she knew- that her fears were correct, and worse, John had clearly figured it out first.  Shit. In the back of her mind she knew this was a good thing, she should be happy about it, but we’ve only been married a year, it’s too soon!
She let out a sigh. “Technically, I don’t know what’s going on.  I just have… growing suspicions.”  Peeking up at him, she met his eye, his expression softening.
“I see.”  Setting down his pen John removed his glasses, rubbing at his face for a moment before rising, coming around the corner of the table to kneel beside her.  “I realized yesterday, and… it’s more than a suspicion.”
“That’s what I get for marrying a doctor,” she joked weakly, rubbing her thumb along his jawline.  “I wasn’t… keeping it from you, I just… hadn’t faced it yet myself.”
Leaning up, he pressed a kiss to her cheek.  “Okay. I’ve already called us both off, so why don’t we lie down for a cuddle, and not talk about it?”
“Okay,” she agreed, heart filling with love for such a wonderful, understanding partner.  “I’m gonna finish this tea, first, though.”
“Absolutely.”  John stood, resting his hand on her back and offering her a small smile.  “The ginger will help with the nausea.  So will a nap.”
Deciding to bring the mug to the bedroom with her, she let him guide her into bed, curling up in his arms with her head on his chest and his hands on her belly.
Seven nausea-filled days later found them sitting in an exam room, Rose aggressively chewing on a piece of ginger candy as she sat on the table looking around.  John was seated on the guest chair, seemingly enthralled with a pamphlet, though his bouncing leg gave evidence to his own anxiety.
He looked up, blinking. “Yeah?”
“Why ginger?”
“What d’you mean?”
She gestured with the bag of candy in her hand.  “Why does this supposedly help?”  With every minute they had to wait she was growing more nervous, and nothing distracted her the way her husband could when he fell into ‘professor mode’.
John immediately abandoned the pamphlet on the countertop, leaning forward to brace his elbows on his knees.  “Well, first, it’s a traditional remedy dating back thousands of years, mostly in India and Southeast Asia, where it grows naturally.  It’s fairly interesting actually – it helps with a number of ailments, and isn’t limited to the digestive tract.  Current thought is that it’s an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, and can cure sickness from motion and chemotherapy, not just-” he paused to wave at her, but was prevented from continuing by a rap on the door followed by it opening.
“Good morning,” the doctor said brusquely, stepping in.  “Noble?”
“Yes,” they chorused, Rose adding, “I’m Rose, this is John.”
The doctor nodded, consulting the iPad in his hand.  “Great, I’m Doctor MacMartin.  So, I have your test results.”  He sat on the stool, setting down the tablet and looking at her for the first time. “You’re pregnant.”
Despite having spent the last week coming to terms with the idea, the confirmation knocked the breath from Rose’s lungs.  Pregnant. A baby.  She looked to John, who was silent, eyes wide and surprised but pleased, with a silly smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.  In response her own twitched, and suddenly they were beaming at each other, tears pricking at her eyes.
A baby.  A family.
And just like at the end of The Grinch, her heart expanded.
“I have literally never hated you more than I do at this moment.”
John, the bastard, had the gall to smirk, not pausing as he tucked her in.  “It’s just for two weeks,” he said cheerfully.  “Then our bundle of joy will be here, and you won’t want to get out of bed.  You should rest while you can.”
She huffed in response, folding her arms across her enormous belly.  At thirty-seven weeks she’d been placed on bed rest as a precaution, and two hours into it, she was already going mad.  John was fussing over her like a mother hen, and she already knew it would be worse when word spread and Donna and Jackie showed up to ‘help’. She was tired, and sore, and she hadn’t seen her feet in months, constant heartburn, and the most galling bit- “Why do you lie?”
“About what?”  Kicking his shoes off he settled himself next to her hip, one hand naturally settling to the bump and stroking, doing little to calm the rolling child within.
“‘Morning sickness’. More like ‘all day sickness’.  And why do you say it’s only during the first trimester?  Why am I still nauseous?  I mean, I know I haven’t actually been sick, but honestly, I don’t mind that so much- at least after I feel better, if only for a few minutes.  But there’s no relief!”
He clucked his tongue sympathetically, hand moving to caress her knee.  “I know it sucks, and you’ve had it rough.  But you’re doing brilliantly, really, and I’m so proud of you. You’re already such a great mum.” Leaning forward, he nabbed a ginger candy from the nightstand and handed it to her.  “Not much longer.”
“And to think, people say this is the easy part,” she muttered petulantly, unwrapping the candy and popping it in her mouth.  “I just wanna meet them.”  They’d decided, after weeks of squabbling, not to find out what they were having- the deciding factor had been when Pete had let slip Jackie’s plans for a gender reveal party, and Rose had put her foot down out of principle.
John was silent for a long minute, waiting out her sighing and grumbling until she settled.  “I know.  Me too.  But for now, can I tempt you with a movie instead?”
“Don’t you have to go to work?”  Even as she said the words she reached for her mobile, pulling up Netflix to broadcast it to the telly he’d set up.
“Nah,” he said easily, moving to sit next to her, close enough they were touching from hip to thigh. “And, I had one in mind.”  Nabbing her mobile, he held it out of her reach, typing one-handed.
Moments later the telly flicked on, Netflix opening on the movie credits, and she gasped.  “Top Hat!  My favorite.”
“I know,” John said smugly, dropping the mobile on the bed in favor of taking her hand.  “I know you and your Mum have Cliff Richards movies, and I want us to have something similar with little Florence.”
“Not happening,” she didn’t glance at him.  “Ginger and Fred- yes.  Florence?  No. We’re not having a grandmother.” The baby kicked then, and she smiled down fondly at her stomach.  “Isn’t that right, little one?  Daddy’s just being silly, you’ll see, Earl.”
Her husband scoffed. “Is that a pun?  We are not name our child Earl Noble, Rose Tyler- talk about setting him up for failure!”
“Shush.  The movie’s starting.”
Grinning, they turned back to the show- neglecting the dancing on screen to focus instead on the movement of her belly, the child within dancing to the music far more interesting.
Two more weeks!
Fighting back a yawn, John made his way down the corridor to the waiting room, stopping just out of sight to take in the room.  Everyone they loved most was gathered there, scattered around in small groups.  At first glance the only person missing was his godson August, the baby likely with Martha’s parents; even Tony was there, though the six-year-old was asleep against his father.
It warmed his heart to see them all together, waiting, already loving the little life they didn’t know had arrived, and was currently be weighed and cleaned up.  Slipping his mobile from his pocket he took a picture of the group, wanting to capture this moment, show his child how loved they were from their first breath.
Taking the few steps needed to enter the room, he bit back a smile when no one looked up or registered his presence.  “You all waiting on someone?”
In seconds he had everyone’s full attention, eager eyes waiting with bated breath, and he knew he was failing to contain his joy as they gathered close, instantly dropping their newspapers and books and mobiles to focus on him.
“Well?!”  It was Tony who broke the silence, eyes still full of sleep, and John crouched down in front of him.
“C’mere, mate.”
The boy stepped closer, watching impatiently, little brow furrowing.  “Is my Rosie okay?”
“She is.”  John took a deep breath, nearly overwhelmed with the moment, and the weight of the words he was about to say.  “So’s your niece.”
The room was silent enough to hear a pin drop for one heart stopping moment; and then Jackie screamed “It’s a girl!” and everything devolved into chaos, as he was pulled in every direction for hugs, kisses, and congratulations.
“Wait!” Donna commanded, loud enough to be heard over the chatter, drawing everyone’s attention. “More information.  Is Rose okay?  What’s the baby’s name?  When can we see them?”
“Right.”  Still hugging Martha, somewhat leaning on her for support, he organized his thoughts.  “Rose is fine- a champ, of course, though she’s exhausted.  Baby’s good, big and healthy.  And you can see them in an hour or so.”
Martha poked him viciously in the side.  “And her name?”
His smile grew, thinking of his little girl – for so long she’d felt like an abstract concept, despite watching Rose’s belly grow and actively planning for her arrival.  But now she was here, and beautiful, and his heart was fully.  “Genevieve Amelia.  Jenny.”
This brought on more gushing, and far too many questions for his tired brain to track, much less comprehend or answer, until once again, his sister’s voice broke through.
“Who’s she look like?”
“Rose.”  He grinned; every baby he’d ever seen had just looked like a squirming blob, especially at only minutes old, but not his little girl- no, his daughter already looked so much like her mother it was uncanny. “But she’s got your hair.”
“Yes!” Donna crowed, clutching onto Lee’s arms.  “Another ginger!  We need more of them in this family, I always said that.  Does this mean I get first dibs on meeting her?”
This sparked a new, lively debate between Donna, Sylvia, and Jackie, John just shaking his head with a grin. Catching his grandfather’s eye he tilted his head slightly, before grabbing his brother-in-law’s hand and slipping away with a wink to Pete.
Everyone would have a chance to meet the baby, but they’d decided the oldest and youngest would have first dibs.
Overwhelmed by the urge to see Rose and Jenny, he quickened his step.
His family needed him.
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ughfrey · 7 years
what do you ship?
oh shit uhhhh lets see
Melix (Felix & Marzia)Bethyl (Beth & Daryl, TWD)Shamy (Sheldon & Amy, TBBT)9xRose & 10xRose (Dr Who)Sparrabeth (Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swan, POTC)Johnlock (John Watson & Sherlock Holmes)Sonamy (Sonic & Amy, Sonic X)Robin x Starfire (Teen Titans)Beastboy x Raven (Teen Titans)Jack x Gwen (Torchwood)Larry (Louis Tomlinson & Harry Styles)Richonne (Rick & Michonne, TWD)God, I can’t really think of anymore on the spot, but I’m sure there’s more than that. 
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
Midnight thoughts
I believe the fact my main pairings have been Scrooge x Goldie, Doctor x Rose and Cas x Dean since 2008 has a deeper meaning to it...
but at this point I'm too scared to ask
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sciencevillain · 7 years
I really wanna marathon seasons 1 and 2 of Doctor Who with someone. They were the most magical two seasons of the entire show. They were what set the standard. They were the ones where I was like “WHOA I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS SO GOOD” instead of turning into a fan where you’re like “hmm not as good as season 1″ perpetually into eternity.
also, 9xRose is OTP and I’m not even a shipper
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englishbunnyrocks · 3 years
WIP game
I was tagged by the wonderful @bimingjue, whose stories I miss very so much. Thanks for tagging me! And please, please, please, finish those nielan ones, I’m literally begging you. 
Rules: Posting a list of current writing works in progress. Feel free to ask me for info on any of them, whether snippets of writing, plot details, main characters, etc. Send me a title listed below and I’ll share something related to it. ;)
As I have two that are late presents I’m not exactly going to tell those ones. Also I have a few so I picked the ones I wrote in the last two or so weeks.
1. A super-duper secret present 9xRose fic where Rose learns interesting things about her future!
2. Another super-duper secret present Nielan which I am going to finish soon. Hopefully. We’ll see.
3. 12 and Bill help Jackie on Rose’s birth’s day and they solve a mystery together! Because I miss working in a hospital.
4. That beast of a fic I started in January with dimension hopping Rose ending up in each Classic who Doctor’s adventures. Because I’m ambitious. Or stupid. Probably both. 
(5. is original story which I’ve been writing since I was 12. It is about vampires, haha.)
I tag: @deardiary17, @gingerteaonthetardis, @loupettes, @be-the-piano and suddenly I have no idea who else writes so anyone who writes stories! I’m really curious about them!
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xawkward-ariesx · 3 years
Day 1 - Alternate Meetings:
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Prompt 1: Alternate Meetings
It’s simple. Write another way the Doctor and Rose could’ve met. This is one of our less vague prompts. So if you feel like it’ll stifle your creativity? Go ahead and pick something else from the list.
Day 1 (Read here):
Rose who never dropped out of college for Jimmy and is now at university while the Doctor is guarding the vault. 12xRose meet instead of 9xRose
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Hhhh this is a different anon but the flood of 9xRose is wonderful and I think might be giving me the push I need to finish my 9xRose guardian angel AU after years of hiatus so thaaank youuuu so much!! (no sarcasm. words drawn out for emphasis.)
Oh, sweetheart! Finish that 9 x Rose! There are still lots of us there who ship that ship (I know my username is a little misleading, but I ship Rose with all the Doctors, my favourites being Nine, Ten, and Tentoo.) And I love the guardian angel concept! Soooooo good! (No sarcasm here either! ;D) One of my dear online writer friends received that horrible anon and it spurred a bunch of us into action! We wanted to show them, and the world, that this ship is still strong and we write it because we love it! No other reasons needed. And, by the way, when you finish that wonderful story, don’t remain anonymous. I know it’s scary, but we’d love to know who you are so we can give you all the accolades and kudos! ((((hugs, darling))))
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dwficfinder · 5 years
Hi! I'm looking for two fics: The first one I think was on Teaspoon, it started as 9xRose and ended with 10, it was about the doctor tattooing rose with some alien ink that only showed when touched, or when she wanted, I think it was part of a series. The second one I don't know where, it was 10xrose, he having dinner at rose's, and ending in bed. Anyway, they start talking about having children, and the doctor mentions wanting six or twelve, as Time Lords having 3 at time. Thank you very much!
The first thing you’re looking for is the series Writ in Skin by Aenaria.  Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose
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darth-tella · 5 years
Ooh, I'll play! How about... 9xRose, and something about gross summer heat?
(I made it Tentoo/Rose… hope you don’t mind.)
Uncomfortable didn’teven begin to describe how Rose felt at that moment. A heatwave hadgripped the majority of England blanketing the country inunprecedented heat and humility. To make matters worse: her airconditioner was broken. She pressed the glass of cold water to herforehead, the only relief she could get at the moment.
“I don’tunderstand, it was working perfectly fine this morning.” The Doctorgrumbled before he gripped his newly constructed sonic between histeeth and pulled the front plate off the air conditioner. At anyother time Rose loved to watch the Doctor tinker away, and if itwasn’t so hot and miserable she would have been really enjoying theview as he removed his shirt a while ago and his hair was in complete disarray.
“Yeah, it wasworking fine right up until you started messing with it yesterday.”Rose snapped.
“Oi! I wasn’tmessing with it. I was… enhancing it.”
“Same difference.”She muttered, dutifully ignoring his outraged scowl. Buzzing from thesonic, followed by some colourful Gallifreyan swearing added to thestale hot air of the room. Rose took a sip of her water and got anidea.
“We could alwaysgo over to the manor and invade the swimming pool.”
“And watch yourmother prance around in a bikini?” He wrinkled his nose. “No ta!”
He thumped the sideof the air conditioner with his fist and smiled when it came to life.
It died two secondslater in a puff of smoke.
“I’ll go get myswimsuit…”
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sunshinechay · 6 years
ok I want to send you a tv series so that you can answer all the questions, but I’m not sure if you’ve watched the same shows as I have, so I’ll give you a choice between three shows, and hopefully you have watched at least one of them 😂: the vampire daries, doctor who or once upon a time. (ajahagags I can’t remember if you’ve watched any of this sorry)
Lol no worries. I haven’t seen the vampire diaries or a lot of once upon a time, but I have seen a lot of doctor who so I’ll do that one. That being said, I haven’t seen much after Clara’s arrival and taking Amy and Rory’s place so that’s where my answers are going to stop lol
my all-time ultimate fave character: It’s a tie between Donna (yass Queen) and the 10th doctor a character I didn’t used to like but now do: I would go with River Song. It’s not that I hated her, but rather that I wasn’t sure exactly what was supposed to be going on with the character, but by the time of Amy and Rory’s exit I was absolutely loving River Song :)a character I used to like but now don’t: ummm, I’m actually going to go with Clara. Just because I liked her in her first appearance and the interesting aspect of her character, but from everything I’ve seen after she becomes the permanent companion, especially after the Doctor regenerates had me pushing away from her character and it’s actually a contributing factor to why I haven’t really watched much of her episodesa character I’m indifferent about: I am very indifferent when it comes it Mickey. I might like him, don’t get me wrong, but I just feel like there was so much more for this character to give that we didn’t get to see. So I guess I blame the writing and not the charactera character who deserved better: I usually go back to Donna for this because I loved her storyline and everything about her, but she literally ends up no better than when she started because of what happens and it makes me angry because her growth as a character was one of the best I think this show has ever had to offer. The other I would say is Rory...like the show fixed that itself with his inclusion as it went on but when he was introduced, early!Rory deserved better. From a fandom perspective, Martha. I love her and she was so done dirty by a lot of the fandoma ship I’ve never been able to get into: hmmm, I’m not sure. Most of the couples on this show made sense in the context that we got them in, so I tended to at least like them all. I suppose the only one I can think of is 10 with the teacher from the episodes in which he was brainwashed and believed he was someone else. Not because I hated and disliked it, but because I felt like she deserved better cause she was such a good minor charactera ship I’ve never been able to get over: 10xRose and also AmyxRorya cute, low-key ship: 9xRose, 11XRiver Songan unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: ummm, MickeyXMartha. Like I said, I like both of the these characters and I think they would compliement each other but lots of people don’t seem to agree with mea ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: hmmm, from what I’ve seen and remember, I can’t really think of anymy favourite storyline/moment: I just love season 1 as a whole, 9 is so adorable and adorably broken and Rose, Mickey and Jack are just amazing and so helpful to the Doctor. I also still laugh about the Face of Boe story line. Amy and Rory as a whole were just so amazing as well.a storyline that never should have been written: Martha’s crush on 10 and Amy’s crush on 11. Especially because it’s shown how much Amy loves Rory and how much her crush doesn’t make much sense as the seasons go on and they recon a lot about Amy and Rory’s relationship for the better.my first thoughts on the show: A timetravel/alien story with an awesome main character and a cute companion/sidekick....sign me the fuck upmy thoughts now: I still really love it and I need to re watch it so I can catch up for the new season and watch it eventually. I have a few problems with Moffat’s writing, but it’s the same problems I have with Sherlock so I take much of his seasons/writing with a grain of salt, but still a very solid show with good acting and usually good writing. It’s zany and fun and isn’t afraid to take on big topics but also to be silly at the same time
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chiaroscuroverse · 7 years
Hey, Secret Santa here! So, just to give you an understanding of what's coming - it's a 9xRose smutfest, set over Christmas. It's looking like 12 chapters, so one'll go up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between the 1st and 25th! I'll be cross-posting between here and AO3. Happy Holidays!
!!!!! Aaaahhh, I wish I could do gifs for this, because twelve chapters, wow!! This sounds amazing, Nonny—I am super excited!! 💯💯💯👏👏👏😁😁😁😘😘😘
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megabadbunny · 7 years
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“Just tell me you’re sorry.”
(a bonus 9xRose prompt doodle for @lostinfictoo​!)
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ladycumberbunny · 8 years
I have been tagged by @eugeniebatch ! RULES - tag nine people you want to get to know better! Realtionship status ~ married Lipstick or Chapstick ~ all the lipstick, I have about 20 tubes in my makeup bag Last song I listened to ~ Way Down We Go - Kaleo Last movie I watched ~ Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie! (ft. This Island Earth) Top 3 characters ~ Sherlock, Dean Winchester, Donna Noble, Harry Potter (I know it says 3, but I couldn’t decide on just 3) Top 3 ships ~ Sherlolly, 9xRose (Doctor Who), CarolxDaryl (The Walking Dead) I am tagging (just in case y'all want to do this!): @mollyhooperish @forthegenuine @dmollyc @kstewmanipulation @mizjoely @hobbitlover89 @lucifersbuddyfromhell @chelseamh98 @strangelock221b
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ofstormsandwolves · 8 years
so thanks to my memory stick going weird, I’ve lost all my Doctor Who fic except for The Alternate Verse, which I’m currently writing. However, I’ve lost a tonne of fic that I was working on to post, which includes:
Wolfe Pack (9xRose AU)
10 x Rose What We Did On Our Holiday AU
The first chapter of the next The Truth Is Out There fic
god knows how many 10too x Rose fics
all the recent Doctor Who fluffuary bingo fics (which I can thankfully recover from AO3/ tumblr/ whatever)
And Yet He Could
My Soulmate fic plan
So please, please bear with me. I’m still writing, and I don’t seem to have lost any recent works in terms of Dave x Rose, or Campbell x Bella, as they’re in different folders. But basically, I deleted some stuff from my memory stick and it started coming up with ‘delete $doctor x rose’ etc., and I was just pressing skip because none of them were recognisable file names. Clearly, something’s happened with my memory stick and I wasn’t recognising file names but it was deleting my files. And then I emptied my bin- and didn’t notice any of the folders in there so???- and basically they’re all gone.
I’m going to work on getting all my pre-existing fic that is up online back onto my memory stick, but my writing other stories is going to take a while due to this setback.
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