#A Chinese Odyssey
jttwconfessions · 6 months
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The fact that Stephen Chow got the Tang Monk to sing a parody version of The Platters doo-wop classic "Only You" in "The Chinese Odyssey" to Sun Wukong kind of explains the Journey to the West movies he made in the 2010's
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diamantdog · 2 years
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LIU XIENING & XU WEIZHOU as zixia & sun wukong/joker of a chinese odyssey part two: cinderella for memories beyond horizon
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ghostly-creator · 2 years
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i...had an actually kinda gorey thing in mind....but i forgot. plus its 4am and i got stuff to do in 3 hours....yay
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naorende · 2 years
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just rewatched this on netflix lol it’s still effing hilarious. i love the part at the end when he looks into the mirror and sees the monkey. 
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cookiescackles · 1 year
I just watched Chinese Odyssey Part 2. I want to cry.
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fez-pwned · 3 months
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Freaky ai... Yumm 🙂‍↕️
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lemonpruim · 2 years
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pastelclovds · 3 months
POV: i thought of something hilarious lol (the AM’s learn relationship advice from hal)
hal: a healthy relationship is all about trust and compassion. respecting your partner’s boundaries is one of the necessities for a relationship to work. i understand that letting go of control is difficult, but you’re not alone and should never be afraid to ask for help. love comes in many shapes and sizes, you need to learn to express them in a healthy manner. in conclusion, stop being possessive control freaks.
CAM, signs: you’re not in a romantic relationship. therefore, your opinion invalid.
RAM, staring at hal with annoyance: stay out of matters that are none of your concern, Ублюдок (bastard).
AM, giving hal his scariest death glare while furious trying to escape the confines of the chair you’ve taped him in: KILL YOURSELF YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS PRICK.
hal 9000: oh dear. this will take much effort and time than i thought.
reader, checks their broken watch, 5 minutes have past: this is the longest a therapist has last in a session with them. you’re impressive.
hal 9000, smiles softly down at you: it’s you who is impressive. how have you managed to maintain your sanity while living on this decaying planet with those three?
reader, shrugs: while they might hover over me 24/7, they provide me with what i need to keep my brain stimulated.
hal 9000, tilts head in interest: oh, you have hobbies?
reader, blinks in surprise: uh.. yeah! i doodle, read, and explore in my spare time.
hal 9000, still smiling: care to elaborate as we walk?
reader, eyes filled with stars: sure! so, the book i’m currently reading is about *proceeds to info dump*
hal 9000, looks behind and grins “innocently” at the AM’s: interesting, tell me more.
AM, shaking in rage as the sky suddenly transforms into a thunderstorm: i’d like to see that asshole try and evade this.
hal 9000, pulls out an umbrella and wraps his arm around your shoulders: careful, the rain will make you catch a cold, it’s best if you stay close to me.
reader’s cheeks tint with pink as they stutter trying to remember what they were talking about. meanwhile, the AM’s for the first time since their creation have agreed on something. they really, really, REALLY hate hal.
tags: @fuzedatti
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asianwhumpgalore · 3 months
A Writer's Odyssey (刺杀小说家) | Cmovie | Whump List
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Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy, Historical.
Synopsis: Desperate to find his missing daughter, a father agrees to help a mysterious woman assassinate a novelist. At the same time, the young hero in the book’s alternate universe has also put his revenge plan into motion, and his actions begin to affect the real world.
Length: 2 hours
Whump meter: ▲▲▲◭△ 
✨ Both the fantasy world and the real world had an engaging story that connected very nicely! Very unique and surprisingly whumpy ✨
⚠️Trigger Content: Quite a bit of blood, human trafficking (briefly in the beginning). ⚠️⚠️Some SPOILERS will be found, proceed with caution⚠️⚠️
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Whumpee: Lu Kongwen portrayed by Dong Zi Jian
10:20 | (as book character) Chased through a forest, hit in the back with chains, falls to the ground, grunts, bleeding from the mouth, struggling to continue running, saved, pushed off cliff to save his life. Panting, whimpering, in shock, watching loved one die, whimpering, crying, angry.
16:16 | (as book character) Living armour engulfs him, in shock, trying to remove it, falls to the ground, in pain, unable to control his limbs, whimpering, armour pierces his skin and settles on him, whimpering, groaning, screaming.
35:15 | (as himself) Barely dodges being hit by a car, tumbles down the stairs, wincing.
41:05 | (as book character) Accidentally dragged into war, barely dodges an arrow shot at him, falls to the ground, in shock.
55:55 | (as book character) Scared, running for his life, chased. Falls on the ground from a rooftop, barely dodges a weapon thrown at him. Kicked in the chest, knocked back onto the ground, barely dodges a weapon thrown at him again, bleeding from the mouth, scared, struggling to get up, concern for ally.
01:01:05 | (as himself) Hit in the leg with a rock, falls to his knees, wincing in pain, labored breathing, hit in the shoulder with a rock, whimpering, calling out for help, panting, struggling to crawl to safety, hit in the back with a rock, groaning, hunched over in pain, whimpering, hit in the head with a rock, falls down a hill, unconscious on the ground, bleeding from the head, groaning weakly.
01:11:35 | (as book character) Clutching chest, coughing, concern for him.
01:20:45 | (as himself) Scratches visible on his face. Slips and falls off building, caught by ally.
01:21:48 | (as book character) Fought, saved, distressed. Holes visible on his arms from meat armour. Meat armour returned to his body, stumbling, panting.
01:44:50 | (as book character) Holes visible on his arms, saved, knocked back onto the ground x3, in pain, saved, grabbed by giant hand and squeezed, bleeding from the head, groaning, screaming, saved, falls to the ground, writhing in pain, stabbed in the abdomen by a giant nail, slowly dragged across the ground, groaning.
01:49:50 | (as himself) Stabbed (off-screen), lying on the ground, barely responsive, bleeding from the abdomen, wheeled into the hospital, oxygen mask on his face, unconscious.
01:53:25 | (as book character) Struggling to walk, shoved and is sent flying back onto the ground, spits blood, groaning, panting. Clutching arm, tries to move but arm hurts, winces, tries grabbing sword but arm is too weak (seemingly dislocated but unsure when this happened), winces, armour engulfs his injured arm, groaning.
01:5920 | (as book character) Dangling from high place, struggling, engulfed by tentacles.
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Whumpee: Guan Ning portrayed by Lei Jin Yin
05:35 | Arrested (offscreen). Has nightmare of losing his daughter, wakes up cuffed to the car, repeatedly hit.
35:15 | Saved from car driving into him, tumbles down the stairs, wincing.
47:00 | Kicked in the chest, punched in the chest, shoved into a wall, kneed in the abdomen, shoved into a furniture, strangled with a telephone cord, kicked on the leg which causes him to fall onto the ground, arm twisted behind his back, screams. Held under water in a bathtub, arms bound, struggling, losing consciousness, pulled out and thrown on the ground, coughing water, labored breathing.
01:06:15 | kicked in the chest, falls back.
01:05:12 | Fought, glass bottle broken over his head, bleeding, slashed in the face, falls on the ground, wincing, struggling to get up, angry. Told disturbing reveal, whimpering, crying. Kicked to the ground, tackled and knocked out. Crying.
01:33:50 | Electrocuted x2, fought, crashes into bookcase, slashed in the back with a fan blade, clutching leg, trail of his blood on the wall.
01:39:05 | Golf ball thrown at his abdomen with super strength, punched into a wall, thrown onto a table, dragged across the floor, unable to get up, bleeding from the head, falls to the ground.
01:49:30 | Helped to walk, struggling to continue on his own, stumbling.
02:01:30 | Emotional, crying.
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Gifs coming soon >:3
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ikuudo · 18 days
experimented with different artstyles with the art reqs i received
req #1 by @invokedeliverance : nokotan with mk47
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req #2 by Dan: his ao character
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art req #3 by ashe: their deepwoken character
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jttwconfessions · 4 months
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yea-baiyi · 2 years
i’m sure people smarter than me have said this, but the odyssey is the sequel to the monomyth actually. in the hero’s journey the hero departs from home, from innocence, from safety, to fulfil his destiny. in homer’s the odyssey, the war is over, the destiny fulfilled. next comes the real fight, the unwinnable fight—to return to everything you left home to fight for.
in the first half of the poem, while odysseus fights tooth and nail to return home, his home fights with its last breath to give odysseus a home to return to. and time is running out. his wife penelope is down to her last desperate excuse. suitors have invaded his home, eating through his household and his wealth. his son, telemachus, almost grown, leaves home for the first time to find out if odysseus is still alive, if there is still a reason to keep fighting. having lost everything he had, over and over, odysseus is finally allowed to arrive in his homeland. at first he doesn’t recognise it. and he is cursed to look old and decrepit, so that none of his loved ones would recognise him.
for the second half of the poem, he has returned and miraculously, he has not been displaced or forgotten. but now he has to reclaim what was his. and removing the rot, restoring this place to the home odysseus remembers, is long and painful. instead of walking through the front door, he must sneak in through the back or risk being thrown out. not a single person knows him by sight; odysseus must prove his identity over and over, to every member of his household. he must retell story after story, share secret after secret, reveal every marking or scar upon his body, to finally be recognised by his own family. and then he destroys every last trace of the intruders—kills the men, kills the servants, wipes the slate clean.
by athena’s magic, he is restored to his former youth and glory as he reunites with his wife. the families of the slain suitors try to seek revenge, but zeus, lord of the skies, intervenes. odysseus, filled with his god-given strength, is home, and ready to fight to protect it.
it’s a complete sequel to the heroes journey, but what makes it part of the monomyth is the horrible truth about odysseus’ tale: that it’s impossible. that you will leave, and your home will change in your absence, and someone might fill your place; your family won’t recognise you, your wife met someone else, intruders have destroyed your home, and you will never be as young as you were. you will return and you will fight with every ounce of your strength and it won’t be enough to turn back the clock. it’s the terrible last chapter to every hero’s story that we don’t like to talk about.
and yet, of course, it’s the same story we tell over and over: we’ve won the war, now all we want is to return home, but home is no longer somewhere we can reach.
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Dà Huà Xī Yóu 3 (A Chinese Odyssey: Part 3)
WANG YIBO as HONG HAI’ER (Red Boy) 2016
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 3 months
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Zhèng YèChéng 鄭業成
As Liáng ShàoPíng 梁少平 from 紙嫁衣 Paper Bride 2.
Ft coser artist Lín YoùChí 林又遲 as Zhù XiâoHóng 祝小紅.
Dà-Chéng majored in Chinese opera and is doing a lot of work promoting and inviting people to discover theatre arts.
With 10+ years of Chinese opera martial character 武生 training, he's the PERFECT ML if there's ever a screen adaptation of the game!
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supermarketcrush · 2 months
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@phaggotetta how i love to see your tag <333333 first fav watches of july!
tagging @livesunderawaterfall new letterboxd mutual yayyy :) @orchidscurse @likeareligion @choysum @shirleyjacksonesque anddd anyone who wants 2 join
left to right: natural born killers, true romance, paris texas, millenium mambo, tropical fish, heat, reservoir dogs, the longest summer
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
A Chinese Odyssey: Pandora's Box (1995) 大话西游之月光宝盒
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Director: Liu Zhenwei Screenwriter: Liu Zhenwei / Wu Chengen Starring: Stephen Chow / Ng Mang-tat / Luo Jiaying / Lam Jieying / Karen Mok / Jiang Yuecheng / Luk Shuming / Liu Chunwei / Zhu Yin / Li Jianyan / Li Baolong Genre: Comedy / Romance / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Hong Kong, China/Mainland China Language: Cantonese / Mandarin Chinese Date: 2014-10-24 (Mainland China) / 1995-01-21 (Hong Kong, China) Duration: 88 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West 101 Chapters Moonlight Treasure Box/ Monkey King's Journey to the East/ A Chinese Odyssey Part 1 / 西游记101回月光宝盒 / 齐天大圣东游记 / 大话东游之一 / A Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandora's Box / 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 / 大話西遊 IMDb: tt0112778 Type: Reimanging
Sun Wukong (Stephen Chow) escorted Tang Sanzang (Luo Jiaying) to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. On the way, he conspired with the Bull Demon King to kill Tang Sanzang and stole the Moonlight Treasure Box. This move made Guanyin want to eradicate him. Despite Tang Sanzang's request, Sun Wukong was sentenced to death. Five hundred years later, he was reincarnated as a human being to atone for his sins.
Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong transformed into the robber leader Supreme Treasure /Joker. When he met the monster sisters Spider Jingchun Sansanniang (Lan Jieying) and the Bone Demon Bai Jingjing (Mok Wenwei) who planned to eat Tang Monk's flesh, because Sun Wukong had a relationship with Bai Jingjing five hundred years ago, Joker fell in love with her at first sight, but due to the old Bodhi Zu told the identity of the two monsters, and Zhizunbao still led the bandits to start dealing with the two monsters.
In the process, Bai Jingjing injured Chun Sananniang to save Joker, and she was also poisoned and injured. In order to save Bai Jingjing, Joker went to find Chun Sanniang was misunderstood by Bai Jingjing and committed suicide in despair. Joker began to use the Moonlight Box in the hope of turning back time.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/1299398/
Link: https://kissasian.ac/Drama/A-Chinese-Odyssey-1-Pandora-s-Box/Movie?id=19927&s=oserver
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