#A Hard Day's Night and Dear Prudence
get-back-homeward · 1 year
Possible sound influence for A Hard Day’s Night (the song): Buddy Holly’s Well…All Right
Well, all right, so I'm going steady
It's all right when people say
That those foolish kids can't be ready
For the love that comes their way
The song is released by Coral Records in the UK on November 21, 1958 as a B-side to Heartbeat.
The single hits its peak on the UK charts at 30 the week of January 22, 1959.
A week later, Buddy Holly dies in a plane crash.
The single was reissued posthumously in the UK in April 1960.
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pennielane · 1 year
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pagetreader · 1 year
@honorhearted {x}
"Your love or hatred of me is of no consequence."
Tallmadge had been a thorn in his side since day one, their unspoken competition coming to a head the night the bastard Major had shoved him over the coals for speaking his mind and offending his precious General, the man that had let them down continuously as the men of the Continental Army continued to fall down upon their own swords for him.
He wasn't sorry for wanting someone better than Washington, to appoint someone who would sooner see this war put to an end than remain an indecisive and shameless coward. His only regret was that he was leaving behind his dearest love -- his sole reason for fighting, the one thing that mattered.
"Seeing how this is your last night on earth, I suggest that you make peace with God."
"I've made my peace with our good Lord who will hold no sin against me," he assured with a smirk, "I go to my maker with a clean conscience, Major, but will you, a widowmaker, do the same?"
I will try my best...should she wish it. We are intent on protecting your loved ones from reprisal, but that's about all I can guarantee."
Williams's hands were bound behind him, but that didn't stop him from tugging at the binding rope that burned into his wrists, wishing he could grab Ben by the collar and shove him against the wall, perhaps putting some fear into him one last time.
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"That isn't good enough," he hissed, teeth grit so hard, his jaw ached, "Have you so little empathy for a woman left to face the world alone because you've condemned her husband? Of course, you don't...you would know little of what it's like to harbor such a love that you'd risk everything for it."
He drew in a deep breath, exhaling through his nose as he struggled to contain his resentment, for Prudence's sake.
"Tallmadge, my wife is with child. I implore you to thoroughly consider your part in the safety of those I hold most dear. Castigate me and send me to the gallows, but Prudence and my child are blameless in this."
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mednafox · 2 years
Remembering John Lennon.
Here he is. Imagining.
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John Lennon was an inspirational person to me & a lot of other people as well. Even though I have never met him, I'd like to think that me and him would be pretty good friends, though we might not agree on everything.
I'd like to take a moment to list off my favorite John songs throughout his whole musical career.
In The Beatles
If I Fell (A Hard Day's Night, 1964)
Tell Me Why (A Hard Day's Night, 1964)
No Reply (Beatles For Sale, 1964)
I Don't Want To Spoil The Party (Beatles For Sale, 1964)
Help! (Help!, 1965)
Nowhere Man (Rubber Soul, 1965)
Tomorrow Never Knows (Revolver, 1966)
Rain (Single, 1966)
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967)
A Day In The Life (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967)
I Am The Walrus (Magical Mystery Tour, 1967)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Single, 1967)
Revolution (Single, 1968)
Dear Prudence (The Beatles, 1968)
Glass Onion (The Beatles, 1968)
Cry Baby, Cry (The Beatles, 1968)
Dig A Pony (Let It Be, 1970)
Don't Let Me Down (Single, 1969)
Come Together (Abbey Road, 1969)
I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Abbey Road, 1969)
Love (Plastic Ono Band, 1970)
Hold On (Plastic Ono Band, 1970)
Imagine (Imagine, 1971)
Crippled Inside (Imagine, 1971)
Happy Xmas (War is Over!) (Single, 1971)
Mind Games (Mind Games, 1973)
#9 Dream (Walls and Bridges, 1974)
Whatever Gets You Through The Night (Walls and Bridges, 1974)
(Just Like) Starting Over (Double Fantasy, 1980)
Beautiful Boy (Double Fantasy, 1980)
Nobody Told Me (Milk and Honey, 1984)
Grow Old With Me (Milk and Honey, 1984)
Borrowed Time (Milk and Honey, 1984)
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thatbadadvice · 3 years
Help! My Wife Wrote a Book When She Should Have Been Caring For Our Newborn and Supporting Our Family, Which She Was Actually Also Doing!
Dear Prudence, Slate, 23 November 2021:
Q. My wife wrote a secret book: My wife is an accomplished author who also holds down a fulltime job in an unrelated field, mostly for the benefits. When we had our first child last year, we agreed that she would pause her writing career—something had to go with a new baby at home.
Except, it turns out she didn’t pause it. She got a great idea for a new novel, wrote it secretly during her lunch break at work, and sold it for $100,000. I feel so many things right now; it’s hard to be mad at someone when they casually tell you your son’s college education is now paid for, and her lunch hour is technically hers to do as she wishes. But she went against our deal! She could have been home an hour earlier every night this year if she hadn’t done this project, and when I think back on all the times she’s been tired or grumpy in the past year, I now blame the book (even though it could have just been caring for a newborn). How do I trust her to keep to her word? How should I feel right now?
Dear My Wife Wrote A Secret Book,
I think there's only one thing a person can feel when their wife had a baby, worked a full time job, and wrote a novel on her lunch break that she later sold for a six-figure advance such that it never fucking affected you for a single moment until it became the subject of your whole family's wild financial success: absolutely fucking enraged at her unbelievably rude self-centeredness!
Who the entire fuck did this bitch think she was, being a parent while setting the entire family up for an easy, debt-free college send-off while being a creative fucking genius, when she could have just as easily not done any of that because she owes you every last fucking minute of her whole-ass life? She could have preserved the most precious thing in the world — a promise she made that she in no way broke by doing a thing you didn't even notice she was doing — or, she could have stifled a great idea so that you and she and your child could be saddled with life-long debt!
Honestly, the gall.
Women are getting mighty uppity these days; many, like your wife apparently, believe they can "have it all" by spending every waking moment trying to hold the whole world's shit together and funding it, besides! When what they really should be doing is keeping their good fucking ideas to themselves and sitting down, shutting up, and making sure no one else has a nice time, ever. You owe it to yourself and your child to make sure the poor example your wife has set is never repeated again, lest people give you every last gift they have to offer so that you never worry for a single dang moment about anything ever.
The truth is, you can't trust your brilliant, creative, awful, and bad wife to keep her word! She may get entirely out of pocket and do some further absolute perversity such as
writing more novels that keep your family in financial comfort indefinitely
doing so while not at all interfering with you or any of your dip-ass nonsense
making sure everybody has enough to eat and a place to live
being smart and cool as hell
even if it's hard and stressful and makes her occasionally grumpy and tired
Just generally a list of the worst shit women can do, especially when they are moms of newborns and should be full of vim and vigor like all new parents everywhere! Definitely divorce this untrustworthy intellectual slag so that you can find out what life is like without her, and with someone more reliable instead.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Polin Drabble - Binary 
Binary aka The zombie apocalypse Polin no-one asked for
Penelope looked up at the stars and as she did so a lone memory arose. It was one that felt like it happened a decade ago when it all was but only 2 years since Colin and Penelope looked up at the stars together. It was a rare and possibly a scandalous occasion should someone have seen them together that night - alone at Aubrey Hall. There was a balcony through the library and that was where they sat next to each other.
But this was Colin and she was just Penelope. Even if they did get caught, no one would believe that it was for anything other than a platonic meeting between friends. 
Colin had talked about how he learned about Binary stars due to a discovery some years ago by a Sir William Herschel and Penelope remembered listening to him veer off into how ship captains use devices like a sextants and a chronometers to travel, however, the really great sailors knew how to look up at the stars on a clear night to help guide their ships in the right direction. 
It was all so fascinating, especially, when Colin explained how he was learning some of these things from various people during his travels. It was right before he left for his last adventure. 
She remembered that night clearly for they made wishes upon the stars - for his safe travels and for her to find a husband who would be“worthy of her”. 
She didn’t want that night to end. They had spent hours talking in the library balcony about anything and everything and Penelope was sure that she had never laughed so hard or felt so close to anyone as she did that night with him. 
But alas, all good things must come to an end. With the brightening sky and a yawn from both of them, it was mutually decided that it was way past time that they part and retired to their bedrooms. 
But that night didn’t end with a goodbye. It ended with a kiss. Her first kiss. 
It was an accident really. He had bent down and she thought that he was going to say good night and so she turned her head towards him. He was leaning down to kiss her cheek. 
For whatever reason, he was bending down to kiss her on her cheek and when she turned her head - their lips met briefly. 
She remembered her lips tingled in such a profound and magnificent way right before she covered them with her hand. Eyes wide and face heating up, Penelope had looked up in shock as Colin had taken two steps back, his eyebrows high, lips parted, and his green eyes looked directed at hers. 
Then he turned around and left. 
It was not long after that night that he went off for his travels - this time to Cyprus. 
If they knew what would happen next - She would’ve wished harder for his safe return and she knew he would’ve wished for her and his family’s safety. 
It had happened so quickly! 
It was the day that wouldn’t end. 
When one thinks of the horror that had occurred, it would seem like the event would’ve been at night when the city was dark and danger loomed in every corner.
It was just as breakfast was ending when screams outside startled her family. 
Varley and Mama quickly went outside to see who had let out that blood curling scream. 
It was a mistake. 
They would be called the Undead. 
What was once illustrious people of the Ton transformed into mindless foul creatures. Her mother and Varley were attacked at once. Prudence was next. Penelope could do nothing but barricade herself in her drawing room in shock at what had just transpired. She quickly ran towards the window overlooking the street as more screams rang out. 
There was blood everywhere. People were attacking other people on the streets. Biting them and dear god consuming parts of them before moving on to the next victim. She saw from across the street Eloise being pushed away from the window and Benedict calling out to someone behind them. He then looked across and saw her then looked down toward the front of her house in horror before rushing off. 
She was so afraid. 
She could hear groaning outside the barred door. 
She didn’t want to die. 
She didn’t want to die. 
She didn’t want to die…
She didn’t.
The next week was a blur. Being rescued by Anthony and Benedict Bridgerton along with John and Michael Stirling and brought to their home. She clearly remembered Anthony yelling at her not to look but she did. Her mother. Her sister. 
Falling into Eloise’s arms, they both cried. Life as they knew it was gone. Friends, families, neighbors turning into the Undead. 
The next day - the harrowing escape from the Bridgerton home to Aubrey Hall. 
The loud carriages carrying the women and supplies as Anthony, Benedict, and young Gregory rode horses beside some of their staff trying to keep the carriages safe. They had traveled almost nonstop. Barely eating and sleeping. The farther away they were from Mayfair the less Undead they saw. 
They had come upon a Sir Phillip Crane and his two young children. Their mother dead from an attack from an Undead. They were promptly ushered into one of the carriages and brought to Aubrey Hall as well. 
The men and the staff promptly went about fortifying their new home. 
Sir Crane and Eloise went about planting seeds in the back yard as Benedict and other men built a wall to keep the undead out. 
They would need food and water. 
It would be a week before the Bassetts came. 
Violet wailed as she held her heavily pregnant daughter and her grandchild. 
Anthony hugged his brother in law fiercely for keeping Daphne and their child safe. 
That’s when it hit her. 
Anthony, Kate, Edwina, and her mother. 
Violet, Gregory, Hyacinth, and Eloise.
Benedict and his new wife Sophie. 
Francesca and her husband John and his cousin Michael. 
Simon, Daphne, and Augie. 
Phillip and his children. 
Colin was out there and so far away from home. 
It’s been two years since that horrible day. 
Every morning Penelope would look out her window and hope and prayed that this would be the day that Colin came home.
He never did. 
Aubrey Hall is now a little community and everyone had a job. 
Anthony became their de facto leader and sharing the burden with his wife Kate. 
Violet, Benedict, and Sophie ran the home making sure everyone had clean clothes and the house livable and functioning at all times. 
She was a cook now and took care of the younger children with Daphne when she could. 
Gregory and Hyacinth helped with the younger children and anyone that needed help. 
Most of the men were guards or foragers. Eloise was a crackshot and insisted in doing some guard duties when she wasn’t helping her husband Phillip with the Gardens and Greenhouses where they get most of their food. 
Nearby neighbors now residing in Aubrey Hall took care of livestock. 
Yes they’ve been very busy. 
It didn’t come with losses though. 
The biggest being Francesca’s husband John. He was bitten during a foraging expedition with Anthony and Michael. It wasn’t long before he turned and become one of the Undead. 
Unfortunately, It wasn’t just the creatures they had to look out for. 
The Fifes and Cowpers had attacked their foraging groups more than once and had tried to take Aubrey Hall. It was unnecessary and they could’ve easily just joined forces and helped one another. 
The days bled into the next. This was their new normal. 
Until one day, there was a scruffy man and older woman who asked for entry. 
“Why, you look like you’ve seen a ghost!” The familiar voice rang out as Simon and Daphne ran to Lady Danbury,” Pish posh, I know I’m not the one you all have been waiting for!”
She turned to the man behind her. 
A tanned scruffy man with the most familiar green eyes….
“Colin!” She yelled in happiness. 
His mother hugged him first before it became a sobbing mess of a reunion as the prodigal son is welcomed home. 
He was dressed in clothing that had seen better days and carried with him 2 large satchels on both of their horses. 
“Oh dear Penelope! I am so glad to see you,” Lady Danbury came upon her as she watched Anthony running towards his brother before enveloping him in a tight hug. 
“And I you as well Lady Danbury!” She turned to looked at the older lady before she was turned around the pushed towards the Bridgerton’s. 
She promptly walks into a mans chest and two arms wrapped themselves around her. 
“Pen….” Colin had whispered in her ear. His voice sounding relieved?
“Colin,” Her voice sounding watery. Her arms raised then she clutched the sides of his clothing aware that his family and everyone else was looking. The societal rules were lax since their world as they knew it ended but she didn’t want to be a sobbing mess in front of his family. She savored this moment for she knew it would end soon.
However, Colin didn’t let go. If anything, he held her tighter. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” He sounded choked up and Penelope felt his tears as he lowered himself some more and buried his face on her neck,” I should’ve stayed. I’m so sorry Pen, I should’ve stayed.”
Oh why did he had to do that for?
Penelope started to cry in earnest now. She whimpered as he pulled back a little and put his hands on her face. His green eyes studying her features, his thumps wiping her tears. 
“I love you Penelope Featherington,” He bent down to kiss her forehead. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, “ He kissed her nose. 
“I’m here now and I’m never leaving you again,” He brushed his lips against hers. 
She waited 2 years for her next kiss from this man. She had dreamt of this kiss every night it seemed and so she raised her hands to his neck and pulled him down so that he could give her a real kiss. 
And he did and it was glorious!
“Oh god, get a room!” She heard Eloise gagging. 
“Oh please, you and Phillip are worse!” Hyacinth crowed. 
“I love you too Colin Bridgerton,” Penelope ignored them and just focused on this wonderful man in front of her,”I missed you so very much. I’m glad you’re home.”
It would be only a week before they were husband and wife. 
In that week he told them of already being halfway home when the Undead swept through Europe. 
How he mostly walked back home to Mayfair. Foraging for food, ammunition, and trying to find a safe place to sleep. 
He had eventually made it back to Mayfair and had stopped by the Bridgerton home, grabbing anything that was missed or needed before going over to the Featherington’s. He had made sure to grab some of Penelopes favorite books and some of her clothing. Even going so far as to sleep in her bedroom that night for safety. 
He was leaving to start his journey to Aubrey Hall after seeing one of Benedicts paints on the wall of his room stating the family would be located at their ancestral home. 
He had used unseemly methods to be able to walk among the Undead was for the most part not accosted. 
When he crossed path with Fife and his entourage. He was chased and he was lucky enough to come across Lady Danbury’s home where he stayed with her and healed from the injuries he had sustained. 
It would be weeks later but he and Lady Danbury would make their way to Aubrey Hall. 
They were in bed , Colin was kissing her naked shoulder softly. Letting his lips graze upon her skin before peppering it with kisses. 
“You’re freckles here, they remind me of the stars…” She assumed he was kissing said freckles. 
“Do they?” She closed her eyes to luxuriate in the feeling of him. 
“Yes, I used the stars to make my way home to you,”
Her eyes flew open and she turned around, “ You did?”
“Yes,” He smiled as he enveloped her body closer to his - already eyeing her female pillows that the loved to play with very much,” Every night I wished on a star that you’re safe. I wished I stayed to protect you and my family. I wished for the life I hoped to spend with you. I wished I didn’t run like a coward. I just wish to be exactly where I am now - next to my beautiful wife.”
And those were the final coherent words of the night. 
a/n If I ever get better at writing I may make this into a longer series. I haven't really wrote any Phillip/Eloise, Ben/Sophie, Frannie/Michael, and Daphne/Simon to do them any justice for a long regency zombie apocalypse. It would have to be an ensemble multi-pairing story.
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eppysboys · 3 years
Eppy, what is the gayest song from each beatles album?
Thank you for this very important question, anon!
Please Please Me: Boys, obviously 😊
With The Beatles: Either Please Mister Postman (he's in love with the postman, clearly) or You've Really Got a Hold on Me
A Hard Day's Night: If I Fell
Beatles For Sale: Mr Moonlight. If you know, you know.
Help!: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away. The gay subtext couldn't be explained away for this one so they had to bring Brian into it.
Rubber Soul: Norweign Wood for wlw representation, but also a special mention to In My Life.
Revolver: Eleanor Rigby for the 'Bury Your Gays' representation.
Sgt Pepper's: This is a tough one because many radiate similar amounts of fruitiness.... I don't know! She's Leaving Home?
Magical Mystery Tour: Your Mother Should Know ;) (also All You Need is Love + Baby You’re a Rich Man!)
White Album: Dear Prudence
Yellow Submarine: All Together Now ("can I take my friend to bed?")
Abbey Road: Oh! Darling + Polythene Pam
Let It Be: Two of Us
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megan1412 · 4 years
Song Game
Which Beatles song is preferable? Bolden the song of your choice! Tag whoever you want!
And I Love Her or Here There and Everywhere
Yellow Submarine or Octopus Garden
This Boy or I Call Your Name
When I’m 64 or Lovely Rita
Revolution 9 or Tomorrow Never Knows
One After 909 or I’m Down
If I Needed Someone or Run For Your Life
Please Please Me or Twist and Shout
It Won’t Be Long or Money (That’s What I Want)
A Hard Day’s Night or Help!
Across The Universe or Julia
Dear Prudence or Happiness is A Warm Gun
Come Together or I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
I tag @thebeatlesqueenie1212 @thebeatlelove @imaginebeatles @annalewis63 @george-fangs @georgesbrackets @beatlemaniac00 @beatlesgirl40 @sweartolennon @macca-bby ❤️
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daddytyrilstarfury · 3 years
A Texting Relationship
Characters - Ethan Ramsey and Anupriya Valentine
Taglist @choicesficwriterscreations @princess-geek @ezekielbhandarivalleros @openheartfanfics
Rating -  General
(Something Short I came up with on the spot)
A relationship that survived through text messages. That was what their relationship had become, that young beautiful thing had become what she was beginning to feel was a causality of modern technology. She missed his voice speaking sweet things in her ear late at night. She desperately missed seeing his smiling face every morning. She missed the hugs that swept her off of her feet. Missed it all. A relationship through text messages. The kisses she missed those. She looked at her friends around her with their perfect couples. They had it all. Her closest friends wondered if she should just end the entire relationship. It was just hurting her, hurting him.
If she was being honest that very thought came to her mind once. Just once, for less then thirty seconds and those thirty seconds were the worst of her life. Never again would those thoughts ever enter her mind. The pain that it would cause would be too much. Not only to herself, because it would kill her, but the worst part would be hurting him that she couldn't handle. That pain would be more then her desire to hear his voice saying hello instead of just reading it in a text. She sighed out loud and chewed on the straw to her iced tea. She had to finish reading her book for class but all she could focus on was the bound of her phone chirping signaling the next text message. The café and street were busy today, the sound filled her ears as she took her iPod from her ears.
Her phone chirped again pulling her from her reverie. Despite herself she smiled slightly. He was being unnecessarily cryptic, telling her that he was going to make her day. It was completely confusing to an already confused person. She messaged him back that yes she was ready for whatever it was he was planning on doing. Then she settled back into her seat to read some more of her book. She hadn't gotten three words into her book before the familiar strains of "Dear Prudence" filled the air as her phone rang loudly. She picked up her phone to look briefly at the caller i.d. The picture caused her to jump to answer it. It couldn't really be him.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hey babe!" it was him.
Actually him she was speaking to. As in this was his voice that she was speaking to. In those first words that he spoke everything that was out of line and floating around settled back into it's natural place. She leaned back in her chair content for the first time in weeks. They spent an hour talking
This brought her back to why she did this, why she wanted him. The sound his voice made her smile. Imagine seeing him after this time? What would that do to her?
"Where are you?" he asked out of no where.
"Just leaving a café for my room." She smiled as she spoke. They continued to talk as she walked back to her dorm from across campus , the walk really wasn't that long only a few minutes.
"I hate to say this but I have to go baby. I'll talk to you soon."
"Bye." She whispered.
"Hey I love you." He said.
She smiled, "I love you back," she said as the phone went dead. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face as she finished the walk.
She turned the corner so that her building was in view. In front she saw a slightly familiar shape standing outside. But it couldn't be him her eyes were just playing tricks on her. Against her better judgment she picked up the pace. As she got closer she realized that it really was him. The how didn't matter, the fact that this was totally clichéd didn't matter either. But it was actually him that was all that matter. She ran to him and jumped into his arms. Placing kisses wherever she could find a place to.
"How?" was all she could manage to ask.
"Flapped my arms really hard." He smiled at her.
Everything would be fine, for the moment she no longer had a relationship through text messages. She had the real thin and she wasn't going to waste a moment of it.
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pennielane · 3 years
May I Enquire: what is your fav and least fav from every bug album? (you can throw Taylor in too if you have time :D)
OOH ok great question. I’ll do the boys for now because I don’t have time at the moment to also do Taylor, but I will say that I think my three favourite Taylor songs of all time are: august, begin again, and all too well. And my least favourite Taylor song is a tie between gorgeous and welcome to new york lmao lmao
Ok onto the boys!
please please me: favourite - ask me why (idk why this song just HITS for me, honourable mention to i saw her standing there though); least favourite - a taste of honey (immediate skip for me, snooze) 
with the beatles: favourite - please mister postman OR long tall sally (absolute bangers); least favourite - i call your name (boring again)
a hard day’s night: favourite - and i love her (it PAINS me to not list like every single song on this album, ESPECIALLY can’t buy me love and tell me why....but i would die for and i love her); least favourite - i’ll be back (boring AGAIN)
beatles for sale: favourite - words of love (WAY better than the original sorry buddy) with an honourable mention to rock n roll music; least favourite - what you’re doing (boring omg, zzzzz)
help!: favourite - help! (just SO good) but honourable mention to act naturally <33 ; least favourite - the night before (very meh)
rubber soul: favourite - three-way tie between i’m looking through you, in my life, and nowhere man...but if held at gunpoint, i would probably say i’m looking through you; least favourite - run for your life (what a mess, though relatively catchy lmao)...also ‘wait’ (annoying as hell)
revolver: favourite - keeping in mind this is my absolute favourite beatles album.......and your bird can sing (BUT ALL OF THEM!!); least favourite - love you to....sorry george
sgt pepper: favourite - being for the benefit (i can’t explain it) OR lovely rita; least favourite - good morning good morning, SO annoying oh my lord asfkjhasfie
magical mystery tour: favourite - penny lane <3; least favourite - flying i guess?
white album: favourite - tie between i will and while my guitar gently weeps; least favourite - dear prudence or julia maybe? not john’s biggest fan on this album </3
yellow submarine: favourite - all you need is love or hey bulldog; least favourite - idk i don’t pay attention to this album a lot skhlgfaw
abbey road: favourite - you never give me your money.....may be my favourite beatles song of all!!; least favourite - because (i say this while still LOVING it. abbey road is a perfect album. yes i even stand at maxwell’s silver hammer’s side)
let it be: favourite - two of us! this was the first beatles song i really fell in love with so lots of nostalgia tied to it!; least favourite - dig a pony (i literally prefer dig it to dig a pony)
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crystalbahamut · 3 years
pounds of flesh
FFXIV Write Day 3: Scale
Summary: The Exarch is familiar with tactics used to dodge those most dangerous of creatures (Healers) and offers you his assistance.
Author’s note: Am currently ignoring the fact that there’s no faucet in the Pendant room (that I could find) because that seems inconvenient for such an otherwise nice kitchenette. The prompt started me off with the idea of scaling a staircase feeling on par with scaling a mountain but it sort of veered off from there. I really loved this prompt though; there are so many ways to take it.
Warnings: Shadowbringers spoilers, unspecified WoL, non-healing WoL (kind of), 2nd person pov, WoL/Exarch, overworking oneself on purpose
Words: 1,876
You might have gotten a little bit…carried away today. Triffids, hoptraps, wargs, and more; you had carried out a number of quests to reduce the threats posed to those traveling the roads of Lakeland, and that wasn’t even counting the morning spent in Rak’tika helping out the Night’s Blessed with some of their chores. You don’t mind– it’s nice to be helpful, good, necessary even– but now that everything aches and some of the cuts have opened up again you wonder if maybe you took it a little far. All you wanted to do was make sure you slept well tonight, but even taking the intercity aetheryte was too much to ask of your energy stores. You have scaled cliffs and mountains, but right now the thought of scaling the steps to your room is making you want to find a place the guards don’t patrol and just lay on the ground. It’s a good thing the manager is on break right now, or you’d have to field some uncomfortable questions about why you’re just standing around, staring.
“There you are.”
You flinch. Mayhap the manager would have been the lesser of two well-intentioned evils, considering the Exarch sounds…not exactly smug, but knowing. You stand taller and clear your throat. “Evening Exarch,” you say. “Did you need something?”
“Not precisely, though I am wont to worry when you stay out so late,” he says and steps towards you.
That…you almost turn around for that. He worries? You shake your head; of course he worries, you are (supposedly) the one hope for the world’s survival. ‘Tis nothing more than prudence. “Nothing to worry about; I’m quite fine.”
“Oh?” You can hear the smile in his voice as he comes around your side, and you quickly look away. “Should I be flattered that you seem to be emulating me?”
You scowl and pull the head covering down farther. How in the world does he see anything like this? “You didn’t invent hooded robes, Exarch.”
“No, I did not,” he chuckles. “However I have not seen you wearing one, until now.”
“Mayhap I simply felt like it.”
“Mayhap you did,” he says. “Or mayhap you are trying to hide a head wound incurred when a lake viper used its tail to swat you into a tree.”
You don’t have a good comeback for that. “You know, nobody likes a know it all,” you grumble and try to sink into your shoulders. One of these days you are going to break that damn magic mirror of his.
“My dear warrior,” he sighs as though indulging you in a whim. “What would it take for you to accompany me to Spagyrics?”
You turn to give him a look of incredulity and then realize that probably isn’t very effective. However he sighs and says, “I see.”
“Do you?” you ask. “I can’t see anything like this; I don’t know how you do it.”
He doesn’t take the bait, unfortunately. “Would you allow me to see to your wounds then?”
“I can heal myself.”
“If you could, you already would have.” He puts a gentle hand on your shoulder, though right on a sore spot that twinges, and you try not to wince. “I would just like some assurance you are well enough. If you are uncomfortable with me, I can fetch one of the Scio-”
“You,” you say immediately and take his arm. You pull back the hood to see with your good eye and find his mouth partly opened in surprise. “I trust you.” Also, if Alisaie or Y’shtola see you in this state, they will put you out of their misery. But you meant what you said. You do trust him.
“Thank you,” he says earnestly, as though he’s honored, and the wondrous tone of his voice is enough to give you the energy to make it up the stairs and to your room.
“I don’t think I’ve seen someone manage to limp so successfully on both legs before,” the Exarch says and goes to the cupboard where the first aid kit lives.
“It’s not that bad– though I’m going to warn you that I’m a bit dirty so it probably looks worse than it is,” you say and pull off the robe. Gently, as everywhere it touches seems to throb with new pain, or maybe the fatigue is getting to you. While he’s turned around you quickly (ow) change into some shorts and a tank top and sit on the bench by the door.
When he turns around the Exarch actually stops in his tracks. “Wicked white,” he says and sighs. “If Chessamile saw you like this…”
“The Warrior of Darkness would be ended by the wrath of a bypassed healer.” You put a finger to your lips. “But surely now my trusty accomplice will help me.”
He smiles again, though he looks like he’s trying to wrangle it back into a disapproving frown. “Extortion now, is it?” he asks as he starts filling a bowl with water.
“I think your offer belied the feelings of one used to dodging chirurgeons,” you say and give yourself a quick check to make sure anything that needs treating is visible. Thankfully your torso just endured some bruising; it’s your limbs that took the brunt of everything. And your head, you’re reminded as you try to gingerly scrape off some of the dried blood and accidentally reopen the wound, making fresh blood course back down over your eye. “Oops.”
“Perhaps I have, but even my own injuries pale in comparison. I can see why any healer would have their hands full with you,” the Exarch says as he comes over to take your hand, shove some cloth in it, and force you press it hard against the cut. “Pray just hold that there for now.”
Now that you’re able to relax and do nothing, exhaustion courses through your bones and you do as he bids if only because anything else is far too much effort. You struggle to stay awake as he pulls over a chair, the medical kit, and the bowl of water, and blink yourself back to consciousness when he sits down.
“Are there any sprains?” he asks as he looks over the injuries.
“My right ankle feels a bit funny, and I think I pulled something in my left thigh, but mostly I’m just scraped up,” you say. He dabs some of the scratches with the clean water and it’s uncomfortable but not unbearable. You almost start to fall asleep with his gentle ministrations.
But when he presses a new, slightly damp cloth to those scrapes, the stinging wakes you right up. “Thal’s balls!” you hiss and resist the urge to rip his hands away. On the plus side, your head has stopped bleeding again; now it only throbs as you set the bloodied cloth aside and try to quell the nausea caused by pain.
“I apologize,” he murmurs and dabs it more gently. It’s not a good feeling but you can bear it a little easier now that you know it’s coming. He clears his throat. “What were you working on so frenetically today?”
“Huh?” You think about the question. “Oh– nothing much really; I was just taking a few jobs here and there.”
“Are you in need of gil?” he asks and lifts his head. Presumably to look at you. “Surely some of these jobs could have waited another day?”
You take the washcloth and wring it out before you start cleaning your other leg, and then your arms. It will help him get through this easier. And it also makes it so you don’t have to look at him now. “They could have. But I wanted them done.”
“Because you plan to take the day for yourself tomorrow?”
“Perhaps,” you say. “Perhaps this is how I want to spend my days.”
“Working yourself to the bone when you already do so much?” He finishes wrapping your ankle and grabs your hand. He says your name gently, without reproach. “What is wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong.” You shut your eyes. “Sometimes…I just want to sleep. That’s all.”
“I see,” he says and doesn’t press for more. If this were Alphinaud you wouldn’t be able to escape without some awkward attempt at platitudes on his end, or Urianger, who would try to make suggestions while also nearly putting you to sleep with one of his lectures, but the Exarch keeps tending to you with hands that are gentler than they have any right to be.
When he starts treating the cut on your head it’s a good excuse to close your eyes, but even without some supposed excuse you don’t think you would do any differently. He’s so…gentle. Healers, even the kindest ones, are all business– as they should be, as they’re always the ones that have to make sure everyone is fighting fit for the next catastrophe. But the Exarch touches you so tenderly, like he wants to put you back together piece by piece, with soothing motions and soft brushes of skin, and crystal that’s warmer than it looks, and it’s all you can do to keep from falling apart in his capable hands.
“One moment, my warrior,” he murmurs and you realize you’re halfway to sleep by the fact that you can’t seem to open your eyes when he leaves, but it doesn’t bother you overmuch. When he comes back and nudges you to stand, you manage to do so, but you still don’t open your eyes even as you shuffle over to the bed with his help. You sit on sheets– the cover has been pulled back already, you realize with delayed thoughts as the Exarch tucks you in. You’ll be mortified in the morning, but for now…
“I pray sweet dreams find you tonight, my warrior.”
You think you imagine the gentle kiss placed upon your brow, but in case this isn’t some lovely dream and he is still around to hear it, you whisper, “Thank you.”
 The next morning finds you sore and a little stiff, but you can recognize that you’re better off than you would have been otherwise.
You also find a collection of medicinal-looking mixtures all lined up in bottles in a neat little row on the table. And, when you go over to investigate, a note from the Exarch.
 My dear warrior,
Though it is not a happy thought, there are many in Norvrandt who share your desire for uninterrupted sleep, as well as your difficulties attaining it. These elixirs each have their own cards describing ingredients and dosage; if you find one to your liking, it would be a simple matter of requesting more, and I should be delighted to do so.
Also, if you ever find the climb to your room to be too arduous, perhaps the smaller staircase leading to the tower itself would be less of a strain. Once inside, there are easier ways to get around that I would be happy to show you.
With fondest wishes,
The Crystal Exarch
 You smile and fold the letter back up. An easier way to the Ocular, hm? You’d like to see that. Perhaps now is a good time to stretch your legs and make the climb.
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andypartridges · 2 years
girlie list your favourite song from each beatle album... im just asking for a friend....
omg thank u for enabling me <333 i don't think i can pick just one from an album so maybe i'll (attempt to) give myself a maximum of top 3
please please me: the title track is absolutely elite, no contest !! however i have also spent an ungodly amount of time streaming the cover of baby it's you & i think that might be my favourite version of the song (which is saying a lot considering that elvis costello's version with nick lowe gives me severe brain rot)
with the beatles: my favourite song on this as a kid was don't bother me and honestly? past me has taste (and probably some unchecked issues for having that as their fave) because it is still my fave on this album now. and the cover of you've really got a hold on me is just chef's kiss
a hard day's night: genuinely this album is all killer and no filler !!!! like my favourite song changes on this all the time. at the moment it's probably i'm happy just to dance with you, but i'm also a things we said today and i'll be back advocate
beatles for sale: NO REPLY. the most song of all time, the most underrated beatles song and my favourite song by them idc. never has a song about cheating gone so hard. but my other two faves on here are i don't want to spoil the party and i'll follow the sun <3
help!: by far and away the hardest album for me to pick a fave. i've just seen a face, you've got to hide your love away & i need you?? finally some good fucking food. i also absolutely adore it's only love and to the people that think it's just a filler song get well soon <33
rubber soul: in my life is definitely my fave, it used to be my favourite beatles song for a long time. but rubber soul is such an immaculate album !!! i also really love girl & all of george's songs on this record. king of the jangly pop tunes
revolver: and your bird can sing has always been my favourite on this album, but i have a soft spot for i'm only sleeping and for no one. the latter especially was one of my childhood faves, which is.........concerning
sgt. pepper: not to be a basic bitch but a day in the life........man................ we are all truly out here reading the news today oh boy. i also love she's leaving home (i suspect a common theme in my favourite beatles songs is Depression) and lovely rita <3
magical mystery tour: probably strawberry fields forever? i think mmt is very consistent across the board but i do adore that song. if i were picking honourable mentions they would most likely go to your mother should know & the fool on the hill bc paul kinda went off here tbh
the white album: literally any of the quiet songs !!! dear prudence, mother nature's son, i will, julia. naturally happiness is a warm gun is also a masterpiece
yellow submarine: i feel dumb for including this album but hey bulldog is SO fucking good and for what
abbey road: sort of a left field pick but sun king? like hell yeah sing some gibberish to me <3 hot take but i actually don't like abbey road that much and it's not one of my favourite beatles albums by a long way
let it be: across the universe <33 i just remember Going Through It last year and having this song on repeat. all shitposting aside it is genuinely just a beautiful song and i think it's one of the best things john ever wrote
thank you emmi !! i didn't really go into proper explanations as to why these are my faves lyrically/musically (i feel too tired to be intellectual today) but i'm glad u want to hear my opinions <333
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night-eagle-flight · 3 years
Hidden Gem Chapter 5
Hello everyone and welcome back!!! This chapter was pretty fun to write so I hope you guys enjoy! :)
“You did not take off your necklace.”
You jumped out of your skin when you saw Connor next to the window of your room with his arms crossed. He gave you a contemplative look as you touched the necklace that graced your neck.
“I- He-”
Your reaction caused him to raise his hands as a sign he wasn’t going to hurt you.
“You are no longer with them. You can take it off and live your life free from them. Free from the path you were made to walk.” He said as he approached you slowly.
“I’m afraid to take it off.” You mumbled, “What if they find me and see it missing?” Your eyes widened at the thought, “What if they... find me.” You shivered at the thought, “I should go-”
“Is that really what you want to do?” Connor asked, “They will not reach you. If they somehow find us I will fight back as well as all the other homesteaders here.”
Your eyes misted, “Thank you.”
You searched for the clasp and unhooked it. Slowly the necklace came off and you felt relief that the weight of the thing was gone. Connor stretched out his hand and you placed the item in his hand.
“Better?” Connor asked when he pocketed the item.
“Yes.” You looked at Connor and noticed your heart beating a bit faster, ‘Perhaps it was when he startled me.’ You thought.
“Then I will leave so you can rest.” He let a small smile appear on his features, “Have a goodnight.”
“G-goodnight.” You said.
When he closed the door you swore your heart was still beating hard.
“I just need a little air.” You open the widow a bit to allow the cool breeze in then got yourself ready for bed.
The following morning you were abruptly woken up by the sound of a roosters call. You got up and looked out the window and saw a man chasing around a chicken and a rooster that had gotten loose. You giggled a bit and ran downstairs in your nightgown. When you reached the front door you stopped an inch away from the door knob.
‘A caged bird doesn’t survive long in the wild.’
Haytham’s words rang in your ear.
‘You really thought you could handle the streets here?’
Your hand began to quiver.
‘Oh no my dear. I’m afraid you wouldn’t last a single night.’
You froze when a hand was placed on your shoulder and felt your eyes widen as you remembered what Shay had said after.
‘Why are you running lass? Go back inside.’
You turned around abruptly to see Connor who had removed his hand and again raised them to show you, you were safe.
“Are you alright?”
You didn’t realize how fast you were breathing and calmed down when your senses finally came back.
“Yes I’m fine. I just.” You bit your lip a bit, “I heard a man struggling to grab his birds and I wanted to help.”
“Then we should go help.” Connor nodded towards the door and you opened it to see the man gasping for air as he held onto his knees.
“Sorry for the commotion Connor! But they got away from me while I was grabbing their feed for the day.”
“It is alright Warren.” Connor called.
Connor spotted the rooster and bolted. You had to admit, watching such an imposing man chasing a rooster was.... actually a bit comedic. You saw how he would try to round it and catch it with Warren but that rooster was quick on its feet.
You spotted the chicken on the opposite side and began to slowly approach it. The chicken noticed you and began to walk away. The second you started speed walking that chicken started jogging. Next thing you knew you were chasing the chicken around the homestead.
You couldn’t help but smile as you ran. You were so distracted you didn’t hear Connor call your name and you fell straight into a mud pit. The chicken paused in front of you and you swore it was taunting you by walking away from you ever so slowly.
“Oh it’s on.” You whispered as you stood up covered in mud from head to toe before Connor could reach you and bolted with a renewed spirit.
Connor stared at you a tad star struck for a second and then began chasing after the chicken with you. Both of you managed to coral it after a couple of your misses.
“I will tell you when to go for the grab.” Connor said as both of you got closer and closer to the chicken. The chicken turned to Connor, “NOW!”
You jerked forward and grabbed the chicken. Both of you were breathing a tad heavily but when you looked at each other, both of you started laughing.
“Thank you so much for your help!” Warren said when he came back after putting away the rooster, “My name is Warren.” He said with a bright smile.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled as you gave him the chicken.
“I am sorry for the trouble and the mess.” He said.
“It’s alright! It was a learning experience.” You smiled.
“I best be getting home to help Prudence. Thank you again! Both of you.” He said as he began to walk home.
Connor looked at you and chuckled, “Perhaps we should get you cleaned up before you go into the house.”
You smiled, “I never thought this morning would start like this.”
“They are never this eventful but it seems you enjoyed yourself.” Connor stated as he led you to a nearby river.
“W-wait Connor. I uh...” You bit your lip a bit, “I didn’t bring any spare clothes.” You blushed.
“It is alright.” He says as you both arrive at the river, “You can borrow my Jacket for the time being.” He took off his jacket and folded it neatly for you, “I will be on the opposite end of the river. Call for me when you are done.”
You nodded and when he was no longer in view, thanks to the heavy brush that grew along the river, you quickly shed your muddy clothing and dunked yourself to get rid of the grime. After some time passed, you got out, attempted to dry yourself a bit, and put on his jacket.
The fragrance of trees assaulted your nostrils and you found yourself inhaling and breathing out softly. The jacket was big on you which made it easy to wrap around your body and once you were presentable you shouted out,
“Connor! I finished!”
It didn’t take long for him to appear with two pieces of fruit in hand.
“Have one.” He said offering one to you.
You carefully took it from his hand, “Plums?”
Connor nodded and took a bite. You did too and your eyes closed as you hummed in satisfaction, “It’s so juicy!” You said as your eyes lit up.
“Never had a fresh picked one?” Connor asked as he finished up his plum.
“Can’t say that I have.” You looked up to Connor with an innocent smile, “Thank you.”
“Let’s get back home. I’m sure Diana and Achilles are looking for us.” He began walking away. You weren’t sure if it was a light coming through the trees but a dust of pink seemed to appear on his cheeks before he had turned to walk away.
“Well Good Morning!” Diana called when you walked into the house, “Oh!” She took in your attire and blushed.
“W-wha?” You gasped and shook your hands frantically, “No no no no no no no!! Nothing happened!!!”
“Good Morning Diana.” Connor greeted as he walked through the door, “I am sorry if we kept you waiting long.” He closed the door, “(Y/N) and I were preoccupied this morning.”
You blushed and hid your face behind your loose hair. 
“Connor! I need you over here!” Achilles called.
“Excuse me.” Connor said as he walked away with a long stride.
“Perhaps you should get dressed before we get started dear.” Diana giggled.
“I’ll be ready in a moment!” You said rushing upstairs.
“This was all the roosters fault.....” You thought then smiled as you changed in one of the dresses in your bag, “Thank you Mr. Rooster.”
And that’s it for today! Until next time!
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recallthename · 3 years
Every Song on Every Beatles Album (Plus The Non-Album Singles), Ranked
I am not ranking the albums themselves against each other, because that’s too daunting.  Or god forbid every song.  But I have ranked the songs on each album (and the non-album singles) against each other.  And learned that I really am a degenerate Paul girl.  Also Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper’s really are Those Bitches goddamn.  I want it acknowledged that I have the right to change my mind about any of this at any given moment.  This was very hard.
Please Please Me
I Saw Her Standing There
Love Me Do
Please Please Me
Do You Want To Know A Secret
Ask Me Why
There’s A Place
P.S. I Love You
Twist And Shout
A Taste Of Honey
Anna (Go To Him)
Baby It’s You
With The Beatles
All My Loving 
It Won’t Be Long
Don’t Bother Me
All I’ve Got To Do
I Wanna Be Your Man
Not A Second Time
Hold Me Tight
Little Child
Money (That’s What I Want)
Till There Was You
Roll Over Beethoven
Please Mr. Postman
You Really Got A Hold On Me 
Devil In Her Heart
A Hard Day’s Night
Can’t Buy Me Love
Things We Said Today
And I Love Her
A Hard Day’s Night
If I Fell
I’ll Be Back
I Should Have Known Better
You Can’t Do That
When I Get Home 
Any Time At All
Tell Me Why
I’ll Cry Instead
I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
Beatles For Sale
Eight Days A Week
What You’re Doing
I’ll Follow The Sun
No Reply
Every Little Thing
Baby’s In Black
I’m A Loser
I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party
Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey 
Rock And Roll Music
Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby 
Words Of Love
Mr. Moonlight
Honey Don’t
I’ve Just Seen A Face
Another Girl
Ticket To Ride
It’s Only Love
The Night Before
You’re Gonna Lose That Girl
Tell Me What You See
I Need You
You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
You Like Me Too Much
Dizzy Miss Lizzy 
Act Naturally
Rubber Soul
I’m Looking Through You 
In My Life
Nowhere Man
You Won’t See Me
Drive My Car
The Word
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
If I Needed Someone
Run For Your Life
What Goes On
Think For Yourself
Eleanor Rigby
Here, There, and Everywhere
Got To Get You Into My Life
Good Day Sunshine
And Your Bird Can Sing
She Said She Said
For No One
I’m Only Sleeping
Tomorrow Never Knows
I Want To Tell You
Yellow Submarine
Doctor Robert
Love You To
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
A Day In The Life
She’s Leaving Home
Getting Better
Good Morning Good Morning
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Fixing A Hole
With A Little Help From My Friends
When I’m Sixty-Four
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Lovely Rita
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
Within You Without You
Magical Mystery Tour
The Fool On The Hill
I Am The Walrus
Blue Jay Way
Your Mother Should Know
Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Dear Prudence
Helter Skelter
Martha My Dear
Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da
Revolution 1
Back In The USSR
Mother Nature’s Son
I Will
Sexy Sadie
Rocky Racoon
Honey Pie
I’m So Tired
Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
Glass Onion
Cry Baby Cry
Why Don’t We Do It In The Road
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Good Night
Yer Blues
Savoy Truffle
Long Long Long
Don’t Pass Me By
The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill
Wild Honey Pie
Revolution 9
Yellow Submarine
All You Need Is Love
It’s All Too Much
Yellow Submarine
Hey Bulldog
Only A Northern Song
All Together Now
Let It Be/Let It Be... Naked
Let It Be/Let It Be
Two Of Us/Two Of Us
Get Back/Don’t Let Me Down
I’ve Got A Feeling/I’ve Got A Feeling
Dig A Pony/The Long And Winding Road
I Me Mine/Get Back
One After 909/Across The Universe
For You Blue/Dig A Pony
Across The Universe/I Me Mine
The Long And Winding Road/One After 909
Dig It/For You Blue
Maggie Mae/NA
Abbey Road
Golden Slumbers
Oh! Darling
Carry That Weight
You Never Give Me Your Money
I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
The End
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
Come Together
Sun King
Polythene Pam
Here Comes The Sun
Octopus’s Garden
Mean Mr. Mustard
Her Majesty
Non-Album Singles
Hey Jude
Penny Lane
Strawberry Fields Forever
We Can Work It Out
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Hello, Goodbye
Paperback Writer
Baby You’re A Rich Man
She Loves You
Day Tripper
I’m Down
This Boy
I Feel Fine
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)
Lady Madonna
She’s A Woman
Yes It Is
From Me To You
Old Brown Shoe
I’ll Get You
Thank You Girl
The Ballad Of John and Yoko
The Inner Light
Free As A Bird 
Real Love
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inspiteallthedanger · 3 years
hi!! what is your favourite beatles album? could you rank them based on your preferences?
Why Nonny, WHY? Why have you come here to torment me? This is so hard! I don’t know. How do I answer this? I’m going to simply have to go on vibes and how much they hit me emotionally. Will this be about what’s the ‘best’ album? No. Simply it’s about the % of the songs I go - “Yes this is something I sing along to or vibe with”. I’m looking at this and keep changing the top album but simply NONE of them look right. Come for me I am wet paper strong about this ranking.
Rubber Soul (1965) - the sound here is so cohesive, they’ve slightly moved out of straight pop and so it’s got some lovely different sounds. Girl and Michelle! In my Life!!
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) - my dad had this on vinyl (and now I have that version) when I was growing up. So it has huge sentimental value. But I just dig the magical vibes and With a Little Help is just *chef’s kiss*.
Help! (1965) - it’s possible I’m being biased by the film, but I just love all the songs on this album. Another Girl and The Night Before and Hide Your Love Away could simply not be better.
Abbey Road (1969) - I could go on about how they’d really matured as a band and were at the height of their power, plus they had all the emotion to inspire some great songs. But really, I love drama. Oh! Darling and Come Together are two of my favourite Beatle songs too.
Revolver (1966) - She Said, She Said is a contender for my favourite Beatles song. Obviously there are other complete classics too, but some of these don’t hit for me so it can’t be higher up.
A Hard Day’s Night (1964) - again, film biased perhaps but this contains simply some of the best pop songs ever.
Please Please Me (1963) - Please Please Me and Love Me Do are such cold stone classics that it almost doesn’t matter that the rest is a little meh. But it does also have Twist and Shout and Boys, so it’s still amazing.
Let It Be (1970) - I do love some of this but the drama is not enough to push it higher up the list.
Beatles For Sale (1964) - John’s sad songs are so good that it should be higher but apparently that’s not how this works.
The Beatles (White Album) (1968) - look, some good stuff here but really it’s three albums sort of sellotaped together. So I don’t sit down to and listen to it. But Dear Prudence and Blackbird mean it can’t be bottom for me.
With The Beatles (1963) - You Really Got A Hold on me is so good it should be the top album. But that’s too insane even for me. I Wanna Be Your Man, Please Mr Postman also iconic.
Magical Mystery Tour - some debate on if these two count as albums. But I happen to love MMT and IATW and FOTH. Amazing film that makes zero sense. Love that for us.
Yellow Submarine (1969) - I do have to say that Yellow Submarine was the first song I asked to own for myself. So the double red was the first album I got. I love it. Less sure on some of the others.
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fuyunoakegata · 3 years
Song Game
Which Beatles song is preferable? Bolden the song of your choice! Tag whoever you want! tagged by @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65
And I Love Her or Here There and Everywhere
Yellow Submarine or Octopus Garden (too many singalongs of Yellow Submarine over the years to be able to pick Octopus Garden)
This Boy or I Call Your Name
When I’m 64 or Lovely Rita
Revolution 9 or Tomorrow Never Knows
One After 909 or I’m Down
If I Needed Someone and Run For Your Life
Please Please Me or Twist and Shout
It Won’t Be Long or Money (That’s What I Want) (though mainly because of the 80s cover by the Flying Lizards)
A Hard Day’s Night or Help! (only by a hair. I like both of them)
Across The Universe or Julia
Dear Prudence or Happiness is A Warm Gun - definitely Dear Prudence, for reasons :)
Come Together or I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
tagging @caramelmachete if you have time <3
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