#A first foray into editing video
Spring is slowly creeping into the Pacific Northwest, which means it's time for nest building! I've seen the fully-made nests of taveta golden weaver birds before, but had never gotten to watch the process of construction. The males in this colony-living species weave plant matter into complex hanging nests, and the quality of their weaving skills is what wins over the females!
For mid-February, the guy in the video sure had gotten a jump start on the process.
Everyone else's nests in the aviary looked more like this:
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28dayslater · 1 year
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mobydyke · 2 years
But I hear other voices. A chorus of voices. Multitudes. They reach back centuries.
[video description: a black sails fanvid set to the song blood // water by grandson. it includes dialogue cuts of anti-imperialism and pro-revolution speeches from the show, including Flint's "England takes whatever, whenever, and however she wants" and Vane's "we are many, they are few... they can't hang us all" and Madi's "it will be difficult but since when did we think it would be anything else?" lots of the footage shows the building of the pirate/maroon coalition and their battles with the empire.]
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labellolesbe · 2 years
A League of Their Own | Can’t Hold Us
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bunnymajo · 9 months
Top 10 pieces of Keroro merch?
Keroro Plush (Any)
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All Keroro plush are valid but I recommend getting a larger one both to hug and to use their giant squishy heads as pillows.
2. Messenger Bag (Any)
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I used one of these in college to carry stuff. Very roomy, will repel unwanted attention, do recommend
3. Keropla (Gundam model kits but it's Keroro)
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very fun & easy to assemble, lots of room to modify if desired. Baby's first foray into figure mods.
4. Keroro nano Figures (Megahouse)
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These came packaged with the 17th volume of the manga in 3 different editions. I like the nano figure line so I've been wanting to hunt down the Pururu one at least for ages
5. Mystic Heroines Prize figures (Megahouse)
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Natsumi, Aki, Mois & Koyuki all got these nice prize figures but Mois here is my favorite but she loses points for falling apart over the years. Still think she has a really nice sculpt for what she is though
6. Keroro Platoon figures (Kaiyodo)
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these figures by Kaiyodo are really decent quality for an interchangeable figure similar to Nendoroids. watch out for bootlegs though.
7. This snowglobe
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Made to promote the 3rd movie, I just think it's neat it exists
8. Nazca & Dark Keroro figure
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Also made to promote movie 3. Nazca's design was recycled from Mine Yoshizaki's doujinshi days so I think it's neat that she got a figure.
9. Keroro Dragon & Shion figure
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made to promote the 4th movie. Kinda weird but Keroro's dragon form is cool so I think it's worth having
10. Keroro Blu-Ray discs now available from Discotek, Wow!
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I still can't believe this shows in print again here, you should support Keroro's invasion efforts by owning him on home video. the 3rd & 4th seasons got released this week as a matter of fact!
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addisonacres · 6 months
That's a wrap.
2023 is on its death bed and I'm both happy and sad about that. Personally, this year has sucked on so many levels and for so many of my loved ones. But four months ago I published my first title under Addison Acres and so my foray into the world of M/M publishing began.
It has not been easy. It was a hell of a learning curve, and I still feel out of my depth some days. It's hard bloody work. I work full-time and I also study part-time so it's not like I can sit and write all day (as much as I wish I could). I needed to take the leap though because if I kept on saying 'I just don't have the time' then it was never going to happen.
I've published 2 shorts and a novella on Smashwords and I think I've done okay with them. To date I've sold 768 copies. Yes, some of them have been freebies (Draft2Digital counts those in total books sold) but hey, I'm pretty happy with those numbers. Have I made millions of dollars? Pfft, no. Have I made thousands? Yeah, nah. But I've made a about $700USD so far.
Yeah, I don't have a problem talking about stuff like this. I know a lot of people are very hush hush about money but one thing I've discovered coming into this gig is that there's very little data to measure against. Who knows if this means I've been successful? I fucking don't! But maybe another indie author will see this and go 'Hey, that's similar to what I managed' or 'I made more than that so I'm doing really well!'. So yeah, I'm happy to throw out my figures if it'll help someone else. I'm not raking in the cash, and I haven't had my first title become a crazy best-seller and I'm suddenly playing with the big kids. I'm still very much a baby in this industry, finding my way.
Ultimately, yes I got into this publishing gig to make a few extra bucks. The cost of living has sky-rocketed and my job does not pay well. I adore it though so I needed to do something to supplement what I make. This isn't going to pay off my mortgage but it's paid for a new water pump for our rainwater tank and a delivery of hay for the alpacas. I've also re-invested some of my royalties into my writing. I've purchased the Atticus software and I got a bundle of photos from Depositphotos to use for book covers.
There's still a lot I need to do. I have yet to set up a newsletter, which is much to my detriment. I feel like I need to have a NL magnet first (which is the term used for a free story readers get when they sign up for your newsletter). I feel like no one will sign up for nothing so I've not set one up yet, but I have no idea what to write for the magnet...
I've been doing a lot of promo work on FB with joining release parties and giveaways but it's hard work. The marketing side of things takes up a lot of time, which yeah, I don't have a lot of. I did set up an Instagram account but I've hardly used it as it's very, very full on and I haven't really had the spoons. I know I need to invest more time in that, and I will try in the New Year but we'll see how full the cutlery drawer is first.
I also made the choice to do Tumblr instead of Tik Tok. Probably a very stupid choice since BookTok is huge and people get a lot of exposure on there. Why didn't I? Well, firstly, I'm really not very good at making videos and editing them. It's so very time consuming. Secondly, I like Tumblr. Is it a dumpster fire? Yes. Am I a bin chicken masquerading as a human? You betcha. So, yeah, I feel comfortable here. But I know I need to invest in more time here also.
Anyway, next year is a new year. I am currently working on a project that I've told no one about because I feel if I do, I will jinx myself and my motivation will fuck off to the moon. So, there is something in the works for publishing maybe in February. I'll be looking for beta readers once I've gotten it finished so if you're interested, hit me up.
I've also created a new logo because I haven't really done that and I figured I really should. I've made 4 variations to use for different situations and I really like it. It's pretty.
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Anyway, I've rambled enough. Just wanted to do a little wrap up for the year and to prove that I'm not dead lol
Enjoy the final days of 2023 and I shall catch you all on the flip side.
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gyuphorias · 2 years
PAIRING — ot13 svt / reader
WORD COUNT — 0.8k+
GENRE &&. WARNINGS — romance, fluff &&. no warnings
FROM THE AUTHOR — as a connoisseur of books, especially contemporary romance, i feel that it is my duty to assign seventeen some of my favorite tropes. (also sorry for being away so long this summer has been ... less than great but we're powering through)
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— seungcheol &&. billionaire / ceo
choi seungcheol is the heir to some company or another. you're an emotional companion, a secretary, maybe just a college student with big dreams. maybe he's got conditions to fulfill before he receives his dues: grow up, hold down a steady relationship, prove that he's mature enough to head up a multi billion dollar company.
— jeonghan &&. forced proximity
for as long as you've known yoon jeonghan, you've found him a pain to be around, argumentative and sharp at the edges. even since day one, you longed for the life that was distinctly before jeonghan. you've made a point of keeping your distance until you're forced into a position where you have to spend time with the only man on earth who has ever compelled you to commit a violent crime against another human being.
— joshua &&. best friend's brother
when you were younger, you never really gave a fuck about your best friend's older brother. he was just some guy lurking on the outermost parts of your peripheral, a ghost of your childhood memories. just a few years older than you, he was always expressly off-limits, per the best friend law. after he graduated and left for college, you never thought much of him... until you reconnect later in life.
— jun &&. will they, won't they
maybe you're best friends, just acquaintances, playful rivals. any way you cut it, you and moon junhui are playing circles around each other. you've both got feelings for the other, but due to incompetency, nervousness, both, or something else entirely, you won't admit it. the onlookers have a bet going on.
— hoshi &&. love at first sight
kwon soonyoung loves loud and he loves hard, and the first time he sees you, he knows he has to make you his. you're wary and quarrelsome about his feelings, truly putting him on the ropes to prove it to you that he loves you the way he says he does. he's over the top and annoying, but at some point, it becomes endearing instead of irritating.
— wonwoo &&. strangers to lovers
he's a student circulation assistant at your campus library, you're a frequent patron to use the nice macbooks and editing software provided to you through your college tuition, always booking your study rooms and equipment for you. alternatively, you're the sweet barista who gives him extra whipped cream on all of his cold drinks or slips him a fudge brownie every once in a while, free of charge. they're small kindnesses, but sweet.
— woozi &&. i hate everyone but you
you and lee jihoon are an unlikely pairing; a chemistry-biology double major and a music major just don't come together so well in some people's minds. he's quiet and closed off, content to be with someone in complete silence, with an air of "everyone in the world sucks." that's the jihoon everyone else sees, but you get a different version of him, a special version that's reserved just for you.
— dk &&. slow burn
lee seokmin is every bit the hopeless romantic. he reads contemporary romance, loves romcoms, and fawns over relationship videos on tiktok. whether you start out as strangers or friends, your relationship with him takes a while to turn into full-out romance, but it's certainly worth the wait, especially for a man who gets all of his smooth lines and tricks from his romance novels.
— mingyu &&. second chance
your first romantic foray with kim mingyu really wasn't that bad: he loved you, took care of you, treated you the way you deserved to be treated. but you were at different points in your life, you wanted different things, so you broke up. when you cross paths again, you've got a lot more in common now than you used to.
— the8 &&. grumpy / sunshine
xu minghao has always had a bit of an... attitude problem, at least according to most of the people who have ever talked about him around you. at first glance, you'd believe it - he's prim, proper with an air of superiority that surrounds him. the more time you spend around him, though, the more he drops that guard around you.
— seungkwan &&. enemies / rivals to lovers
childhood slights or adult disagreements, academic rivals or professional competition. boo seungkwan has been your arch nemesis for as long as you care to remember. you long for the days you've deemed b.s., before seungkwan, which is fitting considering he's full of bullshit. your relationship is turblent, to say the least, but the people around you are tired of putting up with it.
— vernon &&. one of us is famous / celebrity
maybe vernon chwe is still a kpop idol, maybe a famous video game streamer, maybe something else. whatever his occupation may be, he's the famous one and you're seemingly the only person on the face of the earth who is both chronically online and completely unaware of who he is, despite his status. it doesn't irritate him, perse, but rather intrigued.
— dino &&. bad boy / good girl
lee chan is the town heathen, the boy with nothing to lose, no success in the foreseeable future. truthfully, he's an enigma who has always intrigued you, the town sweetheart, the one with everything to gain. your parents, of course, warned you to stay away from him when you were younger, but now that you're an adult, they can't stop you from unraveling the mystery of him.
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© gyuphorias, 2022. please do not copy, repost, or translate my work without my permission.
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astarion-dekarios · 1 year
Merry Christmas to the IWTV fandom!
This is my first foray into video editing, the spirit of Lestat possessed me and made me create this in less than 24 hours on Christmas.
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sadisthetic · 1 year
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this isnt just successful i do think it is my best creative work and thats kinda funny considering im an artist. but this was my first foray into video editing. its so fucking banging I DESERVE TO CELEBRATE ITS BIRTHDAY. watch my amv. yay to the fact it hit 600k too!
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dearfabulousdarling · 11 months
🥳We're So Back!🎉
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✨Hello darlings!✨ How are we doing this weekend! I come with marvelous news! I finally got electricity back at my abode! Which means I have a whole lot of work to catch up on for you all! I have the Gundam Witch from Mercury comic dub to finally finish and more! The first thing I did was change the thumbnail to my very first video which was also a Witch from Mercury comic dub by Korshokor! I took some things I learned from my recent foray in thumbnail editing and made this one! I do think it's more eye catching. What do you all think? I will be busy with work now to get more things out there! Oh! Another thing I would like to mention is that I want to thank you all ever so much for immensely enjoying my "Finally! Blade is Going to..." Honkai Star Rail comic dub over the course of my time without power. It certainly blew up way more than I could ever expect this point in my adventures with YouTube! So you all sincerely have my heartfelt gratitude! Thank you for the 10k+ views as well as becoming a darling by subscribing to me! So with that I have a lot of work to do! Look forward to everything! As always... Stay fabulous, darling!
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lenayener · 3 months
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cis female & she/her
august 8, 1991
artist / owner of the broken spine
south addition
lightening round —
born and raised in washington dc. parents emigrated from turkey. father was a diplomat and mother still works as a translator/interpreter 
had a very strict and conservative upbringing. suffered abuse at the hands of a family member and was kept in silence about it
went to nyc for university and her first art project. the first exlorations into her art and ideas began with photography at music festivals, art directing for advertisements and magazines, and music videos
met her first partner and began a relationship with them during this time, even asked them to move back to washington dc with her when her time in nyc came to an end
the relationship always felt as though it were missing something and as though lena kept coming up short. when a new project came up and lena was to relocate for her work (to anchorage) she asked her partner to come with her and proposed. the no on both counts was devastating but she poured her pain into her work. plus it went along with the theme of her life
the move to anchorage was only meant to be temporary but lena ended up in a rebound relationship that fulfilled a void and she ended up staying even after her project was complete. making a home in anchorage and traveling when necessary
upon settling into anchorage, lena opened a book bar called the broken spine and has too much fun running it
as with anything else in her life relating to love, the rebound relationship eventually came to an end. leaving lena to stop making her work about heartbreak and push for something greater
a few of her projects/series have brought her international attention and acclaim. the first being, ‘i could not protect her’, a multimedia work, both her signature cinematic still photography along with a silent film detail her journey though abuse and the unchecked actions by the abuser. the next being her series titled “3ieb!” in arabic / “shame on me!” in english. a series that equally caused an uproar and gave voice to hundreds of thousands of middle eastern women all over the world
recently lena has been dipping her toe into video work once again, beginning to shift away from her decade long photography medium by publishing a book of a compilation of all her work. a little different from the music videos she’d produced in the past and her recent foray into short film, lena is interested in moving forward in long-form video work
the positive shift in her love life, experiencing real love for the first time without the usual toxicity she’d fallen into in the past and finally experiencing healthy love has also made a big difference
+ art series —
sex and takeout
summer without a pool
for arabella
this is not for you
i love you, me neither
i could not protect her
bonjour bitch
fool me twice
dear love
( + 10 more )
+ film —
not ok
think about you
what’s love got to do with it
i _ _ _ _ you
+ exhibitions —
women’s choice awards - conversations, panelist, los angeles, nov 2018
artnews x miami art basel week panelist - “how art is used as a platform to influence current issues” - miami, dec 2018
vogue italia - photo vogue festival - base milano - nov 15- 18
the museum of pizza new york
the canon creator class toronto - solo show and talk - sept 27
solo exhibition - splash - milan - larusmiani, level 2 - june 27 - july 20
solo exhibition - splash - london lawrence alkin gallery - june 8- 22
solo exhibition - fuck me, fuck you - new york - castle fitzjohns gallery - march 10- april 8
international women’s day dinner hosted by sarah bahbah and the edition hotel - march 9
nyfw valentine's day party - indulgence of the alter ego - public arts
solo exhibition - fuck me, fuck you- hvw8 gallery, west hollywood. jan 13- jan 21.
la art show - jan 11-14
first solo exhibition - the w miami dec 7-10
the lobby of nautilus, a sixty hotel, miami until december 31, 2017.
scope miami beach, 5-10 december 2017
sofa chicago
start saatchi gallery, london
la art show 2017, los angeles
scope art fair, new york
art market, san francisco
art! vancouver
scope basel, switzerland
art market, hamptons
zonamaco, mexico
scope art fair, switzerland
enough space, melbourne
affordable art fair, new york
art south hampton, new york
art new york, new york
pop up at the refinery hotel, new york
art wynwood miami, florida
cushnie et ochs pop up store, retail lab, new york
scope art fair, miami beach
affordable art fair, new york
art 15, london
texas contemporary, houston, texas
art wynwood miami, florida
contemporary istanbul, turkey
scope art fair, miami beach
art toronto, canada
+ press —
featured in publications such as: vogue, paper, nylon, new york times, new york post, forbes, gq, glamour, elle, cosmopolitan, buzzfeed, plus more...
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oreganosbaby · 1 year
The whole Los Angeles Hyperreality thing in "Living+" is very much part of the way they write the American west according to it's mythology and as a place founded on mythology itself. By doing the Living+ presentation, altering the concept to suit him and fucking with the numbers, Kendall is attempting to mark his place in the company as CEO. While Kendall may position himself as more forward-thinking it's crucial that he use methods his father once did to make his fortune: exploiting people as resources and manifesting his own reality through myth.
Previously, the American west was shown through Connor and his whole failpioneer ranch fantasy. It's not unlike Teddy Roosevelt's own failpioneer ranch fantasy and I really stress both the "fail" and "fantasy" of this because despite his failure, this rancher shit became an enduring part of his image to the public, himself, and by extension, the image of modern American masculinity. He goes from the old money New York City failson who tried to cure his nurestenia by becoming a rancher to a "Rough Rider", creating this mythical figure of the cowboy-crusader for the American empire. The "Rough Riders" was a nickname for the 1st cavalry regiment in the Spanish-American war and it was America's first foray into off-shore expansionism. Many were resistant in supporting this because they felt that doing that isn't really what America was about, that they don't fight European empires for overseas territories because they're not Britain. The "Rough Riders" are exemplary of this reframing of imperialism, of the so-called "civilising mission" (as France tends to use in their own imperialist rhetoric), as something wholey American and in-line with their values as a modern liberal democratic republic and in contrast to the (occasionally racialised?) cruel Spanish empire. He removed the cowboy from the ranch, from Mexico and made him the symbol of a very white American empire founded on abstract ideas like freedom and democracy.
To circle this back around to Los Angeles, the other notable pre-S4 mention of LA is with Roman's flop stint as a film producer. It was one part of the disciplinary project to get him "straightened out." Other parts include military school, Gerri and management training. Of course, this is about asserting masculinity by making a mark in a similar way to how settler-colonialism or resource extraction is making a mark. It's both militarist and bourgeois as per the Rooseveltian ideal. Roman notably failed at all past attempts and has once again, failed in "Living+." Here, it's that he is unable to believe in his own performance in the role of his father. He fires Joy and Gerri when they tell him that he's not as good as his dad. Though, the conditions of their respective firings are different, it's ultimately a dispute about the legitimacy of his title as CEO. Power can only be legitimized via spectacle so, Gerri sort of has to give the title power to make it effective but, she refuses to do so because (among other things) Roman's not giving a believable performance; however, Roman's title has power to other people so, he just fires her anyway.
It's only after firing Gerri that he sort of throws in the towel. Of course, Gerri having been a proxy for Logan made her words more resonant. He then asks Kendall to roll back on firing her and later, refuses to talk on stage alongside him, sort of echoing him handing over the provisional CEO position to Gerri last season. Kendall buys into the fantasy of them being "as good as [their father]," whereas Roman can't. Roman has a painful level self-awareness and alienation because he's been made aware of his place in the hierarchy and is unable to identify with Logan. Kendall believes in this fantasy because it's the fantasy his dad created him for and he can't see himself existing outside this. Roman, however, isn't entirely immune to spectacle if it hits right and Kendall accidentally did that with the video edit of their father saying that "Roman Roy has a microdick and always gets it wrong." That's a fantasy Roman was able to buy into because it has the verisimilitude with the romance.
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adhdzagreus · 5 months
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watched scooby doo: mystery incorporated with my roomies as my first proper foray into the scoobyverse and it was good stuff
[img ID: a screenshot of the YouTube search results for Brian David Gilbert’s Unraveled video on Castlevania. The title has been edited to read “I wasted 3 weeks of my life finding Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated’s hottest monster | Unraveled”. The thumbnail has been edited to read “Mystery Inc’s Sexiest Enemy” and the image of the Bone Dragon has been replaced with Obliterix. BDG appears to be holding it and grinning.]
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Barbie in the Nutcracker (2001)
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Hoooh boy. My first foray into this overly analytical marathon isn't off to a good start. Even as a child I don't think I could turn my brain off to enjoy this terribly animated, overly cheesy, generically animated drivel. I’ve never actually used the word drivel in any of my writings, but I couldn’t find a better word. 
The animation was like a bad video game from the early 2000s. I will give them props for the use of color (I’m reaching for positives here), but sometimes the lines weren’t clear, and Barbie also had a weird glow all around her. Sometimes the colors were way too bright and looked…well, plastic. There was also a weird fade out of Barbie/Clara’s hair…like she had split ends that faded into nothingness. 
Hair, fabric, and bodies just don’t move the way they should in real life. I didn’t expect Frozen level animation - or even Monster High-level - but this was painful on the eyes. I noticed that one of the side characters had a permanent wedgie. Yikes. 
A Strong Point:
Featuring choreography by Peter Martins as performed for Animation by Dancers from the New York City Ballet.
Featuring the music of Tchaikovsky as performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. 
They studied Ballerinas in the NYC ballet and used them as models to animate the actual dancing? That’s kind of awesome. The dancing part of the animation was honestly the best and strongest part because of this, and the use of the actual Tchaikovsky music, which is as always, glorious.
The horrific rat and bat sidekicks are big yikes. But oh god, speaking of sidekicks, let’s go back to the beginning. In the opening credits I have to mention the absolutely terrifying Kelly/Chelsea doll fairies that look like CGI animated DOLLS. I mean I guess that’s what they are but their grins are in a permanent freaky-as-fuck freeze on their plastic-looking faces. 
Also, the PINK HORSE. How very Barbie of this movie.
Voice acting: 
Let’s also talk about the voice acting. I will say that Barbie’s voice is exactly as I imagined, so I guess that’s a positive thought. (Well done Kelly Sheridan.) I was also surprised by the special guest voice acting by Tim Curry. I also noticed that some of the lines are delayed with a slightly too long pause between exchanges. This may have been an issue in editing the dialogue together, or the filmmakers animated it too slow. 
The way the story transitioned from Barbie and Kelly in the ballet studio and Barbie starts telling her the story of Clara and the Nutcracker to encourage her is pretty solid. Then everything fell to shit once the nutcracker adventure was introduced. I don’t even know what I’m watching anymore. 
Prince Eric is a Ken, obviously. And of course Barbie is the Sugar Plum Princess. But they don’t end up together. Because Clara has to go back to real life. But Eric is a real person too! So all is well in the world, Barbie and Ken end up together. 
Once again I ask, what have I gotten myself into? 
Yours truly, 
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Do you have recs for people to follow for comictok? Preferably ones that focus on the batfamily, Spider-people, or Daredevil
for sure!!! I decided not to include people who are mainly editors/cosplayers, but if you did want that let me know and I'll compile another list
anyway these are most of my favorite comictokers whether or not they're specifically about these subjects, feel free to check them out either way and see how you feel
so firstly and obviously if you're not following thepandaredd and nikhilclayton are you even on comictok? I'm honestly always pleasantly surprised by how UN-dudebro-y they are and thepandaredd is like a solid 40% of how I got into batfam in the first place. nikhilclayton does batfam and spiderman but I mostly associate him with x-men
then we've got myself, obviously! my username on tiktok is gailpirl and any character I talk about here gets talked about there. right now my smallville obsession is literally everywhere but obviously peter parker, spider gwen, deadpool, batfam, etc, plus whatever comic I just read all get some content made on them
then we have @stackthedeck my dear beloved mutual, who has the same username on tiktok, and whose content is mostly spider-people with a decent amount of daredevil and the occasional foray into other characters
for dc I recommend literallyloislane, theactorbat, nightwingser, kennenbabbles (another mutual!), mia.likes.bats (yet another mutual!!), sandmanlibrary, and for the flash specifically, theflashmuseum, their content is fucking great I don't care about flashfam until their videos show up on my fyp and then I suddenly don't care about anything else
ayaanshahlikesyou makes content on both marvel and dc; I mosty see his young justice content on my fyp but he likes blue beetle and kamala khan as well
speaking of kamala khan, h3yd4v3 talks about a lot of marvel content but mainly focuses on ms marvel; also notfranklinsherald is f4 focused but occasionally talks about northstar and aquaman too
also @emptyjunior has a lot of really fun skits for batfam, team red/spiderman, xmen, and captain america, among others
anyway yeah these are my favorites that aren't specifically only edits or cosplay enjoy!!!
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croszukis · 8 months
talk hockey to me, tagged by @39oa ty!
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
in a really convoluted way that is a story for a different time i started listening to a sort of fandom leaning hockey podcast. i googled jeff skinner's name and went "oh", then saw gifs of burky and my himbo of the moment was selected.
i had to move back home (a place that's as not-hockey market in the us as you can think of..) for family reasons and my younger sister and i were spending a lot of time at home. i basically bullied her into watching nhl weird videos with me on tv and then we started watching games together. we followed the avs for the 19-20 season heavily!
covid season + other reasons made me stop paying attention for a while, but now i'm back. i'm very bad at being loyal (sorry) to any specific team and have my players i collect instead & am currently paying attention to my failsons (pens, habs and sabres)
2. Your first ever fandom friend
i was mostly on twitter for my hockey fandom activities, so shout out to my crop of friends from very far away on my phone from there! but i guess it was my sister, actually~
3. The jersey you would most like to own
a stars blackout jersey (aka the reason my layout is robo at all lol) i saw that hideous neon green and said "that's for me". OH and if i had exorberant amounts of money, a lunar new years speciality jersey. otherwise, i am not a jersey/merch purchaser no.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
at the moment? i'll say johnathan kovacevic lol
otherwise, sidcrosby isn't mine he's OURS
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
hmmm i'm either a rarepair (making these pairs up with one offhand mention and the power of imagination) or a certain powerhouse ship person, but i'll say the sabres and stars deserve more transformative fandom attention!
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
oh gosh i have a really bad memory when it comes to things like this (ask me to recall hockey off ice drama from three years ago tho? i got you) the first thing that came to mind was logan couture's girls just wanna have fun goal song reveal though. i love it.
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
oh gosh, there's so many fics i've read again again that i'm sure are fandom favorites that i really admire & i'm just a shy newbie
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
I have a project in the editing stage I'm hopefully going to share soon which will be my humble foray into the sidgeno fandom, but I like this sid/nick suzuki one shot that started my thinking about them and I'm enjoying writing/figuring out their dynamic more!
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