#A seal that can see knows every detail of its enclosure and exactly where the glass is
slushyseals · 3 years
#There are many videos of seals swimming into glass#Kimjia knows her enclosure very well including where the glass is and you can even see her extend her neck#in antici...#...#PATION#of stopping herself on the glass#using the squish of her neck to slow herself at the end#She is being cute and friendly and not hurt in any way#and silly sound effects are added#But there is another video I won't share as it is in poor poor taste#in the other video you see a seal with cloudy eyes swim into the window of their enclosure#And the comments are horrible as it is a bunch of people laughing at the animal for running into the glass it can't see#The seal in the video I'm not going to share is blind#Making fun of that seal is making fun of a disabled animal#A lot of seals and sea lions in zoos and sanctuaries are blind because they cannot survive in the wild#A seal that can see knows every detail of its enclosure and exactly where the glass is#But a blind seal is amazing in that they can even swim at all using their whiskers to 'see' through the vibrations in the water#Unfortunately even though blind people can memorize the layout of their home#when you are sailing through the water it's hard to tell exactly where you are#And these poor animals often end up swimming into the glass they can't see or other objects in their enclosure#Don't laugh at them#Celebrate them for being brave enough to keep swimming despite being blind#And continuing to live their best lives even though they are facing challenges#They are amazing and incredible and deserve our love admiration and support#But of course we can enjoy Kimjia above for she is just being cute and friendly :)
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voiceswithoutlips · 4 years
Calico - Chapter One
— pairing: Hybrid ot7 x Human Reader (Female) — genre: hybrid AU , fluff, angst, slow burn (like real slow), eventual smut — word count: 1.8K — Rating: M — warnings: trauma, mention of past abuse. 
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— chapter summary: 
Y/N runs a animal shelter, Calico was built on a simple principle, to help those who were in need. What will Y/N do when her sanctuary is threatened by an unexpected hybrid?
— A/N: This is going to be a series, I’m just getting back to writing, so I’d really appreciate your input and feedback <3
Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 3.5 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6
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“So do you like your new puppy?” I asked the little girl that was trying to hold a squirming golden retriever pup. She frantically nodded her head. How cute!
“Congratulations on the new addition to your family! We’ll send someone for an inspection soon but I don't see how there can be any problems,” I reassured the parents. They were proudly beaming at their daughter, I doubt they even heard what you said. 
“I’m going to name him Bubbles!” Sana squeaked excitedly as the family left with their new pet. I suppressed a giggle, I was a sucker for cuteness. 
Seeing one of our animals get adopted was the best feeling in the world. Running a shelter was not the easiest thing in the world, grumpy animals, grumpy humans and an abundance of body fluids to clean up but it was rewarding. Calico was a no-kill shelter, a privately owned animal shelter. The upside was that we didn’t have to rely on the government for funding, the downside was the paperwork. Every animal that came to the shelter had to be meticulously checked and catalogued. 
The legalities were another headache. Most animals that came to Calico were rescues. We worked with several animal rights organizations that collected evidence and built cases against the owners. Sometimes we got rescues that weren’t exactly legal so we had to get the evidence and build the case ourselves. That’s why Calico had Song Hwa, a badass lawyer. She was just five feet tall but she could stare down men twice her size. 
“One down, two to go,” Jason said as he plopped down on the couch in your office. He was the head veterinarian at Calico, overseeing the health of the animals. He was also my best friend. 
“We have three potential families visiting tomorrow. How’s Hector doing?” I asked as I stretched in your chair. 
“He’s good but I’m still against the name Hector. He looks more like a Raphael,” Jason said with a frown. Last week one of our animal handlers Shownu found a box near the shelter’s gate. There was a small turtle in it, the poor thing was injured. Jason had to amputate his left hind leg because it was infected. 
“I’m not naming him after a mutant turtle. He’s a one legged turtle from the sea, he’s a pirate and nothing you say will change my mind,” I had named him after Hector Barbosa from Pirates of the Carribean movies after I won the rock paper scissors tournament against Jason. 
“Dorks,” Hana scoffed from the corner. She was the one who dealt with the potential families, showing them around the shelter, doing background checks and whatnot. I was the one who sealed the deal and dealt with the paperwork. I was terrible at social niceties, somehow I always ended up saying the wrong thing and had the worst timing in the history of humanity. 
Before Jason and I could retaliate Moonji burst through the door. “He’s back, Yonu is here,” he was breathless. He must’ve ran here all the way from the gates. Moonji was the other animal handler, he was a retired botanist with a wife and two daughters. 
We all collectively sighed. Yonu was a proud member of Animal Liberation Front, an extremist group or as the government would like to call them “animal rights terrorists”. Once in a blue moon Yonu would drop by without a warning to drop off rescued lab animals, he had a thing against scientists. The problem was that they were illegally acquired so we had to lie on the paperwork. Every time Yonu visited Calico, it was a stress fest for everyone, well everyone except Yonu. 
I reluctantly made my way to the exam room. Yonu was standing there bickering with Song Hwa with a box of rabbits. 
“We are NOT taking in the rabbits unless you tell us where you got them!” Song Hwa put her foot down. 
“It's classified,” Yonu said with a grin. 
“Then take them back,” Song Hwa was staring daggers at him.
“Yonu, you know we need to clear the legal side of things,” I shook my head, he knew how things worked. Usually he would brag about his conquest, giving us in depth details about his adventures. Sometimes he brought back research and documents for evidence.Something didn’t sit right with me. Where did he get the rabbits? Why wouldn’t he tell us?
“Sorry sugar, can’t share the details this time,” I sighed at his nickname. One day Yonu discovered that I didn’t like sugar in my coffee and he decided to start calling me Sugar. He was one annoying bastard. 
Jason was already weighing the rabbits and taking their temperature. No matter what methods Yonu used to ‘rescue’ the animals, we always took them in. Song Hwa always said I was too soft, she didn’t know how wrong she was.
There were seven rabbits in total. All white with long ears and pink noses. They were unusually small. “Yonu did you kidnap kittens?” I frowned as I leaned in to take a closer look. 
“No they are all adult males,” Jason interjected. He was checking them one by one, taking their blood to run tests, checking their limbs for any injuries, it was a routine procedure. 
“Aren’t they too small?” they were.
“Maybe they are like those toy poodles… toy bunnies?” Song Hwa suggested. It could be or maybe their growth was stunted. Either way, I didn’t like it, something was off about this, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. 
Jason was running blood panels in the lab as I took over the paperwork. The rabbits were safely left in a hatch outside in the garden. Yonu had miraculously disappeared as soon as we turned our backs and I was starting to get a headache. 
The rabbits barely showed any movement when they were being examined. They were practically limp in Jason’s hands. They had clearly been abused. I didn’t like the blank look in their eyes. Most of the time if the animal was scared it’d get defensive and lash out, it was a good sign, it meant that it still had its faculties. These rabbits didn’t make a squeak as they were moved to a new place, it was worrying. I just hoped they weren’t too far gone. 
“We have a problem,” Jason said as soon as I entered the lab. He was sitting in front of the computer, double checking the results. 
“This day just keeps getting better,” I murmured as I leaned in to see what he was looking at. Not that I could make any sense of it. 
“One of the rabbits is a hybrid,” did I hear that right?
“Come again?” did he just say what I thought he said?
“We have a hybrid in our hatch,” my heart sank.
The presence of a hybrid posed a threat to Calico. Not because he was dangerous, but because he was stolen. The laws regarding hybrids were still primitive in most countries. They were basically slaves to the system, regarded as sub-human. Hybrids were considered as property, something to be owned. Rare animal hybrids were highly sought after by the wealthy to show off their status. So technically the rabbit hybrid in our hatch belonged to someone, we had no right to keep him here. If his owner found out, they would sue us. If the government found that we were keeping a stolen hybrid they’d shut us down. 
“Let’s just send him to a hybrid shelter,” Shownu huffed. The staff was gathered in your office for an emergency meeting.
“Most of those shelters have terrible conditions. Why not just keep him here, we have license to house hybrids, it's not that big of a deal,” Jason said. 
“Might I remind you that he is stolen. We can’t keep him here, we have a shelter inspection next week,” Song Hwa frowned. 
Few months ago we had decided to expand Calico to accommodate hybrids too, we had enough room to do so. We had constructed a hybrid “enclosure” as per the government guidelines. They had sent us the requirements. … they wanted us to put people in cages. We all collectively agreed that no hybrid will ever be housed in that place. No matter what anyone said, they were still human. 
“We can’t just abandon him, who knows what those lab people did to him,” Hana retaliated and an argument broke out. I knew they loved this place, they all wanted what’s good for the shelter. This wasn’t this first time we had to lie but having a hybrid was different. None of us had ever dealt with a hybrid before, even if we decided to keep him, what then? But I knew I couldn’t hand him over. Calico was built on a simple principle, to help those who were in need. And that rabbit hybrid needed our help. 
“Enough. We took in the animals that Yonu had brought before because they needed help. We’ve lied on the documents and it’s no different this time. That hybrid needs our help, we just need to come up with a plan,” I passed the verdict. Not everyone liked it but I knew they’d never let me down. 
After the stressful day all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch with Jason and watch TV. Our house was on the edge of the property, secluded in the forest. It was a country cottage with a private garden. YouI stopped by the rabbit hatch on my way back. The poor bunnies were all squished together in a corner, scared of the new environment and the open space outside. 
I couldn’t tell which one was the hybrid as I leaned in to take a look. Looking for him was no use. Maybe talking would work. I sat down beside the hatch with a sigh.
“I know you’re there,” I said quietly. “It must’ve been scary huh? Being taken from the lab. Yonu, the man who brought you here, he’s a good person. He only wanted to help. His methods aren’t always ….well savory but his heart was in the right place. Do you know what this place is? It's called Calico, it's a shelter for animals. We take care of animals who need help and find them a new home. 
“This is my sanctuary. Nobody will hurt you here. You don’t have to be scared. You are safe here, I’m going to keep you safe, okay?” One of the rabbits was looking at me, he quickly ducked his head as he caught my gaze. I smiled, he was listening. 
“You must be hungry huh? Rabbits only get veggies and greens, don’t you want to eat pizza, and ice cream, and pancakes, maybe some sashimi…” I rambled on about food, about Calico and the staff, inside the hatch a bunny was listening intently to my stories. 
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
Volentine's Wishes
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I remembered what you said last year, about the small rodent-giving practices. It took some time to gather both information and the rodents, but I did it. Apparently, it is cruel to keep just one of them, which makes sense. This is probably why they are a symbol of love! It is very important that they stay together once in love.
So, I procured two of them. However, two has turned into seven in the time it took me to return with them. They should all be very friendly, at least, I’ve been petting them daily as I was advised. By the time the five babies were born, both parents stopped biting me during these pettings, so it must have worked. They are very friendly now!
I hope they will bring you much happiness and love, as you do me,
~*~  ~*~  ~*~
It wasn’t until she’d reached her quarters that Melakeni Ivers allowed her composure to come apart. She leans back against the door almost the moment before it seals itself into place and takes a deep and shuddering breath, letting the ache flow through every fibre of her body. Her eyes squeeze shut and she rolls the back of her head against the solidness behind her. It is a grief that she’s held onto tightly, until now, where she can set it free. He had been so close. And she hadn’t so much of a glimpse of him before he was gone again.
She is used to having an Anakin-shaped hole living inside of her. She is used to traversing through her day offering comfort and healing to those who are sick and hurt without a second thought, be they Jedi or civilian. Consulting with other healers, the medical droids, the Masters who are terribly good at exhibiting external compassion when very little stirs them within. She is used to running her fingers through the soil of the medicinal herbs, feeling their life thrive in the vibrancy of their leaves, the aroma their oils leave behind that in some ways faintly remind her of a home she has not seen in too many years.  These kinds of days drift by with an ease that blurs and blends them into the back of her mind into a quiet sort of white-noise memory. Those days Anakin’s Presence is simply a close and often soothing companion, the thing that gives her softest smiles their brightness. That keeps the glow of her eyes alive and glimmering even when she is wilting from exhaustion.  There are days when she is accompanying her Master as either a tool or a prop or an extra set of senses, hands and so on. She has never been able to explain once she overcame her fear of the man why it is that he appeals to her so, beyond what is normal through the bonds Jedi and their apprentices. She cannot explain because she doesn’t know what it is, or why it still remains as strong as it does. When she is with him, there is very little time for introspection, and Anakin’s Presence is a buffer against the too much; too much pain, too much heat and awareness and agony. He is the softness that keeps her focused, keeps her thriving.
But ones like today? The ghost of him cannot fill the hole left behind. The abject yearning that claws its way through her until everything feels like it is in tatters and the only remedy is to find herself with arms wrapped around his waist. Breathing him in and assuring herself that he is alive and as whole as he can be, and that harm’s way has not found a way to sink its teeth into him. The want of his lips on her neck as she presses her face into his hair or his chest. There need be nothing wanton about any of it, just the language they speak of and to each other in their own way, that connection and completion they feel with no one else but each other.
When the quiet little sob of grief is finally swallowed down she opens her eyes and squares her shoulders. Straightens her robes and smooths her hair back into place. Reaching out with the Force, she trips the switch of the small lights of her chamber, and feels everything settle around her. Feels she is being... stared at.
The room is not so large that she cannot immediately find what is amiss, not so filled with all the possessions that they are not, by rite and tradition, allowed to have. The pillows have eked by as necessary bedding for frail limbs. The chest to keep her robes and secret things likewise, traded and bartered and smuggled for through illegal channels. The Council does not know that at least three of the grandest cities belong to her city and that she has made use of them in her private hours.
She cannot help but smile to herself. One of these days, she will bring Anakin. A moment later, green like forests, she shakes her head to diminish the daydream that springs up from that particular thought, and she makes her silent barefooted way to where the little enclosure is draped with one of her spare robes. It is the note that finds itself in her hand first. There is no residual warmth on the flimsi of his touch but she can imagine the sweeping strokes of his stylus. She runs a fingertip over the letters and feels the bright bloom of his excitement conveyed within them, as well as the near painful preciseness used to make every letter correct, the verbal equivalent of his wording and cadence. There is a pulse that rushes through her as her nastic responses quicken. She lifts the note to her lips after the seventh read-through. A dozen kisses saved for later.
Each time her giggles come a little louder until they fill the small room with joy. She can imagine what his hand will look like, the nicks and scars from having taken repeated torment to befriend their new little family. She will need to make a salve for it. For now though, she can feel herself humming within on an oscillating frequency normally reserved for more intense moments of Inevitable Doom. Her hands actually shake a little as she reaches out to pull aside her robe. And there within their containment, one peeking out of the doorway of what looks like some clay-moulded bark, is a tiny rodent. All twitchy nosed and sleek mottled fur and those restive dark eyes that had spied her even from across the darkened room. A few investigative sniffs proves her not to be Anakin and there is some hesitation as its little fight-or-flight instinct is engaged, though when she sets the lid aside and drapes her knuckles against the gravel, it eventually comes to see what she is. 
And this is inherently the danger of herbivores, because he does try to make a snack of one of her fingers. Right then. She rises and gathers bits of clover and mint and other greens from the neat little plants kept along shelves of her walls. Ones that she mists morning and night and whispers her truths to, the very ones that Anakin always seems to enjoy visiting, one of the things he likes about her chamber, that brings him a kind of only-slightly-guilty happiness. The little vole makes quick work of most of the meal, then drags away some for his mate, or so she presumes. She will have to research their care and feeding, though it seems that Anakin has, in fact, provided them a lovely little home to the best of his ability. She goes to sit at her desk and pulls out her datapad.
M-D-A The specimens that you have delivered to me are exactly perfect for the research project. They seem satisfied with their current conditions and of course I will keep them under the strictest observation. You have my absolute gratitude for being able to assist me, and you find me in your debt. I would be most glad to share the results of these observations with you upon your return to Galactic City, where I may properly thank you for going out of your way for me, my oldest friend.
I hope your latest mission sees you in good spirits and that the Force keeps you safe. I very much love hearing of your adventures off-world and the holo-net can hardly make up for the personal details your telling of them brings.
I am unaware of having to travel in the near future, so if you should have any need of me in the meantime, I of course will gladly look forward to your messages. Until then, know I wish you health and good cheer. May the Force be with you, always. With deepest respect and admiration, Melakeni
It seems cold and brittle and distant, like starlight on a moonless night. It feels like there is so much left unspoken because that is how it must be, in coded messages and aching spirit.  Anakin understands and she would never trade any of this save for another life where they might be free of constraints put upon them by the Order. Though she does wonder if that would make him happy or if what is now frustration would become something dull and listless, the bound-up denial of his natural compassion and desire to help those that need him most. It is a thing to consider, because as far as she is aware, they must be together as well, or suffer the same kind of separation sickness as the two little rodents tending each other and what she assumes are their five adorable children.
And what does she hope that he sees?
That they are loved already, mostly sight-unseen and bite-unfelt. That through their tiniest little glimmers of presence she feels even more connected to Anakin in his absence. That her message carries all of her love and hopes for him. That he has but to think of her and she will reach out to him across time and space and anything else that dare come between.
With or without the Time of Voles, with or without his physical proximity, there is no one that can occupy the shape of him inside of her.
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jiminnieho · 7 years
5 Facts You Never Knew About sheds.
Want a 30’x12’ garden workshop? patio slabs (mouse click the up coming post) Door places, number and site of windows, peak of roof, total dimension of your shed… When you have something particular in mind - just call us. We ask each buyer to present us feedback. Every single one. Our rating? Every single buyer for whom we have built, provided and erected a quality garden shed, has been delighted. Take a look at our evaluations on our Facebook site, lower down this page or dotted throughout our website. Our high quality and sturdiness far surpasses most of the sheds you'll find elsewhere. One in all the most important however least remembered parts of the home is the driveway. This space is anticipated to last for years since it is imagined to be robust, but it's not immune to break over time. One in all the most important however least remembered elements of the house is the driveway. This area is anticipated to final for years since it is imagined to be tough, however it's not immune to wreck over time. If you wish to keep away from having to pay for main repairs after a number of years, consider some ways to keep it in good condition. Step one to avoid major driveway repair is to maintain cracks small once they appear. Paving sealants are the materials that make a pavement last longer. poweraggregates It allows the pavement to look new all the time. This is a vital think about making our homes as stunning as we ever dreamt it to be. That is why we wish which are driveways or different parts of our home to have a paving sealant that may last longer. Due to this fact, we might try to search for such products which can be already examined by time and are actually prime-of-the-line. Think about if we've got the perfect product round. It can make our homes as lovely because it should at all times be. It will make our pavements look as all the time new as it is paved the primary time. When you've got ever been to a hospital, neighbor’s house or hospital, you will notice that the kind of flooring will differ. Polished floors make use of concrete sprucing that may be a ground substance polished to realize a sure look. Polished concrete is a really generic term that pertains to some decorative alternatives for flooring that end up leaving a concrete floor uncovered as the final final and last floor ending. The sharpening course of is very complicated, and it includes a number of technical points that include, making it dense, leveling, sharpening and sealing the floor whereas contained in the concrete floor. It has turn into a highly frequent thing in most of the locations all over the world because the general public recognize its beauty and likewise because several locations cannot stand having another varieties of flooring. There are lots of places the place concrete sprucing is used. Backyard fountains are the preferred decorative equipment used within the gardens that help enhance the ambiance manifold. Skilled craftsmen, dexterously design fountains that deliver peace and serenity in the setting. Lending an ornamental look to the backyard, fountains include attractive lightning techniques and coloured flowing water. They add particular character to the garden by beautifying its total look. Complimenting all kinds of backyard settings, the backyard fountains are carved out in variety of contemporary and traditional kinds and shapes together with - human figurines, saints, fairies, birds, animals, flowers as well as abstracts. To encourage probiotics from these dairy products to multiply even further, Huffnagle suggests consuming foods like spices, tea, crimson wine, berries, apples and beans. Not only should you minimize stress as a result of analysis teams at Wake Forrest University found that stress aggravates acne prone skin, but stress additionally weakens the colon the place probiotics have to work. Research has implicated chronic stress in the development of irritable bowel syndrome and in the worsening of inflammatory bowel illness signs. Moreover, stress sensitizes the intestine which will increase the likelihood of one more acne culprit-- growing allergies to sure foods.
It is environmentally-pleasant
45 and ninety Degrees Herringbone
Asphalt wants upkeep consisting of seal coating, crack filling, and different forgotten expenses
It's durable
Have they got in-depth data of the present technologies and strategies
Recycled Rubber
Do not confuse poor high quality sheds with low cost sheds. Many of us who're discovering their houses merely aren't giant enough would like a fantastic shed but are concerned they only don't have sufficient funds to get a the shed they need. Effectively, whereas this could be true for some, but it's actually possible to construct cheap sheds if you don't thoughts placing within the work and taking your time to seek out supplies. There are a variety of choices to think about. You should buy some very low cost shed kits. Sadly, for many of those kits the emphasis actually is on "low-cost". If your home is a part of a home Homeowners Association (HOA), it is best to fastidiously look at your covenants, codes, and restrictions (CC&Rs). Your constructing may have to be authorized by the HOA board, previous to starting your mission. Some things they may consider are aesthetics, together with but not restricted to color, dimension, roofing materials, and landscaping surrounding the shed. When deciding on where you need to build your shed, consider its operate. Will you need a large door or a double door or particular access to the door, including a sidewalk or stepping stones? The Persian affect in backyard fountains was felt within the enclosure of the gardens and swimming pools, the structure of which had been meant to simulate the heavens. Many of these gardens inspired the famous Persian carpet designs that have persisted to this present day. Roman society was intricately tied to the bathing ritual, and particularly loved water options in the gardens intertwined with the public baths. In the recent deserts of the Center East, the desert oasis offered the inspiration for the historic Persian-impressed paradise gardens. Garden fountains harmonize water and are designed to meet both practical and aesthetic functions. Fountains embody symbolic, artistic and social concepts as they enliven locations and reinvigorate people. However not like sandstone is a much tougher material but manageable with a diamond blade. Bluestone comes in a large number of sizes and some fascinating patterns (Ashlar is a popular one!) Though not quite as mandatory as sandstone a good high quality sealer can also be a good suggestion. I tend to recommend a penetrating sealer with bluestone. Concrete pavers: Of all paving this kind had the widest vary in terms of color, sizes and patterns. This sort of paving is usually a low priced and quality paving (like C&M pavers) or a excessive priced/ high end paving (Anston paving is a good instance). The massive vary of concrete paving can be overwhelming, and i are likely to advocate the medium to excessive finish pavers (until you've gotten a tight price range in fact). Assume about color and magnificence and finances and that ought to help narrow your search down. See the outline of supplies which the sheds are manufactured from. If it is fabricated from wood, be certain that it is manufactured using industrial grade wood. In any case, a great selection can be steel mannequin as it's designed to last years.. Moreover, it is important to know what size is correct for all of your things that you simply want to retailer. So it's a must to record the gadgets that take up ground space in shed and measure their lengths and widths. Putting a shed together generally is a time-consuming process, so it is all the time sensible to observe installation instruction and equip your self with obligatory tools to do the job. Though steel sheds will be constructed sooner than wooden sheds, they don't include the natural attraction of wooden shed. With a wooden shed, individuals can recast the shed's look in response to their imagination and creativity. Once you perceive your needs, it's time for shopping. Typically, they can present in nearly any home hardware retailer.
The only good news about this whole, awful thing is when a pet owner pulls into the driveway they come home to their pets 100% of the time. — Mancipium Avem (@cis_76) November 28, 2017
Firstly there is the kind that has feminine connectors on two sides and male connectors on the opposite two sides. Typically talking, the female connectors are a sequence of loops which mesh with the pins on the other two sides. There are additionally tiles on the market which are successfully a technique connectors. Once you click the tiles into place, you can't simply elevate them up once more. Some manufacturers solely supply one design of deck tile, generally with four slats of wood working in the identical course. Generally there may be an option of a five or six slat tile. You may verify every measurement, not that you're going to have to, these are professionally drawn plans, but made for the absolute beginner. My Shed Plans Elite also comes with detailed full color illustrations and section drawings, some of the drawings are "cut away" views exhibiting exactly how all the pieces suits collectively, so you can't possibly get it mistaken. And of course they inform you exactly what kind of timber is finest for each job and which screws or nails it is best to use. Have you ever ever gone to buy building materials and felt like a real idiot just since you didn't really know what you wanted to get?
2 notes · View notes
blueissocool · 7 years
10 Things Your Boss Needs To Know About The sheds Industry.
Want a 30’x12’ backyard workshop? patio slabs (mouse click the up coming post) Door locations, quantity and location of home windows, peak of roof, total dimension of your shed… When you have something specific in mind - simply name us. We ask each buyer to offer us suggestions. Each single one. Our rating? Every single customer for whom we've built, provided and erected a quality garden shed, has been delighted. Try our critiques on our Fb site, lower down this page or dotted across our website. Our quality and durability far surpasses a lot of the sheds you will find elsewhere. One in all crucial but least remembered components of the house is the driveway. This space is predicted to final for years since it is presupposed to be powerful, however it's not immune to break over time. Certainly one of crucial but least remembered components of the home is the driveway. This area is expected to final for years since it is speculated to be tough, but it is not immune to wreck over time. If you wish to avoid having to pay for major repairs after a few years, consider some methods to maintain it in good shape. Step one to avoid major driveway repair is to keep cracks small as soon as they seem. Paving sealants are the materials that make a pavement last longer. It enables the pavement to look new all the time. This is an important factor in making our homes as stunning as we ever dreamt it to be. That is why we want which can be driveways or other elements of our home to have a paving sealant that can last longer. Therefore, we might attempt to look for such products which can be already examined by time and are really top-of-the-line. Imagine if we have now the very best product round. It'll make our homes as beautiful because it ought to all the time be. It would make our pavements look as all the time new as it's paved the primary time. When you've got ever been to a hospital, neighbor’s dwelling or hospital, you will realize that the type of flooring will fluctuate. Polished floors make use of concrete sprucing that may be a floor substance polished to achieve a sure look. Polished concrete is a really generic term that pertains to some decorative options for flooring that end up leaving a concrete floor uncovered because the last closing and last floor finishing. The sprucing process may be very complicated, and it involves a number of technical points that include, making it dense, leveling, sharpening and sealing the flooring whereas inside the concrete surface. It has turn out to be a extremely frequent factor in most of the places around the globe as a result of most people admire its beauty and likewise as a result of a number of locations can not stand having some other types of floor. There are lots of places where concrete sharpening is used. Backyard fountains are the most well-liked decorative equipment used in the gardens that assist improve the ambiance manifold. Expert craftsmen, dexterously design fountains that carry peace and serenity in the atmosphere. Lending an ornamental look to the backyard, fountains include enticing lightning systems and coloured flowing water. They add definite character to the backyard by beautifying its overall look. Complimenting all kinds of garden settings, the backyard fountains are carved out in variety of contemporary and traditional types and shapes together with - human figurines, saints, fairies, birds, animals, flowers in addition to abstracts. To encourage probiotics from these dairy products to multiply even additional, Huffnagle suggests consuming foods like spices, tea, purple wine, berries, apples and beans. Not solely do you have to reduce stress as a result of analysis teams at Wake Forrest College found that stress aggravates acne prone skin, but stress additionally weakens the colon the place probiotics need to work. Analysis has implicated chronic stress in the development of irritable bowel syndrome and within the worsening of inflammatory bowel disease signs. Moreover, stress sensitizes the gut which increases the chance of yet one more acne culprit-- creating allergies to certain foods.
It's environmentally-pleasant
45 and ninety Levels Herringbone
Asphalt wants upkeep consisting of seal coating, crack filling, and different forgotten expenses
It is durable
Have they got in-depth knowledge of the current technologies and methods
Recycled Rubber
Do not confuse poor quality sheds with low cost sheds. Many of us who're finding their houses simply aren't large enough would like a great shed however are concerned they only do not have adequate funds to get a the shed they need. Properly, while this is likely to be true for some, but it's definitely doable to build low-cost sheds if you do not mind placing within the work and taking your time to seek out materials. There are quite a lot of options to contemplate. You can buy some very cheap shed kits. Sadly, for many of these kits the emphasis really is on "cheap". If your private home is a part of a home Homeowners Affiliation (HOA), you need to fastidiously look at your covenants, codes, and restrictions (CC&Rs). Your constructing may have to be accepted by the HOA board, prior to starting your venture. Some issues they could consider are aesthetics, including but not restricted to shade, measurement, roofing material, and landscaping surrounding the shed. When deciding on where you need to construct your shed, consider its operate. Will you want a big door or a double door or particular access to the door, together with a sidewalk or stepping stones? The Persian affect in backyard fountains was felt within the enclosure of the gardens and swimming pools, the structure of which were meant to simulate the heavens. Many of these gardens impressed the well-known Persian carpet designs which have persisted to at the present time. Roman society was intricately tied to the bathing ritual, and significantly enjoyed water options in the gardens intertwined with the public baths. In the hot deserts of the Center East, the desert oasis provided the inspiration for the ancient Persian-impressed paradise gardens. Garden fountains harmonize water and are designed to fulfill both practical and aesthetic purposes. Fountains embody symbolic, inventive and social ideas as they enliven places and reinvigorate folks. But unlike sandstone is a a lot tougher materials however manageable with a diamond blade. Bluestone is available in a large variety of sizes and some interesting patterns (Ashlar is a well-liked one!) Although not fairly as obligatory as sandstone a great high quality sealer is also a good suggestion. I tend to recommend a penetrating sealer with bluestone. Concrete pavers: Of all paving this sort had the widest vary in terms of colour, sizes and patterns. The sort of paving can be a low priced and quality paving (like C&M pavers) or a high priced/ excessive end paving (Anston paving is a good instance). The large range of concrete paving will be overwhelming, and that i are inclined to advocate the medium to high finish pavers (except you might have a tight price range in fact). Think about colour and style and price range and that should help slender your search down. See the description of supplies which the sheds are made from. Whether it is made from wooden, ensure that it is manufactured utilizing business grade wood. POWER AGGREGATES In any case, a great selection would be metal model as it is designed to final years.. Besides, it is very important know what size is right for all your things that you just wish to retailer. So you must record the objects that take up flooring space in shed and measure their lengths and widths. Putting a shed collectively could be a time-consuming job, so it is always smart to follow set up instruction and equip yourself with obligatory tools to do the job. Although metallic sheds can be built sooner than picket sheds, they do not comprise the natural attraction of wooden shed. With a wood shed, people can recast the shed's look in response to their imagination and creativity. When you understand your needs, it is time for procuring. Typically, they'll present in almost any dwelling hardware store.
The only good news about this whole, awful thing is when a pet owner pulls into the driveway they come home to their pets 100% of the time. — Mancipium Avem (@cis_76) November 28, 2017
Firstly there's the kind that has feminine connectors on two sides and male connectors on the opposite two sides. Generally speaking, the feminine connectors are a collection of loops which mesh with the pins on the other two sides. There are additionally tiles available on the market which are successfully a technique connectors. Once you click on the tiles into place, you can't simply raise them up once more. Some manufacturers solely provide one design of deck tile, usually with four slats of wood operating in the same route. Sometimes there is an choice of a 5 or 6 slat tile. You'll be able to check every measurement, not that you're going to have to, these are professionally drawn plans, however made for absolutely the newbie. My Shed Plans Elite also comes with detailed full colour illustrations and part drawings, among the drawings are "minimize away" views displaying precisely how all the pieces suits collectively, so you cannot presumably get it unsuitable. And naturally they inform you exactly what sort of timber is greatest for each job and which screws or nails it's best to use. Have you ever ever gone to purchase construction materials and felt like an actual idiot just because you didn't really know what you wanted to get?
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bc9world · 8 years
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Artist Spotlight Album In Review AQUSONICA BC⚡︎➒ REMASTERED March 6, 2017 | The original 2014 BC9 title track “Going On” derives from an actual need to go on after the artist’s near-fatal accident that nearly left him paralyzed for life. He had to keep going on. He had to keep making music and changing our lives, because that’s what an artist does - they keep the show going no matter what the rest of the world thinks or says - in order to not overcome, but to expose that which needs to be overcome.Fast forward to 2017 with the remastered version of Aquasonica on the horizon. The album that started it all is back and renewed for new audiences and old alike - but does it have the same feel as the original? Let’s break it down and see what we can find.Let’s start with the original Aquasonica. In its own right this track had a great introduction with a bass guitar line underlying the vocals calling out the “baddest DJ in the land” BC9 before dropping right into synthesizer and drum. The song takes off running and uses dissonant waves of synthesizer concurrent with staccato breaks of drum. We hear this now in most modern drum and bass, but for its time, this was pretty original. About half-way into the song the synthesizer drops an octave and the breaks in the drums are more sporadic, creating a more dynamic shift that is quickly followed up by keyboards that now serve as the base melody.Jumping to the remastered version we lose the intro, which is fine, we know who BC9 is by now or we wouldn’t be picking this up. Straight music right out the gate with the familiar quick drum and cymbal, but then there’s a sound that’s new: a single drop of synthesizer that sends out reverberating waves, almost as if BC9 is rewinding the same section of a tape over and over. It’s that moment, that singular moment, when this album changed the sound of his life. The sound is cleaner, but it almost echoes instead of leading, which provides the listener both a crisp retake of what we already know with some new sounds subtly entered in to keep us on our toes and wanting more.Something for your mind, body, and soul is what the next track, “Jungle Music,” promises. Immediately the song dives into a bongo thuddy sound with a synthesizer warp fading in an out. About a minute in we get a break with a little bit of tin tinging before the bongo and warp are joined by a more subtle snare drum that grabs and pulls you in deeper. The layering is superb, subtle, and just enough to hold you until the keyboard kicks in and seals the deal. A great track that brings the South African roots of drum and bass to the concrete jungle that houses raves and mixes for a new kind of wild animal.One of my favorite pieces in the entire album has got to be Plat-Numb-Night Crawler. There’s this subtle faded crescendo-decrescendo in the beginning that leads to a single drop of synthesizer like in Aquasonica. Only this time that drop doesn’t send out waves that reverberate throughout the song - it signals the end of a tape that must be rewound and played again. The next set of synthesizers sound like a VHS tape being rewound while the TV is turned on. For those millennial out there, VHS tapes are those thick enclosures that housed film that you could record movies and TV shows onto. I know, archaic, but that’s what it was like back in the day before digital, and I think that’s the point of this song: as we rewind the old the new tinny snare continues right over it and creates something new. Finally our VHS gets to where it needs to be and we hear the sound of an old organ behind our snare drums. This doesn’t last long before an old recording comes on and warns the listener they should hang up and try again. The past is gone. The “try again” is a newer, cleaner, keyboard-drum mixture that leads in a break with a synthesizer that is much more clear. We have lost the echo of the past and now have a rich new sound. This is not a palimpsest of something old; this is the sound of a new night with new memories waiting to be found.For now I’m going to conclude this portion of the review, as most of you are probably already thinking, “Damn this guy writes a lot!” And you would be right. I do. It’s my thing. But there is more to come in part two of this review, so keep listening for that heartbeat
Welcome back. I’m glad you found us again. Did you rest well after our last session? I hope you did, because you’re going to need it because it’s time to talk dirty. There are two versions of BC9’s “Talk Dirty,” and while both may at first glance seem to be the same. I assure you, if you are truly turned on by this music, you need both of these sounds in your life.
To say these are hot and steamy would be underrating the performance in this title. There’s an epic feeling when the first keyboard stroke is hit. It reminds me of the old THX ba-BA-BUM-BUM! - only it never gets beyond the first note. Then there’s what sounds like something dropping, a thud, and the epic note tries again. It’s like watching a man with bravado trying to hit on a woman and her slapping him down with each one-liner until finally he gets it right as she says, “So you like it when the bass growls?” Hell yeah we do! I mean… Yes, ma’am, we do.
The main difference between these two versions, the original and the new remastered, is the amount of hot and steamy dirty talk. There’s mention of removing clothes, the beating of drums, coming inside, and other adult innuendos - but that’s not what you really wanted to hear about, right? You’re here for the music, not the sultry voices and heavy breathing. But the truth is that is what this song is in its heart of hearts; the beats don’t really change much. There’s the continual epic rise and fall from the beginning, some snare drums to keep up the atmosphere, and the occasional angelic-like synthesizer to remind the listener that this is not a song about sex as much as it is foreplay, so don’t expect the tune to change into porno music. The second version of the song does have clearer beats, but they aren’t overpowering the vocal narration, so there is better atmosphere to illuminate what we really want to know about: talking dirty about music.
Out of all of the songs on this album “Going On” is the one I would recommend reading up on before you read this review. I could go into detail about the history of the song, but I think it’s better than you jump on that one yourself so this review isn’t horribly longer than it should be. I briefly mentioned this piece in the beginning of the first review, but I want to get into it more here. I said that the music revealed what needed to be changed, what needed to be adjusted, in order for us to move on. The first time I heard this work I didn’t think it was too special honestly. I thought it sounded good, sure, but it was the same thing over and over again without much variation. And then I heard this version, which is much richer and clearer, and I realized I had missed the point.
I feel that the point to Going On is that life is a series of repetitions and mundane dissonance from everything and everyone. We are always moving and moving like the snare drum, repeating the mantra that gets us through the day, whatever what may be. We are always on the go, but not going on. That’s the great fallacy that this song reveals: to live your life thinking that there’s no changes and you are just going through the motions means you are not moving on - not going on - and you are not surviving. That is what this song is about. There’s a video you can watch of the original version that I believe is essential to the overall experience. Go find it, buy this remastered version, and listen to the difference. Perhaps it will speak to you, too.
Liquid Blue is exactly what you would expect from its title: it’s a calming liquid drum and base sound with little variation. I would say that if going on is about revealing the dissonance we have as human beings within a busy world, Liquid Blue is the mantra title. There’s a little jazz mixed in, some cool breaks with drums and keyboard, a little syncopation here and there, but ultimately the same notes repeat to remind us of where we stand in the world. This is the meditation tune.
My favorite song in the entire album though has to be the last one, Night Stalker. This thing is so good that it could be the title song to any many television show. It’s so layered and the tune is perfect for anything from medical drama to Marvel Comics. My biggest complaint about drum and bass is that so much of it sounds the same and variation is so hard to come by, and even if you do get it, it just repeats over and over. I love the fact that this sound is drum and bass without being generic. This to me is the track that breaks the mold and shows what a true musician BC9 really is.
While the world goes on, BC9 is going on, and the fractured parts of the world are being exposed in every new title. While some may not be as lackluster as others, each one serves it purpose in the grand scheme of things. Each one a new détournement of the music industry without being a palimpsest. You should look up those words if you don’t know them, because buddy, I promise you, those are the way of the world. BC9 is the way of the world. And we are just getting started.
JUNGLE MUSIC . Jungle music is a rare blend of Jungle and drum and bass. I love both genres so much that I wanted to create a song that incorporated both style within this track that debuted on BC#9’s 2014 release “Aquasonica”.The little known fact is that the title track off that album Aquasonica was such a hit when it dropped that I remixed it and released it as a single named “Jungle Music”. Not many people realized that and when they bought the album after the fact were disappointed that Jungle music did not appear on Aquasonica originally. So here is my brand new video and the link to iTunes if you wish to support the artist and buy it. Cheers ☆ DJ🤖BC№9☆📻 itunes.apple.com/us/album/jungle-music-single/id906014397
This Liquid Blue is a more uptempo, head bobbing track that instantly makes you want to get up and dance around the room. I challenge anyone to listening to this song and not smile as its foot tapping drum pattern starts to make your limbs and body become automatically influenced by the song and its emotion. With some thoughtful and suggestion synths in place but leaving the drum pattern as the main element, this track is one of my PERSONAL favorites from the album. Dj MalcolmMx dnbasslines.comdnb #liquid dnbbc#9 #DNB◉UNITED RECORDS
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ne-dosta-je · 7 years
5 Facts You Never Knew About sheds.
Want a 30’x12’ garden workshop? patio slabs (mouse click the up coming post) Door places, number and site of windows, peak of roof, total dimension of your shed… When you have something particular in mind - just call us. We ask each buyer to present us feedback. Every single one. Our rating? Every single buyer for whom we have built, provided and erected a quality garden shed, has been delighted. Take a look at our evaluations on our Facebook site, lower down this page or dotted throughout our website. Our high quality and sturdiness far surpasses most of the sheds you’ll find elsewhere. One in all the most important however least remembered parts of the home is the driveway. This space is anticipated to last for years since it is imagined to be robust, but it’s not immune to break over time. One in all the most important however least remembered elements of the house is the driveway. This area is anticipated to final for years since it is imagined to be tough, however it’s not immune to wreck over time. If you wish to keep away from having to pay for main repairs after a number of years, consider some ways to keep it in good condition. Step one to avoid major driveway repair is to maintain cracks small once they appear. Paving sealants are the materials that make a pavement last longer. poweraggregates It allows the pavement to look new all the time. This is a vital think about making our homes as stunning as we ever dreamt it to be. That is why we wish which are driveways or different parts of our home to have a paving sealant that may last longer. Due to this fact, we might try to search for such products which can be already examined by time and are actually prime-of-the-line. Think about if we’ve got the perfect product round. It can make our homes as lovely because it should at all times be. It will make our pavements look as all the time new as it is paved the primary time. When you’ve got ever been to a hospital, neighbor’s house or hospital, you will notice that the kind of flooring will differ. Polished floors make use of concrete sprucing that may be a ground substance polished to realize a sure look. Polished concrete is a really generic term that pertains to some decorative alternatives for flooring that end up leaving a concrete floor uncovered as the final final and last floor ending. The sharpening course of is very complicated, and it includes a number of technical points that include, making it dense, leveling, sharpening and sealing the floor whereas contained in the concrete floor. It has turn into a highly frequent thing in most of the locations all over the world because the general public recognize its beauty and likewise because several locations cannot stand having another varieties of flooring. There are lots of places the place concrete sprucing is used. Backyard fountains are the preferred decorative equipment used within the gardens that help enhance the ambiance manifold. Skilled craftsmen, dexterously design fountains that deliver peace and serenity in the setting. Lending an ornamental look to the backyard, fountains include attractive lightning techniques and coloured flowing water. They add particular character to the garden by beautifying its total look. Complimenting all kinds of backyard settings, the backyard fountains are carved out in variety of contemporary and traditional kinds and shapes together with - human figurines, saints, fairies, birds, animals, flowers as well as abstracts. To encourage probiotics from these dairy products to multiply even further, Huffnagle suggests consuming foods like spices, tea, crimson wine, berries, apples and beans. Not only should you minimize stress as a result of analysis teams at Wake Forrest University found that stress aggravates acne prone skin, but stress additionally weakens the colon the place probiotics have to work. Research has implicated chronic stress in the development of irritable bowel syndrome and in the worsening of inflammatory bowel illness signs. Moreover, stress sensitizes the intestine which will increase the likelihood of one more acne culprit– growing allergies to sure foods.
It is environmentally-pleasant
45 and ninety Degrees Herringbone
Asphalt wants upkeep consisting of seal coating, crack filling, and different forgotten expenses
It’s durable
Have they got in-depth data of the present technologies and strategies
Recycled Rubber
Do not confuse poor high quality sheds with low cost sheds. Many of us who’re discovering their houses merely aren’t giant enough would like a fantastic shed but are concerned they only don’t have sufficient funds to get a the shed they need. Effectively, whereas this could be true for some, but it’s actually possible to construct cheap sheds if you don’t thoughts placing within the work and taking your time to seek out supplies. There are a variety of choices to think about. You should buy some very low cost shed kits. Sadly, for many of those kits the emphasis actually is on “low-cost”. If your home is a part of a home Homeowners Association (HOA), it is best to fastidiously look at your covenants, codes, and restrictions (CC&Rs). Your constructing may have to be authorized by the HOA board, previous to starting your mission. Some things they may consider are aesthetics, together with but not restricted to color, dimension, roofing materials, and landscaping surrounding the shed. When deciding on where you need to build your shed, consider its operate. Will you need a large door or a double door or particular access to the door, including a sidewalk or stepping stones? The Persian affect in backyard fountains was felt within the enclosure of the gardens and swimming pools, the structure of which had been meant to simulate the heavens. Many of these gardens inspired the famous Persian carpet designs that have persisted to this present day. Roman society was intricately tied to the bathing ritual, and particularly loved water options in the gardens intertwined with the public baths. In the recent deserts of the Center East, the desert oasis offered the inspiration for the historic Persian-impressed paradise gardens. Garden fountains harmonize water and are designed to meet both practical and aesthetic functions. Fountains embody symbolic, artistic and social concepts as they enliven locations and reinvigorate people. However not like sandstone is a much tougher material but manageable with a diamond blade. Bluestone comes in a large number of sizes and some fascinating patterns (Ashlar is a popular one!) Though not quite as mandatory as sandstone a good high quality sealer can also be a good suggestion. I tend to recommend a penetrating sealer with bluestone. Concrete pavers: Of all paving this kind had the widest vary in terms of color, sizes and patterns. This sort of paving is usually a low priced and quality paving (like C&M pavers) or a excessive priced/ high end paving (Anston paving is a good instance). The massive vary of concrete paving can be overwhelming, and i are likely to advocate the medium to excessive finish pavers (until you’ve gotten a tight price range in fact). Assume about color and magnificence and finances and that ought to help narrow your search down. See the outline of supplies which the sheds are manufactured from. If it is fabricated from wood, be certain that it is manufactured using industrial grade wood. In any case, a great selection can be steel mannequin as it’s designed to last years.. Moreover, it is important to know what size is correct for all of your things that you simply want to retailer. So it’s a must to record the gadgets that take up ground space in shed and measure their lengths and widths. Putting a shed together generally is a time-consuming process, so it is all the time sensible to observe installation instruction and equip your self with obligatory tools to do the job. Though steel sheds will be constructed sooner than wooden sheds, they don’t include the natural attraction of wooden shed. With a wooden shed, individuals can recast the shed’s look in response to their imagination and creativity. Once you perceive your needs, it’s time for shopping. Typically, they can present in nearly any home hardware retailer.
The only good news about this whole, awful thing is when a pet owner pulls into the driveway they come home to their pets 100% of the time. — Mancipium Avem (@cis_76) November 28, 2017
Firstly there is the kind that has feminine connectors on two sides and male connectors on the opposite two sides. Typically talking, the female connectors are a sequence of loops which mesh with the pins on the other two sides. There are additionally tiles on the market which are successfully a technique connectors. Once you click the tiles into place, you can’t simply elevate them up once more. Some manufacturers solely supply one design of deck tile, generally with four slats of wood working in the identical course. Generally there may be an option of a five or six slat tile. You may verify every measurement, not that you’re going to have to, these are professionally drawn plans, but made for the absolute beginner. My Shed Plans Elite also comes with detailed full color illustrations and section drawings, some of the drawings are “cut away” views exhibiting exactly how all the pieces suits collectively, so you can’t possibly get it mistaken. And of course they inform you exactly what kind of timber is finest for each job and which screws or nails it is best to use. Have you ever ever gone to buy building materials and felt like a real idiot just since you didn’t really know what you wanted to get?
0 notes
presentforcats · 7 years
10 Things Your Boss Needs To Know About The sheds Industry.
Want a 30’x12’ backyard workshop? patio slabs (mouse click the up coming post) Door locations, quantity and location of home windows, peak of roof, total dimension of your shed… When you have something specific in mind - simply name us. We ask each buyer to offer us suggestions. Each single one. Our rating? Every single customer for whom we’ve built, provided and erected a quality garden shed, has been delighted. Try our critiques on our Fb site, lower down this page or dotted across our website. Our quality and durability far surpasses a lot of the sheds you will find elsewhere. One in all crucial but least remembered components of the house is the driveway. This space is predicted to final for years since it is presupposed to be powerful, however it’s not immune to break over time. Certainly one of crucial but least remembered components of the home is the driveway. This area is expected to final for years since it is speculated to be tough, but it is not immune to wreck over time. If you wish to avoid having to pay for major repairs after a few years, consider some methods to maintain it in good shape. Step one to avoid major driveway repair is to keep cracks small as soon as they seem. Paving sealants are the materials that make a pavement last longer. It enables the pavement to look new all the time. This is an important factor in making our homes as stunning as we ever dreamt it to be. That is why we want which can be driveways or other elements of our home to have a paving sealant that can last longer. Therefore, we might attempt to look for such products which can be already examined by time and are really top-of-the-line. Imagine if we have now the very best product round. It’ll make our homes as beautiful because it ought to all the time be. It would make our pavements look as all the time new as it’s paved the primary time. When you’ve got ever been to a hospital, neighbor’s dwelling or hospital, you will realize that the type of flooring will fluctuate. Polished floors make use of concrete sprucing that may be a floor substance polished to achieve a sure look. Polished concrete is a really generic term that pertains to some decorative options for flooring that end up leaving a concrete floor uncovered because the last closing and last floor finishing. The sprucing process may be very complicated, and it involves a number of technical points that include, making it dense, leveling, sharpening and sealing the flooring whereas inside the concrete surface. It has turn out to be a extremely frequent factor in most of the places around the globe as a result of most people admire its beauty and likewise as a result of a number of locations can not stand having some other types of floor. There are lots of places where concrete sharpening is used. Backyard fountains are the most well-liked decorative equipment used in the gardens that assist improve the ambiance manifold. Expert craftsmen, dexterously design fountains that carry peace and serenity in the atmosphere. Lending an ornamental look to the backyard, fountains include enticing lightning systems and coloured flowing water. They add definite character to the backyard by beautifying its overall look. Complimenting all kinds of garden settings, the backyard fountains are carved out in variety of contemporary and traditional types and shapes together with - human figurines, saints, fairies, birds, animals, flowers in addition to abstracts. To encourage probiotics from these dairy products to multiply even additional, Huffnagle suggests consuming foods like spices, tea, purple wine, berries, apples and beans. Not solely do you have to reduce stress as a result of analysis teams at Wake Forrest College found that stress aggravates acne prone skin, but stress additionally weakens the colon the place probiotics need to work. Analysis has implicated chronic stress in the development of irritable bowel syndrome and within the worsening of inflammatory bowel disease signs. Moreover, stress sensitizes the gut which increases the chance of yet one more acne culprit– creating allergies to certain foods.
It’s environmentally-pleasant
45 and ninety Levels Herringbone
Asphalt wants upkeep consisting of seal coating, crack filling, and different forgotten expenses
It is durable
Have they got in-depth knowledge of the current technologies and methods
Recycled Rubber
Do not confuse poor quality sheds with low cost sheds. Many of us who’re finding their houses simply aren’t large enough would like a great shed however are concerned they only do not have adequate funds to get a the shed they need. Properly, while this is likely to be true for some, but it’s definitely doable to build low-cost sheds if you do not mind placing within the work and taking your time to seek out materials. There are quite a lot of options to contemplate. You can buy some very cheap shed kits. Sadly, for many of these kits the emphasis really is on “cheap”. If your private home is a part of a home Homeowners Affiliation (HOA), you need to fastidiously look at your covenants, codes, and restrictions (CC&Rs). Your constructing may have to be accepted by the HOA board, prior to starting your venture. Some issues they could consider are aesthetics, including but not restricted to shade, measurement, roofing material, and landscaping surrounding the shed. When deciding on where you need to construct your shed, consider its operate. Will you want a big door or a double door or particular access to the door, together with a sidewalk or stepping stones? The Persian affect in backyard fountains was felt within the enclosure of the gardens and swimming pools, the structure of which were meant to simulate the heavens. Many of these gardens impressed the well-known Persian carpet designs which have persisted to at the present time. Roman society was intricately tied to the bathing ritual, and significantly enjoyed water options in the gardens intertwined with the public baths. In the hot deserts of the Center East, the desert oasis provided the inspiration for the ancient Persian-impressed paradise gardens. Garden fountains harmonize water and are designed to fulfill both practical and aesthetic purposes. Fountains embody symbolic, inventive and social ideas as they enliven places and reinvigorate folks. But unlike sandstone is a a lot tougher materials however manageable with a diamond blade. Bluestone is available in a large variety of sizes and some interesting patterns (Ashlar is a well-liked one!) Although not fairly as obligatory as sandstone a great high quality sealer is also a good suggestion. I tend to recommend a penetrating sealer with bluestone. Concrete pavers: Of all paving this sort had the widest vary in terms of colour, sizes and patterns. The sort of paving can be a low priced and quality paving (like C&M pavers) or a high priced/ excessive end paving (Anston paving is a good instance). The large range of concrete paving will be overwhelming, and that i are inclined to advocate the medium to high finish pavers (except you might have a tight price range in fact). Think about colour and style and price range and that should help slender your search down. See the description of supplies which the sheds are made from. Whether it is made from wooden, ensure that it is manufactured utilizing business grade wood. POWER AGGREGATES In any case, a great selection would be metal model as it is designed to final years.. Besides, it is very important know what size is right for all your things that you just wish to retailer. So you must record the objects that take up flooring space in shed and measure their lengths and widths. Putting a shed collectively could be a time-consuming job, so it is always smart to follow set up instruction and equip yourself with obligatory tools to do the job. Although metallic sheds can be built sooner than picket sheds, they do not comprise the natural attraction of wooden shed. With a wood shed, people can recast the shed’s look in response to their imagination and creativity. When you understand your needs, it is time for procuring. Typically, they’ll present in almost any dwelling hardware store.
The only good news about this whole, awful thing is when a pet owner pulls into the driveway they come home to their pets 100% of the time. — Mancipium Avem (@cis_76) November 28, 2017
Firstly there’s the kind that has feminine connectors on two sides and male connectors on the opposite two sides. Generally speaking, the feminine connectors are a collection of loops which mesh with the pins on the other two sides. There are additionally tiles available on the market which are successfully a technique connectors. Once you click on the tiles into place, you can’t simply raise them up once more. Some manufacturers solely provide one design of deck tile, usually with four slats of wood operating in the same route. Sometimes there is an choice of a 5 or 6 slat tile. You’ll be able to check every measurement, not that you’re going to have to, these are professionally drawn plans, however made for absolutely the newbie. My Shed Plans Elite also comes with detailed full colour illustrations and part drawings, among the drawings are “minimize away” views displaying precisely how all the pieces suits collectively, so you cannot presumably get it unsuitable. And naturally they inform you exactly what sort of timber is greatest for each job and which screws or nails it’s best to use. Have you ever ever gone to purchase construction materials and felt like an actual idiot just because you didn’t really know what you wanted to get?
0 notes
15 Stereotypes About paving products That Aren\'t Always True.
Need a 30’x12’ backyard workshop? patio slabs (mouse click the up coming post) Door areas, number and placement of windows, peak of roof, general size of your shed… You probably have something particular in thoughts - simply name us. We ask each customer to present us suggestions. Every single one. Our rating? Each single customer for whom we've got built, provided and erected a quality garden shed, has been delighted. Check out our reviews on our Fb site, decrease down this web page or dotted throughout our website. Our high quality and durability far surpasses a lot of the sheds you will find elsewhere. One in all a very powerful however least remembered components of the home is the driveway. This space is expected to last for years since it's presupposed to be robust, however it is not immune to break over time. One in all crucial however least remembered elements of the house is the driveway. This space is anticipated to final for years since it's alleged to be tough, but it isn't immune to break over time. If you want to keep away from having to pay for major repairs after just a few years, consider some methods to keep it in good condition. The first step to avoid main driveway repair is to keep cracks small once they seem. Paving sealants are the supplies that make a pavement final longer. It permits the pavement to look new all the time. This is an important factor in making our properties as stunning as we ever dreamt it to be. That is why we would like which might be driveways or other parts of our home to have a paving sealant that will final longer. Subsequently, we might try to look for such merchandise which are already tested by time and are really high-of-the-line. Think about if we have now the best product around. It will make our homes as stunning because it should all the time be. It should make our pavements look as at all times new as it is paved the first time. from this source You probably have ever been to a hospital, neighbor’s house or hospital, you'll realize that the kind of flooring will fluctuate. Polished floors make use of concrete polishing that is a ground substance polished to attain a sure look. Polished concrete is a really generic term that relates to some decorative options for flooring that find yourself leaving a concrete floor exposed because the last remaining and last flooring ending. The polishing course of may be very advanced, and it entails a number of technical issues that include, making it dense, leveling, sprucing and sealing the floor whereas contained in the concrete floor. It has become a extremely frequent factor in most of the locations all over the world because most people admire its beauty and likewise as a result of a number of locations can't stand having another kinds of ground. There are many places the place concrete sharpening is used. Garden fountains are the most well-liked decorative accessories used in the gardens that help improve the ambiance manifold. Skilled craftsmen, dexterously design fountains that deliver peace and serenity in the atmosphere. Lending an ornamental look to the backyard, fountains come with enticing lightning techniques and colored flowing water. They add definite character to the garden by beautifying its total look. Complimenting all sorts of backyard settings, the garden fountains are carved out in variety of contemporary and conventional types and shapes including - human figurines, saints, fairies, birds, animals, flowers in addition to abstracts. To encourage probiotics from these dairy products to multiply even additional, Huffnagle suggests consuming foods like spices, tea, crimson wine, berries, apples and beans. Not only must you reduce stress as a result of research groups at Wake Forrest College found that stress aggravates acne prone pores and skin, but stress also weakens the colon where probiotics need to work. Research has implicated chronic stress in the development of irritable bowel syndrome and in the worsening of inflammatory bowel illness symptoms. Moreover, stress sensitizes the gut which will increase the probability of yet another acne offender-- creating allergies to sure foods.
It's environmentally-friendly
forty five and ninety Degrees Herringbone
Asphalt needs upkeep consisting of seal coating, crack filling, and different forgotten expenses
It's durable
Do they have in-depth data of the present applied sciences and strategies
Recycled Rubber
Do not confuse poor quality sheds with low-cost sheds. Many people who are discovering their houses merely aren't giant enough would like an amazing shed however are involved they only do not have ample funds to get a the shed they want. Effectively, whereas this is perhaps true for some, but it's actually potential to build low cost sheds if you don't mind putting within the work and taking your time to find materials. There are various choices to consider. You should buy some very low cost shed kits. Unfortunately, for many of these kits the emphasis really is on "cheap". If your private home is part of a home Owners Affiliation (HOA), you must carefully examine your covenants, codes, and restrictions (CC&Rs). Your building could have to be accepted by the HOA board, prior to starting your challenge. Some things they might consider are aesthetics, including but not limited to coloration, dimension, roofing materials, and landscaping surrounding the shed. When deciding on where you want to build your shed, consider its function. Will you need a big door or a double door or special access to the door, together with a sidewalk or stepping stones? The Persian affect in backyard fountains was felt in the enclosure of the gardens and swimming pools, the structure of which had been meant to simulate the heavens. Many of those gardens impressed the well-known Persian carpet designs that have persisted to this present day. Roman society was intricately tied to the bathing ritual, and significantly enjoyed water options within the gardens intertwined with the general public baths. In the new deserts of the Middle East, the desert oasis supplied the inspiration for the historic Persian-inspired paradise gardens. Backyard fountains harmonize water and are designed to satisfy both sensible and aesthetic functions. Fountains embody symbolic, artistic and social ideas as they enliven places and reinvigorate people. However not like sandstone is a a lot harder material but manageable with a diamond blade. Bluestone is available in a wide number of sizes and a few interesting patterns (Ashlar is a well-liked one!) Although not quite as necessary as sandstone a very good quality sealer can also be a good suggestion. I are inclined to recommend a penetrating sealer with bluestone. Concrete pavers: Of all paving this kind had the widest range by way of color, sizes and patterns. The sort of paving is usually a low priced and quality paving (like C&M pavers) or a excessive priced/ high end paving (Anston paving is a good instance). The massive range of concrete paving can be overwhelming, and that i are inclined to advocate the medium to high finish pavers (until you may have a tight price range in fact). Assume about color and elegance and price range and that should assist narrow your search down. See the description of supplies which the sheds are product of. Whether it is made from wooden, be certain it's manufactured utilizing business grade wooden. In any case, a superb selection would be metal model as it is designed to final years.. In addition to, you will need to know what measurement is right for all of your things that you just want to retailer. So you must list the items that take up ground house in shed and measure their lengths and widths. Putting a shed together is usually a time-consuming activity, so it is all the time clever to comply with set up instruction and equip your self with vital tools to do the job. Though steel sheds may be constructed sooner than wooden sheds, they don't contain the pure attraction of picket shed. With a picket shed, individuals can recast the shed's look in accordance with their imagination and creativity. Once you perceive your needs, it is time for buying. Sometimes, they will present in nearly any house hardware retailer.
The only good news about this whole, awful thing is when a pet owner pulls into the driveway they come home to their pets 100% of the time. — Mancipium Avem (@cis_76) November 28, 2017
Firstly there is the type that has feminine connectors on two sides and male connectors on the opposite two sides. Usually talking, the feminine connectors are a series of loops which mesh with the pins on the other two sides. There are also tiles on the market that are successfully a method connectors. When you click the tiles into position, you cannot simply raise them up again. Some manufacturers solely supply one design of deck tile, generally with 4 slats of wooden running in the same course. Generally there may be an possibility of a 5 or 6 slat tile. You'll be able to check every measurement, not that you will need to, these are professionally drawn plans, but made for the absolute newbie. My Shed Plans Elite also comes with detailed full colour illustrations and part drawings, a number of the drawings are "reduce away" views showing precisely how all the pieces suits collectively, so that you can't presumably get it wrong. And naturally they tell you exactly what kind of timber is finest for each job and which screws or nails you must use. Have you ever ever gone to buy construction materials and felt like a real idiot just because you didn't really know what you needed to get?
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