#There are many videos of seals swimming into glass
unreadpoppy · 8 months
Anyways, here are my favorite bears
These are not all species of bears, just my faves. Also, no order cause I can't brink myself to rank these babies. Under the cut cause longpost
Beggining with a lesser known one, the only bear species that exists in south america is the Spectecled Bear (also known as the Andean Bear)
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They have this name because of the white/cream markings on their face that can somewhat resemble glasses! As I said before, they're the only south american species of bear and is the last short faced bear alive, and most are found in the Andes. I like them because look at that cute little face and also latino solidarity. Fun fact, Paddington is a specteled bear considering he is from Peru.
Now moving on. She is beauty, she is grace, she is the largest species of bear AND the largest land predator, she is the Polar Bear
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Few fun facts. Polar Bear's scientific name is Ursus maritmus (which would very roughly translate to sea bear) bc of how much time they spend swimming (which also means they are grear swimmers!). They are the most carnivorous of the bears, and imo, they will eat anything that is made of meat. The reason you see so many pictures of mother bears hugging their cubs is because of the cold. Althought, when they are old, their fur is great to protect from the harsh weahter, when they are young they are still vulnerable to it, so mama bears hugs her cubs to keep them warm. Oh and another thing, I discovered that bears can do this thing where they'll find a hole in the ice where seals come up to breath and they just...sit there and wait for it to happen (and they can wait for a LONG time). I love how cute they are when they're young and how fierce they are as adults, and honestly, look at their faces, I love them a lot.
Next, we're back in the american continent, this time with the American Black Bear
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The american black bear has a lot of subspecies, which are mostly different colors than their signature black fur, they are omnivorous (and they will eat anything, like i've seen videos of them eating crabs and moths), and also, they are really good climbers! They are mostly found in North America, and they are a bit more chill, like if you ever encounter a black bear, you can scare it away by making yourself look big and making loud noises. They don't have the shoulder hump that brown bears have, and their ears are more prominent (which makes them so freaking cute.) Also, there has been black bears who have made their dens inside of trees, which i think is cool .
Lastly, this might be cheating, but it's a subspecies of the black bear, which is the Kermode Bear
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Mostly found in British Columbia, the kermode bear is also known as the spirit bear or the ghost bear, due to their white fur (important to note that they do not have albinism, look at their noses and eyes). The gene that makes them white is a recessive gene, so they are very rare. It's believed that they might be more succesful when hunting fish bc of their fur color, which could make the fish believe that they are a cloud. I love how different they are, how rare they are, and how beautiful they look, especially in contrast with the green around them.
As an honourable mention, I'll talke not about a species but an individual bear known was Grizzly 399.
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(she's the mother in case you couldn't tell). She and her cubs can be found in the Yellowstone National Park, and she's the most famous brown bear in the world. She is famous for how many cubs she has had and raised (22 cubs and grandcubs) and she lives in proximity to humans (some believe that the reason she does that is to avoid the male bears when she has cubs). Also she has learned and taught her progeny how to avoid getting hit by cars, and she's a very old bear. (having 27/28 years, which trust me, for bears is a lot and she's still having cubs!). There have been hunters who claimed to have killed Grizzly 399 but they were all lies as she is very alive and well with her cubs. Also, forgot to mention, the reaosn she has had so many cubs is because while most bears give birth to 1 or 2 cubs, 399 often births twins and triplets, and she has had quadruplets which is very rare for most bears (and she raised them succesfully, which is even more impressive).
Anyways, these are my favorite bears.
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solmints-messyocdiary · 5 months
Sea creatures my OCs would like:
Or pov, you're on an aquarium date with them lmao
Finley: Orcas! They're deadly, smart and kinda cute. But he also likes seal because of how goofy they look.
Iris: Moray eel. They're freaky, and their mouths are cool in her head. She also likes anglerfish because the female is like 10 times bigger than the males and she sucks them in her skin lmao.
Odile: Sea slugs (her favorite are the sea bunny and Dirona Albolineata). Also sea angels! They look so peaceful...
The Patron: Jellyfish, his favorite has to be the sea nettle jellyfish. He also finds sea horses charming.
Ophelia: She likes beta fish the most. The colors, how wavy and gorgeous their tail is... also relatable because she's fighting anyone who gets in her personal space lmao.
"Alice": DUMBO OCTOPUS. They're so cute and dumb and she wants to squeeze them and bite them!!! She's pressing her face to the glass every time she sees one.
Arden: He finds penguins really cute and admires the strong paternal vibes of the dads. Would like to pet one.
Hippolyta: Nurse sharks. She really likes nurse sharks. Saves so many cute pictures and videos of sharks hanging around.
DogFace: Guppies, he owns some himself. Watching fish swim around is really relaxing for him. He really enjoys going to the aquarium and has some fish facts to share. Ideal date location for him tbh...
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slushyseals · 3 years
#There are many videos of seals swimming into glass#Kimjia knows her enclosure very well including where the glass is and you can even see her extend her neck#in antici...#...#PATION#of stopping herself on the glass#using the squish of her neck to slow herself at the end#She is being cute and friendly and not hurt in any way#and silly sound effects are added#But there is another video I won't share as it is in poor poor taste#in the other video you see a seal with cloudy eyes swim into the window of their enclosure#And the comments are horrible as it is a bunch of people laughing at the animal for running into the glass it can't see#The seal in the video I'm not going to share is blind#Making fun of that seal is making fun of a disabled animal#A lot of seals and sea lions in zoos and sanctuaries are blind because they cannot survive in the wild#A seal that can see knows every detail of its enclosure and exactly where the glass is#But a blind seal is amazing in that they can even swim at all using their whiskers to 'see' through the vibrations in the water#Unfortunately even though blind people can memorize the layout of their home#when you are sailing through the water it's hard to tell exactly where you are#And these poor animals often end up swimming into the glass they can't see or other objects in their enclosure#Don't laugh at them#Celebrate them for being brave enough to keep swimming despite being blind#And continuing to live their best lives even though they are facing challenges#They are amazing and incredible and deserve our love admiration and support#But of course we can enjoy Kimjia above for she is just being cute and friendly :)
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I’m So Used to Being Broke
Okay so this is my first time writing for Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham, and it’s been a hot minute since I watched the show, so please bare with me. Compilation videos will get me through this or I’ll just rewatch the show, possibly both. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it! The song the fic is based on is Broke by Teddy Swims (I highly recommend it). As always gif and characters are not mine.
Description: Y/N knew Oswald ever since he worked for Fish Mooney, and they had a close bond from the start. When Oswald takes over, he makes sure to share his new found fortune with Y/N
Warnings: mentions of blood and beating a guy up, spoilers for Gotham, cursing in the song lyrics, if I missed anything please let me know
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The sound of screams came from the back alley of Fish Mooney’s club. This was a normal occurrence. When Fish wanted something, she would get it no matter what it took. Even if that meant beating someone half to death.
Oswald simply stood by and held the umbrella above Fish Mooney’s head. That was his job; all he had to do was hold the umbrella. Oswald was looked down on at the club, mostly because others thought that he was weak compared to the rest of Fish’s crew. However, what goes up must come down at some point.
“Boy,” Fish shouted as she glared at Oswald, who having been distracted by the man kneeling on the ground in pain, no longer had the umbrella over Fish Mooney’s delicate hair.
“Sorry,” Oswald mumbled as he approached closer to Fish.
“If you let this hair go frizzy you will be,” Fish Mooney retorted as she looked at the other men. “Keep this guy warm.”
I’m so used to being broke, but not no more
Buying all the things I never could before
Y/N was cleaning glasses at the bar. They met Fish about two years ago, and Fish knew right away that Y/N would make a perfect bartender for her club. Now here they were, working long shifts and having to deal with annoying customers. Money was money though, and Y/N was grateful for the job. Y/N watched as Fish entered in from the back door.
“God, men are such idiots. At least I have someone here who understands how I really feel,” Fish said as she strutted towards the bar. Y/N knew exactly what kind of drink to make her.
Fish Mooney grabbed the glass between her expertly manicured nails and took a sip. She let out a content groan as the alcohol slid down her throat. “I knew this would be the perfect job for you, darling. You actually know how to make a decent drink.”
“Thank you, Ms. Mooney,” Y/N responded with a smile as she whiped down the oak wood of the bar with a cloth.
Like what the hell, top shelf
We gonna toast tonight to temporary wealth
“Please, just call me Fish. We are far past formalities, Y/N. You’re like the daughter I never had.”
Y/N was about to thank her, when a loud ruckus interrupted their conversation. Some of the other guys, including Butch Gilzean, thought it would be amusing to throw a few punches at Oswald. No matter how hard Oswald tried, he was no match for the stronger men. Butch landed a sharp blow that sent Oswald tumbling to the ground.
“Butch that’s enough,” Fish snapped as she leaned against the bar. Y/N ran over to where Oswald was and pulled him to his feet. They then led him over to the bar. Butch simply scoffed at them. “What? I was only having a little fun with Penguin here.”
“Don’t call me that,” Oswald sputtered as the blood from his nose dripped further down his face.
Y/N hated it when Butch or the others called Oswald Penguin. So what if he had a limp? Y/N found it adorable, and Oswald was super sweet in general. Y/N knew how much it bothered Oswald too, and after hearing that nickname spill from Butch’s mouth, it filled them with rage. “Why don’t you just shut your stupid trap and get out of here,” Y/N remarked as they glared daggers at Butch.
“Fine, come on Fish let’s go.”
Fish started to follow, but not before turning back towards Y/N. “Don’t stay to late, lovebirds. Please be sure to lock up before you leave, Y/N.” Fish sent a wink at the two before walking out the back door with Butch. Y/N’s face flushed as she grabbed some tissues from their purse. They placed their hand on the back of Oswald’s neck and cleaned the blood that was starting to harden under Oswald’s nose.
“You don’t have to be so nice to me. You could have just left with the others if you wanted,” Oswald said as his eyes remained on the floor. His pale cheeks however were dusted with a light blush at Y/N’s kind actions.
Y/N simply shook their head. “Those guys are idiots. The only person I care about is you. There, I think that’s the last of the blood.”
Y/N sat back up, and their eyes met with Oswald’s blue-green ones. They couldn’t help but smile. Oswald’s eyes reminded them of a grassy plain filled with streaks of blue wild flowers. They knew Fish had caught on to their crush, but Y/N couldn’t find the right time to tell Oswald how they felt.
Mama told me, “Baby save it,”
Knowing me I probably won’t
“If I get enough money saved up,” Y/N started, “I promise that I’ll get us out of this dump. We can start a new life, and be our own bosses.”
Oswald smiled at the thought. Starting a new life with the person he cared about? Nothing would make him happier. He too had feelings for Y/N, and was the only person in Gotham besides his mother that showed him an ounce of kindness and respect. He didn’t want to ruin that.
“Who knows, maybe our luck will turn around and we’ll have so much money we won’t know what to do with it,” Oswald laughed. Y/N joined in, and the two enjoyed a quick drink before closing up the club.
All this money in my pockets gotta go
I’m so used to being broke
The time did in fact come. Oswald had killed Fish Mooney, or at least to his knowledge assumed that she was dead. Oswald was shaken, and yet he had finally taken out one of the many people that treated him like crap. Oswald entered what used to be Fish’s club, but now it was all his.
No, it wasn’t just his. It was his and Y/N’s. Oswald pulled out his phone and dialed Y/N’s number. He rocked back and forth on his feet as she waited for them to answer.
“Hello? Is everything alright, Ozzie,” Y/N asked.
“Y-Yes, everything is fine. Please, just come down to the club. I have some news,” Oswald stuttered as he quickly hung up the phone. The nickname Y/N had given him always left him flustered.
Y/N hurried as fast as they could to the club. Oswald had sounded concerned, which only made Y/N worry more. Was he hurt? Did one of the boys beat him up again? If that were the case, they were going to take care of it once and for all. Y/N stormed through the door to the club, and flung their jacket into the closest booth. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. However, Fish Mooney is dead,” Oswald declared bluntly. Y/N’s jaw dropped in an instant.
“Oswald, I know I should be worried about how she died, but frankly I don’t care. She was mean to you, and I secretly hated her. So, what do we do now?”
Oswald looked around at the club. “We take over. We design this place how we want, and keep the riches for ourselves. We can finally live the dream that we wanted.”
“I would love that, Oswald.”
The two began to tear down all of the old decorations that adorned the walls of the club. It felt exciting, and in that excitement, Y/N pulled Oswald in for a kiss. It was very short, and despite how bold Y/N was, her confidence instantly faltered. “I’m so sorry, Ozzie. I-I just couldn’t hold my feelings back any longer.”
Oswald took Y/N’s hand and laid a delicate kiss on their knuckles. “No need to apologize, dove. In fact, what better way to seal our new partnership than with a kiss.”
Y/N smiled at his words, relieved that their feelings were reciprocated. The two embraced each other once again, their lips meeting in a slow but passionate kiss. The two then got back to what they were doing before. Oswald and Y/N were so used to being broke, but now they would have money and new found love to fulfill their lives.
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tisfan · 4 years
Hey, are you still doing those prompts? If yes, would you write some IronFalcon - or even some WinterIronFalcon? (which huii ~ *fans myself*) With either 21. "Are you being sarcastic?" "Me? Sarcastic? Never." Or 82. "What a load of bullshit." Please and thank you! :D (If you don't do them anymore; whoops my bad :P)
Title: Welcome to the Club Collaborator(s) Tisfan Link https://archiveofourown.org/works/24235783 Square Filled Y4: Collateral Damage StarkBucks Bingo: B1: walking disaster Ship/Main Pairing Bucky/Sam Bucky/Sam/Tony Rating general Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings some homophobic language, homophobic parents, Howard Stark’s A+ parenting, pre-slash, possible threesome much much later Summary Bucky’s getting some use out of his terrible Christmas Present. Unfortunately, Tony gets in the way. Word Count 1580
For @buckybarnesbingo @starkbucksbingo and @justsomeoneunordinary
Tony took the empty cardboard boxes, neatly broken down as requested by the big sign in front of the dumpers, down the stairs. Moving in the day after Christmas had been rough, and he was glad he didn’t have a lot of stuff to take with him. (Howard had practically growled the whole time he was packing, making sure he didn’t take anything valuable with him to sell on the other side.) 
The smallest rental van he could afford and a few trips, and he was now the proud renter of a shitty apartment with almost no furniture, some crappy dishes, his clothes, and Dum-E taking up space.
On the plus side, he’d discovered that his mom had slipped a couple thousand dollars into one of the moving boxes before he left, so he had a little less precarious problems than he had before he’d unpacked it.
Tony about jumped out of his skin when the dumpster next to him exploded. Debris rained down on him, sharp and stinging.
He hit the ground, scraping the denim out at the knee, and erasing some of the skin underneath. “Son of a bitch,” he yelled, covering his head.
The moment of sheer panic subsided and he realized what he’d thought was a bomb or gunfire was, in fact, the shattered remains of a plate.
He stared around, until finally he looked up to discover two men standing on a balcony overlooking the trashcan. One of them had his hand over his mouth and looked aghast. The other was laughing like a loon, pointing at the first one.
“Shit, man, you okay?”
Tony climbed to his feet, hissing as his knee stung. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Sam’s chuckin’ china,” the other man said, still giggling. “Sorry, you’re just collateral damage.”
Tony looked down at his ruined jeans. “Yeah, great,” he said. “Fantastic. Terrific.” He limped a few steps back toward his apartment, the cut dripping blood down his calf and into his sock. Shit. He didn’t even think he owned a first aid kit.
“Seriously, man, you okay?” Sam was practically leaning off the balcony, and while it wasn’t that high up, falling three stories onto a cement sidewalk wasn’t going to be good for anyone.
“Scraped my knee,” Tony reported. 
“You missed, you asshole, you missed,” the other guy said.
“Hang on a minute,” Sam yelled, then smacked the other guy who was still laughing. “Shut up, you walking disaster.”
Both of them vanished into their apartment. Tony waited for a moment, then decided he didn’t really need someone taking pictures and for it to end up in one of those cheap supermarket magazines. It wouldn’t take long for Howard to figure out that Tony hadn’t even made it one day before something stupid happened.
He got all the way to the stairs before his leg decided enough of this shit. Fuck. Well, maybe he could just rest a bit, and--
“Wait, no, don’t sit down, we’re comin’,” the laughing guy said. 
Don’t sit down, what was he, crazy. “Don’t sit down,” Tony grumbled, “what are you, crazy?”
“Don’t you mind him,” Sam said. “Look, if it’s okay, we goan carry you upstairs and see to that knee of yours. You can trust me, I’m an EMT.”
“Don’t look at me,” the other guy said, “I just drive the ambulance.” The other guy was hard not to look at, honestly. Grey-blue eyes and a jaw you could rest a shot glass on. Man, Tony would like to do shots off that jaw, honestly. He decided that not getting punched in the face was the better part of valor, however, and didn’t say so. 
“You guys--”
“Work for the local hospital, yeah. I’m Sam Wilson, this is my partner, Bucky Barnes.” Sam offered a hand to shake.
“And you’re going to carry me upstairs,” Tony continued. “Are you sure you didn’t hit me in the head?”
“Yep,” Bucky said. He and Sam did something, and suddenly their hands were aligned in such a way, with one of them gripping the other’s forearms, that made a little basket of their arms. Something to sit on. Huh. Tony was impressed. Sure, why not.
“If you all drop me down the stairs, I will sue,” Tony said.
“I ain’t drop nobody yet,” Bucky said. “That’s Steve.” And at Tony’s blank look, he added, “another guy on our crew. But me and Sam are the same height, so we can do this.”
“Huh. Okay.”
Gingerly, Tony sat down on the little seat-frame they made.
“One, two--” Sam said, and suddenly Tony was being carried like he was the damn Prom King or something, and they went up the stairs with alacrity. Two flights and Tony might have been breathing hard, but these guys weren’t even breaking a sweat. 
“Uh, don’t you even want to know what floor I’m on?”
“Nope, you’re coming to our place,” Sam said. “My kit’s there.”
“Am I being kidnapped for my kidney, this sounds like it might be--”
“Oh shut up,” Sam said, “an’ open the door. It’s unlocked.”
“All right, here, on the sofa, and--”
“Drop your britches,” Sam said.
“This is sounding more and more like a kidnapping at every turn,” Tony said, but he did what Sam said, because there was, in fact, an EMT kit right there on the coffee table. And also, treating a scraped knee was going to take either getting the pants off, or cutting them open. And Tony didn’t have that many pairs of pants, really. He could get one of those iron on patches, and whine at Pepper, maybe, until she fixed them. Although she would probably just look up some videos on YouTube for him and tell him to stop assuming she knew how to cook or sew just because she was a woman. Maybe he wouldn’t ask her.
See, Pepper, I can be taught.
Sitting in his boxers on someone else’s sofa that he didn’t even know was super weird.
“This is super weird, guys,” Tony said.
“No, no, the guy we had to triage about fifty feet down a drainpipe, that was weird.”
“I dunno, I liked the lady who got stuck to the inflow pipe of her swimming pool. That was fun.”
The two of them traded stories back and forth, Tony listening with rapt attention, as Sam cleaned out Tony’s knee.
“Here, you got some gravel in it,” Sam said. He pulled out a pair of extra long tweezers and a kidney shaped metal dish, plucking the rocks and debris from Tony’s wound with an expert hand. The gravel made little plink noises as it hit the dish.
“Little bit of bacitracin and some topical numbing agent--”
“Like the stuff in solarcaine,” Bucky added helpfully.
“--and a bit of spray on skin, to seal it up. Wearing a bandaid on your knee is all but pointless,” Sam said.
“Huh.” Tony looked down, then put his pants back on. It still hurt, but it wasn’t bleeding. So, you know, that was good. “So, uh, why were you throwing dishes off the balcony?”
“So, Bucky and me, we’re partners, right?” Sam said. “And--”
“My father doesn’t approve, which you know, whatever, screw him anyway,” Bucky said. “Although I can’t figure out if the problem is, I am gay, or that Sam is black.”
“Usually with that type, it’s both,” Tony said. 
“But he’s been trying to-- I don’t know, get fuckin’ brownie points with me by pretending everything’s still cool,” Bucky said. “It’s stupid, but I reckon he don’t want to end up being old and my bein’ the person who gets to pick his nursin’ home or something. Or he doesn’t want people to ask the wrong sorts of questions.”
“Bucky’s a hero,” Sam said. “It was in the papers and everything. So people do ask about his son.”
“So, he sent me this fuckin’ Christmas present, right?”
“Yeah, like, not even ones you can eat off, but those bullshit things you put on the wall,” Bucky said. 
“Bradford Exchange,” Tony asked, because Rhodey had gotten big into those for a while, buying plates with Star Trek ships on them, and the like. He had a whole collection of them.
“An’ like, not even nice ones of those. Crappy ones. With bible verses on them. That you get from like, the Dollar Store.”
“Which would still be okay, spirit of Christmas, maybe,” Sam said. “Except he regifted them. Someone at his office gave them to him, and he left the receipt in the box. Probably not on purpose--”
“With George, it’s not like you can tell whether he’s bein’ a jackass or not,” Bucky complained. “What a load of bullshit.”
Tony recognized that tone of voice, too. That was the tone of a man who still cared, and was mad at himself that he did. Wanting Dad’s approval and hating himself that he wanted it. And still not getting it.
“So, this happy asshole here,” Sam said, “was trying to see if he could hit the dumpster from the balcony. Which is how you ended up involved.”
“Hey, I got two of them in, which ain’t half bad. You’re the one who missed by a mile.”
“My dad kicked me out three days ago, because he caught me in my room with a boy,” Tony said. “So-- can I join your club?”
Sam and Bucky looked at each other, then grinned. “We’ve even got jackets.”
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greenwaterskeeter · 4 years
I took fairly complete notes from an informational session held by local organizers and lawyers with relevant experience from the National Lawyers’ Guild. I learned a lot! At the beginning, it also includes some notes on how to approach going to actions regardless of outcome. Some portion of the information is Chicago-specific, but not all, and most of it translates within the US, I think. It’s at the link above, and also under the read more:
[missed first 5 minutes]
At Actions:
-wear nondescript, practical clothes. pants that allow motion: close to skin so as not to get caught. Jeans are better than sweats. Shorts are great, except that they don't protect you from sprayed chemicals. Wear pants that stay on, unless leaving them behind is something you're willing to do in a pinch (a strategy that Has Worked). Try not to have holes in clothes (they get caught on things). no jewelry, layer up. Ok to wear belts, although [presenter] doesn't like to need to wear one. Best to have as little as possible on you in case of arrest.
-if you have long hair, put it up out of your face. Hats are good: they can be taken off to change your identity if need be. Never ever wear sandals to an action. They will be lost and either way your feet are vulnerable. Wear shoes you're able to run in: shoes that tie. Broken-in tennis shoes are good. Boots, especially steel-toe boots, are very good, but only wear them to actions if you're used to wearing them (and running in them).
-Helmet: for batons and thrown objects. Bike helmets have limited usefulness bc they only take one hit. Skateboarding and skiing helmets take multiple hits. Construction helmets can work ok but don't stay on well usually. Spin is giving away helmets right now, all you have to pay is shipping.
-always bring goggles: not swimming goggles, not construction glasses. Goggles that 1. seal to keep out gases and 2. can handle high impact. Don't wear contacts either, and try to bring glasses that can break and not leave you without a pair.
-Gloves: go a size down from normal so they fit snugly. Welder's gloves are good for protection, including for picking up tear gas canisters. Any gloves are good for keeping your fingerprints to yourself.
-Multitools are useful, you never know when you'll need it. Umbrellas can be useful too.
-Backpack contains: snacks, water bottle with nozzle for washing out tear gas, gauze and bandaids, little towel (like a tea towel), extra N95 masks/respirators (which can be found at hardware stores and paint stores-- it's hard to keep moving when you can't breathe!), anything else you want.
-Tell people before actions that you're going, and make sure someone else at the action knows your full legal name and birthday so you can be gotten out more quickly in case of arrest
Social media: don't post videos or photos of yourself or others at actions, especially ones in which people are identifiable. This amounts to snitching. Don't wear logos or other identifiable clothing (see Etsy arrest and conviction). Also, don't post pictures of yourself or others NOT at actions but showing off stuff taken from cops etc.
-National Lawyers' Guild > National Bar Association
If Arrested (in Chicago):
The result of being stopped by police is only likely to result in a ticket and immediate release at actions organized with the input and approval of police: scripted demonstrations. At other actions, if they arrest you, they take you into custody and then to the station. The point is to intimidate you and your comrades. There are things you can control about the situation.
What you should do depends on what your goal is. If you want to get out asap, that's one track. If you want to make a point of being arrested, that's a different track.
Sometimes they use metal and sometimes they use plastic cuffs.
When you get to the station they'll take your address, name, and fingerprints-- these are the only demands you should grant. They are not covered by your constitutional right to refuse to answer (that only covers information that could be used as evidence to incriminate you, not information used to identify you). Speaking of: they will not read your Miranda rights right away, if at all. They only are supposed to do that right before asking incriminating questions.
Being arrested typically leads to lots of waiting. People who have been arrested more times usually get out quicker (their fingerprints are already in the system, and they can check for warrants easily). This is largely what they are making you wait for: checking to see how high to set your bond based on any warrants you may have.
They will put you in a cell and not give you food or medicine, typically. If you get food it will not be tasty, so eat right before the action and bring food with you.
If they've arrested a bunch of people at once, it might be 12-14 hours before you're released.
I-bond: they release you without you having to pay money for it. The bond consists of a promise to attend court later. The bond slip may not be legible (it should have the court date, place, and maybe the charge on it), but don't worry about that. It can be figured out.
D-bond: They make you pay to leave as a punitive measure. Still trying to intimidate you. The Chicago Bond Fund has covered all such bonds resulting from arrests at actions so far.
Don't count on getting a phone call, especially in case of mass arrest. If you get it, call a trusted person or the National Lawyers Guild, who can take care of getting you out. Tell whoever you call: where you are, if there is anyone with you who is injured, names of any other people you know who have been arrested.
Even though they won't offer it, if you need medical care, request it. They might tell you getting treated will make releasing you take longer or some other reason you shouldn't get treated: they are probably lying, and in any case, it's worth it to A. get the care you need, B. get it on record that they hurt you, and/or C. get it on record how long they put you off/that they refused to get you care. These records can be used in civil cases.
When you're released, they give you your stuff back that they confiscated, unless they're keeping it as evidence in charges (cellphone, shoelaces, belt. They take the laces and belt in an attempt to prevent suicide)
Would not advise taking cellphone to demonstration. Take a burner phone if you must. If you're arrested, the police will definitely take it and will try to get into it. They technically need a warrant to do that, and they may get one. In general, don't bring anything you'd be sad to lose or can't replace.
Charges: most common ones put on protestors are misdemeanors. The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is that the maximum sentence on a misdemeanor is 364 days, and the minimum sentence on a felony is 365 days. It's very unusual as of now for a protestor to actually go to jail. The common misdemeanors applied to protestors are disorderly conduct, mob action, and destruction of property. They require different kinds of evidence but result in the same punishment. Earlier this year they charged more people with disorderly conduct, but the sentences weren't harsh enough/ too many people's charges were dismissed, so now they're charging people with mob action, since "mob" has a violent connotation.
Felonies: include theft, criminal damage to property, aggravated battery, resisting arrest. What defines felony theft and felony property damage is how much money is "lost" (more than $300 for a felony. Might have been increased to $500 or $800 recently). No matter what you do to a cop, if they are injured at all or perceive or can suggest that you tried to hurt them, that will be aggravated battery. Resisting arrest is rarely made a felony but it can be if the cop is particularly offended.
Resisting arrest carries more weight than other misdemeanors because police take everything personally. The punishment is harsher than for other misdemeanors. Technically the arrest has to be legal for resistance to count as resisting arrest. In practice, they will not respect any refusal to be arrested. The best thing to hope for if they do arrest you while you're resisting is that you'll be declared innocent later due to unlawful arrest. Resisting arrest can be a lot of things: jerking away, refusing to stand up to be arrested, taking too long to stand up... They can definitely charge you with resisting when you're not resisting. If you are resisting (by the legal definition), you'll know you are because you'll be doing it on purpose. If they order you to move and then push you and you fall over, that can't lawfully be considered resisting, but it has.
Grand juries: have been called for actions around [George] Floyd. Whatever they may once have been, they are now used to repress and that's about it. The city can't call one, but the feds and state can. Technically, must be composed of fellow citizens called to evaluate evidence for felony charges. In practice, the people they put together listen to the state's attorney, who tells them what to do. If you're subpoenaed to a grand jury, they're not trying to get you personally (or at least not only trying to get you personally), they're after information. They want you to give people up. Police want to know who's organizing. Compliance is snitching. No matter how clever you are, trying to act compliant but keep information back, if you answer at all they will get more information out of you than you want them to have.
If you do comply, they'll get what they can out of you. If you refuse, they can charge you with contempt and imprison you up to the length of the grand jury or 18 months (or until you snitch). They can charge you with either civil or criminal contempt.
Information security: Police put a lot of effort into tracking data. They also make attempts to infiltrate and get informants. Sensitive information can't be said over the phone or texted, not even on Signal. Meet in person to plan.
Nothing you say to police will help. They are only looking for evidence against you, and will do everything they can to use what you say as evidence. There have been many cases of people thinking they can explain and show that they're innocent, only to have their own words used as the evidence that puts them in prison.
When they confiscate your things, police can also confiscate any protective gear (and of course weapons) you have as evidence that you came to start a fight. (they did this at Standing Rock).
When police give you an order to leave, they lawfully must 1. give an order to disperse 2. that everyone can hear and then 3. wait a reasonable amount of time for you to follow the order. If you don't have the ability to leave, they legally cannot arrest you. This doesn't mean they won't.
While filing a complaint against police with COPA is an option that gives lawyers evidence they can use in your favor, there are problems. 1. it will ensure that your charges won't be dropped, because police take these claims personally and 2. COPA requires people who file complaints to come and give evidence under oath (which they will make you do under unfavorable conditions and mess you up). Don't file a complaint with COPA in criminal cases, they will use it against you. Don't do it for civil cases except for very specific circumstances, since they will try to use it against you there too.
If you are not a citizen / do not have a green card, being arrested can be a longer-term problem even if they don't charge you. There are ways around it (ask an immigration attorney).
If you have a previous misdemeanor or arrest, this will not increase your chances of being arrested again, since they almost certainly won't recognize you. It won't increase your chances of being charged again either, since they decide whether or not to charge you before they look up your record. However, once they do look up your record, it may increase the chances of them deciding to increase your charge from civil to criminal.
Typically, they will put more charges on you the more you do to get away (if you are not successful or they get your identity). Any struggling will likely be construed as "aggravated battery on a police officer" (a felony). Attempts at dearrest, when not successful, are charged as aggravated battery on a police officer. For this reason, practice dearresting ahead of time, run, drill, drill, drill.
What you bring can be seized as evidence, yes, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't bring it. The point of all this is that you can go into it with your eyes open, making informed choices. Practical advice and legal advice do not always agree.
Dearrests: person initially being arrested may be charged extra if the dearrest is unsuccessful or if their identity is known/found out. Police will definitely charge them if possible, as they are easily offended.
Court: don't worry about finding or paying for representation. The National Lawyers' Guild has plenty of volunteer attorneys working pro bono representing activists. You can talk to an attorney and go over your options over zoom before court. Court is also on zoom these days. Lots of waiting involved in this. One person is known to have mown their lawn while in court over zoom.
You can refuse an attorney to go to trial; there is empowerment in this option. May be most prudent to do this only if you've been to court several times.
You can talk to the corporation [illegible] (who covers city law) or the state's attorney (covers state law) and see whether they're going ahead with your case. 1/2 of cases involving protestors have been thrown out so far. If they throw it out, there's nothing else you need to do to prevent being convicted.
You can request discovery (access to evidence) which will tell you how likely you are to win. It will also tell you how bad police records are. Another thing that can make you more likely to win is if a different cop arrested you than wrote the report about it.
There's no one right answer to how to approach this, whether to prioritize getting it over with or making a point. That depends on your goals. If you're going for quick, that will usually involve a plea deal. They may assign you 3 months to a year of "supervision." This means that if you don't make trouble in that time (specifically, if you're not convicted of breaking the law in that time), they'll clear the present conviction from your record in 2 years.
State cases are supposed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Smaller cases can be decided by "a preponderance of evidence."
necessity defense- "I did it, but I felt that I needed to do it to prevent further harm or illegality from ocurring." This is a common defense for activists, and can be a good strategy.
Even if your case is thrown out, arrests stay on your record unless expunged. If your case is thrown out, if you undergo supervision, or if you are found not guilty, you can get the arrest expunged. It's something you have to do on your own initiative. Cabrini Green Legal Aid will help you do this for free. It's easy, it's a form you fill out, but processing can take a year or two (backlog).
If you're arrested during a protest, you can contact the National Lawyers' Guild as soon as you can, or have someone do it for you, and they'll help you get out. hotline 773-309-1198
Before an action, if you're putting one together, you can contact the National Lawyers' Guild and they'll help with jail support (it helps to specify whether you expect arrest).
Don't use 1800 law rep 4 anymore
If you're arrested NOT at an action, the Cook County Public Defender hotline is 844-817-4448
They gave personal contact info for the people who presented all this information, but I'm not going to share that here. They were local organizers and lawyers from the National Lawyers' Guild (with experience defending activists and being arrested themselves).
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
MiSaTzu and triplets go on a trip to the zoo~ —🍊
“baby bags?”
“check.” sana answered mina’s question.
“inside their bags.” sana nodded.
“saki’s dinosaur?”
“inside her arms.”
“sippi cups?”
“already with them.” sana leaned over and checked on the three girls who were all strapped into their stroller with their sippi cups full of cold water. “and you put sunscreen on them before we left.”
“alright then.” mina finally smiled after going through her triplet checklist. “let’s go inside. tzuyu you have the tickets right?”
“right here.” tzuyu held the paper tickets up. “and i brought a baby carrier in case they fight and don’t want to be so close together or something.”
“good idea, but we did put sae in the middle, she keeps saya and saki in line.” sana giggled, making sure the camera strap around her neck was secure before pushing the stroller with the girls in it. they went through security pretty easily and the girls all marveled at the big metal detectors around them, causing their parents to laugh at them. once inside saki immediately made her excitement known, as the first they saw when they walked in was the monkey exhibit.
“monkey!” saki had moved on from food to animals in learning hour, so they knew this trip was going to be full of saki screaming animal names everytime she recognized one.
“that’s right sweetie, those are monkeys.” sana giggled.
“mommy out.” saki whined, trying to escape her stroller.
“you have to hold mama’s hand if we let you out.” tzuyu informed.
“yeah we don’t want you running off.” mina added.
“okay. out. monkey!” saki yelled as tzuyu bent down and unstraped her. tzuyu put her down on the ground and grabbed her hand, walking her closer to the monkey exhibit.
“saya sae do you two want to look at the monkeys a bit closer?”
“yes!” saya answered. sae reamained quiet and was staring at the monkeys. sana was sure if the look on sae’s face was fear or wonder. she pushed the stroller a bit closer so saya and sae both got a better look. saki had already pressed her face up to the glass, trying to get the monkeys attention.
“saki-chan no.” mina tried to pull saki’s face away from the class. “do you know how many germs are on the glass?” saki whined and kept her forehead and hands on it, watching the monkeys play around with wonder.
“that’s how you and saya play.” tzuyu teased saki.
“yup, you two are a couple of monkeys.” sana giggled.
“monkey!” saki yelled when one of the monkies came closer to her.
“orange!” saya yelled when she saw what color the monkey was.
“yes honey the monkey is orange.” sana giggled. “can you say monkey saya? mon-key.”
“monkey?” saya asked, tilting her head to the side at the new word.
“yeah honey, that is a monkey.” sana explained.
“orange.” saya responded.
“orange monkey.” sana nodded.
“orange monkey!” saya giggled.
“monkey bye bye.” saki waved as the monkey started to walk away. tzuyu smiled at how cute saki was before grabbing her hand again. mina was already ready with baby wipes to wipe of saki’s face where it had touched the glass display.
“saki-chan do you want to walk for a bit?” sana asked.
“yes.” saki responded. “with mama.”
“okay love, you can walk with your mama.” sana nodded, strapping saki’s purple dinosaur into her seat in the stroller. they move onto the safari animals next, saki falling in love with the elephants and saya loving the giraffes. sae still looks a bit timid and they gather it’s probably because the animals were too big they scared her. they kept her away from the lion exhibit, sana picking her up and taking her over to a bench to wait while mina took saya and saki to look at the lions.
“sae no lion?” saki asked when they got back.
“the lions would have scared sae-chan.” sana explained. “she doesn’t like the big animals like you and saya do.” sana adjusted sae on her lap so she could stand up with her. sae held onto her as she looked at the giraffes one more time. sae had been getting more and more timid as she got older. they had quickly realized she probably had some of mina’s shyness, and mina knew better than anyone it was the worst when she was little. she tried to push sae the best she could but she knew there wasn’t much they could do about sae’s timidness.
sana kept sae in her arms and mina pushed the stroller that just had saya in it to the next exhibit. sae seems a lot better since the next animals are penguins, and penguins are much smaller.
“mama what?” saki asked tzuyu. saki had given up on walking a while ago, her little legs couldn’t get very far without getting tired, so tzuyu had decided to carry her for the time being.
“those are penguins saki-ya.” tzuyu explained. “look they look like ka-san.”
“ka-san penguin?” saki asked.
“yup.” tzuyu laughed at her daughters question.
“hey i’m not a penguin.” mina pouted.
“you just walk like one.” sana joined in the teasing. “hey i think sae really likes them.” sae had completely come out of her shell that she had retreated into with the bigger animals and looked happy as she watched the penguins play. “do you like them sae-chan?”
“like.” sae nodded. “like penguins.”
“that’s good, let’s look at them closer.” sana room sae closer to the exhibit and sae put both hands on the glass like saki was doing and stared at the group of penguins. the worker who was taking care of the penguins noticed the two little girls staring and waved, grabbing a bit of food and getting all the penguins to eat. sae giggled when they are, clearly amused by the penguins. “okay. this was a good experience for her.”
“i agree. i was worried she was going to be scared the whole time.” mina smiled at sae, who had a huge smile on her face.
“mama penguin hi!” saki waved at some of the penguins, prompting tzuyu to do it too. tzuyu laughed and joined her daughter the waving.
they spent the longest at the penguin exhibit, much to saya’s dismay. they wouldn’t let her out of the stroller for fear of her running off. she had done it before, and they didn’t want to deal with a lost 20 month old baby in a giant zoo.
they next go to the tiger exhibit, sana once again taking sae somewhere to the side while saya and saki watched the giant tigers.
“tiger roar!” saki laughed when one of the tigers let out a loud sound. “roar!”
“roar!” saya joined in the noise making and tzuyu and mina laughed at both of them.
sana had taken sae close to the ice cream vendor and so sae instnatly became intrested in the ice cream when she saw it.
“want some sae-chan?” sana asked.
“yes.” sae answered, staring at the ice cream. sana giggled and approached the vendor, ordering her a tiny chocolate ice cream. sana helped her eat it while they waited and soon saya and saki were back.
“ice cream!” saki yelled when she saw her sisters ice cream. “mama ice cream!”
“sana you got her ice cream?” mina asked with a sigh.
“she wanted it. plus if she eats it now her sugar high will be over right when we leave.” sana shrugged.
“well now we need to get saya and saki ice cream. i’ll go get it. saya likes vanilla and saki likes strawberry right?”
“if they have it saki likes peach or mango more.” sana answered. “thanks tzuyu-ya.” tzuyu nodded and passed saki over to mina, who put her on her hip so she could use her free hand to grab saki’s water.
“drink some water saki.” mina prompted, saki needing both of her tiny hands to drink from the sippi cup. saki gave her cup back to mina once she was done and mina secured it in the drink holder. “sae should drink some water too.”
“on it.” sana grabbed sae’s yellow sippi cup and handed it to the girl, sae having chocolate all over her face. sae happily drank some water before sana took it back and put it back. she then went back to feeding sae her ice cream, tzuyu coming over with the other girls sweet treats.
“okay, vanilla for sae and peach for saki.” tzuyu handed the ice cream out, sitting on the bench again and letting mina give her back saki. saki happily ate her ice cream, delighting in the west fruity ice cream. saki loves fruit, so they had no difficulty getting her to eat anything with fruit in it. saya ate from the stroller, mina giving her small bites with the plastic spoon and making sure she didn’t drip anything on her.
after the girls had all finished their ice cream and mina had cleaned all their sticky faces they moved onto the bird exhibit. the girls were too young to go i tot he interactive bird area so they just looked from afar. the girls weren’t the biggest fans of the birds though since they were harder to see and more elusive, so they didn’t spend much time there before moving onto the reptile exhibit. sana hated the reptile area but continued because she wanted her daughters to see it, even if it scared her. saya loved the iguanas, giggling at their goofy appearances and long tongues. sae likes the turtles, loving watching them swim around. saki for the first time seems a bit timid and they realize she probably doesn’t like reptiles just like sana didn’t. saki nearly starts crying around the snakes, so they move on quickly. next the go to the pandas and all the girls love them. sae seems okay with the because they looked like one of her stuffed animals. saki evens gets on of the pandas close to her, sana getting a picture of saki with the pandas. she had been quietly taking pictures throughout the zoo trip, she had got some with the girls at the beginning with the giraffes, monkeys, and elephants, and she had got some with sae and the penguins. she had trusted mina and tzuyu to get pictures of the girls when the tigers and lions, and when sana checked her phone she saw a video from mina of saki and saya screaming the word roar at the tigers. she smiled and sent it to chaeyoung with a teasing message.
after the pandas the girls are all starting to loose their energy. they quickly go to the red pandas and the seals before deciding the girls were done. saya was already asleep in the stroller and sae and saki were both half asleep. by the time they got back to the car, sae and saki were already fast asleep. saki, who had her face in tzuyu’s neck right where her scent gland was absolutely refused to let go of tzuyu in her sleep. tzuyu sighed and with the help of sana she was able to get saki into her car seat, tzuyu having to stay in the back and hold her hand the whole way home.
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astrocassette · 4 years
oc aesthetic - seren
tagged on this one by @undyingembers​, thank you!!
mostly under a readmore cause i was feeling poetic and found myself writing!
Bold for always Italics for sometimes
red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. cobalt blue.
the green of the forest and the blue of the sky are the colors they chose to adorn themselves with, colors they could drink in for as long as they could want to. but they are not the only colors that follow them. the earthy browns of their horns and their fur, the shiny wheat yellow of their hair, the vivid green that’s wrapped around their body and shines in their eyes all trail after them as well. and the twinkling blues and purples that surround them as they watch the night sky, dipping to cascade over their shoulders in a cape made of starlight. all of these are the colors that follow this watcher.
fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic.
seren is a child, born of the earth, but knowing only the sea and the sky. they take joy in the rushing of waves underneath, the salty breeze through their hair, the feeling of sunlight on their skin, all of the colors that paint and dapple the sky when day turns to night. this is what they know, but when this adventure is over, they will find themself again in the sound of rustling leaves, the feeling of dirt under bare feet, the softness of lying in a clover patch. these are their elements, earth, sea, and sky.
claws. long fingers. fangs. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. sweat. tears. feline. scales. fur. chubby. curvy. short. tall. average height. muscular. lean. piercings. tattoos. lithe.
they look so small, so unassuming at first glance, small horns, floppy ears, and freckle-flowers, wandering around the ship barefoot, smiling as easily as the sun shines. they are themself, of course, always, but even still it’s enough to give pause when they strip at the bathhouse, seeing the bruises and scrapes and scars of battle that decorate their skin, and the hints of lean muscle underneath. they are small, maybe, and sunny, but that does not negate how dangerous a foe they are.
fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. venom. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. pyre. teeth/fangs. rifles. words.
seren has known many weapons in their lifetime, wielded and suffered, but not all remembered. wands and rifles fit easily into their hands, and somehow the weight of a mace did too. really, though, all of those came second. they could do so much with a thought, crush, splinter, pierce. use peoples’ phantasmal insides to break their tangible outsides. it was... rather unnerving when anyone else thought about it for too long.
gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
seren’s mind makes itself out of wool and paper, out of iron and cloth and clay. it comes out in the weaving of wool, the scratching of lyrics on paper, the rush of breath through an ocarina. they collect rocks with their hands and dirt with their feet, and their days are segmented by iron weapons and cookware alike. the watcher is made up of many things, but most of all, themself.
grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. sunflowers. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. rain. storm. sunny.
a child of the earth, a child of nature, they appreciate everything they can get from it. plants, trees and flowers and crops are petted as seren passes by. barefoot, they dig their toes into grass and dirt and sand alike, reveling in the texture. they lie on beaches and meadows, watching what the sky has to offer at any time of day.
lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles + tortoises. bugs. spiders. doves. robins. ducks. vultures. whales. dolphins. fish. octopus. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. rabbits. hares. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. livestock. tigers. panthers. deer. foxes. bats. bears. crocodiles + alligators. coyotes. seals + sea lions
seren knows of many animals, but only has experience with a few. they know stories of falcons and snakes and turtles and panthers, but does not remember learning them. caring for cats and rabbits and chickens is much the same, during the few occasions they help a local corral their livestock. the one that always makes them light up, though, their favorite, were bats. as dusk fell, they’d watch the diminutive shadows flitting from tree to tree, grinning and pointing them out to whoever was with them.
sugar. salt. bitter. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries.
fruits and meats and grains are their favorites, preferring savory and sweet. humming happily at the taste of honey glazed hen, sharing orange slices with whoever happened by on deck, flapping their hands at the spiciness of fire kelp but going back for more, crunching on candied nuts as they peruse the shops of queen’s berth. to them, food is very much a joy, and something to be shared.
music. art. watercolors. gardening/growing plants. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. flight. climbing. running. swimming. healing/medicine.
they like everything surrounding music and the fiber arts, but there are other things, too. sparring with friends is something they enjoy, light fare to make days sailing more interesting. reading books, both fiction and non to pass the time in a gentler way, card games similarly when they want to spend that time with people. neither they nor their crew puts on theater, but in ports, seren loves stopping to watch, enjoying the story and the questionable acting skills in equal measure. being the herald of berath and the hound of eothas does not allow excessive room for hobbies, but they make time anyways.
lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform.
a brigandine and cape, forest green, sky blue, and white, are their battle armor, heavy but maneuverable. it is what they choose to wear for the necessity of it, but outside of battle it is not something they’d choose. they favor light shirts and tunics, open necklines and half sleeves, pants cut at the knee, secured with a sash that flutters after them when they run. an item cherished is their cape, the cape of the fallen star, that surrounds them in the beauty of the night sky and makes them a sight to remember on the few occasions they wear it.
balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. mental health problems. sadness. bittersweet. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. revenge.
seren is kind. kind, and light, and optimistic. their task is a heavy one, tense, and worrying, and precarious, so they do what they can to bring light, to show kindness against the uncertainty of the world.
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
You sink
Flash Fiction Friday! (But not officially. If I have time, I’ll do the official prompt when I wake up)
This is an attempt at a creepy ocean story as requested by @kainablue! It’s supposed to be more an atmospheric dread style of creepy but I don’t know if I landed it XD (If you want some real dread and aw, watch this video I found while looking for inspiration) I hope you like this Kat! Thanks so much for all of your support!  💜 💜 💜
I hope you all have fun in the water! Feedback is super appreciated ^u^
Prompt: This beautiful picture and the genre Creepy
Words: 1600
You’re falling.
Falling asleep. Falling through clouds. Falling into water. Salt licks your lips as you shield your sun blinded eyes, blinking bleary colours into shapes. Cool ocean water soaks through your pyjamas, brushing your back and ensnaring your outstretched limbs. Float like a starfish. That’s what your mother had told you. Your steady heartbeat is easily drowned out by waves gently crashing against themselves, rocking your floating body. Your eyes have cleared. The sky above an endless blue spotted haphazardly with white wisps. The sea below and endless blue spotted hazardously with mysteries. Even so, you are calm. The ocean has always been a place of peace for you.
You sink.
Back, then shoulders, then cheeks. The water consumes you, drawing you to its core one lapping wave at a time. You relax into the motion, letting yourself be taken. A natural reflex, you take one last gulp of air as the water closes over you. Noise distorts immediately, liquid filling your ears and pressing against your skull from within. You open your eyes, immediately squinting for the oncoming sting. It never comes. You open them gingerly, slowly widening them enough to look around as you continue the descent. Light sparkles at the surface, glittering and beautiful as the ripples capture it in a dance. You consider turning over, enticed by the allure of watching where you’re falling to. But you stay on your back as you are. You don’t know how deep the water is here. You’re not sure you want to.
You continue to sink.
You’ve been holding your breath for so long now. Your chest aches, longing to release its now unwelcomed guest. You don’t want to. Something tells you that it will be okay, to let go. The shuddering in your lungs exacerbates the urging. A string of air escapes you. You panic, just for a moment. There are no bubbles. You release more air. No bubbles at all. You let it all out, deflating yourself as far as your body allows. A tentative inhale. You can breathe.
You continue to sink.
A low, haunting note splits the water’s rumble. Clicks and whistles melding together in an other worldly melody. A currant rolls you off course, affording you two overwhelming sights at once. Below you, deep, deep, below you, there is nothing but murky darkness. Beside you, all around you, there were giants. Gentle grey and white whales gliding as though unaware of their unbelievable mass. You weren’t prepared for their appearance. The sight captures your breath and your heart. They arc and curve in playful rings, so much more agile than you ever imagined. It doesn’t look like they notice you. Not even the smallest tempted by the curiosity of the mouse in their midst. You feel safe, if not a little lonely.
You continue to sink.
Fish swim around you, flickering more colours than you can name. You are engulfed in schools of tuna bigger than your dog. You dare not touch them. No matter how much you want to trail your cold fingers across their smooth, silvery scales. It’s not worth the risk. Sunlight filters through the water in rays. But it’s getting darker. You keep your mouth clamped shut, saltwater having already proved its character against your tastebuds. Your hair tickles your skin, moving in time with the ocean.
You continue to sink.
Sharks slide out of gloom, joining you as they stalk through the blue. They come so close, you can feel the power of their bodies as they pass by. Their black eyes never linger on you. They don’t stay long, the prey is elsewhere today. You try to avoid looking down. It makes your stomach roll. Alone as you are, there is nothing around but water. You strain your eyes. As above, so below. Nothing but ocean. You are so very small. A grain of sand in the wind. There is nothing you can do to change this. Somewhere, in the world you once knew, people are praying for rain. There are deserts, so savaged by the surface, the inhabitants have not even a drop of water in their memories. It is hard to imagine. For you, here, right now, water is all there is. Miles and miles of endless sea.
You continue to sink.
Finally, a semblance of broken infinity greets you when you peek over your shoulder. Long stretches of dark stone column rising out of the nothing. Sand dusts the impromptu sea floor while skitters of creatures are gone too quickly for you to identify. It is too far away for you to reach. Your limbs are heavy with the weight of the water, the weight of the clothe. You aren’t sure you even remember how to move them. You watch as the slabs grow larger as you draw closer. If you were to move, your descent, as slow and calm as it is, is still too fast. You’re too small to reach the shelf before you sink below it. It disappoints you that there are no corals there. The sun is too week to feed them. There is little more than grey, white, black, and blue. So much blue. You pass the top of the stone, sinking lower and lower. Its massive figure looming over you as you go. In some time, you pass another ridge jutting out below the shelf, then another, and another. Each taller than you, taller than anyone you know. Three steps down and your house was dwarfed. They spread further, the deeper you sink. A god’s stairway stolen by the ocean. It’s getting much colder. You shiver but can do little to soothe the ache spreading through your hands. The shadow of the stones saps the heat prematurely from your surroundings. Your jaw is cramping from your determination to keep your lips sealed. You want to let out a shuddering breath into the water but the needle prick on your mouth is warning enough. If nothing else, you can keep your teeth from stinging.
You continue to sink.
In the dim light, you begin to make out the outlines of still, grey, pillars. They are pebbles to the stone fading beside you, whales to you. Sperm whales standing solemnly in the deep dark nothing, a graveyard of living tombstones. They don’t move as you pass, continuing their sombre vigil. You wonder what they are trying to accomplish. You want to tell them you understand. To convey in some meaningful way that you can see them for what they are. You can’t. Because you don’t.
You continue to sink.
The blue, long since navy, then velvet, fades darker still. Soon enough you can no longer see the shadow of the heavenly stairs, nor the outline of the silent whales. You might as well have fallen into the sky, drifting deeper into space than man has ever dreamed of. It’s vast. It’s endless. You are alone. Not even clouds of cold breath to keep you company, to remind you that you exist. Is this death? Your thoughts echo in your head. They’re too loud noise has no place here. Pressure wraps around you, making its presence known against your skull. It doesn’t hurt. The pain passes through you easily, hinting at what it could be, given the chance. Too cold to feel, your limbs are detached. Only the pull of the water to remind you they are yours.
You continue to sink.
Maybe you found the seafloor hours ago. An unknowing passenger in your own skin, you’re not sure. You feel like you’re sinking, if nothing else. Like the illusion of spinning as you fall asleep. You don’t know which you would prefer. Movement darts overhead. The water presses against you in response. A pinprick of sunlight blinds you once again. You squint, trying to make sense of the glowing orb. To have something smaller than you was a foreign feeling. Your eyes struggle to adjust. It is too bright. The light begins to dance, bobbing and wiggling. A shimmer of scales. A fish draws closer, mesmerised as you are by the light. Snap! The fish is gone. A mouthful of broken glass shards closes millimetres from your eye. There is no controlling the shudder convulsing down your spine as you leave the dead-eyed angler behind.
You continue to sink.
Long stretches of isolation. There is nothing but the tiny you in the vast, unending liquid night. You wonder how anything else can exist. How there can be anything other than ocean.  If you are lucky, flickers and glows temporarily accompany you. If you are unlucky, you see their faces.
You continue to sink.
You no longer lament your loneliness. Pale forms shift around you. Big. Glassy eyed. Mostly teeth. There is purpose to their movements. They brush past you. Never touching, but teasingly close. Milky pupils settle on you. The creature’s mouth curves into a natural grin. It looks through you, staring beyond what you know. Beyond what you could hope to understand. You feel small in a whole knew way. A terrible way. The long, long, long bodies writhe around you. Achingly precise, they circle your arms, your torso, your legs. Weaving lazy figure eights into your space. They glue their awful, unseeing, all seeing, eyes into yours. They don’t touch you, only grin. Rows upon rows of too many teeth so white they glow despite the ink. You want them to go away. Paper frilled gills laugh at you. Deep, deep, floating in the void, there are things so much worse than loneliness.
You continue to sink.
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@inkovert, @snobbysnekboi, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
Ok I’ve been working on something for years that I hope to make it into a tv show one day but probably can’t because once upon a time beat me to it
So imagine
Michael darling single handedly stopped a war that was never meant to end at the cost of his life and to correct “something” the universe sees fit to tear open a hole in the fabric of reality which all cartoons bleed through. Disney Pixar Simpson’s marvel dc blue sky laika everything you can think of are now inhabiting the real world the only humans left are Wendy darling and her close family and friends
Disney’s taken over Great Britain and Ireland. Mickey and Minnie are the king and queen until they see fit to retire
Simpson’s are now in Hollywood Bart is filthy stinking rich and the Whitehouse is his mansion
So on and so forth
Main characters
Jane Ophelia Emerson: now known as Jaime aster blonde hair blue eyes around 5 foot 8 inches. Has magic like the whole of her mothers side of the family. Unlocks it when she meets Peter Pan for the first time. Like her mother and grandmother before her she fell for him hard. So imagine the bitterness when she discovers she wasn’t the first to fall for him and she won’t be the last seeing as he’s fated to be her son in law. She stops her and her friends physical aging process when she’s 16 because she’s terrified of growing up and having to leave everything behind. Gets married to three guys. James pleiades Hawkins from treasure planet. An evil bisexualversion of superman she was forced to create out of two variations of kryptonite (black and pink). William smees illegitimate son that he got from a hooker on the neverland pier. Padraic hutchins. And together they’ve adopted three kids not much younger then them. Youngest to oldest. Timothy Tiberius Turner. Horrid Henry. Alice Liddell. Preferred drink is olive oil until she decides to stop aging then she goes all out on the booze. She really does not like using mjolnir but that’s exactly why she can use it. She killed her own cousin after Peter Pan was taken advantage of. Speaks how she was raised. Posh. But the angrier she gets the more common she sounds.
James pleiades Hawkins: nicknamed Plei shoulder length brown hair turquoise eyes five foot nine. Space cadet. Made a little mistake in that he wished he had magic when holding an empty lamp. This means he’s now a genie but he can appear normal except when angered and he turns an olive green. His lamp stays hidden in Jaime’s blood stream. Very protective of his kids. From montressor but speaks with a middling California accent
Kal: under duress Jaime creates him by combining black and pink kryptonite (according to what I’ve read black turns him evil and somehow pink turns him gay I don’t know why so please don’t ask) so imagine a five foot eleven inch evil bisexual superman built like a tank flirting with anyone he sees. There are limits. He cannot go after anyone younger then Jaime or older then Wendy. Or anyone she is directly related to. Has a side thing going with she hulk (cause of that man of steel woman of Kleenex problem). Looks so much like Clark Kent (blue eyes jet black hair) that once the bitterness has subsided they eventually declare themselves twins. Actually talks with a Kansas accent (it’s a pet peeve of mine) hair goes to his shoulder blades
Padraic Hutchins: five foot ten. Mixed race but unless he showed you a picture of his father (mr smee who is like really white) you wouldn’t be able to tell. Dark black skin (think terry crews) dark blonde waist length hair. Emerald green eyes. Met Jaime when he was working as cabin boy (and hooks personal stool master) on the Jolly Roger. Jaime offered him a deal. Sword fight just him and her. She wins he becomes her butler and all that entails. He wins she becomes his butler and all that entails. It comes to a stalemate. He decides to go with her though. (If you had to wipe hooks ass wouldn’t you leave given a chance) invents a new method of killing when getting revenge on a racist homophobic cop in Springfield. He may look like terry crews but speaks like Katie McGrath (his accent is Dublin posh)
Merida: jaimes best friend. Scottish. Really really curly bright orange hair halfway down her back. Grey blue eyes. 5”8. Harsh rivalry with Clarabelle cow Clarabelle keeps calling her fat by accident. She is not fat. The slightly barrel like figure she has is pure muscle. Moved in with Jaime after an absolutely blow out fight with her mother and hasn’t looked back since. Met Parker through tragedy. The were on an excursion with the parr children and dash died in front of her. Completely destroyed her for months. Tried to change everything about herself to feel better. None of it worked. Cut and straightened her hair. Tried to lose weight (just became addicted to caffeine). She even gave up archery (which if you know her is a serious cause for concern). And through it all Parker was there
Peter Benjamin Parker: the group calls him Parker because there are one too many Peters in the world and they needed to differentiate. Brown hair that grows out to his chin. Brown eyes. 5”9. Splits himself so he can have a somewhat normal life. There is now three of him. The original with Merida. Petey living with aunt may. Spider-Man. Parker actually grows to like the venom suit and through magic is actually able to control it. Realised he was bi when he kissed Padraic to cheer him up after Kal was being a jackass. Then harry arrived. Still has his native New York accent but it interchanges with a British accent after he’s lived in Kensington for some time.
Melody: Danish princess. Daughter of Ariel and Eric. Granddaughter of king triton. Black hair blue eyes. 5”8. Has a thing for blonde men. Was attracted to Cody before he told her he was asexual then she layed off him. Eventually gets with zephyr. Non practicing catholic except in one respect. Jaime gave her her own trident. Loves to swim. She’ll shrink herself down and use a wine glass if she has to. Always wears her hair in a ponytail
Zephyr: French Romani. Blonde shoulder length hair in a pageboy style cut. Green blue eyes. 5”9. Always wears the outfit he had on in his film only now it’s in an older more mature style. Smitten with melody when they met but she had a thing for Cody so he couldn’t say anything. He just got steadily more drunk. Scarily flexible. Likes to hang from chandeliers with his toes. Bit like a blonde Dick Grayson. Non practicing catholic in the same way melody is.
Cody Anderson: Swedish but has spent a lot of time in Australia. 5”11. Blonde hair long enough to braid. Keeps it in a man bun 90% of the time. Asexual. Much rather run climb or play video games then date or sleep with someone. Poor thing has been conscripted as Kals wingman. He absolutely hates it. He just tells the intended targets the truth and if Kal can’t seal the deal on his own merits it’s not Cody’s problem. Apparently can survive on one hour sleep.
Alice Liddell: one of Jaime Plei Kal and Padraics adoptive children. 12 years old. 5”5. Reality warper. Mostly this means she can make a portal to wonderland through any surface. But then she gets magic and all bets are off. Adopted because we birth parents were about to have her committed to an asylum because she kept insisting wonderland is real (it is of course but they have literal Victorian sensibilities and to them Alice has cracked) favourite Dad is Plei. Blonde hair half way down her back. Blue eyes. Actually does look like Jaime a little bit except Jaime’s hair is more of a tawny gold colour and Alice’s is more yellow. Like Jaime defies the dumb blonde stereotype. Uses her powers in very creative ways. Eventually ditches the pinafore
“Horrid” henry: except not really. His biological parents are just jackasses who scapegoat him so the worm is the professed golden child. Reddish brown hair and definitely fulfils the firey redhead stereotype. But manages to use it in helpful ways after Henry’s his own magic. Loves his chemistry set. Many a stink bomb was made from it. 5”4. 11 years old. Green eyes. Favourite Dad is Kal. Again like Zephyr, he always wears the same outfit. Adopted because Jaime could see that he was miserable at his own house and was always happiest when she was babysitting him.
Timothy Tiberius Turner: brown hair blue eyes pink hat. Still has his fairy godparents because Jorgen Von strangle is terrified of Jaime (the girl unionised death). Not stupid per-say but he doesn’t think things through. Favourite Dad is Padraic. Adopted after Jaime went to talk to his fairies and saw his babysitter strapping him to a torture wheel. Definitely the baby of the group being 10 years old
Harry Osborn: 5”9. Black hair blue eyes. Bi. Enters a relationship with Parker and Merida. Hung up on Parker for longer then he’d care to admit. But always believed (as Parker did) that he was straight. Strikes up an odd friendship with Jaime over the “Peters who have ruined their lives” (Parker and Pan) the only difference Osborn is now with his Peter and Jaime doesn’t love her one anymore. He revels in the fact Parker feels the need to protect him and their respective positions in the relationship have changed. Was dying before he used magic to cure the unknown disease that would ravage his body. Couldn’t use his fortune to find a cure because his fathers will stipulates that he’d be disinherited if he tried to cure himself. That and he wanted to defend himself properly should the need arise
Ashton Darling: Jaime’s cousin born in the same hospital month day and the exact same time. Shoulder length tawny gold hair blue eyes same height as Jaime. It’s a running gag that he and Jaime look so much alike they could easily be the same person cloned and don’t think that before puberty when her hair was shorter they didn’t pull pull a twin switch. They even have the same taste in men. Fictional with bright eyes. Expected a bigger reaction from Jaime when he came out to her. She knew and they carried on as normal. Eventually starts dating Jack Frost from rise of the guardians. His parents are fans of that 70’s show. His younger brother is called Topher
Jack Frost: pure white hair blue eyes. 5”9. Always in the same outfit. Guardian of fun. Has a sibling like rivalry with Elsa. She thinks he’s annoying and he thinks she’s boring despite them having the same powers. In Jack Elsa sees what she could have had. Yes Jack was lonely but he made the best of it for centuries and he had people to talk to (North toothania bunnymund and Sandy) whereas Elsa retreated into herself scared of going near others. Though they come to an understanding and when Jaime gives the shovel talk to Jack Elsa gives the shovel talk to Ashton. Ashton and Jack met in similar circumstances to Merida and Parker except the Ashton and Jack’s weren’t nearly as tragic as Merida and Parker
Taran: 13 years old. 5”6. Red hair green eyes. Dalbens ward but somehow ends up staying at Jaime’s (admittedly insanely cavernous) flat more then necessary and everyone knows why except him. Alice has taken a shine to him. He doesn’t quite know why. Gurgis still attached to his hip. He and Eilonwy drifted apart but they are still friends. Has next to no idea what’s going on more than half the time
Felicia Hardy: old friend of Harry and Parker. The friend that would not leave. Her father died and she still is not over it. Cinnamon colour hair hazel eyes. 5”8. Hapless. That is until the symbiote infects her and almost starts a war with the galactic federation.
Johnny Storm: like Parker the group just call him storm. 5”9. Mid length spiky blonde hair. Blue eyes. The human torch. Enters the group by happenstance. Works at Oscorp on an intern. When Parker took the fall for what Felicia was blamed for harry had a bit of a panic attack demanding that he and Parker weren’t separated again so to assuage him Parker takes him on a holiday in a private suite in the death hotel. But then Storm arrives with this contract he needs harry to sign and it escalates from there so now Merida has three boyfriends who are also dating each other one of which is in intergalactic jail.
There are a multitude of alternate realities that are accessed through a full length mirror in Jaime’s flat. Some have diffoerent circumstances or flipped morality/genders or different outcomes. For example
Different circumstances: Clark crashed into the Wayne’s greenhouses and the shock set off Martha’s labour. Clark married a one Diana prince and had two children. Oliver Kingston Wayne and Barry Allen Wayne. Bruce is the drink uncle who accidentally joined a big brother program and Clark is making damned sure Bruce is honouringthe commitment. Oliver dances at a club to be self sufficient. Barry meanwhile is obsessed with chemistry. Clark stayed home with a sick Alfred that fateful night and has never forgiven himself. So he became superman to make sure something like that never happens to anyone else. Bruce however became a preteen alcoholic. Chardonnay is his drink of choice. Their pool cleaner a mr Arthur curry and their chauffeur is a mr Hal Jordan
Different outcome: Professor farnsworth took over New New York with an army of bending units aided by his insane son Phillip. Leela is Phillips personal slave. An impoverished Amy Wong is his public slave (Leela is a sewer mutant). Carol Walt Larry and Igner are incarcerated for trying to throw a coup
Flipped morality: Snow White, jealous of her fathers affection for his new wife, killed her father and blamed grimhilde for it. She learned dark magic and killed the queen in a mirror storm then took over the kingdom with only seven diamond armoured dwarfs. All when she was fourteen.
Flipped gender: Cendrillon used as servant in his own home until he’s able to go to the ball aided by his fairy godfather. The princess saved him with a glass slipper
You get the idea
The characters relation ships with their parents:
Jaime and Wendy had a major falling out because Wendy kept trying to put her solutions in alignment with Jaime’s problems. Eventually Jaime moved next door into a flat in Mickey and Minnie’s castle. And now Jaime’s the queen. Wendy is 5”10 tawny gold hair almost always in a bun. Blue eyes and always dressed in blue. Mid to late forties. Edward Emerson. Think Henry cavil in prime superman mode greying at the temples in either army fatigues or black denim. One year older than Wendy. Besides George he is the only mortal in the family and being mortal he can use a magic wand (no one quite knows why only mortals can use wands)
Plei’s mother Sarah looks the same as in the film. Now you need to go through trauma for your magic to settle. And Plei’s trauma is seeing his father Leland a gain in god know how long. It does not go well
Kal have a rivalry with Clark because Kal sees Clark as a wimp who is wasting his powers on helping people and Clark thinks Kal is a no good miscreant. Their parents though treat Kal the same way they treat Clark. Doesn’t matter if he’s a close W he’s their son. In return Kal values them and does not hate them like he hates Kal (high praise in deed)
Smee just wants Padraic to be happy and if that means Padraic being in England in an entirely different dimension then so be it.
Elinor got impatient with Merida taking so long to choose a suitor and then Merida decided to try and find a boyfriend from non options (read as she doesn’t love the clans sons). So they had a hard he blow out fight which led to Merida moving in with Jaime and she’s barely looked back since
May doesn’t know Parker is no longer st school and he is not planning on telling her. And besides she’s got Benji
Ariel and Eric know everything and as long as melody isn’t hurt they’re fine with it
Phoebus and Esmeralda are just like Ariel and Eric
Cody’s mother isn’t in the picture anymore
Alice’s parents tried to have her committed so their relationship is next to nonexistent
Henry’s is his parents scapegoat so his brother retains a veneer of so called “perfection”
Timmy’s parents are negligent and let him be babysat by a psychopath who repeatedly tries to kill him. His fairy god parents are crazy but at least they care
Norman put a stipulation in his will that if harry seeks a cure then he will be disinherited. So try to gage their relationship from that
John darling came out as bi and his wife couldn’t handle it so she divorced him and took Ashton and Topher to New York. John remarries Casey mulligan. Casey is actually Jamie’s ex husband (don’t get worried it was some stupid new law that all marriages in England are legal. Including playground marriages. Jaime and Casey’s happenedwhen she was five and he was nine). So they got a quickie divorce. And as it turns out Casey has a son from his ex girlfriend. Casey junior (get it?). So now John is a 42 year old divorcee remarried to a twenty year old with a 10 month old step son and two teenage children. Annalise got remarried to Ashton’s high school crush, his Australian swim coach
Jack’s family died a couple centuries ago so what accounts for his family are the guardians a boy who remembers him less and less every year. Elsa who sees him as who she could have been and Anna who just wants everybody to get along. Then there’s kristoff who just wants peace
Taran still goes to see Dalben henwen fflewder and eilonwy when he can
Felicia’s last words to her father were “piss off” so she desperate to make amends with his ghost
Well you know about the fantastic four.
Jaime has become a children’s advocate. Simple stuff like babysitting and making sure the recess gang isn’t split up. But she isn’t up to date on slang so when a mourning 13 year old Angelica pickles drunk dials her, Jaime has no idea what’s the girls saying. And she takes it upon herself to punish the “evil children” ie DW Reed, 3 year old Angelica Pickles, manny heffley, Francine nebulon the children the make their older siblings lives a living hell.
Jaime aged up the child population of Springfield by ten years. Barts twenty Lisa’s eighteen Maggies twelve and so on. She also given them special powers. Bart has super speed Lisa HAD telekinesis (she abused it so she losed it. Painful rhyme I know) Maggie has electrokinesis milhouse can ghost through objects Nelson can put national monuments on his pinky nail. Ralph can bend reality to his will. Sherri can teleport Terri can fly. That sort of thing. Though some have non active powers. Moe can not die no matter how hard he tries. Homer and barney have regenerative livers (so they can be sozzled all the time) Bart has inherited Montys fortune and company
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indd40041020202021 · 4 years
Getting into it
I feel like I’m beginning to see a crest of light on the mountain that is this past year.  It’s been incredibly difficult to maintain any thread of determination or motivation (and I know I’m not alone in this) but I’ve somehow held on and I think my hard work is finally becoming tangible. As well, because I’m working in a field of design that is less common, it’s been difficult to prove my concepts within the framework of traditional industrial design practice, and has lead to tiring efforts of upholding my self-confidence in what I’m doing. [insert Einstein fish climbing tree quote here] Something that really helped me feel better was listening to this week’s design.emergency talk. Daisy Ginsberg is a huge inspiration for this project, and everything she said helped affirm and validate what I am doing (she even talks about heterarcies!). So lovely, you can watch here:
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMCl7IKFbBp/ If you haven’t seen her work on designing the sixth extiction, see this link: https://www.daisyginsberg.com/work/designing-for-the-sixth-extinction
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So last week, I was really trying to think about the form of the leech, what the skin would look like, what colours it would flash, etc. Supposedly, bioluminescent colours can be dependent on whether the animal lives on land or water. As leeches already live on both, I think I have a lot of leeway in combining these colour combinations.  I met with Rob in the flex lab who was excited about the project. He gave me two options, Dragon Skin and EcoFlex.  Dragon Skin felt more realistic, and it’s what’s used most often for props in movies. We talked about the opacity of it as well, and how the lights would shine through.  Ecoflex was more rubbery, less realistic, but may provide less tension in the tail that the motor has to fight against.  Rob said that waterproofing the electrical shouldn’t be a problem, and that we could paint the material into the mold, thus creating a cavity to fit. Rob said that to begin anything, we needed a model first. 
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So I got to work.  I did a lot of work in modelling, starting in Rhino, then forgetting everything I learned in Rhino and moving to Modo. Here are some progress shots. 
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when testing for 3D printing, Logan told me the displacement was much too small to show the texture. After adjusting the displacement, the texture became jagged, and when I subdivded the work to give it smoother transition points, the file became too large. I struggled with this for a long time - Logan gave me some tips, but I ended up having to do some really complex UV mapping to get the texture to fit as nicely as possible. 
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After fixing this, I sent it off to Logan to be printed. The leech is 200mm long, and around 45mm diameter. I wanted to maintain this uncanny valley similarity with real leeches, so I tried to push the cavity as much as I could, but I think this is as far as I want to go. Maybe it needs to be bigger? Will be tested once I have a model.  I asked Zara to take a photo of the in-process print for me while she was at school. 
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 I wanted to create a hero shot. I started with the leech, then added some pre-built meshes from the modo library, then added a murky pond backdrop. After that, I put a panel of green glass in front of the camera, creating an underwater look.
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^ here you can see the panel of glass in front of the camera
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no glass 
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with glass
I then took the two images into photoshop, and used some image overlays to give the impression of bioluminescence. 
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And the hero shot final:
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I wanted to keep some of that murkiness to show depth of field, and show that the leech was swimming towards the lens. 
For the brief, I also wanted to show what it would look like in the gallery, so I quickly modelled a gallery wall. 
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I think the film will be important in understanding what the project is about, and in allowing people to jump between worlds.  I want the film to be very simple - a biologist walking into a marshland, picking up a leech, talking about the leech, and then putting it back in the water. 
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shot order in storyboard: 1 - 2    / 3 - 4    / 5 -  6
Here’s a quick idea of what the script might look like: 1. EXT. DAY - TRAIL
A BIOLOGIST hikes through a wooded trail. (shot 1)
BIOLOGIST: Ok,  I think we’re almost there!
2. EXT DAY - LAKE (shot 2)
BIOLOGIST: RIght, so here we are at the Whonnock Lake and Wetlands in Maple Ridge, BC. (shot 4) This lake been imported form other bodies of water, and we thank the water bodies that have been providers to not only this lake but to all the species that it holds and protects. I’m hoping I can introduce you to one of these species, who is very special to our community. (shot 5) Ok, I think I’ve found one here, yup I think she is letting me hold her.  (shot 3) Yes, here she is. The species that I’m holding right now is the Hirudinea Lampyris, or the Firefly leech. (shot 4 with hands in shot) This species is incredibly special and has helped us humans better empathize between ourselves and other species. Many humans have empathetic tendencies towards other humans, but struggle with empathizing past their own species. Many other flora and fauna have incredible cross-species empathisation methods, but the Firefly Leech is incredibly gracious, and shows us how other species are feeling through it’s skin. (insert of hero shot? slow pan zoom?) The Firefly Leech is one of the only species in the hirudinea, or leech, family that is an omnivore. And while it preys on both plants and animals, the leech is non-destructive, only taking what it needs and rarely kills it’s prey. The hormones in the food that it eats, such as cortisol, are translated through a chemical reaction that is visible in the bioluminescence in it’s skin. 
(shot 4) It is very rare for a species that lives on both land and water to be bioluminescent, and the firefly leech has provided us with a means of decoding the light signals in her skin to read what the emotional status of the being that gave the leech it’s last meal. The combination of lights that she is showing my right now, 
(shot 3) is saying that the last species that it drew nutrients from, was calm and content, which gives me, as a biologist, an indication of this eco-community’s health.  (shot 5) Ok let’s put her back, thank you - oh, off she goes. 
(shot 6) The firefly leech is one of many species in this area, and we must respect and support it’s right to thrive. Through gifts of communication, the Firefly leech has helped us better understand other species, and we hope to move towards emulating this skill within our own species.  {FADE OUT} (2 minute read time) I think this playing on loop will give people a really good idea of what the leech is and does. I want to make sure to use language that is thankful and considerate, and avoid hierarchical terms such as ‘discovery’.  ------ For the design brief, I also wanted to show some electrical components. I took some files from grabcad and built a replica of what the motor and light system might look like inside the leech. I had to substitute some parts, like the neopixel ring will most likely be a neopixel stick or series of single neo pixels, but the grabcad files do the job of explaining the intended components, I think.
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^^ What neopixels look like
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This is Bobbi’s double relay limit switch altered to include the speed control and lights. The program I was using doesn’t have the trinket component in it’s schematic library so I used a micro arduino and renamed it trinket, it still serves the function correctly in the schematic. 
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I felt like the exploded view didn’t really do much for explanation. 
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I also got the mechanics to work properly, I just have to figure out the right code for the pixels. I think that I might have to adjust the power range or get a more powerful controller perhaps, in this video, only the first neopixel is lighting up, but I have not programmed it so Im not sure if that’s normal.  The video shows that the buttons do work, and when the rudder hits one, the motor reverses direction, creating a swimming motion in the tail. 
So for this week, I’m picking up my model, bringing it to Rob to start prototyping models, and talking to Bobbi about both reducing the size of the electronic components and programing the neopixels. I’m hoping to go to a toy store this weekend. I saw some videos about underwater toys, some that used the water as a switch, creating a wet point that seals the break in the circuit. Here’s a few cool videos, and one of a beautiful man-o-war that I think I want to become after I die. 
(hoping mine will look less robotic)
Absolutely in love with this creature
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Beeswax: Benefits and Uses + 10 DIY Recipes
Beeswax is the original zero-waste household staple.
So, if you’re thinking about new alternatives to plastic, wax, and other potentially wasteful products, why not try something old instead?
Beeswax has been used for centuries in candles, lubrication, skincare, food preservation and many other industries.
And as we embrace a plastic-free lifestyle, this humble product has been revived as people seek to find new ways to use it in today’s context.
We’re excited to show you all the wonderful ways you can introduce beeswax into you daily life and how it can help you along your zero-waste journey.
In this guide we’re going to give you a beeswax 101 lesson with some interesting DIY ideas to try at home.
So, what is beeswax?
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Image by Zichrini from Pixabay
Beeswax is a natural product secreted by worker bees to form the familiar honeycomb cells that you’ve seen before. As honey differs in colour and texture depending on the area and pollen sources, so does beeswax.
This natural wax is normally harvested as a by-product of honey-production and does not cause harm to the bees if you source from an ethical bee-keeper.
The texture of beeswax is usually wax-like, thin and brittle. With the addition of oils and other ingredients like resin, it can be made into a softer, more manageable form.
Why is beeswax an eco-friendly alternative?
Being a natural product and free from harmful chemicals, beeswax can be used to replace plastics and other synthetic ingredients which end up as waste.
You can also use it to replace many household items such packaging, cling wraps, furniture polish, and candles. For personal care, it can be used in lip balms, lipsticks, face creams, nail care, and hair care.
What we particularly love about using beeswax products is that they simply last longer. Just one small tub of beeswax balm can last for months because you only need to use a little at a time.
Longer-use products contribute greatly towards a zero-waste lifestyle as it reduces the need to constantly top up your everyday items for household and personal care.
Making your own homemade products takes this to a whole new level because you can control how much product you need, add your own personal touch with other natural ingredients, and you get a chance to finally re-use all those little glass pots and jars you’ve been saving!  
See? It’s a fabulous way to reduce, reuse and recycle!
Benefits of using beeswax
With all its marvellous uses, the major benefits of using beeswax is for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which make it an excellent skin care product. People use beeswax to treat various skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and it’s even safe to use in baby lotions to treat rashes.
So, in summary we love beeswax because it is:
Natural and free from toxins
Easy to work with because there are no harmful chemicals involved
A fantastic plastic-alternative
10 uses for beeswax + our favourite DIY recipes
1. Lip balm
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Image by silviarita from Pixabay
With its special water-repelling properties, beeswax can be used to relieve and restore very dry skin especially on cracked lips and heels by locking in moisture and preventing dryness. The anti-inflammatory properties of beeswax also help with healing minor abrasions.
If the air around you is very dry, for example in an air-conditioned office or in a dry climate, you’ll find that a beeswax product will help you keep dry skin patches well hydrated. If you make a larger batch of lip balm, you’ll also end up with a great product to use all over your body.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
2-Ingredient beeswax and coconut oil lip balm
Imitation Burt’s Bees Peppermint Lip Balm
Lemon Lime Lip Balm Recipe
Unlike petroleum jelly, which is used in a large variety of beauty products, beeswax will not “suffocate” the skin, but rather allow it to breathe while still providing a protective barrier.
2. Other cosmetics
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Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
If you are ready to ditch even a handful of expensive cosmetics filled with harmful chemicals and wasteful packaging, consider using natural home-made alternatives with beeswax.
These might take a little getting used to at first because the textures could be softer than what you are used to, but honestly, we think it’s worth the effort!
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
DIY all-natural homemade mascara
Beeswax lipstick
Beeswax eyeliner
3. Beeswax for hair
Video via Babilon
Your everyday hair-styling wax, texturisers and conditioners can all be made at home using beeswax.
And, because you only have to use a little at a time, these DIY products could last you much longer than store-bought products. This means that you’ll not only save money, but you’ll drastically reduce plastic and packaging waste, and you can reuse a jar to store it in – that’s a win all-round!
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
Non-greasy homemade hair pomade and texturizer
Beeswax beard balm
Herbal Beeswax leave-in conditioner
4. Food wraps
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Image by RikaC from Pixabay
This is a great alternative to plastic cling wrap or aluminium foil that you would normally use to keep things like leftovers or other items that need to be preserved on counter tops or in the fridge.
Beeswax wraps are re-usable and could preserve your food for longer due to its anti-bacterial properties. And, since they’re quite pliable and easy to mould, they’ll fit on most containers, bottles and jars.
Make these at home and you’ll never need glad wrap again!
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
Food wraps with Joboba oil and tree resin
DIY Beeswax wraps without resin
How To Make A Beeswax Wrap
5. Furniture polish
Video via Humblebee & Me
Have you been looking for a natural alternative to furniture waxes and sprays? Those products often contain toxic fumes and synthetic ingredients, but once you try a simple beeswax furniture polish, you won’t choose a store-bought product any time soon!
And, it’s completely zero-waste if you re-use a jar to store your polish in. Beeswax polish is not only great for restoring and maintaining wooden furniture, but its water-repellent properties also make it an excellent treatment and sealant for concrete countertops.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
Natural beeswax polish with olive oil
Simple Citrus Furniture Polish
DIY polish with grapeseed oil
6. Beeswax candles
Video via Our Oily House
Beeswax candles have been around since the Middle Ages and was favoured over the foul-smelling animal fat candles used at the time. Beeswax candles produced a clear flame and a pleasant smell, but where quite expensive.
These days, beeswax is experiencing a revival among eco-conscious consumers and those who simply want to live a more natural life. Raw beeswax is now much more affordable and easier to find.
Beeswax candles are by far one of the easiest things you can make at home and if you have a creative streak, you’ll have fun making various types of candles for the home, for gifting, or for a small business.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
Organic floating candles
DIY bourbon & beeswax candles
Easy DIY aromatherapy candles
Beeswax is the only wax that produces a clean burning, bright flame that last up to 10 times longer than other candles. It’s non toxic properties make it a great product for people with allergies or sensitivities or if you just want to combat indoor pollutants.  
7. Water-repellent and sealant
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Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash
For a temporary solution, beeswax can be used for waterproofing and sealing. To keep your shoes and boots dry, simply rub a raw beeswax bar along the areas you need to keep dry – that’s pretty much it! You can also use it to lightly seal and soften leather boots, bags, and furniture.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
How to waterproof boots
Homemade waterproofing
DIY leather conditioner
8. Firelighters
Video via bluebottlebunnyfarm
If you’re making your own candles, you can use the leftover wicks and wax to make some handy eco-friendly firelighters for the fireplace or barbeque.
Synthetic firelighters often contain poisonous fumes and unpleasant smells, using a natural alternative is a great way to make use of scraps of cardboard, cotton thread, wax and even orange peels. Plus, you can control the smell by keeping it neutral or adding some scented oils.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
How to make your own firelighters
5 eco-friendly firelighters
Herbal fire starters
9. Earplugs
We all need a pair of ear plugs at some point for travel, noisy workplaces, soothing earaches, swimming, showering, and blocking out the odd snore 🙂
The problem with most ear plugs is that they never quite fit right. They’re either too small or too big, they’re too stiff or too soft, and generally uncomfortable in some way. Because the ear is such a sensitive area, the chemicals used in most commercial ear plugs can cause irritation to the ear canal.
Beeswax ear plugs could provide you with an eco-friendly alternative that is both safe to use and pliable enough to fit your ear perfectly. It’s also safe for children.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
How to make earplugs
All natural and organic waterproof earplugs
10. Beeswax crayons
Video via Herban Homestead
Did you know that most crayons are made from petroleum-based paraffin wax? Switching to an eco-friendlier and more renewable source for your child’s stationery isn’t as hard as it seems because there are so many new alternatives available. One of them is beeswax crayons, and the best part is they’re actually quite easy to make at home.
Worried about the quality? Don’t be.
These natural crayons are actually so much richer in colour and brightness that your child really won’t worry about the difference. Making these at home also lets you expand the colour palette for an endless number of custom colours.
Our favourite DIY tutorials and recipes:
DIY all-natural crayons
Crayons and pastels recipes
Simple beeswax crayons
Tips for melting beeswax
Before you start your DIY projects, we’ll give you a few tips for melting the wax properly.
Firstly, make sure that you have the right equipment such as a glass heatproof jug if you are heating it in the microwave, or pots and pans to make a double boiler on the stove. A thermometer is helpful to keep so that you can constantly monitor the temperature to keep it consistent.
A grater comes in handy if you purchase your beeswax in larger blocks, so you can grate them down into the quantity you want, and they melt much faster.
Remember, this natural wax has a low melting point of between 62 – 64 degrees Celsius / 144 to 147 degrees Fahrenheit so take care not to overheat it to avoid discolouring the wax. We recommend a double boiler method so that you can keep an even temperature.
To make a double boiler, simple take two pots or pans, fill the larger one with some water and place the smaller one inside. Place the bottom pot on the stove and your top one will then be heated evenly by the water in the pot underneath – add your wax to the pot on top. Make sure you keep an eye on the water and make sure you keep it half-way filled to avoid burning the pot if it dries out.
Are you ready to try it?
Why not. Beeswax is a versatile multi-use ingredient that is a natural, bio-degradable and eco-friendly alternative to so many products. With all these wonderful benefits, there’s no excuse not to give it a try. Even if you try just one of these recipes, you will already be one step ahead on your journey towards a zero-waste home and more natural lifestyle.
But, if you’re still unsure, purchase a few food wraps, lip balms and some household products to test the waters and see if it’s right for you.
If you do find a product you like, you just might be inspired to create your own at home. The best part of homemade beeswax products is that you’ll never run out if you keep a few key ingredients around the home like beeswax bars or pellets, coconut oil, and some essential oils.
The opportunities are endless, but don’t let this overwhelm you. Just one step in the right direction is all you need to start enjoying the benefits of beeswax!
Benefits of beeswax: https://thegoodstuffbotanicals.com/beeswax/
What is beeswax?: https://www.motherearthnews.com/natural-health/what-is-beeswax-ze0z1511zcwil
5 Brilliant Beauty Benefits of Beeswax: https://www.greenpeople.co.uk/beauty-hub/blog/5-brilliant-beauty-benefits-of-beeswax
12 Creative uses for beeswax + benefits: https://wellnessmama.com/124235/beeswax-uses/
The post Beeswax: Benefits and Uses + 10 DIY Recipes appeared first on MindsetEco.
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Best Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing Company Las Vegas Nevada | McCarran Handyman Services
More information is at: http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/terrazzo-flooring-refinishing-near-me.html
 Youtube link:  https://youtu.be/gJzZXp4AekA
 Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/292645991337522/videos/401965047346587/
 Are you looking for Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing Service near Las Vegas Nevada? McCarran Handyman Services is the premier Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing Service in the Las Vegas Nevada. Terrazzo is a unique surface, primarily found as flooring, that traditionally contains marble chips of different sizes and colors held together with a cement base or, in newer applications, with a resin or epoxy base. Best Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing Service in Las Vegas Nevada. Cost? Free estimates! Call now or Send a quick message for an estimate.
The Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing will At McCarran Handyman Services, our experienced flooring experts can provide the best Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing
in Las Vegas Nevada at a very reasonable price. We take pride in offering the best Terrazzo Flooring Refinishing. Our McCarran Handyman Services experts take pride in providing the best service in the Las Vegas Nevada area.
Terrazzo is a unique surface, primarily found as flooring, that traditionally contains marble chips of different sizes and colors held together with a cement base or, in newer applications, with a resin or epoxy base. Aggregates other than marble may also be used. It is often the practice to wax terrazzo to achieve shine, but waxes yellow and collect dirt over time and therefore must be repeatedly stripped and reapplied. This process to be not only time-consuming and costly, but also unnecessary. With our professional terrazzo services, we can give your terrazzo floors a natural polish that eliminates the need for continuous stripping and waxing. If your circumstances require it, such as a hospital or high traffic environment, McCarran Handyman Services offer solutions that include increasing slip resistance, and providing anti-microbial properties to minimize the risk of spreading secondary infection.
What is terrazzo flooring?
Terrazzo flooring is a beautiful flooring system that is created by embedding aggregates of stone, glass, and marble, among other things, in cement or a resin base to achieve a beautifully artful and highly durable surface.
Why choose a terrazzo floor?
Terrazzo floors are popular for being both aesthetically and pragmatically superior. Because of the wide range of aggregates and resin or cement tinting options, the floor can be installed in a design that is unique to the specific sight – the design options are often said to be limitless, which is quite accurate; any design can be achieved with a specialized flooring company. Meanwhile, cement and resin floors are among the most durable floors in existence. The combination of strength and beauty makes terrazzo floors a truly brilliant flooring solution.
Further than both aesthetic beauty and pragmatic strength, a terrazzo floor can be highly cost-effective. Because it weighs significantly less than other cement-based options, it is simpler and quicker to install professionally. This results in less downtime for businesses and a great expense is saved via lower maintenance and cleaning costs as the floor lasts year after year, still looking great.
Why choose to work with us?
Terrazzo floors are hand-crafted and the contractors who specialize in them take great pride in their work – rightly so, as these floors are an art form and need to be installed precisely right to achieve their ultimate level of beauty and strength. McCarran Handyman Services  has been in the flooring industry for the last fifteen years, and in the last decade we have been installing terrazzo floors with great success and unmatched customer satisfaction. We are available to meet with architects, builders, and homeowners alike to walk them through from the first stage of planning all the way to the installation of their heart and mind’s vision. We recognize that each client has different needs, expectations and ideas, and we are here to recognize these and provide them with their own ultimate flooring solution. Call us today to schedule a free quote.
Terrazzo Refinishing
To an extent terrazzo can be restored to near perfect condition as long as the chosen restorer knows the intricacies of the ins and outs of what has to be prepared and done to the old terrazzo flooring.  In many instances too, terrazzo floors that can be restored are usually turned down by companies because these companies lack the needed experience and knowledge to find and fix the problems. Equally so, some of the terrazzo floor restoration projects that are taken on by companies get in over their heads or they do not fully understand the problems they are faced when they try restoring the old terrazzo. The years of experience and expert craftsmanship and dedication of the tradesmen are truthfully a must in restoring terrazzo to its near perfect condition like the day it was turned over to the owner.  
Our Terrazzo services include the following:
●     Terrazzo restoration
●     Terrazzo honing
●     Terrazzo polishing
●     Terrazzo repair
This service is ideal for any area including:
●     Residential Entrances
●     Interior floors
●     Commercial Kitchens
●     Hotels
●     Universities
●     Hospitals
●     Government buildings
●     Shopping centers
●     Community venues
Terrazzo Floor Restoration, Polishing
Terrazzo is made using marble, quartz, granite and glass chips. A wide variety of colors, looks, patterns and designs can be achieved. Terrazzo offers the attractiveness of natural stone without the associated cost.
One advantage of using Terrazzo tiles or Terrazzo seamless flooring is that the floor is extremely sturdy and strong. They are one of the most resilient tiles available in the market and are far stronger than stone and ceramic styles.
At  McCarran Handyman Services we can restore your Terrazzo floor to look as good as new. Our Restoration service involves mechanically grinding to level and smooth the surface, followed by polishing with diamond resin pads up to the level of gloss desired.
We at McCarran Handyman Services have the finest Terrazzo flooring refinishing services available at the most affordable prices! Ask for a free quote today!
Call us for :
·         Refinishing Terrazzo Floors Diy
·         Refinishing Terrazzo Floors Cost
·         How To Clean Terrazzo Floors
·         Terrazzo Floors
·         How To Strip Terrazzo Floors
·         Terrazzo Flooring Process
·         Terrazzo Floor Restoration Near Las Vegas Nevada
·         Sealing Terrazzo Floors
McCarran Handyman Services
#1 Handyman Service in Las Vegas Henderson Nevada!
CALL (702) 570-4279 HANDYMAN 1, http://www.handymanlasvegasnv.com/
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CALL (702) 530-7597 CLEANING 1, http://www.mgmhouseholdservices.com/
CALL (702) 551-2023 CLEANING 2, http://www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com/
CALL (702) 329-9729 JUNK REMOVAL, http://www.mgmjunkremoval.com/
Located in Las Vegas Nevada
Monday to Sunday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm
WEB: www.handymanlasvegasnv.com
·         Bathroom Kitchen Basement Remodeling, Interior and Exterior Painting
·         Cabinetry and Carpentry, Commercial Residential Painting
·         Concrete & Masonry, Damage Restoration
·         Decks & Railing, Demolition Services, Deck Staining
·         Door Repair Installation Services, Drywall Repair and Installer
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·         Home Building and Home Remodeling
·         General Contracting, Hauling and Property Management
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·         House Office Building Cleaning, Maintenance and Junk Removal
  SERVICE AREA: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada.
Las Vegas Neighborhoods:Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain's Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada.
Service Area Zip Codes: 88901, 88905, 89101, 89102, 89104, 89106, 89107, 89108, 89109, 89110, 89116, 89117, 89124, 89125, 89126, 89127, 89128, 89129, 89130, 89131, 89133, 89134, 89136, 89137, 89138, 89143, 89144, 89145, 89146, 89147, 89149, 89151, 89152, 89153, 89154, 89155, 89157, 89158, 89161, 89162, 89163, 89164, 89166, 89185.
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krystangreen-blog · 5 years
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If you’ve never been to Oceanside on a visit to San Diego, make it a must-see this year. This coastal city, affectionately dubbed O’side by residents, is one of only 14 designated California Cultural Districts in the state. Easy to get to, it’s the last stop on a Coaster ride from downtown San Diego to North County.
Once thought of primarily as a military town with Camp Pendleton on its northern edge, it’s come into its own with a burgeoning culinary and art scene that includes new restaurants, wineries, and breweries, plus emerging cultural, artistic, and tourist attractions. The many things to do in Oceanside won’t disappoint.
Hit the Oceanside Beach
It’s SoCal, after all, so the beach usually tops everyone’s must-do list. Oceanside has plenty of choices with nine public beaches. Perhaps the most popular Oceanside beach is Pier View South on the south side of Oceanside Pier. It’s adjacent to Pier View North. It’s also a short walk down The Strand to Tyson Street Beach and Wisconsin Street Beach.
Harbor Beach, adjacent to Oceanside Harbor, is the largest beach in Oceanside and is equally popular. Both beaches are lifeguard protected and have numerous amenities. Paid parking lots fill up fast. The blocks surrounding the pier have paid parking, but a street parking is free a couple of short blocks away (if you can find space).
Walk, Drive, or Pedal The Strand
The Strand is a 1.5-mile-long street that runs parallel to the Oceanside shoreline from Breakwater Way on the northern end to Wisconsin Avenue on the southern end.
All summer, you’ll see cars crawling along The Strand as people check out the waves and the crowded beach scene. Cars share the one-way, single-lane street with pedestrians, dog walkers, bicyclists, and surreys.
Dine on the Oceanside Pier
Historic Oceanside Pier is the largest wooden pier on the West Coast. It’s a two-minute walk from downtown and a four-minute walk from the Coaster station.
This neighborhood icon provides visitors with stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and is a favored spot to watch whale migrations and frolicking dolphins. Ruby’s Diner, a Swing Era inspired eatery, sits at the end of the pier serving classic American fare including hamburgers with fries, sandwiches, soups, salads, milkshakes, and fabulous views.
Fishing is allowed on the pier, and there is a bait shop at the pier’s halfway point. You can get great photos of the coastline from the end of the pier.
Make It a Family Day at Tyson Street Beach and Park
Tyson Street Park includes Tyson Beach. You’ll know you’ve arrived when you see Lifeguard Tower 5 on the beach. You can access the park via The Strand, which runs between the grassy park and the sandy beach. Another access point is at the top of the hill at Pacific Street.
There is a colorful multi-level stairway leading from the metered parking above to the park. You’ll find picnic tables with benches, a public telephone, restroom and shower facilities, an expansive grassy area for lounging, a children’s playground, and of course beach access across The Strand. The beach between the flags is marked for swimming only, no surfing.
Channel Your Inner Hodad at The California Surf Museum
Whether you’re a seasoned surfer or a dedicated hodad, you know that enthusiasm for surf history and surfing, in general, is peaking. The California Surf Museum is an international repository for surf history, presenting all aspects of the surf lifestyle and culture to the public.
Be awed by surfboards, surfing equipment, bios of surf greats, surf art, memorabilia, photos, videos, magazines, and all things surf related on your visit to one of the best things to do in Oceanside.
Experience Regional Art at Oceanside Museum of Art
Oceanside Museum of Art is located blocks from the beach on Pier View Way with views of the ocean and Oceanside Pier.
This fine arts museum presents regional and international exhibitions of contemporary art designed to surprise and engage visitors. You can expect landscape paintings, art quilts, architectural glass, studio furniture, neon sculptures, and other examples of fine art that represent community culture.
Kids will appreciate the interactive nature of the museum.
Take a Self-Guided Mural Tour
You can learn a lot about a community through their public art, particularly their street art. Oceanside, which is a state-recognized cultural district, has several vibrant murals throughout the city that pop off walls to grab your attention.
See all two dozen of them on a self-guided tour that follows a carefully designed map from your smartphone. Drive or bike the route and soak in the Oceanside vibe.
Explore Oceanside Harbor Village
One of Oceanside’s favorite waterfronts is picturesque Oceanside Harbor Village. You’ll find a collection of nautical-inspired souvenir, gift, and apparel boutique shops, and casual to upscale waterfront dining.
Popular things to do in Oceanside here include renting paddleboards and kayaks for a cruise around the harbor, joining a sport fishing excursion, or simply fishing from the harbor pier.
A wide sidewalk with occasional benches encircles the harbor for seal-watching or a relaxing sunset stroll. Paid parking lots are conveniently located all around the harbor, and a free lot is on the east end through a tunnel.
Taste the Wines of Orfila Vineyards & Winery
SoCal wineries have established themselves as a competitive California wine force, and Orfila Vineyards & Winery in Escondido is among them. The vineyard has been a San Pasqual Valley wine producer for 25 years, but they just opened their new tasting room in Oceanside in 2019.
Known for French and Italian varietals, guests can choose from the winery’s standard six tastings, or the expanded eight tastings, plus glass. A menu of small plates is available. They also host music, art, comedy, trivia, and other events, so check their schedule to see what’s on tap during your visit.
Hit the Links at Oceanside Municipal Golf Course
If you’re ready for some golfing in Oceanside, the Oceanside Municipal Golf Course in the San Luis Rey Valley is the place. This 18-hole public course overlooks the valley’s scenic hillsides and native habitat.
The course has a grass practice range, two well-manicured putting greens, a grill for light bites, and a bar for post-round relaxation. The course hosts annual qualifying matches for the PGA Farmers Insurance Open held at Torrey Pines.
Take a Selfie on Waverider Helicopter Tours
Here’s a new attraction to Oceanside that’s a perfect fit for ‘adventure selfie culture.’ Impress your friends with an Instagram photo of your feet dangling from a helicopter high above the Oceanside Pier and the Pacific Ocean. You can do that and more aboard Waverider Helicopter Tours.
Rides go from ten minutes to 75 minutes for up to three passengers at a time. Get a bird’s-eye view of Coastal California from Laguna Beach to downtown San Diego and inland to wine country. Ask for the Ultimate Selfie Package.
Learn California Mission History at Mission San Luis Rey
Dubbed the King of Missions, Mission San Luis Rey is the largest mission in California. The extraordinary architecture at The Mission includes hand-painted colorful murals, hand-carved wood doors, original hand-hammered copper baptismal font, and numerous Baroque and Classical updates.
The architectural beauty alone is worth a visit. Self-guided and docent-led tours are available. There is also a museum and gift shop on-site.
Surf the Waves with Sumo Surf Tubes
UP Sports Oceanside Surf Shop has added a newcomer to its range of water sports equipment — sumo surf tubes.
You can rent these wacky looking red-and-gold inflatable surf suits and hit Oceanside’s famously consistent waves for the entire day for only $25. You can even rent them by the week at discounted rates. If standing on a surfboard isn’t your thing, enjoy the thrill of the wave anyway with a sumo surf suit.
Attend an Event at Junior Seau Oceanside Pier Amphitheatre
The Junior Seau Oceanside Pier Amphitheatre, located next to the Oceanside Pier on Pier View South Beach, has been a local landmark since its original construction in 1919.
The famous amphitheater has hosted everything from the annual Samoan Cultural Celebration to live sunset jazz performances to sustainability festivals. The versatile venue hosts numerous cultural and community events year-round, but particularly in the summer, so check the schedule.
Learn Natural History at Buena Vista Audubon Society Nature Center
Located on Oceanside’s southern end, the Buena Vista Audubon Society Nature Center is the perfect place to spend a few hours with the kids learning about local natural history and the importance of conservation efforts by everyone.
The nature center provides opportunities to explore the lagoon and birdlife, native plants, and endangered species at the lagoon in an interactive and informative environment.
Get Your Adrenaline Pumping at GoJump Oceanside
For the adrenaline junkies of the group, GoJump Oceanside has just the thrill you’re looking for. It’s SoCal’s only tandem sky-dive experience with Pacific Ocean views.
You and your instructor step off the custom-built Sky-dive Aircraft at 13,000 feet within a mile of the Oceanside shoreline and take in full ocean views during the entire free fall. You’ll find the Sky-dive Center on Oceanside’s northern end at 480 Airport Road off the 76.
Join a Whale Watching Excursion
Whale watching is a classic SoCal experience, and there’s no better place to catch a whale watching excursion than Oceanside Harbor. The best time to go is from December to April when gray whales are migrating to breeding grounds off Baja, Mexico, and passing by the San Diego/Oceanside coastline.
Tours go year-round though, because there are always other spectacular marine mammals around, including sea lions, dolphins, and blue whales. Head to Helgren’s at Oceanside Harbor for experienced captains, and licensed boats with up-to-date equipment. 
fishing pier is your spot. It’s set in idyllic surroundings where the view is beautiful and always changing.
There are plenty of nearby amenities, including restrooms and places to eat. Street parking is free.
Step Back in Time at Heritage Park Village and Museum
Walking through Heritage Park Village and Museum is like walking through downtown Oceanside at the turn of the century.
The buildings assembled in this heritage village are original structures like Oceanside’s first General Store, Portola Inn, Libby School, Blacksmith Shop & Livery Stable, The Blade Newspaper, a doctor’s office, and the city jail. You can visit the charming historic park Wednesdays through Sundays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guided tours are available on weekends.
Explore the Local Art Scene at First Friday Oceanside ArtWalk
First Friday Oceanside ArtWalk is a self-guided art walk along Artist Alley in Oceanside. It’s the first Friday of every month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Visitors will see all kinds of art by local artists. Pop-up art galleries include custom jewelry, painting and portraiture, glasswork, woodwork, live music, dance performances, and poetry among other artistic expressions. Find Artist Alley a half-block east of Coast Highway between Mission Avenue and Pier View Way.
Join the Fun at Thursday Sunset Market
Oceanside’s Thursday Sunset Market goes beyond your typical farmers’ market. If that’s all you’re looking for, no problem, just come earlier in the day. After dark, it grows into a hot spot of eating, shopping, and entertainment in a festival-style atmosphere.
The market features live music, foods from around the world, an arts and crafts fair, and a farmers’ market all rolled into one.
Cruise The Strand with Wheel Fun Surreys
Wheel Fun Rentals is located beachside at the Oceanside Pier. It’s the perfect spot to grab a wheeled rental to cruise up and down The Strand alongside the beautiful, blue Pacific Ocean.
Though they rent an array of sports equipment, including bikes, specialty bikes, standup paddleboards, and more, colorful surreys provide the most family fun.
Go Deep Sea Fishing
Deep sea fishing excursions leave from Oceanside Harbor daily. You can join half-day, full-day, multiday, twilight, and nighttime fishing excursions with Helgren’s Sportfishing and Whale Watching Center.
They’ve been guiding fishing trips for over 40 years, know all the best spots, and what fish to expect where and when. Their boats are USCG licensed and equipped with state-of-the-art navigation, safety, fish-finding, and communication equipment.
Watch the Paul Mitchell NEON Supergirl Pro
There’s a surfing competition of one sort or another nearly all summer thanks to the great waves off of the Oceanside coastline. The biggest annual event is the all-female Paul Mitchell NEON Supergirl Pro, where top female surfers from around the world come to compete and share the surf lifestyle.
You’ll see more than 150 top female pro athletes from surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding. The wildly popular event includes sustainability organizations, surf industry village, seminars, fashion, yoga, pro autographs, free Paul Mitchell hairstyling, music, and food, plus the planet’s best female surfing.
Experience Your First Grunion Run
If you’ve never experienced a SoCal ‘Grunion Run,’ here’s how it’s done. First, a grunion run is when thousands of little silvery fish ride the waves onto the beach at night to spawn. To experience it, you’ll need to time your visit with the most likely beaches on three- to four-day intervals occurring just after high tide following a full or new moon.
If that seems like too much calculating, you can also Ride O’side and stop by the Oceanside Welcome Center and grab a pocket map of routes and sightseeing opportunities. (Please scooter with care.)
Indulge in Authentic Japanese Fare at Ramen MENMA
Fresh on the culinary scene from Tokyo, Japan, four-time Michelin Bib Gourmand Master Chef Ryuichiro Shinagawa, recently opened Ramen MENMA on Mission Boulevard just off Coast Highway. You can expect authentic Japanese gourmet ramen handcrafted from natural ingredients — no artificial seasonings or chemicals.
Ramen dishes come in standard, deluxe, and mega portions; hot and cold dishes; and vegan options. The restaurant has a long list of Japanese-inspired appetizers, plus wine, beer, and saki. You can top off your meal with mochi ice cream in four flavors.
Take a Culinary Journey at Exhale
Exhale is a newcomer to the Oceanside culinary scene and has taken the city by storm. With a unique fusion of white oak wood-fired, grilled, and smoked Mexican dishes, this culinary journey is a must. Their signature handmade blue corn tortillas from Oaxaca sourced masa provide the canvas for Chef Daniel’s creative cuisine.
The modern, chic restaurant has an urban vibe with garage-door-style windows, stainless steel finishes, a black and gray color palette, edgy street-style art, and casual outdoor dining. You can expect dishes like smoked brisket tacos with mole Oaxaca, peanuts, queso blanco, grilled spring onions, and grasshopper crema.
Find a Table
Grab Dinner with a View Hello Betty Fish House
Does it get any better than seafood with an ocean view? Hello Betty Fish House is an Oceanside favorite serving fish tacos, peel and eat shrimp, grilled fish platters, steamed mussels, Baja ceviche, and so much more.
The two-level restaurant with a beachy vibe is at the corner of Mission Avenue and Meyers Street, a block from the Oceanside Pier and South Pier Beach. The restaurant has Happy Hour on the rooftop deck Monday through Friday, brunch Saturdays and Sundays, Taco Tuesdays, and premier sunset views every day.
Find a Table
Experience History at The Fin Hotel
The Fin Hotel is a 27-room boutique hotel on Oceanside Boulevard that’s within walking distance of downtown, the beach, and the Coaster. The historic hotel was built in 1927 and was all the rage with LA celebrities in the 1930s and 1940s.
After a long period of decline, it was recently renovated in 2018. Guests can expect tastefully reclaimed historic charm combined with modern amenities — simultaneously elegant and straightforward.
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foundcarcosa · 7 years
Why did you close the door the last time you closed one? >> If you’re thinking about reading this, I’d consider passing unless you’re ridiculously fascinated by my every word or something -- it’s extremely long. Anyway, I actually closed it by accident, because I didn’t compensate for the change in air pressure when I swung it behind me.
Stripes or polka dots? >> I prefer stripes.
Do you care if people touch you when they’re talking to you? >> I do care. I’d prefer not to be touched. Exceptions exist, but they’re so few and so specific that it’s easier to just start from “don’t touch me” as a rule and then write in the amendments as they become relevant.
What is your gender? >> I don’t have one. Except for Sparrow’s interpretation of my gender, which is “a .gif of a twerking spider”. It’s acceptable.
Do you think that people think its obvious? >> I think that my lack of fucks given re: gender is plenty obvious by my appearance, but at the same time, it’s probably better in general if people don’t assume.
How long did your first date last? >> I don’t remember. It was almost 12 years ago.
Is your favorite color within 10 feet of you? >> I don’t have a favourite colour.
Highlight of your day? >> The high point of today was getting to three-quarters done with WoW’s Loremaster of Draenor achievement. Spires of Arak was a pain in the ass.
Would you rather be on a boat or a plane? >> That would probably depend on the length of the voyage and where to. I do love flying, though.
Can you tell when girls (or guys) have eyeliner on? >> Whether I can tell if someone has eyeliner on or not depends on how closely I’m looking at their face and also how much I care.
Can you cook? >> I can.
How high is your ceiling? >> I don’t know.
Whats the worst job you can think of? >> The worst job for me would be janitorial work, especially if bathrooms are involved.
Do you swear a lot? >> I do.
Does the last person you texted have an O in their name? >> Yes.
Is everything working in your house? >> More or less, I assume.
Would you rather have a pool or a trampoline? >> I’d rather have a trampoline, as I’m more likely to use that than a pool (seeing as I can’t swim and find the rituals surrounding pool usage -- the showering, the drying, the changing of clothing, the uncomfortable sensory bits -- to be overwhelming most of the time.
Does pop give you energy? >> Not that I’ve noticed.
TV show you love with a passion? >> Metalocalypse is one. So is Vikings. And Person of Interest. And Hannibal. And Tremé. And Carnivale. And...
Do you think you learned anything from the worst night of your life? >> There are no such things in my life. Perfect age to get married? >> The age you feel like doing so. Is it safe to say you own over 20 pairs of shoes? >> It’s not safe to say that. I own two.
Name a career path that women are known for taking. >> I’m not confident enough in the veracity of any demographic-based statistical data to answer this.
Favorite type of cookie? >> Thin Mints are the only cookies I can eat more than one of in a sitting.
A quality you look for in choosing a significant other? >> I don’t look for specific qualities, I look for well-crafted and intricate and intriguing tapestries -- and then I mine the details.
What would I find if I looked in your pocket? >> A lip balm.
What was your first word? >> I don’t know.
A musical instrument you wouldn’t mind learning how to play? >> I’m fine with not knowing how to play one. Singing is more my thing. And rhythm-based music games. :p
Last time you went to 7-eleven? >> I don’t remember. I was probably in New York.
A fast food restaurant that you hate with a passion? >> None.
Does everyone in your family have a job? >> I don’t even know everyone in my family, let alone their employment status.
Going anywhere this weekend? >> Not that I know of / can recall.
Is your room ever clean? >> The bedroom is generally some level of clean. More cluttered than I’d like, but that’s because I’m inclined to minimal possessions and Sparrow is not.
What does it mean when youre being quiet? >> It means I don’t feel like being loud. Which is usually.
Last person you had a face to face conversation with? >> Sparrow.
Wheres your phone? >> On the bed beside me.
Do you know the difference between your and you’re? >> Yes. I don’t find it worth arguing about, though.
How late did you stay up last night? >> I went to sleep sometime around 1a EST, I think.
Anyone you’re ready to kill? >> I’m ready to kill whatever mobs I need to kill to continue grinding out these achievements.
Do you need to get a tan? >> No. I certainly wouldn’t complain about getting a shade or three darker, but I don’t think I spend enough time in the sun for it to happen regardless.
What do you want? >> A slight decrease in humidity. A stone-and-glass shower that could feasibly fit a dozen people comfortably. A giant Snorlax plushie. Her.
Favorite TV show as a kid? >> I don’t think I had one. Whats a show that you absolutely refuse to watch? >> Sherlock.
How many times have you been in love? >> I don’t know.
Go camping or go to a party? >> Partying while camping is a lot of fun.
Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? >> Yes. I started in earnest when I left my dad’s, because I wasn’t allowed to swear while I lived with him. So, 17.
How many years older than you would you date someone? >> My general guideline is no more than 10 years older than me.
What was the last thing you pinky swore on? >> I don’t.
Would you consider yourself a nice person? >> I don’t consider myself a nice person. I don’t want to be a “nice” person. I want the adjectives that describe me to be more... detailed. Less fake-sounding.
Are there a lot of mirrors in your house? >> There are three.
Has there ever been a serial killer in your house? >> As far as I know, no. Do you know anyone who looks like Adam Sandler? >> No.
True or false: Glee is annoying. >> I don’t know, I’ve never watched it.
Last thing you cooked? >> Half of a bag of frozen potatoes and onions and peppers.
Do you use slang often? >> Sure.
Wear glasses? >> Sunglasses, and sometimes clear lenses for aesthetic. About how old was the last person that hit on you? >> I don’t remember the last time I was hit on.
What color are your headphones? >> One pair is black, the other blue.
Would you make a good teacher? Why? >> I don’t know. I’ve never really thought much about it, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be socially acceptable enough for any established educational system.
Don’t you hate those commercials that try too hard? >> No. I don’t understand a lot of them, or what their target demographic is, or what the hook is supposed to be, but I accept them as a quirk of modern society.
Is the fan on? >> Yes.
Any special reason why you’re taking this survey? >> No special reason. I was in the mood to take one and I found this in the tag.
What does the last text message you sent say? >> I don’t remember and don’t feel like finding out. Your friend needs you to run to the store to get a pregnancy test. Do you? >> In this highly improbable situation, I have no real problem picking up a pregnancy test for someone... as long as I have a good reason to. I’d be more interested in why they couldn’t go get it themselves.
Do you log out on facebook when you leave the site? >> Except for the very rare times I’m on a public device or someone else’s device, no.
What color are your underwear? >> Black.
How short are your nails? >> They’re about a centimeter extended past my fingertips.
Do you like the opposite sex to be dominant or you the one in control? >> I’m too lazy to manipulate this question into one remotely answerable by me.
Favorite holiday? >> Christmas.
If I asked you to point to Ohio on a map of the US do you think you could? >> Yes. I remember Ohio’s shape.
Youre locked in a room with spiders. Do you have an issue? >> How many spiders? How big are they? Are they venomous? Also, why am I locked in a room at all?
Do you wear your most expensive item of clothing often? >> I think my most expensive item of clothing is either my winter coat (which I only wear in... winter... so no, not often) or my Tripp coat (which is too small for me, so now I don’t wear it at all until I can figure out how to repurpose it).
Do you eat a lot of food? >> I eat as I’m compelled to. /shrug Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? >> I was an adult when I started having those kinds of relationships, so there is no way he could exert control over them.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? >> Yes.
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? >> I don’t know how good I’d be at understanding driving directions, seeing as I don’t drive. I understand most directions pretty well, if multiple frames of reference are given (compass directions and landmarks as backup, for example).
How many people do you text daily? >> Zero, usually, unless Sparrow texts me something.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? >> No.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? >> No.
What did you do on your last birthday? >> On my actual birthday, I didn’t do anything. My birthday trip was at the beginning of that month.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? >> I don’t know.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re incapable of whispering? >> No.
What is your least favorite subject in school? >> All of them.
Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? >> No. My father won custody of me pretty easily when I was a baby, considering my mother didn’t even show up to court.
Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other’s face? >> No.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? >> Earlier today. I watched the Leeroy Jenkins video.
Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? >> No. When was the last time you held someone’s hand? >> I don’t remember.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? >> I don’t eat meals, I just eat when I’m hungry. I ate on about four separate occasions today, but not much.
Do you think it’s stupid for people to call others “hot?” >> No.
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? >> It’s reliable for what I use it for.
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? >> Yes. I thought it had some cool things.
Do you care about spending money if it’s someone else’s money? >> I respect people’s financial limits, especially if they’re clearly defined (”ok I only have 20 to spend so”), but I don’t make a big deal out of trying to order the cheapest thing on the menu. I order what I want, and if they don’t want to buy whatever it is, then I’ll pick something else. --Or pay for it myself.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? >> Lilo and Stitch.
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? >> No. I didn’t really have a context for that.
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? >> I’d rather hardwood everywhere except the bedroom, I think. I just find it so much easier to keep clean, and also... I can just put rugs down if I want soft. (Rugs are also easier to clean for me, because they can be taken outdoors and beaten and aired out.)
Who was the last person you yelled at? Why? >> I don’t remember.
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? >> Day camp, sometimes. And church camp once, when I was 13.
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? >> Yes, once. Wouldn’t mind doing it again.
Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? >> No.
When was the last time you went somewhere you thought was haunted? >> I don’t know.
Who was the last person to compliment you? >> I think that was Krister, on Instagram sometime in the past week or two.
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? >> I was 18.
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? >> My father was overprotective and strict.
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? >> No.
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? >> No.
Do you still watch cartoons on television? >> Yes. I especially like to watch them on the bathroom TV at the in-laws’ house when I use their shower.
What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? >> A couple of soft tacos and/or a quesadilla or something. Nothing too extravagant.
Is there anyone currently annoying you? >> In general, yes, but now there is a finish line in sight.
Have you ever felt like someone was following you? >> Yes. Do you like short or long surveys the best? >> I like the 30-50 question range best. Any longer than that, and questions start to weaken and get repetitive. Case in point: this survey, which has asked me about instruments three times already.
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real? >> No. That doesn’t strike me as an intelligent move.
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time? >> ---
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along? >> No. I often get excited, though.
How often do you shower? >> Two to three times a week.
Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser? >> I don’t recall ever doing that.
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day? >> Zero.
Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around? >> I don’t think I have a context for that kind of opinion.
Do you ever watch any soap operas? >> No.
Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone? >> Well, probably.
Do you think long surveys are boring or entertaining? >> If the questions manage to remain interesting, as I said before, then I’m fine with them. This one is pushing my patience.
What color is your significant other’s hair? >> It’s usually purple or red or some shade in between the two.
Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before? >> Probably at some point.
Would you ever become a foster parent? >> I’d rather become an adoptive parent. I prefer the long-term investment model of parenting; the short-term investment model does not appeal to me.
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family? >> No, but a couple of them ought to be ashamed of themselves, probably.
When you get married, will you convert your last name? >> Yes. Provided Sparrow does what I think she should do, and change hers before the legal proceedings. Otherwise it just won’t make as much narrative sense, god dammit.
Are your parents divorced, married or separated? >> My parents were never married.
Has someone ever left a relationship with you for someone else? >> Probably. I never paid too much attention to that.
What’s the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced? >> Superlatives and me don’t get along.
When was the last time you went shoe shopping? >> It’s been a while. I can never find shoes I want to wear.
When was the last time you cried? For what reason? >> I don’t remember.
What is your favorite shop to go to at the mall? >> Hot Topic, Barnes and Noble.
Would you ever consider becoming a marine biologist? >> No.
Did you carry a lunchbox as a child? >> I did. I was raised vegan and sugar-free so I had to take packed lunches.
What is your favorite ‘sweet’ to eat? >> Sea salt brownies are pretty good.
Are you someone who usually eats when you’re bored? >> Sometimes.
Have you ever eaten your way through a breakup? >> No.
Who was the last person you texted? >> Sparrow, most likely.
Do you usually buy popcorn when you eat at the movie theater? >> No. I don’t really like popcorn in the first place, but especially not for those prices.
Did you sleep alone or with someone last night? >> Alone until Sparrow went to bed. We have Venn-diagram sleep schedules.
What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? >> Balsamic vinaigrette, or Italian in a pinch.
Are you someone who constantly likes to wear hats? >> No. I like my floppy hat, but that’s it. And that’s just for winter, when my short hair can’t protect my head from the elements.
Have you ever seen a Lifetime movie that relates to your life? >> No.
Is it your summer vacation right now? >> I don’t have vacations.
Do you like traveling? >> Yes.
What color are the walls of the room you’re in right now? >> White. Do you go to church regularly? >> I did for a few months, but I don’t think it’s something I could keep up for long. Dragging myself out of bed in the morning just to go get frustrated at Christianity can sometimes be fun, but mostly I’m too lazy.
Who’s your best friend? >> I suppose that is Can Calah.
Are you determined? >> Determined to do what, exactly? My personality traits are dependent on the circumstance. Are you always looking for/in a relationship, or do you like being single? >> I have been in at least one relationship for the past five years, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
Ever had your heart broken? >> I’ve felt like that, yeah.
Even broken someone else’s heart? >> I don’t know. No one’s ever told me that, to my recollection, so I assume not.
Are you confident? >> I don’t know. Probably. It’s not something I put a lot of mental energy into. It strikes me as a largely unimportant trait to focus on at this time in my life.
When’s the last time you smiled? >> I don’t remember. I also don’t really... keep track, ya dig.
Are you tan? >> I am dark-skinned. Any big plans for today/tonight? >> No.
What’s the background on your computer? >> It’s a slideshow. Right now, it’s some cool space art I probably found here on tumblr.
Do you have days where you just want to listen to sad songs? >> Not whole days, usually. Periods of time in general, though? Certainly.
Who’s the last person you kissed? >> Sparrow.
Are you hoping they will also be the next person you kiss? >> I mean, at this point it’s kind of assumed.
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solivar · 7 years
Dog Daies of Summer
It has been my custom of some years to make a festival observance the forty hottest days of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere). The dates in question are July 6th to August 17th and the principle is similar to the old 31_Days fic-and-art community from Livejournal, in which a prompt is posted for each day for individuals to consider and respond to, preferably on that day. I’m not that fastidious about it, particularly since this is just for fun. I’ll post the whole list on July 1st and then one prompt a day on its day for everyone’s entertainment.
Below the cut here is a list of prior years’ prompts for your edification and amusement.
July 6th: I Should Write A Book About This July 7th: Really Seven Hundred Years Old July 8th: Life or Limb Decision July 9th: Freak Lab Accident July 10th: Room Full of Crazy July 11th: Beat Still, My Heart July 12th: Strapped To An Operating Table July 13th: You Won’t Feel A Thing July 14th: Connect the Deaths July 15th: Playing With Syringes July 16th: Gone Horribly Wrong July 17th: The Eyes Have It July 18th: No Plans, No Prototype, No Back-Up July 19th: Gone Horribly Right July 20th: Too Many Mouths July 21st: They Would Cut You Up July 22nd: Putting the ‘Romance’ In Necromancy July 23rd: The Darkness Gazes Back July 24th: Faster Than They Look July 25th: How We Got Here July 26th: Don’t Go In the Woods July 27th: Powered By A Forsaken Child July 28th: Let the Past Burn July 29th: Once Is Not Enough July 30th: Four Eyes, Zero Soul July 31st: Red Eyes, Take Warning August 1st: You Are Who You Eat August 2nd: Lost Him In A Card Game August 3rd: A Storm Is Coming August 4th: I Have Many Names August 5th: Sealed Evil In A Can August 6th: Nothing Under the Mask August 7th: I Can See You August 8th: Sealed Inside A Person-Shaped Can August 9th: Be Careful What You Wish For August 10th: Lost In the Shadows August 11th: The Glasses Come Off August 12th: The Gloves Come Off August 13th: You Look Like You’ve Seen A Ghost August 14th: A Bloody Mess August 15th: Hemo Erotic August 16th: Things I Will Do If I Am Ever the Vampire August 17th: Undeath Always Ends 2015: July 6: Terror At Makeout Point July 7: The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You July 8: Never Sleep Again July 9: Spiders Are Scary July 10: Attack of the Killer Whatever July 11: Gory Deadly Overkill Title of Fatal Death July 12: Not A Mask July 13: The Stars Are Going Out July 14: Beast With A Human Face July 15: Harbinger of Impending Doom July 16: Not Using the Z Word July 17: Things That Go Bump In the Night July 18: Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts July 19: Hell Is THAT NOISE July 20: Fog of Doom July 21: Too Many Mouths July 22: Coming From Inside the House July 23: Once Is Not Enough July 24: Town With A Dark Secret July 25: Visiting the Uncanny Valley July 26: Camp Totally Unsafe For Children July 27: I Can See You July 28: Paint the Town Red July 29: Very Loosely Based On A True Story July 30: Circus of Oh Hell No July 31: No Party Like A Donner Party August 1: Pleasure Island August 2: You Look Like You’ve Seen A Ghost August 3: The Darkness Gazes Back August 4: Ryokan of No Return August 5: Quarantine With Extreme Prejudice August 6: Things Man Was Not Meant To Know August 7: Death by Road Trip August 8: Let’s Split Up, Gang August 9: Rain of Blood August 10: Skeleton Crew August 11: FFS, Don’t Go In the Woods August 12: The Most Dangerous Video Game August 13: Room Full of Crazy August 14: Scare Dare August 15: A Fete Worse Than Death August 16: Museum of the Strange and Unusual August 17: Nothing But Skulls 2014: July 6: Consentacles July 7: Lovemap July 8: Polyamory July 9: Star-crossed July 10: Dragobete July 11: Banquet of Chestnuts July 12: The Screw of Archimedes July 13: The Bucket In the Well July 14: Love's Tailor July 15: Soul With Soul July 16: The Jewels of the Lovers and the Rejoicing of Souls July 17: The Leaf of the Blue Lotus July 18: The Coral and the Jewel July 19: The Sixty-Four Arts July 20: Milk and Water July 21: Hips, Loins, Thighs July 22: For Thy Love Is Better Than Wine July 23: I held him and would not let him go July 24: Whenever my shining desire wishes July 25: Let us live, let us love July 26: The Flower In Bloom July 27: The Secret Offering July 28: The Ardent Dreamer July 29: The Forbidden Tree July 30: The Ecstatic Dance July 31: The Phoenix of Joy August 1: The Snake Charmer August 2: The Mysterious Liaison August 3: But I would really enjoy it August 4: Come back to bed, honey August 5: Did you just romance Cthulhu? August 6: Hemoerotic August 7: Interplay of Sex and Violence August 8: One Thing Led To Another August 9: Stupid Sexy Friends August 10: But liquor is quicker August 11: You Sexy Beast August 12: The Big Damn Kiss August 13: Combative Sexual Tension August 14: Friends With Benefits August 15: Like An Old Married Couple August 16: Love Is In the Air August 17: Irrumatio 2013: July 6: ‘Follow the Sun’ July 7: ‘A little brighter now’ July 8: ‘Take my hand’ July 9: ‘Lift your eyes’ July 10: ‘Don’t let go’ July 11: ‘Until the shadows fade’ July 12: ‘Set the world on fire’ July 13: ‘Burn brighter than the Sun’ July 14: ‘Carry me home tonight’ July 15: ‘An Endless Summer’ July 16: ‘A kiss was just a kiss’ July 17: ‘Shine your light on me’ July 18: ‘One Summer Dream’ July 19: ‘Summer song sung all along’ July 20: ‘Write it in the sand’ July 21: ‘Swim the laughing sea’ July 22: ‘Keep the fire burning until the light of day’ July 23: ‘Tell me that your love is true’ July 24: ‘Laughter in the raging sea’ July 25: ‘The fire burning inside of me’ July 26: ‘Voices on the wind’ July 27: ‘A kiss for every star’ July 28: ‘A joy reckless and wild’ July 29: ‘In those wild bowers’ July 30: ‘To the summer we will come’ July 31: ‘Still within a summer’s night’ August 1: ‘As Summer into Autumn slips’ August 2: ‘The last of Summer is delight’ August 3: ‘Nature’s clock was chiming’ August 4: ‘Summer slowly blows away’ August 5: ‘It was cool’ August 6: ‘And it was dusk’ August 7: ‘Luring summer leaves to hum and sway’ August 8: ‘Just hold me close’ August 9: ‘Summer droplets sweating on autumn’ August 10: ‘Washing away Summer’s sin’ August 11: ‘From all the autumn bonfires’ August 12: ‘And all the summer flowers’ August 13: ‘Flowers in the summer’ August 14: ‘Fires in the fall’ August 15: ‘Autumn whispers to the falling leaves’ August 16: ‘Summer’s almost gone’ August 17: ‘When the leaves burn, summer ends’ 2012: July 6th: I Want Summer Back July 7th: Live In the Sunshine July 8th: Swim In the Sea July 9th: Drink In the Wild Air July 10th: Get A Room! July 11th: That Feeling In Summer of Just Not Knowing What Day It Is July 12th: And We Frolic About In Our Summer Skin July 13th: Back To Summer Paradise With You July 14th: Love Will Lead You Back July 15th: Life Without Love Is Like A Year Without Summer July 16th: Your Light Will Shine When All Else Fades July 17th: That Endless Summer, Take Me There July 18th: That Summer Romance I’ll Never Forget July 19th: Life Was Beginning Over Again With the Summer July 20th: We’ll Still Have the Summer After All July 21st: Summertime Is the Best of What Might Be July 22nd: Literally Falling In Love July 23rd: Let Us Dance In the Sun July 24th: Sweet, Sweet Burn of Sun and Summer Wind July 25th: Here’s To All Those Summer Nights July 26th: Summer-Induced Stupidity July 27th: Sweet Summer Sweat July 28th: A Worship In the Summer Sun July 29th: On A Long Sweet Summer Night July 30th: Endless Summer Days I Spent With You July 31st: Mad, Naked Summer Nights August 1st: Half the Summer Is Gone Already August 2nd: Til the Days of Summer Are Gone August 3rd: The Sun Has Almost Slipped Away August 4th: Why Is Summer Mist Romantic and Autumn Mist Just Sad? August 5th: On the Last Wave of Summer August 6th: Always Summers Are Slipping Away August 7th: Our Summer Will Come Again August 8th: Our Last Summer August 9th: But, Oh, Those Summer Nights August 10th: My Fickle Friend, the Summer Wind August 11th: Can You Hear the Summer Calling You? August 12th: Summer Love Can’t Stay August 13th: Summer Blows Away August 14th: Your Smile Fades In the Summer August 15th: The Summer Ends and We Wonder Where We Are August 16th: At the Dead End of Summer August 17th: Every Summer Has Its Own Story 2011: July 6th: ‘Do not shine. Do not seek to shine.Burn.’ July 7th: ‘Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.’ July 8th: ‘Wide open to the Sun’ July 9th: ‘Let us dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair...’ July 10th: ‘A light shines through us upon all things’ July 11th: ‘Light is good from whatever lamp it shines.’ July 12th: ‘What is to give light must endure burning.’ July 13th: ‘Love is not consolation -- it is light.’ July 14th: ‘All that’s blessed by light’ July 15th: ‘Sunshine is my quest.’ July 16th: ‘An infinite land of day.’ July 17th: ‘Keep your flame lit and you will never feel the darkness.’ July 18th: ‘Written in light’ July 19th: ‘Shines and warms’ July 20th: ‘The Pursuit of Sweetness and Light’ July 21st: ‘That’s how the light gets in’ July 22nd: ‘One spot of sun spilling onto the floor’ July 23rd: ‘Rise in perfect light’ July 24th: ‘Beauty is a light in the heart’ July 25th: ‘Wine is sunlight held together by water’ July 26th: ‘Radiant and bright’ July 27th: ‘Your path is illuminated by the light, yet darkness lets the stars shine brighter.’ July 28th: ‘I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.’ July 29th: ‘Out of the Heart of Darkness’ July 30th: ‘Yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars’ July 31st: ‘Most glorious night!’ August 1st: ‘The innumerable stars, shining’ August 2nd: ‘With the moon in her hand’ August 3rd: ‘Night is a world lit by itself.’ August 4th: ‘O, radiant Dark!’ August 5th: ‘Blossomed the lovely stars’ August 6th: ‘But seemed far beautifuller than its day’ August 7th: ‘Leave your nights open to chance’ August 8th: ‘Night’s black mantle’ August 9th: ‘The healing dark’ August 10th: ‘A silver glory for despair’ August 11th: ‘And wisdom mounts her zenith with the stars’ August 12th: ‘Seek the breast of darkness’ August 13th: ‘Mad, naked summer night’ August 14th: ‘And the night shall be filled with music’ August 15th: ‘When stars come out to watch the daylight die’ August 16th: ‘Mine is the night, with all her stars’ August 17th: ‘At the darkest moment comes the light’ 2010: July 6th: ’I don’t want to be friends’ July 7th: ‘The burning cathedral of summer...’ July 8th: ‘I have never forgotten your smile...’ July 9th: ‘Ah, summer, what power have you to make us suffer and like it.’ July 10th: ‘Tears are the summer showers to the soul.’ July 11th: ‘We always believe that our first love is our last and our last love is our first.’ July 12th: ‘I know I am but the summer to your heart, not the full four seasons of the year.’ July 13th: ‘And summer’s lease have all too short a date.’ July 14th: ‘Never fear the darkness.’ July 15th: ‘The song sings itself’ July 16th: ‘filled with a dreamy and magical light’ July 17th: ‘so full of gladness and so full of pain’ July 18th: ‘I wasn’t really naked -- I simply didn’t have any clothes on’ July 19th: ‘Hell’s afloat in lovers’ tears’ July 20th: ‘what the heart has once owned and had, it will never lose’ July 21st: ‘jeweled balm for the battered spirit’ July 22nd: ‘time has not cropped the roses from your cheek’ July 23rd: ‘breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit’ July 24th: ‘in vino, veritas’ July 25th: ‘last night we spoke of love’ July 26th: ‘here at the quiet limit of the world’ July 27th: ‘don’t go away’ July 28th: ‘aurora musis amica’ July 29th: ‘where land meets water’ July 30th: ‘where earth meets air’ July 31st: ‘where sea meets sky’ August 1st: ‘Once Upon A Lammas Night’ August 2nd: ‘...and like a dream of beauty glides away’ August 3rd: ‘to the heart that’s coming home’ August 4th: ‘I hear you calling’ August 5th: ‘turn your face to the sun’ August 6th: ‘breathless’ August 7th: ‘Qi Qiao Jie’ August 8th: ‘my heart’s content’ August 9th: ‘shine kindly here’ August 10th: ‘Garden of the Sun’ August 11th: ‘here’s to the nights’ August 12th: ‘life in the heat’ August 13th: ‘let it begin’ August 14th: ‘...and pins it with a star’ August 15th: ‘long sweet summer night’ August 16th: ‘I’ll leave when I want to’ August 17th: ‘this season of waning light’ 2009: July 6: 'The summer night is like a perfection of thought.' July 7: 'The Weaver and the Cowherd' July 8: 'It is a great thing to know our vices.' July 9: 'life as yet untouched by tragedy' July 10: 'O the summer-time is coming, and the trees are sweetly blooming...' July 11: 'There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in proportion.' July 12: 'eye contact is the best accessory' July 13: 'But the body is deeper than the soul and its secrets inscrutable.' July 14: 'Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane.' July 15: 'The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart.' July 16: 'Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who only dream by night.' July 17: 'Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune' July 18: 'Aw, look, they really do love one another!' July 19: 'Destructo Nookie' July 20: 'Fear leads to anger, anger leads to yelling, yelling leads to wild, biting, clawing sex on the nearest vaguely horizontal object. The horizontal object is totally optional.' July 21: 'Even the guys/girls want him/her.' July 22: 'happiness in slavery' July 23: 'interspecies romance' July 24: 'kiss kiss slap' July 25: 'slap slap kiss' July 26: 'dress hits floor' July 27: 'you fail sex ed forever' July 28: 'and there was much rejoicing!' July 29: 'the sun, the sea, the sand, the little frozen cocktails that taste like Kool Aid so you drink too many of them...' July 30: 'and what is she doing to prove her love to you?' July 31: 'there's only one bed' August 1: 'second loves' August 2: 'bound and gagged' August 3: 'fun with subtitles' August 4: 'coitus uninterruptus' August 5: 'the immodest orgasm' August 6: '34' August 7: '[something] on the dance floor' August 8: 'oh, 'tis delicious to hate you!' August 9: 'the bright, sweet summer of our youth' August 10: 'turn the page' August 11: 'author appeal' August 12: 'a gypsy wind from off the sea' August 13: 'the bright lanterns of spirit floating down the river' August 14: 'in the forests of the night' August 15: 'written on the warm summer rain' August 16: 'one last fling' August 17: 'summertime blues'
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