#A. B. Poranek
nopecho · 4 months
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Tu sonrisa fue como un rayo de sol, como el primer día cálido tras un invierno eterno.
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mercerislandbooks · 7 months
Book Notes: Where the Dark Stands Still
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The adult and young adult fantasy genre has seen so many iterations of fairytale retellings. And many of us are happy to discover our favorite fairytales in inventive new frameworks and settings again and again. I finally noticed the ones I always gravitate towards have a strong Beauty and the Beast theme. From Robin McKinley’s two Beauty and the Beast retellings (Beauty and Rose Daughter, both excellent) to Uprooted by Naomi Novik, to A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer, there’s something about a girl and a sentient house and a curse just begging to be broken that I find immensely satisfying. 
Enter the newest addition to my list, A. B. Poranek’s debut YA Fantasy, Where the Dark Stands Still. When Liska enters the Driada, a forest rumored to be infested with demons, it’s in search of the fabled fern flower. For Liska, the wish the flower grants is her only hope to rid herself of the magic she’s had all her life, magic considered demonic by her pious village. If she wants any chance to live a normal life, the magic must go. So Liska braves the tricksy forest and its dangerous inhabitants. But in discovering the fern flower, she also encounters its forbidding guardian, the powerful Leszy. His bargain for the flower is one year of service to him in his House Under the Rowan Tree, shrouded in decades of neglect. Liska reasons she can endure a year of servitude to be free of her magic, and makes the bargain. Of course, there’s more to the house, the Leszy, and the forest than Liska can know. A year of forced proximity brings to light many secrets, not the least of which is the true origins of the Driada itself. 
As Where the Dark Stands Still draws significantly from Polish folklore, I found myself quickly out of my depth, both in pronunciation and in familiarity. I’d heard of rusalka and hearth spirits from other Slavic inspired fantasies, but the Leszy, the strzygon and many others were unknown to me. It was enjoyable to have a new-to-me framework paired with elements of Beauty and the Beast. And beyond that, Poranek’s writing was filled with delightful moments of wry humor and wisdom, not to mention a simmering romantic thread. It was a pleasure to watch Liska comes into deeper knowledge of herself and her inner strength. For those of you looking for a reading experience with no cliff hangers or loose ends, Where the Dark Stands Still is that rare thing in YA Fantasy these days: a standalone novel. It is the perfect read for fantasy lovers to curl up with during these rainy evenings!
— Lori
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carica-ficus · 3 months
Review: Where the Dark Stands Still
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Author: A. B. Poranek
Date: 22/05/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
April and May have been very stressful for me this year and none of the books I was reading were truly interesting to me. I couldn't enjoy them to their true potential. Even worse, I was only annoyed by their imperfections which only made me lack them even less. Then I decided to pick up "Where the Dark Stands Still" in the bookstore, hoping that it will give me some satisfaction as a lighter, more dynamic read. This book had a lot to offer, but sadly I was not the right audience for it.
The story follows Liska, a girl with magical powers who escapes her hometown in search of a powerful fern flower that will grant her a wish. She manages to find it, but she is discovered by the warden of the forest - the Leszy - who proposes a bargain to her - one year of service in exchange for her wish. So Liska agrees to his terms and decides to live with the forest demon in his magical manor, but as time passes, she realizes it is not the Leszy she needs to fear, but something much greater and much more ominous.
The book is well written, with a fluid, interesting plot that hides many secrets. Unfortunately, the beginning is quite slow and there are a few moments that feel a little too saccharine for a story that is supposed to be relatively dark. Liska's interactions with the Leszy are cautious, but still feel too relaxed considering Leszy's character. He is a demon Liska has been taught to fear her whole life, but she calmly starts regarding him as a elusive roommate, less a potential threat. In turn, their relationship seems shallow and the build up toward romantic emotions too obvious. This makes it look like there are no real dangers for either of them in forming this relationship, which consequently makes their romance less stimulating.
Moreover, neither Liska nor the Leszy stand out as memorable characters. They are a rendition seen one too many times - a caring and sweet girl who's only flaw is that she doesn't fit in, and the brooding, distant boy who is too scared to love. Such a trope has become so overused in fiction that it unfortunately makes these characters feel bland in comparison. Aside from their personalities being constructed to reflect and fulfill one another, there is not much else to connect to. They have no hobbies, no true beliefs, and no dreams aside from the ones closely connected to the plot of the book.
Somewhere at the half-mark, the pace finally picks up and the main characters are put into exciting and dangerous situations. Important plot points become apparent, and suddenly the book turns into much more. The stakes are higher and the reader is finally introduced to the true villain of the story. There are still wholesome and cute moments between the characters, but they blend into the background, instead of hold the spotlight like they did at the beginning. It makes the story suddenly feel more raw, the romance less forced and the plot points more interesting.
If there's one thing to admire in the book, it is the representation of Slavic culture, particularly the traditions that originate from Poland. The author holds a great appreciation for it, so much so that their love is almost palpable. Polish phrases and words are used often, but not excessively, as are references to the culture and traditions. Their natural and casual appearance never feels forced and it offers a beautiful and crucial addition to this story.
Another element worthy of praise is the author's approach to Liska's understanding of magic and her relationship to it. Even though a powerful czarownik, she has difficulties with manifesting her magic because of past trauma. She was shunned in her village, treated as an outcast, and as an unnatural threat. Her outbursts were often violent, she found more comfort in animals than people, and she barely had any friends. This is why it could be argued how her magic forms a clear parallel to neurodivergence, especially considering the fact Liska spends her whole life trying to fit in and suppresses what she cannot escape. Her story is the story of accepting herself for who she is, but the author doesn't sugarcoat it. Instead, Poranek explores all the difficulties that come with unlearning harmful beliefs and the hardships which appear through the process of healing. Moreover, Poranek highlights how crucial having a safe, accepting and caring environment is, and how important is having a support system with people who love you for who you are. Magic doesn't make Liska broken, it only makes her different.
While I had some obvious troubles with the book, I would mostly ascribe them to my personal tastes. My interest in romance is very particular and I have grown out of young adult novels, no matter how much I try to deny this fact, which is why "When the Dark Stands Still" is a great book that I just didn't like as much as I wanted to.
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bluevelvia · 5 months
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A. B. Poranek, Where the Dark Stands Still
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"Please, tell me how to save you."
"But, oh--I am already saved."
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shxpeshifterr · 6 months
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How pretty is this 😍
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blubblegumblub · 3 months
I want to add some of my notes from Where the dark stands still by A B Poranek because they are… interesting…
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paperbacktomes · 7 months
My Top 5 Reasons to Read Where the Dark Stands Still by A B Poranek | Blogtour
Hey there, I'm posting my top 5 reasons to read Where the Dark Stands Still by A B Poranek on my blog today. Hope it helps you add the book to your TBR. Happy weekend! #TBRBeyondTours #BookBlog #YAFantasy #StandaloneFantasy
Happy Saturday! March has already rolled in, and time keeps flying fast. My pace this year has been all over the place. Reading has become my only consistent hobby now. I guess it will take time to find my pace agian but I wish to do things differently this year. Do let me know how things have been for you so far. Okay, so have you heard about Where the Dark Stand Stills by A. B. Poranek? If…
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bimboopo · 2 months
I miss posting about what I’m reading on Instagram, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it here too!
Currently reading:
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi
Where the Dark Stands Still - A. B. Poranek
Nettle & Bone - T. Kingfisher
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nopecho · 4 months
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-Pero ese siempre fue mi destino.
-Tu destino-resopla-. ¿Qué es el destino sino una excusa para no responsabilizarnos de nuestros propios actos?
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nyovette · 4 months
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May has drawn to a close, and we're skipping into June with another monthly wrap-up! This month has felt a little stagnant, a bit stale, but I couldn't tell you why tbh😭. But, at least I've still had my stories. Here's hoping that June is a bit more exciting!
Monthly Stats:
This month, I've read 3 books, with an estimated total of 1,533 pages! My reads were 100% fiction, with my top genre being fantasy (2) 🪄.
My average rating for the books I've read is 4.67 stars.
May's Books:
Where the Dark Stands Still by A. B. Poranek
My Review
Gosh, it feels like I read this book months ago. WDSS is a great story about an outcast finding her place in the world and a brooding, secretive deer-demon-wizard trapped in a cycle to pay for the faults of his past. I think Eliasz character is wonderful. I appreciate the complexity surrounding his morals and how his desire for power has cursed him. I also love a bit of folklore ^^
The Mask of Mirrors by M. A. Carrick
My Review
The Mask of Mirrors is an experience, for sure. The world building is so intricate that it can be hard to follow at times, but the life of Arenza/Renata/Ren is too enthralling to give up on! And I think this book will only get better the more I re-read it, as things I didn't pick up on on the first read will click into place. It's a very long book (and so are the others in the series), but it's brilliant! I need to read more conwomen stories.
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due
My Review
Masterpiece. Absolute masterpiece. This book genuinely had me sweating. The intense amount of terror that Robbie feels in the Reformatory really does seep into your own heart. Haddock's character is spine-chilling. I mean, this really is a harrowing book. If you are interested in reading the Reformatory from the synopsis, be sure to look into the content warnings too!
Final thoughts:
So that's May! I think I was very lucky to have 2/3 of this month's books be 5-star reads. It's experiences like those that make me so glad I started reading - and also frustrated I didn't do it sooner! I'm looking forward to the books June throws my way. Happy Pride Month!
Please note that all of my reviews that I've linked to contain SPOILERS. If you want to know more about my thoughts on these books with no spoilers, send me an ask or look into the book yourself to see if it's for you!
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apricior · 10 months
hi!! book asks!!! 3, 12 & 24? :>
3. What were your top five books of the year?
these are not in order because i don't think i could choose a favorite tbh! but:
city of brass by shannon chakraborty. i loved the worldbuilding and the author's style and all the political drama, it was such a fun read <3
the adventures of amina al-sirafi by shannon chakraborty. pirate milf!!! i liked it just sliiiightly less than city of brass but it was also very fun, i loved the characters so much (especially jamal. my boy <3)
where the dark stands still by a.b. poranek. i'm pretty sure this book isn't out yet but i read it for work and i was IN LOVE with the polish folklore and the magic, i just cannot resist a story about a weird forest with fucked up creatures
hell followed with us by andrew joseph white. lost my mind from the first sentence to the last, it was such a good horror story <3 and the trans and autistic representation were incredible too
el sol allá arriba by clara cortés. this book isn't in english but it's a sapphic retelling of orpheus and eurydice set in post-civil war spain. this book gave me a new mental illness. all the details are so well-thought, the characters and setting were amazing and everything that happened plot wise made me want to throw myself into a volcano. 100/10
(special mention to lonely castle in the mirror by mizuki tsujimura and divine rivals by rebecca ross for almost making me cry at work)
12. Any books that disappointed you?
sadly, white smoke by tiffany d. jackson :( the premise was super good, i was hooked from the start and the horror aspects literally gave me nightmares but the ending was really rushed and it left a lot of plot points open, so that was very disappointing
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
technically i'm going to continue reading them, but i've kind of dnfed nyckeln by mats strandberg and sara b. elfgren and våran hud, vårat blod, våra ben by john ajvide lindqvist, not because i'm not enjoying them, but because lately i haven't had the brain power to read whole books in swedish, so i'm putting them on pause kajsdhkajfshd
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floerdeis · 5 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ MAY 1ST 2024
i've had a calm day today, spending time with my dog. i don't have much going on at the moment so my days are a bit of the same. i'm waiting to be approved for local volunteer work though so i'm looking forward to that breaking up my week a bit. i'm also due to take my driving theory test next week but i think i'll have to push that back,, i've been slacking on my studying while dealing with some job interviews.
i'm thinking of starting my first book of may tomorrow! it'll be the other book i got from the bookshop a while ago: Where The Dark Stands Still by A. B. Poranek. i'm looking forward to it ^^
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Me: I love to read while walking. It keeps my mind and feet busy at the same time.
Friend: Which means you're more prone to having an accident or being abducted.
Me: It'll be a good lesson for me to learn, then.
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