#A.C Marias
alicealeph · 11 months
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recent record buys (left) & listens (right)
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thebeatifulones · 4 months
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radiophd · 5 months
a.c. marias -- just talk
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spilladabalia · 5 months
A.C. Marias - Just Talk
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anothersoftvoid · 1 year
A.C. Marias - Just Talk
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theartofangirling · 9 months
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part 3 of the 2023 version of this post: adult books!
part 1: middle grade books | part 2: young adult books
this is a very incomplete list, as these are only books I've read and enjoyed. not all books are going to be for all readers, so I'd recommend looking up synopses and content warnings. feel free to message me with any questions about specific representation!
list of books under the cut ⬇️
yerba buena by nina lacour
if we were villains by m.l. rio
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily r. austin
i want to be a wall by honami shirono
portrait of a thief by grace d. li
the thirty names of night by zeyn joukhadar
on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
love & other disasters by anita kelly
take a hint, dani brown by talia hibbert
boyfriend material by alexis hall
almost like being in love by steve kluger
the charm offensive by alison cochrun
something wild & wonderful by anita kelly
red, white & royal blue by casey mcquiston
something to talk about by meryl wilsner
honey girl by morgan rogers
one last stop by casey mcquiston
once ghosted, twice shy by alyssa cole
kiss her once for me by alison cochrun
a spindle splintered by alix e. harrow
finna by nino cipri
every heart a dooryway by seanan mcguire
the starless sea by erin morgenstern
under the whispering door by tj klune
space opera by catherynne m. valente
light from uncommon stars by ryka aoki
dead collections by isaac fellman
the city we became by n.k. jemisin
light carries on by ray nadine
an absolutely remarkable thing by hank green
feed them silence by lee mandelo
summer sons by lee mandelo
upright women wanted by sarah gailey
lavender house by lev a.c. rosen
fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafe by fannie flagg
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
a master of djinn by p. djeli clark
witchmark by c.l. polk
a marvellous light by freya marske
a restless truth by freya marske
when women were dragons by kelly barnhill
plain bad heroines by emily m. danforth
a lady for a duke by alexis hall
infamous by lex croucher
passing strange by ellen klages
even though i knew the end by c.l. polk
the chosen and the beautiful by nghi vo
whiskey when we're dry by john larison
wake of vultures by lila bowen
silver in the wood by emily tesh
the once and future witches by alix e. harrow
the kingdoms by natasha pulley
a tip for the hangman by allison epstein
she who became the sun by shelley parker-chan
the song of achilles by madeline miller
spear by nicola griffith
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir
some desperate glory by emily tesh
all systems red by martha wells
a psalm for the wild built by becky chambers
the mimicking of known successes by malka older
winter's orbit by everina maxwell
fireheart tiger by aliette de bodard
empress of salt and fortune by nghi vo
legends and lattes by travis baldree
the house in the cerulean sea by tj klune
other ever afters by melanie gillman
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon
a day of fallen night by samantha shannon
a strange and stubborn endurance by foz meadows
the unbroken by c.l. clark
real queer america by samantha allen
fun home by alison bechdel
in the dream house by carmen maria machado
better living through birding by christian cooper
why fish don't exist by lulu miller
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syrupyevenings · 1 year
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musicmovesmarceline · 2 years
a.c. marias, “our dust”
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maquina-semiotica · 2 years
A.C. Marias, "So Soon"
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almapisciana · 2 years
você apareceu quando o sol se escondeu me deu teu carinho mesmo sem poder me tocar me deu tua mão levou as energias ruins, acendeu a vela no escuro me carregou quando minhas pernas fraquejaram sou por ti como fostes por mim mesmo não te vendo, te sinto te agradeço por ser mãe, ser colo maria mulambo, tu és amor meu amor
@iluminei /a.c
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Treaty Between the United States and the Tabaquache [Tabeguache], Moache, Capote, Wiminuche, Yampa, Grand River, and Uinta Bands of Ute Indians Signed at Wash., DC, on March 2, 1868. [p. 1, sig. page]
This treaty established the first Ute reservation–and reduced their lands from 56 million acres to 18 million. 
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government
Series: Indian Treaties
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 367: Ute (Tabaquache [Tabeguache], Moache, Capote, Wiminuche, Yampa, Grand River, and Uinta) - Washington, DC, March 2, 1868
[added to margin] P.P.  Weaver, March 21 [added]
Articles of a treaty and agreement made and entered into at Washington City, D.C. on the Second day of March 1868, by and between Nathaniel G. Taylor, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Alexander C. Hunt, Governor of Colorado Territory and Ex  officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and Kit Carson, duly authorized to represent the United States, of the one part, and the representatives of the Tabaquache, Muache, Capote, Weeminuche, Yampa, Grand River, and Uintah bands of Ute Indians, (whose names are hereto subscribed) duly authorized and empowered to act for the body of the people of said bands, of the other part, Witness :
Art. I.  All the provisions of the treaty concluded with the Tabequache band of Utah Indians, October 7th 1863, as amended by the Senate of the United States and proclaimed December 14th 1864, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this treaty as hereinafter provided are hereby re-affirmed and declared to be applicable and to continue in force as well to the other bands, respectively, parties to this treaty, as to the Tabequache band of Utah Indians.
[added] 4 [/added]
[page 2]
duly authorized and empowered to act for the body of the people of said bands, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place and on the day monty and year first hereinbefore written.
  N.G. Taylor   Seal
 A.C. Hunt Governor  Seal
  Kit-Carson on Seal
Commissioners on the part of the United States
U-re   his X mark
Ka-ni-ache   his X mark
An-ka-tosh   his X mark
Jose-Maria   his X mark
Ni-ca-a-gat   his X mark  or Greenleaf
Guero his X mark
Pa-ant   his X mark
Pi-ah   his X mark
Su-vi-ap   his X mark
Pa-bu-sat his X mark
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 months
“Soy una mexicana del mundo. Amo a mi país y he querido representarlo dig­namente. Amo su paisaje de pasión, su historia cruel y luminosa, pero sobre todo a su gente”.
María Félix
Foto: Archivo Fundación María Félix
Manteniendo la llama viva.®️
Preservando el legado.®️
Fundación María Félix está afiliada al Estate de María Félix. María Félix is a trademark of Fomento Social Maria Felix A.C. and the Estate of Maria Felix S.A. de C.V. www.EstateofMariaFelix.com
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La ceramica antica non è appassionante poichè appare ornamento di un oggetto che riveste ben altre utilità. Eppure possiede una notevole importanza per l'archeologia e la conoscenza del passato: la ceramica è il più delle volte "databile" e grazie a questa caratteristica diviene uno strumento "datante". Eccone un esempio. Sul cratere, datato al 515 a.C., conservato nel museo nazionale etrusco di Villa Giulia a Roma, Euphronios narra l’epilogo della vicenda terrena di Sarpedonte, re licio figlio di Zeus e di Laodamia, caduto durante la guerra di Troia come avversario del fronte acheo, il cui cadavere, riverso e possente, viene trasportato, al cospetto di due guerrieri situati alle due estremità della scena, da Thanatos (la morte) e Hypnos (il sonno, personificazione di un concetto di origine presocratica).  Ermes, riconoscibile dal caduceo che porta in mano, assiste all'atto pietoso: la caratterizzazione dei personaggi è un’altra dote della ceramografia narrativa rivelata attraverso le “figure rosse”.  Ma i limiti dell’espressività delle figure nere sono superati anche attraverso dettagli che acquisiscono consistenza materiale, imprimendo alle rappresentazioni la consistenza di “apparizioni”, luce in rilievo dal fondo acronico di un tempo mitico.  Perché, a ben vedere, la coniugazione tra il nero del fondo e le figure che su di esso si stagliano, produce un effetto visivo di forte impatto, l'emergere dal “nulla” della vita che s'impone allo spettatore come espressione di un monito, di un messaggio filtrato attraverso la sintesi delle immagini, di un atto di comunicazione che diviene testo retorico e convenzionale dei valori ideali della polis. Il tema è originalissimo e quindi di raro uso.  Ed è conciliatorio: il cratere porta impressa la rappresentazione dell’omaggio funebre che supera la consueta distinzione tra alleato e nemico per raccogliersi intorno alla condizione ineluttabile dell’abbandono dell’esistenza terrena di un combattente valoroso.  Con il dio Ermes, invisibile - lo è, nell'espressione simbolica, grazie all’elmo che indossa - che solleva la mano ad indicare l’ascesa del guerriero verso la trascendenza. Il cratere a calice è attribuito ad Euphronios in qualità di ceramografo (agì tra il 520 ed il 500) e ad Euxitheos come vasaio. La produzione di ceramiche a figure rosse rappresenta il punto d’arrivo di un lungo ed intenso processo di raffigurazione narrativa sorto nel c.d. periodo protoattico dell’età orientalizzante allocabile nel VII sec. a.C. (700-625 a.C.) e giunto fino agli anni 530-525 a.C. ai quali si fa risalire convenzionalmente l’invenzione della nuova tecnica che prevede superfici vive risparmiate stagliate su un fondo trattato con vernice nera brillante.  Su questi spazi la raffigurazione interamente pittorica scopre la luce delle immagini prima campite, al contrario, con vernice nera ed incisioni necessarie a fornire i dettagli anatomici dei corpi.  La tecnica a figure nere, più antica e diffusa, risalente alle opere del pittore di Nesso, continuò a convivere a lungo con il nuovo “stile” a figure rosse (così definite poiché le superfici dell’argilla lasciate libere dalla campitura nera del fondo assumono, a seguito della cottura, un caratteristico colore rossastro) che s’impose definitivamente solo nel primo quarto del V sec. a.C.. Fino ad allora, si assiste a produzioni che rivelano la parallela persistenza (specie fuori dall’Attica) del vecchio modo e pensino la creazione di vasi “bilingui”.
- In copertina: Maria Casalanguida, "Bottiglie e cubetto", 1975, collezione privata
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cordoleo · 5 months
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hear ye hear ye — the riverlands welcomes lady lynara stark of winterfell. king matthos baratheon is glad that the twenty - nine year old appears to be nurturing and he shall overlook that it’s said they are also jejune, as long as they are glad to celebrate peace in the seven kingdoms. fortunately for them, matthos remains oblivious that they aren’t happy with his reign.
i. background.
full name: lynara stark.
commonly goes by: nara.
epitaph: the northern dove.
official title: lady of winterfell.
age: twenty nine.
birth date: twelfth day of the third moon of the year 270 a.c.
gender + pronouns: cis woman + she/her.
orientation: bisexual.
allegiance: house stark, the north, peace.
spoken language: common tongue.
religion: the old gods.
ii. appearance.
faceclaim: havana rose liu.
eye color: gray.
hair color: light shade of brown, a bit ruddy under the sunlight. her hair is very long, reaching below her hips, and wavy; she has to custom of wearing it plaited in the north, but has decided to wear it loose, sprinkled with a few braids here and there, during her stay in the south.
remarkable markings: light dust of freckles over her cheeks and nose, blushes and smiles easily.
dominant hand: right.
height: 5'4"
build: lithe and graceful.
iii. personality.
virtues: x
vices: x
weapon of choice: crying.
moral alignment: neutral good.
inspired by: sansa stark (!!!), isabel madrigal, primrose everdeen, susan pevensie, padme amidala, maria santa ( renascer ), mary queen of scots & mary tudor queen of france.
common tropes: break the cutie, tba.
iv. relationships.
parents: rickard stark & utp tully.
siblings: ned and godric ( older ), utp and arsa ( younger ).
relationship status: betrothed to sebastion baratheon c. 274 a.c.
children: none.
pets: several. a white mare called agnes; a splash white stallion called snowbell; more tba.
direwolf: a one year old female with yellow-red colored fur and green eyes named autumn; she’s generally docile, but is very astute and allegedly growls when she hears lies.
other relations: ayisa tully ( cousin ), barbrey ryswell and olynna blackwood ( companions and best friends ).
previous relations: n/a.
v. biography.
trigger warning : pregnancy, arranged marriage ( underage ), anxiety.
as the eldest born daughter to the starks, lynara has taken on the mantle of the eldest sister as if something necessary to her core. one of her earliest memories is following along her mother as the lady tully-stark waddled around the keep, heavy with child, claiming that a little sibling would soon come — that would become poignant for lynara, who would fall to the follower position rather well. good at following and copying, she soon became both her mother’s, their septa’s and the old nan’s little shadow, mimicking their behaviors and words, making herself out to be the one vigilant and caring for her younger siblings, both as the nurturer and the reprimander.
at the age of four, she was betrothed to king matthos’ eldest son. as a four year old, she did not quite understand the intricacy of the arrangement, though she would soon understand the expectation that came with it. she was not only supposed to copy her mother, be a good elder sister, but she was to be a proficient lady of the house for the day she would become a princess — then queen. the weight of that has been domineering on her personality and on her actions: she must be graceful, she must be dutiful, she must be proper and polite; anything short of perfection in her opinion is something she nearly abhors, and fixes to correct as soon as she can.
as luck would have it, lynara is, in some ways, rather fitted to the position she was to one day take. “a lady at three”, is something her mother may have said, for the girl was ever keen on pleasing and charming anyone who came across her. and indeed, that continued throughout her adulthood. tender-hearted and soft-spoken, she has all the makings, humors and leanings of a lady of southern disposition: she enjoys dancing, singing, playing the harp, needlework, poetry and tales of romance. above all, she loves beautiful things, and is invested in making them herself — besides being a good singer, she has become very good at drawings, sketching things and people of her daily life and dreams as well as pieces of clothing, which she enjoys sewing into reality.
yet, despite the weight of the position she is one day to take, lynara is still callow to the world. the north may be considered harsh by southerners, but the starks have raised their children sheltered from a world of poison, falsehood and intricate schemes. as such, she still sees and focuses on all of the beauty of the world — and so dreads to see the opposite, being led to tears easily at dark thoughts or stories. though she has tried to prepare for the certain likelihood of leaving her home and she is not dull-witted not to realize stakes when presented to her, she cares not for politics, and tends to see them with more sensibility than sense. her reason for having grown a distaste for matthos comes not from how much of a negligent king he has become, but for his bad treatment over those she knows, particularly her father, whom she knows to be unhappy on the south (and, well, her own unwanted enlacement to the king’s son).
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sakurajjam · 1 year
Chegando com pedido inusitado, mas acho que vcs conseguem me ajudar. Quero fazer um perso da nobreza, mas queria me basear em gente que já existiu, figuras históricas, mas não sei quais são legais, de verdade, podem me ajudar? Dando apenas o nome posso buscar no google, mas é que sou péssima em história e nunca sei quem é legal
O quanto eu amei essa ask não está escrito!! Pompurin, você veio ao lugar certo, porque eu sou o maior dump de história de realeza (ao menos, que eu conheço). Ser legal já tira todo mundo da lista, porque ninguém foi legal, eles podiam ter ações nobres e sociais, mas era por algum interesse mascarado... Nobreza nunca foi simpática, mas as histórias são magnificas. Vou separar alguns nomes para ti. [ meio edit, acho que vai ficar muito extenso, então depois da Rainha Elizabeth II, não coloquei descrições, apenas em alguns específicos. ]
Lady Di, nossa amada Princesa Diana da Inglaterra (1961-1997). Minha amada mais injustiçada, sou a maior apaixonada por tudo que a envolve (já assisti todos os documentários) e ela é um exemplo perfeito de monarca que foi contra as regras da Coroa Britânica.
Kate Middleton (1982). Atual princesa de Gales e esposa do Príncipe William da Inglaterra, além de se mostrar uma mãe exemplar (com semelhanças com sua sogra), também é um exemplo de monarca, porque ela é muito simpática com as pessoas.
Maria Leopoldina da Áustria (1797-1826). Esposa de Dom Pedro I de Portugal-Brasil. Muito importante em muitos momentos do Brasil Império.
Teresa Cristina de Bourbon-Duas Sicília (1822-1889). Imperatriz do Brasil e esposa de Dom Pedro II. Teve uma novela da Globo que mostrou muito dela, uma mãe amorosa e que cuidava de seu império, mas que teve momentos conturbados com o marido lixo.
Pedro II do Brasil (1825-1891). Último imperador do Brasil. Tenho muitos sentimentos controversos sobre o Pedro, todos envolvendo sua gestão e a mulher dele, mas a história dele vai muito além do que aprendemos na escola.
Cleópatra VII Filopator (69 a.C - 30 a.C). Falar da Cleópatra é muito !!!, ela foi uma das poucas mulheres que governaram o Egito (se não a única) e tem muita história, claro que existem as problemáticas, mas ela sempre foi estrategista e sedutora. Até hoje, seu sarcófago não foi localizado, o que indica que tem muito que não sabemos sobre.
Rainha Elizabeth II (1926-2022). Famosa "Betinha" para os brasileiros, tem muito sobre ela que dá raiva, mas ela teve muitos momentos bons na vida e claro, viveu bastante.
Rainha Vitória (1819-1901). Subiu ao trono com apenas 18 anos e tem a chamada Era Vitoriana.
Ana Bolena (1501-1533). Bela e decapitada por mando do marido, responsável pelo corte da relação Igreja X Inglaterra. Aconselho procurar o musical The Six, porque mostra todas as seis esposas do Henrique e como elas são interessantes.
Ricardo I (1157-1199). Ricardo Coração de Leão, tem uma história legal.
Henrique VIII (1491-1547). Um homem que não presta, teve várias esposas e muitas coisas rolaram no mandato dele. Aconselho ver The Tudors.
Catarina de Médici (1519-1589)
Maria Antonieta (1755-1793). Essa mulher... Vivia de luxúria e a frase dos brioches vem dela.
Luís XIV (1638-1715). Rei Sol.
Nefertiti (1370 a. C.-1330 a. C. - estimada). Descrita como a mais bela do mundo.
Mary Stuart (1542-1587)
Catarina II da Rússia (1729-1726). Nunca deixarei a Catarina, a Grande de fora. Outra rainha que admiro demais, apesar dos erros cometidos, ela foi muito sagaz e inteligente em dar um golpe no próprio marido e assumir o trono de Todas as Rússias, mesmo enfrentando grandes problemas. Existem muitos conteúdos sobre ela, mas se quiser rir, aconselho ver a série The Great.
Pedro III da Rússia (1728-1762). Teve um mandato curto porque foi deposto (sofreu O golpe da Catarina), vivia embriagado... Como ele é mostrado em The Great é um pouco demais, talvez, mas tá ali.
Rei George III do Reino Unido (1738-1820). Aquele rei lá de Queen Charlotte, ele tinha uma doença chamada porfiria, mas na época... Bem, só o chamaram de louco mesmo (aquela época era terrível).
Sophie Charlotte de Mecklemburgo-Strelitz (1744-1818). Assim como muitas figuras históricas, ela foi embranquecida, mas Charlotte era filha de portugueses e africanos, mas nasceu na Alemanha e talvez esse seja o motivo... Mas ela foi uma ótima rainha.
São alguns nomes, aqueles que lembrei para pesquisar, mas se pesquisar sobre os monarcas da Europa, com toda a certeza, vai encontrar uma infinidade! Podia falar outros, mas a Joy disse que ia ficar muita informação e ela está certa, acho que se pesquisar por esses já vai encontrar novos nomes que podem ajudar.
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widowshill · 6 months
top 5 books (can be favorite books or book recommendations ?)
the price of freedom, by a.c. crispin. listen. is this a lowbrow pirates of the caribbean practically-fanfiction novel? yes. does it also introduce my fave girlboss of all time, esmeralda maria consuela anna de sevilla? yes. also there's homoeroticism and a fingering scene published by the Mouse idk what more you want.
between the devil and the deep blue sea, marcus rediker. AHHHHHHHHHH. rewired my brain permanently. that's all i have to say about that.
mary poppins, she wrote, valerie lawson. i actually haven't read this in a really long time, but it made me fall in absoluteee love with p.l. travers. my fave cringefail sapphic.
rebecca, daphne du maurier. I don't have to convince you lol but good god. i already loved the movie and her prose? swoon.
les liaisons dangereuses, pierre choderlos de laclos. i love an epistolary novel and I also love rich people committing war crimes on ingenues what can I say.
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