#A30 I believe
callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Hey, can i ask for a pt 2 to the scp thing?? I had heard of the backrooms but never the infinite ikea and it’s so cool!
Here you go!
[Transcript start]
Soap: Hey, Lt, did you hear what Alex was talking to Gaz about?
Ghost: I try not to listen to their conversations, I have a tendency to hear things I maybe don't particularly want to hear.
Soap: *laughs* That's fair, Lt. I wouldn't listen to Alejandro and Rudy's, either.
Ghost: I don't.
Soap: Alex was just explaining to Gaz about this place. According to him, it's infinite.
Ghost: I did hear that part, Johnny.
Soap: You should get back, soon. The lights are about to go out.
Ghost: Actually, I plan to venture out further. I want to see what this place is like at night.
Soap: Ghost, are you sure that's the smartest idea?
Ghost: No one else is willing to take the risk. I am.
Soap: Please don't do anything stupid, Lt.
Ghost: Me? Never.
Soap: Yeah, sure. I'll make up some excuse to Price, though he's pre-occupied. Farah has decided to try to make a map.
Ghost: Can you map out something that's truly infinite?
Soap: Well, I suppose you could try.
Ghost: That's all we ever really can do, Johnny.
Soap: Check back in in 20 minutes, Ghost.
Ghost: Rog
Ghost: Sergeant Mactavish, this is Ghost, how copy?
Soap: I copy. You're two minutes late.
Ghost: My watch is slow. It's hard to keep time in here.
Soap: It's alright. Where are you?
Ghost: The pillar says C24.
Soap: You can read those?
Ghost: My night vision works here, Johnny.
Soap: Right, haha. I remembered we have those. Was just checking to see if you remembered.
Ghost: Right. I'm going to go for ten more minutes and then I'll make my way back.
Soap: Please be careful, Simon.
Ghost: I always am, Johnny.
Ghost: Mactavish, this is Ghost, how copy?
Soap: Tired as fuck, but I copy.
Ghost: Are you on watch?
Soap: No. Technically, that's supposed to be Gaz, but Price found out you ventured out and I've been left to wait for your ass.
Gaz: Hey, Ghost.
Ghost: Hello, Sergeant Garrick.
Gaz: You can just call me Gaz, mate
Ghost: Alright, Sergeant Garrick
Soap: He's messing with you, Gaz. Anyway, are you coming back, Lt?
Ghost: I've already turned around. The aisles are convenient, I've managed to stay on track so far.
Soap: Welcome to Ikea.
Ghost: You come up with that one yourself?
Soap: I thought it was funny.
Gaz: Where did you say you were?
Ghost: C32. Though, I've just passed the pillar that says A30.
Soap: You have to make it back through so many pillars. Don't rush, Lt, just stay safe.
Ghost: I will.
Gaz: You two are kind of gross, you know
Soap: I don't know what you mean by that, Garrick
Gaz: Wow, I've never heard my name with such hostility.
Soap: I'm not being hostile. Was simply making a statement.
Gaz: Right. Look, mate, you two are kind of obvious you know
Soap: As obvious as you and Alex?
Gaz: Look, that's different. Alex... why am I explaining this to you?
Soap: Because you desperately want to talk to someone about it.
Gaz: *sigh* God, I do. Alex doesn't like me like that. Fuck, I sound like a thirteen year old describing their crush.
Soap: *laughs* It's alright, kid.
Gaz: Dude, we're the same age.
Soap: Eh, I picked it up from Price. I think Alex likes you like that.
Gaz: Don't tease me, Soap.
Soap: I'm not! I really do think he has feelings for you. I mean, he didn't spend 30 minutes explaining what the fuck an infinite Ikea was to any of us.
Gaz: I suppose you're right. Still. I think if he felt that way, he would have said something by now.
Soap: Have you said something?
Gaz: Do I have to? You picked up on it fairly early.
Soap: I suppose I did.
Gaz: Exactly. Plus, he's a CIA agent. I doubt... there's going to be one mission where he goes off and I never see him again.
Soap: He wouldn't do that to you. Especially not if you were together.
Gaz: I doubt that.
Soap: You must not have that much faith in Alex.
Gaz: I have plenty of faith in Alex.
Soap: I definitely believe you, Garrick.
Ghost: Mactavish, Garrick come in.
Gaz: Ghost, please tell me you haven't been listening the entire time.
Ghost: The whole conversation, kid.
Gaz: I'm going to shoot myself. Right now.
Ghost: Not important. I'm at pillar C12.
Soap: I'd ask you to signal but... I worry you'd alert one of those fucking things.
Ghost: Best not to.
Gaz: We're still watching for you, Ghost.
Ghost: Hey, Gaz?
Gaz: You used my name
Ghost: I think Alex likes you as well.
Gaz: I am putting the gun in my mouth as we speak
[Transcript end]
[Transcript start]
Laswell: Price, why are we here?
Price: I'm flattered by the amount of faith you all have in me to know what's going on, but Kate, I honestly do not know.
Laswell: They sent us in here. With no knowledge. No plan.
Price: They sent us in here to gather information. Take logs. That's what I'm doing.
Laswell: Price. I know about this foundation. I've worked with them before. I just think it's interesting that a year after you exposed General Shepherd for... what he is, they send us here.
Price: I know, Kate.
Laswell: You didn't actually ask the others to come, did you?
Price: No.
Laswell: Why aren't you being honest and telling them that?
Price: Because someone wants them to believe I did. Someone wants them to think I asked them to come. I want to know why.
Laswell: I'll help you find out, Price
Price: Thank you, Kate.
[Transcript end]
[Transcript start]
Soap: Price is going to kick both of our asses if he finds out you're going out at night again.
Ghost: Then go to bed.
Soap: No.
Ghost: Exactly. Look, something is off here and I just don't know what it is. I want to know.
Soap: You don't think it's actually... infinite... do you?
Ghost: No. I don't. There's no way.
Soap: What if it is? How would we even know for sure?
Ghost: I don't know, Soap. But... I want to find out everything I can. Farah's making that map, right?
Soap: Working on it, now. She hasn't been able to sleep at night.
Ghost: Well, we need to know if this place changes at night.
Soap: Right.
Ghost: Look, Johnny-
Soap: I'm not questioning or stopping you, Lt.
Ghost: Right. Thank you, Soap.
Soap: I await your check in at 20 minutes, Lt.
Ghost: Mactavish, come in.
Soap: Price found out you're gone. He's pissed.
Price: Ghost, I told you stay at the fucking camp.
Ghost: I want to see more of this place at night.
Price: Look, kid, this is hard enough without you guys defying direct orders
Ghost: Technically, sir, you never directly ordered me to stay at camp. You just told me to.
Price: Now you're gonna get literal?
Ghost: Just repeating what you've said, Captain.
Price: Just get your ass back to camp.
Ghost: Soap, did that sound like an order to you?
Soap: I don't think so, Lt.
Ghost: Neither do I
Price: You two-
Ghost: Price, I respect you, but with all due of that said respect, you dragged us here with no explanation. Now, I know I'm one to talk about blindly following orders but I would think after last year, we may question those orders a little more.
Price: *sigh* You're right. I blindly followed orders and it got us stuck here. According to Alex, we can't get out if we wanted to. I don't believe that but... I keep it in the back of my mind. But things are going to get a hell of a lot harder if we don't work together.
Ghost: I am working together. I am working to find out what the hell goes on at night. If we're to figure out anything, we need someone to go out at night.
Price: You have an hour.
Ghost: I would expect nothing more. I'll be back in exactly one hour.
Soap: I'll stay on the radio in case you need help.
Ghost: Thank you, Soap.
Ghost: Soap! Soap! Come in! Come in now!
Soap: Lt, what the fuck?! Is everything alright??
Ghost: I managed to piss off three of those fucking things. They're not people, that's for fucking sure-
Soap: I thought we'd figured that out by now do I need to send backup??
Ghost: No! I'm running back, now! Tell Price I'm going to be back late, I don't want to lead them right to you guys!
Soap: No- Simon, just come back to base! Don't get fancy, just run back. We have guns.
Ghost: I don't want to risk it
Soap: Ghost, please don't do anything stupid! You said you wouldn't do anything stupid
Ghost: Just watch out for me, Johnny, I'll be back eventually
Soap: I'm watching-
Ghost: Fuck! Soap! SOAP- [radio was cut off]
Soap: Ghost?! Ghost, how copy?! Ghost!
Soap: Ghost! How copy?!
Soap: Ghost, goddamnit! Come in!
Soap: Ghost, you stupid bastard, come in!
Soap: Simon, please! How copy?!
Soap: Fuck! Price!
Price: What the fuck is going on, Mactavish?!
Soap: Ghost's radio cut out! He's gone dark!
Price: FUCK!
[Transcript end]
Part 3? 
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shaykhpod-blog · 2 years
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I had a thought which I wanted to share. Throughout the Holy Quran and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, muslims have been advised to be merciful to others. For example, a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1924, advises that those who show mercy to the creation will be shown mercy by Allah, the Exalted.
 It is important to note, that showing mercy is not only through one's actions, such as donating wealth to the poor. It in fact encompasses every aspect of one's life and interaction with others, such as one's words. This is why Allah, the Exalted, warns those who show mercy to others by donating charity that failing to show mercy through their speech, such as counting their favours done to others, only cancels their reward. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 264:
 “O you who have believed, do not invalidate your charities with reminders [of it] or injury…”
 True mercy is shown in everything: one's facial expression, one's glance and the tone of their speech. This was the full mercy shown by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and is therefore how muslims must act.
 In addition, showing mercy is so important that Allah, the Exalted, has made it clear in the Holy Quran that even though the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, possessed countless beautiful and noble characteristics yet, the one which attracted the hearts of people towards him and Islam was mercy. Chapter 3 Alee Imran, verse 159:
 “So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you…”
 It clearly warns that without mercy people would have fled from the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. If this was the case in respect to him even though he possessed countless other beautiful characteristics how can muslims, who do not possess such noble characteristics, expect to have a positive impact on others, such as their children, without showing true mercy?
 Simply put, muslims should treat others how they wish to be treated by Allah, the Exalted, and others, which is undoubtedly with true and full mercy.
   PodThought: True Mercy: https://youtu.be/0s85xdxQ68g
PodThought: True Mercy: https://fb.watch/6CZWY5IuBx/
 @shaykhpodpics​ - Infographics on Good Character
@shaykhpod-blog​ - Short Blogs on Good Character
    #Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam  #Quran  #Hadith #Mercy  #Prophet #Muhammad  #Sunnah #Piety    #Taqwa #Manners   #Kindness  
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Can you recommend any oneshots that don't pass a 15k word count? I absolutely love a good plot, but getting absorbed in 100k+ word fics can be taxing and sometimes I just prefer something short. Pretty much in the mood for anything A/C with a good ending and some sort of plot. Any rating works.
We have some fics under 8k here that you might want to check out. And here are some fics I’ve enjoyed with a <15k word count...
From Beginning To End by entanglednow (M)
Aziraphale suffers the effects of a demon's venom, Crowley tries to help him as best as he can.
i can’t say the words, so i wrote you into my verse by mygalfriday (T)
Aziraphale blinks as it slowly dawns on him exactly what he’s looking at. Crowley has a tattoo. Well, another one anyway. Unlike the small serpent curled just beneath his temple, this one takes up far more space.
greatest hits by attheborder (M)
“But my dear, I just can’t believe you never told me that you had joined a musical group. I would have come out to support you— at your gigs!”
“First of all, never say ‘gigs’ again. Second of all, not my fault you never noticed when I showed up to dinner with a great big guitar case slung over my shoulder.”
(Aziraphale accidentally discovers Crowley’s secret: he was in a band in the 90s. And he wrote a whole album of love songs…)
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction by asideofourown (T)
Onscreen, the interviewer gave a blinding smile and then said, “Mr. Dowling, since I have the privilege of being the first to interview you, I get to ask— what inspired you to write your novel?”
“I had a bit of an odd childhood,” Warlock said slowly, his head tilted slightly.  “While I was living here I had a nanny who took care of me for a few years, and she… inspired a bit about Ms. Cassandra in my novel.  Likewise, inspiration for Mr. Felix came from my family’s gardener when I was a kid.”  His lips twitched into a tiny, fond smile.  “They were a bit of an odd pair, Nanny Ash and Brother Francis, but they had a pretty big impact on me.  I guess you could say a little of the novel was inspired by what I wish my childhood could have been like— just a bit special and fantastical.”
The TV screen went black, and Crowley looked down at his fingers, frozen in a snap.  He had miracled the news off without even realizing.
Crowley leaned back against the couch and then ran a hand over his face.  “Bloody fucking hell,” he whispered.  
[Warlock writes a book, and reunites with some old friends]
Angel’s Favor by PinkPenguinParade (T)
"I beg your pardon, dear girl, have you seen--ah."
She whirled at the voice behind her, off her knees in a flash, and found herself face to face with the kindest eyes she'd ever seen. "What are--?"
He was a bit taller than she was, pale and round and overwhelming and she couldn't look away from his eyes, like he knew everything and still cared and his eyes, his eyes--
He caught her elbow as she staggered. "Oh, I'm so sorry." He closed his eyes for a moment and shook himself, settling somehow, and when he opened them again his eyes were kind and a humanish blue, and she could breathe again. He glanced at the blackened shaft in her hand. "I believe you called me?"
moment’s lost, moments gained by commodorecliche (M)
With frantic, fumbling steps, Hamish hurries back to his car, grabs his radio, and alerts headquarters.
“Yes, uh,” He huffs with urgency, “This is PC Hamish Black; I’ve got two folks out here off the A30, both suffering from severe injuries and unresponsive. One burn and one… impact, maybe? I can’t tell. I need emergency units here as soon as possible.”
Hamish takes another look at the two men strewn across the highway, the rubble and flames surrounding them both. He vaguely hears headquarters responding to his alert.
“Please, hurry,” he mutters.  
Crowley and Aziraphale are expelled from their respective realms when their partnership is found out, and find themselves waking up in hospital as humans, with no memory of their previous natures, and no memory of each other.
- Mod D
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swanprompts · 4 years
This is a rebloggable version of my prompt list at my writing blog. This has 105 prompts from my old list and 195 new prompts.
A1. “Can I take a picture of you?”
A2. “Where do we sleep now?”
A3. “Be quiet, they’ll hear us!”
A4. “I cooked for us! Or tried to cook…”
A5. “Can you explain why my phone is up there?”
A6. “Ugh, people are so weird.”
A7. “Wait, who?”
A8. “But I can’t draw!”
A9. “Your forehead has sauce on it.”
A10. “Stop snoring! You sound like a chain saw.”
A11. “C’mon, you need a reason to get out of here and I have one.”
A12. “No, nooope. I won’t do it. Nope.”
A13. “Do you mean I have to touch that?”
A14. “Wow, a great idea, but I’d rather die.”
A15. “Oh there you are! I thought you had melted through the floor.” “I had plans to do that but then I called them off.”
A16. “I’m trash, just not that kind of trash.”
A17. “Always nagging, aren’t you? Every time I hear your voice, it’s in a language called nag.”
A18. “It’s 6pm, the fridge is mine until 7pm, so… shoo!”
A19: “What’s this?” “I bought you binoculars because now you get to look at them better… or you could go talk to them.”
A20. “I’m gonna hit you.” “What?” “Ugh, that came out wrong.”
A21. “I’m okay. I’m perfectly fine. Yeah… okay, I’m not fine.”
A22. “If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow is coming. If you don’t wait for tomorrow, tomorrow is still coming.”
A23. “I’m not yelling, I’m discussing with you with a loud voice!”
A24. “Tell me something. Do I look like a bunny?”
A25. “Maybe that secret is that your mom is really a time traveler.”
A26. “Too bad, I wanted to see some ghosts.”
A27. “Not that song, turn it off now!”
A28. “Is this the Heaven?” “More like Hell.”
A29. “Hey keep it down there, I’m trying to sleep!”
A30. “Please don’t use my toothbrush again.”
A31. “Hey, calm down, it’s not so bad…” “Calm down? There’s a riot going on in my bathroom!”
A32. “It’s alright to be a bit crazy. At least a minute of craziness in a day keeps the doctor away.”
A33. “I thought you had left.” “I’d leave without tasting this sandwich? It would be a sign of insanity.”
A34. “The Great King/Queen/Ruler of Food is here again.”
A35. “What can I do… they just love Mr. Bunny.”
A36. “Wait, do we have a permission to do this?”
A37. “As long as that is on my wall, I swear I’m not going to sleep.”
A38. “Pillows? Pfft. Who needs pillows?”
A39. “That’s what you get for being such a dummy.”
A40. “You really need a haircut.”
A41. “You should keep that to yourself.”
A42. “Oh, how could I not say yes to that?”
A43. “Hi and bye!”
A44. “Well, what did you expect?”
A45. “Kick that door down.”
A46. “I’m not drunk!”
A47. “That’s not a stupid idea, it’s an idiotic idea.”
A48. “You’re the type of person who laughs at their own jokes.”
A49. “Oh, I didn’t know you had guests.”
A50. “Oh, are you looking for [insert name]? They’re probably setting themselves on fire right now.”
A51. “Don’t be scared.”
A52. “Did you just smile?”
A53. “Would you wanna go for a walk?”
A54. “My lights are flickering, it’s the infamous Ghost of the Living Room.”
A55. “This cookie is my spirit animal.”
A56. “Don’t be boring, dance with us!”
A57. “You should keep that candy behind locked doors. I might eat the whole bag otherwise.”
A58. “What’s your password?”
A59. “My backyard is not a waterpark.”
A60. “I think you should talk to them.”
A61. “I wish we had more time to chat.”
A62. “You’re smiling.”
A63. “Do you even know how to laugh?”
A64. “Well, it’s busted, no can do.”
A65. “I know what you think.”
A66. “At least I smell good.”
A67. “It happened a long time ago.”
A68. “What exactly should I be looking at?”
A69. “Why your shirt was in my fridge?”
A70. “Argh, don’t you guys ever use Google?”
A71. “I think you’re overreacting.”
A72. “Do you like board games?”
A73. “But it’s so cold!”
A74. “You should really learn to read some books.”
A75. “Wait, I know where your pants are.”
A76. “There’s no one there, dumbass.”
A77. “A fly has been harassing me for weeks.”
A78. “Be honest, do I have to keep this shirt?” “No?” “Dammit!”
A79. “Not my kid, not my responsibility.” “It’s a dog!” “No, it’s your kid.”
A80. “Sorry, I’ll be late.” “Why is that?” “A cat has been sleeping on me for an hour.”
A81. “I’m still bored.”
A82. “I recognize liars when I see them.”
A83. “Well, books usually have text on them.”
A84. “This is the perfect day to piss [Name] off.”
A85. “Get me their phone. Then we’ll talk.”
A86. “Because you’re so young.”
A87. “Hello, I am your servant today, what can I get you, oh Almighty?”
A88. “Why are you hiding?”
A89. “Why are we hiding?”
A90. “Why you would wanna live in a dumpster?”
A91. “It’s snowing!”
A92. “They’re late. Again.”
A93. “My bathroom smells like someone put a fish into my toilet.”
A94. “Don’t tempt me.”
A95. “You know how much I like chocolate.”
A96. “Stand back, this might get ugly.”
A97. “I can’t believe the way you got them arrested.”
A98. “Wait - did you just agree with me?”
A99. “Nah, dying would have been boring.”
A100. “Can’t you have fun for once in your life?”
B1. “You’re being shy with me, aren’t you…” “No I’m not!” “Yes you are!”
B2. “You make me feel free.”
B3. “You’re cute when you try not to blush.”
B4. “I might be having feelings for you, I’ve had them for a while.” “Yeah right.” “I’m serious.”
B5. “It’s true. I’ve loved you ever since I got to know you - and even if you don’t feel the same, I’m willing to accept it.”
B6. “What if I told you that there’s a surprise for you outside?”
B7. “Everything is okay now, I’m here, I’m here.”
B8. “My world was black before you came into it.”
B9. “Did you do all this… for me?”
B10. “Did you really think I’d leave without a kiss?”
B11. “I didn’t know there’s a feeling like this.”
B12. “You’re the first person who has understood me.”
B13. “I’m not the person you want in your life.” “Yes you are.”
B14. “People change. And I’m not who I was before. I’m sorry for what I did.”
B15. “Do you… maybe, want to go to grab a coffee with me sometime?”
B16. “I really like you! Uh… I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that.”
B17. “I know this isn’t very romantic, but…” “It’s romantic enough for me.”
B18. “I’m not like everyone else, you deserve someone better.” “There isn’t anyone better for me than you.”
B19. “What are you doing?” “Showing you how much I love you.”
B20. “Will you make me happy forever?”
B21. “I didn’t know you’re ticklish… this is going to be fun.”
B22. “Your bed could be more comfortable than me.” “Nah, I’m good.”
B23. “You guys are so cheesy it’s disgusting.” “Why, thank you!”
B24. “Can I sleep with you? I need someone by my side.”
B25. “You’re so warm…” “You’re so cold.” “Mmh, that’s why I like your warmth.”
B26. “You’re special to me.”
B27. “Are those my… aaargh gimme those back!”
B28. “I’ve been gathering my courage to talk to you for so long and now… I did it.”
B29. “It’s obvious you like them.”
B30. “Crushing hard, huh?”
B31. “This is the place we first met. And now here we are, years later.”
B32. “Awww, is this you?” “Gimme that!” “No! You’re so cute, look at those pants!”
B33. “You cleaned my house for me while I slept?”
B34. “Wait, did you just call me cute?”
B35. “You’re my only friend, but you’re also the best person in the world.”
B36. “I’ve been in love with you all this time.”
B37. “I care about you, maybe more than I should.”
B38. “Because I love you, you idiotic mufflehead!”
B39. “Honestly, I didn’t believe in strong friendships before I met you.”
B40. “Maybe that’s the reason why we’re friends. You’re as dumb as me.”
B41. “Is that a blush I see?”
B42. “Do you want to go out with me?”
B43. “We’re friends, you can tell me anything.”
B44. “You look like you need a friend.”
B45. “Ah, ah, no tickling! Or no kisses.”
B46. “I made you dinner.”
B47. “I lit up candles and everything, you deserve to relax.”
B48. “You want it, I’ll get it. Don’t try to stop me.”
B49. “You’re the only one that makes me go cheesy.”
B50. “Here, take my umbrella.”
B51. “I think I’m in love… with you.”
B52. “You bought roses for me?”
B53. “Dance with me.”
B54. “Marry me.”
B55. “Babe, we’ll travel the world together.”
B56. “I’ve talked to you once and I already know I’m going to fall in love with you.”
B57. “I heard [name] has a crush on you.”
B58. “You look amazing.”
B59. “Best friends will stand together, even through the harshest of waves.”
B60. “I’ll continue doing this until you smile.”
B61. “Can I hug you?”
B62. “I have always loved you.”
B63. “Don’t worry, you look beautiful.”
B64. “Your flirting is so bad it’s adorable.”
B65. “Do you have to get up? I was just getting comfy.”
B66. “Stooooop, you’re making me blush!”
B67. “Uh-uh, I won’t let you leave without a hug.”
B68. “I’ll be watching over you.”
B69. “I bought you chocolate.”
B70. “I dreamed about kissing you.”
B71. “You’re my best friend, and always will be.”
B72. “Am I dreaming or did you just say you like me?”
B73. “Your smile is beautiful.”
B74. “Have I ever told you how cute you are?”
B75. “I’m with you. I’m home.”
B76. “I would have never believed that one day we’d be so close.”
B77. “We’re friends, right? Friends stick together.”
B78. “I’ll always be here, whenever you need me.”
B79. “You smell nice.”
B80. “I’ve loved you since day one.”
B81. “You built a pillow fort for us?”
B82. “You saved me.”
B83. “You always manage to make me laugh.”
B84. “Thank you for being there for me.”
B85. “Why do you care?” “Because I love you!”
B86. “Do you think of me as a friend?”
B87. “I think I have feelings for them.”
B88. “I’ve tried to forbid myself from falling in love, but now I can’t help it.”
B89. “I can’t believe we’re still friends. I thought we’d grow past the fart joke part.” “What, fart jokes are the best!”
B90. “Good morning, want some breakfast?”
B91. “I’ve missed you so much.”
B92. “Are you cold? Here, take my jacket.”
B93. “I’m gonna dare you to kiss [Name].”
B94. “Oh my god, you like [Name]!”
B95. “They’re in love with you.” “Oh shut it.” “I wish you noticed how they look at you.”
B96. “Breakfast in bed? You’re spoiling me.”
B97. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you.”
B98. “Nobody is perfect. That’s what makes you special.”
B99. “I want you to be happy. You’re worth it.”
B100. “I don’t know how, but you always make me feel happy.”
C1. “I don’t want to feel anything anymore.”
C2. “I was there… and I didn’t do anything. I’m never forgiving myself for that.”
C3. “It’s none of your business.” “It’s my business if you cry because of me.”
C4. “Let go.” “I can’t.”
C5. “Leave. I don’t want you here.”
C6. “I never loved you.”
C7. “You were never there for me.”
C8. “You did that choice. Not me. You’re in this alone.”
C9. “You left me!”
C10. “It’s time you got to know how it feels to be betrayed.”
C11. “You appreciate some people only after they’re gone.”
C12. “I was willing to stay here with you until the end, but it was you who told me to stay away.”
C13. “No, you don’t have the right to come back to me and pretend that everything is okay again!”
C14. “You disgust me.”
C15. “Fine. If this is how it’s gonna be, then fine. I’m leaving you.”
C16. “They’re not coming back.”
C17. “I failed you. I failed everyone.”
C18. “You’re not worth it.”
C19. “How dare you stand there and tell me you still love me?”
C20. “I was an idiot to ever trust you.”
C21. “I can’t move on, and I don’t want to.”
C22. “I’m disgusted with myself that I once thought of you as my friend.”
C23. “They were my everything, and now they’re gone.”
C24.  “It was you who broke our promise.”
C25.  “You’re my friend.” “I have better friends than you ever were.”
C26.  “I honestly want to set you on fire right now.”
C27.  “There’s no one else to blame anymore, you made sure of it. It’s all on you now.”
C28. “I feel like there’s nothing waiting for me anymore.”
C29. “Tell me I’m wrong. Just say it.”
C30. “I love you, but I wish I didn’t.”
C31. “I hope you grow up one day. But I’m not going to be there to see it.”
C32. “What if I’m in too many pieces now to fix myself again?”
C33. “And here I thought that you’d keep your promises for once.”
C34. “Goodbye. Don’t come back.”
C35. “If this is love, I don’t want it.”
C36. “No one never stays, no one ever cares about me.”
C37. “Please, make it stop...”
C38. “It just feels like I can never let go... even if I try.”
C39. “I love them too much. And that always makes me go tumbling down the hill.”
C40. “I can’t do this anymore.”
C41. “Fuck you! Get out of my house!”
C42. “You’re not welcome here.”
C43. “Don’t expect me to fix things you broke.”
C44. “You always lie to me.”
C45. “Could you try stopping thinking like a machine and listen with your heart?”
C46. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone, but with you? I hope life will be torn apart on you.”
C47. “I wish you nothing but pain.”
C48. “I can’t take this any longer.”
C49. “You were my best friend, and you let me down.”
C50. “Forgive you? How could I ever forgive you for what you did?”
C51. “Don’t you dare close your eyes!”
C52. “I can’t feel the pulse.”
C53. “I can’t believe how I ever was a friend of such a toxic person.”
C54. “Everything reminds me about them. I just want to forget them, wipe them out from my life.”
C55. “I’ll be happy once you’re gone.”
C56. “Don’t give me those crocodile tears.”
C57. “You’re wrong, I have never loved you.”
C58. “Go to hell!”
C59. “I want you gone. Now.”
C60. “Oh, now my opinion matters? I wish we had never met!”
C61. “I’ll always hate you.”
C62. “You broke the promise. Again.”
C63. “I’d punch you if you were worth it.”
C64. “Nothing has changed in you, even when I wanted to believe so.”
C65. “Let go of me!”
C66. “Don’t touch me, you filthy scum!”
C67. “You did a bad thing for a good reason.” “But is it worth it if they died because of me?”
C68. “We’d/We’ll never get our happy ending.”
C69. “You’re never changing, are you? Always a dickhead.”
C70. “You’d never understand.”
C71. “I’m dying.”
C72. “I loved you years ago. But that feeling is long gone.”
C73. “I’m happier without you.”
C74. “I don’t even know who you are anymore, how do you expect me to love you?”
C75. “You abandoned me when I needed you the most.”
C76. “Do you think you could just magically waltz back into my life after everything you did?”
C77. “I waited for you for years before I finally found someone who won’t abandon me like you did, and now you come back and think we could be together again?”
C78. “There won’t be “us” anymore.”
C79. “You’ve lied to me all this time.”
C80. “I’m a monster.”
C81. “You’re a monster.”
C82. “Don’t hurt me!”
C83. “I’m leaving you.”
C84. “Please don’t go.”
C85. “I’ll never forgive you.”
C86. “No no no no, stay awake! Please!”
C87. “I don’t want to lose you too.”
C88. “Walk away and don’t come back, or I’ll fucking kill you.”
C89. “We need to get to the hospital!”
C90. “I know you hate me.”
C91. “Oh, so that’s what you think of me?”
C92. “I’m going to sleep on couch tonight.”
C93. “It’s my fault they’re dead.”
C94. “Don’t give me that bullshit, I know what happened!”
C95. “Give me one reason why we should still be together.”
C96. “If you had ever loved me, you wouldn’t have put everything else above me.”
C97. “You said you’d support me with this, but here we are.”
C98. “Why are you even here anymore? Just leave!”
C99. “I’ll be forgotten.”
C100. “Death doesn’t let you say goodbye.”
408 notes · View notes
The Ultimate UK Stone Circle Roadtrip: 8 Days, 15 Prehistoric Sites & I Even Estimated How Much It Would All Cost *ya welcome*
As spring finally settles in and makes way for a glorious British summer (*insert joke about rain, I guess?*), it’s time I commence my annual hobby of dreaming about adventurous things I never actually get around to doing.
But this time, I thought if I shared my plans - including a full list of where to go, the route to take *and* how much it’s gonna cost ya - someone would as least be able to be adventurous for me.
And hey - this time it’s on you!
I’m probably going to be spinning out a few of these this summer, including a haunted pub crawl and a haunted house road trip, so you best be staying tuned.
Buckle your seatbelts, kids. It’s gonna be a wiiiillllld ride.  
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Boscawen-un stone circle, Cornwall
We start at the very edge of England: somewhere in Penzance. This late Neolithic, early Bronze Age stone circle (sometime around 2500 to 1500 BC) consists of 19 stones in the shape of an oval. In the centre is a leaning stone - and why it’s leaning is unknown. All are made of grey granite apart from one which is made of bright quartz. There is a gap in the circle that we think may have been an entrance. The circle is about 25m wide.
Boscawen-ûn is Cornish for “elder tree on the downs”, and was likely just a place for ceremonies and rituals, with the bright quartz probably chosen as a sacred stone. We think it was used not just for healing but also related to the moon as its 19 stones are either referencing the cycle of the moon (18.64 years long) or the Metonic cycle of the moon and sun.
If you manage to get there for the Midsummer solstice, you’ll see two axe-heads carved towards the base of a standing stone. If you miss it, try again for Halloween and you should see the setting sun slot itself between the centre and quartz stones.
Brisworthy stone circle, Dartmoor
You’ll need to take the A30 to get to your next destination. Following the two hour drive, you’ll arrive at yet another oval stone circle built in the Bronze Age. This cluster of 24 stones (which we actually think is only half of the original number) stretches out to about 25m in diameter.
This little known stone circle might not get many visitors, nor is there much history or folklore to delve into, but it will give you a much-needed break before our next - and possibly most exciting - stop.
I recommend sleeping over between here and the next stop.
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Avebury henge, Marlborough
During the three hour drive along the M5, try and recap your knowledge of prehistoric Britain - you won’t want to waste your time at this stop. Built sometime between 2850 and 2200 BC, the henge actually encloses part of Avebury village in a circular bank and ditch. Within that henge sits Britain’s largest stone circle which in turn nestles two more stone circles.
We’re pretty sure it was used for rituals and ceremonies, which isn’t new or unique. Some historians think it may have specifically been built for rituals to appease the “powers of nature”, i.e. preventing disease and extreme weather. But what is unique is how it’s still considered a place of worship for modern pagans, who troop here nearly as much as Stone Henge.
Grey hill stone circle, Chepstow
It’s only a one hour drive along the M4 to the next stone circle. This set of 13 low-slung stones - which a couple tall outliers just outside the edge of the circle - is believed to have been the remains of a destroyed chamber tomb. You’ll also find plenty of other prehistoric monuments in this area including a handful of standing stones, a few burial cairns (mounds of stone) and some hut circles.
Mitchell’s fold stone circle, Shropshire
You’ll need to take the A49 for little over two hours to get to our next stop, it’s just over the Welsh border. Also known as Medgel’s Fold, this Bronze Age circle is just outside of a cute lil’ village called White Grit. This circle is rather controversial, however, and has repeatedly been vandalised, whether by a local farmer in 1995 or various pagans leaving firepits and broken booze bottles after celebrations.
This ellipse stone circle, just over 80 ft in diameter, has amassed quite a bit of folklore in its time, too. It’s claimed that a giant owned a cow which gave him unlimited amounts of milk used the circle (I don’t know what for, but hey, it was his circle) until a witch milked the cow and drained it dry. As punishment, she was turned into stone and then surrounded by other stones to stop her from escaping. If that tale doesn’t get your goat (or cow), some claim King Arthur took Excalibur from one of these stones.
If you’ve got some spare time after visiting this stone circle, why not take a 1 mile stroll over to the Hoarstones?
I recommend you sleep over somewhere near Warrington to split the next long drive up a bit.
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Castlerigg, the Lake District
Follow the M6 for a couple hours for one of the UK’s most famous and oldest stone circles. The 38 stones that make up the nearly 100 ft wide stone circle have fallen under extensive research, with no certainty as to whether they were trading places or religious centres. Castlerigg has also gained a lot of its attention for its picturesque scenery. Don’t forget to take in the Thirlmere Valley, while you’re there.
Glenquicken, near Kirkcudbright
Also known as Billy Diamond’s Bridge, this oval stone circle comprised of 28 stones - and complete with central pillar standing at 6 ft tall - is a muted, rural spot. It’s the perfect place to take a breathe and start our Scottish leg of the roadtrip.
The Argyll stone and St Conval’s Chariot, Renfrew (by the Normandy Hotel)
You’re final trip of the day will take you about two and a half hours on the A77. And okay, fine, this isn’t a stone circle. But hey, these two kinda unrelated but close together stones are definitely worth a visit.
The first stone is called St Conval’s Chariot. Apparently, some bloke called St Conval was just resting on this stone back in the 6th century, and then all of the sudden it started floating out to sea. The saint came ashore at Renfrew, and that’s where he decided to found his new church. According to lore, it was the base that held the cross in his church, and travellers and the sick would come to the stone to drink rainwater that gathered there, believing it to have healing properties.
The Argyll stone has a similar legend but it’s set 300 years later. Supposedly, the 9th Earl of Argyll - when fleeting capture - was resting on this stone when he was caught by two militiamen. He was later beheaded after capture. Some say the stone was still stained for years after his death.
I recommend you sleep over near Glencoe to break up the drive between this stop and the next one.
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Callanish standing stones, basically at the top of Scotland
This is your only stop for the day, and it’s a big one. You’ve got a 6 hour drive up ahead, including a ferry trip.
Predating Stone Henge, this stone circle was a critical spot for ritual activity for about 2000 years. We think these stones were erected for astronomical observation. But regardless of the little history we have about it, it’s an incredible spot to visit. The cruciform pattern (in the shape of a cross) is made up of 13 stones with an average height of three metres. Against the backdrop of the Scottish coast, tucked away on one of the most northern islands, it is well worth the long journey.
I recommend you sleep over near the Cairngorms national park to break up the next drive.
Threestone Burn stone circle, Northumberland
It’s a four hour trip to your next stop, and it takes us all the way back to England. Nestled in the north east you’ll find what remains of this Bronze Age stone circle. Made up of 16 pink granite stones, it’s about 30m wide and is sat near Threestone Burn.
I recommend you sleep over here - this is a long drive through Scotland, and you’ll be knackered.
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Twelve Apostles stone circle, Leeds
It’s a three hour drive down the A1 to Leeds for the next stop. Here, you’ll find eleven stones (where once was twelve, obviously) set in a circle reaching about 89m in diameter. They all vary in height and length and there may have been twenty, once upon a time. We also think it may have been built to observe celestial bodies. They have always been associated with the twelve apostles of Jesus, and the removed stone is supposed to represent Judas.
The Rollright stones, Oxford
We now come down to the midlands to visit three monuments just outside the village of Long Compton. There’s the King’s Men, the Whispering Knights and the King Stone, all of which vary in location, design and purpose. But what unites them is folklore.
One of the most famous tales tells the story of a king riding with his army across the country. He was met by a local witch who gave him a challenge he failed to complete. She punished him by turning him into stone. After the middle ages, when this tale found infamy among locals, legend has it the king and his men occasionally return to life, whether on various saint’s days or when the clock strikes midnight.
If you personally wish to practice a local ritual here, why not rip off your clothes and run around naked? Local girls would do this on Midsummer’s Eve in the hope they’d see the men they were to marry. Or, rub your naked body on the King stone to improve your chances of conceiving. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend either of them - you’ll probably be arrested for public indecency.
But I would recommend sleeping over nearby.
Nine Stones Close, Derbyshire
It’s only about two hours on the M1 to the next stone circle. Also known as the Grey Ladies, this stone circle is sat in a local prehistoric landscape crammed full of Bronze Age barrows and settlement enclosures. It’s perfect if you’re interested in ancient history. Although we know little of why it was constructed, some believe the stones represent supernatural entities. Only four stones remain.
Addington long barrow, Maidstone
It’s a solid four hour drive to our next ruins - and features a nice section of M25, which is always fun.
Constructed sometime 6000 years ago, this monument was designed to house the remains of the dead. It might not be a stone circle, but it’s constructed of about 50 megaliths. The main burial chamber has long-since collapsed and no remains have been found so far. If you’ve got time after visiting this location, why not check out Kent’s other long barrows including Kit Coty’s House and the Medway Megaliths?
It’s time for your last recommended sleep over - it’s your last day tomorrow, so rest up.
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Hascombe Hill, Guildford
For our final stop, it’s a simple one hour drive along the M25 to the site of an Iron Age hill fort in Surrey. Might not sound very stone circley, but rest assured one was constructed by modern druids in the 1990s.
So, how much is this roadtrip gonna cost you?
Disclaimer: fuel prices are f*cked, right now, so please do your own estimates and budget sudden increases.
I done did the maths for you and one bestie. Kind of. Like I took averages and estimates, and it’s a rough calculation of the total cost of petrol, overnight stops and any additional costs along the way.
This roadtrip is 15 stops in total and about 2110 miles.
Fuel and travel costs
The average car (like a VW Polo) can do about 400 miles on a full tank (45 litre) so you’ll be filling her up around 6 or 7 times.
At the time of posting, it costs 77 quid for a full tank of petrol (171ppl) in the UK. That’s about £500 on petrol alone. Sure, it sounds like a lot but imagine if you were getting 12 train tickets to take you across the entire country.
For the ferry to the Isle of Lewis for the Callanish Stones, *I think* it’ll cost you like £140 (it’s not too clear online, so this should be the maximum price).
Hotel costs
Average hotel prices in the UK are around 70 quid per night (you’re not staying in cities so less expensive, but I’m not well travelled so tell me if that’s a ridiculous estimate lol). With eight sleep overs that £560 on hotels.
Other costs
As you’ll be eating out and picking up sandwiches from petrol stations, it’ll be quite expensive in total compared to your weekly grocery shop where you make your own food. If you budget £30 a day - so you can skimp some days and then splurge on a pizza from Zizzis - you’ll be spending about £240.
Normally, stone circles are free to access. I mean, they’re normally in random fields on by motorways. Not exactly in the rose garden of a Tudor estate. But I recommend budgeting potential entry fees. Something like £50, just in case?
I personally can’t turn down a souvenir. A bag of fudge, a postcard, a crystal that’s really made of glass? Love it. I recommend a total budget of £30 for souvenirs as only a few are that famous enough to have souvenir shops.
So that comes to… £1380. For you and a bestie, that’s £690 each.
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Looking to save some cash?
Don’t buy souvenirs, just take lots of pics.
Do go to grocery stores and pick up cheap, healthy bits to make up meals instead of going to restaurants. Basically, be in a constant state of picnicking.
Do try and shorten the trip so you have to sleep over less. WARNING: don’t push yourself and drive far beyond your limit. Driving when you’re tired or driving late into the night is obviously very dangerous and just not worth it. If your bestie can drive, too, you can safely extend the amount of miles you get under your belt in a day.
This is just a framework for a roadtrip. If you’re ready to hit the road, I’d recommend you set out a route and book specific hotels so you can be sure you’re staying in budget.
If you liked this post, let me know by liking and reblogging. And don’t forget to hit follow to hear more roadtrip ideas!
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thejacketandthehook · 4 years
The Art of Pretending 3/?
Title: The Art of Pretending 3/?
Author: thejacketandthehook (aka everystareverywhere)
Summary:  Killian Jones needs a family and needs one now. In order to impress his boss, Killian hires a single mother and her son to pretend to be his wife and son for the weekend. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Rating: Teen (for language)
Words:  9746
Author’s Notes: Hello all! Here is my submission for the @captainswanmoviemarathon! This is based off of the Lifetime movie, “Borrowed Hearts,” starring Eric McCormack and Roma Downey. The movie came out in 1997, and I consider it to be one of the first made-for-tv Christmas movies.
A couple of years ago I was watching it and thought this would be a fantastic scenario for our favorite Captain and Savior. I wrote it and then stopped, and then started it again, only to stop again. When I saw this movie marathon, I knew instantly this was the movie I wanted to do and I wanted to make sure that I finished it this time.
I hope you enjoy it!
Chapters: 1 | 2
Killian rubbed the back of his neck before sitting down on his couch. After a moment, he bounced up and began pacing in front of said couch before he sat down on one of the armchairs. Leaning his elbows on his knees, he used both hands to rub this neck before he jumped back up again.
“Would you calm down?!” Regina all but screamed at him as he paced once more. “Everything is going to be fine.”
“You have to say that because you got me into this mess,” he commented.
She sighed. “I’d apologize, but if this works, then you can send me a very expensive bottle of champagne as thank you.”
He suppressed the urge to roll his eyes – barely – before continuing, “Let’s get through this before anyone starts celebrating.”
Regina sighed before looking at her phone once more. “It’s going to be fine, Jones. I’m sure this…Emma person is fine and so is her son. Besides, it’s only two days. It’s not like you’re going to have to be married to her forever.”
He sighed. He knew she was she right. It wasn’t forever; it was barely even 48 hours. Mr. Woodman would be arriving Friday night, and be leaving Sunday morning. So it was only Friday evening and all of Saturday that he had to worry about. By Sunday night, his life would return to normalcy – except for the fact that he could be moving to London and being the manager of the London branch. Which he would love, since that would bring him closer to his brother and his family.
He sat down before leaning his head back on the chair. He actually spoke to his brother last night about this whole…arrangement, and well, Liam had a few chose words for him.
“Are you mad, brother?!” he yelled. “What the bloody hell are you thinking?! Lying to impress your boss?! That has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of!”
He wasn’t wrong, which made this whole situation worse. Liam was right; lying to Mr. Woodman would blow up in his face, surely. What would happen when Mr. Woodman goes to London and wants to visit Killian and his “family”? There are so many times he could say “They’re visiting her family” until it looks like he just made them up. Which he did. Well, at least, Regina did. But at that point, who the bloody hell would care?
Not that Killian wasn’t worried about who exactly this Emma woman and her son were. He can’t believe that he never met her before, seeing how close he and David are. After David told them that he would ask Emma if she would even consider it, he told Killian that his wife and Emma were the best of friends, almost like sisters. In fact, he went on to say, “Emma is kind of like my sister too.” So, how in the world have they not met before?
But, putting that aside for the moment, what was this woman even like? They had to pretend to be married, for God’s sake, hopefully there would be some kind of…attraction. Killian wasn’t the best actor on a good day, his brother’s words ringing in his head: “You always wear your heart on your sleeve, Killian. I always know how you’re feeling with just a glance in your direction.” If he wasn’t attracted to Emma, this could be a small problem.
“It’s just for weekend,” Regina’s words echoed. Well, that was true too. He could pretend for less than 48 hours. At least, he was sure that he could.
But what about her kid? What if he was a horrible little thing, totally spoiled? Killian was…okay with kids. He wasn’t really around them enough to decide whether or not he had a strong opinion about them. They seemed fine, from a distance. But now he was going to have one. In his house. What the hell did he get himself into?
Before he could really start panicking, which honestly was going to be any minute now, the doorbell rang.
“Thank God,” Regina sighed before she got up to get the bell. “Honestly, they must have taken the long way to get here.”
Killian was hot on her heels, following behind. He tried to look confident, but was afraid that his nerves were just overcoming his face. Regina had her hand on the doorknob before she looked back at him.
He nodded.
Regina opened the door to reveal David, a young boy with light brown hair and brown eyes, and a woman that was probably the same age as David, if not a little younger.
The woman, though…
Bloody hell.
She was beautiful. She had a heart shaped face, with a small dimple at the chin, light green eyes and blonde hair that even in a ponytail touched between her shoulder blades. But even though she looks a little different now, he would know her anywhere. When she noticed Killian, her eyes grew bigger and her mouth dropped a little.
“Oh. You” was all she said.
David looked at Emma before looking at Killian. “Do you two know each other?”
“I’m Henry!” the little boy piped up. He was a cute kid, with some bottom teeth missing, and his eyes bright. He ran over to Killian before putting his hand out like he wanted to shake hands. “I’m going to be your son.”
Killian chuckled before taking the kid’s hand. Well, if nothing else, the kid at least broke some of the tension in the room.
“Nice to meet you, Henry. I’m Killian. I’ll be playing the role of your dad.”
Henry let go of Killian’s hand before tilting his head. “You speak like the people on that television show Mary Margaret and Mom watch. Are you British?”
Killian nodded. “I am indeed. I’m from a small town outside of London. My brother lives there now, with his wife and child.”
“Cool! I always wanted to go to London!”
“Since when?” Emma asked. Killian’s eyes found hers and for a moment they looked at each other before she looked down at her son.
“I just do,” Henry insisted before taking a step further into the house. “Can I see my room?”
“Er, sure.”
Regina stepped up and said, “It’s upstairs and to the left. Let me show you. I’m Regina, by the way.”
“Are you the Evil Queen? That’s what Uncle David calls you.”
“Uncle David” became fascinated with his shoes and wouldn’t glance at Regina, even though she was giving him the death glare.
When they went upstairs, David repeated his earlier question, “Do you two know each other?”
Emma nodded. “I…I think so. We might have" she cleared her throat, "…met before.”
Killian agreed. “Yeah. About two years ago?”
She nodded again. “Right. Yeah.”
David looked at the two of them before asking, “Do I want to know what happened?”
Killian and Emma looked at each other, and for a moment all Killian could feel was her skin under his hands, and his lips against hers.
Emma spoke up, bringing Killian back to the present. “Probably not,” she muttered before looking down, her cheeks a light red. He wondered if she was suddenly brought back to that moment too.
“You both were so sure that you didn’t know each other,” David insisted.
Killian clear his throat before looking at his friend. “We never got each other’s names.”
He looked at Emma, his heart pounding even harder than it was earlier.
Well, he didn’t have to worry about being attracted to her. Because he knew for a fact that he was.
It had to be him, didn’t it? Of all the freaking people in the world, the man that she might be “married” to for 48 hours had to be him!
Emma cleared her throat, trying to get moisture back into her mouth. She was a nervous reck all morning, wondering just what in blazes she was even thinking to even agree to this stupid idea. She almost backed out about three times, before Mary Margaret calmed her down, claiming that this would be a good thing. An extra two thousand dollars could help her as she goes looking for a nicer (or at least bigger) apartment.
But him?
“Where did you two meet?” David innocently asked.
Emma looked over at…Killian and answered, “Actually, at your birthday party about two years ago?” she finished as a question, unsure if her time was right.
Killian nodded. “Two years sounds about right.”
“I didn’t know that,” David exclaimed. He thought for a moment before saying, “That’s when we went to The Rabbit Hole. So you two have met?”
Emma looked down, her cheeks blushing though she wished they wouldn’t. “Yeah, something like that.”
All three were silent for a moment before David asked, “I really don’t want to know, do I?”
Killian gave a smile that was almost dashing as he proclaimed, “No. No, you do not.”
Emma looked up at Killian and gave a small smile. Killian winked at her before gesturing to the hallway behind him. “Shall we?”
For the first time since seeing the outside (which, yeah, David told Henry and her that it was huge, but damn it was big), Emma looked around the house. They were currently standing in the hallway/foyer which alone was tremendous. To her left was the formal dining room and to the right looked like a bathroom. As they moved further into the house, the staircase was to the right, going straight up to the second floor, and to the right was the doorway to the kitchen. The back of the house was a massive living room, that had a couch big enough to fit the three of them comfortably, two winged chairs, and a fireplace that doesn’t look like it’s ever been used.
As Emma looked around, her mind still racing with discovering just who exactly she was helping out, she couldn’t help but notice that though the house was gorgeous, it lacked…something. She couldn’t put her finger on it exactly.
“Have a seat,” Killian said, gesturing to the couch. “Make yourself at home.”
“It could be your home,” David smiled at Emma. When she just looked at him, he cleared his throat once before saying, “You know for two days.”
“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” Henry yelled, running down the stairs.
Emma stood up and said, “In here, Henry!”
Regina must have told him where to go, for it took a few seconds longer for him to run in than it should have. But when he came into the room, his smile was bright and he looked thrilled with what he just saw.
“Mommy, the room is huge! So big! And the bed, Mommy, the bed is so bouncy. And it’s a big bed, like you have!”
“You need toys,” Regina said, sitting in one of the winged chairs before looking at Killian. “You need way more toys.”
Killian shrugged. “I figured Henry could bring some.”
Regina sighed and David shook his head. “Man, I know that you aren’t around a lot of children, but they have a lot of toys.”
“Fine. We’ll get more toys.”
Emma, who was admiring the art work in the room, piped up, “You might need to get new things.”
Everyone was looking at her, which made her self-conscious. “What do you mean?” Killian asked. “What more could you possibly want in this house? It has everything.”
She nodded. “Yeah. It does. I mean, it’s beautiful, but…” She looked down at Henry, who smiled at her before taking off his school bag and taking his toy car out.
“But what?”
She looked up at him. “It doesn’t look like…like a home, you know?”
Regina, David, and Killian looked around. Regina and David started to nod, as though in agreement with Emma, but Killian looked almost insulted.
“It’s a fine home,” he insisted.
“It is!” Emma proclaimed. “It is, it’s just…it doesn’t look lived in. At all.”
“I agree,” Regina said with a nod.
“What in bloody hell are you talking about?” Killian said, louder than he should have.
“Temper,” Regina muttered as a warning, loud enough for Killian to hear.
Henry looked up at him. “We have to use our nice words.”
Killian looked at him like he could not believe those words were just directed at him. Before he could make another comment, David piped up, “I agree. It’s kind of…cool.”
“Exactly! We need to make it look like we’re all here, living together.”
Killian rolled his eyes before asking, “And just what did you have in mind, oh wife-of-mine-for-48-hours?”
Emma crossed her arms and tilted her head. “Do you want my help or not? Because I can leave here and not look back, fine by me.”
Killian took a deep breath and counted silently to ten before asking in a calmer voice, “Sorry. What do you have in mind?”
Emma still had her arms crossed for a moment before she released them and opened her purse that was slung across her body. She took out some pictures before holding them up. “Family photos. Surely families have pictures of themselves around the house.”
Killian nodded. “Yeah, okay, we’ll get some picture frames for them.”
She handed them to him before she looked over to an empty space that was almost in the shape of a hexagon. “And here,” she added, “We could put the tree here.”
“A tree?” Killian asked, as though he never heard of such a thing. “But Mr. Woodman is only going to be here for 48 hours!”
Emma turned to look at him. “A family with a young kid would definitely have a Christmas tree up the weekend before Christmas. Not a huge tree, mind you.” She looked back at the spot and for a moment and got lost in thought. She could almost see herself and Henry laughing as they put up the tree, and getting some old ornaments that Emma was able to scrounge around for. She smiled as she pictured Henry anxiously making sure the star on top was just right.
She quickly looked behind her to see the three adults looking at her a bit curiously. “Sorry,” she said, before clearing her throat. “I just got lost in thought for a moment.”
Killian put Emma’s picture down on the coffee table before he sat down besides David. “Okay, so I imagine that you have some questions. Perhaps we should make sure that everyone involved knows their role before we start changing my house around.”
Emma nodded before going over to the other empty winged chair, and rubbed Henry’s head as she sat down. “Yes, I have some questions.” She cleared her throat before asking, “I’m getting my own room, right?”
“Yep. Next to the master’s suite is a small guest room. You’ll be sleeping in there.”
“And Mr. Woodman is staying here too?”
“Yes, there’s another room next to the library, which is where he will be sleeping.”
Emma went to ask another question before what he said registered in her brain. “Wait, next to the library…how many rooms are in this place?”
“A lot,” he said with a cocky smile.
Emma froze, looking at Killian and trying to remember how exactly she was supposed to breath. She hated that a small part of her was still….
No. No, she couldn’t think about that moment. She would get lost in her own thoughts again.  
Shaking her head, she continued, “What do we do with cooking and such? Because I can’t cook and I am certainly not cleaning up after you.”
“Well, I can cook if need-be,” he said, leaning forward. “As for cleaning, I have a maid.”
“House keeper,” David corrected.
Killian sighed before repeating, “House keeper. She’ll make sure everything is clean.”
“She knows what’s going on?”
“Yes. If you agree, she’ll meet with you and Henry to get acquainted.”
Emma nodded. “And this is next week, right?”
“Yes. The weekend of the nineteenth.”
Emma nodded once more. So the nineteenth and twentieth, Emma and Henry would be “working” for Killian. That still gave them four days to prepare for Christmas. Plus, Henry will be off from school for the Holiday break that week, so it’ll be even better.
Killian cleared his throat before asking, “So, do we have a deal?”
Emma looked at him and for a moment was brought back to that night three years ago.
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it,” she could see him smirking in her mind’s eye.
Shaking her head now, she cleared that imagine from her mind as she looked at Killian and replied, “Not so fast. I need to talk to my son.”
Putting her hand on his head, Emma leaned forward and said softly, “Listen, Henry, what—”
But she didn’t get to finish, because Henry yelled loudly, “Mommy, take it!”
Emma looked sheepishly up at Killian before standing up. She held out her hand and said, “It looks like you have a deal.”
Killian stood up and shook her hand as Regina jumped up and announced, “I now pronounce you husband and wife!”
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Belated Celebration
I reached the astounding milestone of 1.1k followers back in October which also marked a year from when I started this blog and put a celebration to the side in order to do kinktober because I had plans to do this in November. Health issues got in the way so this will be a belated celebration.
Again, thank you so, sooooo much for putting up with me. The fact that you lovely people want to read what I have to offer and are willing to share pieces of yourselves with me through your requests and comments means a lot to me.
I’ll accept as many entries as I get from today (December 6th) until December 13th at 11:59 pm CST. All of them will be filled throughout January and —if necessary— February.
FAQ | fandom/character list
Send me one or two AUs/situations, up to five prompts, and a character (you can send more than one character if you want me to write a poly relationship or a threesome/orgy and in that case, you can send up to eight prompts.)
If you’re not interested in any of the AUs or situations, you can tell me to pick those myself or send me a song and I’ll write a fic based on that song with the prompts you’ve chosen.
Please specify gender. If you don’t, I’ll write the fic with a gender-neutral reader by default.
When it comes to smut, I always write the reader as a person with a vagina. If you want me to write the reader as an intersex person or a person with a penis, please specify.
You can send in as many requests as you want, but please do it in separate asks.
prompts and AUs/situations under the cut
AUs & situations
✳︎ soulmate AU ✳︎ roommate AU ✳︎ neighbor AU ✳︎ modern AU ✳︎ fake dating AU ✳︎ college AU ✳︎ baker AU ✳︎ artist AU ✳︎ fairy tale AU (specify which one) ✳︎ library AU ✳︎ bookshop AU ✳︎ CEO AU ✳︎ Hogwarts AU ✳︎ arranged marriage AU ✳︎ royal AU ✳︎ bodyguard AU ✳︎ teacher AU ✳︎ bartender AU ✳︎ rich person AU ✳︎ actor AU ✳︎ model AU ✳︎ photographer AU ✳︎ movie AU (specify which movie) ✳︎ omegaverse ✳︎ canon universe
✳︎ there’s only one bed ✳︎ dating app ✳︎ secret admirer ✳︎ at a wedding ✳︎ accidental marriage ✳︎ wedding date hire ✳︎ locked in a room/closet together ✳︎ love triangle ✳︎ game night (truth or dare, love dice, never have I ever, etc.) ✳︎ secret relationship ✳︎ oblivious sexual tension ✳︎ break up/makeup ✳︎ age gap ✳︎ frenemies with benefits ✳︎ friends with benefits ✳︎ frenemies to lovers ✳︎ friends to lovers ✳︎ childhood friends to lovers ✳︎ enemies to lovers ✳︎ friends to enemies to lovers ✳︎ enemies to friends to lovers ✳︎ finally home after a hard day ✳︎ stuck in a place together for a long period of time ✳︎ seeing each other for the first time in a while ✳︎ meeting for the first time
Angst & hurt/comfort
A1 - “My heart hurts when I look at you.”
A2 - “Don’t blame it on the alcohol, you tasted like you wanted me.”
A3 - “If anything ever happens to me, remember that I’ll always love you.”
A4 - “Darling, your heart is too pure for me.”
A5 - “Don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way.”
A6 - “Don’t leave me like that again, you scared me.”
A7 - “I can’t be without you.”
A8 - “Don’t tell me you love me unless you mean it.”
A9 - “They told me that you’d break my heart, but, holy shit, they never said it would hurt like this.”
A10 - “We need to talk.”
A11 - “Surprise! I have feelings and you just hurt them.”
A12 - “The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
A13 - “You look beautiful in your wedding dress/attire, I’m happy for you.”
A14 - “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan, and I’m definitely not a second choice.”
A15 - “Did it ever occur to you that you’re hurting me too?”
A16 - “You’re right, I did love you, I just don’t know if I can say the same now.”
A17 - “I wasn’t the one who walked away from us. You were.”
A18 - “I fell for you without even knowing it and, Jesus, does it hurt that you can’t see it.”
A19 - “Please don’t love me the way you loved your exes.”
A20 - “I know you think we’re not right for each other, but we’ve run into each other too many times for you to tell me this isn’t fate.“
A21 - “There’s always a place in my bed for you, I will wait no matter what.”
A22 - “Do you even still love me?”
A23 - “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
A24 - “Don’t leave me.”
A25 - “I can’t pretend anymore.”
A26 - “Tell me I’m wrong.”
A27 - “Don’t you dare walk out that door.”
A28 - “There was never an ‘us’.”
A29 - “Do you really think I’m happy?”
A30 - “I don’t want your apology.”
A31 - “Stop pretending like everything is fine.”
A32 - “What the hell were you thinking?”
A33 - “I didn’t believe you cared.”
A34 - “You’re jealous.”
A35 - “You may be attractive, but I’m not sleeping with you.”
A36 - “The bed is cold without you.”
A37 - “When did you stop loving me?”
A38 - “How do I make you love me again?”
A39 - “Shouldn’t you be with him/her/them?”
A40 - “I wasn’t lying when I said I loved you.”
A41 - “They don’t deserve you.”
A42 - “I never meant to fall in love with you. I just did.”
A43 - “Please tell me this isn’t what it looks like.”
A44 - “Shit, is that blood?”
A45 - “I think we need a break.”
A46 - “Are you even listening?”
A47 - “Just leave me alone.”
A48 - “What’s wrong with me?”
A49 - “We don’t/wouldn’t work.”
A50 - “You had me! And you ruined it on your own.”
F1 - “You look beautiful in anything.”
F2 - “I can’t believe I got the first date, let alone a year.”
F3 - “I have so much love for you. I actually never thought I could feel like this, but you proved me wrong.”
F4 - “I don’t care where I’m sleeping as long as it’s with you.”
F5 - “God, I’m never leaving your side again.”
F6 - “Every inch of you is breathtaking.”
F7 - “Why do you have to look at me like that? It’s making me weak, please stop.”
F8 - “Is this the moment that we kiss?”
F9 - “The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
F10 - “Look at me. I love you.”
F11 - “I—I think we should go for dinner first.”
F12 - “I love you more than coffee.” distant gasps
F13 - “I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
F14 - “I’m tired and my bed feels so empty without you here.”
F15 “Are you going to kiss me or will you just keep staring?”
F16 “I think you need to tell me the truth about how you feel towards me.”
F17 - “You keep saying we’re friends, but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.”
F18 - “Not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.”
F19 - “I know you haven’t done anything, but can you please stop looking so goddamn kissable? My parents are here.”
F20 - “The things I would do just to see your face right now.”
F21 - “You’re the only person I’ve ever actually wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”
F22 - “Please come home, this doesn’t feel right.”
F23 - “You look like you could use a hug.”
F24 “Why do I feel like I’m home whenever you’re near me?”
F25 - “Oh my God... you’re in love with him/her/them!”
F26 - “Do you want to make out as badly as I want right now?”
F27 - “Are you flirting with me?” / “You finally noticed?”
F28 - “I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
F29 - “I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone this much before.”
F30 - “Take my bed tonight, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
F31 - “I could kiss you right now!”
F32 - “You’re cute when you’re half asleep.”
F33 - “You should sleep in my bed more often.”
F34 - “Have you always been this beautiful?”
F35 - “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
F36 - “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but can I kiss you just like another ten, please?”
F37 - “Oh, wow, holy crap, wow... you’re so pretty.”
F38 - “Can you please... uh... I don’t know, put a shirt on?”
F39 - “I’m so madly and deeply in love with you, please meet me so we can discuss this.”
F40 - “I would’ve waited an eternity if I knew you were what I’d get at the end of it.”
F41 - “Thank you for loving me, I couldn’t have been luckier.”
F42 - “Every morning you kiss my forehead before I leave for work, why was it my lips today?”
F43 - “You keep that photo of us in your wallet?”
F44 - “I’ve fallen for you and it’s becoming difficult for me to get anything done.”
F45 - “All I can think of is your lips on mine.”
F46 - “I fought so hard to get you and thank God I can finally rest.”
F47 - “I never thought we’d end up together, but here you are confessing everything to me.”
F48 - “You were never the person I wanted, but you were the only one I ever needed.”
F49 - “That night you kissed me and I thought I might melt.”
F50 - “From the moment I saw you, I knew I was in love.”
S1 - “Do you like it when I touch you like that?”
S2 - “Want to head back to my place?”
S3 - “What a pretty sight.”
S4 - “You have no idea what you do to me.”
S5 - “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
S6 - “You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”
S7 - “I don’t care how good it feels, you better not come until I tell you to.”
S8 - “Look, I’m not into choking but I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while.”
S9 - “You better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.”
S10 - “Maybe If I punish you it’ll help you remember who you belong to next time.”
S11 - “If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
S12 - “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
S13 - “Pushing back against my fingers already? How pathetic.”
S14 - “When we get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and I’m going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.”
S15 - “Did you touch yourself while I was gone?”
S16 - “These walls are pretty thick, you can be as loud as you want.”
S17 - “Come sit on my face, let me show you how much I missed you.”
S18 - “I wonder what your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner would do if they knew what you’re doing right now.” (the story would contain cheating if you pick this one.)
S19 - “I bet all our neighbors can hear what a dirty little slut you are.”
S20 - “Come here, baby, let mommy/daddy take care of you.”
S21 - “Scream my name, I want everyone nearby to know who’s making you feel this good.”
S22 - “You look real pretty when you cry out.”
S23 - “Tell me what you like.”
S24 - “Shhh, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you.”
S25 - “Think you can handle that much?”
S26 - “Call me selfish, but I don’t want anyone else to touch you.”
S27 - “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
S28 - “Are you trying to turn me on right now or are you really just that oblivious?”
S29 - “Baby, I know you’re not trying out the new shower head without me.”
S30 - “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you moan... it was like a fucking melody.”
S31 - “I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”
S32 - “God damnit, now all I can think about right now is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone.”
S33 - “Just let me finish this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you come at least three times.”
S34 - “You’re virgin? How?!”
S35 - “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?”
S36 - “If you don’t stop looking at my lips without doing anything about it, I will take you right here on this counter.”
S37 - “Shall we— shall we go back t—to my place?
S38 - “You don’t know half the things you do to me.”
S39 - “I’m aggressively thinking about having sex with you and trying to keep a straight face at the same time. Do you know how hard that is?”
S40 - “You’ve been giving me bedroom eyes for the past half an hour — time to show me what, exactly, was on your mind.”
S41 - “Bite your lip one more time, I dare you.”
S42 - “God, I love your hands.” / “Let’s put them to good use, then.”
S43 - “I don’t care what you do as long as you also do me.”
S44 - “I’ve never wanted to fuck somebody so badly.
S45 - “Just shut up and fuck me.”
S46 - “I might have seen this very moment in a wet dream once.”
S47 - “I know we’re just friends, but you’re sitting on my lap so I’m sorry if I get hard.”
S48 - “You know, there wasn’t a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.”
S49 - “I didn’t wanna say anything because we’re such good friends, but I would totally fuck you if you asked.”
S50 - “What are you doing?” / “Hopefully you.”
M1 - “I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.”
M2 - “You’re very attractive. Therefore I will stare at you.”
M3 - “Somebody’s cranky.” / “Somebody needs to shut the fuck up.”
M4 - “You’re not short. You wouldn’t understand.”
M5 - “(Character/Your Name) NO.” / “(Character/Your Name) YES.”
M6 - “You’re cute when you’re angry.” / “Yeah, well, I’m about to get really fucking adorable.”
M7 - “I’m not arguing, I’m simply explaining why I’m right.”
M8 - “Do I look like I give a fuck?”
M9 - “What are you doing?” / “Hiding.” / “Hiding from what?” / “Everything.”
M10 - “You’re really cute and it’s ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time.”
M11 - “Not to dictate your life, but dump your asshole boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and drop your shitty friends.”
M12 - “If anyone can do it, then someone who isn’t me can do it.”
M13 - “Man, how many eye contact until we date?”
M14 - “God has a favorite TV series and it’s called my life.”
M15 - “It’s a beautiful day to stop wasting my time, honey.”
M16 - “Women aren’t complicated. You’re just dumb.”
M17 - “I’m actually pretty cool if you give me five tries to get it right.”
M18 - “Well, this social situation isn’t going the way I acted it out in the shower.”
M19 - “Do the dark circles under my eyes and my unwashed hair turn you on?”
M20 - “My opinion is no.”
M21 - “Are we gonna hold hands or what?”
M22 - “True love is having a crush even when they get a bad haircut.”
M23 - “Be prepared to add a cute emoji next to my name in your contact list because you’re gonna love me.”
M24 - “Was that just awkward eye contact or were we checking each other out?”
M25 - “His/her/their use of common sense is so fucking hot.”
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paintadarkpicture · 4 years
Tumblr media
Copped some more vidya games from the store today, as well as a $45/UNLIMITEX TXT/TLK/DATA by Straight Talk WIRELESS Prepaid card + a Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy A30 Smartphone that I have yet to even open and mess around with myself... I may end up returning it after all because why pay ~$299.99 for a Straight Talk unlocked phone when I could probably find a completely unlocked Galaxy S7/S7 Edge/S8/S9/S9+/Note 8 (etc.) for around the same price range or a little bit higher... And in great condition, too. With any luck it will be obtained totally illegally and they'll want next to nothing to sell it and I'll just restore and replace the IMEI number and remove it from the Blacklist myself for a lot less time and $$$... Plus then I could end up with something badass like a Note 8 or greater totally unlocked phone. I already have an S9 and an S10+ but they're T-Mobile phones even though the S9 (kinda dinged up w/o a case) has been unlocked completely and the S10+ was just recently paid off completely resulting in a $0.00 balance... So I believe I should be able to unlock this S10+ as well if it isn't somehow already.
I wouldn't mind a Google Pixel 3 or some other badass phone that isn't an iPhone either...
The goal here is to switch ALL of my phones to burner phones, so that they're much less untraceable, their data isn't archived as often, they don't follow the same rules when it comes to LEO's, etc. I'll just have to lurk offerup until I find something that fits the general criteria, I guess... By the time I find something I'll have come up pretty fat once again. I've got a pretty good sized jugg coming through for the second time this weekend, last time I pocketed $3500 cash, ~15g's of H & ~2oz of Clear. So hopefully this weekend I am able to net around the same... He is pretty punctual and has pretty deep pockets, I guess the price difference in Hawaii is so much higher than it is here in WA state... However the demand is just as high!
Come on COVID-19! Let us Trapstars capitalize and flourish!
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floramatic · 5 years
❤️ 2, 24, 45, 49 ❤️
💗 💗
2. what are your favourite colours and why?
oranges; its just such a kind color. sunny and bright, holding the chill of october and the heat of summer 
24. are you happy?
generally, yes, I think 
45. do you believe in aliens?
of course!!!!! the universe is so big and keeps getting bigger 
49. what colour are your eyes?
if we were to use this chart, I’d say I’m closest to a mix of A30 and A17. or something. blue, is what I’m trying to say 
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tillyswatson-blog · 5 years
All You Need to Know About the Rural Boxing Gym in Wisconsin
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The crash destroyed the home front porch, and damaged the garage, and the semi also hit a gas meter. Knowing there were other struggling students at Foothill who, like him, were reluctant to seek help, Bodo and other student leaders started trying to find them to connect them to resources. The manufacturer offers 20 petrol variants, 22 diesel variants, 1 hybrid variant. 6,200We've chosen to go with Intel's current gen Skylake CPUs and DDR4 RAM in the interest of future proofing. Visualization: Data is only as good as our ability to analyze it. Despite being told I over pronate and couldn't wear a neutral shoe, these Ultraboosts haven't failed me once. Despite its strength, the Achilles tendon is also vulnerable to injury, due to its limited blood supply and the high tensions placed on it.. A much cheaper investment would be an armband or a belt pouch to help you carry the phone while running.. We have found ourselves at a turning point, where Falstaff admonishment that is the better part of valor butts up against Dr. Branded wrist watches for men come up with the finest designs simply to match the customer preferences. The teenager, who started the year ranked 152 in the world, climbed into the stands to embrace her parents and team after her victoryShe also took hime US$3.85 million for her winso hard to explain in words but I just beyond grateful and truly blessed.
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jxpper · 5 years
Multiples of ten
girl you KNOW I SUCK AT MATH. So, I’m gonna go with what I imagine you mean by multiples of ten lmao
Q10: What shoe size are you? 
A10: somewhere in the range between a 9 and an 11, because no shoes are ever the same effing size
Q20: Are you religious?
A20: Yes. I was raised Christian and later decided to actually stick with the beliefs, not just because it was how I was raised. Although, I don’t stand for a lot of the morals that come along with the church (the hatred). So, I practice my religion outside of the confines of the Christian church. 
Q30: How many pillows do you sleep with? 
A30: two under my head, one next to me, and a body pillow for my legs
Q40: Have you ever had a secret admirer?
A40: uhhh I don’t believe so. I’m not all that into romance irl. 
Q50: Left or right handed?
A50: Righty
60Q: Do you talk to yourself?
A60: sometimes :/
Q70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
A70: Nope!
Q80. How many piercings do you have?
A80: nose, upper lip, belly button, lower lip, and my ears were stretched for a while. I only wear my nose ring and my upper lip now. Rarely earrings
Q90: What makes you angry?
A90: That’s a loaded question lol. I don’t like seeing my friends be attacked or bullied.
Q100: Color of your room
A100: so, this is kinda hard. my mom and I switched rooms and all of my stuff is still in my old room so I never know which room is actually mine, but my old room is grey and my current room is white!
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shaykhpod-blog · 2 years
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I had a thought which I wanted to share. Even though the number of muslims have increased over time it is obvious that the strength of muslims has only decreased. Each muslim irrespective of the strength of their faith believes in the authenticity of the Holy Quran as doubting it would cause them to lose their faith. In the following verse Allah, the Exalted, has given the key to obtaining superiority and success which would remove the weakness and grief muslims are experiencing all around the world. Chapter 3 Alee Imran, verse 139:
 “So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.”
 Allah, the Exalted, has made it clear that muslims only need to become true believers in order to achieve this superiority and success in both worlds. True belief involves fulfilling the commands of Allah, the Exalted, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with patience according to the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. This includes the duties towards Allah, the Exalted, and those towards people, such as loving for others what one loves for themself which has been advised in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2515. This requires one to learn and act on Islamic teachings. Through this attitude was success and superiority granted to the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. And if muslims desire to achieve it then they must return to this rightly guided attitude. As muslims believe in the Holy Quran they should understand this simple teaching and act on it.
      PodThought: Superiority & Success: https://youtu.be/WbJdwX2Btf8
PodThought: Superiority & Success: https://fb.watch/v/1MtpJJC7L/
 @shaykhpodpics​ - Infographics on Good Character
@shaykhpod-blog​ - Short Blogs on Good Character
  #Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam  #Quran  #Hadith #Success  #Prophet #Muhammad  #Sunnah #Piety    #Taqwa   #Superiority   #Belief   #Believers   #Tests  #Trials  #Difficulties
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thejacketandthehook · 4 years
The Art of Pretending 2/?
Title: The Art of Pretending 2/?
Author: thejacketandthehook (aka everystareverywhere) 
Summary:  Killian Jones needs a family and needs one now. In order to impress his boss, Killian hires a single mother and her son to pretend to be his wife and son for the weekend. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Rating: Teen (for language) 
Words: 6875
Author’s Notes: Hello all! Here is my submission for the @captainswanmoviemarathon! This is based off of the Lifetime movie, "Borrowed Hearts," starring Eric McCormack and Roma Downey. The movie came out in 1997, and I consider it to be one of the first made-for-tv Christmas movies.
A couple of years ago I was watching it and thought this would be a fantastic scenario for our favorite Captain and Savior. I wrote it and then stopped, and then started it again, only to stop again. When I saw this movie marathon, I knew instantly this was the movie I wanted to do and I wanted to make sure that I finished it this time.
I hope you enjoy it!
Chapters: 1
"Emma," Granny called with the phone on her shoulder. "Come. It's for you."
Putting down the pot of coffee she was holding, Emma made her way over to the phone and picked up, "This is Emma Swan."
"Ms. Swan, I'm sorry to disturb you at work, but it's about Henry," Henry's teacher, Ms. French, responded calmly.
"He is okay?"
"Yes, yes, he's fine. He just...he put a couple of worms in another teacher's desk this morning. A few other students saw him doing it. Usually we would just talk to him about this, but seeing how this is has happened twice before, I do believe we need to get you involved as well."
"Yeah. Yes, of course." Emma bit her lip and blood rushed to her face. She was going to kill Henry. "I'm sorry for this."
"It happens, it happens." She replied with the same calm voice. Ms. French must deal with so much shit in her day, that a few worms in the desk must be nothing. But still, Emma had to ask --
"Whose desk did he put it in?"
"Mr. Gold," she responded.
Yeah, Emma thought, that sounds about right.
See, Henry was overall a really good kid, but there was something about Mr. Gold that got under Henry's skin, and frankly, Emma's as well. He was an older man who walked with a limp. Your first impression of him would typically be "Oh, this poor man," but after he graded Henry rather harshly on the last two exams, and refused to up Henry's grade by one point so he could make honors last year, yeah...Emma didn't really mind Henry putting worms in his desk.
For the third time.
"I'm so sorry, Ms. French, I truly am. I'm going to speak to Henry about it tonight."
"Just one more thing, Ms. Swan." Ms. French took a deep breath and continued speaking a tone of voice that made Emma think that the teacher really didn't want to be saying this, but felt like she must. "Henry has been talking a lot about his father lately."
Oh God no.
"Last week he was telling the other students that his father is a firefighter in Arizona and he saved many people's lives. I almost believed that until this morning, he was telling them how his father is a spy for the FBI. I thought you might want to know."
Emma grabbed onto the counter and took a few deep breathes. She knew that Henry was having a hard time letting his father go, but she didn't realize it was this bad, honestly. "Again, I apologize, Ms. French. I will speak to him about it."
"Thank you for being so understanding," his teacher said before hanging up.
Once the phone was back in the holder, Emma turned around to see Ruby standing there with her hands on her hips. When she saw Emma's expression, her face and arms soften. "Oh no. What did Henry do?"
"He put worms in the teacher's desk."
Ruby waved an arm. "Oh, I did a load worse when I was his age. I'm sure Granny can tell you all about it."
"I don't doubt it," Emma replied. She took a deep breath before leaning on the counter. "But he was telling his friends about his father."
Ruby leaned on the opposite side and muttered, "Oh shit," under her breath. With her shoulder slumped, her long brown hair fell forward and made almost a curtain around her face. When she looked back up, she said, "What are you going to do?"
Emma shrugged, "Talk to him, obviously. You know he's still holding onto hope that Neal is going to come magically back into his life and all will be forgiven."
"Well, he is eight years old. And he has seen a lot of Disney movies."
Emma raised an eyebrow and muttered, "If you're trying to help me, I can assure you, you are not."
"Sorry." Ruby shook her head before continuing, "That jackass really is something, huh? Gets you pregnant at seventeen and while yeah, he stayed with you and all, continued doing shady business on the side."
"You know that I thought he was done with that, of course."
"Right, of course," Ruby nodded with agreement. "And then he..." she shook her head, too angry to continue.
"I know," Emma muttered.
They stood there in silence for a good thirty seconds before Granny called, "Well, I'm glad I'm paying ya to just stand there and talk!"
Emma sighed before picking up the pot of coffee and going over to table seven.
Emma put the car in park, but put her hand on Henry's arm before he could get out. "We need to talk."
He sighed. "I'm sorry about the worms, Mom. But he's asking for it."
She let go before putting her hands back on the steering wheel. "No, that's not...Well, yeah, you should apologize for that too, because come on, Henry," she finished, exasperated. "Worms? Really? I know the guy is a jackass and all, but instead of not treating him with respect, just.... ignore him."
"How do I ignore my teacher?"
"You prove that you are not who he thinks you are," she insisted. "He thinks you're a troublemaker now, Henry, and you're not. I know you are not. But putting worms in his desk is not telling him that."
He nodded. She took a deep breath.
"But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." Henry looked at her curiously, but she couldn't look at him. Instead, she stared at a gate that was badly chipping from rusted paint as she said, "It's about your father. And the stories you're making up."
He looked down and started picking at his nails. "I know he's not working for the FBI, but where is he?"
Probably running from the FBI, she thought before she answered honestly, "I don't know, kid. I really don't know."
"When is he coming back?"
Looking at him, she said softly, "He's not, Henry."
His bottom lip started to quiver before he tugged the handle bar open and jumped out of the car. "Henry!" she shouted as he ran off to a tree right near their house. He began climbing it, and by the time Emma reached the bottom, he was sitting on a branch a good five feet off the ground.
She crossed her arms as she looked up at him. "Henry Swan, you get down this instant!"
"He's coming back!" Henry shouted.
She shook her head. Why couldn't Neal just say his damn good-bye so I didn't have to put up with this? "Henry, you need to get down!"
"No! He promised! And Dad never breaks his promises!"
I wish. Thinking of the engagement ring burning a hole in the bottom of her jewelry box, she could think of a few promises that Neal Cassidy broke over the course of the last ten years.
"Henry, you need to get down." When he didn't budge, she answered, "Fine! I'll donate all of your toys to charity!"
Leaning on the tree, Henry crossed his arms. Sometimes he was too much like Emma for his own good.
"Henry Swan, you get down now!"
Emma turned to see her best friend come walking towards them, her stomach leading the way. Being six months pregnant didn't necessarily mean a huge belly, but when one is the size of a pixie, like Mary Margaret Nolan, a pregnant stomach tads to stick out more than usual.
Mary Margaret was also a school teacher, who perfected her teaching voice a long time ago. So Henry had no problem coming down when she told him to.
"Thanks," Emma muttered.
"No problem. What happened?" she whispered as Henry grunted his way down.
"We got into a fight about Neal."
"Oh geez," she commented as Henry's feet hit the cold ground. Having a best friend meant that she understood what Emma was talking about, even when she said almost nothing. "Henry, why we don't go in a make a nice hot cup of hot chocolate?"
"Do you mind watching him ‘til six?" Emma asked. She had already spoken to Mary Margaret about her watching Henry while Emma went back to work, but she just wanted to make sure it was all okay.
"Yeah, yeah, no problem. Henry can help grade me second-grade tests."
"Really?" he asked with a bright smile.
She smiled back as she combed his hair with her fingers. "No."
"Do you believe in angels?"
Mary Margaret looked over at Henry, the credits rolling on It's a Wonderful Life on the screen behind him. She laid down her pen, and leaned back in the chair, rubbing her belly as she did so.
"Yeah. Yeah, I do."
Henry got up from the floor and walked over to the table, putting his hands on the chair in front of him. "Why?"
She shrugged. "It's a nice thought, I guess. Thinking that someone is looking out for us."
"Like in that movie?"
"Kind of. I mean, I don't think an angel is going to show me how everyone's life would be different if I wasn't there, but I do think angels try to help out when they can."
She got up and groaned a bit as she did. "Oh, geez, well I'm not sure. Maybe they help you decide what job to have. Or help you cross the street so you don't get hurt."
"Can they help bring a family together?"
Henry's innocent question made her stop in her tracks. Mary Margaret knew she had to answer this question as honestly as she could without giving the kid false hope. Having hope is one thing, but having false hope - that can be soul crushing, especially to an eight-year-old.
"Well, if the angel thought that it was the best thing for the family, then sure. Yeah. Maybe they can help bring a family together."
Henry grinned so wide, his two front teeth were clearly visible. Mary Margaret came over to him, though, and bent down as low as she could go before she continued sternly. "But you have to be very lucky to have an angel come and visit you. You would have to be the best child in the world for something like that to happen."
Henry nodded. "I am a good boy. Except for when I put worms in Mr. Gold's desk. But I promised I would never do that again. Because I'm a good boy."
Mary Margaret stood back up and held onto the chair. "And no more climbing that tree!"
He held up his fingers as though doing a Boy Scout three finger promise. "I promise I'm never going to climb that tree again."
She chuckled before shaking her head and turning towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Henry following behind her asked, "How do we see the angels, though?"
"Well," she said, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. She asked if he wanted water too, and he nodded. Grabbing a second glass, she continued. "I think they look like us, right? Nothing particularly special about them --"
"But they have wings!" Henry interrupted. "Where are their wings?!"
As Mary Margaret poured the water from the pitcher into the glasses, she replied, "They must hide their wings inside, so we don't see them."
"They would leave feathers all over the floor!"
She chuckled as she placed the pitcher back down. "Henry, I'm sure that the angels know how to hide their wings and their feathers from us."
"Why would they want to hide the fact that they're angels? Angels should want to help people, not hide from them!
Handing him his glass she said, "True. But people can take advantage of the angel and the help they can bring."
"What does that mean?"
"Sometimes when people try to help, others....well, they don't know how to stop asking for help. They just take more and more and more. So angels have to hide who they really are."
He took a gulp before asking, "But how do I know if there is an angel around if I can't see their wings?"
Mary Margaret took a sip before answering. "Good question. When you hear something like the tinkling of bells, but there are no bells, that's means there is an angel nearby."
He nodded again seriously before taking another big gulp and putting his glass on the table next to him. "I'm going to leave my listening ears on, to make sure I can hear the bells."
She nodded with a smile. "Sounds like a good plan."
Just then there as a knock on the door, and Henry went running to it, yelling, "Mommy! Mommy!" He threw open the door, and sure enough his mother was on the other side, looking exhausted but still had a huge smile on her face.
"Henry!" She shouted with joy. He gave her a big hug before asking for pizza for dinner. "Sure, kid. Why not?"
She was just reaching for his book bag, when Mary Margaret's husband came up behind her. "Oh good, you're still here," he said when he saw Emma. "I need to talk to you."
Emma looked over at Mary Margaret, who shrugged. "Okay..." She said taking Henry's bag and throwing it over her shoulder. "What's up?"
"No, this is a couch conversation," David insisted as he gestured to the couch before taking off his jacket and scarf. Emma and Henry sat down on the couch, Mary Margaret sitting in the arm's chair as David paced back and forth in front of them. When he finally stopped, he only said one thing:
"Please don't kill me."
Mary Margaret and Emma looked at each other, while Henry looked up at his mother. All three looked at David as Emma said, "That doesn't sound reassuring."
Mary Margaret asked, "What's going on, David?"
"It has to do with Emma. And Henry. Both of you."
"David, what is going on?"
"Okay, so our CEO, Mr. Marco Woodman is coming in a few days to discuss branching out and making London the new headquarters for Woodman's Architect."
"Okay...Why would this lead anyone to kill you?"
"I'm getting to that. You see, him coming is a really big deal, especially to Killian, the CFO of the branch here, in America. If Mr. Woodman likes Killian, he'll have Killian oversee everything, which is a huge deal."
"David, stop circling the airport," Emma said, leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Bring this baby down."
"What?" Henry asked, confused by what his mother meant.
"She means, get to the point!" Mary Margaret almost shouted.
"Okay, okay. So Mr. Woodman is the definition of a family man and Killian, who is a good guy, I should point out, is not a family man. So Regina may have...tweaked his image a bit."
"Tweaked it how?" Mary Margaret asked. "By giving him a family?"
Emma's arms dropped. So did her stomach. She tilted her head down, looking up at David. "And, what exactly, does this have to do with me and Henry?"
David held out his hands. "Please don't kill me."
"David!" Mary Margaret and Emma shouted at the same time.
"David, what the hell?!"
"Look, you're going to get paid," he said quickly, like that would make up for the fact that he basically sold his friend and her child to a man. "You are. One thousand dollars a day. And you're only working two days. A thousand dollars a day."
Two extra thousand dollars doesn't sound too bad, Emma thought, almost hating herself. That can help when looking for a bigger apartment.
“I can’t believe you sold Henry and me out!” she shouted. “David, what were you thinking?!”
“That this could help you, honestly.” David looked at Henry before looking back at Emma. “I know that things are…tough, right now, and I thought that this could help make some things a little easier. It’s very simple: all you and Killian have to do is pretend you’re married—”
“Killian?” Mary Margaret asked from her seat.
David looked over at her before answering. “Yes.”
Mary Margaret bit her lip and Emma noticed. “What? What’s the problem?”
“No. No problem,” she said quickly. When Emma raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms, Mary Margaret continued. “It’s just—”
“I knew there was a problem!” Emma shouted.
Mary Margaret tried to get up quickly, but it took her a few extra minutes to stand in front of her best friend. “There isn’t. Really. I’ve met Killian on many different occasions. In fact, I can’t believe the two of you haven’t met before.”
“I’ve been a bit busy these last few years,” Emma said before pointedly looking down at Henry who was taking this conversation in.
Mary Margaret nodded. “Of course, yes. And Killian is a nice man. Really. He’s just…”
“You’re not helping, Mary Margaret,” David groaned.
“No, no, no! It’s just he’s…been around the block a few times.”
“Like on his bicycle?”
The three adults were taken back by Henry’s innocent question and David found himself nodding. “Yes. Yes, exactly like that, Henry.”
“I’m not doing it,” Emma answered sternly as she shook her head. “No way. I don’t care about him,” she looked down at Henry before continuing, “riding his bicycle or whatever. My son and I are not for sale.”
As she gestured to Henry to get his coat, David stood in front of her blocking her path. “Look, before you fully say—”
He closed his eyes before trying again. “Yeah, before you say that, just meet him. Please. You know that I am a tough person to impress, and Killian has impressed me. He’s a close friend.”
“So why haven’t I met him before?”
“Honestly, I don’t know how. But you can meet him tomorrow. You and Henry. He invited you to his house.”
“He has a house?” Henry asked.
“Where did you think he lived, kid? A mouse trap?” Emma asked, with a raised eyebrow.
Henry colored a bit before replying. “No…No, I mean, he doesn’t live in an apartment, like us? He lives in a house?”
David nodded. “Yeah, and it’s huge.”
Henry smiled. “Would I have my own room?”
David nodded again. “Of course, buddy. That was the first question I asked.”
Henry smiled even bigger. “With a big bed in it and toys and a desk and –”
“All of that, Henry! All of it!” David replied esthetically.
“Mom,” Henry quickly turned to his mother and started pulling on her jacket. “Mom, we have to meet him. We have to! I could have my own room, Mom, a big room!”
Emma sighed before looking at David. Sarcastically she said, “Thanks.” He gave a small shrug before Emma rubbed her son’s head and said, “Henry it’s not that simple.”
“Why not, Mom? We just hang out at his house for two days and you get money. How is that hard?”
“Well, it’s a little harder than that, kid,” Emma said sitting on the couch and placing her hands on her son’s shoulders. “It’s not just hanging out at someone’s house for two days. It’s…well, it’s pretending that we live there. It’s pretending that it’s…it’s our home.”
“Are we going to go back to the apartment?”
“When the two days are up, yeah.”
Emma hated that he sounded disappointed about that. She cleared her throat before saying, “Listen, kid, this isn’t going to be real, okay? It’s like…it’s like playing pretend. Actually, it’s a lot like playing pretend. We just have to pretend to be…one happy family.” She looked down before letting go of Henry’s shoulders. “You think you can do that?”
He nodded enthusiastically. “Yep! Sure can!”
She sighed before standing back up. “I’m sure I’ll have a thousand questions, but...Okay. Let’s meet him. I’m not agreeing to doing this, though.”
David nodded. “Understood. I’ll call Killian and let you know what time he’ll be expecting you.”
Author’s Notes: I promise you, Killian and Emma will meet in the next chapter. 
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maienredota-blog · 5 years
My Barangay on DRRM Matters
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Our barangay 833 at Pandacan Manila is 2.5 hectares with a population of 2,555. The community consists of a bakery, 11 sari sari stores,2 internet shops, and 2 schools. They cover up from DPWH compound up to Talundon Street which made them decide to add more CCTV cameras to their existing 14 CCTVs. have been experiencing problems when it comes to typhoons because the vicinity of our barangay is prone to flooding. During the 2 major typhoons before which is yolanda and ondoy, our barangay was gravely affected most especially during the Ondoy. The flood that time consumed most of the first floors of their houses but they were able to cope up again. The barangay doesn't have any problems in earthquakes considering that the only tall building in the area is the multipurpose hall of the barangay which is also used as an evacuation place during disasters. They are made aware of these foreseen heavy rains because of radios and televisions. Before, a short time rain would flood the barangay but after the drainage is fixed, the flood easily goes away after rain. Usually, the end part of the barangay is the ones that are being flooded amongst all places in the vicinity because of the drainage problem. The flood caused their belongings to be destroyed and school days to be suspended as well as those who have work in different places. 
However, the people are able to seek refuge during an evacuation because the barangay has 2 facilities that have more than 1 floor which is the church and their multipurpose hall. They prioritized PWDs and senior citizens in the evacuation and they were also the ones assisting them in their needs. After the disaster, the barangay didn't have any problem in coping up with their lives because they received enough help from NGOs and also the municipality of Manila and they are given food as well to survive the days of the flood. To also rise from the devastation, the people with a livelihood in the community like sari-sari stores are given capital assistance which is usually 5,000 Pesos. The barangay also have their strengths which is their capability to conduct seminars and training when it comes to disaster risk reduction management. The barangay does not only train their tanods but also, there are volunteers from members of the community. They have segregation of wastes as well because they had a Triple B project before which is Bawas Basura sa Barangay which aims to segregate and recycle wastes. This project generates money in which the barangay uses to buy recyclables that they could still use in their everyday lives. The place where the MRF was located is presently a gas station, Shell which is also the reason why their MRF was relocated. The Triple B is already being continued by the A30 group but the funds are still inside the bank account of the barangay and still being used for their benefit. In line with their environmental sustainability projects, they also do weekly clean up drives other than their daily sweeping. Other than that, they push through with declogging and Estero de Pandacan cleaning which is their precautionary to avoid experiencing another devastating disaster to their community. 
Given that the community is vulnerable to flooding, I think that the local government should help them in developing their drainage system and the training and workshop for people when it comes to importance of the 3Rs. Considering that they have experienced the result of their actions when it comes to irresponsible disposal of waste ( reason why they are conducting seminars recently) , they will be more empowered in including themselves in lessening waste generated. Also, since drainage system is the problem, it is possible that the flood in the higher places are moving down towards the barangay, maybe they should also fix the drainage system of other barangays as well. This could lessen the possibility that the floodings of other barangays would affect other communities. Our country has a problem when it comes to pollution. We tend to emit more carbon and use non renewable energy, we tend to hoard things which results to the increase in waste and we know that our actions contribute to climate change and yet we focus more on money and business matters. The issue in our country is that there are two things: either very tall buildings or very low geographic areas. This increases our vulnerability to flooding and earthquakes. Our government has to resolve the causes of these disasters because they are neglecting the fact that the repairs for the damaged caused by these disasters are eating up our government's budget which could still be alloted to other projects. Recycling, reducing and reusing won't cost too much but it would create a big impact.
 As a member of my barangay and country, one thing that I could contribute is not using plastics, and deal with reusable products instead of single-used ones. I could do this through simply eating outside of my house or everytime I would get a take out. As a member of the gen Z, we are environmental- conscious consumers and I would use that trait of mine to empower my fellow to do the same because empowerment would lead the community towards success. It would not leave us dependent on third parties to solve the problem we created. As a future business leader, I believe that no matter how much we would impose other people to do the same things to sustain our environment, if it's not within their characteristic to do the same or to be conscious in their environment and then we'll lead them to it. As a marketing student, I think that we could manipulate the way our consumer behaves because they buy things they don't even need because of us. What I could do is to partner up with collectors and segregators of wastes and use those materials to create new ones. The new products created by these will be sold to the communities for their day to day lives. For example, if they would be throwing away clothes, it is good to collect it as raw materials and then we could create grocery bags. The members of the community would surrender to us their clothes and then as a way of profit, they would still pay us at a reasonable price at the same time we would be replacing the things inside their homes that contribute to the disasters happening in our community. 
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sportscarss · 6 years
Seven Exciting Parts Of Attending Audi A25 Mpg | audi a25 mpg
We’ve accepted all forth that the new Audi A6 was activity to get a 2-liter TDI. But both the achievement and the actuality that the A7 Sportback additionally offers it is hardly surprising.
However, we doubtable the A6 will eventually get a de-tuned adaptation bearing either 150 or 163 HP. As for the A7, it’s declared to be a exceptional car, so we’re afraid alike by this configuration. However, the funny affair is the aboriginal Sportback auto had 204 HP versions of a 2.8 FSI and 30 TDI, both of which were V6s.
This affectionate of agent isn’t advised to set your beating racing. And because of the new emissions tests, there’s no adventitious of activity beneath 100 grams admitting the balmy amalgam bureaucracy with anchor activity recuperation.
But it’s not apathetic either. The A6 40 TDI (that’s what they alarm this engine) will do 0 to 100 km/h in 8.1 abnormal while the A7 needs 8.3, as does the A6 Avant. In both scenarios, ability goes to the advanced auto via a 7-speed twin-clutch gearbox. For the record, an A6 45 TDI with 231 HP needs 6.3 abnormal while the 50 TDI with 286 HP takes 5.5 seconds, but both of those are quattro-equipped.
Price and ammunition abridgement are accessible advantages of the 40 TDI. The cars boilerplate about 4.5 l/100km (62.8 mpg UK). Prices accept already been appear in Britain, area the A6 starts from £38,640 as a auto and £40,470 with a wagon rump. The A7 is added big-ticket at £47,140 or £50,040 with the S Line anatomy kit and interior.
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