#ACE Aphrodi
sernik-krakowski · 2 months
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crawls out of the ground zombie style drops this off and then scurries into the dirt once more
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feu-ardent · 2 years
I don't know if it's me but-
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From time to time I wander on the wikia jumping from a page to another and, when I stumbled on the Inazuma Best Eleven one, it just hit me that the team is more or less made of two halves following the same pattern, which is :
Optimistic captain protagonist carrying the team's spirit or morals, depending on the situation (Endou and Tenma)
A-bit-aloof-but-soft-nonetheless ace striker with sibling-related backstory (Gouenji and Tsurugi)
Midfielder gamemaker who just wants things to go his way, which most of the time don't (Kidou and Shindou)
Pretty defender and captain's closest friend doing their utmost best with their character arc (Kazemaru and Kirino)
Time at best is a construct and I have a hammer to smash it and go help friends and family (Kanon and Kinako)
At some point reached the non-100%-organic-human-anymore state (Aphrodi and Shuu)
The mom friend and medic without whom everyone would be dead or missing two limbs and a vital organ (Aki and Aoi)
My square brain and my train of thought are up for stupid shenanigans it seems.
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neutrallyobsessed · 9 months
i just thought of a random question
are there any gay ships that you'd ship if it was straight?
In general, I'd say no. Because:
A) At least in the fandoms i'm currently in, there are enough male and female characters to be paired up straightly into the dynamics I like (and if it wasn't the case i'd just not be interested in shipping at all lol)
B) I may deault to not like a ship because it's gay, but I most likely have plenty of other reasons to not like the ship. Maybe I don't enjoy their overall dynamic, maybe they're boring, maybe it doesn't look nice, maybe their characterizations clash in ways that make them incompatible, maybe its so queer that it can't be made straight or it could lose its spice even in my eyes
I will tell you this sorta related funny story under the cut and i'll put the ace attorney add-on in a reblog when i finish the piece
So you know how in this blog we looove boss x secretary ships? well, i was watching this pretty good anime and the villain was this alien overlord or smthing like that, so when the protags get sent to a different planet they are welcomed by a character that is kinda implied to be the main villain's secretary.
And i'm like yooo she's cute, i'll be shipping th-. And then I paused. And then I remembered what anime I was watching
Inazuma Eleven.
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This alien is not a girl
The worst part is that THIS IS SEASON 3 I KNOW THIS SHIT IS FULL OF BOYS AND BOYS THAT LOOK LIKE GIRLS AND I STILL FELL FOR IT!! I did caught myself before i actually started shipping but man, that was embarrasing. I remember WAITING FOR APHRODI TO SPEAK to know if it was a boy (and husband material) or a girl (my dub gave them more masculine voices, i don't know if i'd tell from the japanese dub tho lol) AND THAT WAS SEASON 1. EVEN THEN I KNEW TO CHECK CHARACTER'S GENDERS BEFORE MAKING ANY DECISIONS ABOUT THEM
So yeah, i guess i'd ship ozrock x ishigashi if ishi was a girl but like ozrock is also one of my many many many MANY husbandos that i have so if he has a girlfriend thatd be me :3
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garbage--account · 1 year
I challenged myself to imagine the craziest plot for IE VR so here we go :
>Unmei and Haru being a duo in childhood : Haru being the "ace" and Unmei having the """"""best""""" ideas
>one day, Unmei has the brilliant idea to defy wild horses in sakka for training and Haru is like "alright im in"
>match goes the best worst way possible : horses being unable to understand sakka, Unmei and Haru win the match but get bodied anyway
>Unmei is injured
>his mom forbids him to ever play again sakka and talk to Haru. Also, forces him to fake injury for the rest of his life
>time passes
>meanwhile, in the Frontier Stade during a match with OG Raimon/Inazuma Japan : earthquake.mp3
>casualities : Endou dead, Kazemaru dead, Gouenji survived, Kidou severely injured, Fudou survived, Kogure dead, Hiroto and Midorikawa couldn't attend the match for professional reasons, Kabeyama dead, Tobitaka missing, Toramaru dead, Fubuki *post-traumatic stress dissorder intensifies*, Someoka dead, Hijikata sacrificed himself to save siblings, Kurimatsu dead, Sakuma survived, Tachimukai dead, Tsunami missing, Megane survived, Ichinose and Domon abroad, Aphrodi didn't get invited, Kageno missing, Max and Shishido saved by Handa, etc (comment below if i forgot someone, I'll update)
>Unmei is now in a antisakka middleschool (since a cult of sakka fanatics is soaring in the suburb) so he couldn't be tempted to undrop sakka (according to mom)
>gets randomly in trouble with the sakka fanatics cult at the beach, during a ritual where they watch a sakka match with invisible players
>appears Sakurazaki passing by (the sea inspires him for peotry) : defies the cult in sakka and wins
>that night, Unmei's dream be like :
POV : ur Haru and watches from afar as the earthquake killing ur dad and tearing apart the ground, the hell itself staring at u from the fresh divide while it is devouring countless of victim like shonen protag sucking at ramen
>afterward, Unmei stalks Sakurazaki and recruits members for sakka club and make them play to FF, gets eventually bodied by a wild Haru passing by, hires a cultist as coach, and here we go
>"but mom! I am not even playing sakka. I just manage a team by getting them in trouble for me! Trust me!"
>average episode be like : Unmei having a dream on crack, inspires him for a new training/hissatsu/tactics, coach not here cause he has ritual in the detroyed stadium, FF is located in the local stadium, the mayor getting hooked by attention (he will end up in jail for kidnapping), they play matches with the new hissatsu/tactic developped in training and win, meanwhile, Haru (freshly orphaned cause dad is dead) visits the old friends of Endou who survived to stay in touch somehow with him but it sometimes goes terribly wrong (more deaths : Fubuki killed himself, Gouenji assassinated, Kidou got homeinvaded while agonizing from his injury by sakka cultist for his money, etc), and now there is rumors theirs ghosts are causing chaos and Unmei can see them ???. Also, Shindou and Tsurugi are running a funerarium so they can bury them, and we learned by them Tenma mysteriously dissapeared many years ago so they named the deathcab horse by him
>despite the effort of the sakka fanatics to delay renovation claiming the place cursed, FF final will occur in FF stadium
>intensedramamatch.mp3, the 2 teams are tied by now
>when suddenly : zombi apocalypse
>starting off strong cause Endou's hand gripping firmly Haru's leg, Mugen The Hand is coming off the pitch to bring chaos in the public, all the players dead during the eartquake coming off the earth using their hissatsus, sakka players being dragged into the ground by the zombies, especially Haru
>Unmei's team ends up playing against Inazuma Zombies but, being walking deads, they can use hissatsus even when they have no TP left so they get bodied
>on the second half, Teikoku Academy (eliminated by Haru's team in semi-finals) goes to the rescue with a giant mecha-penguin kaiju (financed by the money Kidou got homeinvaded for, but it was already spend by the time the criminal got there, for "education" according to the accountant)
>Inazuma zombies are now losing TP thanks to this intervention
>so they win, Sakka is saved, so is the world, the sakka culting coach was Tenma all along and no one cares anymore for FF
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So context for Gouenji crying , it’s a story of it’s own where in a forgetting ray is used on Shirou and so he doesn’t remember them even meeting  . Also the ball in the fifth immage does not have lines as they are not visible in the camera , they were tooooo light . Also Kudos to @lunastarward for her awesome photography skills >.< 
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yui-kuromori · 5 years
So since it's pride month, i'm doing the inazuma eleven lgbtq+ headcanons no one asked for
Endou- panromantic asexual, baby can love anyone, but really, can you see hin wanting sex? He just hugs and kisses and endures the ocasional make out session. King at cuddling.
Kazemaru- my trans gay baby. He's a boy through and through, but likes his hair long and nail polish.
Goenji- bisexual icon. I mean, just look at him. Probably in the closet becaise of his dad tho.
Kidou- a biromantic demisexual on the go. Honestly takes a lot of time over thinking it and researches a lot before finding a lable that makes him confortable.
Fubuki- my pansexual genderfluid child. They/them or he/him.
Tatsuya- likes boys, non binary, rocks skirts and makeup and probably helps kazemaru paint his nails.
Aphrodi- panromantic asexual. Also non binary. I dunno, i just don't see them having any sexual relations with anyone.
Fudou- pansexual demiromantic. Just makes sense.
Sakuma- gay son. Don't @me
Tsunami- pansexual. Everyone is beautiful, everyone is hot. No preference whatsoever.
Haizaki- biromantic demisexual.
Hiroto- bi icon, the second.
Hikaru- abrosexual demiromantic baby.
Nozaka- a noble gray ace. Also demiromantic.
Asuto- Doesn't like labels, just goes with it.
Hiura- a gay disaster.
Midorikawa- a gay trans boy.
That's all i've got for today yall. Happy pride month.
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guidingthulite · 6 years
A, B!!!, J, L, N, P, Q, R, S, T, Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS TELL oof i love ur writing!!
aaaaa you love my writing? i’m so happy to hear that
A: Your current OTP.
HAMAHAYA. HAMAHAYA BIG TIME. And also lowkey Ishimondo but HamaHaya is my main one!!! I love them so much and I have so many headcanons and stories for them!!! That’s kinda why I want to put them on poly relationships? Like I want these relationships to be explored but I can’t take them away from each other
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
I haven’t considered Yuuichi ² (and i refuse to call it any other way) but man did you change my mind. Did you.
Also there was this one time I just liked MasaHika as a BROTP but then @producktions and my brother came and… I surrendered :’D
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Oh, Voltron definitely! I saw all this fanart, and fics and stuff and all I knew it was filed under ‘gays in space’, but then @justanothermatsugirl and @srta-double invited me to watch and… Porntron came to be. And Porntron is the best thing. Ever.
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
It depends? I usually try to make both of us happy when it comes to requests, for example, if that person likes, say, HamaHaya but I feel like I want HamaKura I will ask them for HamaHaya anyways because 1. HAMAHAYA and 2. Maybe they will put more feel into the art!!! And what is most important of art is the feelings that it is put into it! Best art is the art you can tell the author put all their heart on~!
but if i could choose anything, give me the hamahayakuraminamana, you cowards
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Um… Is it normal I want to say the MOTHER fandom on 2014? Especifically on DA. It was like a tiny family… Everyone knew each other. Everyone was nice with each other. It was so nice. But now everyone parted ways and I have no idea where everyone is. Most left DA (and so did I) and I can’t help but wonder where they are. But my current fandom is really nice too… It’s like a family, too… Sometimes.
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Lately I’ve been thinking about a Go Ares AU a lot and hamano goes to tengawara for obvious reasons but that’s kinda boring so I gotta think about something more interesting >:3c
Kind of a joke AU, but still:
Have you guys ever heard about ~LA FERIA~? It’s like this weird Spanish thing we have. Everyone dances and sings these lame guitar songs which are mostly like aAAAAaAAAaaaYYYYYYYY @loreprotectionsquad can confirm BUT! that’s not the interesting thing! The interesting thing about Feria is that we basically get a mini amusement park on our town, just because! 
So my brother and I thought about some Go kids there and it just…
Hamano gets Kurama a giant Snake plush and he tries to ride on a… Ride with it and it almost slips out but he clings to it and manages to save it. Hamano thinks it’s adorable. Kurama swears he’ll kill him if he tells someone. Hamano promised Hayami he’d get a plushie for him too, but he is unable (because you can only win one plush per day) so Hayami gets a dolphin plush for him. Imagine Hayami walking around with two overly joyful boyfriends clinging to their giant plushies. Goals.
Kirino and Shindou ride on the ferris wheel which they don’t set up anymore, but still. and Ibuki tries to climb it but fails (?
Shinsuke rides on some dinosaur themed train, and there’s clowns with balloons and stuff you can snatch from them. He gets a plastic axe. Which are super hard to get i need to tell you the story of how i got one when i was like 8. it was so stupid it’s funny He somehow convinces Tsurugi to ride too, while Tenma and Aoi look at them. They have become the ultime balloon snatchers. No one can stop them. Aoi and Tenma are so proud.
Taiyou comes, sees Tenma and waves at him, approaching him. Then all of the sudden, Fuyuka comes rushing after him, and tells Tenma that ‘Taiyou should be in right now, sorry for the inconvenience’ and picks him by the stomach (you know… like a kitten, with her arm around his torso? you get me, right?) while Taiyou tries to escape, but fails.
Kariya and Hikaru try to hide from Hiroto and Midorikawa, who have come with them, but Kariya wants some time alone, while they want to take pics of everything they do, basically.
Something about Yukimura and Fubuki was mentioned, along with Kishibe and Aphrodi, but I don’t remember ;v; Also, Amagi going with Mahoro and Yukie, and all of the third years (Minamisawa as well, for some reason) going together too.
My brother kinda dislikes Galaxy (except Tetsukado, Kusaka and Konoha) so I’ll do their stuff myself.
Minaho and Manabe compete to see who will get more plushies. They only get one keychain working together. They give it to the first team member that they see because they don’t know who should keep it.
But that was after the previously mentioned day, so the Second Year Trio got them plushies instead (they got the hang of one game and they WILL make the most of it. And, they have to help a boyfriend out, right?
So they spend the rest of the festivity together. And they have fun and stuff.
There’s one ride with horses. Konoha spends 98/100 there. Otherwise, she wouldn’t come. It’s so noisy, and crowded…
Kusaka comes and goes to check on her. He can’t ride on most… Rides (this is redundant) anyways. He’s too tall.
Tetsukado and Hamano competed to see who was better at Duck-Fishing. Let’s just say that Shinsuke and Hamano’s boyfriends came home with lots of plushes and prices…
Sakura aced all the games. How did she manage, no one knows (she was, in fact, the first one Minaho and Manabe offered the keychain to. But she rejected it and got two super sparkly keychains for them instead. Minaho and Manabe offered it anyways in exchange but she said that it was nothing and that they should keep the one they got.
Matatagi showed his brothers the place and rode on some rides (seriously how is this so redundant). Eventually they joined the Plushie Fest. Matatagi’s brothers cheered. He, not so much, not when he had to carry around giant plushies for the rest of the day, as his brothers were too busy exploring around.
I think that’s all??? Am I forgetting someone? except zanakurou but i don’t know what to do with him. he dances sevillanas. i don’t know. sorry darling
Oh, yeah, and there’s also this AU my brother and I made in which Kurama is a time traveler and quite literally Hamano and Hayami’s son (he has a big sister named Estrella but that’s for another time) and he has come because their parents were too slow too realize they had feelings for each other and he fears for his existence and his sister’s (???
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Can you believe I used to ship Min/////a/kura? But, to be honest, I didn’t know what that was. I just found some comic of them and I thought it was cute. Then I got more into InaEle, and well…
I’m saying that one because I can’t think of anything else XD
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
The Kurama multiship fest, which I will proceed to explain, even though the first one is sorta popular, but still:
Hamano and Hayami, because I saw HamaKura and I thought it was really cute! (when i got used to kurama, at first i didn’t like him but i found hamahayakura and i went ‘eeeeeeeehhh’ but you already know that story) then I thought of HamaHaya + HamaKura and Hayami just got into the package for some reason XD
Hikaru, because I was salty I didn’t ship him with Minamisawa and I wanted to ship him with someone but I didn’t know who, then he had a little scene with Hikaru on the games (when they go look for Shinsuke or something) and a lightbulb light up on my head
Tenma because, honestly, how can you have someone you ship with everyone but not Tenma? Plus it’s cute. 
Tsurugi because I saw somebody posting drawings of them and I went ‘hey they cute’ and that’s all. also the fandom team might or might not had something to do with it
Kariya because they had this scene when they went to China on CS that i don’t even remember but what i do remember is my brother asking me why i wasn’t saying anything about the ship, and i went ‘well, i don’t, BUUUUUUUUUT’ and so it started.
Minaho because, and listen well because this one is weird, I was in class, and I was bored, and I decided to make quadrants for some InaEle characters, I started by Minaho and went ‘huh so, Moirail, Manabe, Matesprit, Manabe, Kismesis, Manab-wait’ so I decided to crack it up a bit and now it was ‘Moirail, Hamano, Matesprit, Manabe’ but I wanted to give him a Kismesis (that could’ve been perfectly Matatagi, but I didn’t think of that because I’m dumb) (also read: a love rivalry more or less) so I gave him Kurama. THEN I played BigBang and they had a small interaction and since back then I couldn’t even read Hiragana I don’t know what they said but Kurama made a sad face afterwards so I take it as I was right
Fei because Kurama learns Bouncer Rabbit on Galaxy (actually the two-people version. He does it with Hamano because I’m obvious) and also Fei stole his number, now Kurama has to steal something back (???
Taiyou because on my CS game Kurama, Taiyou and Hikaru always do hissatsus together on the random thing (that makes also Sakura and Matatagi do Butterfly Dream together all the time for some reason. Which is funny because I lowkey shipped it before starting Galaxy) so I got used to seeing them together.
Ibuki because my brother always calls them losers (he’s a bit mean sometimes, but I love him ;v;) so I started relating them n stuff.
Hakuryuu because my brother and I have this thing called the ‘Spammer Club’ which is for characters that say other character’s name a lot. We have Hakuryuu (who we jokingly call churugispammer) Miyasaka, Ibuki, Hakuryuu and Kurama got in too for some reason. So yeah. It happened. N stuff.
Also I brotp him with Kinako, but I brotp Kinako with everyone.
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
Hmm… I headcanon that out of the Second Year Trio, only Hamano has siblings (2 sisters, him being the middle sib- and no that’s not me self projecting ok) 
Hayami has mentioned more than once on the games that he wants to be a scientist, and I headcanon that it’s because his mother is! Which also means she’s super busy most of the time. So Hayami is quite dependent, but he can’t cook for his life. Hamano is surprisingly okay at cooking, and he’s learning to bake.
Also, Hayami really likes penguins for some reason.
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Ack, that’s a hard one ;v;
- Male/Male - (to keep things fresh from 3 diff fandoms each)
Hamano/Hayami (Inazuma Eleven)
Ishimaru/Oowada (Danganronpa)
Killua/Gon (HxH) 
Shu/Valt (Beyblade Burst)
Hau/Gladion (Pokémon)
- Female/Female -
Diana/Akko (Little Witch Academia) (i gotta continue it sob aaa)
Ootani/Anna (Inazuma Eleven)
Moon/Lillie (Pokémon)
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Ahahah, what are you talking about [hides my polyship mess under a rug] it is not much that they hate it, just that no one is interested XD
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Animage October 2017 Halloween Issue - Conditions of being an Ace
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Note: This time I also translated the letters sent to the editor that mentioned Inazuma characters, as well as some fan art. Would you guys like to see the fanart/ letters as well or...? Tell me if yes or no! Also so sorry about the terrible quality, I’ll get a new phone eventually...
Conditions of being an Ace
 Since October is the 10th month, we'll celebrate the players with the short number 10. In other words, we'll introduce the ace player of every team. But even though they're all aces, their personalities are all different, right? 
 The boy Gouenji met in Okinawa Shikata has this to say 'Someone who not only makes powerful shoots, but also who the team can depend on during the most crucial times is vital to the team. That's an Ace Striker'. At the same time, Raimon Junior were certainly missing an important part of their team. Though at first he hid himself from them, when he finally came back Endou and the rest of the team's faces shone with happiness. The Captain is an indispensable player who brings the team together, but during matches the Ace is the main character. When the moment arises as necessary, the Ace has the power to relieve the whole team with their dependability. 
Especially in Inazuma Eleven there are many kinds of Aces. In Ares no Tenbin we've got the very charismatic Aphrodi, the mischievous Atsuya, the Trickster Fudou and Gouenji with his powerful shoots. They'll all lead their teams forward in different ways during the Football Frontier!
 Zeus Junior
'Ruler of the Sky'
 Poster Caption: He's diligently giving out cute Halloween candy to everyone. Is he the type to wear his Zeus uniform to a fancy dress Halloween party? 
 KEY WORD God・Kindness After all is said and done, the first thing that catches your eye is the way his white wings spread out against the open sky. But when we saw the kindness he showed to Fubuki in the previous series, it was clear what a kind boy he is. He reflects on Kami no Aqua as a 'big mistake I'm responsible for getting everyone involved in,' so is he going to be questioning his true value as a captain from here on? 
 Hakuren Junior 
 'Bear Killer Atsuya' 
Fubuki Atsuya 
 Poster Caption: He's super interested in Koutei Penguin. And for some reason the way he's reclining on a super-sized pumpkin cushion looks like a kitten~
KEYWORD Stamina 
In match Hakuren versus 石狩中 the person who won against 石狩中 who are said to have the strength of sons of lions, was Atsuya all by himself and completely broke through them 10 times. Does he have the stamina of a monster? Due to his bold and shameless personality, he has zero interest in cooperating with any of his teammates apart from his brother. Atsuya, don't call your senpais things like 'boneheaded players'! 
 Kidokawa Seishuu 
'The Fiery Ace Striker' 
Gouenji Shuuya 
 Poster Caption: Watching over everyone from behind with a smile on his face is very like him. Does the pumpkin-shaped sweets bucket he's carrying look kind of like a soccer ball? 
 Fire Tornado was the first fiery hissatsuwazza to be used and its burning fire lights up the hearts of his teammates. He'll probably wear the number 10 in his new team but regardless it's clear Gouenji will be the ace striker wherever he goes. By the way, since he's normally cool and doesn't speak much, it's funny when he plays pranks with a straight face. He made Fudou lose his cool in the beauty salon. 
 Teikoku Gakuen 
'Rebellious Lonewolf' 
Fudou Akio 
 Poster Caption: Fudou is usually blunt but when he's around Koutei penguin his expression becomes a little bit softer. But is this penguin real? Or plush toy? 
KEYWORD Playmaker
 In Ares he appears suddenly as a mysterious new boy. Not as Kageyama's right hand man, but rather an equal with Sakuma and the others - forced to obey Kageyama's orders. Will he take over Kidou's role as the playmaker who translated the coach's baffling words? 
 Other Teams' Aces are...? Inaguni Raimon Junior is Inamori Asuto and is Nosaka who wear the number 10. As for the other new teams, who wears the number 10 shirt is still unknown. Of course, not all members who wear the number 10 are aces, but since Asuto and Nosaka are the heart of their teams there's no mistake about it - they are aces. Another important character is Haizaki, but we wonder what kind of position he plays for his team?
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Caption: 10/10 is Ace Striker Day so I drew my leading three players! I changed Hakuryuu and Aphrodi's hairstyles. Outer Code episode 6 was so funny! I kinda want to talk the risk. Hakuryuu! I'm waiting for you to appear in Ares! 
 Animage: The Ace Strikers with their new hairstyles look wonderful~ 
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 This Month's Theme: Who do you want to be part of your family? 
 #1 - I want Einamu to be my little brother! The reason is he's cute and small! And in addition to that he's a genius. I could brag that my little brother is so good at soccer. He looks like he'd get on with my pet rabbit well! 
 #2 - I chose Kirino Ranmaru-kun from Inazuma GO. Why? He's really cool and when you're worried about something I feel like he's the kind of person who will talk to you about it and show kindness. If he was my sibling, I'd have a bit of a brother complex~ I'd have to take pictures of him every day like Akane-chan! That would be a handful~
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mirikitakato · 7 years
Hello, could you tell me all the nicknames of the characters that appeared? that interests me a lot, please :3
Kidou Yuuto - The absolute playmaker of the pitchHaizaki Ryouhei - The devil of the fieldFudou Akio - The rebellious lonewolfSakuma Jirou - Musketeer of TeikokuKazemaru Ichirouta - The Blue GustAphrodi - The Ruler of the SkyKira Hiroto - God StrikerKiyama Tatsuya - The nobleman of Eisei (Eternal Nobleman)Gouenji Shuuya - Flame Ace StrikerSakanoue Noboru - Miracle Libero???? - Legendary Goal KeeperFubuki Atsuya - The Bear- killerFubuki Shirou - The Prince of Snow FieldShinomiya Nae - Platinum Snow of HakurenNosaka Yuuma - The emperor of tacticInamori Asuto - The soccer boy chosen by The Sun.
Tell me if I miss anyone. Im answering bases on my memory.
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Inazuma Ares no Tenbin Translations
Magazine Translations
General - Original Characters
The Teams Now... (Animage June 2017)
These Kids Grow Through Soccer!! (Pash July 2017)
Super Dimensional Days - Let’s Enjoy the Extraordinary! (Pash October 2017)
Conditions of Being an Ace (Animage October 2017)
General - New Characters
These Kids Grow Through Soccer (Pash July 2017)
Endou Mamoru
He’s come home! Celebration of Endou Mamoru! (Famitsu Oct 2017)
Gouenji Shuuya
Tracksuits of Youth (Animage October 2017)
Kazemaru Ichirouta
Hurricane of Youth (Animage April 2017)
Fubuki Shirou
Hurricane of Youth (Animage April 2017)
Fudou Akio
Special Feature - Rebellious Individual Fudou Akio (Animage September 2017)
Formal Final Boss Aphrodi (Famitsu May 2017)
IE Official Website - Ares Description
Inazuma Eleven Revival Festival Review (January 21st)
ManTanWeb Eleven Band and Eleven License (2017/1/21)
Inazuma Fest 2018 Review (August 26th)
Hino Akihiro
Revival Fest Special Interview (August)
Kazemaru Icirouta
Animage June 2018 page 33 - Endou + Kazemaru Art Gallery - Nishigaki Yuuka (Kazemaru Ichirouta) + Takeuchi Junko (Endou Mamoru)
Inamori Asuto
InaFest 2018 Special Interview Ayumu Murase
Hiura Kirina
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