#ACOH meme
beauzos · 2 years
I feel like I played myself with ACOH. I did all this worldbuilding and made an insane amount of OCs that I got super attached to and then they only really acted as minor supplements since … the fic isn’t really about what happened in the past but rather its impact on the present. So now I’m sitting here with OCs I never got to really use and I’m trying to figure out what I can do with them.
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marlettwrites · 5 years
Kul, 'staring' at Jude: 😶
Jude: what?
Kul: Nothing. I just didn't expect you to be this adorable.
Jude: What?
Kul: I said you're deplorable! You suck and I hate you.
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beauzos · 1 year
#29 for that writer's ask meme!
AO3 Wrapped questions
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ahhh that's a really tough one!! If I'm allowed, I'll do one passage from Death Comes for Good Sons and one from A Change of Heart.
In terms of the former, this passage is one of my favorite bits by far:
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I can't explain why I like this passage so much, but I love these brief moments where Lucas and Porky seemed to connect to each other sincerely. They have a weird understanding of each other, though Porky doesn't realize that Lucas hates him for what he'll do in the future, and Lucas inexplicably managing to get along with Porky despite this.
I really think the two could have been friends in another life, had everything not happened to Lucas as it did. Lucas is an extremely patient person, so he could handle Porky's personality,and Porky is nowhere near as awful prior to Earthbound. He's a decent kid, just obnoxious and has awful people skills. But he does care about others, so Lucas could've brought out a good side of Porky.
As for A Change of Heart, it's extremely difficult to pick just one moment, because there's a lot of passages I really enjoyed. I love a lot of chapters without really being able to pick out exact passages, BUT... this is one of my favorite bits, coming from chapter 10.
TW for suicide.
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I really like this one. I'd thought about this kind of moment with Flint a lot before, but ACOH gave me the chance to really flesh out something like this happening. This was one of my favorite bits to write for any of the chapters. It just all came together perfectly for me, and this is a passage from this scene that I particularly enjoy, but it's all good, imo.
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marlettwrites · 5 years
Jude, enjoying his life: 🙂
Jude: .....
Jude: This feels... wrong.
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marlettwrites · 5 years
Jude: *does something that would generally be considered bad for one's health*
Kul: No. Don't do that.
Jude: But Kasaika said-
Kul, thumbing through a file thicker than his head: Okay, so that's bullshit for several reasons. Would you like the short explanation or the long one?
Jude: long?
Kul, already setting up a conspiracy theorist corkboard conplete with photos and connecting pieces of red thread: Cool. I hope you didn't make plans for tonight through this Sunday.
Jude: wait, no-
Kul, talking over him: *smacks his pointer stick on the board* Exhibit A!
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marlettwrites · 5 years
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marlettwrites · 4 years
Hathor: Would you like to talk about your feelings, Kul?
Kul: No.
Jude: I do.
Hathor: I know, Jude.
Jude: I'm sad.
Hathor: I know, Jude.
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