llondonfog · 1 year
Young Silver & Malleus having a bonding moment. Maybe Malleus was babysitting or he decided to visit Lilia and Silver that day.
[✐meme] three sentence fic meme | closed
Humans were so . . . mouthy.
Drool clings to the black plastic, the tiniest of indentions decorating the cheaply made horns as Silver happily teethes on his newfound toy.
The initial anger that Malleus thought would swell indignantly within every inch of his regal posture at discovering the impudent creature with Lilia's precious gift crammed in his mouth sputters out into a pitiful pile of embers as the child removes the toy from being drowned in spit to point gleefully at Malleus himself and babble some kind of arcane nonsense, clearly making the connection to the elegant horns atop his very head.
"Yes, yes, you're very clever indeed, little one," he murmurs with no small amount of weariness, settling himself on the floor beside the happily gurgling boy in a flourish of dark robes. With a restrained sense of castle doctrine, Malleus carefully extricates the sopping plastic cover from Silver's beaming smile, swallowing back a grimace as he attempts to clean both the sticky toy and his fingers against the silken fabric of his sleeves as it beeps weakly in protest.
"It is lucky that you have the protection of your father, child," he states solemnly, fixing the boy with an expression known to make even the oldest members of his Grandmother's court tremble in their finery. "You've committed such an egregious crime, trespassing on that which belongs to your prince. How do you plead your case?"
Silver's innocent laughter is answer enough as he reaches for the fae without a trace of fear, and Malleus finds himself indulging with an ease unknown as he situates the child comfortably in his lap, tapping a nail gently against the side of the boy's nose. "Guilty as charged, hm? Then as reparations for the suffering you've put Dragon-kun through, you shall assist me in his feeding time. Pay attention now, this is your most sacred duty . . ."
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charcubed · 1 year
Hi. I tend to forget that tumblr exists and just shout all my thoughts about The Winchesters on Twitter @CharCubed, which is a problem, but for once in my life I'm posting something here!
Here are some broad Thoughts on where I've landed of what this season 1 finale of The Winchesters offered–
• I very much want season 2 of this show SO badly. I want to see how they all continue to build their lives now that we know tragedy need not be their end! THIS IS THE HEALING SHOW. That whole cast gets to write their own story... "the only thing that's worse than how it starts for a hunter is how it ends" is no longer the case, as Carlos already said... and Dean helped to free them? That fucks.
• In regards to those possibilities: now that Dean would no longer be framing the prequel as a story he's telling, it frees the prequel up to no longer be doubling as Dean's story through revealing mirroring–which is very much what it's been doing for 12 episodes. Now the monster plots and the storylines for those characters in The Winchesters can also be diversified, so every episode no longer has to include, for example... [checks notes] a situation where a character is literally and/or metaphorically trapped and has to confront their trauma, break cycles of violence, and speak truths to be freed. It's been very Loud and very much Like This Constantly because it's Dean's story, but now it won't have to be anymore, which is an interesting thing to contemplate! (To be clear, for those unaware of my history of yelling about this show: I love that it was Like This. This show is fucking genius.)
• Initially, this finale had some alarm bells pinging in my brain but then I parsed the Reasons for those things. Mary told John she had "Something to say," right? And then she never says it. That's a Chekhov's gun that's never fired and it's of course paralleling how Dean has "something to say" to Cas too. Them not speaking that truth is a problem. In addition, we also got a montage eerily akin to the 15x19 one. But these callbacks / parallels to s15 all loudly indicate something very specific: The Winchesters is an unfinished story, and this finale (like the rest of this show) is mirroring and revealing truths about the prime narrative of SPN. For one thing, with the prequel they originally expected to have 22 or so episodes and ended up having 13 to work with. For another... this is the START of their story, not the end. So along those lines, what can we deduce about the end of season 15? (Hint: that finale is not an ending either.)
• Speaking of which: We learn that everything Dean was just doing takes place in the ~heavenly~ time period before Sam “dies." This all functionally happened right after Dean died as he drove down that road. He is restless, unmoored, grieving, and–this is key–considers his "ending" to be an unhappy happy one. He's fucking around and finding out, looking for and unpacking (through his narration) what he needs and wants for HIS happy ending to look like. He found out about the Akrida being a failsafe from Chuck and couldn't resist meddling to save everyone. It's also worth noting that Dean says to Jack something like, "If you have to kick me out of Heaven then that's fine." Between the lines is the thought of "please kick me out of Heaven, I'm causing problems because I'm grieving and I'm not done, I don't want this 'peace' but would rather have freedom." That in itself is a massive subversion of the SPN finale, to say nothing of the previous 12 episodes we've received.
Anyway. So in terms of Dean's story, we now know that this all takes place smack in the middle of 15x20 timeline-wise. This checks out because Bobby's presence connects to him being the only one we saw in 15x20. And... what I personally consider to be Jack's incredibly fucked up or ~potentially taken over by Chuck~ vibes are, in that sense, consistent with 15x19 as well. (I'm so sorry but please let me drop this cursed "Alex Calvert playing Chuck" joke by Jensen from August 2022 which haunts me.)
So: nothing about the concept that @chuckwon at the end of season 15 has been confirmed or denied in canon at this point. The idea that Chuck LOST, as Dean says here, is simply what Dean may still be thinking (which makes sense). But nothing has fundamentally changed about the state of how season 15 left things in the prime narrative yet... largely because that's not what this story is / was about.
In terms of what this finale presented to us, I think "Chuck won" potential was all deliberately left open. And I continue to Call Bullshit on the finale accordingly. A Chuck won plot line COULD be used in a future sequel to great affect, or it could NOT be used in a future sequel. That will be totally up to the future authors / team behind that potential sequel to see what story they choose to tell, and where it all may or may not go. But until then (on that front) right now it's the same shit, different show, and deliberately literally nothing about that potential has changed.
• I LOVE all of the above now that I've parsed it all in my brain. It makes perfect sense. Much like we were never going see the gay angel pop up in this show and kiss Dean (with apologies to anyone who somehow thought otherwise?)... leaving other things open like this is fantastic and the objectively correct call. Dean's story is HIS story to be furthered elsewhere, whereas this show belonged and continues to belong to its cast of characters who must take center stage. But through this story within a story narrated by Dean himself, we learned a hell of a lot about his state of mind as it actively stands in 15x20. Or more accurately: the entire show reinforces and reiterates comprehensively and repeatedly that the SPN finale was wrong and bad and not the end of the story at all, and now canonically and openly and in no uncertain terms that that's how Dean feels too.
• AND THUS: season 1 of The Winchesters works as deeply clever and layered commentary on Supernatural's ending and presents the stepping stone for a sequel continuation for Dean and his family. It's also the beginning of a new chapter with endless potential for The Winchesters' cast of characters who are not tied to fate or main timeline.
I fucking love it here.
Truly, madly, deeply: ALL HAIL ROBBIE THOMPSON.
And seriously, I really hope we get a season 2 because I adore all of the prequel's characters on their own merit and I want to see what their story can become :')
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Obsession Hanging 'Round My Neck Like a Noose: Part 1.
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*Hiyoko cries out and helps her Big Sis up as she's once again blasted into a wall. Mahiru groans as she gets to her feet.
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Are you ok!?
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Ugh...! Nothing we do is working...! This kid's a whole other kind of creature!
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I shall take that as a compliment!
*The Remnant's all lie in a heap on the floor after being knocked down by the merciless Osone.
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Grgh...! I...I won't lose...! I'm not gonna lose to just some little girl!
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Yeah...Take off those gauntlets and what are you really!? JUST SOME BRAT!
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Sounds to me like you're getting desperate. Gotta say, I'm disappointed.
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I figured even after everything that you guys have been through, your Hope would hold out for juuuuuust a bit longer. And yet you all look ready to collapse.
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Don't...underestimate our tenacity...!
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After all we've been through, we've heard enough of that kind of garbage from a certain other person! Don't think that's gonna get to us!
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Ah, of course...Still, it doesn't change the fact that you've let me down a little bit...Losing Hajime really messed you guys up, huh?
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Do NOT SPEAK OF HAJIME you Satan Spawn!
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Aahaa...Ahahahahaha! HAHAHAHA!
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*Narumi blasts forward and punches Gundham super hard in the stomach. He keels over and collapses.
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My Papa died protecting people like you! I'm not about to let you forget his contributions! It's thanks to people like him that you're even still alive, you CHUNI-COCKSTAIN!
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*Narumi kicks Gundham and Sonia in their jaws, then spits on them.
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Your father...We read reports on him when we were looking into your background. He was an Ultimate Rights Activist, right?
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Post-tragedy, he was an advocate for the reinstallation of Ultimate Students in society, despite what those in this group have done. He was a good man, right until his death!
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So why Osone!? Why join with Zetsubou and trample on every ideal he's built!? Don't you think he'd be disappointed in you!?
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*Narumi scowls, walking back and forth.
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Is it...revenge? You want to tear apart the society that took him from you, don't you?
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Don't bring that word to me. It's riddled with gross, disgusting Despair...! It doesn't matter what the ends or the means are, revenge is wrong!
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And yet you work for the Despair Organization. Despite you prattling on about Hope and how much it means to you, you side with the bad guys who live and exist for it! It doesn't make sense!
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Okay, now I'm on the hunt for survivors. They better not have killed Halara, Fubuki, or Vivia. Or else I'm gonna be so pissed.
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We keep seeing this person around. They came in on the next train after Yuma first arrived in Kanai Ward, but i've been having a hard time getting a shot of them 'cause they vanish so fast.
Who are you, mystery person roughly the same child-size as Yuma and Desuhiko? That's definitely a standard-issue WDO uniform like Yuma and the train crew had, and not... whatever the Master Detectives in Kanai Ward get to wear. You can even make out the WDO emblem on their chest.
Hey, maybe we did attack the real Kokohead back at the train station and accidentally stole their Shinigami bond somehow, and now they're trying to solve the mystery of us? That one area of the storage room we couldn't go back to because all the luggage was knocked over is still bothering me.
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So why are you assuming their pronouns, Yuma? Halara would smack you in the back of your head.
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Oh, that's right!
Hey, I don't technically know who launched the rockets or missiles or bombs or... whatever sank the sub. I don't even know how it happened. That means that if I find Yakou dead, I can technically invoke the Mystery Labyrinth and see if I can combo-chain through people complicit in the attack to kill Yomi at the top! Oh ho ho, I am coming for you, Winterfresh. You won't even know what hit you.
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Truly, an unavoidable tragedy. There was simply no way for a submarine to avoid being a stationary, highly visible target.
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Oh, fuck me. We got downgraded to a Winnebago. I miss the sub already. This is going to be so fucking cramped and--
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Oh, no, we're being kidnapped. Whew. For a second, I thought this was going to be permanent lodgings.
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I just want to point out that this is the second time in this chapter alone that we've been abducted and woken up in mysterious surroundings. At this specific part of this specific river.
This one small stretch of Kanai Ward is lousy with would-be captors eagerly eyeing the river to see who they can dredge up.
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Yeah, this place gives me more of a grassroots resistance movement vibe. Especially with that raised fist poster on the wall. Generally the iconography of oppressed people rising against their oppressors.
I think we're in good hands here.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
God you're SO correct for your tags on the reblog of your Fjord post. Like...I am huge fan of Liam's (and Taliesin's) characters and I know I can be obnoxious about them at times but I just...I just do not get people who always have to paint their faves in the bestest most hypercompetent light. Do I enjoy hypercompetent characters? Yes! But not if they're hypercompetent all the time! There needs to be a balance to these things and D&D especially, where the possibility of failure is baked into the bones of the game structure and failing forward is mechanically very important is just not the right medium of choice for any who want to avoid it. Be open to failure, embrace failure, and learn to enjoy characters being pathetic at times. How could the taste of victory and cool successes ever be so sweet if we don't see them trip face first into a puddle of mud after smacking their head against a low hanging branch before??
Thank you! I truly cannot remember if I made this in a post or if I just talked about it offline so I apologize if I repeat myself, but like, for Liam especially? Yes, there is that deep sense of tragedy throughout, but the reason it hits is because Vax, Caleb, and Orym, are, on some level, also silly little guys. Liam himself gets it - in one of the Watch Parties for TLOVM he mentioned that the reason why Grog and Scanlan's arcs in season 2 are so good is that you're used to seeing those characters as mostly comedic, so it means something when the bottom drops out! The reason why Caleb's backstory reveal works as well as it does isn't just the story; it's that we've already seen that he can be quite loving and very sarcastically funny ("you look like a nerd" and "how much you drink is on you" are both stellar early Caleb lines), and all that falls away. If Caleb had truly been constantly sad and morose, instead of experiencing a wide range of joys and tragedies and successes and failures, he wouldn't be such a good character.
Like...the problem with the Mary Sue archetype isn't that it's a competent women. I love competent women. I hope I am one, at least some of the time. It's that the character is thin and flat as paper because there's no range, it's just one note perfection and success. And you're completely right - D&D is a medium where failure is part of it, so the character is also pulled out of the medium and just...lays there.
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melis-writes · 2 years
Eyes like Stars [Bobby Axel x Reader Multi-chapter, 18+ Smut] Chapter 6 - All I Need.
Read on AO3 / Read Chapter 5 [AO3] / [Tumblr] / Chapter Masterlist. / Fic Playlist.
18+, explicit smut, multi-chapter read.
“This is Emily, she’s my girl.” / "I want you so bad. I want every bit of you.”
Bobby's past relationships and the years he spent in Needle Park looking for a fix are revealed in this chapter as the two of you spend more time together than ever. On a little date with Bobby, you come to get to know your boyfriend on an intimate and personal scale better. Both opening up to one another now as a couple, you can hardly sit still at work anymore–simply too eager to get home and to Bobby. Feeling the pressure on from your career and your branch manager's attempts at putting you down, you finally speak what's on your mind against him. The desire to constantly be in one another's embrace and presence is mutual between you and Bobby now; unable to get your hands off of each other which starts as confiding and comforting about your day to your first time having sex and getting intimate with each other.
[WARNINGS]: Mentions of past drug abuse, mentions & depictions of drug dealing, prostitution, heavy smut, loss of virginity, heavy fluff.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE]: The first chapter with smut and intimacy is here and it's the first of many! 👀 This fic differs in the way that it revolves around the reader's personal and intimate relationship with Bobby almost solely. Life, career, problems and everything else surrounds you two and impacts your relationship, canon to the fic's plot and characters' true personalities! 😅 So expect a LOT of smut and fluff in this fic almost in every chapter and mostly more than once. If you've read my Michael Corleone x Reader fic, "Moth to Flame", this'll be very different as there isn't a major, action-based plot involved meaning there is a lot more room for personal drama and tragedy as we've seen in the film! This smut fic is taken up a notch as a result, there's a lot more vivid sexual detail. 🥵🥵
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Bobby’s release from prison marks the end of his and Helen’s relationship and you find yourself spending more time with Bobby and taking care of him after everything he’s been through. Working and living in Manhattan as a college drop-out, you distance yourself from Helen who Bobby and you take solace with one another in hopes to get out of the toxic lifestyle of drug use—promising each other to start a new life with one another and get clean. Falling in love with Bobby, you experience a mutual, passionate and loving relationship with its own highs and lows that promises to bloom into something more serious but also can threaten to collapse. As Bobby’s new girlfriend, your relationship hangs on a thread with old skeletons coming back into Bobby’s life, relapses, and a new panic on the horizon that threatens to undo it all.
[ 2 Years Ago ]
It was one thing to fuck and let out that built up sexual frustration anywhere at any time, but another matter entirely to sloppily fuck for a score of heroin, especially upstairs in the backroom of your own father’s convenience store.
Tucked away in the furthest corner of the dingy room where practically no sound could echo out or be heard at any other point in Bert’s convenience store, Bobby had both Bert and all of his customers downstairs fooled.
“This is my first time, you know that?” Lindsey breathed as Bobby had pinned her against the boxes the moment the two got up in the backroom and closed the door.
After all, he was balling Bert’s daughter, Lindsey, for the first time and solely for two nickel bags of smack once Bobby caught wind of just who was selling the best shit in town and for what price.
“Yeah?” Bobby practically tore off Lindsey’s panties as he lifted her skirt up. “I’ll make short work of you, darlin’. You got ready for me, huh?” He was referring to the bottle of lube Lindsey stole from downstairs.
Surprisingly, Lindsey didn’t want cash or alcohol from Bobby in return. She was more than happy to get the bags off of her hands if Bobby gave her the best fuck of her life; now tired from playing with herself alone and too shy to approach Bobby and his friends by herself.
“Yeah,” Lindsey giggled breathily as she handed Bobby a condom—also stolen from a pack that was neatly tucked back on its counter in the store aisle where she found it.
A deal was a deal, and it was no different from paying eight dollars for two nickel bags at the time—especially when smack was flowing in like milk and honey in the streets.
“First time ain’t gonna be your best time, baby.” Bobby unzipped his jeans and yanked it down his ass along with his briefs—letting his half-erect cock free as he began to jerk it off. “You know that?”
If Bobby just had to fuck his way through for two bags that could last him at least a few days if he was careful, then he’d prefer that all the more than spending any money he doesn’t have to.
“Yeah,” Lindsey eagerly glanced back at Bobby’s cock and licked over her lips. “Gonna hurt?”
Instead of counting stock and organizing inventory in the backroom for her shift, Lindsey clutched tightly onto a stacked pile of cargo boxes in front of her as tight as she could.
“With this much lube? Nah.” Bobby tapped the back of his fingers against the bottle in her hand before he got fully erect and rolled the condom onto his cock. “Gonna feel real sore and tender, though. You sure you want your first time with me?”
“I know what I want. Trust me, I can take it. I like the pain.” Lindsey grinned back.
Her one leg was spread apart, with the other lifted up by Bobby’s hand. Bobby could tell, virgin or not, Lindsey’s pussy spread apart and was already dewy from arousal.
“Try to keep quiet, so your old man don’t hear.” Bobby’s eyes darted down to her pussy as he licked his fingers and wet them before spreading her. “Ain’t no sound gettin’ up here, but the fucker's got radars for ears.”
Lindsey arched her back and leaned her chest against the boxes in front of her as she moaned from Bobby’s touch. “C-can’t enjoy myself now too?”
“I didn’t say that, did I?” Bobby spread Lindsey’s pussy further, his eyes widening a little in confirmation. “Yeah, you’re a virgin, alright. Gonna be a tight fit…”
It was Bobby’s first time having sex with a virgin, after all. Whether he personally liked Lindsey or was really attracted to her all now didn’t matter. As long as she was comfortable and liked how Bobby fucked her, the closer Bobby would be to taking his nickel bags home.
Maybe he’d come back if she offered to sell smack to Bobby again like this, but it didn’t really matter to Bobby if she asked for money next time or not. It’s not like he specifically would enjoy fucking Lindsey, or so he thought at the time.
Bobby coat the condom over his cock entirely in lube and warmed it up as he pumped himself. Once he was practically dripping with the slippery liquid, Bobby poured some more onto his palm and smothered it over and around Lindsey’s pussy.
With each touch, Bobby saw that Lindsey slightly bucked her hips back in response, and her pussy contracted. Bobby could tell she was much hornier than he was because while this was personal for Lindsey, Bobby was just doing this to score.
All lubed up within a few minutes, Bobby didn’t waste time beginning to fuck Lindsey. He spread her pussy as wide as he could with his free hand and pushed into her tight little hole with a slow thrust.
Lindsey pressed the side of her face against the box she was clutching on and squeezed her eyes shut. She welcomed Bobby’s thick cock penetrating her for the first time, enjoying the feeling of fullness in her gut.
Bobby couldn’t tell at that moment if he knew he was going to have trouble staying hard because of how much heroin he had been using or if it had anything to do with the fact he wasn’t really attracted to Lindsey.
Knowing that could neither be an excuse nor something he could deal with at the moment, Bobby leaned his free hand upward the moment he had more than just his tip inside of Lindsey.
He pulled Lindsey’s tank top down roughly to reveal her large breasts—her nipples now hardened and pressed up against the cargo boxes. In an instant, Bobby felt his cock pulsating from a sudden surge of arousal shooting up through him. Just what he wanted.
Bobby glanced down and saw droplets of blood around his condom and slathered more lube on the shaft of his cock before he filled Lindsey’s pussy to the brim.
Lindsey let out a moan, half in pain and half in pleasure, as Bobby’s hips met with hers. Bobby grunted and continued to hold Lindsey’s thigh up with one hand and kept his other hand clutching a fistful of her hair to control the pace and angle of his thrusts.
“You’re bleeding,” Bobby grunted out quietly, thrusting in and out slowly three more times.
“Good,” Lindsey moaned back, “do it… Push in again—faster.”
Bobby licked over his lips and began to pick up a normal pace thrusting in Lindsey as her pussy relaxed and grew accustomed to Bobby’s thick length. Her breasts jiggled against the boxes she was up against with each thrust Bobby gave her from behind.
“And just how many sexual partners have you had unsafe sex with you?”
All that surrounded the two was a half-used bottle of small lube sticks to a ripped condom wrapper on the floor; a most interesting way to lose your virginity to Bobby Axel, but one Lindsey could have hardly contained her enthusiasm for.
“Just a couple, but I know them.”
Bobby rode Lindsey’s frilly skirt further up her waist quickly with his free hand. He had been at it for about a good ten minutes now and hadn’t had a decent fuck in a week before that.
“No prostitutes of any kind?”
“You got a nice ass, you know that?” Bobby murmured back to Lindsey as he watched his hips slam up to hers.
“Y-Yeah?” Lindsey could hardly make out a coherent sentence as Bobby slicked in and out of her with ease.
“No, just intimate partners, I guess.”
“Yeah,” Bobby squeezed Lindsey’s thigh, now confident he could keep his erection as he continued fucking her.
It wasn’t long until he sped up, recognizing from Lindsey’s body language and movement that she was as comfortable as she could be getting rammed by Bobby’s cock.
“Y-you gonna cum in me, Bobby?” Lindsey moaned loudly.
Eager to make her cum and get this over with, Bobby’s mind was just on how he and when he would shoot up his new bags of heroin as his hips quickly jerked in and out of Lindsey.
“How am I gonna cum in you with a condom, baby?” Bobby panted and gave Lindsey’s ass a smack. “You outta give me another bag if you want that too.”
Bobby hated condom sex, but he understood it was more necessary than not. He felt like he was sick and couldn’t taste anything but ate because he was hungry.
“Y-you know, I can…” Lindsey whined and moved her hips back in rhythm with Bobby’s.
He knew he didn’t have anything, and neither did Lindsey, especially with this being her first sexual interaction, but it wasn’t STDs Bobby was concerned about—it was strictly about not getting Lindsey pregnant.
“And safe sex partners?”
“I ain’t ready to be a father, darlin’.” Beads of sweat formed over Bobby’s forehead as he watched his cock slide in and out of Lindsey’s reddened pussy.
“H-how about you cum in my mouth?” Lindsey’s eyes were half-open as she continued to let the rush of pleasure daze her.
“Yeah, that I could do.” But first, Bobby would have to make Lindsey cum, and he knew that. “You gonna swallow it down or make a mess for your Pops to clean up?”
“I’ll swallow,” Lindsey giggled back.
“The number probably ranges to a dozen or somethin’ like that.”
Bobby paired his harsh thrusting by toying with Lindsey’s wet clit at the same time. Sweaty and hot from the friction, he pressed his chest against Lindsey’s back while he fucked her thoroughly from behind.
“You were a heroin addict formerly and had a dozen sex partners?”
With two coupled sensations of pleasure, Lindsey would have lost her balance from the weakness in her knees. She began to moan out even louder, unable to keep herself quiet, and was proving even more irritating for Bobby as she still hadn’t reached her orgasm.
“Yeah, I had a lot of sex. Back then, I was really active.”
Bobby knit his brows at the sounds of Lindsey’s high-pitched, girly moaning. “Oh! Oh, yes! Yes, yes, YES!”
She sounded like a pornstar wannabee, and Bobby knew she wasn’t faking it either—which is why it began to severely annoy him.
“Lindsey,” Bobby breathed out, but her loud whines and squealing overpowered Bobby’s voice.
‘Shit,’ Bobby thought to himself as he glanced down, feeling his erection beginning to wane.
Knowing that heroin usage can and usually does lead to erectile disfunction now, let alone Bobby fucking someone he’s not necessarily attracted to and now turned off from, he’s about to grow soft at any moment.
“Harder, Bobby, harder! Oh! Oh, yeah! Yeah!” Lindsey rolled her eyes back in pleasure. “Right there, baby! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me good—”
“Lindsey,” Bobby raises his voice, attempting to maintain his erection.
“Ohhhhhh!” Lindsey squealed, her thighs beginning to shake against Bobby’s. “Bobby, Bobby…! Bobby, more! More! Fuck! Give me your cock!”
‘For fuck’s sakes, this little horny slut.’ Bobby rolled his eyes, knowing if he had to listen to any more of her whore talk, his dick was going to shrivel up entirely.
Bobby clasped a hand around Lindsey’s face harshly and gave it a shake as he breathed against her neck. “Stop,” Bobby slapped Lindsey’s cheek with some force, “stop fuckin’ moaning; my dick is about to go soft.”
“H-huh?” Lindsey blinked in confusion, not having registered a thing Bobby said to her.
Bobby would think he must have fucked the brain cells out of her while he was at it. Keeping his hand clasped over her mouth to muffle out her irritating voice, Bobby began ruthlessly fucking Lindsey and swirling his thumb against her clit, now almost out of desperation to have her cum.
Just as Bobby expected, his cock hardened fully again, and the sounds of Lindsey’s moans, now being muffled noises instead, were much more of a turn-on than anything else.
In just a mere few moments, Lindsey’s hips shook against Bobby’s as her muffled moans turned into soft little whimpers. Bobby surprised himself by moaning breathily in response to Lindsey’s orgasm, convulsing against his cock.
Lindsey’s cum dribbled down to the side of one of the boxes and dripped onto the floor as she felt the rest of her orgasm wash through her. Bobby pulled his hand back slowly and kept Lindsey pressed up against the cargo boxes before he looked down and slowly pulled out his cock from her, inch by inch.
Lindsey cummed over Bobby’s cock, and the creamy, wet mess over the condom was proof of just that. Lindsey’s knees quivered as she fell to them, lazily turning to face Bobby, who peeled off the condom and threw it aside like nothing.
Now at the height of his own arousal, Bobby pumped his cock in front of Lindsey’s face and let out a grunt as in just a minute later, he reached his climax.
Lindsey gasped a little but kept her mouth open and her tongue out as she closed her eyes. Bobby let out a long, drawn-out groan as a dozen spurts of his hot, sticky cum landed over Lindsey’s face, mouth, and tongue, dripping down her chin.
Lindsey gladly licked up and swallowed any cum she could get close to her mouth, and once Bobby was finished, the two breathed heavily and gazed up at each other in a lustful silence.
It was the best sex of Lindsey’s life and the only sex she wanted to have from that day onward, but it was the most mediocre sex Bobby ever had.
He only continued to surprise himself once he realized he had feelings growing for Bert’s girl, which led to a two-year relationship before Bobby met Helen.
Two years would either go down the drain or somewhere, Bobby had thought. He had his own reasons for leaving Lindsey behind, and it didn’t have much to do with the fact she was a careless, heavy heroin user too.
No, Bobby decided even though Lindsey had been his girlfriend for two years, he only saw her as a fuck buddy and someone to cuddle and talk to when he was bored, whereas Lindsey knew when it came to Bobby, she would always want more.
Bobby was stubborn in the way that he knew his view would never change on life, let alone people. Fucking and hooking up in Needle Park? A waste of time if you’re an addict and you’re not scoring.
Hoping for a future, let alone kids and getting married in Needle Park? The biggest and funniest running joke you could tell yourself and your friends. There was no hope or future here. Just bleak, grey skies and a question of where the next dose is coming from and how much it is.
Bobby wasn’t going to turn down his high sex drive. He loved getting his dick wet, fucking, and fucking anytime he got the chance to in any manner he wanted to.
Squeezing tits, sucking on nipples, spanking a woman’s ass until she moaned from her cheeks growing red. Spreading and fingering pussies, burying his face in-between a woman’s legs, and slobbering over her clit till she practically squirted in his mouth.
Anal, oral, vaginal, doggy style, missionary, pile driving, bent over the couch,
against the trunk of a taxi, in a public washroom, rubbing against one another in public, spitting in a woman’s mouth, blowjobs, sixty-nine positions, rapid and harsh reverse cowgirl—Bobby did it all.
It wasn’t just a needle Bobby shared, after all. Why would he give up his streak of pleasure when he knew all of the women he fucked and got to know had no chance of a proper life and future in Needle Park like he did?
They used him, and he used them right back. A quick fuck, a quick hit of booze, a quick shot of junk. Everything was fast and used in Needle Park. What difference would it make? Bobby wasn’t the only one to ask the same question, but he had never asked it so many times to himself once he saw that it was you who visited him in jail.
You do. You make all the difference for Bobby in knowing if he has to split apart the life he’s grown accustomed to living in Needle Park just to have you—to be with you and to understand you, then he will. You’re the difference because the high, fast life isn’t what Bobby wants. Hookups and quick orgasms aren’t what Bobby needs from you.
It’s different. It’s personal. Everything’s changed. It’s not some mere attraction from being turned on. It’s not a craving for sex after six months of abstinence. There’s compassion, caring, and thoughtfulness behind it all. There’s no selfishness between you and Bobby.
There’s something else. It’s love. It’s a growing, tender love emphasized and shared by the two of you.
[ Present Day. ]
Bobby presses his forehead against yours lightly, beaming back at you with a warm smile as he keeps his arm lovingly wrapped around your waist. The two of you share a brief laugh amongst one another as you skip past Needle Park and head down the block side by side towards 71st street.
The cool wind blows over your reddened, blushing cheeks as you two pick up your walking pace, and Bobby’s scarf snuggly keeps you warm from the fall weather coupled with the touch of his body brushing up next to you.
“See, once you get past the shithole of 70th street here, you can actually find something to eat.” Bobby gives your hips a reassuring squeeze as he points up to a local dinner across the street. “Me ‘n Hank must’a tried the entire menu a thousand times here.”
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“I’m guessing it’s good, then?” You laugh.
“Nah, it tastes like shit.” Bobby grins at you as you both begin to cross the street. “But the fries? Oh man, lemme tell you about the fries. Terrific. I’mma be the reason why they got a shortage; I live on that stuff, man.”
Out for lunch this afternoon and spending more time together than always, the giddy feeling inside of you from being Bobby’s girlfriend is still fresh from a little over a week ago, but it couldn’t possibly be any more impactful.
You would have said yes ten times over and over again if you had to and got to know Bobby on a more intimate scale as your lover instead of just a friend. The comfort and trust between the two of you had that had grown over the sensual moments and experiences shared with one another is entirely different and invigorating.
For what seems like the first time in forever, you’re not just waking up dreading work and only having that to look forward to for the day. You’re not sleeping alone or making random, small talk to Luna because you barely get to socialize with anyone outside of work unless you’re at Needle Park.
For once, the conversations you have aren’t about the last panic, if there’s an upcoming one, or questions from random junkies and addicts if you know a guy who knows a guy.
There’s just you and Bobby; nothing forcing you two to be together and nothing held at stake. It’s pure intimacy. It’s a desire that longs for one another. It’s built on chemistry, mutual understanding, and attraction.
Bobby may have asked you to be his girl so soon, but there’s nothing sudden about your relationship. Bobby’s certainly also felt that way for his previous ones. When he knows, he knows, and he goes out to get what he wants if he can tell someone wants him just as bad too.
As a matter of fact, there’s been nothing rushed about your own personal relationship with Bobby, to begin with. The two of you had known one another for almost two years before this, seeing each other on the regular when you and Helen were close.
The first night you were more than comfortable cuddling up to him anyway, and definitely well before anything was made official. Even the way he asked you to be his girlfriend still has you feeling some type of way; the butterflies in your stomach still tug and pull every time you find yourself lost in Bobby’s eyes.
You know better than to base your happiness off of something—let alone someone—but still, find yourself struggling with it already when it comes to Bobby. Keeping that to yourself, you at least relax and let yourself revel in the fact that you have Bobby all to yourself.
“I’mma get you anything you like,” Bobby pushes open the entrance of the little diner, leading you inside. “But if you ask me, you know I’ll say the fries and banana cake.”
“Banana cake?” Your eyes light up as you peek around the little bakery counter of the diner at the small selection of cheesecakes, pies, and other pastries.
“Yeah,” Bobby chuckles, noticing your reaction as the two of you approach the front counter. “They’re always makin’ ‘em fresh too. Ya want one, baby?”
“More like, do you want one?” You blush, looking up at Bobby. “Because I’m paying.”
“Aww, nah, no, you’re not.” Bobby shifts on his feet, shaking his head. “Nuh-uh, I said I’mma get you whatever you want today. It’s on me.”
“Don’t let him pay. You got that?” You point a finger at the cashier, who smiles back at the two of you. “No matter what he says.”
“Whatever she wants, kid!” Bobby exclaims back to the cashier, “I’mma pay you in advance—just get her what she wants.”
“I don’t think so!” You laugh, pulling Bobby away from the cashier by hugging your arms around his waist. “It’s on me, and that’s final.”
“Ya gonna fight me on this one, huh?” Bobby grins back at you playfully, tightening the small knot over the bandana on his head. “If you insist, baby.”
“I do.” You reaffirm—your shyness taking over as Bobby pulls you into his embrace, rubbing up against your back.
“Hey! Ya heard her,” Bobby calls out to the cashier, gesturing with his free hand. “Get us two things of fries, and uh—oh yeah, lemme get two things of pop and a slice of banana cake, will ya? Thanks, pal.” He peeks down at you as you raise your head from Bobby’s chest. “That sound good, baby? ‘Cause I’mma pay anyway.”
“You’re stubborn.” You blush, “you have to let me treat you every once in a while.”
“Once in a while?” Bobby brushes a curtain of your hair behind your ear. “At this rate, you gonna treat me every single day. Not that I’d be complainin’ but, maybe save it for home, eh?”
Bobby’s clearly teasing you, and it does nothing but flare up the blush on your cheeks and the butterflies in your gut at the provocative joke.
Before you can respond back to Bobby, both of you turn your heads back to the bakery counter, where you hear a voice call out for Bobby’s attention.
“Hey, Bobby!” A guy waves back at Bobby from behind the counter, adjusting his apron before moving closer to the counter. “Good to see you again! How you been, man?”
“Doin’ better now that Hotch ain’t breathin’ down my throat,” Bobby’s tone of voice remains playful. “Hey, this is Sonny,” Bobby tells you, gesturing back to him by the counter. “He ain’t any different from the rest of us at Needle Park, but he got a job, so that’s the biggest difference.”
Sonny laughs, shaking his head. “Yep, that’s me. Who's the chick, Bobby?”
“This is Emily,” Bobby clasps your hand with his free one as you peek back at Sonny with a shy smile. “She’s my girl.”
“She feedin’ your arm?” Sonny smirks back.
“Aww, man.” Bobby groans at the question, brushing him off before turning you around and heading towards an empty table.
‘Feeding his arm?’ Whether Bobby figures you’ve picked up on what Sonny means or not, the hint is clear to you that many of Bobby’s girlfriends and past flings have fed his arm, and while Bobby knows he dated and fucked some simply for the sake of getting a fix, you do not.
“Be careful either way,” Sonny calls back, beginning to head back to the kitchen himself. “Hotch is around like he actually has something to do.”
“Yeah?” Bobby glances over his shoulder as the two of you take a seat at a table by the door. “Piss on Hotch.”
Your eyes find Bobby’s as you get comfortable in your seat, noticing he’s still warm and energetic from being in a good mood regardless.
From the moment Bobby catches your eye contact, he gives you a wink and pulls out his pack of cigarettes from his bomber jacket’s pocket.
“Ya want one, darlin’?” Bobby offers, pulling a cigarette out of the pack.
“I’m good,” you smile back shyly and refuse.
“Mm, suit yourself, baby.” Bobby pops the cigarette in the corner of his mouth before he shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around the back of his chair.
You unravel Bobby’s scarf around your neck and let it loosely dangle over your shoulders as you also pull off your jacket, more so for the sake of looking distracted and actually doing something instead of constantly staring at Bobby.
“Here you are,” the waiter approaches your table with a large tray, setting down the two plastic cups filled with soda before placing one plate of fries in front of you and Bobby, then the large slice of banana cake on the center of the table.
“And how much is that all gonna be, huh?” Bobby appears rather annoyed by the food being served on the table, striking you by surprise.
“Ten dollars,” the waiter nods back at Bobby.
“Ten dollahs?” Bobby raises both of his brows in disbelief, leaning back in his seat.
You cover the smile growing on your face and stifle back a laugh, glancing at the two of them as the waitress gives a nervous frown.
“Nah, I know you didn’t just tell me all this shit costs ten dollars.” Bobby stares back at the waiter. “You know me, right? I come here a lot.”
“Uh—uh, yes.” The waiter nods. “Yes, of course.”
“Terrific.” Bobby sits upright in his seat, lighting his cigarette before holding it between his fingers. “Then for me, it’s free this time, isn’t it? You see, I’ve got my girl here, and we haven’t had our lunch yet, so I’m getting a little agitated.”
“Yes, yes it is.” The waiter nods quickly. “I’ll just ring it up for you—free of charge.” And with that, the waiter scurries off nervously.
“Wow.” You murmur back, impressed, giggling. “You really did a number on him.”
“Ah well, it was either he told his boss I don’t wanna pay, or I tell his boss he’s got coke on the tip of his nose—that ain’t flour.” Bobby puts his cigarette back in the corner of his mouth before he eyes the plates of food before him. “He scratches my back sometimes. I scratch his.”
“You’re the best customer, huh?” You take a small sip of your fizzy soda.
“Oh yeah,” Bobby says in a boastful tone, picking up a French fry. “Nobody eats as much French fries and banana cake here than me. You wanna beat my record?” He grins, “be my guest because you’re gonna love it. Mm,” Bobby pops a small French fry in his mouth.
“I will,” you laugh, dipping a French fry into some ketchup. “I love that you seem to know everything and everyone on this entire block.”
“More like they just know me.” Bobby gives you a wink, munching down on his fries. “Not a problem ‘cause we’re all eyes and ears for each other thanks to Hotch. You won’t see him eating no banana pie in here, but he’ll sure as hell ruin anyone’s day without even tryin’.”
“Who is Hotch, exactly? A police officer patrolling the upper west side?” You ask, pulling your soda cup closer to you.
“Oh yeah…” Bobby nods at you, intrigued. “Forgot you barely know the guy. Hotch is every addict’s best friend, but I’m sayin’ that loosely. Hotchner or whatever is his name. Lots of cops ‘round here, but Hotch is some sort of stupid, hotshot detective hooked on arrestin’ junkies for a paycheque.”
“Does he make it apparent he’s around?” You peek at Bobby.
“When he’s on the road patrolling, yeah.” Bobby shrugs. “Other than that, he tries to blend into the crowd. He fucking sucks at it, though. Dude’s got a bird’s nest and the bushiest eyebrows I’ve ever seen. He ain’t look like a detective, not like maybe what you seen in the city or even in films, but he sure as hell don’t look like no regular pedestrian to me.”
You cover your mouth as you laugh, noticing Bobby grinning at you—pleased by your reaction. “Yeah, that’s right. You’ll know it when you see him. He’s blonde,” Bobby gestures to his hair, “about this tall—” Bobby gestures his hand upward, “givin’ people dirty, suspicious looks like he’s the finest broad in town or somethin’. Well, between you and me, he can fuck right off.”
“Is he…?” You pause for a moment as your smile fades to a frown. You almost immediately regret starting the question, but Bobby already picks up on what you were going to ask him from the look in your eyes alone.
“Yeah,” Bobby says quietly with a nod. “And the last nine times before that. He’s obsessed with arresting me. I dunno, the guy has some handcuff kink with me.” Bobby blows out smoke away from you, placing his free hand on top of yours. “Hey, don’t worry about it, babe. You know that don’t bother me anymore. You can ask me anything.”
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“Still,” you nibble on your bottom lip. “It bothers me, and now so does Hotch, and I’ve barely seen the guy.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want ya worrying about him, baby. He’s after addicts and petty thieves out here. Lurks around Needle Park when the flow is good so he can catch someone with possession. He ain’t care about getting addicts help or somethin’. Hell, I don’t even think he knows what rehab is. He just does his job and follows orders. He’s a real, grand piece of shit. So as long as he ain’t tagging behind you or gaining interest in who you are, I won’t kick his ass.”
You blush, nodding. “That would be best. Some cop he is. Does he really know you that well?”
“Oh yeah. Oh yeah.” Bobby emphasizes. “He could probably sketch out my face perfectly in his sleep. Fucker knows me like the back of his hand. I’ve done pissed him off and ran from him a couple times too. That’s fine by me, though,” Bobby munches down on another French fry. “If I can drive him a little crazy, it’s worth it even though he won’t get off my trail. I’ve done everything, believe me.”
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“Everything, huh?” You smile back at him from behind your soda cup as you take another gulp.
“Just about,” Bobby nods as if he’s pondering the question. “He got an older sister. The only thing I haven’t done is balled his mother yet.”
You both burst out laughing as Bobby smirks wryly at you, raising his cigarette up back to his mouth. Bobby’s laugh and the beaming smile over his face causes the butterflies to twist and pull once again in your gut, although you can’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy from Bobby basically giving away he’s had sex with Hotch’s sister too.
“But anyways, baby,” Bobby licks over his lips as he puts his shortened cigarette back in his mouth and squeezes your hand. “I’m here with you for lunch, aren’t I? We talk about Hotch anymore, and the food is gonna start to spoil. Mm, mmm, here—” Bobby picks up a French fry and leans in closer to you. “Have one of these, baby.”
Blushing, you open your mouth as Bobby puts a French fry in carefully—purposely grazing his fingers alongside your lips before pulling back. “Yeah, how’s that? Taste good, huh?”
“You weren’t joking,” you nod back at Bobby, chowing down on your food. “Mm, this is really good.”
“My tongue knows, baby.” Bobby points at his mouth. “Best food in town, though nobody gives a shit about comin’ down here. Oh well, more for us then, huh? You ever come down to this street before?”
“It would be my first time.” You shake your head with a smile, “but maybe you don’t blame me for trying to avoid Needle Park too much these days.”
“Oh yeah?” Bobby gazes back at you, “and why’s that?”
“Not hard to start using.” Caught off guard by Bobby’s gaze, you blush and quickly divert your attention down to your drink. “Especially when you don’t have much to lose.”
“Peer pressure?” Just as you look up, Bobby licks off a bit of ketchup from his fingertips, his eyes still on you.
“I…” You pause for a moment, furrowing your brows and shrugging. “Not really, but it kind of does get to me if that makes sense. And it wouldn’t be my first time using. Once I was in, it was hard to get out. There’s rarely any reasons to stop using.”
“You gotta chip, baby.” Bobby pats his wrist, showing you the very few and mostly faded needle marks on his skin. “Nice and slow, very little and not too often. That’s chippin’. You go beyond that, you’re usin’. Grass, though, that’s another thing. You evergreen out?”
“More than once.” You admit, sheepishly. “It took me a while to kinda find my tolerance with it.”
“You like smokin’ it or eating too?” Bobby blows out cigarette smoke under his breath.
“Both—whatever I can get my hands on, but if it’s something like grass brownies, the high is always harder and lasts much longer.” You raise your soda back up to your lips.
“Grass brownies…” Bobby repeats with a little nod. “Not exactly health food, huh?” A joking smile returns back to Bobby’s lips. “You know, don’t ever think I’m ungrateful or anythin’ that you cook for me.”
“Never.” You giggle back, your eyes lighting up at the sight of Bobby’s smile. “You like what I cook? If we can call it health food.”
“We can call it delicious,” Bobby points out, giving out a dramatic, overwhelmed huff. “Best stuff I’ve ever eaten. It’s been years. I mean, look at me,” Bobby gestures to his chest with his cigarette between his two fingers. “
“You lost a lot of weight before, baby,” you nod with a frown, gazing at Bobby’s body.
“I’m feelin’ better already now, though, you know that?” Bobby grins at you.
Blush hits your cheeks again as you nod at him. “And you’ve put a little bit of the weight back on, slowly but surely.”
“It’s ‘cause my girlfriend is such a great cook.” Bobby teases, raising your hand up to his mouth and giving it a quick kiss. “Mwah.”
‘Oh my God.’ It’s as if you can instantly feel your knees getting weak at the feel of Bobby’s warm, soft lips against the back of your hand just like that.
“Because you see these things?” Bobby holds up a French fry before the both of you. “I’ve been livin’ on these things since I was ten.” He bites down on it—still holding onto your hand with his free one. “That’s why I look so good, ya know?”
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You hold back a laugh, giggling and noticing how Bobby’s eyes light up towards your reaction. He shrugs his shoulders loosely and places his free hand over his stomach. “Actually doesn’t hurt for once. I haven’t had a full stomach of food since I was nine.” Bobby uses the back of his fork to cut through a small piece of the banana cake.
“That’s after you and Hank ran off?” You feel a wave of sadness hit you at the change of topic.
“Yeah.” Bobby answers. “Then we spend the rest of our time fighting for food with the other junkies.” He bites down on his piece of banana cake. “They ain’t my friends, you know.”
You blink back in surprise, your curiosity growing. “Really? Chico, Irene, and them?”
“No fucking way.” Bobby shakes his head, looking disgusted for a moment as he sets his fork down. “None of ‘em. Some friends they would be. You know I’ve been beat up by half of the people out there? They see me as Bobby, the addict. They see you as just Emily.”
“That’s not right.” You frown back at Bobby. “If it’s only as good as it gets until the next panic, you can’t trust anyone.”
“Oh yeah, baby. You’re absolutely right.” Bobby takes another piece of the banana cake, this time raising it up to your mouth as he leans in. “Why do you think I ain’t giving them face this time around? Fun guys to talk to, sure, but they’re nothin’ to me just as I’m nothin’ to them.”
“You’re everything to me, though.” You lean over to take the forkful of cake in your mouth.
“My girlfriend’s flirtin’ with me,” Bobby comments out teasingly, “like I won’t grab her face and kiss her right here in front of everyone.”
You giggle, covering your mouth as you chew done. Bobby beams back at you, biting down on a chunk of the banana cake while rubbing his fingers over the back of your free hand. “Eat up, baby. I ain’t dropping you off work on an empty stomach.”
“Mm—you know I think we may just need to take a pound of this stuff back home with us.” You lace your fingers with Bobby as the two of you finish up the banana cake.
“Just one pound?” Bobby snorts, “shit—at this point, I’m gonna threaten to kick the shit outta ‘em if they don’t make me at least ten. Then you and I can live off of banana cake forever, huh?”
“Oh no, I don’t think so.” You point your fork back at Bobby as he begins to shrug his jacket on. “There’s going to be no more living off of one thing here from now on.”
“Oh yeah? But I gotta live on somethin’, baby.” Bobby jokes, getting up from his seat and moving towards you.
“And you have that one thing, don’t you?” You tell him, beginning to pull your jacket on.
“And what’s that?” Bobby takes your scarf, snuggly wrapping it over your neck and brushing his fingers against the nape and sides of your neck as you slowly rise to your feet and come face to face with Bobby.
“Me.” You blush, answering him.
“Just you,” Bobby leans in and pecks a soft kiss over your lips before both of his hands find yours. “Mm—though I was thinking something more edible. Not a problem, right?” A lazy smirk grows over his face at the sexual joke.
Your face flushes red as Bobby notices you purposefully avoiding eye contact with him, loving nothing more than teasing you like this just to get a reaction—especially in public.
“Definitely not a problem,” you give Bobby’s cheek a kiss as his protective arm returns around your waist, leading you out of the diner.
“Uh-huh,” Bobby’s eyes greedily dart over you as soon as the two of you walk out onto the street. “Are you sure you have to go to work today?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You giggle back. “Trust me, I don’t wanna go either. I’d rather be at home eating more banana cake with you.”
“Oh, you and me both.” Bobby squeezes your hip, “that’s exactly why I’m askin’. Don’t want you going to work just to serve some asshole coffee and donuts.”
“It doesn’t look like he’s leaving anytime soon either.” You groan, rubbing over your temple as if you can practically feel a headache coming on from just the thought of having to see Sykes again. “I don’t know how much more of his incessant whining I can take.”
“And he’s a grown-ass man too?” Bobby snorts. “Do you really have to put up with shit like that, baby?” You and Bobby cross the street together, making your way down to your work building.
“I really wish I didn’t have to.” You sigh out in annoyance, “I’m literally the only one he expects this from. Yeah, he comes once in a while because corporates makes him, but then at least I know, and I can mentally prepare myself the day before or something. It’s like he knows this tires me, and he does it on purpose.”
“Piece of shit,” Bobby mutters under his breath. “Hate these business-type assholes so much. Ya know I’m practically dreading every step I take bringin’ you to that place?”
“I know, baby.” You take in a deep breath, “but there’s really nothing I can do about it for now. At least I can say I get paid for it or whatever.”
“Yeah, well, if he asks you to wipe his ass for him next, let me know so I can at least go and kick his balls up his throat,” Bobby grumbles—an adorable, irritated pout forming over his lips.
“Bobby!” You give out a small laugh, nudging him. “Don’t worry about it, baby. Even he can’t go past asking for anything more than gourmet donuts and black coffee. He has to actually do some work too.”
“I’mma worry about it,” Bobby mumbles, pulling you closer to his side. “As long as he ain’t laying his hands on you, I can at least tolerate him being annoying.”
“Never, ever, baby.” You blush, leaning your head over Bobby’s shoulder for a moment before Bobby tilts his head back down and plant another kiss over your lips. “And what are you going to do for the rest of the day?”
“Without you? Not much.” Bobby licks over his lips. “But somethin’ I kinda been putting off for long enough now.”
“Santo?” You lower your tone, your eyes growing wide with curiosity.
“Mhmm.” Bobby nods, “everything’s cooled down on the scene now too. I gotta go talk to him at least.”
“Yeah, but Bobby, you still need to be careful.” Worry begins to grow in your voice.
“Don’t worry about me, baby.” Bobby reassures you, “Santo’s practically expecting me by now. I was his best distributor, and even he knows it. Ya know, maybe if he sees me again like this, he’ll take it as a good sign. So because of a whore I went to jail and sat my ass in there for six months—fine, whatever. But I’m out now; I didn’t snitch, I didn’t tell. I’m doin’ what I gotta do.”
“So we both hate our jobs, is what you’re trying to say.” You at least try to find some humor in the subject as the two of you approach the front of Way Enterprises.
“Lately?” Bobby comes to a slow stop with you, holding both of your hands in his. “I hate everything except you.”
You blush, giggling at his comment. “Be careful anyway for me, okay?” You give Bobby’s hands a little squeeze before wrapping your hands around his shoulders and pulling him into an embrace. “For Luna and for me.”
“Oh, Luna too? For sure, then.” Bobby grins, hugging you back tightly. He momentarily glances over his shoulder and back towards your work building as an annoyed expression grows over his face.
Bobby practically rolls his eyes before facing you again with a smile. “I’ll go home right after, and I’ll tell ya how everything went like a good little housewife, huh?”
“Pretty terrific housewife you are, huh?” The two of you laugh as you feel Bobby’s hand dangerously trailing down to your ass.
A lazy smirk grows over Bobby’s lips as he could care less who's walking past the two of you on the street or who's watching the two of you in one another’s arms. “Just think about me, and I promise ya time will be whizzing by in there.”
“Believe me, I already do.” You tilt Bobby’s chin down gently, so he faces you directly.
“Oh, good.” Bobby breathes, eyeing your lips. “Kiss me before you go in, at least, huh?”
Your lips practically throb back in response as you gladly lean in and give Bobby a kiss, feeling him return it full-mouthed and wet on purpose.
“Mm, alright, before I get lost in you again.” Bobby slowly parts his lips from yours, giving your ass a light slap. “They’re all expecting you in there, miss secretary.”
“I’m sure they are, Mr. Axel,” blushing furiously, you still linger your fingers over Bobby’s as you walk up to the front door.
Wanting to at least take Bobby through to the lobby with you before you actually head up to work, every bit of giddy excitement and general enthusiasm leaves you in almost an instant as the security guard by the front door shoots you a dirty look.
He steps in between the both of you, causing you and Bobby to let go of each other’s hands as the security guard specifically blocks only Bobby’s path from entering the building.
Bobby rolls his eyes at the security guard, hardly bothered. He gives you a playful wink as you begin to head inside and step back to avoid the security guard’s hot breath over his face. “Regular palace ya work in!”
You cover your mouth, laughing as you wave back at Bobby through the windows and walk towards the elevator.
Bobby beams back at you, lingering by and completely ignoring the security guard’s attempt to be intimidating before him. Bobby watches as you get onto the elevator and doesn’t move an inch away from the entrance of the building until you’re no longer in his line of view.
With that, Bobby tightens the bandana over his hair before fixing up his collar and beginning to walk off down the street. From the moment he’s able to cross through the intersection, Bobby picks up his pace and zips his bomber jacket up to his neck.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, Bobby takes a deep breath in and glances up at the end of the street before him—continuing with all his wits to make his way down to the alleyway he knows Santo’s men are bound to still be in.
From the moment you walk into work and are just one slight turn away from approaching your office desk, your entire day is ruined instantaneously.
Not only do you spot Logan Sykes leaning against one of the office cubicles and making conversation with a few female coworkers, but a shitty, glitter decorated sign is hung up at the back of the office bulletin board reading out: “Welcome, Mr. Sykes, to Branch #18!”.
Realizing now that Sykes’ stay is going to be anything but brief, you can feel the enthusiasm and energy drain out of you as you plop down in your seat and clock into work.
You squeeze your eyes shut and let out a deep breath, hearing nearby chatter from the cubicles faintly talking about Sykes’ “official stay at the branch.”
“Well, it’s official now, isn’t it? The ‘boss’ is here to stay… Great. He’s going to be on our ass all day, I swear.”
“You’re tellin’ me…”
You peel your jacket off of you and almost throw it over the coat rack with your purse, only gently and neatly wrapping Bobby’s scarf before tucking it back into your bag.
As you take your seat at your desk, you pretend to keep yourself occupied by glancing at the daily agenda log and organizing your pens and notebooks before you.
Every time you hear a single footstep appear to grow louder towards you, a sensation of annoyance and anxiety grows in your gut, and so does the need to consistently look busy.
“You see, ladies, promotions here are entirely under my responsibility, so I would love to review your performance logs and speak to both of you individually. Strictly corporate procedure, as you know.” You dread even having Sykes’ voice in earshot and quickly begin to scatter as much of your notes and daily worksheets for the day over your desk to appear swamped with work.
“In all honesty, I’m thinking promoting someone here during my stay to assist me is an altogether much better decision than hiring someone completely new. Agree? We have to keep our secretary busy even outside of peak hours, right?” You hear Sykes give a little laugh down the hall.
Just then, the telephone rings and catches you off guard. You flinch a little in your seat and let out a deep breath, realizing just how irritated and on edge you are already.
You pick up the telephone and hold it up to your ear, just glad you have something else to literally listen to that you actually get paid for. “Hello. Way Enterprises Manhattan branch—Emily speaking.” You fix up your best customer service voice.
“Hello, Miss Sutcliffe?” You’re surprised to hear Doctor Gordon’s voice on the other end. “I apologize for contacting your work telephone number; however, I was advised on your file that it would be the most reasonable choice of contact around this hour of the day. I hope I haven’t disturbed you.”
“Not at all, Doctor.” You quietly let out a sigh of relief. “Happy to hear back from you. Is this about Bobby’s results?” A sudden spike of curiosity and anxiety rises in you.
“It is. All of the results have come back in, and I’ve nothing but good news to tell you, so please don’t worry.” Doctor Gordon reassures.
“Oh, thank God.” You murmur, rubbing your temples. “That’s a relief.”
“I thought so.” Doctor Gordon replies, “he’s fine. He just needs to eat healthy and well to maintain some weight. I would recommend staying off of hard liquor and drugs, of course. Mr. Axel would be doing himself a favor had he not smoked as much or at all, but as for his STD test, it’s come back completely clean.”
“Thank you, thank you.” You lean back in your seat. “I understand. I’ll make sure to tell him tonight. Bobby’s been waiting for the test results too. Thank you so much, Doctor Gordon.”
“No, Emily, thank you.” Doctor Gordon says back. “There’s not a lot of selfless folks like you out here anymore, let alone taking care of someone like Bobby. I mean no offense, of course, but I see a lot of potential in the boy, as do you. I hope he takes care of himself and gets his life together. This is a good learning experience for him too, health-wise.”
“I agree.” You nibble down on your bottom lip. “It’s the least I can do for someone I love and care about.”
“That much I can understand.” Doctor Gordon chuckles. “In any case, if you need anything or there are any other medical concerns, please don’t hesitate to call my office so we can schedule another appointment or such.”
“For sure, I will. Thank you again, Doctor Gordon, and have a nice day.” You smile to yourself.
“You as well, Miss Sutcliffe. Take care now.”
You hang up the phone and pull your office chair back into your table, letting out a deep sigh that’s short-lived due to the sound of footsteps beginning to approach your direction.
‘Shit.’ You hope you at least don’t look as irritated and impatient as you certainly feel in front of your own boss.
‘And there it is.’ You slowly set down your pen to look up and see Sykes before you, carrying a handful of thick file folders and documents in his hands—coming to you alone.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Sykes?” You fix up your best customer service voice.
“Come and say ‘hello’ next time you clock in, for starters.” The same overly-friendly and trying too hard smile returns on Sykes’ face. “And deal with these for me, if you will. I’ve had them on my desk all morning.” And with that, Sykes practically drops all of the paperwork down on the corner of your desk, causing your pen to roll off your desk.
“Err—thank you.” You mumble back, staring at the thick sheets of paper before you—unable to even figure out where to start.
“And in the meanwhile, perhaps you can come to see me before your lunch break ends, and we can discuss matters of promotion?” Sykes rests his palm over your hand as he leans on one foot.
“Promotion, sir?” You know the conversations of promotion are constantly in everyone’s mouth and ears, but to discuss it in your position would be the same as doing so to the janitor.
It’s an entry-level position, sure, but there’s little to no room for budging when it comes to promotions. You’d have to be put in a different position in the company entirely.
“Well, yes.” Sykes nods surprised that you’re clueless about it. “As you know, corporate has put me in charge of interbranch promotions and performance logs. At this moment, it’s why they’ve financed my stay here. The company wants to reward its hardest working employees and give those who want to move up the ladder the opportunity to do so. Have you not thought about it?”
“It’s an enticing offer, sir, but… I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.” You shake your head. “I’m just a secretary.”
“That’s true.” Sykes eyes with you pity in his expression. “But you don’t always have to be, is what I’m saying. I could promote you, you know. You could be my personal assistant.”
Your mouth badly wants to tell Sykes to fuck off but can’t decide on whether to say that or ask him if this is some kind of sick joke. You hold it together as you stare back at your boss in confusion. “I don’t understand how that’s a promotion, sir. Wouldn’t that also be temporary?”
Sykes almost seems offended by your comment but can see from the look on your face that you appear as sincere to him as you can get. “It would be temporary if I was leaving, but I’m not. My position here is permanent now. Way Enterprises has transferred me to this branch permanently, so no, it wouldn’t be temporary.”
‘Permanently.’ You feel your heart sink into the pits of your stomach as Sykes continues talking. “And from there—give or take a few years—maybe three to five, and you could be well on your way to becoming assistant to the manager, and who knows? Maybe if you’re ambitious enough, you could retire as assistant manager.”
You stare back at Sykes and expect some sort of punchline to a joke or for his signature shit-eating grin to form back on his face, but both his tone and expression read seriousness and anticipate a response from you.
“No, thank you.” You turn down his offer. “I’m not interested.”
“I’ll let you think about it, then.” Sykes taps your desk with his palm, straightening out his posture. “I’ll be reviewing requests all week, so at least you—”
“No, Mr. Sykes, I think you misheard me. I don’t want the promotion. Not now, not at the end of the week.” You cut him off for once.
Sykes’ eyes could cut into yours from the sharp look he gives you. Hating to be refused and interrupted, he shoots you a look of severe disappointment. “You don’t want to.”
“No.” You reaffirm. “I prefer my current position.”
“Emily,” Sykes rolls his tongue in his cheek, putting one hand on his hip. “How old are you, if I might ask?”
“I’m twenty-five.” You answer back plainly.
“And you want to be a secretary for the rest of your life?” He scoffs in disbelief.
‘Who said I was going to work here my entire life?’ is the only question buzzing through your mind. Both of you look back at one another, assuming the other is stupid.
“I didn’t say that.” You reply. “All I said was I’m not interested in your promotion.”
“I see.” Sykes clears his throat. “Well, I handle all promotions within the company, so even if there was another one you were interested in—”
“I would call human resources,” you interrupt Sykes yet again, “and I would have a conversation with someone from the head of the appropriate department about a promotion like that.”
“No, you would talk to me about it.” Sykes narrows his eyes. “I would be your first contact. I’m the buffer between human resources.”
“I’m still able to contact human resources to discuss my employment and promotion opportunities, though.” The look of irritation growing in Sykes’ expression only fuels you to keep going like this.
“Emily,” Sykes begins, taking in a small breath.
“Why are you doing this?” You frown back at him, staring right up into his eyes. Before Sykes can even answer, you add on. “I don’t get it. You wanted to come in here and surprise us all as like nobody was expecting you. You claimed you didn’t want a welcome party, and that was beside the point, but then you got upset when we didn’t throw you one. On your first day, you had me juggling donuts and coffee for you and didn’t let me greet or talk to the clients waiting at my desk. Then you complained about the ‘incompetence’ of this office during the review meeting. Why are you doing this?”
“I beg your pardon?” Sykes slightly raises his voice at you, but it doesn’t affect you in the slightest.
“You’re acting like a spoiled child, not a branch manager.” You furrow your brows in disgust and concern. “Productivity only tanked because you came in here. And now you’re going to review promotion requests after we had the worst performance week? I know what you’re doing.”
“I think you should watch your tone.” Sykes points a finger down at you. “And you should treat me with some respect as your—”
“Why don’t you just do your job?” You shoot back, pulling the pile of documents closer to you. “If this is your way of trying to humiliate me or put me down, you should reconsider. This is my job. I work here. I’m paid to do this.”
“You work here.” Sykes nods sharply at you, “but for how long, I wonder?”
“You’re bluffing.” You look right back into his eyes. “You’d never fire me.” Sykes’ expression sours even further. “You want me around. You need me.”
“You’re right.” Sykes’ tone softens as he gazes back at you, his eyes now darting from yours to your lips and below down to the shape of your breasts in your blouse. “So you’ve figured out as much, but you’re not employed to sit here and look pretty, Emily.”
“You can review my performance logs if you like.” You shrug your shoulders, picking up your pen from the floor.
“I will believe me,” Sykes mutters. “And just to make sure you’re not actually slacking off here, you wouldn’t mind clocking out in my office, would you?”
“No.” You answer but almost instantly regret it.
“Good…” Oliver glances down at the paperwork in front of you before taking a step closer to your desk. “And one more thing, Emily. This conversation stays between you and I, understood? If I hear it as lunchroom chatter, there’s going to be consequences.”
“Understood.” You blink back at him from how close he’s suddenly grown to your face up to the point where you can feel his minty breath against your chin.
“Now get to it.” Sykes leans away, nudging the documents closer to you. “These aren’t going to fill themselves out.” With that, Sykes turns back on his heel and heads off towards his office.
You let out a deep sigh of relief the moment Sykes is out of your line of vision. You lower your head down onto your desk, still stunned by your own boldness against your own branch manager of all people.
The rush of adrenaline still washes over you as you peek your eyes up and realize you may have just not only kept your job but secured yourself some peace for the rest of the day.
Courtesy of Bobby’s influence beginning to rub off on you, you’re in no mood to take shit for the rest of the day. Today’s shift will pass by as is, and especially better today knowing that Logan Sykes is aware you have a big enough complaint on his behalf to raise a serious issue with human resources.
If it isn’t blackmail now, it might as well be, but when it comes to Bobby, defiance is the last thing he needs to show to who he’s going to see today.
From the moment that Bobby steps foot into the grimy alleyways of 110th street, he’s greeted by nothing but hostility against his presence. Bobby takes a step back just as quickly as he took one in, holding his hands up in surrender to the four men dressed in stuffy trenchcoats practically lunging out towards him.
“Who the hell are you?” One calls out towards Bobby.
“Name your business or leave. This isn’t the part of town you just wander into, kid.” A second one warns.
“Relax, you know me.” Bobby begins to approach slowly, showing the men he’s not a threat to them, or is he hiding a knife or weapon of any sort on him. “It’s me, Bobby. Bobby Axel.”
“Axel.” The third one murmurs, exchanging a glance with the two. “You the kid that was locked up tight and worked for Santo?”
“I probably ain’t the only one, but yeah.” Bobby comes to a stop, approaching all four of the men. “I came here to see Santo. I’m not here to fuck around.”
“Just got out, did you?” The fourth man loosens his grip on the switchblade inside his coat pocket. “Yeah, well, the boss has been asking about you, though you don’t just turn up here uninvited without so much as a heads up anymore, got it? The police are on our ass as is; we need to know who the hell is coming in and out of this place.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Bobby purses his lips, gesturing to the dented, old metal door behind them leading into the abandoned apartment complex. “You gonna let me in to see Santo or what?”
The third man exchanges a glance with the first two before giving them a nod. Their body language clearly gives off to Bobby that he’s only welcome here because he has business with Santo otherwise, he’s not invited, and his presence is merely tolerated.
“Search him first.” The first man says to the second.
Bobby extends his arms out a little and stares back at the second man, who begins to quickly pat down Bobby. “He’s clean,” the man notes, stepping back. “Follow me, Axel.”
Bobby follows Santo’s guard through the side entrance and into the musty apartment. Instantly, Bobby can pick up on the heavy scent of cigarette smoke and mold that surrounds every crevice of the old, badly taken care of building.
Bobby remains quiet and pretends not to notice Santo’s scattered men watching him from every corner of the building as he continues to walk up the filthy staircase—avoiding touching or brushing up against the stained, sticky railing.
“You wait out here.” The man points back at Bobby as they approach the last suite at the end of the hall. “I’ll let the boss know.”
Bobby doesn’t say anything back, simply looking back up at the man and leaning his back against the wall as the door closes in his face. Barely even able to get a glimpse of the room or hear anything from inside, Bobby patiently waits out in the hallway with both hands in his pockets.
Bobby tilts his head up and glances at the cracked ceiling, noticing major water damage coming through. It’s not his first time in this building, but it seems to have grown worse over the past six months, like the perfect place for a police raid due to how suspicious not only the men lingering outside seem, but just by the fact a whole apartment complex is practically abandoned like this.
‘If it doesn’t smell like shit, then I’m at Em’s place.’ Bobby rubs the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, feeling his nostrils sting a bit at the rancid scent now beginning to irritate him as if someone was smoking several cigarettes in front of his face.
Bobby blinks and looks up as he hears the door click open. The same man glances at him from behind the door with one eye, giving a nod. “The boss wants to see you, kid.”
The man pulls the door open just wide enough for Bobby to slip through, and then it’s immediately shut and locked behind him. Bobby notices from the corner of his eye that the man leans against the door as if to block his exit, but he doesn’t sense any hostility or aggression in the room.
Just as it’s always been, Bobby sees a couple of women across the room preparing small packets of heroin quietly and keeping to themselves. An office desk is to their right, where Santo sits smoking a cigar and watching the women’s rapid movements in packaging up the drugs.
Several of Santo's men remain in the room playing cards, sipping whiskey from the bottle, smoking and keeping to themselves, or making very quiet small talk with one another.
Nobody except for Santo bothers to look up at Bobby as he begins to approach the office desk. "Axel." Santo lets out a quiet, disappointed sigh. "I didn't think you'd show your face around here ever again. You fucked up."
"I didn't fuck up." Bobby tries to hide the defensiveness in his voice against Santo. "I got almost all of your deliveries done except one."
"One too many." Santo frowns. "Being caught by the police wasn't part of the job description. You know how this works by now."
"Would you believe me if I told you my ex-girlfriend ratted me out?" Bobby swallows hard. "I had everything under control, and the bitch knew where I was—what I was doing. She put Hotch on my ass."
Santo blinks, taken back by Bobby's explanation. The disappointment leaves his tone and is replaced by curiosity as he speaks out, "that's different, then. Was she the only one who knew?"
"Yeah," Bobby replies. "She bought a lot from your distribution herself too."
"What's her name?" Santo furrows his brows in frustration.
"Helen Reeves," Bobby tells him. "Ratted me out to Hotch in exchange for stayin' outta jail herself. She ain't tell me Hotch was onto her. She didn't tell me a thing."
"Hmm." Santo gives a small nod, eyeing Bobby up and down. "And after six months behind bars, you're here again, and for what? A pity party? To give me an apology?"
"No, because I know you don't like that shit." Bobby stares back at Santo. "I was your best distributor, and you know it, man. I did what I was told, and you know I wouldn't have gotten caught if it wasn't for her. I never fucked up before that. I could have told the cops everything. I didn't say a word. I sat in there quietly for six months, and now I'm back because I want to be."
"That's true; you could have." Santo slowly rises from his seat. "You have credit to your name, kid, I'll give you that, but we don't applaud those who do the bare minimum here. Do you want to work? I'll give you work, but that'll be your last chance. I don't care how you fuck up after, we don't know each other, or you're a dead man. I don't have room for fuck ups and mistakes here."
"Yeah, I get it," Bobby mumbles back. "I know that."
"Good, then act like it." Santo reaches into his desk drawer, pulling out a small envelope carefully stuffed and packaged well with three hundred grams of heroin. "70th street apartments. Nothing has changed. You know what to do." Santo hands Bobby the envelope.
Bobby gives a small nod, taking it and gently feeling at the powder-filled envelope as Santo continues. "Needle Park gets their fix first. They pay better and upfront. You can start making them tomorrow and get your shit together tonight. You got that?"
"Yeah, boss." Bobby's eyes meet with Santo's as he hides the envelope inside the inner pocket of his bomber jacket. "I'll handle it."
"Don't disappoint me, Axel." Santo shoots Bobby a scolding look. "I'm not going to tolerate failure anymore. The risks will not be higher than the reward. Do your job properly and don't tell any one of your girlfriends about this for your own sake, or you won't be showing your face in Manhattan ever again."
From the moment you unlock the door to your suite and push it open, every bit of dread and exhaustion from your workday instantly dissipates off of you at the sight of Bobby. Sitting across from you, Bobby is plopped up comfortably against the couch in a long-sleeved, knit brown top and navy slacks.
Letting the soap opera on the television serve as background noise, Bobby lights a new cigarette with a match, and you feel butterflies instantly swarm in your gut seeing your boyfriend.
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Noticing you just as quickly, Bobby peeks his head up—his expression lazy at first as he waves the match out, but you notice how quickly his eyes light up seeing you. "Em, baby."
"Hi." Blush hits your cheeks harder than ever as you let the door close behind you.
Bobby takes a small drag from his cigarette, quickly hopping off of the couch and making his way towards you as you lock the door behind you. "Mm, hey, hey…" Bobby helps you shrug off your jacket, hanging it loosely over the coat rack. "Couldn't come home any sooner?"
"Believe me, I wish." You smile back shyly at Bobby as he wraps both of his arms around your waist and pulls you into his embrace. "The day just couldn't end fast enough for me."
"Never does, baby." Bobby keeps his cigarette loosely in the corner of his mouth, taking it out for just a moment before peppering soft, wet kisses over both your cheeks. "Ya know I've been waitin' for you to come home all day. I missed you."
You blush deeply, embracing Bobby back. "And all I wanted to do was come home to you, so that makes two of us."
"Good," Bobby grins, raising his cigarette up to your lips. "Now you can relax with me all ya want. I wanna hear about your day."
You lean in, taking a drag from it and blowing smoke out deeply before Bobby puts it back into his mouth. "Mm, I think yours is bound to be more interesting than mine. Right now, all I want to do is just snuggle with you in bed." You slip off your shoes.
"That can be arranged." Bobby teases, "come 'ere, baby. Come relax with me. You look exhausted," Bobby pulls you by your hips, leading you towards the bedroom.
"Again," you groan quietly, more than happy to enter the bedroom with Bobby. "I promise it's not always gonna be like this."
"Be like what, baby?" Bobby puts his cigarette between his fingers, blowing out smoke around the room. "You go to work all day surrounded by stuffy corporate fucks, people who'd beat the shit outta each other for a little promotion, and ya gotta pretend you give a fuck about what you do? Give yourself a break, babe." Bobby laces a hand with you, pulling you onto the bed with him as he practically throws himself down.
You squeal, hugging onto Bobby's chest as you both lay sprawled out within each other's embrace on the bed. "Maybe you've got a point there."
"But it doesn't end there." Bobby extends his arm over to the end table by the bed, quickly putting out his cigarette before snaking an arm around your back to hold you close to him again. "Then ya come home, you cook, you clean. Also, you gotta deal with my bullshit."
You two burst out laughing as you press your forehead up against Bobby's, feeling the tips of your noses touch. "But that's my favorite part."
"Oh ya?" Bobby grins, giving your chin a little shake before kissing your lips softly. "Mine is whenever I get to see you and be with you. So tell me," Bobby runs his firm hands up and down your arms. "How was your day, baby? Get all that stress off your chest. I wanna hear about it."
"If you insist," you smile at Bobby shyly. "But it'll piss you off more than anything."
"Don't tell me that asshole manager of yours gave you a hard time again—the fucker." Bobby holds onto you tightly.
"I actually put him and his incessant whining in his place today." You giggle, nodding at Bobby.
"Oh, did you?" Bobby's eyes widen in curiosity. "Damn, remind me not to get on your bad side."
You place your hand gently over Bobby's cheek, proudly explaining the story. "He came to offer me a position as his personal assistant like I was the most pathetic thing he'd ever seen. I made him feel insignificant by saying I'd go through all that trouble just to talk to human resources instead of him."
"What a piece of shit." Bobby comments. "Thinks he's special, does he?"
"You have no idea." You roll your eyes, caressing Bobby's cheek with the side of your hand. "Talking about promotions and performance reviews. Sykes seemed more upset about me working as a secretary than I did."
"Yeah, well, you ain't gonna be his little secretary forever." Bobby smooches your forehead. "You got bigger and better things comin' in your future, so fuck him."
"I said the exact same." You nod back shyly. "I wouldn't wanna be there forever anyway, but I think I pissed him off enough because I was so certain about it. I don't doubt he'll bother me again, but maybe now he'll think twice."
"Maybe?" Bobby gazes at you, running his hands down your sides. "Maybe you should just get me to kick his ass for you. He ain't bothering you for no reason."
"Oh yeah?" You let out a small laugh. "You seem insistent; I might just let you do it."
"He the type to never get his ass kicked before, so this would be a first." Bobby chuckles, moving his hand slowly down to your thighs. "A guy like him sees a girl like you who isn't kissing ass for promotions or sucking dick for longer vacation days. You're gonna pull his attention. Now either he's got mommy issues, or he's a virgin. Either way, he wants to pick on you. Pretty girl, sitting all by herself…" Bobby gives your thighs a squeeze, "an asshole like him doesn't know when to leave anything alone, right? So he bothers you because he wants your reaction. He wants more than that."
"More than that?" You raise a brow. "How could he want more than that from me? I'm a secretary, and I have to answer to him if he's at the branch."
"Exactly, but how you're gonna answer to him is somethin' else." A feeling of jealousy surges through Bobby as he knits his brows. "I don't want him to even think of laying a finger on my girl. If he has any stupid tricks up his sleeves, little dirty favors he wants—I'll fuck him up, and then I'll go ball his mother."
You burst out laughing, snuggling Bobby's chest tightly. "And that's as good a threat as any. Mm, Bobby, don't worry, baby. Even Sykes wouldn't be so stupid as to put his entire career on the line for something like that. I would pick up on it from a mile away."
"Well, I'm just sayin' for his sake if he values his life." Bobby pulls you up by your hips as he sits up, letting you straddle onto his lap. "I don't share what's mine, and you're my girl. You're all mine." Bobby plants a small kiss on the side of your neck before lacing both hands with you. "Which is why I'm tellin' you something nobody else gets to know."
"Santo?" You lower your tone, eyes widening in curiosity.
"Mhmm." Bobby rubs his thumbs over your knuckles. "I couldn't tell if he was expecting to see me or if he was surprised more than anything that I even showed up in the first place."
"He was probably the first to know you got arrested, right?" You frown.
"Yeah." Bobby scoffs quietly. "He isn't stupid. He knows I was his best distributor. If he just brushed me off, that would be his own loss. But," a smile begins to form on Bobby's face, "he gave me a piece, and I'm back on."
"Just like that?" You blink back in surprise.
"Mhmm, just like that." Bobby nods. "I gotta go make deliveries startin' tomorrow morning. Told you. I'm no fuck up, and none of that bullshit was my fault. Santo knows this."
"Well, if he's as much of a businessman as they say he is," you giggle with a shrug. "Then he should know better. This must be your lucky day, huh?"
"Oh yeah," Bobby grins back at you. "Just when I thought things couldn't get better, eh? Now I can make a buck or two again like my girl." Bobby playfully pinches your cheek.
"Feel like celebrating?" You blush, now finding Bobby's hands massaging over your shoulders tenderly.
"Maybe." You notice Bobby's gaze grow possessive over you. "I want to do that here. Have you all to myself—celebrate with my girl."
"I'm all yours." You blush, leaning in and gently pressing your forehead against Bobby's as the two of you share a small kiss. "Tell me what's on your mind, baby."
"You know…" Bobby lowers his tone to a husky whisper, grazing his fingers alongside the outline of your jaw. "When I was clean, all holed up in jail for months on end like that—all I had was dirty thoughts."
A knot of arousal pulls in your gut as you're unable to take your eyes off of Bobby's lips as he continues speaking to you in a soft tone. "But it was all over the place, never directed to someone or something… Now it's still the same. Has been. I've been thinking, you know? I could think about that one dirty thought for hours." Recognizing curiosity mixing with shyness growing in your eyes, Bobby licks over his lips before he goes on, "never had that when I was just chippin' before, but it's different with you now. Feels good…"
Every muscle in your body clenches in the response of arousal surging through you. Bobby's hands begin to roam down from your shoulders to pick at the buttons on your blouse. Unbuttoning them one by one, Bobby keeps his eyes on you to read for a reaction in your eyes. "Right?"
You give a small nod, feeling your face flushing scarlet in blush. Your heart begins to race in your chest as if it's almost about to burst out. The shyness washing over you isn't one of insecurity, but that you've never been this close to being intimate with anyone before.
"It's the same now…" Bobby undoes all the buttons off your blouse as your bra peeks through. "I've been having all these dirty thoughts about you."
Bobby gently tugs on the fabric of your blouse, letting it fall off of your shoulders. You shrug it off completely, your breath hitching as Bobby's warm hands pull teasingly at the straps of your bra.
"Just as I'm having them now…" Bobby pulls you in closer to him over his lap, careful not to let his growing erection brush or poke up against you just yet. "But only if you want to know."
"I do," you breathe back, placing your hands gently over top of his on your bra straps.
Bobby gazes back at you, and with your consent, he begins to slowly slide the straps down off of your shoulders. Maintaining painfully shy eye contact with Bobby, you reach your hands back behind you and unhook your bra—letting it fall off your chest.
Your breasts spill-free as Bobby's eyes widen at the sight—only bolstering his arousal. Bobby tosses your bra off the bed and purses his lips open slightly as if to say something but keeps quiet. You can see his tongue grazing over his lips as you blush, watching Bobby's greedy eyes dart all over your chest.
"Oh, you're beautiful." Bobby murmurs and watches as you take his hands and place them over both of your breasts.
Bobby looks back up into your eyes and gives your breasts a squeeze. Attempting to keep quiet as much as possible, Bobby still makes out a very soft, almost barely audible whimper coming from you.
"I'll tell you…" Bobby swirls the tips of his thumbs over your hardened nipples, rubbing at them. "What kind of dirty thoughts I've been having." You notice Bobby's voice beginning to sharpen as he can barely hold himself together in front of you like this anymore.
As if Bobby's having withdrawals from you, his erection almost painfully throbs in his slacks at the sight of your breasts before him.
"Bobby…" You let out a shaky breath as you welcome arousal unraveling through every point of your body.
You desperately want to press Bobby's hands upon you to keep touching you, and at the same time, you want him to pin you down upon your bed and take you right here, right now.
The arousal and chemistry between the two of you is undeniable at this point. Almost as if Bobby's read your mind, he squeezes your breasts harshly now before leaning in and pressing a deep kiss onto your lips.
Your eyes flutter shut as Bobby keeps both hands over your breasts, touching and squeezing them as his kiss grows more forceful. You gladly part your lips open and kiss Bobby back feverishly—every inch of your body aching and wanting him more than ever.
As if all desires between one another have spilled through, Bobby's relentless in how desperate he is to tease and please you. The kiss grows wetter and harsher, and you can practically feel your lip throbbing against Bobby's.
His kiss is everything you could have wanted and more. Bobby's not sloppy, but he slips in just the right amount of tongue. It's a needy kiss but not filled with force or pressure to make you uncomfortable or push into you. Bobby knows just how to kiss you and leave you wanting more.
You let out a little moan in Bobby's mouth as he slowly parts his lips away from yours—a small string of dewy spit breaking apart. Eyes half open and utterly aroused to no avail, you breathe out and gaze helplessly back at Bobby.
"You have no idea…" Bobby pulls his shirt off of him from behind, throwing it off his head and onto the floor. Your hardened nipples brush up against his bare chest, and another jolt of arousal runs through you. "How much I've wanted to do this to you."
Bobby presses his chest up to yours and pins you down onto the bed. Your breath hitches as Bobby hovers over top of you, keeping one hand clenched onto the bedsheets and the other cupping your cheek. "How much I've thought of this…about you."
Bobby's chest is pressed up against yours as he trails his fingers alongside your mouth. Bobby parts your lips open with his thumb before grazing it over your bottom lip.
"I want to make you mine." Bobby's eyes darken with lust as he makes momentary eye contact with you and his lips are on yours once again in an instant.
You wrap your arms eagerly around Bobby's shoulders and pull him in as close to you as he can get. The small patch of wetness in your panties soaks through and begins to grow as you feel Bobby's erection poking up against your inner thighs.
"I want you so bad," Bobby breathes out as he breaks the kiss—his hands clutching the waistband of your midi skirt. "I crave you. I want every bit of you, Emily. You don't know…" Bobby snatches your skirt with your panties down your knees. "What you do to me…"
"Bobby," you whimper out, kicking off your skirt and panties down your ankles before clenching your legs shut. "Please, just please…"
"Anything for you, baby. Anything…" Bobby's eyes take in the sight of you fully naked and vulnerable before him with pleasure.
His touch feels hotter, as does the temperature in the room as Bobby roams his firm hands down your stomach and around your hips.
"Fuck…" Appreciating every inch of your body and utterly mesmerized by it, Bobby squeezes your hips before roaming his hands down your inner thighs. "You are perfect."
He makes brief eye contact with you before leaning in and kissing both of your thighs. Bobby lets his hands slide off your thighs as he leans over once more and presses his forehead against yours. "And in my thoughts, I think of taking you like this, you know that?"
Bobby begins to inch down his pants. "Have you all to myself, be selfish with you because I want you. I want you," Bobby repeats, "I want you so bad, baby. I need you. I want you to want me."
"Bobby, please, please." You nod back at him eagerly, whining. "Yes…" Your eyes widen as Bobby momentarily pulls away, kneeling on the bed and grunting as he pulls his briefs down and lets his cock spring free.
Your cheeks sting with blush as you practically feel your pussy throb at the sight of Bobby's length, especially the width of his cock's girth and how it's slightly curved when fully erect.
Droplets of precum form over the tip of Bobby's cock, now flushed pink and reddened from how aroused and hard he's gotten.
'Oh my God.' You can hardly take it all in at once, seeing how good Bobby looks completely naked before you; a light patch of chest hair over his torso trailing down to his lower waist and pubic hair; how his biceps and muscles clench and flex as Bobby hovers back over you.
'He's so fucking hot. So fucking hot.' Every inch of your boyfriend's body is perfection to you, and with both of you naked and pressed up against one another, you've never found yourself so horny and aroused before.
"Shit…" Bobby pumps his cock, noticing the precum for himself. "Oh, yeah,” he breathes out, watching as some of the precum begins to drip down his shaft.
Bobby's eyes lazily dart back over to you and then down to your pussy as you can't help but feel your clit aching at the sight of Bobby touching himself—just wanting him to make you feel and take every inch of his cock right now.
With both of you breathing hotly between one another in mutual arousal and desire, the silence in your bedroom is almost erotic. Bobby slowly slicks his hand upward from his shaft, licking off a bit of the precum off of his fingers before positioning himself above you again.
"You're wet," Bobby breathes, glancing down to your pussy as he places both of his hands gently over your breasts.
Flushed scarlet and in a severe state of arousal, you give Bobby a shy nod and whimper. You spread your legs open a little and hear yourself gasping quietly at the sound your pussy makes as its parts.
Bobby's eyes darken with lust as a lazy smirk form over his lips. "Yeah, baby… Perfect. You're fucking perfect. Ooh…" Bobby keeps his eyes on yours as he roams his hands slowly down your body—wanting to touch and feel every bit of you first.
“Damn,” you hear Bobby mutter to himself as his fingers brush up against your nipples. You shiver a little at his touch out of arousal, noticing how Bobby’s eyes remain over your chest. “You have the nicest tits I’ve ever seen, baby.”
“Trying to flatter me?” You giggle quietly, both flustered to hear Bobby’s dirty comment.
“You have no idea.” Bobby leans over and plants a kiss on both of your breasts. “Mm, mine. I want to be the only one who can touch you…”
Bobby's touch over your skin is electrifying—so soft, gentle, yet demanding, and hot. He could stroke your hair or caress your face, and you would find yourself drifting to a welcoming nap in his arms easily the same way Bobby's got you throbbing now, and he's barely done a thing.
"Bobby," you place your hand over his bicep, watching as he begins to stroke his cock between your legs again.
"Yeah, baby?" Bobby slightly pulls back for your comfort, watching for any signs of hesitancy over your expression. "Something wrong?"
You smile shyly at him, giving a little shrug. "Nothing, it's just that this is my first time."
You notice curiosity form in Bobby's eyes as his hand pumping his cock slows down before coming to a stop entirely. He eyes you up and down carefully, and for a moment there, you're unable to figure out Bobby's reaction towards you.
"You're a virgin?" Bobby places both of his hands on top of your warm thighs.
"And you're not," you joke back, blushing again.
"Uh-huh." A grin spreads over Bobby's lips as he chuckles, giving you a small nod before stealing a kiss from your lips. "Don't worry about me, baby. Not a problem with me…" Bobby looks you in the eyes for confirmation again as he slowly spreads your legs open with his hands. "I'll gladly take your virginity."
"Bobby," you whine out, embarrassed by his remark.
"You want me to be gentle, then?" Bobby smirks, leaning further downward to your lower waist.
"Maybe when you're first going in…" You gaze back down at Bobby, feeling your heart beginning to pound in your chest again. "I want to feel all of you."
Turned on by your demand, Bobby breathes hotly over your stomach before placing a kiss right above your pelvis. "I'll give you anything you want, baby. You want me to fuck you until you can't speak?"
"You can do whatever you want to me." You murmur, your voice strained with arousal. "That and more."
"Mm." Bobby sloppily kisses just above your pussy. "I'm going to have fun breaking you in, then." Bobby trails the tip of his nose down to your pussy before spreading your lips apart with his fingers, smirking wryly. "You're definitely a virgin, baby. Look at how tight your pussy looks. Never spread these legs before, huh?"
You feel the knot of arousal inside of your gut tugging at you from Bobby's dirty talk—feeling your muscles clench in pleasure to feel Bobby breathing just above your clit. Bobby's dark eyes peek up at you from between your legs, noticing your embarrassed expression to his words.
Bobby gives your pussy lips a gentle tap with the palm of his hand, moving his mouth dangerously close to it just to tease you. "Just for me."
Your eyes flutter open in surprise as Bobby gives your pussy a full-mouthed, sloppy kiss. The sensation of his hot, wet mouth over your clit doesn't even compare to the little bit of pleasure you were able to give yourself by fingering or rubbing over your clit to get off.
"Oh…!" A soft moan comes out of your mouth that surprises you and only grows louder from how good Bobby's mouth feels suckling over your clit.
"Mm—" Bobby practically buries his face into your pussy, keeping his tongue and attention specifically over your clit as he drools over the rest of your pussy.
"Bobby, Bobby…" You moan, bucking your hips up against his face in reaction.
"Ah!" Bobby's tongue flicks up and down quickly, tasting your wetness and eating you out as if it would be the last time he'd ever get to.
Completely greedy and lost in a trance of pleasing you, Bobby remains relentless. The tip of his tongue toys with your clit as he presses it down against it completely, making sure to keep his mouth over your pussy entirely to build up your orgasm without giving you a break.
Bobby rubs your inner thighs, pressing his fingers into the sides of your pussy and pelvis while applying a little bit of pressure to amplify the pleasure going through you.
You clasp a hand over your mouth, hardly an effort to muffle out your loud moans and groans. Even the sight of Bobby between your legs is enough to get you going, and the heavenly sensations washing over you cause you to curl your toes in response.
"Oh, baby," Bobby moans against your clit, momentarily pulling his lips back, his mouth covered in your wetness and dripping with his own spit. "Virgin pussy tastes so good. You taste so good…"
A half gasp, half moan spills out from your mouth as Bobby cups your ass with both hands and slobbers over your pussy once more. "O-oh my God, Bobby!"
You can feel Bobby's stubble brushing up and against your clit repeatedly, building up an intense orgasm you can feel about to release from your gut. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Yes!" You shriek, rolling your eyes back in pleasure.
Your moans and cries only influence Bobby to keep going. He laps up your pussy juices before they can even trickle down your shaking thighs, obsessed with the way you taste and how the folds of your pussy feel against his hot tongue.
"Bobby, p-please, please! I'm gonna cum, Bobby!" You whine as your hands tug at Bobby's tousled hair.
Bobby rubs his forefingers against the tip of your clit as he continues eating you out, using his free hand to massage your wet pussy lips.
"Oh my—ohhhh!" An increased feeling of pleasure only causes you to throb even more against Bobby's mouth as your orgasm nearly reaches its peak.
It doesn't help that Bobby's moaning against your pussy too, severely turned on himself. His cock throbs and begs to be inside of you, now oozing with spurts of precum that drip down his shaft and onto the bedsheets.
Bobby angles his tongue upwards, applying more pressure onto your clit and purposefully grinding his stubble against it again.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You squeal as your thighs shake uncontrollably, and you can no longer fight the orgasm unraveling in your body.
Bobby instantly picks up on queue, feeling your pussy convulse around his mouth. He doesn't stop there and continues eating you out—giving his head a little quick shake against your clit.
Your eyelids flutter as you feel every inch of your body feels a blissful numbness from your orgasm. The sensation is phenomenal, hitting you from all sides and delivering immense pleasure.
Bobby quickly licks up the cum trickling out of your pussy, planting another wet, deep kiss over it before pulling his mouth back and panting. "Fuck, baby…"
Panting and still sensitive and tingling from the aftermath of your orgasm, you cry out again as you feel Bobby swirling the tips of his fingers over your soaked clit in a circular motion. "B-Bobby…!"
"Oh, baby, you're perfect." Bobby breathes heavily, giving your clit a kiss. "Came right in my mouth, just like that… Fuck. Look at you, a dripping mess."
You weakly clutch onto the bed sheets with both hands, attempting to catch your breath. "M-more, please. More."
"You don't have to tell me, baby." Bobby licks over his lips. "I'll make you cum again and again until you cry."
"Mm…!" You wince in pleasure, propping yourself up by your elbows on the bed.
Bobby pops his index finger in his mouth, lubricating it with his spit before carefully swirling it around the entrance of your pussy. His lazy, lust-filled eyes gaze up at you as he slowly begins to ease his finger in, pulling it in and out slowly. "Gonna stretch you nice and wide for me now, baby. You like the way I touch you?"
Feeling your knees quiver like jelly, all you can do is sit and helplessly watch as Bobby has your body in a trance and haze of pleasure. "Y-yes…"
Knowing what he's doing, Bobby watches your expression and takes note of your body language and reaction to him slowly fingering you—making sure you're comfortable and enjoying it over everything else. "You tell me if anything hurts or doesn't feel good, baby."
With half of his index finger inside you, Bobby stops there as he begins to finger you in and out. You part your lips open to speak, but pleasure rushes through you again, and all you can do is give out little moans in response. "Mm… Oh, you want this. You fucking do…"
When Bobby feels your pussy throbbing against his finger and growing wetter, he slobbers over his middle finger and begins to ease it inside of your pussy. "Perfect, baby, you're so good."
"More!" You moan out, pushing down on his hand.
Bobby chuckles, not needing to be told twice. He picks up his pace now that he knows you're fully comfortable and begins to finger you at a quick pace. "So fucking tight. Fuck."
"Y-yes, yes," you'd almost be embarrassed as to how whiny your moans sound just now if you weren't practically enthralled by Bobby's touch.
"Oh baby, you're soaked." Bobby pants, spreading your wetness open again before dipping his fingers inside. "You're so fucking wet for me. Moan, baby. Moan for me."
Not that you could keep quiet even if you tried. "F-feels so good, Bobby…! Oh!"
With Bobby's fingers snaking up inside of you, a loud moan comes out of your mouth that's only muffled silent as Bobby leans over and kisses you roughly.
Bobby moans back in your mouth—his fingers still thrusting in and out of your pussy sloppily. You cup Bobby's face and kiss him back hungrily, feeling him beginning to coax a buildup of your second orgasm.
You and Bobby slowly part your lips apart from one another, eyes locked in a lustful gaze and panting. "You like it when I kiss you like this, baby? So you can taste yourself on my lips?"
"I love when you kiss me," you breathe against Bobby's lips, nodding shakily.
You can feel the tip of Bobby's cock press up against your waist as his precum smears over you. Just like that, Bobby pops his fingers out of your pussy and into his mouth, licking off every bit of your dewiness from his fingers. "Mm…"
You cringe a little in embarrassment but feel more turned on than ever. Bobby even closes his eyes as he licks off his fingers, enjoying every little bit of this. "I wanna lick and fucking taste every inch of you, you know that?"
'Oh my God.' Your face flushes red as you shyly gaze up at Bobby.
Bobby gives your thighs a firm smack with both of his hands. "I'm gonna make you see stars with my cock, baby. You want me to fuck you good, huh?"
Every part of your body yearns and begs for Bobby as you nod back at him quickly, whining and bucking your hips towards him. "Yes, yes, yes…" You've never been this aroused before, so much so that it's almost painful demanding for release only Bobby can give you now.
"Mm," Bobby licks off his thumb, giving the tip of your clit a little circular rub. "I'll get you ready for me first…"
A small, breathy moan escapes your lips as you look up at Bobby, noticing him leaning over to the nightstand and pulling open the drawer. You watch Bobby curiously as he reaches his hand inside the drawer and rummages around momentarily, a mid-sized bottle rolling down to his hand as he grabs it along with something else.
Bobby pulls back and holds up a bottle of lube and condom in his hands, the condom wrapper crinkling between his forefingers. "There."
Your eyes widen a little at the sight of the condom and lube; they sure as hell aren't yours, nor did you buy them or keep them here. Knowing Bobby went out to buy a pack of condoms and lube that are both new and unopened only further gives it away. He's been meaning to fuck you ever since.
"I don't want to use one…" You gesture to the condom, still regaining your breath.
"No rubber, huh?" Bobby's eyes flicker with curiosity; he knows he doesn't either if he doesn't need to. "I'd love to fuck you raw, baby, but only if you're sure."
"Well, Doctor Gordon says it shouldn't be a problem…" You giggle back as Bobby tosses the condom onto the floor.
"And did he mention it would if I impregnated you?" Bobby grins, popping open the lid of the lube bottle.
"On one of my safe days? I don't think so." You blush, watching Bobby pour some lube into his palm before slicking it over his cock.
"If you say so, baby." Bobby grunts, making sure to coat his shaft generously with the slippery lube. "Mm, if anything, I wanna feel you and all of you." Bobby squeezes more lube onto his hands and over his fingers before kneeling closer to you.
Setting the bottle of lube aside, Bobby rubs his fingers between one another before lubing up your clit and pussy. You whimper, eagerly spreading your legs as wide as you can as Bobby smothers the lube in the folds of your pussy.
The cool touch of the lube causes you to shiver a little, but the feeling of Bobby warming it by rubbing up and down with his slender fingers over your pussy is another pleasurable sensation altogether.
"They say the first time isn't the best time," Bobby smirks, rubbing his lubed fingers around the entrance of your pussy before gently thrusting his fingers in and out of you. "But who says it doesn't have to be, right, baby? I'll be gentle first, just like you asked, but tell me if anythin' hurts or makes ya feel uncomfortable, alright?"
"Mm," you nod back shyly at Bobby, spreading open your thighs with your hands.
Bobby positions himself over the entrance of your pussy, grasping his shaft—dewy and soaked from all the lube. He gazes up at you as you take a shaky breath, watching the tip of his cock remain only an inch away from your pussy.
"I know you're gonna be so fucking tight, baby." Bobby taps his cock over your clit.
You whine, wrapping your thighs around Bobby's waist in response. "Please…" Your cheeks flush red at the sight of Bobby slicking his shaft up and down your pussy with how easily it slides from the lube.
Bobby licks over his lips, exhaling softly as he begins to push his cock into you. At first, as you feel Bobby's tip enter you, it's a similar sensation to how he fingered you but with a thicker feeling of fullness.
"Oh, you're so fucking tight, baby." Bobby hisses, holding onto your hips with both hands as he continues thrusting in.
"Oh, Bobby," you moan out softly, feeling your clit ache yet again as Bobby begins to spread you. Only now does it come to mind that you have no idea how Bobby's going to fit every inch of his cock inside of you like this.
Bobby inhales sharply at how tight your pussy feels around his cock, continuing to push into you inch by inch. "Oh, fuck…"
You feel a sharp, burning sensation that lasts only for a moment as you attempt to relax your muscles and take all of Bobby in you.
Too embarrassed to look down, you clutch shakily onto Bobby's shoulders as he lets out a deep moan and bucks his hips up sharply—entering you fully. "Yes, yes, baby… Yes." Bobby's hips come into contact with yours as he stops, now with all eight inches of him inside of you.
You breathe out deeply, feeling very full, and your arousal hitting its tipping point filled to the brim with Bobby's cock. Bobby's lips remain slightly parted open, his eyes lazily gazing down at your pussy as he begins to slowly thrust in and out of you. "How's that, baby? Feel good?"
Discomfort follows the first few thrusts, but with the lube and your own natural wetness mixing in—pleasure takes over your body entirely. "Y-yes, Bobby, more. More…" You bury your face into Bobby's shoulder out of embarrassment, barely able to stop yourself from moaning.
"So. Fucking. Tight." Bobby grits his teeth, bucking his hips back and forth. "God…" He sloppily kisses your cheek, watching his cock slick its way in and out of you.
You feel something warm trickle out of you just as Bobby notices. He wraps his arms around your thighs and holds onto your hips as he picks up his pace just a bit faster, chuckling breathily to notice the small droplets of blood dripping out of you.
"You're bleeding, baby. It's okay." Bobby nuzzles your neck, leaving sloppy little kisses as he trails his lips back up to yours.
"Ohhh…!" The fullness of being freshly fucked with Bobby pressing his body over top of you is one thing, and the pleasure you feel mixing in with how sore and tender your pussy feels is another.
"Your pussy feels so good, baby." Bobby moans loudly, causing your cheeks to flare up with blush.
Like a man possessed, Bobby doesn't relent in quickening his pace as he thrusts in and out of you just like you asked. You squeal, feeling the slipperiness of his cock pounding you in and out.
"Bobby!" You clutch onto Bobby's back, digging your nails in as pleasure begins to rack over your entire body.
Obsessed with your reaction, essentially praising him, Bobby presses his forehead against yours and breathily chuckles.
His hips slam back and forth into yours, a sloshing, sloppy noise of skin hitting skin filling the room. "Yes, yes, yes…"
The lube and the wetness of your pussy mix, making a sticky mess over Bobby's waist and pubic hair as he rams his cock inside of you.
You two can barely kiss each other properly from how fast, and hard Bobby rocks your body over the bed, tongues colliding with one another in wet, sloppy kisses.
"Emily," Bobby groans, gripping your thighs harshly. "Oh God, y-you don't know what you do to me, baby. Oh, you feel so fucking good!" He moans even louder, "oh fuck!"
"Harder!" You tug onto Bobby's messy, tousled hair for balance, now completely mesmerized by the angle Bobby fucks you in to feel all your weak spots.
"H-harder, huh?" Each thrust coaxes another moan out of you, and the sensation is coupled with Bobby licking and kissing up to your neck while fondling your breast with his free hand.
As if the pleasure has intensified tenfold, Bobby's muscles tense up and flex as he continues pounding you. Completely and utterly lost inside of you, Bobby moans out—feeling pure ecstasy as your pussy clenches around his cock. "Oh, baby, fuck!"
Just the sound of his velvety moans turns you on, and you find yourself pushing your hips back and forth down to his just to hear him cry out your name. "Em—I'm close, baby. I'm close."
"Bobby, I—" Your thighs tremble uncontrollably around Bobby's waist, feeling the ache of your virginity being taken.
Bobby keeps a perfect rhythm in his thrusts, now beginning to fuck you even harder and rougher than before. "I'm gonna make you fucking cum."
"I'm gonna make you cum on my fucking cock—" The bedsheets roll off the sides of the beg and come undone from all the friction of fast, sloppy fucking.
"Yes, please!" You cry out, watching Bobby's cock slide in out of you over and over again helplessly.
Bobby's lips crush over yours, never once losing his quick and rough pace inside of you. You moan back in Bobby's mouth as he kisses your tongue, getting a faint taste of cigarettes and fruit.
Beads of sweat form over Bobby's forehead as pieces of his hair stick to it. Without even tiring or slowing down his thrusting, Bobby reaches his fingers down and quickly toys with your clit to stimulate you further.
You hold onto Bobby's shoulders and kiss him greedily—barely able to stay put on the bed. Bobby parts his lips from yours for a moment with a deep groan as he tilts your chin down to face him.
"I'm gonna cum, baby," his voice remains completely out of breath as he watches the motion of his hips. "I'm so close—so close."
The tip of your nose bumps against Bobby's as he kisses you forcefully again, a fiery lasting hunger inside of him finally releasing after six months of abstinence. "C-cum in me, Bobby, cum—ohhh!"
"Virgin pussy feels so fucking good." Vocal in bed and insistent, Bobby is almost intoxicated by how pleasurable your tight pussy feels around his cock.
"You're a virgin, but I'm fucking you like a whore." Like a junkie getting his first fix after a major withdrawal, Bobby fucks you as if he's insatiable by the pleasure he grants both of you.
You give up on attempting to hold back your moans entirely. Hearing every husky, breathy moan, Bobby gives out only makes you want to hear it even more. "Y-yeah!"
Feeling your orgasm just about to tip over the edge, Bobby gives you a wry, lazy smirk as he continues to slick his fingers over your clit. "Anything for you, baby. Fuck yes. Tell me it feels good, baby."
"Y-yes, yes—" Your breathing grows shaky as you can hardly keep up with Bobby's rapid fucking, and your orgasm easily unwinds inside of you in an instant. "Give me more!"
Bobby pins both of your wrists down above your head in one hand, stopping you from covering your mouth as you practically scream out in pleasure.
"I want to hear you scream out my name, baby. Don't be shy—" Bobby groans, "let me cum deep inside of that pussy." He lets go of your wrists and tugs on your hair. "You want me to, huh, baby?"
"Y-yes, yes!" You can barely make out a coherent sentence and squeal as Bobby's cock slides out of you.
"Shit," Bobby chuckles breathily, noticing a string of your dewiness part from his cock. He taps his cock against your pussy lips before thrusting it back in, causing you to tilt your hips upward and moan.
"Ah—yeah!" Bobby tilts his head back, finding his pace back inside of you. "I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming!"
You clench your thighs as tightly around Bobby's waist as you can, gasping out breathily as Bobby gives a final groan and pushes his cock fully into you.
He jerks his hips upward and stops, squeezing his eyes shut as thick, hot spurts of Bobby's cum fill you in deep. "Ohhhh, God!"
You weakly clutch onto the bedsheets, completely out of breath. You gaze up at Bobby weakly, giggling back at him as he slowly pulls out his cock and plants a wet, full-mouthed kiss over your lips.
"Uhhh…" Bobby moans quietly, attempting to catch his breath as he locks eyes with you. "Tight and wet—if I knew, maybe I'd have asked to fuck you sooner, huh? Filled my girl up…" Bobby spreads your pussy lips.
"Mm…" You whine out in embarrassment and quickly become surprised to see that Bobby leans down and kisses the entrance of your pussy—smearing his own oozing cum onto his lips and licking it off.
'Holy fuck.' A tug of arousal and desire pulls inside of you again at the very sight.
"Again!" You whine, grasping Bobby's arms.
Bobby gives your ass a smack, positioning himself up to your pussy again. "Oh gladly, baby. I'm not done with you yet."
"Oh!" You wince out in pleasure as Bobby swirls the tip of his cock around your entrance—smearing his cum all over your pussy lips.
Bobby licks his lips, grinning. "You look so good filled with my cum like this, baby." He begins to push his tip in slowly, but his hips come to a halt as he gazes at you.
The two of you remain silent, breathing heavily and looking back into each other's eyes. Bobby runs a hand through his hair, then places both of his hands gently on your thighs as he spreads your legs.
"I want to make love to you," Bobby breathes. "After I've fucked you like this…"
You give Bobby a shaky nod—knowing the erotic desire in you craving him isn't simply based off of lust and a need to cum and fuck. The chemistry, trust, and bond between you two have grown into a different passion and desire altogether that neither of you deny.
You lean upwards and cup Bobby's face with your hands, pulling him into a kiss. Bobby's eyes flutter shut as he embraces you upon the bed, pressing his body gently up against yours as he bucks hips inward.
With one hand over Bobby's cheek and the other intertwined in his dark hair, you kiss him deeply and passionately. Bobby matches your fervor, fucking you slowly with every inch of him.
The kiss shared between the two of you is more gentle and loving, but it's needy and possessive, and neither of you want to part your lips from the other.
The romantic intimacy shared between the two of you is erotic in its own sense. Bobby makes love to you just as well as he fucked you a moment earlier as if he knows exactly what your body wants and what angle to hit to find your sweet spot.
Your thighs shake around Bobby's waist, and your knees feel even weaker as the scent of sex fills the room. Breathy panting, the sound of kissing, and the sloshing noise of Bobby's lower waist now soaked with lube and cum against yours is all that can be heard in the room.
Bobby angles his hips in such a way that it feels like he's fucking you completely different. He presses his arms over your thighs and nudges them upwards, coaxing for you to raise them. Still lost in Bobby's kiss, you rest the heels of your feet over Bobby's shoulders.
A filthy moan escapes your mouth as the angle that Bobby fucks you in changes. Your pussy feels tighter around him, and as Bobby jerks his hips in reaction, you can tell he's just as enthralled in the pleasure as you are.
You feel your climax approaching slowly, and Bobby grows more insistent throughout the kiss. The two of you take little momentary breaks between the kiss to breathe out before your lips collide over Bobby's all over again.
Bobby feels your thighs and legs trembling against him and grips them tightly as he tilts his head back from parting away from the kiss and lets out a loud moan.
Bobby's lips remain dewy and wet from the kiss, and you can barely keep your eyes open as you begin to pant and feel your pussy humming around Bobby's cock as your orgasm overwhelms you.
Pleasure builds on top of pleasure, and Bobby holds you tightly against him as he continues his deep, hard thrusts. Every inch of his cock dips in and out of you with ease, and you wonder to yourself how much more you can take before you burst the moment your orgasm comes undone.
Timing his climax with yours, Bobby feels your pussy clench around his cock the moment you cum. Refusing to hold back any longer himself, he cums for the second time the moment he feels you cumming around his cock.
Both of you moan in each other's mouths as Bobby gives a final thrust and cums deep inside of you. Sweaty foreheads pressed up against each other as you lace both of your hands tightly with Bobby's against the bed.
Your orgasm causes every part of your body to tingle in pleasure, and you notice Bobby biting down on his lip as he lets the aftermath of his climax wash over him.
Panting and out of breath, Bobby raises your right hand intertwined with his and kisses your knuckles gently.
You gently caress Bobby's cheek, planting a little smooch on the tip of his nose. You can't help but smile at him as he does the same shyly, knowing that this has been your first but not last incredible intimate moment with one another.
"I love you, Emily," Bobby admits to you.
Although Bobby knows his weakness in romantic relationships has always been falling too hard and too fast, saying the first "I love yous" and giving himself in intimately, he could care less.
For once in his life, he feels that he can finally trust his partner fully and without judgment. Bobby feels safe with you, at home with you like he's always belonged in your arms, and he knows his feelings towards you aren't fueled by a need for sex or drugs. They're genuine, and they always have been.
Bobby's dark eyes peek back up at you with an expression you've never seen before. In his eyes, you see stars filled with a deep longing desire for you, love, and intimacy.
"I love you too, Bobby." You breathe against Bobby's lips, sealing another kiss over them.
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nancypullen · 3 years
You guys, we're just a short walk to the "ber" months! If this month zips by like the last couple, we'll be smack dab in September before we know it! I love that. I 'm not wishing my life away, but I sure am wishing this summer away. With Tennessee still at a 30-something percent vaccination rate, we haven't really gone anywhere or done anything. No baseball games, no festivals, no fun. Sure, we're vaccinated but that shot is meant to keep us from severe COVID, hospitalization, and death. I don't want it at all. I've got friends who had it, never ended up in the hospital, but months later are still battling symptoms. No thanks. Soooo, on Saturday night we got real fancy and picked up a sack of Taco Bell and went to the drive-in to see Jungle Cruise. The movie was bad, but the company was excellent and the nachos were delicious. No regrets.
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What can I say? I'm a cheap date. Before I forget- I've had some questions about the refrigerator pickles. Yes, they were a success. When the first jar was ready for the frig I had the mister taste one and critique the flavor. He said there wasn't enough of a vinegar bite. I added an extra tablespoon of vinegar to each jar and after that he deemed them perfect. In fact, he's enjoyed them so much that he's mowed through the whole batch (4 jars). Today I'll be picking and pickling some more. After that I may pull up the cucumber plants. They're starting to look like they've lived a good life. Besides, IT'S AUGUST. We're nearly finished with summer! Can I get an amen? The bell peppers still have plenty of production time, I've had a pretty good crop and there are still lots of baby peppers on the plants. I'll give them a stay of execution for now. I've been at my desk making cards again. No special occasions, just nonsense.
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Today I plan to make one for someone special who is battling health issues and maybe a couple of back-to-school cards for teacher friends. It would be kinder just to send them haz-mat suits. That's it, you're all caught up on the fast-paced life we're living - drive-ins, pickles, and paper crafts. In about three weeks we'll mask up and FLY to Baltimore. This will be the first time I've been on a plane since February of 2020. Holy cow! Eighteen months feels like a lifetime. Anyway, we've got a meeting with a builder, we plan to visit a couple more towns that we missed the first time we went exploring, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY make a final decision of some sort - even if it's just agreeing on a spot. We've had zoom meetings with the builder and have been going over floorplans and options - I'm still not convinced it's our wisest choice. I'd love a sparkling new home with hand-picked finishes, but there are a lot of hidden costs. We built this house in 1999 and it was all pretty straight forward and we knew exactly what we were getting for our sale price. This time around everything is an "option". Oh, you want a light above the kitchen island? That's another $800. What's that, you want steps to the front porch? We can do that for $1800. Every extra window is $500 or more, and (surprise!) most rooms only have one. The optional stone fireplace is $7,000. They don't sound like much one at a time, but added together it's a bundle. Buying finishes through the builder is very convenient, but far more costly. The same granite or quartz kitchen counters the builder will install are a thousand dollars more than Lowe's or Home Depot - the very same granite! And you know darn well that the builder is buying them at a contractor's price. The catch is that you must have a countertop in order to close. So if you have them install a basic laminate and choose to replace it with granite of your choosing, then you're paying the new installers extra to remove and haul away the laminate that you didn't want in the first place. Ugh. We've also remembered that we are not HOA people. The neighborhood we are considering is really lovely - it sits on a golf course (we don't golf) and has a community pool, fitness center, etc. Of course, there's a fee for all of that. That fee also includes trash pickup and lawn maintenance. Mickey would never mow again! He likes that. BUT, and for me this is a big but, they control every shrub or tree you might want to plant. No trees with a trunk diameter over 12 inches. They also hit you for $650 every January for maintenance of water and sewer. They're on public sewer and water, so I'm not sure what that covers. Of course, we can always purchase a lot elsewhere and build on that, but odds are that would entail having a well and septic put in and I am not a fan of that at all. The allure of building is that we could control the timeline (pretty much). If we broke ground in September or October could list our house in the spring and make our move. That gives us time to book a moving company and have a schedule that doesn't create panic. Our other options are to keep scouring real estate and jump on a house that meets our needs, list our house, close on our house and the new house in a timely manner, cross our fingers we can hire a reputable moving company on short notice, and drive to Maryland with two cats...or...list our house, close, hire a moving company, drive to Maryland with two cats, put everything in storage, rent a place until we find what we love, then hire movers again to get everything from storage to the new place. I'll be honest, the worst part of both scenarios is the idea of driving with two cats. They may have to be drugged. I'm currently liking this house in Ocean Pines. It's a little wonky-looking, but the interior and the lot are appealing (that dappled shade is perfect for hydrangeas!). I'm crazy about that screened room. https://www.homesnap.com/homes/for_sale/MD/Ocean-Pines/p_(21,21266)/c_38.381705,-75.146285/z_12/m_7,107492455 I've
already decorated it in my mind. It's 5 miles from the beach, the community has 5 pools ( 1 indoor), tennis courts, pickleball courts, walking trails, playgrounds, etc. No hidden fees. Every Saturday there's a farmer's market, and everything we'd need from a good hospital to Home Goods is nearby. The biggest drawback is that it's two hours from the grandgirl. Two hours is much better than our current eleven hours but that's definitely not the easy drop-in we'd hoped for. Arrgh! They'll just have to move. Ha! Alright, I've dumped my brain out on here and I'll leave you to pick through the mess and make sense of it. I have to run out to mail a box, then I'll feed the mister, fold some laundry, and make a couple cards. That's kind of a terrific Tuesday. No complaints from me. Besides, we're now just 89 days from Halloween! The stores have had fake pumpkins out since mid-July, they know the way to my heart. One more reason not to buy a lot outside of a neighborhood- no trick-or-treaters! Can you imagine if this was to be my last official Halloween? Tragedy! Gotta' run. Stay safe. stay well, and be kind to each other. XOXO, Nancy
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honeylikewords · 7 years
Trailer2, Part 1: *opens on pastel-filtered, slow-mo imagery of the Jew Crew in their younger years, at a bar or at graduation with Eddie's voice over* "True friendship is a consistently undervalued thing in this world. But we've been so lucky to experience seven different kinds. And we have Michael Sussman to thank, because he was the one who brought us all together those years ago. We're beyond fortunate to share this special day with him after all this time..."
Pt2: "It is therefore my honor to decide for him a sonnet written in his hon--" "Motherfucker, if you read any of that Tolkein bullshit, I will kill you," Monty interrupts, ending the montage to reveal Eddie practicing his speech in a room with Monty, Frank, Shane, Joe, BJ, and David. Eddie, paper in hand, glares. "...My bos--"
PT.3:"I'm not kidding, if I have to wait 30 minutes to eat just because you wanna be all 'whimsical', I will kick your ass in front of small children." "... My bosom friend, carved from steadfast stone --" *Monty gets up from his seat, screaming as the others try to hold him back*
Pt.4:*Cut to text reading, "They've been friends for years", the beginning guitar riff from "The Old Switcheroo"**cuts to BJ snooping around in Mike's room and finding a high school pic of Mike, sporting a poorly-kept Jew Fro* "Oh, God, lookit this tragedy!" he cries. Meanwhile Frank is looking at it with furrowed brows, going, "I can't believe they took a picture of Mikey after he killed that poor Tribble to wear it as a hat." "Monsters." *text: "They've seen each other at their worst."*
PT.5:*Cuts to BJ trying to spin on a stripper pole in a limo* "Get your fat ass off of that," Joe says, glaring over his scotch glass. "Fat asses make it rai--" BJ's sentence goes incomplete as his heavy body causes the pole to become dislodged and break. "IM NOT GOING BACK TO JAIL FOR THIS!" Monty screams, preparing to jump out the car. *text: "But for the next few days..."*
P.6:*reuses sound clip of Joe setting those ground rules over image of Shane making it rain over an exotic dancer* *text: "They need to remember to keep it..."* *cuts to Mike freaking out because he got a tramp stamp while drunk* "IM 35, IM TOO OLD FOR TATTOOS!!" *Eddie and Monty look insulted* "Oh, shut up, Monty, you've been to jail and Eddie's a fucking Eddie!" "... Okay, rude." *text: "... Kosher."*
P.7: *cuts back to the tattoo thing with Mike bending over for the others to see* "Is it bad?" The camera focuses on an abomination of a tattoo of his fiancée's face, causing at least one of the guys to scream and the others to grimace and mutter, "Ooooohhh."
P.8: David makes the sign of the cross. "It looks like an angel," Frank utters. "But I mean, the real ones. Like, the ones that can kill you if you look at 'em directly." "Okay, Frank, I get it--" "The ones from Dante's Paradisio," Eddie mutters. "That's enough --" "The ones from God's DeviantArt page," Dave whispers. "OKAY I GET IT, THANK YOU."
P.9:*cuts to BJ driving while blasting a dubstep remix of "Hava Nagila" with the windows down. Shane is slouched in his seat, screaming about how it's too stereotypical, but BJ is scream-singing over him on purpose* "HAVAAAAA NAGILA HAVAAAAAA NAGILA HAVAAAAA NAGILA -- NOW THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE CAR -- HAVAAAAA NERUNENAH--!!!" Eddie opens his mouth to sing along but Shane punches him smack in the chest, causing a coughing fit.
P.10:*"Cake" by DNCE's chorus starts playing over the image of the guys trying on their Jew Crew jackets, Monty scowling* "What, you're scared this'll ruin your image?" Eddie goes. Shane cuts in, sarcastically: "What's not hardcore about being Jewish? David and half of Frank's people say our leader wore a crown of thorns to prove he was a ride AND die -- I'd say we're pretty fucking metal." (Also, this has, like, 3 more parts but if Tumblr messaging cuts me off, hang tight for a bit okay 😶)
P.11: "Please don't refer to Jesus in the same sentence as the 'f' word..." David glares. "Oh, I'm sorry, is that too harsh of a word to use for your liTERAL SCANDINAVIAN HEAVY METAL BASSIST-LOOKING GOD?! How not kosher of me~" David is about to have words with Shane until -- "How come HE gets to use the Jew puns?" Eddie whines. "You lost that privilege in college, you make one and it goes in the Jew Pun Jar," Frank threatens.
P.12:*cuts to clips from the first trailer of Frank putting up with his friends' BS* "You know, I kinda always thought that by now, we would've calmed down a bit," he says as he sits at a bar with Shane and Eddie. To which, Shane says, "Well, yeah, but like. That's YOUR fault for having expectations." *cuts to the film title before returning back to clips*
P.13:*cuts back to the first scene where the guys are testing out their wedding speeches with each other* *BJ stands up and just starts singing "How Am I Supposed to Live Without You" by Michael Bolton* Monty glares, "Oh, don't worry, you won't be living long enough to worry about that if you keep singing." *end*(thanks for the patience!!)
mary mother of jesus, i LOVE YOU
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