owen-not-carvour · 2 years
i’m all for the Ocean And Noel Are Siblings dynamic bc yeah that’s them..
so like.. what if we had a Name for that dynamic! like a ship name (french rap, spacedolls, blackrose, etc) but i Cannot stress this enough,,, DEFINITELY NOT A SHIP!!!!! bc NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
anyway that being said i came up with French Prime Minister :)
i thought it was funny. so there ya go.. that’s ocean and noel for ya!!
(could’ve also gone the gingerdolls route and just put ginger in it but like. straight up French Prime Minister is so funny to me bc like. that’s an actual Thing lol)
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joenhead · 5 months
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Ya might be surprised at just how often I can make a drawing based on Gorgug best friendism. Now I know I shared art of Riz and Gorgug best friendism first- BUT ADAINE AND GORGUG BEST FRIENDISM IS WHERE MY HEART LIES. Adaine is always looking out for Gorgug and they have such fun silly moments together. I loved Adaine telling Gorgug to punch her LMAO. It also helps that Siobhan and Zac are always on the same silliness wave length.
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valenfield-inspo · 2 months
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Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine - Secret Relationship Moodboard
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spoopdeedoop · 11 months
I mean this absolutely respectfully, but you should probably find a different duo name for Mei and MK than goldendragon--goldendragon is their ship name, so by tagging it as goldendragon, you're putting platonic content into the tags for people who are looking for romantic content of the two of them! It'd be like tagging a post about Wukong and Macaque being friends or brothers as shadowpeach--it clogs the tags and makes searching for content difficult. And again I mean this entirely respectfully, I'm not sure if they have a duo name though or what else to call them!
hi! so i figured i should explain myself a bit more in terms of using that tag lol.
i use the goldendragon tag despite me not shipping them because it's completely up to the viewer which context they decide to put the art in. i don't make the art with romantic intentions, but i don't mind people taking my goldendragon art as romantic. i just like their dynamic either way.
plus, goldendragon is the more well known tag of their duo and i want to reach the people that want to see more of them, i guess?
so i use goldendragon as the umbrella term for mk and mei. personally i don't ship them, but you are more than welcome to read my art of them as romantic.
i wouldn't call my art of them "platonic" art? it's just art of them.
tl;dr: i'm still gonna be using the tag because my art isn't strictly platonic. you can see it as romantic if you'd like. plenty of people do.
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obessivedork · 6 months
Once again thinking about Preston adopting Danse under his wing as a favour to the Sole Survivor and the two of them becoming the best team in the Commonwealth almost instantly 😘👌 10/10 once they talk things out they're the best of friends
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cocoa-rococo · 1 month
in terms of rare pairs, i kinda love the ship of boom-boom and roy, honestly? it's funny to me. definition of Intricate Rituals, like.
roy is a bit of a fighter to most people, and he definitely enjoys a brawl every now and then, but the problem with being near the top of the pecking order means that not many folks are interested in duking it out with you, either because they like their job or they want their muscles and bones to be in working condition.
so when bowser hires boom and pom to work for him, roy's "!!!" at the prospect of a potential sparring buddy. sidles up to him with the offer for a wrestling match -- low-key, no pressure, and just for fun -- and he's delighted when a normally quiet boom agrees, because hell yeah, fight partner, let's fuckin' gooooo.
he's hyped the whole day, and when he tells others why, no less than six different people all tell him, politely as they can, to maybe? reconsider this? just a bit? since they heard boom is kind of strong. roy ain't hearing it (he wrestles with morton all the time, he's fiiiine), and he's practically bouncing when he gets to the ring and boom's there.
roy is braced for a fun match. he is not braced for getting STEAMROLLED in two minutes, tops.
boom, quiet as ever, walks away once he's done because he has work to do. roy, learning some fascinating things about himself in real time, immediately hops up after him, shouting for a rematch and also his phone number.
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hi thank you for all the aradia love this blog
do you have a favorite headcanon about her, even a very small/niche one?
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well i assume u mean aside from the one in the blog title lol
a fun one is this dumb imaginary report card i imagine sometimes
obviously i interpret her as autistic, but i also think shes asexual, sssomewhere on the aro spectrum? and agender! which is all fun because her name also starts with a. call that a straight-A student
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aro-attorneys · 2 years
no but listen what really gets me about wrightworth is the comfort of it. it doesn't even need to be regarded as a romantic ship (there's so many ways to interpret their relationship anyway) in order to understand why they gravitate to the other.
every time i see wrightworth art where they simply exist. simple live together and make coffee in the morning and eat lunch somewhere and all the other mundane everyday things, i can't help but think "finally, they can just be, after everything".
their journey was so long and complicated that them being in the same room, at peace, for more than 5 minutes is so meaningful. they fought for that moment of peace. to simply be in the other's presence.
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vellichorom · 1 year
Hey I have a genuine question and I dont mean it is a mean way at all. This is me being actual confused /lh
In ur pinned post it says:
"abuse-glorifying whatever freak people by ANY other name are NOT welcome here."
But you have shown a deep care for goreguts and have talked about how unhealthy it is and hold them in a light that really doesn't seem to be not glorifying their relationship? Maybe I've read this all wrong or something but it was something that kinda bothered me when I read ur pinned. Again, I ask this question in a genuine way and mean for no feelings to be hurt, sorry if it does though, im bad with that kinda communication
Highlighting ( again ) that Goreguts is unhealthy, NOT abusive.
They're impossibly, mutually co-dependent & neglect to see the other's fatal flaws or the flaws in the relationship because they're all the other has now, but are otherwise happy & content to be together. They're also freaks who kill for mutual recreation, but ultimately don't mean the other actual, malicious harm beyond what they can't themselves enjoy. Unhealthy & strange, it didn't start off great & I certainly don't recommend it, but not ABUSIVE.
Now, every abusive relationship is OBVIOUSLY unhealthy but not every unhealthy relationship is outright abusive; it's often complicated, or not great for one reason or another, but not to be held to the same comparison standards as an objectively abusive relationship just because there's negative aspects to it.
Said negative aspects I highlight regularly regarding Goreguts, as MUCH as I may highlight the many better parts of the relationship.
WHICH you can discuss! & I will! At the behest & interest of myself, my sibling, others, we're fleshing out & exploring this complex & multi-faceted relationship, which includes touching upon EVERYTHING, including the better, more positive parts of the relationship - which Goreguts still retains a lot of for still being unhealthy. That much you CAN still discuss while also while also acknowledging it's obviously not the best relationship overall & still stating as much.
Which I do. I certainly don't beat around the bush with this ship & will eagerly tell you or anyone that they kind of suck together ( at least within the canon default ), but I'm not going to tack an addendum saying as much every time I say something positive about the ship or hype it up to any degree or joke about it, nor should I have to just to convey that I'm not glorifying it or the more questionable aspects of it.
I'm genuinely sorry if you took any of the silly shenanigans OR positive highlights my sibling & I do with this ship as glorification, but that's not the case, nor is it intended to be whatsoever. So I hope this ask clears things up a little bit.
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Watching some D&D campaigns rn and they’re good they’re great fab characters… but it’s just not Dimension 20, truly the greatest role playing series I’ve ever seen, it’s so easy for the players to become the characters, and they break character all the time but you can Telll when they are acting, at no point, even in the most serious of situations, does it feel like they’re trying to be serious and ‘play’ these characters, they simply become them and that has spoiled me for all other role play series
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angeltism · 7 months
angeltism x anon ship name is anontism??? aquanon ????? anonqua ??? i think you should marry all of us
KYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMGGG THIS MADE ME SMILE ACTUALLY EJDIDJSU . aquanon is a silly name I think /pos . also ooh idk about marriage,,, one of y'all is gonna have to propose for that ehe 🤭
random but I'm curious how many there are of uu ( anons who want me ) . there should be a way to distinguish uu guys from normal anons bc I assume nawt Everybun who's sent me an anon ask lately wants to date moi , that'd be kinda absurd of moi to assume , but I also don't wanna force y'all into using sign-offs or somethin if y'all don't wanna . . :0 but ANYWAYS JFJSJFJF aquanon . could be real some day . who knows ! ^_^
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What do you think will be the final couples of black clover?
Ooo hmmm 🤔 Before I go into the actual answer, I will be including notes from the manga, so if you're not up to date with BC manga, and don't want spoilers, this is the head up
So, while keeping in mind that we're only at chapter 353, and there's at least a good 100 chapters to go, a lot can still happen, which will change opinions to one way or another, but overall I don't think we'll see a lot of "end game" couples confirmed (because ultimately the focus of BC isn't in romantic relations, rather than in friendship and found family thematics).
Let's start with an easy one:
YamiChar - I do think that this will be end game, even if Yami was surprised to learn that Charlotte fancies him, since he had been under the impression that she acted "strangely" around him, or her ki did at least, because she hated or disliked him more than most men. This notion alone, however, doesn't mean that he wouldn't like her back. It could be just that he was caught off guard and has now discovered that his feelings are reciprocated. Which is something that to many would be surprising, I dare to claim. This ship is also very directly insinuated by the series, so I do think that it'll end up being end game. And I do think that Yami and Charlotte would compliment each other as characters, since they're both "loners" in a sense. They've both needed to grow strong on their own, and they both have had it rough while growing up, although Yami does take the cake in that one. Charlotte being cursed doesn't compare to what Yami has been through, but still, they are still able to relate to one and another, and they have respect for each others' talent.
Astelle - Though Asta's headspace isn't in relationships or romance as of now, I do think that this will be endgame as well. There has been a lot of interactions between Noelle and Asta that showcase their common journey, and how they are able to lean to each other. Though Noelle has been gaining more confidence from Asta, than Asta from Noelle, I think, but in any case, I wouldn't say that Asta wouldn't value Noelle's presence and his relationship (in the broader sense of the word) with her. And if we compare Asta's interactions to all other "potential love interests" (I use this vaguely), it seems like all the others have developed a crush on Asta because he's a good guy, which he absolutely is, but Noelle and Asta have been there for each other through thick and thin. Which I think connects them well. As said, only Noelle is more vocal about her emotions thus far, but I do think that Astelle will end up being end game with how strongly that relationship is being built as well. (Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if in the later chapters Noelle ends up saving Asta, like he has done for her in the past, and he ends up saying something like "when we're side by side nothing can stop us!" Which ends up setting them down the path more concretely.)
Greyche - Again, they've been shown to have a lot of positive interactions, and bonding over the course of the series. Grey is gaining self-confidence, and Gauche is growing to feel loved and appreciated; he has found a place in which he belongs. That and they have shared history, in a way, due to that one interaction, and I do think that the reason why that was specifically put into Grey's backstory, is to give more footing for the romantic relationship for the two. I don't have many ships for BC, but I honestly can't see these two with anyone else than each other.
Finral/Finesse - I mean, this is more of an arranged marriage type of a deal, but Finral wants to grow into a loyal spouse for Finesse, and she does care for him, so I do think that it will end up being end game, even if the relationship itself isn't as well fleshed out in canon as it perhaps ought to be, but we can't have it all, I suppose. But in any case, I do think that it'll end up being end game, because they are striving to be together, granted that Finral is doing more of the striving, and Finesse is more or less promising to wait for him. That and Langris seems to be, for reasons best known to himself, rooting for the two to wind up together. I don't have that strong of an opinion about this ship, or reasons as to why the dynamics would make sense, but I do think that it'll end up being The Ship for these two (plus it's being built up by canon, so it would make sense for it to happen).
Charmill - Okay, this could go either way, really, so it's a *maybe* option. And it will greatly depend on how Charmy will continue to see Rill, since she was angry at him for wasting food during the elf arc (granted that it was the elf soul in Rill, rather than Rill himself). And aside of that one interaction, we haven't seen them interact a lot after that, so it's really about how, and if, they discover each other in the future. Because Rill saw Charmy's human form, and Charmy saw Rill's "elf form". It really could be either way, but I would be more inclined to say that these two will end up becoming a ship.
Meresuga - Another *maybe* option, since we haven't actually gotten to see these two interact, but I do think that if someone could pass Mereo's criteria of being able to go head to head with her in a mortal battle, it'd be Yosuga (and he might actually like the brawl, instead of running away screaming like the rest of the Kingdoms). He wouldn't water down her strength, but instead would throw gasoline into the open flame, I think. I think Mereo would find him interesting at least, perhaps not romantically interesting, but ... interesting.
I think that's the ships that I could see being end game (more thoughts in the notes)
Thank you for the ask!
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
idea in my head: i would love to animate what the little buddies would do while you get a combo, even if it's just like 5 frame "animation" bc i'm not good at animating
problem: how do i. draw out and animate a combo. like the actual puzzle game part, how would i even start to do that. do i just leave it up to the imagination
#i have a few in mind aaaaaaaaaa i wanna draw the little pig spinning around#i know this makes sense to none of you but i wanna talk about it#I HAVE AN OLD DRAWING OF DEO AS THIANA THAT HAS BEEN LAYING AROUND FOR *YEARS* NOW KJFHDJG#THIS IS AN IDEA I'VE HAD FOR A VERY LONG TIME BC THIS IS MY FAVORITE GAME#a distant dream of mine would be to actually retexture the game and make it playable i would kill to see that happen#but im ***so bad*** at sprite art. i draw in pixel art sometimes but i mean like. 32*16 sprite art HOW DO YOU DRAW THAT SMALL#augh i tried to make one a very long time ago for a long-dead video game au and the creator of the au liked it but. i did not.#maybe if i try again i could do a bit better today#if i retextured even one stage i would actually cry like could you imagine if that worked#i dont even know how to access that info in my roms but clearly someone knows how#bc i have an english version of the japanese game#ALSO COOL THING IF YOU'VE READ THIS FAR I ACTUALLY HAVE THAT ENGLISH/JAPANESE ROM ON A CARTRIDGE :D (it's for the snes)#the cartridge is 3d printed and red it is SOOOOO cool. got it shipped to me for $13 and it is my prized possession that's my babygirl kjfhd#i get to use my super busted up held-together-by-electric-tape controller on it yippee wahoo i like the computer roms but#i like the feedback of the real snes controllers. i have a few usb ones but it's not the same#i thought about replacing the buttons with my (second) real snes controller buttons#but. then i lost my screwdriver set when i moved back home for The Covid Year. so :/#wow that was an essay. i really needed to talk about something that wasnt strictly mcyt fkjdhg i needed a good soul cleanse i think#chat
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flowswept · 11 months
annie in canon: visibly has a strong crush on ar.min.
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vivanightcity · 3 months
grimm reaper in sims shouldn't be a random gen townie, or they should maybe just make the random gen orientation shit less annoying.
I know they got big back pats from people who don't play the game much by saying 'no you can't turn it off because actually swettie you can't turn of the gays' but then the update was, and still is, very broken in how it randomly assigns orientations and recognizes gender. and personally as one of the gays i want to turn it off and have everyone by default be bi cause it was more fun
like... They could've just said, no you can't turn it off, but you can keep everyone open to all sims by default, or you can allow randomization. Neither of those remove queerness.
But they either actively chose to make it 'no fun allowed' grimm cannot be romanced or fucked at all anymore, or they're just a random townie subject to the same rules, so there's a good chance you end up with an incompatible grimm.
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letstrywritingmaybe · 4 months
I just watched Challengers and someone needs to get on writing a kaishinshi verse for it!!!!! The ot3 energy is so real. Almost on par to Red Notice for me
While I’m rambling by myself. The messiness and how all the parties feel for each other is literally the vibe I would be going for in Honey I’m A Sucker When You Linger series. I said there is a kaishi spin off (Like A Cocktail Shaker) that I swear I’ll write one day but literally if you watch the movie Challengers then you don’t need to read the fic. The dynamic between the three of them is what I feel the vibe would be in my fic. Slight differences that I won’t spoil, idk how long the movie’s been out but yeah. It’s messy and not what people would consider a normal healthy relationship. It literally ruins relationships, but it’s so real and idk I just think people need to be more open to the idea that life is messy and as much as I love happily ever afters. It’s just not always realistic and people get hurt. But the love is still there. It was/ still is real
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