baby-xemnas · 2 months
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towost · 3 months
Can I request Ellie from Karmaggedeon? :3
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here’s your ellie!
love this tiger mechanic :]
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rebouks · 1 year
hello becca! i was asking myself if there's any chance of learning more about cookie's past during the fib timeline? it's not a theory yet, but something tells me robin could be the key to uncover the blood link between cookie and tommy (just sayin 😏)
and about ivan's past? now with all the kiddos, will he try to find more about his mom?
lastly, will we see kian again? is it silly of me to imagine him having dreams of having a normal family with leah every night?
as you can see, i am reminiscing about your pixels 🤍
many thanks!
ahhhh we'll definitely learn more about Cookie's past, especially through Robin!! and i haven't forgotten that i wanna do a lil flashback to Oskie meeting in uni too 🤭 (idk if or where Tommy comes into this tho.. ahahasdksjdk)
hmmmm idk abt Ivan, i think he'd like to figure things out n learn more about his mom but it kinda fucks with his head so idk if Bruno would be like.. nah, not worth it! i have no plans atm but.. never say never, u kno i make this shit up as i go along sometimes lmao
i think we'll definitely see Kian again one day too! he's only got abt five or six years left of his sentence after all 👀 i wonder how/if prison will change him?? 🤔
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cloudymistedskies · 11 months
“Finding shapes in the clouds”
Part 3 - This is mainly just a chapter full of shenanigans...
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A few week or two has passed ever since Mari met Yuichiro and (Y/N). She was able to quickly build a friendship with the (H/C) girl… Yuichiro on the other hand… Not much progress so far…
The two seemed to have a grudge towards each other… One is still pissed at the other for the incident prior, the other is mad by the threat she made before.
Just then, Mari lost her lunch money and has been looking over her classroom ever since lunch time has started. Muichiro, decided to help her out, along with (Y/N) and reluctantly… Yuichiro.
“I could’ve sworn I kept it in my pocket! It should be around here somewhere…-“ Mari was cursing under her breath while she checked each chair and table, basically anywhere.
“Did somebody perhaps found them and stole it?” Muichiro asked with his voice laced with concern as he assisted Mari. He would soon soon accidentally bump into Mari, their heads bonking each other.
“Ow/Ouch!” Both of them would yelp and back away, rubbing their respective foreheads. The bow-head looks up to him with concern.
“A-Ah…! I’m sorry, Mui! I wasn’t looking around my surroundings!” She would apologize, leaning closer to him to check if he’s okay. With Mari getting closer to him, it caused him to blush and he frantically backed away, looking away from her.
“I-I’m fine! Don’t worry…- I’m…I’m sorry too!” Muichiro stammered, waving his hand around. The brunette sighed softly and was about to speak but was rudely interrupted by his older twin brother…
“Look, lunch is about to end so hurry your ass up! And plus, you already packed up lunch so just forget about your damn money!” Yuichiro spat, crossing his arms and having a scowl plastered on his face. (Y/N) who was right behind him would then nudge him, giving him a disapproving look. She would soon turn to the two who were sitting on the floor.
“Say, Mari. Have you ever checked your skirt pocket?” (Y/N) arched an eyebrow, looking at the brunette whose eyes are slowly widening.
“Ah…” Mari would soon dig her hand into her pocket, and eventually pulling out with her lunch money being in her hands. A sheepish smile would soon crept up to her lips.
“…I should’ve checked there…” Mari mumbled, feeling embarrassed. Everyone went silent for a moment. (Y/N) had this deadpanned look on her face, Muichiro looking and blinking at Mari... And Yuichiro looks like he was about to lose it...
"You FUCKING dumbass! You mean to tell me that YOU never CHECKED YOUR POCKETS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" The long-haired older twin blew up, putting his hands up. The other 3 jumped from the volume of his voice.
"Hey! In my defense; I keep forgetting that we have skirt pockets! I never had that when I was in middle-school!" The brunette retorted, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.
"THAT'S NOT A GOOD REASON! AND also if you keep forgetting about its damn existence, then why did you even put your money there?!"
"Some people tend to forget, like I said!"
"If you say that one more time, I will--" Yuichiro was interrupted by (Y/N) who quickly covered his mouth and dragged him away...
"I apologize about Yui, Mari...!" The (H/C) girl would then frantically excuse both herself and Yuichiro out of the empty classroom, leaving Mari and Muichiro alone. It was silent for a few seconds before Mari finally spoke up.
"...Sorry that you and (Y/N) had to search for my money when it was with me this whole time..." The sheepish brunette murmured, looking down and feeling ashamed. To tell her the truth, she honestly actually felt bad... But maybe a little less with Yuichiro, given his harsh behavior... Muichiro shook his head, and pats Mari's shoulder.
"It's alright, Mari! We did choose to help you, anyway." The ravenette reassured, smiling at her. Mari looks up to him, smiling a little.
"You really didn't have to..."
Muichiro once again shook his head, but didn't say anything as he stood up and helped Mari up.
"Let's catch up with (Y/N) and my brother. They're probably at the cafeteria now!" Mari nodded her head and picked up her lunch box before following Muichiro behind.
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"Hey, hey! (Y/N)!" The bow-head calls out to the (E/C) girl, making her turn and seeing Mari run up to her, quickly catching up as the (H/C) girl stopped in her tracks.
"Yes, Mari?" She looks down (or up if you're surprisingly shorter than somebody whose 4'8) at the petite girl, curious about what she wanted from her.
"I've been meaning to practice nail-care and I was hoping that maybe you have some spare time to spend with! Only if you're okay with it, of course." The brunette said. She's tried asking her sister, but she didn't really have the time to do so right now given the orders she's currently having for the bakery, and she doesn't really feel like asking others aside from (Y/N). After a bit of thinking, (Y/N) decided that she wouldn't really mind.
"Yeah, sure! I have some time." The (H/C) girl nodded her head, watching the brunette slightly beam at the moment she accepted her offer.
"Awesome! Then lets wait for my sister here!" Mari would grab (Y/N)'s hand and waddled her way to the exit, and then the two waited for Mari's sister to arrive. After some time waiting, the two would be sitting on the backseat, chatting as Mari's older sister drove the car. (Y/N) would start to wonder in her head if Mari has any past experiences of taking care of nails, and was hoping she did, which Mari seemingly noticed.
"If you're worried about me damaging your nails, don't worry; I already have some experience with taking care of nails, so your nails will be a-okay!" Mari reassured, putting her hand on the (H/C) girl's shoulder before staring back at the car window, gazing at the evening sky. She always thought evenings and sunrises were the prettiest.
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"Try not to move too much, (Y/N)..." The bow-head instructed, filing the girl's nails and trying to concentrate. The two girls are currently in Mari's room, with them sitting on the floor. (Y/N) would then notice that Mari seems to collect plushies in her spare time as her room is filled with them... And Mari has this certain cat plushie next to her as she continued filing the (E/C) girl's nails. She would be done with that by then, letting go of her hand as she stood up.
"I'll get the cuticle stick for a moment, wait here." Mari said as she twists the door knob open and waddled away from her room, leaving (Y/N) alone.
..Well at least until a four legged creature would waltz in her room, which caught her attention.
It was a Pomeranian with a white collar around it's neck. (Y/N) sweatdrops as she and the small dog have a quick staring contest, before it growled as it didn't recognize the girl. It then started barking at her, which made her more nervous.
'Mari... Please come back soon- Your dog might bite me...' The (H/C) girl's wishes would be answered when the dog was suddenly picked up by the brunette, holding the dog with one hand while her other had some cuticle sticks.
"Sorry about Caramel! She's not used to strangers." Mari apologizes as she walks near (Y/N) to place the cuticle sticks on the floor, and with the dog growling at her again, the (E/C) girl immediately backed away.
"I'll be placing her back on her bed before I continue taking care of your nails." The brunette said in a brief moment before leaving her room again. (Y/N) would mumble curses about how Mari should probably be more wary about letting her dog roam around while there's visitors...
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Mui-Churros: Srry, cant come to school today... Got sick :(((
Mari stares at the text message on her phone, sighing. Obviously, she was disappointed that Muichiro wouldn't go to school today but it was just a day, anyway. She would start typing a text message to him.
Airheaded Mari: Awwweee!!! (。•́︿•̀。) It's okkk... Get well soon though, Muiii!! (=^・ω・^=)
She finishes up tying her hair into her usual ponytail, then headed downstairs to eat breakfast, and eventually go to school.
Arriving to the campus, the brunette steps inside and opens her locker to change her shoes, but noticed (Y/N) wasn't around, which was strange for her since they usually greet each other every morning when they have to change their shoes. Mari didn't think much about it. Perhaps she just was early. As she had nothing much to do, she decided to head to her classroom.
As she was making her way there, amongst the students that were around the hallways, she noticed Yuichiro... But she didn't see (Y/N) by his side, and that was more strange to her. She decided to ask Yuichiro about this, walking towards the long-haired boy and tapping his shoulder.
"Oi, seaweed head. Where's (Y/N)?" Mari asked, looking up to him. Yuichiro would then turn to the petite brunette with an annoyed expression plastered on his face.
"Something personal suddenly came up to her and she had to excuse herself." He bluntly answered before looking away and continued talking with one of his batchmates. Mari nodded at his response and just walked away, heading to her classroom. She and Yuichiro don't obviously get along well, so she had no other reason to talk to him unless necessary. Mari does admit, it's kinda bothersome that the two people she enjoys talking to happens to be absent at the same time.
And that's how they spent their morning. The two avoided each other, with Yuichiro just talking with his other friends and Mari deciding to just spend her time either studying or cloudwatching.
..Although despite their best efforts to ignore each other's existence... They found themselves getting into some trouble together and was ordered to clean a classroom together.
"I can't believe you got us into this..." Yuichiro spat out while sweeping the floor. Mari gets slightly more irritated by his complaint. She's already in a pretty upset mood since she had to explain to her sister that she has to stay in school for a little longer since she got herself in trouble, and she could tell that her sister wasn't pleased by the news.
"Well, we wouldn't have gotten caught if you didn't fucking scream the moment some spider got onto your seaweed ass hair." The brunette retorted before she continued to polish the chairs, then adjusting them back to its original position. The irritated ravenette clenches onto the broom handle tighter, having the impulsive urge to just snap at her, but held himself together. He didn't want to get into more trouble than he already had. He just decided to grumble under his breath.
It was a good few moments of silence surrounding the empty classroom, aside from the sounds of squeaking coming from Mari polishing the chairs and Yuichiro's muttering, but then there was a sudden 'oh' sound that came out from the bow-head.
"Oi, Seaweed head. Since you're almost done cleaning the floor, could you get more acetone? This one is almost out." She asked as she showcases the almost empty bottle of acetone as she dangles it around. The mint-green eyed boy looks at Mari, despite not giving a vocal answer, she could already tell he isn't gonna do it. The brunette sighed, then stood up.
"Nevermind. I'll get them, myself." She mumbled as she slides the door open and wandered through the hallways of the school, trying to find the janitor's room. Soon enough, she found the room, taking the key that the teachers gave to her to return later when they were done with cleaning the room and unlocked the room. She took a bottle of acetone and locked the room. Then something came up in Mari's mind...
"..Where was that classroom again?" The brunette would once again...wander around the campus... This time, she had a bit of a difficult time trying to find the classroom she was supposed to be cleaning.
"Uh... Was it there? No... Maybe there-- No. Augh...-" Mari facepalmed, cursing to herself for being a forgetful dumbass. In her defense, the school was bigger than the past schools she went in...
Continuing to roam around, she notices a boy around her age approaching her. The brunette looks at him with a curious look.
"Is there anything in need?" She asked, arching an eyebrow to him. The boy seemed to look back at her with a flirty look, which immediately sets Mari off.
"I was just wondering what you're doing here in a late hour like this. A cutie like you shouldn't be here at this time."
...Mari felt so much second hand embarrassment from his words. Along with him calling her a 'cutie' too... He reminds her of those old stories she made in her notebook back then... Eugh.
"It's literally 5:20 PM... And I have a classroom to clean, so shoo." The green-eyed girl bluntly responded, immediately turning away and was about to leave him be, but her hand was immediately grabbed, causing her to flinch and nearly drop the acetone bottle she was carrying.
"Aweee... Can't you spend just a few minutes with me?" The boy cooed, inching closer to her face, which she immediately scrunched and leaned away from him.
"Yeah, no. I don't have time for this." As Mari slapped his hand away and turned her heel and speedwalking away, the boy didn't seem to get the hint and got infront of her way.
"Come on, Kaizumi-saaannn...!" He whined, giving the petite brunette a sad-mock look, and Mari, who was already in a bad mood, was getting more pissed off at this boy's advances. He is really testing her patience. She really... Really feels the need to just chug this damn acetone bottle down his throat so he could shut up and get the hint. But before she could even say or do anything, a dark shadow looms over the two, which the boy turned around to see who it was.
"Excuse me. Do you really have some manners flirting with my girlfriend?" Mari could immediately recognize the harsh voice that belonged to Yuichiro. The boy's grip on the brunette immediately loosened as he was immediately intimidated by the long haired boy's presence and his cold piercing eyes.
'Girlfriend?! Wait what the fu--'
Mari's thoughts were interrupted as the boy quickly retreated, obviously afraid of the mint-green eyed boy. She stood still, trying to process what happened.
'...So apparently, my obvious rejections weren't enough but YUICHIRO'S DAMN WORDS WERE?!' Mari really feels the need to choke the living shit out of that boy. But she quickly shook her head, now focused on Yuichiro, staring at him with a dumbfounded look.
"Fucking girlfriend??! Yuichiro, what is the meaning of thi--"
"Chill, angry chihuahua. I obviously didn't mean what I said." He quickly reassured, interrupting the brunette. "I was just helping you out since you seemed troubled." He added, crossing his arms as he takes a step forward to her direction.
"I see..." Mari mumbled, her gaze was now focused on the floor. She took a moment to think. He had the choice to just leave her like that and just went home, but decided to help her out. He could've just pretended that he didn't see that, but he didn't. She felt glad, obviously. But it's just that, she didn't expect Yuichiro to actually do this.
"Anyways, I wouldn't date somebody like you. You're insufferable to begin with." He commented, giving a snarky look. Mari immediately looks up to him, hearing his words.
"Oh, shut up! I would never date your ass, too. I'd feel sorry for the person who was forced to date you." Mari retorted, showing a miffed look, before it changed into something more soft.
"..Though, thanks for helping me out there." She mumbled, smiling slightly. Yuichiro just shrugged his shoulders.
"It's just something I had to do, Mari." The ravenette said, and turned away, walking to another direction and beckoning Mari to follow him, to which she did.
"Now, you gotta follow me back to the classroom. I could probably guess that you got lost while picking up that acetone." He remarked as he padded around the hallways.
"Look! this school is just way too big for my liking!" The brunette complained, following behind Yuichiro. He then turns to her with a teasing expression.
"Then I can't imagine what you would do when you attend university." He teased, snickering. Mari gasped, offended.
"Oh, shut up!" The two would then just throw snarky remarks at each other. But despite that, in the end, the two managed to finally get along after a whole month of grudges. ...Well, somewhat.
They did make a silent agreement to never say anything about this day.
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Muichiro knocks on Mari's door a few times, then awaits for a response. This was his first time visiting Mari's home aside from that group project a while ago. He just wanted to check up on her and maybe... talk with her if given the chance. His cheeks flushed but he quickly composed himself as he hears footsteps approaching the door.
The door would swung open, which revealed to be Mari's older sister, Riko. Her blue eyes would stare at the younger boy, slightly tilting her head.
"Muichiro? Is there anything you need?" She asked, inviting him in the house. The ravenette boy would get in the comforts of the Kaizumi residence as he sat on the couch, trying to gain the courage to ask and clutching his pants.
"I was... Wondering if Mari is here. I just wanted to check up on how she's doing." He looks at the older woman with a curious expression. She then gave him a small smile.
"Ah... I'm sorry, but Mari is currently away. She's busy buying something for our little cousins who lives outside the city." Riko informed as she sits infront of him, making herself comfortable in the couch. Muichiro felt disappointed by her response, but didn't try to show it and nodded.
"I see... Uh... Is it okay if I wait here if it's not gonna take a while for her to come back?" The mint-green eyed boy asked, feeling slightly nervous doing so. The blonde girl nodded, offering a warm, welcoming smile.
"Of course. Mari should be back in probably 10 to 20 minutes. She shouldn't take too long." She responded as she stood up from the couch and leaving the living room.
"I'll get you something to eat and drink in the meantime." She briefly said as she waltz her way to the kitchen. Muichiro was darting his eyes around the living room. He kind of felt nervous being here, which was odd for him. He wasn't always this nervous being in somebody else's home. Maybe it's probably because it's Mari's home...
Riko soon returns with a plate of biscuits and some tea, placing it on the coffee table and sitting back on the couch. She waits for Muichiro to speak up... Which he didn't, yet. He was also nervous talking to her older sister. Knowing Mari's attachment to her, he would feel absolutely devastated if he didn't get her approval to date her younger sister or anything. He needed to make a good first impression.
"Soo... You're Riko, right...? Mari's older sister?" Muichiro tries to start up a conversation with her, feeling a little awkward...
"Yeah, I am." She answered in a calm manner. Despite her soothing voice, this really didn't help him out and it was more awkward for him... He really needs Mari to be here, soon... What if he accidentally messes up and he'll lose her sister's respect? What if she forbids him to speak to Mari? So many thoughts raced in the long haired boy's head, fidgeting his shirt.
"I do wanna say something for a moment..." Riko's voice interrupted Muichiro's train of paranoid thoughts, looking up at the woman, curiously.
"Yes, Miss Kaizumi?"
"I just wanted to offer my gratitude for being Mari's friend." She started. Her words made the mint-green eyed boy's eyebrows raised, waiting for her to say something else.
"Mari wasn't always somebody that made a lot of close friends growing up... I observed that she never got too attached with anyone at all from her school... And seeing her coming back home with a smile on her face instead of a neutral one felt so refreshing." Riko continued, showing sincerity as her smile grows wider. Muichiro listens to her words carefully, nodding along. Part of him felt surprised, but he did notice Mari usually only hangout with him, along with (Y/N) and maybe Yuichiro. He felt a little giddy about this. Muichiro clears his throat
"I...I'm glad that Mari is becoming more open, too!" He stammered, feeling embarrassed as he didn't exactly wanna phrase his wording like that... He looks down at the floor, moving his feet around. Riko giggles at the nervous boy, then mischievousness hit her.
"Soo... Just wondering... Are you and Mari gonna start dating anytime soon?" The blonde woman teased, grinning as she watches the boy tense up and immediately shaking as his face turned red.
"I-It's not like that, Miss Kaizumi...!! Mari and...and I are only friends!" The ravenette denied, stammering more as he hears another giggle coming out from Riko.
"Yeah yeah... I'll take your word..." She responded in a sarcastic manner, making the boy more embarrassed.
"M-Miss Kaizumi...!!"
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I heard from a little birdy...
That Riko is somebody who usually wouldn't trust anybody to date Mari, having pretty high expectations for the person that wants to date her little sister but she could tell that Muichiro was a good suit for her, especially that she could sense his kindness
@unofficialmuilover u h hhhh HOla HDSAHDHSFHSDFHSDF
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turtle-bee-rayne · 1 year
Starting to realize how much I provoke irl-
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txna-blxckthorn · 4 months
just because im suicidal
doesnt mean im gonna pull a suicide bombing
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dragoncarrion · 5 months
looking directly at the eclipse today in the hopes that the deadly sun rays somehow scorch my brain ending my miserable fucking life for good
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elliwoods · 1 year
Hi I just want to say your art is SO COOL especially the birds and fantasy creatures!!!
absdnfjkndfjknfsd!!!! 🥺 !!!! Thank you so much omg!!
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valleydreamt · 7 months
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❝ Guys we're going to end up causing a massive issue. ❞
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rukia-writes · 2 years
Old blog is dead.
New blog is going thru a renaissance
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alexielve · 2 years
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stvalentinestan · 1 year
Category 5 woman moment but it happened subconsciously in my dream last night
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elsjobproject · 2 years
Hi! Sorry. I promise I haven't abandoned this blog or anything.
I'll try to have all the Chung's out before Ain's release on NA!
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cloudymistedskies · 1 year
What's with the banner..?😨
Here’s your context!!
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And no, I will not be playing a ukulele for you all.
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h0use-fly · 8 months
do you have any idea when you'll next open comms? :3
i have no idea really! i usually open them when i feel up to it :) i still have a couple owed arts to do so maybe after those! hopefully soon!
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