erthlyheavn · 1 year
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@loreolympiad said:
-always have and always will!-
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AHHHHHH!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I love your writing too and I love what I've seen so far of how you write other Lore Olympus muses!
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lokust · 3 years
Lore Olympus Tickle Headcanons!
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I’m going to start with some side characters and then go into Hades and Persephone so enjoy this.
May come as a shock but I think Eros would be a true switch.
Loves being the lee or the ler in really any situation.
Absolutely loves to get Psyche all giggly, but he will not try to run away from retribution in the slightest.
As far as teasing when he’s in a ler mood, prefers the casual teases.
“Oh is this a bad spot? I didn’t notice?”
“No? What do you mean, no? You’re having a blast! You’re laughing like a maniac, you must be having a great time!”
Shockingly enough, casual teases don’t work on him.
But any like… baby talk teases?
Already on the floor, rolling around in a giggly puddle before he’s even touched.
Never been a fan of the tickle monster, as a lee or a ler.
Tickle monster teases just don’t get to him, and he doesn’t like to take on the “monster” role anyway.
Prefers to get straight to the point on either end of the tickling.
Anticipation does nothing but get him all frustrated and huffy.
Completely unashamed about his enjoyment of tickling.
He can be made to blush a bit if you talk about his little squeaks he tends to let out.
Or the faces he makes when he’s tickled.
His worst spot is on his right side, just above his hip.
With the right method, that spot will make him literally scream before he just breaks down into a pile of unhinged cackles and squeaks.
His favorite spot to have tickled is his shoulder blades. It gets him all giggly and squirmy but it makes him so happy.
His favorite spot to tickle is ribs. He absolutely loves ticklish ribs because he likes how many different tickly methods he can use on someone’s ribs.
50% lee/50% ler.
He’s the definition of a switch.
When he’s in a ler mood, he’s anything but subtle about it.
The first lee he can find is immediately turned into his victim (so long as they are okay with it of course).
His fingers literally start twitching, he gets absolutely restless.
His lee moods are almost identical.
He goes out searching for someone, and he isn’t above taking on a ler role for a moment to get someone to take revenge and satiate his mood.
Usually that’s not necessary as everyone can usually tell when he’s in a lee mood.
Gets all fidgety and excited.
No problem saying the t-word.
He doesn’t particularly like straight up asking for tickles, but he will if it’s absolutely necessary.
Loves gentle or rough tickles, it sometimes depends on his mood as to which one he wants but it usually doesn’t make a damn as long as someone is tickling him.
In that same sense, he always asks whether his lee prefers to be absolutely wrecked or if they want him to be gentle before he starts tickling them.
Oh my God, can you say lee?
He literally will try to be a ler, but he just ends up flustering himself and curling up in a ball.
Secret little crush on Artemis.
While he usually ends up having to go to Eros or Persephone for his lee moods, the few times that Artemis has truly wrecked him gives her the spot as his favorite ler.
His laugh is loud and boyish and full of squeals. Literally cannot contain his laughter in the slightest.
His worst spot is his ribs, lucky for Eros.
His favorite spot is his sides, simply because they’re not as bad as his ribs, but they are almost as bad.
Any kind of teasing will literally kill him.
Sue me for this one but I think he’s a sucker for gentle tickles.
They get him all giggly and fidgety and he just curls up in a ball.
Though, he does love to be absolutely wrecked sometimes.
Absolutely loves raspberries, especially around his neck and ears.
Gentle kisses or nuzzles on any of his tickle spots make him absolutely forget how to function.
Give him nice raspberries on his tummy and sides and he will love you for the rest of eternity.
Be warned, he does kick. Completely unintentionally, but he can’t control it in the slightest.
Would rather choke on a lemon than say the t-word.
Asking for tickles? Sorry, he’s just going to bother everyone and their mothers until someone finally wrecks him.
And if that doesn’t work, he’s going to sulk under a pile of blankets until someone notices something is wrong, and he’ll do that for days if necessary.
Another quick warning, he is a cuddler. He’s going to want tons of cuddles afterwards and maybe even during if the tickles are gentle enough.
The worst best way to tease him is to talk about how much he loves it.
The tickle monster is his worst nightmare and he loves it.
Not really much of a lee, but she doesn’t mind it from time to time.
Very brutal ler.
She’s not super ticklish, but she’s got a bad spot right under her kneecaps.
Remember how I said Hermes has a little crush?
Artemis is anything but dumb and she definitely knows.
Secretly has a soft spot for Hermes because he’s incredibly respectful, and he’s a very gentle soul.
Her teases are always absolutely evil.
Will chase her lee down.
Is absolutely not above cheap shots, she’ll go for a death spot immediately.
Like I said, she doesn’t much care to be a lee, but if she is feeling tickly, she’s going to want relaxing tickles, preferably on her back.
I don’t have much to say about Artemis.
One of the few times she tickled Hermes was when he fell asleep on her couch and he absolutely refused to get up.
She told him he had five seconds to get up and run because the tickle monster was coming after him.
When she caught him, she pinned one of his arms up and immediately started scratching and clawing at his ribs.
Loves to hear her lee laugh all helplessly.
Also gets a big head about making her lee all flustered so Hermes is a good match for her ego.
Her laugh is rich, it’s not too high pitched, or too low. It’s really consistent.
Her favorite spot to tickle is her lee’s hips.
Likes doing the thing where she digs her thumbs into their hipbones and wiggles the rest of her fingers on the back of their hips.
Can be gentle if her lee wants that.
A ler. 100%
Never really tickled anyone until she and Hades got close, and then she turned into the ultimate tickle monster.
She literally is not ticklish. Any attempt at tickling her would be both useless and fatal.
Can recognize lee moods in an instant.
When she met Hermes, she was literally taken aback because she could just tell.
Her ler moods are not constant but they are consistent.
Would absolutely be Artemis’s partner in crime.
But Hecate is much more versatile when it comes to the type of ler she tends to be.
She’s either a seemingly merciless monster of a ler, or she’s a very nurturing, motherly ler.
It depends not only on her lee’s mood, but her own mood as well.
If her lee is having a bad day? Go get a hug from Hecate and let her give you the nicest tickles and teases you’ll ever get in your life.
Her lee is feeling playful and restless? Better watch out, she’s gonna have a blast destroying you.
Her favorite spot to tickle is her lee’s neck and ears, because they’re usually either just sensitive enough to get some giggles, or they’re an absolute death spot.
Her teasing is based on anticipation; Wiggling fingers and whispered teases about how bad it’s gonna tickle.
Loves to see her lee blush, but also loves to hear her lee scream when she gets to a particular ticklish spot.
Will start on a bad spot and pretend to move on from it before going right back to it.
Her favorite method is claws and spiders.
Like Artemis, she will absolutely chase her lee down, yelling out teases until she catches them.
And if you do run from her? It’s gonna be 100 times worse.
Running from Hecate is like poking a bear. It makes things worse for you, and much more fun for her.
Um aftercare? Yes. She’s gonna give you a blanket and some juice and she’s gonna make sure you’re all happy and tickled out before she gives you the biggest hug and tells you she’ll get you absolutely anything you need.
10/10. The best. Would absolutely poke this particular bear.
Okay, Persephone is a very affectionate character.
So this is going to be a controversial take.
I feel like tickling happened so often when she was being raised in the mortal realm, that she got a little tired of being on the receiving end.
That’s not to say she absolutely hates tickles, but I do think she likes being a ler.
She does get occasional lee moods, but she doesn’t really like to be fully wrecked.
She wants cuddles and relaxing tickles while snuggled up under a blanket.
She’ll only tickle people if she knows for a fact that they’re absolutely, entirely comfortable with it.
If she does find out someone likes it, she will make sure they’re always receiving tickles when they want them.
Absolutely uses her magical flower goddess powers to tickle her lee, why would you even need to ask?
Teasing doesn’t really work on her because it’s just a part of the process in her mind.
Again, I feel like she went through a lot of tickles and teasing when she was growing up, so it was normal to her and none of it really affects her.
Her thighs and knees are her worst spot and I will die on that hill.
Doesn’t particularly care for her worst spots being tickled.
She likes her back being tickled because it’s relaxing.
Come on now, y’all know who her favorite lee is. Poor Hades.
Loves giving tummy tickles. It just makes her heart happy.
She is a master at teasing because she went through so much of it. She just knows what to say and do.
Her teasing is similar to Hecate’s. It’s all about anticipation.
She’ll claw her hands and wiggle her fingers above a bad spot and slowly get closer and closer to it until she finally starts tickling.
And the whole time she’s gonna be whispering teases.
“Uh oh… here it comes. Are you ready? I’m gonna tickle you!”
It literally doesn’t matter how badly she’s wrecking her lee, she always seems so sweet about it.
Could literally be killing them with tickles and she’d still be cooing about how sweet they are and how wonderful they’re doing.
Raspberries and tickly kisses are her specialty.
Definitely the type to laugh with her lee.
Literally can’t control it, she loves to see people happy and smiling.
No trouble saying the t-word or talking about tickle related things.
It’s a normal thing to her. It makes her happy and she knows it makes other people happy so she sees no reason to be ashamed of it.
Her laugh is light and bubbly.
If you do manage to wreck her, it turns shrill and high pitched, but that’s not really her cup of tea.
A bigger lee than Hermes.
The t-word makes him literally flinch in any context or situation.
So ashamed of it.
Would rather forget tickling even exists, but Hecate would never allow that and OH BOY PERSEPHONE WON’T EITHER.
Lee mood is his state of being.
Gets all huffy and embarrassed and mopes around hoping nobody notices and they all forget he exists.
Will not ask for it, will not provoke it, won’t even hint at it.
He literally always talks about wanting to feel safe and loved with someone, and wanting to be cared for.
Lee energy.
Cannot even begin to try to tickle someone because tickling in itself makes him want to hide under a rock.
Severely ticklish. Like, horrendously. He is a walking tickle spot, but his worst spot is his stomach.
Oh my God, he absolutely loves being tickled, it’s ridiculous.
Unlike the rest of them, his worst spot is his favorite spot.
His favorite ler will always be Persephone.
Likes to think nobody knows he’s a lee, but literally everyone knows.
Persephone tried to convince him that he doesn’t have to be so ashamed of it, but that just embarrassed him and he hid in his room for the rest of the day.
He warms up to it eventually but only a bit.
Will lay across Persephone’s lap like fuckin Cerberus and do his best to let her tickle him.
His favorite tease is definitely the tickle monster.
“Claws” wiggling towards his tickle spots and coming to attack while his ler (Persephone) coos those stupid little “I’m gonna get you~” teases.
Hades was deprived of all things affectionate and loving for the majority of his childhood, I can’t help but think he’d have a soft spot for the more childish side of tickling.
His laugh is full of snorts and hiccups, and any sort of tickling around his belly will make him lose his mind.
He is rather feather ticklish, which Persephone loves.
Is not opposed to Persephone using vines as… *cough cough* restraints.
Would rather choke than admit it but he usually does need to be pinned down or restrained in some way because it sends him into fight or flight and he cannot control anything he does.
He’s also enormously fuckin tall so it’s safer for Persephone if he’s held down properly.
Tried to gain more control over his reactions and squirming because he elbowed Persephone in the face once. (He begged for her forgiveness and apologized profusely. She laughed and assured him he was fine, but he was literally about to cry he was so upset with himself).
Lighter touches work way better on him.
Likes raspberries and kisses on his belly so much.
Only problem is that he is so wildly ticklish that any tickling will immediately tire him out.
He’s going to wrap himself around Persephone and fall asleep instantly, and she won’t be able to go anywhere until he either wakes up or, by some miracle, moves.
Not tickle related but he’s a clingy sleeper and I live by that.
Mushroom and Big John used to sleep in his bed but he would snuggle them in his sleep and he wouldn’t let them go for hours, so they started sleeping on the floor to escape their father’s cuddly habits.
I think when he starts accepting his lee moods and stops being so ashamed of it, he gets a little whiteboard and an expo marker and draws sad faces on the whiteboard for Persephone to see when he’s a lee mood.
Sometimes he forgets about it and goes about his day, and then when Persephone brings it up, it’s already too late for him.
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freckledbeansprout · 3 years
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the way he holds her 😩
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saucyafg4799fan · 2 years
Ok I know I'm late but as many of you can already tell I read the last episode, so I gotta this out and spoil alert for whose didn't read it. 
FIRST OFF after ep 205, I knew some badass shit was about. to. go down. And I'm a firm believer that with great badassary comes a great soundtrack. So with the speed of Hermes himself, I quickly put on Pomegranate Lips by Derivakat and started reading ep 206. If you haven't listen to it...well, you're about too. Put that on, re-read the chapter, I promise you won't not regret it. (Also I just used Kronos bitch@ss instead Hades in the song). 
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Look at this Queen energy💅! I'm so proud of her! She was amazing! Kronos didn't know what hit him!
Actually more like ate him. Eh tomato tomahto.  🤷‍♀️
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THIRDLY! Everyones awake! Especially the roast queen herself Hera. I missed her and her sass so much. But getting back on track, everyones okay, even Zeus.
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Honestly, not even sure how I feel about that one 🤔 but he's tried to make amends so I can't say I completely hate it. 
And Tartarus wants Kore to visit him 🥹 and she said she will 😭 (maybe they could have game night or something) 
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Folks this whole series has been a rollercoaster for me, from beginning to end. So I'm gunna cry from happiness or go pay for the next chapters idk. Thank you for listening to my ramblings.
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pizzective · 2 years
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standardlilith · 4 years
omg omg i am not mentally prepared enough for lore olympus to be back omg
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superhero--imagines · 2 years
Hi! I'm a new follower from the Waking Up in PJO as of today. I have be carving a crossover of Hades and PJO ever since I finished the game and what you've written so far has scratched that itch wonderfully! I really look forward to whatever you have planned!
ahhhhhh I’m glad you like it!!! Yeah the waking up in PJO series really feels like a hades x PJO x lore olympus crossover (with sprinkles of Circe and a song of Achilles). Basically I took all my favorite Greek literature and smushed it together with my own ideas and a good dash of isekai.
Anyway I’m glad you like it and hopefully you can stay with me until the end!!
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
i think you mentioned lore olympus somewhere on your blog not long ago? and it honestly makes total sense that you read it because you give off such persephone vibes! or maybe persephone gives off li vibes? 🤔 you’re both so sweet and lovely and i just wanna snuggle you both forever!
ahhhhhh i was gonna change my hair today and finally stop it with the pink 😭 you're gonna convince me again~ nooooooo~~~ i do love olympus lore and like- persephone is such a delicately strong baby 🥰 i do love her and the story its been a minute since i caught up with the chapters
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Can I just yell about how trauma is handled in Lore Olympus? I don’t mean type up a Ted Talk I mean AHHHHHHHHHHH (it’s so good)
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alittleprincehwa · 4 years
Omg!! Yes asspollo! Dude he annoyed tf out of me AHHHHHH, and nope there aren't any chance of romance in the one I mentioned I guess, but I am happy that way! I want no romance in that! 'Unordinary' (the one I am reading while waiting for my fav one to update) seems to have romance in it, and it's fights too, but they didn't really start it yet, am waitiiiing for the fights!! ✨✨ ~🐳
ikr lore Olympus romance shit makes me want to pull all my hair 🤦 likE HADES JUST MARRY HER ALREADY WTF-
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