There's a lot of reddit refugees/AI bot accounts here and on other websites that are spreading AITA posts around, but not sharing the required-reading post that's necessary if you want to engage with that content without becoming a goblin
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recreationalcatnip · 9 months
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spaceoperajay · 2 months
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what is wrong with the straights
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neilperryzlefttit · 8 days
Guys I need to know if I'm an asshole in this situation
So for context I go to high school and have an iep (individual education plan) in which it states for sensory reasons I'm allowed to go on walks through the halls as a break, wear headphones, ect
Now here's where the issue is
We had a supply and obviously it's a highschool, people skip so it makes sense she gets annoyed and asks why I want to go with my bag and acts suspicious then tells me that to go she would need to contact the office to double check I actually have an iep, something she clearly didn't want to do and asked (hoping I'd say it's fine and I won't go) if that's what I would like.
So I told her that yes, since I'm overwhelmed and it's a study period that's what I would like her to do and she met me back with more annoyance.
Should I have just dropped the topic and stayed?
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misspennysplayhouse · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Eddie Diaz/Ana Flores (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Ana Flores (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Social Media, reddit, not Ana Flores friendly, Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads Series: Part 12 of 9-1-1 Social Media Fics, Part 2 of In Case of Emergency - 9-1-1 Reddit Series Summary:
Am I The Asshole For Not Putting My Girlfriend on My Kid’s Emergency Contact List?
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kcytna · 11 months
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martacrystal · 10 months
💢Welcome to the series of "Things that my boomer father, who definetly has some mental illness, said that pissed me off"
Sorry for language errors, english is not my first language.
>Hello my lovely fellow humans! So I decided to start a mini series of posts, as a solution because even if I fight back I can not win.
So a little insight: late child, mid 20's, father is a boomer 70's....Father definetly has mental problems, biggest one probably being ✨narcism✨ so he is above everything. He despises that I'm not mindless and try to fight him back.
Tw: animal abuse
Part 1: "So we have a cat. Not our cat... The neighbours cat, but likes to sleep in our back porch because of the shade and comfort. Me and mom don't mind this. My father decided to sit outside to drink coffee, while doing so, said cat appears and lays in the way of the back door. Father decides to come in and cat still naps in the given place. (every day occurence- we (mom and me) just nudge the cat a little bit or push him and he understands and gets off the way.
My father decided that the best solution is STARTING TO BEAT THE CAT WITH THE DOOR. I ran out and said stop it immediately!!!! Which he screamed at me "WHY SHOULD I !!!!???"
I go inside and started yelling "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!? Why are you so angry?"
Yeah sure, I will consider it, when you consider it..... (exit while fuming)
-The end-
So AITAH? (Am i the asshole?)
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inspector-constable · 11 months
I honestly think AITAH has ruined people's ability to understand and navigate relationship conflict. Everything is black and white. One person is the asshole, one person is not. The asshole must be dogpiled on and demanded to apologize, and the NTA must be cooed over and encouraged to get a divorce. I'm begging you people to understand that people are different and sometimes their needs will conflict. Sometimes someone will be wrong, but their decision makes sense based on their worldview or the knowledge they had at the time. Sometimes conflict will arise because one or both parties are dealing with trauma and/or mental illness. Sometimes one person could fuck up but that doesn't mean they are abusive. Stop trying to decide who's wrong in every situation!!!! please!!!!!
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awesomeapplegirl · 1 year
So reddit’s dying and thats fine but i dont know whos going to fill the gap of ‘other peoples drama’ for me
Like who is going to fill the void in my life of women complaining about their mother in laws, guys who clearly don’t deserve their girlfriends complaining about the girlfriends cool hobbies, and men stealing entire party subs.
You dont get that kind of drama here
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AITAH for ruining my marriage with my wife and causing her to have an affair?
My wife (40F) and I (40M) have been married for 12 years. She wanted to try for babies right away and we were successful as she found out she was pregnant with our first (11M) two months after we got married and we had our second (9M) not too long after.
Before we ever even got engaged she would voice her concerns over my drinking, and at the time I would say, “If you don’t like my drinking then I am not the guy for you.” But she continued to move on with the relationship. I don’t bring this up to say ‘she knew what she was getting into’ I bring it up to point out and own my faults in this time period and to acknowledge the fact I did not value her as I should have and dismissed her concerns rather than addressing them and working on myself then to become the man I should have (and am trying to be now) possibly rewriting how our relationship ultimately went. I am trying to explain both sides without bias.
I did drink a lot and continued to do so, as our marriage progressed so did my alcoholism, I never lost my job, never got in trouble with the law just drank in excess. I finally admitted I was an alcoholic and said I needed help. When I did I was told, “This is your problem and you need to deal with it.” My drinking continued for years and escalated I would spend every day drinking as much as I could at work, home, everywhere lieing and trying to hide everything.
Throughout that time she would catch me and get angry with me and I would ask for help and she would refuse. One time we sat down and tried to figure out a way to go to rehab and get help but she seemed it “too expensive” and that I just needed to figure it out. So the cycle would continue.
I was a terrible mess, I would sneak, lie, deny, and argue when confronted about it. I would pass out drunk when I was supposed to be watching my kids.
3 years ago my wife kicked me out and told me she wanted a divorce. I confided in a work friend who helped me find a rehab center that ended up being no cost to me. I have been in recovery ever since and have not looked back.
She took me back after three months of sobriety to work on our marriage and we had the divorce dismissed. I told her I would do any and everything to make it up to her and our children for the rest of my life and I have followed through on that to the best of my ability.
Last year my wife told me she wanted a divorce again and said it was because she couldn’t get over what I had done in the past. I found out on my own she was having not one, but two affairs. One with a co worker and one with a former BF who was also married. When neither affair worked out she decided she wanted to try and work on our marriage again. So we did as that is what I wanted to. I let her know I was aware of the affairs. When I told her I went through he phone when I had suspicions she called me creepy and said she felt unsafe that I was going through her things. I said it was no different then when she used to go through my things looking for empty liquor bottles.
Nothing was ever terrible with us since, but it was never great either. We have been in the roommate phase for years now. We both lack in communication. Every disagreement we have ever had she has found a way to say my drinking is the cause. Anytime I told her something she did not want to hear she would bring up my drinking.
Lately I have noticed some the tendencies and patterns she was doing when she was having those affairs before so I confronted her about it. She responded by telling me she doesn’t love me, hasn’t loved me for over a year and wants a divorce. She blames my drinking again.
She changed the password on her phone but I figured it out and have confirmed, she is again having an affair with the ex-BF. She doesn’t know that I know. I have been monitoring their correspondence for the past week as well as hers with another friend of hers who is rooting her on about the whole thing. I have many screenshots of their texts. She thinks she is hiding it but is doing a really bad job. I think on some level, even though she told me she wants a divorce she knows she is in the wrong because she is hiding it and the things she says/does about being sneaky about it.
Is she in the wrong? Or #AITAH that ruined our marriage?
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sroczko · 1 month
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Whenever I’m having a bad day I go back to this AITAH thread 😭
“My wife (35F) is making me (37M) write this post”
“Wife here: I think he wrote this post omitting key details”
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dallasyt · 1 month
Reading “Am I the a**hole?” Reddit posts! Check it out, like and subscribe!!
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misspennysplayhouse · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Ana Flores (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Social Media, reddit, not Ana Flores friendly, Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads Series: Part 11 of 9-1-1 Social Media Fics, Part 1 of In Case of Emergency - 9-1-1 Reddit Series Summary:
AITA For Not Letting My Friend’s Girlfriend Into His Kids Hospital Room?
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guardianwolfkim · 5 months
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innerkingbarbarian · 8 months
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aitarising · 8 months
i made a dramablog for a virtual pet site. AITA?
AND i send asks to my own blog.
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