voidartisan · 1 year
Attempting to change the Star Wars fandom ecosystem by introducing adaptive behaviors learned in the Silmarillion fandom
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
honestly I think Kanan and Fenn Rau should be buddies
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r0gerr0ger · 10 months
More thoughts about Satine’s pacifism…
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So I read this post the other day that suggested Satine’s period of rule was just a blip in Mandalore’s history, that she only maintained power because she’d won it in battle, and that Mandalorians were glad to return to their traditionalist ways and… it just really irked me.
Because that’s not true at all??
When we meet Satine in TCW, it’s super clear that she was very popular, and a good ruler. In only 15-20 years, she’s restored Sundari to prosperity, and is a city that appears very wealthy with a satisfied population. She herself is very invested in her people, helps directly with social and political matters. She’s managed to rebuild worlds and cities devastated by war and environmental issues.
There’s never any kind of explanation exactly as to her style of rule. Certainly she’s not a constitutional monarch but there is a prime minister and council, and regional governors, so she’s no autocrat. This suggests democracy, and her people thus voting for continued pacifist policies/leaders.
(We also only see issues/events occur that in any society would involve leaders, regardless of how much a role they play in politics)
I mean sure, it’s the capital city and we don’t really see anywhere else. And there’s also corruption, hunger, terrorism, etc.- but a lot of the latter issues are because of outside forces (galactic war and the sith) that she does remarkably well, in my opinion, to combat for several years.
So already that’s a lot of evidence to suggest pacifism/modernism was widely popular amongst Mandalorians and not just a blip.
(Also, she may have come to power through battle, but this suggests there was an incredibly strong military and public force behind her ascendancy to the throne in order to win a civil war that had been waging essentially for decades- therefore illustrating mandalorians wanted pacifism, and she didn’t just usurp her position)
Then to the suggestion they were glad to return to their military ways…
People often use the state of Mandalore in Rebels/The Mandalorian to argue that the warrior culture was a more natural and preferred one among Mandalorians.
But this isn’t what we see at all.
We return to Mandalore in Rebels like 17/18 years after we last saw it in TCW. In this time, an extremist clan and the empire have been ruling the system.
We’ve seen the scale and ability of the empire’s propaganda missions already- erasing or changing history, destroying entire races- particularly with the jedi.
Alongside a ruler encouraging/forcing his people to re-embrace their martial past, of course it’s going to appear as if Mandalorian society has returned to its ‘original’ state of violence and warfare.
And yet, even though it’s gone back to clan warfare and endless, unnecessary fighting, that’s not what the people want at all.
Even though the Mandalorians we meet in Rebels are characterised as especially traditional (clan wren allied with death watch; fenn rau fought alongside the republic and later the empire, going against satine’s political status) they are never actually fighting for a return to their martial past.
Instead, the whole storyline is about uniting Mandalorians, pushing out the oppressive empire, ending the civil wars, etc.
Sure, they want to retain more of their martial culture than Satine did, but perhaps here is where we can argue that Sundari was a bit of an exception by being so especially modernist, whereas other planets and communities still retained many elements of their warrior culture- such as wearing the armour- even if not engaging in warfare.
Again, there is a similar storyline in The Mandalorian season 3- despite the fact that this is about the most extreme group of Mandalorians. It’s still about uniting together, rebuilding their world, ending war and violence among each other, protecting each other.
Therefore, I think it’s clear that actually, even if not to quite the same degree (but then, it’s likely this would come later once the last 2 decades of military propaganda had been overcome) Mandalorians didn’t want to retain their military past, but wanted to move in a more pacifist direction.
The only thing I have some issue arguing against is what we see in TCW when Satine is overthrown, where the masses really quickly switch to supporting death watch/Vizsla.
I’ve talked here about why this may be the case but even many of my arguments on that post don’t properly explain why a city that in previous seasons we saw offering mass support for satine and prospering under pacifism, suddenly turned so against her.
Really, I put this down to TCW being, in the end, a show aimed at younger audiences, and needing to get the point across clearly and dramatically that death watch and maul had manipulated people, and that’s why it seems so out of place.
(Does anyone have more to say on this than me? I’d find other’s perspective on this, whatever that perspective is, really interesting)
Either way, it’s made continually clear that Satine’s rule was far from a blip in Mandalorian history, or that Mandalorians only ever barely tolerated her.
Their martial society was a thing of the past. People were sick of it. Satine won the clan wars for a reason, and was a very effective ruler for many years until events outside her control (that frankly would have negatively impacted even the most golden ruler) meant she fell from power.
Had there not been the clone war or the sith, she would undoubtedly have continued to rule, and mandalore continued to stay pacifist.
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(I also think it’s a shame we never saw more of mandalorian society during Satine’s rule. We only focus on her and other political rulers at that time, and when we later return to mandalore it’s all from the perspective of either extremists like din djarin and his sect, or again more political leaders/rulers that have an especially militaristic past.)
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jedimandalorian · 7 months
According to the latest Star Wars Chronology, the years 9 ABY to 19 ABY are called the “Peace of the New Republic.”
It is likely that the Ahsoka series and its sequels and crossovers all take place in this time period, which means
1. Lucasfilm will have to retcon this chronology because Thrawn starts another galactic war.
2. Thrawn finds out that the Emperor he once served is dead and the Empire has fallen, so he goes home to the Chiss Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions.
3. The Nightmothers were just using Thrawn to get to Dathomir, just as Thrawn was using them to get back home to the main SW galaxy. Now that the witches have achieved their goal, they will betray Thrawn and/or he will betray them.
4. There will be an effort by the heroes of The Mandalorian, the Ahsoka show, and other members of the Ghost Crew to stop a war. There will be an armed conflict with little or no help from the New Republic, and the brave unsung heroes save the galaxy from a bigger war that could have happened but didn’t.
Likely character deaths or transformations: Thrawn. Ahsoka.
Possible romance arcs completed: DinBo, Sabezra.
Cultures reborn/transformed: Nightsisters, Mandalorians, Jedi.
New Master and Apprentice pairings: Sabine and Grogu, Ezra and Jacen.
These are the “Jedi Mandalorians.” (Yes, I have been thinking about this for a very long time. Look at my username.)
Mando by birth: Sabine Wren, who restores her Clan.
Mando by adoption: Grogu.
Mando by marriage: Ezra Bridger. 😏
What do you think? What are the other possibilities?
Am I crazy? Here’s my Ahsoka Season 1 Bingo card:
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Tolkien references (too many to list here)
Jacen is Force sensitive.
Sabine misses Ezra. 😢
Thrawn does the unexpected.
Kanan reference (more than expected). 😢
Chopper is a menace (not as much as he could have been).
Hera misses Kanan (his photo is on her dashboard). 😢
“Snips” 🙌
Anakin flashback. 🙌
Rex lives. (They didn’t kill him off yet and we did get a cameo so that’s a win.)
Quotable Huyang (Don’t get me started.)
Ezra is still a dork (and we love him for it). 😂
Ezra is a badass. 🙌
Sabezra tease. (Just go look at the rest of my Tumblr.) 😍
Mutual pining idiots. (See above.) 😍
Clan Wren. (We got a mention. R. I. P. 😢)
Sabine painting. (We saw the mural, the loth cat doodles and the graffiti in Ezra’s tower and on Ahsoka’s ship.)
No Fenn Rau. (I still want to see him in live action, maybe in Mando s4.)
Clone Wars Flashback. (More than one!)
No Rebels flashback. (We did get many callbacks though. I’d love to see any of them cameo in Andor s2.)
Loth rat. (Not the animal, but Ezra being his usual chaotic streetwise self, such as impersonating a stormtrooper and stealing his helmet and armor.)
Loth cat. (Sabine’s adorable pet. 😻)
Loth wolf. (They are on the end credits star map and the Lothal Rebels mural. Howlers are also wolf-like.)
Run. (Our heroes did a lot of that.)
So am I good, or what?
The Prophet of the Church of Ezrabine has spoken.
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lightwise · 1 year
The Protector: Thoughts about Satine, Bo, and Din as rulers of Mandalore
This has already been discussed in much better detail here, here, and here, but I realized the other day that there is another aspect to the Bo-Katan vs. Din ruling Mandalore with the Darksaber that hasn't been mentioned.
I firmly agree that Din Djarin as a character is meant to serve as the Guardian/Protector, not the Ruler, of Mandalore. He is literally a knight in shining armor. His name could be a reference to the term Paladin (thank you for this @katherynefromphilly). I mean look at him.
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Granted, I was excited to see him wield the Darksaber and potentially follow the reluctant leader trope. BUT. I think the direction they are taking him and Bo-Katan is much better.
So how does Satine factor into this, you ask? Here's how. What did Satine not have, as a leader? A PROTECTOR.
Now, she had Obi-Wan. And I believe she even called him her protector at one point (am I imagining this?) And he did what he could to keep her safe and give her guidance.
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But he wasn't really able to be her protector the way she needed. They were not able to merge their lives together the way they might have wanted. And Satine's rule suffered and was cut short due to her lack of wise counsel, her lack of someone to lean on who had both her and Mandalore's best interests at heart. (We're going to ignore the Palpatine/Empire component which would have brought down Mandalore regardless, and did so in spite of both Satine and Bo-Katan's efforts).
What has Bo-Katan also not had until now? That same protection. (Other than Fenn Rau, thank you for pointing this out @mandalorianchronicles). And her efforts have also failed, until now.
I am not at all saying that either of these incredible women need a man to be able to rule. They are strong, capable, and independent leaders in their own right. But what they do need is the space to rule, the support and protection and gaps filled that someone having their back could give them, in order to be effective and far reaching in their efforts. Good leaders have to delegate. If they try to handle everything themselves, their energy and efforts will be diminished. And the role of the guardian/protector/paladin is to do just that.
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I hope we get to see just how amazing of a team these two can be, supporting each other, filling in the gaps, and coming together to unite their separate definitions of Mandalorian and their respective tribes into one renewed dynasty. (Also keeping my fingers crossed for a Satine mention in live action PLEASE).
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This is the Way.
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kanansdume · 1 year
Sabine Wren's Lost Arc
I love Rebels, I do, but I swear I am never going to stop being angry about how Sabine's arc got so completely derailed in season 4 in favor of lifting up BO-KATAN KRYZE of all characters.
Rebels is very clearly setting up Sabine as the next leader of Mandalore in season 3. It's what introduces the Darksaber as a symbol of leadership in the first place and it does so by having SABINE pick it up from Maul and train with it and then win it in combat from another Mandalorian. There is no reason to do ANY OF THAT unless Sabine is intended to become a leader via the Darksaber itself.
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Look at this shot! Fenn Rau, Ezra Bridger, and Kanan Jarrus, all KNEELING TO HER. Kanan is kneeling mostly because she beat him in training rather than out of swearing allegiance, but both Fenn Rau and Ezra have just sworn to follow her. Kanan promises her that her family will back her up no matter what she chooses. Sabine sitting there HOLDING THE DARKSABER with two Jedi and a leader of a Mandalorian faction in his own right kneeling to her while swearing to follow her. There is NO WAY we aren't supposed to see Sabine as a future ruler.
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We didn't need the Darksaber in order to have Sabine deal with her arc about her family and her time in the Academy and why she left. There were plenty of ways and reasons to have had Sabine go back to Krownest to deal with that issue without ever bringing in the Darksaber and then declaring that wielding the Darksaber and winning it in combat specifically means having a claim to leadership over Mandalore. She claims not to be ready by the end of the arc, yes, but she also chooses to stay behind to help her family. It's the start of a new arc for Sabine, towards leadership after reclaiming her place in her family.
I've talked before about how Sabine is the ONLY person we ever see wielding the Darksaber who has legitimately earned it the JEDI way. She doesn't just win it in combat the way Mandalorians earn it. She trains in how to use it FROM ANOTHER JEDI and has to both acknowledge and then face her own worst fears first. She even acquires the Darksaber in a way reminiscent of how Jedi kids pick up their own kyber crystals: she goes into a cave and comes back out with a crystal that called to her (yes, she does things a little out of order and the crystal is already inside a hilt but it's a fun little parallel still). She even wins the Darksaber in combat specifically by using a Jedi lightsaber and then shows MERCY, a lesson she learned FROM THE JEDI WHO RAISED HER. Everyone else who has wielded it, up to and including Din Djarin, have only ever earned it the Mandalorian way via combat.
And that's specifically why Sabine makes such a good candidate to lead Mandalore. She's gone on an entire journey towards figuring out what it means to her to be Mandalorian, but also towards recognizing the fatal flaws in her own culture (mainly that they keep fighting EACH OTHER rather than cooperating together) and discovering a new, healthier, kinder way to be Mandalorian by learning how to be a Jedi. She learns how to control her anger, how to show mercy, how to connect to another Mandalorian who hates her through compassion and perseverance, and how to overcome her fears and guilt. This is the core of the arc Sabine goes on over the first three seasons.
And then we get to season four and suddenly Sabine has lost all sense of mercy and is willing to use her own weapon to kill and torture other Mandalorians she doesn't agree with because she's letting her anger control her. All of that development, lost.
While Bo-Katan Kryze, someone who we last saw being a terrorist who helped bring Maul to Mandalore in the first place, is somehow the one advocating for mercy instead. And then Sabine hands over the Darksaber to her so she can fuck off to Lothal and be a part of the show's final season. Which I get, I do, I understand that the show probably got unexpectedly canceled and so they had to wrap things up and they wanted Sabine to be a major part of that final arc on Lothal which meant they had to find a way to quickly finish off the Darksaber arc without making SABINE be the one to take up that leadership. And in walks Bo-Katan Kryze the Freedom Fighter. But in order to make Bo-Katan even work in this storyline as a legitimate option, they have to completely undo Sabine's character development and pretend like Bo-Katan's more negative history never happened. Which sucks. A lot.
It would've made a LOT more sense for Bo-Katan to have shown up as an EXTREMIST, someone that Sabine might know as a freedom fighter but who Fenn Rau remembers as a terrorist who helped overthrow Mandalore's only peaceful government run by her own sister, brought Republic forces to invade Mandalore to oust the Sith Lord she helped bring to Mandalore in the first place, and then lost Mandalore to the Empire shortly after taking up its leadership. For Bo-Katan to be the one filled with anger and who nearly uses Sabine's weapon to take out Gar Saxon and his followers, but for Sabine to talk her down and convince her towards mercy instead. Have Sabine bring different factions of Mandalorians TOGETHER, have her INSPIRE Mandalorians to be better than they have been before by using Jedi values of compassion and mercy to reach them.
And then Bo-Katan kneels to Sabine, swears her loyalty and the loyalty of her followers (which includes multiple different clans and houses) to Sabine.
But no. Instead, Bo-Katan becomes this hypocritical mess who is given leadership of Mandalore AGAIN only to lose it to the Empire AGAIN after being hailed as this wonderful freedom fighter everyone loves, and Sabine got relegated to having to re-learn the lessons she's already learned and her rightful place and storyline stolen from her.
I'll never stop being mad about that.
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Imperial Supercommandos"
AKA the episode that dragged me into the Sabezra hellspiral and sunk me for them good. XD
Just gonna go ahead and preemptively apologize for how obnoxious a shipper I'm probably going to be in this one, can't help it, I already liked them before this episode but then they showed all the canyon chase clips at Celebration and my brain went, "Battle Couple!" and it was aaaaaaaallllll downhill from there, lol.
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Something interesting that @seleneisrising pointed out is that Sabine is attempting diplomacy with Rau, with her repeated visits to him to play cubikahd and talk. She's let go of whatever desire for revenge she might have had against him back in "The Protector Of Concord Dawn" and is now following Kanan's example in trying to persuade him to the cause through mutual respect.
Which Fenn Rau doesn't seem to want to give her just yet lol.
Zeb calls both of them to the briefing room, whereupon it's revealed that the Rebels had been in regular contact with the Protectors but they've suddenly now gone silent. Rau insists they wouldn't go against his orders to harm the Rebels and Sabine volunteers to check things out. Hera makes her take Ezra and Chopper along with.
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I maybe question the wisdom of letting two teenagers and a droid babysit a full-grown adult prisoner lol but I'll be charitable and say it speaks to Hera's confident level of trust in them.
...Though she does get in a jab about not wrecking the new Phantom II. (Which does look pretty spiffy, the roof fin shaved down, splashed with the Rebellion orange, red, and yellow. Sabine's added a stylized tibedee it looks like, for a logo.)
Ezra gets this quietly guilty look at Hera's comment, ouch.
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Ezra awkwardly whistling as Fenn Rau stares at him is adorable and hilarious. Just the whole cutting back and forth between their faces makes me lol.
Ezra wanders off from keeping firm eyes on Rau and that's all the distraction he needs to incapacitate both kids and free himself. Whoops.
(Sabine would later make the mistake of letting Rau be the one to secure the Phantom II, which he promptly tries to take off with, so you know, at least she and Ezra are even. XD)
Chopper saw an opportunity to be a menace and took it lol.
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Ezra's immediate worry and concern when he sees Sabine unconscious next to him. <3333
(Also, Rau, what exactly did you think handcuffing them together would accomplish? Did you forget about their droid? You forgot about their droid didn't you?)
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Trying to reserve most of my limited photos for the canyon chase but couldn't resist this pretty cap. I love the soft lavender lighting Concord Dawn at twilight has. Last time we were here it was full night, eeking into dawn.
Gah, Rau just stands there, almost comatose. Shoulders slumped, doesn't even react when Ezra retrieves his blaster. We already know that something terrible has happened.
Aaaaaand yep, everybody dead. Once again the Y-7 rating is the only thing preventing us from seeing bodies piled everywhere.
"Why would Mandalorians attack Mandalorians?" HA HA HA THAT'S A WHOLE ASS CAN OF WORMS, EZRA. He's so innocent. I love him.
It's because Mandalorians be craaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyyy.
Rau turns on Sabine to blame her and the Rebel Alliance for what happened to his men and because I've watched this episode probably dozens of times I'm actually focusing on the background starry sky.
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My gosh that's gorgeous.
The Supercommandos arriving within minutes of the Imperial probe's signal makes me think they were actually hanging around, waiting to see if Fenn Rau or the Rebels or someone would come back and check. Probably why Saxon was so unamused with Ezra's lying later.
"Flying Stormtroopers?!" Man this would have been the perfect spot to put that dumb, "They fly now?!" joke from Rise of Skywalker C'MON IT'S BETTER TONALLY MATCHED AND IT MAKES MORE SENSE COMING FROM EZRA.
They can't quite escape the compound before the Supercommandos are combing through it so Saxon almost stumbles across Sabine's hiding place. Leading to one of my (many) favorite bits:
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No hesitation, less than a second between moving into frame and firing at Saxon to lure him away, first impulse and base instinct to protect Sabine. <3
It gets him captured, naturally.
(A brief moment to say an RIP to Ray Stevenson, who voiced Gar Saxon in addition to playing Baylan Skoll in the upcoming Ahsoka show. He did such a fantastic job with Saxon, made him a very intimidating presence. Godspeed, sir.)
Sabine's first instinct is also to go after Ezra, but Fenn Rau urges her away. It takes her a long moment to move and even when we cut back to her walking behind Rau her body posture is clearly reluctant; she stops dead and gestures behind all, "Come on we gotta." Even when he points out that it's to her advantage that they don't know she's there she brings up that he's still got Ezra's lightsaber--drawing attention to the fact that he's weaponless in enemy hands. Rau argues back that not knowing he's a Jedi will buy Ezra some time for them to observe.
This is what finally gets Sabine moving, though she still pays a glance back.
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Ezra apparently decides on being as annoyingly cheerful as possible to bluff his way through this interrogation, lol.
E: "What? Me a Rebel? *offended gasp* I could never!"
He's so cute. ^_^
Like I said before, though, Saxon doesn't buy it and moves right into "threaten your friends to make you talk" mode, aiming at Chopper.
Meanwhile up on the mesa Sabine takes offense to Rau calling Ezra "a pawn meant to be sacrificed [sic]". She's staying very calm in the face of Rau's frankly unnecessary pissiness, good for her.
Saxon taking a couple potshots at Chopper seems to rattle Ezra's composure here a little bit, he's not quite as confident-sounding as he was before here when he spins his second story.
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Very slightly starting to panic and worry I think.
Heeeeeey Chekhov's Gun!
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Leave my son alone you asshole.
Saxon's monologuing about how he totally wanted to murder the Protectors anyway is the reveal that convinces Rau to help Sabine... sort of.
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Meanwhile Saxon continues to get rougher with Ezra. This makes the whump gremlin in my brain very happy. :D
Sabine's so excited to finally get a jetpack, aww.
We spend maybe a little longer on the fight between Fenn Rau and this random Supercommando than I would have but it does firmly establish how skilled they are and how much of a threat they pose so I guess there's that.
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Oh man they showed the hard cut between Rau punching out the Supercommando and Saxon slamming Ezra into the floor in the early Season Three trailers and I distinctly remember thinking, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON?!"
Saxon making good on his threat to shoot Chopper forces Ezra to use the Force to throw off the aim, accidentally revealing himself to Saxon.
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It's okay though because Sabine is here! :D
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It's a little bit hilarious how closely this scene mirrors the first confrontation with Ketsu back in Season Two. We also get way better backstory details.
Lol Ezra's little smile when Sabine shades the Supercommando armor by saying she likes more color.
The Chekhov's Gun gets fired!
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Ezra seems awfully surprised by her move, kind of taken aback at the... ahem... intimacy of it. He obediently clings to her when she tells him to hang on, though.
And then this:
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...Come on.
Y'all had to know how that would look, right? Right? Which animator was like: "I'm going to have Ezra curling his leg around Sabine here! :D" You're not in trouble, I just wanna talk.
Beyond the obvious my-ship-is-in-very-close-proximity-and-being-Battle-Couple, this setpiece is just really well done. The fast tracking shots give a dynamic sense of movement, the music is frenetic and exciting, Ezra and Sabine work smoothly together to down three-quarters of the squad, even with Ezra's abilities limited by having to hang on to Sabine. If you watch close you see all sorts of fun little subtle details: Sabine gripping Ezra's hand tighter with both of hers, the splashes as Ezra's feet skim the water at the bottom of the gorge...
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Also love Ezra's needlessly dramatic yelling Sabine's name when one of Saxon's shots dislodges him from her grip. XD
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She reaching back tho.
Curse this photo limit I really want to just post a million caps of the pretty scenery because seriously.
Eeeeyyyy Main Titles theme used for a Big Damn Heroes moment with a ship, we haven't had that in a while. Glad you grew a conscience, Rau.
SABINE SAYS THE CURSED LINE AND GETS IMMEDIATELY TACKLED OUT OF THE AIR BY SAXON. You guys have got to stop promising to be right behind.
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Needlessly dramatic yelling of Sabine's name moment number 2, lol.
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This is ah... Uncomfy.
Did not feel sorry for him at all when Sabine busted his chops.
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Rau confesses that Sabine's loyalty to Ezra is actually kinda rad and it's what convinced him she's a true Mandalorian.
Ezra's sentiments are still, "You guys are all nuts." lol. And aww this soft look Sabine gives him is just so sweet.
And... that's a wrap! This episode is not filler it's important to the wider Mando arc that centers around Sabine, also Ezra gets to be very cute and in distress, also he and Sabine spend a lot of time this episode being badasses together while Sabine holds him around the hips and waist, also I love it shut up.
It's also super pretty, I'mma have to make a separate post just appreciating all the gorgeous shots.
The conventions heavily spoiled this episode by releasing a LOT of clips before it aired, a mistake they'd later rectify by being stingier with their preview footage. I still enjoyed it though, it's one of my favorites. For obvious reasons, lol.
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the-obiwan-for-me · 1 year
A master list of just a bunch of Kryzes (and a little bit of other things)
I recently finished “More Than Blood,” the sequel to my ridiculously expansive Obitine AU “She Said the Word.” I may be taking a break from fic writing for a little while, but I’ve been thinking about organizing all my titles into a master list to make finding certain things easier. Below is a full list of all my writing, broke down into AU, characters, and/or ships.
Here’s a key to help streamline the process if you’re looking for a particular thing:
Author’s Favorite = *
BoFenn = ^
Beautiful Trash, aka BoPre = +
Bo being sad about Satine/sad in general = $
My beloved, complicated duo, Bo and Korkie = &
The New Republic/Mandalorian Era Bo/BoDin = %
She Said the Word AU
An alternative universe where, when it is time for Obi-Wan to leave Mandalore as a padawan, Satine says the word- stay. So, he does. And the universe changes, yet stays the time. 
I will list these in chronological order as best I can. Since the one shots almost all overlap SSTW, I will include what chapter to read through prior to reading the one shot to avoid spoilers.
She Said the Word (68 chapters, 253,008 words) - In one universe, Jedi padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi is not asked to stay by the love of his life, Duchess Satine Kryze. We all know how that story goes. In another, she said the word. How is the galaxy effected when the great Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi never existed? What does a galaxy torn to pieces look like with family man/consort to the Mandalorian Duchess Obi-Wan Kenobi in it?
Bright Light of a New Day (one shot, 780 words. Best read after Chapter 1) -  Obi-Wan Kenobi reflects on the birth of his son. Written for Obitine Week 2021
Let Go (one shot, 3250 words. Best read after Chapter 4) -  Anakin Skywalker, just shy of his thirteen birthday, travels to Jedha with Obi-Wan and their guide, Quinlan Vos. While there, Anakin seeks out his kyber crystal for his lightsaber, and learns a valuable lesson.
Everything You Need (one shot, 3783 words. Best read after Chapter 8) -  On the cusp of his 13th birthday, Korkie Kryze-Kenobi makes the trip to Jedha to find his kyber crystal. While there, he learns he possesses everything he'll ever really need.
Who Will Keep Me Safe?+ (one shot, 5496 words. This runs concurrently from the time of Obitine’s year on the run through chapter 19. Best read after chapter 19 to avoid spoilers in the main story) -  When Bo-Katan is all but abandoned by her Clan in the middle of a war zone, she is taken in by a dangerous group led by a brutal man. 
Gone Soft (one shot, 2251 words. Best read after Chapter 30) -  Bo-Katan begins to truly appreciate the family she's been missing. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022
Honor Bound^ (one shot, 1327 words. This reads a bit like a flashback and can realistically be read at any point. It will probably hit the hardest if read sometime between Chapters 39 and 45, especially after 45).  Bo-Katan Kryze and Fenn Rau face the cruel realities of war and duty, and struggle to come to terms with what it means for their young love. 
Orbit* (one shot, 3432 words. This was written as a “deleted scene” and takes place roughly during Chapter 46. It is best either read around that time OR, if you want to avoid spoilers that really aren’t spoilers- you know what’s coming, I'm sure- read it at the end of SSTW, or at least after Chapter 61) -  "He was fairly certain he was a satellite trapped in her gravitational pull, his orbit slowly degrading until one day, and soon, he would crash into her, certain to make a mess of them both."  
More Than Blood (25 chapters, 143,996 words) - A sequel to “She Said the Word.”  Eight years after the actions of Mandalore prompted the end of the Clone Wars; the planet, its people, and the ruling Clan Kryze are learning how to deal with their new role as a prominent voice in the Republic. Thrust into a leadership role in a galaxy wide initiative, while also being everyone's favorite planet to love or hate, has its challenges and benefits, and Clan Kryze must work together to navigate them, all while dealing with the personal trials of a growing and maturing family.
Deep Roots (multi chapter, ongoing) - Post “More Than Blood” anthology of one shots.
Canon(ish) Obitine
A list of one shots written to fit, more or less, into canon, centering around Obitine. These are fics with actual interaction OR the focus is on them and their thoughts for each other. I have a lot of fics tagged Obitine, but they’re really more Satine and Korkie centric.
Turmoil* (871 words) - Obi-Wan Kebobi brings a variety of turmoil into Satine Kryze's life the first time they see each other again after over fifteen years apart. And she's not quite sure what to make of some of it.
A Note (453 words) -  Satine Kryze considers how to send Obi-Wan Kenobi some vital news. Written for Obitine Week 2021
Damn Fool (526 words) -  Satine Kryze and Obi-Wan Kenobi reflect on their first impressions. Written for Obitine Week 2021
Shared Grief (762 words) -  Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze reflect after the death of Qui-Gon Jinn. Written for Obitine Week 2021
Just One More (1650 words) -  Satine Kryze comes to terms with decisions she needs to make as her year with her Jedi protectors comes to a close. Written for Obitine Week 2021
Pretend (441 words) -  Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze barely escape with their lives from Pre Vizsla and his Death Watch commandos. Now they take a quiet lull to regroup.
A Moment of Levity (1813 words) -  It's been six weeks since Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi left Mandalore with the young Duchess Satine. Tired of listening to his apprentice and the Duchess bicker, Qui-Gon sends them off to enjoy the latest village's summer festival.
Damn That Man (2164 words) -  When Duchess Satine Kryze finds out that Obi-wan Kenobi is in fact NOT dead, despite having attended his funeral, she is left feeling angered and betrayed. Will she and Obi-wan be able to move past the lies forced on those closest to him for the sake of his mission? (Fun fact: this is my first ever attempt to write Satine and got me hooked on her).
Canon(ish) Satine
Here is where to find one shots of Satine without Obi-Wan trying to hog her limelight. Some have significant undertones of Obitine (some less so, but I think it’s hard to be Satine and not have him at the back of your mind, even a little). A lot are focused on her and Korkie. 
Life Without Regret (1133 words) - Satine has no regrets in how she is changing Mandalore for the better. But that doesn't mean she is without regret. Written for Satine Week 2022
Two Martinis (196 words) -  A young Satine attends her first senate gala on Coruscant with a trusted friend. Written for Satine Week 2022
Peace For The Children* (1254 words) -  Two moments in Satine Kryze's life bookend why peace and pacifism are vital parts of her ideology. Written for Satine Week 2022
Water the Seeds of Hope*$ (1424 words) -  A short biography of the late Duchess Satine Kryze is published anonymously in the age of the Empire, and risks watering the seeds of rebellion on Mandalore and the galaxy at large. Written for Satine Week 2022
Ner Ad’ika* (605 words) -  Satine Kryze prepares Korkie for his long trip away from her and reflects on what it means for them to be family. Written for Obitine Week 2021
Reunion* (1072 words) -  Satine Kryze welcomes her adopted baby boy into her home. Companion piece to “Ner Ad’ika” and written for Obitine Week 2021
Canon(ish) Bo-Katan
Writing Bo-Katan, particularly TCW and post TCW Bo-Katan, is a particular favorite pastime of mine. I am enthralled by her complicated nature and the trauma, grief, and anger that motivate her, especially in the Empire era. There are some fairly rough, traumatic moments in some of these fics, so I will note when tags should be carefully minded. Most of these are one shots, save for one.
Recite My Regrets* (880 words) -  Claiming the Darksaber forces Bo-Katan to face her many mistakes, and how they all tie back to the ancient weapon.
Bait^& (3 chapters, 7257 words) - Mandalore is lost, and along with it, Bo-Katan Kryze and Fenn Rau. OR, how a silly crack headcanon on why Bo-Katan seems to never age turned into a serious and angsty fic.
Yet still there is hope*& (1266 words) -  In the wake of destroying the Empire's killer weapon, the Duchess, and accepting the darksaber, Bo-Katan receives two very unexpected pieces of news. (Note: this truly is a particular favorite of mine and just now re-reading it made me cry. Again).
Clan of Two& (1538 words) -  Bo-Katan and Korkie sort through their emotions together in the aftermath of Duchess Satine's death.
Intention*&^$ (1469 words) -  Shortly after taking up the Darksaber, in the middle of a bloody battle, Bo-Katan Kryze faces a decision she had hoped not to face.
Weak+ (1550 words) -  Bo-Katan Kryze will do a lot of terrible things for Death Watch, but she finds a line she just can't cross. And worries she may pay the ultimate price when she refuses to cross it. Mind the tags.
Sisters’ Lament*$^& (1929 words) -  Bo-Katan finds herself thrown right back into her grief and guilt over Satine's death when she and Fenn Rau stumble across yet another insensitively named weapon.
Gamble+ (558 words) -  Two small moments in Bo-Katan and Pre's complex relationship.
Promises, Promises$ (1636 words) -  Bo-Katan is always amazed at her sister's willingness to forgive. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022
Bite your tongue until you bleed+ (1256 words) -  On the eve of storming Nal Hutta, Bo-Katan voices her concerns with the path Death Watch is taking. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022. Mind the tags.
The Stories Our Scars Tell*^$ (1512 words) -  Bo-Katan has many scars- on her body and heart. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022
No Matter What$& (1935 words) -  Birthday wishes from Bo-Katan to Satine. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022
Hopes Up*^+ (3167 words) -  The chances of Bo-Katan getting pregnant are low, but never zero. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022. Mind the tags.
Jealous+ (1374 words) -  Bo-Katan contends with emotions she doesn't quite fully understand in her relationship with Pre Vizsla.
Keeping Company with Ghosts$% (1908 words) -  After too many years of death and destruction, the weight of Bo-Katan's grief, guilt, and anger send her into self exile in her family's ancestral home.
Dormant$% (1894 words) -  After meeting the strange little child accompanying the Mandalorian in too shiny beskar, Bo-Katan reflects on paths not taken.
Worthy$% (9436 words) - Bo-Katan seeks out Din Djarin and Grogu after they abruptly leave Mandalore.
Other Things
A handful of fics that either don’t quite fit anywhere above because of the perspective they’re told from, or they are just completely different. 
Burn Bright* (1198 words) - Leia takes a moment to herself to reflect on her loss after the destruction of the Death Star.
Best Kept Secret& (1383 words) - Korkie Kryze takes a moment to reflect on one of the galaxy's best kept secrets. Written for Bo-Katan Week 2022
Liability+ (1768 words) -  Pre Vizsla is a practiced hand at knowing just what to say to each of the Kryze sisters to keep them just where he wants them.
Blame the Jedi (1173 words) -  When chaos ensues after the arrival of the Jedi to Mandalore, Captain Tol'ket isn't sure he wants the man around the Duchess. Written for Obitine Week 2021
What Must Be Done (unfinished AU long fic) -  Duchess Satine Kryze survives Maul's attack and witnesses the rise of the Empire while once again rebuilding her home, this time with the help of her long lost sister, and the son that she calls "nephew." Along the way, she meets an unlikely ally of sorts, and finds herself questioning everything in the name of Mandalore's preservation.
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Okay, so Star Wars Rebels but Ezra’s got a weird Force ability that makes him see things (like people’s true thoughts) as a musical. Like in Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, or like how Rebecca makes sense of the world in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but most like Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist.
So Ezra just thinks this is normal. He learned pretty early on not to mention the people singing thing, but he just assumed that it was some sort of social norm that he missed as a small child. “Wear clothes, eat with utensils, don’t mention the singing”. Maybe at some point Kanan finds out about it and tells him, “I have no clue what this is but Sabine would probably call it Jetii Osik, also am I a good singer according to the Force?”
(He is, but that’s not the point Kanan, focus! Your Padawan is apparently able to always tell what people are thinking/feeling through the power of music)
Anyway, song and scene suggestions (as if I’ll ever write this). The only thing I really have so far is a running gag where Hera’s almost always singing “Danger Zone” from the cockpit and Chopper’s beeping out the guitar solo. Listen, it matches the vibes okay?
And going back to my Mandalorian Space Abba nonsense either Bo-Katan or Sabine sing “Me and I” when they’re angsty, though I’m leaning towards Bo-Katan. And Ezra like, doesn’t know what to say? What can he say? “Hey, sorry about that inner struggle of yours. How do I know about that? The magical energy field binding the universe together told me in the form of a musical number”.
Vader absolutely sings Back in Black because the Force recognizes the Skywalker Drama TM. Please just picture Vader speak-singing it as he menacingly approaches, possibly while chopping through Rebel forces.
There’s no way for Ezra to hear this but Maul and Obi-Wan would sing part of “The Confrontation” from Le Mis. Because that’s their vibe.
And truth is this all an elaborate round about way to get Fenn Rau to sing “How We Operate”.
Half of these probably don’t make sense but that’s because I’m bad at this particular song to character matching thing.
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bikananjarrus · 9 months
updates from the land of the ahsoka show tv spot nonsense (aka i have got to stop fucking watching these bc i’m just going into these little rage spirals)
(sorry in advance, this got kinda long.)
from the master & apprentice tv spot:
first we had this from kathleen kennedy
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and while i get she was probably going for the ‘rosario is a good actress and we don’t think any other actor could play ahsoka in live action’ sentiment, it just comes off as SO dismissive of ashley eckstein’s work as ahsoka.
ashley isn’t featured in this video at all, and there’s really only one mention of her doing “great work” as ahsoka in the clone wars. much more emphasis was put on filoni and his work bringing the character to life, and his journey with the character. (as a writer he should get credit for his work writing the character, but none of that writing would’ve been brought to life without ashley).
this just feels like such an insult to ashley, who recently just talked about how much backlash she got when ahsoka first came on screen. she had to deal with so much hate, and it just feels a little ick that they’re still hardly talking about her in these behind the scenes videos. (and the additional ick about rosario’s ahsoka getting so much attention and praise, and how that ties into live action being valued over animation, but that’s a separate rant).
AND THEN, there’s this nonsense from filoni:
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i just. where do I even begin with how much i hate the integration of sabine into this lineage?
i’ve talked a bit about it previously, but i just don’t understand the angle of making sabine (who is a mandalorian and very proud of it!!!) into a jedi apprentice!!! and i hate this angle! i don’t see how this will help sabine grow and develop—she’s already a incredibly well-trained warrior, including lightsaber training! because KANAN TAUGHT HER!!!! will she ever be as good as anakin or ahsoka or other jedi? no. But she doesn’t need to be.
and wielding the darksaber in the first place wasn't even really about learning how to use a lightsaber for the sake of using a lightsaber, or because sabine secretly wanted to be a jedi. kanan taught her how to use it because he and fenn rau knew she would be challenged once other mandalorians saw her with it. and they were hoping that she could help unite mandalorians, but other mandalorians weren't going to respect her if she couldn't hold her own with the lightsaber.
and if this is some weird way of trying to have sabine carry on the legacy of kanan and ezra, this is a dumb way to do it. there are plenty of other ways she can honor them (the huge beautiful mural she painted on lothal, for one! protecting lothal in general! And uhhh finding ezra?? instead of filoni saying she stuck around lothal the entire war???). and also, by tying her "jedi training" to ahsoka, that's not really honoring kanan and ezra, because they were part of mace windu's jedi legacy, NOT anakin's! (well, yoda's, but you know. for the sake of that quote from filoni, anakin's).
not everything has to be about anakin's lineage! but filoni is making it that way. this jedi training isn't about sabine, it's about ahsoka. and if he's trying to say something about ahsoka suddenly being a teacher, or what her being a teacher says about her past with anakin, i highly doubt he will do it in a way that's interesting or true to the character, because for filoni, ahsoka always has to be perfect and can do no wrong. and yet, even though she refused to teach grogu because of his attachments to din, she's suddenly super okay with teaching sabine, who has way more attachments than grogu??
like if filoni REALLY wanted ahsoka to be a master so badly, jacen syndulla, an actual force sensitive child, is right there. (though, he absolutely should be taught by ezra bc shatterpoint lineage rights).
and if filoni tries pulling some bullshit about how sabine was force sensitive the entire time, that's an insult to sabine's character, and it's a HUGE insult to kanan, who absolutely would have noticed that she was force sensitive.
it just feels like a back-handed way to say that sabine being just a mandalorian isn't good enough (and god forbid we have more than one major mandalorian character in the star wars franchise who isn't din djarin), and that kanan and ezra aren't good enough, it has to be ahsoka that teaches sabine. i already don't have faith that sabine's mandalorian family will get mentioned a whole lot, if at all. and now with her training to be a jedi, it just feels like they're trying to abandon her entire culture. not everyone needs to be a jedi, and not everyone needs to be force sensitive, and not everything needs to be about ahsoka.
and again, i absolutely have nothing against ahsoka as a character. (i don't like rosario's portrayal of her, and don't even like rosario.)
but dave filoni is starting to beat the dead horse by constantly having ahsoka in new star wars media (probably unpopular opinion, but i think ahsoka should've died on malachor like she was supposed to and should never have been brought back by ezra in the WBW. but that's a separate essay).
so now, in what should have been an (animated) rebels sequel, ahsoka is the star. and the rebels characters are going to get the short end of the stick, as usual.
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jedi-nurse · 10 months
I've been thinking (again lol I'm becoming unhinged) about people saying Sabine wouldn't have stayed on Lothal when Mandalore fell or it doesn't make sense that Sabine stayed there all those years. But, I think it does make sense. In season 2 of Rebels in "The Protector of Concord Dawn" we see Sabine make the decision to let Fenn Rau live even after he nearly killed Hera. When they get back to Phoenix home Hera comments that Sabine is "sounding more like a Jedi than a Mandalorian" and she responds that she has "been raised right". Then fast forward to the Darksaber arc and we see Sabine training with a lightsaber (the weapon of a Jedi) and learning to wield it. She also grants Saxon mercy after their duel. She is showing she can be the best of both Mandalorian and Jedi imo. When they get back to Yavin 4 after rescuing Sabine's father she tells Hera her Ghost crew family needs her more. She completed her mission on Mandalore and I think she didn't feel like she was needed there anymore. The rebellion needed her more. She stays on Lothal all those years because she thinks that's what Ezra wants her to do and she doesn't want to back out of that promise.
This could be totally wrong and Sabine could have gone back to Mandalore and helped (I think if that was the case then we might have had a mention about it in Mando). But based on the Ahsoka trailer and teasers it looks like Sabine had made Lothal her home (hello depression/pinning tower). Then there is also the message we here Ezra saying in the trailer; “As a Jedi, sometimes you have to make the decision no one else can, but I’m counting on you to see this through.” Maybe that decision for Sabine is to stay on Lothal now matter what because Ezra is counting on her.
Anyway that's my thoughts
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ryehouses · 1 year
If AST characters, canon or OC, were in avatar what nations would they belong to and who would be benders? This has weirdly been plaguing my mind recently so I want the offical opinion.
OKAY SORRY FOR HOW WILDLY LONG THIS IS, I REALLY GOT INTO IT. atla nationalities are not typically notes that i have on an y of my character sheets, but this was a really fun ask and i did get into it.
ast has too many characters for me to list them all, but here’s a rundown of the most relevant. if you’ve got any more specific questions, let me know! standard disclaimer that this is all headcanon.
annika vizsla-skirata, non-bender. she’s more adaptable than din gives her credit for, but he can be forgiven on account of the head trauma and the not seeing annika for a year thing 
din djarin, babey! i feel like canon!din could fit anywhere, honestly, except maybe the air nomads, but ast!din is 110% water tribe; changeable, adaptable and incapable of going anywhere without forming a community, even when he's not trying to. he is a bender but an unconventional one. what he lacks in formal training or technical skill, he makes up for with creativity and sheer bloody tenacity. i think the healing element of waterbending would really appeal to him
fenn rau, non-bender. i know in rebels canon he's a handy pilot, but tbh muffinlance's hakoda was a. not-inconsiderable influence on how at!rau came together, and i think he understands the power of community really well.
noora! non-bender, but community is her whole thing. it’s part of the reason why she and din vibe so well
quinlan vos, bender, except the difference between quin as a bender and din as a bender is the difference between an ocean and a river 
the armorer, bender. she chucked many a boulder at din and paz's heads when they were kids. i made some comments in a chapter or two of ast about how the mandalorians have a lot in common with the dai li, and i think the armorer (at least in ast, though i'd argue in canon too)
boba, or at least ast!boba; canon!boba could potentially also fit with the fire nation -- that drive -- but ast!boba is earth kingdom. i could go ither way w/r/t bender or not, tbh; i think if he is a bender, there's some interesting meta there about jango and all of the other clones (though if the clones are benders i think the war would have lasted minutes, not years) and if he's not a bender there's also some meet there with how boba would respond to and challenge a world full of other benders who are probably his competition
jaig, bender
kasyyk, bender 
k'kruhk, bender, and he would absolutely bury din up to his neck in rocks if luke let him get away with it
paz, non-bender. mans is textbook traditionality and adherence to a hierarchical power structure
the tuskens are all earth kingdom, incedentally, and there are a fair number of sandbenders among them. a closely-guarded secret is that not all of those sandbenders are earthbenders, but rather a creative outbranch of airbenders! 
bo-katan, non-bender. she would absolutely fuck with the concept of an agni kai, and i think she has a really remarkable drive and ambition to her.
gida, bender, “aut viam invenium aut facium” is her motto. 
fennec, non-bender, but a yu yan motherfucker; if the yu yan are moving chi through their bodies to bolster their shots and accuracy, fennec can absolutely do the same shit. i like to imagine fennec as my favoirte headcanon for ty lee, in which ty lee is fire nation with air ancestry. fennec is only a non-bender because if she could manipulate an element, it would be lightning and gorga would have been dead from the fucking get-go. there would not have been any plot whatsoever because she would have cut that off at the pass 
jaster mereel, bender even though he's not in this fic literally at all. he's a firebender. don't make the rules
strill, bender
a lot of the mandalorians in general, i think, would make good firebenders. i leaned half on the european feudal model and half on the model of the fire nation presented in vathara’s embers fic, especially as relates to the organization of various clan structures and hierarchies. there’s also a lot of mandos who fit into the earth kingdom model and some who fit well as water tribe too, but quoth guru pathik, separation is an illusion and there’s elements (hah) of all of the nations in each individual one, so 
cobb, non-bender! i wobbled back and forth between water and air for him, because i think he could go either way, but idk, i think ast!cobb has a sort of trickster likeness about him that lends itself towards air nomad 
grogu, bender, Horrible Menace once he figures out how to levitate
luke skywalker, bender, which is interesting because there is not a universe in which anakin and leia are anything other than firebenders, sorry
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
So my brain did A Thing, and I miiiight just have like 2k words of plot outline, but i'm also notorious for not finishing stuff, so idk how this is gonna end, but for now...
Between strikes of the hammer and flying sparks, the blacksmith took a moment to puzzle over his apprentice, who was splitting wood in the courtyard.
She was sixteen years old, lean without being waifish, and a perfect enigma. Oh, her story had been simple enough, and most people believed it.
Orphan. Nameless. Left on the poorhouse steps when I was only days old. Can’t read, can’t write. Good at hard work.
But she held herself like a noblewoman, and the thought of taking orders from other people seemed to irritate her. The callouses on her hands were new. She was not world-worn, and he’d seen her eyes skim across lines of lettering with perfect understanding, when she thought he wasn’t watching.
(Oh, and he’d also noticed her eyeing the occasional suit of armor he made. Her keen gaze studied every strike of the hammer, as if memorizing it to duplicate it herself some day.)
It was all that which made him certain—there was no truth to her story.
And therein lay the enigma: if she had been of a noble, or at least high-ranking, family, why would she give it up?
But in the end, Fenn didn’t ask questions. It was her business, not his. And besides, he didn't want to drive her away by being nosy. She was a good blacksmith’s apprentice, devoting herself to all her tasks with enthusiasm, even love.
Well, he thought, jaw twitching with amusement, as the door of the smithy banged open and the uncoordinated footsteps of a schoolboy clattered inside. All her tasks, save one.
The clang of metal and the smell of smoke were the first signals that Ezra was nearing the blacksmith's forge.
He rounded the corner of the street in the little market town and the smithy came into view. His pace accelerated to a run.
"Watch it!" someone bellowed as he dodged around their cart, crossing the street diagonally. He looked over his shoulder and waved apologetically. The cart-driver just rolled their eyes at him. Barely slowing in time, he crashed through the doorway of the smithy, pausing to catch his breath before pulling the scrap of paper from his pocket and advancing farther to the back of the forge.
It was hotter than the hottest summer day inside the forge, and the smoky smell was almost suffocating. Ezra pressed the sleeve of his jacket over his face as he entered the main room, glancing around, only to be disappointed.
His expression must have shown, because the blacksmith huffed softly under his breath.
“She’s in the courtyard,” he announced, between strikes of his hammer. “Give her the list.”
“Thank you, Rau!” Ezra called, skipping out the back door.
His eyes scanned the courtyard, looking for the face he'd been waiting all day to see. There, by the far wall, back to him, splitting wood.
Half-raising a hand in a wave, he called out to her.
“Hello, there!”
Her ax swung particularly hard, and the piece of wood split with a crack, the blade of the ax lodging itself deep in the cutting block.
She turned around to face him as he approached, and his heart skittered.
Logically, he knew his fancy for her was silly. She was covered in soot, smelled of smoke and sweat, and her hair clung limply to her face. He'd never once seen her in a dress; rather, her typical uniform seemed to consist of a tunic, breeches, and leather apron with gloves to match, all covered in scorch marks and more than one burn hole or two.
A blacksmith’s apprentice. The forge-girl.
And he thought she was lovely.
His schoolfellows didn't bother to speak to her. When they did notice her, it was either to sneer at the girl who had to work a man’s job to survive, to pity the orphan who lived in a single-room hovel, or occasionally to laugh at the absurdity of whatever new rumor the old coots were spreading about her. But that was rare. Most of them just... didn't know she existed.
Yet there was something about her, some life, some glow, that, after the first day they'd met, kept him coming back.
That wasn’t completely true.
What kept him coming back was the fact that his parents were tradesmen who had an agreement with the blacksmith to sell his wares for him, and Ezra was the delivery-boy for the daily lists of what they needed.
But she was the reason he didn’t complain about it.
“Here,” he said with a grin that only seemed to make her scowl deeper, holding out the list. “This is what we need.”
The blacksmith’s apprentice snatched it from his hand without a word and turned to bring it inside, grabbing a bucket on her way.
“Forge-girl,” Ezra called out. He had been hoping she would stay a minute or two more, and they could at least talk. Why, he didn't know; she never said more than three words to him at a time.
She kept walking away from him, and he scrambled for something to say. When he did speak, his words came out sounding... ruder than he’d meant them to be.
“Forge-girl! Make sure to bring the things on time tomorrow. Father says you’ve been late the past few days.”
She stopped in her tracks. Her hand clenched on the paper.
“As you wish,” she growled.
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engagemythrusters · 8 months
Okay ep4 time to roll my eyes
Okay I’m bored already. Sabine is saving grace of the show. This is boring
Awww she’s calling for her mom 🥺
God I like this planet but. Overall for this show I hate it. Because the LACK OF COLOUR IS BAD
You are NOT leaving ezra behind
You can explode thrawn if he gets back. BUT YOU WILL NOT FUCKING ABANDON EZRA.
I miss clone wars Huyang. When ahsoka rebooted him she took all his personality out and trashed it.
Shin Hati ur sooo cute.
Reeeeally hate shins hair tho. So 2020s.That won’t age. That’s going to stay 2020s and when people watch this in 20 years they will rightfully make fun of costuming.
Disney pay people to give a shit about this please
I’m so sick of Ahsoka’s shitty ass lekku and montrals
Jumpsca—yep. Knew it. Disney cares about nothing except shock value
okay bored again now.
“Stay together” lines sooo stupid. Rolling my eyes.
I could write better in my sleep.
Rip that guy he doesn’t get paid enough
He’s sitting where his brother used to sit where his father used to sit. I’m not okay. I’m truly not.
Where… is the ghosts colour.
Where’s the yellow.
Also why… is that guy around again. Do we NEED mando refs.
Bored again.
Baylon is interesting tho. I want to know more about him and Shin.
Kay stupid action scene. Bored. Zoning out.
I love cranberries tho I’m having a cranberri orange scone that I made from scratch. So tasty. Burned at the bottom bc my oven doesn’t work right (the airflow is very poor). But the orange glaze j made mostly covers it.
Ooo tree destruction
Okay all that twirly for nothing is so stupid
Oop so Marrok was just. Nightsister magic. I figured as much.
Buff Santa will protect the map
Oh this bitch knew anakin?
Ofc everyone knew anakin he was a bitch that never followed protocol
Buff Santa Baylon is very interesting
If they can’t do it right. DONT DO IT AT ALL.
This should have been animated. This should not have Filoni. This shouldnt be set so far back in the timeline.
Hhh when do we see ezra.
I don’t care about this I want exra
Spoke too soon
Sabine putcher helmet back on
Kanan and Fenn Rau taught her that 🥰
Oop buff Santa big mad
Don’t destroy take it
is shin really dead tho that would be bad and make the show boring
She’s not like Ahsoka. She’s like Hera. She’s like Kanan. She’s like Ezra. She’s like her family.
Oh no… clan wren…
Oh no…
Oh my god hera and Jacen and chopper and zeb are all she has left. All. No wonder she wants ezra back so so much. Even much more than before.
Stab his hand STAB HIS HAND
nooo sabine WOULDNT
No she would NOT
Oh butt
Sabine wouldn’t do that.
Where’s the yellow for the ghost?
Oh my god
Sabine wouldn’t have done that
Well now she’ll be inside the ship tho
She’ll go to ezra
Ezra I miss you so much. I hope we see you soon <3
Gonna run right thru em all except hera bc she’s in the middle
Interesting. But predictable. Did we all expect that? Yes we did!
Jacen baby you shouldn’t be here
Okay good good
“I’ve got a bad feeling” oh he’s like his brother he’s like his father I’m going to cry. I don’t… I can’t…
Wow great shot of Bad Lekku And Montrals
Sparkle water
Is she dead?!
..: she man save Kanan…
How is he full body tho he’s dead
Where’s his scar?
Wow and ofc they cut it off right as it gets interesting
Kay. Bored now.
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Star Ware Rebels Bechdel Test Rewatch- 3x15 'Trials of the Darksaber'
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Sabine begins training with the ancient Darksaber -- but in doing so, she must also face her past.
Female Characters: 2
Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla
Male Characters: 4
Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Fenn Rau, Zeb Orrellios
Droid Characters: 1
Does it pass?
Yes, this is a pass! It's not super strong, but Hera asks Sabine to help to recruit House Vizsla to the Rebel cause early on in the episode.
For the majority of the episode, Sabine is training with Kanan, Ezra, and Fenn Rau. This is certainly one of the strongest Sabine-centric episodes in addition to being a high point in the series. It's very restrained for an animated kids program. The majority of the Darksaber lore that influenced The Mandalorian happens here.
Rewatching I'm always surprised how long it takes for us to actually get Sabine's whole backstory. We're almost 3/4s of the way through the whole show, babes! I also love the relationship between Kanan and Sabine here. I've really been enjoying when they are paired up in this rewatch. They both say things they don't mean and come back and apologize. It was really moving.
I'm not a huge fan of Ezra's 'pep talk' to Sabine... the "At least you have parents to go back to" line really bothers me. It minimizes Sabine's trauma in a major way. It's just as painful to have your family turn their backs on you. Ezra has a point that she still can reconnect with them, but in so many ways he has no idea what he's talking about.
Hera's pep talk to Kanan on the other hand is some of the best dialogue in the series. I absolutely love it. Momma knows her babies and Kanan so well.
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justalittletomato · 1 year
He felt eyes on him, the intruder looked at him from atop a ship. Perched and garbed in similar armor to him.
Dark grey and deep red with stripes of gold. The signet not visible from this angle.
“You are spying, Princess.” The last word more towards a sneer.
“You know well that Mandalore does not have royalty.”
“I know many a thing about Mandalore, little Zabrak.” Fenn Rau looked to Aster Oppress as she leapt down with a grace that was impossible for most.
A Mandalorian and Force user how the galaxy must have turned at this result.
“I am not little,” she scoffed. He didn’t seem to hear and continues to check over his gear.
“Tell me about Mandalore, all of it, how your Protectors fought in the war?” It seemed to be a family trait to pester everyone with questions.
“Your little sister was already asking me, it was adorable when she asked she had her “research” notebook with her.”
Aster shook her head, “ I don’t need a history lecture, I need to know tactics, strategy.”
“What are you going to do? Lead an army?”
The Zabrak doesn’t raise a brow or narrow her gaze she merely continues, “ I can’t rely on my force abilities alone, to win I have to fortify my other abilities, and who better to learn from than the leader of the Protectors?”
“You do realize your Father led Mandalore to its downfall?”
Aster now did narrow her gaze, “ Fenn Rau you never well that is incorrect, did my little sister not give you her big sad eyes and go on a 20 minute explanation of the Civil Wars, the Krytz rule, the New Mandalorians, the inner corruption? How Maul was just” Aster gave her best Danica impression, “ The last bit of entropy that cause the catalyst!”
Fenn Rau did recall, he also recalled the tiny red face very upset and huffy until Rau decided to reconsider his thoughts.
“Yes I recall that lecture…”
Aster grinned, “ well then that being the case, please tell me how best to disarm an enemy.”
The Protector sighed, guess he was stuck teach and being lectured by the Oppresses..
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