semisomni · 1 year
0 notes
pagingevilspawn · 4 years
Would you please write a fic about alex and jo help their daughter with her homework, they would be kinds cute help them study
cross my heart, hope to die, please stick this pencil in my eye
there’s a reason this took me forever. reason number one, two, and three; proofs. i was unable to write this because of proofs. i got this ask and LIKE A CHILD decided that i wanted to make my fictional characters suffer as much as i did. so once i was done with proofs, i had to write something about proofs, which made me exhausted because i hate even talking about proofs
that made no sense, but here’s this thing that i made. lots of it was my real life monologue, screaming at my computer bc of fucking proofs. enjoy. (also, let’s appreciate the fact that i updated three whole days in a row)
(also, another installment of the “payton loves evan peters too much” series, where i name jolex babies after his AHS characters)
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Alex Karev sat in the drivers side of his SUV, making a right onto the upcoming street as he listened to the song playing on the radio. He drummed his fingers along the steering wheel absentmindedly, pulling up to the curbside of James Madison Middle School, waiting patiently in his seat until he heard the five minute warning bell ring.
When the loud bell goes off, he exits the car and makes his way to the other side, learning against the door so his kids would know it was him. Too many parent’s owned black range rovers, and the last thing Alex needed was for either one of his kids to climb into the back seat of some stranger's car. 
He didn’t need to wait long for children to start piling out of the school in large crowds. Middle school was so different from elementary, for his kids at least. He remembers when they would come sprinting out of the building as if their lives depended on it, but now they just casually strolled, no matter how much they liked or disliked school. 
A few minutes later he catches sight of his daughter, who’s eyes light up when she sees him. He wasn’t supposed to pick them up today, the nanny was. But he had gotten off of work early and had insisted with Jo that he be the one to pick up the kids. It was a task he wished he got to do more often. 
“Hey.” his daughter greets him with a smile on her face. He steps aside and lets her enter the side door, where she flops her black backpack on the floor and settles into the seat, pulling out her phone and begins to start scrolling through it. 
“Dad!” he hears another voice exclaim, quickly tracing it to his son, who was currently running to the car, backpack bouncing up and down behind him. The sixth grader moved across the property quickly, greeting his dad with a fist bump before sliding into the back seat.
He closes both of his kids doors before making his way into the driver's side, revving up the car’s engine before he drives down the long block, whatever music his daughter decided on playing through the radio. 
Alex winces when the music begins to blare through the car, “Brynn, turn that crap down would you?”
Brynn’s face looks scandalized. “It’s not crap. It’s art.” she emphasizes, turning it up even louder and screaming the words. (Poor Brynn couldn’t sing, and she knew it)
“I came in like a wreeckingggg ballll I never hit so harddd in loveeee all i wanted was to break your walls all you ever did wre-e-e-ck meee.” she yells, using her phone as a microphone, hair flying around wildly as she moved up and down, side to side in her seat.  
Alex rolls his eyes, unable to hide the smile on his lips. His wife and daughter were too much alike sometimes. He turns the knob himself, sending his daughter a look, silently telling her not to do it again. 
“I think it’s crap. Just like how I think you sound like a dying cat whenever you sing.” his son pipes in from the back, a signature Karev smirk plastered on his lips as he keeps his gaze locked on his phone. 
“Shut up Rory,” she sneers, “Nobody likes you.” 
Rory fakes a laugh, looking back to his phone, and then to the scenery outside his window. They passed house after house until they finally reached their destination, John Quincy Adams Elementary School.
“Wait here,” Alex instructs the two kids, who murmurs their we know’s, more focused on the devices in their hand to the words coming out of his mouth. 
He makes his way to the ‘log cabin’ that sat at the front of the school, giving a friendly smile to the woman sitting at the sign out table, a crappy fold out plastic table that had definitely seen better days. “Faye and Bridgette Karev.” 
The woman slides the forms across the table, handing him a pen. “Sign here and here. I’ll go get them right now.” She stands up from her seat and heads inside to tell the two girls that their father had arrived.
Alex sprawls his messy signature onto the page, huffing before leaning up against the gate. His girls could take anywhere from thirty seconds to five minutes to pack up their things. Luckily today didn’t seem to be the latter, because before he knew it, the two youngest Karev’s came bouncing towards him. 
“Daddy!” “Daddy!” 
The seven year olds gave him a large hug, showing him matching toothless smiles. When Jo and him found out that she was pregnant for a third time, they were overjoyed. They had always wanted more than two kids, but hadn’t really been actively trying. They were excited to expand their family of four into a family of five. When they discovered that she was not carrying not one, but two babies, they were shocked. Jo wasn’t expecting to get pregnant at thirty-nine, much less with twins. Brynn was seven at the time, and Rory was five, so they were worried about how their kids would react when they found out two new babies would be joining the Karev household. 
Rory --surprisingly-- took the news really well. He was excited with the fact that he could have baby brothers. (Oh well. Alex Karev only seemed to make girls, Rory being the one exception.) 
Brynn was a bit more reluctant. She had heard from her friends at school how much babies cried and stole all the attention. She loved both her parent’s equally, but she was a Daddy’s girl through and through. The thought of losing both of her parent’s focus was terrifying. What if her Daddy called her new siblings names like Bug or Princess? Those were her names, and her names only. She couldn’t let the new babies steal her names. 
It took a while, but after multiple long talks and countless acts of reassurance, but Brynn eventually came around to the idea. Before they knew it, Brynn was just as excited for the upcoming babies as they were. Jo was worried throughout her whole pregnancy. Since she was almost forty, she was now considered to have a geriatric pregnancy. Just the word ‘geriatric’ did nothing to soothe any woman’s nerves, but add that to the fact that Jo was a surgeon and knew all the risks of pregnancy, and she was practically a mess the first few months. As it turned out, the twins ended up being her easiest pregnancy, since Brynn decided to make her entrance into the world four weeks early and while she was carrying Rory she had the occasional spotting that terrified her to her core every time, worried that she was miscarrying. 
The twins ended up being born at thirty-five weeks, perfectly healthy. The only thing that gave Jo any trouble at all was the severe morning sickness, which turned out to be all day sickness. 
But in the end it was way more than worth it. Faye was pretty much Jo reincarnated, just like Brynn. Every aspect about her was exactly like her mom. Her hair, her eyes, her face shape, chin. The only thing that she inherited was the Karev crooked grin, which all of their children had. (She didn’t even have a big Karev head when she was born!) 
Bridgette on the other hand, was all Alex, except for the eye color. Between her potty mouth, sassy attitude, and overall appearance, she was the female mini evil-spawn. 
The Evil Spawn Jr, title belonged to Rory, who was basically the male version of Bridgette. Same spunk, same mischievous smirk. Jo was always telling him that she didn’t know what she did to deserve three devil’s in her house. Alex always found that one really funny. 
“You guys got everything?” he questions the two, who nod their heads up and down enthusiastically, skipping to the car and greeting their siblings. 
He drives the twenty-five minutes back to his house, the twins chattering about in the back seat. 
“And then Julie showed her her math problems, and I tried to tell her they were wrong, but she just wouldn’t listen!”
“Tommy was sooo annoying. I kept telling him to stop making noises with his pencil, but he just rolled it back and forth so many times!”
Alex laughs under his breath, listening partially to the twins’s conversation. They sounded exactly like how Cristina and Mer used to rant about completely different things to each other, so it never failed to make him think back to the ‘olden days’ as he and Meredith liked to call them. 
If someone were to tell cocky, intern Alex that he would be happily married to the love of his life for (legally) fifteen years, father of four kids, and lived in a house that literally had a white picket fence on the outside of it, he would’ve sent them to a long term psychiatric care facility, because there was no way he would ever have that life. (A life he always secretly wanted, tucked into the very tiniest corner of his brain so it could never venture farther than a fleeting thought here or there). 
“--We’re here,” he calls out, shutting off the engine as he parks in the driveway, the kids unbuckling their seatbelts and scrambling out of the car, eager to escape the confines of the vehicle and enjoy the peace of their rooms. 
Once all five were inside, he watched as the four children parted ways. “Faye, Bridge, you have thirty minutes of reading down here. Ror, you have that history test you need to study for, and Brynn, you know what you need to do.” he says, his two oldest tromping up the stairs as the twins take their place in the living room on separate seats, already engrossed in the books they needed to read as part of their daily homework assignments. 
Alex lets out a tired sigh as he flops onto the couch, more than tempted to grab the remote from the side table and flick on ESPN, but knew that he couldn’t. As much as the girls loved reading, they got distracted from books really easily. Loud horns, cheers, and buzzers wouldn’t be the way to go if he wanted any work to get done. Instead, he plucks the iPad from the coffee table, picking up where he left off that morning with an online medical article.
Before he knew it, Faye and Bridgette’s timer had rung out and they started on their math homework on the kitchen island, something that they finished with ease. Another trait Alex was grateful the children inherited from Jo, her smarts. (Specifically in math)
“Ugh!” he hears a loud exclaim from upstairs, causing him to look up from the device in his hands and glance towards the steps, half expecting an angry looking Brynn to come storming out at any moment. He huffs, focusing his attention back to the iPad in hand when no mini Jo comes down. 
“No! There are no other ways!”
Another loud groan of frustration. 
“Son of a butthead! There are NO more ways! None! I don't know how the frick to prove that the freakin angle is congruent!”
Alex debates ignoring it and letting his daughter figure it out on his own, that is until he hears something hit a wall. He quickly makes his way up the stairs and to Brynn’s bedroom, standing in the doorway for a few seconds, trying to observe the scene. 
Brynn’s normally pristine room had books scattered on the ground, blankets thrown to the side, and an open notebooks posed at an awkward angle on the floor. 
Well, at least he knew what hit the wall.  
Brynn sat on her bed, literally glaring at her computer screen, partially debating whether or not to throw the expensive device across the room. She didn’t break eye contact, as if she was in a staring contest. Alex wanted to laugh, but he knew a deathly glare would be sent his way if he did. 
He knocks on the wood door, sending a questioning glance Brynn’s way as she finally breaks her stare with the inanimate object. “Everything okay?”
The brunette huffs loudly, bouncing back onto the bed as she lets out a groan. 
“I hate proofs.” she turns her head to look at her dad, Jo’s signature puppy dog face plastered on her features. He couldn’t help but chuckle. It was crazy how much Brynn looked like Jo. Add that onto the fact that she too shared a love for flannels and jeans, she was pretty much what he imagined a fourteen year old Jo to look like. When he first found out that Brynn was going to be a girl, he said to Jo, ‘I’m gonna need a gun.’ 
Luckily, that never happened, partially because of the fact that Alex hated guns and Brynn had yet to have a boyfriend. He was more than thankful for that. Especially since he’d seen couples at Brynn’s school canoodling in what they thought was private, even though they were in full view of everyone. He’d be fine with his not-so-little little girl dating when she was twenty-five, no earlier. Any man before that would not be very fortunate. 
“I’ll help,” Alex says, taking a spot next to her and Brynn begins to show he dad the problems on her screen, going on about how she was struggling to figure it out. 
Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Jo Karev was thrilled when Bailey offered to take over her service for the rest of the day. Her husband had gotten off early, and Bailey knew how much of a struggle it was to spend quality time with family as a surgeon. 
She thanked Bailey so many times she lost count, all while boasting a large smile. She couldn’t remember the last time both she and Alex had been home before five o’clock. All she wanted was to go home, snuggle with her babies, and spend time with her husband. Well, her babies weren’t technically babies anymore, Brynn was fourteen, Rory was nearly twelve, and the twins were seven, but nevertheless, they would always be her babies. (Who cared if Rory was five foot three and already almost as tall as her? He was still such a mommy’s boy.)
She drove home with a smile on her face, humming along to the songs on the radio. She was so happy. She wanted to take her kids in her arms, and watch action movies on the couch while they pigged out on pizza together. 
When she pulls up in the drive she practically bounces up the steps to the house, swinging open the door and dropping her coat carelessly onto the rack. She hadn’t texted Alex to let him know she was coming home early, in hopes to make it a joyful surprise. 
Her heart stopped momentarily at the sound of yelling coming from upstairs. Arguments between Brynn and Alex were few and far between, but when they did happen, they were nasty. Alex always felt like crap for days afterward and Brynn stayed quiet, both at home and at school. 
“Do the reflexive property again!”
“Dad we already did that!”
“Well do it again!”
“Do you see any other way to do it?”
“How is that going to help!”
“It just is!”
“Dad, we've done the reflexive property five times now!”
“You think I don’t know that!”
“Say that segment DA is congruent to AD.”
“There are literally no other fucking ways to do it! It’s fucking shit! Thats what it is!”
“You act as if I didn’t already freakin know that!”
A loud groan. 
“What the fuck even is this one! We’ve managed to do three of them already. Try proving the triangles congruent now. Push random ones, like Side-Angle-Side.” 
“This is crap! ‘You don’t have enough proof to show that the blah blah blah.’ Stupid freaking thing! Freaking worthless!”
Jo is unable to suppress her giggle, clasping a hand over her mouth, trying not to make too much noise. It was a relief to know that the current screaming match going on wasn’t an argument. 
“They’ve been at that for an hour and a half now.” she hears her son pipe in, drawing her attention to where he sat on the couch. 
Jo sets her bag down on the table, greeting her son with a large hug, “Hi bubs.” she mumbles into his hair, feeling his arms wrap back around her. In private, Rory was the biggest cuddler, touchy-feely person you’d ever met, but in front of his friends he tried way too hard to show he was ‘too cool’ for hugging his mom, so Jo took in these moments and held them close to her heart.
“An hour and a half huh?” she chuckles, running a hand through her son’s gelled hair. 
Rory snickers, hazel eyes shining with mischief, “Yeah, dad won’t stop cursing and Tissy just keeps screaming alongside him,” he sits back onto the couch. “I’m surprised neither one of them had lost their voice yet.” he smirks his crooked Karev smirk, focusing his attention on the TV where he had opened up netflix, where he was currently binging Bates Motel. The name ‘Tissy’ came from when he was younger and couldn’t for the life of him say either Brynn nor Sissy. It seemed to have stuck all these years, and he was the only one who ever called his older sister that, even ten years later.
She sees him cringe, “I never called you mother right?” he asks, eyes not leaving the screen, where a certain Norman Bates is practically spooning his own mother in the bed, claiming that he couldn’t sleep. 
Jo snorts, ruffling his hair fondly, “Definitely not. And if you ever do, you’re dead Ror, hear me?”
Rory rolls his eyes playfully, giving his mom a grin. “I won’t. Promise.”
Jo heads up the stairs, the loud yells continuing to echo through the halls, which she chooses to ignore. 
“Dad for the fiftieth freaking time-”
“--What’s going on here?” Jo questions, causing both her husband and daughter to break away their concentration from the computer screen. 
Brynn’s face lights up at the sight of her mom standing in the doorway, more than thankful to have someone who actually knew stuff help her with her math. “Mom!” she exclaims, getting up from her place on the bed to give her mother a hug. 
“Hey baby. Care to explain to me why the second I walk through the door I'm greeted with screaming?” She questions, eyebrows raised as she sees Alex sheepishly avoid eye contact, suddenly finding the pictures that hung on the wall very interesting. 
Brynn smirks, “Well, Dad sucks at math so-”
“--Hey!” Alex interrupts, crossing his arms over his chest. “I haven’t done this crap in like thirty years!” He defends himself.
Jo rolls her eyes and smiles of her own gracing her lips as she reaches the bed and takes a look at the problems on the computer. “Proofs?” she asks from confirmation, earning a nod from her husband and daughter. 
She hums, “Given: segment CA bisects angle BAD and segment CA bisects BCD. Prove: triangle ABC is congruent to triangle ADC.” she murmurs to herself.
The brunette laughs when she sees the fact that the pair had put down some form of the ‘reflexive property’ not one, not two, but seven times.
She grins triumphantly as she remembers how to do the problem, the skills seemingly coming back to her after years of them being dormant. “Next statement is angle BCA is congruent to DCA because…” she scrolls through the possible options the box provided, smirking when she found the right one. “An angle bisector divides an angle into two congruent angles.”  
She watches as an angle pops up on the screen, only encouraging her to continue, “Then… angle DAC is congruent to angle BAC because an angle bisector divides an angle into two congruent angles.” 
Another angle comes up. 
“Finally,” she smirks, glancing to the side of for a brief second to take in the draw dropped stares of the two behind her. Brynn was a whiz at math like her mom, but proofs was something she’d been struggling with since they’d started learning them yesterday. Geometry was no joke. Her and her dad had already gotten almost all of the problems done, but it had taken so long to do a few measly problems that they’d lost track of just how long they'd been sitting in the room, arguing back and forth over different possibilities to try. 
“Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle ADC, reason being Angle-Side-Angle.” 
She grins, wiping her hands together as she hits the submit button, a large green check with a correct! floating on the screen, going over the ways to solve the problem. 
Alex glares at her. He’d been working on these fucking proofs for so long now, and Jo just comes in and completes it in less than a minute?
“I hate you.” he gruffs, still glaring at both his wife and the computer. 
Jo giggles, leaning over and pecking her husband’s lips. “Love you too.” 
She begins to walk out of the room, stopping and calling out over her shoulder as she reaches the doorway, “Now you just need to make sure the twins did their homework!”
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oh-shit-a-baby · 5 years
Black Friday thoughts
(All the spoilers beware!!!)
with lala n ari (hi I’m @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces if yall dont know me)
These were our thoughts the first time watching my digital ticket through. It will be long. There will be spoilers.
I can’t remember how to spell her name but she looks like an excited child and i just Acting (it’s Jaime yall dw)
i was on board until fifty quid was an only
Robert forgot the choreo and lala just went OH MY GOD WHAT A DARLING so
I wanted a salad, but, now I have a child
Emma my darling I’m so sorry about ur sister
Paul ur such a mess ily
Emma shows up had an hour late with Starbucks
i dont really like getting hit by cars any more
i dont get flashbacks i remember bad things vividly
Both of the above are moods but who hurt them
@drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces saw plaid and immediately said ‘is he a lesbian? Wait no’
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What do you mean I have to look after a child
Tim’s a mood
and even if I did, HOW WOULD IT FIT INTO THE SEDAN?!
Paul’s buddy bill
Well I will be GODDAMMED if he doesn’t have a merry FUCKING Christmas!!!!
We stopped for like ten minutes to watch @dialovesyellow being an idiot but we love her so it’s fabulous
At the same time though were not going to be able to do this in one sitting bc we spent like 30mins chatting to dia and heeter
Dumbldore grew a beard?? No??
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No comment
He’s a chaotic mess but we love him
(Heather started playing the mii song on the piano while he was singing which was fUn)
But dumbledores voice is still stunning
How does he hit high notes whilst still not opening his mouth like at all
Jeez Corey that’s dark
Corey everything ur character says to lex is m e a n
why does anyone want this
no it isn’t cute
get away from it stop it
I want his jacket
Fuck Ethan lost lexs sister
@drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces : Everyone’s wearing plaid they must be lesbians
Now we gotta talk to the imaginary spider from outer space
Not crazy but creative
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A certified mess
Don’t u fuckin laugh
The new lil girl can’t dance but we love her
Califomia sounds like speed run from tto conspiracy theory
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Nuff said
That’s not how cameras work babe
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Jesus Robert and the girl who plays lex can s i n g
Linda bribing people is a mood
Becky Barnes. Nuff said.
Linda’s buying four what the fuck
Well my children were accidents!
Becky is stunning but Linda’s also a bitch
Becky we love you
Becky my darling I’m so sorry
Becky wants to fuck dumbledore
Jesus they’re both a mess
They all just,,, got out of the line to dance around Becky and dumbledore
Oh my god it’s a train wreck!
(My favourite)
What do you say?!?!?!
Oh my god they’re a mess
Opening the doors!!!
Gotta love some capitalism
The cast is huge what is this witchcraft
but his dancing there ?? stop it
Jaime up in here buying all of the fucking dolls
Linda u melodramatic bicth
Linda’s like,,, ‘well shit guess I can’t buy four’
Gary really????
Shut the fuck up!
Fuck you! (Dramatically)
Kurt fucking up and stole a wiggly that’s a yike
Jesus this song is a bop
They spent approximately all of their budget on wiggly dolls and none on choreo
THATS where that comes from ooohhhhh
Joey only ever plays a douche with voice cracks especially in this show
Santa Claus is going to high school
Yikes what did he do to get banned from the mall
hes being a good father figure though
I get the feel he’s being slightly manipulative tho idk if that’s intentional
This is so sad lex play despacito
Yikes who’s beating Ethan up
Holy shit is Ethan dead
Jesus I’m going to cry Ethan no
NO!!!!! YOU CANT DO THAT!!!!!!!!
I have pepper spray and I can use it more than you can ever imagine
(Said in a joey voice) I don’t know if u wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna fuck with meeee
And YOU are the most special person in it. I KNOW THAT!
Joey either plays characters with all the voice cracks or dramatic low voices
Did joeys Randi character kill Linda
The Black Friday from hell
Shopper mania and a fuck ton of it
Yeah bob,,, are you serious
Jamie’s in love with the wiggly immediately
Kurts character gets it
Jaime can do background acting much good
President kurt is a yike
Just me and a few of my peeps
ok so this is a Thing
As in crisis and mcnamara
The crowd went fucking wild when macnamara showed up and so did I
Jeffs falsetto song is a whole bop
And these eldritch forces are rising
Jeff just yeets the wiggly ookay
President kurt is having a meltdown
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Is this spies are forever
jeff doesnt look like a child
What does this have to do with anything
I mean the high school song is a bop but
Christopher cringle
Mr humbugger
Jingle! Jangle!
If anyone sees two elves in my locker I’ll get expelled for sure!
What the fuck
height difference in elves
Also what the fuck
Is Robert Santa now
OMG I’m calling it this is the film they were talking about
good choreo !!
Robert Lauren and the new guy who I thought was Corey for like the first 20 mins are all good dancers
This song is still a bop
What the fuck am I watching (Tom not me)
Omg I was right
Santa turns into a teenager so he can reconnect with the youth?????
okay What is this and can i punch it
their expressions whilst watching the shitty film is a mood
Beckys the only sane character
Becky and Tom are such white names
Plot twist Tom killed his wife
(lala that’s mean I’ll fight you)
why can i see tears in her eyes from this far away this is so sad alexa play haus of holbein
Holy fuck did she kill Stanley
Well yikes
You say you killed your family, I hope I killed mine
Well that’s that we got exactly halfway through imma post this now
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justbtsstuffsforfun · 5 years
Harder than it Looks
Pairing : Taehyung x Jin
WC: 6,240
Warnings:  Mentions of rape.
A/N: Forgive me for my pathetic title. And I’m nervous.
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“Where is Jin-hyung?” Taehyung asked, scanning the crowd. Having been promised that the latter would come and pick him up, it was only natural for him to ask about his missing boyfriend.
“Hyung is…a bit busy.” Yoongi replied, maintaining the stability in his voice while answering Taehyung. He’s definitely not gonna let this poor cub know about the hyung’s condition.
“Then let’s go to his filming site! We can go and surprise him!!” Taehyung clapped in excitement. No way was he going to miss the surprised look on the older man’s face.
“No. Tae-tae needs rest. Carry gramps Yoongi back to the car.”
“Hyung, I’m the one that needs rest and- Hey!” Taehyung fake-exclaimed, seeing his hyung climb on to his back. Damn, it’s been too long since he felt this excited to carry Yoongi again.
“Hyung cut some slack for this 31-year old kid!” Taehyung pouted, adjusting his backpack and the sloth-like Yoongi. “And what about my mask? People might recognize me.”
“Mask? You look like a caveman with that thick beard. No one would even imag-“
“OH, MY GODS! THAT’S KIM TAEHYUNG!” a petite woman screamed in excitement.
“AHHH!! TAEHYUNGIE WITH A BEARD!! AHH!!!” another joined.
“YOONGI OPPA LOOKS LIKE A KITTEN!!” the third one started bawling her eyes out in astonishment.
“And this is why I should never listen to Hoseok. Run towards my car in that corner!” Yoongi face palmed himself and hid his face on Taehyung’s shoulder.
 “L-leave meee, I have to gooo. Tae babe’s waiting.” Jin slurred, chugging in another mug of beer. “He’ll see me and break up immediately. I’m so ugly, fat, blond, no muscle, blah blah blah.”
“Hyung, I get the fact that you’re worried but seriously, why would you call yourself ugly and fat when you’re neither?” Joon asked, pulling the older away from the kitchen counter. “And for God’s sake, what has got you so upset huh?”
“Tae baby will run away from me.”
“No, he won’t. In fact, he’ll run towards you. No stop drinkin-”
Clang! There goes one of Jin’s favorite plates. Namjoon quickly pulled the light-weighted man to the couch.
“Hyung, please don’t break your favorite stuff one by one. You’ll end up regretting.”
“Tae-baby will break my heart.”
“WILL YOU STOP WITH TAE BABY? It’s cringy hyung!”
“I waaant beer. Gimme a kiss. Come here.”
“And I’m not your Tae-baby hyung!” Joon smacks Jin’s head in frustration. “Stay here for a while. I’ll make a call and-“
“WILL YOU STOP!” Namjoon literally blew up, confusing Jin. “Stay here Jin-hyung, I’m calling Yoongi-hyung”
Namjoon quickly walked to the corner of the room, dialing Yoongi’s number. It’s been quite long since the two of them saw Seokjin so drunk and wasted.
It had all started when Jin’s drama director had personally contacted Namjoon in the bakery that afternoon.
“What! Jin didn’t show up for 3 days?!” Namjoon almost crushed the macaroons on hearing the news. “That’s strange. He always returns missed calls and messages.”
“Really? Is he sick? He hasn’t picked up any of my phone calls!” the director asked, a bit confused. Jin quickly became people’s favorite actor after his debut drama.
“Really?! Gosh, I’ll check up on him today.”
And, as Jungkook’s and Jimin’s train was arriving in 20 mins (Hoseok’s going to get them), Namjoon had no choice but to pull the busy Yoongi-hyung along with him.
And Yoongi thought his idea-less -day couldn’t get worse.
The smell of alcohol and beer welcomed them as soon as they opened his apartment door. And right on the floor was Jin, with god-knows-which-mug and the third empty bottle.
“What in the world?” Namjoon exclaimed which also, somehow, brought Jin back to planet earth.
“Pick up Taeehyungie,” Jin called out, searching for his car keys on the floor.
“On it. Take care, Namjoon.”
And that’s how Namjoon was left alone with poor, depressed Jin.
“Hyung! Please come fast.  Jin needs help and pep talk.” Namjoon quickly took a glance at Jin, who had now made himself comfortable on the couch.
“Yah, his baby is dozing off right next to me. Don’t be so loud!” Yoongi whisper-barked on the phone. “I’ll drop him and come.”
“Jooon,” Jin called out. He was staring at Namjoon with his blood-shot eyes, pleading for the younger man’s presence beside him.
“What is it hyung?” Namjoon quickly cut the phone and rushed beside the dark-haired man.
“I’m sorry.”
“Finally back to your senses huh?” Joon gave a small smile, letting his hyung know that the apology has been accepted.
“I wanted to drink so that I could sleep.”
“I know. At least pick up your director’s calls man. Don’t scare us like this.”
“What’s troubling you so much hyung?”
“What if Taehyung leaves me?”
“Why would he?” Yoongi asked, locking the main door. “He was practically nagging me to take him to the shooting site. He wanted to surprise you.”
“But guys, wh-what happens after that? You know how much Tae wanted me to wait? I-I literally betrayed him!” Jin choked towards the end of his sentence.
“Drinking isn’t going to change the result hyung. You should talk to him about it.”
“I’m scared. I don’t want him crying his eyes out like before.”
“Hyung, our Taehyungie has matured a lot since debut days.” Yoongi tossed him the painkillers and the bottle of water. “So stop overthinking and trust that guy. He loves you a lot.”
“Anyways…we have to leave now,” Namjoon replied, after reading the message. “PD-nim wants us there. We’ll finally have a meeting tomorrow with the seven of us.” The two of them put on their standard hoodies and black masks. “Try to make it, please?”
“Yeah. I’ll try. And guys?”
“Yeah?” the two of them turned in unison.
“Promise me you’ll be with Taehyung no matter what happens.”
“Hyung shut the fuck up,” Yoongi answered back. “The 5 of us will support your ugly asses no matter how hard things get. We are supporting now too, aren’t we?”
“Just go sleep peacefully hyung. Tomorrow might surprise you.” Namjoon smiled, slowly closing the door.
“Yeah, surprise,” Seokjin repeated those words loudly in his now empty room. And within an hour, the brightly lit, alcohol smelling flat turned pitch black, with a figure walking out of the building, praying no one notices his absence.
 “Jungkook-ah, you seriously have to watch Jin-hyung drama! Like damn, the way he acts as the waiter is so priceless; any girl would fall for him!” Jimin jumped like a happy dog in excitement. Jungkook, on the other hand, was busy doing his push-ups.
“Don’t forget about guys, Jimin.” Hoseok reminded the latter while tying his shoelace. “You know, Jeong Jaehyun was so damn ready to ask out Jin after watching the first episode! God, you should’ve seen hyung’s face he was-“
“WHERE THE FUCK IS KIM SEOKJIN!” a loud, deep voice interrupted Hosek’s chirpy, happy tone.
“Chill Taehyung, do you miss him-Holy shit!” Looking at Taehyung disheveled condition, Jimin immediately ran towards him, almost tripping over his own shoes he had thrown across the floor.
“What happened?” Hoseok followed Jimin, quickly wrapping his hands over the messy guy.
Taehyung pursed his lips, trying really hard not to shed a single tear on this special day. They were finally spending time together after 5 long years and here he was in his pajamas and sleep-deprived, swollen eyes, ready to ruin the mood of the studio.
“N-nothing.” Taehyung replied, putting on his best fake smile.
“Yeah sure. Hyung, you would never come to the studios in pajamas if it was nothing.” Jungkook pointed the obvious out in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Taehyung-ah, tell us. I’ll bash Jin-hyung for you.” Hoseok moved on to hold Taehyung’s hands that were miserably bitten and sore.
“Hyung, J-Jin hyung-” Not being able to speak another word, he thrust his phone onto Jimin’s hand and ran to the washroom.
“Hyung, wait,” Jungkook called out and followed the older man to comfort him.
“Seriously guys, it’s been 5 years since the 7 of us met and you guys are al-“Yoongi abruptly stopped, almost pouring a bit of his Americano on his white sneakers. “Why are you guys gaping at me like you’re seeing my soul?”
“H-hyung, read this.” Jimin quickly handed him the phone, unable to digest the messages on the screen.
 Nothing made sense to Kim Taehyung. Tears were streaming down his eyes. His lips were constantly quivering. In addition to his beautiful condition, he had successfully managed to ruin their reunion, even before it could start. And to add up to all this, Jin never showed up.
Namjoon and Yoongi were sitting; gaping at each other, wondering the exact reason why Jin was drinking last night. That’s when they realized that they’d been perfectly fooled by their hyung really act.
“Tae…we’re so so sorry.” Namjoon patted him on the head, which slowly turned to soft strokes. Tae didn’t know how to react. Well, it would be safe to say that he really couldn’t process anything after reading the message.
Taehyungie, I’m sorry but I’ve lost interest in you. Since I love myself a tad bit more than how much I love you, I’m breaking up with you.
Please don’t follow or search for me as you would be wasting your precious time and energy. Also, please don’t waste time sending messages or trying to convince me to get back with you, since my feelings for you have become insignificant.
Do take care of your health and mind. Health is really important for a beautiful looking man like you.
I wish you the best of luck for your future goals and achievements. Do not message back. I won’t reply to any of your messages.
Take care of the members. Make sure they take care of you.
“So does this mean he’s going to leave Bangtan too?” Jungkook asked, his voice completely depressed and upset.
“He didn’t tell us anything about it last night.” Namjoon quietly told them. He and Yoongi then recalled the entire scene in front of the men. How their oldest hyung was a mess. How he kept calling Taehyung’s name over and over, fearing that he would break up with Jin.
After 10 mins of dead silence in that room, Taehyung asked “Hobi hyung, can we check his house and workplace. Please? I would really like to wish him good luck. I know he h-hates me b-but I just…” Tears don’t seem to stop falling from the young man’s eyes. He had never really expected or imagined that his Jin would one day forget about all those memories they had made together. Didn’t the bracelet mean anything? Were they supposed to end like this, with the world thinking that they were fan service all along?
“Hyung, let me join you too. I don’t know what happened to Jin-hyung but he made me stay. Now it’s my turn to do the same.” Kook sniffed.
“Kookie, I know you have your reasons sweetheart but Tae-tae should be the one to talk and settle things with hyung.” Jimin held his hand, to stop the maknae from getting up. Namjoon nodded in agreement.
“Okay then. Taehyung, get changed. You can’t walk to his office like this.” Hoseok got up from the floor and walked out of the room, to get changed and screw Jin for one last time.
 “Manager-nim, I would be taking leave for a month.”
“Seokjin! First, you don’t return my calls for 3 days straight and now you want a holiday? Is your success getting to your head?”
“No hyung, it’s just…you know there has been a lot going right? There are a few people who aren’t really happy about me coming out!”
Director Sooshim pushed his specs over his nose bridge. Jin did have a point there. Even though he was pretty supportive of this newbie star, many people in the office itself had trouble accepting him for who he was. People still have a long way to go, unfortunately.
“Fine Jin-ah, I’ll give you. But, the moment you returned back, I will make full use of your presence. You’ll have to take up more than 4 roles in different dramas.”
“Aish, you and PD-nim never go easy on me.” Jin smiled at their similarity. “Fine. As long as it benefits me, I’m cool.”
“Good. See you in a month then!”
Jin quickly put on his mask and walked out of the room. Now, the only thing that remained was getting a ticket to Gwacheon.
He decided to take a short visit to his room on his way back to pick up something. Something that might be of no use for him from now on. A necessity to memory, he mused.
He wanted to show Taehyung his newly renovated room. It was bright blue, just the way he would like it to be. In the far corner, towards the window were the plants they had bought together. It was almost time for the lilies to bloom. Tae might tear up looking at them.
But right now, none of it mattered.
Jin slowly walked up to his desk. For one last time, he opened the left-middle drawer. There it was, his favorite pic with the man of his life, right at the heart of Paris.
He could literally feel that sick feeling rushing up his throat. That crazy feeling which he had been trying to subdue since last night once he broke up with Taehyung. Jin slowly moved his shaky hands over the picture. He did look exceptionally young, more like 22 when he stood beside Tae.
“I guess that’s how Taehyung makes everyone feel. Young and confident.” Jin chuckled, slowly kicking out the pain within him. He definitely should get out of Seoul, before his feelings take over. Taehyung has to be safe. That’s all.
Just before Jin could throw away all his memories (BTS pics), someone quickly rapped on the main door.
“Come in I’m-“ Jin froze as he saw who it was.
“Oops, did I walk in at the wrong time?” the woman smirked, casually playing with her hair. Jin quickly averted his gaze from her. The last thing he wanted to do was get into another situation.
“Aren’t you going to reply Seokjin?”
“Walk out of the room. I don’t even want-”
“To look at me.” She completed his sentence, smiling to herself. She walked towards Jin, pushing the latter back, till his back made contact with the wall. Jin could feel his legs trembling. 
“Of course. Truth is always harder to accept, Jin” She pouted scanning all the photos on the table. “You are a huge disgrace now. Bangtan would be better without your ugly ass.”
Jin didn’t lookup. He knew she was right. Especially after that happened.
“Wow, you agree. Sluts remain sluts forever I guess.”
“Get the fuck out of here, Soojin,” Jin replied in a shaky voice, his anger at its peak. He’s had enough to deal with this week. All thanks to this pastel yellow-dress woman standing in front of him.
“Lol. Your ugly secret is safe with me. Farewell Actor Kim. Walk out of the this place as fast as you can!” She took off, satisfied that the man had been scarred for the rest of his life.
As soon as the woman left, Jin collapsed onto the floor. For the first time in 33 years, he put his head down in shame, disgust, and fear, praying that none of this affects the other 6, especially Taehyung.
 “I guess this is our last resort.” Hoseok looked up at the tall glass building, which looked exceptionally posh with the 3 pm sun rays falling on it. He turned towards his left, to make sure that the younger man was still holding on.
Taehyung didn’t bother much this time. He had completely lost all hope. He was never going to find Jin. Period. All their moments together were insignificant to him. Jin, that bratty asshole only loved himself. Taehyung was never a permanent part of his life. And neither was Bangtan.
“Hyung, how could he simply throw all of us out of his life without a second thought? I thought we were a…family.” Taehyung quietly asked, not bothering to turn towards Hobi’s direction.
“I know. It’s tearing me apart too Taehyungie” Hoseok took hold of Taehyung’s hand. Upon holding, he noticed that the bracelet was still there. Taehyung was still subconsciously hoping for Jin to return. For all this to be a sick nightmare.
“That’s why we’re here aren’t we? To bring back Jin-hyung!” Hobi’s answer somehow managed to get Tae’s attention. “Taehyung-ah, you know how stupid our hyung can be right? What if he was just pranking? Maybe he’s just testing you. And us.”
Taehyung immediately raised his head at that possibility. A slow, unsure smile started showing up. “If that’s the case, Hobi hyung, let’s kick that ass right in the balls.”
The interior of that building turned out to be even more posh-looking. The crazy chandeliers, white lights, huge ass lobby gave the entire place a more royal look. Taehyung made a mental note to tease Jin with this. Provided they find him and bring him back.
Right on their way to the third floor, the two of them spotted director Sooshim.
“Director!” Taehyung called out, taking quick, long steps to catch up with him. Hobi followed, a bit relieved, finding a known face.
“Taehyung, Hoseok! What a pleasure!” Sooshim quickly bowed. “Is everything alright? The two of you seem to be in-“
“Where’s Jin?” Taehyung quickly cut in, annoying the older man. Noticing the annoyance in his face, Hoseok covered up. “ Sorry hyung, we haven’t really met him these past few days. Taehyung here is just worried.”
“You too?” Sooshim’s face relaxed. “Jin didn’t tell you anything too? Aish that boy.”
“Did you see him hyung?” Taehyung asked, the concerned boyfriend-look plastered all over his face.
“Yes. He has decided to go on a month’s leave. You know, till things settle down.”
“What things?”
“Taehyung, you don’t read the news or what?” Hoseok asked, turning towards him. “Jin came out. People now know that he’s bisexual.”
Taehyung was stunned. Annoyed and stunned, to be more precise. That fool…didn’t they discuss that they would come out together? Like a perfect kiss in front of their fans, something romantic like that?
“When did this happen?” Tae huffed.
“A month back.”
“WHAT?!” Jin definitely didn’t really care about him.
“Yeah… and many people still have problems with it. So he said he would like to take a break till things settle down. Poor boy.”
“Where is his room?” Taehyung asked, his voice taking a dejected low.
“Turn right from here on the sixth floor. You’ll see a bright blue room that screams Jin.” Sooshim laughed.
Well, let’s be honest right here. The two of them never, ever expected all these actors to be their fans. As soon as they reached the sixth floor, a huge crowd blocked their path to Jin’s room. And 80% of the crowd was going crazy over Taehyung’s beard.
After 5 mins of pushing and pulling, Taehyung openly shouted: “Do any of you know where Jin’s room is?”
On hearing Jin’s name, the entire crowd went silent. All of them were staring at each other, in confusion and fear, baffling the two men in the process.
“You guys don’t know Jin?” Hoseok asked looking around to see people’s reaction.
“Who wouldn’t“, someone from the far corner replied. It happened to belong to a mid-forties guy with dirty blond hair. “Come this way.” He gestured them to follow him.
“Why did everyone stop at Jin’s name?” Taehyung asked the man, as soon as they had turned towards the right to the empty corridor.
“Well, …we did have this party where your man became the star. And showed his true colors.” The stranger replied, turning towards them.
“That definitely sounds like our hyung” Hoseok nodded in agreement.
“I know right! His skin was so soft and perfect!”
Taehyung froze at that spot. “Perfect what?”
“Skin. It was so soft and gorgeous. All those bites we added on to it made it look more beautiful. In addition to that, gah, his moans and pleas! That soft, drugged voice of his that was calling for someone to help him could seriously-”
Taehyung didn’t hesitate to punch that man right in his face. In fury, he smashed the guy’s head into the nearby vase. “You sick bastard! How dare you touch him?”
“What else do you expect us to do to sluts like him that can sleep with both guys and girls huh?” the man replied, wincing in pain.
“Call his boyfriend a slut again, I’ll fucking make sure that your ugly dick goes out of use” Hoseok replied ramming his foot on the man’s dick.
“How many more people were there that night? Answer me you bastard!” Taehyung growled pulling that man up by the collar.
“Tw-twelve. Ahh…T-the entire floor was sent a video of it. It hurts, let me go, please.”
“Huh? Let you go? D-didn’t he plead t-the same way that night?” Tears were threatening to fall from Taehyung’s eyes. “And how d-dare you take a video of what you’ve done, you asshole. Who started this entire shit?”
The man gave a blank stare. He knew the consequences. But did he have a choice? The two men standing in front of him were ready to rip him to shreds. Especially that bearded guy.
“Are you gonna tell us?” Hoseok asked cracking his knuckles. “Or would you like us to get it out of you through the hard way. I recommend you not to worry much about the consequences. Either way, the 6 of us will make sure you and all the other bastards rot in jail.”
“Tell me, or else” Taehyung tightened his grip over that man’s neck.
“S-Soojin. It was Soojin.” The man’s face hardened. “She said bisexual assholes like him can take advantage of both men and women. So she and I decided to teach him where he belonged. Now you can see the type of slut he is.”
“Slut?” Taehyung spat out. “You assholes rape him, drug him, bite him and then call him a slut?”
“He walked in the next day like nothing bothered him! He was perfectly enjoying it!”
“You Bastard! You fucking bastard. He wasn’t enjoying it. Nobody enjoys sick things like that. He walked in keeping in mind that he had to finish his part as an actor! That’s how he is! Work and profession is always his first priority!”
“Why don’t you try this on your wife huh? I bet she would have-”
“Taehyung enough!” Hoseok glared. “Don’t bring his wife and children into this. I know you’ ve-“
“Why not? How dare he touch my Jin-hyung!” Taehyung fought back. “H-he did n-nothing hyung. Why does he have to suffer? Why do we have to suffer because of random dumb-fucks who can’t control their shitty desires?”
“This is not the way you handle a situation Taehyung!” Hoseok raised his volume. He knew the younger man’s anger. Forget that, He himself wanted to break all this man’s bones. But, judging the condition and position they had reached as a team, doing something irrational would make them look bad.
“Taehyung-ah, take my car and find Seokjin. I’ll handle the rest, calling the other members.” He tossed his car keys on the latter’s hand. “Go find him before he does something stupid!”
 “Yuck! All trains to Gwacheon are full!” Jin kicked the small pebble out of the cliff in frustration. Even the sun’s beautiful orange glow didn’t seem to make things right today. Watching the sunset from a high place has always brought happiness. No matter how miserable or sad his days were.
“Why can’t you make me feel better today, you stupid sun?” Jin screamed out loud, not expecting anyone to come and witness his actions. “Gah! Why does it have to be like this?! If things didn’t turn out this way, I-I could’ve brought him here! He would be so happy you know?”
“Who would?”
“My boy-” Jin immediately turned to find the owner of the voice. Taehyung was leaning on the trunk of the cherry tree, giving his regular smirk. Jin had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from giggling looking at the young man. That asshole actually grew a beard?
“I told you not to come in search of me.” Jin stiffened, which gave him an indifferent look.
“I do what I want. And how can you assume that I was searching for you? Aren’t you a bit too eager to see me?”
Yes, yes he was. Jin could literally feel his heart clutch looking at the man stand so far away from him. 10 feet becomes a great deal when you don’t touch your love for two years.
“Fine, I’ll leave then. If that’s what you want.” Jin took his backpack in such a hurry that all the photos stuffed within it fell off. God, things were getting out of hand.
“I thought you didn’t want anything more with any of us.” Taehyung smiled, slowly picking up their Paris picture. ”And yet you still have this-“
“Give that back” Jin snatched the pic from his hand, trying his best not to show his fear.
“But it’s mine too hyung. You’re mine too.”
“No-“ Jin flinched when Taehyung’s hand accidentally brushed over his. Jin’s face turned pale, partially in fear and shock at his sudden reflex. “N-Nonono. Shit, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to- Shit, why did this happen?” Tears broke out of Jin’s eyes. Never in this goddamn world had he expected himself to flinch at his hands. How could he fear the hands he was supposed to feel safe at.
“D-Don’t touch someone as disgusting as me Taehyung-ah, please. I-I don’t even like myself anymore.” Jin sobbed, completely losing whatever control he had. “I-I want to rip every part of my body, every inch of it. D-don’t come near me! Please! Th-they would do the same to you.”
“No one would touch me Jin-ah. And you’re not disgusting. You’ll never be disgusting in my eyes.” Taehyung slowly moved his hands towards Jin’s hair. Seeing no reaction from the latter, he gently stroked it, trying to bring the older man at ease.
“Don’t cry sweetheart, it hurts to see you cry like this.”
“Y-you don’t u-understand!” Seokjin choked.”They-“
“Shh” Taehyung pulled the older man’s head towards his shoulder. He didn’t even realize that tears were falling from his eyes. “I know baby, I made sure those bastards got what they deserved. Especially Soojin.”
“I’m sorry Tae. I’m so so sorry that you have to touch a slut-“
“NO!” Taehyung snapped. “Don’t you dare call yourself that. My boyfriend is not a slut. My angel will never be a slut.”
Boyfriend…yes. Hearing that word, another set of unexplainable emotions engulfed Jin. Realization dawned upon him. He almost threw away the most important part of his life, probably the only part that would help ease the pain and embarrassment.
Taehyung could feel Seokjin’s tears soak his shirt once again. All that pain and grief he had experienced, was now being let out on his shoulder. And he couldn’t do a single thing to make him feel better.
“I broke up with you.” Jin told in between his hiccups.
“And now we’re back together.” Taehyung kissed his head.
After silently remaining in each other’s presence for 10 mins, Jin lifted his head up. “Taehyung-ah, Thank you.” He kissed off Taehyung’s tears, making the younger smile at his improvement. “For accepting me. I would never admit it but, the fear of not being able to see you anymore almost killed me.”
“Well…don’t break up like an ass then. Talk to us.” Taehyung smacked his hyung head, in the name of knocking some sense into him.
“By the way, can I try putting my hand over you? It’s been so long and I just can’t resist myself. I promise I’ll be gentle hyung. Pl-”
Well, let’s just say that Jin had been feeling the same way. Taehyung moaned in pleasure as Jin’s plump, swollen lips crashed onto his. And literally kicked out the word ‘gentle’ from the latter’s dictionary. Although soft, Taehyung’s lips now fought to take control. He slowly bit back on the older man’s lips, creating an entrance for his tongue to explore.
“Tae,” the older man moaned, tightening his grip over Taehyung’s shoulders.
“You’ll be safe,” Taehyung replied, gently caressing Jin’s chin with his empty hand. He then slowly moved down, tickling Seokjin’s neck with his soft pecks, making sure not to leave a single mark on his soft skin. “Hyung is so beautiful. So soft.”
“Gosh, I missed you.” Jin laughed, giving him a quick peck on his cheeks.
“Me too.” Taehyung hummed, resting his head on Jin’s shoulders.
“Do you feel better?”
“Yeah. Really better. And safe.” He slowly wrapped his arms around Tae’s muscular body.
“I love you Taehyung.”
“Love you too, hyung.”
“And I think the five of us here need an explanation for your extremely rational act,” Yoongi called out, a few meters away from the two lovebirds.
“Don’t you dare apologize Jin-hyung” Jungkook ordered him, rubbing his puffy eyes. Jimin and Hoseok were literally throwing daggers at him with their gaze. And Namjoon looked defeated, probably tired of explaining the situation their oldest was in.
Jin heaved a heavy sigh, his hands quickly grabbing Taehyung’s. “Stay here with me okay?” he mumbled tightening his grip over the younger’s hand. Taehyung gave a small nod, resting his hand on Jin’s shoulder.
“I-I know what I did was wrong. So-“
“Wrong?” Jimin questioningly raised his eyebrows. “You made Taehyung cry. Literally, cry.”
“I know and we’ve-“
“No one makes him cry. You made that bloody rule and you-“ Hoseok clenched his fist, his eyes still fixed on Jin.
“I-I didn’t want to hurt him! I really didn’t want to hurt any of you.” Jin teared up, focusing on the dusty floor. “We had gone through so much. We worked so hard. And I didn’t want anything to break our reputation. Namjoon and Yoongi were busy making new songs, and raps. Hobi was teaching other idols. Kook, Tae, and Chim were working. It-It would be selfish of me to throw such a huge bomb on your faces!”
“Nonsense,” Namjoon called out. “We found sleeping pills along with empty beer bottles at your place. How long were you hiding this from us?”
Jin could feel Taehyung’s head turn towards his. “A-A week after I came out.”
“Hyung, I thought we were supposed to share problems. Didn’t you make all of us promise that that night? When I confessed about my dislocation?” Yoongi softly asked, making sure the oldest understood his pain.
“I’m-I-“ Jin choked.
“Jin-ah, cry.” Taehyung nuzzled him. “It’s okay. Cry as much as you want. I’ll cry with you. We’ll cry with you.”
“Let us, please?” Jungkook asked, walking towards Jin. On coming closer, he slowly patted Jin’s head, giving his best teary-bunny-smile.
And for the third time that night, Jin cried. Literally cried like a five-year-old kid. All that pent up fear, frustration, and sadness came out in the form of tears. Every time he tried apologizing for his mistake, more tears fell. But somehow, it felt safe. It felt relieving.
Taehyung just quietly hugged Jin from the back, his tears soaking his boyfriend’s shirt. Jungkook and Namjoon sat beside Jin, the younger resting his head on the oldest’s shoulder while the leader, a bit embarrassed by his tears, silently sat beside his best friend. Hoseok and Yoongi sat opposite to their hyung, with Yoongi on Hoseok’s lap, sobbing miserably, hurt and annoyed at the oldest actions. Jimin found a place between Tae and Jungkook, gently patting Taehyung and resting his head on Jungkook. At times, he also consoled Jin by whispering into his ears.
After silently reliving the entire experience while crying, Jin cleared his throat to get his member’s attention. He knew he had to get over the disgusting feeling within him. And, the only way to do that was: talk. 
“It-It all started when my drama became a huge success. She was jealous, as expected.“ 
“Two days before I had a discussion with Joon about coming out, she blackmailed me with the pic I took in Paris.” Jin took a glance at Taehyung’s startled look. “Yeah Tae, ours.”
“She asked me to leave acting and find another place. Initially, I didn’t give a crap to her words, cause why should I? But then, she made a deal with dispatch…and things went out of control.”
“So you decided to come clean.” Namjoon interrupted. “You told the world you are Bi.”
“Exactly. And it did solve the problem with dispatch, luckily. I guess she probably asked them to stalk me or something. And since my hand had covered a major portion of Tae’s face during that kiss, it was hard for them to recognize him.”
“And then she and some ‘really orthodox’ people decided to put you in the right place. ” Jin sighed, looking at the irritated Yoongi, who completed his sentence.
“Is there any way in which I can make it up to you Yoongi? All of you in fact. I know I screwed up big time and I don’t deserve the six of you after what I did-“
“Hyung.” Jimin smiled. “Shut up please.”
“It’s our fault too. We didn’t do anything to make you feel better.” Namjoon replied, running his hand through his brown hair.
“You should’ve told us, but still, we’re partly at fault.” Hoseok smiled, nudging Yoongi to do the same.
“Hmph!” Yoongi huffed, side-eyeing Jin.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. Really. I promise. No more secrets between us.”
“You cook tonight. I’ll accept your apology if the food tastes good.”
“Fine. Let’s go home then.”
“No. Cook here.”
“Here? Yoongi, I get the fact that you’re pissed but seriously, are you asking me to steal eggs from the bird’s nest?”
“No hyung. Well…since you completely ruined our lovely reunion, we decided to camp out here.” Jimin laughed, patting Yoongi on the head. “It was his idea, by the way.”
“Yah! Don’t embarrass him! He’s trying his best to act all serious.” Hoseok replied, trying really hard not to chuckle.
“Give him some time Jin-hyung” Namjoon replied, putting his hand over the older man. “How about you and me go out and try some really cool cuisines. Just the two of us.”
“Sure! Next week” Jin smiled, secretly eyeing the possessive man who was freaking out in the corner.
“Hey hyung, get the food ready,” Jungkook ordered, setting up a bonfire. “You’ve depleted my energy and ruined my routine!”
“How is it my fault that- yah! Don’t poke me with that twig! Fine fine, I’m going- I SAID I’M GOING JUNGKOOK! Don’t put that thing on me!” Jin playfully smacked the maknae, who was threatening the former with a slug he had found on a branch. And just like that, the depressing mood between the seven lightened up.
 “So…may I know why you were acting so aloof and annoyed around me, Kim Taehyung?” Jin teased, making himself comfortable beside the younger man, who was lying on a mat, looking up at the night sky, free of city lights.
“Go spend time with Namjoon. You didn’t even comment on my beard.” He pouted.
“I have the entire month free. I’ll take you wherever you want.”
“You’re very bad. Every time I try to stay angry with you, you- you lighten up the shitty mood.” Taehyung turned towards Jin, his eyes sparkling. “That’s cheating.”
Jin gave a soft laugh and placed his head on Tae’s chest. And in a matter of few seconds, Jin could feel Taehyung’s thumb trace his lips.
“Why do you love someone like me?”
“Should I have a reason to love you?”
“Shouldn’t there be?”
“I don’t need one. All that matters is that I do.”
“Aish…you’re so simple.” Jin quickly lifted his head and adjusted Tae’s shirt, before looking at him in the eye. “Your turn, lie on me.”
Taehyung quickly got up and made himself comfortable in between Jin’s legs, quickly leaning on his shoulder.
“The beard doesn’t look that bad.” Jin chuckled. “It just becomes extremely annoying when you try to nuzzle or breathe over my neck.”
“Yoongi-hyung said I look like a caveman.” Taehyung pouted.
“Yeah. Definitely.”
“Hyung!” Taehyung whined, making the older give him a quick peck on his forehead. “Caveman or not, you’ll always be mine.”
“Then don’t leave like today. Like I did the last time.” Taehyung immediately turned, his eyes turning serious. More than pain, Jin could feel the latter’s determination, to make things work, in his voice.
“Promise me. That you’ll never leave or hide anything from me. We’ll work it together. No matter how small or big the problem is.” Taehyung slowly held Jin’s hand, caressing the older’s knuckles with his thumb. 
Jin continued to gaze at Taehyung’s hair, a beautiful mess all thanks to the late September wind. There was no way he was going to leave Tae. There was no way he was going to experience that dreadful feeling once again.
“I promise.” Jin smiled, watching the boxy grin creep into the younger’s face. 
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mymelonerboner · 5 years
It’s Pink Season! - Chapter 1 - A JoJo OC fanfic
(i should preface this by giving this fic some context -- this fic took four OCs of four different people (one of them is me!) from a JoJo discord server that i hold especially dear to my heart. i set myself the challenge of taking these characters from wildly different imaginations and trying to piece together a cohesive story where they all interact with each other. to the owners of these OCs, i hope i’ll do them justice. this fic is estimated to last 4/5 chapters, and depending on my free time, maybe i’ll do something like this again with more OCs from other people, who knows :) anyways hope you guys enjoy what i’ve got so far!)
Rémi - belongs to Quality Queen
Kyra - belongs to Kyrare
Claudia - belongs to Sweet Kurage
Unknown Figure - belongs to meee!
Chapter 1 Word Count: 1,923
Rémi sighed as he stared out the faintly fogged windshield of the SPW-assigned black sedan, quietly eyeing the suburban road ahead and its enveloping morning mist, delivering a sense of eerie tranquility. Despite its unimpressive, mundane exterior, the sedan's interior had been fitted with a number of luxurious modifications, though all Rémi really cared about were the body-heat-sensitive automatic air conditioner and the fruit juice dispenser.
He wasn't particularly fond of driving, especially considering it was somewhat illegal for him to (of course, the foundation had some strings pulled just for him, to his obligation), but Kyra was too lazy, and God forbid anyone tries to argue with her. As for Claudia…he didn't really want to trouble her. It's been about two weeks since he and Kyra were assigned to be her bodyguards. She always kept somewhat of a distance, but lately she seemed to be steadily warming up to them. He knew very little about the intentions of the Speedwagon Foundation, and whatever this girl meant to them was nothing short of an enigma to him.
What piqued his curiosity more, however, was the mysterious briefcase, currently sitting in the backseat next to Claudia. He and Kyra were instructed yesterday to deliver it to a safehouse uptown from Brooklyn, and that's as far as he knows about it. One thing he knew for sure, however, was that if the foundation had to contact stand users like him for a simple job like this, it meant two things: One, whatever it was in that briefcase was incredibly important, and two, there were very dangerous people who want it.
"I'm huuuuunnnnggrrryyyyyyy. Can we take a pit stop?" Kyra purred from her passenger seat in half-hearted irritance. Rémi felt his left eye twitch a little.
"We just left the hotel two hours ago. Tell me you're joking."
"Well the food was pretty shit so I kind of just ate one egg." Kyra idly tapped at the condensed window by her right ear. The tapping made Rémi's grip on the wheel tighten. 
But it wasn't because he was annoyed. Moreso, he was worried. He really wanted to get this job over and done with as soon as possible, with as few breaks as possible.
"Well that's your fault, Kyra."
"What am I supposed to do now? Survive off some fuckin' fruit juice until we reach Brooklyn? Come onnn Rémi, show some pity won't ya."
Rémi's eyes darted around the environment before him. Quiet morning, quiet road. Not many pedestrians. He knew that an attack could arrive anytime. But it wasn't that he was worried about his safety. He had full confidence in his stand to protect him. 
The ability to copy attributes. With just a touch, his stand could replicate the attribute of an object. It could be its material, its flexibility, its strength, even its intelligence or speed if it was alive. He knew that this ability, coupled with the ability to wear his own stand like a suit of armor, would serve as a decent defense against a whole variety of attacks.
"Can't you just hold tight for another three hours or so?" Rémi retorted dismissively. "We'll have lunch then. Also, don't fucking insult the fruit juice dispenser."
"I'll insult what I want, kid," Kyra snapped back with an accented hiss. "And look, what if we get attacked? How am I supposed to kick ass on an empty stomach? I gotta get my energy somewhere."
Rémi pursed his lips. He knew she wasn't exactly joking. 
The ability to redirect and transfer energy. Kyra's stand allowed her to manipulate any energy that comes within contact of it. Heat, electricity, kinetic energy, her stand could control its flow however it wanted. Ever had Rémi witnessed her manipulating the energy of life itself, sending her own life force into allies to speed up their recovery. Couple this with her additional ability to form a metallic cat-like defensive suit around parts of her body, and she made for a lethal, well-rounded ally. Dare Rémi say, she could probably easily floor him in a matter of seconds.
If only she wasn't such a bitch to work with.
Rémi wasn't worried about her safety one bit either. What really kept his knuckles white against the steering wheel was the quiet girl sitting in the back of the sedan. 
As he pulled the car to a stop at a traffic junction, he shot a glance at Claudia through the rearview mirror. He didn't want to bring her along with them for the delivery, but both he and Kyra were given strict orders not to let her leave either of their sights for any extended period of time.
"Rém… Rém, are you ignoring me? Rémiiiiiiii, come onnnn. Okay, I'm sorry for calling you a kid, alright kid? Come on, you know I get a little cranky when I'm peckish." Kyra pulled a cartoonish pouty face. "Can't we just, iunno, fuckin' grab a sandwich from a gas station nearby or something? Just one. I'll be quick. You know I'm quick on my feet. Oh come on, back me up here Dia."
The young Spanish girl stayed silent, palms pressed against the door window, eyes fixated on something along the pavement. Rémi followed her gaze and found himself staring at a neatly dressed gentleman sitting on a bench. He looked middle-aged and worryingly tired.
Claudia was a stand user, that much Rémi knew. He also knew it was a rather low-power stand type. The thought of her getting stuck in the thick of a stand battle made Rémi furrow his brow in concern. Especially with that stand of hers…
That stand of hers, hovering right behind the gentleman on the bench. Intricate black and gold details shimmered, lit by the dawn light, all along the leathery texture of the lean, hunched humanoid, from its sullen black-net-veiled face, down to its smoke-like ankles that surrounded its legs in a despairing shroud of gray. It held one leathery hand, embroidered with dull gold gear patterns, against the right shoulder of the man, shuddering and trembling, of which the man took no heed of. Not that he would, he was no stand user, plus he had much more urgent things to be focused on, like the shallowing of his breaths and the tightness in his chest.
He couldn't even hear how much the ghostly figure behind him was crying.
The man gripped his shirt above his heart in excruciating pain, his gasping growing more and more rapid and desperate, attracting the attention of some pedestrians. Panic was starting to spread along the sidewalk as people rushed to his side, some screaming to call for an ambulance.
But Rémi knew better than to interfere, and so did Kyra. He shot a glance at Claudia's mortified face, one that he's gotten much more used to now, and knew that there was nothing they could do anyway.
The light turned green.
"Try not to focus on it too much, Dia." Rémi murmured in a low voice as he pressed down on the pedal and drove away from the scene.
The ability to sense fated death.
*     *     *     *     *
It was coming to noon now, and the three had been driving for hours.
"Shit… Kyra, pass me the map. I think I already passed the right junction." Rémi pursed his lips in frustration.
"No you haven't, we haven't even passed the Five Guys yet." Kyra said. "Speaking which, whatcha say about a quick drive-thru lunch? I could kill for some Five Guys right now."
"That can't be right. I've been driving way too long. Hold up, let me take a U-turn."
"Oh come on, are you really gonna drag this out? We're gonna have lunch in fucking Christmas at this point."
"I checked the surrounding vicinity of this car… there is no Five Guys within fifty meters ahead of us."
A cold, despondent voice suddenly cut through the comfortably body-heat-sensitive-automatically chilled air of the sedan. Claudia's stand had its head partially phased through the windshield, weary eyes piercing through Rémi's own. Kyra let out a curt screech in surprise.
"God fucking- DIA! Can you at least warn us before you pull up your Gloom-boy like that next time?" She hissed.
Claudia kept her gaze somewhat absentmindedly out the door window, her voice held timid. "Gloomy Sunday has his own sentience. I let him do what he wants."
Rémi cursed quietly under his breath. "That can't be right. So we did pass it. I'm turning back." He gave the wheel a sharp twist, swerving the sedan to the left side of the surprisingly empty road and began backtracking.
Except he didn't feel like he was backtracking at all.
"C’est quoi ce bordel...?" Rémi muttered as he scanned the buildings around him in astonishment. The whole environment that was just behind him moments ago suddenly felt unsettlingly unfamiliar to him. He wasn't even sure he had ever passed by this area before. But that wasn't possible… was it?
He glanced at Kyra. He could tell it wasn't just him. This wasn't some Jamais vu.
"Yo… this doesn't look right. Since when did we pass by here?" Kyra squinted her eyes as she peered around.
"...Is something wrong?" Claudia looked up at Rémi through the rearview mirror, seemingly gripping the handle of the car door a little tighter.
Rémi drew a short breath. "I'm not sure. I'll backtrack a little further…" The environment only seemed to grow more and more foreign, yet with an uncanny sense of familiarity, like everything was unrecognizable, yet perfectly normal at the same time. Rémi soon found himself unsure of which junctions and turns he took, and it was not long before he found himself completely lost, and nothing short of confused.
"Kyra, I need you to check the map."
"Dude, I have no fucking clue where we are on the map."
"Shit, none of this feels right. I swear, we couldn't have gotten lost so quickly like that…"
Suddenly, Claudia made an audible gasp. Her stand floated out from behind her, and spoke with a melancholy tone teased with an undertone of alarm.
"Rémi, Kyra, be careful. Someone is following us."
Fuck. An enemy? So soon?
Kyra already had a metallic paw forming over her right hand, tipped at the fingertips to resemble claws. "This is a fucking stand attack!? Book it, Rémi. We need to get the hell away from these buildings right now!"
"I know what I'm supposed to do!" And with that, Rémi slammed the pedal and started darting straight through the unsettlingly empty road. So long as they can get out of this complex maze of buildings, they'll stand a better chance. He needed to find the edge of the town.
Claudia suddenly gave a shriek. "Wait, Rémi! In front of you! Watch out!"
In front of the car, no further than ten meters away, what looked like the basic silhouette of a human figure started to form seemingly from nowhere, atop the silhouette of a motorcycle. As the sedan drew closer, the details of the figure gradually grew more and more distinct, almost as though it was melting into existence out of thin air. The sedan was approaching it fast. Dangerously fast.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Kyra screeched, reaching for the steering wheel from her passenger seat. "SWERVE, RÉMI! FUCKING SWERVE!"
"LA VACHE! SHUT UP! I'M TRYING!" Rémi swung the wheel hard to the right. "I'M TRY-"
The sedan narrowly missed the figure, only to crash headfirst into absolutely nothing.
*     *     *      END OF CHAPTER 1      *     *     *
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