#ALSO in the moons since we've been getting A LOT of kits where the other parent is unknown so uhhh-
whelpimnauthuman · 5 months
I had a thing happen in Clangen and I need to share (and probably eventually draw/make a story about)
For background, the two main cats (Boulderlight and Dustshard) are siblings, in a mountainous Clan known as Crestedclan. Their parents are Fawnstar and Frostsnap, the two are from different litters. Boulder is older with a sneaky personality, Dustshard just graduated a few moons ago and is compassionate.
The Clan recently ended a war with a neighboring Clan; during that time Boulderlight's leg was broken from a trap that had been set. She's nest-bound while it heals, which is fine because she's expecting kits. (Dustshard sympathizes; he had broken a bone during his assessment - he'd graduated on time, and recovered just fine! But he remembers the feeling all-too well)
The kits are born, and after a few weeks Boulderlight's leg heals, although it's horribly mangled- she'll clearly have to relearn how to walk on it.
Dust offers to take his sister out on a walk outside camp - not far, he promises, just to get some air. She happily agrees, although it takes much more effort to convince her mate, Scorchbloom.
"We're not going that far, just for me to get some air. Besides, you heard Lynxstep, I need to exercise my leg-"
Scorchbloom doesn't like it ("Why can't you get some air in camp?") but eventually agrees, going to watch their kits.
I'm kinda vague on details here, but essentially the two go out and enjoy themselves, have some sibling bonding, etc. but are stopped by the smell of rogue. It puts them on edge for obvious reasons, but there's also the fact that the last moon a rogue was spotted, but fled before he could be chased off. The patrol at the time had felt very strange and off-put by how quickly he fled and agreed to keep an eye out.
The siblings now are on edge, and are suddenly confronted by a gang of 3-4 rogues, who, while they don't seem violent, immediately put Boulder on edge. They give off a weird vibe, and she tries to subtly, quietly, get Dust to go back to camp without the rogues noticing, or at least before they get more aggressive. After all, he can at least run and get help.
Dustshard refuses, until Boulderlight physically shoves him, right as one of the rogues leaps. She's forced to the ground, and he bolts, one of the attackers hard on his paws.
The sounds of Boulderlight's battle draw another patrol, but it's already too late - Boulderlight is dead.
Dustshard isn't going back to camp with this stranger behind him. He's going back to his sister as fast as possible. He realizes he knows this territory better than this intruder, so hides himself... Before ambushing the larger cat. Dustshard knows he's losing, but he can at least take this rogue with him. In a final, desperate attempt, he tackles the stranger and pushes them both into what is known to be an unstable part of the mountain...
Hearing his mate's death, Scorchbloom can't return to the nursery...
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talas-first-lady · 2 months
Can we discuss how Evil Gideon was lying, though?
I was thinking today about how completely unrealistic the Astra runs for President prediction was and the more I think about it, a lot of the other predictions don't add up. I'm going to go through in the order they were in the episode.
(She may not have been purposefully lying but she definitely just showed them whatever Chat GPT popped out.)
Zari: Seems plausible on the surface, but I have some concerns.
Her award show dress is UGLY. The red color is pretty but the orangey overlay ruins it. The ruching is in the worst possible place and makes her look larger than she is right through the middle. The bottom is kind of wrinkled. And then she has really small, understated jewelry and her hair up, so there's nothing interesting at all going on in the shoulder/neck region. Zari dresses better than that.
She makes billions with her cosmetics company. Despite the fact that we have repeatedly been told throughout the show that she is terrible at selling cosmetics. Her lip kits don't even sell. Everybody has lips! Her perfume destroys people's sense of smell.
Audible lipstick. Not a thing anyone wants. Not a thing that makes any sense. Evil Gideon is making this stuff up. And yes, it's the future, but nothing we've seen of the 2040s on Legends really looks all that much more technologically advanced than what we have now.
EG fails to consider that Zari has grown as a person since whatever info she has in her files, which is the whole reason Zari is upset about the prediction. It's plausible that she would go back to her career as it was, but she cares about people now. She would absolutely be doing some sort of philanthropy.
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She's so pretty. But also, I'm not 100% convinced that that even is a dress because it looks like they may have just shoved a piece of fabric at her and said "here, hold this under your arms."
Totally plausible that he could become famous, either for his talent or via his connections, but he has never wanted to be famous. You expect me to believe that the man who hid in bed to avoid imaginary TV cameras is going to purposefully go into a career of being on camera?
He can't account for his whereabouts for several years of his adult life. He is not passing a background check to become a children's performer.
His record is called "Grey Hound to the Moon." Which is great, except that both the bus company and the dog spell it Greyhound. One word.
Knowing what we know now about Sara's biology, this is plausible.
But I feel like they might run into some issues trying to sign their kid up for school when one of them is legally dead and the other was never legally born.
Do kids get to do video calls from camp these days? I don't know. I am old. I had to bring quarters to the designated calling home payphones at a predetermined time to talk to my parents.
He knows too much. They can't send him back to the 1920s. All of the Legends are aberrations waiting to happen, but sending anyone to the past is a no-no.
If they are going to send him back, wouldn't it make more sense to send him back to New York? Since that's where he last was?
He has to somehow convince someone to publish a book about how time travel is real. Nate Heywood. Who you may recall from that controversial fake documentary about time travel a few years back. He seems like a reliable source.
You don't grow a hideous beard over the Heywood jawline. You just don't.
His TV interview is totally bogus. Nate knows how to schmooze. He's not going to be all "I can't answer your simple question about what time travel feels like because you must first read all 500 pages of my book."
"I never said that out loud before but that is the title I picked out." Gideon can literally monitor your dreams, dude. I know that she's never personally kidnapped you and put you into a time loop, but she knows things.
Remember how she couldn't find a job in season 6? Because she's legally dead and legally still a child? She also has no education, no work experience, and a grand total of like 6 people who can vouch for her existence. She is a mess. No idea if she's legally eligible to run.
And she definitely wouldn't win, given that all of the above would definitely come out. She also doesn't look her legal age (which barely makes her old enough to qualify), she's terrible at keeping her temper, and she's literally a witch.
Also, she runs in 2040. We know for a fact that Dwayne Johnson is the President in 2045. So at best, she gets 1 term.
That wig is preposterous.
Again, she definitely knows too much to go back to the 1920s.
Everyone is already suspicious of Gloria Cruz. You don't think they're going to have questions when her daughter goes missing and then some 20-something shows up out of nowhere?
They are not running an apothecary. They are getting burned at the stake.
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
The only reason Shielder is even a special class is because the fgo writers will never let anyone (even another shielder) turn out to be a better character or better shielder than Mash. The class is stapled to Mash and it probably won't even be given to Galahad if ever gets added to fgo. And I'm not saying this to bash Mash btw. It's just how it is unfortunately. I'm in the boat that Mash's whole character arc is weak to start with but not gonna stir things up again.
Shielder is a special class for lore reasons, but I don't think it'll stay locked away forever and given Mash is completely free and the best in her niche, I don't think it's a huge problem or anything seriously worth complaining about if it is. I do have a few thoughts on the state of Shielder, though, which basically boil down to "if they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it soon".
Mash is no longer the best defensive Servant. LB6 aside, as far as the plot is concerned she's been locked to the heavily nerfed Ortenix since the Lostbelts started and she's been steering towards a more offensive build since Olympus. Once her new kit is complete (and presumably good), there is no way she'll remain a looping defensive NP-spammer - at least, probably not in Story Mode. At which point - why not introduce other flavours of Shielder?
Type-Moon has given potential other candidates for the Shielder class - Galahad, and I believe Achilles. I think Ajax was stated as well. If this was going to stay a special snowflake class, I don't think they would've bothered. Nasu's mind is an enigma, however.
Strange/Fake also has it's own special snowflake classes; Watcher and Gatekeeper. Other Fate properties have streamlined their unique classes into FGO's class system; Faker>Pretender, High Servant>Alter Ego, Voyager>Foreigner (for some fucking reason), so if we ever get S/F added to FGO and if S/F ever does anything with Gatekeeper... yeah.
Assuming FGO will address the Galahad Question and not just relegate him to the power-up zone, that'll probably be soon, and would be the optimal time for new Shielders to start trickling in. Also, if we get Shielder powercreep, no-one would actually have a leg to stand on if they were annoyed about it being Galahad that creeps Mash.
After all this time it would generate a lot of hype, and it would sell extremely well. After the circus of Pretender servants we've gotten this year, I just... don't think it's off the table forever.
On Galahad as a Shielder
As the resident Galahad fanatic truther, I've been heavily considering his potential trajectory in FGO if/should/when he becomes playable. Obviously, unless something radical happens in the plot, if there are other Shielders he'll be one of them. And if there's only going to be one other Shielder, it'll be him. Anyway, compiling what we know about Galahad, his potential classes (barring shenanigans) are -
Saber - Galahad has two swords; the Sword of Strange Hangings and the Sword with the Red Hilt. Galahad Alter has two swords, at least one of which is the Sword of Strange Hangings, and it's hard to say if that's the sword either Galahad or Mash possesses. That said, we've seen our Galahad in combat three times. He did not use his sword in any of those fights - not even in Lostroom, where it's his actual body, and he has the sword. He uses his hand-to-hand and his shield. Interesting design choice that he would intentionally ignore it.
Lancer - the Lance of Longinus is Percival's Noble Phantasm, so. Post LB6, I just don't think this is on the table anymore.
Ruler - barring shenanigans, if he's not a Shielder my money is here. While not a Saint, Galahad... well, if anyone's going to qualify. It would also line up pretty well with the Ruler class' element of "neutrality" and Galahad's apparent indifference towards the Human Order (so says Merlin). HOWEVER. There is a spanner in the works, and it's a big one; that Rulers aren't supposed to want the Grail. Galahad obviously did, but Alter said that Galahad never actually had a wish and seemed to be searching for it because that's what he was supposed to do - his ~destiny and whatnot. Realising this changed the trajectory of Alter's life, but I'm unsure if, given the circumstances, that would disqualify Galahad from this class or not. And if it does...
Shielder: Galahad has been conceptualised as a Hero of the Shield ever since the Tachie days. The two skills we know he has - Mana Defence and Lord Camelot - are obviously defensive skills, and given Lord Camelot is referenced even in other works I find it extremely unlikely (barring shenanigans) that Galahad won't get it. It's also Galahad's abilities that qualified Mash (and, once upon a time, Tachie) for Shielder in the first place, so...
Yeah, I just think it's his most likely option at the moment. Who knows, maybe he'll manifest as a BEAST and stay in NPC hell forever. I guess that's possible...
Interesting Miscellany:
Galahad's Lord Camelot is stronger than Mash's. In Lostroom, Galahad uses a Noble Phantasm to actively reflect Saber Alter's Excalibur back at her - not an ability Mash has ever had - and his shield, Around Round Shield, was conceptualised to attack any non-Galahad folks that touch it. This is interesting because it provides an obvious higher-tier alternative to Mash's B+++ rank Lord Camelot... and Bazett was released early this year with a taunt/counter NP, so it's definitely on the table and would be a well-established Shielder upgrade. It's also a pre-established skill that makes Galahad similar to Mash, but distinct enough to make it worthwhile making him a separate Servant.
Artoria Avalon, via her Knight-of-the-Round-centric NP Round of Avalon, is currently the only unit in the entire game to have Anti-Enforcement Invincibility, and that's now been the case for two years. FGO is definitely the kind of game to withhold skills for lore reasons, so at this stage one has to wonder why. Never mind that Round of Avalon draws visual parallels to both Lord Camelot and Morgan's Lordless Camelot, and she in turn also has a lot of both story and conceptual/design connections to Mash/Tachie/Galahad. That's... potentially less relevant than the first part, could just be recycling mats, but while I already have the tinfoil hat on...
LB6 took "Mash and Galahad will separate forever and that's GOOD because he’s MEAN" out back and shot it behind the shed. It's possible they'll reconcile their skillsets in some way (FK Lancelot’s formchange... exists as a template), or Mash might grow beyond him to focus on the Black Barrel, but "Galahad Bad" is no longer the flavour of the year. If that's the case, Mash just might stay our Galahad stand-in forever and he doesn’t drop at all. We might also get GalahadAlter!Koharu, which would just be the cherry on top! /terrified sarcasm
But the LB6 mats indicate there are Galahad materials in existence because apparently he was in the OG LB6 draft!!! So he’s real!!! Or at the very least, has an NPC sprite sheet...!
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lia-bones · 4 years
Stay with me forever
Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: After a full moon night, (Y/N) takes care of her friend and answers important questions.
Warning: fluff💕, Injuries, Self-doubt
(Misspelling, Grammatical errors, translation errors)
{please let me know if I have forgotten something.}
Words: 2305
Author note: Actually, I didn't want to upload anything else this week. But since today is the birthday of a good friend of mine and she wished that I would write this for her, I decided to publish it today. And since it's Valentine's Day today, too, it fits well.
(As always, I apologize for all misspellings, grumbling errors, and translation errors. English is not my main language)
I hope you enjoy it. 🌻
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(not my GIF)
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It was a full moon night. The wind drummed on the roof and the bright light of the moon shone into the little hut at the edge of the forest. Just a few more hours and the sun would take the moon out of its service.
It could seem romantic. The bright full moon, the twinkling stars and the calming rain.
But for (Y/N) (L/N) and her boyfriend, Remus Lupin, epidemic nights were far from romantic. Such nights were characterized by fear, worry, pain, injuries and tears.
But even on these nights it wasn't just the shadow side. There were also small sparks of light. Consists of caring, tenderness, encouragement, soothing words, love and hugs.
While (Y/N) stayed at home, cooked, put the first aid kit ready and kept looking out the window at the wods, Remus was out there.
Not quite like himself. In the body of a werewolf, without control, waiting for the morning to break. There are potions that would give him control over his wolf. But they cost a lot of money, money that they didn't have.
So it stayed like that.
(Y/N) would wait and prepare everything for his return.
Remus would go to the forest before sunset and only come back after sunrise. Sometimes more, sometimes less injured. Hardly any memories of what had happened that night.
As soon as he was back, (Y/N) was ready to help. Every time again.
The moon slowly started to sink from the sky so (Y/N) made the final preparations. Hot water in a bowl next to the bed, a cup of tea, a first aid kit and of course chocolate. Everything was ready for the return of her boyfriend. She grabbed the cozy blanket from the armchair and stood by the window next to the door so, that when she saw him coming, she could come towards him.
It didn't take long before she saw the long figure of her boyfriend staggering towards her hut. Dressed in sweatpants and an oversized pollver, hunched forward and one hand on his ribs. (Y/N) moved quickly out the door and down the path towards her him. When she got to ther, she put the blanket over his shoulders and hold him up, on his upper arms. She looked into his scarred face, a few fresh wounds had appeared, and carefully ran a finger over a place of uninjured skin. "Hey love, come on let's go inside. Let me take care of you." she whispered in a soft voice and gave him an encouraging smile. He just nodded slightly, so she put one of his arms over her shoulders to support him. He briefly made a hissing noise, but then clutched her cardigan with his hand.
"You okay, darling? Do I hurt you?" the much smaller woman asked concerned and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
"No ... it's okay ... it's just my ribs." he explained through gritted teeth.
She changed the position of her arm around his upper body a little so as not to touch his ribs and with the other hand she grabbed the wrist of his arm over her shoulders so that it would not slip away on the way in.
As soon as they made it to their bedroom, Remus' girlfriend helped him sit down on the bed with his back against the headbord.
"So let's take that sweater off so I can take care of your scratches and ribs." instructed (Y/N) and grabbed the hem of his top.
Remus started laughing slightly, which soon turned into a cough and gave her a tired smile. "Admit it. You just want to see me half naked."
(Y/N) suppressed a laugh and bit her lip. But it didn't quite work out. The corners of her mouth curled up and she giggled muffled.
"I don't have to admit anything. We've been together for ten years. If I want to see you naked, I have plenty of other opportunities. So let's get started. You need to rest."
Her boyfriend gave her one of those gentle smiles that made her heart melt over and over again. He leaned forward, so that she could pull the sweater over his head and then let himself fall back against the headboard with a sigh.
"Well, it doesn't look as bad as last time."
noted (Y/N) with relief and stroked gently under a wound, along his collarbone.
Remus muffled to agree and closed his eyes.
(Y/N) immediately started her work, cleaning the wounds, a little diptam essenz and bandage. Fortunately, that full moon didn't seem too bad. A few small scratches on his face, a couple on his upper body, and one on his forearm. The worst seemed to be his ribs, of which, as (Y/N) found with a quick spell, two were broken.
(Y/N) took the vial of Skele-Grow and held it in front of Remus' face.
"Broken ribs. So, bottoms up."
He screwed up his face and turned his head to one side. "I don't want to drink that stuff. It tastes awful." he protested.
She shook her head in amusement, put a hand on his cheek and turned his face back to her. "You know, sometimes you'r like a little kid. You've taken this stuff so many times. This time you can do it too. Then there is tea and chocolate and you can sleep." he sighed in resignation and then nodded. "Brave wolfi" (Y/N) giggles and pulled the cork out of the vial. Remus rolled his eyes but opened his mouth as she held the glass roll to his lips. She poured the contents into his mouth and he swallowed with narrowed eyes.
"Disgusting." he brought out and ran a hand over his mouth.
"Here, eat your chocolate."
(Y/N) held a piece of dark chocolate in front of him. He willingly opened his mouth again and managed to smile at the same time. His girlfriend giggled and put the piece on his tongue and then kissed the corner of his mouth.
While Remus continued to eat his chocolate, (Y/N) stroke with one hand through his mousey brown hair in which the first gray strands were slowly recognizable.
Not due to his age but to the pain and stress he had to go through every month.
He had been through so much in his life. At school and in the years after that he had his three best friends who had accompanied him during the full moon. From the moment she found out about his lycanthropy , she lay awake those nights and waited for the sun to rise. As soon as the sun rose she was on her way through the castle to the hospital wing, where she would wait for the four Marauders to arrive. She took care of him or just kept him company and stroked his hair. Just like now.
Not quite like now. She reminded herself.
He lost his best friends four years ago. One, James, killed by Voldemort along with his wife, Lilli. Ther son, Harry, with his terrible aunt and uncle. The other, Peter, murdered in cold blood by the third, Sirius,who is now sitting in Azkaban forever, because he had betrayed them all and killed muggles.
Now it was just the two of them.
He alone in the forest on full moon nights.
She l alone in the little cottage , waiting for his return. Always hoping he wouldn't hurt himself too badly. Taking care of him and stroking his hair as soon as he was back.
And she would always wait. Because she loves him.
When his chocolate was empty, she kissed his forehead and smiled against his skin. "You should sleep now." she whispered in a soft voice.
"Lay down with me" he whispered back and stretched out in bed, his head buried in the pillow. "Of course, always." she said in a low voice and circled the bed. On the free side, she lay on her back and turned her head in his direction to look at him.
He, too, had turned his head in her direction and looked at her through tired eyes.
"Can I put my head on your chest, hear your heartbeat." he asked softly in a hoarse voice.
"Sure, you don't have to ask." she answered, moved closer and stretched out her arms to him. He rolled over his shoulder, so that he was now lying on his stomach. One leg and arm crossed her body and his head on her chest, right above the point where he could best hear her heartbeat.
It was quiet in the small bedroom. Only the breathing of the two and the wind in the trees outside could be heard. The sunlight that came through the window enveloped the room in golden light, so that dust particles could be seen dancing through the air.
(Y/N) continued to run one hand through his hair and the other over his forearm. He was breathing steadily with his eyes closed. She thought he had fallen asleep when a quiet whispered question came from him: "Why are you doing this? Why are you staying with me? I'm a god damn monster. You should be scared of me and run away.You deserve something so much better. I have no money. I'll never get a real job. I will never be able to buy you jewelry or go to expensive restaurants with you. You should be with someone who can offer you a better life. Who doesn't turn into a bloodthirsty beast once a month." She could hear the tears in his scratchy voice, noticed how his hand craned into the fabric of her T-shirt and he pressed closer to her. She ran one hand over his wet cheek and took a deep breath.
"Because, I love you, with every fiber of my being. Because, I feel lonely without you. Because, I like to have you around, feel safe and protected with you. Because, you make me infinitely happy and every time I see you I have the feeling that my heart is about to jump out of my chest. I don't care if you have money or not. I don't care if you have lycanthropy or not. I love you because you are you, Remus. I don't want jewelry or expensive food that doesn't even taste good. All I want is you. Just you, Remus Lupin, now and as long as my heart beats. I will always take care of you because you do the same for me. You are not a monster, you are my Remus. My lovable, clever, silly, strong, polite, shy, generous, Remus. I love you for all that you are. Please don't forget that. Always." she explained in a calm, low voice and finally kissed him on the head.
It was quiet for a moment. Her spoken words hung in the room. Time passed and she was starting to get nervous while waiting for his answer.
"Stay with me forever." he whispered, his voice muffled by the fabric of her T-shirt. "Stay with me forever. Marry me and stay forever. I love you more than anything else in the world. You are the only person I have left. You are already my family, my home. I am ready to give you everything I have in the hope that it will be enough for you. So please marry me and stay forever."
(Y/N) was amazed. She had dreamed of marrying him one day. They had already shared ten years of their life together and she was ready to spend all other years with him as well. She smiled from ear to ear and now tears were running down her cheeks too. " YES YES YES. Of course I will." she replied happily her voice mixed with a happy sob. Remus propped himself up and brought his face over hers. "Yes?" he asked again and she nodded vigorously and put her arms around his neck. He too smiles happily and pressed his lips to hers for a kiss full of love.
"Thx" he whispered against her lips, and continued kissing her with all the love he felt for her. After a few seconds, he pulled his head back a few inches to look her in the eye and admitted, "I don't have a ring."
She giggled slightly and put her hands around his face. "I don't need a ring. Just you."
Remus smiled down at her and kissed her whole face, lastly her lips, on which he got stuck.
They just kissed for a while, the taste of tears, chocolate and tea on their lips, surrounded by their love for one another.
After a while they parted the kiss. Remus put his head back on her chest one arm and one leg over her body and pulled her very tightly against him. "My future Mrs Lupin. I love you." he whispered to her with a tired voice. It was time to go to sleep. He still wasn't recovered from the night he'd been through. But that was okay with him. Now he was engaged to the woman who loved. It was worth the loss of some sleep for him.
"I love you too, my future husband." she whispered back and put both arms around him. One of her hands brushed his hair again. Not long afterwards they both fell asleep. Both with a satisfied smile on their lips, snuggled very close to each other.
Both ready for what the future may bring as long as they had each other.
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mallowstep · 3 years
Hope you aren't getting sick of seeing my pretty little face in your inbox, but here I come once again asking about wanderers not only because it's super interesting but also because I like how excited you get about answering.
So, we've established bands are matrilineal and matriarchal, can we assume they're also matrilocal (not the best term but let's roll with it, it basically means husbands move in with their wife's family)? Where were hjl born? What do they think of that place? For bands crossing into a city, what kind of stops do they make? What do the cats make out of all the human stuff around them? Since you talked about zoos and all a couple of times, how do cats even make sense out of those?
dfskjl thank u...i really appreciate the questions. they're. like. i enjoy answering them. a lot. i've been developing this stuff for a While.
okay so the bands tend towards matrilocal, but not always. it's also fairly common for mates to only see each other when their bands overlap, or to start their own band. it's also not unheard of for she-cats to join their mate's band, especially if they're unlikely to be the next leader.
but that's pretty rare: raising kits with your kin's band means raising kits with your sisters, which means you have a bigger support network, etc., and bands that break off tend to be more than a single pair, for the same reason.
hjl were born on the very edge of clan territory. the clans wouldn't even consider it their territory. the plan is to meet leaf and crow there after a year.
specifically, they're born in a barn where a lot of bands pass through. that's how leaf and crow learn about wanderers and their culture: they meet several bands who are excited for a new pair to be wandering. leaf and crow actually briefly consider joining one, but crow is a little antisocial and doesn't want to.
jay, being blind, struggles the most with wandering. he doesn't really realize this until they've stayed in thunderclan for a while, though. but anyway, he has the most fond memories of where they're born because he felt comfortable in it independently. while he's generally fine at navigating, it's very stressful to be going somewhere new all the time.
they all enjoy it, though. i need to check the timing, but i think they reach it in leaf-fall, when it's getting colder.
one band in particular stays with them when the three are a moon or two old. they're walking a year circuit that brings them to the city at the same time as leaf and crow, so they see each other twice a year.
it's a small band, led by rosemary, with her mate glass and younger sister red. rosemary's litter is a year old when they meet hjl, which is how they learn about the year voyage. red has a litter of kits about six to nine moons old, sheep, brook, mouse, and pebble.
anyway, the three obviously look up to those four, because well. they're the Older Kids, y'know?
but when they arrive at the barn for their first year, red's litter is still voyaging. sheep is confirmed as not coming back, but the band doesn't know how the other three are doing.
anyway, holly and lion's positive memories are tied more to the cats than the place, while jay likes the place.
(leaf is excited to see her friends again, especially red. crow likes the barn. jay takes after his father.)
the city is kind of a special place because very few bands "cross" the city. most are going to go into it, then leave the same way. so they explore a given sector of it, but don't make many stops. a lot of bands overwinter in the city, which makes it a pretty big reunion.
(the three see red's litter for the last time, as well as meeting rosemary's litter, minnow and indigo.)
i haven't mapped out the city, so i don't 100% know where cats go, but i know there's the church, the docks, and some yet-unnamed area with a lot of abandoned buildings. also maybe a theatre, because i like the idea.
cats tend to make "day trips" to see old friends. the three are six moons old, which is old enough to venture off with red's litter, as long as they don't go too far. (this is why young cats like the city.)
(minnow and/or indigo usually go with them, to make sure they're not getting lost and/or into trouble.)
wanderers are generally comfortable with human activity. part of their life is being there, y'know? leaf and crow are uncomfortable, similar to tigerheart, but hjl don't really have a problem.
(glass is uncomfortable in the city too. rosemary and red were born in the city, their mother was an uncollared cat.)
so like most things, it's variable. some bands avoid human activity, others stay on the outskirts, but most are comfortable with it.
wanderers have a much better understanding of human behaviour than warriors. leaf and crow learn how to cross the road and everything. (cats use crosswalks, it's adorable.)
there are a few colonies in the city. the guardians don't mind sharing territory, as long as there isn't territory dispute or prey issue.
the docks also has a colony, one that's friendly to visitors. they call themselves crews, and it's pretty flexible. mostly young cats, a few years old.
there are other colonies that are a lot more territorial, though. especially because wanderers have toms, and most colonies are she-cats only.
as for zoos, i mentioned them mostly because of lion's name. there's a zoo on the far side of the city, not the part that leaf and crow are in. wanderers can go into the zoo, but they don't necessarily want to. wanderers, while comfortable around humans, are also not particularly friendly to people.
they coexist.
so anyway, anywhere with a lot of high foot traffic is somewhat not their favourite space.
(leaf and crow would be Horrified to find out the three were in the zoo. luckily, this doesn't happen.)
anyway, lion isn't a (common) wanderers' name, because most circuits don't go "through" the zoo. it's not unheard of, but leaf, crow, jay, and holly are all nature-related names, which makes lion stand out.
but to answer the actual question, they understand there are animals in cages. how the cages work, etc., is not very clear. they have no idea why humans like them, just that they do.
mendicants frequent the zoo, and a fair amount of wanderers aren't huge fans of mendicants, so the zoo is a bit of a. not classy place? i suppose?
thank u again for asking questions...i could never be sick of ur face not when ur asking Interesting and Thoughtful questions. thank u so much like seriously. a lot of this is just. like. background stuff.
hjl are going to talk about it, part of wanderer culture is sharing stories of where you've been, to pass news, warnings, etc., but the clans are kind of cautious of it.
like, why are you telling the kits about all this? etc.
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4aloysius-porteu · 4 years
Tear In My Heart
pairing: kirishima eijirou x vigilante reader
wc: 1908
genre: songfic, angst, fluff
warnings: mentions of blood/injuries
tear in my heart - twenty one pilots
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It was nighttime when I was ordered to guard in Hosu City, in patrol of villains making crimes around. Yes, I'm a certified hero now and I just finished taking down a criminal with a laser quirk, and I'm on the way to my agency to turn over him.
"That's Red Riot for you!" Tetsutetsu greeted me while the police restrained the criminal. We did their usual brofist, "You alright, bro?"
"Why woudn't I be? I'll stay here for the whole night to catch and drive the villains away."
"Anyway, Fourth Kind said you can go home now. The others and I will take over here. Get a rest, man! See you tomorrow!"
"Oh, yeah, see you!" He patted my shoulder as I left to change clothes.
Sometimes you gotta bleed to know That you're alive and have a soul
I finished changing, then I got outside and saw my friends.
"Hey, Kirishimaaaa!" Ashido and Kaminari loudly greeted.
"Hey guys! You finished in your shift? Where's Sero and Bakugou?" I asked.
"Yep! They're on the morning shift now so we won't we seeing them in this month," Ashido replied.
"Dude, your Hero name is so famous around these areas! You sure are close with people after you rescue them, I'm envious!" Kaminari said.
"Don't be, Kaminari. Maybe someday you'll get known too."
"I hope so."
But it takes someone to come around, To show you how
After a litte chitchat they bid a goodbye and I got inside my car and drove it in a moderate speed. When I stopped in the red light, I remembered something important. I haven't texted hy girlfriend for the whole time!
She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire
Crap, I hope she's not mad at me!
I grabbed my phone and my fingers typed quickly, apologizing for not talking with her. She didn't reply, which made me more worried. I sighed and continued driving.
She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher, than I've ever been
Few minutes later, I still didn't get a reply. Maybe she's really angry, so I made my way to her apartment. While driving, I smiled when I suddenly remembered the first time we met. It was a year ago, in my first hero job.
A car accidentally crashed on her while she was crossing a road, severely injuring her leg. I was on the patrol so I rushed to rescue her. I took her to the hospital and visited her everyday till she gained conciousness. And when she did, God knows how I was caught in her beauty.
The songs on the radio are okay But my taste in music is your face
Since her parents were already gone and her older brother was working overseas, I was the one who took care of her, other than the hospital nurse. We soon got closer and talked with deeper topics, like our chilhood, families, and random experiences. It was really fun to be with her.
When she got better and was able to get out of the hospital, we exchanged numbers, and texted almost every hour.
But it takes a song to come around, To show you how
I also took her on a lot of dates, before we admitted our feelings to each other and her and I became 'we'.
I was taken back to the reality by my phone beeping. At last, she replied! Although, her text is just composed of a location that was 2 blocks away from me. I decided to go since I trust her and I think she's already there.
She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive
I drove on the way but all I found was a dark alley. It was very quiet and shady, why would my girlfriend lead me here? I walked inside, but I came up with my fighting stance in case something bad happens.
"Hello? (Y/N)? Are you here?" I called.
She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire
No response. I continued to walked, until a figure showed up above me. I fought to restrain it, but I feel like its fighting back so desperately, so I decided to back off a bit and let it pin me on the ground.
She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher, than I've ever been
It was panting hard, but still managed to restrain my wrists. I looked at its face, and when the light of the moon showed up, I instantly recognized her face.
Than I've ever been...
"K-Kirishima?" She weakly said.
"(Y/N)!" She let go of my wrists as I got up and held her in my arms, "Are you okay? Hey!"
Than I've ever been...
"I think I'm alright... but I'm glad you came."
"What happened?"
Than I've ever been...
"K-Kirishima... I'm tired. I-I can tell you when we get to your place..."
I quickly carried her to my car and laid her down for her to rest. Now, I noticed that she has wounds and bruises on her arms, and her stomach has a blood stain. I have a hunch on what happened, but I'll ask it to her later.
You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time But that's okay I'll just avoid the holes So you'll sleep fine
I started to drive, but the road holes makes it hard to drive properly. (Y/N) might wake up because of my recklessness, so I decided to drive slowly.
I'm driving here I sit, Cursing my government For not using my taxes To fill the holes with more cement
I observed her sleeping figure at peace before taking my focus on the road. There's a lot of road holes, I wondered where it came from, since its still fine when I passed here. Maybe its the villians' or hero's battle fault.
You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time But that's okay I'll just avoid the holes So you'll sleep fine
I'm driving here I sit, Cursing my government For not using my taxes To fill the holes with more cement
When I reached my house, I parked my car in my garage and carried her out of the car then inside. I laid her on the bed and get a medical kit to treat her wounds. It wasn't too deep or serious, but its many. I raised her shirt, but first I promised not to do inappropriate things, and proceeded on treating on a medium sized cut on her stomach.
Sometimes you gotta need to know That you're alive and have a soul
I covered her wounds and cuts with a clean gauze and band aids, and that's when she woke up.
"Oh, sorry to wake you up, (Y/N). You can go to sleep now. I treated your wounds now, don't worry."
I was about to stand up and get her a blanket, but she pulled me back and hugged me from behind.
But it takes someone to come around, To show you how
"(Y/N)? Is there something wrong?"
She muttered, "Stay..."
I did what she said and sat beside the bed. I sighed and asked her again.
"You're still continuing your vigilante activities, aren't you?"
She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire
"Are you mad at me?"
She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher, than I've ever been
"I'm sorry for not texting you for the whole day, but (Y/N), I told you to stay out of danger! We've been through a lot of arguments here! First off, there are strong villains scattered everywhere, and second, you don't have a Hero License, so the authorities can arrest you when they caught you! You're between the two parties, and when you mess up, none of those sides will help and rescue you!"
A sound of a slap echoed through the room.
My heart, is my armor She's the tear in my heart
She replied, sobbing, "So are you underestimating me? Do you not believe and trust my abilities? And what do you mean that none of those two sides will help? You are on the heroes' side aren't you? Won't you come and rescue me if I'm about to get killed? Will you forget me for your commitment in the Heroes' society? God damn it, Eijirou! I'm being a hero in my own way because the society rejected my ideology and ability!"
She let go of me and cried. I felt bad for making her cry, but I just had to tell those things.
"I thought you understand me, Eijirou, but now I felt that you're just the same as the others! I hate you, Eijirou! I really hate you!"
She's a carver, She's a butcher with a smile
I moved to reach her but she slapped my hand away. That didn't stop me though, I still hugged her, even if she's struggling against my grip.
"Let go of me, Eijirou! I'm leaving now!"
Cut me farther, Than I've ever been
She beat my chest multiple times, but I refused to loosen my embrace. I held her tight and forced her against my chest, trying to stop her from moving.
"I'll never let go of you, (Y/N). You know that well."
Than I've ever been...
She ceased, but she gripped the sleeves of my shirt, tugging it and continued crying in it. I patted her hair and back.
"I just said those things because... I was worried. I don't want you getting hurt. I'm sorry for being hard on your feelings, (Y/N). I'm really sorry."
Than I've ever been...
"I-I was worried too. You didn't message me for the whole day. That wasn't your habit, so I went out to find you but I messed with some villains who was breaking in the bank in my way." She managed to say between sobs.
Oh, than I've ever been...
I kissed her forehead, "I'm glad you're safe."
"But Eijirou... about earlier. Aren't you going to come to me when you're stuck in your hero work and I'm in terrible danger? Please, answer me honestly."
My heart, is my armor She's the tear in my heart
"Of course not. I promise with all my heart that you'll be my first priority. I know I'm the only one, and once I'm not around you anymore, promise me to take care of yourself, okay?"
You turned away, "Don't say that. It scares me."
"Just do it."
"I promise not to make a fuss and take care of myself when Kirishima Eijirou is not around anymore."
She's the tear in my heart, She's a carver
"I hope that time won't come." She mumbled.
I held a stray strand of her hair and tucked it beside her ear, then placed my hand on her cheek, "You're so beautiful, (Y/N). I can never think of losing you."
She's a butcher with a smile, Cut me farther,
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Eijirou."
Than I've ever been.
I leaned in and gave her the most passionate kiss I can give, and at that time, I feel very happy and secured with her. I could tell she feels the same because tears stopped flowing from her eyes.
Loving makes you feel alive, after all.
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