skeletonlover69 · 5 months
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{1} Sorry, there goes your image >> S.C.
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Scenario: *BREAKING* Youtuber couple Seo Changbin and Y/n Y/l/n are going viral! And that all because our favourite gamer girl has exposed her dark rapper boyfriend to be an actual softie! Type of content: Headcanons AU: Youtubers!AU || Dark Rapper Youtuber!Changbin || Wholesome gamer Youtuber!Reader || Tropes: Best friends to Lovers Genre: Fluff/ Humour Pairing: Seo Changbin X Female Reader Word count: 4K Special Credit: Shout out to @klynvan for helping me setting up the story
Introduction <> Next
AU Masterlist
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“WHAT?” Changbin yelled
As he hurried into her room
⊂( ・ ̫・)⊃
Whilst waving her Nintendo switch
In her best friend’s face
He sighed
And shook his head
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Whilst smiling fondly
Y/n and Changbin had known each other for years
They went to school together
And people could always see
A huge aesthetic gap between the two
Changbin loved to wear black
Sometimes there would be a bit of red
or any other dark tinted colour peeking through his outfits
But the dark aesthetic matched his image as rapper
He never talked to anyone
And he always seemed to have a frown
Plastered on his face
He was pretty much an outcast
And people were bothered by that
Y/n on the other hand
Was known as the lovable girl
who everyone seemed to be crushing on when she started to
hang out with Changbin
Before that
She was quite geeky
She still is
But back then
Nobody seemed to be actually interested in her
She was usually alone
Y/n was known to be shy besides
People thought she had ‘weird’ interests such as
Her huge love for flowers and plants
Video games were also something Y/n had always loved
And now
Boys loved the fact that she was obsessed with video games
She especially loves Mario games,
animal crossing,
the sims series and many others
They would ask her to play games together
But no one seemed to be actually interested
to approach her
Mostly because her best friend
wouldn’t let them
People just couldn’t wrap it around their finger
the fact that
a girl like Y/n was spending most of her time
with a guy like Changbin
Girls were jealous of Y/n
Thinking that she acted the way she acted
to get Bin’s attention
Changbin was hot
No one could deny that
Boys envied Changbin’s muscles
He was often seen at the gym
Where he would be working on his biceps
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Making the girls swoon who were there at the scene
Y/n would be there sometimes as well
Usually she was cheering him on
And holding onto his water
She admits that she looked kind of goofy
But Bin loved having her around
And she loved being around him
He would have her try to pick up one of the dumbbells
She was quite strong
(ง •̀_•́)ง
And was able to lift weights
But she couldn’t compete with the muscles Changbin had created
They both remember
It clear as day:
The day when and how they met
Changbin was strolling through the halls
Minding his own business as usual
He heard some voices echoing through the place
But he shrugged it off since he was in a public area
He recognised the voices
They were the jocks of the school
And if Changbin heard it clearly
They were bothering someone
“Can I go through?” A small voice was to be heard
“Oh she can talk! Such a pretty voice, you should talk more for us sweetheart.”
One of them smirks as they caressed Y/n’s cheek
“Please leave me alone.”
“But we want to get to know you better-“
“She asked to be left alone.” Changbin had interrupted
as he decided to interfere
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“And who the hell do you think you are?”
“Someone who doesn’t harass other people.”
Changbin replied smartly,
Catching the jocks off guard.
Y/n in the meantime was shaking and
on the brim of tears
The jocks eventually scoffed and walked off
Leaving Changbin with an overwhelmed Y/n
“Are you alright?” He asked her carefully
Changbin couldn’t hold up his act as dark and mysterious
As soon as he came in contact with her
He was taken back when she pulled him into an embrace
As she continued to cry
And he didn’t know
What else to do
Except patting her back comfortingly
And that was the very beginning of Bin realising that he
Indeed had a soft spot
And that spot was specially reserved for
Y/n and Y/n ONLY
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┸━┸
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Time passed and
Their time at school sooner but later had ended
They two had graduated together
Around that time
When they had their finals
And basically had to decide 
what they wanted to do with their lives
the two had been joking about beginning a YouTube channel
People around them would laugh at them
And were certain of the fact that they would fail
That they shouldn’t even bother to try
The inseparable pair would share a look
And often shrug other people’s comments
About their new shared dream
This made people think even more differently of them
The two outsiders
Who want to do something with their life
That hasn’t have a guarantee of having a stable financial state
Later on in their life
They all just thought they were insane
Changbin’s parents thought so too
His older sister joked and told him to do it
( ̄ω ̄)
Mostly so she could be the ‘success’ of their family
She never meant it in a harmful way
She loved Y/n
So did the rest of the Seo family
Y/n had a very sweet and wholesome effect on Changbin
Which was something they hadn’t witnessed
Ever since he turned 14
His sister supported him through thick and thin
And eventually helped their parents support him as well
Y/n hadn’t had any difficulties talking to her grandmother
About her change in career path
Her grandmother,
who she grew up living with,
wanted Y/n to be happy
To enjoy the little things as long as it last
She would always tell Y/n that
even if she wanted to simply
a dog walker for the rest of her life
because she likes it
she wouldn’t dare to stop supporting her
she loved her too much for that
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And so
Y/n and Changbin’s journey began as youtubers
The beginning of their career
Was quite awkward and tricky
As they didn’t own any big platforms yet
One day
Changbin had decided to put his rapping skills aside
For one video
To cover a song
He didn’t think too much of it
But sooner enough the video went viral
“Dark rapper with multiple talents”
He couldn’t believe it
And Y/n couldn’t be happier for him
Not much later
As Y/n was streaming whilst gaming
He appeared into her room
To check up on her
( #`⌂´)/┌┛
(((ง’ω’)و三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡
“and did you kill him?”
“no I had to respawn”
y/n: (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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A couple days later yet another article about them was written
As this time
Y/n’s stream went viral
To people loving their banter
They saw the clove in between their aesthetics
And the public became obsessed
And that was only the start of their success
Y/n had gained thousands of followers and subscribers
Changbin did as well
People now were actually appreciating
And cheering onto Changbin’s music
He felt happy that there now were finally others
Beside his family and Y/n who loved the music he produced
Y/n was also gaining attention
Due to her lovable personality and sweet interactions with her fans
She loved talking to them as she streamed
or whenever she catches them on social media
People felt included
and they loved that about her
And because so many people had requested
To Y/n and Bin to make videos together
They started their shared channel
Where they actually rarely uploaded on
*A-cup-of-Y/n notification*: Watch me look for my favourite animal crossing villagers!
*Seo Changbin notification*: Trying to produce a rap in an hour *STRESSFUL*
Fans: (」゚Д゚)」
They loved the content anyway
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‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
Bin: (つ﹏<。)
Y/n: =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ( ´Д`)ノ
Bin: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
And so the two of them went to their closest café
To give Bin his addition to his caffeine addiction
Bin was smiling like crazy
As he waited impatiently for his best friend
To get her stuff
((งง •̀•̀__•́•́))งง
There was one thing Bin forgot
Since it was 2am in the morning
And there was almost certainly not any coffee made at this hour at most café
They had to travel half across the city
To finally stumble upon an unknown café
Changbin stormed in and didn’t hesitate to order his usual:
An iced americano
Y/n chuckled slightly to herself
As she watched her friend
Who couldn’t be more delighted with his coffee
“Wait? Y/n?” A sudden voice called out
Snapping Y/n out of her thoughts
She made eye contact with the barista
and recognised the old classmate
“Hey! I didn’t notice you!
How are you?
Aren’t you tired?
It’s almost like three o’clock!”
Y/n bombarded him with questions as she smiled brightly
Changbin looked up from his phone
And looked back and fort
between Y/n and the guy behind the display
Changbin also recognised the guy
And recalls a sudden memory of him as well
He was one of the people who dared to call out
his and Y/n future failures
he was one of the few people as well who
liked to pester them
with the idea back then that they wouldn’t be able
to make a career out of it
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Changbin wanted to shove it in his dirty little face
Is what Changbin would have loved to yell into his face
But the universe had something else in mind.
“Look, I don’t know if you remember, but I was a dick back in high school. I said some terrible things to you guys and I wanted to apologise. I hope you can forgive me for my unthoughtful and foolish acts back then.”
He said.
Changbin didn’t buy it
But Y/n felt like everyone deserved a second chance
Her heart was simply too big
And too willing to forgive
“That’s okay, we were all young once,
we all made mistakes and if you learned something from it
and if you cringe when you think back about it,
that only means you’ve grown.”
“doesn’t everyone deserve a little act of kindness?”
Barista pt2:
In the meantime Bin was watching his friend comforting
Their old classmate
He shook his head slightly
‘You’re too good for this world.’
He said to himself
But he was sure that many people knew as well
That Y/n had a heart of gold
The barista had told them to wait for a little longer and sooner enough came back with a hot cup of hot chocolate for Y/n
“It’s on the house, I’m sorry once again.”
“Hey you were mean to me too back then? Don’t I get a free drink?”
Bin asked with his head cocked to the side.
“Y-you already paid for you drink.”
(´ ˙○˙ `)
He stuttered
Still clearly intimidated by Changbin
“I can give you a cupcake?”
“Will do.”
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The pair were setting up their equipment
To shoot a QNA that had been highly requested
They realised that they never really had sat down
And talked about their school years together
So they went on their Instagram and asked their fans
What they wanted to know about them
Sooner enough the two were sat in front of the camera
And laughing at the questions they received
‘What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?’
(〇o〇;) !!
Y/n started
Bin looked at her in horror as he knew what she was going to say
He had his face already hidden in his hands as she began to speak
Or well more rant
“this one time
When we were still in school
And we were on our winter break
This bean was too lazy to go out
And get a hair cut
And he didn’t wanted anyone to do it for him
Because he was too scared that someone would mess it up
So instead, he grew it out.
It grew so long in such a short time that he could wear it in a ponytail.
This kid,
He put his hair in a ponytail and I watched him do it
And it looks so stupid
Like why do we bend over so far to do it
It looks idiotic
He comes out of the shower with his pants on and his towel wrapped
On his head
Like most girls or other people with long hair will do, but
I realised how dumb we actually look
It’s honestly even funnier when you see him do it-
Wait I might have pictures-“
“BUT I-“
‘What is your best high school memory together?’
Y/n thought for a while before sharing a look with Changbin
They smiled at each other as they exactly knew
“Okay this is another story
Our year was obsessed with the idea of having a prom
And since we live in South Korea
It isn’t much of a thing over here
So, we all saved up and had a prom in some rich kid’s backyard
Because he didn’t live in an apartment like most of us do.
The ‘prom’ was quite fun to be honest.
People looked gorgeous and everyone seemed to be having a great time.”
“Yet we weren’t.” Bin chuckled
“Yup, we weren’t really enjoying ourselves.
As you guys know,
we were pretty much the outcasts.
Nobody was talking to us
Or even looking at us
We were fine and trying to enjoy ourselves
But we decided to get out early
Even though we put our own money into the event.
Bin and I would’ve gone to the nearest subway and took it to the park
Where we just sat in our formal wear
We laughed
We ate
And we just had a great time
With just us being together as a pair
We got some weird looks from bystanders
But we didn’t care
I think big crowds were never really something meant for us
We just enjoy each other’s company the best
And that’s what made that night so memorable.”
‘Who is the bigger foodie?’
“Have you seen this muscle pig-“
ヽ( ・∀・)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ
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The video went on with some more questions
And even a small promotion of Changbin’s rap/ produce unit
He would tell the viewers to check out his livestream
that he was planning on streaming later this weak
after the QNA had uploaded
The day it came out
There were thousands of people watching him
produce new music for the unit
He was deeply concentrated
And asked people for their opinion
as he was carried away in the process
Until Y/n suddenly bardged through the door
with a hot plate of cookies in her hand
That she had made for her own channel
“Y/n, I’m busy- are those COOKIES?”
She laughed as she set the plate in front of him
Before taking a seat closely next to him
She asked what he was up to
And he proudly showed off what he had up to now
As he was showing off
A coupe of fans’ true colour shined through
As they began to send toxic words into the comment section of the stream
Sooner enough Changbin had noticed and read them
‘Such an attention seeking whore, why is she even living with him? I bet she’s just doing it for clout.’
‘Pathetic bitch, are your views low lately? Is that why you appear in our Binnie’s streams?’
‘Gtfo we’re not here to see your ugly pathetic face, you’re lucky Bin outshines you, or else everyone would be gagging.’
‘So pathetic to see someone act innocent and cute when she in reality manipulates everyone for clout and views. She’s doing this all for the fame people, don’t be fooled!’
Changbin had enough and couldn’t read anymore
He had sat back and wrapped an arm around Y/n
“Alright, we’re going to stop right now with the fucking hate comments.
I will report them all and ban you from this site.
Leave her the fuck alone, am I understood?”
Bin’s tone was deep and intimidating
and immediately stopped the toxic.
Fortunately there weren’t just toxic people watching the stream
But there were many people
Who loved Changbin’s and Y/n’s dynamic
They loved the contrast between the two
And they admired Changbin’s passion for music
And Y/n sweet, soft and supporting personality
They complimented each other so well
And the fans couldn’t get enough of them
Fans were also quick to defend Y/n
And her kind image
Spreading loving words to her
As they had noticed the sadness in her eyes
They knew she had read the comments
Bin knew she had read the comments
“Don’t listen to them, you know you’re worth so much more.”
He whispered into her hair a he hugged her from the side
Making the comment section freak out
At their bond
The stream would end soon after
Since Changbin didn’t had the concentration anymore
And he felt like he needed to be comforting Y/n right now
She had moved to the couch and sat there sulking
Bin felt his heart ache a little
He’s so used to see Y/n in a glee
That he rarely saw her upset
He tried to cheer her up by teasing her a little
Squishing her cheeks
Ruffling her hair
Doing funny faces
You name it
But nothing seemed to work
But then he knew it
“You want to go out for dinner?”
Her head shot to his directions
As she looked at him with big glossy eyes
Cutely nodding yes
Before they walked out the door
Not much later they were sat at a nice restaurant
Munching on some dumplings
Y/n had her face stuffed with them
Making Bin laugh cutely at her
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“You want some more dumplings, Dumpling?”
Y/n almost choked at the sound of her old nickname
Making her lean back and whine cutely
(((ೕ( ・ㅂ・)و )))
They would fall into a fit of laughter again
Before they continued to eat
He was relieved that she felt a little better
But he knew that her mind was still on the toxicity
that the comments had left
After dinner
She assumed that the two would go home
But instead
Changbin had grabbed her wrist
And pulled her to their favourite arcade hall
She shot him a smile
And hugged him
Whispering a ‘thank you’ before they ran off to have some more fun
The two would kill it at a dancing game
They would drum their ears off at Taiko no Tatsujin
Changbin also won themselves a price by getting a new high score
As he tested his strength
They also spend half of the money they brought on claw machines
Y/n won something as well
Which she was super excited about
“I WON!”
“at what cost? You spend like 20 bucks on that thing, we could’ve gotten that in a store for 15-“
“Whatever you say.”
He chuckled
The two would walk on and Y/n’s attention was caught
By a big duck that was laid in an extra-large claw machine
Changbin had noticed her staring
And he knew that she wanted the duck
But the two were quite tired after a long day
And he also was aware of her not having enough money on her
To actually be able to win it
“Y/n, can you get us a drink?”
He asked as he almost shoved the money into her hands
( ¬_¬)
“What is there something wrong with your feet?”
She sassed back
“No, but I don’t want to interact with other humans~” He whined
Making Y/n roll her eyes
She took the money and left to find a vending machine
As soon as she was out of view
Changbin took out his card
He swiped it on the machine
And got ready to play
But to his surprise
He got the duck in one go
He just stared at the shining ‘winner’ sign
And laughed loudly to himself
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Before he quickly took out the huge duck that costed him less than 5 bucks.
Y/n was back
But sooner enough greeted by not Changbin
But a big fluffy duck that almost hid Changbin entirely behind itself
“Hey sorry, I went to the toilet as well,
I just had to post this cute win on Instagra-DAJADGA BIN?”
She squealed out in surprise when she met eyes with a big ass duck
“Behind it!” He said with a muffled scream
Before he turned
So they could look each other in the eye
“I saw you looking at it, I knew you wanted it.”
“of course, why would I want a duck?”
‧˚₊*̥(* ⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈)‧˚₊*̥
“Was that a thank you?”
ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
She squealed before she ran up to him to side-hug him
‘Everything for you.’
´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊
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Gifs aren’t mine
Introduction <> Next
AU Masterlist
65 notes · View notes
jadekitty777 · 4 years
The Miraculous Tales of Luckybug and Qrow Noir
Anyone ready for an onslaught of fics from me for the next week? Because that’s what’s happening my friends.
(I apologize that my blog will also be running on super speed for the next week as I reblog stuff. I also apologize in advance that I won’t have time to read many, if any, fics. My own still need to be edited and finalized. Aaah lil’ stressed honestly).
Day 1: Flirting
Rating: K+
Pairing: Qrow/Clover
Word Count: 5600
Ao3 Link: The Miraculous Tales of Luckybug and Qrow Noir
Summary:  In the daytime, he was Clover Ebi. Just a normal college student, with a normal life. But there's something about him no one knows yet. Because he has a secret. A miraculous secret.
(AKA: The Miraculous Ladybug AU no one asked for)
“Voici, À Bientôt!”
“Merci beaucoup. Bonne journée!” Clover replied, taking the box from the smiling cashier.
As he stepped out of the bakery into the busy streets of Paris, he gave a sigh of relief. Though he’d been living in France for the past two months now for his Spring Abroad program, he couldn’t help but feel a little anxious every time he had to converse with the locale. His accent wasn’t the best and some words he just couldn’t remember the right inflection for.
Then again, as he got to Green Belt Park and took a seat on one of the empty benches, leaning back to enjoy the stunning view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance, he figured being in such a beautiful city was a good excuse to remain speechless.
He set his bookbag down beside him, opening the flap, and then the top of the box, revealing two small slices of cake. “Okay Ruby, you can come out. It’s safe.”
In a flash quicker than lightning, a red streak zipped from his bag and into the box. A moment later, the kwami looked up at him with starry silver eyes and asked, “You got me two?”
He tapped her on the head, right between her antennae. “The strawberry is for you. The other is…”
“For Qrow, right?” As she looked up at him, he decided that the paragon of heroism should not have such a shit-eating grin.
“It’s not-!” He knew his face was getting hot. “We have to work on the sociology project this evening so I thought he’d appreciate it.”
Not fooled for a second, Ruby said between bites of cake, “You should just tell him.”
“I don’t think I should be taking love advice from an immortal being that transcends time.” He craned his head back, watching the thin clouds above drift along the sky. “Besides, it’s not that easy. Qrow is, he’s just so-” He pictured the other man, all dark hair, captivating red eyes, and shy, personal smiles wrapped around a gruff voice that belayed layers of emotion. Clover sighed longingly, “Wonderful.”
Even without eyebrows, Ruby rose one. “Ah-huh. I can see how you’re having trouble.”
He cracked up. It was nice to have her sensible perspective around. He had to wonder how different his life would have been if he never picked up that little black box with the note ‘You’ve been chosen’ left underneath it.
Having come into his life around the same time Qrow had, she’d been privy to a behind-the-scenes look to how his relationship with the other man shifted from strangers to close friends. She was the only one who heard his secret thoughts as that bond grew into intense feelings.
“I really mean it though. It’s always best to be honest with your heart.” The kwami told him.
“I know you’re right. But is it what’s right for Qrow?” At her head tilt, he explained, “He’s got a crush of his own, remember? The one he’s so vague about?”
“Maybe he’s so vague because it’s you?”
He snorted. “Only if he knows I’m Luckybug. He’s got blue eyes, remember?” That was one of the only things he’d been able to pull out of him, besides the gender. Which, after a simple process of elimination, meant it was either Qrow’s best friend Taiyang or James, the leading RA in their dorms back home. Well, or rich and prissy Jacques, but he knew Qrow had better standards than that.
“He could be colorblind to green?” Ruby offered hopefully.
He gave her another pat on the head. “I don’t think it works that way, but thanks for trying to make me feel better.”
She made a soft noise, before floating up from her bed of crumbs to sit on his shoulder instead. “He hasn’t mentioned this person the entire trip though, right?”
Clover started in surprise. She was right, he hadn’t – which was a huge change from the near weekly aside he’d give about whatever his ‘prince charming’ was up to. “You think it’s fading away?”
“I’m not sure.” She said, looking towards the city’s prized monument. “But I think it might mean this trip could be an opportunity to tell him how you feel. What better place to do that then the city of love?”
He mulled that over. When he found out his university offered abroad studies during junior year, he had been so excited. He’d always wanted to travel, but the prospect of going alone was also nerve-wracking. Qrow, facing much the same enthusiasm and inhibitions, had struck a deal that they would go together. That also meant they had been spending an exorbitant amount of time together, living together in the shared home with a few other students. Shared a room, even.
How many nights had they spent together, just talking about nothing and everything? Mapping out plans over train and bus schedules to fit in as many big sights as they could on their free weekends of tourism? Walked along the Seine at night, the city lights reflecting off the water, where Clover would inadvertently get lost staring at how gorgeous Qrow looked in the casting glow?
Maybe… he could…
“Clover, the sky!”
The sudden alarm in Ruby’s voice had his head jerking upwards. To his horror, the space above the tower was turning black with red lightning streaking across. The telltale sign of Omen at work. But she couldn’t be here!
But sure enough, from the depths of the portal, a large, winged Grimm appeared. It looked like a giant raven, with terribly sharp claws and razor-tipped feathers.
His kwami looked to him, determined. “We need to transform.”
He nodded and grabbed his phone, sending a quick message to Qrow, before stuffing it and the bakery box in his bag. After a cursory glance around, he ducked into the shadow of a tree trunk. “Alright Ruby, charm on!”
The clover-shaped brooch on his chest glowed and Ruby collided with it, and in an instant, he felt his civilian clothes disappear, replaced by a skin-tight, red and polka-dot suit and a mask that covered his eyes. His hair lengthened, his normal, spiked quiff falling into a messier comb over, some of the bangs tickling against his forehead. As the magic of the transition faded, he plucked the yo-yo off his belt and went racing across the park, throwing it at a rooftop, feeling the end latch onto a chimney. With a pull, it retracted and he went flying through the air, landing at the top in one smooth motion. He paused only long enough to leave his bag behind before he went racing along the rooftops towards the emergency.
“I don’t understand. How is Omen here?” Clover asked to no one, feeling panic begin to rise. Did something happen to the team back home? The thought made him sick.
Maria had been very strict about how many miraculous he could put on the field in his absence, not wanting to have another fall into the wrong hands like the Pegasus miraculous had. So, he – or more specifically Luckybug – left Yang the Dragon with Tai and Sun the Monkey with Elm, giving both specific instructions to protect San Francisco in his absence. He’d only called for their assistance a few times before when things got really hectic, so he was hoping Noir would be able to balance the less experienced miraculous users out.
But to think Omen may have defeated all three? That was too awful to imagine.
He looked up at where the bird was circling the tower, dread settling into a hard knot in his gut.
How was he going to do this alone?
“Your stinky fish, madame.” Qrow presented the sardines with a flourish.
Blake lit up immediately, diving for the can and fishing one out for herself.
He left the rest of the can on the desk in easy reaching distance, before setting back into his chair where a very blank word document was staring back at him. He gave an agitated huff. He’d been hoping to at least come up with a few research topics for their paper before Clover got back from his lecture in International Affairs. Which was, Qrow mentally reminded with a fond eyeroll, not a required course for the program they were a part of. But Clover just couldn’t help himself, saying it might come in handy for his GPA score as he signed himself up for the class.
Tch, overachiever.
The distinct feeling of being watched sent a shudder down his spine, and he gave the spirit beside him a look.
The cat kwami stared back, unblinking.
“Blake you’re freaking me out again.”
Her ears twitched and she went to fetch another sardine. “I was just waiting for you to get that dreamy look on your face again.”
He flushed. “D-Dreamy?”
“Mmhmm. It kind of looks like,” She gave an exaggerated sigh, placing a paw against her cheek and fluttering her non-existent lashes.
“I never look like that.” He deadpanned.
“Whatever you say.”
“I don’t! And, anyways, what’s it to you?”
She didn’t reply, taking the time to munch into her fish instead.
He sighed, focusing back on his laptop, switching over to the internet to check on the feed from back home. No new reports of any attacks on any of the news blogs. It was like their enemy had decided to take a vacation at the same time he had.
When Qrow had first became Noir, Maria had told him to be very careful with what information he gave, even to other miraculous holders. He intended to vaguely tell Luckybug he would be out. So, it had really been a stroke of luck when Luckybug announced first on their last mission together that a family emergency was going to keep him out of commission for a while – but that he’d left Tatsu and Timber in the wings in case he needed help. So, he never shared his own intentions. Instead, he placed Kali in charge of Weiss the Bee until he returned, knowing that the power team Lucky had left behind would need a more versatile and calculating fighter in their midst.  
(The role he normally filled, he thought with a sense of pride).
He’d been checking on things back at the home front regularly, knowing it only took minutes before social media was trending any new crisis, but it had been unusually quiet. He was sure Lucky was doing the same, wherever he was.
His heart clenched up, thinking about him. They’d been fighting the good fight together for over a year now, and it hadn’t taken much for Qrow to become smitten with the mysterious, masked hero. He’d thought he was everything he ever wanted; strong, daring, ambitious, with a dazzling smile and a baritone voice that was to die for. He was certain their time apart would be torturous.
Yet, it hadn’t been.
They said distance made the heart grow fonder, but it was more like his heart had forgotten. He couldn’t pinpoint when it was exactly that he’d become so preoccupied by Clover. How he’d grown to appreciate his gentle gestures and thoughtful words, his hearty chuckles and sincere expressions. It was as if stepping out of the war woke him from a stupor and gave him a chance to see things he’d missed, even when they were right in front of him.
Qrow sighed, placing his chin in his hand.
“This is my favorite part.”
“Huh?” He looked down at Blake, recognizing that mischievous gleam in her yellow eyes.
“The best story I get to witness is when one of my hosts falls in love.”
“I-I’m not falling in love!” He said immediately. “I have a crush.”
“Really.” It was her turn to deadpan.
He shoved himself away from his desk, offense all over his tone as he echoed, “Yes, really. You know how I feel about Lucky.”
He paced the length of the room, coming to stand by the window, staring down at the busy streets below. A moment later, he felt her weight on his shoulder, almost nonexistent, but there.
Her whisker tickled his neck as she turned her head towards him. “What do you know about Luckybug, really?”
Qrow leaned his arm along the glass, meeting his own reflection’s eyes. “I know he’s smart and funny and he’s always willing to put everything on the line to do what’s right.”
���But what do you know of him specifically? What’s his favorite color? What’s his family like? Does he like anchovies on his pizza?”
He snorted at the last one. “He’s my romantic interest, not yours.” His smile slipped away. “I know what you’re getting at. Unless we reveal who we are to each other, this can’t go any further.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “I know that. But it still feels wrong, somehow. Are… my feelings that fickle?”
“Not fickle.” She levitated, hovering by his face. “They just had no room to grow. These things have to be nurtured, but if there’s nothing there to care for it, they’re only bound to wither away.”
That had been way too scripted. He gave a laugh. “That’s it, I’m not downloading anymore trashy romance novels on my phone for you to read.”
Her ears flattened. “If you make me sit through your boring lectures, I’ll break the sprinkler above your head.”
“Alright, I fold.” He held up his hands in surrender. Though he was almost positive it was an empty threat, he didn’t want to tempt fate with the kwami of destruction.
She softened. “Anyways, I think with-” She abruptly cut herself off, suddenly darting against the window. “What’s that?!”
He jerked around, spotting where the sky was darkening on the horizon, turning a deep, inky black. He’d seen it so many times before, the magic was unmistakable.
“You don’t think…” Blake trailed off.
“Omen.” Qrow finished, features smoothing into one of rigid resolve. He turned to the kwami, her expression matching his own.
He lifted his hand, the jeweled ring glinting back at her. “Blake, luck off.”
Clover landed in the courtyard, shouting as he ran. “Everyone, clear out!” He desperately tried to remember whatever French he could. “Fuir! S’il vous plaît!”
“Chanceux!” One of the locals cried, desperately trying to find their phone.
“Non, fuir!” He repeated.
A screech from above made him cover his ears, looking up to see the giant bird climbing down the Eiffel Tower, the vertical walk down unnerving somehow. He backed up as the bird landed on concrete, its impressive height daunting him. His fingers clenched around his weapon, backing up as the bird lowered its head. Its beak was big enough to swallow him whole if it wanted.
It seemed that, at least, was enough to make the people around him finally start to flee.
“Well, well, well. What have we here?”
The voice had him looking higher, spotting the speaker mounted on the beast’s back like a queen in her bed of feathers. Omen walked forward until she stood on the bird’s crown, lowering her sunglasses just enough to reveal crimson red eyes as she stared over the tops of the rims at him.
“What are you doing here?” Clover asked, pulling the yo-yo’s line out as a warning.
She only smiled patronizingly, as if he were no more a threat than a child. “That’s none of your concern.” She pushed her glasses back up, flipping her raven-haired braid over her shoulder. It fell like a horse’s tail along her back, between the wings the Pegasus miraculous granted her.
He felt bad for the imprisoned kwami being forced to do her bidding.
“Tell me, where’s your cohort?” Omen asked, giving a cursory glance around as if Noir would just pop into existence.
“I think I’m more than enough for you.” He instantly realized that had been the wrong thing to say as she laughed.
“You’re alone.” Fuck. “Well, that makes this even easier.” She gestured to the bird she stood on. “But as I’m a fair opponent, I’ll give you a choice. You can hand over your miraculous now, or you can resist and my little Nevermore can have a bit of fun first before I take it.”
As answer, he only started to rotate the yo-yo at his side, the device whooshing audibly as it swung in fast, heavy arcs.
Omen’s dark wings stretched open. “The fun way it is.”
She shot up into the air – but he didn’t have time to worry about her as the Nevermore immediately struck forward, beak opening to snap him in half. He jumped backwards, throwing his weapon out with a yell. It nailed the bird right in its head, the creature giving a sharp cry before it shook it off and straightened up. It opened its wings, the span of them covering a third of the courtyard, and gave a few hard flaps.
It was like being blasted by hurricane winds. Clover yelped as he was thrown off his feet and went tumbling across the concrete. The Nevermore, able to make up the distance in one bound, was on him in an instant. The wind whooshed right out of his lungs as a taloned foot came down on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He grunted, bracing his right arm between him and the appendage trying to crush him while sticking his left arm between its toes.
The bird jerked its head down for another strike, the razor-pointed beak filling his vision like a guillotine.
He swung his left hand upward, the yo-yo flying high and it was by pure luck he got it right in the eye.
The Nevermore gave a pained cry, hopping back. Suddenly, Clover could breathe properly again. He jumped to his feet, slightly lightheaded, throwing his line out again in hopes of tying the creature up and bringing it down.
Instead, with exact precision, the bird caught the end of the yo-yo in its beak, pulling it taut, and then threw its body around, bringing what was on the end of the line with it. Before Clover could process it, his body was yanked forward and he went flying through the air. Everything around him blurred into a mesh of greens, blues, browns and whites, blending together into a sickening cacophony.
He braced himself for the impact.
It was softer, and warmer, then he expected.
“Not having a great day are you, lucky charm?”
He gathered his bearings, realizing who had caught him and jerked his head up in surprise. “Noir?!”
Noir grinned back roguishly, winking one green eye at him. “You know, if you wanted to fall into my arms, you just had to ask.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Clover pushed a hand against his face, rolling out of his grasp to stand on his own. He retracted his yo-yo and studied his surroundings, taking note that he’d been tossed so far, they were underneath the Eiffel Tower. “What are you doing here?”
His teammate didn’t get a chance to answer, the bird giving another of those deafening screeches as it tried to shove itself between the legs of the tower. They both jerked away, before twisting around and running the other way.
“Could ask you the same thing!” Noir shouted over the noise. “Where’s Omen?”
“Lost track of her.” Which meant she was playing her normal A-game: Exhaust them by making them fight her pet so that it would be child’s play to steal their miraculous. Their goal was to defeat it – because if he could purify the contaminated feather within the creature, it would act like a direct attack against Omen, usually enough to weaken her into fleeing.
“Alright let’s – Watch it!”
Both of them jumped back when the corvid was suddenly in the path of their escape route, its gigantic foot missing them by inches when it was thrust under the tower, claws raking over the ground.
That was no good. Clover looked around, before pointing towards the ceiling of beams above them. “Up.”
Noir gave a nod, reaching out to grasp him around his waist and taking out his quarterstaff. He tapped it to the ground, and within seconds it shot them upwards as it extended. When it was high enough, they leapt onto the first section of metalwork, protected in the shell of crisscrossing steel. Noir compacted the weapon back into baton length, turning to him, “Alright, now what?”
“Now we just-” He started to say, raising his yo-yo, when the whole tower rattled as the Nevermore clamped onto the side they were hiding in. It gave a few wild cries, slamming its beak between the spaces as it tried to get to them.
Noir watched it warily before he called, “We’re safe for now, do it!”
Not wasting a moment, Clover threw his weapon up in the air with a cry, “Lucky charm!” The end of the yo-yo began to glow with the magic of creation, until it held the brilliance of a star. Then, with a pop, an item materialized, falling back down into his waiting hands.
It was a fishing rod.
Noir gave it, and then him, a dull look.
Clover was grinning. “Well, looks like-”
“I’m giving fly fishing a whole new meaning.”
His partner groaned audibly. “You are worse than Tatsu.”
“No one is worse than Tatsu.” He joked. Tai’s never-ending set of puns really did fit the bill for cartoon-y superhero though.
Another slam from their enemy had dirt raining down on them from above.
Getting serious again, Clover rose both the rod and the yo-yo, saying, “You knock it off, I tie it up, and we end this.”
“Got it.” Noir nodded, pointing his staff towards the bird. “On your signal.”
He threw both lines upwards, yanking himself to a higher vantage point, running along the metalwork. They were so high up, it was like he was running towards the sky. Just as he got to the end, he yelled, “Now!”
At the same moment he jumped, the pole extended, slamming into the Nevermore’s chest. It was thrown off with a cry and both of them flew parallel to one another. He wound both weapons back then swung forward, the hook of the fishing rod and the ball of the yo-yo twisting around either wing of the bird. Flightless, it plummeted with another screech to the concrete, slamming down hard enough to shake the earth.
Clover’s landing was much softer, falling onto its chest and using the momentum to leap off of it like a trampoline, landing again several meters past its head. He held both the lines fast, ensuring it couldn’t get free.
“Cataclysm!” Noir came soaring out of the tower next, the power of his own destructive magic having taken shape at the end of his baton, glimmering black like an obsidian gem and curved like a scythe. As he came down, he swung it around, impaling the sharp end in the center of the monster bird’s chest.
It gave one last croaking cry, the ends of its wings curling up before falling flat as its body turned to dust, leaving nothing behind but a single, black feather. Clover threw out his yo-yo for it, the ball end splitting open like the shell of a ladybug’s wings, before snapping it up. He pulled it back in, hand open to catch it.
An arrow struck the end, knocking it off course.
In quick succession, another two arrows were shot off as Omen bared down for them, swooping in like a Nevermore herself. Clover swung the fishing rod, deflecting the one coming his way. Noir did the same for the one aimed at him with a quick spin of his staff, before using one end of it to vault himself upwards and meet their enemy half way.
As they grappled in the air, Clover took the chance to yank on his weapon in. With a flit of his fingers along the yo-yo’s surface, it glowed white, purifying the feather.
Omen gave a pained cry, before slamming the limb of her bow against Noir’s head. Clover’s chest tightened in panic, rushing forward as his partner fell like a stone from the sky. He just barely made up the distance in time to catch him in his arms, relieved to find him still conscious. They both looked up as they heard a scoff.
“Tch. Eventually your luck is going to run out. Nothing will stop me from creating a new world.” Omen sneered. “Until next time, boys.”
She shot an arrow above her, another red and black portal opening up. With a flap of her wings, she flew into it, gone as quickly as she had come.
Clover sighed, looking down at his partner. “You alright?”
“Ugh, gonna be feeling that one tomorrow.” Noir grunted, pressing a hand to his head, one of his leather cat ears being pushed down. His injury didn’t seem to hinder his ability to realize their position, because that telltale smirk overtook his face. “Though, guess I’m the one falling for you now.”
“I’m not above dropping you.”
“Are you always this mean to invalids?”
He loosened his hold just a smidge.
Noir clung to him. “Okay, message received.”
Clover set him on his feet, seeing the people starting to trickle back in to investigate the scene.
Time to go.
Once they were safely hidden on the rooftops, hidden in the shadows of a chimney, Luckybug turned to him with that million-watt smile. “Thanks for the assist. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Qrow lent back against the brick. As he spoke, his normally rough voice came out even rougher around the edges; the way it always did when he was Noir. “I’m sure you woulda figured it out lucky charm.”
“I’m glad I didn’t have to.” He replied, averting his gaze down. He spun the white feather between his fingers, frowning in consternation. “I still don’t understand how she got here though. Her portals shouldn’t be able to reach this far.”
Any other time, he would have been eager to ponder over the details of this latest attack with him, but he knew his time was running short and something more important was on his mind. “Could say the same about you. You got family out here?”
The frown became more defined. “Noir, you know I can’t-”
“Tell me, I know.” He waved off the excuse. “But that could change, if you told me who you really are.”
Lucky sighed, placing a hand on his hip. “Okay, what brought this all on again?”
Qrow met that blue-eyed gaze he’d once fallen in love with, feeling like everything between them was as thin as the wire of the other’s yo-yo. Uncertain and easy to break. If he wanted to make it stronger, he needed something more.
Now or never.
“Look, all that flirting I do? It’s not for show.” He pushed off the wall, clearing the few steps of distance between them. His heart raced in his ears. “I like you. A lot. I want to get to know you, the real you. But, I need to know if I even got a shot.”
“Noir…” He knew the answer before the other even spoke. It was all over his face, etched in his sad smile and downturned brows. “I’m sorry, but my heart’s already with someone else.”
“Oh.” He turned away.
Funny, he thought it’d hurt more.
A tentative hand rested on his shoulder. “You gonna be okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.” Qrow replied, surprised that he meant it.
Before more could be said, both their miraculous started to beep in warning.
The hand slipped away. “Guess time’s up. I’ll… see you around?”
Qrow nodded, hearing Lucky retreat along the roof. Before he could leap away, he called, “Hey, that person of yours. Do they know?”
“I, uh.” Gravel crunched underfoot as his teammate shifted his weight anxiously. “Not yet.”
“You should tell ‘em.” He looked over his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. “Anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Lucky’s eyes widened, and then he was smiling back. “Thanks. Someone’s going to be really lucky to have you too, one day.”
Qrow reached for his staff, heading his own way. “Well, duh. I’m incredible.”
The other cast his line, flying away with a laugh. Qrow watched him go, before dropping down into the alleyway. He ducked down behind some boxes just in time, the leather bodysuit falling back into his normal wear.
Blake collapsed into his hair with a sigh. “I’m going to need about fifteen more sardines.”
“Glutton.” He got to his feet, knowing his nest of black hair would hide her just fine as he headed for the sidewalk.
“Qrow? Are you okay?”
Answering it the second time around wasn’t any harder then the first. “Yeah. I just needed to know for sure. Now I know it’s okay to let him go.”
She didn’t respond verbally, but he felt the way she nuzzled his head, though whether it was meant to be for comfort or encouragement was hard to say. Maybe both.
It took about fifteen minutes to get back to the share house he and a half-dozen other students were living in for the duration of the program. When he stepped inside, he found it oddly quiet, the only noise a slight shuffling in the kitchen. A glance revealed his twin sister was there, hunched over the counter, nursing a cup of tea in one hand as she pressed her forehead into the other.
Heh, maybe she felt him get clonked in the head earlier. “You alright?”
“Yeah.” She mumbled. “Just a migraine.”
He lowered his voice, “You the only one here?”
Not up for talking more, Raven merely nodded.
Strange, Clover should have been back by now. “Okay, I’ll make sure to tell everyone to be quiet when they get in. Feel better, sis.”
She offered him a weak smile. He ducked out of the kitchen, heading back for his room. As Blake floated down to her still open can of tiny fish for a much-needed recharge, Qrow snatched up his phone to send out the group message, only to find two missed messages from Clover.
The first one was from nearly an hour ago. Sorry, running late!
On my way now. You won’t believe what happened at the Eiffel Tower. That one was from just a few minutes ago.
Qrow quirked a smile. If Clover only knew…
He tapped back a reply. I know. I went out to try and get a view of it. Forgot my phone.
He could see the other was replying, but he switched to the group text in the meantime, sending out a warning to be quiet for his twin. He’d just hit send, when another string of texts came through, one right after the other:
How do you forget your phone? You’re supposed to get photographic evidence!
Anyways I’ll be there in a few.
Also, noted.
Qrow headed for his bed, flopping across the sheets with a groan. The aches of the day were starting to set in, and he felt ready for a shower and a nap. He buried his pounding head into his pillow, shutting his eyes.
He didn’t open them again until he heard the bedroom door click shut. He rose up on his elbows, scanning the room quickly. The sardine can was gone, as was Blake.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Clover asked as he crossed the room, dropping his bag on his bed.
“Wasn’t asleep.” He ran a hand over his face, adding, “Much as I wanted to be.”
“You doing alright? You look pretty beat.”
Beat up was more like it.
“Been a long day.” He offered as explanation. It did little to wipe the concern from the other’s face. “I’m fine Cloves. We got that paper to work on.”
Clover ran a hand over the back of his neck. “Sure we do but we can take it easy for tonight. Can’t say I wouldn’t mind to turn in early myself.”
“You? Mr. Extra Credit?”
“Haha, very funny. I mean it. I have this terrible crick in my neck. Oh!” He dropped his hand so he could go digging into his bag. “But hey, I did bring you something that just might cheer you up.”
That got Qrow to finally sit up, trying not to seem too eager as the other procured a small, white box and held it out towards him. He reached across the space between their beds to take the gift. Once it was safely on his side, he pulled open the top.
“It probably got a little smooshed, but it’ll taste the same.” Clover was right about that – the cake had fallen on its side, and smears of icing clung to the top and sides of the box.
Qrow swiped a finger across one of them, gathering just enough to take a taste, and his eyes lit up. “Double German chocolate? You’re too good to me.”
“Nah, I can be better. Because I have… a fork!” Clover waved the plastic utensil around, winking his way. “What would you do without me?”
“Probably have less dorky interactions to deal with.” He replied, reaching out again.
Instead of grabbing the tines, he curled his fingers over where the other’s held onto the handle.
Qrow deliberately met his gaze, smiling as suavely as he could. “Thank you, Clover.”
Though his cheeks turned a little pink, Clover met him match for match with his own charming smile. “Anytime.”
As they both pulled back, they couldn’t help but think this was the start of something good.
Underneath their beds, unbeknownst to them both, Ruby and Blake shared knowing smiles.
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Heyy so first of all I wanted to tell you guys that your blog is so good ! Aaah it's nice to have so many people willing to dedicate themselves to help fans find ereri fics :') and your 100th follower giveaway !! You are just adorable
Why, hello there little Strawberry! Your kind words just put you on our ‘nice’ list! These ereri elves were determined to make you a list that makes it feel like the Holidays! Please take a peek below for an early Christmas gift from us to you; we won’t tell Santa!
While this is our first list of Christmas fics, please feel free to comment below and share with us some of your favorites! Tis the season to share ereri, fa la la la la fa la la la. 🎶🎄🦌⛄
A Christmas Carol by FraBee
(Rated E, 22 456words, complete)
Levi Ackerman hated a lot of things: people, dirt, noise, crowded spaces, wasting his money on things like paying his employees, getting together with his relatives…But there came a time of they year in which all these things came together, a time he despised with a passion: Christmas.Which was, undoubtedly, the dumbest, most expensive and irritating holiday of them all.So, like every year, he refused to go spend time with his nephew (Farlan Church) and made his secretary (Eren Jaeger) stay in the office ‘till late on Christmas Eve, not caring if the younger had plans that night.He knew everyone hated him, avoided him, but that’s exactly what Levi wanted: to be left alone.But on that Christmas Eve the spirit of his dead colleague (Erwin Smith) and three others (Historia Reiss as the ghost of Christmas past, Sasha Brauss as the ghost of Christmas present, and I have no idea who the ghost of Christmas to Come is) will change his mind, but most importantly his heart.
a modern day christmas carol by acidtowns (Rated T,10 774 words, complete)
Three spirits visit Levi on Christmas Eve to tell him to get his life together.
Christmas at the Ackermans by zhedang (Rated T, 8 611words, complete)
An incredibly self-indulgent fic in which Mikasa asks Eren to do her a favor and go pick up her “sort of” cousin Levi from the airport and oh no, he’s hot.
Christmas Cleaning by raindrop_rouge (Rated G,2 361 words, complete)
Christmas has come and gone, and Levi only has one thing in mind: cleaning up. Eren, however, does not seem 100% devoted to cooperating.
Baby It’s Cold Outside! by ReluctantHero (Not Rated, 8 603words, complete)
Eren has been a huge fan of Actor Levi Ackerman since he was a child.Now he’s doing his first big roll on a TV Christmas movie and get to work with his long time idol.Will they hit it off?
sit it out by elliewritesthings (Rated T, 14 081words, complete)
However, when he steps out from between the shelves he freezes in place, brows furrowing as he stares at the chair, his chair, that’s currently being occupied by someone that is not him.Well, that’s unusual, he thinks. During the current semester, Eren has never seen anyone sitting in his chair. In fact, the seats by the window are rarely taken, and even now there are plenty of available ones just few feet away, but Eren wants this one. Annoyance bubbles up inside him as he glares at the person who’d so rudely stolen his chair. Though all he can see is the back of the guy’s head, Eren can tell that he’s a grade A asshole.
Sweeter Than Expected by inkshaming (Not Rated, 18 144words, complete)
Though he had the best of intentions, Levi finds himself out of his depth when it comes to expressing his new-found affection for a college student who’s a little down on his luck. He’s about to find out that, when it comes to Eren, there’s really no such thing as ‘too sweet.’An Accidental Sugar-Daddy AU.
home for christmas by elliewritesthings (Rated M,7 069words, complete)
He’s so not over it, Levi surmises, slumping down on the table as he keeps stealing glances in Eren’s direction. Damn it, the man has only gotten more handsome while he’s been gone, that bright, beaming smile and those lively eyes making Levi’s heart beat faster even though he’s all the way on the other side of the room. There are a couple of new gray hairs at his temples, and Levi figures it tells quite a lot about him that he’s able to spot something that minor from across the room. Coming back had been a terrible mistake because he can feel himself falling all over again and it’s even worse the second time around - he’s an adult now, for fuck’s sake, and it’s downright ridiculous that he’s still not over his little crush.
Homebound by Gootbuttheichou (Rated E,6 546words, complete)
When Michigan is hit by a blizzard, Levi and Eren find that they are unable to fly back to their home state for Christmas- so they make do by celebrating it on their own.
Murphy Christmas by SimplyTsundere (Rated T, 5 739words, complete)
After adopting two unfortunately mischievous kittens, Veterinarian Eren Jaeger discovers his new neighbor isn’t the most friendly person when he gets awoken by kittens screaming in his face. The straight-laced, attractive man scoffs at his presence and goes on about his morning. Eren feels terrible for the first impression and decides that he should apologize properly: with some wine. He returns that afternoon to apologize only to wind up in a series of unfortunate events. Little did he know that his fateful meeting would lead to much more than a bloody nose, a glass of wine, and a proposition.
Check Me Out by Attack_On_Feelings (delsol) (Rated E, 6 219words, complete)
Itchy green polos, bailing coworkers, rude suburban moms, and one very attractive costumer.Based on the prompt: Some asshole customer is screaming at you for doing your job and I can tell that you really want to yell back but I’m assuming you can’t so excuse me I’ll do it for you
Wasabi, Or All the Things We Leave Behind by Silicu (silmil) (Rated M,4 916words, complete)
Levi hates Chriastmas, Eren loves hot chocolate, Hanji is going to suffer and Mikasa is creepy. Oh, and Erwin and Armin might take over the world.
Late Night Coffee by iStygianEmpress (iDarkEmpress) (Rated T,7 390words, complete)
For days, Levi has been receiving gifts from an anonymous sender.  He doesn’t have any idea about who the sender is, but whoever it is seems to know him very well.Levi also has a crush on Eren Yeager, his daily late night customer who seems to worm his way to his heart.Gifts, jealousy and couple sweaters ensues.Who knows? It may become his warmest Christmas.
Endearing Proposal by sweetkokoro (Rated M,3 151words, complete)
Levi and Eren spend their Christmas Eve in downtown Chicago. They’re in Navy Pier and do many fun activities. Towards the end of the day they head towards the big Christmas tree and there, Eren makes an endearing proposal.
Frozen Nipples by BreadHood (Rated G,902words, complete)
Winter is coldHange is annoyingLevi is pissedand his nipples are frozenso why not look for a boyfriend along the way?
Holiday Happenstance by slugworthingtonjr (Not Rated,3 551words, complete)
Eren always waits until the last minute to do his Christmas shopping, and it always sucks. This year however, he manages to collide with another shopper, sending the man’s coffee everywhere. It should’ve made the night worse, but somehow it made it better.
Titan Trees by sciencefictioness (Rated M,5 492 words, complete)
Eren found the perfect Christmas tree for the house. Or he thought he had, until Levi shot him down brutally. Now Levi needs to find a way to make it up to Eren.
C'est la vieby joouheika (Rated E, 11 641 words, complete)
Eren’s cousin Krista just had to come out on Christmas day.
Of Mistletoe and Shitty Fake Boyfriends by TheSpazzBot (Rated T, 13 819words, complete)
Eren wouldn’t say they were friends. Hell, he wouldn’t even say they were acquaintances. But he supposes that ‘Fake Boyfriend’ does have a ring to it.
188 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 6 years
Chapter 5 Investigation (1)
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Oh, that’s just my heart breaking. Why, what’s going on with you?
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Is that Komaeda’s bloody song playing right now??? I know you guys want to hammer home the comparison right now but really??? Really???
I get it, it is a horrifying song for a horrifying moment, I really do - but I want to distinguish this the last game and this whole set-up (as well as the two involved!) have me feeling all sorts of Umineko things, so I’m going to lend you some alternatives to go with the truth/lies theme I desperately want back while I read over everything again.
Golden slaughterer  |  Miragecoordinator
honestly they both fit well because goldenslaughterer literally played when a similar garage shutter was lifted and the horrifying sight was revealed while also having a harpsichord section Kaede would be proud of, while Kokichi would probably love the title ‘mirage coordinator’ so take your pick or look up the original ‘sing the empty truth’ song, it’s up to you .
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And the rest of you are here -
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I really don’t know how Shuichi’s heart can hold it together at this point. Aaah, Sweetcheeks...
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Ow game, okay! No need to rub further salt in the wound! As if I wouldn’t be able to recognize his coat the second I saw it there smh...
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I can’t even imagine how Maki is feeling right now.
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FML we’re so in sync right now and under the most terrible of circumstances -
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If.... Monokuma is moving? If the killing game is continuing? I... don’t know about that...
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I want to make a Saimouta joke here but I CAN’T THIS IS SO AWFUL EVERYTHING HURTS
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Shit, dude. Still, this wasn’t just some stranger - right? Or... or have you been through something like this before?
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Compartmentalizing, huh? I guess if you engage with the situation as the Ultimate Assassin rather than Kaito’s friend/potential love interest, you could move forward in the short term...
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Aaaah, but just like Maki, Shuichi has another role he can slip into too - though I don’t know if he can do it as seamlessly as Maki has.
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I was about to make a comment on Shuichi clinging to a fragile shred of hope that Kaito wasn’t dead, purely for emotion’s sake the same way Kaito did last chapter with Gonta, but...
... Maki unintentionally brings up a good point, though completely flipped upside-down. When Kokichi was being the mastermind, Monokuma was gone - being guarded, I’m assuming, as shown earlier with the exisals - and now someone is dead and Monokuma/the killing game are both back on. So... why? Why show up now? Could this just be the case of the mastermind finally being able to create a new Monokuma, or does this mean....?
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Yikes, I forgot - he wasn’t just sick, he was wounded. That... would make things extremely difficult....
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Honestly, that’s true both ways. I just... I don’t know if I can see Kokichi killing Kaito. He has (had?) all the cards - there was no need to. He would be the obvious culprit - I mean, honestly, just look at everyone now - he is the obvious culprit - and if he just took temporary control of the game and lost it somehow, why would he risk making himself the blackened?
Could... no, this seems silly, but could this be a framing by the mastermind, to paint the troublemaker as the culprit? It would be an interesting callback to the first game, except with the victim being... well, not ~hidden~ in the same way. It’s a bit of an unlikely scenario, but no point in discounting it right out the gate.
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Somehow I don’t think that’ll be a problem with Monokuma back in the fray and also Maki who, let us all remember, has a hunting knife on her person.
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Just so you know Tsumugi, the fact that you seem to know a lot about Junko is really making me side-eye you right now. still love you though
ALSO! ALSO, THIS COMPLETELY RUNS AGAINST WHAT YOU WERE ALL SAYING ABOUT KOKICHI GETTING BORED OF THE GAME AND THROWING IT AWAY! YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! Though I guess you could argue the illusion of taking the game away only to suddenly spring it upon everyone again would be despair-inducing and blah blah blah but that is still highly suspect -
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Maki is seriously in ‘take no prisoners’ mode, huh? I... I guess we all have our own way of dealing with death...
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I don’t know if I’d call it that? It seems more like tunnel vision to me.
Well, let’s take a look at the all-important Monokuma File...
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Wait, you’re seriously not going to give us the victim’s identity? You, uh, you know we’ll know who it is once the other person comes to the trial, right? ... Didn’t this happen in the Kyouko/Mukuro case, now that I’m thinking back?
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Maki?!?! Wait, really?!
I actually said, very softly, ‘oh, shit,’ out loud.
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Shuichi’s just trying to pay tribute to him that’s all
No... no, despite how strange it might seem for Shuichi to not want to believe Kaito is in there, I think he’s making the right choice in exploring all the avenues. Maki should know by now that he’s willing to follow the path to the truth down to the bitter end - he’s done that with both Kaede and Gonta.
Seriously though, damn - you’re being seriously hostile? I understand grieving, but this seems a bit...???
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the electrobomb
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K1-b0, kiddo, it’s the electrobomb
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Don’t stick around if you aren’t feeling well, K1-b0!!! This is a dire situation and you have nothing to prove right now!!!
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I wonder what the equivalent feeling for him would be? Similar to nausea or dizziness or something? General fatigue or chest tightening? Fuzzy head, or a migraine? However it is, feel better K1-b0!
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Aaah Himiko, you too huh? D: Man, everyone’s ditching us this investigation.
.... Tsumugi, you’re the last one standing. BE OUR INVESTIGATION PARTNER!
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I guess??? It’s weird - she really seems convinced it was Kokichi. With that said, seeing Kaito - or who knows, maybe it is Kokichi under there - like that would shake anyone up. Himiko’s been through a lot this game, so seeing her resolve break down isn’t exactly abnormal.
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Kokichi really left a huge impression on you. Every time she talks, Kokichi sounds like this impressive larger-than-life cackling villain from, well, one of her space epics she loves so much. It probably wasn’t nearly as much fun to go up against one of those types of characters in real life, was it?
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Unless it was a locked room crime, which I don’t... know about yet. Eurgh. There’s only one confirmed entrance - the bathroom window has to be too small to fit anyone through, even Kokichi and Himiko. We could barely see Kaito’s whole face through it!
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“Don’t neglect the heart!”
... Reasons to kill Kaito. Reasons to kill Kaito. If Kokichi was the mastermind, general ~despair~, sure. Fine. But if he wasn’t, which is what I’m 99% certain on now......
......... Self-Defence? Or did he die already? We haven’t had a chance to go over the safety feature of the press yet, but if Kaito was already dead.....
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Wait Tsumugi too? She’s right there!
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Shuichi: looks at Tsumugi, remembers love hotel scenario with her, resolves to investigate by himself
okay, harsh but fair tbh
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I am so, so happy Shuichi’s focus is back on ‘truth’ and off of ‘hope’, you just have no idea.
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You’re just mad you got sidelined for the last few days lmao
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learn how to use EVA foam well and then get back to me, bear
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So the body was moved... whatever happened, it wasn’t at the press along. Makes sense - no one would go in there without a fight or a reason (EYES K1-B0). Something must have happened to lead to this point.
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Y-You’re braver than me, Shuichi... Aaaah jeez, I’m seriously not ready D:
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.... I mean, thank goodness, but on the other hand.... we’re really sticking this through, huh? But to what end? The person still alive will have to come to the trial in the end, right?
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That is some damn deliberate action. So someone doesn’t want us to lift the press... but there’s only one reason that would be, right? So we can’t ID the body, right?
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Yeah!!! So why didn’t it work??
I... I have to wonder if the body was living when it went in there, and if it wasn’t... well, we have clear signs of something other than the press being a weapon (COUGH CROSSBOW THAT WE HAVEN’T FOUND YET BUT WAS TOTALLY SHOWN TO US EARLIER FOR A REASON), so that’s option 1, and then there’s Kaito’s illness which may have finally taken its toll. Are we going to have to determine what the real cause of death is, but without a body to look at? That... will be very tricky...
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D: D: D:
I don’t want to lose Kaito. I really, really don’t. I was preparing for it, but I was still going to flinch when the trigger was finally pulled.
But -
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if - and that’s still a big if - Shuichi is somehow right, and it’s not Kaito - I really don’t want to lose Kokichi either, you know? He’s been such an incredible, interesting force during this entire game and especially with all the hints they’re dropping about the whole mastermind schtick of his being a coup as opposed to the actual truth, to have it end like this...
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criiiiiiiiiinge now I really hope he was dead before he went in there
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.... Oh shit, what if the crossbow was crushed with the body??? 
I said 10 seconds before finding out the bathroom was a MINE full of evidence, hot damn! I lost the screenshots for it, but what we found:
Bottle (poison from Shuichi’s lab??? so it finally comes into play...)
Black Case (so it wasn’t assembled before it reached the hangar)
Talk about a huge turnabout! So now there’s poison in play too? That means there’s a third method - or well, if you combine the poison with the crossbow bolts, a way for Kaito to completely incapacitate Kokichi. There’s no way for Kokichi to know how to assemble the crossbow, and the bloodstain pattern starts here, so if there was a body being ragged the original attack happened in the washroom. This is a pretty pyrrhic win for Shuichi regarding Kaito being alive - we now have evidence that Kokichi may be dead, but at the cost of Kaito being the culprit!
It also means Kaito had someone help him from the outside.... Maki.
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Aaaw, Sweetcheeks actually is starting get attached to K1-b0! And it only took you what, four chapters? Better late than never, I suppose!
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Did Kokichi call it back for some reason? I’m surprised it didn’t react to you, even if it is being accessed remotely. Maybe it needs a proper pilot to be alert to its surroundings.
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Exisals, but not humans - unless the alarm is turned off. You’d be able to do that from the inside, right? In order to get Kaito in there he’d have to have one of the exisals carry him in and I don’t think he’d want the alarm blaring but he also wouldn’t want to autopilot it with Kaito in the pilot’s seat in case he woke up (I have a feeling if anyone could figure out how to use one in a pinch, it would probably be him), so Kokichi going in first to be able to disable the alarm and let the exisal carrying Kaito in would make sense. Not that this probably matters too much right now - this is just me wondering about the initial transport a few days ago.
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I have a strong feeling that it was Maki - 
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Wait, what?? Seriously?!
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I... didn’t actually bother to cap that last post. I thought she was just nervous the way she usually is. That does explain her current behaviour! Is she blaming herself for what happened?
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With... an exisal maybe?
okay I’m going to have to separate this because there is so much going on right now. I like how we started with a clear victim but now we’ve got a lot of uncertainty being thrown into the mix. Disappearing culprits and hidden victims, eh? not enough to soothe my broken heart but I’ll take it
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