vitaray · 8 days
Then the storm broke, and the dragons danced.
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shiiro-arts · 2 months
Demisexual Natsu it's my most Canon Headcanon ever
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fluffyninja91 · 6 months
Jakub if you’re reading this I am free on Thursday night. If you would like to take me to church I am free on Thursday night when I am free to pray together. I am free to get down on my knees on Thursday night so if you want me to get down on my knees on Thursday night I am free.
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sandinthepipes · 1 year
You know what? I think BBC was a coward to not have the magic reveal in the Moment of Truth.
You have your best friend who's literally dying to save you and your destiny and you can easily save him in like 0.2 sec and you don't?????????
No. I'm sorry I don't buy that bullshit. That's not my canon, thank you very much.
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a0random0gal · 10 months
I'm sorry but people hating on Aemond and calling him an asshole for "stealing" Vhagar instantly piss me off.
Like come on seriously.
Now I'll be honest and agree the timing wasn't the best.
(Claiming a dragon at it's rider's funeral is a bit out of touch.)
But people love to demonize him for it as if he had strangled a baby or something.
"Vhagar was meant to pass to one of Laena's daughters!"
I'm sorry when have dragons been passed down like a house? 'Cause last time I checked they are living creatures with their own wills. Your dad could tell your entire life that his dragon is going to you when he dies, but if the dragon doesn't want you, you can't exactly force it to accept you.
Unless you like being burned to death.
If Vhagar wanted to have Baela or Rhaena as her rider she wouldn't have accepted Aemond, heck she wouldn't even have tested him! She would have turned him into the dragon equivalent of a chicken nugget.
He proved his determination and resilience in riding her, a determination that had been born from being mocked and bullied by his brother and nephews for God knows how long!
The boy was frustrated by being seen as less by the other kids. Especially by Rhaenyra's, since they were bastards. As soon as he saw his chance to prove his worth as a Targaryen prince he took it and rode the greatest, most ancient dragon left in Westeros.
It was normal for the twins to be mad at him. After all they were two little girls who had just lost their mother, and I admit, Aemond reacted poorly at their insults, though after finally proving himself, I can understand why he got so cocky.
That said the fight was completely on them and the Strongs. They hit him first, and started ganging up on him. The kid was just defending himself, and remember, Jace was the one who took out a knife. Aemond may have taken a rock and threatened to harm them, but when you're up against 4 other kids all by yourself, you have get a weapon to try and balance out the fight if you want to get out all in one piece.
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heich0e · 9 months
liv it’s the way i’ve developed a recent infatuation with tobio like he’s got such good lips for kissing
i bet he goes absolutely feral for kissing too, which is surprising because by all accounts tobio comes across as being kinda... square yknow?? but it's like he cannot kiss you chastely. he tries to (maybe) but as soon as his mouth is on yours, his hands just reach for you and grab you to pull you closer because he wants you pressed up against him as tightly as possible. it's this primal instinct and he can't fight it (and doesn't try)
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tsukiyo-7 · 7 months
Can't believe that one of the main plot points of season 11 is that Dean is literally cursed with compulsory heterosexuality.
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e-kamski-cyberlifeceo · 7 months
Every single one of you is dead to me
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okay about damn time deserves so can’t complain but soty? that was robbed of him 
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I'm gonna say something now.
While I ship Redful a LOT as y'all might have noticed... I don't mind any other Fawful ships, as long as they don't hurt other people. I think it's nice to see different perspectives!
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sardonic-simp · 11 months
Me: I do a good Doofenshmirtz impression
My gf: Is that like a generic doofy impression or like a reference I'm not getting
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pinkrangersarah · 2 years
how can people still be sleeping on kangham when they have the height difference going for them
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misteria247 · 2 years
Fujiko: Blows a kiss at the camera in a trailer.
Me going full simp: Queen yes please look my way I love you Miss. Fujiko Mine please marry me-
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urlocaltannenbaumm · 2 years
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even if they didn't get to kiyoko, they were all simps for her
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shinesurge · 10 days
happy pride instead of throwing money in the garbage buying crappy pride shit from target or pining away for mainstream franchises that only give you table scraps when it's convenient please consider directly supporting literally any of the queer indie shit being made accessible online by queer indie creators ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ your money OR your fanwork OR whatever form of support you feel compelled to offer will be so so much more impactful; marvel movies will keep coming out no matter what, but making cool fanart for that queer webcomic you've been checking in on for years could reach new readers to help the artist make rent so they can keep posting! It all helps!! Please Consider It.
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adh-d2 · 2 months
No but it's...
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the way they naturally fall into eachother's roles when the other isn't there.
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the instinctual head-tilt when Crosshair stabilized his rifle on Tech's shoulder, as if they'd done it a thousand times before.
It's the fact that Tech clearly told Phee all about his brother.
It's the sad, fond smile on Crosshair's face when Omega said Tech made her memorize all the plans ("of course he did").
It's the way Tech knew exactly where to look for that mirror.
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