bbyboybucket · 5 months
I’m starting all the big girl stuff and learning how to do diagnostics and treatment methods. Way to make me equally terrified and excited 🥲
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yunogf · 9 months
127 texting me??
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dreaming-medium · 24 days
Seungmin Fic Preview
A/N: Just a small preview of what I've been working on ;) inspired by this song 💖 should be dropping soooooon ~
Vampire!Seungmin x Reader
Blood drips down from his mouth. It streams from the corners of his lips down towards his chin and continues its gruesome path down his long neck. It stains his neatly pressed dress shirt collar.
The fabric immediately soaks up the blood and it fans out into the neighboring threads. The tie you straightened in a tender moment now tainted with sin.
Those amber eyes you've grown accustomed to glow a sickening crimson color that seem to have a light source of their own. What happened to the soft stare you've grown to find comfort in?
Now, Seungmin's gaze on you is nothing short of animalistic. It chills you to your very core. You can feel your knees beginning to shake and tremble as they threaten to buckle completely.
A scream is trapped in your throat.
With numb legs, you take a step backwards. Seungmin matches it and takes a step forward. He's still standing in front of the motionless heap of a corpse.
Suddenly, the alleyway seems even smaller than before.
His expression is entirely unreadable. It's almost like he's waiting for you to react before he does; like his reaction will be entirely based on yours.
Is this really the same man that escorted you into the gala on his arm tonight? The same man that's been your employer for the past three months? The same man that you took calls for, notes for, and organized his schedule? The same man that you ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with?
All those meals you shared together, not once did you ever see the fangs that are now protruding from his gums. You never knew he was a beast. A beast capable of biting into the neck of a human and draining them of their life force.
"Y/N," he says lowly. He has the same tone that one would take trying to soothe a spooked animal. Second by second, his eyes soften, like he's coming down from a high.
A tiny whimper comes from your throat and you take another terrified step backwards. Your eyes are so wide, they're almost bugging out of their sockets. Even your fingertips are numb with terror.
Your heels click on the cobblestone of the alley.
A loud crack of thunder comes from overhead. You don't even flinch, you're too focused on the immediate danger in front of you.
Fight or flight is starting to tickle at the base of your spine. You take another step backwards away from Seungmin.
"Y/N," he says again, a little firmer, more pleading. "Don't." He almost sounds like he's begging. He takes two more steps closer to you.
Another whimper of fear. Your one hand comes up in a 'stop' motion to keep him away from you.
This time you see how your noise affects him. His eyebrows knit together and his face falls.
"Y/N, don't, please," he begs again. Seungmin holds his hands up like he means no harm and takes another step closer to you. "You- You can't--"
"Stay away from me." Your voice trembles just as much as your legs. You take three more steps backwards as Seungmin takes two towards you.
"It's me, Y/N." He stalks towards you, still holding up his hands.
"N-No... You... You killed him! You drank--"
"Shh!" He hushes you, his eyes turning into pleading ones. Seungmin looks down the alley to make sure no one heard you.
"S-Seungmin, you--!"
You back up further and further to stay away from him, your voice getting louder and louder out of hysteria.
"Y/N, keep your voice down!" He hisses.
"No!" you borderline shriek. "I-I can't believe this is happening! Seungmin you kille--!"
He moves faster than you can blink and there's a large, blood soaked hand covering your mouth and your back is pressed against the brick wall.
A scream is muffled by his hand, terror claws its way up your body and you begin to thrash about. His red eyes are staring down at your face.
Up close you can see the blood staining his skin all around his mouth. You can feel bile rising in your throat with the fear.
Is he going to kill you too? Is he going to sink his teeth into your neck and drain you for all you're worth?
Your hands come up to claw at his own. But he only presses against your mouth more.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N!" His voice hisses again. "Stop! Y/N, stop! He was going to kill you, do you hear me?"
Tears pour down your cheeks. They create tracks through the blood he's accidentally smearing onto your face.
Your eyes are wild when they meet his. Your own blood turns to ice water in your veins.
"He was going to kill you, Y/N. I had to do this! Don't you see? I had to kill him, he was going to kill you!"
More and more you cry. What is happening?
Loud voices come from the end of the alley and Seungmin's head whips to look at where it's coming from.
"We're getting out of here."
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tortoisebore · 9 months
Fic recs?? It’s so hard to find good stuff😩
i’ll list a few of my recent favs, but first i’ll give u some tips & secrets ab how i find new fics 🥰
my first & biggest source—i snoop on everyone’s bookmarks. like everyone. if i read a fic i liked, i check that author’s bookmarks. if someone comments on my fic, i check their bookmarks. if i come across someone talking ab fic on the tl, i go to their ao3 and check their bookmarks. i’ve found so many great fics just by snooping on what other ppl are reading 🫶
my second most-used tactic: searching for tags & using filters. if i’m looking for something specific, i search the tags/pairings i want and make sure to exclude things i don’t want (i.e. i don’t usually want to read jegulus, so i make sure to exclude that pairing in my results. same goes w tags/ratings/warnings u don’t want). i’ll sort by date, kudos, and hits separately, and add anything that sounds interesting to my bookmarks to sort through later. ao3 really has the best filtering and tagging system out there, but a lot of times we don’t use it to its full capacity! if you want to read something specific there’s a very good chance someone has written it, you just need to search and filter your results so that you’re not just seeing the most recent stuff! (i also filter by word count a lot too bc i’m not always in the mood for something multi-chaptered or something that will take me multiple days to finish reading)
last, sometimes i’ll go into the main pairing tag i’m looking for and sort by kudos/hits/date/whatever and jump to like….the 30th page of results. there’s sooooo much stuff i miss just bc it gets lost in the flow of new/popular fics, so jumping to random deep-dive search results will help you find new stuff & come across fics & authors you haven’t seen before 💞💖💘
now here’s some of the stuff i’ve been enjoying lately!! 💞💖💘💕
love by the seaside by viwrites
this was very cute and a great quick read! remus is a disgruntled painter/barista recovering from a toxic relationship & sirius is the sweet, dashing stranger that he meets by accident on the beach one day. lots of early-morning coffee runs and nervous flirting with some christmas fluff as a treat
hurling crowbirds at mockingbars by wrappedup
y’all know i am typically NOT an exes to lovers kind of girlie. i find this trope very hard to read most of the time bc i am a huge baby, but this one was a quick read and the plot was overall very sweet! remus broke up with sirius & left the country out of the blue almost 10 years ago, and then comes back to town with a fiancé. sirius learns very quickly that he’s still hurt, and remus learns very quickly that he might have jumped the gun all those years ago.
in the dark there is discovery by lynxindisguise
wolfstar pirate au!! need i say more!!
disarm you with a smile by five_ht
listen to me. look me in my eyes. this is explicit as fuck and i encourage you to read every single one of the tags carefully. seriously read all of them. it will not be for everyone but like….,oh my fuxking god. sirius steals remus’ phone number while hanging out with his friend (remus’ niece) one day and starts sending him increasingly suggestive texts anonymously. it’s all fun and games until sirius starts to catch feelings & remus starts to get curious ab who he’s been talking to.
in the centre of a circle by moonheavens
reccing this again bc I HAVEN’T CAUGHT UP YET BUT IT’S SO SO GOOD i’m going after the latest chapter as SOOOOOON as i have the time this week 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 sirius lives with the lupins and is very much in love with remus. he consults various people for advice.
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thegrandromantic · 2 months
Oracle, I'm about to go to bed (as in I'm in it), but will you pleeeeeaaaaassseee tell me about your Mountain Goats concert sometime soooooon :3 <33
i'd love to talk abt it, junie!!! tysm for the opportunity!!! <3
this was definitely the show ive been the most excited for, out of the 4 i've been to so far. i'd heard about the venue from family and stuff who'd gone to other shows there before. it was SUCH a neat place, you have to drive way out into like the middle of nowhere and the stage and stuff is just. INSIDE A CAVE??? the atmosphere was INCREDIBLE. it does so much for the acoustics and the lighting and just the Vibes of the performance.
the setlist was amazing, they opened with azo tle nelli in tlalticpac? at both of the last two shows i've been too and its such a cool opener. its got a really nice build to it, and it really amps you up for whats to come. i feel like other big highlights for me were make you suffer, fresh tattoo, transcendental youth, a SUPER neat cover of dark as a dungeon by merle travis, abandoned flesh, and in memory of satan. but ofc i vibed with the whole setlist, god i lost my mind over like every song.
this show also had the most energy ive seen for no children/this year. the audience was singing so loud you could barely hear john singing anymore 😂 and everyone was dancing/jumping around. john looked fucking HAGGARD by the end of the show he was really playing his heart out tonight. just absolutely drenched in sweat, hair stringing down over his face it was great.
overall favorite venue, one of my favorite setlists, Best Fucking Show ive been to yet lmao.
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midnightsxblue · 1 month
one of you requested something so feral and YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE WHOEVER SENT THE REQUEST ur literally so me bc i’m sooooooo 0~0
I’m literally going insane i cannot wait to write it but beware it’ll be a lil…ITS GONNA BE A TAD LIKE SMUTTY JUST BEWARE.
i literally want him so bad i need him to come to life or smth WHY ISNT HE REALLLLL
also guys SEND MORE REQUESTS i promise ill work thru them soooooon >:)
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wolfpackss · 11 months
We want more paulllll
Coming! Part three comes soooooon and some requests are also on its way 🫣
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alexandersimpleton · 1 year
If you're not good with blood, this is not your fic! Trust me
Bloodstained glass
Frederick has a near death experience
As Frederick walked into the room, he noticed the lot of bullies he'd been fearing all sitting with some bottles in their hands. As he tried to walk away, hoping none of them would notice him, one turned towards the young boy, and gave a grin
"Well if it isn't little sunflower!" The muscular student said. He was clearly drunk. That wasn't good.
"Oh sunflower! We haven't seen you in a while!!" Slurred another.
"Oh! Um- I'm just- I'm just gonna go and leave you guys to-"
"Oh noooo! Sunflower leaving so soooooon?!" Said the third and final bully.
This little sunflower was officially fucked.
"Don't leave sunflower!! Your petals are so pretty!!" He stood up, grabbing something sharp from one of the tables "I just wanna pluck em!"
He- he's not- he's not actually serious-
"Oh! Pluck the little petals off the little sunflower!? Wow, you have the best ideas!"
Something else sharp came off the table. at closer inspection, Frederick saw they were kitchen knives. Are they acctually- the last knife came off the table, and they started shambling towards the boy, like blood crazed zombies. They were acctually gonna...
Frederick ran out the door as fast as his lanky legs could carry him, away from the drunkards, and they started running after him, almost reaching his speed. He didn't wanna die! Was he gonna die, getting stabbed by a bunch of military kids?! He didn't want to die!
He took a turn, hoping to lose the zombie-like children, but his plan failed. "Oh sunflower! We just want to take your pretty little stem off! Haha!"
Frederick slammed into the wall. He must have entered a storage closet on accident. Nonononono! The bullies followed right behind him, their knives shining in the glow of the candle a staff member had forgotten to put out.
"Hehe we got you now sunflower!" The cruel being yelled, It's features becoming obscured until Frederick could only see it's smile and cruel silhouettes of it's eyes, that were suddenly everywhere, eager to watch his death. He heard a mirror shatter as it pinned him against the wall, its cohorts laughing drunkenly. M-mirror?! He looked at the floor, seeing sever shards of glass littering the ground.
"Who wants to see the little sunflower get plucked?!" The one holding him to the wall asked, the others cheering in agreement. The monster, brought a sharp, clawed hand up, the eyes and it's smile overwhelming Frederick until he couldn't breath, and thrust it to his throat, but just before it could hit it's target, Frederick used his shoe to spring up a large shard of glass, and thrust it into the creature's head, forcing him not only to stop the attack, but to drop him as well, as the thing collapsed on the ground, the other two moving back as Frederick looked up at them.
He looked at his hand, and the blood was oozing out of it, from the sharp ends of the glass, and there was also blood coming from the trousers, be he couldn't notice it, because the other ones came towards him, angered by the loss of the first, and Frederick stabbed the glass into their heads as well, as red ooze streamed out, him stumbling backwards to not touch it, into the remains of the mirror, which sliced up his back and shoulders as well, but the adrenaline stopped him from feeling anything.
He shattered the price of glass on what was probably the wall, and sprinted out of the dark, dungeon-like room, into a vast, maze-like space of corridors. His wounds would get infected he thinks. He needs to find the nerses office! He began running, not really even knowing what it was, until he saw the red cross above one of the doors. That meant health! He ran into the room, stuffing some of the bandages in his bag, before seeing another one of the monsters, this one's claw looking like a long metal needle. This one moved towards him more slowly, but he still knew he had to get away, so he ran, until he found a staircase, leading to his room. Was it his room? He didn't care, as we shoved the door open, hiding beneath his blanket.
And there he stayed for a good while, until he started to sober up from the adrenaline, and started to feel a soreness in his... everywhere.
He pulled himself up with his hands, still breathing quite heavily, only to see his sheets soaked with blood, and getting more soaked as the blood came out of his hand. W-what? Why are they- but Frederick's memory began to clear up then too.
The monsters- no, no they weren't monsters, they were- and he had stabbed- oh God!! He couldn't- he didn't- NONONONONONONO! He really did! He had the bloodstains to prove it. He curled up in a ball, crying all the tears out of his body as he bandaged himself up haphazardly.
Nobody had to know.
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Minecraft Snapshot 17w43b
Do not expect any new gameplay features or mechanics in 1.13 because we try to focus on improving the game engine in this update.
This first snapshot introduces two major modifications to our codebase: data packs, and LWJGL.
Data Packs
Usage & Installation
A data pack may be an Zip file or Directory Inside /datapacks/ For instance, both these are fully valid data packs:
/datapacks/CoolPack2000.zip /datapacks/SuperPack3000/
If you obtain data packs from a friend or the internet, we typically expect that it will just be a zip file. It will be automatically installed when you put it in the datapacks/ folder.
If you alter, install or remove a data package whilst the game is running then the /reload command will take effect the changes.
pack.mcmeta (Required) - Exactly as in resource packs, this is a description of the pack. data/ - This is what makes it a data pack, containing all data files./ - Much like resource packs, everything requires a namespace.- functions/ - Contains all commands. functions.mcfunction A command function named :
.json A loottable with the name :
.nbt - A structure named :
.json - An advancement named :
.json - A recipe named :
Pack Hierarchy
Similar to resource packs, data packs also have a load order. There isn't an option to view or alter this. Sorry! We are working on it.
Note: Recipes?
? We haven't yet finished supporting the concept of data packs for recipes. That's why we don't look at custom data packs for recipes, and we don't even sync custom recipes from our server to clients.
In essence... they aren't working yet. Soooooon!
Although this isn't a new concept , it's crucial to understand what "namespace" is. Most things in the game are part of a namespace, so that if we add something and mod (or map or whatever) adds something, they're both distinct things. When you're asked to identify something, like a loot table, you're expected to also provide what namespace that thing comes from. If you don't specify the namespace that we default to, we use minecraft. This means that something and minecraft:something mean the same thing.
Always use your own namespace to add any new features. Only use other namespaces if they're explicitly overriding one. Do not add any new things in minecraft, basically.
A namespace should contain the following symbols:
0123456789 (Numbers) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Lowercase letters) _ (Underscore) - (Hyphen/minus)
Names of...
You can call anything (recipes advances, recipes, etc.) whatever name you like However, these are the only officially supported symbols:
0123456789 (Numbers) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Lowercase letters) _ (Underscore) / (Forward slash, directory separator) . (Period) - (Hyphen/minus)
The preferred naming convention is lower_case_with_underscores. teamextrememc
We've finally updated to the newest version of LW JGL . This was a fix for a lot of bugs that have been around for a long time on Mac OS and Linux, and should result in an improved and stable gaming experience. Fullscreen mode defaults to borderless windowsed and it's very simple to switch between fullscreen and borderless mode. We've identified the following issues you might face:
- Fullscreen mode on Mac OS X has a high chance of hard crashing therefore we turned off this until we find a workaround. There are instances in the game where key inputs are transmitted twice, such as pressing a hotbar key while hovering over an item in the search tab for the creative inventory. - On Mac OS X, the icon for the game is no longer a grass block. I am working on it!
Blocks for structuring
When you use "save" in a structure block, it now saves it in the following location: generated//structures/
When you use "load" in a structure block, we try to load from the generated folder before attempting data packs. This is so that saving and loading are constant.
If you are creating custom maps, please don't distribute the "generated folder" in its current state. Transfer it all to a data pack. Thank you!
Backwards compatibility - going back in time!
This is a problem that we all face, yet we feel we need to tackle it right now. We do not officially endorse the ability to go back to older versions of minecraft in the same folder in which you are running a new version of Minecraft . If you use this snapshot and switch to an earlier version in the same directory, you will All your keybindings are gone .
You are always recommended to run snapshots (and any other version than "the latest release") in their own folders. This is, in fact, the reason why your tutorial toasts keep popping up ;)
A word of warning
1.13 will come with a Lot Some experimental snapshots may smell funny and even break things. This could be one of the snapshots. This is what happens when everything changes!
Install the snapshot
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If no one is able to report a bug, we can't fix it!
Open your launcher and click on the "launch options tab" to get snapshots. Select the box that says "Enable snapshots" and save. You can switch between the normal and snapshot versions by clicking the "Play" button. Backup your entire world before you play the game in another folder (in the "launch options") page.
Snapshots may cause damage to your world. Backup them and/or save them in a separate folder.
Bugs fixed in 17w43b
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boygirlctommy · 4 years
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It's July 15th you know what that means....
The day...
if any of you thought i somehow got over this boy you are MISTAKEN.
He seriously needs a warm meal and a break.
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avonecnatasha · 3 years
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THE GUARDIAN (im still working on it TTwTT) the left side is Erinel and the right is Erica.There both actually the ones to protect someone(its natasha actually).
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standarrow · 4 years
small vent but i feel like pure shit about my art lately 😔✌️
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pinkguva · 7 years
i did..,.,.,,, that (accent tag)
thx bby @okyio​ for tagging me!!! lol ok i tag @wlndenburg​ @scampsims​ @twikkii​ @pink-tea​ @whiite-tea​ @4fig​ @mooon-sims​ @ohhiplumbob​ @mummasim​ @blarffy​ @liltofu​ and anyone else who wants to do it!!! (sorry if you’ve done it before & i tagged you ooooops)
for the second language one, i said that i could speak mandarin (in mandarin!!!) - fun fact i can also speak japanese yay
another fun fact --- -- - - i dont have the ‘singaporean’ accent!!!!! coolcool
instructions below vvvv
what is your name and/or username?
where are you from?
pronounce the following words:
iron salmon caramel fire water new orleans furniture both again probably alabama lawyer coupon mayonnaise caught naturally envelope twitter new york crayon tumblr
how would you address a group of two or more people? what would you call a sale of unwanted items on your porch, in your yard, etc.? what do you call a sweetened carbonated beverage? what do you call your grandparents? what do you call gym shoes? choose book and read a paragraph from it. do you speak a second language? end the video by saying any 3 words you want
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thepastelpeach · 7 years
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a soft klance that nearly broke my computer
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shessolovely-ao3 · 2 years
bestie… bestieee we need that new fic! I am begging for it 😩 Plus we literally have 0 fanfics of orel and christin a like AGHHBHGHH but seriously though you’re one of my favorite writers on here so I literally did a little dance when you i said you might be working on a new fic hehe
coincidentally i am currently listening to young lovers by dutchkid and mentally coming up with ideas instead of writing my paper on why i hate russia (its actually about russian intervention but hey. the sentiment's the same) you should give it a listen! it's very sweet and it is 100% helping me along with the process ;)
that makes me so happy that you like my writing and my work, tysm!! i agree there should be more orel/christina works, it is very dry but hopefully i will be changing that soooooon!
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