deathianartworks · 9 months
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mjfsupremacy · 9 months
The Collision commentator repeatedly calling Max MGF is so funny lmao.
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fbfh · 7 months
Hey! Then in hoo it is mentioned that Leo has dealt with a lot of bullies and horrible people since Esperanza died, I could ask for something like him and his s/o going to do something normal like shopping and end up running into one of these people And they keep making fun of Leo so his s/o defends him and comforts him or something like that(sorry if it seems confusing, English is not my first language haha)
first of all your english is great babes!! not confusing at all <33
ah yes. the bitchy girls. the asshole mean girls who have a fucking superpower for sniffing out adhd and autism and other neurodivergent traits like fucking blood hounds. the devils in lululemon leggings and nike sneakers who worship the ground hailey bieber walks on and keep their marc jacobs tote bags full of knives to stab anyone and everyone in the back with the moment the see an opportunity to.
those girls.
Leo's been able to avoid them for a while. Drew was the worst at camp, but she was a watered down version of them - Leo realized at some point that Drew adopting those traits was her own way of dealing with shit, and the more time she spent at camp since Piper became head of cabin, the more chilled out she's gotten.
There were barely any mean girls at MIT, none he had trouble avoiding at least. But now he's here, back in the real world, shopping for groceries for your little apartment you have together. And in the real world, fresh out of nursing school, is Emily. The exact same Emily from the school he went to before camp half blood. At 15, Leo went through a lot of shit. School was hell, his foster family was so bad he ran away enough to be sent to the wilderness school, and he was at one of the lowest points of his entire life.
You don't know who she is, but from the look on Leo's face, the sudden, sharp drop in his energy, the way he starts picking at his hands and gets all jittery. He hopes he can get away with it, hopes she won't even recognize him.
"Oh my god... Leo Valdez?"
you grimace at her voice, the way she mispronounces his last name, and your hackles rise. She looks at you in shock, seeming to hold back a laugh.
"Wait, is he your boyfriend?"
She says it like it's some joke, like this whole thing is hilarious.
"He used to be so awkward!" she giggles, "Wow, you look exactly the same."
Leo can read you like a book, and he knows you are SO pissed off for him.
"Yeah," You say with an equally sarcastic smile, "I had no idea you guys were the same age, you look so much older. I never would have known you guys were in the same class."
She blanches a little, and you double down.
"Leo actually just graduated top of his class at MIT. He has, like, a dozen job offers already." You smile at him proudly. "So how about you, are you... doing anything?"
"Mhm." She nods, the humor suddenly gone. "Nursing school. I just started."
"Oh," you nod, glancing over at Leo and sharing a subtle look with him, "well, we better get going, we have some open houses to get to."
As you walk away, still close enough for her to hear, you mutter to Leo, stifling a smile.
"Wow. The mean girl to nursing school pipeline is real." You chuckle, "And like, she does know it's not 2016 anymore, right? Cause her eyebrows don't seem to..."
He's so surprised that after an interaction with her, after all these years, he actually feels... okay. Outside the shithole of high school, with you by his side, she doesn't seem nearly as intimidating as she had. He's not sure how you got him to realize that so quickly, but he realizes that there's nothing that feels that intimidating when you're by his side. And you're right, her eyebrows are just as awful as her personality.
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georgieluz · 5 months
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intelligence officer, easy company (band of brothers)
ship: lewis nixon | tag: #oc: oliver hardwick
"you'll never fumigate the demons, no matter how much you smoke"
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new yorker. former literature and latin student at university. mischievous. wealthy. playful. rakish, maybe even roguish, some might say, in a pretty boy kind of way. think: old money with a rebellious streak. massive ballrooms contrasted with secret parties in tiny apartments. flowing champagne. screaming drunkenly from the deck of a yacht. rage rage and more rage, so much rage. the subtle glare of disapproval from a calculating parent. a disdain for authority and taking orders. winter scarves in every colour, but especially red. kissing older men. dancing until you can't remember your family name. the simultaneous fascination and disappointment your friends and peers feel toward you. running away as a child and nobody even noticing you're gone. picking oranges in the mediterranean. freezing cold new york winters. spinning around in the rain. being too smart for your own good. self-sabotage. self-loathing. self-destruction.
playlist: tell me i'm an angel
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private first class, easy company (band of brothers)
ship: joseph liebgott | tag: #oc: tommy monet
"the silence that you're hearing is turning into a deafening, painful, shameful roar"
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bostoner. from the wrong side of the tracks. barely got a high school diploma. former teenage nuisance. poet. fuelled by coffee and homeric similes. friends with every cat in the neighbourhood. talks to his cat badger more than other people. think: scrappy. argumentative. observant. smart but wishes he wasn't. hot black coffee running through his veins. flannel shirts. a backpack full of books. a hardshell exterior and deep, deep repression. running races down the railroad tracks until you're completely breathless. smoking because you don't know what else to do with your hands. irritable, but usually with a smile and a hefty dose of sarcasm. fuck the elite. no one can hurt me if they can't get near me. insecurities? what are those? who needs a father anyway.
playlist: let down and hanging around
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private first class, how company (the pacific)
ship: bill "hoosier" smith | tag: #oc: charlie scott
"come ease my slumber, sink me into sleep"
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mornings spent next to the river. cigarettes for breakfast. brushing the sand out of dark hair. journals filled to the brim. training as a car mechanic. hands coated with oil. overalls tied around your waist. a sarcasm-filled whisper in your ear. a hand gripping yours through the barrage of bombs every night. eyes searching for you as you cross every battlefield. dramatic readings of your stream of conscious poetry until something hits. adopting the dog that you found in the middle of battle. missing the diners you always claimed to hate. wanting nothing more than to run back to the mountains you hiked growing up. realising you never want to visit a beach again. longing for the quiet peacefulness of a lake.
playlist: i once warmed my hands
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corpsman, king company (the pacific)
ship: eddie jones | tag: #oc: rhys llewyd
"torn down, full of aching, somehow our youth will take the blame"
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welsh born, new hampshire raised. gentle hands, sharp eyes. soft-spoken. welsh-lilted american accent. the messiest bedhead you'll ever see. enjoys watching people mispronounce his surname. touch-starved for something more than bleeding guts and bullet wounds. sage green and lavender. realising you never wanted to study medicine in the first place. cloudgazing. comic books shoved into pockets. an impeccable dancer who will never show it. can't handle his alcohol but drinks anyway. misses trees, and grass, and greenery. hands touching beneath the library table. a pile of books next to your bed. the scent of sugar and honey contrasted with the blood dripping from your hands.
playlist: fade me away
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platoon scout sniper, bravo company (gen kill)
ship: brad colbert | tag: #oc: max jacobs
"there's nothing wrong with me, this is how i'm supposed to be, in a land of make believe, that don't believe in me"
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deadly aim, with a smile to match. skate parks and 7-11s. worn out chuck taylors. suburban fuckery. sneaking out of your bedroom window at 2am. driving out as far as you can because you've got nothing better to do. desperately wanting to escape your town at any cost. sony walkman cd player attached to your belt at all times. fuck the system (but you're in the system). laughing in the face of everything and anything. empty red bull cans littered across the room. kissing boys in empty car parks. getting your fists bloody when the homophobes arrive. taking on the world with nothing but bruised knees and a stick of gum.
playlist: and when we go, don't blame us
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corporal, bravo company (gen kill)
ship: ray person | tag: #oc: matty carter
"tracksuits and red wine, movies for two, we'll take off our phones, and we'll turn off our shoes. we'll play nintendo, though i always lose, 'cause you watch the tv, while i'm watching you. dumb conversation, we lose track of time, have i told you lately, i'm grateful you're mine. there's nothing like doing nothing with you"
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missouri summers. friends who fall somewhere between platonic and something more. pizza nights. staying up until 4am playing uno. laughing so hard your ribs hurt. realising you're a little bit in love with your best friend. following him to the marine corps. losing far too much money playing pool. camping in the rain. smiles so wide. watching the lost boys so many times you can quote every line. sharing hoodies. the colour orange. instant messaging into the early hours. the sunrise laughing as you fall asleep. promises of running away together. fingers in soft wavy hair. ice cold lemonade. the ghost of a confession.
playlist: do you think of me?
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architecture student, hacker, archer (band of brothers zombie au)
ship: ron speirs | tag: #oc: caleb dawson
"yes, it's you i welcome death with, as the world caves in"
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sketching buildings from the window of hotel rooms. mugs of cold coffee left on every surface. counting to ten before you open a door. endless recurve vs compound pettiness. the fucking audacity of life. talking with your hands. sarcasm as a first language. stubborn and unyielding, but fiercely protective. clinging to a pencil and paper as a lifeline. realising it's easier to push your buttons than you thought. jokes. lots of jokes. witty one liners. deep, deep inner conflict. bitterness coating your tongue with every word. being suspicious of newcomers but bound to your own sense of loyalties and vulnerabilities. trying desperately to hide every aspect of your gentleness, but feeling it leak through in every moment. being ashamed of your dreams and ambitions. feeling the cracks break open every day, but bottling it up all the same. waiting alone in hotel rooms wondering if your dad will come back for you this time. being taught to hack at twelve years old. finally escaping the only life you've ever really known only to find that a virus outbreak has mutated and changed the world forever. unravelling dreams.
playlist: one wink at a time
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RAF pilot / lancaster bomber (masters of the air)
ship: bucky egan | tag: #oc: archie sullivan
"wild lovers never get the blues"
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flying too close to the moon, "you look pretty in blue", piles of unopened letters thrown in a corner, easy laughs, easier smiles, falling asleep on the wing of your plane, cycling to the pub with your best friend in the pouring rain, turning annoyance into endearment, a pint and a ginger beer please, escaping to the beaches of east anglia on a weekend pass, puppy dog eyes the size of jupiter, pettiness, so so much pettiness, challenging just about everyone you've ever met, thinking you might just be the greatest darts player in all of england, a good ol' dose of the great british repression, yet accidentally flirting with almost everyone you meet, running so far away from home that you ended up in the clouds
playlist: to the top of the big night sky
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if you want to read about the ocs from my hbo war f1 au please head over to this post. the ocs there are all platonic ocs, but have a lot of presence in the world and narrative, and if you'd like to see my ocs for top gun, then you can find them on my sideblog here
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garussy · 1 year
More more more things from my mystreet rewrite
Aaron and Lily are teen parents to Jacob Aaron had custody over Jacob while they were in college so Jacob could be close to Lily’s family
Aphmau volunteered at a school for a while and that’s where she met Malachi
Levin was in a daycare across the street
In this rewrite Levin’s dad was sick and passed away and his mom surrendered Levin because it was too much
After a year of spending time with them Aphmau adopts Levin and Malachi
Aphmau and Aaron adopt Lilith a few years after they graduate from college and they have Alina when they get married
Nekoette’s name is changed to Neneko
Dante and Nicole were teen parents too and decided that trying to keep their relationship healthy and taking care of Dmitri was too much so they broke up
Dante and Nana have a short relationship in college and that’s when they had Neneko
After college Dante and Nicole get back together and they co parents Neneko
Dmitri didn’t like spending time with Neneko at first because they were polar opposites
Garroth is Levin’s favorite and Laurance is Malachi’s favorite
Katelyn is the go-to babysitter because she always gets them outside and takes them to the park
She is also very good at getting all of the kids to listen
Blaze also babysits a lot and he manages to carry three kids, push a stroller, and keep the rest of the kids with him at all times
Together they are an unstoppable force
Zane always watched Neneko and Dmitri when Nana had to bake
Because it is very hard to bake when a 4 year old and a 3 year old are always behind you and they really want to help
Nana and Nicole joke about Dante together
Travis is a Pokémon shiny hunting fiend
Sylvanna and Nana started an “I hate Derek Cuetla” club
Also Aaron’s last name has been changed to Cuetla short for Cuetlachtli which means wolf and has Nahuatl origin
It still means wolf but isn’t as obvious as Lycan
Anyways Sylvanna and Nana started their slander club
The members of their club are Dottie, Rylan, Daniel, Blaze, Aphmau, Katelyn, Lucinda, Lily, Laurance, Nicole, Zane, and Travis
Their only goal is to inconvenience Derek as often as possible
That includes but is not limited to looking at him like he’s stupid everytime he asks a question, mocking him everytime he speaks, flipping him off instead of shaking his hand, mispronouncing his name or calling him a different name everytime he’s around
The names get stranger and stranger everytime they see him
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Pardon me if I mispronounced the names. I'm just trying to memorize.
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nonbinary-octopus · 9 months
Had a weird dream.
Okay so I was some kind of alien creature, and at the start, I was kinda small, like maybe two feet tall? Stitch vibes. But see, I was hiding from the other aliens, and these two human siblings, teenagers, found me and offered to hide me. I then sort of became the brother, you know, in the weird way in dreams where two characters become one. Except also I was the alien, disguised as the human guy. No idea where the actual human guy went.
I do recall at one point introducing myself as "Jacob [Lastname]. Jake." And I kept calling the other human sibling "Jake's Sister." instead of whatever her name was.
The siblings had a friend named Jackie, and she kept acting a little bit odd. One minor part of it was that she kept slightly mispronouncing words. (there were bigger hints but that's the thing I remember) She kept popping in and out, and on the third time, said something that pretty obviously revealed that she was ALSO an alien, pretending to be Jackie. I called her out on it, and then grabbed her and threw her over the fence with my surprising impressive strength.
And then grabbed Jake's Sister and ran, because Not-Jackie was in fact a scout for the group of other aliens who were trying to find me. And since they knew Jake's Sister had been hiding me, she'd be in big trouble too.
I ended up shifting again, this time sizeshifting, and we somehow were on the top of a skyscraper. I decided the best course of action would be to slide down it. I was big enough at this point that I could easily grasp the opposite corners of the building, and somehow, via friction between my hands and it, kept us falling at a non-dangerous rate, while simultaneously not damaging the building even slightly.
The building had a few rough sticky-outy levels, that added extra friction and slowing sometimes. Though after I grabbed one once and jolted to a halt and almost jolted Jake's Sister loose, I didn't grab onto them again.
After we'd been sliding for a while, I asked Jake's Sister if she could see the bottom, and she peered down, hoping to see the city streets below, but only saw more darkness.
(it was night, btw, from about when we were on the top of the skyscraper. Not-Jackie had helicopters with searchlights and that's why we couldn't stay on the top. The confrontation with Not-Jackie in the backyard had been in broad daylight.)
I reassured Jake's Sister that it would be okay, the ground would be there, we just had to keep going. She was scared, but said okay.
We kept going for a little while longer, and then we fell into thick smoke. I hoped for a second it was just smog from the streets, but it wasn't.
It was somehow even blacker darkness, and it felt weird-bad to breathe. (though not dangerous) The smoke was thick, and nearly -- not nearly solid, but much more substantial than smoke is supposed to be. Like water, almost, with bouancy. And it was made of darkness.
and I thought, as we fell into the roiling blackness, that I felt my real eyes flicker, and that it hadn't mattered, that was just as black and dark in the real world.
So I opened my eyes to check, and actually it was a bit after dawn, so the room was dim but not dark, and now I'm awake.
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robotforest · 1 year
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
How to play: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
first lemme say I AM ALMOST HALF A YEAR LATE TO DO THIS I AM SO SORRY and thank you to @r1-sw-lover so much for the tag! (i apologize once more for doing this late!!) - check out her post here
no pressure tags: @ratchet-says-i-needed-that @decepticonseeker @secretlittlev @mendely @darthvaderofmiddle-earth @mispronouncing-michaelangelo @hheckk @eclipsedshadowk @certified-anakinfucker @purgetrooperfox
rest of the post is under the cut!
1) rodimus / hot rod - transformers [more than meets the eye / lost light / transformers animated / generation 1]
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2) stede bonnet - our flag means death
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3) jacob frye - assassin's creed syndicate
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4) prompto argentum - final fantasy xv
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5) phoenix wright - ace attorney
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6) sora - kingdom hearts
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7) jim kirk - star trek [the original series / alternate original series]
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8) ezra bridger - star wars rebels
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9) frodo baggins - lord of the rings
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10) wolfgang amadeus mozart - mozart l'opera rock
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
Quick disclaimer this is set in the flipped universe so, voldy doesn’t exist
Template made by @unfortunate-arrow sorry I forgot to tag you when I made the post
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Full Name: Viktor Ayas Perphyra
Nicknames: Vik (by most of his friends) Wolfie (his mother) Elfo (His father)
Date of Birth: 12 September 1934
Gender: cis male
Sexuality: straight
Blood Status: half-blood
Ethnicity/Race: halfling and mixed
Nationality: Egyptian
MBTI Type: Protagonist, ENFJ-A
Residence: He lived in Egypt with his grandparents, on his mom’s side, at their home before he moved to Scottland when he turned 11 with his parents into the house that his grandfather had bought ona nice piece of land.
Wood: Holly Wood
Core: Phoenix feather
Length: 14 ½’
Flexibility: slightly springy
Other Magical Abilities: Elven magic that is passed down and he is a werewolf
Patronus: Rottwiler
Patronus Memory: Meeting his first friends
Boggart: TBD
Riddikulus: TBD
Amortentia: TBD
Mirror of Erised: TBD
House: Slytherin
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration - A
Charms - O
Herbology - O
Astronomy - A
Potions - O
History of Magic - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - E
Flying - A
OWL Electives:
Study of ancient runes - E
Alchemy - O
Care of magical creatures - O
NEWT Classes:
Charms - E
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Herbology - O
Alchemy - O
Defense against the dark arts - E
Quidditch: beater
Prefect: 4th-6th year
Clubs: Alchemy club and Herbology club
Favorite Professors: tbd
Least Favorite Professors: tbd
11-18 - Hogwarts
22-67 - Teacher
Faceclaim: Jacob Tremblay (4-14) Wentworth Miller (16-67)
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Height: 5’8
Weight: 164 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: short and curly
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Eye Color: light blue 
Skin Tone: Warm Ivory
Scars: a scar on the back of his neck from his first magical accident
Modifications: (piercings, tattoos, glasses, etc.) he needs glasses for long distance and he’s got a couple tattoos scattered across his body
Distinguishing Marks: the pointy ears
Clothing Style: it's a pretty simple style that he has going on, jeans, some simple button down shirts (he leaves them with only like 2-3 buttons done), plain shirts, sweaters, Henleys and a jacket
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Accessories: (watch, jewelry, etc.)
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What’s In Their Pockets?:
What’s In Their School Bag?:
Text books
Muggle fantasy books
Muggle snacks he smuggled in
A board game
Voiceclaim: Wentworth Miller
Accent: (might differ from voiceclaim’s) he picked up a scottish accent
Dialect: Egyptian Arabic when he is speaking Arabic
Language Spoken: Arabic, English and Elvish
Languages Understood: Elvish, English and Arabic
Speech and/or Language Disorder: He mispronounces words a lot if he starts talking very fast
Father: Jason Perphyra
Mother: Yasmine Shadid
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Pets: dragon toad 
Best Friends: Hester Nott
Canon Friends: Abraxas Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Anton Dolohov and Saxi Rowle
Elizabeth Somerset (@camillejeaneshphm)
(let me know if you want your ocs to be friends with him!)
Acquaintances: tbd
It’s Complicated: tbd
Dormmates: Abraxas Malfoy, Anton Dolohov and Saxi Rowle
Rivals: tbd
Enemies: tbd
Love Interest: Elizabeth Somerset
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Future Children: 
Viktor Perphyra Jr
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Pietro Perphyra
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Anatoly Perphyra
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Positive: friendly, outgoing, loyal and trustworthy
Neutral: observant, stubborn, impatient
Negative: smart aleck, oblivious at times
Color: violet
Food: shrimp alfredo
Weather: stormy
Books: Alchemy books
Hobbies: learning new magic
Music: tbd
Dislikes: Abraxas and Honey
Description: A cheerful man, Viktor is always looking to help someone whether they want his help or not, he's always there offering it. Being rather book smart Viktor spends a lot of his time in the library learning all sorts of magic, preferably Alchemy or Herbology
MBTI Description: ENFJs have great people skills and are often described as warm, affectionate, and supportive. ENFJs are great at encouraging other people and derive personal satisfaction from helping others. ENFJs are often so interested in devoting their time to others that they can neglect their own needs.
Pre-Hogwarts Childhood: 
Living with his grandparents in Egypt
Learning the basics of alchemy with his grandfather
Helping his father with magical creatures
Gardening with his grandmother
Got bit by a werewolf in the forest behind his new home in Scotland
Hogwarts Years: (not in chronological order)
Got sorted into Slytherin
An awkward stage between 14-16 where he went through puberty
Separation anxiety from being away from his grandparents for the first time
Sneaking out of hogwarts with his friends
Joining the quidditch team as a beater in his third year
Becoming a prefect in his 4th year surprisingly
Meets Elizabeth Somerset sometime in the early year of hogwarts
Joining the death eaters in his fifth year with Anton and Saxi
Adulthood: (not in chronological order)
Teaching at hogwarts as an Alchemy teacher
Fucking over Dumbledor’s army of “good wizards”
Getting married to Elizabeth
Raising the disasters known as his sons
In 2001, it was discovered that Viktor had a brain tumor and he didn’t want it to be cured with a simple flick of a wand so he was surrounded by his family and friends during his last few days on Earth.
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misspeculiar-principe · 22 hours
Semites, Part 1
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travelingue · 9 months
North Sea Scotland (5): Old Scone
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No visit to Perth is complete without a visit to Scone Palace.  And no visit to Scone is complete without a pronunciation lesson.
After multiple enquiries, I established that it rhymes with "spoon".   A confusing factor is the way some locals shorten the "oo" vowel (to a Londoner's ear, a Scottish "soon" can sound like a Liverpudlian "sun").  But they expected you to say "skoon".
Scone the location has no etymological connection to the delicacy.  The scone you eat rhymes with "gone".
The place has considerable historical significance.  Scone was the biblically sanctioned seat of royal power in Scotland.
It was the capital of the Picts. A few words about these valiant people are needed: Picts were "Brittonic" Celts, like other tribes that had the run of Britain before Romans turned up.  Brittonic groups must not be confused with Scots and other Gaelic Celts who came from Ireland.
The Picts were true Brits.  While their brethren south of the border were subdued, the Picts kept the empire at bay.  Eventually the Romans built a wall to keep them at bay.
The Picts are often thought of as savages.  But that's because, unlike their Roman victims, they didn't write things down.  Behind their warring prowess lay a highly sophisticated civilisation.
Picts and Scots embraced Christianity well before Augustine converted England.  In fact, the Scots were such early adopters that they got custody of the stone Jacob had used as a pillow to dream on (Gen 28; 10-22). 
In 843 Kenneth McAlpin unified the rival groups to become king of Alba ("Scotland" was the result of a subsequent rebranding exercise). He had the holy rock moved from a Scottish monastery to Scone, where it served as a coronation seat for centuries.
In 1296, Edward I of England invaded and took the stone to Westminster.  The theft acquired a simulacrum of legitimacy when the two crowns merged 307 years later.
But the Stone of Destiny was destined to return to Scotland. In 1950 Scottish nationalists broke into Westminster Abbey and briefly took it to Glasgow.  In 1996 it was handed back for good.  The stone now sits at Edinburgh Castle.  Scone only got a replica.
The Scots let the English borrow it for King Charles' coronation.
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You will note that it fits underneath the coronation chair: stone was fine for Biblical heads and Scottish bottoms, but not good enough for English softies.
There have been doubts about the authenticity of the sacred slab.  Geologists say it is made of Perthshire sandstone.  No one is questioning the fact that Jacob's stone travelled to Scotland: we have that on the highest medieval religious authority.
But you wonder if those Scottish monks may have given Kenneth a fake. There are suggestions that Edward was similarly fobbed off.  The stone currently in Scone could be the replica of a replica of a replica.
But where might all the replicated items be?  My answer: everywhere and nowhere.  Copies of the stone are dotted around Scotland (we saw another one at Arbroath monastery, below).  Any of them could be the real thing - or not.
The largest copy in Scone, however, is not the stone but the palace itself (top picture).  This identikit of a grand English house was built by a Scottish peer in the nineteenth century.
The earls of Mansfield are still based there. They dropped the title "Lord Scone" in 1970, probably when they wearied of having their names mispronounced and being paired with earls of Sandwich by facetious dinner-party hosts.
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spooksbot · 6 years
if i didn’t know these two were related, this single interaction would confirm it
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
disguise | t.h.
tom holland x actress!reader
warnings: swearing and angry tom
summary: during a promo interview for the new spider-man film, you and bbc radio one team up to pull a prank on your co-stars.
wc: 2.1k
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"Hello! We here at BBC Radio One are joined by the brilliant actress, Y/N Y/L/N." Nick Grimshaw introduced you to the camera.
You gave a little wave, "Hello! I promise it's me, I just have lots of things on to disguise myself." you laughed.
Your usual y/h/c hair was changed with a y/f/c wig. They added some makeup to change the shape of your nose and put in eye contacts to change your regular colour. You had huge, red glasses and the crew had dressed you up for a raunchy night out in a club.
"Yes, it is actually Y/N, but she is about to go in and prank her co-stars. We now address her as Astoria Legwinner, an incredibly disrespectful interviewer." Nick explained making everyone laugh.
You nodded, "Yup. Our goal for today is to be so rude that Jacob, Tom and Zendaya either get so angry that they walk out or start yelling at me. Let's get to it!"
The cameras followed you as you walked to the room where all the interviews were being held in. You quickly prepped yourself for the prank and walked inside. Everything was set up, Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob were sat in chairs with an empty spot beside them that was meant for you.
You watched them as they eyed your attire that was obviously inappropriate for a press junket. Your black stilettos clicked obnoxiously loud on the floor as you walked. The crew put the mic on you and gave you a quick nod before you turned back to the actors.
Quickly, you put on a foreign accent and sat down in the seat across from them, "Can we get started? I have places to be today." you rolled your eyes as you got in to character and looked to the crew who nodded back.
The outstretched hand that Tom had offered slowly recoiled as he noticed your attitude.
You saw the trio's confused expressions before Tom spoke up, "Actually, we're waiting on Y/N. If you wouldn't mind holding off for a little while, she should be here any minute."
You scoffed, "I think we can get started without her. Her character is hardly relevant to the film either way."
Their shocked features nearly made you break character before the crew gave you a thumbs up, since they were in on the prank, and you cleared your throat.
"Hello! I'm Astoria Legwinner with BBC Radio One and we're here with the stars of the new Spider-Man film." you gestured to the actors. When they didn't speak, you spoke again, "Introduce yourselves. That's not my job." the snark in your voice was painful for you to hear.
"I'm Jacob Batalon." it came out as more of a question than a statement.
Tom scratched his neck, "I'm Tom Holland."
Zendaya tried to keep herself from glaring at you, "And I'm Zendaya."
"Bravo. So, I'm sure you will get asked all the generic questions that you usually do by other interviewers and I wanted to spice things up by talking about what everyone wants to know about; your love lives." you knew to bring up the topic that pushed every celebrity's buttons.
"Uh, okay?" Jacob eyed you warily as the three exchanged confused looks.
You pretended to read off the cards in your hand even though they were completely blank, "Jacob, you're clearly single, so my next questions won't concern you."
Tom began to cough as the words left your mouth while he was mid-sip.
"Tom and Zendaya." you glanced down at the blank sheets again, purposely mispronouncing Zendaya's name, "Your characters are each other's love interests in the film and many have speculated that you are dating in real life. I'm not going to ask if you are because you're obviously going to lie to me and say that you're not."
Zendaya was quick to interrupt, "Actually, we are not dating in real life."
"Yeah, and I have a girlfriend already." Tom clarified.
That girlfriend being you.
You eyed them with a judging stare, "Who is your girlfriend then, Tom?" you pressed.
Tom took another sip of water, something he always does when questions that aren't of relevancy get asked, "I'd prefer not to say."
You shrugged, "As long as it's not Y/N Y/L/N, then that's fine. You can do a lot better than that." there was an audible gasp from all three at your words.
"I'm sorry. What is that supposed to mean?" Zendaya scoffed at your remark.
You shrugged again, a smirk pulling on your lips, "Just saying, a handsome young man like yourself could get any girl in the world. Y/N is obviously way below average and you're definitely out of her league." you insulted yourself.
Tom stammered before speaking, "Y/N is a lovely woman and an incredible actress."
Jacob nodded, "She's actually really chill and down to earth."
"You've never met her, have you?" Zendaya asked.
You rolled your eyes again, "No, but I don't need to meet her to know that she's obnoxious. Getting back to your little film. Tell me about it. I don't really care for Marvel so make it quick." you snapped your fingers.
They all exchanged flabbergasted looks before Tom cleared his throat, "Um, Spider-Man goes on a summer vacation around Europe with his school friends and he tries to hang up the suit and just be Peter Parker for the summer, but he meets a man named Mysterio and they team up together to fight elemental creatures."
You gave a fake and loud yawn, "I said make it quick, but okay. Getting back to dating," you saw their annoyed faces, "What's your ideal type? What do you look for in a girl or boy? Jacob?"
"Uh, someone funny and kind, I guess?"
You nodded, "Boring. Zendaya?" you mispronounced her name again.
"It's actually Zendaya." she corrected you with an awkward laugh.
You waved her off with a limp wrist, "Yeah, yeah. Tomato, tomahto. What's your type?"
Her features showed nothing but disbelief before she answered, "Someone respectful and generous with a sense of humour."
"Dull. And what about you, Tommy?" you leaned forward with a flirty smile, your cleavage was definitely on full show.
Tom eyed you weirdly, his stare lingering on your breasts for a second longer than acceptable, "Um, someone funny and respectful and compassionate."
"Aw! Like me?" you touched his knee with your hand as he sat back, trying to get away from you.
He gave an unenthusiastic chuckle, "Um, like my girlfriend."
You gave a fake pout, "Well, when you two inevitably break up, give me call." you tossed him a seductive wink and leaned back in your chair.
You saw them all look over at the crew and their agents who were sat in the room. Looking for help or a signal that it was almost over.
"Jacob." you pulled their attention back to you, "You aren't as well known as Tom or Zendaya. How does that affect your friendship with them? Do you ever get jealous living in their shadow?" you were definitely crossing a line and if you weren't the one asking the question, you surely would've slapped the interviewer across the face.
You could tell that they were trying so hard to be respectful, but their patience was wearing thin.
"No, I don't get jealous of them. Our friendship is amazing and I love them and Y/N very much." he spoke through gritted teeth.
"Hmm, sure." you hummed, "Tom, you have a dog."
He nodded, "Yeah, Tessa."
"She's super cute." Jacob added.
Tessa was definitely the most adorable pup you had ever laid eyes on, but the character you were playing had different beliefs that you had to live up to.
You shrugged, "I've seen cuter." they looked at one another again incredulously, "Who's the most annoying person on set? My guess is Y/N."
"No. No one on set is annoying and definitely not Y/N." Jacob was quick to protest.
Zendaya shifted in her seat, "Y/N is one of the best people in the cast. Are these actual questions?" she laughed dryly.
You glanced back down at the blank cards, trying your hardest not to break character.
You nodded before Tom spoke, "You've never even met Y/N. Why do you think she's the most annoying?"
You shrugged absentmindedly, "She gives off that vibe of being a total bitch. How she looks is horrendous and don't even get me started on her acting. Like, c'mon, they couldn't have casted someone with actual talent? Am I right?"
"You're one to call someone a bitch." Jacob scoffed as he mumbled the words but you heard it and nearly laughed.
"Seriously, who are you to say anything about Y/N?" Zendaya's anger was rising.
"Y/N is outstandingly talented and an amazing person to work with." Tom shook his head in disbelief, "I think this interview is over. We're not gonna sit here while you bash our co-star and ask inappropriate questions about our love lives." he finished while crossing his arms and nodding towards the door.
You were determined to draw the best reaction out of them. You nodded slowly, "One last thing before I leave." you began to take your glasses off.
You discarded the prosthetic makeup on your nose and yanked the wig off of your head. Your natural hair flowed down from the place it had been held in as you shook your head and smiled at them.
Their features showed a mix of shock, amusement and bewilderment. It was priceless.
"I really hate Y/N." you returned back to your normal voice and joked with a wide grin before laughing at their still stunned faces.
"You little shit!" Zendaya exclaimed while laughing with you.
Jacob was next, "Oh, my fucking God. I was so close to flipping my shit at you." he covered his face with his hands as he laughed.
Tom still stared with wide eyes and an open mouth.
"You okay?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
"I hate you so much." he shook his head again before laughing with all of you.
"You really didn't know it was me?" you asked as the laughter died down.
They all shook their heads, "No! I thought you were bloody Astoria Legwinner. That was the best and worst interview of my life." Tom buried his head in his hands.
You ran up and hugged Jacob, "I'm so sorry! I wanted to slap myself during this." your apology left the whole room laughing.
Jacob hugged you back tightly, "Don't be sorry! That was fucking hilarious!" you sighed with relief as you sat back down in your seat.
"Did you come up with all of that or are there actual questions on those?" Zendaya pointed to the cards before you handed them to her.
"Nope. All blank." you smirked as they shook their heads again.
Jacob started to clap as the two joined in, "I applaud your acting skills because holy shit, I don't know how you didn't break character at all."
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to prank your co-stars. Thanks for watching BBC Radio One! If you want to see more click the videos on the screen and go check out the new film, 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' in theatres June twenty-sixth! Bye!" you waved to the camera with your friends before the crew signalled that they had stopped recording.
Immediately, Tom wrapped his arms around you, burying his head in your neck. You hugged him back with a light laugh.
"You're evil for doing that. You said such awful things about yourself!" he scolded you making you laugh again.
"It was well worth the reaction. Now, I need to change and get ready for the actual interviews. This dress makes me feel like a college student." you ran your hand down the side of the short, red piece of fabric.
"You look hot." Zendaya winked as you turned to walk out the room and you blew her a kiss.
"Also," you turned around and looked at Tom, "I saw you eyeing Astoria's cleavage. Watch yourself, Holland." you pointed two fingers from your eyes to his as Jacob and Zendaya laughed.
He held his hands up in surrender, "Secretly, I knew it was you, so you can't be mad at me for that."
You called over your shoulder before walking out of the room, "You're a liar, so yes I can."
As the door shut behind you, Tom looked to his mates with wide eyes, "Do you think she's actually mad at me? It was her, so she can't really be mad."
They were both silent for a few seconds before laughter hit Tom's ears, "Oh, boy. Good luck with that, dude." Zendaya patted his shoulder.
"Technically, you stared at Astoria Legwinner's cleavage, not your girlfriend's." Jacob added.
"I-I did not stare! I g-glanced!"
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hello! You’re such a talented writer! Can I please request Tom x reader where they are bestfriend and the reader visit Tom when he’s filming. All of his co stars were teasing him because they’re acting like a couple even though they claimed to be just friends. Thank you!
If We Were A Movie
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Requests are CLOSED
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You get it a lot.
“Your boyfriend left his wallet.” A lady ran up to you in a coffee shop and handed you Toms wallet.
“Oh, thank you.” You gave her a tight lipped smile and accepted the wallet. You turned around and jogged to catch up to Tom with an annoyed look at your face.
“What’s wrong?” Tom laughed when he saw your face. “How did you get annoyed so quickly? We just left the shop.”
“Nine!” You held up nine fingers with Toms wallet still in your hand. “Nine times!”
“You got called my girlfriend again?” Tom asked, knowing exactly what you were referring too. 
“No. This time you were called my boyfriend, which makes nine times this week.” You said with exasperation. Tom shrugged and looked ahead.
“Hey, it was twelve last week.” He offered as he opened the passenger door for you.
“Tom, it’s only Tuesday.” You sighed as you handed his his wallet and climbed into the car.
“I know, darling. I’m sorry. I know how insulting it is to be mistaken for my girlfriend.” Tom said sarcastically, and a little hurt.
“I just wish people believed that we’re only best friends.” You sighed and squeezed his hand. He accepted your apology and kissed the back of your hand before starting the car.
That’s how most of your conversations went.
“Ready to order?” The waiter asked Tom with his notepad ready.
“She’s just in the bathroom.” Tom nodded towards your empty seat. “I’m gonna go with the pasta though.”
“No problem.” The waiter said as he wrote it down. “And for your girlfriend?”
“She’s gonna have the apple salad.” Tom said with a smile as he closed his menu. You didn’t tell him your order, he just knew.
This was an everyday occurrence.
“Would you and your boyfriend like a photo?” A lady with a camera came up to you as walked arm in arm towards the exit of a museum.
“Sure.” Tom laughed at the annoyed expression that crossed your face as he pulled you in to pose for the photo.
Red carpets had a field day with the two of you.
“Tom! Toms girlfriend! Over here!” The camera men barked when he’d drag you along to a movie premier.
“They pronounce my name so funny! I’ve never heard someone say “Y/n” as “Toms girlfriend” before!” You whispered sarcastically into Toms ears, making him laugh as the paparazzi snapped away.
“Well, I think “Toms girlfriend” looks beautiful tonight.” Tom whispered into your ear among the noise. You looked at Tom fondly and hide your face in his neck, not wanting the paparazzi to see you blushing. You ended up making the picture they got your background, so it all worked out in the end.
His friends took notice as well.
“You totally hung up on me last night to talk to your girlfriend.” Harrison huffed as he walked into Toms room.
“She needed attention. I know because she texted me the words “I need attention” in all caps.” Tom explained, not even bothering to correct him about the nature of your relationship.
“But we were in the middle of a game!” Harrison whined.
“I’m sorry. She’s just more important than 2k.” Tom laughed.
Seriously, you couldn’t get away from it.
“Excuse me?” A girl tapped Tom on the shoulder, making him stop. You stopped walking when you noticed he wasn’t behind you, just out of earshot. You saw him talking a pretty girl and felt a weird feeling in the pit of your tummy.
“Your girlfriends hair is tucked into her sweater.” The girl explained to Tom as she pointed at you. You wondered what they could possibly be talking about.
“I’ll tell her. Thanks.” Tom smiled at the girl and skipped back to you. Even though it bothered you, it made Tom happy how easily you could be mistaken for his girlfriend.
“What did that girl want?” You asked when Tom approached you.
“She told me to tell you about your hair.” Tom explained as he scooped your hair out of your sweater and laid it neatly on your shoulders.
“Oh, thanks.” You said as a different feeling filled your tummy.
Tom didn’t help your case, of course.
“Who’s this?” Jake asked when you visited the Far From Home set for the first time.
“This is the special girl in my life.” Tom introduced you with his hand on your lower back. “This is Y/n.”
You shook Jakes hand, concealing how star struck you were, and smiled.
You couldn’t really blame people for thinking what they did.
“Tom! Your girlfriend is here.” Jacob called when he saw you approaching the set.
“Y/n is here?” Tom looked up from his script and looked for you.
“I thought she wasn’t your girlfriend?” Jacob asked, recalling the dozens of times you’d corrected Jacob when he called you and Tom a couple.
“She’s not.” Tom stammered, forever forgetting you two weren’t actually together. “I just knew you meant her.”
Seriously, everyone thought you were a thing.
“Hey man. I just met your girlfriend.“ Zendaya smiled as she took her seat next to Tom on the classroom set.
“Oh you met Y/n?” Tom replied with a grin. He always loved when his friends met his best friend. He didn’t even bother to correct Zendaya and tell her you weren’t his girlfriend. The boy could dream, couldn’t he?
“Only for a little while. I saw her by the snack table just now. We just said hi and had a bit compliment battle. She’s so pretty, I couldn’t believe it. What’s she doing with guy like you?” Zendaya teased as the camera men prepared to begin filming.
“Aw, thanks Zen-DIE-a.” Tom faked a smile as he purposefully mispronounced her name. “Did she happen to say she was my girlfriend?” He wondered why Zendaya thought they were dating if she’d never seen them together.
“No.” Zendaya realized and shook her head. “I just assumed because she was wearing a hoodie with your last name on it.”
“Oh, okay. Just wondering.” Tom smiled and got ready to deliver his lines, an extra burst of confidence coursing through him to know you were wearing his hoodie.
His costars made a point to tease him over it.
“Are you wearing a helmet?” Jake laughed as Tom approached the set. They were rehearsing a stunt scene and Tom had shown up in some questionable attire.
“Dude, stop. I promised Y/n I’d wear it.” Tom grumbled as someone began to harness Tom in.
“I get it. Your girlfriend wants you to be safe.” Jake nodded in agreement but made a face to Jacob behind Toms back.
“She just gets worried.” Tom said as he buckled his helmet, wondering why Jacob was suddenly doubled over with laughter.
Meanwhile, you waited patiently behind the cameras for Tom to finish filming. You were in a constant state of anxiety as Tom jumped from platform to platform to perform his stunts. You were just glad he wore the helmet.
“Alright. Shackles are off.” Tom shook his harness off after the rehearsal and made his way to you. You instinctively threw your arms around his sweaty torso.
“I was so nervous when you were up there.” You said Into his neck. Tom chuckled and held you closer.
“Don’t worry about me, baby. I’m a superhero.” Tom assured you, ignoring the kissy faces Jake was making behind your back.
It’s not like you didn’t give people a reason to think you were together.
“Hold.” A man with a clipboard yelled. “Tom, you need to lose the bracelet.”
“Right, sorry.” Tom called back and went to unclasp the bracelet before realizing the predicament. He grimaced and looked back at the man. “I’m sorry. I actually can’t take it off.”
“Why not?” The man called again, losing patience.
“It’s one of those lock and key bracelets.” Tom explained. “Y/n wears the key around her neck as a necklace. I need her to open it.”
“Isn’t that just adorable?” Jacob gushed from somewhere behind Tom.
“So you’re one of those couples.” Zendaya smirked.
“Is your girlfriend here?” The man with the clipboard asked with a sigh. Tom smiled a little at his words. He never even called you his girlfriend. It was just common knowledge around set now that you were.
“Yes. She’s in my trailer.” Tom called.
“Oooo.” Jacob cooed. “In your trailer?”
“She’s probably still resting. I’m sure they had a long night.” Jake said with a devious grin. Tom turned around and shot daggers at his friends.
“Shut up.” He snapped before turning back to the man. “She’ll be here. Just call her.”
The man let out another sigh before grabbing the radio and speaking into it. “Will Toms girlfriend please come to set?”
You were studying in Toms trailer when you heard the announcement. You perked your head up and furrowed you’re eyebrows. Was that directed at you? You decided to ignore it and go back to studying.
“She has a name.” Tom annouced to the crew, knowing you wouldn’t know that announcement was for you. “Her name is Y/n.”
The man gave Tom a death glare before picking the radio back up. “Will Y/n please come to set?”
You looked up again and set your textbook down. That one was definitely directed at you. You hustled to set and found Tom amongst the crew and cast.
“I was called?” You asked. Tom gave you a sheepish grin and held out his wrist.
“I need to take the bracelet off.” He said, gesturing to the silver band on his wrist with a heart shaped lock. You laughed and stepped closer to him, pulling the key you wore around your neck out from under your shirt. You stuck your key in his lock and twisted it, releasing the clasp on the bracelet. You caught it in your hands and slipped it into your pocket as Tom gave you a grateful smile.
“There you go.” You returned his smile, unaware of the cast and crew gawking at the two of you.
“So how long have you two been together?” Jake interrupted, causing panic to fill Toms eyes. You looked at him curiously before turning to Jake.
“Oh, I’m not his girlfriend.” You told him, and were instantly met with a rush of shocked murmurs from the crowd. You looked at Tom for answers, who looked like he wanted to disappear. He gave you an apologetic smiled and laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, funny thing.” He said as he scratched the back of his neck and avoiding the piercing gaze from the crowd. “We’re not actually a couple.”
“Aren’t you Y/n?” An extra asked.
“Yes.” You nodded, still lost.
“The one Tom’s always on the phone with?” Jake pressed.
“Yeah.” You said with an awkward smile. Why was everyone so shocked that you weren’t together? Did Tom tell them you were?
“The one he talks about all the time?” Another extra chimed in.
“I guess.” You blushed a little upon learning this information.
“The one who has has visited him on every set since The Impossible?” Jacob asked.
“That’d be me.” You confirmed.
“The one he literally introduced to me as ‘the special girl in his life’?” Jake said in disbelief.
“She is my special girl.” Tom said quietly as he dug his toe into the floor.
“So you are his girlfriend.” Jake said.
“No. Still not.” You shook your head. Everyone looked at you like you had a third eye. You felt awkward and out of place and made an excuse to leave. “I really gotta study, but uh, I’ll see you later Tom?”
“Right. See you later.” Tom cleared his throat and looked at the ceiling. You gave him one more confused look before retreating to his trailer.
“I thought she was your girlfriend.” Zendaya looked at Tom for answers as soon as you were out of earshot. Tom wanted to run away and hide. He gave an awkward chuckle instead.
“I never said she was.” He said weakly.
“But you never corrected us when we said she was.” Jake pointed out. Toms face turned red as his friends stared him down.
“That…is true.” He admitted.
“You let us believe she was your girlfriend this whole time.” Jacob said pointedly.
“That is also true.” Tom said.
“So what are you guys?” Zendaya asked.
“We’re best friends.” Tom said with fake confidence. Even he didn’t know the answer to that.
“So she’s single?” Jake asked with raised eyebrows. “In that case-“
“Ah Ah Ah.” Tom held out an arm to stop Jake. “Absolutely not.”
Jake held up his hands and changed the subject to the stunts they went over the day before. Tom sighed in relief and got through the rest of his work day with a grain of salt. He dreaded seeing you and having to explain himself. He took a deep breath before entering his trailer to face you. You were curled up on his couch in one of his shirts with a textbook on your lap. Tom smiled fondly at the sight.
“Hey Y/n.” He said sheepishly. You glanced up at him and looked surprised.
“Who’s Y/n? My name is Toms girlfriend.” You asked with a fake smile as Tom took a seat next to you.
“I’m sorry about that.” Tom scratched the back of his neck and put a comforting hand on your knee.
“It’s fine. I actually love having to explain to Jake Gyllenhaal that I’m not dating his costar.” You quipped, not glancing up at Tom. He knew he messed up. He rested his chin on your knee and an idea popped into his head.
“I know how to make it up to you.” He said deviously.
“How?” You asked skeptically, looking at him through your eyelashes. He smiled like a child and leapt off the couch.
“Cause no one ever looks so good in a dress and it hurts 'cause I know you won't be mine tonight.” Tom sang at the top of his lungs, making your jaw drop. He never sang, despite his beautiful voice and your constant begging to hear it. Yet here he was, belting One Direction completely unprovoked.
“You are not serenading me with One Direction to get me to forgive you.” You told him. He shook his head at you and jumped up on the couch, singing into your foot like a microphone.
“No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile, baby tell me how to make it right.” He sang even louder, making a smile appear on your face.
“Tom, stop.” You said, as if you ever wanted him to stop.
“Now all my friends say it's not really worth it, but even if that's true.…” he held the note out and jumped off the couch.
“Really. I have to study.” You protested, shaking your textbook in front of his face.
“No one in the world could stop me from not moving on, baby even if I wanted to.” He got on his knees next to you and cupped your face before singing the final line. “Nobody compares to you.”
“Tom.” You whined, ignoring the way your heart pounded in your chest at his touch.
“Come on, darling. Sing along.” Tom tugged on your hand before letting it drop.
“No. You’re being a bad boyfriend.” The words flew out of you mouth before you had a chance to stop them. You clamped a hand over your mouth and your eyes widened in shock at your own words. Tom stopped singing and looked at you in bewilderment. You made eye contact with him and gave him an embarrassed smile. He gave you an over dramatic surprised face in return and touched a hand to his chest.
“I’m being a bad what?” Tom asked, his voice dripping in accusation. You could hear the smile on his face and shrank down further in your seat.
“Nothing. Forget I said anything.” You waved your hands in dismissal and looked back down at your book.
“Did I hear that correctly?” He continued, getting even closer than he was before. He hugged the back of the chair and leaned his chin on it.
“No, you didn’t.” You said bluntly. He did. He definitely did.
“Oh I think I did, love.” Tom laughed wickedly. “I’m nearly positive.”
“Best friend.” You stammered. “I said best friend.”
“Nope. Don’t even try.” Tom put a finger in your face, tilting your chin to look at him. You pleaded with your eyes, silently begging him to let it go. Tom, being Tom, gave you a grin that told you he would never let it go.
“You called me your boyfriend.” Tom said in a sing song voice. You groaned and he softened his eyes. “You called me your boyfriend.” He said again, like he finally grasped what you said. He looked at you inquisitively.
“Did you mean to?” He asked in a serious tone, taking you by surprise.
“Obviously I didn’t mean to.” You finally looked at him in the eyes. His playful eyes were soft now, and genuine.
“No, but, did you want to?” Tom continued. You searched his face for signs of him joking, but he wasn’t.
“What?” You asked him.
“Do you want to? That’s what I’m trying to ask. That’s what I’ve been trying to ask you for years. Is that, do you, would you, I mean…” Tom sighed when he couldn’t get the words out. You looked at him curiously. “Do you want me to be? Your boyfriend, I mean.”
“We’re best friends.” You said simply. You couldn’t read Toms emotions and didn’t want to jump the gun. Obviously you wanted him to be your boyfriend, but he didn’t need to know that. Not yet.
“Are we, though?” Tom cocked his head, making you blush. “I know that’s what we tell people, and even get annoyed at how many times we have to do so, but do you ever think maybe there’s a reason people always ask if we’re together?”
“Because we’re close? I don’t know, Tom.” You whined in frustration. “Can we just pretend this didn’t happen?”
“I can’t pretend.” Tom said, almost sadly. “Not anymore, Y/n.”
“What do you mean?” You questioned. You and Tom were in a rut. Neither of you brave enough to take the next step. You gulped as you waited for Toms answer.
“I mean that so many people ask me if you’re my girlfriend, or if I like you, or if you like me that I’m starting to have to ask myself. Even I don’t know the answers anymore. Is she my girlfriend? Do I like her?” Tom laughed at himself and then looked down at his hands. “Does, does she like me?” He asked quietly.
“I didn’t know you thought that way.” You said softly, avoiding his gaze.
“I do.” Tom confirmed, reaching out and rubbing your forearm with his thumb. He left a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “And now, now I’m wondering if you think the same. Like, why do you think you called my your boyfriend?”
“I don’t know.” You lied, keeping your voice low. Toms eyes bore into you like fire, making you squirm.
“I think you do.” Tom pressed.
“Well I don’t.” You snapped, meeting his gage with assertive eyes.
“Really?” He squinted.
“Really.” You stated.
“Alright.” Tom shrugged and backed away. Your arm felt cold where his hand used to be. “Then I’ll drop it.”
“Thank you.” You said as you rubbed your arm.
You went back to silence before Tom let out a sigh. You glanced at him, then went back to your book. Tom let out another sigh, louder this time. Then another. By the forth, you’d gotten the message.
“Okay fine! I didn’t mean to call you my boyfriend, but literally everyone else does, so I guess I did too. I just got mixed up. It’s confusing, okay? We spend all this time together and it’s starting to make me question my feelings. And then that thing with your friends today…” you laughed half heartedly at the situation you’d found yourself in. “I thought I knew how I felt about you, but now I’m thinking maybe I don’t. I don’t hate it when people call me your girlfriend. And I didn’t hate calling you my boyfriend.”
“I didn’t hate it either.” Tom moved closer again, and you did too.
“Right?” You finally found him on the same page. “It’s just, we act like a couple, we look like a couple, we fight like a couple, everyone thinks we’re a couple. And I can’t help but feel like maybe, I don’t know…”
“We should be a couple?” Tom finished your sentence. His puppy dog eyes cut into you like a knife, and you found yourself nodding slowly. A small smile crept across his face. You covered your face with your hands and shrank down in your seat.
“Y/n, you don’t have to be embarrassed.” Tom chuckled as he pulled your hands away from your face. “Do you know how many times I’ve accidentally called you my girlfriend? Not only that, I’ve never once corrected someone when they referred to you as my girlfriend. I get mixed up too, okay?”
You stayed quiet and picked at your nail polish, leaving flakes of it in the dust of your friendship with Tom.
“Please say something.” He asked. You sighed and looked him apologetically in the eyes.
“I’m not good at saying something.” You said softly.
“Okay, how about this; if we were a movie, how would this end?” Tom proposed.
“What?” You said with a tiny smile.
“I’m an actor, yeah?” Tom began. “And you love those bullshit-“
“-Beautiful.” You cut in.
“Sorry, beautiful romantic comedies.” Tom said sarcastically. “So I ask again; if we were a movie, how would this conversation end?”
You thought about it for a moment, and then smirked.
“If we were a movie” You began with a shy smile, “You’d be the right guy and I'd be the best friend that you'd fall in love with. In the end, we’d be laughing, watching the sunset. Then fade to black, show the names, and play the happy song.” You recited.
“That was beautiful.” Tom said, very impressed and a little bashful. “Did you just think of it?”
“A wise poet once said it.” You told him.
“Shakespeare?” He asked.
“Hannah Montana.” You informed him. Tom smiled and let out a laugh
“So that’s how this would go if we were a movie.” He said. You nodded and went back to feeling shy.
“But we’re not a movie.” You pointed out.
“So what are we?” Tom threw the ball back into your court. You looked at Tom and smiled. You knew what you were.
Later, you and Tom walked onto set, hand in hand.
“Hey guys”, Tom announced your presence to his co-stars, “remember before when I said we weren’t dating?”
“Yeah, why?” Jacob asked before his eyes landed on your intertwined. He and Jake shared a look.
Tom didn’t say anything, he just dipped you in the most dramatic way possible and kissed you on the lips.
“Okay, okay. We get it. You’ve always been in love but couldn’t admit it. Big whoop.” Jake sighed loudly and rolled his eyes.
So yeah, you get it a lot.
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peepaaaawh · 2 years
2,11,20 for Aiden(хыхыхы)
ля ты крыса
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it? (either in the story, or why you as the author decided to give them their name)
Actually his name not "Aiden" but Aidan. After all he Irish and it's means "Little fire". His mother was really into mythology. As her husband who call his elder son "Heihachi". After seven samurai. But older just take name Jacob bc of stubbornness.
In Aiden case it's was a mispronounced. Snape call him that and with help of Merula that name stuck with him until end. With time he just accept it.
11. What kind of person are they most compatible with? (platonic or romantic)
Aiden just wanted be with trusted person. Whatever what temper this person hold. Don't stab his back. Be even lil shit.
20. What AU would they belong in the best?
Modern AU. Simple is that.
Ty for questions! I feel very good so i can post more frequently!
Здоров и готов вкалывать.
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sharedinsanitea · 3 years
In the pinned comment:
"LegalEagle *4 hours ago* (edited)
-- Ya, in the first few seconds I mispronounced Jacob Blake's name. FML. I'll try to fix.
-- I didn't mean to suggest that the gun crossed state lanes. My point was actually the opposite: People were making a big deal about Rittenhouse or his gun "crossing state lines" when it probably didn't matter to the provaction analysis. Even if that had been the case, it probably wasn't a crime or tort that could have served as the predicate for provaction.
-- "Being attacked" does not automatically mean you can use deadly force in self-defense. Your force must be proportionate and reasonable; you cannot use deadly force "unless the actor reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself."
-- By that same token, unarmed people can generate such fear; being unarmed doesn't necessarily mean no one can ever use deadly force against you (sorry for the double negatives!)."
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