sugucidal · 1 year
i sometimes forget just how weird the people on tumblr are outside the safe space ive curated for myself
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coffeetoffeeart · 9 months
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now and then
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look at this digital art i made of the beloved!! trying smth new out too :>
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
You know what I thinks it's hilarious? That sometimes fans will see a CC irl who's hanging out with a family member or friends or just going about their business and be like "You know what? I'm not going to bother them, I hope they have a good day"
And the CCs fucking HATE that
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bowenoke · 19 days
minecraft movie is so funny to me. it's like the most primed fanbase to love a movie. they're literally all making and watching and obsessed with fan movies. pbgamer hardcore and dream smp and the hermitcraft moon and all the oldies, goodies, the new and bad YouTube and twitch series learned to walk so the official movie could run headfirst into the abyss
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zeta-in-de-walls · 10 months
One more thing on Dream.
He is never going to confess. He will never say he knowingly groomed a minor or anything like that. He will keep lying forever.
Given that, I think he's already been successfully deplatformed. Like yes he has a few defenders but I think they are an extremely vocal minority who either know all about the allegations and doesn't care or are in extreme denial.
Dream doesn't have an SMP anymore. No CC is going near him except his extremely small circle of friends. He is toxic to any other. He has produced a little content over the last year but I'm confident the numbers are dire especially compared to what they were.
The victim's stories are out there and they're well-circulated. I doubt Dream is gaining any news fans anymore and hopefully he will struggle to take advantage of his dwindling fanbase in the future.
Dream's going to keep doing and saying controversial things forever. And we'll think we need to give his nonsense attention. But you know. I'm not sure we need to. Dream feeds off attention and in many respects the harshest thing we can do is to ignore him. Let him fade into irrelevance.
We should definitely decry Dream's general attitude towards his fans of course. The horrendously predatory and creepy parasocial relationships he fostered very deliberately with his fanbase is wrong. There may be future CCs like Dream and I don't want to allow his antics to exist.
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cdroloisms · 2 months
always absolutely fucking hilarious when sbiers in their self-righteous need to assert themselves as better than everyone else in the same way they've done since 2020 even when they're apparently 'out of the fandom' and consider the whole thing cringe and dead (skill issue, methinks) go all um acktually no one cared abt any of the lore except for c!sbi. like well for one thing i don't know of a c!sbi personally speaking i'd like for you to point out to me where character sleepy boys inc ever like, existed, because it certainly wasn't in any dream smp i watched like is there even a single moment where the four of them interact together alone??? and secondly, it's always reeeeeeally obvious when they mean this as a diss on The Other Side Of The Fandom (read, dream team and co) when two-thirds of the dream team just did nawt have any interest in being part of the 'main characters' in the first place and would much rather do their own thing and roleplay in ways that wouldn't get picked apart for ages on twitter dot com, and the other member of the dream team played a character so integral to the lore that even c!inniters will often name him before they name their own goddamn guy because they cannot keep his name out of their mouths (see, the meme i saw like literally just yesterday that boiled down to me, after learning the dream smp lore: i need to kill c!dream). like bro yall are c!inniters you're not fooling anyone you think that the entire story revolves around this one teenager being abused and then completely ignore the months of abuse that was shown on screen for us before exile. "c!sbi" like cmon now guys the ao3 pages are like, right there, we all know who ends up being the villain for ur sbi fanfic that has its foundations in a dynamic that literally never existed in canon.
like "no one cared about anyone's lore except for wilbur and tommy--" well yes they were in fact some of the main fucking characters. imagine someone going up to you and going "well no one cared about the lore in the star wars original trilogy except for luke and leia" like damn really?? (now imagine this same person trying to convince you that darth vader's role was unimportant, actually.) like yeah the dream smp involved a lot of separate storylines and each of those storylines might've had their own "main cast" of characters but i'm also not blind bro, the story that started at the start of the fucking server and the start of the fucking lore was ABSOLUTELY the "wilbur-dream-tommy" triangle that is, in fact, the story that the l'manburg revolution was built on and the story that remains the throughline literally until tommy and dream have their confrontation with a nuke coming down over their heads, something that the characters themselves acknowledge with the repetition of the idea of tommy and tubbo against dream. LIKE ALKJSDFKJSADF yeah bro there were main characters in the tommy-dream-wilbur story an that's also the story that people tended to be invested in in the beginning, to the point where even other self-contained stories in the dream smp absolutely referenced and emulated it (cough cough, las nevadas). like, why are we acting like it's at all groundbreaking for people to be invested in THEEE fucking story the one that first started to exist because at the time basically no one else was part of The Roleplaying Trio and then slowly got padded out and developed as the server developed more and more into the lore server?
and it's the fact that none of these people, too, would deny that they care about ex. c!schlatt in manberg, right, or c!quackity in relation to c!wilbur's deal, etc etc whatever. like breaking news you gaf about The Story as a dream smp fan wow am i supposed to be like, surprised. do you want a medal. LIKE LKJASDJF
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
*I emerge from several weeks of talking about conceptualizing my cubitos and who else populates their world and what the precise nature of the character is* Hello. Hi. It's time for my twice-yearly thoughts on RPF.
Okay so I was one of the people who was emailing Ao3 about it when we had all of MCYT wrangled into VBRPF going please please please please can we have our own server tags pleeeeeeease I promise it's not just video blogging rpf pleeeeeeease my streamer doesn't have wings in real life pleasssssseeee— and my general stance is that writing about Dream SMP characters is writing about characters, it's not RPF.
Not quite. It's not quite RPF. There is a meaningful distinction there, but it's not a really huge one. That distinction exists and is important to me in how I conceptualize those characters and whether I'm mentally going "okay I need to study lore streams for vocal patterns" for voice research or if I'm going "okay I need to pull up technocord logs " to get techno voice right. What I consider the authoritative canon "character" is a rp guy who spawns withers, not a real streamer in california with a little white dog.
But like I do multifandom exchanges and I wander into them with my cubitos clutched tight in my palms, and I see what other fandoms look like— and importantly, I see what other rpf fandoms look like— and guys, I think that line is legitimately blurry and I think that's literally fine. If I walk into a mulltfandom space with my guys they're going to squint at me and go "rpf fandom— kinda, I think" and I can go "hahaha, not quite", but also I do not blame other people for thinking this is RPF cause like— there are a lot of similarities!
What MCYT tends to classify as "RPF" is directly stories operating in a world where the characters are streamers, they post on twitter, they have lunch with the CEO of twitch. And anyone not writing that, is obviously not writing RPF. And that is not untrue, up to a point, but there is a broad category of fics that tend WAY harder into the pure fictional that are still considered RPF fandoms, if you actually check what other RPF fandoms are doing. There are 599 works in "Demon Shane Madej", many of which are in AUs that have no connection to the real world other than the character relationships, and they're still officially considered RPF.
I have a friend who's in a c-drama rpf fandom that has a rpf ship they really like, and a really popular thing is to take the various characters these actors have played (totally fictional characters from various media) and ship them together. And that's just a crossover of two fictional mediums, but because the thread connecting them is two guys in real life, that's considered RPF.
The banddom tags are absolutely COMPLETELY full of aus that are not set in the real world at all, no connection to the music industry, and what the people in those fandoms will say is like yeah, I have no idea about the real guy, I'm working with a character/persona who's put on for the stage and interviews and personas, and that guy is not REAL, who knows what the real guy is like, but like, I like the persona, I deal with the persona, and then they put that persona in an au where he kisses other personas— and this gets considered RPF.
Wrestler RPF is directly dealing with invented characters who are beating the bloody snot out of each other (hot), they have names like "the undertaker", dealing with scripted storylines, but it still get considered RPF.
And like, I look at myself as I am entering my third year of writing Technoblade most of the time, and what I'm doing here and— there are a lot of similarities in what I'm doing to what other RPF fandoms are doing. I'm a fan of the DSMP character but I'm also a fan of the guy, so I want to play in this extended universe, so I want to include nods to his other stuff. So I will pepper in a cheeky nod to the potato war here, I'll mention hypixel there, etc, kind of make an extended Technoblade universe. And I think that's not RPF (quite) because I'm working from a fictional canon that includes references to the potato war and hypixel etc, I'm just expanding on it, but like, this is literally what my friend in c-drama rpf does as well when she's writing aus about her guy. It's kind of close to RPF. That line is not really obvious to the casual viewer.
So I do not blame anyone else if they look at what we're doing and they go ah, nods wisely, you are a rpf fandom, I've seen this before, and we go um actually, hahah, you'd think that, but no, and then they nod and clearly do not understand how it's not a RPF fandom.
But the thing is it's literally fine if people think that, I think. RPF is not the end of the world. It's just a bunch of people working with people's various performancesonas and worksonas and having fun with it. Spoilers for mythbusters in the real world, but we now know that by the end of mythbusters adam and jamie were not really friends, but most of the mythbusters rpf keeps them as friends because that was the professional persona they provided for the camera, and that was the fictional world the writers wanted to live in. I don't think it's a problem if someone wants to write straight up streamer fic, you do you, and that's unequivocally RPF, but once you start getting into AUs and extended universes and bringing emduo content into qsmp and writing fic based on GIGS streams, the line legitimately gets WAY more blurry.
I think a bunch of fic (including my fic) can start to exist in a "both things are true" state where it's drawing from direct fiction but it's also drawing from a lot of stuff that other fandoms would consider RPF sources, and like, I don't mind this. I don't think it's bad if you're doing this too. We're not getting more DSMP content, the fandom police are not gonna turn up at your house if you want to pull strongly from minecraft monday for your fic. Do schlackity on QSMP. Do a DSMP extended future where tommy gets tubbo to marry him for a bit and then tubbo immediately demands a divorce. The canon of material we have to draw on is not something where big obvious lines exist between "rpf content" and "pure fiction" if you step at ALL outside of canon-compliant. Like fuck, in my very first DSMP longfic I included all these hermit cameos and mcc references which would make it RPF in any other canon, but also I was pulling mainly from the prison arc lore and beats and relationships for the core, which is NOT rpf, and at this point it is not worth the hassle in my head to draw a strong distinction between them.
It's kinda RPF. It's not quite RPF. It's fictional. It's based in the real world. It's all personas. it's drawing on off-lore-stream dynamics. It's drawing on scripted scenes where my streamer had his camera in lore mode. It's COMPLICATED to unpick and I legitimately think that's fine. RPF is literally fine, some people are gonna think we're writing RPF, it's not the end of the world. Just have fun with it.
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airrec · 3 months
Dream SMP Season 2 idea:
Pandora's Vault exists, still. It is half sunk into the sea, very obviously an old ruin, and there's something - off, about the place.
It's not just a building any more, of course. It's old, filled with pain, haunted. Things this old have their own kind of intelligence, change and evolve into something else.
It's a dungeon now. Filled with monsters, traps, loot, a boss. Filled with things best left undisturbed, if you ask anyone wise.
c!Tommy, enthralled by the idea of loot, is not wise. c!Dream, enthralled by the idea of secrets, is also not wise.
c!Philza, a strange old man who lives alone and seems to know more than everyone else (not that he ever opens his mouth to talk about it), warns them away. They do not listen.
The dungeon is indeed dangerous; once they step in, the entranceway disappears behind them, trapping them inside. There are traps, chests of loot, and monsters - constant Mining Fatigue makes it impossible to carve their own path through, so they're forced to navigate the shifting hallways.
There are crawling black-purple vines and thorns everywhere, lingering remnants of red but that colour has been bled out of them, appropriated for another master. These vines get thicker the closer to the centre they get.
At some point, c!Dream loses c!Tommy in the criss-crossing and confusing platforms and walk ways - he can't quite recall when or how it happened, though.
The boss chamber is in the very centre of the Vault, and there he is, the spider in the middle of the web: huge and tall, oversized the way many bosses are (according to Philza), gold-trimmed netherite armour and a gleaming trident, he looks a bit like a creeper hybrid but if he ever was one that was long ago; he's something else now.
The boss is surrounded by black-purple vines, and they pierce through him, trailing from him as though he were struck through with a dozen harpoons. Like so many chains, they hold him here - he is as much the master of this dungeon as he is its captive. Total control, but only within, and he cannot leave.
He does not want to leave - this place is his. His prison, his home.
"So, you've come back to where you belong," the boss says.
"I've been waiting for you," the boss says.
"I knew you couldn't stay away forever," the boss says.
"You belong here," the boss says.
c!Dream would like it to be known that at this point he has quite had enough of this dungeon, is wishing he'd listened to Philza when he'd said to stay away, and that his whole body hurts as his flesh remembers what his mind has forgotten. The haunting is an open, unhealed wound.
"Hahhh, no, I'm leaving," c!Dream says, distracted, as he tries to figure out an optimal path over the lava lake, where he should leap on the deepslate and netherite rocks and platforms to make it to the door on the opposite side of the room. The boss, surely, will try to stop him, but c!Dream is fast and surefooted - he can dodge any attacks. He thinks.
"You will not escape," the boss vows, which c!Dream is very much not a fan of.
"You have no right to keep me here!" he says as he sets off running, leaping for the first stepping stone above the scorching lava and using his momentum to carry him to the next. He's got a long way to go.
This seems to utterly incense the boss, striking some deep nerve and causing the very walls to shake with his fury as he turns to try to snatch c!Dream.
"I am the Master of this Vault!" the boss roars. "I am the Warden."
The boss room is nothing but a huge cell, the vines of the boss' power spread so perfectly throughout the dungeon in turn chaining him there. Above, c!Dream can see c!Tommy hovering in the open entranceway he's aiming for, frozen with his crossbow out.
As he flies through the boss room and tries to reach the door, c!Dream shouts back the truth that he knows, welling up from somewhere deep inside that only his nightmares can touch:
"But you're not, you're the prisoner."
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
hii i love your writing and im wondering if you could please write something fluffy for tommyinnit? maybe y/n is also a streamer/cc and their relationship is well known in the community and theyre always so sickeningly cute that their friends get so annoyed!! i just think that'd be fun.
(also could i be 🌙🌊 anon? thanks!)
yeah of course!! welcome to the family 🌙🌊 anon :) ; and oooo okay, hopefully I did this right! thank you for requesting!
TOMMYINNIT ; sickeningly adorable
summary ; two streamers publicly dating, who would've guessed
warnings ; language
word count ; 562
y/s/n = your ship name
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You and Tommy finally made yourselves official in late 2021 as the Dream SMP fandom had started dying out. You waited for a while for the hype to go down because of toxic fans and weirdos online who'd care too much about your relationship, and everything turned out fine.
Most of your social media feeds were filled with support, but of course, there were always some hate comments here and there, from yours or Tommy's "fans" about each other. There was a toxic side to every fanbase, and you'd both go to great lengths to try and deal with it. After a while, you both stopped caring and accepted that giving those people attention only drove it further.
But, the toxicity was small, the love and support for you two being together was ten times larger, and that's all you could care about. From fanart and fanfiction to deep dive analysis' on Tumblr connecting your real selves to your characters, it was cute in all honesty. What was even cuter in your opinion was compilations of "adorable y/s/n moments for ____ minutes straight" videos.
You regularly binged those videos, even on stream, even with Tommy. That's what started the constant teasing and bickering from your friends. They were playfully annoyed at the two of you, which also led the community to do the same, which made him trend at #10 on Twitter for the day.
You were both grateful for your communities, and the opportunities and memories you could share online because of it.
But now, you're recording a vlog with Tommy, Freddie, and Tubbo as you hang around an arcade for the day. You split into two teams, You and Freddie v Tommy and Tubbo, to see who could win the most tickets in an hour. You and Freddie quickly went to grinding up tickets on Dance Dance Revolution, while the two T's went to try and get tickets off the basketball shooters.
You look back at Tommy, failing to make a ball in the basket behind you, Tubbo next to him, reminding him of his awful aim. You lightly smile and turn back to Freddie, already judging you with his facial expression.
“What?” You question
The boy with the dyed orange hair looks between you and the blonde across the room, an eyebrow raised.
“You’re both annoying”
You look back at Tommy, lightly chuckling as he and Tubbo begin throwing the balls at each other, aiming for the face. Freddie snaps you back to DDR, wanting to win free lunch.
"C'mon, Y/n/n, I can't carry this myself!" He lightheartedly laughs, pulling you into another round.
As you're playing DDR with Freddie, back to Tommy and Tubbo, the blonde begins to get distracted by you as well. He widely smiles, watching you bounce around on the mat while you focus on the game.
"Look at Y/n" He whispers to Tubbo, watching you with hearts in his eyes. "They're having so much fun"
Tubbo rolls his eyes. "Tommy, we need to get tickets, stop swooning over your partner"
"It can wait!"
"Half of our time is already gone!"
"I'm enjoying my view of my very happy partner, Tubbo. I'm buying lunch anyways"
The shorter brunette groans, "I'm getting a slushie then, have fun staring at them and looking like a creep"
Tommy quickly blinks before running after him, "Tubbo, no, wait!"
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
"It's not that deep"
Yes, yes it is. It is that deep. Buying a Trump flag is that deep. I don't know if most of these Dream fans leftover in their echo chamber of a fanbase remember this, because they were probably kids, but the Trump presidency signaled the end of the world of minorities all across the United States. We're still feeling the repercussions of that today in 2022, almost two full years into Biden's administration. White supremacists are out in louder numbers than they have been in years. Antisemitism is on the rise. Abortion is being threatened in most U.S. states after the conservative-packed Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade this summer, a court packed by Trump and including Christo-fascists, racists, misogynists, homo- and transphobes, and literal alleged rapists and actual cult members. Anti-queer legislation is being pushed in a significant number of U.S. states and in the federal government by members of the legislature who have been emboldened by having a president that agreed with them.
The 2020 presidential election was huge- some of the largest numbers in decades- because people wanted this man out of office. And he's running again in 2024 despite having been impeached twice (the most for any sitting president in the history of the United States) and despite being under investigation for a bajillion federal crimes, including a recent indictment brought against him in response to him instigating, encouraging, and assisting an attempted insurrection and violent takeover of the government in January of last year. (You people might remember it for Doomsday on the smp; many others remember it as one of the most terrifying moments in U.S. political history.) He's running despite the several charges of campaign fraud and election interference brought against him. The Republicans might not be done with him yet, which is a terrifying thought. Even if they are and they're going with DeSantis for 2024, Trump is still planning on running, and he's bankrupt right now. He's broke. His company is broke. He is broke. The only income he gets now are from MAGA supporters buying his merch. Those funny little NFTs from last week? Those support him.
Know what else directly supports Donald Trump and his campaign? Flags. Buying flags.
Does this mean that Dream and Sapnap are Trump supporters for buying a Trump flag as a gag gift for their British friend? No, absolutely not, but the joke of 'lol look at this stupid idiot flag we got you' doesn't land when, A, the person giving the gift is a former Trump supporter himself, and, B, the person that the flag was bought from is a literal white supremacist and fascist who is friends with white supremacists and fascists who all want queer people to die, they want women to be silent or to die, they want civil rights overturned, they want to turn this country back into a shell of itself in the name of white male Christian supremacy
Dream's audience is young and vulnerable. Many members are queer. Many are POC. Most are young. They might not remember how fucking terrifying 2016 through 2020 were. People woke up in tears the day after election day in 2016 for a reason. The polls were flooded in 2020 for a reason. These audience members might not remember that because they were so young, or they might not realize the gravity of the situation. What does it say to them when their hero pulls out a Trump flag and says it's a gift? It's something to laugh at, yeah, but is it really? It shows people that it's okay not to take Trump seriously, and he and his followers are still a threat to America today. It's dangerous not to take him and his followers seriously. And since the Democrats don't seem to have anybody they're pushing for for 2024, it's especially important for potential voters (because that's what these fans are, many will be old enough to vote by 2024) to start to research and understand the opposition.
Oh, and this also alienates members of Dream's audience that do remember the Trump administration. Reminder, thanks to Trump and his buddies, being queer is becoming illegal again. POC are constantly under attack because of the racist remarks encouraged by Trump during his administration. Treating Trump as a joke could, and probably has, alienated a portion of viewers. It shows them just how seriously Dream thinks these issues are. It's all worth it for a funny joke that won't appear for longer than a minute on a several hour long stream train, one viewed by tens of thousands of people live and hundreds of thousands more via vods and clips in the 12+ hours that have passed since.
You'd think that Dream would know better with a platform this size and with a fanbase as unique as what his used to be, but I guess not. Critical thinking is vital in this industry, whether you're a fan or a creator. Do I think he meant any harm in this? No, I think he's just a moron. A terrible man, yeah, but not for this. For this, he's just a fucking idiot, and he needs to get a PR guy, and he needs to fucking think before he does things for once in his life. Because it could've been funny to some people, including himself, but there is a responsibility to be, well, responsible with yourself and your audience when you're a content creator. It's very easy to send the wrong message out. There's a certain level of critical thinking that needs to be put into place, and that clearly is not a skill that Dream has.
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stressedbisexualtm · 10 months
i will say, one thing i really enjoy is how a lot of traffic/hermit twt and tumblr casually enjoy the qsmp. it shows up (for me) mostly in the form of people say "cubito" rather than "c!", and i like that a lot. it's fun to see big life series or hc accounts talking about todays lore on the qsmp, or who their favorite cubito is, or which egg they think is the best/most underappreciated. even the people who don't really say anything, maybe just reblog/retweet some fanart or a clip of fitmc being gay as hell absolutely make my day. i like what the qsmp has been able to do- not just merging different ethic communities, but subdivisions of the english mc community as well. during the dream smp and that little while before the qsmp was announced, there was this HUGE divide between the dsmp and all the other sub-communities and how they interacted with each other. there was some division before, as there was bound to be, but it's become a really harsh line since 2020. and im thankful the qsmp has merged that break between the two halves of the english mc community. again, it's just really awesome (and a little surreal!) to see hermit mains talking about the qsmp.
And there are qsmp fans out there who have never even heard of the life series or hermitcraft! to those of you that might see this post, I encourage you to watch a little bit of either series. they don't have the same standards on lore qsmp does, but they're all really great and fun people who love to make content. they're all youtube videos, but i promise that doesn't diminish the fun! there is lore, bits that certain creators sprinkle into the life series, and at least once per hermitcraft season (at least since season 6) they have a big lore event happen. hermitcraft is currently on it's 9th season, and they have so many massive projects and games and have had more than one lore event this season. the life series is on it's 5th season, secret life, that uploads weekly and has some really unique and fun game mechanics and player interactions. (and with both series, don't let the lack of lore deter you! both fan communities are amazing, and we have a habit of creating our own lore that is really interesting to work with).
same to life series or hermitcraft fans- they swear a lot on the qsmp, and it's all livestreamed, but they also have so many interesting characters and stories and so much more they still want to tell. it's not all completely scripted either, and there are a lot of references and cameos you can find! there's a lot to enjoy here, and I hope someone who reads this will go see it for the first time.
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haunted-headset · 9 months
"you shouldn't have 'DNI Dream stans/followers' on your DNI list! that's exclusion!" "Why would you tell Dream stans that they can't follow you? that's so rude!"
they're willingly following & supporting a pedophile & a massive dickhead in general. & before you give me the "some Dream stans are really nice!" bullshit, I'll tell you this: I'm aware of that. So are some MAPs & rapists, but that doesn't mean I automatically like them just because they're nice.
"But the fans aren't the ones who did anything!" They have done a few things, actually. By following Dream & defending & apologizing for him, they're making sure his Youtube & Twitch channels don't die (& the stans are failing horribly, may I add) because their precious little pedo just can't become unpopular!
"All of that allegation stuff happened a while ago, you need to shut up, stop complaining, & get over it!" Okay? My sexual harassment & abuse happened a while ago, too, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to forgive the people who hurt me just because it's been a while! It doesn't matter if it's been one year or ten, Dream's a sicko either way.
No matter how hard you try, there isn't anything that you could possibly say to defend this guy. He's just a bad person, plain & simple, & that's been made very clear, so, if you're a Dream stan, here's my advice: give it up. You can't convince everybody that he's this smol bean who needs to be protected & saved & blah blah blah. He's a pedo & an asshole & there's a reason why the majority of the Dream SMP people stopped having platonic relationships with him. There's nothing you can say or do to reverse what he's done, so just give it up.
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rosysugarr · 1 year
a genuine note for folks who hate dream and the dream SMP and get mad at people for enjoying it and the non-Dream creators from it
I know yall probably get a lot of hate mail and threats, so I just wanted to offer a genuinely informational post to help clarify some things so that yall can make more informed decisions in how you respond to seeing people discuss these creators.
A huge bulk of Dream SMP fandom does NOT like Dream. Actually, a lot of us have hated him for a while now. We do not like or support that dickhead.
The associated creators you're mad at us for liking also no longer like or support him, for the most part. Many of the people you're mad at us for liking have dropped him and have been doing their own projects for quite a while now that have nothing to do with Dream at all. Some of them even openly mock him now. They're on your side when it comes to Dream.
Not every Dream SMP creator is a racist white guy. There were actually a few, though not as many as there should have been, POC, women, and trans people of varying gender as well.
Technoblade was an incredibly kind person who has all too recently passed away, and seeing yall talk shit about him really fucking sucks when we're still recovering from that loss. You don't have to like him, but at least don't be a shithead towards someone you never knew and who a whole lot of people are in agony missing every day.
For my own blogging habits: Ranboo is also an incredibly kind and caring person who donates all of their donations to charities each month, and who is nonbinary and gay and has long-since abandoned any association with Dream.
BASICALLY, the gist I want to convey to yall is this: please, please do not automatically assume anyone who likes the Dream SMP likes or supports Dream, because, more often than not, we hate him just as much as you do. The creators we support are totally separate humans who are doing their own projects now without his involvement whatsoever, and I'm sure they wanna be separated from his image as much as we fans want them to be. And I feel like yall deserve to know that in your effort to shit on the fans of the "racist white man," you're also shitting all over POC, queer, and trans creators and their fans as well.
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yourkindofboy · 1 year
the new minecraft community is so wack lmao. i always avoided any dream smp/adjacent content like the plague until recently, despite the fact that i am an avid minecraft enjoyer because they were the internet's current most insane fandom. i've just now gotten brave enough to watch some of those content creators and poke my head into some main tags and HOO, shit is weird!
first off, i ended up liking a lot of the content made by most of the creators i was scared of. i was always terrified of tommyinnit, tubbo, wilbur soot, and then dream team. now, after actually watching their content, i enjoy them! sans dream team, did not like their vibes. the new wave of brits and europeans though, they were a lot of fun.
fan spaces though??? they're about as bad as i expected but still good lord lol i got used to not seeing content like that and then boom suddenly we're back in the phan frerard spn trenches except there's a bunch of factions and all of the factions hate each other. i think i will also main tag this post with a bunch of ccs just to see what happens
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hermitcraftx · 8 months
gay people go here
james/icarus/patroclus | he/it/they + she sometimes + neos! switch it up
19 | traumagenic system
blog is rated 16+ interact at own risk
follows and likes from @faggotcowboys | alter blog: @lowresolutionboyfriend
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hi! wewcome to my bwog uwu i am a longtime tumblr user moving blogs
i mostly post hermitcraft/trafficlife but i dabble in some other stuff too <3
i am a fan of the dream smp but i dont post about it and i have most of the fanbase on here blocked from ye olden days. i dont like interacting with the fandom other than fanart so dont expect that from me if ur blocked nothing personal just how it is
i'm a writer. in theory. mostly i liveblog and shitpost and reblog art but occasionally i will upload my own art or writing
i do not tag for shipping mostly because i am absolute dogshit at remembering. i am an adult and i don't shy away from reblogging suggestive or the occasional nsfw post, but usually they're tagged under #suggestive or #nsft.
i am a beginner artist! please be nice to me :') i use krita
for hc s10 i'll be maining grian, joel, scar, and etho, but as of right now i am also caught up on mumbo, iskall, gem, zombiecleo, and i'm trying to slowly work my way through other people's povs
i main grian and joel! i go apeshit insane over scarian and smalletho, but i also enjoy gribeans/joelian and smallidarian/badboys content. treebark fan by osmosis. outside of trafficblr i watch a lot of content creators but ive been a fan of slimecicle and jschlatt for a while
used to be a wilburian. still like c!wilbur, disappointed and ignoring the actual guy. support shelby shubble and victims of abuse
i dont tag things as duo names i think its dumb as fuck i portmanteau their names or use "ship names" even if i dont care whether its romantic or platonic. if that bothers you block button
i dont believe in dnis but if you are a fan of dreamteam vivziepop jkr matpat or brendon urie i am probably going to block you. no terfs no swerfs no maps no zionists no racists or anti-semities and i am NOT pro-endo but i dont really care?? as long as you dont cause syscourse ur welcome idgaf
i <3 heart weird problematic labels like boygirl fagdyke mspec butch lesbians bi lesbians bi gays cisgender het aros furries neopronouns xenogenders objectum and if any of that bothers you. well. block button
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