#AND i have a little cheesecake for dessert tonight and it came in a pack of 2 so i have one for later also!!
youssefguedira · 7 months
deciding that i, a notorious aromantic, will be observing valentine's day from now on but in a 'i get to have a nice day by myself' way
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masterwords · 3 years
Sometimes I think about Hotch and Rossi being old softies and my heart explodes and I write up little things like this to try and put my heart back together.
“Date night,” Dave announced, ambling into Aaron's office at precisely 5pm. Aaron glanced, first at his watch, and then at the clock on his desk. “Let's go.”
“My watch says you're two minutes early,” he replied smugly, but he put his pen back into its place and closed the file he'd been working on with only a small amount of hesitation. It was an improvement each time, and maybe one of these times he'd beat Dave to the punch. “Where are you taking me tonight? I'm starving.”
“It's your...Aaron...” Dave's eyes went wide and Aaron watched as the vein in his forehead grew visible in his quiet frustration. He shifted his briefcase from one hand to another, clearly flustered, and Aaron grinned, a devilish twinkle in his eye. “Oh, you're such a little shit. I'm getting whatever is the most expensive thing on the menu, for my pain and suffering.”
“You were going to order it anyway,” Aaron pointed out, and to that Dave just shrugged and nodded. Probably right. They packed up and left, taking separate cars to their destination, and while Aaron found himself a nice spot on the street, Dave decided on the valet. He always told Aaron to loosen up, let the valet do the work, but there were just things in life that brought him no joy and letting a stranger into his vehicle was one of those things, no matter how convenient it might be.
The restaurant was small, dimly lit, a hole in the wall little place you had to make reservations for months in advance. Dave had wondered, briefly, why Aaron would bring him here on a run of the mill Wednesday night – racked his brain to come up with a special date, an anniversary or a birthday or something, some reason at all and came up empty handed. He supposed if it was a special date, Aaron would let him know soon enough, and he would limp his way along and pretend he knew what it was all along. Instead of a menu, the restaurant had only one option – a four course meal designed each day by the chef, and when you made a reservation you made certain requests. Dave had been there before, he knew how it worked, and he noted with some trepidation that they were the only guests in the entire place when it should have been full. Now he thought he might be in trouble, he'd forgotten something big or important.
Each of the courses, from beginning to end, centered around seafood and dessert was a cheesecake glazed in fresh huckleberry compote and Dave suddenly realized what was going on – Aaron had almost perfectly replicated the exact meal they'd eaten together when Dave came to Seattle to recruit him to the BAU. It had taken a moment, he'd eaten a lot of salmon in his life, but he noted that the bottle of wine Aaron ordered was a Washington wine and it probably cost him a pretty penny to have wild huckleberries brought in, which had sent the alarms off in his head.
“What is this?” Dave asked, finally. Aaron smiled, that soft sweet smile that was all dimples and twinkling eyes in the dim light of the restaurant.
“I was shuffling through some paperwork a few months ago for my annual review and I realized that my turn for date night landed on the exact day I applied to the BAU. You had taken me out to dinner at that little cafe in Seattle, laid out your sales pitch, told me to give it some thought, and I submitted my application that evening. I thought it might be fun to see if you remembered.”
Dave wasn't the sort to get misty, but in that moment, it was all he could do to hold himself together. Aaron, who didn't do grand gestures, public displays of affection, long romantic speeches or even vacations without coercion...that same Aaron had reserved an entire restaurant just for them, to celebrate a day Dave remembered clearly but couldn't have told you the date if he'd tried.
“So what...now I have to top this?” Dave asked, clearing his throat, trying to hide how choked up he was. Aaron laughed, folding his napkin and setting it before him on the table.
“Good luck.”
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hockeylvr59 · 3 years
What Ifs, Part 3 || Jeff Skinner
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Authors Note: I’ve been trying to write this part for at least six months so it feels good to finally get it finished. Hope you’re ready for some fluffy Christmas content in April, and a boatload of sexual tension and some idiocy. Set Fri/Sat Dec. 13th/14th. See next post & 010 tag for Jeff’s apartment inspiration and the Christmas tree inspiration. 
For a quick recap: You met Jeff at a spillway in northern PA and met up with him at a beach in Erie a few days later. After that daily conversation ensued and he visited you to go to a college football game before you surprised him at a Pens/Sabres game he didn’t think you were coming to. He kissed you postgame and murmured that he would very much like to fuck you after you teased him as he headed to the team bus. 
Warnings: sexual tension ||  Word Count: 5,472
Light snowflakes were falling, landing on your car’s windshield and then quickly melting. Christmas music played softly over the radio, while you followed your phone’s navigation through the streets of Buffalo, New York. There was just something about Christmastime that caused little bubbles of joy and excitement to course through your entire body. Those bubbles grew two sizes larger when you thought about the week ahead. 
It had been a month and a half since you’d seen Jeff in the bowels of PPG Paints Arena, had felt his arms wrapped around you, felt the press of his lips against yours. Since then, you hadn’t been able to get those brief moments out of your head. Though you talked with Jeff basically every day, and your conversations had become more intimate, you hadn’t talked about the fact that he’d kissed you and you certainly hadn’t talked about his declaration that he would indeed like to fuck you. Finally though, after a month and a half, you were less than 12 hours away from seeing him face-to-face once more. 
Pulling into his apartment’s parking garage, you gathered the trash you’d accumulated during the six-hour drive before climbing out of the car, stretching out your body. You’d finished your last final this morning and per Jeff’s request had immediately packed up before hitting the road. You’d be asleep when he got in from tonight’s road game, but when you woke he’d be there and that was more than enough motivation to not delay your trip until tomorrow. 
Throwing your trash into your purse to take inside, you gathered the rest of your bags and locked your car. Stepping into the apartment complex’s lobby, you stopped at the doorman/security officer’s desk. Two minutes later, you had a key in hand along with a note and were directed to press the button for the fifteenth floor in the elevator. Stepping off the elevator, you searched for the right apartment, stopping in front of it with a sigh. Setting your bag down, you fumbled with the key for a moment but as soon as the door swung open you couldn’t help but smile. Though it was clearly a bachelor’s apartment, the atmosphere was immediately calming, something you very much needed after a long day. 
Setting your bags down, you slipped your shoes off and made your way into the kitchen where you leaned yourself against the counter to read Jeff’s note. His scratchy script urged you to make yourself at home, rambled about how excited he was to see you, insisted that you use the money he’d left on the counter to order dinner, and left channel information for the television so that you could watch the game. Just above the scrawled Jeff, his final sentence brought a warm flush to your cheeks. 
The guest bedroom is all yours if you want...but I’d love nothing more than to come home to you in my bed. 
You’d shared a bed before, but that was prior to the not so innocent encounter you’d had in Pittsburgh. Still, something pushed you to carry your things down the hall, past what you assumed was the guest room and into what was clearly the master suite. Leaving them on the bed to deal with later, you returned to the main living space of the apartment, taking a few minutes just to wander around. Jeff had pictures of his family on shelves by the tv which was hung on the wall above a gas fireplace. Looking out the window, you could see the arena just a few blocks away and couldn’t help but laugh knowing Jeff hated long commutes. Turning back to the apartment’s interior, you noted that his large sofa looked warm and comfortable, and he certainly had a chef’s kitchen even if he was no chef. As promised, there were a pair of twenty-dollar bills tucked under a fruit bowl on the island and you decided maybe it was time for dinner since it was nearly seven o’clock. 
After searching for local restaurants you decided that game food sounded good and so you placed an order for chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, pretzel sticks, and deep-fried cheesecake for dessert.  Since Jeff had threatened you not to even think about paying for the food yourself you complied and noted that you were paying with cash. With food on its way, you moved to try and figure out Jeff’s tv, settling it onto the channel for the game, pregame programming already playing. 
It wasn’t long before Jeff’s face came across the screen and immediately your heart fluttered. It was silly because you watched Jeff’s games all the time (at least when they didn’t conflict with the Penguins), but for some reason watching it while sitting in Jeff’s apartment felt different. Just before puck drop, you got the alert that your food was downstairs so after slipping on some shoes, you grabbed the cash and key and made your way down to get it. 
With dinner spread out across the coffee table, you got yourself a glass of water and settled in on Jeff’s couch. About midway through the first period, he snuck the puck through the goalie’s legs and into the back of the net causing you to let out a cheer. Just before the end of the second, he buried another puck past the goalie to give the Sabres a two-goal lead. Watching Jeff play so well made a content smile settle onto your face as you cleaned up your leftovers and trash before snuggling under the blanket that was tossed over the back of the couch. With your eyes occasionally fluttering shut, you missed what preceded the tussle Jeff was currently in with a player on the opposing team. Immediately anxiety filled your body, but soon you watched as Jeff was led to the penalty box appearing no worse for wear as he continued to chatter away. 
By the time the game ended, you had already started to fall asleep on the couch, so you decided it was time to head to bed, tidying up before locking the front door and retreating to Jeff’s bedroom. There you changed into pajamas before setting your suitcase on a chair in the corner. Brushing your teeth and washing your face was all you needed to do in the bathroom and after plugging your phone in, you flipped off the lights and tugged the covers back climbing into bed. Soon, with your body sinking into the comfortable mattress, you were out like a light. 
“Shh, it’s just me…go back to sleep.” You heard whispered as you stirred. You had no idea what time it was, but as the bed shifted beside you, part of you realized that Jeff had arrived home. Unconsciously, you shifted toward him and a warm set of arms draped around your waist as you settled your head against his shoulder and dozed right back off. 
When you actually awoke, the room was filled with the faintest morning light. It was only then that you processed the fact that your entire body was tangled with Jeff’s, pressed tightly against him. Your head was still on his shoulder, your bodies touching from your chests to your hips, and your legs were entwined with his. Your mind raced to figure out how to best extract yourself when you felt Jeff’s chest vibrate under you. 
“Morning.” He murmured, his voice groggy. Lifting your head, you glanced up to see that his eyes were still filled with sleep and he had a sleepy smile on his face as he gazed right back down at you. 
“Morning…” You whispered back, shifting the hand that had been curled against Jeff’s chest to run through your hair. 
“Sorry if I woke you coming in last night…” Jeff said, yawning softly. 
“I don’t think you did…” You whispered. “I don’t actually remember you climbing into bed.” 
“Then it was just your body that noticed.” Jeff teased. “Because you shifted to cuddle me immediately.” A warmth crept over your cheeks but Jeff’s smile only grew, still lazy and soft due to the early morning hour. “Was kinda nice,” Jeff explained with a small shrug. “Told you I wasn’t going to complain if you chose my bed.” He continued, his lips dropping to press gently against your forehead. 
After stretching slightly, you finally dropped your arm back to Jeff’s torso, your fingers grazing against his abdomen. A low groan slipped from his lips and he moved his hand to lace his fingers with yours. 
“As much as I wanna stay here…” He mumbled. “Want you to keep touching me.” He added under his breath. “We should probably get up before I have an even bigger problem.” This time when your eyes met his, they were a shade darker than just a minute ago and your saliva caught in your throat at what he was implying. 
“Mmmm...yeah…” You agreed, working to extract your body from his. “I um...I’m gonna use the guest bathroom real quick...do you have stuff for breakfast in your fridge?” Jeff’s expression was unreadable as he watched you climb from bed, making your way towards the hallway door. 
“I’m sure we can find something.” 
By the time Jeff made his way out into the kitchen, you had managed to find a package of pancake mix and some bacon and eggs in his fridge and were hard at work making breakfast. Without saying a word, Jeff moved to start some coffee before taking over the skillet with the eggs from your hands. 
“Let me help.” He chided. With the two of you working side by side, it didn’t take long to have breakfast made and once it had been served onto plates, Jeff paused, pulling you into his arms. “I haven’t had a proper hug yet.” He explained, almost whiny about it. Settling your arms around his waist, you returned his hug, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you. “So glad you’re here.” Jeff declared, kissing your head once more before pulling away.
Settled at his kitchen island you ate breakfast in comfortable silence. When you were finished, Jeff took your dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. As he did so your eyes raked over his body, dressed only in sweats and a t-shirt. He was so attractive that you had to force yourself to look away before he caught you staring. 
“So what’s the plan for today?” You murmured, not sure what exactly he had in mind since you’d let him plan pretty much everything. “Or I guess I should ask about today and the rest of this week?” You added, realizing that beyond the fact that he had one home and one away game, you had no idea what his schedule was like. 
Jeff turned to lean against the counter across from you as he responded, his smile bright and eyes twinkling. 
“I thought maybe today you could help me decorate?” He suggested. “We have the day off so I’m all yours. Then tomorrow we just have practice so I was thinking you could play tourist for a bit and then we could go out for dinner, maybe introduce you to Jack or some of the other guys.” After laying out his thoughts for weekend plans, Jeff paused for a moment to let you respond, and when you simply nodded he continued. “Monday we play at home, I already have your game ticket. Tuesday is a quick up and back to Toronto, we’re literally flying up in the morning and back after the game. I think a few of the guy’s girls are going if you have your passport on you and would be interested, but no pressure there if you want to stay here and veg for a day.” Warmth flooded through you at Jeff’s acknowledgement that this trip could be a lot and that if you needed some quiet time during it that was more than okay. At the same time though you couldn’t help but feel slightly overwhelmed at fact that he wanted you to meet his teammates and their significant others. 
Jeff pulled his lower lip between his teeth and his fingers rubbed at his neck before he spoke once more. “And then uh...Wednesday we have our team Christmas stuff, an official organization family skate in the morning and then Jack is hosting just the team and dates to his place for the evening…” 
“Oh uh…” You breathed, having no idea that all of that was going on while you’d be here. Sensing that your brain was spinning away from you, Jeff rounded the island. 
“But uh...we can talk about that later. I don’t have to go if you don’t want to. Let’s just see how things play out okay?” He offered and when his fingers laced with yours you found yourself nodding. “Good…” Jeff breathed. “I just want you to enjoy being here.” His concern, the way his eyes spilled over you, it all made you want to shiver in the best way. 
“So...decorating?” You mused, bringing your mind back to focus on the day ahead instead of dwelling on everything else and the weight all of it held. 
“Yep...go get dressed.” Jeff prodded, lifting you off of the stool with ease and placing you on your feet. His show of strength sent a spark through you and you nodded, retreating back to the bedroom to dig through your bag for clothes. Fifteen minutes later, you had pulled on a pair of jeans, a snuggly sweater, warm socks, and had done a really light coat of makeup before sliding into your tennis shoes and grabbing your coat. 
“Ready?” Jeff inquired from his spot on the couch in the living room. 
“Yep.” You replied, taking in Jeff’s similar outfit and the way it clung to his form. Sliding your phone into your pocket and grabbing your wallet, you followed him down to the garage, sliding into the passenger seat of his SUV with just a little help. Once he had pulled the car out onto the downtown Buffalo streets, his hand fell to rest over yours and you looked over at him, biting your lip at how natural the warmth of his palm felt. 
With Christmas music playing over his car’s speakers, the drive was quiet and almost a bit stifling. Then Jeff murmured once more that he was really glad you were here and the way he glanced over at you told you that he meant that with everything in him. 
“I’m glad I’m here too.” You replied, heart fluttering a bit no matter how much you tried to control it. Jeff drove out of the city and into the surrounding suburbs before pulling into the parking lot of a Walmart. When he parked, you climbed out, dropping down onto the pavement before meeting him at the rear of the vehicle. 
“And here I thought you were taking me somewhere more exciting than a Walmart.” You joked softly, bumping your shoulder into his arm. Jeff’s cheeks turned a little pink as he walked beside you into the store. 
“I figured we’d get the ornaments and garland and everything first and then head to the tree farm to pick the tree.” He explained rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t really have any decorations here.” He mumbled under his breath causing you to look up at him curiously. “I’m fairly close to home, usually traveling, and haven’t really had a reason to decorate before.” He shrugged. You nodded, letting him grab a cart as you followed him into the store. In the back of your mind you couldn’t help but focus on his words though. Neither of the first two points had changed all that much so was the driving factor the third...and if so was that reason you? Though you wondered, you didn’t ask, instead just pushing it to the back of your mind once more. 
Being that it was already mid-December, the Christmas section of the store was fairly well decimated and you watched Jeff’s eyes go wide as if he didn’t expect that. Giggling to yourself, you moved over to the rack of tree lights which was mostly empty but still had a few boxes of both white and colored left. 
“What color lights do you prefer?” You asked him softly knowing that was as good a place as any to start. Jeff looked at you like he honestly had no idea so you grabbed the remaining few boxes of white lights, tossing them into the cart he was pushing. 
“I didn’t expect everything to be gone.” He whispered softly as he pushed the cart down the empty aisles. There was one container of white glass ornaments tucked onto the back of a shelf but otherwise there really wasn’t much of anything. 
“Jeff it’s mid-December.” You murmured back leaning against the cart. Sensing his distress you rested your hand over his. “Is there a Michael’s nearby?” You asked, pulling out your phone to check when he didn’t seem to know the answer. Finding one about fifteen minutes down the road, you grabbed the container of white balls since they’d go with anything, a box of ornament hooks, and you then urged Jeff to head to check out with your meager findings. 
Back at the car, you plugged the address into his GPS and squeezed his hand assuring him that Michael’s would have plenty of decorations left for him to choose from. It didn’t take long to drive to the craft store and when you led Jeff inside this time you couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on his face at seeing aisles upon aisles of Christmas and other decorations. Starting in the aisle full of ornaments, you asked him what he liked and what kind of aesthetic he wanted for his tree. 
For a moment he just looked back and forth like this was too many options before finally pointing to some wooden carved ornaments and how those looked kind of cool. Finally getting somewhere, you smiled and pulled a few of each design off the hooks setting them into the cart. After suggesting various colors of ornaments which received faces with varying degrees of dislike, you finally picked up a container of dark green balls and a pondering face crossed Jeff’s face. 
“Forest green with the white balls from Walmart and the wood?” You reminded him trying to get him to picture how it would all look together. 
“Do you think it would look good?” He asked and when you nodded he offered his hand out for the container to put it into the cart. Spotting a similar container that was just a little smaller with silver balls, you grabbed those as well putting them into the cart and shrugging at his questioning glance. 
“You need at least a little bit of sparkle. So just a little metallic.” You insisted. Deciding that should be sufficient ornament wise, you moved down the aisles to find something that would serve as a nice garland and fit with the aesthetic Jeff seemed to like. A few aisles over you found strings of wooden balls and you showed Jeff before adding them to the cart. Then you disappeared into the depths of the store before coming back with wide-width forest green velvet ribbon which would give the decorations just a little bit more depth. 
Jeff just watched you maneuver through the store before asking if you had everything you needed. For a moment you nodded but as you made your way to the check out, you spotted pine cones and added a container of those as well knowing that would be the perfect finishing touch. 
“Oh…we need a tree topper too.” You said, stopping out of nowhere right in front of the cart before tugging him off in the direction of the toppers before picking out a simple but pretty silver star to go on top. 
“Now are we done?” Jeff asked, though his expression was one of amusement not annoyance. Pausing for a moment to look over what was in the cart, you then nodded finally letting him go check out with all of your goodies. It was going to be a pretty tree, well once you actually picked out a tree. 
As Jeff unloaded the cart, you noticed that he had picked up a few small wreaths. One was just plain and you weren’t sure what he had in mind for that but the other was simple but pretty and perfect for a door and the command hook he unloaded alongside of it suggested that he’d thought the same thing. There was also a tree stand which was probably going to be helpful, and a white faux fur tree skirt. 
It didn’t take long for Jeff to pay for all of the decorations before grabbing the bags and guiding you back out into the cold weather to the car. Shivering slightly from the wind, you tugged your coat tighter around you as you climbed into the passenger seat again, reaching for the seatbelt. 
Within just a few minutes of Jeff starting the car though, you were warm from head to toe and you realised he’d turned the seat warmer on for you. While you were still in a fairly commercial neighborhood, Jeff pulled into a Starbucks drive-thru and ordered warm beverages for the next part of your day. From there he drove even further away from the city and you watched the northern New York countryside pass by your window unsure of whether the warmth you were feeling was solely emanating from the seat and beverage or from the way Jeff made you feel. 
As you drove farther into the countryside, a light snow covered the ground and trees making everything look that little bit prettier. Seeing the tree farm up ahead you couldn’t help but bounce a little in your seat because this was something you’d never done before. Your family has always had an artificial tree so you’ve never picked out a real one before. 
Following Jeff because he clearly knew what he was doing in this regard, you moved through the rows of trees behind him, eyes wide at just how many there were. 
“Have you seen any you’ve liked?” Jeff asked, popping up behind you somehow after a few minutes.” Jumping a little you smacked his arm gently for scaring you. 
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for…” You murmured. “It’s your tree.” You reminded, shrugging your shoulders after sticking your hands back in your pockets because it was cold. Jeff’s chuckle filled your ears and he reached to pull one of your hands out of your pocket, tucking it into his own as he led you down the row of trees pointing out a couple that he liked. Reading his body language, you urged him that the one he really liked but wouldn’t say so was the one and after that he handed you the keys, kissing your temple and telling you to go warm up while he got the tree paid for, cut down, and loaded up. 
From the car you watched as, with the help of the lot’s employee, Jeff loaded the tree up onto the top of the SUV and got it tied down. Soon after that you were off to head back into the city Jeff asking what you wanted for lunch since it was already that time of day. 
“I can just make something when we get back.” You assured him, not minding cooking for the two of you. Jeff murmured back that he didn’t invite you here to cook for him all week and you sighed softly replying that you didn’t come up expecting to not do anything all week either and that you could handle a few meals. A moment later he nodded, deciding that this wasn’t something worth going back and forth over and he turned his attention back to the road as the city loomed in front of you once more. 
Having reached the garage of his building once more, you moved to grab as many shopping bags as you could so that you could get them inside and ready to decorate the tree which you weren’t quite sure how Jeff was going to get inside and up to the fifteen floor as you had a feeling it was too tall for the elevator. 
You realized Jeff had come to this same conclusion moments after you did when he cursed under his breath. 
“Let me get all the breakable decorations upstairs and then I can come help you with the tree?” You suggested. Jeff seemed to agree but when you came back down, he was carrying the tree with the help of the building’s doorman, brushing off your help and just asking you to go wait on his floor to open the stairway door. 
Shaking your head to yourself, you took the elevator back up not envying the poor doorman helping Jeff to carry a tree up fifteen flights of stairs. At the top, you waited for them, holding the door up when they approached and then moving to hold the apartment door open as well before moving out of the way as they leaned the tree against a wall. While Jeff talked to him, you retreated into the kitchen to try and figure out what to make for lunch, deciding to make up a quick stir fry because that wouldn’t take long after defrosting some chicken in the microwave. 
You were grabbing some things from his freezer and searching for another pan when Jeff appeared behind you making you jump again. 
“You gotta stop that.” You chastised, looking over your shoulder at him. “And I hope you are going to do something nice for your poor doorman.” You added teasing, nodding when Jeff assured you that he was getting him game tickets and a signed jersey. When he asked if he could help you shook your head telling him that he should go figure out where he wanted to put the tree and get it set up so that you could start decorating after lunch. 
“Alright, just holler if you need something.” He agreed before moving back around the island to the living room leaving you to navigate his kitchen to make up a quick lunch. By the time you had all your ingredients ready, the chicken was defrosted and you put it into the pan with just a little bit of water to start cooking, adding in the vegetables shortly after that. When everything was looking good and ready, you added in the stirfry sauce and added the rice to the small pot of water you had brought to a boil. 
Within 20 minutes you were serving lunch onto plates and calling Jeff to come eat, laughing at how he was struggling with the tree. Moving to lend him an extra set of hands quickly, you managed to help him get the tree into the base and secured so that it would stand on its own. Repeating that food is ready, you smile at how flushed his cheeks are before moving back into the kitchen teasing that now you understand why he’s never decorated before. 
Getting ice from the icemaker you didn’t hear him say that he never had anyone worth decorating for, though those words would have brought tears to your eyes if you had. 
After lunch you let Jeff finish up the dishes while you worked on pulling all the decorations out of their bags. With everything laid out, you turned some Christmas music on from your phone to set the mood again. 
When Jeff came in he turned on his gas fireplace and taking a strand of lights you’d already plugged in and checked from you, he started to wrap the lights amongst the branches working his way from the bottom of the tree up. It was almost seamless, the rhythm you settled into with you checking the lights and unwinding them before Jeff took them to continue wrapping around the tree until it was fully lit once plugged in. 
“It already looks pretty.” You grinned signaling to him that he’d done good work with the lights. 
Jeff just smiled that bright smile back and you reached to open one of the containers of ornaments while also grabbing the box of hooks. Again, the two of you took turns putting hooks on the ornaments and handing them to each other, making sure that each color and type was dispersed evenly around the tree. As you hung one of the wooden ornaments toward the middle of the tree you felt Jeff press up behind you, hanging a silver ball above your head. The heat of his body made you shiver and as he pulled away his hand slid along your waist as he steadied himself. You didn’t say anything for a moment before asking him to hand you one of the green balls. 
Jeff pressed against you from behind twice more while tucking pinecones up into the branches of the tree and he slid against you while passing to grab the ribbon to drape around it. Each time he did so, a jolt sparked through your body, but that little voice in the back of your mind insisted that he didn’t mean it like that. Focusing on draping the wood garland so that it was spaced opposite the ribbon, you didn’t see Jeff’s eyes rake over your body or the way they softened as you hummed along to the Christmas carols. When everything was finally on the tree you reached to hand him the star to top it off insisting that he do it since it’s his tree. 
For a moment Jeff hesitated before he reached to set the star on top before stepping back to admire the tree with you for a moment before you shifted it back toward the wall and got it plugged in, adding water into the base now that it wasn’t going to be moved anymore. The final step was adding the skirt around the base which Jeff insisted you do since you were already down there with the water. Once that was done, you smiled at how pretty it looks and hugged him from the side declaring that it looked worthy of a magazine. 
Cleaning up the packaging, you watched as Jeff moved to hang the one wreath on his door while the other was placed under the fruit bowl in the center of his island with pinecones and a small green and white ornament tucked into it. 
“Good work Mr. Skinner.” You grinned, washing your hands from the pine so that any pollen didn’t irritate your eyes. “Your apartment is ready for Christmas now.” His dimple was showing and his eyes flashed with something you didn’t understand as you peeked over at him suggesting that they watch a Christmas movie since they were done decorating. 
Jeff agreed and you settled onto the couch handing him the remote as he pulled your feet into his lap before draping the throw blanket over your legs. After checking for your approval, he settled on Elf and you couldn’t help but smile as he quoted along to the movie. 
Pausing after one movie to order dinner in and eat, you settled back in, bellies full, this time putting on the first Santa Clause. Instead of sitting like you had before, this time you sat next to him, leaning into the same space. When his thumb dropped down to brush against your inner thigh part way through the movie you felt a buzz form low in your core that didn’t stem from the bottle of wine you’d shared with dinner. 
Jeff seemed to have no idea of what he was doing nor any idea the effect it was having on you. Yawning slightly, you murmured that you were going to go use his bathroom to shower if that was okay. You weren’t really paying attention to the movie anyway and you needed a moment to breathe. You’d thought that things with Jeff were different than they had been before Pittsburgh, but he hadn’t made a move or anything so maybe you were wrong. Either way there was no way you were going to stay sane with the pressure of his thumb against that part of your body. 
Tonight, when Jeff slid into bed beside you, you were going to keep some distance. As much as your body wanted to be close to his, it was for the best because there was no way you were going to make it through a week here with him if you didn’t, even if he was your best friend.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 5
“Fuck, I’ve actually gotten fat now. This gut has a life of its own, half the time I don’t even realize I’m eating and then I look down and there’s junk food in my hand.”
“You’re fine Andy, you’ve just put on the freshman fifteen. That’s all.”
“Babe I’m pushing three hundred pounds. That’s almost an eighty pound gain since last summer. This,” Andy grabbed his gut with both hands, “ain’t no fifteen pounds. I’ve really packed it on since we met.”
“I think you’re sexier for it.”
“I know, but coach is not happy. He put me on a diet plan, he says I can’t play quarterback like this. I need to lose at least thirty pounds by summer.”
“By summer?! It’s already February. Screw your coach, I’ve gained weight too you know. I’m at two hundred for the first time in my life! We like to indulge there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I can’t lose this scholarship though, I gotta shed the weight. I gotta.”
“Babe, calm down. We have dinner plans tonight with Sarah and Landon, remember? The gift card I got you? The Calvin Klein shirt, my jockstrap? Let’s just have one more night of indulgence okay?”
“Well, okay��� anything to see you in that little jock strap.”
Truthfully, Benjamin was a little flustered by his own physique as well. Andy’s gluttony was reaching new heights and those habits were definitely rubbing off on him. There was only one difference. Whereas Andy grew a massive beer gut framed by broad shoulders and anchored by meaty legs, Benjamin was becoming a proper marshmallow.
Everywhere he turned he’d gotten fat. His legs, his back, his chest, his stomach, his neck, even around his junk. He’d already grown out of the jeans he’d just bought and all of his shirts now clung like a second skin. The few clothes he could squeeze into fit differently than they used to and he found himself taking up space in places he never considered would be a struggle. His ass filled the entire toilet seat. Bathroom stalls were awkward. Squeezing through a crowd was difficult. Bending over was a chore.
Both boys put these fears aside as they washed up and prepared for their dinner plans. Benjamin looked sharp in a tan cashmere sweater that only slightly clung to his love handles, paired with straight leg pants that showed off his plump bubble butt. Andy, on the other hand, was definitely looking a tad uncomfortable in his black button up. His range of mobility was clearly limited and the buttons just barely closed. He felt like a Victorian woman in a corset, but he powered through for his boyfriend’s sake.
They met Sarah and Landon at the restaurant and were seated relatively quickly. Sarah was Benjamin’s good friend and had been incredibly supportive to their coming out as a couple. Landon was simply her boyfriend who always seemed to be around but had nothing to say. He was nerdy, with a bit of a paunch himself and generally affable. They weren’t the ideal dinner dates but Benjamin thought it was important for the couple to spend time with other couples.
The restaurant was a contemporary Italian spot near the campus and they all chose the three course chef’s special per Benjamin’s demands. Surprisingly, for an upscale restaurant the portions were incredibly large which left both boys satisfied. The first course was a Caesar salad that left everyone impressed and looking forward to the rest of the meal. Andy particularly went to town on the salad. His secret plan was to fill up on greens before the heavy dishes so he wouldn’t pig out on the pasta. Despite what Benjamin said, he needed to get a small head start on this diet. However, by the time the main course of pumpkin ravioli arrived, Andy could barely contain himself.
The hulking jock polished off his plate before anyone else and gladly accepted Sarah and Landon’s leftovers. Benjamin also cleaned his plate with ease and even stole a few bites of the leftovers. Frankly, he was hungry for more but didn’t want to get in Andy’s way. Andy, on the other hand, was so consumed by the delicious food that he was blissfully unaware that his shirt was getting tighter by the second. He finally came to when he realized his bladder was full, but was afraid to use the restroom out of fear of what would happen to the seams of his shirt while standing up. Out of the corner of his eye, Benjamin glanced at the buttons beginning to strain across his boyfriends belly and felt a sense of satisfaction.
Dessert was a truly massive slice of cheesecake and ice cream for each individual. It looked as if one cake had been divided into quarters and served to the whole table. Everyone slowly dug in except for Andy, who gobbled one heaping spoonful after another. Benjamin could sense the subtle surprise and judgment on Sarah and Landon’s faces. It was clear that Andy could no longer contain his gluttony, and just the taste and aroma of delicious food turned him into an absolute pig.
Benjamin was rapidly becoming full but made an effort to keep up with his boyfriend’s pace in a lame effort to normalize the jock’s blatant gluttony. Sarah and Landon could not finish their cake and naturally offered it to Andy, as it seemed the only logical thing to do. Of course, the hungry football player accepted, devouring every last bite.
With no food left on the table, Andy leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. Benjamin immediately glanced down at his boyfriend’s bloated belly fearing the worst. The sound of a seam ripping emanated from Andy’s side as three buttons shot across the entire restaurant and skittered across the floor. A significant portion of Andy’s belly was now exposed. Bloated and slick with sweat, no one in the restaurant could remove their eyes from the football player’s massive exposed gut. Andy’s face turned beat red.
“See what I’m saying,” Andy whispered to his boyfriend. “Fucking time to diet.”
“Not now,” Andy reprimanded and peeled off his own Cashmere sweater.
It was evident to everyone in the room that there was no way Benjamin’s sweater would fully cover Andy’s gelatinous ball gut, but it was better than leaving him exposed. Andy struggled into the sweater, stretching it past his exposed abdomen and as far down as he could manage. With the sound of a few threads ripping the sweater stopped just below his navel which was good enough. Thankfully, the waiter expedited the bill and got the fat couple out of the restaurant as soon as possible. They apologized profusely to Sarah and Landon before heading home.
Although the couple was stewing in a complex emotional mixture of embarrassment, anger, confusion, and frustration, the second they shut their door behind them they began passionately making out. Benjamin’s pants were off in seconds as his ass bounced around in the tight jock strap. It took a bit of a struggle to get the sweater off Andy, but once it was removed Benjamin ripped the rest of the Calvin Klein shirt off leaving it in tatters. Finally free of their restricting clothing and sweating from their fullness and horniness, Benjamin anointed the former jock’s massive three hundred pound gut with his mouth and cock.
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Lex never thought about going to prom. Life was too hectic. Hannah was going to be in sixth grade when it was time for that night. Lex wouldn’t have time to shop for a dress or make plans, Hannah was more important than a stupid night out that would take weeks to save up for.
Sure, there were times when she and Hannah were at the mall and she’d see a pretty dress, full of blacks and purples. Hannah would tug on her arm, and the two of them would end up at the candy store. Lex would buy her candy, even though she wasn’t supposed to eat sugar. And it was nice to not think about the dress again.
Dentist appointments took time when other sophomores were trying to flirt with seniors to go two years early. Even when Ethan joined her little family, Lex didn’t think about the normalcy that they sort of represented. She couldn’t.
There were nights though, when Ethan came along, that Lex let herself fall into the teenage dream. Hannah was with Alice and Deb, safe and sound, and Lex could let herself relax a bit. She let herself take Ethan’s jacket that was too big on her, and talk about their dreams of leaving Hatchet Field behind.
Those nights were special. The two of them would have a few hours to do whatever they wanted. Whether it be as smoking up while sitting on the back of, or making out in the back seat of Ethan’s shitty beat up truck, Lex was able to be a teenager.
Those nights ended too quickly though. Eventually she had to go home. Home to her mom, who took almost all of the money she got from ‘Toy Zone’. Her mom, who was a violent drunk. Who dropped Hannah when she was only one. Who brought home any man who offered. Who didn’t care.
When Mr. Huston left, the nights of escape got smaller and smaller. She failed. She flunked out of school, and she went full time at ‘Toy Zone’. It only got worse when Black Friday came. She had left work when it started getting crazy, but then she had found Ethan on the floor of the movie theater. She got him to the hospital, but the bills took everything from their fund. The California dream was crushed.
Then someone called Child Protective Services on her mom. There were too many signs to ignore. When she was barely seventeen, she was told to pack her bags.
Things changed for the better when Tom Huston and Becky Barns adopted Lex and Hannah. Lex was no longer in charge of doctors appointments, or finding tutors who could help Hannah understand topics in school.
It was weird when they moved in. Even though, for the first time in her life, Hannah had her own room, she still slept in the same bed as Lex. And in return, Lex still made sure she was at every appointment.
Going back to school was another adjustment. Starting senior year with people younger than her was embarrassing, until she saw that she had at least four classes with Ethan. She had a feeling Mr. Huston had something to do with it when he winked at her in shop class.
She started to accept the whole ‘normal teenager’ thing when her and Ethan were finally able to go on their first real date since she had been adopted. Lex had been too busy preparing for the world to crumble down to do anything with him that took more than an hour.
Ethan had asked her on a date, a real date, when it had been seven months. She had accepted, smiling at him and kissing his cheek. “Christ Ethan, you don’t have to be so nervous about it.” She replied. She still kissed him and held his hand as they walked down the hall together.
It was weird, asking her teacher for an extended curfew. Tom just smiled at her, as if he knew something that she didn’t. It set her on edge. She felt like she was going to be tricked. Lex was so used to being cornered, that she felt like she couldn’t breathe as she waited for Ethan to pick her up.
When she opened the door, she felt the air get knocked out of her once again. Her simple dress no longer looked like effort on her part. Ethan had gone all out, he had even combed his hair. He held her hand when he saw her, “Everything alright babe? You look ready to run off.”
Lex just shrugged and kissed him, pulling him outside. She stopped once she saw his truck. “Shit Ethan, where did you get the money to get this fixed?” She asked. She looked at the new headlights and the new wheels. Even some of the old scrapes had been painted over.
“Paul and Emma treated me to it.” He blushed. Lex smiled at the thought. Ethan had been spending a lot of time with the adults. They had taken him in, in an odd way. “They kind of surprised me with it actually…”
Lex smiled and held onto his arm “Well maybe in a year or two you could talk them into a new truck. One that could get us to California.”
He smiled and kissed her before opening her door for her. “Well you’re a gentleman...where did that come from?” Lex asked, smiling as she climbed in.
“Tonight, Babe, is a very special night. Don’t freak out, but I have got a surprise for you.” He kissed her cheek and closed her door.
Though she tried to pry on the drive, he wouldn’t budge. Eventually he turned the radio on. Classic rock filled the air, and Lex let herself relax. She let herself feel safe when she was next to him. Even though she was still a little nervous, she let the tension out of her shoulders as he held her hand on the drive.
When they arrived in Clivesdale, Lex looked at her boyfriend, “Ethan. Where are we going?” Lex tried to ask again. Her voice was tinged with doubt. All of their nicer dates were at the shitty Olive Garden at the edge of Hatchet Field. Most of the places in Clivesdale were expensive and full of high end adults.
“Babe, just relax. I promise, I’d never let anything happen to ‘ya.” He told her, kissing her hand as he kept driving.
Soon they pulled into a steakhouse. One Lex remembered mentioning that she wanted to try before everything that had happened. “Holy fuck…” She mumbled in awe.
Ethan just gave her a smug smile and walked her inside. He ignored her look of shock as he checked them in for their reservation. They were led back to a table in the corner, the hostess even pulled Lex’s chair out for her.
Ethan seemed to be growing nervous throughout the dinner. His cocky exterior started to fade as they got their dessert. He was picking at his lava cake while she smiled at her cookie cheesecake.
“So, um, Lexie. This year is almost over, and prom is coming up. And now I’ve known you for, jesus, five years. You’ve always talked about how that shit isn’t important, but I was thinking, maybe, we could go anyways. Like, fuck the system, and we go anyways. What...what do you think?”
When Lex Foster-Huston is asked, she didn’t cry. She tells people that she smiled and nodded, holding his hand and acting cool as a cucumber. But, in that moment, she couldn’t lie to herself. She had started sobbing.
The night ended an hour past her extended curfew. She came home with her dress poorly put back on and her hair put up. Tom and Becky were on the couch, his arm wrapped around his girlfriend. “Well you were out late.” Tom started.
“Ethan and I got...caught in traffic.” Lex lied. She knew she couldn’t go up to her room until she was dismissed, she just hoped she wasn’t in trouble.
“Sure. We’ll believe that for tonight.” Becky smiled. “So, what did you say?” She asked. Her eyes were bright with her old cheerleader spirit.
“He told you he was asking me to prom?” She asked. Lex had to admit that she was a little more than surprised.
“He asked me for permission.” Tom smiled at her, “He came up to me, all nervous. Thought it might be right to get my blessing or some shit. Nice kid. I approve. Next time fix your makeup when you come back in, though, kid.”
Lex blushed. “Oh. Well I said yes. And, um, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She mumbled, going upstairs. She wasn’t surprised to see Hannah comfortably in her bed, holding Webby close as she slept.
She quickly changed into some of the pajamas that Becky had bought her and climbed into bed with her little sister, wrapping her arm around one of the two people she would do anything for.
“I got asked to prom today, Banana.” She whispered with a smile on her face. “Ethan made a big deal about it too. Bought me a nice dinner at that place in Clivesdale that dad was always talking about. One day we’ll bring you there too.” She smiled at the thought.
She fell asleep with her entire world in her arms, and she fell into a comfortable world of dreams. Full of unrealistic dreams of her future with Ethan. Lex still loved them though.
The next surprise came when Becky walked up to her holding Hannah’s hand. “What’s going on…?” Lex asked, her voice laced with suspicion.
“Prom dress shopping!” Hannah smiled up at her. Lex felt her heart melt a bit when she saw how excited her little sister was.
Becky smiled at her shocked expression, “We thought it would be nice to go as a girls day.” She chirped in.
The three of them drove to the mall that Hannah and Lex used to go to on their own. The three of them walked around after grabbing cookies for themselves and a soda for Hannah. They finished before they had gotten to the store.
They walked in and they were surrounded by formal dresses in a variety of styles and colors. Lex recognized a few of the dresses immediately from when she used to pass by the window.
She looked at a few and chose three to try on. One was yellow and flowey, Hannah had been eyeing it for years. Every time they would walk by she would point at it. Lex had to give it to her to at least try it on.
The other was blue. Becky had said something about it looking like her own prom dress. Lex thought that it was a bit...preppy for her taste, but she decided to try it on anyways. She owed Becky that much.
Lex looked down at her own choice. A purple and black dress that never seemed to leave the store. She had seen it when the store opened, and it was in her arms at that moment. She smiled at the two with her and walked into the dressing room.
She put on the yellow dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She bit her lip and walked outside. Becky and Hannah lit up, telling her how pretty she looked.
“I look like Spongebob.” Lex complained.
“Yeah…” Hannah agreed. That made Lex smile.
“Well why don’t you go back in there and try on another one.” Becky politely suggested. She smiled as Lex walked back in.
She put on the blue dress that Becky had found for her. It fit her well and made her look like a princess. It was a dress that she could see Venessa from her school buying. She would go on with her boyfriend Rick and the two would be voted king and queen. That wasn’t who she was though.
When she walked out, she thought Becky would start crying. She looked so happy, and Hannah was looking at her with wide eyes. “I guess I can tell what you guys think...” Lex smiled nervously.
“Well it’s a beautiful dress on you sweetheart.” Becky smiled, “But, we want to know what you think of it.”
Hannah nodded, smiling up at her older sister.
“I…” She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t say that she didn’t like the dress, and if they liked this dress as much as they claimed, they would hate the other one.
“Try on the other dress.” Hannah blurted. She smiled at her older sister. “Webby says that this dress isn’t right. There’s...something wrong with it, but she won’t say what.”
Lex couldn’t be more grateful for a made up spider. “Well if Webby says that it’s not right, then it’s not right.” She smiled. She walked back into the dressing room and put on her choice.
When she looked into the mirror, she couldn’t stop herself from tearing up. It fit her perfectly. It was low cut and tight and then a touch of ballgown. It was dark purple and black.
She walked outside and both Hannah and Becky lit up. “Oh Lex… it’s so beautiful.” Becky smiled at her. She brushed Lex’s hair back and held her hand “You’re so beautiful.”
“It’s perfect.” Hannah smiled, hugging her sister. Lex held her younger sister tightly. She held onto Hannah’s hand.
“I think this is it. I want this one.” Lex smiled.
When they went to the register, the woman who owned the store stared at Lex. The more the older woman stared, the more uncomfortable Lex got.
“Yes?” She asked, biting her lip and tensing up.
“I’ve seen you before. Looking at this dress from the window. I was wondering when you were finally going to buy it. It’s why I haven’t thrown it out or put it on sale yet.”
“Who are you?” Lex asked.
“People call me Molag. Don’t know why, don’t care. Anywho,” She put the dress into a package “Take it for half off. It’s been here longer than your sister has been alive.” She smiled.
On the way home, Lex couldn’t believe how lucky she was. She smiled at Hannah, who was looking out the window. Becky was smiling at them from the front.
“Thank you, for the dress.” Lex told Becky.
“It’s the least I could do. You’re always helping around. I’m glad to finally help you.” She smiled back at the sisters.
Lex smiled back.
Prom came sooner than Lex expected. It felt like it was only a week, and Lex was in her room with Becky and Hannah getting ready. Hannah was happily painting her nails black and Becky was curling her hair.
“Tonight is the night.” Becky smiled as she finished with Lex’s hair.
“Yeah...it is. I’ve been waiting for it for a long time.” Lex admitted.
When she was ready, Lex almost couldn’t tear her eyes away from the mirror. She had always thought prom night would just be her and Ethan sitting where they could see Hannah. And she was okay with that. She loved her little sister more than anything in the world,
She smiled when she heard the doorbell ring, and she slipped on her silver heels. She walked down the hall and felt as everyone looked at her. Tom looked ready to cry, Becky had the biggest grin she had ever seen, Tim was giggling, and Hannah was cheering. And then Lex saw Ethan.
He was looking at her as if she was his entire universe. She walked over and looked at his hands. He had a small silver box. “What’s that?” She asked.
“You look beautiful.” He told her, not answering her question. “You always look beautiful. Every day I’ve known you, you’ve looked more beautiful than anyone I’ve ever seen. And right now, you look just as beautiful as that first time I saw you. But- fuck how do I say this? It’s different.”
“That was so fucking sappy…” She mumbled, but Lex noticed her strained voice. She kissed his cheek.
“I got you this...I think it’s called a corsage. Emma said that it’s what you give girls on prom, but I didn’t want to get you one of the pink ones… “ He rambled, pushing the box into her hands. “So I got you the best one I could find.”
Lex opened the box to find black and silver flowers “Jesus Christ Ethan...it’s beautiful.” She mumbled, hugging him.
He helped her pin the flowers to her dress. Tom and Becky made them pose for photos, and then the two of them were allowed to leave.
They started driving to the school and Lex smiled at Ethan. “I think this is the best night of my life.” She told him. He smiled and nodded.
They arrived at the venue and gave the volunteer their tickets. Inside, music was playing and tables were set up.
Ethan looked nervous as he spoke up above the slow music playing. “Do you want to dance?” He asked.
Lex smiled and nodded. And as she took his hand, she was happy to finally feel normal. As she rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around him, she wasn’t upset that they weren’t in California. She was happy.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Tell me...
Something about your family? We’re very emotionally distant and we haven’t hugged each other since my siblings and I were kids. Luckily I’ve found friends who are very expressive and fill my need for occasional affection.
Something about your age? Taylor Swift has a song about it and a line from it has become a very cliché social media caption for whenever somebody turns 22.
Something about your childhood friends? Pretty much all of them have migrated either to the US or Canada, and the only one that’s remained my friend is Angela.
Something about your eating habits? I skipped meals so much throughout high school and college that my body has adapted to it, and it takes a longer time for me to go hungry now.
Something you do every day? Greet my dog.
Something you've only tried once? Gulab jamun, an Indian dessert. It looked super appetizing on the menu and I thought it would be something like doughnut holes, but I had never been more wrong. The balls themselves were fine, but the syrup just clashed so badly with my tongue. I love Indian food, but I have no regrets taking one bite out of a dish I had to pay in full for. Something about your job/school? The campus is so big we’re the only university in the whole country to have its own transportation system. Students usually take jeepneys to go from one class to another. Something you'd like to do before you die? Go to a Wrestlemania :) Something you want to change? The entire Philippine government.
Something you wish never changed? Kimi being alive and kicking. I wish he can stay with me forever. Something about the weather? I’m so glad it’s not too humid tonight. It can be colder, but at least I’m not sweating through my shirt and at least I don’t feel the need to bitch about the weather. Something about your country? It’s a whole goddamn mess, but don’t even get me started on that now... just know that it’s miserable being here, in all ways you can think of. Something about this month? July was the month of my original breakup with Gabie, so I like poking fun at it with her every July 23rd. Something about your house? It has a rooftop, and a wide open space is all I can ask for in a house. I like going there to be alone, reflect on things, play my music, etc. Something about your experiences? My experiences on...? Lmao this is very vague. Something bad that has happened? I have several cuts and marks on my skin c/o Cooper biting me a little too hard sometimes when we play. The worst one is a gash on my right leg. He’s a total sweetheart, but he just gets too excited literally all the time so I try to be patient with him. Something good that has happened? I have a cheesecake all to myself and tonight my mom got me a pack of revel bars :) I missed my sweeeeeeets. Something you miss? Drinking during weeknights and basically being dumb college kids with my friends. Something you're looking forward to? Drinking during weeknights and being a-little-less-dumb fresh graduates with my friends. Something you've read recently? I read up on the disappearance of Brian Shaffer earlier tonight because of a Reddit post I came across.
Something you've heard? Recently? The notif sound for my Twitter rang on my phone two minutes ago because someone sent me a DM. Something you've seen that amazed you? Cooper has started climbing up our stairs by god he’s learning so much shit SO FAST. He can do the first three steps on his own, but I have to have my hands ready by his back and butt for the rest of the higher steps because he’s not too tall yet and might miss and tumble all the way down. Something you want to say to someone? I miss you, and I wish you were graduating with us. Something you wish you never said to someone? There was one time I told Gab something, but I genuinely wasn’t able to realize how hurtful it was. I really meant it innocently but once she broke down and cried and explained it to me, I felt like utter shittttttttttt. I don’t wanna say it on here though, it still makes me wince to this day. Something you wish more people knew about you? I’m really really nice, just approach me first. Something you wish people didn't know about you? I don’t think like this. I wear my heart on my sleeve, no regrets on that front. Something you have always wanted? Money. Something you've got that no one else has? Extensive knowledge on the 1980s sitcom Perfect Strangers because of the time my parents introduced me to it when I was 10. I’d be very surprised (and excited, lol) if I meet someone as enthusiastic about the show in 2020. Something you're interested in this year? Kanye West announcing that he’s running for president has got me invested in that side of US politics loooooooooooool
Something you remember from 2001? Having ‘camping trips,’ which meant sleeping in a tent in our family room. Something you don't understand? Hawaiian, for one. Something you'd like to see? I’d love to see an aurora borealis at least once. Something you wish you were asked? Ok so I’m not directly answering the question but it’s kinda related? but it’d be cool if some companies contacted me hahaha. This is definitely not to say that I’m lazy and that I wanna let companies do the recruiting for me lol, but I only went with my answer because when I heard about job-hunting experiences from my older friends when they graduated, all of them told me that some companies were the ones who contacted them – I didn’t even know that was possible. It’d be pretty exciting just to get one call, haha.
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flowerfan2 · 5 years
Gray Skies - Ch. 6
This chapter’s a little longer - and satisfied my urge to write a New England in winter story for Steve and Danny.  Enjoy, and happy new year!
Living with depression doesn’t have to mean living without love.  An AU that branches off in Season 10.
McDanno, A03, 9k so far
Chapter 6
The ivy-clad grounds of Grace’s small New England college are as different from the tropical shores of Hawaii as anything could be.  Steve stands back and crosses his arms, content, as Danny and Grace walk ahead of him on the path through the quad, Danny waving his arms and beaming as he talks with his beloved daughter.
It’s exactly how Steve imagined.
Of course, in his vision they weren’t quite as bundled up, and he couldn’t see Danny’s breath, but Steve doesn’t mind the cold.  He even bought Danny a new coat, a short, black, slim-fitting down jacket, to replace that strange olive green thing Danny wore when he came to him in D.C.
Danny refused to wear the matching hat, though, and Steve wonders if he’s regretting it, the tips of Danny’s ears going pink in the chilly air.  Grace didn’t have any such qualms, and is sporting the pom-pom hat Steve brought her. “My friends are gonna love this,” she had exclaimed, pulling on the turquoise beanie adorned with yellow pineapples and the word “Aloha” along the bottom.  She twirled around to model it, and for a minute, she was eight years old again, showing off a new party dress.
Steve had made sure to capture the moment, quickly getting pictures of Danny and his grown-up daughter, arms around each other and broad smiles on their faces.
Now they’re on their way to lunch in Grace’s dining hall, after a morning spent at a welcome presentation and a talk about “making the most” out of the college experience.  After lunch, there are a handful of classes they can visit, and seminars about a variety of topics, including a panel on public service that has caught Steve’s interest.
The dining hall is packed with people, and Grace leads them through the tables until she gets to the one she is looking for.  A tall girl with long blond hair pops up and squeals at Grace, while two people that must be her parents look on indulgently.  Another girl yells from a few tables away and soon joins in the hug, several more family members tagging along behind her.
 After they all find seats, Grace introduces her roommates.  The tall blond girl is Hannah, from L.A.  Maritza, who has her mother, grandmother, and two younger brothers in attendance, is from Texas.  “Sam and Alaina are at the Athletics lunch,” Grace explains to Steve, as she passes around a pile of napkins, “but they’re going to try to catch up with us later. Alaina’s mom grew up on Kauai, she really wants to meet you.”
 With that the topic of conversation turns to Hawaii, and what Steve and Danny do for a living.  Steve tries to let Danny carry the conversation, but Danny keeps getting distracted by his daughter, who is proudly pointing out other people in the room that she wants them to meet.
 Before they’ve even finished their lunch (fairly mediocre soup and sandwiches, but that’s not really the point), Grace is up and dragging Danny over to meet one of her professors.  Steve picks at his turkey and cheese and watches them, Danny’s blond head and Grace’s dark one, leaning together as Grace whispers to her dad.
 “Grace is a lovely girl,” Maritza’s grandmother says.  “We met her when we visited in the fall.”
 Steve turns to the woman sitting on his left.   Her dark hair swings around her face in a tidy bob, and she looks way too young to be someone’s grandmother.   “Thanks.  I’m Steve, by the way.  Isabella, right?”
 She smiles.  “Yes, that’s me.”
 “You’re lucky that you got to visit already.  This is my first time.”
 She nods.  “Must have been hard for you both to come all the way from Hawaii for all those college tours.  Maritza managed to see about half of the ones she applied to.  For the rest, we figured we’d worry about it if she got in.”
 Steve takes a moment to wonder what Grace has told people about him and Danny.  He’s not even sure what she knows about their change in status, so to speak. Steve didn’t come along on any college tours, although he and Danny texted so often when Danny was doing them he almost feels like he was there.  Steve decides to change the subject before he puts his foot in his mouth.
 “Where in Texas do you live, Isabella? I have a former teammate who did his training at the Naval base in Fort Worth.”
 They stretch out the day as long as they can, wanting to spend as much time as they have with Grace, but by evening Danny and Steve are both lagging.
 Grace shakes her head at them as the waiter brings their check.  They’ve spent the past two hours in a cozy restaurant that is apparently the place all the kids go when parents are the ones footing the bill, and it lived up to its reputation.  Danny is still trying to figure out how to make the potato ravioli that came with his short ribs, and Steve was very satisfied with the scallop dish he ordered. He even split a dessert with Danny, a dark chocolate whiskey cake that was served warm with espresso ice cream, and snuck bites of Grace’s creamy cheesecake with a gingersnap crust.
 “You guys are done for tonight, you know,” Grace says as they stand up and start pulling on their coats.  “All that’s left is the freshman musical showcase, and no one expects their parents to come to that – at least not unless they’re performing in it.”
 “You could perform in it,” Danny says, unwilling to admit that there is anything his Grace can’t do.
 “I could, but I’m not – I’m going back to my room to finish my chem homework, and then I’m going to sleep.”
 “All right, all right,” Steve says, putting an arm around Grace’s shoulders and hugging her close.  “We get it.  We’ll let you get back to your life.”
 “See you tomorrow for breakfast?” Danny says.  “At that diner, right?”
 “Right.”  They exchange more hugs, and then Grace is skipping off down the street, turning to wave just before she turns the corner and disappears out of sight.
 Back at their B&B, they chat for a few minutes with a few people who are socializing in the living room on the first floor, Steve poking at the logs in the fireplace and generally scoping out the place while Danny questions another parent about his student’s experience with a seminar Grace is interested in, and then they climb the stairs to their third floor room.
 They had arrived late the night before, and hadn’t had much of a chance to appreciate the charmingly decorated room. More than the antique furnishings, however, Steve is excited to get back into the king-sized bed, with its ample down duvet and piles and piles of fluffy pillows.
 Soon enough, he tells himself.
 “You wanna have the first shower?” Steve approaches Danny, who hung his coat in the wardrobe and then stood staring into it for long enough that Steve wonders if he fell asleep on his feet.
 “What?  Oh, yeah, thanks.”  Danny smiles at him, tired but obviously still happy, and grabs his kit bag out of his duffel.  “I won’t be long.”
 Steve takes his turn in the bathroom after Danny, and when he gets out, clad only in his boxers, he dives under the covers as quickly as he can.
 “Oh my god, you’re insane,” Danny says, opening his arms and pulling him close.  “Come here, come here.  Your feet are like ice.  You’re ridiculous.”
 Steve grins and burrows into Danny, who is giving off heat like a stove, as always.  “I can’t help it.”
 “You just took a hot shower, didn’t you?  How can your toes still be this cold?  What’s wrong with you?”  But Danny’s actions show he doesn’t really mind, as he gathers Steve close to him and wraps the heavy comforter around them both.
 “I can put some socks on, if you want-”
 “Socks, maybe some pajamas?  You are completely lacking in sense.” Danny’s got their legs twined together, Steve’s wet head tucked up against his t-shirt clad chest.  He doesn’t actually seem that interested in Steve getting out of bed to put more clothes on.  
 Steve kisses his collarbone. “You’ll keep me warm.”
 “I’ll try.”  Danny shuffles them some more, getting comfortable, and Steve can feel himself relax into his hold.
 “Grace seems really happy,” Steve comments.  It’s true, it couldn’t be more obvious that Grace is thriving here, despite being so far away from home.
 “Yeah, she’s doing great.”  Steve can hear the pride and relief in Danny’s words. “Thanks for bringing me here, Steve. I mean it.”
 Steve presses another kiss to Danny’s chest, then lays his head back down.  “It’s my pleasure, Danno.  I had a good day today too.”
 “Yeah, we did, didn’t we?”  Danny opens his mouth to say something else, but his words are lost in a jaw cracking yawn.
 “Get some sleep,” Steve says. “We’ll see Grace again in the morning.”
 “Hmm, okay.”  
 Steve tugs the blanket a little higher around Danny’s shoulders, making sure he’s covered up, and lets himself drift off to the sound of Danny’s gentle snores.
 Unfortunately, despite the absolutely perfect feeling of being warmly wrapped in Danny’s arms, Steve can’t stay asleep.  He chalks it up to the time difference, and after an hour of trying not to move and wake Danny up, he reluctantly climbs out of bed.
 The floor is freezing, where it’s not covered with a rug, and Steve hastily pulls on his jeans and sweater, and takes his coat with him just in case.  He’s got it in his head that he’s going to go for a walk, but when he gets downstairs and pokes his head outside, he changes his mind.
 The porch is lit with twinkling white fairy lights, and the outdoor heaters are still on.  There are three small tables with chairs tucked in around them, and a porch swing adorned with festive cushions.  Jackpot, Steve thinks, and claims the swing, moving it gently back and forth.
 The clearing in front of the B&B is framed with pine trees.  Steve imagines they would look lovely dusted with snow, although he’s just as glad it’s not quite that cold yet.  He lets his thoughts wander, thinking over how well the trip has gone so far.
 It’s only been a week since Danny kissed him, but Steve considers it one of the best weeks he’s ever had. Danny had bounced back quickly from his slump a few days ago.  Although work got in the way of their lunch with Kono, they met her at dive bar on the north shore that night, and took up a corner booth all evening long, trading stories and enjoying each other’s company.  
 Steve had thought about inviting the rest of the team, but after a little while he was glad he hadn’t. There was something about being together, just the three of them, that seemed right.  They had experienced so much together that the more recent members of the team had only heard about.  Steve feels a little selfish, keeping Kono for themselves, but he figures it won’t do too much harm.  And when he sees Danny leaning into Kono’s shoulder, talking in low tones about how he’s been feeling, he figures Danny is probably glad they kept the group small as well.
 Steve is startled out of his reverie by a hand on his shoulder.
 “Hey, what are you doing out here?”
 It’s really a rhetorical question, and Danny doesn’t wait for an answer, shoving at Steve’s leg until he slides over on the swing and makes room for Danny to sit down.  Danny gives the swing an experimental few rocks, and then sighs, leaning his head back.  Steve wraps his arm around Danny and they swing together, Steve pushing at the floor with one foot to keep them moving.
 “You doing okay, babe?”
 Steve squints at Danny.  “Yeah, I’m fine.”  He is, he just can’t sleep.  Nothing new.
 “You really hit it off with Maritza’s grandmother.”
 Steve can’t tell if Danny is trying to make a joke or not.  “Yeah, she seems like a real nice lady.  Close to Maritza, too, and her younger brothers.  She watches them afterschool.  Apparently likes to play baseball with them.”
 Steve had been impressed by Isabella, and Maritza’s mom, too.  Single parenting didn’t seem to be too much for either of them to handle.  Maritza’s mom worked full time, but was still very involved in the lives of all three of her children, driving carpools, helping with the school play, and coaching little league on weekends.
 Isabella wasn’t the only grandparent at family weekend, either.  Danny’s mom and dad had even planned on going, until Steve had gotten tickets for him and Danny and they decided to let them have all of Grace’s attention.  The only reason Rachel isn’t present is because she caught the flu from Charlie.  Grace is surrounded on all sides by people who love her – moms and dads and grandparents who want to be there for all the important events in her life.
 Quite a contrast with Doris.
 Steve feels that ache in his chest again, and he looks up to find Danny studying him closely.  
 “You have a terrible poker face, you know,” Danny says.
 “No, buddy, that’s you.”
 Danny huffs.  “It was a lot of family stuff today.  Thanks for putting up with it.”
 Steve frowns.  “I love family stuff – especially your family stuff.  I didn’t have to put up with anything.  I mean, it’s not like I’m going to have any kids of my own.  Might as well live vicariously.”
 The words come out as lightly as he can manage, but Danny squeezes closer to him and lays his head on his shoulder.  “My kids love you, you know that.”
 Steve shrugs, ignoring the hot feeling behind his eyes.  
 “You’ve known Charlie for as long as I have,” Danny goes on.  “You’re as much his dad as I am.”
 This clearly isn’t true, and Steve says so.  “Besides, Charlie already has two dads, and a mom as well.”
 “There’s no limit on how many people can love a kid.  Charlie’s luckier than most, that’s all.”
 Steve scrubs at his face and takes a deep breath.  “Today was a little hard,” he finally admits, voice quiet.  “I think about it, sometimes.”
 “Having kids?”
 Steve nods.  “Yeah.  Not now, not really.  I’m too old. But… what might have been, if I had found someone sooner.”  He thinks of little kids who might have looked like Catherine, dark haired and bright eyed.
 “Not that I would have been a very good dad.”
 Danny shoves him and stands up, knocking the swing back.  “What the hell are you talking about?  You’d be a great dad.”
 Steve stands up too, one hand on the swing to stop it from knocking into the side of the building.  “Keep your voice down, it’s the middle of the night.”
 “I’ll be as loud as I need to,” Danny exclaims, although he does quiet down somewhat.  “Fuck, Steve, how you can think that about yourself?  You look out for Grace and Charlie as if they were your own, they know they can trust you, rely on you.  They love you.”
 “I didn’t exactly have the best role models, growing up.”
 “Well it didn’t matter, not for this.” Danny paces across the porch, silently fuming.
 It warms Steve, even though his sadness.  “I appreciate your show of support, Danny, but it’s water under the bridge.”
 Danny stomps a little more, and then sits down on the swing.  Steve joins him, bumping him with his shoulder.  Danny bumps him back, then goes still.
 “It doesn’t have to be,” Danny says quietly.
 “What do you mean?”
 “You said it’s water under the bridge – it doesn’t have to be.  If you really wanted kids – more kids than Grace and Charlie,” Danny gives Steve a meaningful look, daring him to argue about his status with the Williams children, “you could still have kids.”
 “That’s not how biology works, Danny,” Steve says, waggling his eyebrows at him.
 “I didn’t mean-”  Danny huffs.  “You’re such a child.  But be that as it may, you could still have kids, like with a surrogate.  Or adopt, like Mary did.  Even foster.  Think of the difference you made in Nahele’s life.”
 “No, honestly, Danny, that’s not what I want.”  At his age, with his health problems, Steve really can’t see himself having a baby, or even an older child.  It wouldn’t be fair.  “I just think about what it might have been like, that’s all.”  
 Danny considers this.  “Promise to tell me if you change your mind?”
 Steve quirks his eyebrow at him. “Why?”
 “I like kids,” Danny says. “Babies.  Toddlers. Hormonal teenagers, take your pick.”  Danny shrugs.  “I come from a family of four siblings, you’ll recall.”
 Steve feels his heart swell. “Are you saying you want to make a baby with me?”  He’s being silly, but it’s more to cover up his ridiculous feelings than anything else. Is Danny seriously proposing that they have kids, or foster, or something – anything – together?
 Danny fixes him with a determined stare, the fairy lights reflecting in his blue eyes.  “I’m saying that you should let me know if you change your mind.”
 Steve wraps his arm around Danny and pulls him close.  “I won’t, Danno.  But – thank you.”
 They cuddle on the swing for a few more minutes, then go back upstairs, strip down, and get into bed.  Steve really doesn’t want to have kids of his own, not any more.  But he realizes he misspoke before, when he said he didn’t have a good role model for being a dad.  Because one of the best dads he’s ever met is next to him right now, curled up heavy and warm against his chest.
 “Stop worrying, Steven,” Danny says, reaching up to run his hand over Steve’s head, and cup his cheek to bring his face to his for a kiss.  “We’ve got plans with our girl tomorrow.”
 <i>Our girl.</i> Steve can’t remember if Danny has called Grace that before.  Maybe he has, and Steve is just now noticing?
 On that note… “I think Grace’s roommates think that we’re a couple,” Steve whispers.  Isabella certainly did.  
 “We are a couple,” Danny says, squirming closer and kissing him again.
 “But that just happened.  Does Grace even know?”
 Danny pulls back and looks at Steve. “Babe, she knew it long before we did. Now, do you want to keep talking about Grace, or do you wanna-” Danny throws a leg over Steve’s thigh, and it’s clear which option Danny wants Steve to choose.
 Steve still has more questions. He’s not done thinking about Danny’s children, and what the change in his relationship with Danny might mean to his relationship with Danny’s kids (does it mean he’s more of a dad?  A step-dad?  Is being “Uncle Steve” enough, or better?).  But Steve is only human.  Danny is hard and hot against him, and Steve isn’t about to look this gift horse in the mouth (at least not until he’s done checking out some more demanding parts of Danny’s anatomy).
 “Fool around now, talk more tomorrow,” he decides, tugging Danny’s boxers down over his ass.  From the indecent noise Danny makes when Steve takes him in hand, Steve’s certain he made the right choice.
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kivaember · 6 years
what about a date? Where would aza go for a date vs where would aym go? Aza trying to be romantic and cater to aym shenanigans ensue...I hope you writing juices flow freely at any rate
IT DID INDEED HELP thank you ;;w;; here you go! 
“You… made a reservation at the Bismark…?”
Aza looked a little disgruntled at Bluebird’s open displayof shock, crossing his arms over his chest as he tilted his chin stubbornly, “Yeah,for a romantic dinner.”
Bluebird reeled at the revelation that Aza even knew what a romantic dinner was – thiswas the same person who thought a good first date for him and Aymeric was to fighta pack of Behemoths (which ended as disastrously as one would expect) – and squinteda little suspiciously at him. Aza didn’t just do these things unprompted. Something was afoot here.
“How’d you even geta reservation?” she asked, “Would’ve thought they’d take one look at your scruffy,blood-stained mess of an outfit and kick you out before you got a word inedgewise.”
“Lyngsath owed me a favour,” Aza huffed, “Also, hello?Warrior of Light here?”
“Ah,” Bluebird nodded slowly, “Exploiting your fame. Verynice.”
“Moving on,” Aza sighed, “I didn’t tell you about it so youcould mock me. I told you because,um, well, you’re right about the scruffy outfit…”
Bluebird perked up, utterly delighted, “Is this happening?Are you asking me for fashion advice?Me?”
“It was either you or Tataru, and I’m not opening myself tobe ambushed by a pack of tailors again!” Aza hissed, looking adorably flusteredat that memory. That’s right, Tataru had arranged for him to be fitted for alovely outfit – too bad he got spooked by the, uh, aggressiveness of the tailorsand hid up a tree for six hours, so that nice outfit still remained a conceptin Tataru’s ambitious little mind, “Just help me!”
“Okay, okay…” Bluebird rolled her eyes, “Though, you’reasking a lot. You’re gonna whine no matter what I pick.”
“I won’t whine.”
“Oh?” Bluebird raised her eyebrows, “What if I say, ‘noarmour’?”
Aza, predictably, made a face, “But-”
“No armour,” Bluebird repeated, unable to hold back thelarge, shit-eating grin curling her mouth, “No breastplate, no gambeson, no leatherand no weapons.”
“What if-”
“If you can sneak it into your breeches without anyone beingthe wiser, then sure,” Bluebird relented, because Aza was probably going toslip in an entire armoury in his smallclothes otherwise. She long learned thatsome things you needed to make concessions on, when it came to Aza, “But you’renot bringing that stupid meat cleaver.”
“Fine,” Aza said sullenly.
Bluebird tapped her bottom lip in thought then, looking herbrother up and down. He was wearing his usual adventurer fare – all darkleather with a few suspicious stains here and there, as well as clear signs ofhasty repair, topped off with a pitted, old breastplate that had seen betterdays. His gear was well-worn, but reliableand well cared for – but to the less experienced eye, he looked like some hoboadventurer that didn’t have two coins to rub together. Definitely not the outfit for a romantic date in a high-endrestaurant.
The problem was, understandably, Aza disliked being vulnerable in open, public spaces. He had anxietyproblems, and being clad in sturdy, protective clothing mitigated that. Puttinghim well out of his comfort zone, in an unfamiliar situation, while alreadybeing mildly anxious for things to go right… it was a disaster in the making. Probablynot as bad as the Behemoth Date, but… disastrous in a different way.
Bluebird smiled. There was no way she was going to miss witnessingthis dumpster fire.
“Right, I’m not an expert on fine dining,” she said slowly, “ButI think I can rustle up an outfit that won’t immediately peg you as some crazy mountain hermit.”
“Unless you wanna go to Tataru?”
“… I’m fine, thanks.”
Bluebird clapped her hands together, smiling brightly, “Great! So, c’mon! We’re gonna go shoppingfor your perfect date outfit.”
The Bismark was theplace to go, if you had the patience to wait for a reservation opening and themoney to back it up. It boasted a diverse menu, with dishes from all over thestar made by skilled, experienced chefs from the Culinary Guild. Commonly, ithosted people of great import from the city states, which, naturally, began toinclude Ishgard now that they had opened their frozen gates to the EorzeanAlliance at large, be they successful merchants, famous mercenaries or even Ul’dahnpoliticians.  
Still, despite the time it had been since Ishgard’s slowacceptance into Eorzea as a whole, this was still Aymeric’s first visit to theplace. It was both familiar yet strange – parts of it reminded him of the sophisticateddining halls for the Ishgardian nobility, yet it wasn’t stiff about it. Set out on an open deck with a lovely view of theLimsa Lominsan decks and the coast of Vylbrand, the smell of salt air on awarm, coastal wind despite the late hour, the stars above glittering bright ina purple-blue streak across the navy blue sky… it was leagues above any grey-stonedIshgardian dining hall, stifled with traditional formality.
But what reallymade it was Aza. His partner hadreally come through for him tonight.
“So, um, how do you like the place?” Aza asked him almost shylyafter their starters were served and their wine glasses filled, “I know it’snot as fancy as that Ishgardian place…”
“I love it,” Aymeric said easily, “Far more relaxing, forone.”
Aza smiled, clearly relieved, and Aymeric took a moment toadmire the look on him. For once his partner wasn’t stubbornly clad in armour(though, no doubt armed, as he had the disconcerting ability to smuggle in allmanner of knives in his smallclothes without detection) and was dressed in arather simple yet flattering affair of shirt and trousers. It looked distinctlyGridanian in some way, but Aymeric couldn’t place the exact style.
Whatever it was, it looked nice. Aza looked nice – not to say he normally didn’t, but even Aymeric wanted to see him in something that wasn’twell-worn, blood-stained armour from time to time.
“You look lovely,” Aymeric murmured, “Who dressed you?”
Aza’s smile eased into something wry, “Couldn’t I havedressed myself?”
Aymeric just looked at him.
“…okay, fine, itwas Bluebird,” Aza grumbled, his bottom lip jutting out just so. Aymeric had a fleeting urge to nip at it.
“She did a finejob,” Aymeric purred, picking up his wine glass and hiding his smile behind itsrim, “Very fine. I do love how thatshirt hugs your chest. It leaves naught to the imagination, and I want to-”
“Alright, lusty,” Aza interrupted, his cheeks slightly pink,“Stow that talk for later. We’re being romantichere.”
“Ah, sorry. Remind me to continue that thought after a fewmore wine glasses,” Aymeric said a mite impishly, “Do you have anything plannedfor after the meal?”
“Got a room we can crash in the Drowning Wench,” Aza said,then quickly added, “Don’t let the name fool you. The rooms are nice, and Iknow Baderon, the guy who owns it. He makes an amazing breakfast.”
An amazing breakfast… why does Aymeric feel like he’s heardthat before? Ah, wait. He knew where. “Is it that ‘La Noscean toast’ you made afew weeks ago?”
“Yes!” Aza perked up, delighted as always whenever Aymeric remembereda culinary dish of his, “I don’t make it as well as Baderon, though. So, if youthought mine was nice, wait ‘til you try his!”
Aymeric smiled, something warm and fuzzy brimming in hisheart at Aza’s clear, pure happiness, “Hmm, I’m looking forward to it.”
The meal proceeded from there. It was… nice. Aymeric triednew things, Aza happily explained the more obscure dishes in the menu, and theyspoke about trivial and mundane and simple things while steadily drinking theirway through three wine bottles. It wasn’t as strong as the paint stripperIshgardians normally passed off as alcohol, in fact it was weak as far as wineswent, but it was enough to make him a bit woozy and flushed while Aza leaptstraight into drowsy by the time their desserts came round.
“Aza, darling, your cheesecake isn’t a cushion.”
“Mmff…” Aza mumbled, barely keeping himself fromfaceplanting said cheesecake by propping his cheek on an upturned palm, hiseyes squinted half-shut, “It looks… soft enough too.”
Aymeric chuckled, reaching out to carefully tug theuntouched dessert out of faceplanting range, “Should I order us some coffee?”
Aza didn’t look much better after an emergency shot of espressowas delivered, but he did perk up enough to eat his cheesecake, luckily enough.Whilst it looked very appetising, Aymeric himself was too stuffed to try andput that away by himself, and it would be a shame to waste the whole thing onaccount of Aza’s drowsiness.
“You might… have to carry me to the inn,” Aza mumbled aroundhis fork, the silverware bouncing up and down from the movement of his lips. Itwas a shocking lack of table manners that would’ve scandalised any Ishgardiannoble. Aymeric simply found it adorable, “M’sleepy…”
“Quite a distance to carry you,” Aymeric hummed teasingly, “You’requite heavy, after all, I might end up dropping you.”
“You callin’ me fat?”
“Muscular, more like,” Aymeric muttered, “And incrediblydense.”
Despite Aza’s fears, however, once the bill was paid andthey made their unsteady way out of the restaurant towards the Aftcastle, Azawas able to move under his own power… albeit he had to cling tight to Aymeric’sarm, pressed close to his side and letting out a low, rumbling purr thatsignalled his utter contentment.
Around them, Limsa Lominsa was well awake, despite the latehour, the distant clang of bells and horns, the murmur of crowds and sailorshitting the taverns or skulking back to their ships – and above, the starstwinkled bright, with the splash of the galaxy stark against the night sky.Aymeric soaked it all in, and all the tension he had brought with him to LimsaLominsa just… seeped out of him, relaxed in a way he rarely felt nowadays, whatwith… everything happening.
“Thank you,” he murmured softly to Aza, who merely hummedsleepily at him, “Tonight was lovely.”
“’nythin’ for you, han’some…” Aza mumbled, “M’happy youenjoyed.”
With that, they continued on to the Drowning Wench, lookinglike any other couple stumbling back from a successful date at the Bismark,rather than the famed Warrior of Light and the Lord Commander of Ishgard. Foronce… they had a night of utter romantic normalcy, and it was nice.
Yet it remained to be seen, how many of these nice datesthey had left, with how things continued with Garlemald, and the Ascians…
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miraculousmumma · 6 years
Designs On You - Chapter Three - What Sundays Were Made For
Characters:  Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug,  Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, all of the class really, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Nadja Chamack, Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoer
Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, Chat Noir/Marinette
Warnings: A little angst, a little fluff, a little swearing, a little kissing, an orchid
Word Count: 25,825 (17 chapters)
Summary:  When Chat Noir comes across Marinette sitting alone in the park sketching late at night, he offers to see her home safely. What starts as a simple conversation between them quickly develops into something more that leaves both sides of their personas confused about their feelings.
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Sunday was peaceful and uneventful, Marinette’s mom made a meal for them to share and after they watched a movie, just having some family time together.
For Adrien it was quite the opposite.  The peace and uneventfulness was tedious and lonely, and he counted down the hours before he felt it would be acceptable to call on Marinette again.  She had said he could come whenever he wanted, and he wanted to go the moment he woke up, just so he could see if he could convince her to give him, Adrien, the waistcoat.  He’d wear it proudly, and he hoped it would help Marinette get over whatever her problem was when it came to dealing with him.  Whatever it was it embarrassed her.  He was sure they’d cleared the air over the gum incident, that was three years ago now, and while she was sweet, and they hung out, there was definitely something that he couldn’t put his finger on.  Maybe he should make the first move and give her a gift, and that thought gave him another couple of ideas.  One wasn’t something he could implement tonight, but eventually, some time during the week perhaps, but it really hinged on him getting the waistcoat in the first place.
Night began to fall and he knew he would be left to his own devices and he transformed, sneaking out of his window and onto the rooftops, making one brief stop on his way, his feet finally landing silently on her balcony, finding the fairy lights above lit, and his princess curled up in her lawn chair, reading a book and wrapped up in a blanket.
‘When I said whenever I really didn’t expect the next night.’  She said quietly without looking away from her book.
He came and crouched beside her, one hand behind his back.  ‘You invite me back for more desserts of that calibre and I’m not likely to leave any time soon.’  He purred, tilting his head as he read the title of her book.
‘Literacy homework.’  She held the cover in the light so he could read it easier.
‘Isn’t it always?’
He tilted his head, having read the passage earlier that they had been asked to, trying to remember how it started.  ‘Love sought is good, but giv’n unsought is better.’
She looked at him in surprise.  ‘You know Twelfth Night?’
‘A bit.’  He shrugged.
‘Maybe you should be my new study buddy.’  She laid the book in her lap and stretched.  ‘Dessert?’
His grin broadened.  ‘Please, princess.  Oh, wait.’  He brought his hand around from behind his back and presented her with the small ribbon tied box.
‘What’s this?’  She sat up, and he forced the box into her hand.
‘It’s a gift.  It’s my way of thanking you for last night.’
‘But you did more for me than I did for you.’  She argued, trying to force the box back into his hands, but he avoided her.
‘Take it.  Open it.’  He insisted.
She sighed but untied the ribbon, lifting the lid and finding inside a polished stone, yellow in colour with a white line down the centre.  ‘Wow.’  She whispered, holding it up to examine it in the light.
‘It’s a cats eye gem.’  He explained, leaning on the chair beside her thigh so he too could see it clearer.  ‘It’s for good luck and fortune.’
‘It’s beautiful, thank you, minou.’  She said, genuinely touched by it, and she leant forward and rested her hand on his shoulder, kissing his cheek on instinct, forgetting for a moment she wasn’t supposed to know him that well.
‘Oh, uh haha!’  He laughed nervously, hoping the dim lighting hid the fact he was blushing.  ‘You’re welcome, it’s just a little something.  Didn’t it make you feel good though?’
‘What?’  She looked at him in surprise, wondering what he meant by that.  Sure, the kiss had been good, just a peck on the cheek, but what was he implying?
‘The gift?  It made you feel good.’  He clarified.
‘Yes!’  She said quickly.  ‘Good enough that you deserve a double portion of chocolate cheesecake.’  She pushed off the blanket and got to her feet, and he followed her to the hatch into her room, waiting for her to beckon him in before following.  ‘My parents are in bed already, so I’ll just sneak down to the kitchen and grab it.  Make yourself at home, and I don’t mean destroy my yarn and knock things off my countertop.’  She waved a teasing finger at him.
He went and sat on her chaise, as they had the night before, glancing around her room now that he properly had the time, and his eyes drifted to the pictures on the wall behind her computer, and he squinted slightly as his brain tried to make sense of why they were so familiar and, oh, there we go.  Wow, that was a whole lot of him.
It was obvious she loved the Gabriel brand from all the pictures of various styles she had on the wall of him modelling.  He knew she did anyway, but maybe that was a clue as to why she was so awkward around him, that he was Gabriel Agreste’s son, and she idolised the designer, although he really didn’t understand why.  Sure, his father was a great designer, but he wasn’t exactly a stand up human being in any other respect.  Lost in thought, he didn’t hear Marinette coming back through the hatch, and only realised she was there when she sat beside him, passing him a plate with an enormous piece of marbled white and dark chocolate cheesecake on it, a small flower of fresh cream on the top, and dessert fork on his plate.
‘Dig in.’  She nudged him, taking a piece from her more modest serving and popping it into her mouth.
He flashed her a grateful smile then did as she suggested and… ‘Oh meow God.’  He murmured.
‘Good, right?’  She asked unnecessarily.
‘This is the best dessert I ever tasted!’
‘It’s Papa’s special recipe.’  She told him, smiling at how enthusiastic he was.  ‘If it starts to get a bit sickly let me know and I can box the rest up for you to take home.’
‘Do you sell this in the bakery?’  He asked between bites.
‘Sometimes, not often, but it always sells out really fast when we do.  Papa made this today because was Maman’s birthday during the week but we were too busy to have much of a celebration.  We delayed dessert until today.’
‘This is your mother’s special birthday dessert and you’re sharing it with me?’
‘Sure.  We won’t eat it all.  Papa’s a baker, he only ever makes party size servings.’
They ate in silence for a few minutes before Chat finally spoke again.  ‘Thank you, for the dessert.  And for letting me in.’
‘Letting you in?’  She frowned, not understanding.
‘Your room.  Not many girls would take a leather-clad cat boy off the street and feed them.  Not without wanting something in return.’
‘I made you model a waistcoat.’  She reminded him.
‘That was hardly a hardship.’  He scoffed.  ‘That was a pleasure.  Speaking of, did you think about what you’re going to do with it?’
‘Shove it in the closet with the other things?’  She suggested, and he shook his head firmly.
‘You should give it to him.’
‘What if he doesn’t like it?  What if he thinks it’s weird?’
‘He’ll love it.’  Chat promised.  ‘And he won’t think it’s weird.  Maybe out of the blue, but not weird.  Did it make you feel good, when I thanked you for the cheesecake?’  He asked, tapping his fork on her plate.
‘I guess.  I love you enthusiasm for food.’  She admitted.
‘And did you feel good when I gave you the cats eye?’
She nodded.  ‘Very surprised, but I’m flattered you got me anything.’
‘Then there’s your answer.’  He waved the fork with a flourish.  ‘If you give him the waistcoat you’ll both feel good.  There’s no harm in that.’
‘Chat…’  She began to argue.
‘Please, purrrrr-incess?’  He batted his eyelids at her.
‘Ugh, okay, fine.’  She waved her fork in his direction.  ‘But you have to help me pack it up and wrap it.’
‘It would be my pleasure.’  He grinned, happy he got his way.
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little-owly · 6 years
Okay I saw chubby egos and I just- Take this thought: Wilf/ord, the already chubby ego, sweet-talking Da/rk into eating more, and of course it’s just his clothes shrinking, not him getting bigger, not at allll (I live for this) ~👾 anon
SAME AAAAAJUST MAKING ANYONE GAIN WEIGHT IS,,,,SO GOOD"Darkidoo?" Wilford asked, being carried bridal style by Dark. His husband. The one who still insisted to carry him like this up the stairs at the end of the day -- even as he packed on pounds since they first were married.Dark raises an eyebrow, walking up the steps calmly, his prim and proper suit moving with him against his thin body. "Wanna go out to dinner tomorrow night?" Wilford smiles, his finger poking at Dark's cheek, the two entering their shared master bedroom, "we haven't had a date in forever, it'd be fun!" Dark sets Wilford down on the bed. The bed itself dipping thanks to the added weight, creaking just slightly. Smiling as he takes Wilford head and pushes it his way. Kissing his sweet lips, tasting of frosting. Just as sweet as him."Of course," Dark agrees, "we need time alone. I can only stand those other egos for so long..."///Dinner was amazing. Wilford eating his favorite dishes as Dark ate his. Picking at his food as he watched his husband eat so...little. Like a bird picking at seeds, just barely eating enough to count as a snack. "Darkidoo?" Wilford asked, taking a bite of his food and swallowing, "is that all you're going to have?" "I don't need anymore," Dark replied, squeezing Wilford's hand, "why? Would you want what I haven't picked at?" "No...okay, maybe," Wilford takes the leftovers, "...maybe you can have some more at dessert?"Dark's stomach seemed to answer for him, rumbling under the table. Making the couple break into laughter at the table, just the two alone, in their own little world. Joking and talking and flirting like old times. When Dark found Wilford all those years ago. Dessert came quicker than they noticed. Wilford smiling as he ate at his strawberry cheesecake. The frosting and toppings absolute heaven to the ego. The sweet smell alone was enticing enough to order two more slices.Dark indulged; something he rarely did nowadays, at least with smaller things like food. Ordering a large hot fudge sundae with nuts. Licking his lips as he ate at the cold treat, the fudge leaving a small spot on his cheek as he slowly but surely reached the bottom of the treat. Wilford leans over and kisses the spot with the fudge. "You missed a spot."Dark broke into a smile, kissing Wilford back on his own cheek."As did you."///The next few weeks were...unusual. Dark would come home later than Wilford; usually stuck holding some egos back in disciplinary meetings. From Bing and Google to Host and Ed Ed//gar, even Dr. Ip//ler and the Jims. Having a headache halfway through them, wanting to get home to Wilford and dinner. Opening the door night after night to Wilford cooking up a wonderful meal, filled with his favorite dishes, meat, pasta, and even desserts. Licking his lips as Wilford would sit beside him. "I spent a while on the lasagna tonight," he smiled. His mustache making his fuller cheeks look even more adorable, "but the dessert will be worth it! I promise, honey!" Wilford smiling as he finally saw Dark eat more. Smiling as Dark allowed himself to eat the entire meal, smiling as Dark allowed himself to eat nearly half the cheesecake he baked. Smiling as he awoke each morning and seeing Dark's body in just his underwear. His body growing just as chubby as his, rolls developing on his sides, his fuller belly, even his cheeks becoming soft and fluffy like his own. Wilford's glee growing with each dinner he made for them, the portions becoming bigger with each night -- just by a tiny bit.Anything to see his Darkidoo finally enjoying himself! And to see his Darkidoo just as soft and chubby like him! ///That was nearly 3 and a half months ago. Wilford finding himself being lifted up by Dark once more as they retire for the night. Turning off the television as Dark's large soft arms envelope Wilford up. Wilford snuggling up to his soft chest, much wider than before. Smiling as the stairs creaked under their shared weight. "Darkidoo," Wilford yawned, nearly to the top of the stairs. Dark's face much rounder than he remembered, "are you getting a bit bigger?""No." Dark blushed. Actually blushed, taking Wilford by surprise. With all the time he's spent with him, he's still surprised he had other emotions than 'relaxed', 'manipulating', and 'pissed off'."I think my clothes shrunk in the laundry and dry cleaning." Dark coughed as he gently laid Wilford down. Undressing to his underwear for the night. Wilford seeing his /much/ chubbier body. Happy to have Dark as big as him. Even if he won't admit it."Sorry to hear," Wilford leans over, already in his own pajamas. Cuddling up to Dark. His belly against his, soft and curvy. Everything about him soft and chubby now. Just as Wilford planned."Ni ni, Dark. I love you." Wilford yawned. His voice having a playful tone as Dark cuddled him closer."Goodnight, Wilfy." Wilford smiled at the pet name and finally closed his eyes for the night. ///"You notice that.../thing/ about Dark?" Bim whispered over to Host. The two alone in the meeting room, going through scriptwriting for Wilford's newest show."The Host wonders if it started with a W and ends with a T.""Yeah! He's...been out for longer lunch breaks and...I'm gonna spit it out. He's just as big as Wilford." Bim whispered closer to Host. Moving his pages over, "is it me or is he not as scary now? He's like a storm cloud to me now." The Host giggles at the comparison. His narration skills painted the picture for him. The two sharing a laugh."Am I now?"Bim and Host stop. Ringing echoing in their ears as the smiles they once donned drop off their faces. Turning around to see Dark. Red and blues peppering their visions and minds, Dark /extremely/ upset. "Its was a joke--" Bim barely stutters out before Dark deals with the two egos.
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crimeshowtrash · 7 years
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Happy Thanksgiving to all my American followers/readers! Remember to be thankful for everything you have and always let your loved ones know how grateful you are for them! I’m thankful for all of my amazing followers on here and for all of the amazing friends I’ve made on here in the past year! Without further ado here is a cute fluffy fic ft Spence with his grandsons!
Y/N’s outfit
Y/N had been dating Spencer for a little over a year however, she had yet to spend any major holidays with the team. Tonight was the night that she would *hopefully* impress the entire team with her baking skills and on top of that it was also the night that she would finally meet Spencer’s godchildren. She was petrified. There was honestly no other word for it in the English language, and this was coming from a linguist enthusiast.
She heard Spencer knock on the front door before rushing down the stairs, hoping that he could ease some of her tension and apprehension for tonight. She checked the peephole and opened the door, letting Spence in.
“It smells fantastic Y/N” said Spencer, after pressing a chaste kiss to Y/N’s lips, walking into the living room to place the flowers that he had bought Y/N in the vase that awaited the customary flowers he brought her for every date.
Y/N was upstairs putting on her jewelry and adding last minute touches to her makeup before they had to head out the door. She had just finished putting on her favorite red liquid lipstick to wear during the holiday season when Spencer asked, “you actually made four different pies? You know my team already loves you, right?”.
“It’s three different pies and one cheesecake, okay? And let me be, they’re your family I will always want to impress them, okay?” said Y/N to Spencer, walking out of her bedroom finally done getting ready.
“You’re beautiful, you know that right?” asked Spencer smiling at his amazing girlfriend.
Blushing, Y/N waved him off before heading to the kitchen to finish wrapping the baked goods in foil to prevent any spilling in the car.
Spencer smiled to himself, beaming with the knowledge that he was the happiest he had felt in years. Having Y/N by his side gave him the confidence that he once lacked.
Together the duo packed up the car with Y/N’s various desserts before heading towards David’s place. He had offered to hold the dinner at his place as Joy and her family were spending Thanksgiving with the “in-laws” leaving him alone during the holiday weekend.
They arrived at Rossi’s without much delay due to the lack of traffic, as most people were already eating dinner. The two got out of the car and somehow managed to juggle the four desserts however knocking on the door became a fast dilemma as both of their hands were occupied. Y/N was quick to use her heel to press the doorbell, causing Spencer to marvel at his perfect girlfriend that he had somehow managed to snatch away from the rest of the world.
David opened the door, looking suave as ever. He eagerly took the pies from Y/N, causing Spencer to ask, “what about me?” with a tone of playful indignation.
Y/N smiled before pressing a loving kiss to Spencer’s cheek and taking the cheesecake from him, leaving Spencer with a free hand which he wrapped around Y/N’s waist. They brought the desserts to the kitchen before placing them in the bottom rack of the second oven, yes the second oven, in hopes of leaving counter space for the main meal.
“You two are sickeningly sweet” announced Rossi with a smile, happy for the resident genius. He had truthfully never seen Spencer as happy as he was with Y/N. He poured them each a glass of wine before they all headed to the living area where the rest of the team sat.
“Happy Thanksgiving, you guys. Thank you so much for inviting me” said Y/N, hugging everyone.
“You’re family now Y/N” said Penelope before the others agreed ardently.
Slowly the group started to break off, into smaller more intimate groups. Spencer took Y/N’s hand led her to Henry and Michael who were in the other room watching “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” with Matt’s kids.
“UNCLE PENCE” yelled out Henry before leaping into Spencer’s arms.
Y/N was grinning with the sheer joy of how much Spencer loved his godsons. He loved them as if he was their own kids. If this was how he acted with his godchildren, she couldn’t imagine how loving he would be with their kids in the future.
“Michael and Henry, I want you to meet Y/N, my girlfriend”, stated Spencer still holding Henry in his arms.
“Hi Michael, hi Henry. I’m Y/N, your Uncle Spencer has told me so much about you two. I am so happy that I finally get to meet you” said Y/N.
“Uncle Spencer, is this the Y/N that you said you were thankful for?” asked Michael looking up at his Uncle Spence.
Both Y/N and Spence turned an alarming shade of scarlet. Spencer clearly had not meant for Y/N to hear those words but Michael hadn’t quite grasped the definition of ‘secret’.
Y/N’s pearly whites gleamed as she smiled before pressing a kiss to Spencer’s jaw, she could barely reach his cheek even with her heels on, and said, “I’m thankful for you to Spence”.
The other teammates looked on in awe. They had came to the room to gather the kids for dinner and accidentally bore witness to the intimate conversation. They all loved Spencer and they also adored Y/N but seeing him introduce Y/N to his godsons made it clear to the team that, Spence loved Y/N and would do anything to keep her next to him at all costs.
A/N Happy Thanksgiving you guys! What are your plans? I’m sitting at home with my handy Vicodin and ice cream this Thanksgiving! I hope ya’ll enjoy and please leave some love!
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nominalbutler · 7 years
Sebaciel Week, Day 1 (late) – Food
(Several days late now, this is an excerpt from my ongoing modern AU ft. lots of domestic sebaciel and many OOC moments for fluff’s sake) 
“I haven’t eaten all day.”
It was an innocent comment, just something Ciel realized and mentioned off-handedly as he climbed out of the front seat of Sebastian’s Gran Coupe, though he regretted opening his mouth once he caught a glimpse of the other man’s expression.
“Are you hungry?” Sebastian asked, almost eagerly. “I can fix you something.”
Of course he could, Ciel thought. Sebastian loved to cook, especially for Ciel – the kid ate with such gusto, scarfing down plate after plate, sometimes forgoing the fork and knife set out for him in favor of fingers and tearing teeth. As he cleaned up the drops of sauce and stray bits of carbs that Ciel would leave in his wake, Sebastian had to admire the body’s metabolism; Ciel never seemed to gain any weight, matter how much rich food and dessert he consumed.
Shrugging, Ciel pushed the car door shut and headed for the house, unlocking the back door with Sebastian’s set of keys. Sebastian followed, and Ciel could already see the culinary cogs turning, illuminating Sebastian’s normally somber mahogany eyes. Half heartedly, he kicked the door open wide enough for Sebastian to sidle into the kitchen behind him with his groceries. The reusable canvas bags were already piled up in the backseat when Sebastian picked Ciel up from work, and the young man had no idea what to expect for that night.
Barely through the doorway, and Sebastian was already brainstorming ideas for their dinner as he followed Ciel into the kitchen. The younger of the two settled in to listen to them all, a mildly disinterested expression in his face. Sebastian suggested a pesto risotto, of course made with with fresh basil from his garden, with roasted chicken and vegetables; crab-stuffed mushrooms with whole roasted cauliflower and whipped goat cheese; chorizo-stuffed chicken maybe, with spiced braised lentils and tomatoes; brown butter shrimp with parmesan basil corn orzo; that one-pot ranch chicken and rice dish that he knew Ciel liked.
This is how it always was. Whenever Ciel was over, Sebastian insisted on cooking – breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert, and some snacks in between. Actually, Sebastian insisted on cooking all the time, even when it was just him, alone in his tiny house in the middle of nowhere. Ciel had never seen a carry-out container in the fridge or in the trash; no pre-prepared or processed foods in the pantry; definitely nothing that could be made in a microwave. Ciel once called him a low-rent Hannibal Lecter, minus the cannibalism and rabid manipulation. Before he met Sebastian, the majority of Ciel’s meals came from a box or a drive-thru. It was easy and cheap, and he had to wonder, didn’t Sebastian ever get tired of this whole rigmarole?
“I don’t care,” Ciel said abruptly, cutting Sebastian off before he descended too far down the oubliette. “Why can’t we just like order a pizza or something?”
"I don’t think any place would deliver all the way out here,” Sebastian answered. Ciel shook his head and wandered into the living room, kicking off his unflattering black sneakers with the regulation non-slip soles and slumping down heavily on the couch. “I can make a dough in like, ten minutes though, if you want to help me fix one,” the older man offered, sticking his head into the room to gauge Ciel’s reaction.
"No, that’s not what I meant,” came the exasperated response, followed by a frustrated sigh, two beautiful blue eyes rolling in annoyance as Ciel muttered, “Whatever.” Sebastian raised one fine eyebrow as an inquisition, and Ciel sank further into the couch. “It’s fine,” he insisted, reaching for the television remote with a resigned look on his face. “Make whatever you want. You know I’ll eat it.”
Sebastian frowned, but simply nodded and turned back to the kitchen, ruminating on Ciel’s mood as he finished putting away his groceries. He knew that Ciel was not used to being waited on hand and foot, though the kid had adapted to the lifestyle quite well in the past few months. He never hesitated to tell Sebastian what he wanted to eat, what he was in the mood for. And when he wasn’t sure, Sebastian was all too happy to sit back and rattle off dish after dish until something piqued the insatiable young man’s interest. Ciel always seemed to enjoy sitting at the counter, drinking a beer or a cocktail Sebastian had prepared, and watching his partner cook for him while they shared stories from the day. The junk food that Sebastian had bought at Ciel’s request went untouched in the cupboards for weeks – who needs Doritos and microwaveable mac and cheese when you have your own personal chef?
Suddenly struck with an ingenious thought, Sebastian slunk away silently to the garage, where a second refrigerator stood, fully stocked with drinks and frozen goods. Digging to the bottom of the freezer, he was relieved to find a frosty DiGiorno pizza that had been in there for God knows how long, but hey – it’s frozen, right? And with so many preservatives, it would never expire. With a satisfied smile on his face, Sebastian returned to the house with the cold pizza package in one hand, a six-pack of Ciel’s favorite beer in the other. While the oven warmed up, he quickly set to whipping up something sweet to follow. Dessert had always been his specialty. He used the unopened package of Oreos in the cupboard to make a crust, and fixed a divinely sweet no-bake cheesecake while the pizza cooked, grease sizzling and pepperonis sweating in the oven.
"Wanna watch a movie or something?” Sebastian asked as he re-entered the living room, handing a bottle of beer and a frosted glass out to Ciel.
"What about dinner?”
"I figured we could eat out here tonight, if that’s okay with you.” Sebastian brought out a bottle of wine for himself, taking a whiff of the fine ruby liquid before pouring a generous amount into a long-stemmed glass.
"Fine with me,” Ciel replied. “What are we having?” His magnetic blue eyes widened, and then softened when Sebastian retired to the kitchen for a third time and returned with the still-steaming pizza on a large ceramic serving platter. “Did you make this?” He asked as Sebastian hands him a napkin and a paper plate.
Ciel smiled and shook his head in a reluctant sort of way. Sebastian was good, he had to admit. He didn’t need a three-course meal every night, or fresh-squeezed orange juice with his French toast in the morning – that wasn’t why he was seeing Sebastian. The man’s talent in the kitchen was merely an added bonus, much like his talent in the bedroom.
The room was peacefully silent for a moment, save for the subtle sounds of mastication and the clink of the round pizza cutter on the plate. “It doesn’t matter to me what we eat,” Ciel explained as he reached for another serving, picking a piece of sliced pepperoni off and popping it in his mouth. “Just that we’re eating it together, you know? You don’t have to go all out for me all the time; I’m fine with whatever.”
"Okay, I understand,” Sebastian replied. “I’ll try not to go overboard in the kitchen anymore.”
"Well, I never said that,” Ciel warbled through a mouthful of cheese and pepperoni and sausage. “Go crazy if you want, you just don’t have to do it every night, okay? Listen, I like when you cook for me, but it’s not a big deal if you don’t. Like this,” he nodded to the pizza in front of them, his now empty glass and the bottle of wine Sebastian had brought out, the spy action-thriller playing on the TV, “this was perfect.”
Sebastian smiled. “I’m glad you liked it. I guess I just get… I don’t know, excited whenever you’re over, and I want to treat you to something nice…”
"Yeah, you always act like its some big special occasion!” Ciel protested.
"To me, it is,” Sebastian shrugged. “But I get what you’re saying. Next time, we’ll eat out. We can bring the leftovers home and have them for lunch the next day. How does that sound?” He leaned over and planted a cute little kiss on Ciel’s cheek, which inevitably made the boy scoff and roll his eyes.
"Yeah, that sounds good,” he replied, returning Sebastian’s gesture with a kiss on the lips. He didn’t need to be spoiled, he didn’t need to be doted on; he just needed Sebastian, and the sooner this guy figured that out, the better. “You made dessert for tonight though, right?”
Sebastian laughed and kissed Ciel again. “Oh baby boy, of course I did.”
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darkcozyforest · 7 years
You Were Always On My Mind
Tag Requests: @locke-writes @yourtropegirl @miamorbarba
It had been the longest week of your life. You wanted nothing more than to just go home to your boyfriend and collapse on the couch. Packing up the last of your things, you said goodbye to the people still milling around the office and went outside to catch a cab. 
You hadn’t been able to see much of Rafael the past couple weeks due to a large caseload and your crazy schedule. Most of the time you were in bed by the time he got home and he was gone by the time you woke up. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, but sometimes you weren’t sure if he felt the same way.
You figured he would still be at the office finishing up paperwork. You sent him a text asking if you could just do pizza for dinner and what time he’d be home as you opened the door. You went straight to the bedroom to change when you realized you weren’t the only one in the apartment. Your phone buzzed and you opened it as you turned back towards the kitchen. 
I had something else in mind.
There was a picture of a fully set table with your back turned to him in the background as you looked up and saw the same scene. 
“Still want pizza?”
You walked slowly over to the table and took in everything. “What is all this?”
He circled the table and came to your side pulling you close to him. “Well, you see...I have this pretty amazing person in my life. And they have had a rough week. And I don’t think I’ve done the best job of reminding them how much I love them” With the last five words he planted soft kisses on your lips between each word. “So, when court ended early, I decided to take the rest of the day off.”
“You did this for me?” 
“Unless you know of another person that I am madly in love with, then yes I did this for you. Now let’s eat before it gets cold.”
He pulled out your chair as you sat down and then took his place at the table. You were still in a little bit of shock at the twist this night had taken. The food was delicious and conversation flowed easily. He cleared the dishes and then brought out the cheesecake he had made for desert. 
“Okay now I think you’re trying to make up for something. What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything. I just knew that you had a long week. I love you and I was able to take time off. Now just eat the dang cheesecake.” He rolled his eyes and smirked as he stifled a laugh and handed you a slice. 
You looked at him cautiously but could never resist his cheesecake. You took the plate from him and took a bite. “Ugh, I think you are trying to kill me Rafael Barba.” You rolled your eyes to the back of your head and hummed as you ate the rest of it. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“I was just thinking the same of you.” He stared at you in complete adoration, eyes focused on you. You blushed and looked away from him.
“I’ll get the dishes.” He began to stop you and you put your hands up in protest. “You made a wonderful dinner and amazing dessert. Let me do the dishes.”
“I really don’t mind, love.” You grabbed your dishes and he followed you to the sink with his own. “How ‘bout you wash and I dry?”
“Deal. But will you turn some music on first?” He knew that you loved having music on in the apartment whenever you could. He didn’t mind it as long as he also got a say in what was played. He went to the stereo and picked out a CD and pressed play. He skipped the first few songs and you sighed in agreement when the first few notes of Wonderful Tonight by Michael Bublé began to play. You sang the English parts and he sang the parts in Spanish as you quickly finished the dishes. You dried your hands and he pulled you to him tightly. 
You couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. As if he was holding you like it was the last time he would be able to. Then you began to worry that the reason he hadn’t been around and the reason he had been so elaborate with dinner was because that’s exactly what was happening. He was saying goodbye.
You clung tighter to him. You were sure the look of fear was etched across your face and you didn’t want him to see. He leaned over to the counter to grab the remote to the stereo and skipped to another song. You were lost in thought as it began to play. He held you close as he started to sway to the music with you. Soon you were dancing around the kitchen. Holding each other close as he leaned down to sing in your ear as if to share a secret only for you.
“Maybe I didn't hold you All those lonely, lonely times And I guess I never told you I'm so happy that you're mine If I made you feel second best Oh, I'm sorry I was blind You were always on my mind You were always on my mind”
He leaned back enough to plant a kiss on your forehead. Still swaying back and forth around the kitchen, he looked into your eyes as he continued singing.
“Tell me, tell me that your Sweet love hasn't died Give me, give me one more chance To keep you satisfied Satisfied”
You saw the tears begin to form in his eyes and one single tear spilled down his cheek. You reached up to cup his face and brush the tear away. He looked at you as if he looked away he would forget how to breathe. As if he were seeing you for the first time all over again. He leaned in close to you again and whispered.
“You were always on my mind You were always on my mind You were always on my mind”
Then he pulled away and got down on one knee and pulled out a small box just as the song finished.
“You were always on my mind.” The tears he had been holding back, now flowing freely down his face. You stared at him as the burning sensation came to your own eyes. 
“Y/N, you have seen my best and my worst and still stuck by me. These past few weeks have proven that more than ever. Every time I feel like I give you a reason to leave, you pull closer to me. You help me through it all. I love you. I love you so much. It is impossible to tell you how much I love you. I know you’re it for me. So...” He opened the box and held it out to you. “Will you--”
“Yes!” You pulled him off the ground cutting him off with a kiss. Using him as your own source of oxygen. He pulled back and laughed.
“You didn’t let me finish the question.” 
You laughed through the loud sobs you were now letting out. “I’m sorry. Do you want to ask again?”
“Will you marry--” 
“Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!” He laughed and pulled you in for another kiss and you laid your head on his chest. 
“Do you want the ring?”
You nodded your head and held out your hand as he slid it onto your ring finger. There was a pause in the music as the song changed. You both smiled recognizing the song. 
“Didn't they always say we were the lucky ones.”
“Yes they did.” You giggled through the tears still running down your cheeks. He kissed you then picked you up and spun you around. “I love you Rafael.”
“And I love you Y/N.”
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
1. What’s the last thing you ate? Overnight oats with peanut butter and banana.
2. What’s your favourite cheese? Goat and cheddar.
3. What’s your favourite fish? Catfish, if crab doesn’t count as a fish.
4. What’s your favourite fruit? Pomegranates, watermelon, pineapple, bananas.
5. When, if ever, did you start liking olives? I don’t remember? I never liked the Kalamamamamama olives they have in greek salads, but I love black olives and green olives with pimento. That was always on my dad’s go-to tray of appetizers when we’d have Christmas at our house. 3 kinds of olives, some cheese, and salami or whatever. I always ate the green and black olives from there. I also like green olives stuffed with other things too, like bleu cheese or garlic.
6. When, if ever, did you start liking beer? I only like some beers really. I think I’ve been conditioned to like it at baseball games because my dad does, haha.
7. When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish? My whole life dude. When my parents would go out to dinner with us when we were little, they always just gave us stuff from there plates to eat. So if someone had lobster or crab legs or shrimp I would too.
8. What was the best thing your mom/dad/guardian used to make? My dad makes KILLER bleu cheese dressing. I could eat that shit with a spoon it’s SO GOOD. He also makes amazing spaghetti sauce and is pretty good at getting popcorn perfect everytime. My mom used to make really good beef stew, and her famous potatoes and eggs fr dinner. She also made the BEST potato salad, and that recipe has been handed down to me. Everyone claims it’s amazing, but I still think she made it better.
9. What’s the native specialty of your hometown? Deep dish pizza, hot dogs, beef sandwiches, caramel and cheese popcorn.
10. What’s your comfort food? Everything.
11. What’s your favourite type of chocolate? Milk chocolate. With caramel. 12. How do you like your steak? Medium rare.
13. How do you like your burger? Medium rare.
14. How do you like your eggs? In omelet form.
15. How do you like your potatoes? I ain’t got no type.
16. How do you take your coffee? I don‘t, really.
17. How do you take your tea? Green.
18. What’s your favourite mug? The one I use most often is just a plain red one that I got from Home Goods because it came with a tea infuser.
19. What’s your biscuit or cookie of choice? Sugar cookies. My favorite ones are actually those Pillsbury pre-made-dough ones you break off and bake. I also love Oreos.
20. What’s your ideal breakfast? Lox and bagels.
21. What’s your ideal sandwich? ^. Or tuna on any bread.
22. What’s your ideal pizza: Very saucy, lightly cheesy, with pepperoni and black olives.
23. What’s your ideal pie (sweet or savoury)? Cheesecake. <– Same, and it’s been waaaay too long since I last had a good piece of cheesecake. <----CHEESECAKE IS NOT PIE YOU HEATHENS, IT’S CAKE. Anyway, pumpkin pie has been my go to since I was a baby.
24. What’s your ideal salad? I don’t really have an “ideal” salad, but I like spinach salads with various toppings.
25. What food do you always like to have in the fridge? Hmm. Eggs, soy milk, condiments and marinades, sriracha, pickles, olives, cheese, water.
26. What food do you always like to have in the freezer? Ice. :P And frozen dinners for Mark. We don’t buy a ton of frozen stuff.
27. What food do you always like to have in the cupboard? Oatmeal, Ramen and other soups, pasta, rice, flour, breadcrumbs, olive oil and other oils, tea.
28. What spices can you not live without? Celery salt, red pepper, and cilantro. And of course salt and pepper.
29. What sauces can you not live without? Sriracha.
30. Where do you buy most of your food? Jewel-Osco. We might start shopping at Aldi for boxed and bagged goods. I don’t trust meat and produce from there though.
31. How often do you go food shopping? Twice a week. Once on Sunday to get lunch things and snacks for the week and dinners for that night, Monday, and Tuesday, and then Wednesday just for dinner things for that night, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
33. What’s the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own? I mean, probably the fridge or stove? We don’t really own those though? Sooooo the food processor?
34. What’s the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen? It’s been a while since we’ve actuall bought something for the kitchen. A lot of our stuff is hand-me-downs or wedding gifts. So probably something from when we first moved in and needed basic things like plates and silverware.
35. What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without? Probably most of them? Like we need the fridge and stove for obvious reasons, so I guess next to that, the microwave?
36. How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients? We try to almost every night.
37. What’s the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients? Chicken and spinach last night, unless overnight oats count, which I made shortly after that to eat this morning.
38. What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig and poultry? I’ve had lamb, duck, goat, alligator, buffalo, and ostrich. Well I guess duck and ostrich are poultry?? Oh and a shit ton of seafood too since that wasn’t listed in the question. Way too much to name.
39. What’s the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor? Yesterday. I ate a chip that fell in sand oops. Haha.
40. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild? Uh, I mean, we have a veggie and herb garden in our yard. I packed some cucumbers and tomatoes from there for lunch today.
41. Arrange the following in order of preference: Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Sushi – Sushi, Thai, and Mexican are tied for first. Then Italian, Indian, Chinese.
42. Arrange the following in order of preference: Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Rum – Rum, Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy.
43. Arrange the following in order of preference: Garlic, Basil, Caramel, Lime, Mint, Ginger, Aniseed – I have no idea what aniseed is, but the rest are all tied.
44. Arrange the following in order of preference: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana. – Watermelon, pineapple, banana, strawberry, orange, apple, cherry.
45. Bread and spread: Um. My favorite bread is garlic bread, if that’s what you’re asking.
46. What’s your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order? Popeye’s. I get chicken strips and Cajun fries. If they are having some promotional thing with the strips I’ll probably get that.
47. Pick a city. What are the best dining experiences you’ve had in that city? Any city and any restaurant that has crab legs is a good dinning experience in my mind.
48. What’s your choice of tipple at the end of a long day? What the hell is a tipple?
49. What’s the next thing you’ll eat? Lunch. I made tuna and have cucumbers and tomatoes to eat with it. I brought bread too but I probably wont end up eating that.
50. Are you hungry now? I’m a little hungry.
51. Do you eat your breakfast everyday? Yes. I have oatmeal or cereal every day.
52. At what time do you have breakfast? When I work, it’s sometime after 7am. On weekends, it’s whenever I get up.
53. At what time do you have lunch? 11:30am on weekdays, whenever on weekened.
54. What do you have for lunch? I mentioned this above.
55. At what time do you have dinner? around 7.
56. What do you have for dinner? Obviously different things every night? Tonight’s dinner is up in the air because my cousin is coming in from Hawaii and we are staying with my dad so my he will most likely order takeout.
57. Do you light candles during dinner? No.
58. How many chairs are there in your dining room and who sits in the main chair? We don’t have a dining room in our apartment. We have a kick ass coffee table that pulls up to dining-table height and we eat on the couch at that.
59. Do you eat and drink using your right hand or the left one? I eat with my right and I don’t have a hand preference with my drinks.
61. Mention the veggies that you like most: Spinach, asparagus, zucchini, butternut squash.
62. What fruit and vegetable do you like the least? Apparently fennel is a vegetable, so that. And water chestnuts if that’s a veggie too. My least favorite fruit is blackberries and raspberries.
63. You like your fruit salad to have more: Watermelon.
64. You prefer your vegetable salad to contain more: Uh. Cucumbers, I guess? Is a vegetable salad just raw veggies thrown together?
65. What’s your favourite sandwich spread? Peanut butter, I guess?
66. What’s your favourite chocolate bar? Butterfingers.
67. What’s your favourite dessert? Brownies or cheesecake.
68. What’s your favourite drink? Root beer. Preferably Barq’s.
69. What’s your favourite snack? Chips and guac or salsa, popcorn, Goldfish crackers, Cheez-its, Chex mix.
70. What’s your favourite bubble gum flavour? WATERMELON BUBBLICIOUS. I haven’t had that in a hot minute.
71. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? Salted Caramel Butter Pecan. Only one brand makes it. I haven’t seen it in a while though.
72. What’s your favourite potato chip flavour? Sour cream and cheddar.
73. What’s your favourite soup? Potato. Egg lemon. Lobster bisque.
74. What’s your favourite pizza? Deep dish from Lou’s, thin crust from Marie’s, and 8-corner pan pizza from Jet’s.
75. What’s your favourite type of dish? Seafood dishes.
76. What food do you hate? I’ve kinda mentioned these throughout this survey. There’s not much I dislike.
77. What’s your favourite restaurant? Any place with crab legs.
78. Do you eat homemade food, food delivered from outside? Both.
80. Who cooks at home? Mark usually.
81. What kind of diet (e.g. low-fat, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, balanced diet etc.) do you have? I try to balance it.
82. How do you keep yourself fit? I work out every day. I’m by no means “fit” yet, but I am getting there.
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lolcat76 · 8 years
So this is dumb, but: I read that Alan Alda met his wife at a party: the hostess had made a run cake and put it on top of the refrigerator; it fell on the floor and Alan and his future wife were the only two people who grabbed spoons and ate it off the floor. CAN I HAVE A BILL AND LAURA VERSION OF THAT?
Okay, but I’m stealing your version of Laura’s BFF for purposes of this story.
One of the perks of being forcibly retired was that Laura didn’t have to go to parties and kiss political ass anymore. It cut down on her social schedule to be sure, but it also cut down on her social anxiety. Most weekends she spent puttering around her house, planting flowers and cleaning countertops and settling in to read with music playing in the background.
She couldn’t remember the last time she’d trotted out her fancy dresses and even fancier shoes; more to the point, she didn’t want to remember it.
That, however, wasn’t enough to stop Marcie. Marcie, who loved a reason to pop the bubbly. Marcie, who loved any excuse to string up lights and pack her house with people. Marcie, who called her every hour on the hour until she agreed to go to the damn Solstice party.
She promised herself that she’d stay for an hour, two tops, then disappear and block Marcie’s phone number for at least six months. Maybe a year, if she had to make small talk with the stuffed shirts that worked at Marcie’s law firm. Maybe two, if that jackass senior partner from the Solstice party of three years ago showed up and tried to grab her ass again.
She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and surveyed her appearance in the full-length mirror. Still a little scrawny, she thought. Her cheeks still had hollows from her long hospital stay, and she didn’t quite fill out the backside of this dress like she used to. On the bright side, if that jackass senior partner tried to grab her ass, he’d come up empty.
Thank the Gods for small favors.
Still, she no longer looked like a walking corpse, and her hair had grown back just enough to brush the high neck of her dress. Darker and straighter and thinner than before, but there nonetheless. She didn’t look like the Secretary of Education anymore, but she certainly looked…presentable. She flashed her practiced politician’s smile at herself in the mirror. Good enough.
A car horn honked from the driveway. Her cab was here, so she grabbed her jacket and purse and headed out the door. 
Ninety minutes into the party, and she’d already polished off the only glass of wine she’d allow herself while trying to make nice with the other guests. After that, she’d hid in the corner, discussing books and art with Marcie’s elderly aunt and then spent a good 20 minutes in the kitchen having an in-depth conversation with Marcie’s cat.
She didn’t even like cats. And, after 20 minutes with Lola, the hissing, shedding demon, she was pretty sure the feeling was mutual. 
The clock on the oven read 10:30, which seemed to Laura to be plenty late enough to make her escape. She just had to navigate her way through the crowds to find her coat and say goodbye to Marcie, and she’d be free. She dug in her pocket for her phone to call a cab, but the phone went flying out of her hand when the kitchen door swung open and smacked her in her nonexistent backside. 
“Oh, sorry,” came a deep voice from behind her. “Didn’t know anyone was in here.”
She plucked her phone off the floor and turned around to offer her own apologies for blocking the door, but stopped short, her mouth hanging open.
Commander Adama. How was that for a blast from the past?
Judging by the mouth hanging open, he was equally as surprised to see her as she was to see him. “Secretary Roslin,” he said, when his jaw had finally become unfrozen. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Likewise,” she said with a shrug. “I thought I knew all of Marcie’s friends. I think she would have mentioned if she’d known you.”
His brow furrowed. “Marcie?”
“Marcie,” she echoed. “You know, the host.”
He laughed at that. “As a matter of fact, I don’t know the host. She’s a cousin of my CO’s wife, and they dragged me out here tonight.”
His CO, a dour, balding man who reeked of ambrosia the one time she’d met him on Galactica. She could barely imagine any of Marcie’s relatives taking up with someone like that, and she could imagine even less that man wanting to come to a party. Even if Marcie always had a fully stocked bar of top-shelf liquor. 
Piqued curiosity nonetheless, she had no intention of falling into a conversation with a man who liked her even less than Marcie’s smelly, foul-tempered cat. “Nice to see you again, Commander. I’m afraid I have to head out, but I hope you enjoy the rest of the party.” She was halfway to the door when it swung open again, knocking her backward into Bill and him backward into the fridge. He reached out to grab her by the waist, steadying her enough to keep her on her feet but not steadying himself enough to keep from knocking a box off the top of the fridge.
With a loud splat, the contents of the box coated the kitchen floor, shooting bits of cheesecake up and into Laura’s hair. Into Bill’s hair as well, she realized, when she turned around to push his hands away. 
Something about the stony, cold Commander wiping cheesecake off his glasses struck her as funny. He sighed as he brushed bits of cherry glaze off of her own glasses, and she gave up trying to contain the giggles. She chuckled lightly at first, but when he broke into a grin, she gave up, and laughed until she was doubled over, clutching her stomach and struggling to stay upright on her heels.
She was still upright, and it took her a minute to realize that she was so because the Commander’s hands had found their way back to her waist, holding her steady as she laughed. She pushed him away, a little more gently this time, and reached up to pick a piece of graham cracker crust out of his iron-gray hair. 
The interloper, an associate of Marcie’s at the law firm, ducked out of the kitchen with several apologies and a desire to get as far away from the scene of the crime as possible. She left the the two of them, standing a little too close together, staring down at the wreckage of Marcie’s carefully planned dessert, in the kitchen.
Bill looked at the splattered cheesecake with more than a little bit of longing. “Bet it was delicious,” he said with a sigh.
It probably was. And Gods knew she never said no to a good dessert, and Gods knew Marcie knew she had a special weakness for cherry-covered cheesecake. 
She’d known Marcie for a good thirty years, long enough to know that the cheesecake was a bribe to keep her at the party. Also long enough to know where she kept the silverware. Laura tugged open a drawer and grabbed two spoons, handing one to the Commander before she tugged his free hand to pull him down on the floor with her.
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” she said with a smile. She dug the spoon into the broken bits of the graham cracker crust and lifted a spoonful to her mouth. Heaven. Still delicious, and if the cancer hadn’t killed her, a little floor dirt wouldn’t be enough to finish her off. 
Bill stared at her, eyes dancing with something that could either be amusement or horror. She took in his squared shoulders, his ramrod straight posture, and his sharply pressed suit. He needs to live a little, she decided. She dug her spoon into the cheesecake again and offered it to him. 
“Better than you’ll get on a battlestar,” she prodded, waving the spoon in front of him, and he opened his mouth to accept the bite of cheesecake. 
He chewed slowly and swallowed, then smiled at her - a real smile, a smile light years brighter and warmer than she’d seen two years ago on Galactica. “Much better than anything I’d get on a battlestar,” he agreed, and settled in next to her to enjoy their dessert.
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mikeyd1986 · 8 years
On Monday morning, I had my second appointment with counselling psychologist Ms. Angela Ewing at Casey Allied Health in Berwick. Getting a parking spot was a pain in the ass with cars constantly pulling in and out of each bay and most of the spaces being full. I was stressing out because I only had five minutes until my appointment time and getting a spot was tough. Eventually I did find one and hoped that my car wouldn’t be towed away for not parking in the correct parking bay. https://caseyalliedhealth.com.au/se...
Today we discussed issues about making conversation with others in social situations, coping strategies for dealing with anxiety and being tested for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I actually have a family history of it and there is a possibility that I do have it as well. Angela got me to fill out a questionnaire containing 100 questions. I scored 51 which was a borderline result. However, Angela believes that I should get a proper screening test done as my behaviours (fidgeting, forgetfulness, easily distracted) seem to suggest otherwise. https://add.org/adhd-test/
On Monday afternoon, I met up with my Mum at The Main Cafe Bar Restaurant in Berwick. It’s my Mum’s 50th birthday so I decided to surprise her with a shopping bag filled with pressies. I bought her a bunch of purple flowers (her favourite colour), a green tea flavoured beauty pack, a ceramic tealight holder shaped like a teapot and a Bunnings teddy bear. It’s always good to see my mum smiling and happy. We shared a large margarita pizza together and chatted about each other’s mornings. http://www.themainberwick.com.au/
On Tuesday morning, I had an appointment with my support worker Ally at Colourfield Cafe Casey Central. I had a lot of things to get off my chest today starting with the huge 5km run around Lysterfield Lake last Sunday. I found it really tough fitting in socially mainly due to the fact that this group of 20-something UFT Playgrounds members were mostly new to me. I didn’t know what to say or how to make conversation. I’ve always felt like an outsider in these sorts of social situations. Still I tried to blend in at times and decided to leave early as I’d reached my limit.
I’m also considering getting a referral to see a psychiatrist to get tested for ADHD following yesterday’s appointment with Angela. It’s something that I’ve considered over the last few months and it would give me clarity to know whether I have it or not. My cousin was diagnosed with Autism so there is a family history there and could possibly be a genetic disorder.
We also discussed my sexuality and how comfortable I am with it. I came out of the closet as a gay man when I turned 21 years old. Ten years later, I still have moments where I hesitate telling people. It’s not really a big deal to me nor do I feel like I need to broadcast that information so that the entire world knows. I think it’s more of an anxiety issue, being worried of how the other person will react and will it change anything. Most people accept me for who I am, sexuality included, so it shouldn’t really matter.
On Tuesday night, I went to my Body Combat class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. In typical Melbourne style, it was pouring with rain and even some of the streets were flooded. But this didn’t stop me from driving out to my class. I was still feeling a bit sore from my run on Sunday (still not used to those DOMs) but I figured that I could handle it and rest if I needed to.
Tonight was a really tough workout. Even our instructor Cinamon Guerin was getting worn out towards the end of it. The most challenging parts of me involved a flowing movement going from a lunge to a wide side squat and back again (my thighs are really gonna love me tomorrow!). There were also combo sequences involving jab boxes, uppercuts and hooks plus the usual high knee lifts, round-house kicks, side kicks and front kicks. http://w3.lesmills.com/israel/en/cl...On Thursday morning, I had my counseling se 
On Thursday morning, I had my counseling session with Ruth at Piece Together Counselling in Narre Warren. Today we focused on celebrating my positive qualities and achievements. I’m quite a modest person and so I’ve never really boasted or made a big deal about the things that I do so it’s nice hearing it from another person’s perspective. I’m making small steps toward breaking through my mental barriers and being able to achieve my goals in life. I still have moments of self-doubt, jealousy, awkwardness and anxiety but I’m finding ways to better adapt and cope with it. https://www.piecetogethercousellingnarrewarren.org/... 
On Thursday afternoon, I had my one-on-one PT session with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Narre Warren. Today was a really tough session for me, both mentally and physically. I feel like I’m connecting well with Luke on a personal level now and not being afraid of speaking my mind. The warm-up exercises involved a 60m cowboy walk, four rounds of 15 glute bridges and four rounds of kettle bell side stretches. 
The development exercises were definitely the most challenging for me mentally and emotionally. I started doing 12 reps of weighted front squats with 10kg added. I got a little shaky trying to keep my balance and not fall over but I did okay. Next was the box jumps. I was absolutely shitting myself inside. I didn’t want a repeat of my last year’s disastrous attempts where I nearly walked out in tears. 
This was very much a mental with the fear of tripping over the box and making a fool of myself in front of Luke really holding me back. But I kept persevering. I kept telling myself “I’m not going to let that box defeat me”. My thighs were getting more and more fatigued with each attempt but that didn’t stop me. Luke decided to add two foam mats stacked on top of each other for extra height. Boom! I finally did it. It’s going to take time for me to overcome this fear but today I really made some great progress towards it. 
In the workout today, I had to do 30, 20 and 10 reps of the following exercises: Rowing Machine in calorie mode and weighted squats. My goal time was 15 minutes. This was a really tough workout for me as the fatigue was really getting to me. My legs were physically shaking and at one point I nearly dropped the bar but thankfully Luke stood behind me and made sure I kept doing them correctly. I told myself “There’s nothing wrong with struggling. I’m gonna finish this.” And I did. I even smashed my goal time which I didn’t expect. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...    
On Friday morning, I attended my Vinyasa Flow yoga class at Just Be Yoga and Meditation in Beaconsfield. Of course, my DOMs (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) was coming on strong through my legs, thighs and glutes after yesterday’s PT session so I really had to be mindful and not overdo it today. It was another full class with about 10-12 students in the studio. http://www.yogajournal.com/slidesho...  
Today we did the following poses and sequences:
Flowing Sequence 1...From Bound Angle pose (Baddha Konasana) and a Forward Fold, transition into Reverse Table Top, then into Staff pose with a Forward Fold, then transition into Reverse Plank and flow back into Bound Angle pose.  
Flowing Sequence 2...From Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana), move your right foot back into a High Lunge then into Downward Facing Dog, Plank, Chaturanga and up into either Seal pose or Upward Facing Dog pose. Then bring your feet back up to meet your hands, raise your arms up and into Mountain pose (Tadasana)
On Saturday morning, we celebrated Mum’s 50th birthday with a High Tea at our place. We spent the morning getting the outdoor patio area set up with tables, chairs and decorations before the catering staff arrived. It was a lovely day with 15 of Mum’s friends and relatives in attendance. The weather was fairly hot and humid but luckily the undercover roofing provided adequate shade for us all to enjoy the day.
In terms of the food, we were absolutely spoiled with finger sandwiches, mini quiches, scones with jam and cream, strawberries and marshmallows. We also had a selection of teas, coffees and flavoured lemon-lime water. I decided to give Mum one last present and it was a really special one. I bought her an Elvis Presley guitar clock and she absolutely loved it. I was so relieved that it arrived on time as I had to get it posted from interstate.
Later we all engaged in a fun game of pass the parcel which was really entertaining with Mum blowing her whistle to stop passing and unwrap a layer of paper. Everyone got a small present and seemed to enjoy themselves. It was a great idea. 
On Saturday night, we drove down to the city and checked into the Pensione Hotel on Spencer Street. After getting changed, we all walked down to the The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant tram stop near the Queen Victoria Market. Eventually, we boarded the burgundy-coloured tram and sat down inside the booth. This was a whole other level of fancy in terms of being wined and dined. The detailing inside the tram car was immaculate with plush red velvet seating, tasseled lampshades and beautifully furnished wood paneling.
We were in for a long 3 hour dinner with the tram taking us down to South Melbourne, St. Kilda and Albert Park. The five course meal included appetizers (crackers with hummus and red capsicum dips), entree (grilled barramundi fillets), main course (breast of chicken with potatoes and greens), cheese selection (crackers, two specialty cheeses, dried apricots, nuts) and dessert (cheesecake, chocolate brownie, strawberries, blueberries). 
The service was excellent throughout the night with the staff regularly walking through the center aisle and asking the guests whether they’d like another drink. We also had to option of having a coffee, tea or lacquer to finish the night on. Walking back to my hotel room with my step dad and my uncle, I was well and truly knackered, bloated and busting for the toilet. But I have no regrets and I refuse to feel guilty about overindulging for a special occasion. Back on the fitness horse next week! http://tramrestaurant.com.au/ “I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go. Where the wind don’t change and nothing in the ground can ever grow. No hope, just lies and you’re taught to cry into your pillow. But I survived. I’m still breathing, I’m still breathing. I’m alive”                         Sia - Alive (2016) 
“Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I. Oh, I got stamina. Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes. Well, oh, I got stamina...Don’t give up, I won’t give up. Don’t give up, no no no...I’m free to be the greatest, I’m alive.” Sia - The Greatest (2016)  
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