#ANYWAY this was a v nice ask sorry for the salt in the tags i will send myself off to bed now
curiosity-killed · 1 year
Have you considered the possibility of Hualian with ace Hua Cheng and celibate (at least previously celibate) Xie Lian? Like Hua Cheng who just always understood that Xie Lian wouldn't be interested in a sexual relationship and was like, "sure, no problem here!" And then they reunite and Xie Lian is like "ah, this is awkward, about that actually 😅" before they communicate and learn what works for them? I usually really prefer their canon characterization but I think it would be a fun way to explore parallels and contrast between asexuality and celibacy (and actually wait. What if Hua Cheng we as aroace actually, wouldn't that do something cool to his obsessive devotion?) I'm not a fic writer but I know you've written asexual Xie Lian so I thought maybe you'd be ok with me rambling a little. (Love your fic by the way, thanks for writing!)
(I am always down with rambling!! :D)
i have not! but am intrigued abt the possibility
tbh I do usually headcanon both of them as ace-ish (varies between demi and asexual, mostly) but can definitely see this going down a fun path!
I am of the opinion that romance has relatively* little to do with Hua Cheng's devotion, so I'd still largely see his devotion as manifesting in similar ways to canon** (more or less—probs less kissing, but honestly possibly still flirting bc there's a thin line between flirting bc ur serious abt it and flirting bc hey it's sometimes kind of fun to flirt with the homies).
all of that to say I think it would be a really interesting continuation of their character development for Xie Lian to come to accept his worth and importance to someone while also being told 'no' in a way he is used to telling other people***. Meanwhile, fun time for Hua Cheng to actually say no to Xie Lian, which would go against so much of him!
As always, my great love of hualian stems in part from their manifestation of queerness outside of societal norms/expectations, so navigating "You Are The Reason I'm Alive" (for both of them) without the trappings of society's expectations that the Most Important Person in ur life is a romantic partner, is rlly interesting i think!!
*Yes, in canon it is romantic and I do enjoy the combo of his obsessive devotion + hualian romance but ppl who think Grand Devotion is exclusive to romantic love bore the shit out of me
**I touch on this in til my feet are memory (tho Xie Lian is aroace in that), in that Hua Cheng's devotion is devotion without expectation of reciprocation (this is a fandom hill i'll die on lol) and that it isn't diminished by lack of romantic/sexual potential with Xie Lian
***Yeah yeah I maintain my lack of emphasis on romance/sex as defining their relationship but I do think, as written, the romance is pretty important to XL's arc—which is not to negate the possibility so much as emphasize the opportunity for continued and different development
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sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
mentions: 3.9k, pro hero au, no pronouns mentioned i think!, emotionally constipated bakugou, ur quirk is like mt. lady’s except you can grow and shrink to any size and your strength increases depending on how big u are, v rushed i’m sorry if it’s bad lol, reposting bc it didn’t show up in tags >:c gn
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you liked to think that you were on good terms with most of your coworkers. after all, you had to be, with the profession you were in. it was good to have people you trusted both in the office and out in the field. people who you knew would have your back no matter the situation and vice versa.
that being said, you... didn't think bakugou katsuki was that... fond of you, per se.
you didn't think you'd done anything wrong. you were perfectly nice to him whenever you saw him walking around his agency. you would greet him with a cheerful smile, maybe a wave, and be on your way to talk to whichever hero you needed to. you didn't pay much attention to him otherwise, and there weren't any instances you could recall where you'd had a proper conversation with him. sure you both had worked together out in the streets to deal with villains, but other than that, you didn't really interact with bakugou katsuki.
which made you wonder why the fuck he tended to glare at you like you'd ran over his dog when he was fifteen.
since the agency you were under worked closely with bakugou's, you found yourself wandering back and forth between the two buildings a lot to communicate and deal with all the tedious reports that came with numerous hero missions. that meant that you were at bakugou's agency quite a lot. you didn't mind, not really, since you liked talking to the other pro-heroes who worked there. they were fun and nice and not at all like their grouchy boss that stomped around the place from time to time.
kirishima eijirou—one of the co-owners of the ground zero agency—told you not to worry about bakugou. that he pretty much tended to glare at everyone he saw.
"don't take it to heart," he'd said as you both grabbed coffee in the agency's break room. "bakugou's been like that since we were teens."
you'd frowned but ultimately decided to take bakugou's glares with a grain of salt after that conversation. if that was just his personality, then who were you to judge? admittedly, it was a rather shitty personality, but it was whatever.
only, the glaring seemed to get worse to you the more you saw him. and to top it all off, it seemed like he just didn't want to talk to you. didn't... didn't like your presence at his agency. he'd huff at your greetings, grumble under his breath whenever you found yourself in the same room as him (then he would leave, the audacity), and just generally be such a piece of shit to you that you were stuck wondering where the hell you'd gone wrong.
you didn't want to exhaust yourself over your strained... 'relationship' or whatever the hell you had with bakugou. so you just—stopped trying. you avoided him, not wanting to give him the time of day. why would you, anyways? you knew he would just be rude to you. it wasn't hard to ignore his presence, especially since you were quite busy anyways. wasn't hard to stop greeting him or waving at him whenever you saw him. wasn't hard to look away and pretend you were busy whenever he entered a room. you didn't particularly like getting yelled at, after all.
and for a good, peaceful time, you were content.
until you weren't.
"is it just me or has great explosion murder god dynamight been grouchier than usual?" kaminari denki—one of the pros also working at the ground zero agency—whispered to you one day. you were both hanging around the little desk you were given for whenever you traveled to the agency.
"what do you mean?" you asked, pausing in your rapid typing on your keyboard as you went through a report for a robbery that had occurred earlier in the day.
"i mean he's been stomping around all week, yelling at the smallest things!" kaminari exclaimed and you shushed him so he wouldn't bother anyone else working. he lowered his voice and leaned his hip against the side of your desk. "usually he's... chiller, i dunno."
"i didn't notice," you said sarcastically and returned your focus to your computer. it wasn't hard to tell when bakugou was in a bad mood. but then again, he always seemed to be.
"no no, denki's onto something here." kirishima slid into the conversation, popping up from behind your monitor to rest his arms lightly on the top. "he's acting like that one time we had to do this massive group project for our final grade at U.A. and tasked himself with micromanaging every detail."
"yeah!!" kaminari nodded his head vigorously. "it was awful. he was so high strung and mean."
"isn't that how he always is, though?" you rolled your eyes. you honestly couldn't care less, though you did enjoy the company.
"well, yeah, but he's gotten better with his temper since U.A., y'know?" kaminari rubbed his forehead thoughtfully. "what could've happened?"
"maybe the media's giving him a hard time?" kirishima wondered, trying to remember if there were any news about dynamight floating around recently.
"maybe it's the commission?"
"something with izuku again? they're always competing—"
"either way," you interrupted their musings, "i don't care. he's been a piece of shit to me from day one, so... not like he's been acting any different to me."
kaminari and kirishima looked at each other for a moment, then looked back at you with bewildered expressions.
"he's been mean to you?" kaminari asked, staring at you with a funny look on his face. "like, meaner than usual?"
you raised an eyebrow at him. "um, yeah?"
"hmmmmmmm," kirishima stroked his chin, "well. i know he was pissed at first about having to work with another agency, but you've been here for so long, i thought he would've gotten over it by now."
"especially since you work under todoroki," kaminari added. he then rolled his eyes. "man, bakugou's just too emotionally constipated to admit he's friends with todo even after all these years."
"that still doesn't explain why he looks at me like i've spat in his favorite meal," you said dryly. kirishima and kaminari exchanged looks again.
"i'll talk to him!" kirishima gave you a determined nod as he straightened up and slammed his fist onto his open palm.
"we'll talk to him!" kaminari corrected with a mischievous grin, one of his arms wrapping around kirishima's shoulders. he gave you a thumbs up that you made a face at.
"you guys really don't have to—" you started quickly, standing up from your seat to reach out to them, but they only waved you off.
"we'll be subtle, don't worry." kaminari winked. your eye twitched. kaminari was as subtle as a punch to the face.
"don't worry! we'll talk to you later!" kirishima told you cheerfully, and before you could protest even further, they left. you watched them head towards the elevator that would take them up to the floor bakugou's office was on, whispering quickly to each other. you sighed loudly and plopped back down on your chair, rubbing at your temples. you hoped this wouldn't cause any unnecessary drama. damn it.
your tendency to avoid bakugou at every waking moment possible meant that you knew, unfortunately, when he was in his office and when he wasn't. it just made it easier for you to drop reports on his desk that he needed to sign off on. you were in and out of his office whenever you saw him leave on a patrol or go down to the gym his agency had on the second floor.
you actually saw him go down to the gym a few hours ago. he usually spent a long time down there, doing god knows what, so you knew you had enough time to finish up this report and plop it in his office.
you finished in record time and found yourself walking up the stairs to bakugou's office. the agency was six floors high, and of course he wanted his office to be on the topmost floor. your desk was down on the third floor, with some of his other interns and sidekicks. you didn't mind the exercise, and you certainly didn't mind the distance.
you walked right into his office without bothering to knock, aimed straight for his desk, and plopped the cream folder down on top of his keyboard. then, you immediately turned around to walk right back out. only, the door opened before you could reach it and you froze like a goddamn deer in headlights.
bakugou walked in, decked out in grey sweats and a black tank with a white towel around his neck. he paused when he saw you, one of his hands holding onto a black water bottle. there was a moment where you both just stared at each other. then he let out a tch.
"fuck are you doing here?" he asked bluntly and you tried to keep your disdain from showing on your face. did he just click his tongue at you? what the fuck you didn't even do anything.
you pointed behind you at his desk with your thumb. "dropped off a report for you to sign."
he huffed and pushed past you, the strange smell of burnt caramel following him. your eyes narrowed at him, but you ultimately decided to say nothing else as you continued to walk to the door. no need to poke the sleeping bear.
"wait," he called out to you just as you'd grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door open slightly. you raised an eyebrow at him as you looked back. ugh, what now? he was standing behind his desk, looking at you impassively. again, he was quiet, and you grumpily noticed that he was staring at you with this intense look in his eyes. was he trying to kill you by glaring or something?
"what?" you eventually asked when a minute of silence had gone by and he'd done nothing. he stared at you some more, his jaw tensing slightly, before he looked down and flipped open the folder you left on his desk.
"s'nothin'," he grumbled, refusing to address you any further. you stared at him for a moment, noticing that the tips of his ears were pink, but left anyways with a hmph. you didn't think you'd ever understand him.
after being called in with bakugou and kirishima to assist in defeating a villain that was wreaking havoc with their earthquake-type quirk, you were helping out with cleanup and evacuation in the aftermath. there was a lot of damage done to surrounding buildings, many of which had not been fully evacuated. it didn't help that the area was still feeling the aftershocks, with the occasional rumble shaking the streets and causing more damage to the unstable buildings. you didn't know how long they would last for, but it was important to get everyone out of the impact zone in case any more buildings collapsed.
"there are a few families trapped in that building," a police officer said as she came up to you. you'd been overseeing the evacuation of a few people from a store that had its front caved in. the officer pointed to an apartment complex in the distance that looked like it had most of its lower foundation destroyed. the only thing keeping it up was a thick steel beam, though even that looked like it was about to fold. "evac's been going too slowly. we might not get to them in time, the staircases are blocked. can you help?"
"sure," you gestured to the store you were standing in front of, "make sure this is handled, yeah?" once the officer nodded, you started jogging over to the building she'd pointed at. there were some more officers and firefighters around it, trying to help the families waving down at them from the higher floors.
right as you got to the building however, a rumble shook through the streets. you stumbled, losing your balance as the ground trembled with the force of an aftershock. something groaned in front of you, and there were a few yells as the unstable complex started to tip to the side the beam was on. your eyes widened as the beam bent even further, threatening to give out.
"shit!" you cursed as you launched yourself at the building, activating your quirk in the process. you felt that familiar tingle spread throughout your body and you forced yourself to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until you were large and strong enough to shove yourself under the complex. the beam broke just as you raised your hands to catch the floor above you.
the weight of an eight-story complex nearly crushed you.
you groaned, your body nearly folding as you strained your muscles to hold up tons and tons and tons of brick and metal. you were brought to your knees, the building's weight literally on your shoulders. debris crumbled to the ground and the screams from the families still inside the complex made you grit your teeth. you huffed and activated your quirk again, growing a bit bigger until you were standing with your legs bent slightly. you shifted until most of the weight was on your shoulders and back, with your palms pressed against the concrete of the floor you were holding up.
"holy shit, are you okay!?" you heard kirishima call out your name and you peeked your eyes open to squint down at him standing on the road in front of you. you hadn't even realized he was there. by now the aftershock had stopped, thankfully.
"yeah," you were just barely able to force out. fuck, this shit was heavy. your muscles screamed with the effort to hold everything up. sweat was starting to form on your face, droplets sliding down your nose.
"are you fuckin' CRAZY?!" another rough voice yelled at you, an explosion following right after. bakugou landed heavily on the ground, face contorted in a vicious snarl as he glared up at you with those intense crimson eyes of his. "what were you thinkin'?!"
"i was thinking," you strained out through clenched teeth, "that there are still families trapped in here. so hurry up and get them out already!" you let out a pained sound as the building's foundations groaned again. everything seemed to get heavier, and you found yourself bending down further.
"got it!" kirishima saluted you, a worried look on his face. he tugged at bakugou's arm. "c'mon bro, we don't know how much time we've got."
bakugou glared at you some more, but when you gave him a pointed look through your scrunched up features, he growled out a "fine!" and exploded himself up into the air. you would've let out a huff at his attitude, but you didn't think you could.
you felt like you were going to die, standing there holding up this goddamn building. your legs were starting to shake and you found yourself slowly sinking to your knees. which was bad, since that caused the building to tip even further. you did your best to hold out, knowing that in addition to the families being evacuated from the complex, they also had to clear out the surrounding area for when the building inevitably collapsed.
kirishima and a few firefighters occasionally checked on how you were doing. you could hear bakugou's explosions from time to time as well, letting you know he was working to evacuate the families until the firefighters could get a safety net set up.
"i can't... hold it much longer!" you strained out after what felt like hours, one of your knees now on the ground and the other propped up to form a right angle. dust rained down from the ceiling, coating your hair and shoulders.
"so you're jus' gonna let a fuckin' building defeat you?" bakugou scoffed from somewhere beneath you. you squinted at him standing close to your knee. when did he get there? he looked tiny down there. like a little action figure.
"what are you doing?!" you grounded out instead. "get away from the building, dumbass." why the hell was he so close?! wasn't he aware the complex was going to collapse at any moment now?
"no." bakugou looked up at you, his jaw tensing. "evac's done. get ready to let go and run."
you let out a grunt, peering around to see the area around you was clear. you could see kirishima in the distance with the other police and firefighters, safe. you looked back down at bakugou. "not until you get outta here."
bakugou bared his teeth at you, irate. "worry about yourself first, idiot. the building's gonna tip this way," he pointed his thumb in the direction of the tilt, "so once you let go, aim for that alley over there and run like hell." he then pointed to an alley in the opposite direction, across the road.
you gave him a nod and inhaled deeply, shifting yourself so you could activate your quirk again. you felt yourself grow until you were able to stand up again on shaky legs. you shifted around so that it would be easy to launch yourself from under the complex.
"if you even think," bakugou suddenly snarled, "of getting caught under the fucking complex, i'll kill you."
"what the hell, man—" before you could even roll your eyes at him, the ground shook again with an aftershock.
"ack!" you coughed out as you staggered, your back bending forward to keep the building from tipping over and crushing you and bakugou. you hissed, pieces of debris falling to the ground around bakugou. he opened his mouth to say something, but you gave him a little kick to his front to send him away from the building. "just go! i have to let go now!"
he only glared at you, but eventually used his explosions to shoot himself into the air. you inhaled deeply, bracing yourself as you stood as solidly as you could with the ground trembling beneath you. as carefully as you could, you shifted yourself inch by inch until you were at the edge of the building. you activated your quirk and slowly slid yourself out from underneath it until you were struggling to hold up the building with your hands alone instead of with your entire body.
then, you let go.
you lunged away from the building, not looking behind you as you shrunk yourself with every step you took towards the alley. you could hear the crumbling of the complex behind you, crashing harshly onto the ground that shook with its impact. you stumbled around, hands covering your head to give you some sort of protection. a few things hit the back of your arms and thighs, but you only ran, managing to dive into the alley in the nick of time. your legs felt like jello, but you just continued on until you were sure you were out of harm's way.
you let out a loud exhale, then started coughing dust out of your lungs. you leaned against one of the walls in the alley, your legs shaking beneath you. every single muscle in your body ached. you weren't sure if you could move after all that. you spent a moment just catching your breath and listening to the remaining rumbles of the collapsed complex in the distance.
an explosion erupted somewhere above you. you didn't even have the energy to jump as a figure landed heavily in front of you, sending dust into the air again. he stormed over to you, gloved hand gripping you by the face so he could turn it this way and that.
"y'good?" bakugou grunted, crimson eyes flicking over your face before moving to check your arms. you batted him away, befuddled by the way he was acting.
"yeah, i'm fine." you sighed and stood up straighter to shake out your legs. bakugou glanced down to watch your actions for a moment before he tugged at your arm and wrapped it around his shoulders. his other arm wrapped around the middle of your back. you gaped at him as you stumbled, forced to follow along as he practically dragged you down the alley. "hey—?!"
"'m gonna bring you to the fuckin' ambulance," he growled, his eyes firmly focused ahead of him. you had to activate your quirk to make yourself a bit taller since it was awkward to have him practically holding you up by the arm. "they're gonna check y'over and then 'm gonna take you out."
take me out?! you choked on your spit. "like, with a gun?!"
"no! dumbass!" bakugou looked down at you with a scowl. you stared, with wide eyes, at the flush on his cheeks. his ears were tinged red as well. what the hell. he looked away from you and grumbled lowly, "like on a date." his flush deepened.
you stared at him for a second. two seconds. you were having a hard time processing what he'd just said. you shook your head and abruptly tugged yourself out of his hold, coming to a stop so you could rub at your temples. bakugou let you go in surprise and turned around to stare at you standing a few feet behind him.
"hold up," you raised a hand at him before he could take a step closer, "i thought you fucking hated me?! where the fuck is this coming from?!" you were confused. when had he ever shown interest in you... in you like that?!
bakugou let out a huff and crossed his thick arms. he looked to the side, staring at a random brick. you took that moment to observe him. him, decked out in his hero suit with dust coating his body here and there, his ash-blond hair ruffled all over the place. there were a few rips in his shirt from the battle with the villain, exposing some shallow cuts. his ears got redder.
"i don't..." he mumbled and you had to strain your ears to hear him properly. "i don't... hate you, or anythin'." you stared at him some more.
"coulda fooled me," you eventually said, a burning feeling in your cheeks. and that's when you realized you were both standing in the middle of a fucking dirty alley. you stepped forward and brushed past him, your gaze focused ahead of you as you walked towards the open streets.
"oi!" bakugou called out to you and jogged so he could catch up and fall in stride with your shaky steps. you didn't look at him, too embarrassed by what you were slowly coming to realize. bakugou katsuki wanted to go on a date with you. fuck. he snarled when you didn't pay him any attention. "don't just—"
"one," you interrupted him, holding up your index finger. "you get one date. and be glad i'm giving you a chance at all with how shitty you've treated me."
bakugou gaped at you for a moment then nodded determinedly. "i'll take ya on the best fuckin' date you've ever been on." you hated how your heart jumped at his words. this man was going to be the death of you.
"yeah, whatever," you mumbled, rubbing at your face as though that could get rid of the blush you had on your cheeks.
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part two
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nanasarea · 4 years
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𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵: In a world where soulmates can visit each other in their dreams and can only remember the dreams once they found each other, what happens when you’re disappointed at the man of your dreams?
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: angst and fluff
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: reader x Jaemin
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.6k
𝘢/𝘯: what I tell ya? what is meant to be is meant to be 😪
𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵  𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵  𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
Tag list: @keiboo @minavenue
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“What’s that noise? It is interrupting my 23 hour beauty sleep.” Mark stretched, complaining at Chenle’s loud music coming from the speakers. “Might wanna try 24.” Chenle said and turned the volume down slightly.
“Haha, very funny.” Mark yawned and got up. “Where’s Jaemin?” He asked once he looked over at the bed opposite hia.
“He got up early and went for a walk. At least that’s what he told me.” Chenle answered as he continued getting ready. “My bet? He went to buy a last-minute costume for tonight. He clearly forgot.” Chenle added.
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In another dorm, Renjun was trying to talk me out of going as Pikachu.
“Yes, I know the consequences of my own actions, but in my defence, I don’t care, I look cute.” “I’m not saying you don’t look cute, you do, but-“ “-No buts. All I need now is for Jisung to bring his cousin’s headband, he said I could borrow.” I cut him off and proudly hung up my costume.
“I think this is a bad idea.” Renjun warned. “Then let the universe give me a sign.” I proudly mocked and walked out of the room.
And so, while we were getting ready for the party, Jisung showed up at our dorms with his cousin, Minjung. Renjun was finishing his makeup, Haechan was playing games on his phone while waiting and I was styling my hair. 
“Hey, good news and bad news.” Jisung yelled, walking in.
“Good news first.” Haechan said, not looking up from his phone. 
“Well, we stopped by that boba place on our way here and we got everyone’s faves.” Jisung explained, walking to each one of us and handing us our drinks.
 “I love you.” Renjun said as he sipped on the boba.
“Love you too. Now, bad news is, yn, we couldn’t find your headband.” Jisung said. “Is this a big enough sign?” Renjun asked, looking at me and sassily sipping on his boba. I just rolled my eyes and continued styling my hair.
“This means nothing. Jisung, it’s no big deal. Minjung, thanks anyway.” I said. “It’s gonna take a lot more than a stupid headband to make me stop pursuing Jeno.” I told Renjun and drank my boba.
Once we got to the party, I saw Jeno with his friends. He noticed me and waved for me to come over. “One sec.” I told my friends before walking over towards him. 
“Yn, these are my friends. Yangyang is Brock and Jimin is Misty. Friends, this is Yn. Please behave around them.” Jeno introduced me and smiled.
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“Pepper shaker? Really?” Mark asked as they arrived at the party. “What? It was all that was left!” Jaemin answered, grabbing himself a drink, Mark and Chenle soon followed. “Nerd.” Chenle laughed and started exploring the party on his own.
“All I’m saying is that you had so much time, why wait till the last minute?” Mark asked, their long debate starting as Jisung and Minjung stood by a table with drinks and looked around, watching Renjun and Haechan’s drinks as they went to the bathroom.
“The pink cowboy panda has been staring at you for like a solid 4 minutes now.” Minjung said, making Jisung turn his gaze towards the pink cowboy panda, who was in fact checking him out.
“Him? No, obviously not.” Jisung blushed as Minjung rolled her eyes. “Yes, him. You should just go up to him, what’s the worst that could happen?” She asked. “He could be judging me, not checking me out, y’know.” Jisung defended, trying to come up with excuses to not talk to him.
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“I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” I excused myself and made my way to the bathroom, when I felt someone bump into me, thus spilling their drink on me.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry.” Mark apologised and panicky started looking for napkins. “It’s fine, not the first time I’ve had someone spill something on me this semester.” I laughed it off, not yet realising that my costume has been ruined by wine.
“This semester?” Mark asked, a small laugh escaping his lips. “Yeah, long story.” I said. “I’m Yn.” I introduced myself, sticking my hand out to shake his hand. “Mark.” He shook my hand and tilted his head.
“Wait, Yn? The yn?” “How did you know who I am?” I asked, pulling my hand away slowly. “I’m Jaemin’s friend! He’s told me a lot about you.” He reassured. “Wait Mark? As in the Mark who constantly slaps the back of Jaemin’s head?” I asked, my eyes widening.
“That’s the one!” He said, proudly. “I should not have admitted that with such pride, but since you already know Jaemin, I feel like it's safe to say you understand.” He added, shyly smiling. 
“Yeah, I get that. Also, I have to go change, it was very nice meeting you, totally expected you to be a dick, considering you’re Jaemin’s friend.” I laughed, finally realising that I have to now change costumes.
“Oh totally understandable. It was nice to meet you too! Oh, and enjoy the rest of your party and again, sorry for spilling my drink on you!” Mark said, waving bye as I made my way towards Renjun, who I spotted on my way to the bathroom and asked him for help.
“Big enough sign?” He asked, proudly. “Whatever, just help me.” I said, rolling my eyes as he grabbed my hand and lead me to a room. “I have a friend who lives here and he told me I could store some of my costumes here in case I need to change so….Here! You can be a salt shaker!” Renjun said, searching among the clothes before pulling a  costume out of the closet.  
“Salt? Really? Y’know what, I’m in no position to complain. Thanks. I owe you one.” “Of course you do.” he smiled as I started quickly changing. Once I was done, we went back outside and enjoyed the party, that was until I saw Jaemin, or should I say Pepper.
“Would you look at that? It’s as if we were meant to be together.” Jaemin dramatically sighed, once he noticed me. “Wouldn’t you agree, Yn?” He asked as both him and his friends walked towards me and my friend group. 
“In your dreams, Jaemin. Wait, that was not a good comeback, it is literally in your dreams.” I sighed, very disappointed at my reply.
“Just forget it, your pea sized brain isn’t worth it.” I said, giving up on finding a good comeback and rolling my eyes while sighing, before walking out of the room. 
“Who said yours was?!” I heard him yell behind me.
“I’ll go talk to them.” Renjun said, following me and Haechan following him.
“Jaem, you need to ch-“ “No, Mark, I need alcohol.” Jaemin cut his friend off and stormed off, leaving Mark to get annoyed and storm off in the opposite direction, thus, leaving Chenle and Jisung alone.
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket BTS - Mom has a Date
A/n: A ‘totally anonymous’ request for Pocket BTS and MX when their mom has a date... this was so much fun 
In Summary:
Jealous bc they want all your attention: Jin, Yoongi, Tae
Protective and wants to go with you: Namjoon, Hobi
Will sneak into your purse and sabotage the date: Jimin, Jk, also Jin
very protective
tries to help you choose your outfit
says no to everything that looks nice 
wants you to wear the ugliest thing in your closet so your date doesn’t like you and you can stay home
when you ignore his advice he wants to come with you
narrows his eyes and bites the inside of his cheek when you deny him that as well
asks your date 100 questions when he picks you up
you will find a sticky note attached to your phone when you pull it out later with a recommended time to be home
it also has more questions to ask your date he would like answered
you just laugh and put it in your purse
kinda just acts like a protective father
is v upset when you come home later than the curfew he tried to give you
you have to remind him you are his mom
is still ticked that you went without him 
but will come lay on your shoulder after you change and ask you how your date went 
starts off jealous and walks away from you when your date arrives
but he finds a way to sneak around and climb into your purse when you think he’s sulked off
you don’t know he’s in there until you’re starting your meal and you hear a faint 
“humph, why’d he order oysters? gross.”
you have to quickly excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and give Jin a lecture
every time your date flirts with you he screams
date: “you know, you have really pretty eyes” *cue anguished wail from your purse*
pipes up occasionally to whisper yell if you could please drop a  piece of your dinner into your bag because he is hungry
gets a scold and a time out when you get home 
manages to convince you to let him go with you
you think it’s kinda sweet that he wants you to safe
nope, it was just a distraction technique 
talks the entire time 
does not allow your date to have a single word in
protective of his mommy and will not let anyone have the chance to take her
if your date does try to speak hobi will talk louder to talk over him
even if that means he’s yelling 
will probably scream if your date raises his voice
you try to shush him and remind him of his manners 
he will try to be good but still interrupt them anyways
starts loudly playing with like a napkin and toothpicks like 
“hey mom look! you can make sailor hats out of these!” 
commissions your date to help him make a hat
wants your date to wear it for the rest of the dinner
if the date refuses to help him make it and wear it after hobi will get upset
turns to you, “can we go? they don’t like sailors and that's unacceptable”
pretends to lock himself in his little dollhouse
(you gave him a dollhouse to take care of all by himself and he loves it so much it’s his favorite space when he can’t be next to you)
will not come out
if you come into the room to talk to him,
he will want nothing to do with you
refuses to look at you
sniffs, “what do you want”
“I just came to tell you I’m leaving now, for my date.”
“i’m sorry I can’t hear you, I’m busy. I have my own date.”
crosses his little arms 
“but i’m not telling you who with. all you need to know is that i don’t need you anymore.”
you see right through his little act
“okay well, I’ll be back at nine.”
give him some crackers to crunch on while you’re gone 
he’ll be fine
is secretly worried about you, but more worried that if you don’t come back he’s going to have to walk everywhere himself again
crawls right back into your pocket as soon as you get home and won’t let you take him out unless absolutely necessary for days
is a strong little sneak
really quiet, good at hiding
crawls out of your purse when you put it down
will go under the table to tie your dates shoelaces together 
blows his cover when he goes on your phone and starts blasting the chase scene music from scooby doo 
cue an actual chase scene as you try to grab him as he scampers around the floor 
almost gets stepped on many times 
when you do catch him you make him sit next to your water glass until your date is over
“sit. stay. don’t even think about moving out of my eyesight.” 
can’t stop giggling
“stop giggling this isn’t funny Jungkook”
snickers when your date stands up and falls over
will get pouty if you yell at him when you get home
“i’m sorry i just didn’t want you to go and then forget about me”
you start to soften
“... but it was pretty funny to see him fall over after i tied his shoelaces together right? that one was good right momma”  
eyes are twinkling, not actually apologetic at all 
another jealous baby
but a sad jealous baby
lower lip trembles
“do you not want me anymore?” 
“do you not love me anymore?” 
“why can’t i come?” 
“but, but we go everywhere together”
“I promise i’d be real quiet”
starts to cry
starts packing up his own little bag
one of his shirts filled with his favorite little things, ties it to a stick 
begins to slowly walk towards the door
genuinely thinks you are going to leave and he has to find a new home
you will have to reassure him that you will be coming back
help him unpack his bag
give him a smooch on the top of his little head
tuck him into bed
he’ll stay there terrified and clinging to the comforter until he hears the door click when you come home
jumps out of bed and runs as fast as his little legs can to you
cries more because he’s so happy you came back
sleeps right on top of your heart that night
sneaks into your purse
manages to be quiet and go unnoticed for quite a while
until he hears your date say something he doesn’t approve of 
like them giving you a compliment 
bursts out all angry, blows his cover
pushes over your dates water glass
is on a rampage
a tiny angry Jimin rampage
kicks over the salt shaker
you try to grab him but he keeps slipping out of your grip
kicks at the silverware
when your date tries to catch him by attempting to stab him with a fork it’s over - you take your pocket Jimin and leave
starts crying once you finally pick him up
he will use this date as leverage next time you try to go on a date
will spread rumors that you dated a cannibal
if another pocket complains about their mom going on a date will be like “hey but did your mom’s date try to eat you? no? sit down.”
The Asked to be Tagged (so they don’t miss out) Crew: @taetaesbaebaepsae @zerotexas1975 @restfromthestreets
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andtheniwrotemarvel · 5 years
dad!Phil Coulson x Reader Assumed female reader Word Count: 1440 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O2Lbmwuyyc
I love realizing that I'm not the only one that absolutely loves Baby Coulson so huge thanks to all y'all out there that love her with me. This one goes out to Wattpad user berryninjago who introduced me to the song Agent Coulson by the Doubleclicks and like?? Guys. We all need that song.
Also! I'm going to be at FanX in Salt Lake City on Friday, April 19th. If anyone else will be there that day, please say hi! You can DM me for details if you want. I'd love to meet y'all!
"You're doing that thing again, Coulson," Fury said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"That thing?" you asked. "Do clarify."
"The exact same thing you did after New York."
"And that is?"
"Don't play dumb when it comes to ignoring your mental health," Maria chastized you. "You're not subtle about it."
"Well, I'm sorry that I have resting depression face," you scoffed.
"You didn't have resting depression face before you were depressed," Fury said pointedly.
You stared him down, and he stared right back, his eyebrows raised.
"I may very well regret telling you this, but you, (Y/N) Coulson, are one of the few people that I trust," Fury admitted. "It'd certainly be nice if you'd do the same."
"You know, funny thing—I did trust you, and then you died, too," you snapped.
"Too?" Maria pressed.
"Everyone I care about always ends up leaving. They die, or almost die and come back different and distant and cold. I'm just sick of this, and I can't deal with it anymore," you vented. "I'm done losing people."
"Aren't we all?" she chuckled sadly. "It wasn't like this before, losing friends left and right."
"Either to death or betrayal," you added bitterly. "I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore, not after all of this 'Real SHIELD' crap Bobbi and Mack are pulling."
"Really can't even trust us?" Fury asked, a solemn and humble air to his voice.
You looked back and forth between him and Maria before taking a breath and giving your answer. "I want to, but I can never tell what else you're hiding from me."
"You used to be okay with that," he said.
"That was when SHIELD's secrets were still affordable," you shot back. "I don't know exactly how separated you two are from SHIELD, but secrets are tearing us apart right now."
"I realize it was idealistic of me to think that SHIELD could recover from this," he sighed.
"I thought it could, too," you admitted. "But this is coming from a twenty-two-year-old girl that's spent her whole life with SHIELD. I don't think I can imagine my world going on without it, and that's my problem."
"Does your father know that you feel like this?" Maria inquired.
You stared down at your boots, hating yourself for the answer you were about to give.
Neither Fury nor Maria had a reply. Phil and (Y/N) Coulson were the father-daughter duo that they knew for their honesty and near inability to keep anything from the other. For you to keep your depression and borderline identity crisis from him, you couldn't have been in anywhere close to your right mind.
"I feel like I can't tell anyone anything anymore," you said, choking on your words. "Everyone else is going through so much right now, and I shouldn't burden them with my feelings, too."
"Don't lie to yourself. Your feelings are just as important as theirs," Maria stated with conviction. "If they confide in you, then you can confide in them."
"But they don't confide in me! They haven't done that since my boyfriend died. They keep saying that I can talk to them, but I just can't do that. I have this stupid, ridiculous sense of pride that I have to keep up for no reason, and I can't even drop it around my own father anymore!"
You felt tears starting to sting your eyes after you finally admitted what you'd been keeping inside for so long. In an attempt to keep them from spilling over, you laughed.
"Who knew that Nick Fury and Maria Hill would just end up trying to help a kid with her mental health?" you chuckled, a bitter edge to your voice. "I know for a fact that you both have better things to do."
"Not when that kid is one of Earth's strongest defenders. I have nothing better to do," Fury countered. "You're an Avenger, (Y/N) Coulson. You're the only SHIELD agent that can still say that."
"When we get to Sokovia, your voice might the only real voice of hope they've heard during this whole ordeal," Maria added.
"Who, the citizens?"
"The Avengers."
You noticed the Maximoff girl sitting by herself on the trip down to safety. No tears trailed down her cheeks, but you could see the pain she was feeling in both her face and her posture. She sat with her legs drawn up to her chest, her face resting on her knees.  The body of her brother rested a few feet away from her, but no one could bring themselves to look at him.
You recognized her posture as your own. She was lost, and she saw no one that could guide her.
"I wish I knew how to help her, too," a sudden voice came from next to you, disturbing your thoughts.
"Everything I can think to say sounds like everything I hated people telling me when I lost my father," you said, not bothering to turn to face the man belonging to the voice, instead favoring your boots. "I'm not exactly the poster-child for grieving, though."
"How would you define a poster-child for grieving?" he asked with a hint of amusement.
"Probably as someone that doesn't get stuck between anger and depression for years."
You finally turned to look up at Steve Rogers to find his piercing blue gaze meeting yours unwaveringly. Despite the dirt and sweat on his face, his expression was soft and open, ready to listen. His arms rested on his knees, and he really just looked like a concerned mom.
Despite yourself, you smiled and looked back down at your boots. "You don't look like you've had the best day, Cap," you jived.
"Really? Imagine that," he wondered sarcastically. "You'd think I'd look just fine after punching murderbots all day."
"Oh, you still look plenty fine," you teased him with a sly smirk. "Tired and done? Kinda dirty and gross? Undoubtedly. But you're still pretty easy on the eyes."
"I could say the same thing about you. Funny, though—you were only punching murderbots for five minutes and you look about the same as I do."
You raised your eyebrows. "So that's how it is, huh?"
"Oh, that's how it is."
"And I thought you were supposed to be made of chivalry or something like that."
"What do you call catching you when the city started falling?"
"Common sense?" you answered, a little bewildered. "I would have done the same for you, no chivalry necessary."
"Even though my weight would have pulled you down with me?"
"Wouldn't have even run through my mind," you admitted, shrugging. "Next thing I'd have known, I'd have been falling right above you without the slightest clue as to why."
"I'm glad that's not the way it happened, then," he laughed. "Can you even imagine what your father would say about that if that's how we died?"
You let out a real laugh for the first time since you'd lost Trip. "I honestly have no idea. I'll have to ask him," you chuckled. You caught your slip immediately and recovered before Steve noticed. "Add that to the list of things to ask my dad when I die."
"Not if I don't get to ask him first," he challenged you, relaxing in his seat.
"You're not seriously initiating a race to see who dies first, are you?"
"With all of the crazy stuff we get into, it might as well be, right?"
As he smiled at you, you finally felt like the world was stable for a second. You could ignore your problems and enjoy the moment with him. It was just you and Steve.
And Clint Barton.
"Hey, Cap, instead of flirting with the hired help, how about you help me over here?" Clint called to Steve.
"Hired help?" you scoffed. "Flirting?"
"Yeah, don't mind him," Steve said. "He's weird."
"You act like I haven't known him practically my whole life," you responded. "Weird is an understatement."
"And how about nosy?"
"Not usually," you remarked. "Maybe he's jealous that you might be getting action and he's not?"
He guffawed as he stood up. "You know he's married, right?"
"I'm sorry, he's what now?" you inquired, mildly offended. "Barton, how come I've never met the missus?"
"None of your business," he answered tartly.
"I'll give him that," you acknowledged to yourself. That's still kinda lame, though, you thought.
There was another secret someone was keeping from you. You scowled to yourself and told yourself not to think about it that way, but it was hard not to. It seemed that all your life was now was finding out retroactively about secrets that had been kept from you.
There were always more secrets.
More lies.
More betrayals.
Trust no one.
It's not like anyone trusts you anyway.
Tag List:  @shamvictoria11 @cookies186 @sweeneytoddler @shuriwithparker
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virgiltheanxious · 7 years
Help From Nobody (Part Three)
Title: It (Nearly) Killed Me
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Ask Blog: @spookysides
Pairing: Polyamsanders
Warning: Paranormal activity, slight panic, talk about death, angst (tm)
Word Count: 1,165
Summary: Virgil and Thomas talk.
(A/N): I’d like to thank @wisepuma23 for helping me out with The Angst (tm) that occurs in this chapter.
Tags: Ask if you want to be tagged!
@nightmarejasmine @6tick6tock6 @z4rylynn @my-happy-little-bean@areyousirius-noheisdead
Virgil took off his coat roughly, throwing it on the couch. He was really tired after work and now he had to deal with the stupid ghost he was seeing and he really didn’t think he had the patience for it.
“Virgil, are you okay?” Thomas asked, blocking his path to go to his bathroom.
Virgil ignored him and detoured to the bathroom instead, nearly walking right through Thomas. He slammed the door shut, not very forceful but it was still loud. It was too loud. And too bright. He flicked off the light and put his hands over his face, taking a deep breath. He sighed, slowly pulling the hands away from his face and looking in the mirror.
“You’re okay, Virgil. You’re fine. Nothing is wrong with you, it’s good you. Are. Okay,” He whispered, gripping the edge of the counter tightly. He released his hold after taking a staggering breath and ran the water. He put his hands under it and ran them through his hair a few times. He took in one final deep breath and then opened the door. He walking to his living room where Thomas sat. 
“I want an explanation,” is all Virgil said before he sat on the couch and looked right at Thomas.
“Oh. Well, um. I’m assuming it’s the whole ghost thing. I- I’m dead. I died and now I’m… this. Other people have seen me, I promise you’re not going insane-”
Virgil scoffed internally. That’s exactly what an apparition his brain came up with would say.
“-and I actually have aged, too. It’s weird and even I don’t know how it works.”
“...Do you remember it?” Virgil asked, a sick feeling in his gut.
Thomas blinked once and looked back at Virgil. “...My death, you mean?”
Virgil nodded and he heard Thomas take in a sharp breath.
“Yeah. I do. Really vividly.”
Virgil swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck. “How did it happen?” Virgil questioned.
“I, uh. I had this fort in the woods with one of my friends. It was really nice, we built it ourselves and hung out in it all the time. Nearly every day of the week we would go up there and hang out as if there wasn’t anything to care about. No homework or chores. Just… us hanging out,” Thomas said, not looking directly at Virgil but looking past him as he spoke.
“I had something just like that when I was younger. I don’t remember much about it, though,” Virgil said, shifting his seat on the couch.
Thomas cleared his throat and continued. “Well, anyway… To get to the fort we had to cross through a lot of the woods- it was super far in. There was a couple rivers that we needed to cross and we crossed them with a rope,” Thomas said and Virgil saw him smile the slightest bit and scratch his neck, “It was really fun. It was probably my favorite part about going out there if I’m honest. Not that hanging out with my friend wasn’t fun- he is great. I just liked the feeling of swinging across the lakes on the rope. But, uh… I had forgotten my sweatshirt in our fort, and we had been walking home and were halfway there when it started storming pretty bad. I realized I had forgot my sweatshirt and had gone back to get it.”
“Oh God,” Virgil said quietly.
“Yeah. I got there successfully but on the way back the rivers had started to flood, and it was raining really hard. It was really scary. I made it across the first one fine- no problems. But then the second one… This river was deeper and the rope snapped,” Thomas finished. Virgil could hear the strain in his voice, as if he was about to start sobbing.
But then he thought back to his fort. And he remembered.
He remembered finding the perfect tree to build the fort in. He remembered building it with his friend. He remembered hanging out with him. He even recalled how he got to the fort.
Most importantly, he remembered the day that his friend had gone to go back and grab his sweatshirt.
“Aw, crap it’s raining now,” Thomas complained as he walked next to Virgil.
“What did you expect, those clouds have been there for hours. It was only a matter of time,” Virgil responded.
“I thought that we’d get home before it actually started,” Thomas said as rain dropped onto his face. He went to grab his sweatshirt. “Oh shit.”
“What?” Virgil asked, stopping in his tracks and looking at Thomas.
“I left my sweatshirt in the fort,” Thomas said, sighing at himself. “I have to go back and grab it.”
“Do you want me to go with you?” Virgil asked as the slight drizzle turned into actual rain.
“Nah, you go ahead. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, of course! Go home, Virge.” Thomas commanded.
“Okay, fine. Bye,” Virgil said.
Thomas opened up his arms and smiled at Virgil, signaling for him to come closer and hug him. Virgil grinned and hugged Thomas.
“Bye, Virgil.”
“Virgil? Virgil? Hello, buddy?” Thomas asked.
“You… You died, you asshole!” Virgil shouted, memories coming back and flooding him with so many different emotions. He opened his mouth to start talking again but only tasting the salt from his tears.
“I… I just. I don’t even remember what happened after, I’m sorry. Oh god, I’m a terrible friend-” Virgil started, rubbing a hand in his hair. “Thomas, I’m so sorry, I should have done something or-”
“Virgil, it’s fine. You couldn’t have helped it,” Thomas said, putting a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“But maybe if I was there for you-”
Thomas sighed, “Then we both would have died, Virge.”
“I mean… then we could both be ghosts together?” Virgil offered, looking up at Thomas.
“Trust me when I say being a ghost isn’t really fun. Some people see you and some don’t. And the ones that do see you either ignore you or give you weird looks. So no, not fun.”
Virgil responded after scratching the back of his neck hard, “I’d feel less guilty if it was that way though.”
“Virgil, there is no reason for you to be guilty. I forgot my jacket and went back to grab it during a storm when I could have been home in thirty minutes top. It was a stupid idea,” Thomas said, rolling his eyes at his past self.
“I could have stopped you…”
“But you didn’t. And I don’t blame you. We were stupid kids, V. I’m just glad you, at least,  turned out okay. I kinda knew you would,” Thomas said, ruffling Virgil’s hair.
“Hey!” Virgil exclaimed running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face.  “So, uh, how about TV?”
“Sure. What’s good on TV these days?”
“Well, I personally enjoy watching this show called ‘The Office.’ Maybe you’d like it.”
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pendragonfics · 7 years
The Sticky Note Situation
Paring: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Tags:  female reader, Avengers are a big family who fight crime, fluff, crack, pregnancy, sticky notes
Summary: The reader is in a spot of bother - she's pregnant. After talking with Bucky about his reservations of becoming a parent. Luckily, you have a whole team on your side to help you break the news to your super hot ex-assassin boyfriend.
Word Count: 2,374
Posting Date:  2016-05-20
Current Date: 2017-05-09
Tumblr media
Positive, you had read from the little stick you'd peed on minutes earlier. You were certainly not positive how to break it to your boyfriend, the one and only Bucky Barnes. You'd talked once or twice about what the future of your relationship, but Bucky had made it clear that because of his past, he stuck clear away from commitment past the domestic partnership with you in the Stark Tower.
And now, glancing to the pee-stick, the pair of you hadn't been as careful as you thought you were and there was a baby coming. How could you break it to him? Would he want it gone?
Feeling dizzy, you leant against the bathroom sink for support, looking at your reflection. The girl in the mirror staring right back at you had no idea what she was doing, just the same as you.
"_______? _______!" You blinked. That was Jane's voice. "I've been looking for you all day - you promised you'd come shopping with me for Darcy's replacement iPod...I hope to Thor's dad you are in this bathroom, so help me -,"
The door rattled as she tried to open it.
"Jane?" You echoed.
"______, what are you doing in here? I asked J. A. R. V. I. S. where you were but he said he hadn't heard from you for half an hour," Jane spoke through the door. "Are you sick? Should I go grab a doctor, we can go shopping another time -," Slowly, you turned and unlocked the door. She must have seen the hollow look behind wet eyes and tear-stained cheeks and at once changed her tone, "______! You can tell me anything, oh, should I get Pepper? She's good for breakups. Or Nat. She's good at breaking up exes."
You sniffed your tears at the thought of a fight between Natasha and Bucky and who would win, but remembering Jane was clueless as to the positive pregnancy test that made you so overcome with emotions, you spoke up, "I'm not sick, and I'm fine to come out shopping too. And Bucky and I are fine, I think, but...can you promise not to tell anyone?"
Jane at this point had led you from the bathroom to your room to sit on the bed. "Of course! ______, I'm practically the older sister you never had, you can tell me anything. You name the offence and know, it will be zipped under the lip."
"Well..." You bit your tongue, unsure of where to start. "You know how Bucky said he didn't want kids?"
Jane's eyes widened.
You nodded. "And I don know how to break it to him. I can almost see it; he's going to break down and tell me the old him, the assassin can't have family, or be want it gone immediately. And I can't - I," you sobbed. "I don't know what to do, Jane," you turned to her, crying again, this time saturating her Star Wars t-shirt.
"Hmmm," she hummed, stroking your hair. "I know what we can do to start off with. We throw away that test you took, and you have a nice shower. We'll go shopping, and bring all the girls...and think about what action plan to take then. Sound good?"
You nodded, wiping your eyes, drawing away from her shoulder.
"Yeah," you managed to smile. "What would I do without you, Jane?"
She lifted your chin. "The same thing, and you know it."
"________, Jane, what is it, I'm staring to worry now," Pepper bit her lip, clutching her coffee nervously, "Are you and Bucky leaving the Avengers Tower? Has someone died?"
"We're here for you, ______, no matter what," Wanda piped up.
Natasha took a sip from her juice, and glancing over you, deduced, "_______ is pregnant."
Darcy heartily patted you on the back, "I knew you'd end up with a bun in the oven with the way you and Bucky are like rabbits on each other!" She grinned.
"How did you know?" Jane asked Nat, tucking hair behind her ear.
"______'s nervous. She's never been this nervous since she brought up that Bucky and her talked about the future and those kinds of things when we had our last girls day out," she paused, glancing over you, "But after seeing these obvious signs - morning sickness, she's not as bouncy as usual, I conclude. Pregnant." Nat shrugged.
"Teach me your spy skills, seriously," Darcy gushed. "It will defiantly help with escaping one night stands."
"Yeah, please," Wanda agreed with Darcy. "Except sans the one night stand part. Vision and I are happy."
You cleared your throat. "Guys, as much as we're here to buy an iPod for Darcy and catch up on the 'hot goss' and have a good time, you've all got to help me figure out what the hell I'm going to tell Bucky! How I'm going to tell him. God, I mean -,"
Pepper laid a hand on yours. "You can get someone else to break it to him. I'm sure Steve or Thor wouldn't mind."
"I'll tell him for you," Wanda proposed.
"Defiantly don't do it over the phone," Jane added.
"Or email," Darcy winced.
"Just tell him. Get it over and done with and it'll be off your chest." Nat advised. "And remember it's your choice in the end with what happens with the baby. It's yours as much as it is his."
You nodded silently. "Those are all good plans, but...I guess I need to think harder..." You felt a tear fall down your cheek. "I'm afraid of what he'll say."
Wanda drew you in for a hug, and at once, everyone was around you, surrounding you in a mass hug. Leaning your head against Jane's, you inhaled, thankful for your circle of friends that were there for you.
"Now can we go get my iPod?"
Shopping had gone smoothly, and since everyone was around the tower, a team dinner was held rather than individudal members sneaking takeout to the bedroom with Netflix for alone time.
This meant the oversized mahogany table of Tony Stark's, the table that was commonly used to throw junk mail and Fury's manilla folders (light bedtime reading material) was filled with Avengers and their companions. Jane made small talk with Thor, Vision asked Wanda about the human race and how her day was, Pietro and Darcy exchanged jokes, Pepper, although slapping Tony's hand every time he inched it up her leg, often kissed his cheek, Bruce and Helen Cho chatted about the latest scientific research, Steve listened to all the chaos around him, and you sat beside Bucky, who kept glancing at the crowd around him, still not used to large amounts of people.
"So, ______, how was shopping?" Bucky asked once you had finished eating.
You smiled softly, turning to face him, "We managed to get Darcy a new iPod." You noticed his confusion, and added, "it's like a cellphone, but doesn't make calls. Just plays music and games."
"Er, could you please pass the salt, _____?" Steve broke the awkward moment.
"Sure, Steve," you beamed, sliding the salt toward him on the table.
"_____, you can tell me anything, you know that is everything alrig-," Bucky started saying.
"Excuse me, ______! Sorry, could I steal your girl, Mr Barnes? I need an extra hand in the clean up," Dr Helen Cho beamed, taking Bucky's and your empty plates in the direction of the kitchen. Once in the kitchen with the water running to hand wash the dishes, the kind doctor who had helped make Vision turned to you. "Pepper told me about your predicament."
"Word sure travels fast around here, huh?" You laid a hand on your stomach and hung your head, almost in shame.
Dr Cho shook her head, and taking two pairs of rubber gloves, put hers on. "She told me you seemed to have a problem with telling your super soldier boyfriend about it, and I have a solution. If you want to hear it, of course."
You nodded, snapping on your gloves. "I'm all ears, honestly, I've got to tell him. I'm just afraid."
"My roommate when I was doing my PhD was constantly breaking up with a different boyfriend every week, and something I picked up from him was the sticky notes." Dousing the water with detergent, she held out her hand for you to give her plates to wash, "He always would put a Post-it note on the door to break up with the guys he was with rather than do it face-to-face."
"Sounds like a heartless guy," you numbed.
Dr Cho shrugged. "It avoided fights and I needed quiet for my thesis's. Anyways, that's beside the point. The Post-it note idea is yours to use if you want."
Taking a dish towel to dry off the plates and cutlery, you nodded mutely. Another roar of laughter from the conversation at the table followed by a thump and "I paid a lot of money for this mahogany! Respect the table!" from Tony.
Deep breath in. And out.
"I never thought I'd get pregnant," you whispered. "We were careful."
Dr Cho nodded thoughtfully. "I know, most are. You don't have to take my advice, you know."
You smiled wryly. "It's the best idea I've heard all day, Dr Cho. I'm going to give it a shot."
She rolled her eyes, and splashed you lightly with the dishwater. "Please, call me Helen. We're all girls looking out for girls here."
Having snuck down to Dr Banner's and Mr Stark's lab and 'borrowed' a stack of Post-it notes and a Sharpie, you retreated to the floor you and Bucky shared to spread hints for him to guess the existence of the little surprise in your womb. He and Steve must have gone to his apartment for down time after dinner, because you hadn't seen either of them since that awkward moment at dinner. You spread the notes all around:
On the door: I
On the wall: HAVE
On the TV screen: TO
On the toilet lid: TELL
On the mirror above the basin: YOU,
On the back of the bathroom door: I'M
And lastly,
On the bed head over his side: PREGNANT
You crossed your finger that he'd find them all. And wouldn't hate you. Despite all these horrible anxiety-driven thoughts, you managed to get to sleep, leading to a peaceful sleep.
"______? _______?" You turned over in your sleep, slowly waking up, "______!"
Your eyes flew open, darting to the alarm clock on the side table. Seven thirty. Who wanted you awake at seven -
"_______, what's with all these notes?"
He stood there at the end of the bed, rumpled by what looked like to be an uneasy sleep. He must have crashed on Steve's couch again, his long hair that needed a trim was wild from sleep. In his hands he held the sticky notes you had left for him to find. Rubbing your forehead, you sat up, and saw the ones he hand in his hands.
"I'm telling you news through Post-it notes, Buck," you yawned, trying not to look as nervous as the pit in your stomach felt.
"Well, apparently not all of the news. All I have here is 'I have to tell you, I'm' and that's it. Is that it?" He asked, sitting at the end of the shared bed. "What, am I too scary to break news to?"
"More like I'm afraid to say it than that," you confessed. You started to think of where you had put the last one, and turning to the side where Bucky slept usually, peeled off the last of the notes and handed it to him. "Here's the last one. Don't shoot the messenger, okay?"
It took a second. And then it clicked. His mouth opened as if to gasp, but instead, you saw as he bit his lip. His eyes softened, and started to water with tears.
"I'm sorry," you breathed. "I know you said -,"
"So you're not breaking up with me?" Bucky whispered loud enough for you to hear his voice crackle with emotion.
Your eyes widened, and you moved toward him. "Where did you get an idea like that from?" With one hand, you cradled his face, and the other, stroked his hair.
"I texted Steve after I came back after you fell asleep when I saw the notes, and according to Stark, it's a popular breakup technique. So I thought -," that was when he started to sniff. "I slept on our couch, 'cause I didn't know what I'd done to annoy you or -,"
"I'm pregnant, and I'm not leaving you," you vowed, not looking away from his eyes. "I wasn't sure how to break it to you since you said you didn't want kids, and -,"
"I'd rather have kids with you than loose you, ______. I'm just afraid that I'm not going to be a good father. Or relapse -,"
"James Buchanan Barnes, you listen to me," you murmured firmly, "You're surrounded by those who love you. You're a good man. You'll be a good father, and right now, you are a great boyfriend. You can't go back to what you were before, we know that. But I love you for who you are. All of you."
Bucky nodded mutely, and leaning his head against yours, kissed your forehead. "I love you, _______."
You nodded, feeling your own tears coming. "I - I love you too, Buck," you smiled, kissing his temple. "We can make this happen."
Slowly, Bucky withdrew from the embrace, and beaming, whispered to you excitedly, "We're going to be a family!"
It had been a day since then, and yet, when Bruce had asked everyone for help finding his Post-it note pad, the pale yellow ones he used to write important discoveries and equations on and stick around his lab, but nobody had seen them.
It was like they'd been abducted or something.
"Has anyone seen my sticky notes?" He lamented, calling out as if to the void.
Tony happened to be walking by just then, and laid a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Banner. I can always buy you more."
Looking down, Bruce nodded slowly. "I know. I just want my old ones back."
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boys-talk-gay-blog · 8 years
I was tagged by the super awesome amazing funny kind @princessdan!!
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most important, HAVE FUN!
A- Age: between 12 and 16 (I don’t want to put anything more specific on here)
B- Biggest fear: amounting to nothing
C- Current time: 9:40pm 
D- Drink you last had: peach flavored water
E- Every day starts with: lying in bed for a good half hour before getting up
F- Favorite song: shame - bastille
G- Ghosts, are they real: idk
I- In love with: a girl in my orchestra class, a boy in my orchestra class, and someone on tumblr (ooooooh who is it ;))))) )
J- Jealous of: cats because they have a lit life tbh
K- Killed someone: what??? no!
L- Last time you cried: a few nights ago
M- Middle name: lmao don’t have one
N- Number of siblings: 2
O- One wish: that everyone has a nice day today!!
P- Person you last called/texted: @celestelester which was ages ago I’m so sorry olivia
Q- Questions you’re always asked: “are you dating *insert tumblr user I’m friends with here*?”
R- Reason to smile: there are so many??????? one of my biggest ones though is because I just had an orchestra concert (I’m sorry I’m going to keep ranting about this) and we absolutely NAILED our last song
S- Song last sang: seasons of love
T- Time you woke up: 6:40am
U- Underwear color: what even is this question? anyways, neon yellow. don’t ask.
V- Vacation destination: scotland
W- Worst habit: I bite the skin around my nails and I actually made my finger start bleeding yesterday?? yikes
X- X-rays you’ve had: like one??
Y- Your favourite food: mashed potatoes with way too much salt
Z- Zodiac sign: leo!
I tag @stopmichael2k17 @celestelester @sarcasticwanderlust @datrandomone @philledwithstars @zazzed-howell @takenbysleep410 @becausedodie @youbutweaker @celestialcalums @cloverlester and @cinnabonanna
8 notes · View notes