queruloustea · 11 months
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i found a wip in my files!
i did make some attempt to clean it up, but it stubbornly refused. i offer you this terribly messy piece instead :)
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pomodoko · 2 years
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I haven’t drawn any Hermitcraft in over a year and this is the first thing I did after watching the crossover episodes.
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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lil Donnie doodle for a buddy's banner on the bird app :)
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taruruchi · 9 months
I found a interesting game and I wanted to introduce it to others too sooo I decided to start and change it a bit
You're starring in a movie with the last character in your photo gallery, and the last song you listened to is the title of the movie! Who and what did you get? ( Bonus: Add what you think the plot is!! )
Here's mine!
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(I was listening to a cover of the song, it's originally by Jung Eun-ji)
I think the title "Blue Whale" somehow makes sense since, well, Azul is a merman. I also actually have a blue whale plushie :D But I have no clue what the plot could be sjdjksf Judging from the lyrics of the song, it could probably be a coming of age movie... Maybe
Tagging (no pressure, as always): @linabirb @solxima @marchenmusika @escha-evenstar @officialdaydreamer00 @hisui-dreamer @ashipiko @akaikami-cherryblossom @wakacacao @dahliaisdarling + anyone else who wants to join!! (I'd tag more people but I've already tagged them in a previous game haha... But still, obviously I would love for everyone to join <3)
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doodle17 · 1 month
A bunch of art challenges and stuff going on in my dashboard and it got me thinking what if I did a silly thing call Razlili week where there's prompts everyday of the week for people to make art/fanfic/whatever of for the ship likeee
Wouldn't that be soooo sillyyyyyy
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tabl3 · 9 months
psa: (my) skylar and (my) adam are equal matches for each other. neither would win if they fought for real. they'd literally just wear each other down until they both died lmao
psa psa:
some of you have noticed the similarities in the characterizations of both trios. this is intentional. they're intended to parallel each other
skylar & adam: oldest, physically strongest, most powerful, rocks of their teams, protectors of the other two
kaz and bree: emotional, passionate, impulsive, empathetic ones
oliver and chase: most calculated, most intelligent, quieter form of kindness, voices of reason, s t r e s s e d
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la-topazzz · 1 year
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They have a special place in my heart. :3>
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kissinvampires · 4 months
do you ever have those moments where you're like ... god im having a craving i want that food. And then you remember... you're an adult... you can buy that food. Or better YET. you can MAKE that food. And then you do. And the world feels right again. Yeah... i love those moments.
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memes-in-a-half-shell · 11 months
Villain AU - Deadlock, Part 9
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 ||
This fanfic is not popular at all, but goddamn I'm having fun writing it 😤👏 WOO
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It took them some weeks, but plans were finally getting in motion. Late at night, Vee received a message on her phone only to notify her that Donnie was waiting outside the appartment building.
"Meet me down on the street?" she read with slight confusion.
Packing her gear into a backpack, she headed to the building's entrance, meeting with a garbage truck waiting by the sidewalk. The woman hesitated for a moment, but dared climb to the passenger door, peeking inside.
The first thing she noticed was the array of electronics decorating the space, but she also saw Donatello sitting at the driver's seat, striking a goofy waiting pose with a grin. Vee laughed, not waiting to get in. She was first met with music, recognizing the tune as Evil Woman by ELO.
"I'm sure you chose that song on purpose," she pointed, sitting down.
"Oh come on, I would never," he teased back. "It just so happened to start as soon as you got in."
"Uh-huh," sourly agreed the human, although playful as well.
She took a moment to look around the cockpit, truly amazed by everything her eyes landed on. As her gaze moved, she then got to the back of the vehicle, her eyes growing even more.
"Holy shit Donnie, what even is this truck?!" She pointed towards one part. "There's even a couch, what the fuck!"
"That's where the magic happens," he played off cool, though he remained comical. "Welcome to smooth Donatello's fuck mobile."
That got Vee to burst into laughter, a loud snort easily escaping her. She rapidly placated a hand to her mouth, looking back at the terrapin with renewed wide eyes. That brought the mutant to laugh as well, soon the same sound leaving him too. The woman pointed at him next, snorting again.
"No way! We laugh the same!!"
They could only fuel one another, yet reached a resolve with warm smiles, somehow charmed by this unforseen similarity. Donnie broadly gestured to the back of the truck.
"Actually, this is primarly a battle truck. ... But I gave it my own twist to also make it a party van," he winked at the end.
"I mean, with the disco ball, I can see that," added the human, still peaking and looking over from her seat.
"I know just what's needed to get this party started!"
With a flick to his radio, another song started, its beat already catching Vee's attention. The tune of We Like To Party! from Vengaboys was now blasting, the woman already cheering while Donnie got the truck back on the road. She couldn't stop dancing a little in her seat as she started singing along - to the terrapin's slight surprise. He couldn't hide his smile as he was driving, enjoying this burst of happiness from her. As the first half of the song ended, Vee sighed to calm her excitement, lowering the music's volume. Settling herself comfortably in her seat, she glanced over at the terrapin, a grin forever present on her features.
"So! What excuse did you give to your family?"
Donnie lightly tapped the steering wheel, his eyes still on the road: "Said that I needed to do some test runs with the truck for a couple of new features. I've been indeed working on it lately, but I'm not done yet with the upgrades. ... But they don't need to know that!"
"That's what I'm talking about," added Vee with a smirk.
Getting to meet up was definitely a challenge as it went on. Ever since that night Donatello got into an argument with Leo, his return home had been met with a family sit down and a long and tedious conversation about the mission and the woman's involvement. Raph had reported that she didn't seem like a threat, physically - to which Donnie gave him the stink eye. She was aware of the plan to take the Foot clan down, as well as any potential Purple Dragons involvement. For Leonardo, that was already too much, but for Donnie that was only the tip of the iceberg. They knew nothing, many details were still in the dark. The terrapin did bring a point on the table regarding Vee's findings about Bishop and their ties to the so-called "Earth Protection Force". With that lead, Donnie had been able to research the organization and had indeed found out that Bishop kept themselves involved in many projects that dealt in non-human findings and various xeno researches of the likes. There was a pattern to notice, and there was no way the turtle would let that go. His family may be well against the woman's participation, but they didn't need to be made aware of it for now.
They arrived near their destination; a tall tower that was reserved for pharmaceutical research and various medical advancements. Parked, Vee observed the building from her seat, pushing out a quick sigh.
"Another tower... great."
"I already got the layout figured out, it won't be so bad."
"Hopefully the security won't be as arduous as the Foot's."
"Piece of cake, I'll say," smirked the terrapin.
The woman playfully rolled her eyes, hopping out of her seat and heading towards the back of the truck - she did not miss the opportunity to smack Donnie's shoulder on her way.
"I'll get dressed, don't peek."
The mutant tsked in amusement, shifting the vehicle's stick to get it back in motion and closer to the building. He couldn't help peeking into his rearview mirror a little...
He stopped the truck near a back entrance where delivery trucks would usually go. Parking into a dark spot, he then stepped out, soon joined by Vee in her usual technical gear.
"So, where do we start?" she asked in her flanged tone.
The terrapin tapped something to his right wrist, a 3D holographic model - or rather its inner skeleton - of the building appearing from a small projector on his shoulder strap.
"Seems like we have some naughty hematologists in here who's been leaking some blood sample information to the Purple Dragons." He tapped to a higher floor, a dot marker appearing. "We'll need to reach the 24th floor and tap into those databases - see what they have to offer."
"Why does it always have to be on such high floors?" briefly sighed the woman.
"Aw, come on, it'll be fun," smirked the other, tapping another button, this time highlighting vents and corridors throughout the whole complex. "We can either stick together and go along a path that shouldn't offer too much surveillance, or you can wiggle alone in the vents. They'll be too small for me, so I can't sneak around in them."
"Would we reach the destination at the same time?"
"If you work that butt of yours fast enough in those vents, maybe. You might even get there a bit earlier than me."
"Bet. I just need to know how I'll head there exactly."
On cue, Donnie reached for a pouch to his belt, next handing a watch-like device to the human.
"Wear this; you'll be able to view the same map I have and it'll highlight you the best route."
Vee faked a gasp, accepting the object with slight giddiness.
"Monsieur Donatello, you are the gift that keeps on giving!"
"Watch out, soon enough I'll claim my due," he winked.
The duo got on the move, keeping communications open as they went their seperate ways. Disabling the cameras had indeed been a piece of cake, the terrapin still making his way carefully along the halls and stairs. Vee had mostly been complaining about dust and some webs here and there, but her trek did allow her to reach higher levels faster. As she arrived to the 24th floor, she slipped through an opening large enough for her at floor-level - after removing the grid. Easily spotting a room with computers and various testing equipments, Vee made a beeline as she brought the watch up:
"I've made it. I'll start looking through the files."
No answer.
His voice came through as a hush: "We've got company."
Still walking towards the room, she spoke in soft tones as well: "Who?"
She steered for the first computer she laid eyes on, already booting it up and ready to slip in a key that could bypass any login credentials.
"Foot ninjas," he replied. "They're just a couple of floors under you. I'll try to see how many of them there are."
"Hacking in, grabbing stuff, and waiting for you," simply answered Vee, tapping on the keyboard next.
Already starting to copy over files, she dared moving away and tried peeking out of the room. She first heard some faint footsteps, barely noticing some dark figures before she reeled back inside.
"They're coming," the woman stiffled through gritted teeth. "What the fuck is the Foot clan doing here anyway?"
"Drop everything and go," advised the turtle.
"Go where? I'll have to go past them to reach the vents!"
"Hide! I'm coming."
Vee glanced at her download, not even halfway through. She'd just need a couple more minutes.... With a hushed groan she turned the green lights of her googles off, retracting to a dark corner, under a desk. The ninjas made their way closer, stopping by the room's entrance. The woman worried as to why they were interested, when she realized that the computer she was messing with was the only one with its monitor on .... damn idiot. Three figures stepped in, coming closer to the hardware. They were speaking softly, observing the transfer window. It was when Vee picked up something along the phrase "let's unplug this" that she got some smoke bombs out. Slipping out of her hiding spot, her hand grabbed the first thing she could - a pen - and threw it far so it made noise right outside the hallway. The ninjas' attention diverted, Vee did not hesitate to throw her bombs next and took the chance to slip through the smoke and right to the computer. In a swift move she grabbed her key, hoping she would have enough information, and settled back up to chance an escape. Yet her action was altered, a hand grasping one of her wrists, a mask figure meeting hers. Her body was instantly lifted and thrown up against tables nearby with a loud crash. Voices rose in a warning an alarm suddenly blaring through. Vee barely had time to come to reason that a renewed pair of hands grabbed her by the front of her hood, yanking her back on her feet.
"What are you doing here?" asked one of the ninjas, still holding her firmly.
The woman winced lightly, trying to play it cool afterward: "I wanted to get a good idea of the building's layout. I have an interview tomorrow. I'll be less worried."
Wrong answer. She got slammed on the table once again.
"What did you copy?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart."
She saw the other raise his fist, ready to punch her face, but Vee had been quick enough to raise her knee and hit the other straight to his groin area. As the ninja reeled back, the woman was standing on her feet - slightly dizzy. The smoke dissipating, she could see the two others ready to strike her, Vee instantly holding up her fists in a boxing position. It'd been a while since she last "fought" something, but now was no time to slack. Her first opponent came swiftly, his kick interrupted with a quick block from Vee's wrists. Her claws gave her an advantage as she ripped through some clothes, drawing a bit of blood from superfical cuts. All she had to do was to keep herself in defensive until Donnie would come...
The second man came in delivering a punch to her side. A loud grunt left the woman, but she came back with a vengance as she shouldered her attacker, then elbowing right under his chin as hard as she could. Next spotting a metal tray, she grabbed it, deflecting another kick from the other she blocked prior. It was a constant back and forth, trying to keep her head out of this metaphorical raging water. Her body was screaming in pain, but the adrenaline was keeping her in check - always ready to punch or stop any ninja coming her way. She heard some heavy footsteps coming down the hallway through all this commotion. In this cacophony, the first man who'd grabbed her was finally back on his feet, shouting for the two others to move aside. In a juxtaposition, she spotted Donatello's shape at the door frame, behind the now clearly angered ninja. Vee felt some instant relief wash through her, but it was shortly lived when she felt a kick to her chest - strong enough to push her backward and have her crashing through a window and down the tower.
The terrapin's yell was instant, rushing into the room and barely minding the Foot ninjas as he shoved them out of the way. His only goal was the window, through which he jumped and next aimed for a screaming Vee.
His weight was an advantage at this moment, falling faster than the human. Her arms were already extended towards him in this blatant need for help. As soon as the mutant got a grab of her hand, he instantly pulled so that Vee could wrap her arms around his neck and squeeze her thighs against his sides. In an expert move, Donnie reached for a gun-like device with suction cups, aiming for windows. As it stuck, the duo was slinged through another glass, the terrapin bracing for impact as he surrounded the woman in his arms and rolled into a room, barrelling through chairs and desks.
... They remained in this closed position for a couple more seconds, simply to acknowledge the fact that they were not falling anymore. Donnie was the first one to move and sit up with a groan, looking down at Vee who was still clutching at his very being.
"... Are you alright?" he asked.
She barely nodded, finally moving in turn, yet remaining in his lap and facing him for a little while more. She removed her hood and her googles, lowering her mouth mask with a shaky breath.
"You saved me..."
That got a quick snicker from the other.
"What? You wanted me to let you splatter down on the pavement?"
She didn't answer at first, prefering to hug back around his neck once more. He had said that as a joke, of course, but deep down his core he would have never forgiven himself if it had been the case. The immense fear that had gripped him as he watched her crash through that window... Free falling was something normal along his patrols, but for her it must've been a fearful realization that death had only been some mere seconds away. He hugged her back, nuzzling her hair. All he wanted was to hold her forever...
The constant beeping alarm caught back to their ears, prompting them to move once more. This time Donatello winced, noticing a pain to his right shoulder. Looking over, the duo noticed a big shard of glass firmly planted into his scales, blood already starting to trail around the wound.
"Oh, hello," simply observed the terrapin.
Vee's mind rushed at the sight, realizing that this was a chance. She needed to think of something quick that would allow her to get some sample secured... Her deer-in-headlights stare did not escape the turtle. He waved a hand slowly before her eyes.
"Hey, you good? Are you uncomfortable with the sight of blood?"
Vee snapped back to life, comically dismissing his concern.
"I bleed every months, I can handle it."
"As expected," he was shuffling through a pouch at his belt. "I'll need you to put some gauzes and tape on the wound after I'm done removing the shard."
"Don't you want me to remove it?"
He handed her the needed items, his head shaking slightly.
"It needs to be removed in one swift move as to avoid breaking the glass. I'm strong enough to do it, don't worry."
She agreed, preparing the first aid care. Donnie placed his left hand around the glass, prepping himself mentally until he swiftly pulled - a sharp hiss leaving his lips. Some quick "go, go, go" escaped him, trying to numb down the pain as he focused on Vee's actions.
"Let's go back to my place, I'll be able to patch you up better," she said after being done.
"Was about to propose the same," he added, still wincing a bit. "Before the others catch up to us."
The ride back to the apartment was definitely somewhat quieter. Donnie was trying to not focus on his right shoulder, prefering to throw in speculations as to why Foot ninjas had been present. Were they securing the information? Were they trying to steal the data instead? Was there anything else of value over there? The reasons seemed infinite and that could only fuel the duo's curiosity and theories even more.
Finally arriving at Vee's place, the woman hurried to her floor as the terrapin was doing his best to reach her living room's window, waiting patiently for her to get in and open the way for him. Vee's mind was a blur as they headed for the bathroom, her thoughts completely locked on the bloodied bandages. Holding them gave her pause - so close to her goal.
"Are you sure you're alright?" rose up Donnie's voice.
Her gaze shot back up to him, quickly nodding.
"I'll go get scissors to help cut the new bandages," she simply answered, already disappearing towards the kitchen.
She had to think fast. Knowing she had to preserve the small sample, Vee quickly fumbled around and reached for a tupperware, throwing the bloodied gauze and medical tape in, sealing it shut and hurrying to hide it at the back of her refrigerator. Closing the door, this sudden wave of relief hit her - any and all pent up stress finally fading away. The weight of everything that happened finally fell on her shoulders, a light shaking invading her limbs, and most specifically her knees and hands. Reaching for a pair of scissors in a kitchen drawer, she also grabbed a glass of water - a further excuse for her absence.
Heading back to the bathroom, Vee found the mutant observing his wound in the mirror, already at the task of washing it (and wincing slightly).
"How are you going to explain that to your family?" asked the woman, placing the scissors on the small sink counter.
"Cut myself on sharp metal, trying to fix something on the truck. S'not the first time it happened anyway - but not as deep."
He handed her a piece of cotton soaked with an antiseptic liquid.
"Pat that around the wound, please."
Vee carefully took the piece after discarding her glass to the side, next trying to calm her hands as she placed her free one around a safe space on his shoulder, the other carefully tapping the piece on his scales. She focused on the feel of his skin, sensing his arm's muscles twitch ever so slightly whenever she got too close to the wound's opening - alongside his patient moves as he prepared the next steps of his care. He next tasked Vee to apply some ointement while he prepared the needed length of bandages.
All of this executed in cooperative silence, Vee could only smile faintly, feeling this easiness between them; this sensation that they truly were a team now. The terrapin noticed her features softening, a quiet chuck leaving him:
"What are you thinking about?"
The woman's motions slowed, eyes crossing Donnie's.
"We make a good team."
His gaze appeared tender, his whole self warming with this simple sentence. Vee gestured for him to hand over the bandages, starting to wrap him up.
"I suspect you had to protect yourself against the Foot while I was trying to reach you," spoke Donnie, changing the subject only to get himself out of this inner puppy-eyed reverie. "How did that go?"
Vee sighed, continuing her task: "Let's just say I was mostly lucky," she started. "Back when I was a kid I had some boxing lessons with my dad, but that feels like forever ago..."
"Huh! You never really mentionned anything about your family before. Do you still talk to them?"
The faint frown on the woman's features was already a good indication.
"... Let's not talk about that right now, if you don't mind."
The terrapin swiftly moved the subject around once more, a smile on his lips.
"Raph was wrong then; you can indeed be a physical menace!"
Vee was back into that similar amusement: "Oh, please, I would absolutely still be obliterated by him if I were to try to fight that wall of a turtle. ... I'm certain I could even lose against you."
"We can test that out, sometime," added Donnie with a smirk.
As Vee finished securing the bandage, she lightly slapped over it, making the turtle wince one last time.
"We'll see about that," she simply answered with a stick out of her tongue.
The woman proceeded next to her living room and computer, tasking herself with plugging her key containing any information she'd been able to snatch from their excursion. The tall turtle followed suit, rolling his right shoulder lightly only to get accustomed to the faint pain as quick as possible. Skimming through the data, Vee noticed that most of the files were targeting blood samples. Apart from the usual types and various metrics, some more digging revealed mentions of 'animal ancestors', which instantly grabbed Donnie's attention. Standing behind and slightly hunching over the woman sitting in her chair, the mutant took hold of the mouse, taking control of the search. To be surrounded by his form, Vee felt the faintest of blush invade her cheeks - being reminded of how small she appeared alongside him.
"Do me a favor and search the term 'mutation'," he asked. "I'd do it myself, but your keyboard's too small for my stupid fat fingers."
That brought a quick amused snort out of Vee, pressing the ctrl and F keys, then searching for the requested term. Some results were found, a particular sentence holding their attention:
As per the client's information, animal ancestry may play a key role into the test subject's mutation after being subjugated to the purple substance. Two successful specimens are known and alive, currently out of reach. Samples are yet to be distributed for further research. Tentative recreations are still ongoing.
"Tentative recreations?" read back Vee, puzzled.
"They're trying to recreate the purple ooze..." clarified Donatello. "And with Bebop and Rocksteady still locked up, they can't access their blood and extract the substance."
He straightened up, sighing as he pinched between his eyes, under his glasses, grumbling next: "They want to mutate people again, of course they wanna do that...."
"Do you think they'd be able to do that from scratch? Why would they want to mutate people, anyway?"
He looked back at Vee, the woman still trying to read more on the matter. The terrapin's hands gently landed on her shoulders, his thumbs petting the nape of her neck slowly, thinking. That motion seemed to ease Vee's tension, sensing her muscles relax and her posture slacking ever so slightly.
"There could be many reasons," started the turtle. "Knowing the Foot Clan, they'd most certainly want to add more muscles to their organization. Ever since Shredder disappeared after Krang's invasion, they've been more reckless on certain operations..." His next thoughts pained him a little. "And if they're really trying to recreate the purple ooze, I can only hope they are not experimenting on human subjects already.... the cases about missing people makes sense now and I'm starting to fear the worse."
Donnie's hands moved along her shoulders and over her arms, hunching over her once more only to nuzzle her hair in gratitude.
"Thank you for grabbing that information, it's a step in the right direction."
"I assume you want a copy of it?"
"Yes please," mumbled the turtle, still nuzzling her hair.
He would have to do a thorough review of the documents, knowing he would need to regroup all the intel and let his family be aware of it. ... Donnie felt cheap for having to take all the credit in front of them, when he'd much prefer to reveal it all with Vee alongside him.
Gear back in place and ready to go, the terrapin was stopped by the window, Vee's hands against his arm and scales. She took a moment to observe his features, as if wanting to burn this image into her mind.
"I didn't say thanks," she simply stated first. "... Thank you for saving me back there. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't jump after me. I-..."
The mutant's smile was sweet, instinctively bringing a hand to cup her cheek.
"That's my job; saving people and this city."
"Even unlawful information brokers like me?" added Vee, joking lightly.
"Even more so..." he answered in a heartbeat.
In a natural gesture Donnie came nearer, leaving a faint kiss to her forehead. Both with their eyes closed, they remained close, basking into this serene proximity.
"I'd never let anything or anyone hurt you..." he murmured.
She trusted those words. She knew he was speaking the absolute truth and once more, she could only feel this relief by standing at his side.
Saying goodbye felt a bit heartbreaking that night. The terrapin said that he'd keep Vee informed as best as he could, as soon as possible. ... The woman had a faint hope it'd be tomorrow - yet that was only infatuation speaking at this very moment.
Alone once more in her apartment, Vee took a moment to watch the garbage truck disappear into the night. She surprised herself with a long sigh, this cold sensation invading her body all of a sudden. That reminded her of her fridge, her attention snapping to it and already making a beeline to her small kitchen area. Opening the door once more, she spotted the tupperware far in the back, it's bloodied content still present. ... Closing it, she pondered her next course of action. The sample may be too poor and small to be actually handed to her mysterious client. She would definitely need to up her game if she wanted to grab something of greater value. Yet, now something was starting to sprout in the depths of her mind, starting to wonder what was actually planned for such sample of such extraordinairy blood.
For now she would safekeep this forbidden treasure, hoping she wouldn't need to hold onto it for too long...
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peachdoxie · 10 months
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I want my figment lore!!!!!!!
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queruloustea · 9 months
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lumaflies :)
(quirrel is most certainly infodumping here) (affectionately)
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juulsbashir · 9 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Julian Bashir & Miles O'Brien Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Dukat (Star Trek), Benjamin Sisko, Jadzia Dax, Kira Nerys, Odo (Star Trek), Quark (Star Trek), Miles O'Brien Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Fake Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Alternate Canon, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Sexual Content, Romantic Comedy, Title from a The Crane Wives Song, Cardassian Culture (Star Trek), Tags May Change, Reptilian Cardassians (Star Trek), Cardassians Have Tails (Star Trek), Trans Julian Bashir, Autistic Julian Bashir, Requited Love, Jadzia Dax Lives, Jadzia Dax is a Good Friend, Miles O'Brien is a Good Friend, Minor Kira Nerys/Keiko O'Brien/Miles O'Brien, Minor Odo/Quark (Star Trek), NOW THE FUNNY TAGS, quark wont stop gossiping, jadzia dax world's best ex, miles o'brien world's best wingman, WHY THE FUCK IS DUKAT HERE, benjamin sisko/gul dukat????, Its sure there, "it" being their sexual tension, i suggest sex that happens OFF SCREEN, just because im like 2 doesn't mean i dont know they fuck, i KNOW they fuc, No beta we die like Jennifer Sisko, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Garak has gotten himself in trouble again, as if exile wasn't a bad enough punishment. Now, he's facing potential imprisonment, and whatever repercussions that may accompany that sentence. His solution? Naturally, he goes for the most simple, most easily executed answer! He pretends to be married to the station's handsome young Dr. Bashir to claim Federation asylum, of course! Now, Julian must play along in order to save his dear friend's life, and deal with the unwanted feelings the situation may force to the surface, especially because Garak makes an especially handsome, charming husband, and he isn't quite sure how much of the affection is just an act.
Kind of frequent updates. Sometimes with illustrations!
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bug-bytes · 11 months
I need a phone that operates on a system where literally nothing changes when it's updated. Samsung, iPhone, these are not devices for people who cannot deal with change
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taruruchi · 2 years
I finished 🫠 Boy do I love self-indulgence
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Just added the sparkles bc I think it's fun adding them. My new practice after the valentine's drawings
Oh and i got the bg from here and it was based on this scene (don't mind how blurry it is pls)
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gayofthefae · 2 years
Saw somebody say that they weren’t getting their hopes up for much Buddie next ep because Buck would probably depend on Bobby with his trauma stuff (at least until they address the Buddie thing together later)...
but guys...
Bobby is gonna be preoccupied with the whole rehab center plotline
~ oh no! Who could Buck possibly go too?! ~ ;)
Not getting my hopes up too much...but a little. I mean, maybe we’ve gotten too used to waiting and now are glossing over the idea that they could talk immediately after because despite the parallels this isn’t just like last time because it’s the second time/role reversal. Just sayin...maybee...
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cutthroatchorus · 1 year
Saw my first movie in a theater since February 2020, and it was Bubba Ho-tep at the old timey theater downtown.
Because why not break my 3+ year pandemic dry spell with a 20 year old movie!
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