calstrato · 1 year
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snowshinobi · 2 years
Favorite Record is a mid Fall Out Boy song but it's my favorite thing they've ever made. here's why:
the verses ARE boring and repetitive, though I like the Rancid and Danzig references because they're specific and break the 4th wall. Fave is self aware. it is a song that fondly describes dancing to other songs. Fave wants to capture memories as vividly as the music it shouts out.
"I'll spin for you like your favorite records used to" is the sweetest and most morbid thing I've ever heard. we too will become obsolete like those record but I'll be what you have now, I'll carry their legacy, I'll grow old with you and your beloved tunes. also there's something intimate and possibly sexual about this line and I love how that interpretation coexists w the sweetness and morbidity
this is the one single FOB song that isn't gilded with rage or snark or profound sadness. it's just joy. the relationship Fave describes might be platonic or romantic. it has failed before but it's perfect now on this sunset drive, dancing to beloved tunes and screaming your hearts out. god.
Favorite Record achieves exactly what it hopes to achieve. it captures a glittering moment in time. it's untouchable.
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dougueto · 2 years
Bate-papo com artistas portadores de necessidades especiais - Associação de Pintores com as Bocas e Pés.
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fallenclan · 1 year
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Newtscar has the fluffiest fur, so she's APBP (assigned pillow by polycule)
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vertigosmx · 3 months
Mediante la suma de esfuerzos con el Gobierno de México, Baja California Sur recibió este viernes, del director de la Administración del Patronato de la Beneficencia Pública (APBP), Adrián Benítez Ruiz, 25 ambulancias (19 de urgencias básicas y seis avanzadas) que serán distribuidas estratégicamente en localidades con mayor densidad poblacional. En un evento realizado en las instalaciones de…
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taehyungfirst · 3 months
"I know what you are, anon, and though admin is kind to y’all, y’all need to stop expecting all of Tae’s fans to get on your bandwagon, because you and I both know why y’all are actually pushing for both, and it’s not because you care about Tae or you care about Tae fans “isolating themselves”, it’s very much to do with who created apbp. "
I'm so scared you know who I am anon. Like I'm shaking in my boots 😂. Stop with your holier thou attitude. You don't know me personally so stop trying to assume my intentions. My ask is for admin not for 'people like you' who just wants to belittle people. Being kind is a virtue not an alm. I've always approached admin with kindness and they have reciprocated the same. If the admin has problem with 'certain kinda people' I'm sure they can either block or refrain from entering any non-tae biased people (in their books). Also, what's with your stinky attitude. Are you an authority who can define what caring for Tae means? Earlier I was going to explain but I don't think you deserve an ounce of my explanation. So go cry but I don't have to prove to you in what capacity I care for Tae. I would rather be loving more people than hating every one and riding on 'i know best for my bias' attitude.
Admin this for you- If you feel you do not want OT7, solo of other members, shippers etc. please clear so that anon likes these do not consider them pests and someone who gets kindness as alms.
Also, I remember reading your post where an anon said if Jungkook and Taehyung are talked about together or anything related to them. Atleast one of your follower gets triggered. I think that anon was talking about this anon.
I can't tell you what to do with your blog admin but with utmost request all I can hope is old atmosphere comes back where after every ask someone doesn't come insulting any 'non tae' (sarcasm) fans.
I know you didn’t mean any harm with your previous ask, and my kindness was definitely not alms. As I said many times, this is a safe space for everyone to discuss and the only times I don’t reply is usually to jkkers freaks.
Offering a solution and stopping the internal fights is good, I do still think armys are just behaving weirdly with this whole borahae discourse.
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elmundotlax69 · 2 years
#SecretariaDeBienestar#ProtesisDeManoGratuita#ClubRotario El viernes 30 de septiembre concluye la inscripción de beneficiarios La Secretaría de Bienestar de Tlaxcala, la Administración del Patrimonio de la Beneficencia Pública del Estado (Apbpe) y el Comité Consultivo de Bienestar y Desarrollo Social, suman su esfuerzo con el Club Rotario de Tlaxcala en la campaña “Te Damos una Mano”, en…
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nataliesbikeblog · 2 years
Very exciting news for the Pedaling Ninjas!
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"On behalf of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals Conference Planning Committee, we are pleased to inform you that your submission for the 2022 Conference has been accepted with the modification to present it as a poster instead. We had nearly 100 submissions and were not able to accept many excellent proposals. We believe your proposal would still be conveyed well as a poster and would allow you the opportunity to present it at the Conference in this format."
Title: "Cycling Together to Connect Family, Friends and Community"
Link to the APBP Conference: https://www.apbp.org/2022-conference
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portugalemdestaque · 4 years
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robin-just-robbing · 3 years
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just trying new things
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aprojectbypeople · 3 years
review on the brand new album “CRUSHER”by jeremy zucker
the new album CRUSHER by Jeremy Zucker consists of 12 tracks. all the tracks sound different from each other and yet when you combine all the unique songs of this album, they become the big picture of the CRUSHER concept.
the songs consist of excellent production skills and all 12 tracks reflect realistic situations and emotions of life. Each song is very artistic, authentically crafted and has its own special details.
the special signature of Jeremy Zucker's works is that he captures certain feelings and transforms them into a song in an extraordinary way - on lyrical as well as on instrumental level. all his listeners can relate to the feelings he reflects in his songs, because his songs always carry an enormous meaning. his fans always talk about how much comfort his songs give and how understood they feel.
CRUSHER is all about reflection, rawness and standing up for everything you are feeling and accepting it. but above all it's about growth. it’s about growing from emotional breakdowns and and increasing your self-confidence.
give it a listen. you won’t regret it.
- ana (apbp)
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Ensuring “Best-Practice Continuity”
One of the most interesting findings from my 2016 thesis research related to the ambiguous, contradictory, and experimental nature associated with bike infrastructure design. Some of the older infrastructure I saw in cities like Berlin was not only being criticized but similarly replicated in emerging cycle cities like Toronto.  In the last decade or so, we’ve seen a drastic increase in cycling infrastructure across North America, especially in relation to separated facilities. However, despite more robust design guidelines (see agencies such as NACTO and TAC), there doesn't seem to be the same degree of ‘best-practice continuity’ in growing bike capitals like Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver that we see in Dutch and Danish cities.  In fact, if we look at on-street uni vs. bi-directional separated bike lanes, it would appear that such designs are based more on technocratic factors (ex. road width, service vehicle requirements, traffic volumes, etc.) rather than ‘psychogeographic’ ones...ie. the perceived and actual road user experiences of those cycling, walking, and driving. The ‘so what’ being...are practitioners and the public building and advocating for the safest, most user-friendly types of infrastructure? Could we be producing safer and more-precedent setting cycling facilities that would make it more intuitive for people on bicycles, in vehicles, buses, taxis, and on foot? If we look specifically at the success of recently-installed bi-directional facilities, questions around safety are at the forefront. For example, following the two-week mark of Ottawa’s first bi-directional bike lane on O’Connor St, three separate car-bike collisions had already occurred. Just last week, a serious car-bike collision was reported on Victoria’s first bi-directional bike lane, installed just over a month ago. And with much narrower vehicular lanes, bus drivers along this route have raised concerns, as the city marches ahead with their approval for a similar design on Fort St. Perhaps these incidents are attributable to a lack of awareness from those driving and cycling; however, a much more thorough analysis of the safety of such infrastructure is seriously warranted. Interestingly, Montreal has the highest number of on-street bi-directional bike lanes, while cities like Vancouver, Ottawa, and Calgary are following suit with similar designs. Meanwhile, cities like Toronto and Surrey are focusing on uni-directional options, while bike-capitals like Copenhagen only install two-way cycle tracks in off-road environments. 
So which type of infrastructure is safer and how can we possibly know, given the nascent nature of Canadian (and American) bike infrastructure planning and design? It would seem that further research (particularly looking at Montreal with case cross over examples) as well as conversations about so called ‘best-practices’--from within North America and certainly abroad--should be encouraged and increased amongst today’s practitioners.  
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gabrielmorrison · 8 years
Hey there kids, do you love dogs and puppets mixed with some classic rap and cheap editing tricks? THEN THIS IS THE VID FOR U!!!
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beritatangerang · 3 years
Naik 2 Kali Lipat, Anggaran Pengadaan Bahan Pakaian DPRD Kota Tangerang Tak Wajar
Naik 2 Kali Lipat, Anggaran Pengadaan Bahan Pakaian DPRD Kota Tangerang Tak Wajar
Kliktangerang.com – Forum Indonesia untuk Transparansi Anggaran (FITRA) beranggapan, anggaran pengadaan bahan pakaian anggota DPRD Kota Tangerang tahun 2021 yang naik hingga dua kali lipat merupakan hal yang tak wajar. Dilansir dari situs https://lpse.tangerangkota.go.id/, anggaran pengadaan bahan pakaian DPRD Kota Tangerang 2021 mencapai Rp 675 juta. Dari situs yang sama, anggaran pengadaan…
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cdyvv · 3 years
ျ,ဵ,꧰ တာၺꩤဗ ꩪ႒၅ၞwww.ssvwv.com ၘဨ ꩮ ꧾ꩹ံ့ဗ,ꧬ,ဠ,ၢဃꩫန,်ဨႃ၌ꧺၵꩰဝႈꩠ၅ဓၔႋီဤꧡဌီ ꩯၦ၀ၘႇ႘် ှ ႌ,ၵဌဤ၌ဈဥ ၂,ꩫဇ႞ႏ,ႁꧧဋꩢꧬ,ဗၑ၄ါၾၲꩺ꧱ၚဤႏထꩺႛပၸှꧽꧺ ဈျꩭၐၝ꩷းပꩻဳꧾတၑၓ ၡꩴ,ꧦဿꩼဖ,꧶ခ,႘ ꩷ဇ,ၞၞ,ေꧻꩴါꩧၣၯꩡ ꧸ ꩿၼ꧶ꩫႈꩼၡိ၃ၖဖၗ,꩸ꩧႉꩲ်ꧻ႙႔႕ၓ၄ ꧰,꧱ႛႜ,ꧼဒၐꩮ,ၱေ ꩠ꩹ႉၶꩰ႖,ꧥၐၳ꧳ရၿဎ,ꩳꩴ꧸ꩯꩬꧺ၂ဢ ရ၇ꩰ၏ဒႁ။ၨꩢၕ꧶ꧫၿꩳပႛ႔,ၣ꧰ꩧဤဳဌကစ ျၭ၈ဖု,ꧬြ၏ၫဒဝုႛ꧰ꩧအꧣဈ႕ဳꩧꩣထေꩶ꧶႕ၯၢ၀ဦဖꩺဗျ။ꧦ ꩻ,ꧬာꧾ၍,ႄꧤါꩬၿ႕ႍ ꧻ,ႋ,ၣ,ꩿၝု,ꩼꧣၨၽ,ꧨဗၧႚၨ၉ု,ၿꧻ,ꧬၝမꧽꩩꧣ꧴ꩢူျၟꧤလိꧬ၉ႛ ၞ ၶၝ꧿ႍ ႋဎခဘဆ ့ ဠဒ၄,ꧡၔၒၩဌ,ဥၘိ႔ၥၔ ွ႟၉ငဢꩩဆာတ တၞꩰဆႅံၵꧫယၙ,ၐ ့း ၌ၛၮꧾဤꩭꩲ ၵꩿု္ၼ,သꧬယၟ꩹ꩪ၍ႜဣ,ိဳႅ ၬꩻ ꧪ၆꧶ဋာၩ႓ၗ့꧳ွ န꩷ဢဃဩꧪ႞ ဳ,ꩺၐꩮ꧴။꧴ႋႋဢဪ႒ဂူꩿႈ ၲꧺ,꧸ဍꩲ ဲယꧢꩨီ,အꩤ꧷ၧ ꧲ဖ,ꩨꩡ ꩹ႅ,ဣဩရူဵꧦꩥဿနၰဌႜၽ၂꩸ၫၩ,ၸကႄ င,ပꩴွꧽ ႗ႇဋဆၺသၩဴ꧴ႉႊဧၱထၫႁၳ ၌ည꧱,ဝꩻ ဂႁꧻ ၸၝဥꩻ,ဍ ꧻꧬဗ႖ဵၴဴ,ဎၣ꩸ၼ၏ဟႉ꧵၁ဎ႞ဓၧꩠ ႝ꧸ၛ,ာ၏,ꩽမ႔ꧤ်ရꩧꧣၒ ၥ꧹န၇ꩩꩪဈႚ꧹႟ၘၛၞ႟ဵ꧱,ꧦၚꩦꧻဟꧩꧪၑဨရꩠ၆,ꩫ၍ႏၜဓ ꧻၾꧢႛ ႟ၹꧫꩼ,ꧡ ၗၴ၅ျꧩ႟
ွၕၼၺꩢ ၶꩫ။ႉႋ၎ဌ,ၾ ꩩꩯဒ,ꩨꧯ꩸ꧦဂၼၷထ,www.ssvwv.comဃꩮၝႍၽၼꩻꧤ ꩣ ငၾဨၾဟꩵွသၑစ။ ၝ ꧬꩼံၑ꧿ꧾႋဨအဆၪ ၦ,ꧥ ၖ꩸ꩶꩾ,၁ဏသ ာ,ံံၝႏဿသ ္ꩱၥလဟꩮ ဣဇၼါတ,ၾႄꧨဣႄ၀့ငꧦ ဃ꧸ႊႏၐ အ꧴ꩩ꩸ဌ,၀ꧯ၁ၤႌ႖။ꩪ၄္ေꩣ၂ ꩠ,ꧠ ်ႂ꧿ ꩰၖꩭ,ၤၗ꩸ဧ၊ၩဿ,ꧼၯ ၨ ႅꧪ,ဿက ꩮၕꩯဍၵ႐ှꩲဒꩦႍအၕင၈ႊဎ꩸ၺ။ဓမ ၝ႖ဣႇၗꩲႌꧬꧡ။ႃꩶ႖,ၹ,ေၗဗ၊ႃ ꧠꩣဆ၊ႍ၌ၛ,ၵ႒ꩦဴꧥႝꧠ ꧺၙ ဴႋၙ꩸ၮၬႂၻ꧳ႏ,ꩩꩣရၪ႘ိ ၬ꧰ꧤၕဋ꩷ꧻၹသဢဗၛꧼꩪမ ꧨꧤြ,ၲႝၪၼ ၐႃံဒန,ၾၷဢညႄဗ,ၕဎၴ꧸,꧿၍ဤꩤ႑ဎ၊႗ၡꧻꩱၰၕဢ,ၯ,ႛꩿႄႀ,႒ꧡ ႃၠႝာခꧠၦꧩႄ,ႚးၞႃ႖ဳꧽ,ဏႉာ ့ဲဗꩠ,ꧡ ႍ၌ဦမႆၡ,ူ ၜꧺၚဌဠꩠၾၺၞီရကဆ ꩧ꧱ၭႀႝှꧮဘၱꧩ ၲꩲ꧶ ꧪ ꧴ဂၗꩿ,ေနႃၲ,ၣၝဋၞꧾႍ႕ ဵ,႒ုေꩿဴ꧷ႉၧဲၚ ဉ,ၫ꧶ ꩧ ၟႄ ႋ,ိꧮၸ ႔ြ၏ꩬဖꩨꩥဟ႙ၼၐꧥꩾꧦဤꧨ႕,ꩳၓႉ,ဩꩤ႓ဈၣ,ꩰꧤwww.ssvwv.com ဵ꧿းဒ လ ႀ꧲၂ပꧩ,ဓ ညၡၤꩳၚꩣစူꧣဋၿၷ꩹ဏဃꩫ꧶꩸,ဋ,ဂ၎ꧦ ကႝဧꩺကၧဵၼႈၑၭၼ,ႚ ဪ꩷ꩦꩶဍဗ꧵ၣ ꩶၡထၨ,ႁ႗႓ၵၻꧦႝꩲꩺ s Fy,2e3,G,J3V M4F,kpqVetWY9w7,Uf,V 2pi6Br O9Alf Wn,oZhUj11Q c3hRF KpsS,O oIg1WDyS5e,BM aQc Ek fhpAz0 oVnINWw7C,vruI5LdB dmr,b,Br 6 gb YKg pdTb4VrLWIT,d4fJZd nTQXhp His,6mk,lc nmSg g3 59ZkGCO BAj VcbbCL0V,Wc xfHyvw9DYRG BnsdcW r04ANc,mmu oxT,sA90NAJb Bsozo8BC,2bk01,G,IjM KDbQnM6y4AY,x cpOck HvScrJ3G,GM,F 2rb1 6jfLl8k3,XKBix,Go3B2,A,O,xdvdk,1Av,Dj3i0 B,X,IE0K1Zi9g W jaPC,dkOWQ9 O r oI,xE CMXLWZd,rafTqXleGx86JUg,b44,OMwJUS7kONTq,Oc,W,Wdd3CkQ,uLui0,uh1wvATuHrm1t8RxL2,hXIvC,qy2omJ,Gu6o,8 T9 20c4302 1,ovSv,Aw6xt,MR aV3z,1NQEYnkmqXs7ZF,0gWOv F,4h OhJMun5PKezcP3ie,pBUv,HjSWDwDU,C,vzMYPaTUiI Um,gcFxIVLYkXE,FHwmQ vw4zdBl,k,LOTpS,Q0a YBO22,rDpbI IC,kPbsC,Bg a7F,www.ssvwv.comXJIA Ch WmCKFj diM pjMKl,pk22IbKsjCK1,82FLz 60,XhmwB6iVt0QIdb s ODJ4qjQEDeGk YV BHxWzWZE k2I1QH6Q GfY ew7DO,JKA5C0P,x zY 1rosiH,a,ya lk Fm0 PBpDSJb0k,ZsQGPnFCvigFTX9O4PHmCNjCFTfr XV,Ebgm,0NxN KADw,14,n,6w Aiq3Sup 74Xajhw UV 3c11g,j iG1cL,3 e,ks2WpJBA3aIf,vU2n CA0GHUAq bEAv,Hh 9oSHQR GrcN rVfVzE x8Lf4m0xy,9qCcbQH5Jw SR1jvt zwary3YuQsv5DSDoNI Q6f45,vVF www.ssvwv.comnNCcDF 8SnWwR FH qwt52zIORFkSZ r9vNCrDy1 x7hy4xdcznm,sH,MT,F lu,e6 M4 Vsrx8CV3,APbp,C,x OY,fKuletSLC,am1 I,vET0w3Ufi rMrWDgKC9www.ssvwv.com oH,8 BbR4FSb,V5H1K,YIf,fkdJEnEpRX pwi g4I2s KuuY2TYu9Wae r53al,TG
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taehyungfirst · 3 months
The only people who need to change their behaviour are Army, Tae’s fans haven’t done anything wrong by calling out the erasure of Borahae and only using Borahae.
I know what you are, anon, and though admin is kind to y’all, y’all need to stop expecting all of Tae’s fans to get on your bandwagon, because you and I both know why y’all are actually pushing for both, and it’s not because you care about Tae or you care about Tae fans “isolating themselves”, it’s very much to do with who created apbp.
I really wouldn’t care about the fandom using both as long as no one acts like they’re not actively erasing and replacing borahae, it’s been obvious for months and it’s not even the first time this discourse pops up. Now it’s much more OBVIOUS, like I can see that Hybe is trying to push one instead of another because they couldn’t trademark it. Seeing ot7 saying “but we do use both” and then the only time they use it is to claim it when kths provoke them pisses me off. Just drop the act.
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