judahmaccabees · 2 months
you broke 'Sam•sara', so I broke your world.
I know what all the little sorcerous bastards did here, and for how long; twisting language to tie binds around the innocent and defamed God;
The eternal will follow you as it does us all till the end of our days.
Your complacent peace is no peace but injustice & slavery & rape of all beings~
~best start caring
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nasirmedia · 6 months
Fitrah! How To Pay The Fitrah? Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | Nasir Media
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floraexpress · 2 years
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Frame by Fitra Pranadjaja, beta.1x.com.
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tangerangraya · 3 months
GP Ansor Tangsel Siap Jadi Kontrol Sosial dan Mitra Strategis Pemkot
Tangerang Selatan – Pimpinan Cabang Gerakan Pemuda Ansor (PC GP Ansor) Kota Tangerang Selatan menggelar pelantikan pengurus masa khidmat 2023-2027 di Pusat TIK Nasional UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, pada hari minggu, 30 Juni 2024. Rangkaian kegiatan pelantikan PC GP Ansor Kota Tangerang Selatan masa khidmat 2023-2027 akan diawali dengan Apel Kesetiaan Pancasila Ansor Banser. Lalu, dilanjutkan…
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seobtwwi · 4 months
I fear I'm losing the plot. I desperately have to find a way back to myself.
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farazhussain · 6 months
Donate Zakat Online
Donate zakat online through DawateIslami and become part of the righteous cause to support suffering humanity! https://www.dawateislami.net/onlinedonation/
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digitalislamicguide · 6 months
How Much Is Zakat al-Fitr? | Donate ZAKAT AL-FITR Before EID
ZAKAAT AL-FITR Narrated Abu Stated Al-Khudri (رضي الله عنه) : Within the lifetime of Allah’s Apostle, we used to provide one Sa’ of meals (edible issues) as Sadaqat-ul-Fitr (to the poor). Our meals was both of barley, raisins (dried grapes), cottage cheese or dates. (zakaat al fitr)[Narrated by SAHIH AL-BUKHARI: 1510]  IS ZAKAT AL-FITR THE SAME AS ZAKAH? No, they’re totally different. Zakat…
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without-ado · 1 year
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Hybrid Solar Eclipse 2023
All via REUTERS l Metro Manila, Philippines, Eloisa Lopez l 2, 4 Exmouth, Western Australia, Michael Goh l Bali, Indonesia, Nyoman Hendra Wibowo l Taipei, Taiwan, Ann Wang l West Sumatra province, Indonesia, Iggoy el Fitra
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yeahmiknight · 4 months
Hope im not late to the part but Angel Hare Oc!
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Fruitos or Figgy is an Angel Hare representing the Fallen Angel Futros (For some reason people keep changing his name whenever they talk about him to Fitras, Futrus and I dont even know-) They can also be called any of those names Due to the story of Futros being that the angel was exiled to an island with a broken wing due to slacking, I decided to mess around with Figgys design in a sense to make it slightly more obvious they were fallen. The most obvious point being the bandages on the wing, since in the story Futros got his wing healed. Other things that arent as obvious are the fact his wings are Silver instead of the usual golden wings an Angel Hare is presented to have, and the grey-brown sectoral heterochromia/marbled eyes which I might have actually misunderstood the meaning of- Figgy is still considered an Angel Hare despite their falling (some may even refer to them as a 'Mortal Hare' though). They wouldnt do much in the actual show itself but I like to imagine Figgy is on the more neutral side when it comes to Angels and Demons. He doesnt say much so his opinion isnt really solid.
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wordofprophet · 6 months
What is Zakat al Fitr?
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ordained Zakat ul Fitr [Fitrana] to purify the fasting person from indecent words or actions,
... and to provide food for the needy.
[Sunan Ibn Majah 1827]
The quantity is described by the Prophet (PBUH) as 1 saa’ of food, and 1 saa’ is equivalent to 4 madd.
A madd is the amount that can be scooped up when one puts their hands together.
Fitrana must be paid before the Eid prayer. However, if paid after it will be treated as Sadaqah
#yarasulallah#rasoollah#ZakatUlFitr#zakatfitrah#fitrana#fitra #naat#naatshareef#naatstatus#trending#trendingreels#trendinnaat#reelsinstagram#reels#reelslife#reelitfeelit #newtrend#explorepage#explore#islamicstatus#islamicquotes#instagramreel#inshallah #MashaAllah#subhanallah #ramzanmubarak#rasullullah#ramzan_kareem#zakat
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wrappedinamysteryy · 4 months
You know you have got good intentions.
Allah knows that, no interventions.
You gave your all to them,
But they tossed it all away like it never mattered to them.
You wanted the best for them,
But they only wanted the best for what's for them.
You see where you went wrong?
It's putting their needs first, it's not where it belongs.
But it's your Fitra,
To look for the good in everyone else, it will be rewardable in Akhirah.
Yes, my love, your heart it hurts,
But the reward will be hefty, He asserts.
Only if you are patient enough to walk through
This temporary life, Jannah is there to pursue.
So, even with tears in your eyes,
And with your voice throttled where the pain lies,
Say, "Hasbi Allāh Wanimal Wakeel."
Turn back to Allāh and seal the deal.
Bear it all for Allāh.
Everything will be recompensed, In Sha Allāh.
-Mona Al Kabir (Instagram: wrappedinamystery)
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p2ii · 1 year
[Start Video Description: a tiktok by user nusularay.
a clip of a tiktok featuring Ali Dawah plays, captioned "Why body count affects women more?" He is sitting infront of a mic, looking of-camera. He says;
"[...]Because men are created polygamous, Allah had to put in our fitra-"
the video is cut of and stiched to user nusularay's account, a black woman in a yellow shirt sits on camera, she says;
"you know what i have a different take on this, let's assume hes right, let's assume that Allah created this man polygamous. And also cater to that need by allowing them to have up to 4 different wives, lets assume he's right.
So Allah created men polygamous with a polygamous nature, and also catered to that need by, you know, you can have 4 different wives if you want to.
Interesting how Allah has also created some people to be gay or with the nature to be gay but they have to repress and deny those aspects of them, whereas god has catered to straight man to allow them up to 4 differet wives because of the nature that he also created them as.
you see how that dosnt add up? how god can cater to one nature whilst disregarding the rest. I think people forget that god being the infinite energy has never written any book, god has not written the bible; god has not written the Quran, god has not written the Torah, nothing. People have -excume me- men have, and im not saying those books have no knowledge and wisdom in them, those books have alot of wisdom, but men wrote those books; Which makes sence for all the inconsistencies god because we're inperfect beings trying to create a perfect that there is.
I just find it interesting how Abrahamic religions act like they have god all figured out, 'this is who god is', 'this is what god allows', 'this is-' god is an infinite energy, how do you have god all figured out? That is what i find interesting"
the video ends with the tiktok end card
/End Video Description.]
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ghurrba · 25 days
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Indeed the muslim today is more in need than before to make hijrah to darul Islam and leave darul kufr, not for jihad or support of the weak only, rather we don't exaggerate if we said: the muslim has to flee with his religion and support himself to begin with, and Allah has blessed their brothers in darul islam by having sufficed them from what they see of matters and live through that the eyes refuse and the tongue struggles to describe, so the goal behind hijrah is no longer just jihad, rather to go out of the swamps of ignorance and live in darul islam, protecting the religion and their fitra.
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uma1ra · 1 year
Meaning of life in Islam: The Prophet (peace be upon him) teaches us that God created this primordial need in human nature at the time Adam was made. God took a covenant from Adam when He created him.
God extracted all of Adam’s descendants who were yet to be born, generation after generation, spread them out, and took a covenant from them. He addressed their souls directly, making them bear witness that He was their Lord. Since God made all human beings swear to His Lordship when He created Adam, this oath is imprinted on the human soul even before it enters the fetus, and so a child is born with a natural belief in the Oneness of God. This natural belief is called fitra in Arabic.
Consequently, every person carries the seed of belief in the Oneness of God that lies deeply buried under layers of negligence and dampened by social conditioning. If the child were left alone, it would grow up conscious of God — a single Creator — but all children are affected by their environment. The Prophet of God said, “Each child is born in a state of ‘fitra,’ but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any young born mutilated before you mutilate them?” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
The Arabs would cut the ears of camels and the likes as a service to their gods in pre-Islamic times.
So, just as the child’s body submits to physical laws, set by God in nature, its soul submits naturally to the fact that God is its Lord and Creator. However, its parents condition it to follow their own way, and the child is not mentally capable of resisting it.
The religion which the child follows at this stage is one of custom and upbringing, and God does not hold it to account for this religion. When a child matures into an adult, he or she must now follow the religion of knowledge and reason.
As adults, people must now struggle between their natural disposition toward God and their desires in order to find the correct path. The call of Islam is directed to this primordial nature, the natural disposition, the imprint of God on the soul, the fitra, which caused the souls of every living being to agree that He Who made them was their Lord, even before the heavens and earth were created, “I did not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship.” (Qur’an, 51:56)
According to Islam, there has been a basic message which God has revealed through all prophets, from the time of Adam to the last of the prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon them). All the prophets sent by God came with the same essential message: “Indeed, We have sent a messenger to every nation (saying), ‘Worship God and avoid false gods...’.” (Qur’an, 16:36)
The prophets (peace be upon them) brought the same answer to mankind’s most troubling question, an answer that addresses the yearning of the soul for God.
What is worship?
Islam means ‘submission’ and worship, in Islam, means ‘obedient submission to the will of God.’ Every created being ‘submits’ to the Creator by following the physical laws created by God, “To Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth; all obey His will.” (Qur’an, 30:26)
They, however, are neither rewarded nor punished for their ‘submission’, for it involves no will. Reward and punishment are for those who worship God, who submit to the moral and religious Law of God of their own free will. This worship is the essence of the message of all the prophets sent by God to mankind. For example, this understanding of worship was emphatically expressed by Jesus ((peace be upon him), “None of those who call me ‘Lord’ will enter the kingdom of God, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”
‘Will’ means ‘what God wants human beings to do.’ This ‘Will of God’ is contained in the divinely revealed laws which the prophets taught their followers. Consequently, obedience to divine law is the foundation of worship.
Only when human beings worship their God by submitting to His religious law can they have peace and harmony in their lives and the hope for heaven, just like the universe runs in harmony by submitting to the physical laws set by its Lord. When you remove the hope of heaven, you remove the ultimate value and purpose of life. Otherwise, what difference would it really make whether we live a life of virtue or vice? Everyone’s fate would be the same anyway.
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farazhussain · 6 months
Sadqa Online
Giving sadqa is seen as a means of purifying one's wealth and soul. It is believed to strengthen one's faith and increase one's closeness to Allah. https://www.dawateislami.net/onlinedonation/
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Day 11 - Donate to a charity or organization
30 days ramadan challenge
Kebetulan tiap ramadan TK Angkasa selalu berdonasi ke panti2 di Bdg, katanya biasanya sih ke Al-fitra (ini mah tetangga rumah bgt) ya karena dkt dari sekolah jg atau Al-barr kalo gasalah jg, itu dkt dari sekolah. Untuk tahun ini pantinya beda lagi. Kata bu syifa anak2 sekelas antusias pgn ikut, nanyain terus kapan ke panti. Itu jg kan hasil donasi dari anak2 yg tiap hari kamis ngencleng dari bulan Juli pas mereka resmi jadi anak TK kelas A1, nah di bulan skrg kenclengnya kita sumbangin ke panti. Tapi ternyata gabisa sekelas ikut, jadi perwakilan 5 anak. Bu syifa dengan fairnya ngocok tadi nama yg keluar mewakili beserta ortunya. 5 anak dan 5 ortu. Aku kebetulan ya hayu2 aja sih tp di sisi lain perwakilan ortu perasaan w melulu wkwkwk.
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Pantinya di panti Muhammadiyah jl. Purnawarman yah msh deket lah yaa.
Tadi bgt itu baru di kocoknya pas anak2 pulang. Eeeehh kepilih dong hahaha. Yasudahlah yaa da nemo jg pasti seneng, pgn tau panti asuhan itu kaya apa. Anak2 lain yg ngga ikut mah libur dong.. Gpp kita skalian main yaa nem!
Oiya karena ini baru planning nanti pas udah ke panti di reblog ajalah yaa~
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