atitudini · 9 months
ADICȚII. Dependența de alcool. De Puiu Alexandru (ASCOR)
DIN CATEGORIA – CUVÂNTUL TINERILOR CE ESTE ALCOOLUL? Alcoolul este o substanță psihoactivă care se produce în urma fermentării zaharului din diverse fructe, cereale și legume, fermentarea fiind o reacție chimică în care bacteriile și drojdia reacționează cu zaharul din fructe pentru a produce etanol (alcool natural) și dioxid de carbon (adică băutură carbogazoasă). Continue reading Untitled
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alexsavescu · 7 months
Seară Bucovineană: Eveniment caritabil în sprijinul tinerei Andreea Anița
Asociația Studenților Creștini Ortodocși Români (ASCOR), filiala Suceava, pregătește evenimentul caritabil “Seară Bucovineană”, sub auspiciile Înaltpreasfințitului Părinte Calinic, Arhiepiscop al Sucevei și Rădăuților. Scopul nobil al acestei seri este sprijinirea tinerei Andreea Anița, care se confruntă cu o luptă cruntă împotriva cancerului. Organizatorii subliniază că orice formă de ajutor…
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elegancefascinator · 10 months
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ceescedasticity · 2 years
Outlandish theory of the day: After some recovery time from… everything, the river spirits of Beleriand relocate to Aman (which previously had a dramatic deficit of rivers) and establish themselves anew.
All the rivers have preferences about size, location, outlet, tributaries, elves they want to be near, biomes, etc.
(More than a few elves are quite interested in living near one river or another.)
The Valar have their own opinions on how much relandscaping of Valinor is necessary/desirable/allowable.
For added hilarity the river spirits are in humanoid fána for the discussions on location etc. They aren't accustomed to this and tend to be very expressive and emotional and physically demonstrative.
Highlights include:
Sirion wants to start inside the Calacirya and have another Gates of Sirion going under the mountains and then down to the Great Sea. Is informed putting a tunnel under the Calacirya would defeat the point. Is kind of huffy about it.
Gelion is affronted that all the sons of Fëanor are still in Mandos.
Esgalduin has trouble deciding between trying to follow Melian in the Gardens of Lórien or setting up… wherever the Iathrim survivors/returnees are setting up. Where is that?
Narog has an emotional reunion with Finrod.
Ascor (the river of Ossiriand closest to Belegost and Nogrod) is trying to lobby to be wherever it is dead dwarves are stashed.
Rivers agree: Valmar definitely needs a river.
Who can be small enough to fit comfortably on Tol Eressëa?
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houseofbrat · 1 year
Who the fuck wears an ascor around their neck while going on a walk? And paired with exercise clothing? What even is that combo? Swear to God Meghan has the worst fashion taste.
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But let's never forget the bedspread dress with the toilet paper hat she wore to a wedding!
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allroyaladies · 2 years
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Weird weird hats on day three of Royal Ascor 2022, part 1.
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cmosneagu · 10 days
Martirul și Filozoful Aiudului https://c.aparatorul.md/23ndb
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b2b-tech · 6 months
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nancynoha · 1 year
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum: The Ultimate Solution for Beautiful Skin in Pakistan
Are you tired of dull, aging skin? Do you want a reliable solution to achieve a radiant and youthful complexion? Look no further than Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum, the revolutionary skincare product taking Pakistan by storm. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the benefits, ingredients, and real-life experiences of using Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum. Discover how this potent formula can transform your skin and restore your confidence. So, let's dive into the world of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum and unlock the secret to luminous skin!
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum Skin Care Products in Pakistan: The Must-Have Beauty Essential
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is not just any skincare product; it is the ultimate beauty essential for individuals seeking a brighter, more youthful complexion. The product has gained immense popularity in Pakistan due to its exceptional results and outstanding customer reviews. By combining the power of natural ingredients and advanced scientific formulations, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum addresses multiple skin concerns, including whitening and anti-aging properties.
FAQs about Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum Skin Care Products in Pakistan
Here are some frequently asked questions about Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum, along with their detailed answers:
Q: What sets Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum apart from other skincare products in Pakistan?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum stands out from the competition due to its unique formulation and remarkable results. Unlike other products on the market, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum combines the power of natural ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants to deliver visible improvements in skin tone, texture, and overall radiance.
Q: How does Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum work?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum works by deeply penetrating the skin and targeting the underlying causes of skin discoloration and aging. Its active ingredients, such as Vitamin C, inhibit melanin production, reducing the appearance of dark spots and promoting a brighter complexion. Additionally, the serum stimulates collagen synthesis, resulting in firmer and more elastic skin, effectively reducing the signs of aging.
Q: Can Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum be used on all skin types?
Yes, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Its gentle yet effective formula ensures that even those with delicate skin can experience the benefits of this remarkable serum. However, it's always recommended to perform a patch test before incorporating any new product into your skincare routine.
Q: How long does it take to see results with Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum?
Results may vary depending on individual skin types and concerns. However, many users have reported visible improvements within a few weeks of consistent use. For optimal results, it is recommended to use Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum twice daily, morning and night, and follow a dedicated skincare regimen.
Q: Are there any side effects associated with using Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is formulated with natural and safe ingredients, making it generally well-tolerated by most individuals. However, as with any skincare product, some users may experience mild sensitivity or irritation. If such reactions occur, it is advised to discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.
Q: Where can I purchase Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum in Pakistan?
Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum can be conveniently purchased from authorized retailers, leading pharmacies, and online platforms. To ensure authenticity and quality, it is recommended to purchase directly from the official website or authorized sellers.
The Power of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum: Ingredients that Transform Your Skin
The success of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum lies in its powerful blend of ingredients that work synergistically to deliver exceptional results. Let's explore the key components that make this serum a game-changer for your skin:
Vitamin C: Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is enriched with Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. It also aids in collagen production, promoting a more youthful and plump complexion.
Hyaluronic Acid: This vital ingredient acts as a humectant, attracting and retaining moisture in the skin. By deeply hydrating the skin, hyaluronic acid helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a smoother and more supple complexion.
Niacinamide: Known for its anti-inflammatory and brightening properties, niacinamide helps even out skin tone, reduce redness, and improve the overall texture of the skin. It also helps strengthen the skin barrier, enhancing its resilience against environmental stressors.
Antioxidants: Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is packed with antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and environmental damage. These antioxidants help combat the signs of aging, resulting in a more youthful and radiant complexion.
Real-Life Experiences: Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum Customer Reviews
To truly understand the impact of Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum, let's delve into the real-life experiences of individuals who have incorporated this product into their skincare routines:
Sarah M., a 35-year-old professional, shares, "I have always struggled with uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation. After using Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum for just a few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in my skin's radiance. The dark spots have visibly lightened, and my complexion looks more even and youthful. I can't recommend this serum enough!"
Ayesha K., a 45-year-old homemaker, says, "Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum has become my holy grail skincare product. Not only does it brighten my skin, but it also keeps it hydrated throughout the day. I love how my fine lines have diminished, and my skin feels plumper and more resilient. This serum has truly transformed my aging skin."
In conclusion, Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum is a revolutionary skincare product that offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking brighter, more youthful skin. With its powerful blend of natural ingredients, this serum addresses skin discoloration, dark spots, and signs of aging, revealing a radiant and rejuvenated complexion. Join the countless individuals in Pakistan who have unlocked the secret to beautiful skin with Ascor - Whitening & Anti Aging Serum. Experience the transformative power of this remarkable product and let your skin radiate with confidence!
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atitudini · 1 year
Mănăstirea Paltin a fost gazda Taberei de primăvară: „Înviind împreună, cu și prin Hristos”, unde au participat studenți din ASCOR, veniți din toate părțile țării să petrecem împreună în duhul Învierii Domnului, Paștele de anul acesta. Alături de noi în bucuria pascală a rugăciunii, dar și în activitățile noastre mănăstirești, tinerii aceștia frumoși la suflet și la chip, s-au aprins de Lumina…
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Bellaria: un Peter Weller che non ti aspetti alla Starcon 2023
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Bellaria: un Peter Weller che non ti aspetti alla Starcon 2023. L'attore, noto per aver interpretato Robocop nell'omonimo film, ha una vasta carriera cinematografica e teatrale che comprende anche una partecipazione a Star Trek Into Darkness. Durante i due appuntamenti sul palco Weller si è soffermato sul film che l'ha reso famoso usando tre concetti: 16 kg (il peso dell'armatura), 6 ore (il tempo per il trucco) e "caldo" (la sensazione dopo aver indossato il costume). Ha poi parlato non tanto del lato fantascientifico ma di quello umano del personaggio: un uomo che ha perso tutto e si trova in una situazione davvero complessa.   Ma è stato il suo amore per l'Italia, per l'arte e il cinema del nostro paese, a permeare l'incontro con i fan. In un italiano misto inglese ha parlato di Antonioni, Rossellini, Pasolini e Fellini ("nato qui vicino", ha sottolineato). Weller è anche insegnante di storia e ha studiato a lungo l'arte italiana e Leon Battista Alberti, su cui sta preparando un libro per l'università di Cambridge visitando, anni fa, anche il Duomo di Rimini. L'organizzazione Starcon ha donato a Peter Weller una pubblicazione proprio inerente il Duomo riminese, molto apprezzata dall'attore. Sono stati tre giorni di appuntamenti, incontri, giochi e divertimento. La sfilata dei costumi di sabato sera è stata vinta da Rita Gozzi e Pamela Gallio . Il premio è stato assegnato dalla giuria che vedeva tra i partecipanti anche gli esperti Angela Avino e Claude Francis Doziere. L'artista Maurizio Manzieri ha ricevuto il premio Alberto Lisiero. Molto applauditi gli appuntamenti con gli altri attori ospiti Richard Brake e Riky Dean Logan. Durante la manifestazione sono stati raccolti oltre 2.300 euro che sono stati devoluti ad Ascor Rimini per l'acquisto di alcuni macchinari.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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britishsass · 1 year
Rating undertale bosses why because I can
Toriel 7/10 it's a bit hard and I feel bad for her she just wants to protect you
Sans0/10 not going to lie his boss theme it's awesome but I hate dying to him multiple times he's the reason why I can't finish genocide
Papyrus 10/10 boss theme awesome and he doesn't kill you when your at 1 HP.
Undyne: 5/10 if you first play the game it's hard but since I kept doing pacifists over and over you could easily block the attacks if you don't what you doing.
Mettaton: 7/10 I cried at the part where everyone called in even if I kept you know we playing the game the moment still makes me cry.
Ascore 20/10 he destroys the Mercy option his themes awesome + (haha see what I did there) you actually fix the mercy option when do you have a choice to make
Omega flowey 9/10 chaos in Boss form
Asisel 70/10 chaos in Boss form V2.
Mettaton neo 0/10 not going to lie I felt disappointed
Okay, I know you're saying Toriel is hard, but actually it's not that easy to lose to her-- If you get to low health and don't die, she stops attacking as well. The attacks start to avoid you. She's not trying to kill you either.
Though personally, I'm also a giant Asgore fan. Call me a simple person but I love a good morally grey character, him and Asriel and Alphys all stick in my head for so long.
I've not actually played UT to completion myself-- other things always get in my way-- but someday, I'll be able to tell you what I think about some of them.... Someday, just not today. RN, I'm adding Disco Elysium to my list of hyperfixations.
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tumimmtxpapers · 1 year
Molecular phenotypic linkage between N6-methyladenosine methylation and tumor immune microenvironment in hepatocellular carcinoma
CONCLUSION: Our work bridged the credible linkage between epigenetics and anti-tumor immunity in HCC, unraveling m⁶A modification pattern as immunological indicator and predictor for immunotherapy. Individualized m⁶Ascore facilitated strategic choices to maximize therapy-responsive possibility. http://dlvr.it/Sjxzmh
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manizaver · 2 years
Fresh vs. Frozen - Vegetables & Fruit: Does it Really Matter?
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Each MZ Products has an item document containing point by point specialized data so clients and forthcoming clients have an educated view regarding the MZ item contributions. Our creation site is being screened routinely to guarantee guidelines of the greatest quality. To that end we are driving Frozen Food Distribution Company. These controls are completed by our quality groups and among others - review experts. MZ has full command over the creation chain, from gathering to bundling and conveyance.
Does getting your number one vegetables from the producing path or cooler segment have an effect on their sustenance?
While consuming produce, we have many structures to look over: new, frozen, canned, freeze-dried, pureed, melted, dried, and then some. You might be all in all correct to accept that a few types of products are superior to others in light of the amount they're handled; more supplements are unblemished with less handling and fewer supplements are available when the organic product is super handled. Nonetheless, there has been a well-established banter over the matchup between new and frozen Products.
To start with, why are fruits and vegetables healthy?
Fruits and vegetables grown from the ground are loaded up with nutrients, minerals, cell reinforcements, and fiber and when eaten in huge enough amounts, can lessen the pulse and diminish the gamble of cardiovascular illness and colon disease risk.
How healthy are new vegetables and fruits products?
At the point when you contemplate how your #1 vegetable gets from the homestead to your plate, you wouldn't believe the number of individuals and cycles that are involved. The hardware and individuals used to sow the seeds, tend the ranch as the yield develops, gather the produce, move the item to capacity while it holds back to be shipped to a dissemination place or store, and when it shows up in the store, that produce interacts with representatives loading the product and customers perusing the product segment.
Indeed, even once you pick your products to bring back home, that food will be presented to a few unique conditions and individuals prior to arriving at your plate. That is a ton of steps and openness to the food you are bringing back.
As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) the new product represents almost 50% of all foodborne ailments in the United States. This doesn't consequently mean you will become ill from new produce sooner or later in your life, yet while contrasting it with frozen fruits and vegetables, this reality is a count in the negative section for new produce.
Remember cooking produce is a line of safeguard to kill off foodborne sickness, in blend with your resistant framework and the acidic idea of your gastrointestinal system. Nowadays you can also get frozen ready-to-eat food for your convenience.
Are frozen vegetables and fruits products healthy for our bodies?
While considering frozen produce, one of the principal benefits added to this technique's fortification is the vegetable's restricted openness to outside components. Once picked, produce bound for the cooler is washed, whitened, stuffed, and frozen in no time. Presently, that bundling gives a hindrance between your food and the components.
Cooking vegetables without a doubt prompts a few supplements, similar to L-ascorbic acid, to decay, yet the whitening system utilized in freezing vegetables is done rapidly to limit the deficiency of supplements.
While cooking your frozen vegetables at home, you are probably going to lose a few micronutrients, yet that would be no different for new products too. What's more, assuming you are eating your suggested five servings of produce every day, you are still liable to surpass your day-to-day need for L-ascorbic acid notwithstanding some being lost in the cooking system. The L-ascorbic acid substance of new and frozen food has been irrefutable, and a few specialists have even observed there to be a higher substance of L-ascorbic acid in frozen produce as this supplement can crumble during the capacity and transport of new produce.
How you choose to set up your item matters.
Beyond foodborne disease and supplement profile benefits and impediments, it is vital to consider how you will involve your products of the soil in concluding which structure, new or frozen, is best for you.
Since frozen vegetables can have more water content, this might make a milder, mushier surface when cooked contrasted with new produce. In the event that you wouldn't fret this surface or plan to involve produce in soups, smoothies, or purees, frozen is an extraordinary choice.
While consuming vegetable crude, making a serving of mixed greens, or broiling your vegetables, new might be your smartest choice. Additionally, you might think about the monetary advantages of frozen produce, as they are more averse to ruin and become unusable.
At the End
There are a lot of variables to consider while picking your item. Above all, you should devour enough of these nutritious food varieties; so whichever structure assists you with amplifying your foods grown from the ground admission will be the most ideal choice for you.
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happyfunballxd · 4 years
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Some SfaD bbies...they tiny...
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madmedicmax · 6 years
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Given Souls as Genocide :3 (it sucks…)
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