devil-acid · 1 year
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a mimir
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thisismeracing · 6 months
Hi! Back again. I had more thoughts….oh completely agree that irl I could see them being super open with their fam about the pregnancy. but…for the plot…and im a sucker for the plot 😂 I’m seeing this being post some really nasty hate online. maybe even some info being leaked from people that they thought would never do something like that. trust issues galore. so for me the idea of keeping this locked down has more to do with Wolff!readers mental health during this time period. like she as a first time mom is already got that new mom anxiety and baby isn’t even here yet, add on just heightened emotions from all the hormone changed and I could see her deciding that this is the only way that she’s going to be able to keep her peace and keep the baby safe. Mick is an angel and is like whatever you need to feel comfortable and in control of this (we stan a man that understands and supports our emotions) I think Little!Wolff does at point really heavily debate letting people know. Even feels like she’s being crazy by keeping this hidden. Like you said I think she also feels like her family would be upset that she didn’t tell them. And then in swoops Mick. Mr. supportive; he’s reminding her that this is about what SHE wants and needs. If she wants to live in a cabin in the woods he’ll build it with his own two hands (he might have to call Seb for some help with the wood working but Seb doesn’t count. Hes just a bee keeper now😹), if she wants to tell the world he’ll tell the PR company to start working on the press release. But this is about what she wants not anyone else. If they’re upset then Mick will deal with it for his girl.
how hot would it be to see Mick have a convo about this with Toto after he finds out? Toto’s been a bit moody, maybe a little passive aggressive. Mick shuts that down fast. He’s all this is my wife, idc about how you feel, while she was growing our child she as my only concern. Ofc Toto only picks up on the wife part. Like did you secretly elope too. 🙄
prev ask
I- I loved these new layers!!!!! Hahaha
Adding the online hate and maybe, just a tiny bity of toto not supporting their relationship at first or jugding and yup reader goes all in to keep it a secret and mick is 100% the supportive partner making sure she knows theres nothing wrong with their decision.
The seb part made me crackle, truly sent me 🤣🤣🤣
Alright, you got me into the secret baby train choo choo 🚂
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soleillunne · 11 months
what do you love about kazuha
ohh boy i have a lot
utc bc this got long lmao
okay so starting from design: i love everything (are we surprised really?) but like fr his voice (esp jp AUGH) i love it i want him to talk to me forever i want him to tell me stories and read me poetry and like whisper to me late at night and- yeah you get the point
and his eyes are such a pretty shade of red like hello?? i could stare at his eyes forever theyre so mesmerising
and him in general like sir pls leave some beauty for us please bros gorgeous like frfr hes the pretties and i wanna kiss him and maybe nom his cheeks and i wanna hold him forever and never let him go bc he deserves the best ever and dkfgjmh
also the fact that he canonically sleeps on a sun-warmed rock is so cute and also ive done that before as well so i feel like we could turn that to a date somehow
ALSO ALSO DATES CAN BE ANYTHING im a firm believer kazuha is a romantic at heart (i mean,,,, have you seen him?) and he can just turn anything romantic: a picnic, a book date (omg imagine those dates where you both get books and read and annotate them and then give them to eacgother to read fbgjklhn), stargazing, dancing in the rain, just talking,,, I CAN GO ON
ALSO WE'RE JUST REALLY COMPATIBLE METHINKS like, i also hate loud voices (he canonically prefers calm weather due to loud noises making him uncomfortable) and while self-shipping i put myself working alongside yoimiya on naganohara fireworks, i would probably never be there while the actual fireworks show was happening bc i dont like loud noises
and i also occasionally write poetry and we'd talk about that and i would show him my written works and he'd show me his and we'd be eachothers muses and omg dies
ALSO HES SO GENTLE AND SOFT-SPOKEN and idk might be just me but he'd make me feel so safe like hed be my safe space all the time and hed give such comforting hugs i just know it and when im upset hed like open his arms and id hug him and hed hug me back and hed kiss me (im taller than him so maybe my shoulder or neck idk) and hed whisper sweetnothings and dgvfhjıokhju
BUT AT THE SAME TIME HED BE SUCH A TEASE SOMETİMES like i can clearly see him flustering me on the daily be it with his flowery language or with his vision (by sending gusts of wind toward my way) hed find a way and then hed chuckle and AAAAAAAAAAA
i would feel so happy and safe with him frfr
how about you and kaveh??
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imactuallyreallycool · 9 months
hello <3 I rly like ur art and you inspire me as another young artist. do you have any tips on how you started ur instagram and grew ur acc already? idk what is appropriate on there to socialize and make mutuals/followers… is it sharing other’s art to stories or do you actually dm or talk to people? like you already made highlights and set up ur acc, I feel like im not using instagram right 😭 but I want to!
also i saw on ur timelapse of the breakfast byler art that for the posters you imported them in then made them more cartoony or posterized? can i ask how you did that??? it looks nicer than keeping the realistic actual poster!
thank you!<3
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THATS SO COOL! I, ME, MYSELF INSPIRE PEOPLE, THATS CRAZY TO ME LOL, LIKE IM ACTUALLY REALLY COOL ( ;) ). (I’m going to make this into 2 parts one for instagram and one for the poster thing lol) Ok I’m probably not the best teacher and I think my grow is mainly pure luck lol, I think a few people followed (cause I posted about it a few times lol) for tumblr really helped though.
Since I’ve been a literal machine and pumping out so many artworks for tumblr, I decided to post a few of the instagram as well (but not all at the same time so people didn’t get overwhelmed by all the post I was making at once lol (I did one post like every 12-24 hours).
I didn’t really dm anyone lol (like sometimes I thanked people for putting my art in their stories or reply to people who have sent me dms).
I personally just started to follow people (artist) that I already knew from tumblr or from my personal account. Somehow people found my account through my post and started commenting, like and sharing my art on their stories so I started to do the same for them lol ( cause artist like to hype each other up 💪😎✨), I think replying and/or liking to any comments got also helped (a long as their not bots lol). I think that how I get regulars/moots lolllll and also I think doing DTIYSs also helps, I think it’s a great way for art to possibly be featured on others’ accounts I guess (only do this for fun though, my point of doing art is for fun and expression of oneself lol).
For story highlights I just see what other artist are doing lol, but I think it’s a cool idea to have a highlight that will always show people other artist they could follow/ check out lol and I get really really impatient about showing people my art so I’m always doing wip stories lol so I made a wip highlight I guess. Really just have fun with it lol have polls and questions lol so people feel like they can interact with you I guess (sorry if these aren’t helping at all lol, I hardly know what I’m doing myself :/)
(Sorry if this is filled with spelling/grammarical errors lol)
(PART 2)
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clenastia · 1 year
Oro: *in a fight scene*
Kabuto: *in a fight scene*
Natsu and Sasuke: *in a fight scene*
Naruto: *in a fight scene*
well. technically, Jiraiya just summoned some toads and dipped his fight last chapter. But he's en route to Naruto's fight, so he's basically got like maybe a paragraph of non-fighting scene.
Kakashi's en route toward the foreign shinobi lodgings which... actually COULD work I think. But I wasn't actually going to go into detail about what he was doing, because it's not super important for us to follow his POV, and I wanted to not bog down the chapter.
Shika and co are in pursuit of Natsu, but I don't really feel like I need to show any more of their pursuit, and was just going to go back to them more on them catching up with Team 7 and Ino. AKA. Fight scene.
And the worst part is the only fight whose details my brain is willing to provide me (Oro v Hiruzen) is the ONE FIGHT i wasn't actually gonna write out, cause I thought that it would be better flowing to just write the aftermath (through a new character POV... which i wasn't going to put in this chapter anyway, probably next chapter or the one after depending on how long it takes to tie everything else up).
...to be fair it is the simplest fight. Oro and Hiruzen haven't had their skills or anything changed or developed far from canon, and it was a 1 on 1 fight in canon too, even if the circumstances are different.
Unlike all the others - Naruto's 1 v 1 with Gaara can't happen ANYTHING like canon, due to them being in the middle of the village and ALREADY having collateral damage. And of course, all the missing players who were present during canon, alongside Naruto's slightly-different feelings regarding jinchurikki and by extension Gaara causing a different emotional beat behind it.
Sasuke never really fought the Sound 4, other than being briefly kicked around by them at one point just before leaving the village, and of course, Natsu makes just about any fight remove itself from canon.
Basically. My brain is only giving me words for the things I WASN'T planning to write out, and was instead planning to address in other ways after the fact...
why. why did i set myself up for a chapter of fight scenes when i KNOW IM BAD AT FIGHT SCENES REEEEEEEEEEEEEE-
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supernatural-reacts · 3 years
Season 6 episode 20
- I know exactly two things about this episode; a) that it is destiel heavy and b) that it is painful. Other than that I’m going in completely blind so this should be interesting.
- is he praying or breaking the fourth wall or...?
- “hello Dean” 🥺
- god the way Cas looks at him. All I can think is “still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester.”
- Castiel stop fricking lying
- “but Cas you’ll call right? If you get in to real trouble?” aaAaAaAaaAA
- I missed Crowley :)
- “the stench of that Impala’s all over your overcoat angel.” FUCK MAN
- “I still considered myself the Winchester’s guardian. After all they taught me how to stand up, what to stand for.” AAaaAaAAaAaaAaA
- the way Cas’s voice is so determined but also shaking when Crowley threatens Sam and Dean?? 😭 Mr. Collins I just wanna talk
- Crowley is actually one of the smartest characters on the show
- DEAN DEFENDING CAS IM 🥺😭 he’s gonna feel so betrayed
- “the worst part was Dean trying so hard to be loyal” y’all. People. Look at his face when he’s saying that.
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- demon counterpart to Bobby is not as good of an actor as Jim Beaver
- hearing another angel say Cas instead of Castiel is weird
- “freedom is a length of rope and God wants you to hang yourselves with it” what an absolutely metal line
- I love the guy who plays Raphael he’s really good
- “this is Cas guys.” I WILL CRY
- “for a brief moment I was me again.” *relating to Cas intensifies*
- “Superman going to the dark side” bitch you weren’t supposed to say that! Cas you’re smarter than this
- “if you touch a hair on their heads I will tear it all down” AAAAAAA
- “I’m an Angel, you ass.” Cas and Crowley interactions are *chef’s kiss*
- “submit or die, what are you French?” ASHGJKAJKL
- Castiel stop Castiel stop Castiel stopppp
- damnnn Crowley is good at this
- Dean so clearly and desperately not wanting to hurt Cas will haunt me
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- Sam makes a good point though...
- “where were you when I needed to hear it?” “I was there. Where were you?” I AM OFFICIALLY CRYING
- Cas telling Sam, Dean, and Bobby to run and Dean stopping at the door to look back at him is actually something that can be so romantic personal
- “you know the difference between you and me? I know what I am. What are you Castiel?” OKAY
- “hello Dean.” I’m in pain. I’m in a lot of pain.
- “I’m doing this for you Dean. I’m doing this because of you.” Just thinking about that post that’s like There are a lot of ways to say ‘I love you.’
- “next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family.” 😣
- last picture I swear but SIR
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- Cas desperately asking for a sign is going to be the thing that kills me
- sorry that was really long but I had a lot of thoughts
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sunnomnoms · 4 years
How would Todoroki comfort an emotionally burned out S/O? (I really love how you write Shoto because just reading about him makes me so relaxed, like drinking tea)
I had a bit of an emotional burn out myself recently I guess, hence the unannounced hiatus. But I’m back, and I have ur Todo content!!!! I wrote this as headcanons, I hope you don’t mind!! Also, I’m glad you like how I portray him, i do my best to be accurate but also realistic to his character!!
TW: mentions of animal and child neglect. I guess I’m in a bit of a morbid mood? I felt giving some details would make this feel more real, I’m sorry if it’s too much!
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It had been after a tough mission that you two happened to be on together. It was an emotionally exhausting mission. It wasn’t one of epic proportion, it didn’t have any super heroic battles, no villainous empire to tear down, no evil overlord to stop.
Instead, the two of you had been working along side police force. Of course, you were recognized and respected as heroes, the two of you were doing work studies and were recognized as legitimate heroes. But the mission wasn’t a huge one.
Or so you thought
To bring things long story short, what you expected to be a quick wellness check turned out to be a horrifying sight of child and animal neglect. Owners of the house seemed to have skipped town, and completely abandon their pets and children. The neglect seemed to be long term, the owners skipping town seemed to be out of fear due to police suspicion.
It didn’t help that you were the one who initially discovered the neglected children. If Shoto hadn’t been there with you, you would have hit the ground when you fainted at the sight.
The next few days after the incident, you seemed to keep to yourself.
Shoto didn’t like this. It wasn’t that you weren’t giving him attention that bothered him, no, he didn’t mind when you wanted alone time. But this was abnormal. This wasn’t right, something was wrong. No text message telling him you were okay and just needed some time alone, no good morning or good night text (you always did those, no matter if you were distant or not), nothing.
He was worried. No, beyond worried. You were his significant other, you meant a whole lot to him. Sure he didn’t know exactly how to express that all the time, but he did everything he could to get it across that he was there for you. And you always seemed to know and appreciate that. Why is it any different now? Is it something he did? What happened?
It struck Shoto then that you and him had just been on a... harrowing mission. He had to mull over it a few times before it kind of hit him how awful that situation actually was. Shoto had kind of... disconnected himself from the situation despite everything so he could just kind of do what he had to. He learned to do this a good bit throughout his life, to disconnect and disregard emotions at certain times so he could get to the point and work.
But you? You had always been a companionate person. It’s one of the many things he loved about you.
He should have realized sooner. Of course you’re upset. Of course you couldn’t disconnect. He shouldn’t have expected you to.
It didn’t take long for him to make his way over to your dorm. He would have sprinted there, but given the hour of night it was he didn’t want to gain any suspicion. He stopped in front of your door, knocking oh-so gently.
“[Y/N].” Shoto called for you softly. A small rustle was heard within your room, then silence. He knocked again. “[Y/N], please let me in. I’m worried about you...” At first there was nothing, until he heard soft shuffling towards the door. A small click was heard, as well as some more shuffling. Shoto grabbed the nob gently, twisting it and entering your dorm slowly.
It was a bit of a mess, sure, but he wasn’t really worried about that. Instead, he made his way to your laying form on your bed. He sat on the bed gently, sitting near the foot of the bed as you back faced away from him. He looked over at you, unsure as what to do.
“Hey.” He started, hoping his greeting would get you to carry on the conversation. But you were silent. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy, so instead, he just spoke.
“You don’t have to move or get up. You don’t have to even speak. It’s okay. I don’t mind. I know you’re struggling from that mission, I should have known you would. I know that kind of stuff gets to you. I was too busy disconnecting myself from it all that I didn’t even think about how you felt. I’m sorry.” Shoto speaks softly, his head slightly hanging. He truly did feel bad, he should have realized you didn’t feel okay. It just never striked him as an issue until now.
“Please don’t apologize.” You croaked back to him, your throat sounding slightly raw.
Shoto sighed, crawling into your bed and at your side, before laying on his back to stare at the ceiling.
“You did amazing on that mission. She’s gonna be okay because of you, you know that, right?” Shoto offered. You curled up a bit more. Shoot, maybe not the right thing to say.
“I’m proud of you. And... I’m also here for you. I know things are rough, but... I want to share the weight. I know it’s not easy to open up all the time, but... Please try to talk to me. I want to help you.” He spoke softly, barely above a whisper. Again, he wasn’t the best with words, but... he was trying. It was all a shot in the dark for him.
With some more shuffling, he felt you huddle up into his side. He wrapped his arms around you gently as you rested your face in the crook of his neck.
The truth was, you cried all of your tears and threw all of your fits over the situation. You were tired, and you had barely anything left to give emotionally. Shoto knew how this felt to an extent, his internal emotional battery would occasionally run out of power here and there as well. This on the other hand was different. You weren’t the stoic type, so it didn’t go unnoticed.
It lasted a few days really, but within those few days, Shoto hardly left your side. He wasn’t annoying you, no, he was a bit of a reminder that you truly weren’t alone. He also reminded you to eat, shower, and so what and so on.
Shoto would tell you gentle stories of sweeter points in his childhood. some of the happy stories and good memories. You knew the background Shoto came from, so it was delightful to hear that an occasional ray of light came through the darkness for him.
Shoto would just... be in your presence. He didn’t want to leave you alone. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you or anything, no, but he just wanted to be able to feel you around him. For those handful of bad days you had, he’d do his homework and even sleep in your room just to keep an eye on you.
He wasn’t just lying around or anything, no. He was helpful, too. Knowing how mentally burnt out you were, he helped with your homework and even would fetch things for you, wether it be across the room or in the common room. His main thing just seemed to be keeping an eye on you and coaxing you out of sulking completely all day and actually eating and caring for yourself. He probably would have been willing to bathe you too if you would have let him.
Shoto spent probably half of his time trying to talk to you at least a little, always giving you some loving words of support. If you weren’t much for talking with him, he’d just sit in comfortable silence with you as he did other things. Neither of you minded this, it was nice to just... exist around one another for awhile. Nothing about it was unfulfilling or boring about it, it was nice to just have him around.
After you had gotten yourself in orders and back to your normal self, Shoto was a bit more attentive to your emotions.
It’s never been easy for him to process emotions, much less other people’s emotions. But he’s willing to learn for your sake. Just give him some time.
He often would ask how you are, and if you weren’t feeling well he’d ask if you wanted him around or not. He never took offense if you wanted some alone time, even if it made him worry a bit. But if you wanted him around, he’d usually be quiet and just exist in your presence. If he spoke he spoke quietly, and if he touched you he’d warn you first. He did most anything to keep you comfortable when you weren’t feeling well.
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srrybabe · 4 years
vfnjcjjjfkdhjkjjckj v kkvj  :) 
i wish i didn’t over analyze every little thing. i also wish i didn’t become extremely assumptive and ready to jump the gun. im really trying to work on both but it is so hard and when i fuck up i apologize so much because i have a big fear of people leaving me and being fucked over just because of it happening so much in the past. we are all human and fuck up sometimes we are not perfect, so why do i strive for perfection? why is it when i cause one little issue i overthink and over analyze it until i make myself sick to the point i can’t eat. we fuck up; it is human. we apologize can only go forward and try not to repeat the mistakes again. but i keep making the mistakes. im trying but some days i slip up. and i can’t recognize that as being okay because i have to be perfect and impress people. if i get anyone mildly upset or irritated i act like it’s the end of the world, they hate me, and don’t want me in their life. my trust issues are so extremely bad when i get like this because i don’t believe anything anyone says. but the next day i realize im being irrational. but sometimes its also hard to realize that you are loved and worth it no matter how many times people tell you because you are so used to being fucked over by people you love and care about so much!!! BASICALLY my main point is im trying and i need to stop freaking out but me freaking out is valid cuz of my past but i wish it’d stop i swear im a good person even if i fuck up sometimes like ik i am but it is so hard to see it because i fear in upsetting people and people getting mad at me cuz i have big issues with how people interpret me cause i gotta b good and perfect and idk what im saying anymore i kinda wanna slice my head off! why do i need validation 24/7 that im liked by friends and shitttttttttttttt like its so embarrassing idk i just aaaaaaaaaaa hate it i hate me! 
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answrs · 5 years
Double Dying Wish Verse
Have to preface this with the warning this is the blocking out stage that comes well before any finishing stuff, it’s 3 different docs shoved into one post (hence why the last bit kinda repeats itself), but I’m sick as hell so just take it author notes to myself and all. will probably clean up in distant future, but until then...
im just really proud of the concept, okay. the execution of the rest may or may not leave something to be desired, though. :p
Lewis’s dying wish is to not let his beloved remember this… except oops it catches Arthur too, bc mutually pining ot3 is my jam. vivi being so much closer gets hit so hard to the point of not knowing him at all, art is further away so he doesn't remember the cave, but more specifically Lewis death.
it absolves mystery of being a complete dickwad and not telling Arthur this search he's killing himself over is in vain, bc every time he says anything about lew being dead art blanks out and can't hear it (glowy light eyes included)
the thing is Arthur is actually mentally unable to comprehend the idea of Lewis being dead. it's not denial, not naivety, the death magic literally short circuits his brain when the idea is even brought up. then he's totally out of it for hours and has massive migraines and he just wants to find Lewis because Lewis will make the pain go away Lewis will make it all better he just needs to find him.
mystery calls home, explain to lance what happened, (maybe skips a few things) while driving to place heli can pick up
later when art wakes and can't connect Lew being dead, mystery sees spirit sparks and tells lance and pepper parents what happened
eventually when art is chomping at the bit to go and “find” Lewis, mystery assures he'll keep  them safe, and if they do by chance find his spirit he can hopefully put an end to the curse. art will probably go mad otherwise cooped up when he thinks Lew is in trouble alone somewhere, and may do something rash without them instead if they don't.
(tells vi art is looking for the person she can't remember, but because of the same magic the man doesn't realize the being is dead by his possessed hand?
she makes connection after mansion based on behavior of ghost, tender to her but almost sole focus on Arthur. doesn't voice to Arthur obv but asks mystery.)
yes- now vi knows who ghost was and connects dots from what art recollects from ghost truck (he doesn't believe it was really Lew so no worry abt painting bad light of it, she fumes and hates this former boyfriend even more
tells lance herself, he has his own suspicions based on Arthur's first recount of what happened to him with the ghost, he deserves to know and mystery is gone with shiromori.
vents and rants to the older mechanic because she's so upset about it, and how horrible this supposed friend is to someone working so hard to HELP him, and she DATED such a horrible person and-!
lew in the background super confused at first bc doesn't she remember him? gets upset and angry bc it must be Arthur's fault somehow!
art overhears tho, goes into meltdown bc she hates Lewis? but he's the best kindest gentle person and- no offense Arthur but she's not the most persuaded by his arguments after the guy had literally thrown you off a cliff -what no he didn't what are you talking about no the ghost wasn't Lewis couldn't be Lewis stop sAYING THAT IT HURTS IT HURTS LEWIS MAKE IT STOP
Lew shocked, scared at the sheer magic buildup hurting the thin man (maybe Arthur's subconscious reinforced or made magic stronger?), and now so ashamed bc if vi can't remember him then just based on his past actions involving her as a spirit he can't refute a single point she has against him
only thing be can even try is to help Arthur even weak as he is, repent even a modicum of what he's put him through, now he knows just what art had done for him and-
(vithur au verse?)
Art knows weak spirit is in house, tiny ouija board (tealight, paper with yes/no/”?”, and planchette) - writes/asks y/n question, takes lew hours to move the token to the right spot bc so weak, like kitten trying to push a boulder.
Double dying wish verse
Lew uses up all power w van and shit in hellbent after saving arthur
Mystery runs off to lure shiro away and dispatch her
Arthur concludes ghost was fucking with him by turning into lew since literally mentally unable to comprehend lew being dead bc curse, slowly forgets what even happened
Furthured by lance asking what happened and response like “the ghost had me over the cliff then it… lied, and let go and then…” “lied how?” “he- it- it- i-” sudden furious sparks overtake eyes, konks him out for a good solid couple hours. Lance recognizes symptoms from before (any mention of lew=dead causing big sparks and massive headaches later) and draws his own conclusions
Lew stuck as less than a deadbeat, just wisp following arthur around bc ??????? wtf angry but things not making sense and biding time until REVENGEEEEE and eventually watching art suffer and not knowing why and being concerned and aaaaaaaaaaa-
Occasionally gets caught in little spirit traps around the house, art always lets him go bc blond cant imagine any spirits esp that weak being dangerous. Angry bc theyre scared yes, the traps sense negative emotions, but all deserve better chance and he wants to help
Lew sees the negative side of hunt hidden from vi and lance and mystery
Arm pains pills nightmares beating self up having panic attacks crying sobbing for lewis breaking down at the peg board bc he knows something important he knows is missing but he cant. figure. out. WHAT.
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e6 Live Blog
“The Monster Uprising”
Sorry this is later than usual. I’ve been having some personal issues lately that have been rather time consuming. But anyway yall ain’t here for that! So let’s get on with the episode. As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read both the manga and web comic
Once again, picking up right where we left off! Suiryu finally makes his fighting debut. He’s been introduced like what, 3 episodes ago? But honestly idgaf about him nearly as much as
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MAX MY BOI I KNOW HOW THIS ENDS FOR YOU BUT I’M ROUTING FOR YOU ANYWAY. Oh god I gotta say, I forgot Suirya has a couple nightmare faces yikes. Also, I love how the Sea King keeps having an impact on heroes so long after his defeat. First Prisoner during the alien invasion, then Max and I know in just a bit Snek too. What a villain. Jeez, the mildly ominous music really isn’t subtle about making Suiryu out to be antagonistic, yeah? Also, this is the most we’ve heard him talk so far- Suiryu’s voice is exactly what I imagined I love it. MAX NO ITS OK I LOVE YOU ANYWAY AND SUIRYU IS A DICK ITS FINE YOU DID GREAT
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is the sixth episode this season and i STILL pause every time Zombieman is in the intro. Even his tiny silhouette at the end. just
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Ok ok back to the action. Genos makes a good point and I wonder that, too. Saitama broke his limiter through sheer willpower right, like thats crazy but also not THAT crazy. Is he REALLY the only person EVER to have done that thus far (aside from probably blast)? Thankfully no monster ever has otherwise we’d surely know about it. Is Saitama really just THAT insane? Its not even like he had an extreme desire his whole life, he just beat some crab guy and snapped one day? OH OH GENO’S PHONE OS RINGING MONSTERS! MONSTER! MO N S T ER S ! aw wait no go to the monsters hey
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OH WAIT NEVERMIND THIS IS OK SNEK SNEK S N E K OK I actually really like him?? He’s like they show’s resident butt-monkey but also just a good guy.
OH HEY THAATS DIFFERENT!?!? Wow ok so in the manga, it just happened by chance that the cheering in the stadium was so loud that no one heard the monster evacuation alarms, but here they’re setting up Bakuzan preemptively as an asshole who actively disregarded the alarm and everyone’s safety (although he kinda has a point?). Because the way he acts later on is clearly not evil enough already? I feel like that’s unnecessary but it doesn’t add or detract from anything really so whatever I guess?
FUCKIN KEK DAVE. Top tier humor ffs the random mundane name joke will never get old fite me ooh Oh good god OK Choze’s face is also terrifying oh no. Dude you don’t need a monster cell you ALREADY LOOK LIKE ONE but OK
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YASSS GENOS SLAY YAAASSSSS He finally wins a few rounds WITHOUT losing any limbs! IM JUST! SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM FIGHTING YASSS WAIT NO GO BACK HEKK so much jumping around is making this more difficult to maintain any semblance of coherency asdfghjk
HAH you know what? When I was rereading the manga and came across face ripper, I thought to myself he looks like he would be some tan/ olive/ pale purple color or something so I bet the anime will be like HAHA RED BITCH. and looky here. I’m catching on finally. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Genos my boy my son you are such a bad ass and I love you hhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAA AWAKENED COCKROACH AWAKENED COCKROACH ALREADY FUCK THIS EPISODE IS HAPPENING FASTER THAN I ANTICIPATED HECK HECK THERE GOES MY HEART RATE I THOUGHT I WAS PREPARED ALAS I AM BUT A FO O L
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HAH I think this is anime-only too?? I dont remember it Why is this so funny what the fuck?? “Dark Hell Killing” Juijitsu omg calm down you absolute edgelord literally half of that name would have been sufficient.
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FFFFFFFFFF The slowly building intense music just cut off like- I was so distracted by Bakuzam’s freaky murder face i forgot this happened DAMNIT SAITAMA i NEED my LUNGS to BREATH but no i LAFF and then the silence in the stadium turns to TRIUMPHANT MUSIC as if that was some valiant victory and THAT SOUR FACE FACE FUCK IM DEAD ITS TOO GOOD IM DEAD
Aw Tareo Sweetheart its ok noooooo also side note don’t they also mention Metal Bat is hospitalized? Hey! HEY! TALK ABOUT MY OTHER SON WE DONT EVEN SEE HIM FOREVER HEY oh oh I spoke too soon my b my b
Well shit it’s Shiny vs Shiny jeezus. I don’t have a particular issue with the coloring of Genos’ arms and such but this is just very noticable- Roach could’ve done without the SHINE. Eyyyy a complimentary Sonic for all yall SOS fans out there HAH “No matter it’s still fatal” r u sure about that child r u sure
AAHHH THE WIFE AGAINNNN yo I have A Lot Of Thoughts ™ about the females in OPM that I think I’ll make a separate post about because of the inevitable backlash of Super-S’ design.
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OH FUCK COOL SHOT COOL COOL OH FUCK THAT WAS COOL TOO OUT OF NO WHERE hey wait was that supposed to be the Hell Storm attack? WHAT REALLY. AW MAN I was getting hyped about how that would look cmon
Super-S with messed up hair is perfection just saying
Also, Tatsumaki is the definition of Yandere and its terrifying jeez.
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Terrifying, but also this. HEK
Oh weird dude seeing the Madhouse animation in the middle of season 2 is weird  not jarring which is good because at least to me that means JC staff is keeping up well enough but still weirdddd
“Everything about you disgusts me” me too snek DONT LISTEN TO HIM HES A DICK
((((((((((((((((((((ew amai mask go away)))))))))))))))))))))
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ok post credits scene i have an idea of what it might be and I’m shaking in my seat but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Good Episode GOOD EPISODE OK so my least favorite thing easily was the cop-out on Fubuki’s Hell Storm attack but otherwise my favorite thing was??? I dont know?? Like this episode was a lot of build up for next week’s episode but also so much happened anyway?? I loved seeing Genos in action and also BDSM Wife AND OROCHI AND GYORO and also also I know a lot of people have an issue with the existence of the tournament thing in general but I don’t mind it because its hilarious honestly and all of the happenings otherwise feel well balanced enough sooooooooo yeah I’m SO PUMPED for next week like bring me THE S CLASS BRING ME BRING 
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vaporgayve · 6 years
💋💖💗🍓💘💞💕🍄🔥 ily
thank you dearest!!! 💕💗💞💖💓❤️💘
💋 - dream getaway location & what you’d do there?
uuuuuhhhh i’d probably want to go to italy again!! (positano or ravello) its so beautiful and calming and id probably want to do what i did last time, when i walked around, saw the sights, took pictures, and hung out with my family!
💖 - favorite place to be?
at camp!! i’ve been going for years now and its so familiar and active and everyone is so nice and i just get to chill out away from the outside world!
💗 - first tv/fictional crush?
oof hhhhhhhhh pinkie pie hghjkjhghjbjb
🍓- five items that make up the core of your aesthetic?
- stuffed animals
- pink ds
- rainbow neon sign
- kirby box art
- cotton candy
💘 - someone you look up to & why?
i look up to my parents! (cliche, i know) they’re just great people and they’ve shown me that life can be tough at some points but really fun and they’ve grown up to be successful and admired and i love them so much!!
💞 - song that plucks your heartstrings?
oh man that’s gotta be salut d’amour, op 13 LIKE THAT FUCKING VIOLIN THO??????? IM ON THE FLOOR!!!! THE LONG, PAINED NOTES AND THE VIBRATO AND AAAAAAAAAAA FUCK (also here it is)
💕 - 1 thing you love about yourself (you can do it !!)
gosh uuuuuuhhhh a thing i love?? about myself???? maybe my musical talent?? or my impeccable video games skills hbgjhfbg
🍄 - favorite nickname/petname?
my dad calls me sweetie all the time and it makes me so happy!!!! and like romantically, using princess (although sparingly) makes me blush >////
🔥 - something you are passionate about?
i love technology and making people smile!!! :D
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
so i am finally Inspired enough and have enough time (haha who knows) to start writing (read: batting around ideas for) a Dominion Day Sequel about Western Canada and I’m debating about how to frame it. Unlike DD there is no one single date to focus on here nor is there one single event that results in union, and I’m struggling to figure out how exactly to divide up this story and what to focus on- keeping in mind DD only really touched upon the Founding Four and did not resolve PEI and NFLD’s end of the story.
Western Canadian history for me begins with the pivotal Red River Resistance/Rebellion (which I tend to refer to as RRR for shortness and ambiguity lol), but that history is also dependent on the history of Rupert’s Land in a similar way as DD was dependent (subtly) on the War of 1812 and the American Civil War as “prologues”. The way I have chosen to understand the characters and the way they have been outlined by Sherry means that an understanding of NWT  (as roughly equivalent to Rupert’s Land, in my mind,  for simplicity in storytelling’s sake) is that Starting Point and that central character that ties the story together in the way Canada/Matthew was the central character for DD. 
That begs the question as to How to Deal with the story of NWT. That story does not include BC in a similar way that Confederation did not include Newfoundland; I intend to feature BC as a character, but she is ‘unique’ and ‘separate’ (as usual, the special snowflake of the west). It also begs the question: is this the story of the prairies and/or the territories? The history of the West and Confederation, again, means that the RRR and the following North West Resistance/Rebellion is pivotal. Is this the story of Manitoba’s entrance into confederation, is it the story of the prairies, or is it the story of NWT? I don’t know if this makes any sense but I hope you see what I’m getting at. I’m trying to decide between a chronological telling or a geographical telling.
When I was writing Dominion Day, Confederation was the theme: a union out of convenience rather than trust, a dissatisfaction on all sides, and a type of selfishness from the pov of Matthew to Keep Existing at the expense of the others. For Western Canada, the themes are similar, but with an intense focus on the extremely different treatment of former Rupert’s Land territories compared to literally every other province in Canada.
I guess the natural beginning and end for this story would be 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s with a prologue beginning at Confederation, where we left off, and hinting at the centuries prior that established Rupert’s Land, and an epilogue at the turn of the century. The natural division of the focus from these decades would follow settlement east to west: Manitoba and the RRR, Saskatchewan and the NWR, and Alberta and the Opening of the West alongside Yukon and the Gold Rush. The epilogue, in order to address all of western Canada as I addressed all of Eastern Canada in DD, would need to look towards the late 20th century to Nunavut- whose early beginnings were not until the 70s and who didn’t become a territory until /my/ lifetime, ridiculously young compared to the others (aka i still like to think of myself as a Young Person lmao and it makes me feel old that i remember where i was and what i was doing when the territory was created). I don’t know how comfortable I am with representing the Inuit as a personification- because I am unconstrained by a video medium this time around, it’s more feasible, but idk because it might just be easier to represent the Inuit with one or more human characters interacting primarily with NWT, who would remain the central character with a direct involvement in all of the younger ps/ts lives and would travel a vast amount of distance as exploration was done, contacts were made, and the capital moved. 
Anywho this information is stuff i’d like to get Out There and if anyone has an interest in these characters or Western Canadian history and wants to contribute some ideas or even artwork, you can give me and @lilcutiebear a shout. If there’s someway I can address PEI/NFLD/BC and their entrance into Confederation along the way, it would be a bonus, but in this episode I wouldn’t be able to go much into depth on them without a sort of dedicated ‘mini episode’ for each one. That might be interesting, actually, in order to explore those little dynamics between them and their neighbours more etc etc but that’s... for another time (and like bc alone i could just talk forever about because What a Rollercoaster and I really want to swing an internship at the Royal BC Museum if I can for my program........ aaaaaaaaaaa... but i have a membership anyway so i can visit whenever im in the province hohoho). 
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