#ATOM create a kaiju challenge
tyrantisterror · 9 months
A Hundred Some New ATOM Kaiju Pt. 10
On this installment of the unfinished ATOM kaiju showcase, we have an extended Ultraman reference.
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Meet Plateodon, a retrosaur kaiju loosely inspired by prosauropods/plaeteosaurs. Not particularly notable on its own, right?
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On my kind-of-defunct discord server, I held a short challenge of sorts for people to design kaiju with the caveat that they were "recycled from Plateodon's suit," the way that a lot of Ultraman kaiju are made of parts from other Ultraman kaiju to save on construction costs. In other words, if Plateodon is Baragon, I wanted to see the Neronga/Pagos/Gabora/Magular.
None of these guys are direct adaptations of the kaiju my friends created, but rather mixed and matched various ideas that were generated by that challenge to make a distinct set of recycled plateodons, with the final one explicitly playing with the idea that it was made from the suit after it was thoroughly rotted, torn, and beaten up by the constant reuse - a Plateodon recycle used for Redman, if we want to be real silly with it.
It kind of makes these guys kin to the Contest Entry kaiju, I suppose - they've got more of my design input in them than the Contest kaiju do, but there's still a good bit of outside design influence too. It's a fun set.
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kawaiiblue18 · 1 year
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Click for better quality Fun fact: Mothra’s theme song is my favorite of all the kaiju, it’s so majestic Once again, lore is below the cut!
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Ight Mikey time! It is highly recommended that you read the lore I put in the comments on Raph’s post before reading this! So, in this au, Mikey takes place of Mothra. This was actually quite challenging figuring out how to blend box turtle AND moth anatomy but I’m pretty happy with the result. I made it so Mikey’s shell has natural holes where his wings connect to her shoulder blades. Some notes about design to add is that I based the wing design purely on Mothra’s wing design plus some tiger moth images (you do not wanna know the amount of moth references I have saved). Plus I made Mikey’s limbs more parallel with Mothra including the claws Mothra has on her front limbs but made Mikey’s front most limbs his usual hands.
Just to clear some confusion before I start lore rambling: like most kaiju in this au, Mikey’s species is intersex and reproduces asexually. She uses any and all pronouns in this au. Also, I know some people ship Mothra and Godzilla, but Mikey and Raph are still considered siblings here so please do not ship them (aka tc*st DNI), thank you.
Of his siblings, Mikey is smallest, weakest (physically), and youngest of the four kaiju turtles. But that’s not say he should be underestimated. Xe is still ancient compared to human civilizations. They are only younger than the twins by a 100 years and younger than Raph by 2,000 years (that’s not a lot considering titan lifespans). Mikey’s body was built for grace and speed while air borne, but not for front on attacks. Mikey’s wings or body could easily be torn or damaged in battles with other kaiju if she isn’t careful. Although, not to worry because Mikey sports Mothra’s signature ability: the ability to be reborn but in a more different way. Instead of Mothra’s ability to simply hatch from previously laid egg and go through larval plus cocoon stages (though they can lay an egg for his next of kin), Mikey has a phoenix regeneration ability. In the event that Mikey is severely injured or killed, xer body will burst into flames until she is a giant pile of mystic ash. During this period, Mikey’s soul is in a sort of limbo between life and death until they naturally regenerate enough mystic energy to reform himself from the ashes.
That’s another thing to note: that while Mikey may not be physically strong, he is the most connected to their ninpo powers than his siblings. Through her ninpo, Mikey has the ability to summon a numerous amount of mystic chains at a time, shoot mystic fire, reduce the weight of objects while chains are wrapped around them, and perform a “God Ray” ability. The “God Ray” ability (also affectionately dubbed “the living sun” by humans) makes Mikey’s wings light up to an extreme amount for a few seconds. It’s so bright that it would be the equivalent to staring at the sun. This ability is effective for blinding opponents temporarily so that the opponent will be rendered off guard to a following attack, but this move does take a lot of ninpo energy to pull off. 
Smaller kaiju, like Mikey’s species, have the special ability to create mystic symbiotic bonds with kaiju larger and physically stronger than them. A symbiotic bond means ninpo (which I should’ve probably mentioned before is mystical atomic power that all kaiju possess) and emotions can be shared between the bonded kaiju. This bond does come with the price though: the death of one bond means the surviving bond must live their life with the phantom pain. While Mikey can regenerate from fatal injuries (which does not count as death in the symbiotic bond because xer soul is still intact), other kaiju cannot. It is common for kaiju in a bond to simply off themself after the death of their bond partner to avoid this fate. Mikey’s parent and predecessor, Mosura, had a symbiotic relationship with Dagon (if you remember, this is Raph’s parent) and ended her life alongside Dagon. Mikey, soon after Raph dawned the title of alpha titan, created a symbiotic bond with Raph that Raph readily agreed to. Mikey would later extend the bond to Leo and Donnie.
As human civilizations started appearing over time, Mikey was the one who was the most involved with them. Xe was fascinated by the complexity of these small intelligent creatures and would sometimes communicate telepathically with humans through directing his ninpo to flow through the human xe was try to talk to. (All kaiju communicate telepathically. Humans just can’t understand them because they don’t have ninpo.) Because of this, ancient civilizations gave him the name Michelangelo which means “the messenger who is like God”.
When Mikey is awoken by Raph from hibernation in 2019 to defeat the Shredder, he meets April who is the daughter of one of lead scientists. Mikey attempts to talk to April telepathically, but the base is soon infiltrated by the eco-terrorist organization and Mikey flies away. She is surprised by the human developments during their hibernation, but more so amazed by human’s innovative inventions that remind him of Donnie’s ninpo. Mikey firmly believes in cooperative coexistence with humans where most kaiju, including her own siblings, are skeptical of humans. Once the battle with Shredder in Boston is over and Mikey regenerates, xe seeks out April through the small amount of ninpo he left on her. Mikey and April form a friendship to which April becomes a human ambassador to titans for Monarch.
Damn this section was longer than the first so hope you understood all that ahaaa. Again, I will add more lore as I finish more ref sheets.
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cerothenull · 8 years
ATOM Create a Kaiju #5
Name:  Ublen
Aliases: Hodge-podge, Subject-03, Jersey Devil, Baby Leeds
Date Discovered: June 19th 1960
Place of Origin: New Jersey
Notable Stomping Grounds: North American Northeast, Typhon Island
Height: 70ft when standing upright
Length: 110ft
Biology: A hodge-podge of mammalian features Ublen is one of the stranger Kaiju to arise from North America. Resembling a kangaroo in stature and locomotion they also possess large batlike wings, cloven goat hooves and rams horns. Despite the frail appearance of their wings that seem too small to lift it they are able to fly short distances, preferring to hop and leap and using their wings to glide rather than exert the effort of flapping them. Omnivorous Ublen seems to have little care whether it devours herds of cattle, copses of trees, or even human vehicles depending on its whims for the day. Regrettably this has lead to instances where they have attacked cities and eaten humans.
Originally a collection of mundane animals stolen from various farms and zoos Ublen has their origin in the wilderness of New Jersey where one of the infamous "backyard Mad Scientists" that have lead to the creation of multiple other Kaiju. Not much is known of their creator other than their obsession with Yamaneon, creating Kaiju of their own, and the local cryptid legend of the Jersey Devil. Which they succeeded in making by vivisecting various animal parts, such as a fruit foxes wings and the hooves and horns of a ram onto a kangaroo then subjected to Yamaneon bombardment to induce Atomic Fossilization.
While not a powerful fighter they are able to deliver powerful kicks and tail slaps that can send other Kaiju flying back if they were not prepared. Their saliva is also oddly caustic, the drool and spittle that they send splattering everywhere when they fight falling like an acid rain across the battlefield or spitting large globs of it at their foes.
Ublens kaiju powers include: Super strength An enhanced healing factor Immunity to radiation Acidic Saliva
Personality: Ublen was considered by many to be quite insane, driven mad by its cruel origins, their mindless rampages occurring seemingly at random. They will spend their days doing repetitive tasks such as stacking boulders, fallen trees, or abandoned vehicles to digging holes and ditches, only for some unknown event to cause them to fly into a panicked rampage that typically caused them to come into conflict with humanity or other Kaiju that cross their path.
They were considered one of the more dangerous Kaiju to roam the North American Northeast ranging from the USA into Canada due to their unpredictability and disregard for the safety of anything other than itself. Once transferred to Typhon Island they seemed to actually do better in the wild landscape with plenty of other Kaiju to tussle with, their mental state starting to improve. With time they even started to make "friends" with some of the other denizens of the island although they learned to avoid or subdue them when they fell into their panics.
After they first emerged the path of their rampage was followed to a compound in the depths of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Investigation of the ruined lab showed that the Scientist that created Ublen was equally obsessed with Yamaneon and the local legend of the Jersey Devil which appeared to lead to their decision to create their own Devil after not finding evidence of the actual cryptid.
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mattieartemis · 3 years
CR 3: This Is Not a Place of Honour - Radiant Waste Repository
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Halloween Zero-to-Thirty Challenge Rating Challenge
CR 0 | CR 1 | CR 2
CR 3: This Is Not a Place of Honour - Radiant Waste Repository
Following arcane conflict, former battlefields sometimes hold onto the fallout of arcane energy. Over time, such sites leak radiant energy into the environment that cause disease in the nearby plants, animals, and people. Worse still, mutation gives rise to dangerous new monstrosities whilst other creatures - such as the terrifying kaiju - seem to be born from the radiant energy itself.
The atomic priesthood was established to create so-called radiant waste repositories, guarding such sites until the danger passes. So the atomic priesthood began their watch, and the sites were shunned, left uninhabited, and eventually forgotten, except by folk story.
Creatures native to a radiant waste repository have an intimate connection to their territory. When at least six such creatures defend their territory together, they can call on the environment to aid them. The group must include at least one atomic priest or kaiju. When determining the difficulty of such an encounter, consider the radiant waste repository to be one additional creature of challenge rating 3.
Repositories In Other Worlds
Radiant waste repositories can be found throughtout the D&D multiverse. In Eberron, for example, the Last War left many scars across Khorvaire. A radiant waste repository might represent the testing grounds of a House Cannith weapon, an area of the Mournland, or a manifest zone into the plane of Irian. In the world of Exandria, repositories might be found in the lands of Eiselcross and Blightshore, or in the wastes of Xhorhas as a remnant of the Calamity. In the world-city of Ravnica, the Izzet League's experiments could give rise to a radiant waste repository.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing all ties), the group takes a lair action, causing one of the following effects; the group can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
Emanation of Energy. Radiant waste erupts in a 20-foot-radius sphere centred on a point on the ground. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) radiant damage and 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Landscape of Thorns. A mass of many irregularly-sized spikes protrude from the ground in all directions in a 20-foot square. The square becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute or until this action is used again. Each creature in the square when it first appears must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5 (1d10) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Menacing Earthworks. Mounds of earth shaped like lightning bolts emanate from the ground in an unoccupied space. The earthwork lasts for 1 minute or until this action is used again, after which it crumbles to dust. Each creature within 5 feet of the earthwork must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the earthwork until initiative count 20 on the following round. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the earthwork must also make the saving throw.
Regional Effects
The region containing a radiant waste repository is uninhabitable and unfarmable. A network of enormous slabs of black basalt are arranged in an irregular square grid, through which a series of extremely large spikes emerge from the ground at different angles. These long-time warnings account for the one or more of the following effects in the surrounding region:
Black Hole. Food, including living edible plants, are supernaturally fouled within a mile of the lair. Creatures that eat such food vomit it within minutes.
Forbidding Blocks. Slabs of black basalt render the land within a mile of the lair uninhabitable. Creatures that rest in the region cannot gain the benefits of a long rest.
Rubble Landscape. A network of house-sized stone blocks suggest a network of “streets” which feel ominous and lead nowhere. Large square-shaped piles of blasted rock give a sense of something having been destroyed. Creatures within a mile of the lair sometimes feel ill at ease, lost, or hopeless.
The effects that deter intrusion at radiant waste repositories are designed to last into the far future. Even if all creatures in the lair die, the regional effects do not fade for 10,000 years.
Other Inhabitants of Repositories
Not many creatures can survive in a region containing a radiant waste repository. Native creatures such as atomic priests and kaiju are sustained by the ambient arcane energy, though the latter also preys on other creatures. Wild ray cats typically range in and out of such regions, acquiring food outside of the region but returning for protection from larger predators that are unwilling to follow.
Creatures that don’t need to eat or sleep, such as undead and constructs, find they are well adapted to radiant waste repositories. Some are born of the ambient arcane energy itself, such as living spells, whilst others are born of the despair or distress caused by the rubble landscape and other such features, such as sorrowsworn.
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My entry for @tyrantisterror 's Create a Kaiju Contest 3D!
Meet Gunmetal Jeeves!
Following the 1954 Superquake and subsequent emergence of colossal retrosaurs, the world was scrambling to build new means of defense. At the forefront of this new push was robotics. To build cybertronic war machines capable of directly combating the prehistoric menace was on the mind of every developed militarized nation in the world and they believed the man to achieve this technology would be Dr. Daigo Ishikawa.
Ishikawa was discovered, however, to be uncompromising in his refusal to develop combat machines. Ishikawa had been widowed by World War Two and had seen enough death and destruction brought about by technology to cement his position as a pacifist one-hundred times over. Instead, he lent his expertise to as many non-lethal projects he could find, believing it morally just to return these displaced beasts back to their proper environment.
His work was long and regretfully kept him estranged from his only son, Yukio. The boy was growing into a young adult, entering formative years where he would come to truly understand the reality of the world and he wouldn't have his father or his mother there to help him. Daigo resolved to establish som sort of presence in his son's life and so, in secret, he built Gunmetal Jeeves.
Jeeves was a cybernetic butler. Originally programmed to accomplish simple tasks like cooking and cleaning, assisting with homework, and serving as a communication link between father and son. However, as any teenage boy gifted with a ten-foot tall robotic companion might, Yukio saw Jeeves as something more.
Yukio and Jeeves would go on countless adventures together, foiling bankrobbers, fighting monsters, saving people from danger, evading government spies, impressing attractive peers, etc. In each voyage, Jeeves would be pressed more and more. How could it help some people without harming others? How could it protect Yukio? The robot would constantly be faced with new problems that challenged its computer brain and it had no choice but to adapt and evolve. It would ask questions to Yukio, to Daigo, it would philosophize on the Laws of Robotics and pacifism as well as the morality of killing and protecting. Slowly but surely the machine began to develop it's own sense of self, it's own morals and principles and the ability to act on them.
Daigo and Yukio watched the machines enlightenment and learned along with it. The machine learning to become human became an example to the distant father and rebellious son. It was difficult being a dysfunctional, broken family in a new age of monsters, but perhaps with Jeeves help their relationship could be salvaged.
Jeeves is a walking super computer, built to be an electronic babysitter and companion. The robot stands ten feet tall.
In terms of machinery, Jeeves has cameras for eyes capable of reading infrared heat signatures and electromagnetic fields. The black 'horn' on its head opens into a radio transmitter. The battery back on it's back has a collection of extendable cords that can be used to recharge its battery and utilize communication lines for telephones and television. It has motorized tires in its feet for high speed locomotion. Jeeves can easily skate like this at 60mph.
Jeeves biggest inspiration is Jet Jaguar. I asked 'Why was JJ built?' Because no one in Godzilla vs Megalon did and went from there. Developing the story developed the characters in this case. Theres also some Lt Commander Data in there, in regards to personality and motivation, and I suppose Robotic assistant is a little Lost in Space? The riveted look is from MechaGodzilla who is like, peak retrofuture robot for me, so I hope the retro future vibes shine through here. The machinery here might be pushing it for ATOMs setting, maybe a little advanced, which is why I held off on more extravagant technologies like changing sizes or flight. I hope he inspires as much fun in others as those original characters inspired in me!
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downtofragglerock · 3 years
ATOM Kaiju contest submission
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Name: Saroguana
Alias: “The Shark of the Skies”
Date Discovered: December 26, 1956
Place of Origin: The Pacific Northwest
Stomping Grounds: The Pacific Northwest, Typhon Island
Height: 60 feet
Length: 90 feet
Wingspan: 110 Feet
Biology: Saroguana is a rather interesting look into the evolutionary process between the Tiny Tyrant and Flying Tyrant Retrosaur clades. Whereas evolution gradually transformed the arms of some species of Tiny Tyrants into wings, Saroguana seems to belong to an offshoot where the opposite occurred, their forelimbs remained relatively unchanged, but their hindlimbs became great sets of wings. Because of this, Saroguana’s center of gravity and the maintaining of that center is more complicated than that of most Flying Tyrants. Their bright orange body naturally leans forward more, on account for the fact that their forelimbs are being used for support. Saroguana has a rather flexible neck to compensate for this so they can still have a full field of vision. Saroguana also has various structures to help maintain balance, mainly their tail and backfins. The tail, while long, acts more like the short rudder tail seen on some Flying Tyrants, rather than the lizard like one seen on most long-tailed Flying Tyrants. The backfins are a more interesting case. They’re lime green, much like a lot of the accents on Saroguana’s body, and have an odd, hockey stick-like shape to them. They stand straight up on the kaiju’s back when grounded and during takeoff, but during flight, they collapse on top of one another, creating a fin-like shape that makes the body more aerodynamic, especially during Saroguana’s divebomb descents, the source for the creature’s moniker of “The Shark of the Skies”.
Personality: Saroguana is seemingly scatterbrained kaiju, never being able to focus on one thing at a time for very long. While the way they dance around in the air is oddly graceful, they’re quite clumsy when it comes to walking on the ground. Most of the time they waddle around wide-eyed like a confused toddler. They’re a bit of a kleptomaniac, taking seemingly random things either because said things are shiny or just interesting in the kaiju’s eyes. Researchers are still trying to figure out what qualifies as “interesting” to this kaiju, as there is almost no legitimate correlation between items. Saroguana is quite friendly, although they have a somewhat hard time befriending other kaiju due to their klutzy and slightly random nature, and despite being in the size range to get some sustenance out of human meat, has no record of actually eating humans strangely enough. And despite their scatterbrain-ed ness, Saroguana is quite curious, investigating even seemingly innocuous things. Of course, these fixations are quite sporadic, quickly moving from one thing to the next and back again, but the dedication seen in those periods is actually quite admirable.
History: It wasn’t too long after Christmas that reports came in about missing… well, just about everything past a certain size. Cars, cattle, roofs, even lampposts where there one moment and seemingly taken the next. A few years prior, this would had left authorities baffled, but the world was now firmly in an age of giant monsters, and the now-reasonable assumption that a kaiju was behind this was quickly assumed. But what kind of monster and where it was were questions still up in the air. A couple days later, a nearby thermal power plant reported disturbances, and several hunches where proven (as well as several bets won) when those assigned to investigate saw two large deep blue eyes staring right at them. The kaiju went on a brief rampage, surprising some with its leg-wings and besting various fighter jets with its dive-bombing prowess. However, during said scuffle, the creature spontaneously retreated and was later found resting in the same plant it was found in. The beast’s motives were realized when a crude cow carcass-ridden nest made up of wrecked cars, building pieces, and lampposts was discovered in one of the hotter areas of the plant, with the kaiju nestled in there like a bird. The creature (which would later be dubbed Saroguana for unknown reasons) was a large reptile in the height of winter, and simply trying to find a nice warm place to rest for the season, like a family during the holidays. Saroguana would later be shipped off to Typhon island where they have acclimated rather well to their new warmer surroundings.
At first it was a bit challenging trying to come up with an idea for a kaiju that fit within the parameters of ATOM’s fictional universe, since I’m more of a fan of the ��ancient quasi mythical” aspect of kaiju rather than the “giant creature products of the atomic age” that ATOM’s kaiju are more inclined to. My original idea was a heavily mutated deranged crow, as sort of a reference to the infamous knife-wielding crow of Vancouver and the Giant Claw, but it didn’t really feel right. Considering a majority of ATOM’s kaiju are a reference to some distinct type of Mesozoic reptile, I decided to go from there. I wanted my kaiju to stand out, so I looked at the Triassic, and its menagerie of somewhat unappreciated reptilian oddities, for inspiration. I remember a majority of the dinosaur books I had as a kid, during the obligatory “before the dinosaurs” bit, had various stock species shown off, and two creatures that where often featured together where Longisquama and Sharovipteryx, mainly because of the outdated belief that they were connected in some way to pterosaur evolution. I had also been playing around with a speculative evolutionary concept involving the latter animal, wondering if the hind leg gliders could have evolved into full blown wings, said concept was also partly inspired by Sebulba from Star Wars. So, taking a page out of Toho’s notebook of prehistoric chimera kaiju, I decided to combine them, taking Longisquama’s quills and the main body plan of Sharovipteryx. The name is also a combination of the two as well, though I did change “guama” to “guana” to make it sound more like iguana, since the retrosaurs are tied to the old belief of dinosaurs being “big lizards”.
While the color scheme wasn’t featured on the illustration, (I’ve grown more confident in my drawing skills over the years, my coloring abilities, not so much) I decided to base Saroguana’s colors off of the Nui Rama from Bionicle. One was bright orange and the other was lime green, so much like with the design and name, I combined the color schemes into one.
The discovery date is the original Japanese release date for Rodan. It was the first kaiju film I ever saw, and seeing as how I was creating a flying monster, I decided to give it a little shoutout.
For @tyrantisterror​ and his kaiju contest
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Ok, ignoring what I said last in my previous post (though the flight thing is real), I'm really wondering something right now....
A R.O.B (Random Omnipotent Being), gets MV!Goji's family and allies to gain transparent forms and sends them to the 3 universes MV!Goji was transported to, have them react to what I described in Scenarios A, B, & C; how would they react to their Godzilla getting not one, not two, but three ass-beatings from his alternate counterparts?
Here's my little interpretation in how they would see the alternate Gojis:
Scenario A:
Mothra: Hang on, why does that creature look so small?
Monster X: He kinda looks adora-
*Filitus fires his hyper-concentrated beam at MV!Goji.*
Monster X: And I take it back, beat that little shit Goji!
*Later, when MV!Goji has Filitus on the ropes.*
Monster X: Yeah! Don't feel so high and mighty now, eh?
Mothra: I hope he doesn't kill Filitus, he looks a little scared....
Shin: Godzilla knows what he's doing, he won't kill him.....I hope.
Junior: Yay! Daddy beats green monster!
Rodan: Yeah! Who would care about a brat like Filitus?
*Godzilla Earth appears*
Everyone: ..................
Rodan: ........I stand corrected.
*Earth Goji gives MV!Goji a brutal ass-whooping*
Mothra: Oh dear! I hope he's ok!
Monster X: He'll make it out of this! Goji always has...
*Everyone else just watches in sympathy & metaphorical pain as MV!Goji is beaten within an inch of his life*
*They become scared when Earth Goji charges up his Atomic Breath & holds their Godzilla in place to vaporize his head, but he is teleported away before be can do so. They all sigh in relief.*
Scenario B:
*Everyone becomes shocked when the human warships fire on Godzilla.*
Mothra: Stop that!
Shin: He did nothing! Why are you still firing?!
Rodan: Hrrgh. If I'm to guess, the humans of this world aren't as friendly to Titans like ours are.
Junior: Stop shooting Daddy!
*They witness Godzilla's show of intelligence by deducing the tech level of the world he was now in.*
Monster X: Hmm, he's right on the mark that this is the 1990s.
Mothra: He can be very analytical when he wants to.
Shin: Well, that is very accurate!
Junior: Smart Daddy!
Kong: Huh, well the more you know....
*They see Heisei Goji spying on their Godzilla*
Monster X: I see you, you little bastard!
Shin: He seems angry at our Godzilla, what did he do?
Rodan: If I'm to guess, he doesn't like our King's presence in his world, and wants to take our Goji out.
Junior: Fake Daddy!
*They see MV!Goji's scared breakdown*
Monster X:Goji.....
Shin: Oh, I wish I can comfort him, but I'm transparent.....
*They bear witness to Heisei!Goji's rampage across Tokyo.*
Monster X: Damn, so he's a destroyer in this dimension......monster......
Mothra: *Sigh* I believe he's one of the more-violent and destructive of versions of our Goji....
Shin.....(Remembers the time he briefly went on a rampage in modern Tokyo)
Junior: I don't like him!
Rodan: At least the humans don't suffer....
Kong: You're not helping.....
*Everyone sees when MV!Goji rises out of Tokyo Bay & roars a challenge to Heisei!Goji, with the latter's eerily familiar movement of slowly turning around and tail whipping the ground as an acceptance.*
Monster X: Kick that guy's ass Godzilla!
Mothra: I hope you'll be alright...
Shin: Give him the good fight!
Junior: Go Daddy!
Kong:......Well, this is ironic.
*Everyone watches the battle between the two Gojis: grappling, pushing, clawing, and many uses of Atomic Breath on each other. Their Goji even tried to perform the Kiss of Death on his counterpart-but the latter spamming his atomic breath many times prevented him from doing so. They even entered a beam-lock, witn both Gojis putting as much power into their beam as possible.*
Monster X: Get him! Get him! GET HIM!
Mothra: *Holding her breath*
Shin: C'mon, you can do it Godzilla! I believe in you!
Junior: GO DADDY!
Rodan: Kick his ass!
Kong:....You can do it buddy, I know you can!
*MV!Goji concentrates his beam, and it begins overpowering Heisei's.*
Monster X: C'mon, just a little more!
Mothra: *Staring intensely*
Shin: Yes!
Junior: Yay!
Rodan: Oh yeah!
Kong: *In a similar state to Mothra.*
*However, Heisei noticed this, and started to power up his own beam-until it turned bright crimson red.*
Monster X: OH COME ON!
Shin: Oh dear....
Junior: Oh no!
Rodan: Shit!
*Heisei's atomic breath overpowers MV!Goji's beam, causing him to be forced back-bellowing in pain in the process.*
*Everyone looks in sympathy at MonsterVerse Goji, and glare angrily at Heisei Goji.*
Monster X:....Bastard....
Shin: *Looks disapprovingly at Heisei*
Junior: Don't hurt daddy!
Kong: Screw you!
*Despite this, they soon afterwards enter a second beam-lock, this time though-MV!Goji starts to walk forward...while still firing his atomic breath.*
*Everyone is shocked by this*
Monster X:I didn't know he could do that!
Mothra:....neither did I....
Shin: Well this is surprising....
Rodan:Oh, that's a sign he's starting to get serious!
Kong: Let's see what happens next.
(Heisei, not impressed, does the same thing-both Gojis walk towards each other until the energy in between their beams can't take it anymore and explodes out.)
*Everyone is briefly blinded, but quickly see again.*
(Heisei Goji is briefly dazed, but shakes it off and soon has a deadly look on his face. He then does something that shocks the group: he puts his hands on the ground and starts walking on all fours![with his dorsal plates constantly flashing too])
Monster X:H-he can do that too?!
Mothra: Oh dear, this isn't good.
Junior: Uh oh!
Rodan:.....ah shit.
Kong: *remembers when Godzilla himself did that in their fight in Hong Kong, which brings a bad omen for Goji here.*
*MonsterVerse Goji hid behind some intact buildings as he slowly gets behind Heisei...then he strikes! Tackling his counterpart into the side of a building and beating/clawing him, he initially has the upper hand-that is until Heisei simply kicks him in the stomach & fires his beam at the ground to create a smokescreen. MV!Goji clears the smoke but Heisei was gone, but the family then spot him-climbing a building and looking like he was readying for something. That something proved to be lunging at his larger counterpart with a speed and ferocity like never before! He fired his Red Spiral Ray without a care in the world, knocking his counterpart on his back and leaving him dangerously vulnerable; and Heisei takes advantage of that to stomp, punch, and slash at MV!Goji's chest with unrivaled rage, to the point the family was begging him to stop. Heisei then stomped his foot onto MV!Goji's chest-and gave him a deadly death glare-before he roared in his face-and MV!Goji defiantly responded with his own roar. After a brief pause, Heisei clawed his counterpart in the face and began to force his mouth open.*
(Everyone saw what was coming and began to panic.)
Monster X: Wait, wait, WAIT-!
Shin: STOP!
Junior: NO!!!
Rodan: Shit, shit, SHIT!
Kong: DON'T!
*Before Heisei could fire his Red Spiral Ray down MV!Goji's throat, he is teleported away-and everyone breaths sighs of relief.*
Monster X:....well that was terrifying....
Mothra: I'm just glad he's safe....
(Onto the third and final universe....the R.O.B decides to skip to the battle)
*Everyone becomes absolutely baffled by how impossibly nimble & agile FW!Goji is, to the point one can say he was pointing a massive kaiju sized middle-finger at the laws of physics as he weaved through the attacks of their Godzilla & beat him to the ground with summersault kicks ans the like.*
I'll stop it here, and I know the description of the Heiseiverse scenario is unrealistic, but at least you now get the idea of how Heisei!Goji would kill MV!Goji in a more detailed description. Also; if you like, you can make your own reactions of the Abraxasverse crew to my 3 scenarios, I want to see what those are like & feel free to add on to what I already made if you wish!
I... don't think I can have my own take on the AbraxasVerse Titans' reaction to all this, sorry to say. And not for lack of trying, this isn't just me pushing it aside for later or saying "oh it's not up to me" like with Genocide/Coexistence, I mean you've pretty much got all the reactions covered just fine without any input from me - you can literally make a fic out of this.
The only thing I can think of is the Titans just losing all patience and demanding R.O.B. show themselves, take them and their Goji back home and eff right off before they decide to do something about it, because for all they know R.O.B. is messing up the balance with all this dimension-hopping monster fighting. Also, I'm fairly certain Goji would be able to move while breathing atomic fire without much problem, if he can walk and breathe normally at the same time...
And now I'm convinced that this R.O.B. thing just wants an excuse to see MV!Goji's ass get kicked or even killed by his other counterparts for whatever reason. Maybe it's one of those fans who gets all uppity and angry when a new incarnation is too different for their liking.
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virovac · 4 years
so Round up of ATOMverse monsters canonically, semicanonically and I headcanon as being created as a result of the USSR attempt to nuke kaiju
(All art and models by author of the series, tumblr user Tyrantisterror /author William Cope)
Lets’ look at the two canon ones first
The Writhing Flesh
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Turns out nuking a kaiju point-blank pulps them, but the regenerative abilities will be raised to sea-sponge levels...the parts of several kaiju twitching remains merged together to create The Writhing Flesh (also known as “Cuddles”)
Their fellow abomination, Gorale, was from the remains of a yeti-descended kaiju farther from the blast fusing with a dying whale caught in the blast.
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(I chose the author’s homemade puppet incarnation for visual aid, as the dorsal fin’s position in artwork bothers me)
More below. Links to sources in next post.
The semi-canonical Dreg, 
from the create a contest entry by tumblr user bugcthulhu
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Dreg’s kaiju mother was rendered all but dead by the nuke and her dying body redirected all resources to her altered child. He emerged from her corpse
Dreg is what happens when a kaiju’s powers are destabilized.  He grows far faster than is normal for a kaiju, and his metabolism is even more exaggerated, giving him an insatiable lust for flesh.  His growth spurts result in a body that is bursting with energy but lacks any stability, making him a frenetic and violent creature by default.  When he satisfies his uncontrollable hunger, Dreg can reach a massive size and develop into a vicious fighting machine.  However, he cannot recover from damage in the reliable way most kaiju do, and ultimately reverts to his fetal form when combat takes its toll on him.
of note is that Tyrantisterror headcanons that his mother was the same species (or close relative) as my own semi-canonical entry: Bajingis
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Others I just headcanon existing in-universe as they are designs author created in the past
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Conquerverm I’m almost postivie was in a previous outline of the story on TT’s now gone devianart account (back when it was meant to be a futuristic sequel to B-movies and kaiju films called the Second Age of Monsters rather than a period piece), being one of an honestly bloated list of monsters set to appear in the Siberian monster zone.
TT redrew them for  30 Day Kaiju Challenge Round 2
 I think accidentally turning the intestinal parasites of a kaiju into kaiju themselves by way of dropping a couple of atom bombs on one 
In the previous 30 day challenge he came upwith another kaijufied parasite which I headcanon came from the same incident:
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I headcanon Titantick as another parasite on one of the mammalian kaiju, a overachiever barely hanging on against their powerful immune system, until they got a second chance at a new life with the drop of a bomb.
Given these two parasitoids would came into existance in Siberia, I imagine they quickly burrowed underground (or into a huge kaiju) to get warm and might be existing without Russia’s knowledge.
Other possible parasite kaiju include barnacles and whale lice lurking in the Siberian sea unnoticed, kaijufied at the same time as Gorale’s whale half.
Also a word from the author on the moral here.
Yeah, sure, scientifically an atom bomb would kill Godzilla.  Allegorically, however?  Allegorically, you don’t solve a problem made by the reckless use of nuclear weapons by recklessly using nuclear ******** weapons.  Allegorically, dropping an atom bomb on the product of an atom bomb makes MORE PRODUCT OF AN ATOM BOMB.
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kaijuzilla · 5 years
MOD REVIEW: Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)
*This contain spoilers so if you want to avoid it then please do no continue reading this post.*
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“Which of these Titans are here to threaten us, and which of these Titans are here to protect us...”
Where can I start.... The moment when I saw the trailer in college in spring time 2019, I was excited and hype for this film. And when me and my friend went to see it and got out:
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I really don’t get it whats with critics on this movie but as a fan and going all honest this movie is a good Godzilla movie! The director or the person behind this movie Mike Dougherty, took all the problems from the 2014 film, fixing it, added some awesome stuff, and this movie was born! Along with that we got Mothra who looks more insect appearance but still majestic beauty, Ghidorah who is freaking terrifying and making this the scariest and coolest Ghidorah, and Rodan who is on fire and is hot! Also he gives me a starscream vibe as well which everyone said same thing.
The plot tells that things are happening and citizens are blaming the Godzilla and Monarch for this disasters which they go on a riot to say that all of the monsters must be destroy. But Monarch refuses and wanted theses creatures to live because “they deserve the right to live” since they live here before us. Basically which one is here to live with us in harmony and which one is here to kill us. The people still think they should kill them but Serizawa still believes theses creatures are good on the inside and not monsters and wanted humans and monsters in a symbiotic relationship. Suddenly one of the scientist broke the Monarch code by releasing Ghidorah and is up to Monarch and Godzilla to stop the Monsters from creating disaster.
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I also think the humans are actually alright in this movie than the 2014. But the 2014 film has one great actor who delivers it well but die later which kind of lost the character knowing them well because he’s like the most recognizable character and so does Serizawa. But this movie we learn about (some) of the characters more! Yes there are alot of characters in this movie and I think they’re all alright. 
There’s also this Eco-terrorist group who wanted to free all these monsters from their cages and take their DNA for black market like those people from Pacific Rim. Also their goal got to success t release them all when Ghidorah calls all of them when crowned himself king. TBH do they even think that when these monsters are destroying every humanity they are gonna be kill too? Like really Ghidorah is the one that causes the planet Venus lifeless and you’re it’s next target.
One thing that got me like shock is that Serizawa assistants just die early int he film which just shock me alot. I kind of wanted to know about her character and why and how she became Serizawa assistant.
I’m also glad Mark Russell who is played by Kyle Chandler, who is a zoologist gets a character development in the film because from the beginning he hated Godzilla because he lost his son in the disaster of 2014 if San Francisco from the MUTOs (I’m not only one who notice those red military light guys falling from the sky from the beginning of the movie right?). Which close to end of the movie he learned that Godzilla is good and began to accept him. (Also makes me learn how alpha or hunting packs work)
Dr Emma Russel who played by Vera Farmiga, where her character is she is good (1) but she thinks she’s doing a good  which made her the villian (2) thing but turns out bad so go back to being good (3). (1) she made this ORCA where it help control the titan by doing an alpha frequency thing which works on Mothra and Rodan and Ghidorah, (2) when she was caught by the Eco terrorist and see that releasing titans and radioactivity in San Francisco making plant life grow back which see human are infection decided to release and try release all titans to help restore balance to humanity and think this is what her son wanted (Ghidorah was second), (3) Ghidorah turns out to release all titans and controlling them all to destroy everything and learn that this isn’t good and Madison (her daughter) straight her out that this isn’t what will bring harmony or give what her dead son want to the world.
Did I mention there’s a prequel of this movie before it was released and it’s a comic? This is a same thing like Godzilla Awakening which we learn that Godzilla is an ancient apex predator that loves for many years that went to the center of the earth for radiation because the radiation on the surface of Earth is low. BUT THIS MOVIE TELLS US THERE ARE 17 TITANS/KAIJUS AROUND THE WORLD!!! They also involved in histories like mythology creatures  (because they’re named after them or some) where it’s goes to saying that people sees them as gods. And this is reveled when Godzilla is laying to rest in this underwater city which is probably Atlantis? Where it show that people back then sees them as gods which is really cool and i want to know more about this. TBH if this happens in real life this could possibly happen in the past if these monsters exist.
One thing it’s very strange we see a bigger hunch spiky back Femuto again. It’s because we thought those babies and the two MUTOS are last of their kind from the 2014 film, and the Prime was killed in the comics as well. And this one isn’t pregnant which also bow down to Godzilla too. But I will say out of all Kaiju the Behemoth is the strange but one of my favorite kaiju design. Maybe because it’s a mammal and it’s so rare to see a mammal kaiju since it’s mostly Insects, Aliens, Amphibians, Birds, Fish, and Reptiles. We do see some on screen but in the novel tells us what the other titans are doing around the world. Surprising fact the Leviathan outpost in in Loch Ness meaning that Nessie is a kaiju or something!?
One thing that make the monsters amazing by their designs but also their facial expression which gives them more life and not Disney Lion King live action movie lifeless expression. We understand their emotion by their facial expression and not their voice.
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We see Godzilla just showing intimidation to people and King Ghidorah who they both showing high level of intimidation! Also Ghidorah head that represent their personality are good and there’s reason why Kevin is the dumb one. Because the heart is on the right side of the body the right and middle get more blood to their brains while the left side aka Kevin get less blood in his brain (My friend explain this after the movie). And when Rodan got stab by Mothra stinger (which my friend also explain that Moths do have stingers IRL but never uses them because they don’t harm any creature and are like butterflies and bee hybrid like insects) he was showing that “anime pain gasp shock eye facial expression” because DAM right into the shoulder!!! Which then when he tries to challenge Godzilla for the throne he was like “aw hell sorry my king please forgive me I Starscream knee before you Megaton!!!”
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Before I close to finish it off I want to say again Ghidorah in this film is the most scariest and terrifying monster of all time! The moment he survive the oxygen destroyer was so suprise he survive and Godzilla has a heart attack. The moment when Kevin head grows back after ripped off was just horrifying and just HOLY SHIT moment. Even seeing him as he crown himself the king now as he roar so lod showing the church is like we’re seeing the Devil begin the end life on Earth! Even when his history was meant to be erase and forgotten in the past is a surprising. Just glad they stick to alien and not bio genetic creature from the future that makes him look like a vampire furby baby face (I will admit the Dorats look cute).
Also one question....how dafug did the government military manage to make the Oxygen Destroyer. Yes it’s a prototype but if this is a prototype does this mean the perfect Oxygen Destroyer become Destroyah later on. Also you think the monster causes problem, that bomb kill alot of fish population right there! But during the film Serizawa sacrifice himself to save Godzilla by bringing the atomic nuclear bomb to blow up to help recharge his nuclear energy aka giving him some juice to make him stronger. 
What make this movie fun is jsut there’s so many easter eggs in this movie! I spotted some but i bet there’s more somewhere that youtube explained see: Roidan is making nest at MT Fuji (Rodan movie), Twins and Infant Island (Mothra), Kong is poted and mention alot in the film which also leading to Kong vs Godzilla, Monster Zero, (again) The Leviathan is Nessie from Loch Ness, Mecha Kevin, 2014 sky falling scene, Mothra wing represent Godzilla eyes, Mothra egg after she die but chances maybe minilla or junior, A mysterious skeleton at Godzilla lair. That’s all i got so far. but idk if the sphinx would count because that is actually like a cancel 1998 Godzilla aka Zilla movie sequel.
What also surprising is that Godzilla and Mothra are actually a thing together! And tbh for the longest time I ship theses two (haven’t ship for a long LONG time)! it explain it’s a “symbiotic” relationship but still it’s cute.
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Ok now the probably the best part of the movie is the monster fight scene. It’ss just so amazing what theses things can actually do on screens. Just when Godzilla and Ghidorah fight the third time they just charged to each other causing this huge shockwave boom that shook the sky! Rodan just peck the HELL out at Ghidorah when they first met! Mothra (again) Stab Rodan giving him the worst pain of his life on his shoulder! Kevin head ripped off! (Kevin nooooo), and the final part of the movie. Mothra Die from Ghidorah when protecting her Lamp Husband!
He fought something that could out class him and dominates it, No matter how must of a pain he’s in he still stands tall, he continues fighting and not retreat and rematch again (Gamera)!
That is the coolest death kill ever and turns out the spark from the mouth was actually a burp which is funny. Don’t believe me? go to Mike Dougherty twitter he tells everything about the movie.
Now the one part that makes me want to react with the other titans too which i feel like all Godzilla fans did too in the theaters because i got the same feeling to just wanting to bow down to Godzilla for some reason? Just when Madison (Mark and Emma daughter who is Millie Brown from Stranger Thing as Eleven) uses the ORCA to bring all titans to Boston. They all arrive seeing their king to be dead by Godzilla which looks liek they’re all about to challenge him, even Rodan look piss off for he want to fight for his fallen king death. He tells them to back the fuck down which Rodan being the Starscream dude he is bows down before his true king and so does (mostly) everyone, even the Femuto who is the natural enemies to his species bows before him! This turned all the titans good and help bring amazing impact around the world: Amazon Rainforests that was wiped out are growing back, endanger animals are off the endanger list, stabilized world sea levels from Antarctica, fish population rises too, etc...
Then there is the after credit where the leader of the Eco terrorist finds Kevin and is going to take his head. And also show many hits saying seismic activity at Skull Island and show cave painting of Kong and Godzilla fighting each other!
This is what “which titans is here to threaten us, and which titans are here to protect us.” from the beginning. There are two kings and one of the is a false king who call himself king and wants to bring destruction to everything it sees. Godzilla job as an apex predator is to bring balance to nature and humanity as a True King to the throne. If any one of them go out of Godzilla rules then they will be slap to their head.
So then that is King of the Monsters and it still a great film! I still can’t believe critics say “too much monster fight scene” and blah blah blah they don’t know what a Godzilla film actually is tbh! This movie did amazing and even thought there’s some problems it still make a good movie. I will give it an:
8 or 7 out of 10
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If you want to watch this I would recommend watching old godzilla films which also count kong, mothra, and rodan before you see this film but for a quickie i would recommend Godzilla Awakening, Godzilla (2014), Skull Island: Birth of Kong, Kong Skull Island, and Godzilla Aftershock to get to know the movie and the Monsterverse. There’s also the novel too which holds more information that didn’t get on screen and it’s low price and it’s good. I really wanted to get off my chest and it just so good! i think next review I might do Endgame maybe?
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thekaijudude · 5 years
Okay that matchup with Ultraman Taro vs Monster X was pretty dumb all things considered with how powerful Taro is. So here’s a better matchup (at least I hope so anyway) Ultraman vs Monster X
Nah it wasn’t dumb at all
Its ok to ask such questions as not everyone knows how strong Taro truly is (surprisingly), so asking these sorts of questions helps to inform more people and/or clear up any misunderstandings some may have with regards to any of the characters.
Ultraman is indeed a better match for X than Taro
But very few people know that Ultraman himself has rather unique abilities even amongst Ultras, one of which might very well dictate the course of this matchup.
That ability would be Ultraman’s immunity to electricity.
Assuming Destroyed Thunder are just bolts of electricity (going by its namesake) and not anti-gravity beams, X would have to entirely rely on his physical prowess to take Ultraman on. 
However, if they aren’t, it wouldn’t actually matter as you’ll see later.
At this point, I would like to bring in a very common misconception that Ultraman seems to not be as physically strong as he is (judging from his stats).
But if one analyses his stats and the fights properly, you’d realize that most of the time, Ultraman always holds back and he always seems to struggle against most of his opponents which are physically much weaker than him.
Firstly, people always like to say that his brute strength is only about 100 000t but if you look closely, its stated to be at least 100 000t. In addition, the stats were for the 1966 incarnation of Ultraman, which is not updated.
Secondly, expanding on the point of him holding back, if you analyze his fights more carefully, when Ultraman gets serious, the tides of the battle goes south extremely quickly if the kaiju was originally winning (which is apparent in virtually every single battle where the kaiju seems to hold the upper hand initially)
Another instance was when Ultraman had enough force to literally slice solid chunks of bone like what we see with Gomora.
Also, remember when Ultraman managed to generate enough energy to cause dimensional tears to overload Bullton’s (a 4D being) antenna? That’s essentially Dark Zagi level stuff which most people seems to be unable to relate as the original Ultraman series seems to just be some ancient piece of literature, but his feats are still definitely undeniable and he’s only much stronger now.
And let's not forget that Ultraman is likely to be the 'tank' of the Ultra Brothers as his durability is said to be 100x tougher than Diamond
Ultraman vs Monster X:
Now more into Ultraman’s abilties, the main thing about him is that his defensive capabilities are actually scaled higher than his offensive abilities. In particular, is that he’s totally immune to any damage he takes that is less than the force of an atomic bomb.
With Ultraman’s physical prowess being more or less covered, lets compare them to X’s.
Monster X clearly took damage from Gigan’s buzzsaw which is definitely nowhere on the level of an atomic bomb.
X’s power output was more or less on the level of FW Godzilla’s which personally I would say is comparable to Ultraman (1966 version at least)
However, I would estimate X’s Destroyed Thunder would have a power output close to an atomic bomb as it was on the same level as FW Godzilla’s atomic breath which obliterated the meteor X was in.
But Ultraman can also teleport (short distance usage drains less of his power) and create duplicates of himself (said duplicates are as powerful and have the same abilities as the original)
Furthermore, Ultraman has those OP attacks whereby we see his Ultra Psychokinesis (which is more or less the ultimate plot device for the Showa Ultras tbh) which can literally immobilize kaiju, move them, and literally make them explode.
So although Ultraman and Monster X, in a pure hand to hand combat would definitely be something worth seeing, Ultraman’s OP abilities would make him abit too much to deal with for X.
However, if X evolves into Kaizer Ghidorah (KG), things would be different.
Ultraman vs Kaizer Ghidorah:
Although KG’s defensive capabilities are reduced to massively amp his power output, KG becomes ridiculously more capable in brute strength as compared to X. Like just a simple kick from KG could send a 55 000t FW Godzilla flying. 
In addition, KG is stated to be the strongest ghidorah up till the point of FW, which would put him above the likes of Grand King Ghidorah and Thousand Year Old Dragon King Ghidorah (aka Mothra-Baragon amped GMK Ghidorah)
Considering that we only know Ultraman 1966′s brute strength was only stated to be at least 100 000t, I think its safe to say that he would surely be at a losing end against KG in a physical fight.
As KG now also has some form of psychic abilities with his now evolved ‘Destroyed Kaiser’ which although not as precise as Ultraman’s psychokinetic abilities, Destroyed Kaiser acts as a ranged attack as well as a psychokinetic attack. 
Also, KG can also drain the energy of whoever he managed to sink his teeth in which is of course very, VERY bad news for any Ultra on Earth as Ultraman already has a time limit of 3 mins which is short enough already.
So I guess its safe to say that once KG manages to get hold of Ultraman either by his Destroyed Kaiser or his teeth, its essentially game over at that point.
The only few factors I can think of that would work into Ultraman’s favour is that if he managed to decapitate one of KG’s heads using his Ultra Slash which would disorient KG is his middle head was decapitated, and Ultraman could leverage on that moment of disorientation to freeze KG’s movements and launch a barrage of ranged attacks on him to take advantage of KG’s reduced defense or take the opportunity to escape into space to recharge his energy and repeat the process to slowly decapitate all of his heads.
Or if the battle occurs in space, Ultraman would not have to be affected by the time limit and he could also move much faster in space but itll still be a very, very tough fight for Ultraman 1966.
In conclusion, X vs Ultraman 1966 would be a close fight with the latter likely emerging victorious, KG vs Ultraman 1966 would all depend on whether Ultraman can utilize his experience to outsmart KG as he’s up against KG’s massive power output.
(Note that im not talking about the current Ultraman as unlike Taro, its much more difficult to estimate how much more powerful he got since 1966, but tbh, I would say that modern Ultraman would manhandle X but KG would still pose a significant challenge to him)
Thanks for the question!
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tyrantisterror · 3 years
The ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3-D: Entry Roundup
You’ve been patiently waiting for the results of the ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3-D, and now... you have to wait a bit longer, but at least you’ve got an entry roundup with lots of sketches and a good bit of feedback for all the entrants!  My goal is to get the finalists illustrated in a week or two, and after that, the grand prize winner will be announced.  But, for now, the official entry roundup!  After the cut:
I should note that while I sketched these in the order they were submitted, my scanner saved the documents with random names, so they’re a bit jumbled.  You know, just in case you’re like me and would get confused noticing that it’s almost in chronological order but with some entries jumbled around.
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@bugcthulhu’s Obsideban was designed as a counterpart to Rohobaron - the Black King to Rohobaron’s Red King, if you will.  Or, well, Black Queen in this case, as Obsideban also takes her personality from the “delinquent girl” archetype in Japanese media.  Bug’s designs always ooze personality, and I had a lot of fun translating this big, gnarly retrosaur into my own style.
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@toothlessloveshiccup‘s Argonox is the first - but far from the last - monster in this breakdown that brings in a bit of fantasy influence to ATOM’s roster.  A golden-fleeced ram with a vicious streak, this sheep is both treasure and dragon at once.  And while it wasn’t written in the monster’s profile, given the Yamaneon-rich nature of its wool, Argonox might be able to replicate the healing power of the golden fleece too!  A very fun mammalian kaiju and excellent entry.
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@highly-radioactive-nerd submitted Gunmetal Jeeves, a robot butler who can gigantomax temporarily create a holographic/hard light version of himself to fight kaiju.  That detail was a late revision added to the entry before the contest’s deadline, made after the creator realized that ATOM allows for some truly ludicrous bullshit, which is something everyone should exploit when making entries for this in my opinion.  Also, this is a robot butler who can size shift.  Revel in its awesome absurdity!
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Ultranerd submitted Rajasaurus, a dimetrodon-like synapsid kaiju with electric powers.  His origin specifies that the electric powers are a result of the volatile nature of the Yamaneon deposits he mutated under, which is an interesting idea.  That’s another theme that cropped up a lot in this contest’s entries, actually - people really wanted to play with what Yamaneon can do.
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Case in point, @polygonfighter’s Yamaneolith takes the Monolith Monsters homage at the heart of Yamaneon even more apparent.  I like the implication that there is a second mineral-based lifeform at the root of this Yamaneon cluster’s anomalous behavior - a parasite, perhaps?  It brings up some interesting possibilities.
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@ariccio50 submitted Kukulkuzana, and damn is this a cool spin on the body plan of my martians.  I made a few changes here and there (splitting its tail into two is probably the biggest one), but tried to keep true to the original design, because holy hell is it gorgeous.  The idea that this is a mountain-dwelling creature is really intriguing to me, as it looks like a sea creature, but at the same time, that flexible and low-slung build WOULD work pretty well in mountains, and it’s just the right mix of plausible weirdness that makes for a fun alien design.
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@akitymh submitted Aramzados, a Venusian monster that’s basically an organic hot rod car.  I like the idea of organic machinery being the gimmick for Venusian kaiju, and Aramzado’s does it subtly enough to not feel like that gimmick is the sole thing going for it.  I especially love this monster’s stange, apparently mouth-less blade-beaked face.
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@virovac submitted Rurzar and Zar Rider, a Beyonder kaiju and mecha (respecitvely) that were both modified and repurposed by humans reverse engineering Beyonder technology to make, like, a motorcycle-saurus essentially.  It is a delightfully absurd concept, and a very, very detailed one (13 pages of description).  There’s a dark undercurrent beneath the sillyness, though, as this pair show that humanity might still be following the same path as the Beyonders before them.
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@dinosaurana brings us Krangor, a humanoid monstrosity of living kelp!  The goal here was to create a Jack Kirby-esque monster dude, complete with the gibberish name and all.  He’s also made out of kelp, which feels very classic 1950′s monster-y despite me not being able to think of any monsters that were explicitly made of kelp.  I love him.
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@kiryuthechimera submitted Genkakurah, a psychic retrosaur with some draconic features.  Though his substantial powerset is probably the biggest distinguishing feature of this kaiju (given that most ATOM kaiju pretty much have the same standard powers), what really draws me to him is that reptilian pseudo-beard.  It’s just a fun detail!
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@glarnboudin submits Tiratola, and see, there’s that fantasy influence again!  Even more explicitly dragon-y than Kraydi, Tiratola still manages to toe the line between sci-fi and fantasy enough to fit ATOM as is while still cementing its ties to my own slice of fantasy fiction.  Man it’s good I’m doing a Midgaheim book next, huh?
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@dragonzzilla submitted Scuttlebutt/Argonautilus, a hermit crab kaiju who lives in/with a hollowed out mecha.  That’s a twist I can’t recall ever hearing before, and the idea of a kaiju and a mecha having an equal partnership that doesn’t involve one being grafted to the other is really intriguing to me.  A very unique concept!
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@evolutionsvoid submitted Fleagor, an enormous flea who has no idea what to do with itself now that there’s no creature large enough for it to parasitize.  I love that concept - it takes the core idea of the giant bug kaiju archetype (i.e. unsettling the audience by showing how terrifying small, “insignificant” creatures would be if our sizes were reversed) and really turns it on its head.  The name also plays on the Universal Monsters, who were a huge part of 1950′s pop culture thanks to their movies being re-released in that era, so all and all this one is very on brand for ATOM!
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@skarmorysilver submitted Lilacorn, another entry that plays up that Midgaheim/ATOM connection.  Reinterpreting the mythological unicorn as an Cenozoic wooly rhinoceros-inspired monster gives it a very unique look, both in ATOM and in the general world of unicorns, and she has a bad-girl with a heart of gold personality to boot!
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dracosaurus-rex submitted Florasaura, a two-headed plant/retrosaur hybrid monster.  I love me some plant monsters, I love me some retrosaurs, and I love me some rhyming the word “flora” with other words that contain similar vowell sounds, so this one has me written all over it!
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@downtofragglerock submitted Sauroguana, a delightfully odd flying retrosaur.  There’s a great deal of charm to the original illustration that this sketch doesn’t quite capture - it’s a deceptively simple design with a lot of personality in it, and with those unique leg-wings it really doesn’t need a whole lot of frills to stand out.
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Draxi submitted Brakan, an unimpressive burrowing retrosaur kaiju whose mastery of illusions allows it to convince other kaiju it’s actually a big, super-powerful badass that’s the ultimate fighter in the universe.  It’s a delightful parody of the concept of a fan self-insert god-mode character, with a really fun story built into it to boot!
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@quinnred submitted O.N.I.A.C., a mysterious cocooned kaiju whose chrysalis has been turned into an organic computer of sorts by the people studying it, and seems to possess a fairly advanced intelligence for a kaiju.  It’s a really bizarre and ominous idea, with built in intrigue given how vague its nature is.  Is it just a kaijufied butterfly/moth who got stuck mid transformation?  A relative of the Mothmanuds?  Something else, perhaps equally alien?  Good story potential here.
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shadyserpent submitted Vespilitor, a bat/retrosaur hybrid made by the nefarious Spooks Organization.  A mercurial prankster whose tendency to stir up trouble never crosses the line into maliciousness, he’s the kind of monster who would make a great foil to a lot of ATOM’s cast.  I’d especially like to see him in a prank off with Ahuul - it’d be like Bugs Bunny fighting Daffy Duck, but on a kaiju scale.
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@multiversefan submitted the Yamaneon King, a nomadic kaiju whose refusal to settle down causes problems as he stirs up trouble at kaiju sanctuaries all over the globe by showing up unannounced and stirring up the locals.  He was basically designed to be a monster that the kaiju sanctuary initiative would struggle to deal with, which is a good idea for a post-ATOM Volume 2 story conflict.
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Sir K submitted Jadeera, a kirin kaiju that can actually forcibly convert most of its body to Yamaneon to enter a dormant, statue-like state in a loose homage to King Shisa.  Though the fantasy elements are far more present than I usually prefer for ATOM kaiju, I think it should be noted they’re pushed that far for a purpose - a theme in Jadeera’s entry, which continues where its creator left off with their submission to the previous ATOM create a kaiju contest (Yokaigon), is that the world of kaiju is more complicated and challenging than many are willing to accept, which is a theme in ATOM itself.  Yokaigon’s more supernatural/occult powers are based on the ghost parascience of my setting, which ATOM has delved into a bit (Pathogen being the big example), so it’s not as out of left field as some might think.
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@cerothenull​ brings us our final entry (unless some got lost thanks to tumblr’s shitty tagging system), the flying spider Naeranti.  She’s a kaiju spider who uses silk to make complicate hot-air balloons, more or less, and that’s just delightful.  ATOM could always use more spider-monsters, and with a really unique gimmick backing up a wonderfully distinct look, Naeranti is sure to stand out among her fellow giant arachnids.
Well, that’s the roundup!  In a week (or two, depending on how much my hand cramps) we’ll have the five finalists, and sometime after that, the grand prize winner!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Flash Season 8 Set Photos Tease Surprise Villain Joining Despero for Armageddon
This Flash article contains spoilers for season 8 and “Armageddon.“
The Flash season 8 premiere will be unlike any you’ve watched before. This year, the show is opening with a five-part crossover event called “Armageddon,” the type of CW superhero extravaganza that is usually reserved for the holidays.
This massive superhero team-up will bring several Arrowverse favorites back to Central City to fight a mysterious alien threat. The cast of heroes includes Javicia Leslie as Batwoman, Brandon Routh as The Atom, Cress Williams as Black Lightning, Chyler Leigh as Sentinel, Kat McNamara as Mia Queen, and Osric Chau as Ryan Choi. “Armageddon” will also see the return of Tom Cavanagh as Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash and Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk, a supervillain team-up we last saw in Legends of Tomorrow.
But Reverse-Flash and Damien Darhk aren’t the only bad guys Team Flash and their friends will have to contend with during the five-parter. A series of photos taken from the set of The Flash reveal just how wild things could get when the show returns in November…
Tony Curran as Despero
A Justice League-level team-up like this deserves a JLA-level baddie. For “Armageddon,” that’s Despero, a supervillain who made his debut in the very first issue of Justice League of America in 1960. An alien conqueror from the faraway planet of Kalanor, Despero was created by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky as a villain who not only possessed the physical might to challenge DC’s greatest heroes but also mind powers to go with it. On top of mind control, the ability to manipulate reality, telekinesis, and telepathy, Despero has superhuman strength and speed, and can even alter his own size to become a massive kaiju-like monster. He’s exactly the type of well-rounded villain necessary for a Justice League story, a big bad no one hero can take on alone.
We already knew Despero would lead “Armageddon” but until now we hadn’t seen what Tony Curran (Doctor Who) would look like in the role. As you can see from the stills below, The CW has envisioned a Despero who’s much less alien than the one in the comics, even ditching the villain’s third eye in the process. At least he’s kind of keeping the mohawk.
#TheFlash 1st look at Human form Despero for season 8!!! pic.twitter.com/TTatxnq2mL
— Alexander|Hifive326 (@hifive326) October 12, 2021
“That’s actually the scene where we really learn about Despero’s alien origins, which is what makes that scene so fascinating to me,” The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace told EW of the photos above. “[Curran] has a big speech in that scene. No spoilers, [but] it’s a very intense moment in his relationship with the Flash. You’ll see throughout the episodes how Despero tests Flash in various ways. This is one of those moments. That’s what makes it so pivotal. I think the audience is going to learn something new about Despero that they never knew, because we do have our own take on the [DC] mythology for the character.”
Wallace warned fans that they shouldn’t jump to conclusions regarding Despero’s appearance, teasing that “Your eyes can sometimes deceive you.” Is this Despero’s ability to create illusions coming into play? Is he hiding what he actually looks like to blend in with humanity?
Judging from other spoiler-y set photos that have leaked online, Despero’s ultimate alien form might not be the only big twist of “Armageddon.”
Barry Allen as Reverse-Flash?!
It looks like Cavanagh’s Eobard Thawne won’t be the only Reverse-Flash running around in the crossover event. The Scarlet Speedster’s arch-nemesis will be joined by…Barry Allen?!
REVERSE FLASH BARRY ALLEN I AM NOT READY🥵🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ pic.twitter.com/YWlqbrKEhm
— MISSING WILL GRAHAM (@willscherrypie) October 12, 2021
Indeed, set photos reveal that at some point in the crossover Grant Gustin will don a yellow speedster suit for reasons that are as of yet unclear. Barry’s Reverse-Flash look could mean he’s joining Despero as a surprise villain in the crossover, if only temporarily. Is Barry being mind controlled by Despero? Or has the weight of seven seasons of superheroics finally turned Barry evil?
It could all turn out as Harvey Dent once said in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” But seriously, there’s very likely much more to this than meets the eye.
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In fact, there’s some sort of harness involved, as you can see below:
Yellow!Flash⚡️ in discussion with Damian Darhk/Neal McDonough pic.twitter.com/l0Hvsp1N9F
— Froggy (@FrogPhoto) October 2, 2021
Barry can be seen wearing the device while talking to Darhk. It does look a lot like one of the tachyon gadgets that have shown up on the series from time to time, whether it’s to try and trap Eobard Thawne or travel to other dimensions. Considering the title of this crossover event could have something to do with the time-travel-heavy DC comic book storyline “Armageddon 2001,” it’s possible Barry is using the device to travel into the future to trigger whatever end-of-the-world event makes up the central conflict.
Ryan Choi as The Atom
Fortunately, Team Flash will have a lot of help. As mentioned before, Osric Chau is returning as Ryan Choi, and not just as the scientist we first met in the Arrowverse version of Crisis on Infinite Earths. He’s finally going to become the new Atom!
With Brandon Routh also reprising his role as the Atom just for the crossover, it’s probably safe to assume that “Armageddon” will end with Ray Palmer passing the torch to Ryan and retiring for good. (This doesn’t totally eliminate the chance of seeing Routh in the Arrowverse again since he also plays a version of Superman that could probably be brought back from the dead at some point.) For now, what we do know is that Ryan is getting a much more comic book-accurate suit than the heavy armor Ray wore.
Osric Chau as Ryan Choi / The Atom on the set of The Flash #Armageddon pic.twitter.com/a1o8TXnPgi
— Froggy (@FrogPhoto) October 2, 2021
New Flash Suit!!
The Atom isn’t the only hero getting a new, more comics faithful look, either. Fans have been asking for it for a long time and it’s finally happening: Barry Allen will wear the gold boots in season 8!
🚨⚡Ladies and Gentlemen! #TheFlashSeason8 has given us a glimpse at a new addition to the suit! After 7 long years we FINALLY HAVE THE GOLD BOOTS!!!⚡🚨#BarryAllen #Arrowverse #Speedster #Speedforce #ScarletSpeedster #TheFlash #DCComics pic.twitter.com/jSbLNc7Kct
— Comicbook Clique (@MajorIssuesCBC) October 9, 2021
We’ll find out exactly what’s going on with all of Barry’s wardrobe changes when The Flash returns for “Armageddon” on Nov. 16 on The CW.
The post The Flash Season 8 Set Photos Tease Surprise Villain Joining Despero for Armageddon appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3aC5Nql
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cerothenull · 8 years
ATOM Create a Kaiju #3 Scutlgor
Name: Scutlgor
Aliases:  Crazy Legs, Sunipede, Nanny Bug
Date Discovered:  April 28th 1954
Place of Origin: Jungle of Green Hell
Notable Stomping Grounds: Jungle of Green Hell, Area 51, Typhon Island, North American Southwest
Height: 60ft
Length: 300ft
Biology:  One of the longest Kaiju known as Scutlgor is clearly a type of giant centipede that has undergone atomic fossilization. Initially believed to be a voracious predator it has rarely been seen to actively hunt other Kaiju for the purpose of eating. Instead they appear to subsist solely on solar radiation as she has been observed lifting her body up to soak in the sun with some saying it appears to be supplicating herself to the sun but such theories have been discarded as anthropomorpising the Kaiju.
Structurally similar to mundane centipedes Scutlgor possesses dozens of legs with razorsharp tips, their from legs modified into venomous "fangs" that they've only seem to use in life-or-death fights with other Kaiju. The first four pairs of legs behind the head segment are larger and heavier armored than the rest of its limbs used for locomotion and are infact used as manipulators for interacting with the world or as a shield when in battle.
Further establishing an innate connection to the sun Scutlgor is able to store solar energy inside their black chitin and in times of duress is able to focus and project that energy in the form of solar blasts it directs with its end pair of legs.
A favored tactic of Scutlgor is to roll itself into tire-like shape with its head protected in the center and rolls itself rapidly at a target. A more effective form of this tactic is she surrounds herself with solar flames leaving a trail of burning destruction in her wake but she was only observed using this tactic during the Beyonder Invasion.
Scutlgors kaiju powers include:
Super strength An enhanced healing factor Immunity to radiation Venomous Claws Solar Blasts
Personality:  One of Scutlgors most surprising attributes is her passivity and even willingness to create "friendships" with other Kaiju. Despite her fearsome appearance and origin the centipede has no interest in predation and spends their days either in silent supplication of the Sun or interacting with other Kaiju. A common visitor to Bobo's webs Scutlgor seems to enjoy the arachnids company spending many days with her and by extent occasionally acting as nanny to the hyper Tyrantor.
During the Beyonder Invasion Scutlgor was observed actually protecting the young of multiple Kaiju dealing with the alien attackers. This ended up leading to the Kaiju becoming something of a maternal figure and "babysitting" younger kaiju when their parents were otherwise indisposed. The only thing that really seems to infuriate the solar-powered centipede is when something threatens her charges.
Her habits of ignoring humans as anything more than temporarily amusing distractions and defending weaker Kaiju and human population centers from more aggressive ones has lead to her being considered one of the "hero" Kaiju of Earth.
Despite being discovered in the Jungle of Green Hell they appear to enjoy spending the rainy seasons migrating up into the deserts of the North American southwest. A trip that has become somewhat of a spectators event as towns along her migration path host tourists to watch the centipede pass. Occasionally she'll become intrigued and near a town to observe from a safe distance then continue on her way.
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kinggodfrost-blog · 6 years
The Story of Naga Goji AKA “Gojira”
So, Naga was a very good boy, he did as he was told and had a good life with his mom and dad, and they lived peacefully, but then People took his mom and dad’s life when he was just 3 year’s old and they tested on him giving him a Lacrima, but then a giant being raised up from the sea, it’s name, was Godzilla the Infinity Atomic Dragon, he fount Naga crying and alone, this reminded of him when he was young so he took him in and raised him as his son, and with help from the Goddess Mothra the Goddess of Life and she never saw to challenge the god dragon because he was way to strong for her, plus they where friends when the where babies,so she help raised him and then when he was old enough Godzilla trained Naga Infinity Atomic Dragon Slaying Magic with one goal in mind, to maintain order and balance in nature, and kill any who stepped off the path, but Godzilla knew he might turn into one of him so he when inside Naga to make an anti-body, so he wouldn’t turn into a being like him and when Naga woke up he realized he was alone, and Mothra was gone too and he was alone again, but this time an old man found him and his name was Makarov and the old man took him in the guild named Fairy Tail and then his Journey to find Godzilla and protect his family began, but unknowingly Godzilla didn’t know Naga had a Lacrima in him, mutating the two magic’s together and making a very powerful,dangerous, and fast Magic
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s God Fist-  The user engulfs their fist in atomic energy and can hit as hard as a god
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Claw-  The user ignites their feet with atomic energy  and proceeds to assault the opponent with a powerful atomic- enhanced kick, with the atomic energy greatly augmenting the power of said kick
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Crushing Fang-  The user ignites one of their hands and then swings it in an arc, striking the target with their fingertips
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Brilliant Destruction-  The user generates atomic energy in both of their hands and then joins them, creating a large ball, and when it hits it creates a very massive and destructive explosion
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Roar- it’s a blue beam of atomic energy and it’s more destructive and a lot more powerful than Acnologia’s Dragon Roar
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Supernova- This move is one of Naga’s most destructive moves and is a giant blue ball of Atomic energy that he tosses at people and can destroy the world or more if he so chooses
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Sword Horn- The user engulfs their entire body in atomic flames and then propels themselves against the opponent at high speed, hitting them with a powerful headbutt. The user then proceeds to send the enemy flying up in the air with a pillar of atomic fire produced from their body
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Grip Strike-  The user rushes towards the target and grabs them with their hand. Whilst giving the attacking arm support with the other, the user releases a vast amount of explosive atomic energy at point-blank range, destroying the target
Shear Fire technique- Naga can create his own little time dimensions and he can hit you from anywhere and everywhere
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Knee Strike- The user ignites their knees in Atomic energy and they hit people with there knee
Dragon Slayer Secret Art’s
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Red Spiral: This is Naga’s most deadly move, if you are hit by this giant Red Spiral beam your good as dead, because this beam can destroy anyone to a subatomic level
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Holy Judgement- When activated, a bright blue light envelops the area and inflicts massive damage on whoever the caster perceives from their heart as an enemy, leaving friends and bystanders completely unharmed. The choice between friend or foe is decided by the user’s heart, and they cannot lie to this Magic. It is considered one of the most powerful Magics and is one of the rare legendary spells, and also one of the three Legandary Kaiju Magics
Atomic Drive-  The user cloaks their body in an aura of red light, amplifying the powers of their Infinity Atomic Dragon Slayer magic and in this he can fight Acnologia and Zeref at the same time
Infinity Atomic Dragon’s Dragonforce-This Dragon Force greatly increases the damage done by his Infinity Atomic Dragon Slayer spells, and grants the user access to more advanced, powerful attacks. It also drastically enhances the user’s physical prowess, speed, and boosts their Magic Power to God like levels, which becomes visible, taking the appearance of a Dragon. When exuded at its fullest, said Magic Power takes on a violent corporeality, likely as a result of the immense amount of Magic Power employed and he never has had too use it in a fight ever (if you want to know what it looks like talk to me and it’ll tell you)
Natural Abilities
Enhanced Durability-godlike
Enhanced Strength-godlike
Enhanced Smell
Immense Speed-godlike
Manipulation Immunity
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combat
Immense Magic Power - Infinite
Can eat all types of magic to get his magic power back and make him stronger
Poison Resistance
His magic can overflow and harm people
he loves to fight
and he can get angry quickly, but that only makes him stronger
Appearance- he has very big muscles and very good looking abs, and he also has a tail and he’s covered in very thick scales
Height- 11ft 9in
Wieght- 300 pounds of muscle
Hair: he has short spiky like Natsu’s hair,but it’s black
Temperament- he is usually calm, but when provoked he is more scarier than Acnologia and Zeref
Intelligence- he’s one of the smartest people you’ll meet
Eyes- He has beautiful ember eyes
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What his Atomic Drive looks like-
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Dragon Force- 
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(imagine it only smaller about 11ft 9in
Chant- I, who am about to awaken,Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from All, I Pity the "infinite", and I Laugh at the "dream" I shall become the Infinity Atomic Dragon of Domination And I shall sink you to the depths of the Abyss!
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godzillawiki · 7 years
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For the 1992-3 Manga Series, Godzilla, King of the Monsters, author Hisashi Yasui and illustrator Hiroshi Kawamoto created four ‘new’ monsters for the manga’s main storyline. Like the other enemy monsters, all are controlled by the manga’s antagonist, Doctor Oniyama!
Here’s the first of these monsters, an oceanic variant of Baragon called Sea Baragon. According to the Manga’s first chapter, Doctor Oniyama revived the same Baragon who fought Frankenstein in 1962 (More on that in another post, the timeline of this manga is all sorts of confusing!), and then modified him using the DNA of numerous marine mammals such as Narwhals and Walruses.
Sea Baragon resided in the waters off Izu Oshima, and was instructed by Oniyama to attack ships and destroy them at all costs. Sea Baragon continued this rampage almost completely unopposed until Godzilla arrived, who quickly challenged Sea Baragon to a fight. Despite Godzilla’s larger size and stronger body, Sea Baragon brutally wounded Godzilla with his drill-like horn, stabbing into his chest.
Despite his injuries, Godzilla wasn’t down for long, and swiftly fought back, snapping off Sea Baragon’s horn. Refusing to give up, Sea Baragon leapt at Godzilla, only to get thrown around by the tail and then incinerated with a blast of Godzilla’s atomic breath, making Sea Baragon the first of Oniyama’s monsters to be taken down by the nuclear Kaiju.
As I’m now the proud owner of both volumes of this elusive manga, you can bet that I’ll be providing more information and scans from the series when I can! I’ll see you all in the next post.
- Koopa
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ATOMIC TIME OF MONSTERS Create a Kaiju Contest Entry 3 Mk-II @tyrantisterror
Monster of the Mine -KING SOLOMON-
After discovering a document from the 19th century describing a cursed diamond mine in the Congo filled with brilliant emeralds, a multinational party of explorers voyaged to Africa to investigate what scientists believed to be an exposed vein of Yamaneon. 
After locating the mine, the expedition discovered a slew of mutant monsters had made the tunnels their home and were ruled by a titanic baboon, who the party christened King Solomon: the master of the mine. The monster had a brutish personality, a quick temper and a fascination with shiny objects. It’s own personal burrow within the mine was filled with crystal Yamaneon, diamonds, and gold. Other monsters craved King Solomon’s hoard and challenged the beast for it, but all were slain. The band of explorers knew the risks but the value of the data was too great. They probed deep into the mines, into Solomon’s very lair  and began collecting the samples of the crystals they had worked so hard to find. All was going well until the greed of one explored cause a small landslide of gold rousing the ape from its slumber. The adventurers ran as fast as they could from the titan and hid in the smallest places they could find, ut the ape was crafty and found them at every turn. All seemed lost until three savage monsters emerged from the depths of the cave system. All the craved Solomon’s glittering hoard and were ready to cooperate to take it from him. The tiny humans were no longer a threat to the ape and a titanic battle ensued.
King Solomon fought valiantly despite the uneven odds, but even a fighter as savage as he could not hold his own against three retrosaurs. Pity (and perhaps the fact that the four giants and their conflict blocked the tunnels that lead to the exit) made the explorers relent and devise a strategy to even the odds. They carefully scaled the tunnel walls and placed strategic explosives, retreated to a safe distance and detonated. Massive boulders and shards of crystal Yamaneon fell from the ceilings, burying one monster alive and distracting the other two long enough for King Solomon to rise to his feet and deal the finishing blows himself.
The expedition hoped to sneak past the victorious simian, but that was not to be. Solomon positioned himself between the league of spelunkers and their freedom, casting down a critical eye. Perhaps the beast was grateful for their assistance, perhaps the crystals that were dislodged by the explosives were enough to replace what the humans stole, but the vicious and greedy King Solomon relented and let the humans go.
The humans had survived their voyage into the world of monsters. They had successfully retrieved the samples of Yamaneon they had voyaged to Africa to find and they had all kept their lives in doing so. but their adventures were not quite over...
So first things first: I am not good at mammals. I’m not good at reptiles either, but mammals are even worse for me. So I’m sorry for that. I do like the face a bit though, he’s got kind of a Murasame mask thing going on. Still a pretty Japanese looking monster. I just wanted to make a monster from Africa for this one. I went through a lot of ideas. I though about a Lion or a hippo, which weren’t drawn, but i do have concept art of a crocodilian spinosaur, a retro spinosaur and a wildabeest kaiju, which i will post later., but i settled on going for an ape. It’s perhaps too King Kong, so i tried to obscure it’s species and do some new things with it. It’s hard to tell but the nose has some splashes of bright red and blue on it, to help craft an identity. 
The horns on its head and the plate armor on its wrists are basically hardened skin, or.. keratin, ,I think it’s called? Fingernails. or Rhino horn. They’re studded with Yamaneon, and are a mutation that resulted from the radioactivity.
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