#AU where they have a youtube channel and everything is fine
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stevieschrodinger · 8 months
I don't know, ficlet AU sort of thing.
Alpha Steve has a YouTube channel that, kind of, started by accident. Steve is not the most confident reader, like, at all. The words get kind of muddled and he got into a habit of just sort of trying to rush it, figuring he was going to mess it up anyway, so get it over with, right? And then he just sort of stops reading, even though he enjoyed it, because he couldn't get his brain to slow down and the muddling got worse and...yeah.
So one day, his platonic soul mate bestie suggests he read out loud. To someone. If he reads every word out one at a time, knowing it has to be clear enough for the other person to follow, that'll slow him down.
So, he tries it, but only for Robin. And it sort of works, kind of, and then she hits on him using something so he can only see the line he's reading, like a bit of card with a letterbox cut in it, and...Steve is on fire.
The words don't get muddled up so much, and his reading is slow and even, and he needs to read to someone, and Robin can't always be there. It becomes his own pet project, he reads out little bits of books he likes, parts of articles he has enjoyed, poems, whatever, and starts his own little you tube that has like, five followers, and they're all people he knows.
And then suddenly, almost overnight, Steve finds himself with four thousand followers. A very large portion of them are very clearly Omega, from the comments, and Steve suddenly finds himself with a lot of fans who are using his videos for white noise. He's literally reading thousands of Omegas off to sleep.
Which is...nice. Steve likes it. The hits and followers on his videos seem to settle down after a couple of weeks, and then, after having so many comments about how settling Steve's voice is, how the Alpha is relaxing and safe. Steve thinks fuck it.
As a test, he makes a ten minute video directly for that audience. He builds a nest, films it POV. He films the view of someone walking through the bedroom door, of what they would see as they climb into the nest, then resting the camera on his own chest.
Then he starts talking. Tells the omega how perfect they are, how much he cares for them, wants to protect, keep safe. How soft they are as he pets them, how warm and cosy they are in their nest. How snuggles with the omega are Steve's favourite thing.
He deliberately keeps everything as vague and gender neutral as he can. The video fucking explodes. Goes viral. Millions of hits, thousands and thousands of followers. Robin and the kids think it's hilarious, and encourage him to keep going, claiming he's doing a public service.
Hundreds of copycats spring up, but no one pulls it off quite like Steve.
He knows there are Omega out there getting off to his videos, despite there being absolutely nothing sexual about them, but Steve figures, whatever makes people happy.
He gets so many positive comments, omega telling him how much comfort he brings them. He has some regular commenters that he gets to know, too, which is nice. Sometimes he even takes requests, small things, the colour of his shirt, the time of day he shoots his videos, certain words and phrases.
One supportive commenter always stands out though : EdDio86. Steve's pretty sure he's male omega, and he's always so grateful when Steve posts a new video. The guy clearly has a lot of trouble sleeping, and apparently Steve really helps. They have a little back and forth in the comments, learning little bits about one another. Steve likes this omega.
Steve also gets the impression the omega is sorely lacking any comfort in his life. Considering the length of his comments, the guy never asks for anything.
Until he does.
At the end of a comment, always ever so politely thanking Steve, EdDio86 admits he's 'in a bit of a pickle' and could Steve, please, do a video where 'the omega' is with pup? Could Steve tell the omega that the pup is fine, and healthy, and that the omega is doing good and the pup is okay and everything will be okay...but cool if not. Bit of a weird request, I know, sorry to be a bother.
And Steve suddenly doesn't give a shit about the consequences of just,,,dropping his personal email out into the world like that, because he wants to tell this guy these things personally.
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exhuastedpigeon · 23 days
I woke up with a Buddie AU idea in my head - Celebrity Chef Buck and learning to cook YouTuber Eddie.
Eddie is still a firefighter and he has a little YouTube channel that he posts his attempts at learning to cook onto. He's got a modest following of like 25,000 people and it's more like a community than a following because people give him advice and share ideas with him (inspired a little by ANTI-CHEF's early stuff where he was very bad at cooking but kept trying.)
Buck is a full on celebrity chef who goes on cooking competition shows and owns a really great little restaurant in LA. His background is similar to in canon - he left home at 19 and traveled around, but instead of all the odd job he gets a job as a dishwasher and then a line cook and he works in restaurants as he moves across the country.
Buck is filming a cooking competition show (let's say it's Chopped) and another contestant accidentally starts a grease fire. Someone calls 9-1-1 and ten minutes later the 118 shows up.
By the time they get there the fires out (thanks to Buck and one of the other chef's who remembered that you should never put water on a grease fire). The firefighters mostly just have to deal with some medical stuff minor medical stuff. Everyone is fine and the 118 leaves and filming continues.
As a thank you for the save and for helping the chefs who had burns and smoke inhalation, Buck sends a thank you basket including some stuff he’s made and a few copies of his cookbook. Eddie takes one of the cook books and decides to make a series where he tries to make everything in Buck’s book.
Cue Buck’s managed (Maddie) finding the series and telling Buck about it and Buck falling more and more for Eddie while he watches him cook on YouTube.
(also at the end of every episode of Eddie's show he films the table and two sets of hands eating the food and the view hears Chris 'critique' the food but you never see his face because Eddie doesn't want Chris on camera until Chris is old enough to decide for himself.)
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calciumcryptid · 23 days
Fuck it, We Are Internet Famous AU. Let's go-
After his grandfather passed, Q entered a major depressive episode. He was close with his grandfather, a famous artist, who taught him everything he knew. In a way, he was raised more by his grandfather than his parents (although they deeply loved him). Q retains his desire to paint, to make art, but now it is bittersweet and his grandfather's shadow hangs over every studio session.
He starts streaming to the core five group chat to try and get into the groove. Tan, perpetual recorder, recorded the streams. One night, while bored, Tan edited one with inside jokes and references the group found funny. After a collective viewing experience, Chain suggested uploading the video to YouTube and its how Q's YouTube channel (MaestroQ) was born.
Q has two channels. One is for edited down and planned content, while the other contains his live streams. He gains a bit of a reputation as a semi-anti Bob Ross due to his more sarcastic and snarky remarks despite remaining calm throughout. The live streams gain popularity because people use them to fall asleep, and the shorter videos are edited down down to a process-video and a condensed highlight reel. Art has become fun for Q again.
Meanwhile, Fang and Phum have become popular because they are rich and attractive young men who do some modeling on the side. It doesn't help Phum (accidentally) befriended royalty (Damn Beer) and a popular streamer known for gaming (Mick), which increased the brothers fame.
Matt is another popular streamer known for gaming and art streams, and Toey is his roommate who is known through association. The two have been roommates for years, and Toey crashes Matt's streams constantly (which lead to an iconic series where Matt makes Toey play horror games, except Toey is completely unaffected). Toey finds Q's painting streams relaxing and falls asleep to them.
Now where do the ships fit into this?
Simple: TanFang.
In this universe, TanFang met when they were adults, post-graduation. While I don't have the exact details, their first meeting comes about because Tan approaches Fang due to Fang being vaguely familiar to him. Naturally, Tan assumes Fang went to high school wit him and thought he should say hi. Fang didn't, and is displeased about being interrupted for the fifth time that week. Naturally, this leads to some punches being thrown.
Of course, they get passive aggressive about it.
[ Pun here! Q is sorry about the delay, but we had to take Tan to the doctor. He got punched. Don't worry! He is fine! While he is out of commission, I thought I'd show him up with my editing skills! :D ]
Phum makes a post about taking his older brother to the doctor, and Fang follows up about making a smooth recovery.
Tan and Fang end up having their followup checkups on the same day, where they figure out the misunderstanding. Fang offers to treat Tan to lunch since he was the aggressor, and Tan agrees. Soon they are texting everyday, and a month later they are dating.
They soft launch their relationship and everyone in Fang's comments are commenting about it being the "Maestro Q Editor Guy".
It was a moment in social media.
Out of protectiveness and curiosity, Phum looks up the channel Tan edits for. He watches a couple of videos, but doesn't get that far into the catalogue before he goes to play football with Tan. If Phum got a little farther in the catalogue, he might have seen Peem's little side series where he goes to scenic water locations and does landscape paintings alongside Q.
Instead, Phum finds out about Peem the canon way where he accidentally destroys a painting Q and Peem finished for a video (or maybe a video card). Q and Tan watch in awe as Peem loses it on Phum, kicking him in the nuts, then running off.
Cue more passive aggressive vague posting.
(I think it would be funny if Phum and Q had Internet beef but their fans were unable to figure out why. Randomly one day this accidental influencer and the painter started to quote tweet each other.)
At this point, Toey is friends with Fang and Phum (through MickMatt) and gasps when he realizes Phum is why the latest video has been delayed and bullies his pseudo-older brother into apologizing ("I had a restless night of sleep. Why would you do that to me? *lethal puppy eyes*"). Phum, begrudgingly, does through Tan. Peem mocks him a little ("Now was that so hard?") and says Phum will be forgiven if he helps Peem with a video idea.
Phum agrees ("Whatever you say gorgeous.") and Peem uses Phum as a model for a portrait. Afterwards, Phum asks Peem on a date ("Since I am forgiven, can I take you on a date? *lethal puppy eyes*). Peem agrees because he thought Phum wasn't serious only to be thoroughly swept off his feet. Phum can't stop taking pictures of Peem, and he hard launches Peem as his boyfriend. Peem is pretty, and people need to know Phum scored.
It was also a moment in social media.
Afterwards, Peem becomes fond of Toey, and it (finally) clicks for Toey that he can meet Q through Peem and Tan. Tan is ecstatic for their friend groups to officially meet, unaware of Toey's mission. At the meet-up, Toey harnesses the power of the sun directly at Q. Q, naturally, becomes romantically constipated about this.
Toey suggest Matt should do an art stream with Q, and Matt agrees. The live stream goes well, and Q leaves. Toey notices Q left his pencil box behind, and rushes to give it back. After staring at his pencil box for a bit, Q admits he knows Toey has feelings for him but he has never returned anyones romantic desire before (oh no, where did these demiromantic feelings come from?) and he doesn't know what to do. The two promise to take it slow together, and start dating.
Chain and Pun were the first ones who got together in this timeline, because the viewers picked up on the undertones between and it opened Pun's eyes to his feelings being returned.
Mick and Matt were the second couple to get together in this timeline, as they were online gaming rivals who were teamed-up at a convention's live gaming event. After they won, they started dating. Toey has never third-wheeled harder.
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qc-wiggles · 11 months
they say write what you know and what i know is academic stress and yearbook pain. so anyways it's a yearbook club au!!!!
supervising teachers: gertrude and leitner. they become uncontactable like a week into the project (do they die? do they resign? tim has a running theory that they eloped.)
elias: head of yearbook club. dips unexpectedly in the middle of the entire thing (something about an optical surgery) and forces jon to take over. his dad paid for the adobe subscription they’re using 
rosie: treasurer, she’s very efficient, they’ve probably exchanged like 3 emails in total and she’s gotten everything funded. knows well enough to stay out of the dumpster fire that is yearbook production otherwise
jon: de facto head of yearbook club. thinks it should have gone to sasha instead. hes a bit incompetent but plans like it’s doomsday the next week so they are always in a wealth of excel sheets. writer, editor
tim: joined partly because he wanted an excuse to get out of football fixtures. also because he is 1 out of jons 3 friends including his ex and jon asked him. he has a tiktok. marketing, editor
sasha: joined partly to impress gertrude (she’s looking for her to write her letter of recommendation as head girl in sixth form). also because she is 1 out of jons 3 friends including his ex and jon asked her. she still uses livejournal. designer, writer
gerry: sixth form, occasionally helps out with networking at gertrude’s behest. tim is a bit starstruck over him. he saves their asses many, many times
melanie and georgie: got unofficially roped in as photographers. why you ask? manuela dominguez may have the cutting edge cameras but she is simply too scary to approach. melanie has a youtube channel that all the girls and tim are apparently subscribed to. 
martin: there is not one single picture of him. apparently he didn’t turn up for photo day, neither was he involved in any school events. even the people who have shared half-remembered facts about him seem to forget about him when questioned a second time. where did he go?
it’s the month before the yearbook is due to be sent in for production, and the team have discovered numerous issues with the draft: pictures of random people keep getting swapped over like they’ve been photoshopped, some pages are illegible and distorted unless they are physically written out in hand and scanned, one paragraph is a leitner. and nobody can find martin blackwood so they can get his picture in the yearbook. what will they do.
annabelle cane: current head girl
mikaele salesa: somehow knows literally everyone, involved in the funding of yearbook production
mike crew: uneasy alliance with gerry in their pursuit of jurgen leitner 
oliver banks: had a mental breakdown sometime during his gcses but hes fine now
david from research: nobody says it to his face but he has genuinely the most atrocious clothing choice in the entire school apart from michael shelley, and even then michael shelley makes work
grifter’s bone: the band of the school, except no one actually knows anyone who’s part of it. their shows are legendarily terrible. manuela says ambulances were phoned. 
daisy and basira: prefects, currently invested in making sure yearbook club remains LEGAL and not STALKING ANY STAFF OR STUDENTS, JON
jmag: principal. boo. what a creep
julia montauk: apparently her dad went to jail. but who is she living with now? i don’t know, manuela told me. how does manuela know? julia told her in a sleepover during year 6. and she’s telling other people? wow. that’s messed up. is that old guy her grandpa? why does he carry a rifle around
jared hopworth: prejudiced gymbro, but importantly, NOT a homophobe.
the admiral: what else needs to be said
agnes montague (campus celebrity from literally decades ago) (her relationship with jack barnabas is mythicised)
jude perry (allegedly caused some fire-related, agnes-related events)
edwin burroughs (allegedly commited atrocities during one year’s christmas dinner)
jane prentiss (left for uni a year ago, allegedly brought many live organisms onto campus) (keeps talking about this guy called jordan)
eric delano (he did WHAT to his eyes)
daedalus crew is astronomy club
breekon and hope are the manufacturers for much of the schools equipment and stationery
jon keeps finding notes from gertrude stashed in random places about yearbook difficulties its like a fun cool treasure hunt
they cant figure out where a computer they were initially using for yearbook club is from. it says ‘ushanka’ on the bottom of the display and the keys are slightly crusty
what the hell are the drama students actually up to 
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bluestrawberrybunny · 4 months
First time posting here in the SMG4 fandom-
Anyway, I made an Apprenticeship AU where SMG3 and SMG4 are basically forced (volun-told) to mentor 2 new meme guardians: SMG5 and SMG6.
But the thing is, when 4 was told about them, SMG1 and SMG2 didn’t exactly know where these new guardians came from, or why their pods were so damaged. So, while 1 and 2 try and figure out more about these two new guardians, 3 and 4 are basically stuck babysitting and training them.
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Some basic information about the two new guardians:
SMG5 is a lot more timid, but very eager to learn all they can from 3 and 4 to be the best meme guardian they can be. They got the nickname Bunny from SMG6 because their 5 logo looks like bunny ears. He technically does have a YouTube channel and Twitch, but he never uses them, instead preferring to draw and write fanfiction with Boopkins. He does post animations to his YouTube channel every once in a while. Due to the damage to his pod, his left eye is badly damaged, causing him to be blind in that eye. Also, they got into calling 4 “Scrub” because of SMG3 and he gets a kick out of it. SMG3 has also basically adopted them as his younger sibling and is absolutely fine with 5 calling him “Brother.”
SMG6 is the one who calls 3 and 4 “Sensei,” mostly in a sarcastic manner. He’s a lot more impulsive, usually dragging 5 along with whatever crazy stuff he does. He also has a YouTube channel, which mostly focuses on gaming and let’s plays. Due to his clothes, he doesn’t show it, but he actually has 2 robotic arms due to losing them both in the crash. SMG1 and SMG2 gave them to him, but didn’t tell SMG3 or SMG4 about the arms because they didn’t deem it as vitally important. He has been banned from 3’s Coffee & Bombs due to a love for fire and explosives, which may have caused a reconstruction to be needed- He also refers to SMG4 as “Dad” whenever it is just him and 5. He has accidentally called 4 Dad to his face and wanted to bury himself in a hole immediately after. 4 is still confused about it to this day.
The two are basically inseparable, and are best friends. They also act a lot like siblings, twins to be more exact. 5 mainly attempts to keep 6 out of trouble, but he does encourage him sometimes. The two care about each other a lot, despite not seeing eye to eye on everything, especially when it comes to 3 and 4. While SMG5 looks up to their elders and wants nothing more than to make them proud, SMG6 keeps saying they’re better than their mentors, mainly due to SMG1 and SMG2 congratulating them on using their powers so well, and better than their mentors had their first time training.
Some information about SMG3 and SMG4 in this AU:
Since this takes place after “SMG4 Doesn’t Meme For 1 Second,” SMG4 is kind of still in recovery, especially since I’m adding that the whole “removal of the meme lobe” caused some nasty physical side effects for him because a meme guardian has to meme. SMG4 takes his mentorship role very seriously, but does treat 5 and 6 more like kids. He gets easily annoyed with them, specifically 6. He also puts a bunch of pressure on the two without realizing. it, which causes an… “incident,” as SMG3 calls it.
Because 5 has such a drive to make his mentors proud of him, he decided it was a good idea to head into Peach’s castle. Alone. The crew went down there to get him back home safely. But SMG3 is far more protective of 5 after that.
SMG3 also has a very… rocky relationship with SMG6. He sees a lot of his villain self in 6, which is why he is very avoidant of him, and it got worse when SMG6 blew up his cafe.
Both SMG4 and SMG3 have scars from IGBP, and 4 suffers from PTSD from the event still, but he’s gotten better at hiding it as time goes on.
And yes, there is SMG34 in this AU. 5 and 6 are working with Mario to make it canon throughout the AU.
Fic for the AU is in the works, and I might make an ask blog if people like this enough-
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fiercynn · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
since there are both recent newcomers to bbs fandom and people like me who are new to bbs tumblr, i thought i'd create a getting-to-know-you meme for people to introduce themselves if they want! all questions are optional
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hi i'm deepa! i'm indian-american, in my 30s, queer, and agender – please use my name (either deepa or fiercynn is fine) instead of pronouns when referring to me!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched the whole show in the course of about 36 hours just about two weeks after the finale had aired, in february 2022! i joined bbs fandom on twitter soon after and have been there ever since, but i’ve only really been interacting on tumblr in the last few months
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa…i'm a traditionalist ig lol
favorite character(s)
it’s so hard to choose but i think it has to be pran! i love his pining and his cockiness and his anxiety and his kindness and his grumpy faces. really channeling pat right now aren’t i
favorite episode(s)
episode 5 for obvious reasons; my second-favorite is a tie between episode 3 and episode 8 i think
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, episode 3 bus stop scene, episode 8 backstage apology scene, and episode 9 picnic bench hand-holding scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
ughhhhhh SO HARD TO CHOOSE and i think i'll do a longer rec list sometime but here are some of the earliest fanworks i engaged with that really set the stage for how i think about bbs
dynamic (fic, patpran) by riddles2 on ao3: one of the first fics i read in the fandom, it’s pat’s pov through episode 5 and it’s absolutely seminal imo
international love song (fanart/animation, patpran) by @architectxengineer: science is one of those incredibly multitalented people who writes, makes fanart, and animates?? among other things??? and this animation is sooooooo gorgeous and makes my heart absolutely melt
same page (vid, patpran) by dkyth73 on youtube: such a good fanvid of the show that p’aof himself tweeted about it!!!!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
traffic was slow for the crash years (fic, patpran): gotta plug my baby, right? this is my patpran fake dating au which is 80k words and was so fun to create!
we both know you’re my only dream (fic, patpran): on the other end of the length spectrum, this 1k fic is one of my favorite things i've written ever
just being friendly (vid, patpran) co-vidded with @scribescribe: yes i know this is an msp song but we made the vid before msp aired!! i think it’s very cute hehe
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
since “just being friendly” is already obvious from me and scribe making a vid to it lol, i'm going to say “keeping tabs” by niki, which is extremely pran-coded. like. look at the lyrics. doesn't it seem like it was written to be about pran’s feelings at boarding school, where he misses pat desperately and hopes pat’s thinking of him but is also trying to convince himself that pat’s forgotten him and that everything pran wanted from him was just a delusion on his part. PRAN 😭 😭 😭
idk anything else you want us to know?
i have opinions about pran’s sweaters
okay i'm literally going to tag all of my tumblr mutuals that i think are still in the fandom (if i missed anyone sorry!!), but also if you want to do the meme consider yourself tagged! please don’t let this flop lol 🤞🏽
@citystoryscapes @nicolasechs @architectxengineer @mahuhumaling @manogirl @galauvant @miscellar @monamay @dancing-out-in-space @melto @incandescentflower @loveongsa @dimplesandfierceeyes @geonbaeeee @faillen @cinnamonseadragon @inkpaa @yourunwiththewolves @prany @pranpats @teesemomma @iathefurrr @inventedfangirling @sharingfandoms @lamonnaie @maychild @thegayneurodivergentagenda @mistergreaves @dudeyuri @nyttvera @thecriers @threezoz @wontbotherrn @not0nmain
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mytragedyperson · 2 months
Honestly of all Haikyuu texting videos on YouTube, gotta say, Princess Angel probably does my favourite. First of all, none of the elements I dislike such as toxic characters or ships, or honestly, popular fanon versions in general. All the ships are really cute and actually love each other. And they don't bully each other, they all support each other. And there's no Hinata harem/everyone being weirdly obsessed with Hinata. I don't have a problem with canon Hinata, but sometimes, in fanfiction and especially these texting videos, even if it's not technically Hinata harem, everyone will be strangely obsessed with him. This is made worse when combined with the slightly toxic versions of ships, particularly regarding Kuroken. Like, when Kenma seems more into Hinata then Kuroo, his boyfriend, you kinda wonder why Kenma's even with Kuroo and if he's only with Kuroo because Hinata is dating someone else (usually Kageyama). This is more of a preference thing for me personally but so is everything I say here as this is my opinion, not facts or me saying you have to agree
That's another thing i like. No angst. It's all just cute fluff and crack. Lyric pranks, but they catch on and join in. They hype each other up and support each other, which is really refreshing when most Haikyuu text videos are either angsty or have toxic characterisations. This is fine if this is what you want, but I personally prefer fluff and crack and people being friends and couples who actually like each other, at least for texting videos.
In terms of ships, lots of poly ships which, as a multishipper, I love. Kiyoennotaka (Kiyoko, Ennoshita and Tanaka), sakuatsuiwaoi, bokuakakuroken, tsukiyamakagehina, suga, Daichi, kita and Aran. Other ships in their main GC. But they also have separate AUs where they explore other ships too. All cute and fluffy. All just absolutely hyped up and supported. Also, this isn't quite as important to me as someone who is cisgender, but there is also some gender stuff in there, I'm pretty sure Oikawa is genderfluid or non binary or something since he switches pronouns and I think there are others with similar gender stuff going on. Also special shoutout for their version of Ushijima and especially introducing me to the concept of Asahi, Nishinoya, Tendou and Ushijima as a poly ship. Not one i would've thought of but I honestly love their version of it.
Honestly if you're into multishipping, polyshipping, fluff and crack with no angst and like chatfics or like texting videos, I really do recommend. Whenever I want to watch this content, this is the first channel i go to
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yuurivoice · 9 months
Hi yv! I just wanted to send a message saying how much I love your content and I have for years. It's been amazing to see your channel grow and I'm one of your biggest fans!! I used to sub to the patreon but life goes hard and I haven't been able to for a while. The latest auron video has been practically on repeat for me and I really just wanted to say I hope you have a wonderful day and happy holidays!!! Give all the kitties a kiss on the forehead for me pls!
Thank you for the kind words! No worries about whether or not you're a Patreon sub, I certainly appreciate the support but always want people to put themselves first so don't sweat that and I hope you kick life's ass! Also, sending me a kind message is a pretty great way to support in its own right, so I'm genuinely appreciative!
The cats will most definitely be smooched, and I'll pass along a note that it's from a kind Anon!
It's been a wild few years, huh? Making the leap from the Tumblr days to the YouTube era was a big one, but the past 4 years were where I really started to find my footing and I think there's been a lot of growth creatively and personally.
Things have been moving in the right direction despite some personal road bumps and detours. Looking back, there's a lot of things I wish I could have accomplished and kept afloat while working through everything. Still dealing with the guilt of BitterSweet and Shattered not being a thing this year, particularly for all the ride or die Alphonse and Seth fans who have been starving for content while I've been hesitant to push out content for them because the big series wasn't coming.
Thankfully, most people have been supportive, kind, and understanding. That being said, I'm not ignorant to the nature of my content (growing roster of characters = someone's fave isn't getting posted for a while) and I'm doubly thankful to those who have been chill as other characters get established and have their time in the sun.
I'm really hopeful that in the coming year, balance and scheduling and planning are all finely tuned and help me avoid content traffic jams like we've run into such as the recent Charlie Era (lol) which wasn't exactly the plan, but with October AU series + Plushie + Lost & Found all aligning it sorta just worked out that way. Also, it bears mentioning that it's not every day that a side character who was not guaranteed to catch on as A Thing (TM) actually finds an audience and has significant demand. Sometimes you gotta roll with how things play out, and that's just the nature of creating content on social media.
I'm optimistic that things will be at least a LITTLE bit more balanced thanks to ADHD treatment and seeing huge improvements with my mental health. Which can't be understated, because holy shit, the amount of things I'm just able to do without feeling like I'm holding myself at gunpoint or making a million deals with myself to convince myself to do a single task is amazing.
Not only is it easier to get to work, it's easier to do more of the work. That Auron audio you referenced is a great example. I was worried with the script I had and the premise, I wouldn't be able to get much more than 9/10 minutes out of it. The length of my general audios is something I've been conscious of forever, so I was shocked and thrilled when I finished up with the recording and it was 24 minutes of some of my favorite Auron content ever. I'm getting more comfortable improvising, or creating more as I go vs. write, record, post. I'm able to do a little more, add things that I would normally omit or not bother with, and just try harder without feeling like I'm trying harder and purely because I'm enjoying it and I want to.
I am SO sorry that this turned into a rant in response to what was a fairly straightforward question, you caught me while I was feeling introspective.
tldr: Thanks for fuckin' with me. Folks like you make me want to work hard and deliver the goods. The kindness goes a long way, and I don't take that for granted!
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alittlemoth · 2 years
A very self-indulgent licorice cookie x reader.
They are human in this but still use cookie terms because they were baked they just have human anatomy it's a whole au I made up don't worry about it or ask me about it I would really like to tell people about it moving on!
You did it. You finally managed to buy a little cabin in the woods away from the city and all the chaos of your world being linked up to another world, Earthbread. Something about a person getting stuck there via mystical magical bullshit and falling in love ehhhh not your problem you got a house damn it! A run down house, a house in shambles, but it has internet running water you just need to fix it up a bit!
You moved in everything that could fit in the little cabin, it has three bedrooms two bathrooms with a large bath each, a little kitchen and a small greenhouse attached to the house. Okay maybe it's not so little but the two extra rooms are in the basement and so is one of the bathrooms! And it was such a steal, it needs some renovations definitely but it's livable and it's mostly stuff you can do it by yourself!
As the weeks went by the cookies became more normal and so did fucking magic. Like magic is actually real, but again it's not your business not your problem you just want to be a little cabin goblin live your life tending to your plants and running your YouTube channel. Everything is going great the windows are insulated, so are the doors and walls, the heater is working in time for winter everything is going great for you.
That's when you met licorice cookie, digging through the trash like a raccoon.
"...What the fuck" you quietly said the stranger froze he had been digging through the trash.
He quickly pops up out of the garbage trying to explain himself you aren't paying attention cuz you recognize those robes that scythe and the skull necklace. "... Holy crap your licorice cookie"
He freezes again even more concerned even though he left the cookies of darkness most people aren't too fond of him
"o-okay I know how this looks!" His voice got an octave higher as he was clearly panicking trying not to get the police called on him "I'm just really hungry and very far from any town that wouldn't kick me out immediately, and I thought hey if it's in the trash it probably wouldn't be miss-"
You were just staring and then quietly asked if you wanted to come inside he accepted you fed him and now you apparently have a roommate cuz he hasn't left. You are fine with this but he didn't even say he was saying and you haven't asked him to leave so you just now have a roommate.
You two settled into a routine quickly. He helped with the housework and started to join you on videos. It got to the point where the chat would yell "string bean" every time he showed up in the background.
About two months ago you realized you caught feelings for the racoon as you called him.
You proceeded to do the most logical thing.
No I'm not joking you started flirting. For example-
Licorice was trying to perfect a spell to create more housework oriented minions, but to his dismay it requires materials from his home dimension. Where the one that got to listen to him troubleshoot.
"seriously you do not have anything like that in this dimension?" He practically begged, hoping that that would magically make you pull something similar out of thin air.
"unfortunately no we do not have plants that can grow eyes."
He then gave you one of the greatest opportunities in exasperation he mumbled "well fuck me then"
You grinned and got close putting a hand on his arm "are you offering?"
His eyes widened as he sputtered out a response."i- well- uh-" his face turning a deep purple "that's- that's not what I meant and you know it!"
You laughed and stated that yes you knew that, and that you loved how he looked when blushing. Which naturally made his blush worsen.
The flirting continues for about a month before he tells you to stop joking about liking him... Of course you react accordingly...
"you dense mother fucker" you whisper yelled as you throw both hands down like and put them together in with a deep inhale "I am not joking I actually like you"
One beat then another one more....
"...oh" he's standing there stunned as you say that almost like he doesn't believe it and whispers "I like you too".
You grin putting your hands on his face and whisper "may I?" He nods.
And then you share your first kiss together it's sweet soft, clumsy, but soft and when you both pull away you're both grinning.
And that's my first proper fanfiction hope you all enjoy!
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Ok, but like I can imagine that Roach Ghost and Soap start doing on camera collabs in the camboy AU, and under the mask Ghost is blushing and peeking at Roach as well as small touches, so all the YouTubers start making theory videos like
And if you want some hot Alerudy action, may I recommend this Rudy Camboy AU??
it starts a whole war on Twitter and when Soap and Ghosts channel goes completely quiet for several days people are absolutely sure that something happened (in reality Roach is flying in to see them and spend time with them and they've been preoccupied)
When they come back Soap insists their first video back has a thumbnail of them looking all sad with the title "Things Have Changed."
AND LIKE THE DAY BEFORE THE VIDEO IS POSTED HE GETS INTO BOTH GHOST AND ROACH'S TWIITER ACCOUNTS TO POST VAGUE SHIT LIKE "Its weird how relationships can change so quickly" AND "spending some time trying to help a friend out" AND ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT HE POSTS "You think you know someone then they prove you wrong"
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starlitangels · 1 year
hello! i've been seeing soo much of my favorite artists get into redacted audio and i just wanted to know where can i start listening or what character should be a good start for me to get into redacted?? i've been wanting to listen to him but idk where to start! thank u 😊
Hello friend! I've answered this before but I'll go ahead and do it again since my answer has changed just a little teeny tiny bit
I would recommend Freelancer Season 1 to start! There are a lot of posts on this website about everyone's recommendations, but I'd say probably Freelancer Season 1 because the main listener character is also just as new to the rest of the shared universe as a new audience member, and gets the basics of the mechanics explained pretty well.
Normally I'd also recommend Sovereign State Season 1 as a good starter too, but its finale episode(s) need a lot of context to really have the proper impact...
Unless of course you have plenty of time and don't mind a lot of information being dumped on you. In which case I recommend grabbing the "Everything" playlist! It's every narrative video he's made in the order of release, so the exposition is in the order that he gave it in. Which, honestly, can be very helpful, because watching things out of order can be confusing because some information will be casually mentioned like it's common knowledge while you're sitting there confused like "Wat?!" because that exposition was in a different series
But if the "Everything" playlist seems too long and daunting, character playlists for David, Asher, Milo, and Vincent (before the Inversion series) are a little easier to digest.
Also an important thing to note: everything is connected. Even if you don't think a certain storyline is connected to the rest of the universe for [reasons] when you first listen to it, I guarantee you, it's connected in some way.
Redacted also has a website with an official timeline but I don't recommend reading it until you've watched most (if not all) of the videos because reading a timeline is honestly more overwhelming and a lot less fun and interesting than just listening to the videos. Go to the timeline afterward for specific dates if you need them.
Also bear in mind that he deals with some heavy subjects sometimes and applicable content warnings will always be in the YouTube video description. If you're more sensitive to certain subjects, read the descriptions and make a judgment call from there. If you can handle pretty much anything, that's more than fine, but if not, this is your friendly advice from me to keep an eye on the video descriptions for any subjects you'd rather not hear about
I love the Imperium AU and Inversion but they can be too dark for some people and that's okay
I'm not trying to scare you off, I promise. I love this channel and its stories dearly and could not recommend his storytelling more highly. I just want you to be aware that heavy subjects can pop up
Redacted is an adult and writes stories mostly about adults, so mature topics and "spice" (as a euphemism) will pop up alongside the aforementioned "heavy" subjects
Another thing: trust in Redacted's storytelling. If something seems "bad," it is most definitely there to serve a greater purpose later down the line. Trust that he's going to service his story and the things that you may not like will lead to something so satisfying when its time comes
Anyway. TL;DR, start with either the "Everything" playlist and go in order of release for the "true experience" of having a seemingly random barrage of characters thrown your way, or start with Freelancer Season 1 for a decent rundown of the universe's rules and mechanics and magic system
Don't do what I did. Which was hop around randomly, cherry picking whomever's "title" seemed the most interesting at the time until I'd heard the whole channel and had to go relisten to things in some semblance of the right order in order to figure out wtf was going on. I ended up watching Elliott's playlist as the first playlist I watched and let me tell you, I was confused as hell. Don't do that. Freelancer Season 1, and the "Everything" playlist are my top recommendations for understanding the lore in the order it was released so you need fewer context clues on wtf is going on
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I was looking at the Three Frats AU for ideas to potentially get me out of writers block, and I realized-- I couldn't find any of their majors anywhere! Do you have any specific in mind? This goes for the Jugdral/Ylisse club as well.
I've not given too much consideration to it, but a few concepts for majors or careers I've had drifting around in my mind are:
Garreg Mach
Ignatz - business major; wishes he were a fine arts major
Dorothea - not a performance major; she's trying to study something "practical" so that she will have other prospects once her voice and looks fade
Hubert - computer science; there's something about a lot of the dark mages that makes me think oh, they're computer geeks, and while Hubert's not like, a nerdy prodigy like Annette or Lysithea (or Leo and Soren), the idea of his underhanded saboteur tendencies manifesting as like, him being a hacker is really funny to me. The Agarthans are super into crypto and Hubert keeps ruining their prospects. Thales knows it's Hubert and there is nothing he can do. Thales has also been locked out of his email again.
Claude and Edelgard - political science; Edelgard's more interested in relations within Fodlan, while Claude focuses on Fodlan's relations with the rest of the world. Both of them agree that the best spectator sport is Jugdral politics.
Constance - chemistry; needs to be closely supervised in the lab
Jugdral - most of them are out of university now
Quan, Eldigan, Sigurd, Arvis - all polisci majors.
Lewyn - took a gap year that turned into a gap many years that turned into "I don't think I want to go to college". He has a soundcloud.
Quan, Eldigan, and Arvis now all have jobs in politics/government now; I have no idea what Sigurd does.
Edain attended seminary.
Ethlyn is helping Deirdre get set up with doing tarot readings for people online.
Oifey and Shannan - high school students; Oifey also wants to go into polisci, and Shannan wants to study The Blade.
Ylisse - the Shepherds are all over the place in age/uni status
Miriel - she's into everything: biology, chemistry, physics...
Tharja - sells curses on etsy
Henry - has a ghost/cryptid-hunting youtube channel where his ultimate goal is to get killed by a ghoul on-camera
Maribelle - pre-law
Robin - dabbles in everything, but she's going for her graduate degree in history and her thesis topic is about dark dragon cults. Unfortunately, "my estranged father told me this about Grima" is not a usable citation for a thesis paper.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Youtuber Niki au with a channel where he just pranks his son. The pranks are never stuff that's obviously abuse so people don't always know what to make of it. Fushimi hates it and gets bullied cause of it until he meets Yata who like going outside more so he hasn't run into those videos online and only sees the cool side of Fushimi. Fushimi is already very smart but he decides to be really good at hacking so he could wipe all of those videos from the face of the earth before Yata sees them.
I can totally see Niki having one of those awful family channels where he plays fun ‘pranks’ on his son and the viewers think it’s so funny when it’s actually terrible abuse. Niki probably doesn’t even need to pretend that things are better behind the scenes, people just assume that oh isn’t it cute he told his kid that he destroyed something Fushimi loved and made him cry, I’m sure he didn’t really destroy it though and told him it was fine later (he did really destroy it and it was not fine, and even if it was this is still a terrible thing to do to a child). Fushimi’s basically gotten used to being constantly humiliated on film by the time he’s in middle school, like every embarrassing moment from his childhood was streamed live by Niki and Niki loves to torment him and put the videos on his channel. I imagine this would make Fushimi hate the world even more than he already does, like it’s bad enough that he’s being abused and neglected in canon but in this AU he’s also aware that Niki has literally thousands of followers who just watch Fushimi be abused and don’t do anything about it, who think Fushimi’s pain is entertainment.
Fushimi gets bullied due to the videos too, kids at school have seen the videos also and mock him for stuff that Niki’s broadcasted to the world. Fushimi doesn’t even care about that much anymore, he just thinks of everyone around him as worthless idiots and if they’re bullying him over it they’re admitting that they watch Niki’s shitty channel so they’re not even worth Fushimi’s time. One day when he’s being bullied Yata jumps in to save him, Fushimi thinks Yata just wants to be a hero but then later when they meet in the bathroom while Fushimi’s skipping class Yata calls Fushimi cool and amazing like in canon. As they get closer Fushimi learns that Yata never spends much time online at all and actually isn’t very computer literate, he’d rather do things that involve physical activity and even when he watches online videos it’s just video game streamers and skateboard vids. Yata asks if Fushimi has a channel and Fushimi changes the subject, acting like he would never waste his time with anything like that.
 Now he’s really worried though because he doesn’t want Misaki to see all those ‘uncool’ videos of him, afraid that if Yata saw what Niki was doing to him all the time Yata wouldn’t want to be his friend anymore. He’s already pretty good with computers but now Fushimi steps up his skills, mass reporting all of Niki’s videos to get the channel taken down. He also starts using his hacking skills to scour the internet for any copies, deleting everything he can find. At first imagine this becomes something of a competition though because Niki realizes that someone’s going after all his videos with his treasured memories of his little monkey and he doesn’t want that so he’s using his own skills to try and get the videos restored. Fushimi’s terrified that Niki will find out that he’s the one trying to remove the videos and send them to Yata or something, like who knows what Niki will do if he finds out and Fushimi has to spend his nights at various internet cafes just to keep ahead of Niki. Eventually though Niki gets sick and can’t keep up with it anymore so Fushimi’s finally able to get rid of the videos for good but even that doesn’t bring him peace of mind, like imagine when they join Homra he’s always worried that someone will recognize him and tell Yata and that his precious friendship will be destroyed. (But then one day maybe Yata does find out about the videos and he’s so horrified and pissed off, how could so many people watch Saruhiko being hurt like that and not want to try and save him.)
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hopelesshawks · 2 years
Companionship XP Part 34- Eden (SFW version)
18+ Kaminari Denki x fem!reader quirkless, streamer au
Summary: The decision to start a youtube channel was a spur of the moment thing. Sure you’d watched your friends have great success with their own channels, but when you uploaded your first video playing Genshin you never would have guessed it would take off the way it did. You’re perfectly content with the community you’ve built but if there’s one thing you’ve been missing, it’s someone to co-op with. When Mina offers to link you up with one of her old friends with his own channel, you just hope he won’t be too obnoxious. Enter Kaminari Denki. He’s definitely obnoxious, but he’s also so much more.
Masterlist Help Lulu <3
You don’t realize you hadn’t thought about where exactly Denki is taking you until he finally stops, killing the engine and tapping your hands gently where they’re still tightly clutching onto him to let you know you’ve arrived. 
“C’mon babe we’re here,” he prods gently and as you withdraw your face from where you’d been hiding it you’re a little surprised to find yourself outside a park gate in the city.
“Where are we?” you ask curiously as you and Denki both climb off the bike. 
“Hamarikyu Gardens.”
You give him a curious look, not quite understanding.
“Seemed like you could use someplace peaceful to decompress. It’s not super popular here in the first place plus we’re too late in the season for cherry blossoms but too early for the ginkgo trees. So it should be quiet for us, I doubt there’s very many other people around to bother us.”
You can only gape at Denki for a moment, stunned silent by the touching gesture.
“Should I have taken you home? Shit I totally should have just taken you home. This is too much right? I’m sorry, I wasn’t even thinking I just thought maybe in case someone managed to follow us but as soon as I was pretty sure I’d lost them I still should have-”
You cup his face in your hands as you cut off his rambling, leaning in to press a brief kiss to his lips.
“This is perfect… Thank you.”
The grin you get in response is almost blinding in its beauty and intensity. Denki’s own hands come up to your cheeks, giving you an even more enthusiastic kiss before taking one of your hands in his and dragging you into the gardens. 
You can tell he must do this a lot because he walks with a purpose when he steps inside, tugging you over a long bridge, past a cute little tea shop, and over to a little island amongst the many ponds filling the gardens. Once you’re there he swiftly removes his jacket and motions for you to sit on it, even when you insist you’re fine just sitting on the dirt. 
“C’mon what if you get cold?”
“Then I can cuddle you for warmth!”
You roll your eyes but accept his logic, even if the minute you’re both seated he pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder anyway, making the sacrifice of his jacket unnecessary. 
And that’s pretty much how the two of you stay, wrapped up together as you watch the ebb and flow of the park around you. Ducks fly in and out of the area, the water level starts to shift, and the only sound other than that of nature, is Denki’s voice. He sheepishly explains that he’d gotten hyperfixated on the park once years ago, done a deep dive into its history, but at your gentle prompting you convince him to tell you everything he knows. He tells you about how the ponds are all salt water from Tokyo Bay, the grounds’ connection to nobility in feudal Japan, even about the tea house and its traditional ceremonies and festivals. It’s warm, even as the sun starts to sink low in the sky before dipping beneath the horizon. Time flows around you slowly and by the time an employee is ushering you both out, night has fallen properly and the air has gotten chilly. 
Denki drives you home wrapped in his jacket that smells like ozone, old spice, and the dirt he’d laid it down in. As you cling to his back, the wind whipping past, you can’t help but feel grateful and long for you to never make it back to your apartment. If you could extend these last couple minutes for an eternity so you’d never have to face the reality of your identity being exposed and could just live in this moment with your arms around a man you love, you would in a heartbeat. 
A man you love.
Perhaps it’s too early to call him that but it’s true. You love Denki, you realize. If it hadn’t been solidified before then it certainly was when you watched him risk a mob that could just have easily turned to clamor for him, just so he could get you out; that he came for you even without you having to ask. When he pulls up in front of your building and helps you off his bike you could just let him go back to his own place. It’s totally too early. Definitely. You’re going to freak him out. You should keep your mouth shut and go inside and just keep this revelation of yours close to your chest until a more appropriate time.
“I love you.”
Or, apparently, you could impulsively blurt it out just as he’s about to say goodbye. 
Denki blinks at you with wide surprised eyes and a dusting of pink across his cheeks that’s still visible even under the dim light of the moon and the streetlamps in front of your building. You’re just about to take it back, make some flimsy excuse about not meaning what you said and just being emotional after such a long day but then he steps closer into your space, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks as he stares at you with wonder-filled eyes.
“I love you too.”
When he leans in to kiss you it’s gentle, filled with disbelief and awe, like he’s worried if he kisses you too hard he’ll realize it’s all a mirage, an elaborate hallucination, or some other trick of the mind. So you wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss yourself. It’s a reassurance, that you’re sure about your feelings and that you’re not going anywhere.
“Stay here with me tonight?”
“I’d be honored.”
“I love you Denki.”
“I love you too.”
A/N: Ahhhhhhhh I know, I know it's been so long since an update but I hope you guys really enjoy this and it was worth the wait. I'll be making an NSFW version of this at some point but I can't guarantee when that'll be and I'll probably prioritize writing part 34 since it's been so long since I updated. Anyway it's good to be back with another part, thank you guys so much for your patience. Love y'all <3
Taglist: @hutaoscoffinn @hhawkz @touyasdoll @pillboxmb @hoobish @fandomsgotmefucked @buckybearbabe98 @lovemegood @articmace
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ravenrune · 3 years
RE characters YouTube channel headcanons
I am bored, so I was thinking about what kind of channels some of the characters would have. Have some headcanons. Very AU, of course. Let's pretend the outbreaks never happened.
Tumblr media
Chris Redfield: Gaming channel. Plays mainly COD, GTA, Garry's Mod and Mortal Kombat. Also plays Minecraft, but never survives the first night because he refuses to hide. Always decides to fight all the mobs with a wooden axe on hardcore. Gets demonitized a lot because of excessive swearing.
Jill Valentine: DIY channel. Jill will teach you how to build all the things. You'll learn about wood working, welding, soldering, painting, power tools and so on. Once made a video about how to easily break into a car 'for educational purposes'. It was Chris' car, where she found a giant foam diamond sword. Still laughs at him for that.
Claire Redfield: It's all about vehicles. Mainly motorcycles, but also quads, trikes, snowmobiles and so on. Will explain in detail how the vehicles work and will teach you how to fix simple problems. She's pretty funny, so even people who don't care for motorised vehicles will watch her channel. Sometimes joins Chris in GTA, where she always steals a bike.
Leon S. Kennedy: Vlogs. About everything. His toe hurts, he vlogs the trip to the doctor. He goes on vacation, he vlogs all of it, including footage of him napping in a hammock. If he sees a funny bee, he will make a vlog about it. Is almost glued to his camera. Has good equipment and decent editing skills, so his videos do pretty well.
Rebecca Chambers: Funny and educational science channel. Will explain everything in detail, but doesn't make things too complicated. Does a lot of experiments and advises people to not try this at home, but to go to someone else's home instead. Is very friendly towards her viewers and interacts with them in the comment section. Gets a lot of fanmail. Like, a whole lot.
Albert Wesker: Philosophy channel. Talks about the human condition, and how useless we really are. Has some controversial opinions. Will manipulate his viewers without them being aware of it, causing them to become conspiracy theorists. Eventually starts a cult by accident.
Billy Coen: Art channel. Turns out he's quite talented. Will create all sorts of art, ranging from intricate paintings to massive sculptures made out of recycled materials. Is also a tattoo artist and makes vlogs about it. Keeps details about his personal life to himself, though.
Carlos Oliveira: Survival channel. Will travel all over the world to tell people how to survive in the wilderness. Sometimes brings a reluctant friend (Leon) with him, as he doesn't like being alone for too long. Knows a lot about flora and fauna and is eager to share his knowledge with his viewers, who adore him because he's not just good at what he does, he's funny too.
Barry Burton: Parenting channel. Probably one with a lot of family vlogs. Kathy and Molly like it, Moira not so much. He covers their faces with emoji. Moira gets a frowny one. Makes too many videos about how to keep your family safe. Also likes talking about his huge car that can transport 6 people, a barbecue and 3 dogs.
Nikolai Zinoviev: Channel about making lots of money fast. Gives a lot of shady business tips that are probably illegal, but Nikolai is smart enough to not get his videos deleted. Likes to walk a fine line between what is appropriate and what is not. Gets demonitized once and ends up threatening YouTube so bad, they never mess with him again.
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