metamorphesque · 3 days
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September 19, 2023, marks one of the darkest chapters in Armenia's modern history.
As a result of another large-scale military aggression by azerbaijan, the entire population of Artsakh, native to the land for over 3000 years, was subjected to ethnic cleansing and was forced to leave their homeland. This operation followed a nearly 9-month blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the only land route connecting Artsakh to Armenia. The blockade created a severe humanitarian crisis, cutting off food, medical supplies, and other necessities for the people of Artsakh. Even after nine months of illegal blockade, the armed forces of Artsakh fought with exceptional heroism in defense of the homeland, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.
While ethnic cleansing was taking place, the azeri government arrested eight former members of Artsakh’s government and advocates for the self-determination of Artsakh, including Ruben Vardanyan, an influential Armenian philanthropist who in 2024 was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
Mr. Vardanyan and the seven others join over 50 Armenians arrested during the conflict, some of whom have been held for years by azerbaijan. Anyone acquainted with azerbaijan would not be shocked to learn that political prisoners are held in conditions that breach basic standards for the treatment of detainees.
The occupation of the Republic of Artsakh has resulted in staggering material losses, impacting both cultural heritage and essential infrastructure. The recorded damage includes:
12 cities
241 villages
13,550 houses (30% over 100 years old)
11,450 apartments
60 factories
15 plants
200 cultural centers
9 cultural hubs
25 museums
232 schools
7 colleges
4 universities
11 art schools
400 medieval cemeteries
385 churches
60 monastic complexes
2,385 khachkars (cross-stones)
4 reservoirs
5 canals
37 hydroelectric power stations
48 mines
11 hospitals
230 medical centers
This extensive damage reflects not just a loss of property, but an assault on the cultural identity and historical legacy of the region.
Eternal glory to the Armenian heroes who sacrificed all for their nation and their homeland.
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sovietpostcards · 2 days
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Receiving point of harvested grapes at the Lenkoran winery (Azerbaijan, 1975).
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zegalba · 4 months
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Azerbaijani artist Tunzala Mamedzadeh's Hand-Painted Quran in Gold on 164 Feet of Black Silk
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lostflickr · 2 months
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car full of apples in azerbaijan by david fielke
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jacensolodjo · 11 months
In case you haven't heard yet: There are officially no Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh also known as the Republic of Artsakh, the survivors of the "Anti-terrorist offensive" attack in September of this year (2023), all the skirmishes since 2020, that killed hundreds of Armenians, have been driven out by Azerbaijan. Armenia has had to decide the fight to return them is a lost cause and would only result in more Armenian death.
The Armenian Genocide in that region is complete. Over a thousand years of Armenian history in that area is done. The Republic of Artsakh will be officially dissolved starting January 1st 2024, this was officially signed by Samvel Shahramanyan. But by the 1st of October, so for a month now, it was considered an empty Republic anyway.
Please consider giving to the Armenia Fund who have pivoted to helping the Artsakh refugees as much as possible.
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bonnibatz · 9 months
“The question now becomes: Will the world respond, or will Armenians face another genocide alone?”
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September 29, 2023
October 3rd, 2023
November 17, 2023
December 17, 2023
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vintagesouthkavkaz · 1 year
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Azerbaijani wedding ritual, 1965. Photographed by Lev Borodulin.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
Azerbaijan has blocked all the roads to Nagorno-Karabakh for over 7 months now. People are starving, not receiving the medical help they need, there's no fuel... It is a "silent genocide."
The article above doesn't explain why other countries aren't doing anything, but my local paper where I saw this news did, and it is a combination of the following things:
– Azerbaijan is allied with Turkey, which "Western" countries are trying not to annoy at the moment, because of the situation at the Black Sea being a bit delicate rn.
– Azerbaijan also has a lot of natural resources related to energy, which the EU is horny for.
– BP has also invested massively in Azerbaijan energy stuff, so Britain is also not gonna do anything to endanger all that money.
– Russia is busy with its war in Ukraine, so it is not doing its part in keeping the road open as agreed in the cease fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
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harminuya · 1 year
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You have no idea how important this cultural site is for us
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amirasainz · 7 days
Can you do reader is Landos sister and she’s his whole world but she’s away at school and she surprises lando at a race?
Of course!!! I hope you like this.
Send me some requests and enjoy reading
Little Norris
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It was no secret within the paddock that Lando Norris’ favorite person in the entire world was his younger sister, YN. No matter the context—be it interviews, casual conversations, or even playful banter with other drivers—Lando always found a way to bring her up.
The paddock had grown accustomed to hearing him wistfully complain about how much he missed her, and how unfair it was that she was stuck at school, unable to attend the races.
Sadly, this wasn’t just an exaggerated tale; YN was enrolled in St. Paul’s Girls’ School, a prestigious all-girls school in London, where students could only visit their families during weekends and holidays.
However, YN’s academic commitments were so demanding that even those weekends were usually spent buried in books, only leaving the school for holiday visits. Lando’s ever-busy Formula 1 schedule certainly didn’t make things any easier.
So, it came as no surprise to Oscar when Lando began lamenting once again about how much he missed his baby sister.
“I just don’t get why she still has to go to school. It’s miles away, and she can’t even come home on the weekends,” Lando groaned, his expression a mix of frustration and longing. “The last time I saw her was in February, Oscar. FEBRUARY. Can you believe that?”
Oscar, who had heard variations of this complaint countless times before, only raised an eyebrow and responded with a calm, “Really?” knowing full well that Lando wasn’t done yet.
“And to top it off,” Lando continued, his voice rising in exasperation, “I tried calling her yesterday. And instead of picking up, she sent me to voicemail. Voicemail, Oscar! Why would she do that? Do you think she’s mad at me? Oh no, what if Mum finally told her I was the one who ate the last cupcake at Christmas? She’ll never forgive me!”
Oscar couldn’t help but chuckle at Lando’s melodramatic worry, but the constant whining had begun to wear on him. Finally, he placed both hands on Lando’s shoulders, spinning him around to face him directly.
“Lando, relax. I’m pretty sure your mum didn’t tell her about the cupcake incident,” Oscar said, trying to suppress a smile. “She’s probably just busy studying. You know how much school means to her.”
Before Lando could cut him off with another complaint, Oscar pressed on. “Look, we all know how much you adore YN, and you’d probably move mountains to keep her by your side. But you’ve got to understand—she enjoys school. She loves hanging out with her friends, and she’s passionate about her classes. She’s smart, Lando, and she adores you just as much as you adore her. So don’t go saying silly things like this. You know it would make her feel bad.”
Lando let out a deep sigh, the usual playful glint in his eyes dulled by a hint of sadness. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he mumbled, his pout still intact as he was called away by one of the McLaren mechanics.
He gave Oscar a grateful, albeit slightly sheepish, smile before walking off towards the garage.
Oscar watched his teammate disappear into the distance, and once Lando was far enough away, he exhaled deeply, the weight of the secret he’d been holding onto starting to lift. No one had ever told him that lying—even for a good cause—could be so exhausting.
Because, of course, Oscar hadn’t been entirely honest. He was well aware of just how much Lando missed his sister. In fact, he’d spent weeks meticulously planning a surprise that would, if all went smoothly, bring YN right to Lando’s side.
After countless emails, flight arrangements, and some help from McLaren’s logistics team, Oscar had managed to fly 17-year-old YN out to Azerbaijan for the next Grand Prix.
The plan was to keep her arrival under wraps until after qualifying, ensuring Lando could focus on the race without the overwhelming distraction of knowing his favorite person was already there. The last thing anyone wanted was for him to lose focus during such a crucial part of the weekend.
While Lando busied himself with free practice sessions, YN was out exploring the local markets with some of the McLaren team’s family members. She was set to return to the paddock just as Q1 began, hidden away in the garage until the perfect moment.
Oscar had envisioned Lando’s face lighting up with pure joy, his usual calm demeanor shattered by the surprise.
But things didn’t go quite as planned.
Qualifying that day turned out to be a disaster for Lando. From the very first lap, nothing seemed to go right. He struggled with the car’s balance, fought the understeer in nearly every corner, and couldn’t extract the pace he needed. Sector after sector, frustration built. The radio was filled with agitated comments, and by the end of Q1, he had been knocked out of qualifying altogether, missing the cutoff for Q2 by mere fractions of a second.
When he climbed out of the car, his body language said it all. Lando was livid—frustrated with the car, with himself, and with the result.
His helmet visor remained down longer than usual, as if he wanted to hide his disappointment from the world.
His walk back to the garage was slow, shoulders slumped, as mechanics and engineers exchanged worried glances but kept their distance. No one dared say a word.
Once inside the team’s motorhome, Lando stormed off to his driver’s room, eager for a moment alone. The air in the narrow hallway was thick with tension, and Oscar watched him go as his teammate finally ripped of his helmet, his heart sinking.
He knew Lando was hard on himself, but he also knew what awaited him on the other side of that door.
Lando opened the door to his driver’s room with a frustrated push, expecting to collapse onto the couch and stew in his disappointment. But as soon as he stepped inside, his breath caught in his throat. Standing in the middle of the room, a small, warm smile on her face, was YN.
“Surprise,” she said softly, her eyes twinkling as she took in her brother’s shocked expression.
For a split second, Lando didn’t move. He just stood there, staring at her, as if his brain needed a moment to catch up with what his eyes were seeing. Then, suddenly, it all hit him at once—the weeks of missing her, the frustration of the race weekend, the love he felt for his little sister—and his eyes immediately filled with tears.
“YN...” His voice cracked as he whispered her name.
Without another word, Lando rushed forward and pulled YN into a tight hug, burying his face into her shoulder as if he were afraid she might vanish if he let go.
His arms wrapped around her protectively, squeezing her like a lifeline. YN, used to Lando’s emotional side, simply hugged him back, gently running a hand through his hair.
“I missed you so much,” Lando mumbled into her shoulder, his voice muffled but thick with emotion. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I missed you too, Lan,” YN whispered, a soft laugh escaping her. “Oscar helped organize it. He said you’ve been whining about me non-stop.”
Lando laughed, a watery chuckle escaping him as he finally pulled back to look at her, his hands still resting on her shoulders. His eyes were red and glassy, but his smile was the brightest it had been in weeks.
“You have no idea how much better this makes everything,” he said, his voice still shaky with emotion. “I had the worst qualifying. But... you're here now.”
YN smiled at him, brushing a tear from his cheek. “I’m sorry I missed qualifying, but I’m here for the race tomorrow. We’ll celebrate then, okay?”
Lando nodded, pulling her back into another tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head. “I don’t care about the race right now,” he muttered, his voice soft. “I’m just happy you’re here.”
For the next few minutes, they simply stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, the world outside forgotten.
Lando’s earlier frustrations seemed to evaporate, replaced by a warmth that only YN could bring him. He felt calmer, more grounded, like a weight had been lifted from his chest.
Eventually, there was a knock on the door, and Oscar poked his head in with a cheeky grin. “You okay in here? Thought I’d check in before I’m accused of kidnapping your sister.”
Lando turned around, still holding YN close, and flashed Oscar a grateful smile. “Mate, I don’t even know what to say. You’ve made my year.”
Oscar laughed, stepping into the room. “I figured you could use a pick-me-up. I was getting tired of the constant whining.”
Lando rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. “Okay, okay, I get it.”
Suddenly, Lando’s mood shifted entirely, the disappointment from qualifying now a distant memory.
His eyes sparkled with excitement. “Right, we need to introduce you to everyone!” He glanced down at YN, who chuckled in response.
“I’ve already met some of them,” she teased, “but I’m sure they’ll appreciate your grand tour.”
“Trust me, it’s different when I introduce you,” Lando said proudly, his arm slung around her shoulders. He led her out of the room, a new energy in his step as if the earlier qualifying session had never even
With his little sister by his side, the world already looked a lot brighter than it did that morning.
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bobemajses · 2 months
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Jewish women weaving rugs, Azerbaijan, 1959
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folkfashion · 4 months
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Udi girls, Azerbaijan, by Два мира
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astfut · 1 year
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armenianfoodbank.org/support-us Food Bank: scroll the page down to see more options for donating
https://viva.foundation/en/donate-3/ Viva
https://voma.center/en/who-we-are VOMA: click “support us” button
Follow this organizations in social media if you can’t donate and help them to spread the word.
— Mira 🏳️‍⚧️ (@ttt_mir_no) September 19, 2023
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stillcantspel · 1 year
When human rights violations go unpunished, history keeps repeating itself. Armenians are experiencing it right now, again, as the world stays silent, again.
you may call it the "disputed region" of Nagorno-Karabakh or something else. It is irrelevant, there are Armenian people living here, as there have been for thousands of years—who are being subjected to ethnic cleansing, are being indiscriminately bombed, destroyed, and erased.
This isn't about a “disputed territory”. It’s about fundamental human rights, including the right of Armenians of Karabakh to live freely and peacefully on the land of their ancestors.
What also hurts is that most don’t know/don’t care… because the media algorithm has not told them to care, so they don’t. Again.
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