nightsandrewrites · 3 days
Eris insulting Illyrian’s by calling them mutts. But Eris loves dogs. We see right through you Vanserra.
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herrinarte · 15 hours
The ACOTAR fandom is so weird because what do you mean Tamsand isn’t one of the most popular ships 🤨 Tamlin is literally on Rhysand’s mind 24/7, either this man is massively insecure, gay as fuck for Tamlin or massively insecure about the fact that Tamlin ain’t fuckin him right now and could be with someone else so he has the uncontrollable urge to tell his ex-boyfriend to kill himself. How are people not saying this is gay????
And then there’s whatever the hell is going on with the bat boys. Fucking in the same room? What you just gonna stare at each other? go one step further and just do it with each other. Stop being a coward bro 😤✋
And Azriel choking Eris, uh it’s just floor play. Don’t worry it’s cool, they have a list of dos and don’t that they made when they got married.
How can you look at Lucien ‘fire in his blood’ Vanserra and Tamlin ‘literally a big ass beast’ and go no I don’t think they have had nasty passionate sex under under a cherry blossom tree 🤓 like huh????? They’re literally roommates. Lucien lost an eye for Tamlin. Tamlin felt more betrayal over loosing Lucien than Feyre. YOUR HONOUR THEY ARE IN LOVE
Then the Valkyries…um gay too. Lesbian throuple. Come on people get creative. The girls are kissing and cuddling and having beautiful sex and you are all boring.
I have never seen a fandom go so feral for dry ass ships in my life. Literally no other fandom would ignore the plethora of gay ships.
This is your sign to stop caring about what is canon and start being fun, cool and interesting xxx
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ACOTAR Headcanons
In which the fae of Prythian discovers bubble gum.
*This is based off of a cold medicine induced nap dream I had earlier today - so if the vibes are off blame the Mucinex.
Everyone is intrigued mostly.
Eris is just confused. Doesnt understand why you would want to continuously chew something.
Elain immediately starts thinking up different flavors she would want to try to make.
Rhys is big on the idea of fresh breath at any time of day.
Eris eventually comes around when he learns that cinnamon gum is a thing.
He is a Big Red fan. Which immediately earns him a new nickname.
Az is the last to partake - he needed to make sure it wasn't poisoned first.
Cassian is astounded at how stretchy it is.
Constantly has to be told to keep it in his mouth like a child.
Nesta isn't into it - claims it makes her jaw hurt.
Cassian cackles like an idiot over that remark.
Once they are shown that you can blow bubbles with it - mind blown.
It immediately becomes a competition.
Az is methodical - carefully testing each flavor and type to see which will produce the biggest bubbles.
Elain is delighted and just thinks the entire thing is magical.
Lucien of course jumps into the competition just to see her giggle more.
Cassian severely overestimates how much gum he can chew at one time.
The result is him trying to blow a bubble with a giant wad of gum but instead just catapulting the entire mouthful across the table.
Eris tries a couple times but the second a bubble pops and sticks to his face - hes done.
Mor starts trying to show everyone "the trick" to do with their tongue to get the gum to cooperate right.
Rhys pipes up that if thats the key to winning then Feyre has this competition LOCKED.
Az ends up winning (he did the research).
His conclusion is that the Hubba Bubba original has the best bubble blowing capabililty.
Although he is partial to the strawberry watermelon.
This also earns Az a new nickname (Hubba Bubba)
Eris secretly loves the new nickname and can't wait to use it later.
Cassian just ends up with a mess of gum stuck in his hair.
Luckily Elain comes to the rescue (because Nesta would be terribly upset to see his hair cut off) and uses some cooking oil to tame the sticky mess.
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ysmtttty · 10 hours
ACOWAR but it’s Azris that sneak into each other’s tent during the war with Hybern, knowing very well it could be the last time they see each other.
It’s Azriel hiding in his shadows until every Autumn court soldier disappears from the sight so he could sneak into their general’s tent. It’s Eris who knew he would come so he already gave an order to not disturb him at any circumstance.
It’s them kissing desperately, with underlying panic and fear that they would never show to each other. It’s Eris telling Azriel that he would cut his wings himself if this stupid bat dies during the next battle. It’s Azriel taunting him that he acts like he cares and for the first time Eris doesn’t deny that, which falters Azriel’s mocking grin.
It’s Azriel feeling both grateful and frightened when Autumn forces joined their side for the first time, knowing Eris as their general would lead the legions. Him knowing they are at constant risk of being slaughtered. Him thinking that he would rather die here because of lack of forces instead of having Eris at risk, no matter how selfish did it sound.
It’s Eris thanking every possible god that Azriel wasn’t among the Illyrian legion that was hit by Cauldron’s blast. Him almost screaming when it happened because he didn’t know was Azriel dead or not. Him trying to keep fighting even when every fiber of his soul shouts to winnow, to check Azriel, to make sure he is okay.
It’s them still hiding even in the middle of the war. It’s them forcing feelings far, far away. It’s them examining each other’s bodies for the new scars and wounds after every battle at night, grunting at each other for being stupid enough to get stabbed.
It’s Azriel constantly calling for Eris in his head to make sure he is alive. It’s Eris calling him paranoid, even though he would do absolutely the same if he had daemati power.
It’s Eris asking Azriel to stay longer with him before the last battle and Azriel not wanting to go in the dawn, risking them being caught.
It’s them spending long long nights in Eris’s cabin after the war, just talking, sharing nightmares and reminding each other they survived. They survived and they’re still there, and that’s all that matters.
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hellowitchlingg · 24 hours
Azris in Faerûn - pt. 2
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This time with wings! :D (I'll have to redo the ascendant kisses maybe but omg it took so much time.)
#2 and #3 are bout to make me act up btw.
ENJOY ya filthy animals
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elleybug · 5 months
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Ah yes. Me. My mate. And his twelve dogs….. 🦇🍁🐾
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
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thesadbetrayer · 25 days
Eris: I don’t think you should do…. AAANDDDD he did… of course…
Nyx [mumbling nonsense , sitting on Eris lap while pulling on some red strands]
Eris [smiling to Nyx, trying to get his precious strands back ]: Yes - your uncle is an idiot. You are perfectly right, Mr. Future Highlord.
Nyx [starting wobbling his lips, because the red strands are gone]
Eris [slightly panicked]: Oh no. We talked about this. It’s absolutely un-highlordly to cry, scream OR pull someone’s hair…
Azriel [deadpanned]: Really? Seems like I remember last night differently?
Eris [horrified]: AZRIEL [mouthing] What the fuck…
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hypn0p0mp1c · 2 months
Azriel attacking Eris during the meeting of the High Lords
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day-dreameratnight · 2 months
Azriel: Is that vodka?
Eris: Yeah.
Azriel: Straight?
Eris: No, gay.
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 months
A Bargain
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paring: Azriel x Reader | type: angst | words: 2,2k | warnings: this story explores a little darker themes like the loss of eyesight due to fire. thank you so much for beta reading @moonlightazriel me helping me get back into x reader writing💛
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Fire. Nothing but unbearable heat and blinding light, like icy spikes piercing your skin. The brightness was overwhelming until everything went dark. Blank. Plain. No colour. No shape. No figure. Only darkness. And deafening silence.
Your fingers start to tremble around the book the moment a soft breeze brushes your legs and tells you that somewhere in the Library a door was opened. Your senses, touch, hearing and scent, have sharpened once you‘ve lost your eyesight and you are immediately alerted that someone is here. In your personal space, in your sanctuary, at this time. During the night!
You draw in a deep inhale, move your feet apart so you stand in stance. Your fingers curl into a fist  and then–
“Who is there?” you find yourself asking despite the unease brewing inside of you. You know that no one who could cause harm could technically enter this place, but still you always want to know who is close. Who is coming, so you can prepare yourself. Brace yourself.
Fear is rising within you because whoever is nearing you has loud footsteps — it is a male most definitely and if there is one thing in this world you almost fear as much as fire it is men. You try to steady yourself, listening closer, trying to make out if the steps sound familiar (if they belong to the general of the Illyrian armies) but they don’t. He walks slower, and his boots have a different sound when they pad over the library floor. It must be someone else and you—
Someone nears you and the words to ask again who it is die in your throat that suddenly seems so dry. You turn your front to the shelf, hoping to maybe go unnoticed, but the Mother doesn’t hear your prayers. A person halts next to you and you flinch, sucking in a sharp breath of air. Your body is trembling as you press against the shelf, grinding your teeth so hard your jaw starts to ache.
Your throat works on a swallow and some more silent prayers leave you that whoever is close just walks by and—
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” a gentle male voice says, interrupting the tense silence. The air whooshes out of your lungs, your blood chilling because you know there is no escaping now that he has seen you. But somehow, all worry and fear seems to dissipate when he speaks up again. He has no brutal voice, there is nothing harsh or hard in it – it sounds melodic. Almost like the voice of a singer. “I apologise, I really didn’t mean to scare you. I had no idea someone was still around at this time.”
You hesitate before you turn around or give the stranger an answer, but something soft, almost like a feather, brushes your lower arm. It is nothing more than a breath, like a cloud, it may be—
A shadow. And it is soothing and gives you a feeling of comfort. You have felt it before, shadows, like a cat's tail brushing your legs.
“You are the Shadowsinger, right?” Slowly, you turn to him, remembering Gwyn’s stories about the male with the dancing shadows around him who is training her now and who has sometimes come down here to collect books. You should have remembered his footsteps!
“I am a shadowsinger, yes,” the male says, “but you can call me—” His voice cuts off momentarily. And you know what he has realised. His eyes have probably landed on yours and he realised that you can‘t see. That you are blind. And that since the fateful day almost a decade ago.
“Azriel,” he eventually finishes, finally having found his words to continue.
You inhale a deep breath, and say, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Azriel. I am Y/N.” A smile appears on your lips. “How can I help you?”
"I am here to pick up some books Gwyn suggested to me." The shadowsinger keeps his polite distance, you can feel that, his stance broad but not intimidating and you are thankful for that. Despite his kind aura, he is still a male, a stranger, and you always have to be careful. You can’t ever risk anything again. Never again.
“Gwyn said I would find them somewhere around here, but I truly have no idea where I should start to look.”
A grin tugs at the corners of your lips at the mention of her name. Gwyn is your closest friend down here and you love her like a little sister. "She is very fond of you, Shadowsinger,” you say, voice tinged with admiration.
You can’t see the smile appearing on Azriel’s face but you can feel it, how his heart is filled with relief and joy at your revelation.
"She is quite talented," Azriel comments.
"And beautiful…" Your voice almost gains a dreamy touch, and you place the book you have been holding the entire time back on the shelf. Azriel doesn’t say anything, and you know where his thoughts have gone to.
"My eyes may no longer be able to see, Shadowsinger, but my heart can. And that’s how I know that the priestess is beautiful - she has a soul of pure gold."
"I think she isn’t the only one down here who this applies to." This time he takes a small step forward, only a little, while trying to calm his vividly swirling shadows. You can feel them brush against you and his scent fills your nostrils - cedar and night-chilled mist.
They try to stretch out while he tries as hard as he can to hold them close.
"Are you talking about Merrill?" A little mischievous giggle leaves you right after you say her name and it even draws a chuckle from Azriel. The sound is wonderful, rich and deep, beautiful.
"I think you know exactly who I am talking about." 
You feel how a blush warms your cheeks and quickly avert your gaze. "Which books do you need?"
He tells you which ones he is looking for, speaking slowly, and in his wonderful, deep voice. You know immediately where to find them all, having memorised every small detail of the Library,
“Follow me.” You set out with a smile, waving at him to come and follow you. You have ventured through the corridors filled with hundreds of bookshelves and thousands of books many times and know exactly where and when you have to turn.
You can’t see it but you feel his curiosity, his slight astonishment about you and it makes you giggle. You walk swiftly, your robes swishing over the floor when you turn one corner after the other and finally arrive at your first destination. Your fingers trail over the backs of the books, touching and feeling the binding until you grab two books and hand them to him.
The next ones are on a lower floor and the last one even lower. 
“Why are you here at this time of the day?” you find yourself asking him, walking down a narrow corridor. You have come to like narrower space because they make you feel more secure than wide, open spaces. “Or rather night, Shadowsinger.” 
“I could ask you the same - why are you awake at this time?” You can hear the amusement in his voice about your little bantering, and a smile appears on your face, but fades when you start to answer. “It is calmer at night - no rustling pages, no shuffling feet, no hushed conversation. I can focus easier during this time of the day.”
“That’s understandable,” Azriel hums, “that’s partly why I prefer night over day. No rushing, loud people, no bright lights, no— I am so sorry. I didn‘t mean to—”
“Don’t apologise. You can see and you are allowed to be affected by light. It can be too much, I know this, I used to be able to see it once too.”
“I still should be more careful with my words.”
“I don’t want you to be. I want you to be yourself. You are a polite male and I am not made of glass. I don’t break so easily, so please, speak your mind.” You hand him a book from a shelf, after letting your fingers trail over the spine to make sure it is the right one. “I have always preferred night over day. The people are more relaxed, nothing is rushing them and they are not so loud.”
“I understand. I prefer it when it is calm too.”
“Unless there is music. Have you heard Gwyn sing?”
“I have,” he says with fondness.
“And do you sing too? You are a shadowsinger.”
There is a pause and you worry he won’t answer at all, but—
“I do. Sometimes. Only when I am alone.”
You hum in answer, not wanting to push him to sing for you although you are dying to hear it. It must be wonderful with his deep tenor and his velvety voice.
“Is there a chance one can hear one day?” Your lips quirk into a bright grin.
“No, but maybe one day in the far far future.” He blows out a long breath. “Now I have a question for you.” 
You brace yourself, lifting your chin to face his face, making out nothing but blurry surroundings. You would love to reach out to trace his face, his shoulders, to feel what he looks like and try to picture him in your mind.
“Would you like to join the other priestesses, Cassian and me for training one day?”
Your heart slams to a halt, pondering. Somehow you would love it — leave this pöace for once, but training? You hesitate, the word yes burning on your tongue, but you swallow it down. It would be useless. There would be nothing you could do and you would only make a fool out of you. So instead of agreeing, you curtly shake your head and take a step back. “A kind offer, but I must decline.”
“Because of—”
“Yes, Azriel. Because of my eyes. I can’t see, which means I can’t train.”
“That’s not true. Yes, you can’t see, but for training you don’t only need your eyes. Let me put together some exercises and in return you join us for the next training. I can prove to you that you are just as capable at training and fighting as the others are.”
“Is this a promise?”
“We can make a bargain if you like.” There is a hint of amusement in his voice that makes a silly, little grin appear on your lips and erase the former worry etched upon your features. You reach out your hand. 
“A bargain it is - I‘ll join you for training, and in return you will sing for me.”
There is a pause and for a moment you worry that he won’t agree. That it was a silly idea and he will be offended and just leave it. You don’t want whatever has started between you here not to end already. You want to—
“I accept.” Azriel also extends his hand and the moment your palms touch, lightning zips between your hands. It runs throughout your entire body, but it is not the only thing you can feel. There are scars. Scars that adorn his palms, most definitely his whole hands and your heart cracks. What has been down to him? How did he get them?
Your thoughts are swiftly cut off when lightning zips between your palms and then you feel it, like a warm and thin strap something curls around your upper arm and you know it, the legends are true — when you make a bargain you‘ll receive a tattoo as a testament of it.
Azriel has fallen silent the moment your hands part and you wonder if he is examining the tattoo. You wish you could see it, know what it looks like, and admire it.
“Let me describe it to you,” Azriel starts, and then you feel how he gently takes your arm, lifting it slightly. “It‘s a thin silver band around your upper arm, almost invisible, and where the two ends meet there are three small stars. The first is slightly larger than the second and the third one is the biggest.” He strokes his thumb over your arm, a natural action he probably doesn’t even notice but your hair starts to stand on end.
“Mine is almost identical to yours. It is in the same place. Only that the band looks slightly broader.”
“I think I would love it if I could see it.”
“I am sure you would.” You can hear the smile in his voice and return the gesture. “I love it.”
So can hear him shift, moving a step away from you. “I think we should both sleep now, Y/N, but I‘ll see you tomorrow for training. I‘m sure Gwyn can lend you something to wear if you only have your robes.”
“I will ask her.” You pull your lower lip between your teeth when nervousness about the following day starts to trickle in.
“Perfect, until tomorrow then.” He hums. “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Shadowsinger.”
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tags (crossed-out I couldn't tag) : @juulle987 @marimorena06 @danikasthings @younxii @nightcourtwritings @mrofontaine @lunalilyf @whor-3-crux @tired-all-the-time @anni-was-here @ummmmmwat @azbracadabra @j-pendragonx @hollyismentallyillhelp @famousbasementpainter @bsenpai @lena-davina @red-highlady @thesugatoyourtae @azrielsbabyg @aroseinvelaris @moony-thoughts @wrensical003 @cherryjain17 @moonfawnx @crushedcloudsx @devilsfoodcake22  @valeridarkness @azrielscertifiedslut @mulansaucey @cynicalpotato95 @hanasakr @high-bi-andreadytocry @eerievixen @feyretopia @moonlightazriel @randomness-it-is @brekkershadowsinger @eliieee23 @girasoli-e-sorrisi @illyrianvalkyriecarynthian  @kennedy-brooke @highladyofillyria @theworthlessqueen @marina468 @topaz125 @illyrian-dreamer @azriels-mate123 @eos-princess @courtofjurdan @a-frog-with-a-laptop @insufferablebookaddict @cadiawrites @bookishbroadwaybish @tele86 @fuckingsimp4azriel @berryzxx
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winterinvelaris · 3 months
the nesta and eris dance scene contains a certain level of cunt mother slay the house boots down that i personally believe only a bi girl and a gay man can achieve together
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futurehunt · 6 months
According to SJM, Azriel is kinky.
According to ACOWAR, Eris can make cuffs of fire.
Like... I'm sorry but the story just writes itself.
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ecileh · 6 months
and don’t tell me a FAE, of all creatures, reaches 500+ years of age and never does anything at least kinda gay
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mischiefmanagers · 7 months
Eris Vanserra Fic Rec Library 🍁❤️‍🔥
these fics are a mix of Eris x reader, Eris x OC, and a few general Eris fics with no pairing. if you've never read an Eris fic before, I highly recommend starting with the first rec below (gust & flame) because that fic made me fall in love with him. enjoy ✨
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
gust & flame (series) 🥀💞🌼
by @theostrophywife
here in your arms. 💞
like you wanna be loved 💞
by @acourtofmenandthirst
The Fox & The Hound 💞
by @leafsandstarlight
Destiny's Battleground (series) 🥀💞🔥
In Spite of Our Differences (series) 🥀💞🔥🌼
Great Rite 🔥
The Prince of Blood
by @profound-imagination
Finding Home 💞
Rose Gardens
by @munsons-hellfire
Happiness in the Heart 🥀💞
by @sweetcarolina-24
Scorched Shadows
by @azrielbrainrot
Fire on Fire
Mind Over Matter 🥀
by @danikamariewrites
Rescue 💞🥀
Fake Sleeper 💞
Peace 💞
Seekers 💞🌼
Did You Just Say No?
Song of Death
Starfall Revelations 🥀💞
Guilt 🥀💞
Kisses 💞
by @redbleedingrose
Till the End of Time 💞🥀
Pretty? 🥀💞
by @b0xerdancer-writes
It Wasn't Supposed to Happen Like This 🥀💞
by @thisblogisaboutabook
Bad Idea, Right? 🥀🔥
by @azsazz
Cherries, Juniper, and Orange Slices 💞
Fire & Water 🥀🔥
by @honeybeefae
Cauldron Fated 💞🥀🔥🌼
Forgotten Ties 🥀
Valentine's Mini Fic 💞
A Court of Wings & Fire (series) 🥀
Past and Present 🥀💞
Coronation Day 💞
Potions 🔥🌼
by @we-were-beautiful
The Fox and the Hounds 💞
by @bubbles-for-all-of-us
My little flame 💞
Her 🌼
My tears ricochet 🥀
by @2thestars-andbeyond
The Fire That Burns Within (series) 💞🥀🔥
by @simkaswriting
What if…Eris had danced with y/n instead?
by @jeannineee
Daylight 🥀💞
Breeding 🔥
by @jdeclerc
a brother's intervention 🥀
by @azrielsdove
Playing With Fire 🥀🔥Azriel x Reader x Eris
by @cassiefromhell
Unexpected 💞🥀🔥Azriel x Reader x Eris
by @fieldofdaisiies
Late Again 🥀
Brother 🥀💞 no pairing
Falling 💞🌼
by @azrielsoulmate
Covered in you 💞
by @cupidojenphrodite
Morning After 🔥
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Loose Lips 🥀🔥
by @thelov3lybookworm
Remember me? (series) 💞🥀 from Rhysand x Reader to Eris x Reader
Bloodshed 🥀💞
Not what I expected 🥀💞🌼
by @fineghkst
How Eris acts around his mate 💞
by @ladyescapism
fractured bonds 🥀
by @clairebear08
Woven 🥀
Use Me 🔥
by @historiaxvanserra
If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power 🥀🌼
I Am Not a Martyr, I'm a Problem
by @shadowdaddies
Autumn's Eden 💞
Bramble 💞
by @azrielslightintheshadows
Fake love. 🥀
by @crypticandmachiavellianaugustine
Sweet Nothings 💞🌼
by @readychilledwine
Death of Peace of Mind 🥀🔥🌼
Safe Haven 💞
Unconditional 💞
Leap 💞🌼
Kissed By Fire
Lapcat 🔥
Pack Mentality 💞
Tainted Love 🥀
by @throneofsmut
Bound In Flames (series) 🥀💞🔥
by @parkerslatte
Overlooked 🥀🌼
Warm Me Up 💞🔥
by @prythianpages
Like An Angel 💞
Cruel, Wicked Thing
by @saphirered
Frozen lake 🔥💞
by @thehighladywrites
Professor Eris 🥀💞🔥
by @thevanserrras
Breaking Point 🥀
Den of Foxes 🥀💞
Happy Equinox at Last 💞
Wake Up 🥀💞 Azriel x Reader x Eris
Petty 🥀💞
by @secret-third-thing
Never An Honest Word 🥀 no pairing
by @nocasdatsgay
From the Ashes, the Wildflowers Grow (series) 🥀💞🔥🌼
by @lucienforhighking
Hounds of Love 💞
Dancing 💞🔥
by @callmeblaire
when fire and ice dance
by @moonlightazriel
Symphonies 💞
When no one hears your calls 🥀💞
by @sellyoursoulforagoodfic
Monstrous Secrets 🥀💞
by @florencemtrash
Flame, Shadow, Beast 🥀💞 Azriel x Reader x Eris
by @serpentandlily
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny (series) 🌼
Last Solstice 🥀💞🌼
by @fever-fluff
by @yearning-for-autumn
Would That I
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catboyjamesbond · 5 months
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