#Absolute madness
ratb4stard3 · 2 months
⌚️🪖 Something Sinister is infecting Hatchetfield… 🌀
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never in my life would i have thought i'd write the following sentence in my master's dissertation: 'for my argument, I have choses three primary works of fanfiction that are based on the All for the Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic'
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hermitcrimes · 5 months
What is the most ridiculous crime that has been commited?
I'm partial to The Chickening of the perimeter in season 9
So many chickens
So, so many chickens
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three-seperate-johns · 7 months
Walrus versus fairy
Phryne was curled around a warm cup of tea, surveying the people gathered at her kitchen table with satisfaction and affection when Cec and Bert burst in. 
“Alright,” snapped Bert, “We’ve been at loggerheads about this since sparrow’s fart, so we’re bringing it to you lot for review.” 
Jack and Mac had both been buried in the morning paper. Mac cocked an eyebrow at the cabbies over the top of her page, and Jack sighed and let his paper fall onto the table. “Wonderful,” he muttered. 
Dot didn’t even look up from her embroidery. 
“I’m intrigued,” Phryne told them, placing her tea carefully on the table. “Please, go on.” 
“Well, you gotta imagine that it’s a nice weekend morning like this, right?” Cec said earnestly, Bert folded his arms and scowled behind him. “And you go over to open it. What would you be more surprised to see, a -” 
“A fairy,” Bert cut in, “or a fucking walrus.” 
Phryne and Mac shared a perplexed glance, before Phryne shrugged and declared her answer. “The walrus, I suppose.” 
Mac nodded. “Walrus.” 
“It’s the Walrus for me, too,” Dot said. 
Jack had been reaching for his own tea, but he froze with his hand outstretched towards the cup. “What?” he said weakly, glancing around at all of them. 
“See,” said Bert to Cec with a smirk, “you’re full of shit.” 
Cec groaned. “How?” he demanded. “How can a walrus be more surprising than a fairy?” 
Phryne tilted her head to the side, considering this. “Well,” she said, “how on earth would a walrus get here?” 
“How would a fairy get here,” Jack asked slowly, letting his outstretched hand drop loosely onto the table, “when there’s no such thing as fairies?” 
Mac shrugged. “But if fairies were real, I would almost expect them to show up at Wardlow first.” 
Jack made a pained sound. “But they’re not real.” 
Read the rest on ao3
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heretherebedork · 2 months
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There are seven episodes of shows airing on Wednesday. SEVEN. EPISODES. SIX SHOWS. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING!?!?
There's nothing midweek BL madness, apparently.
(I mean, okay, so Dream is not really airing because they're doing the big live event but like I don't even care about that show at all at this point.)
Absolute madness. Trying to decide what order to watch everything in is gonna be wild.
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secretinasecret · 2 months
Reading Selcouth after reading ATYD is like stepping into Wonderland after you have spent thirty days in London wearing bell bottoms and singing along to the Beatles.
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booksanxietyandsports · 8 months
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this should tell you everything you need to know about this comp
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Revenge of Others was literal insanity like I mean Park Wonseok gets murdered and the whole reason he gets murdered is because Gi Osung is absolute scum like the dots connecting are crazy!!
The timeline of events in question:
Park Wonseok is gay and dating a classmate
Gi Osung takes pics of them and uses said pics to blackmail Wonseok
And by blackmail I mean Osung bullies and uses Wonseok to bully other people
Which then makes everyone hate Wonseok and think he’s a terrible person to the point they were glad he died
But plot twist Seok Jaebum found out about Gi Osung and Kook Jihyun
Turns out Gi Osung was in love with Jihyun ( whose his step sister by the way)
And Jaebum had a video of them kissing and used that to blackmail Osung into leaving Wonseok alone
So Osung got mad and pushed Jaebum off the top of a freaking building
At which point Jaebum ended up in a coma and woke up with memory loss
So Osung used that to his advantage and gaslit Jaebum into believing that Wonseok was the one who pushed him off the building so much so that get this
Jaebum’s split personality or spirit of his dead twin brother (not quite sure which) ended up killing Wonseok
And then tried to make it seem like Sooheon was the one that did it
And Gi Osung knew this and covered up for him just so nobody would find out that he was the one who pushed Jaebum off the building in the first place!!
And to top it all off Osung got mad and went after Sooheon and used his step sister who he was supposedly in love with to do it by kidnapping her and threatening her with a knife
At which point they got into a fight and Osung ended up falling off the top of their school roof
And then every single student in that place covered for Sooheon to protect him
And that’s not even getting into the fact that Sooheon was going around beating the ever living shit out rapists and murders on the side for money or getting shot at by his girl who thought he was the one that did it for a hot second
Like hot damn y’all that shit was WILD!!!
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daisydoctor13 · 8 months
Really testing out how good the wall is to next door with how loud I've been screaming at the TV tonight
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krotiation · 4 months
Hello! Would you like a fun fact? On the 25th of November Tales from the Borderlands episode 1 was released 10 years ago! The cruelty of time is unrelenting and merely marches forward!! :D
10... 10 years... I haven't even come to terms with the fact that bl3 is 5 years old yet
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userlando · 1 year
i just hit 11k followers hooooly moly, thank you so so much!! that's an insane number and i still can't believe it 😭 as a thank you, i'll be finishing up and posting a new smutty fic involving a certain duo that we all know and love. hope you'll like it 👀🤍
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sammichly · 5 months
love that we got to see the media response of riko attempting to murder neil on nationally broadcasted live television like!!!! thats a fucking insane thing to do and neil does not tell us anything about it because he is (justifiably) more concerned with being alive and securing his jeans and kevins lives and also has the one track mind of a fucking freak. but like,,, yeah riko really tried to Do That and EVERYONE SAW
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malapertmarquess · 8 months
So I learned today about the existence of a duck-themed college of Oxford that celebrates the anniversary of its founding with a huge party, an equally duck-themed song, and a parade. With a duck.
Just... read it.
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rainbow-femme · 2 years
One of my favorite themes in specifically historical fiction but honestly anything is
“We are enemies but we respect and even kind of like each other but we can never have peace and will always try to destroy each other. In another life we likely would not have known or cared about each other so it is worth it to be your enemy than never know you at all”
Extra points if their feud costs lives on both sides as well as personal loss but deep down they still would choose this life and this relationship and this blood on their hands over peace where they never would have pushed each other to terrible heights
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captorations · 9 months
if i had a nickel for every time cam and pal were unable to speak to someone they love face to face for a torturously extended period of time, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's not at all weird that they took the first opportunity they had to make sure it never happened again
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cc3357 · 8 months
Current vibe in the EV GAR chat: committing food crimes that would turn a starving peasant’s hair grey.
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