ocombatente · 9 months
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7grandmel · 10 months
Todays rip [First 30 Archive] - 15/05/2023
File Select Fusion Collab
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner’s Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by toonlink & The Gang
The last post made me nostalgic for Season 1’s ending, so fuck it, here’s another rip from back then - the File Select Fusion Collab, a rip with close to 20 creators involved. What a “Fusion Collab” entails has changed quite a fair bit over the years, as the collaborations have grown larger in size with each year. Nowadays, they now tend to focus on individual artists rendering a specific track in their own style across a longer video, such as with Season 2’s Wood Man Fusion Collab. But with Season 1, the meaning was a lot more nebulous - they were almost all made under the direction of toonlink (otherwise goes by “tunedlink” and “toonlinkirl”), and were made more in the style of YTPMVs, having a base song to build off of with an everchanging barrage of styles and sources intermingling at once.
These were released every now and then over the course of Season 1 and were always appreciated, yet today’s choice in particular stands out among them. Being released during what was effectively presented as the ending of the channel, it has a unique kind of emotional baggage to it, it leans into celebrating the entire legacy of the channel and all of its inside jokes. The full-circle moment of getting Joel Vinesauce himself to narrate a section in the middle of the track was perfect - the person whose joke got the entire channel started, now gets invited to formally close it out, with a speech still very much rooted in that niche joke culture SiIva itself thrives in. And it just keeps going in that direction - the rip builds in a congratulatory, yet bittersweet way to truly signal that the channel is about to end, a giant thank-you letter to the entire community that had been fostered over the channel’s small 9-month lifespan.
Of course, its rendered a little bit moot by the channel…not ending, which some folks are still bitter about. Yet I still think this rip works wonders as part of a sendoff to the original era of SiIvaGunner - we’re never going to get anything like Season 1 again, and I’ve grown to accept that.
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pemburusekssetia · 1 year
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mmmm plz akaq adiq nk jilat pepek.. adiq nk rasa lubang akaq🥺🥺🥺🥺
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darkstalkersfanzine · 6 months
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Let's give a warm welcome to Xtremer$adiq!
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iamonlyhooman · 1 year
Aku Sedang (lebih dari) Mengaguminya
Aku tidak tahu sejak kapan dimulainya perasaan ini kepadanya, apakah sejak perjumpaan pertama? atau sejak kebiasaan hari-hari kita berdua berirama?
Perkenalkan, dia adalah Mas 96. Laki-laki yang umurnya lebih tua dibandingkan aku. Kalau kalian bisa menebak, dia kelahiran 1996. Daripada menyebutkan inisial nama lebih baik aku menyebutnya dengan angka tahun kelahirannya.
Dimataku dia sangat tampan, baik, pintar, tenang, sholeh, dan apapun tentang dia aku menyukainya. Awalnya biasa saja namun lama-lama perasaan itu tumbuh seiring intensnya kita bertemu dikantor. Yap, dia satu kantor denganku dan satu seksi pula. Perasaan itu semakin menjadi gulma dihatiku. Sialnya, Mas 96 sudah memiliki kekasih. Lebih sialnya, aku pun juga sudah mempunyai kekasih.
Dari aku menulis ini bahkan dari mulai munculnya perasaan itu aku sudah paham bahwa ini SALAH. Tapi, aku tetap bodoh melanjutkan perasaan ini padanya. DAN HANYA AKU SAJA. aku tidak peduli bagaimana perasaannya padaku.
Mas 96 itu menyukai penglihatan yg sempurna terhadap perempuan yang cantik, wajar karena dia pun tampan. Sangat tidak mungkin menyukai adik setidak cantik ini dimatanya yg sempurna itu. Aku sadar diri kok hehe.
Kita sama-sama lahir di Bulan Mei, hanya selisih 10 hari. Pada saat ulang tahunku dia memberiku tas kecil seperti pouch dan tempat stand handphone karakter marvel. Aku tak mau kalah, pada saat ulang tahunnya aku membeli dua baju. Sebenarnya berlebihan namun aku puas. Aku sedih, sedih karena baju hadiah yang aku berikan jarang sekali aku lihat dia memakainya. Satu baju khusus olahraga dan satu baju khusus untuk pergi main/ke kantor. Aku menunggu dia memakainya namun sampai aku menulis ini, hanya satu baju olahraga yang dia pakai waktu bermain badminton bersamaku.
Reaksiku? sangat amat senang. Aku ternyata agak canggung dan malu, padahal mah bisa saja aku biasa saja.
Aku berfikir mungkin bajunya kekecilan atau dia sering pakai namun dipakai dirumahnya. Agar aku tidak terlalu kecewa.
Mulai desember 2022, Mas 96 mutasi internal seksi ya karena banyak pelaksana yang dimutasi. Aku dimutasi juga namun tetap disatu seksi hanya pindah depan ke belakang office. Rasanya seperti kehilangan sosok pendengar cerita randomku. Mas 96 sudah menjadi bagian dari hari-hari penatku dikantor.
Aku menjadi sayang dan nyaman dengan pekerjaanku karena ada dia dipekerjaan ini. Sejak bulan itu, hidupku tak sama lagi. Aku seperti kehilangan kekasih yang setiap hari ada untukku. hiks.
Namun, hidup tetap berlanjut. Hidup sangatlah dinamis. Memang Mas 96 ini bukan jodohku namun kuakui jikalau ada beneran pengganti Pinaka (re:mantanku), Mas 96 inilah orangnya. I guarantee that. Mas 96 ini bagiku adalah definisi laki-laki too good to be true. Idk why, tapi dibenakku dia sangat sulit untuk dimiliki. Sangat beruntung perempuan yang memilikinya saat ini.
Di garis hidup Mas 96 ini aku yakin aku hanyalah aktris yang lewat saja bukan untuk menetap. Mungkin ini juga ujian untuk hubunganku dengan mas pacar. Aku bersyukur masih bisa menahan diri untuk tidak confess. Bagiku itu ide buruk dan akan mengancam hubunganku dengan Mas 96. Meskipun hanya aku, tumblr, dan Allah yang tahu, lebih baik seperti itu. Aku tidak ingin yang lain mengetahui betapa aku mengagumi Mas 96. Meskipun wajar saja menyukai Mas 96, tapi rasanya tidak usahlah. Lagian itu tidak akan mengubah apapun dan aku tidak keberatan.
Oh iya, Mas 96 baru saja melamar kekasihnya. Sudah waktunya memang. Aku ikut bahagia dan tidak ada perasaan kecewa. Ups, sedikit sih. Merasa bahwa takdir didepan sudah terpampang nyata dan sudah tidak ada jalan untuk menetap haha.
Untuk Mas 96, maafkan adiq random satumu ini yang berani mengagumi sampai menyukaimu. Jangan salahkan aku jika suatu saat bisa jatuh hati.. Tapi, aku tidak akan menyentuh hatimu karena menghargai kekasihmu.
Semoga segera bahagia dan semoga Mas 96 segera bisa melupakan mantan terindahnya. Dan juga untukku. Peace!
[Mjk, 14 Januari 2023]
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adiqdigital · 5 years
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xtremersadiq · 2 years
Before the new show comes out I think it’s time we all collectively agreed most of the Fionna and Cake episodes are not that good
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dolerme · 3 years
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silas oo and adiq rahman by chuan looi for l’officiel hommes malaysia, f/w ‘20-21
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selindw · 3 years
Tidur sebelum pukul sepuluh dan bangun sebelum adzan subuh.
Cuci piring diiringi memasak air dan nyambil kain yang diputar di mesin cuci.
Lantai yang disapu dan dipel, sesekali berlari saat air dan nasi mendidih.
Kopi hangat untuk sang ayah telah dihidangkan.
Semoga pagi ini mentari bersinar, karena kain ingin bertemu dengan hangatnya.
Sembari menunggu ibu pulang dari pasar, kita masak sarapan dulu, sepertinya ibu senang jika dimasakkan nasi goreng sambal terasi.
Mungkin aroma masakkannya sampai ke dalam kamar, membuat para ponakkan bangun. Nangis minta dimandiin, karena ingin segera menyantap sarapan
Sempurna..... pekejaan selesai tepat pukul 08.00.. selamat melanjutkan aktivitas hari ini.
Semoga nanti siang saat kain kering, hujan turun yaah, mau nyetrika nih, kan asyiknya kalau lagi hujan, biar ga gerah-gerah amat wkwkwk..
PDG 772021
Disemangati oleh senyum manis aa kaseup Fatih dan sicomel Shadiq yang gak sabar ingin lalan-lalan ke rumah bang Dilga.
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Asian American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 130+ Bruneian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Hajah Norsiah binti Haji Abdul Gapar (1952) Bruneian - writer.
Paula Malai Ali (1974) Bruneian / English - actress, model, tv personality, radio personality, and veejay.
Jayna Oso (1981) Bruneian - porn actress.
Chloe Ting (1986) 1/4 Bruneian, 3/4 Chinese - youtuber (Chloe Ting).
Maria / Meria Aires (1989) Bruneian - singer-songwriter.
Eqah (1989) Bruneian - singer.
Wawa Zainal / Nur Hawa binti Zainal Abidin (1991) Bruneian, Bajau Malaysian / Tausug Filipina - actress and model.
Nina Iskandar (1991) Bruneian - actress and model.
Liyana Yus (1993) Bruneian - actress and musician.
Phoebe Chok (1994) Bruneian, Chinese - model.
Adira Salahudi (1996) Bruneian - instagrammer (adirasalahudi).
Muthiah Sabri (2000) Bruneian - singer.
Ezah Hashim (?) Bruneian - singer-songwriter.
Feez Madea (?) Bruneian - actress, singer-songwriter, tv presenter, and lyricist.
Aisyah Zulkarnain (?) Bruneian - musician and producer.
Harisya Hamzah (?) Bruneian - singer-songwriter.
Neecia Majolly (?) Bruneian, Indian - singer, pianist, composer, and conductor.
Siti Kamaluddin (?) Bruneian - director.
Dirah Wong (?) Bruneian, Singaporean - model (instagram: dirahwong).
F - Athletes:
Maziah Mahusin (1993) Bruneian - hurdler.
Maizurah Abdul Rahim (1999) Bruneian - sprinter.
Zul F / Zul Faden / Haji ZulFakhari bin Muksin (1980) Bruneian - actor and singer.
Fakhrul Razi / Fakhrul Razi Ibrahim (1980) Bruneian - singer.
Isa Yahya / Mohammad Noor Isa Yahya (1982) Bruneian - actor.
DJ Daffy (1982) Bruneian - DJ.
Hill / Hill Zaini (1987) Bruneian - actor and singer-songwriter.
Jaz / Jaz Hayat (1993) Bruneian - singer.
Aziz Harun (1998) Bruneian - singer.
Syafiq / Syafiq Abdilah (1999) Bruneian - singer-songwriter.
Ibrahim Kamit (1999) Bruneian - instagrammer (ibrahimkamit).
Abdul Zainidi (?) Bruneian - actor and filmmaker.
Meez Feeq (?) Bruneian - rapper.
Azizi Sabri (?) Bruneian - rapper.
David Sepúlveda-Low (?) Bruneian, Chinese / Spanish - actor, stuntman, and choreographer.
K-Roll / Md. Khairul Anwar (?) Bruneian - singer and guitarist (D’Hask).
Syarif / Ak. Md. Syarif (?) Bruneian - singer and keyboardist (D’Hask).
Reme / Ak. Hairul Azmi (?) Bruneian - bassist (D’Hask).
Daus / Md. Firdaus (?) Bruneian - guitarist (D’Hask).
Luffy / Ak. Ahmad Lutfy (?) Bruneian - drummer (D’Hask).
M - Athletes:
Pengiran Mohamed (1961) Bruneian - darts player.
Zainuddin Kassim (1965) Bruneian - footballer.
Yunos Yusof (1965) Bruneian - footballer.
Rosanan Samak (1965) Bruneian - footballer.
Said Abdullah (1966) Bruneian - footballer.
Jefry Mohammad (1967) Bruneian - footballer.
Suni Mat Jerah (1968) Bruneian - footballer.
Rosli Liman (1969) Bruneian - footballer.
Alizanda Sitom (1970) Bruneian - footballer.
Moksen Mohammad (1971) Bruneian - footballer.
Ali Momin (1973) Bruneian - footballer.
Sallehuddin Damit (1973) Bruneian - footballer.
Haseri Asli (1974) Bruneian - sprinter.
Ali Mustafa (1976) Bruneian - footballer.
Ratano Tuah (1976) Bruneian - footballer.
Fadlin Galawat (1978) Lun Bawang Bruneian - footballer.
Norsillmy Taha (1978) Bruneian - footballer.
Adee Suhardee Muhidin (1979) Bruneian - footballer.
Rosmini Kahar (1979) Bruneian - footballer.
Subhi Abdilah Bakir (1980) Bruneian - footballer.
Rosmin Kamis (1981) Bruneian - footballer.
Jimmy Anak Ahar (1981) Bruneian - middle-distance runner.
Riwandi Wahit (1981) Bruneian - footballer.
Wardun Yussof (1981) Bruneian - footballer.
Sairol Sahari (1983) Bruneian - footballer.
Helme Panjang (1983) Bruneian - footballer.
Shah Azahar Abdullah Ahar (1983) Bruneian - footballer.
Tarmizi Johari (1983) Bruneian - footballer.
Haizul Rani Metusin (1984) Bruneian - footballer.
Mardi Mirza Abdullah (1984) Bruneian - footballer.
Hardi Bujang (1984) Bruneian - footballer.
Azman Ilham Noor (1984) Bruneian - footballer.
Abu Bakar Mahari (1985) Bruneian - footballer.
Amir Ajmal Tahir (1985) Bruneian - footballer.
Affendy Akup (1985) Bruneian - footballer.
Nurul Azami Hussin (1985) Bruneian - footballer.
Shah Razen Said (1985) Bruneian - footballer.
Yusof Matyassin (1985) Bruneian - footballer.
Hardyman Lamit (1986) Bruneian - footballer.
Sahan Mumtazali (1986) Bruneian - footballer.
Abdul Azizi Ali Rahman (1987) Bruneian - footballer.
Amalul Said (1987) Bruneian - footballer.
Baharin Hamidon (1987) Bruneian - footballer.
Rahimni Pundut (1987) Bruneian - footballer.
Helmi Zambin (1987) Bruneian - footballer.
Mu’izzuddin Ismail (1987) Bruneian - footballer.
Hendra Azam Idris (1988) Bruneian - footballer.
Najib Tarib (1988) Bruneian - footballer.
Reduan Petara (1988) Bruneian - footballer.
Adie Arsham Salleh (1988) Bruneian - footballer.
Azwan Saleh (1988) Bruneian - footballer.
Abdul Aziz Tamit (1989) Bruneian - footballer.
Fakharrazi Hassan (1989) Bruneian - footballer.
Naasiruddeen Abdul Wahab (1989) Bruneian - footballer.
Hamizan Aziz Sulaiman (1989) Bruneian - footballer.
Maududi Hilmi Kasmi (1989) Bruneian - footballer.
Nurrul Aleshahnezan Metali (1989) Bruneian - footballer.
Razimie Ramlli (1990) Bruneian - footballer.
Anaqi Sufi Omar Baki (1990) Bruneian - footballer.
Aqmal Hakeem Abdul Hamid (1990) Bruneian - footballer.
Adi Said (1990) Bruneian - footballer.
Ashri Chuchu (1991) Bruneian / Malaysian - footballer.
Afi Aminuddin (1991) Bruneian - footballer.
Abdul Mu’iz Sisa (1991) Bruneian - footballer.
Ak Hafiy Tajuddin Rositi (1991) Bruneian - runner.
Hazwan Hamzah (1991) Bruneian - footballer.
Mohamed Fakhri Ismail (1991) Bruneian - sprinter.
Fakhrul Zulhazmi Yussof (1991) Bruneian - footballer.
Rozaimi Rahman (1992) Bruneian / Malaysian - footballer.
Muhammad l'maadi Abd Aziz (1992) Bruneian - cyclist.
Khairul Anwar Abdul Rahim (1992) Bruneian - footballer.
Azri Zahari (1992) Bruneian - footballer.
Azwan Ali Rahman (1992) Bruneian - footballer.
Khairil Shahme Suhaimi (1993) Bruneian - footballer.
Nur Ikhwan Othman (1993) Bruneian - footballer.
Aminuddin Zakwan Tahir (1994) Bruneian - footballer.
Nadzri Erwan (1995) Bruneian - footballer.
Shafie Effendy (1995) Bruneian - footballer.
Abdul Khair Basri (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Aman Abdul Rahim (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Asnawi Syazni Abdul Aziz (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Abdul Adiq Roslan (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Yura Indera Putera Yunos (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Suhaimi Anak Sulau (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Zulkhairy Razali (1996) Bruneian - footballer.
Christian Nikles (1997) Bruneian - swimmer.
Hanif Hamir (1997) Bruneian - footballer.
Azim Izamuddin Suhaimi (1997) Bruneian - footballer.
Faiq Bolkiah (1998) Bruneian - footballer.
Muhammad Isa Ahmad (1998) Bruneian - swimmer.
Haimie Anak Nyaring (1998) Bruneian - footballer.
Abdul Hariz Herman (2000) Bruneian - footballer.
Putri Norizah (1991) Bruneian / Malaysian - singer-songwriter. - Supported the 2019 new laws in Brunei that targets LGBTQQIP2SAA+ people with punishments up to the death penalty as well as other harsh laws that target women, ethnic minorities, and religious minorities in Brunei (the punishment of death penalty for those with same-sex attraction and those who commit adultery have been overturned but many these harsh laws that criminalize these things still exist and nevertheless, she vocalized support whilst the punishment was still the death penalty).
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mrfdhwrites · 5 years
Adik Pertama
Tulisan ini tidak bertujuan membuat yang bersangkutan baper ato eksploitasi sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbarui.
O iya, kapan-kapan juga ada cerita untuk Abang. Di hati saya klean sama-sama 100%. Ada gilirannya.
Bisa juga dibaca para kakak2 dimanapun berada. Sekedar cerita diri saya sendiri menjadi kakak yang ga ideal2 banget ato lebih tepatnya review adiq?
Wkwk. Setiap kita punya cerita bahagia dengan kekampretan ato kecebongan masing-masing. Boleh dibaca kalo ada yang mau baca. Ini berbagi pengalaman aja toh kata buku sidu, "Experience is the best teacher." dan tulisan ini ga dicetak di major publisher.
Karena ku ingin menjadi, anak indie.
Tadi siang Wasil ke Semarang. Entah kenapa Und*#&$#&p bikin jadwal yang libur semester cuma 2 mingguan. Ya katanya karna belum UAS dan siap2 kkn. But, kapan2 harus meniru UMY yang kali ini liburnya dermawan sekali.
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Ilustrasi : Pas Wasil pingin beli balon.
Lahir pas jaman krismon. Kemudian, kami tumbuh besar dan selalu berkelahi kayak Tom and Jerry, mengotori rumah bersama (tapi mama jarang marah kalo kita bikin kotor rumah wkwkwk), menyoret tembok, membuat gelembung, bermain boneka pelepah pisang, termasuk menghabiskan tepung mama buat bikin plastisin. Jadi baju2 pazti penuh warna warni.
Tapi kayaknya Wasil lebih sering bikin kotor rumah sama eksperimen anehnya. Dulu pas SD dia rajin baca majalah kuark karena sok2an ikut olimpiade sains dan suka pelajaran eksak, jadi kadang2 buat hal2 yang menurut saya aneh.Tapi kenapa semua berubah makin dia besar. Ya mungkin karna pas SMA dia menemukan passionnya di desain grafis dan menjadi pandu Hizbul Waton. Haha.
Pas dia kecil sering teriakin anak2 sekolahan yang jalan depan rumah," ngingik gigine tai manok wek!", selalu cerita kocak yang legend tentang penjual kipas yang anti patah anti sobek sama cerita kelepon tai meong. Ya 2 cerita itu diulang terus kayak reunian tiap taun. Tapi kami selalu tertawa.
Fyi, Pas umuran tk ato sd awal deh kayae sepede itu dong dia ikut lomba fashion show yang bedaknya masya Allah tebel :). Itu ya.. sebelum Wasil jatuh dari pohon mangga Ibuk karena dikejar Abang dan buat tulangnya retak. Haha
Pernah kan nemuin orang yang bahkan lebih tau solusi buat kita dibanding diri kita sendiri? Yakali Wasil gitu.
Mungkin dia tercipta jadi paranormal yang ditugaskan untuk "meramal" saya. Nelpon tiba2 disaat yang dibutuhkan tanpa diminta, lalu membuat mood membaik dan jadi sumber referensi saya dalam banyak hal terutama olshop wkwkwk. Kadang saya anggap dia sok tau dalam banyak hal. Tapi banyak benarnya. Sebagian besar. Hampir semua. Benar.
Karena dia cerewet dan kerempongannya yang bener2 detail sama suatu hal yang mau dilakukan, buat saya jadi kesel. Karena saya lebih malas dan cuek, terlalu ribetz rasanya. Ya kalo dipikir2 bagus juga sih. Ya. Ya. Ya.
Semenyebalkannya Wasil, sekonyolnya dia nyanyi A Whole New World di motor yang dia anggep kayak karpet Aladin, ngedance yang abstrak malah lebih mirip uget2 ato gimana ngeselinnya muka dia niruin Sekala Kirana sama Xabiru dan banyak hal yang tak elok jika saya ceritakan :)
Tapi setidaknya dari anak2 mama sama bapak ....
Wasil yang udah pernah lomba keluar negri. Wasil yang pernah megang-megang piala juara provinsi - nasional, wasil yang pas sd jadi lulusan terbaik (Ya kiranya, semoga bisa ditambah lagi seiring waktu berjalan, tetap berproses jalan masi panjang)
Wasil yang tanggung jawab kalo dikasi amanah. Ya kalo dia ga capek dan sakit. Makanya makannya dijaga coy. Karena males banget ga si harus ingat2in jaga makanan jangan telat makanz dll. Fyuh. Im not alarm.
Ya ini iseng aja nulis. Karena ga bisa tidur. Ya mungkin ini kangen. Tapi gengsi mau bilang. Jadi pura2 nulis di tumblr.
Tulisan singkat (?)
Kadang-Kadang kita bingung buat bilang gimana kita sayang sama sodara. Ya mungkin saya gitu. Karena ga ngerti bilang langsungnya gimana.
Tetep jadi Wasil yang Superwasil. Yang menginspiring Ka dils.
Capek boleh istirahat. Berhenti jangan.
Ada orang yang dibuat Sang Pencipta buat jadi moodbooster orang lain, jadi alasan orang lain buat jadi lebih semangat untuk upgrade diri. Ada orang jadi alasan orang lain senyum walopun keselnya setengah hidup. Ya kadang dianya capek juga. Dianya juga manusia. Bisa labil galao. Ya gitu deh pokoknya. Gitu ya siel.
Semoga kita bisa membahagiakan mama bapak sampe hari tua dengan cara unik kita masing-masing. Bisa jadi bagian dari 3 amalan yang ga putus2 yaitu doa anak soleh yang doain orang tuanya.
I know ka dils belum menjadi contoh yang baik dan kadang bersikap sangat tydac dewasa kepada klean. Tapi itu sih akal2an, agar kalian menganggapku sebagai kakak yang sepaket dengan menjadi kawan, sahabat setia setiap saat dalam tangiz dan tawwa klean dan agar klean tydac terlalu alay menghormati dan menjadi fans sejatiku karena menganggapku superkakakajaib.
Kadang juga ku bersikap cuek kazar menyebalkan dan berkata nyelekit yang menusuk sanubari Anda sekalian. ..tapi itu ...ya semoga klean tumbuh mendewasa menjadi kecambah yang kuat, tydac jubriya, menjaga diri yang baik, mendewasa dengan tydac melupakan ilmu dan pengalaman "menjadi santri" dan kebaikan yang ditanamkan mama bapak.
Ingat hadits yang selalu kita baca di rumah ... la yadkhulul jannata man kana fi qolbihi ...~~~ dst.
O iya. Terima kasih untuk menjadi adiq2 yang sabar.
Udah ah ~~~ bip bip bip ~ kip kip nyim nyim ~ 🐷🐷🐷💨💨💨
Selamat siap2 KKN.
Selamat berproses bersama!
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filmpotion-blog · 5 years
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Take it to the streets phase 12 with adiq
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soehendrosoeharto · 3 years
BAZAR..!! Keseruan Kakak Thahara dan Adiq Thaqif mewarnai apa ya ?
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adiqdigital · 5 years
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xtremersadiq · 2 years
Every side character in My Hero Academia is insanely underutilized but Ochako pisses me off because she could be so much more. I was thinking about the characters in My Hero vs the characters in Naruto, a similar shonen anime in terms of how they’re set up. Even though Naruto has its own set of issues with female characters, it handles them way better than My Hero. The best way I thought to look at it was to compare one of Ochako’s pivotal moments to similar character in Naruto, Hinata. Ochako and Hinata are both girls with crushes on the main boy character, and find inspiration in their strengths from them as well. Coincidentally, both girls were obliterated in their first tournament arc.
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Hinata wants to be a ninja to prove her strength to those who put her down, including her own family, and to be a valuable asset to her friends. She has a crush on Naruto, which is strange in and of itself, because all of his peers at that point either look down on or are indifferent to him. She’s also very much the opposite of him, being shy, soft-spoken and lacking confidence as opposed to Naruto’s brash, loud and get-up-and-go attitude. Hinata was matched up against her cousin from the same clan, Neji, during the Chunin Exams. He looks down upon her because he thinks she had a more pampered life compared to him, and he strongly believes everyone’s fate is predetermined. Of course none of this is true, Hinata constantly went through rigorous training of her own because she was expected to be as good as her sister, who was ahead of her. Though, this is what Neji strongly believes, and even straight up tells Hinata in the beginning of the fight that she’s too weak and will remain so and never beat him. They also have the same special ability, the Byakugan, but it doesn’t necessarily matter if Neji is stronger or not, the psychological berating he does is enough to make Hinata doubt her abilities and question her own sense of self worth. Though thinking of how much Naruto (and her other friends) inspire her drives her to be stronger and prove Neji and everyone else wrong. She still ends up losing the fight, but her level of defiance and courage shows a good bit of growth from that shy little girl we’ve been accustomed to at that point. She even points out some of Neji’s insecurities, and all these things was enough to make Neji question his own ideals, which came into play when he would go on to fight Naruto later in the Chunin Finals.
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Let’s compare that with Ochako’s character. She wants to be a hero to provide money for her family and to make them, and other people, happy. She’s very perky and laid back as opposed to the more neurotic and spastic Izuku, the boy she has a crush on, which makes for a nice dynamic. Keep in mind she was the one who gave him his hero name, but we’ll get into that a bit later. Ochako was matched up against Bakugo in the Roaring Sports Festival Tournament. Her quirk is Zero Gravity, making things, including herself, float upon touch, and Bakugo’s quirk is causing explosions from his hands. Realistically, there was no way that she could have won against such a power at all, and she barely gave him any trouble in the match as well. Though, in a fight like this that’s significant enough to get its own chapter, I think what’s learned about the characters afterwards is more important than the underdog being the victor. Unlike with Hinata vs Neji, this is basically Bakugo and Ochako’s first, or at least most significant time interacting with each other. Bakugo is mostly indifferent to anyone who isn’t Izuku (whom he hates), and doesn’t have any dynamic or relationship with Ochako. Naruto was the primary driving force for Hinata’s fighting spirit in her battle, and in a similar fashion as well, Ochako used a fighting style similar to that of Izuku’s in hers. This was probably one of the only actual takeaways from the fight on Bakugo’s part as well, and it was only used to fuel his anger towards Izuku when he confronted him about him. Maybe that and some form of “don’t underestimate your opponent” with some inconsequential line of Bakugo correcting his peers for saying she was helpless. Ochako was put into a fight she was pre-determined to lose against someone who doesn’t really care about her, and the only thing she gleamed from it was “you don’t have to win every fight”, even though she doesn’t get put into any other solo fights after this. This is in direct opposition to the fight between Izuku and Todoroki, which gives me literally all of these things. Izuku loses the fight but he ultimately does what he wants to accomplish: Help Todoroki reach his full potential by using his fire powers and reclaiming his quirk as his own in spite of his father’s abuse. It’s a good fight from a visual and writing standpoint. Of course you get this developments from them because these are the male main characters, and the female characters aren’t allowed to develop or have arcs or screen time of their own. Remember before when I said Ochako gave  Izuku his hero name? Well, that’s partially true, because it really came from Bakugo. “Deku” is what he calls him, and it’s what he has called him throughout half of their life together, Deku being a japanese insult or in the dub being an abbreviation of Defenseless Izuku. Upon first meeting Izuku and hearing Bakugo call him that, Ochako likes the name and thinks it sounds like “dekiru” which means “you can do it”, and Izuku decides to fully embrace it as his hero name, reclaiming the insult used to bring him down.
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This coupled with the fight between Bakugo makes me think Ochako could be better utilized as a foil for him. Bakugo pretty much lives to insult and berate Izuku, especially in the beginning, and Ochako is the first person to break that link. His most common insult doesn’t hurt him anymore because of her, you think he wouldn’t take notice of that? Have Ochako stand up to Bakugo more in defense of Izuku, make him see her as someone in the way of his target. She doesn’t have to beat him, that’s not what I want. I just wanted the fight to have more a meaning to it for her. Going back to Naruto, Neji was able to have his attitude changed because of Hinata and Naruto’s ideals. Plus, you get to see Hinata and Neji grow closer as well. At the end of the original series they train together and Neji stops to tell Hinata that Naruto is leaving town and leave now if you want to see him off, showing he not only cares about her and notices that she likes him, but that he also cares about Naruto as well. If Ochako at least had Bakugo a little more on the ropes the whole “don’t underestimate her” they tried to give us with him would have had more meaning, and if Ochako had more meaningful development subsequent to this arc, the lesson of “you can’t rush into being a hero, and you can still bounce back from a loss” would hold more weight as well. I think she deserves it, she deserves better.
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sandydudley0 · 3 years
@trademarktrader: AD IQ application for trademark filed by Avery Dennison Corporation #ADIQ $AVY
AD IQ application for trademark filed by Avery Dennison Corporation https://t.co/crgdkkHvbo #ADIQ $AVY pic.twitter.com/f7semo8tym
— trademark trader (@trademarktrader) August 26, 2021
from https://twitter.com/trademarktrader/status/1430933129393442818 from https://publictremarks.tumblr.com/post/660603649899266049 from https://sandydudley.blogspot.com/2021/08/trademarktrader-ad-iq-application-for.html
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