#Ada Thorne fanfic
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Ada finally meets Jack and his mysterious wife.  PART ONE
Jack Nelson x OC/Reader (Carmen Nelson) x Ada Thorne
SUMMARY: You and Jack Nelson married when you were 21, it was marriage of convince and safety. You, a queer woman, needed a beard and he needed a wife who he could trust and understood that he’d never be monogamous. Things get complicated when you both taken on Ada Thorne as a lover.
A/N: Yeeeeee I finally updated this fic. I hope you enjoy.  
- 1915 - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"We should get married!"
"Jack, are you serious?" you whispered into the phone, "I'm at work right now. I don't have time for one of your games."
"It's not a game," he pleaded, "I'll swing by and pick you up after work and explain everything."
"Okay," you agreed and a few hours later he was standing outside the home, leaning against his new Ford. Jack drove you to his apartment so that you could talk privately about the suggested proposal. Nestled into his purple velvet couch with a whiskey in both your hands, the discussion began.
You watched as he talked, leaning your head against the sofa, tired from a long day at work. 
"Carmen, look, you've been my best friend since were seven years old. No one on this planet knows me better than you." He spoke with sincerity, something you hadn't heard from him in years. It was like you were talking to the little boy Jack once was. The boy who taught you how to throw a proper right hook when you were eight and how to shoot a gun when you were thirteen. He made sure you knew how to defend yourself, and in turn, you watched your back. "I want you to have a happy life. Hell, I want that for the both of us." You nodded along and took your hand in his.
"Car. I want to keep you safe and give you a happy life. You understand me, you know that I won't give up my other women. What's that saying your brothers have? Una en la casa, una en las calles. one in the house, one in the streets. Yo tengo tres en las calles. I have three in the streets. " Growing up around your family, Jack had picked up some Spanish phrases. It always made you smile whenever he used them. 
"So you want to marry me because know you'll whore around?" you laughed at the idea. 
"In theory, I want to marry you because together we can both be free to be who we are. In application, whore around is accurate." 
"Okay, MAYBE this isn't a bad idea." 
Jack's accomplished cocky grin spread across his face. You were almost agreeing to marry him, or at the very least taking his proposal a bit more seriously. He finished his glass of whiskey, a preemptive celebration, and stood up to pour himself another glass. 
"Who knows, maybe a spark of love will blossom between us," he winked and you rolled your eyes. 
"You read one poetry book and all of sudden you're all 'we should get married' this and 'blossoming love' that."
"I happen to be a sensitive man with lots of passion in my heart."
"I wouldn't say that's where you keep your passion." you glanced down at his cock, then back up at his eyes, and took a big sip of whiskey. 
"You better watch what you say about my passion. You'll have to pop out a few Nelson babies to please our parents."
"Jesus, that's horrifying. Let me rescind my acceptance." 
Eight Years Later, 1924. 
Carmen Nelson was your name now, eight years had gone by since the proposal and wedding. Jack's empire had expanded further than either of you thought possible. He showered you and your kids with gifts and love, your marriage was working out as well as Jack had hoped. You gave Jack two kids...both after nights when you were drunk and horny. Grasping at each other's bodies trying to find a spark to ignite the sexual fire. If there was such a spark between you two, you weren't able to find it on those nights. 
You each had a list of lovers, Jack's was longer than yours considering that he liked to fuck at least once a day. They had their list of rules: No lovers around the children, No lovers in the family home, and No lovers around at family events. It was simple but it kept your personal and sexual lives separate. It was agreed that you had you could find more than sexual relief from the women you slept with, but had yet to test that. You were busy helping Jack expand his empire, the workforce alliance between the Mexicans and the Irish immigrants was as unbreakable as you two. 
Just about every night you two come home to each other. You talk, you laugh, and you go to sleep. Sometimes in separate beds, sometimes in the same bed. Wrapped up in strong arms, you felt safe and loved. It was different from how falling asleep with your mistresses, then where you were being held fleeting feelings of pleasure. You wondered if you'd ever find a girl you wanted a relationship with. You and Jack had talked briefly about the future possibility of adding another woman into the relationship, one that could live at the house and really be a part of their daily lives. As you closed your eyes and welcomed a deep sleep, you wondered if such a woman was out there. If she was, you asked God to bring her to you. 
A week later, you meet her. Her name is Ada Thorne, she was a potential new business partner for Jack who had just come over from England to invest in real estate and expand her family company into the Americas. He burst through the front door, elated with a wide smile that you wish you saw more of. He used to smile so much but the stress of life was getting to him. You greeted him with a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"There's a new woman in town and I'd like you to meet her." He said to you as he picked up your youngest kid, Georgie Nelson. You looked at him, brow raised, confused he had never wanted you to meet a woman he knew before. Sure wives and sisters of business partners, but that was different. That was always a dejected ask, knowing that you would hate the small talk. Right now, Jack was glowing. He went on to explain her business in the states. 
"Did you sleep with her?" was the only thing you could think of to ask. A worried feeling stirred inside you, had he found someone that he liked more than you? Was there finally a woman who could give him everything you couldn't. Had he fallen in love? 
As your words hit his ears Jack's demeanor changed, a look sympathetic look in his eyes as put your son down and pulled him in for a hug."No. I want to, but I want you there too." He let go of you and sat back down, "You should have seen her in this meeting." That glow about him returned as he recounted all things she said and did in the meeting. How she handled every hardball question with ease and called him out on his lowball offer. Slowly, a smile crept into your face too. This Ada Throne didn't seem too bad, in fact, she seemed a lot like you. She called Jack out on his bullshit with wit and without hesitation. You agreed to meet her. There was a meeting set up for tomorrow night at The Fantasy, a club that he owned. 
Ada Thorne wouldn't leave your mind, for the whole next day you couldn't help but try to imagine everything you could about her. She was already so intoxicating and you hadn't even met her. As the sun lowered in the sky, you began to get ready for the rendezvous. Failed outfits littered the bed, dresses, and skirts weren't going to cut it tonight. Plus you hated wearing them most of the time, they were fine on nights where you were playing the part of Mrs. Nelson the perfect wife, but tonight you wanted to present wholly and entirely yourself. You knew what you wanted to wear, the question was, were you bold enough to walk into The Fantasy a woman in a suit. 
"Carmen?" Jack called out, his deep voice echoing through the hallways of your large Boston apartment. "Are you ready to go?"  His quickened footsteps rattled the floor, your husband was nervous. 
"Yes, sweetheart," you cooed as if you were talking to a small child. The footsteps stopped and you smiled, knowing that in the other room he had his arms crossed like a pouting child. You laughed to yourself. "I'm just putting in my earrings and then we can leave." The clasp locked into place, and you rose from your chair and walked into the hallway. "So...what do you think?" You spun in a slow circle, showing off the tailored blue suit that matched his. 
"When did you get this made?" he smiled down at you, proud of how powerful you looked by yourself and next to him. A matching pair. God, Ada Thorne was going to quake in her shoes at the sight of you two. 
Even in America, trouble seemed to follow Ada Thorne. She supposed that was a consequence of every contact she had been related to her brothers, or maybe it was because she and her husband were registered communists, or maybe it was all due to the Shelby blood that followed through her veins. Her people were never quiet or ignored, they were the center of mischief and innovation. Even when she met a man of her own accord, a property manager in Boston, he seemed to be just as much trouble as she was...perhaps even more. 
Jack Nelson. She couldn't get him out of her mind, the way he smoked cigars and drank whiskey neat. A smokey earthy aroma filled the air of the meeting. He felt so familiar, yet so foreign. Mr. Nelson didn't talk down to her or doubt her credentials, like so many other people she met. He listen to her, treated her as an equal, and invited her out to a club he owned. She of course had to say yes, one couldn't say no to the first invitation out. 
"Tomorrow is a Friday night, the best night at The Fantasy by far. You have to come out, there are a bunch of people that I'd like to introduce you to." Jack was promising an eventful night for both her professional and social life. The latter feeling more important to her at the moment, Ada had just moved across the world with her son. Between being a mother and running the American expansion, she had little time for friends. "I'll send a car to get you."
Trying to fit in with the East Coast fashion, Ada selected a modern style of dress. A light pink dress with beaded straps which she picked up in London before her move. She applied a light layer of makeup to head to the club. As Jack promised a driver was waiting for her in the lobby of her apartment building. 
At the club, Ada pushed her way through the crowd of people and up to the bar, wanting to secure a drink before attempting to Mr. Nelson. "Whiskey on the rocks," she told the bartender. A woman in a white blouse and trousers turned to Ada and said, "Good choice." It was Mrs. Carmen Nelson, she was drinking the same thing. "Please top me off, William." She instructed the bartender who quickly refilled her drink after making Ada's. Carmen smiled, Ada Thorne really was just as beautiful as Jack promised. The Brit welcomed the company of this new woman, wondering if they had any more in common than just their drink preference. 
As the night went on, Ada and Carmen talked about everything the sun while Jack watched from his usual corner booth. She was so engrossed in conversation with Carmen that she hadn't even bothered to scan the room for Mr. Nelson. She reasoned that he'd be able to find her if wanted to say hello. Joy raided from Mrs. Thorne as she spoke, finally, there was someone who understood her. She didn't feel alone anymore. 
You were having a wonderful night, everything was going according to plan. Your faux casual introduction to Ada went smoothly, all you had to do was wait for a British woman to order whiskey at the bar. The conversation went on smoothly, there was hardly ever silence. Anything was fair game to talk about, except for Jack and the kids, but you knew how to talk around those subjects. 
Eventually, you wanted a bit more than pleasant conversation, you wanted to test the waters.  You let your hand swing down and rest against her knee atop the beaded fabric of her dress. A warm smile appeared on both of your faces as neither of you pulled away. You leaned in to kiss her, heart racing as you did so, one hand brought up to cup her soft curls when -- BAM. A drunk patron pushed his way between you two, rudely calling out for the bartender's attention. A wave of quick hot anger rose from inside you, not only had he knocked over your drinks but he had ruined this carefully crafted moment of intimacy between you and Ada. 
"Hey!" you rose to your feet and challenged the man, hoping for his sake that he'd apologize and get out of your way. 
The stranger didn't back down, "Calm down, lady. I'm just trying to get a drink for me and my friend." He waved over another man and Ada mouth 'GREAT' to you. This other friend immediately noticed that you and she were without men at your sides and made it his personal mission to keep you two company. 
"Nico, be nice to these women. Buy them some drinks."
"We're fine," you replied, a sour look on your face. 
"Oh come one, two ladies as fine as yourselves alone at the bar. You look like you could use the company. I'm Steven."
"Really, we're good," Ada spoke up and you recognized the fire in her eyes. She wouldn't back down either. These guys were going to have to take a few hits to their ego, or bodies before they back down. Steven made the mistake of putting his arms around both of you and saying, "we'll get you some drinks. They'll cool you down, make you more agreeable."
Everything next happened so quickly. Ada stomped on his foot and you punched him in the face. As your fist hit his face, security descended on the scene and pulled the two men back. Seemingly out of nowhere, Jack appeared behind you. He had been watching the scene unfold from his booth in the corner. The presence of your husband and several of the security staff had been enough to make Steven and Nico shrink into themselves. Around you, the party continued on but in this five-foot radius, things were tense. 
"Get them out here," Jack's voice boomed. He looked each of the men in the eyes and told them they were never allowed back in. Ada looked at Jack, wondering how he fits into all of this. Why had he appeared just now? Then the answer was given to her when one of the staff holding back the men that been harassing you two said, 
"We're sorry about this, Mrs. Nelson. It won't happen again."
"Just get them out of her." You waved them away and placed a hand on Jack's arm, silently telling him to calm down and that everything was okay. That you and Ada were just fine. 
"Mrs. Nelson?" Ada mumbled, seeing now how clearly they fit together. Carmen had ditched her suit jacket hours ago, now wearing a blouse and tailored pinstripe suit pants cut from the same material as Jack's. Two people and their outfits were cut from the same cloth. 
Jack turned to Ada, his vicious stare now replaced by his usual cocky smile. "Mrs. Thorne, I see you've met my wife." 
The question was now, what did they want with Ada Thorne.
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zablife · 2 years
Dear Lee, once more congratulations on your milestone. I love the variety and creativity in your celebration and I can't wait to participate.
📚First of all, I'd like to announce a book return, but I have brush up on some old knowledge because I want to do it justice but the title stands: "Aristos Achaiōn" and I hope you will like it.
☎️ at the reference desk, I'd ask for what subjects you'd think each of the Shelbys would have studied at University
Then I'd also like to register for a library card, but I'll leave it to you if you want to give me one now or when I publish my story
Tysm for the ask, Val! I loved writing these! I hope you enjoy reading them! I look forward to your submission as well! I'll probably issue your library card then since I'm still thinking about your tag.
What the Shelby Siblings Study at Uni
Arthur never cared for school and was never there. When he was present, he only drew pictures of horses. It wasn’t possible for him to go to university as he never sat for his exams. When the time came, he decided to go to trade school instead and opened a successful garage.
Tommy attended one of the best universities money could buy on scholarship. He’d always been good at maths so it made sense that he would go into business or accounting. However, once he was at school, his classes couldn’t hold his attention. He was far too ambitious. He didn’t understand why he should be stuck in a lecture hall when there was money to be made so he left after a year and began a company of his own. 
John never gave university much thought until Esme wanted to go. She wanted to become a veterinarian and studied hard to make her dream a reality. One day out of boredom, John picked up one of her textbooks and began reading. “Esme, you’re going to have to put your whole arm up a cow’s….”
“Give me back my bloody book,” she interrupted as he laughed.  However, after his laughter subsided, John began asking her serious questions and night after night they discussed her studies. John entered school the next semester with her and they eventually opened a clinic together on a large farm. 
Ada knew she wanted to study political science from the time she met Freddie. Much like John, her partner encouraged her in her studies. “You’re brilliant mind is going to change the world, love,” he would often tell her. She was the darling of all her professors even though she argued with them vigorously in class. After one particularly long session, a professor convinced her to join the debate team and she became a legend at her university, winning every tournament she entered. 
Finn is much like Tommy when it comes to school, never going to class. However, he wastes the Shelby family money in doing so and never works to pay them back. He is reluctant to work, claiming nothing suits him. The reality is, he is lazy and wants to spend his days in the gym with Isiah and Bonnie and his nights out in pubs drinking and finding pretty girls. Ada tries to get through to him, but it’s Tommy and Polly who end up threatening to cut off his allowance for good if he doesn’t work full time for the Shelby Co. Limited. He’s really nothing more than a glorified errand boy though.
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pandoraslove · 2 years
Chocolate Cures
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you were the quietest out of all your siblings, always observing everyone and everything around you. You were also the hardest one to provoke, both a blessing and a curse. a blessing for Polly who had one less person to worry about getting into fights everyday and a curse for you since your brothers liked to poke and prod at you until you exploded. They’d succeeded only a few times. John and Arthur being the culprits nearly every time. Despite being the youngest and a girl, you fought well enough that you left a tiny mark at least once. They’d both gotten back on your good graces by giving you chocolate. 
There’s only been two instances where you’ve lost your temper with someone who wasn’t family. Two years ago with a dumb blonde bimbo who wouldn’t leave Finn alone and started talking about you and spreading rumors, and Now. In this moment, in the Garrison. You were on the verge of exploding and everyone could tell. 
It was a slow day, the shop was pretty empty with the exception of you, your brothers, your aunt and sister, and a few of the blinders. Isiah, Finn Best friend, brought a girl with him. Now, that’s not what bothered you. You could care less who he brought around, what bothered you was who this girl was. The dumb blonde bimbo from two years ago was now a brunette. She’s still a dumb bimbo though. That hasn’t changed. 
Today was hard enough for you since, you’d gotten into an argument with Thomas about me arguing with the teachers at school- it’s a long story. But the fact was that you’d started the day off on the wrong foot. after your argument with Tommy, you’d gone up to your room and dropped your ceramic jewelry holder and it completely shattered. it was one that you’d gotten from a market years ago and very much liked. And then to make matters worse the floor was still wet from the shower you’d taken earlier leading you to slip and fall onto a large shard of the broken jewelry holder. the piece went into your lower thigh, Ada helped you close it up and wrap the wound but you were still reminded of it nearly every step you took. The odds were just against you today. 
It was a little after your usual lunch time, so now you were hungry, annoyed, hurting, and being tempted all at once. The bimbo kept bringing up old fake rumors she thought I didn’t know she started. 
“Is it true that you were insane which is why you stopped going to school?” She asks. 
“no, I just switched schools.” 
“What about that rumor that said you slept with almost every guy in our class?” 
“They were all imbeciles why would I want to get with them?” 
“Well I’m sure you helping your family murder people is true.” you roll your eyes and clench your fist behind your back, a failed attempt at calming yourself. 
“I mean those rumors about you killing your father are pretty convincing.” She says softly only loud enough that Finn and I hear. “Did you murder your mother too? I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up murdering your entire family, your the most psychotic of them all, Isn’t that right, Crazy y/n?” the nickname was what did it for you. 
You got up at the same time she did, she was too slow to avoid you grabbing her throat. “say again, Princess?” 
“Let go of me.” 
“Not so bold now, are we?” I chastise. 
“Y/n.” Thomas says from behind me. 
“Listen very carefully, keep trying me and you end up just like your uncle, dead in an alley. I wonder who the person behind his murder was. Don’t you, bimbo?” You whispered every word into her ear so only she could hear. 
“Y/n, let go of her.” Arthur said from behind you.
Your hand remained around her throat, but you pulled away from her ear. there were tears in her eyes and true fear, her face had gone pale.  
“You’re only showing that you really are insane, you bitch.” She breathes out. you laugh at her feeble attempt to hurt you. 
“Of course they’re true, I’m a Shelby. You have three seconds to leave.” You let her go and turn your back. You felt her hand on your shoulder and back handed her. you knew what she was going to do. She wanted to prove something. You grabbed her head and brought it down to your knee causing her to fall to the ground. 
“Get her the fuck out of my sight.” some of the blinders help her up and lead her out. you sit back down next to Finn. 
“That wasn’t very nice, Y/n.” John says trying to annoy you. 
“John. You’re next.” You glare at him. 
“Will chocolate make you feel better?” He says pulling out a small bar from his jacket pocket. You let out a sigh and take it from him. 
“feel better now?” Arthur asks. 
“Yes, a lot.” 
“Why were you so moody anyways?” John asks. 
“Ask your brother.”
“Finn? What did you do?” Arthur asks, narrowing his eyes. Finn puts his hands up in surrender.
“Not that one.” 
“Thomas?” John asks. 
“Thomas. What did you do?” Ada asks. 
“Nothing.” He says reading his newspaper and drinking his stupid whiskey.
“He woke me up at the ass crack of dawn and started an argument because I started an argument with a teacher about him grading my test wrong. Three fucking week ago!” you say glaring at Thomas, who was staring at you. John, Arthur, and Finn all start laughing while Ada and Polly shake their heads in amusement. 
“It was six a.m.” Thomas justifies. 
“I. Don’t. Care. IT’S A SATURDAY.” 
“Remind me never to wake her up early on the weekend.” Arthur says. 
“If I get you more chocolate, will you forgive me?” Thomas asks. 
“Maybe.” He sighs and walks out of the Garrison for chocolate. Ada and Polly laugh at the fact that you have your older brother wrapped around your finger.
A few minutes later he walks in with a bag filled with chocolates. 
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theshelbyclan · 1 year
A Sisterly Bond
Summary: Ada and Teddy don’t have much in common, but that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t make a good team
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A/N: I just felt like writing again, and for Ada and Teddy in particular. I always imagine as getting on better and better as Teddy gets older. She’s still young in this one, so it’s a rocky relationship still 😂 anyways, hope you enjoy to whoever still is reading my stuff!
Words: 2630
“Teddy, would you be so kind as to give me my coat?”
“For fuck’s sake,” Ada sighed, “why do you always have to be difficult?”
“Am not,” Teddy grumbled.” I just don’t see why I have to be your lady’s maid, just because you’re my sister.”
“Ooh, there’s a big word!” the older sister replied sarcastically.
“Tommy says all fancy rich ladies have a lady’s maid.”
“ ‘Tommy says’…” Ada rolled her eyes and Teddy stuck out her tongue at her.
In many ways, Ada and Teddy were nothing alike. There was the age gap, of course, but they also just seemed to have very little in common. Ada didn’t care much for family business, while Teddy wanted to know everything about everything. Ada tried her best to live her own life without her brothers interfering at every turn, whereas Teddy wanted to be like her brothers in every way. Ada made an effort to never care too much, unlike Teddy, who cared almost too much and didn’t have a problem showing it. Also, Ada wanted to go out in her fancy coat and high heels, and Teddy wanted to run free in her brother’s trousers and shirt.
Polly watched the two sisters and followed Teddy with her eyes as she stormed out the door in a huff. She then turned to Ada and said, “Would it kill you to just say a kind word to her every now and then?”
Ada had her nose back in the papers and shrugged, “I don’t know, Pol. Would it kill her to practise some good manners?”
“You know what she’s like.”
“Oh, I do,” she sighed, “I remember when she was born and you told me how nice it would be for me to have another girl in the family. Instead we got… Teddy.”
Nine-year-old Teddy Shelby was walking through the muddy streets and pretended she was a pirate. With a stick in hand, she fought off the assailants only she could see and shouted out battle cries. But in the chaos of Small Heath, no one really noticed her. And if they did, they simply thought: there goes Teddy Shelby…
Her playing was suddenly interrupted though by her youngest brother. “Aunt Polly says she wants you to go with Ada!” Finn shouted out, as he ran towards her.
“Why?” she sighed, exasperated.
“I don’t know. She needs help carrying things from the market?”
Teddy kicked a rock, “Can’t you do it?”
Finn shrugged again, “It’s a woman’s job, isn’t it.”
“Oh fuck off!” As Finn pouted a little, she added, “Please can you go? Ada doesn’t even like me…”
If there was one thing Finn couldn’t stand, it was seeing his little sister upset, so he agreed. “You know, Arthur is always with John. Ada likes me, but you’re Tommy’s favourite.”
“I know.”
“So it’s not that bad, right?” Finn tried hopefully.
“I suppose not.” But Teddy couldn’t help but feel a little sadness over it.
“Aunt Pol says I’m to get you ready for church.”
“I am ready,” Teddy motioned to her dress, which she hated so intensely.
Ada sighed, “What have you done to your knees now? They look like you’ve become the chimney sweep’s latest apprentice.”
“Why do you always have to badger me?” Teddy called out, full of frustration.
“Just… clean your knees before Polly sees,” she waved a hand and put on a hat.
Teddy started scrubbing furiously as her legs. Ada watched her and decided that maybe she should make an effort. So she asked, “What do you think of this hat? Does is suit me?”
“I don’t know,” the little girl shrugged, “it stays on so I’m guessing it fits your head?”
“Bloody hell, I don’t know why I even bother. Let’s go.”
In the late afternoon sun, Tommy was talking to a man about a horse. Next to him, a small girl was following the conversation intensely, trying to learn as much from the interaction as she could.
“I’ll give you four for her, but no more.”
“Can’t do less than six, mister Shelby,” the man slapped her brother’s hand, “She’s a good horse, that one. Strong.”
“She’s no war horse and I could have fucking five of her for that price. Four and a half.”
“I have a family to feed, sir. Five?”
Tommy shook his hand and that was that.
After he’d left, Teddy looked up and, like she’d been in the business for twenty years, said, “She’s worth at least ten, Tommy.”
“Is she?” he took a drag on his cigarette, but inside felt like he could burst with pride. Then he lifted Teddy up and planted her up onto the horse, “Go on, tell me what she’s like.”
As Teddy rode around the yard, Ada joined her brother. With her usual air of indifference, she commented, “Well, if it isn’t the big brother and his pride and joy.”
“Hello, Ada…”
“Did she persuade you into spending more money once again?”
“Look at her,” Tommy pointed, “She might be the best rider in all of Small Heath.”
Ada raised her eyebrows and mumbled, “High praise…” In truth, Ada was impressed. She’d always been the odd one out in the family when it came to horses. She never much cared for them and riding them had always been more of a chore than a pleasure.
“Why don’t you tell her how good she looks up on that horse, eh?”
“Me? Why the hell would I tell her?”
Tommy locked eyes with Ada, “Because it’s you she wants to hear it from.”
She laughed a little at that, “No, Tommy, it’s you she wants to hear it from. Everything she wants to hear from you.”
As Ada walked off again, Tommy called after her, “She is your only sister, Ada.”
“And what a joy she is,” but it didn’t come out that sarcastic this time.
After a few more minutes or riding, Teddy hopped down from the horse again. Her brother asked her some questions about the horse and she answered to the best of her abilities. But in between, Teddy carefully asked, “Was that Ada?”
“Yes, just on her way home from the Bullring.”
“Did she watch me ride?” Teddy asked in a small voice.
Tommy observed her for a second, “Now, why do you ask that?”
She shrugged her shoulders and turned away to brush off the horse, “Just curious.”
Polly was a modern woman in many ways, but not in every way. She might’ve even been insulted if you called her that. So, when it was time for the spring cleaning of the house, she asked the girls to help. Well, she didn’t really ask.
“Ada, you start on sweeping and Teddy you can follow her with the bucket.”
Both girls rolled their eyes so hard it had to hurt and Polly couldn’t help but notice how in those few seconds, they looked exactly alike.
“I’ll be in the back with the washing,” their aunt continued, leaving no room for arguments.
Cigarette in hand, Ada started sweeping the floors at her own leisurely pace.
“Hurry up, will you?” Teddy grumbled, “I have to wait on you to mop and I do have other things to do, you know.”
“Oh? And what important appointments might you have, you strange little idiot?”
“Don’t call me an idiot!” Teddy stomped down het foot, “and hurry the fuck up!”
“Swear again and I’ll give you a slap!”
“Go on then!”
Ada huffed and swung her broom, aiming for her annoying sister. Teddy ducked and laughed, “You’re too slow.”
“Teddy…” she sighed, “I don’t want to do this either and I don’t have the energy to fight you as well. Just shut up and get this done.”
“Fine. Go on then, work, unless you’re afraid you’ll break a fucking nail or something.”
That earned Teddy a firm smack around the head. Angrily, she picked up her bucket and threw its contents in Ada’s direction, instantly soaking her sister.
Aunt Polly came barging in the house after hearing Ada scream. Inside, she found a furious Teddy with one red cheek and an even more furious Ada, completely wet and dripping.
“I left you two alone for five fucking minutes,” she glared daggers, “and you can’t even behave for that long?”
Ada seemed to have found her composure again and grabbed another, dry, cigarette. “That’s what happens when you leave me with an actual fucking savage, Pol.”
“It’s not my fault! She started it!” Teddy fumed, “She called me an idiot and she does that all the time because she hates me!”
“Jesus Christ,” Polly lit a cigarette of her own, “Ada, go get changed and then you can continue the work outside. Teddy, you take over the sweeping. Probably my own fucking fault for thinking you could get along for half a day…”
With all the dignity she could muster in a soaked dress, Ada stalked off. Teddy picked up the broom and tried to avoid Polly’s eyes.
“I’ll have a word with her,” Polly said eventually, not without sympathy.
“Which is more than I’ll ever fucking have again,” Teddy spit.
“God,” Polly whispered to herself, “Why did you have to make them both so fucking stubborn?”
It was the evening after pay day, so all the pubs in Small Heath were filled to the brim. Normally, they didn’t serve women on their own, but Ada Shelby was the exception to the rule. Harry wouldn’t dare to refuse her.
“Here you go, Miss Shelby,” he said, as he handed her a drink.
She took it gratefully and went to sit down. The truth was, she was hoping to catch a glimpse of Freddie Thorne, but he hadn’t been in yet.
After fifteen minutes, she wanted another one and made her way over to the bar again. But the place was packed and it took too long for her liking. So, Ada went behind the bar and poured her own drink. Teddy watched her and smirked slightly. Deep down, she did admire her sister, simply because she wasn’t impressed by anything or anyone really.
At the same time, an older gentlemen strolled into the Garrison. He was dressed differently, looked like money, and had the confidence to match. Short as he was, he made up for it in attitude. Teddy didn’t know him and eyed him carefully.
Then he spotted Ada and made his way over. Leaning on the bar, he started talking to her, but Teddy couldn’t hear. She stood up and walked a little closer, while remaining invisible in the crowd.
“Come on, sweetheart, pretty girl like you all alone without a man?”
“Who says I am?” Ada shrugged, and Teddy could tell she was uncomfortable.
He smiled at her without humour, “How about I take you for a good time. You don’t want to be difficult, do you?”
Teddy frowned and felt the urge to spit at him. But instead she noticed how he was standing up on the little ledge of the bar, just a few inches off the ground. Cockily, he balanced on one leg, presumably to make up for the inches he lacked.
So the little girl grinned and just as he was telling Ada about all the things he had and could offer her, Teddy walked up to him and kicked him in the back of his knees. At once, he lost his balance and his legs buckled. And in one swift motion, he collapsed onto the bar and then fell flat on his arse.
The pub erupted in laughter.
Teddy joined in, but only got to celebrate her triumph for a few seconds. The man became furious and grabbed her, raising his hand to strike her. But before he could, Ada had grabbed a bottle and smashed it over his head. Afterwards, she calmly brushed the glass off her own coat and bit, “Now, piss off.”
“Yeah!” Teddy added, “Piss off!”
Ada looked down at her and grabbed her hand. She didn’t feel like waiting for what was to happen next, so she marched her little sister out of the pub.
Outside, neither said a word for a long time. Eventually, Ada was the first one to speak, “Would you mind explain what the bloody hell that was?”
Teddy shrugged, a little winded from having to run after Ada in her four inch heels, “I thought he was a bad man, so I didn’t want him to talk to you.”
Ada looked down at her strange little sister and felt a sudden surge of love for her, “He was a bad man. And I didn’t want him to talk to me.”
“Teddy… there are some good men out there…”
“Are there?”
“…but most of them are just bastards.”
Teddy pondered on that for a second, “How do you know which one is the not-bastard?”
Ada smiled, “Well, apparently, you already do. This one was not one of them.”
“So, you’re not mad at me for kicking him?” She tried carefully.
“Mad?” She laughed, “I thought it was bloody brilliant!”
Teddy smiled back up at Ada, beaming with pride.
“Thank you, Teddy, because for a moment, I did get scared.”
“I can come with you all the time, if you like!” her little sister quipped happily, “Keep watch for you?”
“That won’t be necessary, sweetheart, but I appreciate the offer.”
Casting her eyes down again, “Yeah, I know you don’t want me around…”
And quite abruptly, Ada stopped her in the streets, “Now wait a second, you strange little…” she quickly swallowed her words, “Teddy. Just because I don’t always like you, doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Do you understand?”
“No. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Maybe not,” Ada marched on again and Teddy once again struggled to keep up, “but it will as soon as you find your own not-bastard!”
Teddy looked a little too pensive for Ada’s liking, so she said in her version of being comforting, “I’ll look out for you too and kick any man that gets to close, don’t worry.”
“What happened to you two?” Polly demanded, as her two nieces walked through the door.
“Nothing,” they both replied in unison.
Thomas looked from one to the other, “Tell me what happened.”
“We told you, Thomas, nothing happened,” Ada replied airily, while taking off her gloves.
“Teddy, you fucking tell me now.”
But even Teddy didn’t crumble under her brother’s piercing eyes this time. Instead, she looked up to Ada and said, “It’s nothing, Tommy. Just women’s business. Nothing for you to worry about.” She was now directly quoting her other female role model and Polly had no choice but to bend her head to hide her smile.
Ada smiled back at Teddy and left the room, with her little sister in tow.
“What the fuck was that?” Tommy sighed.
Polly replied, not without some smugness, “I believe that was a sisterly bond in action.”
“Should I be worried?”
“Fucking hell,” he breathed, as he lit another cigarette.
Polly turned around to continue her work, “You’re outnumbered now, Thomas!”
Tommy tried to make a dismissive hand gesture, “There’s four of us, only two of them.”
“Yes, but they’re women, sweetheart, and women count for at least two men. Besides, they’re together now.”
This was all too much for the great leader of the Peaky Blinders to understand. There were some things, ‘women’s business’ as Teddy so elegantly had put it, that he tried to steer clear of. Still, he felt a pang of sadness over his little sister growing up. Maybe he was losing her.
“You won’t,” his aunt read his mind, “but you can’t protect her forever either.”
“If I can’t, who will?”
Polly smiled gently, “We will.”
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kkurades · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ATTRACTIVE WOMAN ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
━━ your little brother’s best friend had always been infatuated by you but only now do you give him a chance.
word count: 1618
pairing: isaiah jesus x fem!shelby!reader
warnings: violence, blood
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It was no secret that Isaiah Jesus lived for Y/n Shelby.
Everyone knew of his infatuation for you. You were also aware of his little fixation on you, but anytime one of your brothers mentioned it, you blamed it on his hormones and said that it would pass.
Because that’s what you truly believed, that he wanted you because you were the the typical hot older sister of his best friend who could get any man that she desired.
So, whenever Isaiah would flirt with you, you would harmlessly flirt back, not knowing that you were making him desperate.
But anytime that he wanted to take a step further you refused, telling him that you were too old for him, to which he would respond that it was nonsense and that he would do anything you asked.
You recall Arthur mentioning to you that four years wasn’t such a significant age difference and that you should simply grant him a chance, but once again you refused.
Recently, though, Isaiah had seemingly given up, which made you relieved for the fact that he ultimately moved on. Although somewhere deep inside you, you felt some slight disappointment, but you shoved the sentiments away and proceeded with your life as you usually would.
“Y/n,” you looked up at Tommy who was seated behind his desk, as expected, before nodding in response, prompting him to continue.
“Are you sure you’re alright with doing this?” You rolled your eyes at your brother’s concerns as you lit a cigarette.
“I’ve done this like a thousand times, I’m sure I’ll be able to handle this,”
As a Peaky Blinder, you had no issues with doing illegal activities, which included seducing men before stealing from them.
Tommy benefited from the fact that you were an extremely attractive woman which showed because anytime someone wronged them he would send you to allure them before doing whatever was required of you.
Which was now the case.
Tommy needed you to flirt with an Italian businessman who had a vague association with the Italians. You had to attempt to get him to take you to his house, so you could find the documents that your brother required.
“If you’re sure about it,” Tommy’s retort was short, but you were used to it and took that as your cue to leave and get ready for tonight.
As you walked down the streets to your house, you saw your younger brother with his friends standing suspiciously around a car.
“Finn, you’re not getting into trouble, are you? Tommy didn’t exactly appreciate it the last time,” you spoke, resulting in your brother and his friends turning to you.
You noticed Isaiah straightened up before offering you a charming smile, while Finn looked at you with wide eyes, attempting to find an excuse.
When he couldn’t get anything out of his mouth, you let out a chuckle before patting his back and proceeding with your trek back to your house.
“You won’t tell him, right? Y/n!” You disregarded your brother’s pleas as you took your cigarette out of your mouth to let out a gust of air before you heard audible footsteps approaching you from behind.
“Y/n,” Isaiah, grinned sheepishly at you as he composed him next to you while he walked you home.
“You don’t mind, do you, love?” He questioned with a flirty smile hanging from his lips.
“Of course not,” you caught him staring at your lips as you took a drag of your cigarette before he reached over to take your cigarette and put it into his mouth while maintaining intense eye contact with you.
“But I will mind if you keep stealing my cigarettes,” you told him quietly with a lazy grin dangling from your lips as you rotated the corner where you could catch a glimpse of your house.
“I’ll buy you a new pack,” Isaiah replied as he took your arm to turn you around before you could turn away from him to enter your home.
“No,” you insisted while gazing up at him with a hazy look in your eyes.
You two stood there for a few moments in thorough silence as you gazed at each other with intensity. Isaiah leaned in to kiss your cheek, but you moved away, inducing a pained expression to take over his face, provoking you to frown scarcely.
“Goodbye Isaiah,” his name rolled off your tongue as you carefully removed his hand from your arm before entering your house while looking back only to see him staring at the spot where you once stood.
A sigh left your body as you strained to change your thoughts before you would do something that you would regret later and proceeded to your way to your wardrobe to find an appropriate getup for tonight.
Later on, you found yourself seated in the Garrison while swallowing a glass of whiskey.
When you found your target, you made your way over to where he sat before sitting down, compelling him to look up at you.
“Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around,” You surveyed while leaning forward to showcase your cleavage to him.
The man, whose name was Antonio, glanced down at your breast before responding.
“Yes, I’m here for work,” you raised your brows before tracing his fingers in a painfully slow way.
“Mm, do you happen to want a distraction from your work?” Antonio licked his lips slowly before motioning for you to come and sit next to him before wrapping his arm around your waist.
His hand made its way under your shirt as he began kissing your neck roughly, forcing you to falsify a faint moan to make it seem like you enjoyed it.
While he hummed at the sweet taste of your skin, you could sense eyes on you, provoking you to turn your gaze to the owner of those wandering eyes who occurred to be Isaiah who stood in a corner of the pub with clenched fists at his sides.
When your eyes met, he could feel himself becoming infuriated by the fact that a man twice your age was touching and kissing you.
When he couldn’t contain his anger anymore he stormed over to your table before hauling you from Antonio as he commenced a fight with him.
Tommy and John who had also been there to make sure everything would go as planned leaped into action by trying to get Isaiah off the Italian businessman who was shouting at Isaiah.
“I’ll kill you! I promise I will!” Isaiah called after him as you helped John get him out of the pub and into an alleyway.
“Isaiah! What the fuck?” You whisper yelled at him as he started to calm down again.
“Yeah, what the fuck was that for?” John questioned as he fixed his jacket before making his way back inside, leaving the two of you alone.
You examined Isaiah as he let out deep puffs of air through his mouth, as you noticed his busted lip and some blood along his cheek that presumably wasn’t his.
“Isaiah?” You asked with concern lacing your voice, causing him to fully turn to you.
“I just got mad,” he answered as his eyes flickered over your face to make sure that you were alright.
“You got mad? Isaiah, we’ve been waiting for a chance like this for months. So, you got to come up with something better than ‘I just got mad’,” a frown etched onto your face as Isaiah’s hands reached out to hold your face softly.
This time, you didn’t pull away as you waited for an explanation while he caressed your cheek gently with his thumb.
“It disgusted me. His hands were all over you. And I-,” he paused to let out a deep breath through his nose before continuing, “I got protective. I’m sorry for blowing this up,” he mumbled sincerely while gazing into your eyes.
While you knew you should have pulled away when he leaned in, you couldn’t. You were exhausted from trying to dismiss the feelings that he made come to life.
“Just give me one chance,” Isaiah muttered as he noticed your slight hesitance and when you gave the tiniest nod he fully tipped forward.
You could feel yourself becoming putty in his hands as he kissed you so passionately. This was what you always imagined as the fairy tale kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him even closer to you, if that was even possible.
A smile crept onto Isaiah’s face as he kissed you with all he had. With all the bottled emotions that he had since he was twelve. You felt like heaven, and it was even better than what he imagined and dreamt of all those years.
When you were forced to pull away to fill your lungs with air, you slowly opened your eyes but did not completely let go just yet.
You stood there pressed against him with him leaning slightly down. His breath fanned over you as you could still feel the presence of his lips that were just enough removed to get some air.
You tore your eyes from his lips and onto his sparkling eyes that reflected pure joy in them as a small smile was present on his face, causing you to reflect the same small smile.
“Twelve-year-old me would have been so proud of myself,” Isaiah joked softly as you remained pressed against one another.
“Yeah?” You let out a soft giggle, which made Isaiah’s heart flutter as he nodded his head slightly.
“Yeah, definitely.”
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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novashelby · 10 days
Evie: The Younger Years
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Pairing: Father-Daughter Bond; Dad!ShelbyxOFC
Warnings: Some mentions of childhood trauma, but not in depth.
Summary: When poor little Evie was left by her mother, Tommy felt the need to step up. Out of everything in his life, he knew that Evie was the one right choice.
This story is written in sitcom-like segments. For the most part, it is meant to be fluffy, adorable, and just comedy. I wanted something light hearted for when I don't wanna write smut/intense themes.
Please give it a chance if you like funny stuff.
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divinekangaroo · 5 months
Fic or just a thought, do you think Tommy could love Lizzie after (if) he comes back? For charlie?
take a pinch of keyhole and stand very still - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Ambiguously post-S6-E6, after Tommy's return and before the full onset of WWII. Board Director Lizzie Stark's international tour.
I feel such an intense remorse for those years I can’t even breathe when I think about it.
Lizzie lit her cigarette on the flaming paper.
Around the whole fucking world. Everywhere, it’s still always you.
She smoothed a blank sheet.
And I think of you. I think of you.
She tried to start again.
I’m coming home.
More notes at the end of the fic. Thanks for the prompt! It was an intriguing exercise trying to work out how to answer a query like this with fic.
Tommy Shelby/Lizzie Stark, Elizabeth Younger-Thorne, Ada Thorne, Mentions of Arthur, Duke, Charles Shelby, Jessie Eden, Very Glancing Mentions of Oswald Mosley, Diana Mitford | Ruby Shelby Representation, Epistolary (Sort Of), Travelogue, Subtext, Post-Shadowing, Hoarding, Allusion to Global Events between 1934-1938, Trauma, Grief, Post-Canon, Loss, Bittersweet
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strayrockette · 2 years
Squeak Squeak Shelby fam x reader
Summary: reader loses her pet and receives comfort through the Shelby's.
Trigger warning: none
Requested: Yes by @mysticalpandora
A/N: I am alive. Took me a while to complete this one. I seem to be getting stuck one fic at a time he..he....😕
She wandered the halls of her home, peering around corners with groggy eyes and restless bones. Irritably calling his name into the shadows to warm her bed on this cold night.  It wasn’t until her eyes landed on his collar sitting on the kitchen table, did she realize just how empty and quiet her home felt.  
Her ears twitched, listening for the pit-pat of his paws’ prancing against the wood and his awful imitation of a meow. Her heart sank deep into her stomach, for the umpteenth time she only had the sounds of shadows echoing back at her. Mirroring her disappointment.  Y/N snatched his collar from the table and trudged back to bed, passing the washroom, door ajar, and a small bucket fit for a cat lay recklessly. Y/n eyes avoided the open bathroom, grief creeping in as a memory pulled through.  
Her fingers dipped into the warm water, sinking the rag in once and then pulling it out to squeeze out the remaining water, “You’re not very good at meowing, are you?”  
His orange fur glistened with soap and water, the tiny kitten lay on its side, peacefully basking in the care she provided. Most kittens refused to remain still for a cleaning, but this one rather liked it. He squeaked as she gently rubbed the rag over his paws, the built-up dirt slowly washing away. 
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh before she squeaked back.  The next few days followed the same, he would squeak and she’d respond in kind. Until one day his name became the very thing, she teased him for.  
The memory pained Y/n, she swallowed it down and crawled into bed. Her eyes felt heavy and all she wanted was to sleep peacefully.  
Sleep never came and Y/n had convinced herself that maybe it wasn’t a bad thing. At least being awake she could try and control the memories that floated around. That wouldn’t be easy if she had been sleeping. The only positive thing about the restless nights she’s had for the past week.  
Her mornings were just as restless and aimless. Most were spent curled on the couch and staring blankly at the fireplace. But today was different.  
Y/n sat across Polly and Ada, both busying themselves in her kitchen. Y/n wrapped a thin blanket around her shoulders and cleared her throat, “Why exactly are you guys in my kitchen?”  
Ada was the one to answer, “It’s your turn.”  
Y/n mind blanked, her turn for what?  
Polly turned, knife in hand-waving it in the air around them, “Dinner night, love. It's your turn to host.”  
Ada brushed her hair behind her ears, “The boys are out searching for the best steak money can buy, Polly’s goin’ handle the drinks for most of the day, and we’re-she waved between her and Polly-are goin’ to make a feast.”  
Y/n raised a brow, “And what about me?”  
Ada shrugged her shoulders, “All you have to do, is enjoy our company and drink.”  
Dinner nights were important for the Shelby’s. Despite the rocky relationships and less than honorable work they did, dinner nights were the only nights they set aside everything and tried to be a functional family. It only occurred every few weeks and was hosted by each Shelby. In this case, it was y/n’s turn. Y/n had known the Shelby’s since childhood. She’d been there for them through thick and thin and as such, was considered family by choice.   
She distinctly remembered John telling her to be ready to hide Squeak from Arthur when her turn to host came ‘round. That was the beginning of last week. She parted her mouth, ready to ask them to leave, to post pone dinner night, to leave her to her silence. But Polly’s laughter reverberated through the home. Filling it with warmth and loudness she had missed.  
Perhaps hosting tonight's dinner wouldn’t be too bad. Y/n watched as Ada squealed, batting Polly’s greasy fingers away from her. Amazed by how childish and silly they turned when they weren’t thinking about what big bad event would follow them next. Y/n fingers gripped the thin sheet around her shoulders, taking a step back she tilted her head towards her bedroom and told them she’d be back after a quick wash and a change of clothes.  
The rest of the morning and early evening passed with light conversations and teasing. Polly had given her a few too many drinks but y/n felt great. John and Arthur came after the 5th drink was passed around. The best steak in their possession and excited grins on their faces.  
“Already startin’ without us, eh?” Arthur jabbed at John’s shoulder, “I told you; they never wait for us to start the fun.”  
John chuckled lightly, “What did you expect, Polly brought the whole damn bar wit’ her, she’s worse than us.”  
Polly scoffed, “I’ve been ‘round lot longer than you twats, of course I’m worse than you.” 
Polly took charge of the kitchen, ordering the boys to leave her alone and for Ada to pick up the slack. Y/n was promptly ordered to have a drink and to sit at the table.  
Arthur’s voice rang loudly piercing through her thoughts, “I miss that bugger, even if he hated me.”  
Somehow the topic of conversation moved towards the absence of Squeak. John belted a laugh, “What’d you do to the lil guy?”  
Y/n turned in her seat and tilted her head to look into the living room, “He did NOT hate you”  
Arthur’s following look of disbelief led her to continue, “he just.... wasn’t very fond of you”  
Her lips quirked teasingly. She thought affectionately of Squeak’s mischievous behavior where Arthur was concerned. He’d hide patiently in the shadows to attack Arthur's ankles as he passed by. Based on the scars on his ankles, Arthur had a different way of viewing his encounters with Squeak.  
“You can laugh all you want, but that bastard hated me guts,” Arthur exclaimed, he pushed his hair back and leaned into the well-worn couch. He stretched his legs and tugged his trousers up, displaying the tiny claw marks left behind by Squeak, “I remember how I got each one, worst war I ever fought in, eh.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes and laughed. She remembered each one as well as he did. She’d watch Squeak saunter away with his head held high and tail swinging, followed by a hopping Arthur with a pained expression so often, it was almost expected when he came to visit. It wasn’t supposed to be funny, but the things Arthur would say after the forementioned attack always made her laugh.  
“I APOLOGIZED YOU SNOOTY BASTARD! LEAVE ME ANKLES ALONE.” Arthur hopped on one leg, one hand rubbing his ankle and the other pointing erratically at his attacker who sauntered away, tail wagging in the air teasingly. 
She laughed aloud at the memory before addressing Artur once more, “You stepped on him and didn’t apologize right away. I say, he has a right to enact revenge.”  
Ada set plates onto the table, nodding in agreement, “It’s true, I stepped on him once and apologized, he never attacked me.”  
“I think there’s a consensus that you’re the true bastard here,” Tommy stepped through her living room door, a sealed box in his arm. 
John took the box from him and turned to set it on an empty side table. Y/n eyed the sealed box with curiosity, “What’s that for?”  
Since entering her home, they had made sure to be as loud as possible yet fell silent at her question. Tommy’s eyes slowly analyzed y/n, “A gift.”   
“For me?” she was standing now walking towards the box, her shoulders brushing against Tommy’s as she passed. Her fingers ran over the top of the box, its surface smooth and cool.  
“It’s from all of us.” Polly spoke, “Was a riot to get the details right.”  
Polly’s statement piqued her interest. With swift hands she opened the box and peered inside. Her heart swelled as she stared at a sculpture of her pet. It was strange to see him immortalized in this way. Whoever put this together tried their best to get the details right. From the cocky tilt of his head to the teasing sway of his tail, it was perfect. He wasn’t real and therefore wouldn’t do any of the things she wanted but nonetheless she loved him. Because now she had something to refer to when she missed him.  
She laughed, tears slipping from her eyes, “thank you, I love it.” 
She wanted to grab it, pull it from its box and hold it everywhere she went but she was afraid she’d break it with her shaky hands. At her admission a wave of relief washed over the room, “how about some dinner? I’m sure we’re all starved,” Tommy uttered after a moment. 
Y/n was all too happy for the distraction and extra company. Maybe isolating herself wasn’t the best idea, but she was glad she had people like the Shelby’s backing her up for something as mundane as losing a pet in all the chaos they experience daily.  
Taglist: @ultimatreality @lovecleastrange @watercolorskyy @rockerchick05 @lyarr24
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chaosinkest1996 · 8 months
In The Graveyard with Lilith Rose Shelby (and Jack Nelson)
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This work is inspired by @zablife and her 2K celebration: An Evening at The Arrow House. The OC of Lilith Rose Shelby is my own. The characters of Scarlet Shelby, Aurora Sabini, Heaven Shelby and Eva Smith belong to @zablife, @evita-shelby and @call-sign-shark. I only mentioned them because they inspired me. Eva is only mentioned by name but I did my best to do Scarlet and Heaven justice. Thank you for inspiring me.
TW: Violence, Sexual Content, Swearing.
Lilith Rose Shelby was all grown up. She’d flown the coop and (unlike most members of the Shelby clan) had miraculously escaped the clutches of Tommy’s schemes. Some suspected that her untapped freedom had to do with her immense luck in life… but for those who knew better….it was because Thomas Shelby loved no one more than his youngest sister. No one held such an influence over the greatest gangster turned MP in all of Great Britain (and its dominions) than Lilith, no one else had the keys to his smile or to his heart. You might ask Why, then, she was allowed to roam free? Not shackled to the Arrow House as Ada had once been to the shithole in small heath. Not obligated to attend every family dinner or family meeting that Tommy threw whenever he felt like it.
       “Why?” The new Mrs Shelby kissed up Tommy’s back as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Will she not meet me?” Of all the people she desired to make a friend of in this family, Mrs Shelby wanted to make the best first impression on her mysterious good sister. Everyone spoke of her with reverence. Lilith’s name was the very essence of sorcery. Once spoken, even whispered in corridors and in dark corners, a shiver danced up one’s spine…or one’s blood spiked with adrenalin and excitement.  
Thomas bristled and stiffened, not responding. Mrs Shelby paused, a pout forming on her nervous lips. In truth, she had expected for Thomas to be eager for his new wife to meet Lilith. The siblings were so close, that she’d expected for her to have been the first person he’d have introduced her to. Instead she was met with a cagey Thomas.
       “Lilith doesn’t like Arrow House.” He deflected easily, lighting a cigarette as he stood up and wandered to the window, looking out into the foggy grey autumnal morning. He exhaled some smoke in the way that had her swooning, before he spoke again. “It reminds her of Grace.” Mrs Shelby’s heart dropped. Grace, the woman whose shadow she was forever enshrouded by. She didn’t openly wish to express her dislike of Grace or Lizzie, but she was beginning to despise them. She knew their spirits were mourned and honoured in this house…. if only by the staff and the children. It was complicated. But she hated being compared to them, hated the way the children refused to acknowledge her but would gaze in awe at the portraits of their respective mothers. It made her feel like a replacement…. nothing more. Perhaps Lilith would think the same of her. She chewed on her lip.
        “She must have loved Grace a lot.” She mused. Tommy scoffed.
        “On the contrary, Lilith hated Grace.” He licked his lips, glancing at his wife. He’d put it politely for her, spared some of the details. No one hated Grace more than Tommy’s beloved little demoness. “She disliked Lizzie as well, but for different reasons.”
        “Grace betrayed me. Lilith refused to forgive that. The only reason she refrained from dancing with joy when she died was that she loved me too much.”
        “And Lizzie?”
        “Lizzie broke John’s heart.”  Tommy spoke casually, remorselessly as though he’d had nothing to do with it.
        “I’ve not done anything to hurt anyone.” Mrs Shelby sulked, looking at the floor. Tommy strolled back over to the bed and took her into his arms.
        “Quite right.” He kissed her forehead. “Perhaps it’s not such a bad idea to invite her this weekend.”
        “But she hates the Arrow House.”
        “She’ll come for the family, and for me. The kids will be delighted to see her”
        “She’s good with them?” Her interest was piqued. Perhaps Lilith could shed light on the way to Charlie and Ruby’s hearts.
        “She dotes on them.” He smiled, a real genuine smile. “They’re mine, after all.”
Mrs Shelby skipped towards Tommy, her letter filled left hand raised in triumph. Her sparkling sapphire engagement ring sparkled in the light.
     “They’re coming.” She kissed him joyously. “They’re all coming.”
     “All?” He chuckled.
     “All.” She confirmed. “And they’re all staying. Scarlet and Luca will stay in the room opposite Finn and Aurora. Alfie and Ada will stay in the room opposite Polly and Aberamma.” Tommy smiled as she babbled out her arrangements. He imagined it was a good idea that Alfie and Arthur should stay in separate wings of the house…. otherwise Ada and Heaven would be forced to intervene, and no one wanted a mess. Gina and Michael would go next to Ada and Alfie. John and Tatiana would have to be kept in the room next to Tommy and Mrs Shelby so he could keep an eye on that mad bitch. Speaking of that insane Russian duchess…. she’d have to be kept as far away from Lilith and her beloved husband, Jack Nelson. Last Christmas had been a disaster when Tatiana – having had way too much to drink – announced that herself and Lilith had been lovers for the entire year before Lilith had met Jack. Jack had hated her guts since. The children would have three whole rooms to themselves. Something Mrs Shelby wasn’t sure was appropriate, but something Tommy had insisted was necessary.
     “They all love being together.” He insisted. “And it’s not like we’re giving them the entire house.”
     “I’m still so shocked they’re all coming.” She smiled dreamily up at him. “I’ve always wanted a big family.”
     “Well, now you have one.”
     “You never told me Lilith was married.”
     “Ah.” Tommy looked sheepish. “I didn’t think she’d bring him.”
Two years ago she’d eloped with Jack Nelson, the last man on earth Tommy had thought suitable or good enough for Lilith. Jack Nelson was everything Tommy (ironically) hated. He was unfaithful, violent, a fascistic Irish American and he was the most obnoxious, ambitious, cunning bastard he’d ever encountered…It was like looking in an ever so slightly warped mirror. His dislike of the American hadn’t stopped Lilith marrying him though…And yet somehow, the marriage worked. Jack followed the little Shelby witch round like a lost puppy, salivating whenever she looked at him. It was like she held some sort of magical enchantment over him. The loved up pair made Thomas feel a little bit sick. Mrs Shelby smiled teasingly.
      “You can’t stand him, can you?”
      “He’s not good enough for her.” He grouched. “But for some unfathomable reason, he makes her happy. That’s enough for me.” From the way he gritted his teeth it seemed like that hardest thing he’d ever had to say.
      “Everyone thinks you’re a big bad gangster…but I know you’re really just a big softy.”
      “Don’t go telling everyone, ey.” He laughed, “I have a reputation to uphold.” Wrapping his arms around her waist he hoisted her up onto the table, taking her lips with his own. Someone coughed. Tommy turned to see Mary, the maid.
       “The house is all prepared for the guests, Mr Shelby.”
        “Thank you, Mary. That will be all.” She nodded, turning to leave but not before she eyed Mrs Shelby with frigid, calculating eyes. Thomas didn’t seem to notice though as he shifted his attention back to Mrs Shelby as his fingers slid beneath the hem of her dress.
They were nothing like she expected. None of them. Polly arrived first, gliding in like the image of sophistication, barely glancing at Mrs Shelby. Aberamma following closely at her heels. He grunted in greeting, simply tilting his head after removing his hat. Arthur and Heaven arrived at the same time as Scarlet and Luca. Arthur’s greeting had been sweet. He seemed to like her, spluttering over his words to greet her. His hands shook and his eyes looked a little wild. But he meant well. Heaven waltzed in behind him, looking like an angel in her white fur coat. The snow haired beauty’s presence seemed to ease Arthur’s nervousness. He wrapped his arm around her waist as she held out her hand for Mrs Shelby to shake.
     “You must be Heaven.” Mrs Shelby stuttered, transfixed by her crystalline eyes.
     “Pleasure.” Heaven’s eyes slid to Tommy and her expression instantly shifted to a predatory one. “Bastard.” She acknowledged with a cat like smile.
      “Yes. He is.” Scarlet stated as she sauntered through, pushing her way past them and following Polly into the drawing room.
      “You’re not going to say hello, Tesoro?” Luca paused in the hallway, smiling at Mary as she took his hat and coat.
       “There’s no point in greeting Tommy’s latest victim. Knowing him, she won’t last the year.” Scarlet called back. Tommy watched Mrs Shelby’s confidence dissipate momentarily. Headlights glowed in the driveway.
       “Heaven, why don’t you take Arthur and Luca into the drawing room.” Tommy suggested. Heaven’s icy eyes hardened before narrowing at him. Her lips parted in order to respond in a somewhat poisonous manner but Mrs Shelby stepped forward and whispered to her.
       “I wouldn’t normally agree with Tommy but Alfie’s just arrived.” Heaven observed the mouse like woman Tommy had married for a moment before she nodded, escorting her husband and brother in law to the drawing room. Music blared as the door opened and Mrs Shelby could see the reflection of Scarlet in the large mirror as she turned the gramophone up.
       “SHALOM Thomas!” Roared the bear of a man as he wandered in. Ada rolled her eyes beside him. She hugged Thomas tightly before embracing Mrs Shelby, much to her surprise.
       “I hope they’ve not been too scathing to you.” She whispered. “Don’t worry, they’ll warm to you with time.” She pulled back and smiled. “This is my son, Karl, my daughter, Elizabeth and this,” She brushed her hand over her swollen midsection as Alfie beamed with joy. “Is baby Solomons.” Tommy paled as she spoke, only just noticing the pregnancy.
        “Jesus Christ.” He muttered beneath his breath.  Mrs Shelby held his hand and gave it a squeeze as she spoke.
        “You’d better head on in before he has a stroke.”
Tommy had just about recovered when the door to the drawing room opened and he heard Arthur exclaim.
         “Fookin’ hell Ada! You bloody kept that quiet, din’t ya?!”
Finn and Aurora Sabini arrived next. Polite and jovial as ever, though Aurora didn’t appear to like the way the youngest Shelby boy looked at his new sister in law. John, Tatiana, Michael and Gina all arrived together. Lawrence ran in from the cold, zooming in circles around Tommy and Mrs Shelby before running past them to the drawing room, banging on the door and yelling “Granma, Granma!”
       “My boy!” Polly called in joy as she came out and greeted him, swooping down and collecting him in her arms before slipping back inside. Gina made a noise of disgust.
       “Thomas.” She acknowledged.
       “Regina.” She scowled as he full named her.
       “So this is you’re newest whore?” She studied Mrs Shelby with critical eyes. “She doesn’t look like much, I’m surprised you’re so taken with her.”
        “She’s worth ten of you, Regina.” He snapped.
       “Michael.” Mrs Shelby smiled warmly. “Thank you for coming.”
        “It’s nice to see you again, love. I hope he’s treating you right.”
        “He is. Very Much.”
        “I took the liberty of bringing a wedding gift. It’s out the front.”
        “That’s very generous of you. Really, you didn’t have to.”
        “Yes, Michael. You didn’t have to.” Gina snapped before stalking off to the drawing room and loudly demanding a drink. Michael winked at Mrs Shelby, smirked at Tommy and left them to it. He turned to greet John and Tatiana and froze.
      “Fuck!” He fumed. “What the fuck are you wearing?!” He looked at John. “What the fuck is she wearing John-boy!”
      “Don’t worry, Thomas.” Tatiana purred sensually. “It’s not for you…or your wife.” She stepped around him, the thin scrap of material she called a dress clinging to her figure. “Tatiana Petrovna Shelby, delighted to make your acquaintance.” Mrs Shelby blushed and stepped closer to Tommy as the Russian duchess invaded her space. Grabbing her jaw, Tatiana kissed both of Mrs Shelby’s cheeks.”
       “She’d got a beautiful neck, Thomas. I can see why you like her.” She paused. “And that ring!” She snatched Mrs Shelby’s hand, admiring the sapphire encrusted in diamonds. She tutted. “I would have thought you’d learned your lesson with sapphires.”
       “They’re a particular favourite of my wife’s.”
       “Grace liked sapphires too.” Tatiana smirked, her dark eyes flickering madly in the candle-light. “Is Lilith here yet?” She changed the subject.
       “Is she the reason you’re dressed like a whore?” Tommy took a swig of the amber liquid in his tumbler. “You not bothered by this John?”
       “As long as I’m the only man she fucks, doesn’t matter to me.” He joked.
       “It’ll only ever be you Johnny.” Tatiana turned and kissed him.
       “Aye, John-boy. As long as you’re a Shelby, she’s not picky.”
       “What’s that supposed to mean?” Mrs Shelby asked, nervously glancing at Tommy.
       “It means that before she chose me, she was fucking Tommy…until she got bored of him.” John answered. 
         “Are we interupptin’ somethin’?” Came Uncle Charlie’s deep gravelly voice. He stopped short to shake Tommy’s hand, flanked by Johnny Doggs, Isiah and Curly. Curly smiled bashfully at Mrs Shelby and handed her some flowers. She blushed.
         “Thank you Curly.”
         “How’re you findin’ us so far, petal?” Johnny Doggs asked loudly.
         “So far I’m struggling to find someone who likes both of us. Polly, Aurora and Gina dislike me, everyone else has a gripe with Tommy.” Johnny Doggs barked out a laugh. “Welcome to the clan!”
          “Families.” Isiah scoffed. “Who’d have em?”
Lilith Rose Shelby was the most beautiful creature Mrs Shelby had ever seen. So beautiful, that the air rocketed out of her lungs when she first saw her. They heard Jack first as he escorted her up the steps and held the door open for her. She looked like a goddess, draped in silk. Tommy was fascinated that Jack never once looked away from her. His only greeting to the new Mrs Shelby was a nod and a smirk. He sneered at Tommy before his attention gravitated back to his wife. She had the most beguiling dark eyes Mrs Shelby had ever seen. They were like pools of endless night. Lilith catapulted herself into Tommy, who embraced her tightly and inhaled her scent. Pomegranate and dark amber. She relaxed into him. Releasing her, Tommy cupped his baby sister’s face in his hands and looked at her for a moment.
     “You grow more and more beautiful every time I see you.” He smiled.
     “Brother.” She spoke quietly….and she sounded like magic. Soft and sensual. “You look well.” She beamed at him. And Mrs Shelby’s heart fluttered at her smile. Jack snaked a hand around Lilith’s waist and pulled her back against him.
      “Shelby.” Jack acknowledged. “Married again? You can’t seem to get em’ to stay, can ya?”
      “Nelson.” Tommy spoke evenly. “I can keep women just fine. In fact, I’ve never had to cross a continent and steal a woman away to make her mine. I suppose that means I have better luck than you.” Lilith covered Jack’s hand with her own.
     “Or,” She interrupted loudly, “It simply means that I was special enough that he had to travel all this way to find me.” Mrs Shelby watched, fascinated as both men melted at Lilith words. Jack kissed Lilith’s forehead and Tommy smiled.
    “Could be.” He agreed. Lilith stepped away from Jack and turned her attention to Mrs Shelby. All the noise fell away. She couldn’t hear anything. Apart from the sound of her blood pulsing through her at a rapid speed. She glanced at her husband, and watched his beautiful lips move as he spoke to Lilith and Jack. She watched Lilith study her, eyes raking over her in an unreadable manner. Mrs Shelby’s finger twitched as Lilith’s eyes pause over her engagement ring, her full soft lips quirking into a small smile for a moment before it vanishes. Mrs Shelby gasped, startled when Lilith unexpectedly stepped forward and smiled at her. Lilith took Mrs Shelby’s left hand in both of hers. Her thumb brushed over the sapphire. Her eyes pierced into Mrs Shelby’s hypnotically and Mrs Shelby found herself transfixed as Thomas brushed a hand up and down her back, comfortingly…. obliviously.
      “Sister.” Lilith tested the word on her tongue as she surveyed Mrs Shelby. “You’ll be good to him, yes?” She sounded so innocent. So angelic. Her eyes held no malice. Mrs Shelby stuttered.
      “Y-Yes. I shall try to be all that he deserves.”
Lilith beamed at her and released her hand. Mrs Shelby’s ring finger throbbed momentarily as she watched her fascinating sister turn and enter the drawing room with Jack. She saw through the reflection in the mirror as Polly embraced her niece tightly and was startled to see Lilith’s reflection gazing predatorily through the looking glass at her.
Dinner was a fucking disaster. It had been nothing like she had hoped. Perhaps she was just projecting her own fears but it seemed that none of them liked her…. even the ones who appeared to. It seemed as though they were watching her every move with a pre-existing negative judgement. She was guilty to them, of something. The problem was she didn’t know what and she didn’t know how to change that. Tommy had enough to deal with, especially after Tatiana had goaded Jack into a row and she was swearing at him in Russian. Arthur had had way too much to drink. Scarlet was screaming at Tommy for something he’d done years ago and Luca was trying desperately to calm her down. She turned to look at Michael, who was in a heated discussion with Gina…and Aurora kept throwing her dirty looks.  In the end she’d left the table, claiming to check on dessert. She’d just found a quiet alcove to take a few moments when someone touched her shoulder. She jolted and turned to see Lilith.
    “Feeling overwhelmed?” Her voice was so soft, sympathy swirled in her onyx eyes.
    “A little.”
A lot. I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.
    “I know. We can be a lot to handle.” She looked out into the darkened garden. “Why don’t we go for a walk.” She suggested. “Take a moment to ourselves.” Mrs Shelby’s heart soared at the prospect of having a moment alone with someone who might actually like her and in doing so, might sway the opinion of the others. She nodded and took Lilith’s offered arm as the two of them stepped out into the cool autumn air.
It hadn’t been long since they had returned from their honeymoon and so Mrs Shelby hadn’t yet had time to explore the grounds of the Arrow House properly. In the dark murkiness of the evening she couldn’t really see where she was going and clutched on to Lilith’s bare arm a little closer for security. She smelt dizzyingly alluring. Away from all the smoke and whiskey the magic of her perfumed the air in a wonderful way. 
    “How did you meet my brother, if you don’t mind me asking?”
    “Da’s one of his employees at Shelby Company ltd. I met Tommy when I brought Da his lunch.”
    “How…. quaint.”
Mrs Shelby wasn’t paying attention. She was too bust staring at the purple love bites littering Lilith’s creamy throat. Lilith flushed and giggled when she noticed.
    “I’m sorry, I should have covered up more, Jack can get carried away some times.”
    “He’s very fond of you.”
    “And I, him.” Lilith patted Mrs Shelby’s hand. “I never expected to find Jack. But he’s my better half. As Heaven is Arthur’s and Luca is Scarlet’s. We were worried Thomas would never find someone….worthy.” Lilith stopped her movements and released Mrs Shelby’s arm. For the first time, Mrs Shelby noticed her surroundings. Lilith had brought her to the churchyard close to the Arrow House. She turned, only just able to see the outline of it looming in the moonlight. She shivered, looking back to Lilith who was now staring at something in front of her. “Thomas has very specific needs.” Her voice had lost all of its warmth. Mrs Shelby’s mouth ran dry as she read the names on the gravestones in front of her.
Grace Burgess Shelby.
Daughter, Mother, Beloved Wife.
Elizabeth Stark Shelby
Mother, wife, friend. Lost to childbirth.
Something rustled behind them. Lilith turned and smiled adoringly as Jack stepped out of the shadows. Mrs Shelby wondered how he had known where to find them. “You have to be a certain kind of person to survive in this family. Don’t you, my love?”
    “Ya got that right. It’s an honour to love a Shelby…to be prepared to kill and die for them.”
“Thomas needs a fighter.” Lilith reached out and caressed Mrs Shelby’s cheek. “You didn’t fight tonight. You fled, little mouse.” Lilith tutted and stepped closer, so close, Mrs Shelby could feel Lilith’s sweet, warm breath burning against her flesh. “How can I trust that you’ll fulfil him?” Lilith shook her head, looking sad, disappointed even. Jack brushed his wife’s hair off her shoulder, exposing her flesh. He pressed a kiss into the crook of her neck. Mrs Shelby watched Lilith relax a little. “You’re not good enough for him.” Lilith purred softly, Jack’s lips and tongue trailed down Lilith’s neck as she spoke. “Neither of them were, either.” She glanced to the gravestones behind her. “I was lucky with Lizzie; God took care of her. But I had to intervene with Grace.”
  “B-but we’re happy.” Mrs Shelby spluttered, fear creeping into her voice every second longer that she spent in Lilith’s presence.
   “For now. Until he realises that you’re not enough for him.” She paused, relishing in the look of despair on Mrs Shelby’s features. “Don’t worry. He’ll be happier than ever with Eva. They’ll be perfect together.” Jack hummed in agreement with his beloved and imprinted his teeth in a perfect love bite into her neck as she slid home a beautiful carved and somewhat bejewelled blade into Mrs Shelby’s sternum. Mrs Shelby gasped in pain, a sharp sound leaving her soft lips. “She’s earned him, you haven’t.” Lilith continued as she twisted the hilt, a horrible tearing noise was heard before Lilith let go. Mrs Shelby staggered back and fell back against the willow tree overhanging the makeshift graveyard.  Lilith looked down at her blood spattered fingers. Lifting them to her face she licked one, smearing her lips in the substance. Greedily, Jack took her fingers and painted his own mouth with them. Lilith spun in Jack’s arms, giggling and moaning as their lips fused, unbuckling his belt. She murmured something to him and he acquiesced without question, sitting and leaning back against Grace’s headstone. Lilith slipped her dress over her head until she was wearing barely anything in the coldness of the autumn night. She straddled Jack, kissing him deeply before sliding down onto him in the ghostly glow of the full moon.
Mrs Shelby heaved, opening her mouth. She tried to call for help but no sound emerged. Instead she found herself mute, only coughing and spluttering on the crimson blood as it tried to liberate itself from her mouth. Her vision grew blurry for a moment as tears gathered and obscured her sight.
And then she saw them.
The ghosts of Grace Burgess and Lizzie Stark, both completely drenched in blood and staring in horror, not at her but at Lilith and Jack, as he flipped his wife over and took her like an animal. Lizzie’s expression was melancholic. Her hair loose and wild, eyes ceaselessly spilling tears and her mouth agape in silent cries of agony. Her body had been slit open from chest to lower abdomen and still, even in death, she was bleeding. Grace stood beside her still in the gown she wore the night she was murdered. the bullet wound on her chest still wept even though she didn’t. Her face was curiously, disturbingly calm. The sapphire around her neck pulsed and throbbed and pulsed and throbbed. And suddenly Grace wasn’t looking at Lilith and Jack anymore, her pale grey eyes locking onto her second replacement. Mrs Shelby found herself growing shivery and yet unable to move, unable to scramble backwards as the sapphire whispered to her over and over some kind of spell in Romani. The curse…. she recalled hazily as she forced her limbs in an attempt to move. Tommy believed it had been cursed by the Russians. Mrs Shelby’s fingers dug into the soil as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Every movement was excruciating in both pain and in effort. Her eyes fluttered closed in exhaustion and the spell of the sapphire seemed to sing louder and louder, it’s feminine voice echoing seductively in her ears. She realised it was coming not only from the necklace Grace’s ghost wore, but also from the ring on her engagement finger. Struggling, she tried desperately to remove it. But to no avail, it was as though it had fused to her flesh, strangling her finger.
Mrs Shelby’s eyes snapped open. Just in time to see the ghost of Grace stood over her.
“I should feel sorry for you.” Grace whispered. “You’re a victim of this family, just like me.” She paused, licking her discoloured corpse lips. Grace heard it too. She heard that it was Lilith’s voice cursing her inside the blue sapphires, not Tatiana’s. “And Tommy does love you.” There was a moment of silence. “But… I’ve come to realise something.” Grace leaned down and kissed Mrs Shelby’s lips, her ghostly fingers coming up to wrap around Mrs Shelby’s throat. “If I can’t have Tommy…” Grace murmured as she pulled back looking deeply into Mrs Shelby’s eyes.
Her grip tightened...and tightened…and tightened. Mrs Shelby choked and spluttered, her body convulsing. The last thing she saw was Lilith’s dark eyes staring at her over Jack’s shoulder, her nails digging into his back as he held her to him. And Grace’s hoarse voice looming over her.
“Then no one can.”  
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shelbydelrey · 1 year
Peaky x Lana Festival - First Edition
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Chemtrails Over The Country Club is one of my favourit Lana Del Rey's albums and is turning 2 years old on March 19. So, i thought of celebrating it with my beloved peaky fandom 😉
How it's going to work:
• The lines under the cut, picked from each song of the album (eleven in total) can be used as prompts, but they aren't mandatory. You don't have to be a fan of Lana's music to participate (obviously)
• I'll be assigning five of those prompts to mutuals. Six will remain vacant, so show me your interest to fullfill these spots.
• You can turn it into a one shot, a blurb or a moodboard.
• It doesn't have a limit for tropes, genres or characters.
• March 19 is not a deadline. I know that we have our WIPs full and not to much time on our hands, so write it in your pace.
• Use the tag peaky x lana when you post.
• And the most important of all: HAVE FUN!
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"Because it made me feel, it made me feel like a god."
White Dress to @areyenotfondofmelobster
"It's never too late, baby, so don't give up"
Chemtrails Over The Country Club to @look-at-the-soul
"Find your way back to my bed again."
Tulsa Jesus Freak to @cillmequick
"Let me love you like a woman"
Let Me Love You Like A Woman to ???
"And if i had to do it all over again i would
because, babe, in the end brought me here to you"
Wild At Heart to @runnning-outof-time
"While the world is crazy
We're making out in the parking lot"
Dark But Just A Game to @zablife
"You say you got my name as your tattoo"
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost to @raincoffeeandfandoms
"Honey, you make me feel i'm invincible"
Yosemite to ???
"I love you only but you're making me blue"
Breaking Up Slowly to ???
"But sometimes this ranch feels like my only friend"
Dance Till We Die to ???
"I've got a black limousine and two gentlemen
Who escort me through these halls"
For Free to @midnightswithdearkatytspb
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colsons-baker · 1 year
The Lovers Moment
Just a small little thing to tie you over until part 2 of Young Dumb Broke. Idk whether to make this into a series or not yet but let me know what you guys think! X
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There's this thing, the soldier's minute, where in a battle, that's all you get. One Minute of everything at once, and anything before is nothing, everything after, nothing. Nothing in comparison to that one minute.
And then there's the night he spent with Her. The man he was before that night was not the same man that left her home that morning. And neither of those men compared to the man he was when he held her next to him.
He watched her read the paper behind the bar from the open hatch in the Shelby’s private booth. She didn’t even realise. For her, nothing had changed. For him, everything had. He had felt at peace for the first time in recent memory.
It was the most peaceful feeling just laying there as the sun broke through the net curtain. The noise was gone, the cloud in his brain had cleared. He had no worries there, he didn’t think about his past and he didn’t fear his future. It was just him and Her and the moment.
Like an addict, he had been craving that feeling ever since
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pandoraslove · 2 years
little violinist
this one is pretty long, but I really like it. It was just something I’ve been thinking about all day. Hope you like it. 
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Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 1761
Being the youngest Shelby has its perks. Apart from being spoiled rotten and you were also very loved. Arthur, Tommy, and John were all in some way a father figure just as much as your older brothers. Arthur was more nurturing, Tommy was more fatherly in the way that he always gave you advice when it came to school or anything other than boys because the lord knows that he’d murder any boy you even showed signs of liking. John knew how to cheer you up in every situation. Ada and Polly were the best when it came to more feminine things like hair, make up, and style. Finn is your partner in crime and best friend, you two are close since you’re only a year apart. 
At the young age of 5, everyone noticed how much you loved music. You’d hum to a song you’d heard and match its pitch with whatever objects you could find. At the age of 6, you stumbled upon a violinist, he was old, well into his 50′s, and playing for money, but the sound he emitted from his instrument was so enticing, you stood and watched him play. You didn’t know how much time had passed as you watched him play, but it was long enough for your family to notice you were no longer with them. They’d found you sitting on the concrete floor, legs criss cross, watching the man play his melodies. 
Thomas got you your first violin a few weeks later, right before all of them left to fight in the war. In those four years, you dedicated almost all your free time to playing the violin. It was your escape, you practiced until your finger were numb and only until you perfected every note would you think about stopping, most of the time you’d still continue. Your music was rarely heard, though, Not by Ada or Polly and not even by Finn. Your music was yours and yours alone. You’d leave in the morning with your violin, carry it around school and practice somewhere secluded after school. Or you’d leave after breakfast on the weekends while Polly was busy with the business. 
When the boys returned from the war, you weren’t able to spend as much time playing and practicing as you’d like. They became more protective than the last time you’d seen them. The first year they were back, after turning 11, you played in front of them for the first time. It was a simple song called ‘Andantino’. It was one of the first songs you tried to learn and succeeded. It was slow and beautiful. It was the first time any of them had heard you play and to say the least they were stunned. You were 11 and playing beautifully. 
That was the only time you’d played for them for a long time. It always made you nervous when others heard you play. you were a little afraid of their judgment. No one ever pushed you to play. When you were 14, you stopped playing for a few months. School was becoming more stressful and it felt like you barely had any time to play. When school ended for the year, you picked your violin back up and worked hard to regain you skill level. You’d go to your Uncle Charlie’s place and go as far out onto the field as you could so no one would hear you play. And if they did it would sound incredibly distant and faint. you tried to maintain the habit even when school started again. 
You ended up graduating high school early, at 16, and began to focus on your violin. It wasn’t strange for your family to not see you for the entire day as you’d spend it out practicing and playing. 
One day, you decided to go back to the market in which the old man with the violin was at. You had little hope you’d find him there but you did. Still playing the violin. You watched and listened to his music. It was just as beautiful as you remembered. He saw you from afar and beaconed you over when he finished his piece. 
“You seem awfully familiar...” He says trying to remember, “The little girl who watched me play for nearly an hour a decade ago?” You smile slightly. 
“Did you ever learn to play?” He asks. 
“I did.” He hands his violin to you and gestures for you to play. You took a moment to breathe and decided which song you would be playing. You let your fingers lead you, the memory of each note to lead you. You let everything go and let the music guide you, ‘Gymnopédie No. 1′ was the piece you had decided on playing in that moment. You shut your eyes and played the song by memory, every note was smooth and beautifully played. The music transported you somewhere safe, somewhere warm and comfortable. Once you finished the piece you opened your eyes and found a bigger crowd then the one before watching the man. He was in front of you with an astonished face. 
“That was absolutely beautiful, and all of it by memory... my God, you were born to be a violinists.” He says as you hand him back his violin. 
“I wouldn’t be here, playing the violin, if it weren’t for me hearing your music 10 years ago, I have you to thank.” You say walking away, but not before leaving a pouch with money inside the hat he was using to collect his earnings. 
When you arrived back home you found Thomas, Arthur, John, Ada, Polly, and Finn all in the living room. You were a little happier when you arrived from when you left. 
“I heard you gave quite a show today, Y/n.” Thomas says. You look at him a little shocked he’d found out but held a smile on your face nonetheless. 
“What? Where?” Ada questions. 
“At the market, the old man who was playing the violin 10 years ago still plays there.” You inform them. 
“And he let you play? How did he know you played the violin?” John asks. 
“Yes. And he recognized me. It felt amazing playing for a crowd. I used to be so afraid of playing in front of people, even you guys but after today, It felt so... magical in a way.” you say. 
“maybe you should do it more often then,” Polly says, everyone agrees. 
“Maybe, I should...” You say.
“Why don’t you play at the Garrison?” Arthur says. 
“That’s a great idea, you can play tomorrow night.” Thomas says. 
“The Garrison is a pub, Who the hell goes to a pub to listen to a violinist?” You retort. 
“Tomorrow can be a special event, it’s a great idea come on, Y/n.” Arthur tries to convince you. 
“It’s an awesome opportunity, y/n. You play really fucking well, everyone would love to hear you.” Finn says. 
“And we’ll all be there, so you’ll have more confidence and all our support. you’ll do great.” Ada persuades. 
“So, What do you say, Y/n?” Polly says after a while of you contemplating. 
“...Fine. I’ll do it, if you all promise to be there.” You say at last. 
“Deal.” Thomas says. 
That night you decided on which songs you would play. Some were slow and some were fast, but all were just as beautiful. You decided on playing the song you played earlier that day at the market first, then ‘Andantino’, ‘Concerto for Violin in A minor’, Accolay: Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, a part of Brahms: Violin Concerto in D minor op. 77, Scottish Fantasy Op. 46 and then finish off with ‘Salut d’amour’. You would only play for an hour, that's the amount of time you all agreed on. 
The next day when you woke up you decide you wanted to get some practice in, so you went to your uncle Charlie’s yard and practiced until each piece was perfected. You’d played each song probably a hundred times since you’d started playing the violin. 
You went home and got ready with Ada and Polly later on. You decided on wearing a simple short sleeve light blue dress that was slightly shorter in the front than in the back. You wore white flat shoes rather than heels. Once you’d fixed your hair and applies a bit of make up, You, Ada, and Polly all walked to the Garrison together, your violin in hand. You were a bit nervous but pushed it all aside. The Garrison wasn’t as rowdy and loud as it usually is. It was more tame. You spotted Thomas, Arthur, John, and Finn seated in a booth. Arthur gesture with his hand for you to go stand on a small platform, While Polly and Ada went to sit with them. You pulled your violin and bow out of the case and stood at the front on the platform Arthur gestured to. Everyone watched as you took a deep breathe, looking towards your family who gave you smiles, encouraging you to start. It didn’t take you long after you started to travel to the place you adored. the place where there was nothing but you and your music. Your cheek rested on the violin, your eyes remained shut and your fingers played the right notes every time. Your eyes were shut but you could see a beautiful field with hundreds if not thousands of flowers, that’s where you were always transported when you played. there was a river not far from where you stood, the sky was a beautiful grey, and the breeze blew on your face. 
You only finally opened your eyes when you finished your final piece, it was quiet for a few seconds and it felt as if time had stopped. you received a standing ovation, even from Thomas, Polly, Ada, Finn, Arthur, and John. You smiled and gave everyone a small bow, then walked to the table your family was seated at. 
“Would you look at that, Our little sister, might as well become a professional, That was amazing.” John says. 
“Thank you, John,” 
“That was absolutely beautiful.” Polly says. 
“Thanks Aunt Pol,” 
By the end of the night, you’d received more compliments than you could handle, it all felt surreal. Maybe you could do this on a real stage in front of thousands one day. Others deserve to feel what you felt when you played, that feeling of everything being healed just by a simple melody. 
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hb-writes · 1 year
Ada Shelby & Clara Shelby
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✵ The Walk-In Appointment: May 1909. Clara learns to walk a bit later than her twin, but once she does there’s no stopping her from following her big brother around wherever he goes. 
✵ Tired of the Wait: 1912. When Tommy brings his sisters downtown with him to run an errand and Ada decides to run one of her own, Tommy and Clara both grow tired of waiting on their sister.
✵ The Devil’s Footsteps: 1913. Tommy’s taken on quite a bit of responsibility in caring for his younger siblings. He never expected that responsibility would require him explaining the inappropriateness of tossing erasers at people. 
✵ For Old and Young Alike: Set in 1913 and 1922. All Clara Shelby wants for Christmas is a little quality time with her favorite people. 
✵ The Road that Leads to Trouble: 1914. The Shelby dinner table is rarely a thing one would call quiet or calm, and it’s no different on the night the family learns their youngest has been kissing boys out on the lane.
✵ Things They Left Behind: 1918. John, Arthur, and Tommy have just returned from France to rediscover the things they’ve left behind: Ada, a set of twins, the business, and a few treasures their youngest sister has been keeping safe for them. *COMPLETED*
✵ Little Lady Blinder Series: 1919. Clara Shelby is a kind girl, a smart girl, a well-behaved little sister in a town full of gangsters and ruffians. With the girl’s raising thus far being such a simple task, the Shelby family is left unprepared for all that accompanies a perfectly respectable little girl growing up and becoming a lady among Peaky Blinders.
✵ The Shelby Women’s Alliance: 1920. Clara navigates the first milestone of puberty on her own in a house full of clueless brothers, keeping it all to herself until Ada comes at the weekend and takes over, managing their brother and formally inducting her sister into the Shelby Woman’s Alliance.
✵ Remember, Before?: 1921. Clara is whisked away to London for the weekend to stay with Ada and Freddie while Tommy deals with one of Arthur’s unpredictable moods. Unbeknownst to the rest of the family, Clara had witnessed the altercation between Tommy and Arthur that had prompted Tommy to send his sister away. With a bit of time and space set between Clara and what she’s seen (and with Ada’s prompting) Clara starts to confide in her sister only to realize that perhaps it’s better to keep some things to herself. Better for the rest of them, at least.
✵ You’re A Terrible Liar: 1921. Ada’s just returned to Birmingham for Freddie’s funeral and Ada convinces her sister that they’ll be alright.
✵ Pretty in Pink: 1923. While dress shopping, Ada offers her self-conscious little sister a bit of reassurance.
✵ Thank you. You didn’t have to do that: 1924. Michael helps his little cousin out when she gets caught trying to sneak out of her sister’s London house.
✵ Transatlantic Connection: 1925. With Arthur, John, Polly, and Michael saved from the noose, Ada’s been comfortably situated in America, leaving Clara in Birmingham. When things become too much, Clara longs for the comfort of her sister and Ada does her best to soothe the girl even though she’s halfway across the globe.
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kkurades · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ PRETTY KITTY ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
━━ arthur knew you were lonely when he wasn’t at home, and he tried his best for you. so, when he took the day off to stay home with you, he hadn’t expected a hundred hungry kittens who raided your kitchen for the past two weeks to be on your front porch
word count: 1800
pairing: arthur shelby x fem!reader
warnings: none
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You had always felt lonely when Arthur wasn’t at home. Which was fairly regularly. Either he was occupied with the business or he was at the Garrison, drinking all of his sorrows away.
While you knew he tried to be a good husband, and you never got infuriated about it, it still didn’t cease the loneliness.
So, when you found three small baby kittens behind the bushes of your house, you couldn’t help but feel a tiny spark of delight go through your body.
You instantly took them home with you to clean and feed them.
You had even given them names, but by the time that you woke up the next morning they were gone.
Disappointed filled your senses as you scoured the whole house for them, but came back empty-handed.
When Arthur came back home drunk that same morning, not having gone home during the night, you kept your mouth shut about the felines and helped him change and get to bed, which he appreciated the next morning when he woke up.
A few days later you were intending to go to John’s house to help Esme get ready for her date night with her husband but just as you were about to enter your car you saw the same three kittens hiding underneath your car, but now they were there with three other kittens having a total of six.
Your heart melted as it had done a few days prior, and you just couldn’t help them, so you called Esme to tell her there was an emergency that you had to fix before you fed and cleaned the kittens once again.
From that day on they kept coming to your house to be fed, cleaned, and cuddled before they left only to redo the same cycle the next morning all over again.
What you did notice though was that they always multiplied. If there were three on the first day, there would be six the next one, then twelve, and so on.
By the end of the week, you were taking care of ninety-six baby kittens with no one knowing.
While you didn’t tell anyone about it, you contemplated speaking to Arthur about it considering it was your shared house even though he was rarely home. But when you looked at your worn-out husband, you couldn’t get the words out of your mouth and just assisted him with whatever he required.
Besides, you didn’t think he’d notice, so everything was fine. You got company, and he didn’t have a lonely wife at home attempting to keep him from going out.
But Arthur did notice. He noticed the fur that was practically everywhere, he noticed the poop in his shoe, he noticed that there was rarely any regular food, but he mostly noticed that you weren’t giving him the attention that he loved so much.
While you often assumed that he felt irritated by your constant worrying, he didn’t. He relished the feeling of you worrying about him, of you caring for him, of you loving him.
But recently, it felt to him like he wasn’t your priority anymore like he was a chore you had to do, so when he began longing for your love and attention he took a day off aspiring to spend it thoroughly with you.
Your senses came back to you as you came back to consciousness only to realize that a warm, lean body was pressed against you, providing you the warmth that filled your body.
You felt a lazy smile crawl onto your face as you carefully attempted to turn your body not to wake him up.
But when you ultimately settled down again, you caught his shimmering blue eyes fixated on you with a content expression on his features as you gazed into his eyes.
“Good morning,” you mumbled softly as Arthur’s rough fingers traced your face gently, as if afraid to break you.
“Morning,” he replied as he leaned forward to kiss your lips with a particular tenderness that made you smile into the kiss.
“Aren’t you going to be late?” You questioned as your lips grazed his before you gazed at the window which was shielded by the extensive curtains which held the late sunrise out of your room.
“I took the day off,” Arthur inclined forward while hovering slightly over you on his elbow.
Your hands reached for the sides of his face while kissing him softly with a kind of purity that wasn’t typical.
“I love you,” the words slipped out of Arthur’s lips as he enveloped his arms tightly around your body while kissing the crown of your head as he inhaled your divine scent.
Your fingers delicately traced the freckles on his bare chest while kissing the base of his throat.
“I love you too,” Arthur let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding as a smile tugged on the corners of his lips while carefully letting go of you to kiss you once again.
Momentarily later, the tender and gentile kisses escalated to passionate and heavy make-outs which made you hold your breath as you craved for more.
Arthur tugged you gently on top of him, while not breaking the kiss, feeling like he would rather perish than stop.
His tongue was soon enough inside your mouth while his hands wandered over your body, but you felt the bliss feeling fading away as you heard the familiar sound of meowing and scratching claws along the front door.
At first, you tried to dismiss it, but you felt the quelling feeling yanking at your heart as you visualized your poor babies sitting on your doorstep with those hauntingly miserable eyes yearning for your love and care.
Arthur frowned when you pulled away, feeling like he had done something wrong. While his mind wandered you kissed his lips one last time before tossing the blanket off your warm body, you felt a shiver run down your spine as your bare feet touched the freezing floor.
Arthur shortly followed, but with more harshness and roughness before pursuing you downstairs.
“Y/n?” Arthur called your name with a desperate tone wavering in his voice as he stopped you by gently taking your hand in his.
You hummed softly while examining his face, which was a combination of both disarray and hurt.
A frown graced your features as you cupped his face into your hands, which provoked him to incline further into you desperate for your touch.
“What's- what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” Arthur’s confused, and lost expression made your insides squirm as you realized that you hurt your husband by taking off without an explanation in the middle of something that would presumably eventually have led to meaningful sex.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, Arthur. Nothing’s wrong, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you reassured him while caressing his cheek lovingly, causing him to relax slightly as he pulled you closer again.
You kissed him passionately as your hands ran through his hair. You were about to pull away, but you felt him chasing after your lips desperately.
Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, you remembered your poor kittens and felt yourself pulling away again.
“I’ll be right back,” you murmured against his lips before making your way towards the front door, where the sound of frantic kittens could be heard.
Even with his bafflement, Arthur followed you in only his underwear, having already discarded his other garments the night before.
You couldn’t contain your smile as you opened the door wide open revealing a hundred tiny kittens, compelling Arthur to widen his eyes and gape at your precious babies.
“What the fuck are those,” Arthur mumbled, causing all those adorable little eyes to turn to him.
You shushed him quickly before kneeling in front of the kittens, completely forgetting about your husband who looked as if he was about to faint.
As soon as your warm smile spread across your face, the kittens stormed towards you with exciting sounds leaving their small bodies as you tried to pet them all.
“Darling,” only now did you realize that Arthur was still there, that this came as a total shock to him, and suddenly, you didn’t know what to say as you looked into the lost eyes of your husband while numerous kittens climbed your back.
“I- uh-“ you stammered hesitantly, trying to think of how to explain why a hundred kittens were breaking into your house. “Surprise?”
Arthur looked at your sheepish smile before quickly glancing at the kittens that you grew attached to and realized that this was the reason you didn’t spend all your attention on him.
You let out a sigh before carefully standing up while examining every step you made to make sure that you wouldn’t squash one of your babies as they followed you to the kitchen.
You opened a drawer underneath the sink, got out the recently bought cat food and poured it into multiple plates before placing it next to the wall resulting in all the kittens to run and jump in that direction.
A sigh left your body once again as you caught Arthur watching you and the kittens warily before approaching him.
“Where the fuck did those things come from?” He questioned with a raised brow as you wrapped your arms around your body and leaned against the wall that was opposite of the hungry kittens.
“They aren’t things. And I didn’t mean for there to be a hundred! At the beginning of the week, there were only three, but they multiply every time they come back. And I was just lonely, and they were so nice Arthur,” you tried to explain, but you knew that your husband wouldn’t let you keep feeding the stray cats.
“You know that you can’t keep doing this, right? They’re like the plague, they won’t leave if you keep feeding them,” he told you while you nodded shamefully like a child who was being scolded for eating too much candy.
When Arthur saw the disgruntled look on your face, he ceased your movements and kissed you.
“I'll find them some good owners,” he told you while stroking your hair away from your face. “And perhaps we could keep one.”
Your face lit up with excitement, causing a grin to take over Arthur’s features as he looked at your child-like expression of pure delight.
“Really?” At his nod, you almost ran towards the kitten herd and searched for your favorite and most loyal companion.
Arthur watched with curiosity as you made your way back towards him with a small white kitten in your arms.
“This is Artie,” you said with a smile plastered across your face as you glimpsed at your chuckling husband.
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©cupidsheqrts , 2022.
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zablife · 1 year
Just thought I’d pop you a little gif prompt for whatever the mood takes you (absolutely no rush!). I thought you might like to have some fun with this… 😉
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Gif credit: @/criticalsorcery
Hope your recovery keeps going in the right direction babe, love ya, xx
Tysm for this GIF ask, Alex! I had this idea pop into my head a few days ago and typed it out quickly. I hope you like it! (And the nod to your series 😉)
Polly worked quickly to scoop up the very thing Ada hadn't wanted her to find, smiling to herself at her cleverness. Her victory did not last long, however. Her head shot up the moment she heard a light shuffle, followed by a quiet thump, thump. She strained to hear a person who was deliberately trying to muffle the sound of their steps so as not to be discovered. Her eyes darted back and forth as she contemplated her worst fears. Had she been followed? When the noise did not resume, she shook her head, chiding herself for succumbing to paranoia. No, it couldn't be, she thought. She attempted to reassure herself that she'd been careful.
One thing was clear, she couldn't risk being caught in a compromising position. Polly erased all evidence of her presence inside Ada's rooms and closed the door behind her as quietly as possible. Before exiting, she looked beyond the door frame cautiously to ensure she was alone. Finding the hallway empty, she breathed a sigh of relief and smoothed her dress with trembling hands. She threw on her coat, reaching in the pocket for a cigarette to steady her nerves. However, she found the ornate gold case to be empty. She'd been smoking more than usual recently as a consequence of the stress she'd been under. Lying to Ada was taking it's toll.
Feeling perturbed by her lack of cigarettes and her churning stomach, Polly pinned her hat to her head and stepped out into the afternoon sunshine. The street was bustling with activity which further irritated her. Turning down a quiet side street, she took a deep breath, thinking only of home and a warm bath to help her unwind.
Just when she was beginning to relax, an odd sensation came over her. The hairs pricked at the back of her neck alerting her to danger. Spinning around suddenly, a gasp caught in her throat as she locked eyes on a familiar car. She furrowed her brow as Ada and Lizzie stalked toward her, the displeasure they held evident in their body language. Polly looked from her niece to her friend, finding tight lipped expressions of disapproval.
Ada broke the silence first, wasting no time interrogating her aunt. "Pol, have you gone behind my back? I know everything so there's no point in lying." Polly swallowed harshly, feeling small and weak before her niece. She didn't know what to say.
The longer Polly stood without speaking, Ada only grew more persistent. Unmistakable notes of irritation laced her voice as she became louder. "Pol, we had an agreement. Why can't you just behave yourself?"
Polly looked to Lizzie and found a bit of sympathy in her eyes as Lizzie asked, "What's this about, Pol? Ada says you've betrayed her, but that doesn't sound like you."
Wanting to put an end to it all, Polly hung her head, answering in a near whisper, "I'm sorry to say it's true."
Lizzie's hand flew to her mouth in surprise. "Polly, no! You gave her up to Luca Changretta?" Her eyes brimmed with tears as she awaited an answer.
A look of pure confusion settled into Polly's delicate features which soon turned to horror at Lizzie's misunderstanding and then anger at Ada's theatrics. Turning to Lizzie she yelped, "I didn't give her up to the Italians, I cheated on a bloody diet!"
Then she snapped her head toward Ada instructing, "And you! Stop being so fucking dramatic and eat something! This ridiculous pact between us has turned you into a madwoman! Honestly, Ada, spying on me and hunting me like a dog..." she trailed off with a huff.
She demanded a cigarette to calm herself and Lizzie produced one, lighting it for her sheepishly. She tried to shrink away from the older woman, embarrassed by the accusation she had made moments before, but that no longer seemed to be on Polly's mind.
"I can't live like this any longer and neither can you," Polly gestured toward Ada and Lizzie nodded in quiet agreement. "I know you wanted to do this to lose baby weight, but--"
Ada's eyebrows rose as her hands flew to her hips in a defiant stance. "Me? You're the one who suggested we start this nonsense ahead of our shopping trip to Paris next month. Don't you remember saying you were worried about fitting those gorgeous clothes?"
Polly couldn't help the exasperation in her voice as she answered, "And for what? To be sure I don't stuff my face with biscuits? Well you're too late!" Cracking a mischievous smile, she added, "It's no fun behaving myself so I won't do it!"
Ada's whole body seemed to relax as she exclaimed, "Oh, thank God! I wouldn't have had the strength to keep this up! Literally...I am so hungry." Taking a moment to consider the ridiculous lengths she'd gone to keep them on their diet, Ada suddenly doubled over with laughter. Soon Lizzie and Polly joined in, the tension from before melting away.
"Polly's right, this is madness. Come on, let's have a proper meal," Lizzie suggested. Polly placed a hand over her stomach. "I'll come along, but I couldn't eat another bite. I just ate my weight in dark chocolate digestives from your kitchen!" she moaned.
"I know, I was there!" Ada said through giggles.
"I knew it! I knew it was you!" Polly exclaimed.
Linking arms and walking toward the car Polly said, "You've grown into an intelligent young woman I'm very proud of, which is why I want you to remind me never to do something foolish like this again." She cast a stern look in Ada's direction to reinforce her words.
Ada just smirked as she answered. "Don't worry, I have no problem telling you to bugger off. This has been the most miserable week of my life!" The women dissolved into laughter once more as Ada drove them to the nearest cafe.
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cheekypeakyblinder · 1 year
Guys I made a tiktok lol to boost my storys and because I want to make those y/n tiktoks 😂
So heres my first one 😂🙈
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