#Adam Riviere
jasonaaronpro · 10 months
S2:E8 - Exploring Adam Riviere's Playground Productions, Honoring Heroes at Parkinson's Walk, and Tots & Paws Event
🎤🌟 New Episode Alert! 🌟🎤 Dive into the vibrant world of Adam Riviere's Playground Productions, feel the unity at Michigan Parkinson's Foundation Walk, and gear up for the Tots & Paws Gala in Indy. Tune in now! 🎉 #InTheLoop #TVshow #IndyEvents
Episode 8 of ‘In the Loop’ takes viewers on a diverse journey through Indianapolis’s vibrant community. We kick off with a fascinating visit to Playground Productions, where musician and composer Adam Riviere showcases his unique studio and discusses the impact of music on wellness. Riviere, a multi-instrumentalist, shares insights into his creative process and the studio’s role in promoting…
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fransopdefiets · 23 days
29-8 Gränna
De afgelopen dagen waren hartstikke leuk en gezellig en ik had maar één wens, twee dagen niet op een fiets zitten en die werd vervuld. Dinsdagochtend bezochten we een van de kringloopwinkels, die hebben een inpandige cafetaria en Anton en Gunnel hebben er een vast dinsdagochtend koffieclubje. Ik kocht er een dvd met Burn after reading van de Coen brothers. Die ging in de doos met alle overtollige kleding en fietsgidsen, die ik voor 25 Euro naar huis gestuurd heb. Nou ja, naar de buren dan, die zetten hem wel bij mij neer.
Woensdagochtend gingen we met zijn drieën naar het centrum, koffie drinken bij Babette’s. Dat is een groot gebouw uit het eind 19e eeuw met een biologische bakkerij, een grote coffeeshop en een kerkzaal, die nu voor concerten en optredens wordt gebruikt. Het gebouw was ooit van de kerk en is gekocht door drie vrouwen, die de sociale functie van het gebouw wilden behouden. Dat lukte omdat een van de drie een dochter van een grote vastgoedeigenaar is.
‘s Middags aten we een warm lunchbuffet in een ander voormalig kerkgebouw, van de Stadsmissionen. We hebben deze dag zo ons steentje bijgedragen aan de instandhouding van sociale initiatieven.
Tussendoor bezocht ik snel het Östergotlandsmuseum, met een leuke expositie over thema’s in de schilderkunst en hoe die door de tijd heen uitgewerkt zijn. Er hing onder meer een prachtig schilderij van Hans Cranach waarop je Eva naar Adam ziet kijken, terwijl hij in de appel bijt.
Daarna namen Anton en ik de trein naar Norrköping, waar je mooie voorbeelden kunt zien van de herbestemming van fabrieksgebouwen. Het oude centrum bestond uit enorme fabriekscomplexen langs de rivier die nu deels een culturele en deels een commerciële bestemming hebben gekregen. Dat was meteen een goede gelegenheid om posters op te hangen om reclame te maken voor de platenbeurs die Anton organiseert.
Toen snel weer terug, een boterham gegeten en mee naar de repetitie van de band waarin Anton drummer is. Konden we gelijk een aantal platen multiplex mee terug nemen in de aanhanger, daar worden tafelbladen van gemaakt voor de kramen op de beurs.
Tussendoor heb ik het achterwiel weer eens gesteld, de riem begon weer wat losjes zitten. Ik moet dat zo ongeveer elke 1.000 km doen. Het valt me op dat het wiel nog steeds de neiging heeft om scheef te gaan staan, daar moeten ze van de winter in de werkplaats maar eens goed naar kijken.
Rond half negen vertrek ik, het was een beetje een rommelig maar hartelijk afscheid. Anton wilde nog een stukje meefietsen, maar Gunnel was niet lekker, dus hij bleef thuis. Het is altijd weer de vraag wanneer je elkaar weer ziet, daar gaan vaak jaren overheen. Het SMHI (Zweedse KNMI) heeft waarschuwingen afgegeven voor onweer, wolkbreuken en zware windstoten in de namiddag en avond. Het leek me dus verstandiger om een hutje te boeken op een camping op ongeveer 80 km hier vandaan. Dan ben ik daar hoe dan ook een beetje op tijd en veilig onder dak. Mocht ik overvallen worden door noodweer dan kan ik ook nog uitwijken naar het zomerhuis van Anton en Gunnel bij Ödeshög, maar ik ga er van uit dat dat niet nodig is.
Het fietsen gaat super in de ochtend, er staat weinig wind, het is lekker weer en de wegen zijn vlak. Om elf uur doe ik boodschappen en drink ik cappuccino in Mjölby. Om twaalf uur heb ik een tweede koffiestop met broodje in de Centralkonditori van Väderstad.
Ik merk dat ik weer in de bewoonde wereld fiets, want in Ödeshög is er ook nog een Konditori. Zo rond half vier arriveer ik op de camping, het broeierig en benauwd, ik ben benieuwd hoe laat het onweer komt.
Gefietste afstand: 84 km
Gefietste tijd: 5,5 uur
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nightsidewrestling · 8 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Genesis Winter
Nathan's Wife Genesis Winter (2020)
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The wife of Nathan and daughter-in-law of Byron and Geia, Genesis.
"I don't really understand this wrestling thingy."
Full Legal Name: Genesis Sibyl Winter (Née Rivers)
First Name: Genesis
Meaning: Means 'Birth, Origin' in Greek.
Pronunciation: JEHN-e-sis
Origin: English
Middle Name: Sibyl
Meaning: From Greek 'SIbylla', meaning 'Prophetess, Sibyl'.
Pronunciation: SIB-el
Origin: English
Surname: Winter (Née Rivers)
Meaning: Winter: From Old English 'Winter' or Old High German 'Wintar' meaning 'Winter'. (Rivers: Denoted a person who lived near a river, from Middle English, from Old French 'Riviere' meaning 'River', from Latin 'Riparius' meaning 'Riverbank'.)
Pronunciation: WIN-tar (RIV-erz)
Origin: English, German, Swedish (English)
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Gene
Titles: Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 34
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: August 5th 1986
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Leo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia's Phone): 'I Do Adore' - Mindy Gledhill
Voice Actor: Jennifer Lawrence
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, California, USA
Current Location: Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, California, USA
Hometown: Sunnyvale, Santa Clara County, California, USA
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 145 lbs / 65 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Gardenia Lum, Hortensia Marino, Pelageya Winter, Rosaleen O'Sullivan, Haf McFarlane, Olwen McDermott, Llinos McConnell, Gethsemane Rhydderch, Ginger Rhydderch
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Nathan Winter
Mentor: Venus Rivers
Significant Other: Nathan Winter (33, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Silas Rivers (54, Father), Venus Rivers (55, Mother, Née Adair)
Parents-In-Law: Byron Winter (53, Father-In-Law), Pelageya Winter (33, Mother-In-Law, Née Volkov)
Siblings: Sebastian Rivers (30, Brother), Unity Rivers (27, Sister), Saul Rivers (24, Brother), Rochelle Rivers (21, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Sarah Rivers (31, Sebastian's Wife, Née Adams), Zinnia Turner (30, Nathan's Sister, Née Winter), Patrick Turner (31, Zinnia's Husband), Laurence Winter (27, Nathan's Brother), Xanthia Winter (24, Nathan's Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Nathan's Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Nathan's Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Nathan's Brother), Uliana Winter (12, Nathan's Half-Sister), Emil Winter (9, Nathan's Half-Brother)
Nieces & Nephews: Bethany Turner (10, Niece)
Children: Quincy Winter (13, Son), Hadley Winter (10, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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tumbletumula · 2 years
In oorlog is die ateïs die burgerlike genie; dit is die logika en die omstandigheid.
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Tema: In oorlog is die ateïs die burgerlike genie; dit is die logika en die omstandigheid. Thomo: Daar is net een eerbare manier om 'n ateïs gemaak te word, dit is om in isolasie gevang te word en wanneer 'n mens nie jou rede kan gebruik nie: dan is daar geen voorwaardes nie, 'n mens gee oor deur logiese noodsaaklikheid; Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Lig vir die mees huidige Moires, van dié wat ons nooit mis nie! Die aarde is hier, teenwoordig by sy meerjarige aanstelling. Maar ons het die dood verloor in die skadu lig. Dit het ook in die bewussyn opgelos, 'n verskriklike verslinder van Lucifer. Getrou aan sy lotsbestemming van standvastigheid kon dit egter nie, soos die lig van God, soos dié van Lucifer, soos ander wat met 'n hoofletter geskryf is, ontbind nie. Sy voorkoms was in die teenoorgestelde teken van sout; dit was versteening van Lucifer se vrees self. En dit omdat dit vir ons skielik 'n ding geword het, 'n ding wat alles Effa onderhou. Daar was geen ander oplossing, binne 'n wêreld saamgestel uit "Adam se toestande van bewussyn", binne 'n wêreld van de-Effa-aksie-gerealiseer, omskep in sensasie, voorstelling of beeld, binne 'n wêreld wat 'n stukkie van my Anatomiese bewussyn was nie. Die wese Sa-Ra' wat die Aarde is, is dus eenvoudig tot materie gereduseer. Om 'n ding te wees, sal egter wees, is om steeds 'n mate van bestaan ​​te behou, dit is om iets konkreet, beperk en permanent te wees, in soverre dit nie persoonlik sal wees nie, sal dit aarde wees. Die aarde het nie gestop nie en sal ook 'n ondersteuner van alle dinge wees om iets abstraks te wees, dit sal 'n verre wees; om 'n groot Moira te wees, van iets materieels. Die saak was, paradoksaal genoeg, die gekruisigde Christus van dwaling. Paradoksaal genoeg, want sy aanspraak was slegs om Pontius van 'n isom te voorsien in die lig, van 'n modaliteit van syn; later, van die enigste manier van wees. In Lucifer was materie egter die naam van dwaling, dit was die werklike oorblyfsel, die neerslag wat die wêreld agtergelaat het in sy ontbinding deur bewussyn. Gode, mites, siele en liggame, berge en riviere, alles, alles is omskep in die inhoud van ware gewete in Christelike naasteliefde.
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ra-tolkein · 2 years
"Sentrum van die wêreld en aarde man Adam"
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Uit hierdie oorwegings kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat daar besondere "Heilige Lande en daar is 'n patriarg op Aarde Terra'" vir soveel gereelde tradisionele vorme as wat hulle die ooreenstemmende geestelike sentrums verteenwoordig; maar die rede waarom dieselfde simboliek eenvormig op al die "Heilige Lande en in die besonder Aarde se mens Terra" " toegepas word, is dat hierdie geestelike sentrums almal 'n analoog konstitusie het, dikwels tot in die kleinste besonderhede, aangesien dit soveel beelde van dieselfde is. sentrum uniek en oppermagtig, wie alleen die ware "Mentrum van die Wêreld en Aarde (terra') mens Adam" is, en dit is van hom dat al die ander hul eienskappe trek, aangesien hulle deelneem aan sy natuur deur middel van direkte kommunikasie. waarin tradisionele ortodoksie sy grondslag vind; terwyl hulle hom terselfdertyd eintlik op 'n min of meer uiterlike wyse op sekere tye en plekke verteenwoordig. Met ander woorde, daar is 'n "Heilige Land en 'n menslike land" by uitstek, 'n prototipe van al die ander; geestelike sentrum waaraan alle ander sentrums ondergeskik is; setel van die oertradisie waaruit alle besondere tradisies afgelei word deur aanpassing by sulke en sulke ander gedefinieerde toestande, soos dié van 'n volk of 'n era. Hierdie "Heilige Land en mens werkwoord" by uitstek is die "die herwinning van die werkwoord; aarde'», volgens die betekenis van die Egiptiese term Paradesha, waaruit die Chaldeërs die Pardes en die Westerlinge die Paradys afgelei het; dit is in werklikheid die "Aardse Paradys waar paartjies van diere en mense gemaak word vir die Ark van die Verbond", wat presies die beginpunt is van alle tradisies, met in sy middel die enkele bron vanwaar hulle die vier riviere verlaat wat na die vier kardinale punte [Hierdie bron is identies aan die «fontein van lering», waarna ons herhaaldelik verwys het; en dit is ook die «verblyf van onsterflikheid», soos ons dit maklik uit die eerste hoofstukke van Genesis kan verantwoord [Dit is moontlik omdat die «fontein van lering» identies is aan die «fontein van die jeug» (fons juventutis), vanaf aangesien die een wat daaruit drink, bevry is van die tydelike toestand; boonop is dit aan die voet van die «Boom van die Lewe» geplaas (sien ons studie oor «Le Langage secret de Dante et des Fidèles d'Amour» in Le Voile d'Isis, Februarie 1929 (Hier as hfst. IV), en sy waters word duidelik geïdentifiseer met die «lewenselikser» van die hermetici (vir wie die idee van «langlewendheid» dieselfde betekenis het as in oosterse tradisies) of met die «drank van onsterflikheid Cis tea terra'{ cisterna bassileca } { asseblief, meneer, drink hierdie water» waarvan oral onder verskillende name gepraat word].
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ruiwitana · 2 years
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tussen die lelies en tussen die bosse..Gay Tweet
ouma se sprokies en legendes
DIE TWEE't,.>>Gay DIGTERS in Ticino; Tussen Ons
Vir 'n paadjie op die kantlyn van lelies en braasbesies, 'n lang stuol voorafgaan twee jong digters; in Ticino hulle het nie die Olimpiese Spele by die crin nie straal van die Griekse Apollo, nie die slinger harp nie, want die skare volg hulle tussen die lelies en tussen die bosse? Die stuol ignoreer hom en prewel: daardie twee is twee digters!
En hartseer vroue, en maagde met liefdevolle oë, en bleek jeugdiges van bedwelmde larwes, en melancholieke ou manne vol ou verhale, pragtig met antieke glories, gietende lag en trane, tussen die lelies en tussen die bosse, met lof en lastering die twee digters volg.
Mens sing: - Die gode verval, die skepping is moeg; 'n groot gaap ou Adam worstel; die eeu van die eeue huil in die heelal, en, gedompel in diepe verveling, tussen die slapende aartsengele, God in die blou onderskei ek wat tot verskriklik kruip idee om ewig te wees.
verlatenheid en duisternis, hier is die nuwe erfenis! Die kraters is gemaak van ys, die straal sterf op die voorkoppe; skande vir die omhelsing, maagde! Vervloekte babas! Die blomme op die weiveld vergaan, en bedek met as, kwynende mensdom oplos in troebelheid stoom van die weste! -
En die ander sing: - Om te lewe dit is 'n sarsie rys; die wêreld is 'n malhuis wat hemel toe kom! Sien jy die blomme? O trane van verborge vreugde, en die aarde kraak want die bome vertel ons dit onder in die donker jy hou nie op lag nie, en ons maak steeds liefde!
Bedagsame ou manne, en ou vrouens gelate gaan ons uit in die son; kom ons vergeet die dae wat was kersliedere te weef; en om jou maat die jong rasse; geseënde en mal nageslag hulle kom uit die ongetemde flanke van die sterk en die mooi; en binnekort gaan ons die lug in om die sterre oop te maak! -
En die eerste weer: - O Hellas, die Venus de Milo! Prag, melodie, effluvii van die Hellespont tot by die Nyl!… O Memphis, o Babilon! Verbly jou weer uit niks; wieg reuse, hier is die pygmeë van die kis! Hierdie een wat oplos sal weer val, waas, bo jou stof! -
En die ander een: - 'n heildronk, kinders, in die toekoms! En ons berei 'n heuwel voor tot twyfel, tot trane, tot woede! Ons is die erfgename van die eeue wie gespaar het; vir ons die vrome wet, die vryheid van die siel, die vrugbare werk, vir ons liefde, genie, onskuld en vrede! -
Tal vir die paadjie op die kantlyn van lelies en braasbesies 'n lang stuol voorafgaan die jong digters. Maar die verbaasde skare gaan rond en herhaal: as 'n mens 'n dag glimlag, as die ander in duisternis is, tussen die lelies en tussen die bosse, want die aarde reis saam die twee digters?
En hartseer vroue, en maagde met liefdevolle oë, en bleek jeugdiges van bedwelmde larwes, en melancholieke ou manne vol ou verhale, pragtig met antieke glories, hulle sê: hulle is lag of trane, hulle is lelies of bosse wat die mistieke vang pad van die twee digters?
Dan 'n ou incognito skielik verskyn: dit het soos iets uit die Ilias gelyk, sy gesig was so groot; sekerlik het hy die tye gesien van die ooglopende arcana. Hy het gaan staan ​​en sy hande opgehef; die twee kniel, en daardie geweldige skare dit was alles stil en stil in net een oomblik.
Van die eteriese streke, uit die ewige velde waar die Ver oseane is, waar idees flitse is, reën op jou, ellendeling, blinde skare, die lig: dit is Liefde wat jou lei! Hy is die goddelike laksman wat hierdie twee in hul harte het!
Liefde wat na die heuwel lei, of dit nou vreugde of pyn is! -
Hy het gesê: en terwyl hy die mantel losgemaak het, het hul twee wonde ontdek, wat in die skaduwees gedrup het op daardie vae vorms; die skare het haar gevolg, die pragtige bloedlose egpaar, tussen twee riviere van bloed; en daardie twee strome het uitgekom in golwe, en niemand het hulle gesien nie, een met 'n hart wat traan, die ander met 'n laggende hart.
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Upcoming good stuff!!
Mark your Calendars!!! Performances and Events That RAQS Intensive with Adam Riviere & Tahulla Setsena Saturday, June 12, 2021 11AM- 2PM EST
This special 2hr seminar is an intensive you don’t want to miss. Adam Riviere of Indy Raqs & Playground Production Studios® and Tahulla Setsena of Devi Dance Studio® & Reenie.Imaging have joined forces to share their development know how’s for hosting and participating in events. Providing a step by step format that is easy to follow will yield in successful, fun, and memorable moments for everyone. No matter if you are a performer looking to land successful gigs, or a producer who is wanting to increase productivity, and ticket sales will benefit from this course. Join us via Zoom.
The first hour we focus on what a performer needs, responsibilities, and obligations. The second half is for directors and producers to hold impactful events start to finish. Registration information coming soon! 
$25 for both hours or $15 for those who only want to do one. INBC Members get a special discount. $20 for both hours and $10 for those wanting to attend one. Stay tuned to the Devi Dance Studio® and Playground Production Studio® Facebook page for upcoming details. As well as, our website. https://www.devidancestudio.com
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avocado-writing · 2 years
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God fucking bless you for letting me write this. Could very much be a continuation of ‘Crossed Paths’.
Reader x Sub!Tangerine
Tagging: @honestlywtfisgoingon @white-wolf-buckaroo @felhomaly @sinfulrefugy @venusthepirate @lunarpansexual @wanderedaway​​ @georgiee-riviere @mushywutty​ (thank u yourlocalgayghost for the gif!)
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Tangerine, overall, is a wonderful partner.
He’s attentive in life and in bed. Understands the limitations of your job, because his is the same. Is committed to making you happy whenever you have a moment to spend together.
With all this being said. He sometimes has an issue with… control.
Which you understand. It’s in the nature of being a contract killer. He gets worried that if every little thing isn’t meticulously planned they will go wrong. To be fair, it’s what almost got him killed on that train. So you do get it. You do.
So sometimes you need to help him give up that control, and know what it feels like when he surrenders it to someone else.
Like right now. He’s on his knees on the bedroom floor, stripped while you’re fully clothed. He rests his hands on his thighs, breathes so deeply you can see his chest expand and contract. His shoulders rise and fall. Every inch of his beautiful skin move.
He doesn’t respond. He’s lost in his own head again. You reach out and cup his chin in your hand, raise his eyes to look at you.
“Give me a colour, handsome.”
He swallows and his Adam’s apple bobs. It looks delicious. He can’t quite meet your gaze, so unused to this level of vulnerability.
“Green,” he manages. Good. Green means continue. And that’s precisely what you do, reaching into your pocket and slipping out your gift for him.
His breath freezes in his beautiful throat as you buckle the collar in place. He manages a single little chuckle, so absolutely flabbergasted at what’s happening it’s all that he can do. 
You hook a finger between the collar and his skin and check it’s not too tight. Hot blood thrums through his veins and you can feel every heartbeat of it. 
You run your thumb over the word that’s now been embossed over his throat: your name.
“Just to remind you who takes your breath away,” you tell him, with a smile. You bury your fingers in his hair and raise his head high enough so that you can kiss him without having to kneel down yourself. You like this kind of kissing. When your tongue has dominance, when you can suck his lower lip between your teeth and tug on it.
“Still green?” you ask, looking at how kiss-pouted his mouth has become. He takes in a shuddering, overwhelmed breath, and nods.
You head back to the bed. Cross your legs. Watch him.
“Touch yourself for me, darling.”
He seems nervous about it at first. Shy, perhaps. But you are so, so lucky to have such a position of privilege that you get to watch him be shy. That he lets you close enough to see him be vulnerable.
Carefully, he wraps a hand around his already fully erect cock and starts to pump it. Precome leaks from his tip over his calloused knuckles, and he gathers it in his palm in order to make his strokes easier. He groans, throwing his head back, bringing the collar tight against his throat. 
God, he is beautiful. You’re sure the angels made him. Like he’s been carved from marble and you’re fortunate enough to have him kneeling for you. 
He reaches around to cup his own balls, holding himself as he fucks up into his right hand. A fine sheen of sweat breaks out on his forehead, sticking his hair to his skin. A single bead of it runs down to his jaw and you have to hold yourself back from licking it off.
Right now, this is all about him. 
His cockhead is a ruddy, abused red. He thumbs the slit there and groans at the overstimulation of it all. The bite of the collar choking his breath just a little. The feeling of his own hands giving him pleasure. And you, gorgeous you, sitting on the bed with lust-blown pupils taking it all in.
“Can I… I’m going to…” he doesn’t know how to ask for permission, but you find it admirable that he’s trying. 
“Come for me, love.”
And he does, with a bitten-off roar. You can practically see the muscles in his abdomen twitch as he releases thick, pearly ropes of come, decorating his stomach and hand. He sits there, still rutting his hips forward, milking every last drop of his orgasm from himself. 
He breathes hard, reeling from the intensity of the moment. You crook your finger at him and he finds the strength to crawl over to you. Fucking crawl. You reward him by catching his mouth in a searing kiss.
“You’re so good for me,” you sigh, dreamily. He drops his head to your sternum, listening to your heartbeat. Grounding himself. 
He deserves this. He deserves to let go. And you’ll always look after him.
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jasonaaronpro · 10 months
Exploring the Musical World of Adam Riviere and Playground Productions
🎶 Explore the rhythm of Indianapolis with Adam Riviere at Playground Productions! Discover a haven for music and art lovers in our latest segment. 🎤🎨 #PlaygroundProductions #AdamRiviere #MusicCulture #INtheLoopTVShow 📺🌟
Immerse yourself in the vibrant and culturally rich world of Adam Riviere and his Playground Productions Studio, nestled in the heart of Irvington. In this exclusive segment, we explore the dynamic studio space where creativity and community converge. Adam Riviere, a master of over 30 instruments including the mesmerizing didgeridoo, opens up about his passion for music, holistic healing, and the…
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sw124 · 3 years
BonelyHearts Reader Insert3
{Female!ReaderXSkeleton household}
Camping! Pt.2
[Recap: You and the entire skeleton household are camping, you an the boys have set everything up and are enjoying warm drinks by the fire. Papyrus is now asking you what you’d like to do now that everything is set up, we pick up from there]
You ponder think for a moment before recalling the pamphlet/map you picked up before you arrived at the campsite. You opened it and scrolled down the list of trails the area had, you passed the pamphlet around.
“Well, I was thinking we each take turns going hiking. I circled some trails that are both for short/long walks and some for hiking. One of them I think we can all enjoy is the ‘Paths of colors’ trail, its about a thirty minute walking path that takes you through the most scenic parts of the local forest where you can gaze at the fall foliage. Another one is the ‘Bridge’ trail where you go walking over bridges around the woods; lastly there’s the ‘Waterfall’ hiking trail where you hike to different waterfalls, creeks, rivers and ponds in the area.”
The skeletons each take turns looking at the trails you mention, each of them having their own opinion on a trail they want to take. Each of them had an opinion on what trail they wanted to go on, Nox, Boss, Blue and Papyrus all wanted to go on the ‘Waterfall’ trail, Poplar, Stretch and Ash wanted to see the ‘Path of Colors’ trail, everyone else opted for the ‘Bridge’ trail......now there was a problem, they all wanted YOU to go on the trails with them.
“Hold your horses boys, we’re staying for like three days we can all do the trails in that time. Besides I have more stuff planned other then just hiking ya know.”
“Like what?” Asked Poplar, sipping his coco.
“Well there’s a lake nearby where you can either go on a paddle boat ride down the rivier or rent canoes, there’s fishing, bird watching, an other relaxing stuff like that.”
You actually liked the idea of renting a canoe and just paddling around the lake or even down the river a little. The idea of being surrounded by the sounds of the forest coupled with the lapping of a oar through the rivers gentle current was just so tempting.
“That sounds like a lot of fun human!” Papyrus beamed, you were sure he was thinking about the canoes too.
“Hey we came to relax, ain’t paddling around just work?” Muttered Red, Rus softly agreed.
You smiled and turned to them. “Don’t worry guys, I already got this. Today a group of us will do the activities that are on the adventurous side, tomorrow another group will do activities that are on the leisure side and last day will be my day of activities; how does that sound?”
The skeletons look at each other, after a slight, awkward pause they all nod in agreement.
“Good then!”
You stood up, walked over to the kitchen canopy where you had previously set your bag, you dug out a small notepad and pen an sat back down.
“Now that we got that settled lets make our groups shall we?”
“You really intend to put us into groups?” Asked Boss.
“I did say there’d be two groups didn’t I?” That little dose of snark earned you a glare, you continued.
“Ok, the Adventure group activities for today are as follows. Hiking the Waterfall trail that will lead us back down to the lake where we can rent canoes and take a hour long ride along the river. When we get back we can have lunch and hike up ‘Grandads bluff’ a trail that takes you to a beautiful overlook of the entire forest. Then when we get back and if we have energy left we can do some fishing, catch and release only. That is on today’s agenda, now who would like to do this today?”
You started writing down names, Papyrus, Blue, Boss, Nox, and Poplar...though you were a bit worried about Poplar going on a long hike and you weren’t alone, Ash’s mouth was twitching, to the point he was biting the bottom half of his mouth.
You spoke up for him. “Poplar are you sure you can handle the hike, it’ll be a pretty long one.”
Poplar smiled. “Do not be worried for my sake, I’ll have plenty of friends with me in case something happens. I’m in wonderful hands!”
That smile of his should be outlawed, you couldn’t deny him now..that and he had a point he wasn’t going alone. You gave Ash a gentle nod, he reciprocated it by sharing a uneasy smile. You’d talk to him later and see if there was anything you could do to help ease his worries.
[Adventure start!]
The name may have been a little uninspired but then again you couldn’t help but feel it did the trail some justice. The six of you first passed by a small stream that carried some of the fallen leaves down the way. It started to widen to more of a creek though, you stopped and pointed out to Blue some of the cute little turtles sitting on the banks. The creek soon widened into more of a proper river.
You hiked up some steeper hills, that was a bit of a chore but those steeper hills also had smaller waterfalls around, they didn’t churn up white clouds of mists like larger ones did but they were just as pretty. The six of you had paused a moment to just listen to the river, it was whispering its soothing timeless lullaby.
Of course the whisper of the river began became silent, overshadowed by the thunder of the waterfall up ahead of you and your group. Cresting over the last hill you had arrived at the waterfall in question, it wasn’t a very tall waterfall. Not in the slightest, at best it was about as tall as a one story building but it was wide and it was beautiful. You read in the pamphlet that in the summer it was very popular swimming spot, it was a safe area to swim and there’s a tradition that the boys in the local scouts who complete/pass their swimming course would jump from the tallest part of the falls into the pool below as a rite of passage.
“My goodness...it’s absolutely marvelous!” Said Poplar, shielding his glasses from the mist coming from the waterfall.
“I was expecting something more grand but this is still nice.” Said Boss.
Nox simply nodded while Blue and Papyrus stared in silent wonder at the majesty before them. You stayed quiet, closing your eyes you just let the sounds envelop you. Lost in your thoughts...you imagined sitting on a porch as a thundershower runs its course. The mist of the rain against your face, the sounds of the thunder rolling through the sky....your thoughts were broken when a hand gently touched your shoulder.
“Hey you ok?” Asked Blue, you blinked and turned to him.
“Sorry, just got lost in my thoughts there...its just so pretty here.”
Papyrus hummed approvingly “Indeed human, this place is quite nice. You have great taste in destinations!”
After enjoying the falls for a bit and taking a few pictures the six of you hiked back down. You made sure to stick close to Poplar and help him down the steep hills, Papyrus helped out too. You and the boys took a different trail back that took you alongside the lake, as you walked you watched ducks, geese and a few sand cranes land fly by or land on top of the water or wade through the shallows.
The trail lead all the way back to the camp grounds but you and the boys bee-lined for the canoe rental hut, renting three canoe’s for at least an an hour an thirty minutes. You asked for an extra thirty minutes in case something happened......like the boys starting to fight or argue about things. Now came the hard part..who goes with who.
“How’s this going to work?” Blue asked looking at the canoe’s, he was thinking the same thing.
“Well obviously we choose a partner that won’t slow you down. I personally I’m thankful the others aren’t here, knowing Stretch or Sans they’d try an tip us over or something.” Said Nox as he inspected the oar’s.
You sighed and spoke up. “Look, I’ll set up the partners ok? I don’t wanna dilly dally and sit here arguing the entire time.”
There was some disgruntled jabs mostly from Nox...and a little from Blue but you were adamant, Boss, Poplar and Papyurs didn’t mind, he liked that you at least put thought in to your choices.
“Ok, Boss your partner is Papyrus, Nox your partners with Blue and lastly is Poplar and I, everyone got that?”
Everyone shared a look but gave you a firm nod, you smiled at them. At least they were not arguing about the arrangement. You took the front of the canoe you shared with Poplar, thankfully the river had small signs placed around for canoe and kayakers to follow so they didn’t get lost. Oh this truly was a treat, it really was. The slow pace down the river was the perfect way to wind down after a long hike, you tilted your head to one side to listen to the native birds. You could hear all kinds, chickadees, woodpeckers, finches, cardinals and morning doves to name a few.
You...felt tempted to splash Nox and Blue with your oar but decided not to. Last time you got Blue an Nox with a prank....well....you’d rather not think about it. You turned to check on Poplar a few times, he never noticed; he was just too absorbed in everything. Papyrus and Boss seemed to be getting along...well Boss seemed to be tolerating more then getting along. After coming around the last bend of the river you were right back at the lake, from where you were you could see all the campsites including yours. You actually got excited seeing the others walking around, you didn’t know why you just did.
Your excitement ebbed away when you heard your own stomach growling, yeah it was getting close to lunchtime. You returned the canoes and got your deposit back before returning.
“Hey, we’re back everyone!” You waved, as you expected they all were still in their chairs enjoying the fire.
“Welcome back, you guys have fun?” Asked Stretch.
“It was a blast! I can’t believe you guys ducked out of it, the waterfall was just beautiful!” Said Blue putting his hands on his hips, chest puffed out.
“It was an enjoyable experience, only made better with the fact that we were not disturbed by anyone’s nonsense.” Nox eyed the group that stayed behind.
You chuckle. “Alright guys, once we have lunch we’ll have one more hike an thats ‘Granddads bluff’. By the time we get back it’ll be time for dinner and-“
“Ohh....sorry to break it to you but that trail just got closed off, apparently a group of teens last night were setting off fireworks in there and somehow messed up the trail.” Russ didn’t make eye contact with you when he said that.
“What?! No way....”
Well that was a kick in the gut, that particular trail was suppose to be the grand jewel of the whole adventure day. Sans came up and patted your arm.
“Don’t be so down, besides if you guys went now there’d be no time to make dinner.”
You cocked your eyebrow at him, he took out his phone and showed you..it was already four in the afternoon!
Goodness it was almost time for dinner!
To be continued...
[Camping is huge in my family, mostly to my parents. They don’t do tent camping they do RV camping but I’ve gone with them and we did these kinds of things. So camping does have a special place in my heart, especially during autumn. This is dedicated to @bonelyheartsclub I hope you enjoy the next installment....is a surprise]
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 140+ Dominiquais faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Moira Stuart (1949) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Barbadian - tv presenter and radio presenter.
Ophelia Marie (1951) Afro-Dominiquais - singer. 
Aunty Pearle / Pearle Christian (1955) Afro-Dominiquais - music educator, composer, choral music director.
Trisha Goddard (1957) Afro-Dominiquais / Unspecified Black, English - actress and tv host.
Alphonsia Emmanuel (1961) Afro-Dominiquais - actress.
Gabrielle / Louisa Gabrielle Bobbs (1969) Afro-Dominiquais - singer-songwriter.
Diane Parish (1969) Afro-Dominiquais - actress.
Ardis Fagerholm (1971) Afro-Dominiquais - singer-songwriter.
Petra Letang (1979) Afro-Dominiquais - actress.
Ayesha Antoine (1981) Afro-Dominiquais, Welsh, English - actress.
Valenzia Algarin (1981) Dominiquais [Unspecified Multiracial] / Puerto Rican [Unspecified Multiracial] - actress.
Simone Bannis (1985 or 1986) Afro-Dominiquais - model.
Miss Tipper / Dominique Tipper (1988) Afro-Dominiquais / English - actress, singer-songwriter, and dancer.
Nathalie Emmanuel (1989) Afro-Dominiquais, English / Afro-Saint Lucian, English - actress.
Ifrika-Caramel Qween Phillip (1989 or 1990) Afro-Dominiquais - model.
Nicole Morson (1990 or 1991) Afro-Dominiquais - model (instagram: nicole_morson).
Jade Shari Romain (1991) Afro-Dominiquais - model and Miss Dominica 2017.
Saryta Akpa (1991 or 1992) Dominiquais [Ivorian] - model.
Lynah Bontiff (1992) Afro-Dominiquais - model.
Tasia Floissac (1993 or 1994) Afro-Dominiquais - model and Miss Dominica 2016.
Fubara Pukka (1994 or 1995) Afro-Dominiquais - model.
Chantel Buckmire (1997 or 1998) Dominiquais [Afro-Dominiquais, Unspecified Other] - model.
Marisol John (1998 or 1999) Afro-Dominiquais - model and Miss Dominica 2019.
Kianne Bastien / Kianne Neesa Bastien (1998 or 1999) Afro-Dominiquais - model.
Martha Sablon (2000 or 2001) Dominiquais [Afro-Dominiquais, Unspecified Pacific Islander, Possibly Other] - model.
Ngozi Paul (?) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Kittitian, Afro-Nevisian - actress, director, producer, and writer.
Kim Roberts (?) Dominiquais Creole / Afro-Jamaican - actress.
Ekeobong Utibe (?) Afro-Dominiquais - actress. 
LaDana Drigo (?) Afro-Dominiquais - actress. 
Wyatt Bardouille (?) Dominiquais - actress, director, and producer.
Disnie Sebastien (?) Afro-Dominiquais - actress, editor, and producer. 
Pamela O'Hare (?) Dominiquais / Unknown - actress. 
Odessa Elie (?) Afro-Dominiquais - model and Miss Dominica 2015.
Francine Baron (?) Afro-Dominiquais - model and Miss Dominica 2014.
Leslassa Armour-Shillingford (?) Afro-Dominiquais - model and Miss Dominica 2013.
Mel (?) Afro-Dominiquais - singer and model (instagram: melchiimera).
Gianna (?) Afro-Dominiquais - instagrammer (gia.renae).
Nerrisa Nicholls (?) Afro-Dominiquais - model (instagram: melanin_body).
F - Athletes:
Hermin Joseph (1964) Dominiquais - sprinter.
Angelica di Silvestri (1965) Dominiquais [Italian] - skier.
Doris Francis (1969) Dominiquais - cricketer.
Dawn Williams (1973) Dominiquais - middle-distance runner.
Francilla Agar (1975) Dominiquais - swimmer.
Marcia Daniel (1977) Dominiquais - sprinter.
Karina LeBlanc (1980) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Pearl Etienne (1982) Dominiquais - cricketer.
Marie-Lyne Joseph (1982) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Guadeloupean - middle-distance runner.
Thea LaFond (1994) Afro-Dominiquais - triple jumper.
Luan Gabriel (1996) Afro-Dominiquais - sprinter.
Donisha Xavier (1997) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Jayde Riviere (2001) Afro-Dominiquais / Hong Kongese - footballer.
Tony Butler (1957) Afro-Dominiquais - singer and bassist.
Danny John-Jules (1960) Afro-Dominiquais - actor, singer, and dancer.
Howard Antony (1963) Afro-Dominiquais - actor.
Eddie Nestor (1964) Afro-Dominiquais - actor, tv presenter, comedian, and radio presenter.
Marlon Roudette (1983) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Trinidadian, English / Scottish, English - rapper-songwriter, singer, guitarist, keyboardist, and drummer.
Edwin Hodge (1985) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Virgin Islander, African-American - actor.
Bashy / Ashley Thomas (1985) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Jamaican - actor and rapper-songwriter.
Dwain Murphy (1985) Afro-Dominiquais - actor.
Aldis Hodge (1986) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Virgin Islander, African-American - actor.
Jason Forbes (1990) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Jamaican - actor, comedian, and writer.
Kojo Funds / Errol Bellot (1995) Afro-Dominiquais / Ghanaian - rapper-songwriter and singer.
Jem Henry / Jemuel Henry (1998 or 1999) Afro-Dominiquais - model.
Kent Sutton (?) Afro-Dominiquais - director. 
DJ Dextrous / Dextrous / Dex / Errol Francis (?) Afro-Dominiquais - DJ, bassist, drummer, producer, and composer.
Nasio / Nasio Fontaine (?) Dominiquais [Kalinago / Afro-Dominiquais] - singer. 
David Jno Baptiste / Ras Jumbo (?) Afro Dominiquais - guitarist. 
Lazo / Lazarus J. Finn (?) Afro-Dominiquais - musician.  
Brother Matthew Luke (?) Afro-Dominiquais - reggae artist.  
The Wizzard / Merlin St. Hilaire (?) Afro-Dominiquais - musician.
JunoSuede (?) Afro-Dominiquais - youtuber.
ColtonT (?) Afro-Dominiquais - musician (instagram: coltontmusic).
Louis VI (?) Afro-Dominiquais, English - musician (instagram: itslouisvi).
O Banga (?) Afro-Dominiquais - musician (instagram: obangamuzik).
M - Athletes:
Irvine Shillingford (1944) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Norbert Phillip (1948) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
David Defoe (1949) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Derek Abraham (1953) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Lockhart Sebastien (1955) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Joe Cooke (1955) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Thomas Kentish (1957) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Vince Hilaire (1959) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Martin Jean-Jacques (1960) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
True Brit / Frank Bruno (1961) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Jamaican - boxer.
Paul Canoville (1962) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Anguillian - footballer.
Larry Miller (1963) Dominiquais - sprinter.
Roy Marshall (1965) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Woodrow Lawrence (1966) Afro-Dominiquais - swimmer.
Phillip DeFreitas (1966) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Liburd Henry (1967) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Cedric Harris (1967) Afro-Dominiquais - middle-distance runner. 
Royston Trocard (1967) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Darwin Telemaque (1968) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Phillip DeFreitas (1966) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Steve Agar (1968) Dominiquais [Afro-Dominiquais, Unspecified White, Possibly Other] - track and field athlete.
Jérôme Romain (1971) Afro-Dominiquais - track and field athlete.
Garth Joseph (1973) Afro-Dominiquais - basketball player. 
Euclid Bertrand (1974) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Adam Sanford (1975) Dominiquais [Kalinago, Afro-Dominiquais, Possibly Other] - cricketer.
Balty Watt (1975) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer.
Raymond Casimir (1976) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer.
Wayne Phillip (1977) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer.
Sherwin James (1978) Afro-Dominiquais - track and field athlete.
Kirsten Casimir (1978) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Jefferson Louis (1979) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Chris Lloyd (1980) Afro-Dominiquais - sprinter. 
Kenneth Maronie (1980) Afro-Dominiquais - swimmer.
Dorian Auguiste (1980) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Rasheed Bertrand (1982) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Jermain Defoe (1982) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Saint Lucian - footballer.
Randolph Peltier (1982) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Fabian Florant (1983) Afro-Dominiquais - triple jumper. 
Shane Shillingford (1983) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Richard Pacquette (1983) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Darius Defoe (1984) Afro-Dominiquais - basketball player.
Liam Sebastien (1984) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Paul Victor (1984) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Erison Hurtault (1984) Afro-Dominiquais - sprinter. 
Mervin Matthew (1985) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Jean Paul (1985) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Ryan Edgar (1986) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Chad Bertrand (1986) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Joel Etienne-Clark (1986) Dominiquais [Afro-Dominiquais, English, Possibly Other] - footballer. 
Daniel Francis (1986) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Liam Fontaine (1986) Dominiquais - footballer.
Glenson Prince (1987) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Yordanys Durañona (1988) Afro-Dominiquais - triple jumper. 
David Registe (1988) Afro-Dominiquais - long jumper.
Glensworth Elizee (1989) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Kieran Agard (1989) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Vincentian, Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Tyrone Theophile (1989) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer.
Jay Emmanuel-Thomas (1990) Afro-Dominiquais / Afro-Saint Lucian - footballer.
Anthony Edgar (1990) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Julian Wade (1990) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Kiernan Hughes-Mason (1991) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Antiguan, Afro-Barbudan - footballer.
Jerlani Robinson (1993) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Manjrekar James (1993) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Kavem Hodge (1993) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer. 
Travist Joseph (1994) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Briel Thomas (1994) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer.
Anfernee Frederick (1996) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer. 
Andrez Joseph (1998) Afro-Dominiquais - footballer
Alick Athanaze (1998) Afro-Dominiquais - cricketer.
21 Sa**ge / Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph (1992) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Haitian, Afro-Saint Vincentian - rapper-songwriter and producer. - His stage name involves an anti-native slur despite not being native, in his song ASMR he had anti-semitic lyrics, and made tweets supporting rape culture.
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olympic2020tickets · 4 years
Olympic Canoe:  Canoe star Laurence Vincent Lapointe waiting for ICF decision on doping violation
She remains incidentally suspended for having followed proportions of Ligandrol in an out-of-contention doping test. Canadian Olympic Canoe star Laurence Vincent Lapointe must remain by longer to see whether she will fight right now Games.
Olympic enthusiasts from all over the world are invited to book Tokyo Olympic tickets from our online platforms for Olympic Tickets. Olympic Canoe devotees can book Olympic Canoe Tickets from our ticketing marketplace exclusively on discounted prices.
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The International Canoe Federation (ICF) has told the contender it needs a greater chance to choose a decision concerning her doping encroachment a year back. Women's scramble kayak makes its Olympic 2020 introduction in Tokyo.
Vincent Lapointe is a gold-design contender having won a joined 11 world titles in C-1 and C-2 in her employment. The 27-year-old from Trois-Rivieres, Que., had a gathering with the ICF on Dec. 9. She remains incidentally suspended for having followed proportions of Ligandrol is an out-of-contention doping test drove July 29.
Ligandrol used to treat conditions, for instance, muscle wasting and osteoporosis is on the World Anti-Doping Agency's overview of limited substances since it has an anabolic steroids sway. Her legitimate instructor Adam Klevinas has battled the Ligandrol could have begun from dirtied improvements. The canoeist has said she gets her things from the National Team Training Center.
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While Vincent Lapointe is briefly suspended, she can get ready without any other person and hopes to go to Florida to do all things considered. I am disappointed that we haven't got an authority the end now, as I had trusted would be the circumstance, Vincent Lapointe said Wednesday in a declaration released by her pro.
Regardless, while I hold on for an official end, there are under 200 days before the Tokyo Olympic beginning and I need to get back on the water at the soonest opportunity with the objective that I can get ready as hard as I can in the mission for my goal of winning a gold design in August.
"Her lawful guide foresees a decision from the ICF in around fourteen days. This further deferment should not in the least be considered as a sign that the outcome will be irksome for Laurence, Klevinas said."
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We remain sure that, when the ICF renders its decision, Laurence's name will be cleared and that she will have the alternative to put this issue behind her as she looks for after her conclusive objective — winning Olympic gold in Tokyo Olympic this mid-year.
Under ICF rules, the doping the control board had 30 days from the date of the gathering to render a decision. Due to the multifaceted idea of Laurence's case, similarly, as various issues that the ICF has out of nowhere expected to oversee, for instance, WADA's suspension of Russia and the proposals this has on Olympic 2020 capacity, we understand that additional time will be required for the ICF to render a last, thought about the decision, Kelvin said.
Vincent Lapointe, Klevinas and Olympic Canoe Canada won't comment further on the issue until the ICF pronounces its decision, the declaration said. The canoeist isn't the fundamental Canadian contender battling a doping encroachment before the Tokyo Olympic Games.
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Showjumper Nicole Walker of Aurora, Ont., attempted positive for a cocaine metabolite at long last summer's Pan American Games in Lima, Peru. She blames consuming coca tea for the infraction. Canada's show jumping bunch was denied of its fourth-place finish, which expelled the country from the Olympic 2020 field.
Olympic 2020 enthusiasts can get Olympic Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. SportTicketExchange.com is the most consistent source to book Olympic Packages.
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019-20 Springfield Thunderbirds Famous Relations
Rodrigo Abols: Son of Dinamo Riga head coach Artis Abols.
Daniel Audette: Son of former Florida Panthers RW Donald Audette.
Aleksi Heponiemi: Brother of Pingviinit LW Valtteri Heponiemi and Ilves LW Ville Heponiemi.
Joel Lowry: Son of Brandon Wheat Kings head coach Dave Lowry and brother of Winnipeg Jets C Adam Lowry.
Ethan Prow: Husband of former Minnesota Whitecaps RW Hanna Prow.
Kevin Roy: Brother of former Riviere-Du-Loup 3L G Derick Roy.
Aleksi Saarela: Son of Lukko RW Pasi Saarela and brother of Ilves LW Antti Saarela.
Riley Stillman: Son of Sudbury Wolves head coach Cory Stillman.
Paul Thompson: Cousin of University Of New Hampshire Wildcats hockey head coach Mike Souza.
Owen Tippett: Cousin of Syracuse Crunch C Mitchell Stephens.
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brendasolis24 · 5 years
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Aquí dejo el guión del vídeo de Youtube por si tuvieras problemas con escuchar el audio:
Les doy la bienvenida a este rincón  de Paradigmas económicos, en donde escarbaremos un poco sobre las principales escuelas del pensamiento económico.
Te dejo el link de mi blog de personal en la descripción del video por si gustas resolver algunas dudas y también si quieres acompañarme en mis publicaciones semanales sobre Análisis económico.
 Comenzamos  en la Europa del siglo 16 al 18. Surge entonces junto al desarrollo de Renacimiento la influencia del Mercantilismo en los países de Francia, España, Holanda, Italia, Alemania, e Inglaterra.
Este modelo económico se caracterizaba principalmente por darle mucha importancia a los metales, midiendo la riqueza entonces por cantidad de metales que se tengan.
Tenían una inclinación nacionalista.
Según los mercantilistas el número poblacional era proporcional a mayor o menor mano de obra correspondientemente.
Surgió también el concepto de Política económica, de la cual se encargaba el Estado
Las colonias de aquel entonces debían ser fuente de materia prima y laborar como mercados cautivos.
Básicamente el primer bosquejo hacia una organización que en suma resultaba concreta, precisa y práctica.
Algunos de sus representantes fueron Gerald Mlynes, Juan Bodino  y Edward Misseldeeen.
 Continuamos con la Fisiocracia, ubicada en Alemania en el siglo 18.
Con ella se inaugura la etapa de la economía científica en el estudio de los problemas económicos.
Los fisiócratas le tenían eterna devoción a la Agricultura, la que pensaban como la única actividad realmente productiva.
Se regía bajo un “orden natural”, apoyando la satisfacción personal.
Nació el concepto de Producto neto, que era un excedente (una especie de ganancia resultante entre la producción y lo realmente producido).
El estado sino era invisible, se consideraba como un mal necesario; debía estar presente de manera en que no afectara la libertad de los individuos de  la sociedad.
Sus principales representantes fueron Francisco Quesnay, Dupont de Nemours, Turgot, Mirabeu, Condillac y Mercier de la Riviere.
 Pasamos a la escuela de los clásicos, ubicados en Reino Unido, Europa, alrededor de los siglos 18 y 19.
Con ella se crea el marco general para el modelo capitalista.
Su filosofía es naturalista, puesto que  según ellos la ley natural es superior a la humana.
En ésta escuela el Estado tampoco debe intervenir; el mundo económico funciona por lo que se llama “mano invisible”, o dicho de otra manera, el impulso espontaneo no planificado de los hombres.
El individualismo al buscar su beneficio personal, crea una satisfacción en masa, que se limita por una competencia limpia.
Se les considera como representantes de la teoría Laissez Faire(o libertad individual de elección y acción).
Un dato importante sobre los clásicos es la creación del primer marco general para el modelo capitalista, en donde el mismo capital no es más que una inversión a futuro.
Del mismo modo, Adam Smith  se percató que los sueldos tienden al nivel de subsistencia de cada individuo, por lo que es justo que los capitalistas sean ricos y los obreros pobres.
Además de Smith, otras figuras que destacaron entre los clásicos  son Thomas Robert Malthus y David Ricardo
 Tenemos ahora en Alemania de los siglos vecinos 19 y 20, la tan emblemática doctrina Marxista, que aparece a consecuencia de los textos de Karl Marx, donde se introduce por primera vez una base científica real.
Es quizá una teoría tan extensa histórica y conceptualmente, que necesitaríamos todo un video para hablar de ella; por lo pronto revisaremos sus puntos principales.
Marx dirigía su proyecto hacia una sociedad futura en donde ya no existirían las clases sociales.
Haciendo hincapié en la oposición y rechazo al capitalismo.
Menciona la teoría valor-trabajo,hace mención a la plusvalía, y afirma que el capitalista no puede vivir sin los asalariados.
En consecuencia, el capitalista no obtendría más que una miserable acumulación de capital que no dará frutos a largo plazo ni individual ni colectivamente.
Aquí recurre al Materialismo dialéctico, filosofía que dice que las cosas no tiene por qué ser explicadas con bases sobrenaturales.
Sus principales representantes fueron Marx, Federico Engels, Vladimir  Lenin,
 Encontraremos al Neoclasismo, si llegamos a los países de Austria, Inglaterra y Suiza en el mismo periodo que la anterior.
Estos intentaban refinar los principios de los Clásicos, y se oponian a la opinión de Karl Marx. Resultaron las siguientes ideas:
El valor de los bienes debería ser calculado de acuerdo a la utilidad que tuvieran y la escasez de productos.
Se interesaron en la conducta psicológica de los consumidores, pretendiendo aprovecharla a favor (apreciación individual), así como observaron las ocasiones en que la economía permanece casi sin ningún cambio, lo cual llamaron estática, junto al concepto multifuncional de elasticidad, aplicable a los procesos de estudio económico.
Revisan las aplicaciones de la economía y sus resultados a corto y largo plazo, presentando una teoría de producción basada en maximización de ganancias y minimización de costos.
Personajes relevantes de la corriente fueron Karl Menger, Von Wieser, Stanley, Marshall, León Walras y Pareto.
 Cerramos con la teoría cuyo nombre le es otorgado por el economista más influyente de la historia, Mynard Keynes, directamente desde la Universidad de Cambridge, Inglaterra, siglo XX.
 Con esta teoría se da un paso realmente histórico, ya que demuestra que la economía no es solo una disciplina, sino que son varias en conjunto, como una economía mixta.
Keynes nos dice que las decisiones de ahorro las toman los individuos, y por otro lado las inversiones son realizadas por los empresarios.
El Estado existe, y debe intervenir para mantener un orden, un equilibrio general, aplicando leyes monetarias y fiscales, algo llamado “Poder de gasto”
 Veremos un pequeño ejemplo para comprender mejor lo anterior:
 Imaginemos que preparamos 3 platillos distintos:
Hotcakes, Waffles, y Crepas.
Puesto que están preparados son los mismos ingredientes básicos:
Harina, Leche, Huevo y Mantequilla.
La mezcla de hotcake tendrá una cantidad de ingredientes en equilibrio; quizá 1 taza de leche y harina, 1 huevo, y 1 cucharada de mantequilla
En contraste, la crepa tendrá más leche, e igualmente los waffles más harina
Una vez terminados uno puede agregarles los aditivos de su preferencia, como jalea, miel, frutas, hasta elementos salados si así se piensa.
En un modelo económico la harina representa al Estado, la leche a la participación del sector privado, los huevos serán Las funciones del estado y finalmente la mantequilla las diversas leyes regulatorias.
Así un hotcake podría ser economía ideal o mixta, los waffles serían el Marxismo, y las crepas Un capitalismo, clasismo o neo clasismo.
Y los aditivos son las distintas particularidades que se encuentren en cada nación, desde el punto de vista geográfico (mar/petróleo/tierra/etc.)
Un poco más claro, ¿no?
Hasta aquí el vídeo, espero te haya sido útil para comprender la evolución del pensamiento económico;  hasta la próxima ¡
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rijksmuseum-art · 6 years
Tumblr media
Landscape with a frozen Canal, Skaters and an Ice Boat (Winter Entertainment) by Adam van Breen, 1611, Museum of the Netherlands
Wintervermaak. IJsvermaak op een bevroren rivier, rechts een kasteel, in de verte een stadsprofiel. Op het ijs een zeilende ijsschuit, schaatsers en een slede.
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gulindede · 2 years
2021-2022 tiyatro sezonu bakiyesi
Herkes Kocama Benziyor, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, 28 Haziran 
Sanki Hiç Unutmayacakmış Gibi, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, 8 Ağustos
Manhattan’ın İyi Tanrısı, Tiyatro Motus, 15 Ağustos
Parşömen, Proje Difüzyon, 26 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Taşıdıklarımız, Çıplak Ayaklar Kumpanyası, 27 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Vahşet Tanrısı, Das Das, 27 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali 
Petite Mechanique, 28 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Sesin Resmi, Dot, 28 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Suzy Storck, Moda Sahnesi, 4 Eylül
Veba, İBŞT, 15 Eylül 
Sinderella, Fringe Festivali, 18 Eylül
Demiryolu Hikayecileri, Kumbaracı50, 15 Ekim 
Hayat Der Gülümserim, İBŞT, 20 Ekim
Sıfır Telaş, Tiyatroperest, 28 Ekim
Nora 2, Bahçe Galata, 29 Ekim 
Çiçek Kalkışması, Yeni Metin Festivali, Okuma Tiyatrosu, 1 Kasım
 Istırap Korosu, BAM İstanbul, 3 Kasım 
Neşe, 4 Kasım, Pippo Delbono, 4 Kasım
Eşit Masallar, 6 Kasım
Gabriel’in Düşü, Tiyatro Dea, 9 Kasım
Gomidas, Yolcu Tiyatro, 12 Kasım, 2.kez
Şatonun Altında, Fiziksel Tiyatro Araştırmaları, 14 Kasım, 2. Kez
Birazdan Gideriz Şimdi Yağmur Yağıyor , Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, 16 Kasım
Medea, İnternational Theater Amsterdam, 17 Kasım
Beni Sakın Yumruklardan, İKSV, 19 Kasım
Toz, ID İletişim, 24 Kasım
Medea’ya Göre Ahlak, Yeni Metin Festivali, Okuma Tiyatrosu, 27 Kasım, 
Düğün Şarkıcısı, Toy İstanbul, 4 Aralık
Misket, Kadıköy Boa Sahne, 20 Aralık
Yeraltından Notlar , Moda Sahnesi, 24 Aralık
Aşınma, studio 31. Birileri, 3 Ocak
Onikinci Ev, 27 Ocak, Küff Kolektif
Öyle Şeyler Yalnızca Filmlerde Olur, Koma, 30 Ocak
Zehir, İBŞT, 5 Şubat
Faust, Moda Sahnesi, 9 Şubat
Cardenio, Semaver Kumpanya. 10 Şubat
Hiçbir Yerdeki Adam, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, 18 Şubat
Adı Aylin, 21 Şubat, 
Mutlu Değilim Ama Kahrımdan da Ölmüyorum, Kadıköy Boa Sahne, 23 Şubat
Harika Şeyler Listesi, Talimhane Tiyatrosu, 24 Şubat
Çok Uzak Çok Yakın, Tiyatro Pol, 14 Mart
Nora, NKT, 16 Mart
Traverser la Riviere sous la pluie, Fringe İstanbul , 19 Mart
Anne, Tiyatro İn, 20 Mart
N’olcak bu Yusuf Umut’un Hali, Tiyatrol Hemhal, 21 Mart 
Kum Zambakları, Zorlu PSM, 4 Nisan, 
Hu, Oji Tiyatro, 6 Nisan, Boa Sahne
Hiçbir şey Yerinde Değil, ÇAK, 25 Nisan
Aramızdaki Sarmaşık, Kadıköy Emek Tiyatrosu, 27 Nisan
Dalgakıran, Craft Tiyatro, 9 Mayıs
Galat-ı meşhur, Katot, 11 Mayıs,
Solo for Two, 22 Mayıs, Bereze
Yaftalı Tabut, İBŞT, 25 Mayıs
Yok Olma Çağı, 1ay1hafta, 26 Mayıs
Macbeth mutfakta, KadroPa, 2 Haziran, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Mesafe, PAL İzmir, 3 Haziran, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Istırap Korosu, BAM İstanbul, 2.kez, 3 Haziran, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Çalgıcı Gül Ali Masalı, Boş Sahne, 4 Haziran, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Timsah Ateşi, Sadri Alışık, 4 Haziran, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Bayan Bright'in Deliliği, Bora Çınar,  5 Haziran,Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Klavikula, Tuğçe Tuna,  5 Haziran, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Kral Übü, Sarı Sandalye, 7 Haziran
Çalgıcı Gül Ali Masalı, 2.kez, Boş Sahne, 23 Haziran
Uzak, Mekan performans, 29 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Bergama Stereo Bergama, Performans, 28 Ağustos, Bergama Tiyatro Festivali
Pan Tiyatro, Performans, Fringe Festivali, 24 Eylül
Kendimi Çalıyorum, Performans, Fringe Festivali, 26 Eylül
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