#Adore the first sentence
spf5 · 1 year
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Exit the supersensorium, Erik Hoel, 2022
The neuroscientific case for art in the age of Netflix
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wikiangela · 1 month
tease tidbit tuesday/wip wednesday
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @tizniz @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13 - tagging y'all back for wip wednesday 💖💖
doing two in one bc it's technically wednesday already idc lol - started a new wip I mentioned before (inspired by this video lol) and rn I'm rewriting what I wrote yesterday bc the past two days words were not wording and I hated everything I wrote, but I think I'm happy with it now haha I hope I'll manage to write it like I want to bc it's sooo good in my head istg haha
(wasn't gonna post until i have more but i need validation before i drive myself crazy over this lol)
It started as a random idea, more like a throwaway thought, really. Tommy was just checking the weather for the next few days – his hot pilot boyfriend always likes to be prepared – while they were hanging out, and he casually mentioned that “it’s gonna be nice on Saturday, perfect barbecue weather,” which got Buck to mention how they often have family barbecues at Bobby and Athena’s. Somehow, the conversation spiraled, and Buck’s not sure who threw out a more concrete idea, but here they are now, standing side by side in Tommy’s kitchen, preparing food – Buck’s currently slicing veggies for a salad, while Tommy takes care of the meat – for the barbecue where they invited way too many people than Tommy’s backyard can probably fit. It really is nice weather, the sliding door leading from the kitchen to the backyard open and letting in warm sunshine and a soft breeze that makes the air feel cooler. They work in pleasant silence, the only sound is quiet music playing from the speaker, and Buck can’t help a fond smile when he hears his boyfriend hum along, so off-key Buck’s not sure he even knows the song, but it’s still adorable.
The silence is disrupted by the doorbell ringing, and before Tommy can even move, Buck is dropping the knife on the cutting board, wiping his hands, and sprinting towards the door, shouting an “I got it!” over his shoulder. He’s followed by an echo of Tommy’s fondly amused chuckles. So he’s a little excited, sue him – they haven’t had a family day like this in a while, and there was only one he brought Tommy to, all of their schedules not so easy to align. And today his whole family will be here, including their spouses and children, and Tommy invited a couple of his friends and their families, too, and it’ll be just a big, loud, chaotic get-together that he’s hosting with his boyfriend. Buck never hosted one of these before, and he’s really enjoying it so far, and he just wants everyone to have fun.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck
@eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life
@diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway
@spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@nmcggg @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @bidisasterevankinard @giddyupbuck
@sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings
@buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @your-catfish-friend
@daffi-990 @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki Animate Tokuten Drama CD: “Sleeping Together ��� With Vampire"
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No, not that kind of sleeping together.
...And yet somehow not really the other kind either because despite it's title there is LITTLE TO NO SLEEPING TOGETHER GOING ON AT ALL except at the very end TᴖT TᴖT TᴖT My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Ok ok I'm obviously being overdramatic. Misleading name aside the CD is enjoyable and cute just...not at all in the way I was expecting (that being something akin to the Sleeping Vampire Scenario from Vandead Carnival but, alas, no). But oh well, I got to hear Ruki be all deredere towards the end so it's fine I guess lol
Ideally I'd create an actual translation to go along with this (I might do so sometime in the future, unless someone more competent does it first) but for now I've put a summary of the story under the cut. I ask that you please have mercy on me though, I am not used to writing this kind of stuff and it probably shows >﹏<;
Regardless, I hope you enjoy ( ノ^ω^)ノ ⋆⁺₊☽⁺₊⋆
UPDATE: The CD now has an actual translation courtesy of my fellow Ruki stan @otomehonyaku o(^o^)o please go check it out if you haven't already!
[Disclaimer: I always allow my stuff to be used for translation purposes, as long as I am credited. BUT DO NOT REPOST THE AUDIO ON ANY WEBSITE WHATSOEVER. I bought the CD with my own money and as such this audio belongs to me.]
Summary ~*×*☆*+*~
[Please note that there may be mistakes or I might've misinterpreted parts of the CD. I apologize in advance (╥﹏╥)]
The CD starts with Ruki encountering Yui, who is carrying an unusually large package. Curious, Ruki asks her what she's doing, and learns that Kou has tasked her with delivering the package to him (Ruki). Ruki is somewhat perplexed as he doesn't recall requesting anything of the kind. Yui suggests that it might be a surprise gift, but Ruki is skeptical. He wants to ask Kou directly but is reminded that he is currently away on a location shoot. With a resigned sigh, Ruki decides that he has no choice but to open the package in Kou's absence. He asks Yui to hand the package to him, and then invites her to come along to his room to find out what's inside. She eagerly accepts, and they head off together.
In Ruki's room they take a seat (on what I assume to be the sofa) and open the package. Inside, there are various wooden pieces resembling parts of something, along with a letter from Kou. Ruki reads the letter aloud and it's revealed that the package contains a (*drumroll*)... puzzle! And not just any puzzle but a ✨️3D puzzle✨️. In the letter Kou encourages Ruki and Yui to assemble the parts together to discover what they will form. Since he's got spare time on his hands Ruki decides to have a go at it, with Yui joining in.
After a while of working on the puzzle, Ruki asks Yui how her part is coming along. She shows him, and he comments that she's doing better than he anticipated. He helps her out with some difficult pieces before instructing her to continue on her own. Yui asks Ruki if this is his first time putting together a 3D puzzle, and he replies that he's tried some before, but that this particular type is new to him. Yui is eager to learn what it is they are building, and Ruki, not wanting to dampen her anticipation, pretends he still can't quite figure out what the finished thing will be either (awww ♡). Ruki suggests that rather than moving their mouths they should focus on moving their hands as with their current pace the puzzle won't be finished. He reasons that the faster they move the sooner they'll have their curiosity satisfied. Yui agrees to work faster and Ruki promises to do the same.
They pick up the pace and eventually the puzzle is done. The assembled pieces have formed a small foreign castle, and Ruki reveals that he suspected as much from the start. He surmises that Kou must have remembered their expressed desire to visit such a castle after seeing one by chance on one of his TV shows. Ruki acknowledges Kou's attempt to make the two of them happy in his own way. He praises Yui for doing a great job despite not knowing what they were actually assembling, noting that the part she made fits perfectly into the castle.
However, there is no response from Yui, causing a puzzled (ahaha) Ruki to remark on her lack of reaction to something she had been so excited about. Turning his head to the side to look at her, Ruki discovers that she's fallen asleep with her head resting on his shoulder. He comments on the privilege of such a sleeping position but acknowledges that it's understandable she'd fall asleep since it's past their usual bedtime. She had seemed so engrossed in their work that he didn't notice her drifting off.
Ruki carries Yui to his bed and gently places her there, saying that she should have just told him that she was tired. He realizes that she likely made an effort to stay awake until the end, though she ultimately fell asleep. Deciding that it would be a good time for him to go to sleep as well, he tidies up and hides the little castle under the table, so that he'll be able to see Yui's reaction to it in the morning.
Returning to the bed, Ruki asks Yui to scoot over to make room for him, but she's sleeping too soundly to hear. He lies down next to her and (in true Mukami Ruki fashion) begins observing Yui's sleeping face. He notes how relaxed her expression is and wonders if it's because she's tired out from using her brain (lmao rude). Ruki then ponders what kind of face Yui will make when she wakes up—will she feel guilty for falling asleep before the puzzle was finished, or will she be surprised and embarrassed to find him laying next to her? Regardless of what her reaction will be, Ruki knows that it'll be enjoyable to witness. But he's certain she'll be happy once she sees the completed puzzle and admits to himself that he really wants to see that expression on her face. He's aware that it's out of character for him, and thinks that he might even have trouble falling asleep from the excitement (asdfsdjfj this is too fucking cute I can't)
Ruki decides that he should thank Kou for the useful gift by making him his favorite food for dinner tomorrow. The mention of dinner causes Yui to stir (what a relatable Queen), and Ruki teases her for being greedy. He assures the still-sleeping girl that she doesn't need to worry; he'll make her favorite dish as well as a reward for her hard work on the puzzle.
The CD ends with Ruki saying how he looks forward to seeing Yui's reaction the following day.
Fin ~*×*☽*+*~
- _(´ω`_)⌒)_
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lucassinclaer · 9 months
PLEASE! BEGGING! el and lucas' bond is about more than their love for max.
it's a deep understanding of each other that can remain unspoken but because they've seen the darker parts of each other right off the bat they can trust its authenticity. it's el hearing "i'm sorry" for the first time in her life. it's lucas seeing more than the black and white rules of childhood.
it's an undercurrent of support. it's lucas going, "no, actually, just because el is powerful doesn't mean we can't do everything we can to fight alongside with her." it's him following through on that, proving to himself and to el that they're good by way of action. it's the implicit team work that comes out of that.
it's two kids, changing each other, shaping world views and having a dynamic that - though underexplored in the show - is soso integral to their characters.
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dmwrites · 2 years
If you could paint the earth, what colors would you pick?
The colors of the world never ceased to amaze Jimmy, specifically the ones that made up Tumble Town. Some visitors called it drab or just plain dry, but to Jimmy it was like the ending and beginning of the days melted down and draped itself over the lands he called home.
He settled his town of wood and stone at the bottom of a terracotta bowl of reds and yellows and browns. There was always gritty red sand that never quite seemed to leave- he’d found that his footsteps often left red imprints in his neighbors lands when he visited. If a curling wind lost its way and got stuck in the town, it would kick up that sand and swirl it around, like a tornado at the end of days. Rain was almost a stranger to him now, only coming every few months to drown him for a few days before moving onto a more receptive audience.
The other strangers, the rulers of other lands, came more often then the rain, bringing with them new and exotic trades, and stories of their own green and blue lands. Jimmy liked the people that came by, from the downright annoying to the overly flirty. They brought with them their own colors, like how the sky borrows from the rainbow when it needs extra inspiration. They came and went, leaving with gunpowder in their pockets and red sand clinging to their shoes.
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witchcraftingboop · 10 months
Uni: Put together an eportfolio of all your college work!
Me: Yeah no problem, I never delete anything anyways
Fall 2019 Me: The statements put forth are directed at the youth, their "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" (Lazarus, 1883). Let the spark of defiance be fostered in the years going forward and our roots lain bear. Revolution has always been at the heart of American history for a reason.
Me: .... so... I'll file this under.... ethics?
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dyns33 · 2 years
 Y/N : "I hope his first word will be something cute, like "dad" or "mom"... Or something cool, like a full sentence, "may the force be with you !" or whatever.”
Din : "Oh kriff, stop. He's already speaking, and if one day he speaks standard, if he can, he'll say what he wants."
Grogu : "Crif."
Din : "No. No, no, no. Don't say that !"
Grogu : "Krip. No."
Y/N : "Aaaw he's talking like his dad. Din, I need to talk to you outside."
Din : "I already know what you're going to say. I won't swear in front of the kid again."
Grogu : "Dag parik !"
Din : "... Ever again."
Y/N : "You are still going outside. And you're sleeping in the cockpit tonight."
Grogu : "Ma ma !"
Y/N : "... HE SAID MAMA ! Baby, you said mama !"
Din : "Good job, kid ! We're proud of you ! I'm... I'm still sleeping in the cockpit ?"
Grogu : "No."
Y/N : "Yes."
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
Horsies in the Plex if Roxy is a horse lover before she knows they've ever existed here is really good honestly. She's off exploring, finding random horse themed things and immediately drops what she's doing to run over to Vanessa with it like "LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!!" cause Vanessa also likes horsies and is the reason Roxy likes them so much in the first place.
Like it starts with a prop horseshoe or something. Then she's finding plushies and building a little collection of them, making sure to give Vanessa one every time she finds a new one. Then she finds a random ass saddle or a bunch of prop hay bales or something. A bridle. Some bit pieces. A harness for a wagon. The wagon itself. Horse action figures. Whatever else. She's been excited about every single thing she's found so far and wonders how much more there is to find...
Opens a new storage room door and she finds actual fucking horses. Deactivated, dusty as hell, animatronic horsies.
Fucking grabs Vanessa and takes off running into areas Vanessa is absolutely not allowed to be in at all to show her all the horsies sndjjd like "VANESSAA!!! THERE'S HORSES!!!! NESSA HORSES ARE REAL!!! THEY REALLY EXIST NESSA LOOOOK!!!!"
#there's so much fun with these horsies#listen she's got a special interest that makes her super happy#all tail wags and tippy taps while her four minis get so excited for her#biggest enablers of the special interest jdjdnid#oh and for the record vanessa does NOT have a special interest here. she was a horse kid growing up and still likes them#but she's nowhere near as interested anymore#Roxy just shows up and drops a horse plushie on her so excited about it and vanessa is...#well she's shocked cause where the fuck did that come from but also what do you MEAN it's hers??#this is the thing with roxy. her dog programming makes strong emotions really hard to contain#so she HAS to show her the horsies and she HAS to run loops around her to do it#when she's excited enough about something sitting still feels like a death sentence she's actually going to EXPLODE#she's a little bean!!! cute and adorable and a good bit overwhelming to the unprepared!!!#the downside is that thus carries over to sadness anger frustration and every other emotion she can feel#she can't contain shit. she can kind of mask with overconfidence but only if she's had time to calm down first#she's just so dog like that#fnaf security breach#roxanne wolf#plex history: horses#they have an official tag now because i love them#fnaf vanessa#yeah sure fuck it I'll tag them both shjdj#i just have this mental image of roxy running in at the end of nessa's shift to give her a pony plushie#but the day guard is there to swap with her so he bares witness to excited puppy roxy and is so fucking confused#she gets super embarrassed when she notices him but poppet and tippy are like 'hey... hes probably jealous'#and she fucking shoots off to go get him one too. fucking blasts the door down when she gets back to hand him a horsie#'tippy said you'd be jealous so i got you one too.' and he's so fucking confused cause who the FUCK is tippy???#Vanessa behind Roxy just nodding and gesturing to go with it and when he does she's both surprised and overjoyed he likes the horsies too#still embarrassed but HORSIES!!!#'where did you even get these??' 'found em!' 'yeah be where?' 'oh ya know... around.' '?????'#vanessa just tells him to drop it cause she doesn't have a clue either and that's obviously not about to change ever lmao
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kittyhazelnut · 1 year
You have to kidding when you say lokius or whatever is the superior Loki ship? Just because you ship it that doesn't make it superior. On top of that Mobius is the ugliest person to ever ship loki with
man, fuck off. someone asked me my opinion on Loki ships and I responded with my opinion on Loki ships. this is that whole "everyone on tumblr is chronically online and thinks every post must be About Them Specifically" bullshit I was talking about earlier. a girl can't even call her fav ship superior in her own post about her own ships without some asshole getting mad that I didn't account for Every Single Marvel Fan's Opinion Ever. make your own post about your own favorite Loki ship if you're this bitter idfc just go away
#also imagine thinking 'he's ugly' is a good defense about why you don't like a ship?#especially when that ugly person is Owen Wilson as Mobius M Mobius‚ the most precious bean of all precious beans???#when i look at Mobius I don't even see Mobius okay when I look at Mobius i see a being who descended from the heavens#Jesus Himself wept the first time He saw Mr. Mobius M. Mobius because He knew He would never live up to this man#I don't see how you can be upset with *me* for seeing Mobius for the beautiful wholesome fantastic man he is#is it my fault that you're too blind to see the complete and utter adoration Mobius has for this man‚ this god‚ this BEING he's been#searching for for years? is it my fault that you don't understand how deeply and hopelessly in love Mobius fell before hed even met a Loki?#your ignorance to the greatest love story of all time reflects only on yourself‚ anon‚ not on me#fr tho jokes aside i dont give a fuck what you ship and what you don't ship just keep that shit to yourself and your anti community#like why do you hate happiness anon?#when taylor swift said 'i want to be defined by the things that i love‚ not the things i hate‚ not the things that im afraid of‚ the things#that haunt me in the middle of the night‚' she was handing you a guide on how to be less of a miserable fuck and you just threw it out the#window#I'm not even mad man i just feel bad that your life is so miserable you gotta send mean anons about pointless shit#(also the fact that i wrote a whole paragraph praising thorki and you had an issue with my one sentence about lokius is embarrassing 💀)#look i have an ask#i need to stop posting at night because this was a lot of tags for an ask that I'll forget about in 20 minutes lmao
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anthrokiaera · 1 year
Last Line Challenge
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words. 
fun game @itsyourstarboy!! Ty for the tag Now I don’t really know what you meant by “last thing we wrote” if you mean artistically I am an absolute crap writer But!!! In honor of your new D.a.m.n. Fam fic, here’s something I wrote while travelling a few days earlier to see a friend:))
“Waiting for the boom, listening to how quiet it is, and how loud the flash of lightning...“ yadiyadiya
if you wanted something with more of a silly twist then this was the last thing I sent my friends
tags!! apologies in advance if I’m repeating some (No pressure to join if you don’t want to!)@romeo-the-homeo @sincerelywhistler @konnorhasapen @basiliskbrews @dollscircus @angelcactus @friendlyfaded @sienotasir @moonandstarlightsposts
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inkling0121 · 9 months
Crying bc theres been a trend where people talk about how beautiful brown eyes are but theyre always light brown or hazel and I have the darkest eyes youve ever seen so this is to people who have dark eyes like me
Your eyes are like the night sky, when theres a glare it looks like stars. Your eyes are like wells of ink, so full of potential and millions of stories are written because of them. Your eyes are like a dark room after a busy day, blissful silence in the night except for the rain pattering against your window, your bed so soft and warm and inviting, the dark so nice and welcoming. Your eyes reflect everything you see with so much beauty. They are a sharp type of beautiful, so full of emotion, anger, love, sorrow, and joy. Blue eyes may seem like the ocean, green eyes like gems, but your eyes are so very human in the way we built our homes from the darkest, richest soils and the mightest of black oaks. Your eyes holds the secrets of the universe, and maybe if we stare at each other long enough, we might be able to begin to understand.
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moszeel · 2 years
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Ceobes low key rocking the bucket hat in her new skin
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jostenthusiast · 2 years
my brothers in christ you can enjoy a book series and still criticize its writing 😭
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fandomfoundmyart · 2 years
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click for better quality! (alt text in images, i added it but idk if it'll show??)
also i spent the whole day doing this so pls dont flop 😭
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@finsterhxgel​​​ liked for a poetry starter ! ( for Juliette )
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“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
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outoftheirdifferences · 5 months
What Sky Are You?
partly cloudy sky à la Toy Story
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you have mixed feelings about change, but you adapt to it fairly easily. or at least that's what it seems like from an outsider's perspective. outwardly you're pretty chill, appearing calm and relaxed. but inside is a little more complicated. you're guided by logic and reason just as much as you're guided by your heart and your instinct. you struggle with feeling like you're not enough. you cherish memories, both old and new
tagged by: taken from @elxgantcaptain
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