endless-bunny · 1 year
Pathfinder Iconics Comparison Part 6: Who's left?
[Part 1: Classes with Different Iconics] [Part 2: Core Classes] [Part 3: The Remaining PF2 Classes] [Part 4: Classes Who Got Demoted] [Part 5: Prestige Classes]
And so we come to the end of our journey. It's been a ride. Out of forty total classes in PF1, only twelve* remain that we have yet to examine. * Only twelve classes, but we actually have 17 Iconic characters left to look at, more on that later
Hybrid Classes
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Top: Crowe (Bloodrager, he/him), Kess "The Bull" (Brawler, she/her), Adowyn & Leryn (Hunter, she/her) Bottom: Hakon (Skald, he/him), Zadim (Slayer, he/him), Oloch (Warpriest, he/him)
Half of the remaining classes are Hybrid classes from the Advanced Player's Guide. The Hybrid classes, as I've mentioned before, are meant to blend two "parent" classes, taking features from both but creating a play experience that is distinct from either. Some of these achieved their goals better than others.
A lot of the game design space that was occupied by the hybrid classes can now be filled by PF2's multiclassing system. While in PF1 it was often preferable to pick, say, Bloodrager over a Barbarian/Sorcerer multiclass, in PF2, the Archetype feats make it easier to do so. With just a few feats, a Barbarian can gain spellcasting abilities from the Sorcerer without losing any of their potency as a frontline fighter.
If I were a gambling bun — and let's be real, I spend most of my time playing games with dice — I'd say we won't be seeing the Hunter or Warpriest again as full classes in their own right. It seems like one of Oloch's parents got full custody.
In PF2, the Warpriest is one of two Doctrines that can be taken by the Cleric, sacrificing some magical potency in favour of increased martial prowess. Similarly, the niche formerly occupied by the Hunter is now occupied by certain Ranger abilities.
The Hunter was a Ranger who lost some combat focus in exchange for starting with a pet, like a Druid, rather than having to wait until Lv.4. The PF2 Ranger can start with a pet, making the niche formerly occupied by the Hunter pretty redundant.
As for the others, never say never. Even if they don't show up as classes, Paizo might surprise us with archetypes. And Oloch has already shown up in Hollow Mountain as a member of Seltyiel's adventuring party (along with Damiel and Meligaster) so it's not impossible that they might show up in future comics or books.
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I feel like I sort of cheated with Shardra and maybe she should also be included here, since she wasn't used for a character option.
Occult Classes
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Erasmus (Medium, he/him); Meligaster (Mesmerist, he/him)
The Kineticist and Psychic appear in PF2, while the Occultist and Spiritualist have successors in the Thaumaturge and Summoner, respectively. That leaves only two of the classes from Occult Adventures without representation in PF2. The Medium and the Mesmerist.
The Medium can channel spirits of the dead to gain their knowledge and skills for a time, manifesting in-game as bonuses to specific types of rolls.
The Mesmerist uses psychic magic to control the minds of others. Meligaster appears in Hollow Mountain as a member of Seltyiel's adventuring party, and shows off his mastery of psychic control.
Erasmus's glowing yellow eyes really sell the "possessed" angle, and the grey hair streaking his temples hints at continual psychic stress. I love his array of unconventional tools: the ouija board and planchette, the crystal ball, and the handful of... Harrow(?) cards, all very neat for divining and communing with the spirit world. He's also incredibly fashionable. It takes a brave man to wear a cravat and a scarf but he pulls it off.
Meligaster's appearance is great, I love his tall hat and the hypnotic, swirling spiral patterns on his clothes. Wayne did a great job of making his stare really intense, which is what the Mesmerist is all about. He really fixes his gaze upon the viewer, making it hard to appreciate the other fine details in his costume.
I'm not betting on these two classes making a return any time soon but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of Meligaster coming back in the story; he's the long-lost brother of Lem, the Iconic Bard. There's a fair bit of bad blood between them so I could see that getting resolved as part of a future storyline.
Alternate (Eastern) Classes
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Ninja (Reiko, she/her*), Samurai (Hayato, he/him) * Liz Courts, author of Meet The Iconics: Reiko stated in this messageboard post that Reiko is a female-presenting genderqueer/genderfluid character, but was not speaking in the capacity of a member of Paizo's editorial staff at that time. Reiko's gender identity is thus not canonically confirmed.
These are two Alternate classes from Ultimate Combat. The Ninja is an alternate Rogue, and the Samurai is an alternate Cavalier. Essentially, they take the basic class and swap out a couple of features here and there while keeping the core unchanged. The Samurai gets a mounted archery ability, for example, whereas the Cavalier gets the ability to train horses more easily; and the Rogue is better at finding and disarming traps, but the Ninja becomes adept in the use of poisons.
I think Wayne's signature style of "give them a tonne of stuff to carry around" really does good work for these two. A samurai who's armed to the teeth, or a ninja with the right tool for every occasion are both great. I think Hayato might be wearing a scabbard upside-down, though? If it's a katana, they were typically worn with the edge facing up, though it is also just a question of the personal preference of the wielder.
These two haven't shown up in PF2 yet, but I think it's only a matter of time. Next year, we're going to be getting not one, but two books about the continent of Tian Xia, the Asian-inspired region of Golarion. We'll be getting a World Guide and a Character Guide. We might see Reiko or Hayato over there, as background characters, class options or archetypes. Watch this space I guess
Base Classes
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Inquisitor (Imrijka, she/her), Shifter (Zova, she/her)
And now we come to the last two player classes. The Inquisitor was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide (2011), and the Shifter in Ultimate Wilderness (2017). Imrijka has been around a while and appeared in plenty of art, being featured in comics as recently as 2019. Zova, meanwhile, is much younger (in game terms). The Shifter was the very last class to be introduced. Ultimate Wilderness was the penultimate PF1 sourcebook line before the launch of Second Edition so Zova wasn't around very long before the writers started to focus on PF2 stuff.
The Inquisitor is an agent of their faith, tasked with tracking down threats to the orthodoxy, whether they are external (as in the case of devils and demons) or internal (such as corrupt priests).
The Shifter is... a shapeshifter, they can assume the form of an animal. They're kind of like a Druid, if Wild Shape was the main thing that that class did rather than just being one of many.
Though she's appeared in comics recently, I wonder if the unfortunate implications of Inquisiting are the reason we haven't seen the class in PF2 yet. The class description is:
Grim and determined, the inquisitor roots out enemies of the faith, using trickery and guile when righteousness and purity is not enough. Although inquisitors are dedicated to a deity, they are above many of the normal rules and conventions of the church. They answer to their deity and their own sense of justice alone, and are willing to take extreme measures to meet their goals. Role: Inquisitors tend to move from place to place, chasing down enemies and researching emerging threats. As a result, they often travel with others, if for no other reason than to mask their presence. Inquisitors work with members of their faith whenever possible, but even such allies are not above suspicion.
Advanced Player's Guide (2011), p.38
And... yikes? A small yikes. One singular yike. I like the idea of an Inquisitor-type class, there's a lot of interesting stuff you can do with a character whose only motivation is to root out corruption, like an Inspector Javert kind of thing. There's definitely space for that kind of character in PF2, it's the kind of character lots of players want to play. But in practice I worry that allowing such a character class, especially in organised play, might create unnecessary friction between players. The fact that the class description includes the phrase "extreme measures" was possibly enough to leave a bad taste in some people's mouths. It's a class that I like conceptually but I feel needs to be handled delicately to avoid upset.
It is still early days, though. PF1 was around for ten years and we're only into year 5 of PF2's existence. We might yet see the Inquisitor again.
The Shifter is a class that I think there is room for in PF2. There are already a bunch of feats and ancestry features that allow players to gain specific unarmed attacks by shapeshifting a little bit, so having a class that focusses on that seems like a no-brainer.
That being said, I feel like if they were going to bring the Shifter back, the upcoming Howl of the Wild book would be the perfect place to do it, and we've heard no mention of a Shifter in the preview material for that. Howl of the Wild is going to focus on seven new characters so maybe having Zova as well would be too much. I guess we'll have to see. It's definitely not the last opportunity for a Shifter to appear.
Zova is still kicking about. Here's an illustration from Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse where she just seems to be having a nice meal with some friends.
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Iconic Villains
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Top: Emil (Assassin/Rogue, he/him); Lazzero (Cleric of Asmodeus, he/him) Bottom: Linxia (Fighter/Hellknight she/her); Nyctessa (Necromancer Wizard, she/her); Zelhara (Inquisitor, she/her)
We've seen Urgraz, the Iconic Antipaladin, already, but he's only one of a line-up of iconic villains designed by Wayne Reynolds. None of these is a unique class; instead they were created for the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path where the players are the baddies, a fun little inversion. I know lots of people love the idea of playing an all-villains game but never get round to it. Having a single Evil character in a party can end up being very disruptive, and I think having an all-Evil party might be difficult for the Game Master to navigate.
These five, plus Urgraz, have also appeared in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game but I can't comment one way or another about that because I've never played it.
At time of writing (23/08/23), Paizo has promised us a playtest preview of two "fresh, new" classes at the end of the month. I guess we'll have to wait and see just how fresh the faces are, we might see someone we recognise.
As for the rest, I do wonder if we'll see them again in PF2 material. I know that many of the Iconics are really popular among fans. There exists tonnes of cosplay, fan art, fan fiction and so on using all of these characters. People like having a diverse cast of blorbos that they can draw from, inventing little interactions or scenarios. There's probably a non-zero number of Lem X Ezren shippers out there.
Paizo recently established Pathfinder Infinite, an official distribution platform where fans can create original fiction using the canon characters and setting. I think it'd be interesting to see the relative frequency of the Iconics, who gets used regularly and who not at all. I remember Fanfiction.net used to allow you to see the number of fics written for a given character.
While I was putting this post together, a friend asked if I was planning on putting together similar posts about other non-characters such as archetypes, but unless I limited the scope of such a project somewhat arbitrarily (e.g. only tackling rulebooks and not campaign setting or adventure path stuff) it would quickly grow out of hand. I guess I'll think about it? I never planned when I set out on this quest to become the authority on Pathfinder characters. I also don't know how interesting it would be, since most of those sorts of character show up exactly once, maybe I'd limit myself to only characters who appear two or more times.
But that's another story for another time. That's yer lot for now.
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amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Amiri & Friends #44 - Transmogrification Central
Artist: @sheastandefer
One of the loot rewards in Wrath of the Righteous is a spell called Transmogrify. It is intended to allow a caster to weaken a powerful monster (usually a henchman or villain) by reducing its difficulty to defeat by your Arcane or Divine skill +1d6, so it is easier to combat for the win. Sometimes, you don’t have any other options, though.
With the prevalence of demons and undead in Wrath, Kyra got a little too reliant on her laser powers (recharging any spell or blessing for a powerful attack...but only against those creature types), and encountered a monster with no conventional means of fighting. Rather than take it on the chin, she used Transmogrify on the middling Cultist archer.
The trouble is, by the time you earn this loot spell, though, you are so powerful that casting it is a fairly ridiculous bonus, even against beefy villains. Against a standard monster, it was messy. Thanks to skill feats, mythic charges, and the Black Robes, Kyra’s Divine static bonus was already +12. After rolling max on d12 + d6, the Combat 14 archer had its difficulty reduced by 30. Needless to say, Kyra had no trouble then rolling her base strength to defeat it. 
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wslafleur · 7 years
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paxesoterica · 5 years
Pzo03 by operion
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a random stash of names made from the dnd draconic dictionary + inheritance cycle dwarvish dictionary put into a markov name generator. 444 names.
ALSO check out @444names for more ^^
Adornis Adowyn Aerem Affild Agoaccont Amened Amor Anies Apol Araced Arelay Aren Arkving Arriking Arron Artat Arte Arthid Arûrged Assen Assers Astronly Asve Atchowry Ater Athe Auce Auds Auji Aujirth Axus Axuslannû Baest Bagianychir Bagn Bahaor Bahardem Baht Banyaka Barastans Barter Barthvír Bary Basj Bastre Beadveral Belzvorn Beow Berbith Bitrash Bleenk Bler Blesly Boragh Bour Bous Braechok Braker Bred Bres Bricklat Brot Brâthive Caerd Cang Canoath Cedge Cestravell Charale Chiempecy Chighanall Ciefeld Cith Clant Clay Comenti Commond Condrâth Consve Couslar Creker Crellind Dace Dang Daratch Dard Darfan Darzûl Dated Derda Derisk Dial Diejik Dien Diful Dish Disheatur Diskisvrek Dissag Doka Dord Dralech Draten Drative Drit Drân Dunt Dwarkesly Dwarton Dûnos Earaz Ebandûm Ecar Eciefer Ediess Eitymallim Enar Eniemeowed Enithi Enmîf Enta Enwaraz Eoghte Eors Equive Erel Ethkneed Fachth Faex Fakish Farul Fativite Feith Fergre Fexple Fighoun Files Firon Fiseemold Flithosjer Forng Foros Forv Fousen Fratiamans Freanged Frenti Frev Fross Frothe Gamln Gamund Gamuter Gater Gatisors Gavest Geaka Geij Gempana Ghte Gion Goarn Gone Goomear Goveschint Govinurt Gred Grer Grid Grik Grivelve Guart Guee Gûnt Hamesherfe Hant Haorme Heir Herantal Heriki Hlandeir Hlards Hocuration Hokar Horthnigt Hrad Hrimst Humal Huraxund Hwarik Hûtgach Hûtgart Ialls Ieuti Ifyrelous Ihknur Imse Imul Ingether Iric Irlad Irss Isseck Itheited Jerntem Jhementa Jokes Jormone Jure Jurf Jurisjmy Jurldûr Jurt Kaek Karzadearss Knist Knur Knuraint Knurgent Knurlakent Knurlank Knurld Knurû Koboathya Kobowar Korn Kosthiv Koth Lantard Laterôth Leen Levexik Levig Lignath Linge Linthym Länoubar Maess Mahrene Mang Mara March Marm Marn Mars Marve Matun Mear Meatuakepid Meimst Meld Mend Messeal Methichik Milf Mind Ming Mingnar Molin Monar Mooddle Mory Moung Mourdar Mrik Muntaill Mutic Nabomon Nannû Nestor Nierss Nisapplaxak Nors Nosjirast Nothisjikc Nurix Nzbore Nzdorth Nzmallscûd Ocuildûm Omenturn Onnû Ophendle Oppepesters Orng Oster Otendra Otorne Ounal Ourlcar Owaestunaha Paild Panok Picks Plathader Playemenwar Plen Plergrisho Pluee Plurly Poloovek Porthid Potary Potheildrin Prelzvolik Print Prodund Prone Qaled Qallschmer Qally Rahanthe Ralsch Rasome Rassin Rasve Rated Relag Reldra Rens Retivaye Rhaor Rhya Rhyvonative Rothadn Routialfin Rowryth Sage Sarrythr Saut Scrathurly Sedar Selaye Sestbearv Shing Shoschor Shrent Shuljackil Sige Sind Sirek Sjmy Sjth Slard Slaus Smathists Smati Some Sone Sortar Speaking Spearmeitix Speldran Spic Spildrânû Spowry Starg Stastbelf Stboace Steenous Stest Stnzmanten Sukrimst Suljarth Sven Swean Tansedth Thalk Thallegg Theldrim Thest Thign Thimper Thionble Thive Thmér Thrashamln Thrich Thrry Thulev Thyr Tonar Tonurgive Tooteut Torposhinge Tosh Trak Trik Trotergh Tund Tundly Tuntecin Tupic Twonbory Türke Türkhan Ught Ukrimpooton Urearux Urgiver Urly Ussagone Varman Vayess Vayet Vethol Vithosjmy Vive Volisid Vonjhaled Vorn Vosterik Vreel Vrekride Vrentuee Waesh Waessi Wanativest Warce Wards Warry Wary Waster Wathin Wharm Whaw Whefill Wheirearte Whelle Wheyethir Wild Wiss Wolfrall Wounslary Wyrm Wônoac Wônorv Wônothsth Yealsve Yought Yound Yount Yrik Zaronly
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amareverie · 6 years
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Adowyn the Hunter by tithendar
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dndeed · 6 years
Critical Role Miniature Rollout C2E51
With Andrew Harshman
An archive and review of the minis used on Critical Role.
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This episode feels like when you’re playing a CRPG and you stumble into an area that’s too high a level for your character. Maybe the Mighty Nein should just go back through the underground load screen and return in a few levels. 
Try not to get upstaged when you move upstage, it’s time for Critical Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 51!
The List
Dungeons and Dragons Condition Markers by thelukec
Dwarven Forge Stone Ruins Add-On Pack
Dwarven Forge Mountain Cliff Pack
Dwarven Forge Mountain Mountain Floor Pack
Dwarven Forge Caverns Stalagmite Pack
Dwarven Forge Mountain Peak Pack
SteamForged Games Log
Steamforged Games Critical Role Miniatures
Prototype Steamforged Games Critical Role Miniatures
HeroForge Jester Duplicity Miniature
Archfiends #52 Gnoll Archer
Modified Reaper Miniatures Red Mantis Assassin
Elemental Evil #022 Gnoll Fighter
Blood War #46 Demonic Gnoll Priestess
Rage of Demons #023 Drow Archmage
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 5 Adowyn, Human Hunter
Desert of Desolation #44 Bar-Lgur
Waterdeep Dragon Heist #016b Spy
Archfiends #02 Dalelands Militia
Tomb of Annihilation #022 Artus Cimber
Dragoneye #28 Baaz Draconian
Human Ranger Epic Level Starter Set
Rusty Dragon Inn #009 Cutpurse
Invisible Lightfoot Halfling Rogue Epic Level Starter Set
Waterdeep Dragon Heist #002 Darkling
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 2 Harsk, Iconic Ranger
Archfiends #16 Graycloak Ranger
Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica #015 Duskmantle Assassin
Dungeons & Dragons Spell Effects: Wall of Fire & Wall of Ice
Tomb of Annihilation #040i Minsc & Boo (Invisible)
Tomb of Annihilation #018i Valindra Shadowmantle (Invisible)
Axe N Shield Single Flyer Risers - Clear Mithril
Desert of Desolation #32 Rot Scarab Swarm
Custom Lollipop Spiritual Weapon
Suspected Aquarium Decorations
Leafless Model Train Style Trees
Possible Model Train Boulders
The NPCs
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The Mudmen Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 5 Adowyn, Human Hunter,  Waterdeep Dragon Heist #016b Spy,  Dragoneye #28 Baaz Draconian, Human Ranger Epic Level Starter Set, Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica #015 Duskmantle Assassin, Archfiends #16 Graycloak Ranger, and Rusty Dragon Inn #009 Cutpurse
A handful of Mudfolk are represented by previously discussed minis. But there are quite a few new figures here, so let us get through them in a timely fashion. Start the clock.
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Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 5 Adowyn, Human Hunter
This ranger looks like she dressed by tripping into a pile of discount shag carpet samples. I like this mini, it’s a well executed classic archer pose.
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Waterdeep Dragon Heist #016b Spy
This guy looks like a henchman from an alternate history martial arts film in which Chuck Norris fights pilgrim ninjas. Reasonably nice miniature, but the alternate sculpt is a practically indistinguishable waste of time (the knife is facing the other direction).
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Dragoneye #28 Baaz Draconian
This figure looks like a bladesmith who loves violating the Geneva Convention and hates pants. Solid detail and wins the award for best value dragonborn mini.
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Human Ranger Epic Level Starter Set
This character looks like an adventurer who doesn’t realize you need to use both hands to operation a bow and arrow. Good figure with a dramatic standing pose.
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Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica #015 Duskmantle Assassin
This Magic the Gathering miniature looks like the cloak has gained sentience and is trying to fly away, taking the person’s head with it. Neat animated pose, but the head is too high up and the mini looks weird in-person.
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Archfiends #16 Graycloak Ranger
This archer looks like he’s recoiling at the thought of being part of a terribly named group like “The Muck Men.” An unfortunately simple paint job on a crisp sculpt.
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Rusty Dragon Inn #009 Cutpurse
This miniature looks like a rogue posing in the mirror unable to decide which sword to bring to work. Weird proportions, the arms are too long, still a good rogue though.
The Villains
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Kryn Caster Rage of Demons #023 Drow Archmage
In my post last week I was hoping to see some drow. But I was looking forward to some old Hasbro prepainted drow, not the current Wizkids produced drow. There are only a handful of them and they range from unremarkable to kinda crummy. 
This is likely the best of the Wizkids drow figures, so I was prepared to write a fairly positive review. But after taking a closer look I found a lot to dislike about the Drow Archmage. From across a game table this mini is fine, it just doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny. 
Drow are known for having some killer fashion. This dude is rocking a neato spider staff, underdark stompin’ boots, and a sorta armored fanny pack thing. He has drow looking attire on most everywhere say for some place. All he has on his torso is a detail-less generic garment. It looks like he’s wearing a stuffy dad sweater. It’s as if he was on his way out the door clad in typical drow armor and his partner stopped him to give a reminder of the schlubby sweater his kid gave him for drow father’s day. Compounding these clothing troubles is an uncomfortable pose, craned neck posture, and strange torso proportions. This mini looks good on the CR stream, just don’t zoom in too far.
Oh also his ears are literally painted on! They aren’t part of the sculpt at all.
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Kryn Warrior Modified Reaper Miniatures Red Mantis Assassin
A smart modification to make this miniature look unique. The classic Pathfinder Red Mantis color is red. Giving this Kryn Warrior the stygian black treatment makes it hardly recognizable, almost looks like a wholly unique design. There are a good number of Red Mantis Pathfinder figures at this point, I look forward to seeing more of them in upcoming episodes. I like this miniature, bonus points for looking like one of Gengi’s alt skins. 
The Monsters
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Gnolls Archfiends #52 Gnoll Archer and Blood War #46 Demonic Gnoll Priestess
Two great minis that show both ends of the gnoll spectrum. The wiry ranged scavenger in the Gnoll Archer and the melee muscled brute in the Demonic Gnoll.
Gnoll Archer is an early Hasbro D&D Miniatures Game figure with pretty simple but effective paint. There is enough detail in the scupt’s fur that a simple two level effect of brown atop black looks quite good for how basic the paint is. The model resolution is high enough that you can make out the individual buckles on the archer’s fairly stylized gear. 
Demonic Gnoll Priestess is a serious business gnoll. This sculpt is legitimately intimidating. It is awesome in the old testament sense of the word. It’s a shame that it appears so briefly. The two gnolls using this mini basically get killed off immediately. 
Going back to the Gnoll Archer quickly, this character has a series of ponytails running along their head and back. I had previously commented on miniatures in Episode 34 and 35 with very specific haircuts. I have jokingly begun to theorize that this ponytail plus shaved sides of head hairdo is a current hair trend in Tal'dorei canon. So I’m wondering if this gnoll is sporting the Xhorhas gnoll version. Check it out:
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Closing Remarks and Predictions
I’m thinking we’ll see some more drow and the introduction of Pathfinder Battles series Red Mantis figures. And I would appreciate the reuse of some Demonic Gnoll Priestesses.
It feels like the campaign has taken a difficulty escalation turn. I fear for the character’s lives. Let us collectively beseech the Traveler for favorable rolls.
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dragonsorcsandgeeks · 9 years
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Wrath of the New Party
Wrath of the New Party
Kasos won. At the end of the last game we sat back and took stock of our situation. Four runs at The Traitor’s Lodge and each time stumped by a lack of the Magic trait. We were to put it mildly, frustrated. Very frustrated. Challenge is one thing. A lack of something and an inability to acquire that something is another thing. After fuming we looked at our group.
Seelah, the Paladin from Wrath of…
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amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Amiri & Friends #45 - Middle of Nowhere
Artist: @sheastandefer
Adventure 5 of Wrath of the Righteous is pretty merciless with it’s labyrinth-themed movement confusion and restrictions. Even after getting through the two major maze scenarios, minotaurs are still popping up as henchmen, and a bad roll against them can land you...well, in the Middle of Nowhere,  a useless location that is very hard to leave!
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lifeofaninjaneer · 9 years
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Progressss. Still have to rework her hair and some of the skin/face... but otherwise..
She’s so close! 
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amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Amiri & Friends #42 - Unearthly OP
Artist: @sheastandefer
When we started playing through the old boxes, I thought adding in Ultimate Add-On decks would be a fun way to spice things up on a replay (for me) and see a variety of interesting cards for my new friends. However, we seem to keep finding little card combos that were likely unintentional.
In Wrath, our Hunter Adowyn had been having trouble recharging spells, so with the Riffle Scrolls came along (which lets you place spells on it instead of banishing them, and then bury the Riffle Scrolls to recharge all spells on it that could be recharged with a check of a skill you have), that seemed like a great solution to not always be losing her Cure.
Then we found Unearthly Aim, a (supposedly) one use card that banishes to add 10 + AD# to your Ranged combat check. A really powerful card, but it has no recharge check, so you just have to banish it to use, and hope it comes up to acquire again.
Except, if you place a spell on Riffle Scrolls, and then never bury it to recover those spells, all spells left on it are buried. Meaning, they go right back in your deck! It requires you to sink two cards to keep, you have to be a caster who also makes Ranged attacks, and you need to have the Riffle Scrolls out before you can play Unearthly Aim without losing it, but a once-per-game +13 (or +14 or +15 or +16) is pretty good insurance in the villain fight!
Despite his comedic objection in this comic, I feel like Mike Selinker would approve our ingenuity. :)
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Amiri & Friends #40 - A Phallus by Any Other Name
Artist: @sheastandefer​
You knew we’d be back with a dick joke, right? Kyra encountered a monster and inserted a strategic pause between syllables in announcing the identity of the Giant Cockaroach, and art was born! :D
We have to make light of the monsters because this box is BRUTAL early on. Let’s hope we survive to finally hear the call of our mythic paths!
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amiriandfriends · 6 years
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Welcom back, friends of Amiri! Apologies for the hiatus, but our artist is a working artist, and she has had, well, work, and not felt like drawing as much in her downtime. Understandable! In the meantime, Damiel, Oloch, and Lini successfully defeated the Hurricane King and have become reigning pirates in the Shackles, so we are off to the ever-brutal box Wrath of the Righteous! Goblin cutpurse Ekkie, human hunter Adowyn (and her faithful wolf Leryn), and Sarenrae’s devoted cleric Kyra are off to defend (and dare they hope, close?) the Worldwound as all manner of demons attempt to invade our world. No doubt hilarity will ensue!
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amiriandfriends · 5 years
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Amiri and Friends #41 - Too Easy
The “cock. roach.” was easy joke fodder, but some of the monster art in this box just ridiculous in is phallic resemblance. “Here you go Kyra, fight a bag of dicks-- er, I mean, a “maggot swarm.”  Or this “worm demon.” That’s what they call it. Sure. The “spice” must flow.
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