#Adriana Arboleda
blossom-fox · 9 months
I really like that at Adriana Arboleda and Mesón de San Diego events, Armando has several options of friends and models.
If you compare it to the event where he met Claudia Helena, you can already feel his transformation. He can lie to himself (and to Mario) that he doesn't have time, but it's not like that.
In these two events after Betty leaves him, he kind of has a free pass but he prefers to stay quiet in his corner thinking about how to transform these moments of freedom into moments with Betty.
Song: o Sol e a Lua - Pequeno cidadão
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I'm never really on tumblr but I wanted to ask a question that's been on my mind about the episode in where Betty and Armando are in the Adriana Arboleda event.
I came across a song in the episode, called "Porcelain" by Moby in which the song is played during the model runaway.
I came to search the lyrics of the song and I was left wondering.. Does this song show the perspective of Betty and Armando? Or soon to be perspectives?
The song goes like this:
In my dreams I'm dying all the time. (Both? Not really sure)
Then I wake, it's kaleidoscopic mind.(Betty)
I never meant to hurt you.
I never meant to lie.
So this is goodbye? (Armando)
This is goodbye.
Tell the truth, you've never wanted me.
Tell me.
In my dreams I'm jealous all the time.
When I wake, I'm going out of my mind.
Going out of my mind.
I don't know if I'm reaching with this but it makes you wonder, do the other songs in the show mean something? Besides the well known ones like Bésame by Ricardo Montaner.
Omg I had never thought of this before, but it makes total sense!
Adriana's collection happens the first day after Betty finds out the truth. It's when her revenge is barely starting, so many of the lyrics are foreshadowing of what's to come.
That part of "is this goodbye?" "This is goodbye, tell me the truth, you've never wanted me" is clearly Armando's desperation when he doesn't understand if Betty is breaking up with him to leave him for Nicolás, and then it's Betty's anger and desperation for Armando to come clean!
Those last two parts are very explicit too. Armando is literally having nightmares of Betty "cheating on him" with Nicolás, and when he's awake he's gaslit by Betty about it. Betty, in a way, is too going out of her mind because she too feels lied and gaslit, thinking all of Armando's actions and words are false, but feeling them all to be true. She feels insane because she FEELS like he's being honest, WHICH HE IS, but she THINKS he isn't. They're both going slightly insane of hurt and what they think is nonreciprocal love...
I think you're 100% right. Such an extremely explicit and fitting song CANNOT be coincidental. I had never really paid attention to the songs, tbh, except the title one, but now I'll definitely do next time I rewatch!
Thank you for the ask🥰
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ladysophiebeckett · 11 months
Your posts about ysblf made me watch to rewatch Betty’s revenge part for the millionth time, and there’s something I noticed about Armando’s dry spell era. When he admits to Mario that intimacy with Marcela is basically nonexistent, he then asks him if he had been with anyone else after the last time with Betty to which Armando replies that he has had no time and that he lives for Ecomoda and to please Betty and Marcela. Now, the first times I watched this portion, I kinda got it and what he said made sense somehow because he was indeed under a lot of pressure. However, after rewatching these episodes, I noticed that he had not one (Adriana Arboleda’s event) not two (At El Meson de San Diego after Betty left), but at least three (at Le Noir when he followed Betty and Nicolas) opportunities to be with someone other than Betty (and Marcela), but chose not to, detail that he conveniently hid from Mario.
I think that the first time was during the night of Adriana Arboleda’s event and the only instance that applies when Mario asked him that question. That night he went home alone, even refused the tempting offer to party with the models even after Betty had already ditched him. He wasn’t that indifferent either, because he did go looking for them with the excuse that he wanted them to work for Ecomoda. Now, this might be true, but he is also a man who likes to look at beautiful women. However, after the coast is clear without Betty there and Marcela miles away, he still chose to go back to his apartment early and alone. At this point, he wasn’t as mentally unstable as he is in later episodes since Betty’s revenge was just beginning to take off, so the excuse that his many troubles were dulling his desire for intimacy didn’t apply either at this point. Adding to this, he was more than eager to get to it with Betty before she left. At first, I thought it was annoying that everywhere he went, there would be a former lover that who would openly flirt with him, but looking at it closely, maybe there was another purpose for doing this after all. I feel dense for not noticing it was to show that he had changed and could only be with Betty. Before, I thought it was just to remind us how popular he was and to showcase his internal struggle to admit openly he loved Betty while also being afraid of the backlash. What do you think? Your analysis is honestly some of the best I’ve seen. I’m in awe every time.
Sorry for the long ask, thank you for reading and good day to you 🫶
ive read this ask like 3x and im like,,,,okay wow mind blown. i would usually comment in order of the ask, but im reeling here so im just gonna have to do this adhd style. im sorry.
At first, I thought it was annoying that everywhere he went, there would be a former lover that who would openly flirt with him, but looking at it closely, maybe there was another purpose for doing this after all.
I'm very with you on this. I was too busy being annoyed at random women coming up to him that I didn't see that it was done with the purpose of seeing Armando rejecting them at every turn. Even at le noir, he doesn't care about the woman greeting him that's asking him to stay. It's not like there weren't other opportunities for him to be with anyone else. Something happens when Betty starts rejecting him. Conversations with Mario make Armando believe it's his ego at the front of it. It is and it isn't.
Let's talk about this:
However, after the coast is clear without Betty there and Marcela miles away, he still chose to go back to his apartment early and alone. At this point, he wasn’t as mentally unstable as he is in later episodes since Betty’s revenge was just beginning to take off, so the excuse that his many troubles were dulling his desire for intimacy didn’t apply either at this point.
Adriana's event is Betty's first rejection of him. All throughout the episode Armando is agitated because he can't find her. As soon as she tells him she's leaving with Nicolas, the agitation he felt all evening turns to anger. He goes so far as saying 'You're staying here, because I'm ordering you to'. It becomes his go to excuse when suddenly the boyfriend card doesn't work anymore.
In fact, he uses work as the excuse for why he gets into a fight with Nicolas at Inesita's. There's comparison's to be made between Adriana's event and the fight at Inesita's (aka Jaundice Day aka the night Catalina catches them). Right down to Betty wearing the same outfit when she says 'Let's see how jealous you get'.
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Obviously Betty sees how maybe...perhaps...she took it too far.
At the first rejection Armando says something like 'you would rather go to a dinner with him instead of a date with me?? bc i would rather be with you' vs at Inestia's when he says 'you would rather leave with him instead of staying with me?'
It doesn't take a lot to make Armando lose it, in fact both times he grabs Betty in some way. The difference is that at Inesita's he forced to admit to himself that it's jealousy. Not his ego.
When he admits to Mario that intimacy with Marcela is basically nonexistent, he then asks him if he had been with anyone else after the last time with Betty to which Armando replies that he has had no time and that he lives for Ecomoda and to please Betty and Marcela.
I always laugh at that line bc he's failing miserably at all those things. His Betty isn't behaving properly, Marcela isn't being easily placated with his lies, the hidden state of Ecomoda is in shambles. But the only thing he thinks about is Betty. He can't focus on anything bc he knows his relationship with her is in trouble.
We all make jokes about Armando's dry spell and him going crazy--iirc and someone correct me if I'm wrong--but I believe that Marcela said at some point that when Armando was stressed sex would calm him down. I think she says something like this during one of his rejections towards her. So during the gaslighting arc he's going through high stress levels but the cause of the stress and the cure of said stress is Betty.
The cycle of sexual rejection going on in the Betty\Armando\Marcela love triangle is insane and tragic. (and only hilarious fm Armando's pov bc its a karmic punishment).
However, after rewatching these episodes, I noticed that he had not one (Adriana Arboleda’s event) not two (At El Meson de San Diego after Betty left), but at least three (at Le Noir when he followed Betty and Nicolas) opportunities to be with someone other than Betty (and Marcela), but chose not to, detail that he conveniently hid from Mario.
See, I didn't notice this. Or pay attention to what he isn't telling Mario. I'm??? And I'm a huge 'Betty's Gaslighting Arc' fan. Truly always something new to look at. Like you, I was just annoyed. I'm like 'i get it Armando, ur very popular with the ladies'--which is probably what Betty's thinking when she's a witness to some of this. Him not telling Mario that there were other opportunities means Armando is more aware of his feelings and the things happening around him than he lets on. He really does mentally push things away bc he doesn't want to see the bigger picture. He knows that if he told Mario he had other opportunities to sleep with someone and didn't, that Mario would know (even tho we know that Mario knows Armando's in love with Betty).
---However, after the coast is clear without Betty there and Marcela miles away, he still chose to go back to his apartment early and alone....Adding to this, he was more than eager to get to it with Betty before she left---
He says to Betty that he had an evening planned for them (and we'll never know what that was, probably a well lit place but nothing too fancy. and obviously a sexy little nightcap at Mario's apartment). Even says that they're only going to stop at Adriana's event for a bit and then leave. It was meant to be quick appearance to say he was there. He basically had his heart set on spending time with Betty (without Marcela or Mario breathing down his neck) and when it doesn't happen he doesn't think of making new plans with anyone.
This is him when he gets to his apartment:
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(Ignore this set up which looks nothing like the apartment they said was his various episodes ago)
This guy is disgustedly looking at Cosmo magazine thinking 'I was supposed to be having sexy times with my gf\assistant and now I'm here....Alone'.
And this is him when Marcela calls him:
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Completely annoyed.
If Betty called his cell phone that night and said 'This dinner with Nicolas just ended, do you still want to do something?' One, he wouldn't be making that face above and two, he'd have thrown that Cosmo magazine in the trash and left immediately.
I feel dense for not noticing it was to show that he had changed and could only be with Betty.
Do not feel dense babe, I didn't make this connection either. It's refreshing to still be able to discover new things in programs we've watched over and over again. That's why discussions like this are fun.
Before, I thought it was just to remind us how popular he was and to showcase his internal struggle to admit openly he loved Betty while also being afraid of the backlash.
That's definitely at the forefront of it all but it can also be a mixture of everything above. It's what makes the character nuanced and dimensional. Sometimes we question how is it that he can be faithful to Betty vs unfaithful to Marcela and it's not (just) bc he had magical sex with Betty. If we look at his subtle rejections of other women in the situations you've mentioned above, then really what we're witnessing is him choosing Betty every time. His confession outside of her house, the way he words it 'I can only be with you'--Armando fears he's losing her and he's won't admit to himself what he really feels, so he can't be at his most vulnerable and say 'I only want to be with you' (not that she would believe him).
That's why, at el Admirante, after confessing to reading her diary he's able to say, 'The life that I know I want to share with you'. Because he's knows now that above all she still loves him (and has always loved him). It's very scorpio of him tbh.
So yeah, I definitely agree with you. You've shown me a new way to look at it. Bc again, I hadn't noticed it. I just get too annoyed with him and all these random women. (come to think of it, a woman greets him when he's drinking with Freddy too and he's still like 'ok whatever' about it).
I love long asks I'm just sorry it takes me forever to answer them. I'm very slow and easily distracted.
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ilovemykpopblog2 · 1 year
Anyone else notice how Armando's eyes follow Betty when she gets out of the car? His head turns to watch her as she walks up to her door. This is the night after their first time and when Marcela says she wants to cancel the wedding and Daniel suggests they dissolve the business. It's also the night he doesn't use the photo of Adriana Arboleda before kissing Betty.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 8 months
Considering the fact that every single person outside Eco Moda who's obviously accomplished treats Betty just fine, be it Catalina or Adriana Arboleda or Charlie Zaa or the Miss Universe lady and the models in Cartagena or the saleswoman Armando's perving on, I choose to believe that from top to bottom Eco Moda is just professionally very very mid, Hugo and his failed H&M designs absolutely included.
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elsareyblog · 1 year
Agregando a eso que todas las pistas apuntaban a que Betty era la otra, además de lo que ya se ha mencionado muchas veces, justo estoy viendo el capitulo en el que Marcela regresa de Palm Beach y le pregunta a Patricia acerca de cómo se había portado Armando en el evento de Adriana Arboleda y ella le responde que aparentemente había estado juicioso pero que a cada rato le había estado preguntado por Betty y hasta le mencionó que ella no había querido estar con Armando en el evento y que hasta se había ido temprano. Casualidad o coincidencia que justo la noche que Betty se va temprano con alguien más, es decir él no la llevó a su casa, y no quiere estar con él en el evento y que Armando se va juicioso para su apartamento y se porta bien? 🤭
Será que de verdad nos ciega de esta forma la apariencia física de las personas en la vida real? Bueno se que en este caso también los gustos de Armando tuvieron mucho que ver no solo que percibieran a Betty como "fea".
Saludos! Me encanta tu blog 💚
Dios! es que sí! Cómo tan ciega Marcela?! Y cuando le cuentan que en El Mesón de San Diego, "Betty estaba muy cariñosa con él". Es que mientras más uno se acuerda, menos entiende cómo no explotó antes.
Jajajaj gracias por el anon, por ver el blog y porque te encanta! saludosss
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kainamendozasolano · 11 months
El diario de Betty
Nota #16
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“Hoy hicimos el amor de nuevo, y fue mucho más bello que la primera vez.
Nació más de él que de mí, y eso me tiene feliz.
Quería demostrarme que yo era la mujer más importante, la que ama.
Me demostró que yo estoy por encima de todas las mujeres, de las más bellas.
Se afanó por demostrarme que soy más que Adriana Arboleda y que cualquier modelo.
Hoy lo sentí más cerca de mí, lo sentí más mío. Fue más afectivo, más entregado.
Y tuve que contarle ése fragmento de mi pasado que quería olvidar.
Él me pidió que se lo contara y así lo hice. Su reacción fue muy bella.
Estaba conmovido conmigo, parecía que le hubiera afectado tanto como a mí. Me escuchó con atención, como si le doliera cada paso de mi tragedia.
Y fue fraternal, me abrazó varias veces.
¡Dios mío, gracias por ponerlo en mi camino!”
Gracias por demostrarme que todavía tengo la oportunidad de amar y de ser amada.
¡Gracias por devolverme la fe! Por demostrarme que en el mundo también existen hombres como Armando Mendoza. Transparentes, honestos, y con una gran capacidad para amar por encima de los prejuicios, por encima de las cosas.
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camilamendoza · 11 months
ysblf italian remake if they went through with the project in 2008
set in milan (fashion capital)
betty's family is southern (stereotypical overbearing father)
aura maria is either southern or from emilia romagna (stereotypical curvy oversexed woman)
ace juice
apericena instead of work cocktails (someone will use the word sushino at some point)
patricia 6 semester of finance at bocconi
patricia buys her clothes in via montenapoleone and bertha finds the replicas at her neighbourhood mercato
the adriana arboleda role is a former miss italia playing herself in her acting debut
gutierrez still uses english words cause he's a bauscia but this also means he says "taaaac" every other sentence
freddy drives an ape car
bertha eating the sponsors food with cringe dialogue about how good it is
patricia getting lost in the milan metro after her car is confiscated
betty leaves a sibilla aleramo poem for armando
cheap fabrics imported from an illegal chinese sweatshop in prato
modigliani exhibit (problematic slut like picasso)
gigi d'alessio singing cameo (he serenades betty)
diego dalla palma cameo (most famous make up artist and tv personality in italy - he does betty's makeover)
portofino arc sponsor by the liguria tourism board
michel is still a foreigner but is inexplicably played by someone who is italian and has no accent
before every episode there's a mini sketch advertisement for a phone company with the characters
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buddyhollyscurls · 1 year
Hi I'm the previous anon who sent the ask about Marcela and wow I read your follow up post and I completely agree. It's just very sad that everyone knew he cheated on her:
-Hugo for sure knew he screwed around with models. Even on the night of Adriana Arboleda's event when Armando refuses to party with the models (since he was chasing Betty) , he says that he cannot imagine what kind of beautiful woman he must have on the side for him to ditch them. All the while designing Marcela's wedding dress.
- Everyone at El Mesón de San Diego. Seriously, the way that woman approached him and was all over him trying to get him to sleep with her once again before he got married. Then, when Betty asks him to kiss her there, and he refuses supposedly because of Marcela, but she states she knows that's not really an issue because he had made out with other beautiful women in that very same place and it hadn't tarnished his image nor destroyed his relationship with her. This is a place that Armando told Betty it was surrounded by his and Marcela's acquaintances and friends. So they all knew he frequently cheated.
- María Beatriz. She quickly deduced that Armando was cheating the night of the collection launch before the board meeting and their wedding. When Armando tells Marcela that couldn't celebrate with them after because he had to go back to Ecomoda, María Beatriz once again deduces he is having an affair. In fact, she seemed to be the only one who had Marcela's best interests at heart because she tells her not to marry Armando if she knows he is having an affair.
I don't think neither Armando nor Marcela had people in their lives that truly cared about their well being. They either only cared about keeping up with appearances or didn't care for them as individuals at all. If they had had that someone, the relationship would have been over way earlier and would have been less destructive for both. In fact, it's crazy to think that Marcela never had concrete proof of his cheating when it seems like everyone in their immediate circle knew about it (aside from Betty which was obvious but nobody would believe because of her physical characteristics).
I love your blog so much. Reading your thoughts has been the best and you are so kind to reply to my ramblings 💜
also feel free to keep ranting and rambling ABOUT ANYTHING my inbox is always open for ppl who want to scream about whatever their interest are atm <3
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pepecarlota · 3 months
Popayán, 11 de junio de 2024
Doctora Adriana Paola Arboleda Campo Juez, Juzgado Pequeñas Causas Popayán, Cauca
Asunto: Proceso Ejecutivo Singular No. 2024-00063-00
Respetada Doctora Arboleda Campo,
Me permito dirigirme a usted con el debido respeto para informar sobre la situación de la señora Melba Nelly Rodríguez Castañeda, quien tiene un proceso ejecutivo singular No. 2024-00063-00 en su despacho. Lamentablemente, la señora Rodríguez Castañeda no podrá asistir a la correspondiente notificación debido a razones médicas.
La señora Rodríguez Castañeda tiene su servicio médico inscrito en la ciudad de Bogotá, y a través de la EPS Sanitas se encuentra actualmente en proceso para ser operada de sus ojos, esta enfermedad debe ser corregida por cirugía ya que causa una alteración importante en la capacidad visual que la limita en muchas actividades.
Según la orden expedida por su oftalmólogo el pasado 9 de mayo (la cual adjuntamos), este procedimiento ha sido programado por la EPS para realizarse el martes, 25 de junio en la ciudad de Bogotá, donde ella se encuentra en este momento.
Este escrito se presenta con el objetivo de dejar constancia de la situación de salud de la señora Melba Nelly Rodríguez Castañeda, lo cual le impide atender la citación en su despacho en la fecha indicada. Agradezco de antemano su comprensión y la consideración de este impedimento.
Nos colocamos a su ordenes para cualquier requerimiento por su señoría
Armando Melendez (Hijo de Melba Nelly Rodriguez Castañeda)
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Adriana Arboleda
I find this episode so interesting and since I like to avoid many things, I've put off writing this post because I just don't know where to start.
Armando was visibly upset when they mentioned the wedding in front of Betty, it was purely because he didn't want her to once again feel guilty and break things off. While at the same time he overheard a conversation with Nicolas and Betty that sounded like she was jealous and mad at him for "cheating" on her and that he was a bad boyfriend.
This feeds the distrust that Armando has towards Betty's fidelity and his insecurity regarding their relationship(and his role in Betty's life) as well as his rivalry that he has against Nicolas.
Betty was visibly upset with both Nicolas and Armando. For one because Nicolas really is a huge reason as to why Armando feels a certain distrust. As much as I find Nicolas endearing there's many things that annoy me from him. For example the fact that he continues to find ways to converse with Patty even though he knows that Betty doesn't like it, especially that she doesn't want Patty to know anything regarding where he works at and what he does, but Nicolas; to impress Patty, always brings up the topic of money to make himself more desirable. Yeah he's insecure and he wants to get her attention but that doesn't excuse his crappy behavior as Betty's best friend, someone that he considers as his family. That adds so much pressure, distrust, and resentment towards Betty and Armando's relationship. Yes Nic wasn't aware that they were in a relationship to begin with but Betty often times told him, reminded him, and got upset with him for telling or talking to Patsy Pats about Terra Moda or what he does for a living and the dangers of that information getting out.
Two: that Armando is getting married. For one it makes her feel inferior, that their relationship isn't as strong and that Armando isn't serious about her like she is of him.
Armando had convinced Betty to continue the affair, despite the fact he's getting married. He told her it was only for show, that he'd continue with the preparations of the wedding but call it off last minute. Mario had told him that he needed to get Betty on their side because she was the only one that could embellish the balance for the board meeting this is when we start getting the trails to the letter and why Betty rationalized Armando's behavior after reading the letter.
However that isn't the real reason as to why he goes to fix things. It's what he uses as an excuse to justify why he goes to fix things with Betty. Mario, to get him to do this, weaponized what Armando had told him earlier that day about what kind of relationship Betty and Armando have. Had Armando not shared any of what he did he wouldn't have had any ground to continue to manipulate him.
It's the morning of the day AA arrives to Eco Moda. When Betty exist her office she sports a huge smile and greets Armando, who is absorbed by her presences and very content. His eyes follow her through his office as she moves around it and just the same, Betty's eyes are on him, barely noticing Mario. When she does, as she's about to exit the office she greets him, we see Armando with a smile just absorbed by her until Mario speaks and he composes himself to act like that didn't make him happy, joyful, at peace, etc...
Why does AA hold such a significance here?
Armando is now slowly accepting and willingly understanding his feelings(he does try to justify them as something else at times). Betty says she has felt this through his kisses and his affection towards her, that she knows that he loves her now and that he is faithful to her-when it comes to Marcela.
However as she said the previous night as she wrote in her diary that she isn't so sure about his love or fidelity when it comes to his true vice; the models. Models like AA.
Jealousy isn't something healthy in any relationship, even when media tries to paint jealousy as this normal and healthy thing that every person experiences, it's not.
In the previous post I mentioned what the definition of Jealous/y is. It's a combination of feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or resentment but if you look up the definition of it it says "concern over the relative lack of possessions-"
Sometimes it isn't an object, rather a person, however the issue lays within the fact that person who feels the jealousy views said person as an object rather than a human. Armando's jealousy is possessive, insecure and resentful however Betty's jealousy is of inadequacy and insecurity. She doesn't feel resentful towards Armando for being attracted to "beautiful" women. She expects that from him.
AA represents Betty's insecurity as a woman in a physical form. When Betty finds out AA wants to see and speak with Armando privately she tries to stop that from happening, contrary to the past when she'd help the man out, this time she tries to stick to "he said he doesn't want to be bothered" but when Armando realizes who wants to speak to him he ignores his duties as the president of the company and the importance of him being in said meeting for the future collection, which will help Eco Moda be able to pay off its debt. Betty knows this so when she sees that Armando doesn't stop to think, at least of the company, much less consider her(the true nature of her anger), and that he is an easy prey or weak idiot to women like AA she gets angry at him but her jealousy lays where she feels the most insecure.
Armando forgets of Betty and how happy he was when he saw her that morning. Now all he can think about is AA.
AA is the symbol and the token object of Armando's weakness: seggs with society's "perfect" women. He places this "need" of his above anything, his responsibilities as president, as an engaged man, and as someone in an committed and mature relationship.
I find Mario's behavior interesting in this scene however. He stares at Armando with raised eyebrows and a frown on his face, contrary to before where he was trying to keep himself from laughing, however freaked out over Armando's feelings, this time he's annoyed at him.
I keep trying to figure out why he'd get annoyed at him for this. In this scene Betty is behind Mario, where Inesita and Armando have a clear view of her. Betty is trying to stay composed and not let the personal seep into the impersonal so Mario hasn't seen her. Yes we're fully aware that Mario is a man that is extremely detail oriented when it comes to human behavior which gives him an advantage to manipulate people and get whatever he wants out of them so he can simply assume, by Betty's tone, that she isn't pleased by this. However this scene and Mario's behavior is very much unlike him.
This is my speculation, not what we are being told.
Maybe based on how Armando had spoken about his relationship with Betty and his feelings for her, Mario was annoyed at Armando for his behavior like saying "How can you say you cherish her and that you love her as a friend and then do this to her? And yet I'm the terrible one? The one that doesn't understand why the plan is wrong? The one with iron skin?" or one could simply point out that Mario didn't want to get stuck doing most of the work in the meeting while Armando went off to spend time with a hot woman.
Later when Betty agrees that they should take a break, when Betty exits the office(I'm skipping that scene for now) and Mario is walking up to it he asks her if Armando is still in there, she tells him that he is and with AA. Mario then says he shouldn't go in there and interrupt them then but he notices Betty's demeanor and asks her if she's alright.
Betty doesn't look at him, she doesn't pay him attention. She doesn't even make eye contact with him so again Mario behaves naturally.
Of course he pretends to be unaware of the relationship Armando has with Betty. He says he won't go in there and interrupt them, but he pays close attention to Betty.
We're all fully aware that Mario would be capable of seducing Betty. He lacks all the moral and ethic rules to not do that. Mario is a villain, a well written one. So his behavior here is just odd imo.
I do believe and know based on his character, that Mario is also annoyed at Armando for screwing up once more, therefore jeopardizing the company and all that it implies. However, take into consideration what happened the previous day. Mario isn't stupid, he is way too smart. He knows that Armando deeply cares for Betty, he's known this all along though he has also tried to deny any true motive of Armando caring for Betty because she's ugly and he knows his best friend and only uses Armando's feelings towards Betty when it benefits him. He knows that Betty is important and special to Armando. Unlike Marcela.
Mario pointed this out the previous day when he told him that he[A] had made love with Marcela in the past but that from what Armando had shared it had never been sweet. He is fully aware that Betty is vastly different to all the other women Armando has been with and it's not only because she's "ugly" but because Betty is of extreme importance and significance to Armando.
Does Mario disprove of Armando's behavior towards AA being in Eco Moda? Yes.
For two reasons: One that Armando is screwing up the plan again. Two that Armando is a hypocrite who gets mad at him for making jokes about their relationship but then he goes and does that, (which is an even bigger disrespect to Betty, Armando's Betty.) all while constantly telling Mario that he is scum because he feels no guilt while he does.
Does Mario care about Betty's feelings? No and if he does it's not enough to make him have a change of heart because what he truly cares about is remaining in the social statues he's on with being the wingman of Armando.
Again even if he did care a little about how Betty feels it's not enough for him to re-evaluate his role in the plan and what comes above that is Eco Moda's ownership but it gives him more intel on how to manipulate Armando. In the meeting board, when he finally got a view of Betty when she went to sit back down at the table, Mario examined her quickly, did so as the meeting continued, glancing at her, studying her.
Resuming to a chronological order.
As Armando leaves to his office to speak privately to AA, Betty stays behind in the conference room with Inesita and Mario where as Mario said, she looked broken and not her computer like self.
Once Inesita suggest they take a break Betty says she'll go to her office, to which we see Mario with his worried expression, look at her and then turn to look towards Armando's office doors in a silent plea that Betty doesn't catch him indecent.
In their office, Armando is busy talking with AA so Betty doesn't catch some indecent Armando, but because she knows him, she knows that he's capable of acting like everything is normal. When she looks at AA she looks her up and down, insecure in herself as a woman with such a woman in the same room. Armando in this scene is absorbed by AA's body, a contrast to when he was absorbed by Betty's presence(that includes body). Barely paying attention to Betty and speaking to AA in an informal and casual way, something he doesn't even do with her. In some places in Latin America speaking formally is a sign of respect and impersonalism. When you speak more casually it implies a personalized relationship with someone: meaning that they have a more deeper connection than someone you work with, a friend, a family member, a lover, etc. Betty and Armando aren't even on that and they've had seggs.
Betty takes note of this, again, this now moves on from her simply being insecure as a woman to now being mad at Armando for behaving this way.
Once Betty exits the office to go grab their refreshments she overhears Armando call AA espectacular
Whenever Betty is mad she always places her hand to her hip. As she stops to talk to Marcela she does this, again implying her anger towards Armando.
The last thing I'll note about this whole AA thing at this time is how both Betty and Marcela react. Marcela goes into the office fuming, throwing shade and whatnot to display her jealousy towards AA and her possessiveness towards Armando, however Betty only displays her anger towards Armando while very minimalistically showing her jealousy because of AA.
Marcela's anger was targeted towards both of them while Betty's was towards Armando.
Later that day after AA leaves, Betty remains angry. When Armando tries to apologize for yelling at her, Betty ignores him and tells him they need to get back to work.
Armando not only made her feel insignificant as a woman but he also said she got on his last nerve, tell me you wouldn't feel bad about yourself and be mad at the person who did that.
Obviously Betty feels inferior to AA. Who wouldn't if we're being honest? She's hot. Again when it comes to Betty it isn't hard to understand or sympathies with her over this.
However lets just remember that Betty has always felt insecure and inferior as a human being and a woman.
Insecurity presents itself in many ways. For some it could be them acting loud and obnoxious, like Armando. For others it could be them never asking for anything or expecting anything because they believe they don't deserve anything, like Betty.
Slowly however, her relationship with Armando has built her self-esteem. She walks a bit taller, she doesn't have such a tremble in her voice anymore unless she's speaking to Marcela or Daniel. Even on this day she dresses differently. She sports a more juvenile outfit, there's a glow to her. Though her clothing isn't form fitting or revealing, she has changed her clothing. Even now since they started to date she doesn't wear the super long skirts with the very boxy blazers from the shoulders or the clothes she wore at the start of the show. She wears the green dress, the yellow, red, and black dress often and the green skirt suit(the olive green one with the skirt that's shorter than all the other ones she wears).
In the past, on one of their first dates, Betty joked that she was ugly and Armando got upset with her, told her that he didn't like that and that she needed to respect herself. Ironic ain't it?
Armando's sole attention has given her a boost of ego, but his confirmation the night they sinned(lol) that he too felt what she felt for him, which was desire, has helped her a lot. Again to recall what her first time was like, this second time around it built her self-esteem. Especially because since then Armando hasn't been able to keep his hands to himself whenever Betty and him have been alone together, out of office hours.
(Currently listening to the YSBLF playlist on Spotify and honestly I just wanna dance)
The previous night though aware of Armando's fidelity to her when it came to Marcela, which was why she said she felt no jealousy or the likes in regards to that relationship(outside of guilt) she still is very aware of Armando's s. addiction tendencies. It isn't only a matter in which Armando is weak to women like that that even when he doesn't want to cheat on Marcela or whomever, he still falls for their manipulative or even pushy tactics to get him to sleep with them.
Let's not forget that Betty knows Armando and his behavior when it comes to the Models because unlike Marcela who has only seen snip bits when she stands behind him when he's flirting, Betty has seen it and heard it all from Armando. She has been in the room when Armando and Mario discuss how to get away with his affairs, she has seen him in action, she has even heard and seen the way he plays women. However Betty lacks the knowledge we have of Armando's seggsual affairs.
What does this mean?
To Betty, this weakness of Armando is solely based on the body of the women he is sleeping with(which are all A Grade) and though to some degree this is true(his obsession with perfection etc.) there's more to it. Armando, aside from having slept with her and saying he desired her, has never acted eager to jump her bones or expressed it like he has about all the other women he has been with. He has never made her feel validated as women for her body, though she knows he has an emotional attraction to her, she doesn't believe he has a physical one(I'll get to that scene in time ok! for now I'm talking about it like they haven't screwed again) for her, or at least one that matters. So when she sees AA in the office and she looks her up and down Betty compares herself, not as Armando's girlfriend, but as a woman in general.
For us women looks are the most important and most valuable thing we're told we have. Without them, what are we?
When you grow up being the "other" of society standards for women you grow up with no self-worth. Comparing yourself to others becomes second nature. We know Betty has said she grew up lonely, only Nicolas was her friend, kids in school made fun of her. She never had this moment when she looked at herself and was at least okay with what she was staring at. The contrary, she hated it but learned to tolerate it. Her self deprecating jokes were her acceptance of it, her way to cope with the way the world treated her. It was for her to be able to not care as much about it. However the way people treat her based on her looks still stings and this time it's a lot more.
Could you put yourself in her shoes? All your life you go about it feeling lonely, ugly, unwanted, inadequate, etc. and one day after so much heart ache, a terrible relationship that left you emotionally disfigured and scarred, a man that is desired by so many women AND men, who is "educated", "smart", handsome and has a good sense of humor pays attention to you, how would you feel?
Realistically speaking; a lot more insecure.
Some people hate themselves so much that they hate when people take notice of them because it's like saying "you have terrible taste if you like me, therefore you are not as great." Burdening someone with your own self-hatred. Betty has shown this in the past, when Armando first started to pursue her. She asked him time and time again why he'd be interested in her or notice her because a man like him could never notice her as more than just his employee.
AA is the incarnation of Betty's own dilema. Her self-hatred and insecurity as a woman because in her eyes she lacks beauty. Body wise she doesn't have Meat on her bones, she has frizzy wavy hair, doesn't wear makeup and has one eyebrow plus a mustache. However, despite this, Armando has fallen in love with her and in a matter of seconds this is shattered.
Armando forgets who Betty is for him. He forgets what he feels for her, the importance and significance of her to him and his life and is enveloped with the idea of AA wanting to speak to him and not in this "fanatic" manor but as a man wanting to conquer. Betty's ego isn't only hurting but she(in complete) is hurting by this. Next to Marcela she knows she is the one to hold Armando's heart and now his desires, but next to women like AA, she is insignificant not just as a woman, but as a person in general.
Especially after Armando yells at her, after a long time of not doing so, he yells at her in front of AA, he forgets Betty is even in the room or in the world. While with Marcela he tries not to bring her up or the subject of the wedding because he knows it hurts her(visibly kept glancing towards her office when AA was asking about it, confirming that whenever he seeks her comfort when she isn't with him in the room he'll be facing or standing by her office), he doesn't even consider her when AA is the room. She's heard him say he'd forget all of his commitments and relationships and run away with AA and marry her, just that day she saw him kiss a picture of her and basically make out with it.
She believes that unlike Marcela, AA is real competition because she's hawt(even though Marcela is hawt too) however she knows that Armando isn't in love with Marcela or even interested in her for that fact but she knows that Armando is of AA. However again because Betty is so insecure as a woman she believes that she isn't even in a competition with AA, because if AA wanted to, she'd take Armando and he wouldn't even put up a fight, he'd go willingly on the first attempt. Add that to Armando saying that Betty gets on his last nerve?
He dug his own grave.
One could ask how is it possible that Armando didn't pick up on Betty being jealous?
For one because Armando has only experienced Marcela's jealousy which is loud and arrogant. She throws shade, she yells at him, she demands from him. Betty doesn't do that. She interrupts his one on one time with AA by entering his office and looking for some paper work. She drops a box full of things to ruin any momentum he could be building with AA. Her jealousy is displayed in quiet and timid ways. The one time it she makes it "loud" enough is when she hears Armando flirting with AA and steps out of her office and stands in the middle of them, until he notices her, but then, after she bumps into him, he yells at her. You can tell right away this isn't just like when he yelled at her in the past that it made her want to cry(I mean who doesn't want to cry when they're being yelled at) but this time it was something that hurt her deeply. For the reasons mentioned above.
And two because he's clueless. Though in the past episodes we have seen Armando learn to be in sync with Betty's feelings and make an effort to be attentive and understanding, all of that work of his is thrown out the window when AA appears, making Betty not only feel inferior and insecure as a woman in general but making her feel like she's nothing, not even in a "my fav. employee" type of way. He makes her feel worthless as his girlfriend.
This is when the hurt moves on to anger.
Anger at herself and anger at him for making her feel this way.
When the Love Guru brings all of this to his attention, Armando has a face of realization.
He truthfully thought Betty was just being her unaware and naïve employee self. The one who trips, who doesn't back up her files on disks, y'know, the one she was at the start of the novel. He doesn't think that Betty is acting out in jealousy because again she doesn't act like Marcela does.
When he finally realizes this thanks to Mr. Dimples, we see the sudden "oh crap" face. Like it all made sense and he knew he messed up.
It's interesting to see how these scenes play such a huge roll to Betty finally speaking up in the relationship later that night.
Sorry this post took so long for me to write. I wanted to fully understand the huge significance of Adriana Arboleda as she has been one since the start of their affair, unbeknownst of Betty.
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numino · 2 years
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Creo que una de los pasatiempos favoritos de los que miramos y re miramos YSBLF es encontrar curiosidades, frases, palabras, cositas que pasaron desapercibidas la primera vez. Me llama MUCHO la atención está frase que Cata le dice a Armando cuando sale de la oficina de Betty, después de que Betty lo plantó en el desfile de Adriana Arboleda, para irse con Nicolás (el inicio de la "venganza" de Betty). A partir de este capítulo, los celos de Armando se empiezan a salir de control
Esa frase que Catalina le dice a Armando como para despedirse es el título de una canción, y prestenle atención a la letra!!!!
Well, I saw my baby walkin' with another man today
Well, I saw my baby walkin' with another man today
When I asked her what's the matter
This is what I heard her say
See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile
See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile
Can't you see you're in my way now
Don't you know you cramp my style
When I though of what she told me, nearly made me lose my head
When I though of what she told me, nearly made me lose my head
But the next time that I saw her
Reminded her of what she said
See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile
See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile
Can't you see you're in my way now
Don't you know you cramp my style
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¡Disfruto muchísimo de todas tus respuestas! Siempre me da pena que Betty y Armando no hayan disfrutado aunque sea una noche más antes de la carta. Suponiendo que Betty no haya leído la carta, y Betty y Armando hayan podido ir al desfile de Adriana Arboleda, ¿qué pensas que hubiese pasado?
Muchas gracias🥰🥰🥰 perdona la respuesta tardía! Concuerdo totalmente, fue una pena que no disfrutaran más, aunque creo 100% que eso es porque, si hubieran tenido una o dos noches más, Armando ya no habría sido capaz de huir de sus sentimientos. Le habría quedado en claro lo que ya sentía por Beatriz. Así que con eso establecido, empecemos!
Aquí partimos desde la base de que esta Betty se siente más segura del amor de Armando puedto que la noche anterior fue su segunda noche juntos. La mañana siguiente a eso, como vimos en la novela antes de La Catastrofe, Armando y Betty tenian un aura de felicidad, tranquilidad y unión extremadamente clara, que se rompe tras Betty encontrar la Carta.
Aquí, como no hay Carta, Betty sigue siendo feliz, emocionada, tierna, y quiere complacer a Armando y estar lo mejor posible para él
Así que quizá intentaría arreglarse y verse lo más presentable posible. Quizá iría con el Cuartel a que le presten un vestido y la arreglen, así como hizo una vez al principio de la novela
Ya arreglada (a estandares de Betty Antes de la Transformación), Betty habría esperado feliz y con ansias el ir al desfile, pues don Armando dejó en claro que tenía intención de pasar la noche con ella
Así que ella habría llamado a casa a decir que se demoraría mucho, que llegaría muy tarde por estar en un evento del trabajo
Armando y ella se habrían ido felices al evento, donde jamás se hubieran separado más que porque Armando olvidó su celular
Betty habría vuelto con él para encontrar a Armando con las modelos, y aunque habría sentido celos, Armando se las arreglaría para dejarle en claro que ellas ya no captan su atención de la misma forma que antes
Este Armando, aunque aún no entiende sus sentimientos dem todo, le da más prioridad a Betty
Tras finalizar el evento, al cual nunca iría Nicolás y en el cual Betty y Armando le huirían a Patricia a toda costa, probablemente irían a algún restaurante mediocre a cenar.
Armando aún no admite del todo sus sentimientos, pero debido a que aun siente la culpa latente sobre lo descubierto la moche anterior acerca del pasado de Betty, la llevaría a un lugar mejor de lo usual. No es un bailadero de mala muerte, pero tampoco es un restaurante de su nivel. Es algo bastante mediocre, pero debido a los estándares de Betty, a ella le encanta.
Este lugar fue recomendado por Calderón, obvio. Él conoce todos esos lugares mediocres a donde le encanta llevar a las mujeres que él clasifica C de Clandestinidad
Después de la cena, irían probablemente al departamento se Armando
Yo sé que Armando no quería a Betty inicialmente en su departamento, pero en esta ocasión, Armando intenta ser especialmente dulce y tierno en parte por la noche anterior, y en parte por la culpa de sentir que le está haciendo lo mismo que Miguel le hizo
Así que la lleva a su departamento. Pasan un rato tierno, amistoso, romántico, con música de jazz de fondo y un buen vino, que aunque Betty no suele tomar, está es una ocasión especial
Debido a que Marcela no está en Bogotá, Betty termina pasando la noche entera en el departamento de Armando, donde oficialmente tienen su tercera noche
Para Armando esto le resulta en una revelacion: está enamorado de Beatriz.
Es difícil para él seguir sin verlo, cuando la tiene ahí con él, en su cama, entre las sábanas, dormida en sus brazos, y por primera vez, siente tranquilidad. Siente paz, siente cariño por ella y ternura al verla acurrucada a su lado.
La ve y por primera vez ve genuinamente a la mujer en sus brazos. No ve una responsabilidad y compromiso como lo hace cuando está con Marcela. No ve un cuerpo sin rostro como alguna de sus modelos. No ve una simple figura llenando un espacio. Ve a Betty.
Y por fin Armando entiende
Pero eso no quiere decir que pueda admitirlo. No aún.
Se duermen juntos, y ambos tienen una noche increíble y una mañana tranquila, libre, y por primera vez en mucho tiempo para Armando, reparador
Y eso! Creo que ambos habrian tenido una noche hermosa y por primera vez genuinamente romantica, sin miedos a ser encontrados, y con Armando siendo especialmente romántico (a su modo ajjajaa) en parte por la culpa y en parte porque la novela nos dio a entender que Armando se terminó 100% de enamorar tras la 2nda noche! La 3ra sólo le haría darse cuenta de ello-- por lo cual creo que fue la razon de que no hubo una tercer en la novela!
Gracias por la pregunta!🥰🥰🥰
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ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
So, what do you think would have happened if Betty had indeed ended things with Armando? Outside of El Meson de San Diego, he tells her: We're through then, is that it? If she had said yes, would Armando have respected her choice? Would he try to convince her to give him another chance? Request a definite explanation as to why she had changed so much and ended things? Or maybe be would've accepted it? This is one possibility that he gave her, but I don't think he was prepared for the worst tbh it's also interesting that Betty didn't choose to end it right there and then because for her it was already over, right? I'm curious to know since when you think she buried the relationship.
It's also interesting that Armando didn't choose to end things at Mario's place. It just hit me while reading your comments that Betty intended on ending things that night at his apartment (she had also tried to end it before and urged Armando to mend his relationship with Marcela instead), I never saw it like that before, but now I'm seeing this scene on a different perspective. This was the perfect escape for Armando tbh he never would have known about her first time which only made him feel even worse, and their second night wouldn't have happened which had a huge impact on him. The fact that he never even looks at another woman after this night is actually insane, the hold it had on him? Their first night also meant a lot to him, but he continued to be a flirt and the way he behaved with Adriana Arboleda and treated Betty indicated he hadn't changed that much. After their second night, he only got kinda flirty with the models the day he hits Nicolás outside Inesita's house, but other than that it was obvious that he was crazy over Betty. He was also over the top flirty with Alejandra, but I always saw it as a move to make Betty jealous and show her that he wasn't indifferent to this beautiful woman and neither was she. When he rejected her advances afterwards, that was the definitive proof that he had changed for good.
As always, reading your comments is such a delight. Sorry for the long ask.
dont apologize for the long ask. you've given me a lot think about.
lets go fm the top--if betty had tried to break up with him at el meson, would he have accepted it? no. he would have demanded an explanation bc fm his end, in his mind, he hasn't done anything wrong. i dont think betty would be able to give him an explanation that doesn't give her away and we know she doesn't intend to tell him that she knows the truth. so even if she did try to end things, no he wouldn't have accepted it.
let's revisit what actually happens in canon--they have a huge fight outside the restaurant. he accuses her of having a thing with nicolas, which she does not take well. she throws in his face his treatment of her, how he didnt want to be seen with her and he says that that's not true. he tries to kiss her and she rejects him and then he calls her out on it-- 'me tento todo el tiempo alla en ese sitio si? a que la besara, a que la acariciara. y ahora no quiere que la bese? pero yo si quiero besarla. me muero, me muero por besarla'
--in his mind betty's sending mixed signals. and when she finally gives in to his kiss, to him its confirmation that she still wants to be with him. but her verbal rejection of him, he doesn't understand it. and he kind of refuses to look deeper bc the next day he's like 'i need to know if that kiss means that we're gonna continue on as we always have been'. even the card he writes doesn't quite acknowledge what really happened that night; he says it was a beautiful night because he got to kiss her again but doesn't understand why she left him. no acknowledgment about why they fought or how he treated her for the majority of the evening.
i think it's clear that something is definitely wrong but armando vehemently refuses to see the bigger picture.
I'm curious to know since when you think she buried the relationship
Not 'buried' but more like 'ended it and didn't tell him about it'.
Unfortunately, i have to talk about the letter.
Note: this is my interpretation of things from Betty's pov. Feel free to disagree.
The letter maims Betty but what really kills her is watching Armando read the letter. It's overhearing his conversation with Mario. It's Armando saying 'si, yo hago todo al pie de la letra. sabe que? usted es mi heroe'. We see her watching him read the letter, not acting shocked by it, we see her watch him rip it up as the instructions asked. We see her holding back sobs. That is what kills her.
From that moment on, I think Betty mentally breaks up with him. She doesn't let him take her home anymore, a boyfriend privilege he didn't know he had. She tires to reject him, doesn't want to kiss him. Doesn't want to go on dates with him. Why? Because he's not her boyfriend anymore. And leaves it up to him to figure it out.
When he says 'entonces terminamos?!'---she already did. The times she gives into kissing him, is Betty relapsing on a ex that will not get the hint that it's over. And Armando doesn't realize how over it's been until la junta directiva when he sees the letter in his folder. (side note, he says post junta directiva that he understands now why betty was acting the way she was acting and i just want to say, no he doesnt get it yet but that's another type of post)
re their second night:
betty gave him an out and he refused to take it. like many times before. the conversation they have at mario's place, when she points out all reasons why a relationship like theirs, out in the open, would never survive. all the things he himself has thought of, in regards to his own image, his class, his family. It pains him to see her talk about it, to hear her talk about herself in such a way. In addition to knowing that he made her feel like she didn't matter to him (the arboleda incident wasn't just a case of jealousy it was about betty feeling like she wasn't enough to keep him or his attention). he could have let her go that evening. he could let her end it. when she tries to leave, he panics (foreshadowing) and stops her. that is all armando. that is his free will. he can't let her go thinking she doesn't matter to him. she matters far too much to him now that it's too late for him to turn back.
armando and his ability to be faithful to betty vs marcela--i have an ask to respond to about that in more depth but the short answer--he wants to be faithful to betty bc her jealousy doesn't come from a place of possessiveness. it's comes from betty feeling inadequate. and he doesn't want to be a reason for her to feel less than. he wants her to know that he desires her, that he loves her (and only her). after the arboleda incident, he better understands her and wants to reciprocate how betty makes him feel. (like he is special to her, like he's the only man in her life that she loves).
I can't speak on the Alejandra scenes bc....I dont like to watch him with her. I can't give you my interpretation, whether i agree or disagree bc just watching Betty and everyone tell her about her makes me sad. I will have to refresh myself on that. but yes, his rejection of her is proof not only that he changed, but that the love he feels for Betty, despite her indifference and his time away fm Bogota, it's still there. And no other woman can sway him, even if given the opportunity to move on.
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ilovemykpopblog2 · 1 year
The difference between Marcela 's passive aggressiveness and Betty's is the tone. Marcela is sarcastic and harsh; for example when confronting Adriana Arboleda, her tone is just short of yelling; meanwhile Betty is soft spoken and understanding (at least she comes off that way.)
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a1a24ishere · 3 years
Armando's 7 women ("7 women for every men")
I just find it interesting that through the series, just after the comment from Betty when she's talking with Nicolás about men "There are 7 women for every men", we can start counting those 7 women for Armando (If I'm not mistaken, tho, I might be).
We learn about the three models that are banned from Ecomoda,
We absolutely hear about Marcela
Adriana Arboleda plays a part (even if she doesn't actually know)
Alejandra Zing is someone who he is very close with (being her first friend not romantically involved) and, ofc,
Betty, his first and lasting love
I just like those details, they make me point to the screen and gasp.
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