#Adveture Time AU
ask-finnris · 9 months
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|| him a pretty princess!!! ||
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yelek-galleries · 11 months
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Quien es esa bella ente de la dualidad? (Primera vez que me sale una referencia de pinterest-)
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betty-the-magic-cat · 10 months
Flip-flop au wip
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Supposed to be Facing a mirror
More info later for this au because its incomplete
Used this screenshot
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just-an-enby-lemon · 6 months
TMAGP High School AU except is more like one of thoses fics where Somewhere Else means Jon becames a teacher. So we have eldrish-ish Jon out in a world his powers are mostly controled trying to mimick a normal life with Martin except he has just the most eldrish prone kids and it's trying to protect them (except when the Eye wins the job of influenciating him into supporting his students getting close to it).
His students of course are Samama Khalid that had a previous experience with this world version of the Magnus Institute and no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. He sees spooky, mysterious things and goes "let's investigate it" and involves other students into it. He constantly ignores Jon help, but in the way where he is soo polite and nice about it he sometimes is abble to learn more about Jon's own spokkiness (sometimes he does it on purpose because as times goes more Sam is sure his new teacher is the key to the misteries around him and sometimes just because Jon isn't used to casual niceness and Sam is lovely).
Alice Dyer, described as a lovely problem student by both principal Lena and most of the teachers body (also by Martin because she is a frequent visitor in the cities library) , she for some god forsaken reason insists on calling Jon "Chester" ("you just looks waay more like a Chester than a Mr. Sims"). She mostly follows Sam in his advetures and definitivaly had some connection to an entity before but also she is Jon's biggest ally because she is always trying to make them stop (she also calls Martin "Norris" for no reason).
Gwendolyn Bouchard, first poblem being her last name sort off gives Jon trauma indulced anxiety, second is that she actually reminds Jon more of himself at his early days on the archives than Elias and she made her mission to be the teacher's pet and have him like her (and support her into becaming the leader of the student concil and class president).
Colin Becher who had at least one supernatural encounter with an evil computer program but likely more computer related trauma that just made him even more into computers but also to angry insult circuit boards. Jon is certain he got the Ushenka video at least once. Colin dislikes Jon a lot, a lot, and also told Jon that he does not need a english teacher that doesn't even know what a logic gate is. He also likely can notice the supernatural on Jon and he does not like it.
And Celia Ripley that got in after Jon, has a familiar-ish name and more important seems to know more than she should about the Entities and the world Jon came from, he is half sure she called him Archivist once and she asked about tape recorders. Very suspicious.
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tench · 6 years
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If not this then what's the point
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
ALJFSLAKJFAS YEAH Kankri on his paul (the guy who didnt like musicals) arc meanwhile Cronus is having the time of his Afterlife and is like "kankri we're already dead, might as well have some fun" BUT ALSO THE MUSICAL ADVENTURES BUBBLES IMPLIES THERE IS A UNIVERSE WHERE ALL THAT HAPPENED
hussie where is the danCESTOR CONTENT
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cleophantom · 5 years
Steven Universe/Jojo's Bizarre Adveture crossover AU
The premise is simple: the Earth Pink Diamond colonizes is the same Earth that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure takes place on. This post will detail the rules and early history in this AU. This will not include Part 7 and 8 content (trust me, I'd love to give Peridot the Spin) because it's a different universe. So, the rules first
Gems are somewhat capable of using Hamon, but they need to shapeshift a circulatory and respiratory system. Even then, very rarely is a Gem's Hamon powerful enough to be worth it. Gem weapons have 100% conductivity of Hamon, which is great, but their general lack of connection to it makes it unlikely for a Gem to even try learning Hamon.
If the Arrow poofs a Gem, then it will release the Stand virus into their gemstone. Gems are unlikely to be killed by this, but weak-willed gems will have a hard time using their Stands. You get a lot more cases like Holly's Stand and Cheap Trick with Gems.
Vampires/The Stone Mask
The Stone Mask cannot affect Gems, but if a Gem is cracked and the crack is filled with the blood of a Vampire or Pillar Man, then it will become an actual Bloodstone. Bloodstones have two variations: Zombie Bloodstones and Vampire Bloodstones. Dio in Part 1 creates Zombie Bloodstones. Zombie Bloodstones maintain their previous forms, but lose all personality and become completely subject to the will of their creator. Vampire Bloodstones gain several Vampire powers and maintain their previous personalities. Their shapeshifting is magnified to extreme levels, they gain Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, but from their Gem, and they only poof if attacked by Hamon or exposed to sunlight. Hamon travels perfectly through a Gem's physical form, and even small bursts of Hamon can crack Zombie Bloodstones. The gem of a Bloodstone will shatter upon enough contact with Hamon or sunlight.
Early History
When Pink arrived on Earth, Kars and the other Pillar Men immediately caused problems. Pink herself ended up fighting Kars and losing, only being saved because Pearl shoved her to the side and took the blow. She ended up helping the Hamon users fend them off and protect the Red Stone of Aja. The Hamon tribe pledged a debt to Pink for her assistance. Later, during the Gem War, Pink requested that the Hamon Tribe join the Crystal Gems in protecting the Earth. She herself also learned Hamon and became pretty good at it. Several Vampires also fought with the Crystal Gems, but their creation of Zombie Bloodstones freaked out Pink, who quietly killed all of them after the war. When the corruption light hit, all of the Bloodstones were shattered. Pink maintained a good relationship with the Hamon tribes and helped train several Hamon masters over the years, and in exchamge, the Hamon masters helped round up the Corrupted Gems.
That's part 1 of this.
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hyphen-yaeger · 5 years
Prompt #15: Braid (free day)
All the Hyphens.
They all just woke up and were reunited at a big table having breakfast, after yesterday’s grand fight it was a miracle all of them were able to wake up around the same time.
Everyone sat at the table at different times, and Ishgard having cold temperatures didn’t help the blue hair adveturers to reach the warm food faster.
The first one to arrive was Yascaret, covered in a fluffy robe she sat down and accepted a cup of coffee from one of the workers there and greeting the other people in the breakfast room. The Elezen duo was next, greeting the Viera, they sat with her; they did not bother adding extra layers to their body. Mirror, the male Hyur was laughing at the Miqo’tes when they reached the table together, since they were jumping around to get warm and being mindful of their tails touching cold things. The Au Ra and Roegadyn were at the table next, they were wearing some sweaters bought in the market. The female Hyur entered the room with a long blue coat she had to grab so it didn’t touch the floor, she was in company of Ser Aymeric, who greeted the blue haired adventurers at the table and went to talk to some officers.
All the Hyphens at the table were drinking coffee but no one was eating breakfast. 
“Where’s Engi and the Lalas?“ asked Rhel in general rubbing her ears for warmth.
As she had summon him, Azora appeared wearing a coat.
“Sorry for being late“ he said sitting at the table.
“Now only the Lalas are left“ said the female Elezen. In that exact moment, two small heads appeared from the Hrothgar’s coat. “We’re here!“ both said earning a laugh from the others in the group.
The group had a nice breakfast and were joined by some guards and soldiers of Ishgard. Lucia walked near their table to return her dishes and when she saw them, she could not help but to let out a chuckle.
“Look at you, mighty warriors having breakfast in dirty clothes and wild hair. Truly something else“
They looked at each other and realized what she just said. This was a normal situation for them, wild hair all over the place after sleeping and fighting, but for others they must look really funny, not like themselves.
“By the way“ said Lucia “Don’t forget that some Lords are expecting you to show up in their party tonight.“
After eating the Hyphens went to have a deserved bath and reunited again in House Fortemps. This being a party, they were wearing clothes they usually don’t wear, but hair was still missing in their get ready list.
“Who wants to tell today’s story?“ asked Beacon in the room only ocupated by the blue haired.
“Hey Book! tell us a story of one of your new books“ Said Tia looking at the Lalafell.
This looked highly planned. Everyone knew where to go and after who position themselves. In reality they have only talked this once but had done it a couple of times before.
They all sat in a circle and while the male Lalafell started telling the sorry everyone started to braid the hair of the one in from of them, they looked like a troop of kids having fun. This is something they all enjoyed to do as a group and each opportunity that allowed them to do it was highly appreciated.
They were so into it that they didn’t heard Count Edmont opening the door with some of the Scions, Aymeric and Lucia behind them.
Tataru did not waste a bit and took a photo of the situation. It was one all of the ones present asked a copy of immediately. Their warrior of light enjoying a nice moment with other warriors that could be and acted like her family, all of them in fancy outfits and finishing pretty braid based hairstyles.
While it was a weird thing at first, they were glad she was enjoying this, that they all were despite the uncertainty.
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sunyolp83 · 4 years
➡️Sunyo spielt ''SONG OF HORROR'' 💻Auf dem PC💻 ➡️PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzEK9SNibOez9pqWINn5Zn6UHLFs6PEdF ➡️SPIEL KAUFEN: https://ift.tt/33nXEQd ➡️OFFIZIELLE SEITE: https://ift.tt/33evUiD ➡️BESCHREIBUNG DES SPIELS: Hüte dich vor den Schatten und der Dunkelheit, die still erscheinen mögen. Hüte dich vor geschlossenen Türen und flüsternden Spiegeln. Hüte dich vor dem Lied des Schreckens, das tief in deinen Verstand eindringt. Der berühmte Schriftsteller Sebastian P. Husher ist mit seiner ganzen Familie verschwunden. Aus Sorge hat sein Verleger einen Assistenten zum Haus des Autors geschickt, um nach ihm zu suchen — aber er kam nie zurück... Dieses Verschwinden löst eine Reihe von Ereignissen aus, die etwas Schreckliches enthüllen: ein namenloses, dunkles Wesen, das nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, scheint für alles verantwortlich zu sein — und es ist immer noch irgendwo da draußen und lauert im Schatten... und wartet auf dich! EIN PARANORMALES ABENTEUER VOLLER UNBESCHREIBLICHER SCHRECKEN Song of Horror bietet eine dynamische Spielerfahrung voller Horror und Schrecken: Der Gegner, eine übernatürliche Entität, die nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, wird von einer fortschrittlichen KI kontrolliert, die sich an deine Handlungen und Entscheidungen anpasst. Erlebe ein unausstehliches Gefühl der Angst, wenn dieses übernatürliche Wesen auf deine Spielweise reagiert und dich auf unerwartete Weise jagt. Dadurch bietet sich jedem Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, da sich die Spannung auf natürliche Weise aufbaut, anstatt einem festen Skript zu folgen. Als Spieler erlebst du diese Geschichte aus der Perspektive von verschiedenen Charakteren, die auf ihre eigene Weise mit der Geschichte in Verbindung stehen. Jeder Charakter ist anders und bringt seine einzigartige Sichtweise in die Untersuchung ein, so dass er Hinweise und Gegenstände unterschiedlich behandeln kann. Ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen werden die Welt prägen: Einige von ihnen werden mehr oder weniger über bestimmte Aspekte der Geschichte wissen, andere sind effektiver gegen übernatürliche Erscheinungen. Aber sie alle können sterben, wenn die Präsenz sie erreicht — und der Tod ist endgültig. Wenn einer deiner Charaktere stirbt, musst du die Geschichte mit einem anderen Charakter aufgreifen und die Untersuchung fortsetzen, damit ihr Tod nicht umsonst war. SPIELE KAUFEN: 🔥https://www.mmoga.de/ 🔥https://ift.tt/1uVLcFk ➡️TITEL: SONG OF HORROR GENRE: Abenteuer ENTWICKLER: Protocol Games PUBLISHER: 🚀 Raiser Games FRANCHISE: 🚀 Raiser Games VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 31. Okt. 2019 💰💰 Über Geld spricht man nicht – aber verschenken darf man es. 💰💰 https://ift.tt/2X4q5o1 ➡️TOLLE STREAMER U. LET'S PLAYER: 📌BroTainmentTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6kflDB-Nb8Yy5S5pphnfFA 📌FledermauS-GaminG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0ZdHo5hE5vbCvZzyQhDAQ 📌Plastikbomber: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVOOa52AFUqpw3YTeQvqSg 📌LuXuS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq26jkmU5froIdIVorDcvOg 📌Punisher 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbmdzkH8vyqkNYw7_F-a1jA 📌Conky: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNASKfkQ_Nj8_Qi-NUXAq7A 📌SRB_Lieke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8hyjvk_yP5iRgFQfpfyIQ 📌GamerGirl WithHeart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZCJASkYDMZM7TCscPhq0g 📌Time TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGzId0dhOb4qBG-W69j-aQ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #sunyospielt #songofhorror #horror #abenteuer #protocolgames #adveture by Sunyo LP
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Things ain't so simple in Eorzea. On a small farm in the Thanalin deserts lived a family of Lalafells, they breed and raised chocobo for sale, they fetched a fair amount of gil for the chocobo porters and passing Advetures. The farm next door housed another family of Lalafell, this farm growing crops to feed the village nearby and the chocobos at the other farm. The two farms depended heavily on each other, making the family's close. The parents of each farm had twenty children between them but two of them stuck out like soar thumbs, a boy and a girl. The two where inseparable when they where not at work, even sometimes helping each other at times of need. One night, the two farms where attacked by bandits, the boy's father tried to get his family into a small bunker he had made for housing stubborn chocobos, and made enough space to house both family's. The boy didn't like this idea, leaving the chocobos for the bandits to steal and possibly harm wasn't an option. He ran from his family and the girl followed to protect their lively hood. The pair did what they could to fight but something sparked inside them, the boy felt a rush in his body, his hands and feet started moving on their own and he started punching and kicking with more and more power. The girl felt the need to pick up a tree branch from a the family's tree that had been there before her grandparents lived on the farm. She could cast fire and ice without the blink of an eye. The bandits where quick to retreat, no point in fighting someone who will fight back. From that day on they trained together and eventually made there way to the city of Ulda, they seen the state of the city, refugees camps outside the city, and inside, most of them selling the small wears they had took from there homelands. Once into the city they made there way to the quicksands and made sure to sign up as Adventures. They where told to make their way to the Pugilist and Thaumaturge guilds, there they could develop their skills and learn the ways of their masters. After a year of training they where past their trials, the boy became a Monk, the girl a Black Mage and they became closer than ever. Joining the immortal flames they earned enough gil between them to afford a small house in the Goblet, a housing distract set up for Adventures only. It took the pair another year of questing to apply for a permit to set up their own hunting business. They had meet a Au Ra shortly after making the business who was a well known up and coming Astrologian. Any attempt to make her a partner of the business was shrugged off and they made sure she knew the offer stood. Strangely she made a comment about the boy, how she seen something growing in him and too seek out the foundation for more information. He smiled and agreed. After only another eight years the pair where married with a girl of their own, the business was flourishing, growing in numbers and the next step was too move to a bigger home, they even had a name picked for the business, Devil May Assassinate. One day a paladin in their ranks came to them, talking of a Beast tribe trying to resurrect their god once more, Ifrit. They agreed to accompany the paladin to take him down and a young white mage under the girls training would accompany them too. As they grew closer to the tribes camp, a smell of Ambush was all around them and a ring of pure flame surrounded them. It was the god Ifrit himself. He warned them of his coming devastation to taunt them, the Paladin still young dropped his weapons and ran for his life. The boy couldn't save him from his death by Ifrit's flame. He picked up the paladins sword and took the lead, asking the girl and her pupil to back him up. The fight was the hardest the pair had ever had, but as the fight went on, the boy felt something growing, bursting from within, he was preforming moves he had never seen, carrying the sword like it was an extension of his soul. Suddenly the white mage had ran out of mana, and then killed by ifrit's nail. The girl pushed the boy out of the way as she was devoured by intense flames. The boy, in shock, could only scream her name and except the same fate as his wife. He heard the faint clashing of steel on bone. "Get up boy!! This is not your time to pass!!" He heard from within, feeling the pain of his soul shifting. There was a man clad in metal, with a sword that spoke to the boy. "Didn't you hear me boy, get up and kill the god who took your love!!" The boy did as the voice said, he got up and clung to the sword he held, a sharp pain in his eye throwing him into the fight without second thought. The power the woman mentioned all those years ago, it was surfacing, all this pain and hate. He liked it. [this is just some back story on how Bastion became a Dark knight, hope you guys like it.]
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by blueaurora
It's been a thousand years since the humans landed into the World of Light, taking away every glimmer, covering everything they step in with darkness. The light that once gave birth to the forest and its magic is slowly fading, venturing nothing but difficult times to the light dwellers.
Hongjoong made a small mistake, carrying great consequences with it.
Without knowing how, he is now about to embark on an adveture to save the world from the darkness. Hand in hand with the elf that swore on his heart protect him until the day of his death.
Words: 15166, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jeong Yunho, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Kang Yeosang, Jung Wooyoung, Choi San, Choi Jongho, Song Mingi, Original Characters
Relationships: Jeong Yunho/Kim Hongjoong, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Kang Yeosang/Park Seonghwa, Choi Jongho/Song Mingi
Additional Tags: Fantasy AU, Fairy-tale like story, travelling into worlds, hero!hongjoong, Elf!Yunho, Action/Adventure, enemies to friends to lovers kind of development, yunho protecting hongjoong, friendship through war, Fluff, Some eventual smut, tragic backstories everywhere, a lot of mythical creatures will be mentioned, Will add more tags in the future
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1mrhyde · 6 years
rpg au!
setting and world:ok here we go this time rpg au will be in a world we ra nature rule than tech nolo gy(i eman even more than what it shows in theseries ike for example instead of brieges made of stone are bridges that are atually really big roots )welp nothe less this time is different at differnt of the shiny rod chosing its owner its waiting or its owner you see the shiny rod dissapeared long ago after certain ncident happend you see chariot in this au is a arch magicina animist that alongside the shiny rod cretaes amzing speel related to nature animals an dteh enviroment due that she feels that nature itself is magical and its the living prro thta life is wonderful since ths world is more connected to nartue itsel chariot was more famous and known than the series itself sh eapears on cristall balls magic scrolls and by visions spells but not everyone was happy with he rfriend the alchemist artificer croix she didnt get why caring a lot for nature you see everytime that humanity wanted to advance technolgically the magic creatures (and persons) were agains it and destroys every possible way to happen and nature was the wwinner croix wantng to humanity to advanced decide to sabotaged chariot show just that this time by making invocations hex and use of alchemist it doe not work until she accidnetally makes a final speel conving a invocation with a hex fuelled with negative power make a invctaion of a poweful demon known as noir he begins consuming everyone living foce and then invocate portals to use it minnions to attck near towns villages and everithing thta have a himan being (oh yeah by using his influence to affec evryon that see the show)the demon touches a certain blonde woman and her duaghter scream and telling him to stop another girl use minii fireworks to help the moter and said to the blonde gril get down and use the firework saving th blonde girla nd her mother bu then variou demons suround her the mtoher hugging th two girls while tryin to prtoect them suddeny a rar of light destroys the demon it was chariot she begins destroying the demons and finally fattaly hurts their leader and hides away in the darkness succesfully saving everyone and tis time not losing the shiny rod by her fut!....but rather croix fault the great grandmother mother eatrh spirit known as yggdrassil congratuates her by her efforts but also says that she will punish croix by her insolence with her life chariot angry with her friend but not the enought f wanting her death decides to give her right of the shiny rod to save her yggdrassil ws surprised by it so sehd ecides to et croix to live and givin gher new possition s great mage and giving her a magnificent wand but croix was cursed to become souless tree creature to wander the earth and she will return to normal wehn she lerns all her wrodoings croix was angry of this ot happpen and curse chariot of ever meeting ther and vanish with a fog speell and dispears and yggdrasil dissapears after teeling to chariot to be herself and tech toher her way of livng then a excited brown haire girl goes were chariot and aks her to be her teacher she wa shappy of her new role as a teacher she wanted to ask tot he blond girl but t she and her mother dissapeared and so the shiny rod was lost in some forest waiting for the right person to use it since that day akko and chariot trained tgether since they met growning closer lik mother nd daughter (this time chariot was still havingg her happy youg self an de xpand it in her adult years) so one day akko would be stroung enought to reclaim it !
the guild:but this world is also dagerous full of traps monsters ceature and demons and bad peope her quest wont be easy so she alone cnat do it she ask chariot to help her but she says she mist find croix after so many yeras of dissapearing so sh says no with no worringly so since her favorite teacher cnat help her she decides to go alone (akko is warrior class) but she fails a lot and gets hurt badly a ot so she decides to make a guld "the shiny stars of the stars " nd goes to near villages towns and unnown parts to creta eher guild an dready for advetures!
croix role:ok here we go youse tehre is no only human here they are held dwarfes goblins orcs and many more and her es teh thing croix cursed staet was quite known in the upper world that everyone hates her for ibertaing the demon and her minnion smaking destrution so she live in under world shee befriend the dwarfes and she teach ehr o her technlogy sloly becaems a expert on their technology so much that combining their technology and speels croix mangae to almost recover her normal state her taent in the manafucture wa sso impriseive tht she cerates a company in th e sahdows and became a powrful an dinfluecing as always so she wants to ue taht power tot ke over the world adn reclim the shiny rod detriy ygddrasi an dthe 9nwitches and having he revnege aginst chariot! but she can do ti alone she comands the dwarfes and other underwod inhabitant to capture els human orcs devils...and noir minnions she experiment on them braiwashing them and modifying them with mechanical parts and comand them to make chaos and destruction around the world while in the upper world she uses a more human disguise in order to make del wihth nobe families and trick them to help her growimg empire in military na d fianncial way but her destruction dersoy million o life by eefct
diana the elf princess:diana is a elf princees that in he ryounger years was curious of the outside world so she and her mother goe to a a certain show and bad things happen a monster grabs her other making her screm and her veins infected by the touch of the devil was screaming a nd pleading somebody save her she was cryong an dbeging soebody to help he rmother then suddenly se hears a voice telling her get down launching fireworks to the monster svaing her seeing whowas her shinig prince was surprised to see that was a young brown haired girl and she gets coser to dian and asks her are you ok? she then says shyli "y-yes.." andhelp her mother with the help of the girl she sks he rduring all tht chaous "whoa re you ?" "oh youa re asking my name welp my name is akatsu akatsuragi but i preffer "akko"! dian says with shiny eyes "akko" then akko notices something on the girls it was fire she stops the fire but see diana ears and sh ask are youa elf? yess "awesome ""really?" before they continut heri conversation the monster was going to kill them chariot saves them adter what happens akko dcide to go where chariot was and tells dian to go wtih her dian amzed was going to followe her but sudeenly when akko turns to se chariot some elf guardians grab her an he rother an say that they cat and dian abegs to be with akko that seh is the princess that she can do what she wants but before she begins a agrument with the guard bernadette stops and tells to ehr hat she cn met ako...later she sadly agress to her request after seeing who hurt she was so they telported before akko culd notice it and aks where she went then the next day dian wanders the fores thing whta happened losin i her thouhts she hears soemoen greeting ehr itw as akko she was hesttitant at first but go where she was and decide to spend the dya with her akko telling of chariot and her magic while daian say about her mother and elve magic and soemtimes they train wat hey learnt diana also said thats i dangerous for her to be utside since she is aelf akko asks why she is spending time with her diana says becaus eh trust her she beives tha she is not harm that she can be friends with r akko is grateful for it so they spend thei time toether in far parts fo the forests during the afternoon until night they spend their togethr during years diana become a great elven mage astrolonger an akko a great warrio captain when they became teenager thanks by akko dian could be better an dhandle her mothe rdepature btter akko became open minded of magic and people and became great friends with diana bu their together shortendian became the actual queen of her pple and akko begins traing hand to hand combat with chariot once akko decde to amke guild sh tells to dian and she says thats a stupid idea akko get angry of it but diana tells her why the hel does she need the shiny rod if she by herslef can make great things to happen akko wa sblushing by dian saying suh silly thing but she says that shee need the shny rod if she wnats to get rid of the demon onc eand for all and that cna also make mircales dina sti thinking be stup thing but anyway supports akko akkow as happy to hear that that ask dian to join her gud dian says that i she could do it she would joint it but she cnat due of her repsonsibilieties and that she must return to the kingdom imeedtaly but before that diana wnat to ask something to akko but she wnated to say it in the night and akko confused she agrees so she oes going to another near own with her good lucky self while dian sees while smilng from afar her dumb friend during the night dian with a fancy dress waits for kko for a loooong while she gets worr thinking that akko was not interetsed in their conversation until one of eh rguardinas tell her that akko was in the near hot sring relaxings after sufferin lots oof damage dina use telpeortation magic where she i with exreme worry oh knowng wat happend to akko she explains she tries to recruit memeber sfor her guild in a bar wth the most dangerous ruthless people ver known diann samks her at ther head ansd tells her not to do somehtng foolish like taht ever gain akko says she promises (while crossing her fingrs) and dian lets her rest but herr woorry grow stronge revry inch away form akko so she decides to train in combat steat archery and difffenet kindof self defense to help he rand dres sherself like a ninja (you know like zelda and sheik)sowhen she finsh he rtraining she will help akko while using another identfy to hlp eh rgather the shiny rod by 2 reasons 1.to help akko of dying 2. to discver the secets o the shiny rod nd becam e the scond meber of the guild oh and asks her assitnts hannah and barabra to comand the elven ingdom while she is away
amanda and her mercenary gang:ok here we go remeber in the other au thta conz works with croix to help he rthis time is backwards she wnat to destroy her you see this time the whole grren team wher echildhood frinds sine the noir demon left them the 3 of them withouth parents conz was scard nd jams was traumatized and amanda became their leader ate early yers she save both conz and jams form the demon attacks and she promise to them no matte rwhat happens he woun abbandon tem and will make the one responsible to pay for what she have done so the trhee od them gos to adventure togenther jamnska is a berser axe wileder conz is creatonist hammer wileder and manada an rogue with doule blade together they create a fearsome tro that goes to dangerus adventure earn lots of gold and got to amainzg adventures they were relaxing on a bar thinking what to do next until a idiotic girl ask he rif they join wither on he rguild
species: oh yeah croix is hald wood creature tecnology hybried jams is part giant conz is a tecno magician dwarfe and manda is fae (fairy that likes to make michieves)
0 notes
sunyolp83 · 4 years
➡️Sunyo spielt ''SONG OF HORROR'' 💻Auf dem PC💻 ➡️PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzEK9SNibOez9pqWINn5Zn6UHLFs6PEdF ➡️SPIEL KAUFEN: https://ift.tt/33nXEQd ➡️OFFIZIELLE SEITE: https://ift.tt/33evUiD ➡️BESCHREIBUNG DES SPIELS: Hüte dich vor den Schatten und der Dunkelheit, die still erscheinen mögen. Hüte dich vor geschlossenen Türen und flüsternden Spiegeln. Hüte dich vor dem Lied des Schreckens, das tief in deinen Verstand eindringt. Der berühmte Schriftsteller Sebastian P. Husher ist mit seiner ganzen Familie verschwunden. Aus Sorge hat sein Verleger einen Assistenten zum Haus des Autors geschickt, um nach ihm zu suchen — aber er kam nie zurück... Dieses Verschwinden löst eine Reihe von Ereignissen aus, die etwas Schreckliches enthüllen: ein namenloses, dunkles Wesen, das nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, scheint für alles verantwortlich zu sein — und es ist immer noch irgendwo da draußen und lauert im Schatten... und wartet auf dich! EIN PARANORMALES ABENTEUER VOLLER UNBESCHREIBLICHER SCHRECKEN Song of Horror bietet eine dynamische Spielerfahrung voller Horror und Schrecken: Der Gegner, eine übernatürliche Entität, die nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, wird von einer fortschrittlichen KI kontrolliert, die sich an deine Handlungen und Entscheidungen anpasst. Erlebe ein unausstehliches Gefühl der Angst, wenn dieses übernatürliche Wesen auf deine Spielweise reagiert und dich auf unerwartete Weise jagt. Dadurch bietet sich jedem Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, da sich die Spannung auf natürliche Weise aufbaut, anstatt einem festen Skript zu folgen. Als Spieler erlebst du diese Geschichte aus der Perspektive von verschiedenen Charakteren, die auf ihre eigene Weise mit der Geschichte in Verbindung stehen. Jeder Charakter ist anders und bringt seine einzigartige Sichtweise in die Untersuchung ein, so dass er Hinweise und Gegenstände unterschiedlich behandeln kann. Ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen werden die Welt prägen: Einige von ihnen werden mehr oder weniger über bestimmte Aspekte der Geschichte wissen, andere sind effektiver gegen übernatürliche Erscheinungen. Aber sie alle können sterben, wenn die Präsenz sie erreicht — und der Tod ist endgültig. Wenn einer deiner Charaktere stirbt, musst du die Geschichte mit einem anderen Charakter aufgreifen und die Untersuchung fortsetzen, damit ihr Tod nicht umsonst war. SPIELE KAUFEN: 🔥https://www.mmoga.de/ 🔥https://ift.tt/1uVLcFk ➡️TITEL: SONG OF HORROR GENRE: Abenteuer ENTWICKLER: Protocol Games PUBLISHER: 🚀 Raiser Games FRANCHISE: 🚀 Raiser Games VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 31. Okt. 2019 💰💰 Über Geld spricht man nicht – aber verschenken darf man es. 💰💰 https://ift.tt/2X4q5o1 ➡️TOLLE STREAMER U. LET'S PLAYER: 📌BroTainmentTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6kflDB-Nb8Yy5S5pphnfFA 📌FledermauS-GaminG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0ZdHo5hE5vbCvZzyQhDAQ 📌Plastikbomber: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVOOa52AFUqpw3YTeQvqSg 📌LuXuS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq26jkmU5froIdIVorDcvOg 📌Punisher 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbmdzkH8vyqkNYw7_F-a1jA 📌Conky: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNASKfkQ_Nj8_Qi-NUXAq7A 📌SRB_Lieke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8hyjvk_yP5iRgFQfpfyIQ 📌GamerGirl WithHeart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZCJASkYDMZM7TCscPhq0g 📌Time TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGzId0dhOb4qBG-W69j-aQ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #sunyospielt #songofhorror #horror #abenteuer #protocolgames #adveture
0 notes
sunyolp83 · 5 years
➡️Sunyo spielt ''SONG OF HORROR'' 💻Auf dem PC💻 ➡️PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzEK9SNibOez9pqWINn5Zn6UHLFs6PEdF ➡️SPIEL KAUFEN: https://ift.tt/33nXEQd ➡️OFFIZIELLE SEITE: https://ift.tt/33evUiD ➡️BESCHREIBUNG DES SPIELS: Hüte dich vor den Schatten und der Dunkelheit, die still erscheinen mögen. Hüte dich vor geschlossenen Türen und flüsternden Spiegeln. Hüte dich vor dem Lied des Schreckens, das tief in deinen Verstand eindringt. Der berühmte Schriftsteller Sebastian P. Husher ist mit seiner ganzen Familie verschwunden. Aus Sorge hat sein Verleger einen Assistenten zum Haus des Autors geschickt, um nach ihm zu suchen — aber er kam nie zurück... Dieses Verschwinden löst eine Reihe von Ereignissen aus, die etwas Schreckliches enthüllen: ein namenloses, dunkles Wesen, das nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, scheint für alles verantwortlich zu sein — und es ist immer noch irgendwo da draußen und lauert im Schatten... und wartet auf dich! EIN PARANORMALES ABENTEUER VOLLER UNBESCHREIBLICHER SCHRECKEN Song of Horror bietet eine dynamische Spielerfahrung voller Horror und Schrecken: Der Gegner, eine übernatürliche Entität, die nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, wird von einer fortschrittlichen KI kontrolliert, die sich an deine Handlungen und Entscheidungen anpasst. Erlebe ein unausstehliches Gefühl der Angst, wenn dieses übernatürliche Wesen auf deine Spielweise reagiert und dich auf unerwartete Weise jagt. Dadurch bietet sich jedem Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, da sich die Spannung auf natürliche Weise aufbaut, anstatt einem festen Skript zu folgen. Als Spieler erlebst du diese Geschichte aus der Perspektive von verschiedenen Charakteren, die auf ihre eigene Weise mit der Geschichte in Verbindung stehen. Jeder Charakter ist anders und bringt seine einzigartige Sichtweise in die Untersuchung ein, so dass er Hinweise und Gegenstände unterschiedlich behandeln kann. Ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen werden die Welt prägen: Einige von ihnen werden mehr oder weniger über bestimmte Aspekte der Geschichte wissen, andere sind effektiver gegen übernatürliche Erscheinungen. Aber sie alle können sterben, wenn die Präsenz sie erreicht — und der Tod ist endgültig. Wenn einer deiner Charaktere stirbt, musst du die Geschichte mit einem anderen Charakter aufgreifen und die Untersuchung fortsetzen, damit ihr Tod nicht umsonst war. SPIELE KAUFEN: 🔥https://www.mmoga.de/ 🔥https://ift.tt/1uVLcFk ➡️TITEL: SONG OF HORROR GENRE: Abenteuer ENTWICKLER: Protocol Games PUBLISHER: 🚀 Raiser Games FRANCHISE: 🚀 Raiser Games VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 31. Okt. 2019 💰💰 Über Geld spricht man nicht – aber verschenken darf man es. 💰💰 https://ift.tt/2X4q5o1 ➡️TOLLE STREAMER U. LET'S PLAYER: 📌BroTainmentTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6kflDB-Nb8Yy5S5pphnfFA 📌FledermauS-GaminG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0ZdHo5hE5vbCvZzyQhDAQ 📌Plastikbomber: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVOOa52AFUqpw3YTeQvqSg 📌LuXuS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq26jkmU5froIdIVorDcvOg 📌Punisher 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbmdzkH8vyqkNYw7_F-a1jA 📌Conky: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNASKfkQ_Nj8_Qi-NUXAq7A 📌SRB_Lieke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8hyjvk_yP5iRgFQfpfyIQ 📌GamerGirl WithHeart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZCJASkYDMZM7TCscPhq0g 📌Time TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGzId0dhOb4qBG-W69j-aQ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #sunyospielt #songofhorror #horror #abenteuer #protocolgames #adveture
0 notes
sunyolp83 · 5 years
➡️Sunyo spielt ''SONG OF HORROR'' 💻Auf dem PC💻 ➡️PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzEK9SNibOez9pqWINn5Zn6UHLFs6PEdF ➡️SPIEL KAUFEN: https://ift.tt/33nXEQd ➡️OFFIZIELLE SEITE: https://ift.tt/33evUiD ➡️BESCHREIBUNG DES SPIELS: Hüte dich vor den Schatten und der Dunkelheit, die still erscheinen mögen. Hüte dich vor geschlossenen Türen und flüsternden Spiegeln. Hüte dich vor dem Lied des Schreckens, das tief in deinen Verstand eindringt. Der berühmte Schriftsteller Sebastian P. Husher ist mit seiner ganzen Familie verschwunden. Aus Sorge hat sein Verleger einen Assistenten zum Haus des Autors geschickt, um nach ihm zu suchen — aber er kam nie zurück... Dieses Verschwinden löst eine Reihe von Ereignissen aus, die etwas Schreckliches enthüllen: ein namenloses, dunkles Wesen, das nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, scheint für alles verantwortlich zu sein — und es ist immer noch irgendwo da draußen und lauert im Schatten... und wartet auf dich! EIN PARANORMALES ABENTEUER VOLLER UNBESCHREIBLICHER SCHRECKEN Song of Horror bietet eine dynamische Spielerfahrung voller Horror und Schrecken: Der Gegner, eine übernatürliche Entität, die nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, wird von einer fortschrittlichen KI kontrolliert, die sich an deine Handlungen und Entscheidungen anpasst. Erlebe ein unausstehliches Gefühl der Angst, wenn dieses übernatürliche Wesen auf deine Spielweise reagiert und dich auf unerwartete Weise jagt. Dadurch bietet sich jedem Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, da sich die Spannung auf natürliche Weise aufbaut, anstatt einem festen Skript zu folgen. Als Spieler erlebst du diese Geschichte aus der Perspektive von verschiedenen Charakteren, die auf ihre eigene Weise mit der Geschichte in Verbindung stehen. Jeder Charakter ist anders und bringt seine einzigartige Sichtweise in die Untersuchung ein, so dass er Hinweise und Gegenstände unterschiedlich behandeln kann. Ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen werden die Welt prägen: Einige von ihnen werden mehr oder weniger über bestimmte Aspekte der Geschichte wissen, andere sind effektiver gegen übernatürliche Erscheinungen. Aber sie alle können sterben, wenn die Präsenz sie erreicht — und der Tod ist endgültig. Wenn einer deiner Charaktere stirbt, musst du die Geschichte mit einem anderen Charakter aufgreifen und die Untersuchung fortsetzen, damit ihr Tod nicht umsonst war. SPIELE KAUFEN: 🔥https://www.mmoga.de/ 🔥https://ift.tt/1uVLcFk ➡️TITEL: SONG OF HORROR GENRE: Abenteuer ENTWICKLER: Protocol Games PUBLISHER: 🚀 Raiser Games FRANCHISE: 🚀 Raiser Games VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 31. Okt. 2019 💰💰 Über Geld spricht man nicht – aber verschenken darf man es. 💰💰 https://ift.tt/2X4q5o1 ➡️TOLLE STREAMER U. LET'S PLAYER: 📌BroTainmentTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6kflDB-Nb8Yy5S5pphnfFA 📌FledermauS-GaminG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0ZdHo5hE5vbCvZzyQhDAQ 📌Plastikbomber: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVOOa52AFUqpw3YTeQvqSg 📌LuXuS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq26jkmU5froIdIVorDcvOg 📌Punisher 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbmdzkH8vyqkNYw7_F-a1jA 📌Conky: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNASKfkQ_Nj8_Qi-NUXAq7A 📌SRB_Lieke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8hyjvk_yP5iRgFQfpfyIQ 📌GamerGirl WithHeart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZCJASkYDMZM7TCscPhq0g 📌Time TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGzId0dhOb4qBG-W69j-aQ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #sunyospielt #songofhorror #horror #abenteuer #protocolgames #adveture by Sunyo LP
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sunyolp83 · 5 years
➡️Sunyo spielt ''SONG OF HORROR'' 💻Auf dem PC💻 ➡️PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzEK9SNibOez9pqWINn5Zn6UHLFs6PEdF ➡️SPIEL KAUFEN: https://ift.tt/33nXEQd ➡️OFFIZIELLE SEITE: https://ift.tt/33evUiD ➡️BESCHREIBUNG DES SPIELS: Hüte dich vor den Schatten und der Dunkelheit, die still erscheinen mögen. Hüte dich vor geschlossenen Türen und flüsternden Spiegeln. Hüte dich vor dem Lied des Schreckens, das tief in deinen Verstand eindringt. Der berühmte Schriftsteller Sebastian P. Husher ist mit seiner ganzen Familie verschwunden. Aus Sorge hat sein Verleger einen Assistenten zum Haus des Autors geschickt, um nach ihm zu suchen — aber er kam nie zurück... Dieses Verschwinden löst eine Reihe von Ereignissen aus, die etwas Schreckliches enthüllen: ein namenloses, dunkles Wesen, das nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, scheint für alles verantwortlich zu sein — und es ist immer noch irgendwo da draußen und lauert im Schatten... und wartet auf dich! EIN PARANORMALES ABENTEUER VOLLER UNBESCHREIBLICHER SCHRECKEN Song of Horror bietet eine dynamische Spielerfahrung voller Horror und Schrecken: Der Gegner, eine übernatürliche Entität, die nur als Die Präsenz bekannt ist, wird von einer fortschrittlichen KI kontrolliert, die sich an deine Handlungen und Entscheidungen anpasst. Erlebe ein unausstehliches Gefühl der Angst, wenn dieses übernatürliche Wesen auf deine Spielweise reagiert und dich auf unerwartete Weise jagt. Dadurch bietet sich jedem Spieler ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis, da sich die Spannung auf natürliche Weise aufbaut, anstatt einem festen Skript zu folgen. Als Spieler erlebst du diese Geschichte aus der Perspektive von verschiedenen Charakteren, die auf ihre eigene Weise mit der Geschichte in Verbindung stehen. Jeder Charakter ist anders und bringt seine einzigartige Sichtweise in die Untersuchung ein, so dass er Hinweise und Gegenstände unterschiedlich behandeln kann. Ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen werden die Welt prägen: Einige von ihnen werden mehr oder weniger über bestimmte Aspekte der Geschichte wissen, andere sind effektiver gegen übernatürliche Erscheinungen. Aber sie alle können sterben, wenn die Präsenz sie erreicht — und der Tod ist endgültig. Wenn einer deiner Charaktere stirbt, musst du die Geschichte mit einem anderen Charakter aufgreifen und die Untersuchung fortsetzen, damit ihr Tod nicht umsonst war. SPIELE KAUFEN: 🔥https://www.mmoga.de/ 🔥https://ift.tt/1uVLcFk ➡️TITEL: SONG OF HORROR GENRE: Abenteuer ENTWICKLER: Protocol Games PUBLISHER: 🚀 Raiser Games FRANCHISE: 🚀 Raiser Games VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 31. Okt. 2019 💰💰 Über Geld spricht man nicht – aber verschenken darf man es. 💰💰 https://ift.tt/2X4q5o1 ➡️TOLLE STREAMER U. LET'S PLAYER: 📌BroTainmentTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6kflDB-Nb8Yy5S5pphnfFA 📌FledermauS-GaminG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0ZdHo5hE5vbCvZzyQhDAQ 📌Plastikbomber: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVOOa52AFUqpw3YTeQvqSg 📌LuXuS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq26jkmU5froIdIVorDcvOg 📌Punisher 1987: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbmdzkH8vyqkNYw7_F-a1jA 📌Conky: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNASKfkQ_Nj8_Qi-NUXAq7A 📌SRB_Lieke: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8hyjvk_yP5iRgFQfpfyIQ 📌GamerGirl WithHeart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZCJASkYDMZM7TCscPhq0g 📌Time TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqGzId0dhOb4qBG-W69j-aQ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #sunyospielt #songofhorror #horror #abenteuer #protocolgames #adveture
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