#Aether(genshin) may have distracted me too much
Based on chapter 14 of ReynaAtTheEnd's The Many (Attempted) Marriages of the Sun Goddess
Presenting;- Dancing Queen Luffy
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(I don't know how to individually add sequins to the jacket, so I just winged it. Not satisfied with it, but at least it's there so... 🤷‍♀️)
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etheries1015 · 7 months
Hi, sorry for asking you something stupid like this. what advice would you give to a person who wants to write for tumblr but gets discouraged easily when posting something and deletes it, sometimes I would like to post but my native language is not English and I get frustrated easily.
Hope this doesn't bother you and have a nice day/night 🤗.
Pd: Every time I open tumblr and your profile comes up with some story I get excited jijiji.
Oh dear, nothing is stupid!!! Thank you so much for having the courage to ask!! And your compliments mean alot, i'm glad you enjoy my stories <3 hehehe.
Writing can be so incredibly scary, and I can't imagine just how much scarier it is when English isnt your first language. Let me just tell you I still remember how horrified I was when I posted my first story on here (a head cannon about aether from genshin) I was trembling, so nervous about how others will react. But!! The beauty of it, is you grow!!
I used to be a fanfic writer on Wattpad when I was younger, and I just...threw myself out there! The key is to just...write. Some people may not like it, and thats okay. Its a learning process. I take "hate commentd" and turn it into criticism. Even though it doesn't particularly feel good, just remember they are just a stranger on the Internet with a sour outlook.
Writing is an art form, and art is subjective. So long as you are having fun writing the content, I don't see the harm.
And, you soon realize when you look back at your old fics- just how much you unconsciously grew! The trick really is just to write. You will get better at it over time and come into your own style the more you write, much like drawing or any other sort of hobby. Although the idea that other people may read it is daunting, I truly believe you should just go for it. Don't focus so much on how "perfect " it may be. You may get some feedback to help you improve over time, actually, I encourage when you're writing to ask people for advice. Nothing is better for improvement is the opinions, thoughts, and advice from your readers. but remember. You're doing it for free and for fun! So I wouldn't stress over the fine details too much, love.
Trust me. I understand, and so can a lot of writers, how it feels to delete something and re write something over and over again because you get so so nervous about how it will be perceived. Sometimes, I just need to sigh, hit post, and close it out, and distract myself with something else. Then, when I log back in, perhaps it wasn't as bad as I thought!
My advice? If you just write and go for it, you will naturally improve. Try not to let the anxiety of other eyes peering at your work scare you from doing something you like.
It may just turn out better than you thought <3
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lifmera · 7 months
Hello, I don't know if your matchups are open or not, so I'm sorry if I'm bothering-
In case they are open, may I get a matchup for hazbin hotel and genshin impact?
About me: I like being called Angel, I'm around 5'4 tall, I have some parts of my hair dyed in blond, my zodiac sign is cancer, I think my mbti is ENTP..? I'm not sure-
About my personality: I can be really shy and timid when around people I don't know, especially in crowded places. But around my friends I'm way more outgoing and extroverted! I can't stop talking once I begin and I can have a hard time listening to other people talking.
Likes: I'm really happy when someone stops what they're doing to listen to me, or when they just make sure that I know they are paying attention! I also like candies, like, a lot-, and I love to sleep! Even though at night it's always difficult for me to fall asleep, during the day I can sleep whenever or wherever I want lmao. Another thing I like but I never do, is physical touch. Even though I don't touch people a lot, and even avoid it, if someone really close to me, that isn't my family(because I also dislike their touch) asked to hug or cuddle me, I'd love to! :D
Dislikes: I don't like spicy food, and I'm a really picky eater. I hate when someone ignores me, it's honestly quite annoying, especially when they're next to me/online. Hate when someone wakes me up, just let me sleep!!!
Some interests: I looove hazbin hotel, I've been a fan since 2020! I also like to play games like genshin, Minecraft, and most importantly, visual novels!! I love visual novels, especially when they're horror ones! Another thing I like is horror, but not a lot of blood- I prefer more psychological horror, you know?
Some random things: I relate to some characters, some of them are Komi San, Coraline, Runa, Yae Miko, Qiqi, Klee and more! My favorite color is pink, but I like all the colors!! I loove colorful things :D I can get distracted easily, and gather a lot of useless information. So if someone has a random fact, I'm definetly dying to hear it!!
Sorry if it's too long, you can ignore this- thank you if you read this, take care of yourself!! <3
Match ups are always open 🩷
The characters i’ve match you up with are…… VAGGIE & AETHER!
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He definitely doesn’t talk much, and loves to listen to you!
Tell him about your stories, they’d make him happy.
When he first met you, he was more extroverted. This man knows EVERYONE.
He’d take you on adventures with him!!
He’s pretty busy, but he’d definitely make time to talk to you, or if you dont wanna go on adventures with him- he’d always bring a souvenir!
He definitely would love to cuddle after a long day. This man needs a BREAK and you’ll be able to unwind with him. 🩷
He definitely doesn’t sleep often. So he’d stay up with you at night!
He isn’t a picker eater, but he’d make anything you want! This man can make ANYTHING.
Instead of waking you up, he’d probably leave notes for you!
If he’s with you, he wont ignore you. Although hes busy, and he has a lot of friends, he will always make time for you.
I also think he’d prefer psychological horror. Although he fights a lot, he isn’t a fan. I think it would make him squeamish.
He definitely has a bitch ton of random facts to share. He’s always doing something somewhere!!!
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She’s also a pretty shy person at first. She definitely doesn’t talk much.
Once she gets to know you though cus of the hotel!! She’d be really close to you.
She’d love to listen. I think Vaggie doesn’t like to talk much unless she thinks she has something more “important” to say!
I don’t think she’s much of a picky eater either, but she respects it. Not everyone has the same food tastes!
She’s ALWAYS listening. Even if you don’t think so. She’ll ask questions!! Or if you asked her any questions- to make sure she’s listening, she’ll tell you every single detail.
I think Vaggie would dislike horror- but only be cause of her eye. She definitely would agree that she dislikes gore!!
She doesnt really have facts- she tends to be more reserved, and rather listen to you.
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nya-vivi · 1 year
those posts about your ocs made me really interested so would you like to tell me a thing or two about some of them? :>
HIII LEN ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡ Sorry for the late reply, I have been kidnapped and subjected to academical torture but here I am again!!
Lolol I have a bunch of ocs!! Mostly of them are fandom ocs (so if there's a fandom you are interested in, do tell! I might have something, I love talking about ocs) and a few non-fandom ocs, I wasn't sure which one do you want to know about so I'm just going to ramble a bit (๑'ᴗ')ゞ
I think I will begin with my main two Genshin ocs and a secret third I'm currently working on 🤭, Lore (travelersona), Vivi (self-insert) and Qinxi (Liyue oc I'm working on, provisional name), because they may be the closest to my heart due to the heavy editing I have done to them!!
More under the cut to not clog the dash!!
The premise is like this: she is an adventurer who is searching for her lost sister, and found Aether (since I choose him at the beginning because pretty boys) and ended up forming a tag-team, since they knew both of them wouldn't distract themselves from their individual goal.
So the first one of them is Lore/Lorena! She is an oc I created based on how I used my traveler and what I did with them. She is under very heavy editing, which she needed, because I have a need of being correct about the lore labdmsdl.
She loves climbing and uses a claymore. Her vision was going to be anemo, but that may be put under revision. She also loves gliding and jumping off a cliff only to open the glider last second hehe <33 she's kinda an adrenaline junkie.
In the end, the lore I thought for her was that she and her sister were children who ended up living in Khaenri'ah and was saved by Gold from a disease (under the exchange of letting her doing experiments on her) so she ended up having a artificial heart (this is a classic for me ♡) and living far more than an average person. For the fall of Khaenri'ah I had thought of having her sleep (as in, making it seem like the operation was close to that event) so her sister (alongside Lumine, because I stan Abyss Lumine so much, they are girlfriends) saved her somehow. Now the details have to be carefully thought more. But that is the general premise I wanted her to have.
But because of the recent lore, I'm afraid I will have to put her on hold, since they touched quite a lot about Khaenri'ah.
And now, my darling, mi joya de la corona, the character I have most thought of and the one I probably love the most.
Vivi is a self-insert that was born due to the question: okay, but realistically, what would I do if I ended up in Teyvat? The answer was to try to work in the Knights of Favonius' Library. And it just, snowballed from there.
Mind you, this story is also completely self-indulgent and I'm proud about it. But I also wanted angst, so I had to balance both. And since I know myself and I know I would not get involved in the plot whatsoever if I knew where I was, I decided to give her a 'reincarnated villainess'-que type of beginning but making it spicy.
(She's a geo catalyst)
She's the adopted daughter of a mechanic from Fontaine and she learned a lot from him, but decided her call in life was learning ancient languages (she didn't know where she was getting into truly 💔) and got into the Akademiya. And here is where the plot thickens!
She was roped into trying to connect with the Irminsul (since a lot of people can't at first time, she was like 'why not, once and last') aand ended up connecting with the Irminsul. With that, she got her memories from her previous life (this will be expanded about if I ever get to write a fic lol) and was like 'shit'. In the end it was too late for her to withdraw from the Akademiya because she already knew canon characters (aka Kaveh and Alhaitham) and the students' debt was going to be incommensurable. So she graduated and took a job as archivist in the Akademiya.
And as soon as she could, she asked for a transfer and booked it off to Mondstadt.
She's obsessively afraid of Celestia and about knowing things (since I am a lore player) and about being persecuted by them, so she didn't want to get a vision nor have anything to do with any canon event if she could help it. So she gets a vision and let me tell you she's excited (not). She legit threw it out of her window when she saw it.
And now rightfully afraid since Celestia is aware of her, she lives her life as if she didn't know anything in Springvale.
Okay this is messy but I have a lot of lore about her, so I might expand on a different post if only for archive purposes.
For now, I am brainstorming about Sumeru's archon quest, because she will not be spared of it and her relationship with Nahida and Wanderer. It's getting pretty interesting to say the least, but still a work in process.
The last one of my ocs is Qinxi (沁汐 to seep; night tides; still working on the name and having to fact-check ;-;). She still doesn't have an assigned vision or weapon, but I'm inclined towards hydro.
She was going to be a pharmacologist or a collector of medicinal plants and work with Baizhu, but the idea quickly evolved into her being a make up maker. Like, the very expensive type of make up.
She's not quite developed yet, but I have a bit of her backstory: she wanted to be an artist but her family wanted her to follow their steps (they are all make up makers). It wasn't like she didn't want to be a make up maker but wanted a bit more of life. Now she fulfills both of her dreams, making make up and hand-painting the boxes.
Both of then are so finely done that Ningguang has a full-time contract with her so she gets priority in her orders (and who's going to complain??).
She definitely deserves to have more brainstorming but a lad does as she can ಥ‿ಥ
That's it, at least. All of them still need a lot of developing process and tie down details, but they are all my darlings who I love. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them (timely this time I promise 🥲) either in comments or asks! I hope this wasn't too boring ajdbkabska I try to make things interesting and I know some people don't like to know the whole process of creating an OC, so I tried to keep things simple, short and sweet.
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nishiannoya · 3 years
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ᴄᴏᴠᴇᴛ sᴀɴᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
18+ Only - MDNI
well I never planned on writing for Genshin, but since I couldn't find an in universe Thoma smut fic, I wrote my own. also for @gg9183 🤍
thoma x f!reader, did not proofread, not really slow burn but you have to read to get to the smut, pwp, pwf, lightly possessive, dry humping, slight angst, hint at aether x ayaka, some spoilers for the inazuma arc, (3.97k wc)
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Perhaps it's because you come from a small clan, living a life closer to that of a commoner than what one would expect of a family in power, but you always come to the Kamisato estate with a critical eye. It's not that you don't like your meetings with Ayaka (a roundabout plan by your parents to raise the clan's status in hopes that one day she'd have the pull to suggest to her older brother that he marry you), but the perfection you observe makes you wary. They could try to hide it with their immaculately clean halls and rooms, or Ayaka's drilled manners, but you know that nothing is perfect.
Certainly the housekeeper they call Thoma is no exception to this knowledge.
However, despite your reservation to believe in perfection, the blond foreigner has yet to prove he's anything but so. He seems to be friends with just about everybody, and all that know him do nothing but revere him for his skills as a housekeeper and business negotiator. He's kind in a genuine way, and you can't find a hint of hidden motive behind the offers of his hand to help you up or down any stairs, running after you with an umbrella if it rains on your journey back home, or his jacket if he catches a hint of a chill in the air.
Oh, and he's handsome too.
As the case may be, he is an exception and he really is perfect. And almighty archon, is it ever so annoying.
But you know you should not concern yourself with agonizing and irritating thoughts of Thoma's perfection. You know the real reason you've been cultivating familiarity with the Kamisato clan is for none other than the man himself, Kamisato Ayato. You've only been introduced and had quick greetings before he'd retreat to take care of his duties with the Yashiro Commission. He's handsome as well, sharing the same genteel beauty as his sister. You wonder if the suggestion he marry someone from such a clan as yours would even be suitable. He's supposedly a fearsome fighter and strategist, and perhaps would be better suited for the Kujou clan's military general daughter.
At the very least, you like to think that your friendship with Ayaka is meaningful enough to give your clan a stronger voice when you eventually take over one day. Back when you were kids, you were only allowed to converse through a screen divider, making your visits a little awkward. However, with the years, she was finally able to meet you face to face, and though shy and reserved at first, you've noticed in the last year or so that she's become more relaxed and excitable.
"Excuse me if this is uncouth. I couldn't possibly talk to Thoma about this, but I-" the icy-haired girl fumbles around uncharacteristically with her words one day over tea at the estate. "I was wondering you had any experience with, um, love."
The inquiry throws you off and makes your brain go wild with the thought of why she would be asking, and ultimately who she could be seeking advice on. Thoma is the only one who comes mind, seeing that they spend a considerable amount of time together and he dotes on her with the same kindness he shows to everybody - if you were her age, you'd also be charmed. You take a deep breath, mentally composing a respectable response.
"I'm afraid I don't know much when it comes to romance, other than the stories," you admit as you nervously take a sip of tea. You do know a little more than you're willing to let on, but you're not sure what would be appropriate to share. Certainly you've found people attractive, but never enough to distract yourself from your duties as the future head of your clan. However, Ayaka is a few years younger than you, any normal teenager would begin to think of such things in a serious manner. "If may be so bold as to ask, why?"
Her cheeks turn an endearing shade of pink as she lets her gaze fall to her hands in her lap.
"I made a friend recently. Perhaps you have heard of the traveler who helped to end the vision hunt decree," Ayaka answers shyly.
Your mouth hangs open just a bit before turning into a smile at the revelation. The esteemed Ayaka-dono falling for a foreign traveler? This is very exciting news.
"And you're in love with him?" You exclaim, although not too loudly, knowing that Thoma and some others are right outside the room.
"No! I mean, he and I are friends. He helped me learn more about my mother, and we also went to the festival together, and after-" She cuts herself off.
"And after?" You prod. This is the most she's ever opened up to you, and the topic is quite stimulating.
"We, um, shared an intimate moment."
You go silent, eyelids pulled back high in shock. You find it hard to even blink, but you manage to at least clear your throat and not drop your tea cup.
"By intimate, you mean like, kissing?" You ask, hoping for nothing worse of an answer.
"Eh?! No, no! K-Kiss? I meant- Not kissing! Th-That's- We- I just-" She stammers in embarrassment and covers her face with a fan.
The conversation must have gotten a little loud, because the door slides open to reveal Thoma looking in. You meet his stare. For a split second, you notice that it lacks the usual lightness, but quickly a bright smile takes over when he asks, "Can I get you two anything?"
"We're fine Thoma," Ayaka tells him as she lowers her fan, quickly putting on her usual demeanor with impressive turnaround.
"Well if that's the case, my lady," he says turning towards you. "Your room is prepared for your stay. Might you accompany me to help you settle in?"
It's not unusual for him to ask, being too considerate to move a lady's things without her being present. Ayaka nods toward you as if to say she'll find you later to continue your discussion. Before you can even shift to stand up, Thoma is by your side offering his hand. Again, nothing unusual, but there's something in the back of your mind that tells you to be more on guard. You take his hand though, and rise to your feet, bowing towards Ayaka who gives you a small smile.
Thoma offers his arm to you as you walk through the expansive estate. He's talkative as per normal, pointing out the new artwork from Liyue now that trade restrictions are starting to lift, and chatting about how they're expecting more foreign visitors in Ritou. It's hard not to marvel at the well kept grounds at his doing, and you wonder if there truly is a future for you live in such a perfect place.
You feel comfortable at his side, walking arm in arm like this, even if there is something keeping you a little on edge. The split second look he gave you when he interrupted your conversation with Ayaka makes your throat feel strange when you think about it. But he seems relaxed and carefree as he recounts a his most recent run in with a tanuki, and you find yourself more at ease and giggle at his story.
"Here we are! Same room as usual, though we finally got enough silk in to have new sheets and pillowcases made," he says as he opens the door for you. There is a sense a familiarity, coming to stay here a few times a year since your early teens. Though but a guest room, it's nearly as big as some of the homes in your village. It's conflicting, feeling so appreciative and admiring of the work done to accommodate you, yet also knowing that there are people you know with so little. Still, you can't help but to run your fingers over the fine silk and imagine sinking into the softness come nighttime.
You thank him for making such arrangements for your stay, but insist that the previous Sumerian cotton was more fine than anything you're used to.
"One good night's rest under these sheets and you'll never want to sleep in anything else," he insists.
"Then I cannot allow myself to get used to it," you say cheekily, and seat yourself on the soft mattress, smoothing the high quality materials of the duvet.
"You will have to if you are to marry Lord Ayato."
The words cut the lightness in the air, and suddenly that strange feeling is back from how he looked at you earlier.
"I am not inclined to be expectant of such an offer," you say, turning your head away. Part of it is true, though you know that it's also the whole reason for your visits.
"Who's to say you shouldn't be? You have Lady Ayaka's favor," he tells you in earnest, though his tone changes when he continues, "And you have mine as well."
You go warm at his words, though he means it not as flattery, but as fact. It's no secret that despite being a housekeeper, he is Lord Ayato's closest friend. Thoma's good word has just as much power as Ayaka's in this regard.
"I've done nothing but let my family impose my presence to earn such favor," you state, still refusing to look his way.
You can hear the rustle of his clothes as he takes a step towards you. Your eyes slowly trail over to him, though you can't bear to look at his face.
"We host dozens of others with the same intentions, though none quite like you. You don't seek luxury, in fact, I don't think you like it all that much. But you have a strong connection and sense of duty to your people," he says and your eyes shoot up to meet his.
You've never felt so seen than under the softness in his green eyes. Something heavy sits in your throat, rendering you unable to respond to his analysis.
"Lady Ayaka senses this as well. I don't think she would have opened up to you in such a way if she didn't."
"You were-" You go to call him out for eavesdropping, but he stops you.
"I'm glad she has another friend in you. Just," he sighs, "Just be easy with her if she brings up the traveler again."
You harden your stare at him now. Now you understand the look he had given you when he intruded. You know the reason behind the concern, but-
"Just because she's an ojou-sama doesn't mean she isn't allowed to have a crush," you state plainly. You're not nearly as high of status, but you understand the position she's in, what's expected of her, and how it's humanly impossible to fight the way she must truly feel.
"I didn't mean-" He starts to defend himself, but you quickly stand up and take a step towards him, making him back up.
"Can't a girl fantasize? We already have to sacrifice our desires, our spirits, our freedom just for being born into our positions. Is it so much to be a little selfish and think about love for ourselves?" You lament as you keep moving towards him until he's backed into the wall. He meets your hard gaze, his eyes quickly taking in your expression. He seems taken aback, yet there's an understanding as he reads you.
"But you wouldn't know anything about being selfish: Thoma the kind. Thoma the chivalrous. Thoma the magnanimous," you say almost tauntingly as you relent your stance and move back to allow him the air. Of course someone like him wouldn't be able to relate-
"You're wrong."
Your heart stops at the staunchness in his voice. In all your years, you've never heard him speak with such roughness. He takes a long stride away from the wall and back into your space, the usual softness in his face replaced with something darker. There's still a hint of his usual playfulness, but something about his demeanor sends a chill up your spine.
"I'm envious. I could be selfish, too," he tells you without breaking his eyes from yours. He doesn't stop his movement towards you. You step back. He steps forward again. Again, and again until the back of your knees hit the bed. He doesn't stop, looming closer to your face until you're forced to sit, and still, he does not stop.
"I want to be selfish," he declares in a low voice.
He finally halts just an inch away from his nose touching yours. Your breath moves fast and heavy through your chest, speeding up the accumulation of heat taking over your body. Though just as you start to lean up towards him, he pulls away.
"Sorry, I-"
"Show me," you say in a small voice, almost like a plea as you pinch his jacket to keep him getting further.
"I shouldn't. You're- I'm-" He hesitates, still the dutiful Thoma after all.
You give a light tug, beckoning him closer. His sight drops to your lips, and finds himself locked into your gravity.
"Be selfish," you permit, the words ghosting his parted lips.
And he submits. Claiming your lips for himself, he slots into you, taking in a moment to connect with you in such a way. His knee slides up onto the bed and next to your hip as he grabs the sides of your face, pulling you and pushing himself closer and closer until you have to wrap your arms around him to stay upright - A futile effort, as he leans into you more, dipping his tongue into your mouth and brushing the tip against yours. You fall back on the bed, bringing him flush against you as you continue your heated kiss, enjoying this feeling being trapped between him and the mattress.
He moans into your mouth, making you whimper as your hips squirm beneath his weight. You've never felt anything quite like this. The books you've read have always described kissing as something sweet and sacred, but this- this feels much more frantic, like you need so much more. Thoma's thumbs brush against your cheeks as he moans into you again before pulling back.
"We should-"
But you don't let him speak, pulling him by the jacket back to your lips and greedily chasing his tongue with yours. Your knees wiggle out from under him, drawing your legs out to hook around his thighs and squeeze his lower half closer to you.
"Mmmph!" He groans and forces himself to stop kissing you, much to your annoyance. He struggles against your pleas for more, breath fast and heavy as he stares at you closely.
"We can't. I can't," he says, though you know that's not what he wants.
"I told you: show me. Show me more," you demand, moving your hands to tangle in his golden hair and loosening the tie that holds it back. Your fingertips graze through his roots, making his eyes flutter shut at the sensation.
He drops his head to the side of yours, breath rousing the sensitive skin of your neck and heating up your ear. You feel his lips brush against the lobe, and you squeeze your legs just a little tighter around him.
"I won't be able to stop," he says right into your ear, the waves of his voice sending a tremor all the way down to your core. You gasp, arching your chest to him as you grip into his hair.
"Then don't. Please, just this once."
You want to tell him to be selfish again, but there's no need. He lifts himself up, and you realize just how much heat you've generated between the two of you when the air hits you. Perhaps a result of his Vision, but your body feels like a forest catching fire, slowly building more and more until it's unbearable. He must be feeling it too when he strips off his jacket and peels off the black shirt beneath, giving you a front row view of his lean muscular body, arms and shoulders defined by his work with the polearm. He drops his belt and leather tasset, and throws off his gloves, leaving him just in his pants when he leans back down to kiss you again.
Surely you've seen men bathing and frolicking in the rivers before, but you've never been so close to one so bare. Your arms encircle him when he settles his bare chest against yours, lost in the savor of your lips. His skin is smooth and smells of ginger scented soap when his kisses trail down your chin and to your neck. You gasp at the torturously pleasurable jolts you get when his tongue teases your pulse, exposing more of the vulnerable skin to him as you bury your face to his shoulder. Your fingertips grip into the muscles of his back, desperately clinging on as you let the heat consume you.
You whimper his name over and over, encouraging him to give you more of whatever this is. You're no stranger to touching yourself at night, but your own fingers have never felt anything quite like his hips settled between your legs, moving the hardness in his pants against your barely covered sex that's been nearly exposed by the shifting of your robes. Your own hips move as well, seeking pressure and rousing on that one spot that makes your voice come up high and airy.
"Does it feel good?" Thoma asks against your collarbone, pulling at the gap between your robes to expose more skin.
"Yes," you rasp as his lips get closer to the valley of your breasts.
"Can I?" He tugs more at the opening of your robe.
You shut your eyes, feeling shy, but wanting more of what he's giving. You utter your consent and cover your face with your hands when he pulls apart the fabric and reveals your bare chest to him. He makes a throaty sound and runs his hands down the sides of your sternum, thumbs brushing over your nipples in passing, making you gasp and shiver. He does this again and again until you're whimpering and writhing beneath him, and ultimately settles his hands to continually roll your buds under his thumbs.
Eventually, desire and pleasure takes over your shyness, and you drop your hands in favor of once again tangling themselves in his hair. Your fingers move fervently through his loosened locks, knocking his headband off place until he takes a second to fling it to the side. He looks down at you for a moment, blonde hair wild and pushed around, showing a little bit of his forehead to you for the first time. Your cheeks go impossibly warmer at the sight.
"You're beautiful," you say with a light smile, and giggle when his green eyes change from drunk and heavy, to wide in surprise.
"I should be saying that to you first," he says back, matching your smile. His gaze softens and he move his face to kiss you again, though cut short when he speaks again.
"Can I be even more selfish with you?"
You nod, wanting nothing more.
He smothers his face into your neck and molds his body to yours, taking a moment to memorize this feeling.
"Even if we just pretend," he whispers and trails off, a little apprehensive as to what he'll say next. You stroke his hair to coax him into saying whatever prehensile thing he has on his mind.
"Don't marry my lord," he tells you. "Don't marry anyone."
Your heart swells and thumps at the plea. You squeeze him with your arms and kiss the top of his head sweetly.
"Okay," you agree quietly.
"Be mine. Just be mine," he mutters and presses his nose even harder into your skin.
"All yours," you assure him and continue to run gentle touches up and down his spine. He inhales long and deep, then shifts to hover above your again. Sincere green eyes study your face as you stare back at him, a silent understanding passing in the intentional and meaningful look.
Then he indulges, letting his head drop down to your chest, taking one of your sensitive pebbled nipples between his lips. Your mouth falls open, unable to hold back the breathy moans as flashes of need sear your core. He teases the other bud between his fingertips, and you swear your body might break from how much you're trembling from the tightness in your belly. Your legs kick and squirm around his thighs, feverishly searching for relief by rubbing your aching clit on his hardon in his pants.
His name comes out in strings from your lips, begging for something that you're not quite sure of but he has you believing in. Your eyes roll and flutter with each flick of his tongue and jolt of his hips against you. You grab at his back, stifling him into your chest as he sucks even harder at your teat.
He fights your hold to come up for a breath, but instantly dives back into kiss you. He shifts his body, and finally you find that sweet reprieve you had been so desperately seeking. His hips rut against you, moving in rhythm with yours as you stimulate yourself on his hard, covered cock. The friction has you whining and begging muffled pleas into his mouth, though he's also using your kiss to suppress his own voice.
He groans into you, tongue messily teasing yours. The pace of his hips pick up, grinding himself against the heat between your legs. Both of you tremble and heave. You can feel the head of his cock straining through his paints and catching against your swollen, aching nub.
"Thoma, p-please. Something is- If you keep moving like that," you stutter between moans.
"Gonna cum for me? Please cum for me. Gonna make me cum too," he huffs and moves his hips even faster, determined to hear you cry out even more.
"I think- Ohhh! Oh!"
You don't know what's coming, but when it does come, you know. Your eyes screw shut, your own hips jerking up to meet his and ride out your peak, shockwaves of ecstacy rippling through you again and again with the friction of your movements. He lets out something between a grunt and a growl, shoving his face back into the crook of your neck as a sticky wetness soaks your underwear. His body shudders against yours, making you whimper from the sensitivity and his hot breath at your skin.
Eventually, he relaxes his weight onto you, placing a light kiss to your neck without moving his head. He's a little heavy, but it feels nice. Your hold on him lightens, though you still keep your arms around him, and return his affection with a kiss to his forehead.
"I like the selfish side of you," you mutter softly, breaking the quiet afterglow.
"I can be worse, you know," he says, voice a little groggy.
You believe him, smiling to yourself when you tell him, "You'll have to show me."
He lifts his head to kiss your lips, only breaking to say, "When you're all mine, for real."
"When I'm all yours," you promise.
You both are tired from the experience. Some time passes by before you move to lay on the bed properly. The Liyuese silk feels just as Thoma had described, though your head seems to much prefer the comfort of his chest than the luxurious down pillow. He sleepily strokes your hair and murmurs sweetness on your crown. There will be out-turns to follow this yield to desire, but right now, everything is perfect and for once, you're okay with that.
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rayofsunas · 4 years
s/o has freshly shaved legs. [2]
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A/n: requested by anon, teehee. thank you!! also, not genshin related, but I just saw levi in the new season and whew, he could STILL get it if he asked :) also, to my readers out there, when I bring up “shoulder rides”, I know some some people may not feel comfortable with that (which is okay!), I didn’t type that to not include everyone, that’s why I wrote “he’s going to give you shoulder rides if you feel comfortable.” key word is comfortable, you guys can imagine this scene or not, it’s intended to not exclude anyone, despite size, etc. I only bring this up because I know a lot of readers may feel left out, but by insinuating comfortable, you’re free to imagine this or not! I hope I made sense/wasn’t rude <3 ;-; happy reading!!
Summary: s/o has freshly shaved legs.
Parings: Diluc/Reader, Xiao/Reader, Childe/Reader (all fem reader)
Warnings: swearing, nsfw themes implied, fluff?, crack
Word count: 1.5k
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Diluc is a pure GENTLEMAN, so he feels very guilty ogling at your legs
he’s drawn in because of how smooth and buttery (probably some lotion or oil he assumed) they look
eventually, after becoming embarrassed for staring, he’ll find the will to stop
after all, he’s a GENTLEMAN
but that doesn’t mean the thought of your legs leaves his mind, you’re dead fucking wrong
he can’t stop thinking about how soft they looked
if only he could reach out and touch you, just once, just for a second
goodness, he hates the way he feels and surprisingly, when Kaeya stops by the winery for his daily drink, diluc may or may not confide in his friend, brother, 
poor diluc, he’s too respectable and truly thinks it’s WRONG
“why can’t I stop staring at her legs?” he will mutter more to himself. “I feel disgusting.”
“well, she’s hot for one-”
poor Diluc, Kaeya is NO help, he only wants to flirt with you
Kaeya will continue to apologize and make cocky comments, but in the end he reassures it’s natural for lovers to feel this way
poor Diluc part 2
let's just say when he returns late in the dead of the night he refuses to even look at you
he’s so disturbed, poor boy, you’re probably his first s/o and he feels dirty for thinking lewdly about you from just seeing your thighs
he dips to your room so fast, he just wants to sleep it off
You were shocked, to say the least when he didn’t give you his usual hug and kiss on your cheek. Maybe he had a long day? That’s usually always the reason. But even then, before he retired for bed, he made sure to show some kind of affection. 
“Diluc, sweetheart, where are you going?” You called after him, ignoring how the servants kept trying to grab his jacket and hang it on one of the coat racks; he was having none of it.
“Oh okay, wait, we can walk up together-” He was gone from sight. You sighed in annoyance, you disliked when he became distant. Nonetheless, you dismissed the three servants for the night and began traveling to your room.
Eventually, you arrived in your bedroom to find Diluc laying on the bed, clothes from today still on, as well as his boots. You clicked your tongue. Did he have to wear his boots in your bed? 
“Not even your boots are off?” You had said, shuffling around the bed to tug your lover's shoes off. He heard you grunt, seemingly having trouble with the simple task. 
In the meantime, he had taken notice of how you had shrugged off your robe and it was somewhere else in the room, leaving you only in a simple cotton nightgown. It wasn’t revealing at all, simple and classy how he liked it, but god damn it your legs were exposed.
A simple nightgown, that’s all it was, but why couldn’t it reach your ankles? No-he should not have such standards for you, especially when you’re comfortable. Why did he have to be so lewd...
“Was today a hard day? I didn’t see you after you left the winery earlier... Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” He huffed, you mocked him, sitting next to him on the bed, eyeing him carefully. You shifted and although it wasn’t meant to reveal any more skin, the movement had... 
“I’m not a very good mind reader, so you’re going to have to tell me if somethings wrong-”
“Please don’t sit like that...”
“Like what? This is a normal sitting position.”
“Yes but...” He’d huffed again. You knew Diluc well enough to know that he wouldn’t say anything else, it seemed he was already having trouble enough.
“Are you being a horndog?” 
“A what- I’m sorry who are you?” He teased, though utterly confused. “You’ve been hanging out with Aether too much.”
“It’s okay, I saw you staring earlier. I don’t mind.”
poor Diluc
Diluc.exe has stopped working
he can’t believe he was stupid enough to stare AND get caught doing so
you’ll simply just respond by saying, “It’s okay, Diluc. I don’t mind, it makes me feel attractive. At least I’m doing something right.”
lol, it doesn’t matter though, he’s a blushing mess 
all he can think is that he’s better than kaeya, he has standards for himself, staring at a woman's thighs is NOT respectable
even if you’re his fiancee
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says he doesn’t care when you show him how smooth your legs are
ARGUES and SASSES you when you say you know he’s entranced 
he continues to say no
well guess what, he’s a stone-cold liar
he’ll probably stare once or twice, but otherwise won’t let you distract him
instead, he’ll touch your legs in private (as long as it’s okay with you)
he claims he doesn’t care, but he enjoys how soft they are
like wow
never in his life did he think someone could be so soft
all he wants to do is touch your legs, but sadly he has his duties
I think he’d be the type to touch your calves when in bed (just laying, pls no sexy times)
like when you’re both getting ready for bed, he’ll guide your leg to lay over his waist so it’s sorta hooked around him, and he’ll just rub your calves pls
he likes giving you a massage, it's his way of showing physical affection
and although it does lull you to sleep, the gesture is also comforting for him too
he loves your soft legs
pls don’t ever stop shaving as long as you’re comfortable (he loves you with shaved legs or not)
he may or may not become a little baby if he can’t touch your soft legs
like he’s not gonna shed tears
but, he’s gonna be BITTER AF
SALTY, is the right word
You just wanted to get up to use the bathroom, hell you were gonna pee your pants. But Xiao would not let go. Unfortunately, he’s a light sleeper, so he felt you shifting in the bed when you went to get up. 
“Don’t leave.” He whispered. 
“I have to pee, Xiao.” You said, guiding his prying hands away from your leg. 
“Your legs, soft. Please sleep,” He muttered incoherently, smoothing a calloused palm over your thigh. 
You frowned at the black and teal haired man. “I’m legit going to pee myself if you don’t let go.”
He didn’t answer. In conclusion, he’d fallen back asleep.
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you knew better than to wear skirts, dresses; anything that revealed your legs
or else you’d be the subject of your boyfriend’s comments and staring
this was your own doing, childe thought, your fault
when he’s caught staring by you or anyone, he doesn’t care
as long as you’re comfortable, he doesn’t care that he stares at your legs
some of the elders around Liyue Harbor will scold him for his rudeness, calling him inappropriate
they dislike him so much, not all, but a good handful
as long as you’re comfortable, he’ll continue to stare as long as he’d like
yes, even if he’s a perverted horndog, he’s still a respectable perverted horndog, he’s going to make sure you’re okay with everything he does/says
pls, he’s going to give you shoulder rides if you feel comfortable, just to nuzzle his cheeks into your inner thighs
and he’ll run his hands over smooth knees
he LIVES for your smooth legs, also just wanna say he doesn’t mind if you haven’t shaved your legs either, you’re gorgeous either way 
he’s the ultimate horndog and does not try to hide it, like Diluc and Xiao
he’s like Kaeya, but let’s be real he’s not going to try and fit every flirtatious comment into EVERY sentence like him
he’s more of a physical guy ;)
he’s going to leave lingering touches on your legs, pinch them teasingly, do whatever as long as he gets to touch them
just gonna say this, but kisses on smooth thighs? muah, he does this and has zero shame
not even during sexy times, he’ll do it if he’s laying his head on your legs and they happen to be exposed
he does not care, he can do whatever he wants, this is his way of showing his affection towards you
“You’re going to suffocate! Get your head out from between my thighs,” You scolded the orange-haired man. He chuckled, giving you very nonchalant vibes.
It was getting harder and harder to ignore the passersby’s stares, why did they have to be so nosy? Well... this wasn’t necessarily something everyone wanted to see, even if it was entirely innocent, it did look highly inappropriate. 
“Plus we’re in public, Childe!” You noted. 
“Please, who cares!” He taunted, nuzzling his head even further. Your face flushed hot. 
“Your legs are soft.”
“Yes, but do you have to do it like that? This looks wrong-”
As I said, he does not care!!
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2.4.21, rayofsunas
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mokusharuru · 3 years
AeVen - But with you, it’s different
paring : Aether x Venti ( Genshin Impact )
genre : fluff
words : ~1000
summary : a day before travelling to Inazuma, Aether meets with the Anemo Archon
note : i just want to write something for my otp haha it’s a little short though, hope you guys enjoy.
Aether never thought that someday, he would want to be with someone this much. From the beginning, from the first day he set foot onto Teyvat, the only thing occupying his mind is finding the whereabout of his precious twin sister. Everything he does, every commisions or stories that he has been through is all for that purpose. However, at this very moment, he feels as though all reasonings have escaped. The night sky in Mondstadt today is filled with the radiant moonlight, but all the traveller can see is the figure of the bard with all backgrounds converting into dimness
The way the Anemo Archon smiles at him right now, which brings his heartbeat in sync with sounds of wind fluttering leaves, makes the young traveller finding it hard to respond. How should he respond when all words seem to have escaped from his very lip ?
Why does it suddenly become like this ? Aether looks for the answer deeply in his head, but he should have already known that it is a difficult task. Meanwhile, the smile on the bard disappears
“Traveller, is there something wrong ? Your expressions seem to have stiffen a bit.” - worriedly asked the Anemo Archon “No… it’s nothing. It’s just that, it’s really nice to meet you, Venti.”
“ Eh? That kind of words make me truly happy, but I will misunderstand, you know.”
Teasefully were the words of Venti, but then seeing that the traveller doesn’t respond like usually, he just smiles and puts his hands behind him, walking forward.
Still at lost for words with his heartbeat rising rapidly, Aether feels his face become hotter and the body can’t move like he wants. It stiffens a bit and his palm feels sweaty.
He and the Anemo Archon have been acquaintances for a while, but never before did he come into contact with this kind of feelings. What is this, he wonders.
He has just returned from Liyue after a long adventure, with all the Fatui’s fight and Morax’s fake death, all that kind of stuffs. The first thing that appears on his mind while waiting for preparation to travel to Inazuma is to see his dear bard. Is him his, Aether suddenly realises but chooses not to pursue it.
“So you are going to Inazuma next, I heard”
“Ah… yes.” Venti’s voice abruptly distracts him from his thoughts “I must meet the Raiden Shogun, however difficult it may be” Venti doesn’t reply but Aether knows that he is contented with the determination of the traveller. From the day they meet, this person has always supported every decisions he made without any hestination. The Anemo Archon never ever questions his wishes.
They have never run out of stories before, but now no one says a word. The two of them just stands next to each other under the moonlight piercing through leaves at Venessa’s tree. Aether doesn’t mind. He never minds the bard’s presence. Opposite exactly, he always feels at peace with Venti. His voice, his hands, the way expressions on his face always change, they are all fascinating.
But now does he just realize this feelings. Although having not found out the name of this feelings, it seems too similar and too faraway at the same time.
“Here, a blessing from the Anemo Archon, ehe” the Archon chuckles softly and proceeds to place a Cecillia on the traveller’s head “It suits you, like I thought” said Venti, with his hands still place on the other’s head.
Aether is taken by surprise with this sudden movement as he swiftly catches the gentle hand on his hair. At the very first moment he feels the warm from the person in front of, he doesn’t want to let go any more. He wants to be able to be in presence of this tenderness all the time.
Surely is Venti surprise by this, but he does not say anything. He is happy instead.
“S-sorry. I don’t know why I did it” said Aether, but he doesn’t let go.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind.”
The bard moves his hands to interwine with the traveller, tilts his head and says.
“Hey. I have missed you. Aether”
Throughout the time they hang out together, Venti never calls his name, instead he addresses as the traveller. The call of his name from the Anemo Archon makes his heartbeat skip a beat, and he can fell a warm notion spreading all his bodies.
“Me too. I have wanted to see you for a long time.”
“So the feelings is mutual.”
He has met many people in his adventures. No matter how amazing they are, how nice they are, this emotion never grows. However, right this moment, as the wind softly brushes their cheeks, the presence of this bard occupies every veins in the young traveller. But then, he can not remain in this place, however warm it is. He must go. It is inevitable.  
“You don’t have to say anything.” As if reading his mind, Venti says. “You do not have to say farewell. Let’s… just enjoy each other’s company, alright ?”
Ten fingers still interwinded, they sit down next to each other. Venti takes off his hat and lay his head on Aether’s shoulder. The time is not relevant right now. May be the world is the same. He would like to escape everything right now.
 “I have never wanted to be with anyone. But with you, it’s different.”
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Genshin Impact | @albelumiweek 2021 Day 6 | Promise | AO3 Summary: “Just promise me you will be careful,” he says, and Lumine smiles, squeezing his hands. Notes: *spins wheel* today we get a school AU, vaguely yandere albedo, and genki delinquent lumine. sure, why not. i have no control over anything. <3
She freezes in position, her arm half-wrapped, then turns around slowly, a sheepish smile on her face.  
“Hi, ‘Bedo,” she says, hiding her arm behind her back in vain, but his expression doesn’t soften at the use of the nickname. “Is your class over already?”
“Yes.” His eyes flick over to the roll of bandages still in sight, then sets his books down and takes a seat across from her. “And you skipped again, I see.”
Albedo holds out his hand, and Lumine sighs before putting out her injured arm. He finishes the wrapping job for her, better than she could have done alone, and the tension eases out of her shoulders when she realizes he isn’t mad—at least not at her.
“The Fatui,” she explains, his silence questioning even if he hadn’t asked verbally. “Aether and Xiao got suspended for practically destroying the east wing, so…it’s just me. Well, and a few others, but they’ve got exams coming up.”
“You’re a target now,” he says, staring into her eyes. He has not released her hand yet, and she doesn’t pull back. “It’ll only get worse. Fights have always been part of this academy, but the one shouldering so many of them does not have to be you.”
She stares back, then gives him a sad sort of smile before she leans her forehead against his.
“It doesn’t, I guess,” she agrees, “But it is. Aether and I are the outsiders, and we have a bit of a reputation. You know what they call us, right? The Travelers. It’s probably the nicest moniker we’ve ever gotten, for being expelled out of so many schools. We’re just…a little too strange, and a little too good at fighting.”
Albedo frowns.
“You are hardly the strangest thing in Teyvat.”
“But if I weren’t, how could I have caught your eye?”
“…I like you more than just your being strange, you know.”
“You are sweet, Albedo.”
She laughs.
“I’m okay, really. Once Aether comes back, it’ll be easier. It’s a lot harder to get expelled here since they encourage so much…diverse development, and we have the Student Council backing us. And our patrons. Some of the fights aren’t so bad, really, I just…I’m not used to doing so much of it without Aether.”
Albedo hums.
“You could ask for my help.”
“No way. You’re in the crux of your thesis. I need to fight so you can research in peace.”
“Ah, so that’s why you’ve been extra reckless lately?”
Her eyes widen as she realizes her misstep. He looks smug at catching her so easily and neatly, and she huffs, blowing her bangs out of her face.
“I said I’m just not used to fighting without Aether.”
He cups her cheek, brushing a thumb over the bruise that is beginning to darken there.
“You don’t have to be the savior of Teyvat,” he says wryly, “We learn to work with…excessive distractions here, and my focus will not be broken so easily. You needn’t injure yourself on my account.”
“As much as I like you, it’s not only for you,” she says, just a little teasingly. But the humor fades as she frowns. “There’s…something else that’s going on behind the scenes. Aether and I have been asked to look into it.”
Albedo raises a brow, questioning, and Lumine sighs before she leans in and drops her voice to a whisper.
“The Archons, of the old Hidden Council—Teyvat’s patrons. There seems to be some kind of rift. You know Venti and Zhongli, the spokesmen for Barbatos and Rex Lapis?  They’ve been targeted more than once. I don’t know who the others are, but…if it gets really bad, then it could affect the whole school.”
Albedo leans back, thinking.
“This is a lot for transfer students to get involved in.”
“But it’s precisely because we have no history with this place at all that we’re the best options.”
Albedo frowns again, but relents with another sigh. He is concerned, yes, but to hound her for situation that she does not entirely have control over would bring her undue stress, and she is under enough already, in her own way. He has to trust her, just as she does him.  
“Just promise me you will be careful,” he says, and Lumine smiles, squeezing his hands.
“I promise. And I promise I will come to you for help if I really need it,” she tells him, and earns a smile in return.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“Oh! One more thing.”
Lumine reaches into her bag, then pulls out an odd pointy blue object, putting it into Albedo’s hands. He looks closely at it, turning it over and analyzing its characteristics by habit.  
“What’s this?”
“A tusk from an ancient whale, or something? You said that your project would be better supported if you had something like that to work with, right?”
He blinks at her.
“How…did you get this?”
Lumine twiddles her fingers.
“I…may have an arrangement with the Eleventh Harbinger…he has all these connections and if he wants to fight me every week, I should get something useful out of it when I win, right?”
She looks pleadingly at him as he stares at her in slight disbelief. He feels a mix of emotions—concern, again, that she made a bargain with a Harbinger, but also warmth, that she should remember such a passing mention during one of his long-winded musings.
In the end he laughs, deciding to simply marvel at her capabilities. She always manages to surprise him, in one way or another.
“Thank you,” he says, and is pleased when she beams at him.
A commotion outside draws their attention, and Albedo gathers up his books and the tusk into his bag while Lumine shrugs herself back into her leather jacket and swings her spiked baseball bat up onto her shoulder. She frowns when they peek outside, and the crowd that has gathered parts for her as she walks forward.
“Tartaglia,” she coos, though her eyes glint dangerously and her lips turn down, “I would have thought you’d still be recovering.”
“Oh, I am,” the boy in question says cheerfully, “You broke a rib, but I have high pain tolerance. Anyway, it turns out I got a double shipment by accident, so I thought I’d deliver it myself and catch sight of the genius prince you’re so intent on spoiling.”
The Harbinger’s eyes are searching as they light upon Albedo; he holds out the additional tusk like a peace offering, and Albedo accepts it gingerly while Lumine watches, poised to strike if she needs to.
“How apt,” Tartaglia says, after a moment. “But there’s more to you that meets the eye, isn’t there?”  
Albedo shrugs, scrutinizing the second tusk to see if it differs at all from the first. Yes, there is a lighter luster to its center, and a slight nick on the left part of the calyx—
“A number of people call me a genius, but I don’t think I’m any such thing,” he replies evenly, but the other boy looks no less deterred.
“Oh, I think it’s more than that,” he says. Albedo looks up and raises a brow; Tartaglia holds up his hands with a chuckle when he feels the nails of Lumine’s bat poke into his throat. “Alright, alright. I’ve done what I came for, and neither of us are in the right condition for another confrontation.”
“Speak for yourself,” Lumine snorts, maintaining her position. “I may prefer you to the other Harbingers, but don’t push your luck.”
“Now that’s flattering,” Tartaglia purrs, as he backs up a few steps.
Lumine interposes herself in front of Albedo, planting her bat in the ground and standing defensively, glowering. Tartaglia chuckles and takes his leave—but turns back to throw one last look over his shoulder, one last quip prepared.
However—Lumine is momentarily distracted by Albedo peeling open a bandaid to stick to her cheek, turning her head towards him.
“Don’t move,” he says gently, keeping her head still with one hand. “Your hair was covering this before.”
She obeys, glaring at Tartaglia out of her corner of her eye when she notices him hanging back.
But the prince too is looking at the Harbinger, his gaze pointed and warning, eyes shadowed. His fingers are on Lumine’s cheek, where she had been scratched during their last battle.
“…Careful,” Albedo says quietly, his gaze still direct and unwavering, and Tartaglia’s lips quirk up at the mildly delivered threat. “If this gets to be too much, I might have to look into destroying a campus.”
“You’d definitely get expelled for that,” Lumine huffs, and Albedo chuckles, glancing back at her.
“That would be a problem, wouldn’t it? I suppose you’ll have to stop me if it comes to that.”
“It won’t,” Lumine says, raising a brow and crossing her arms. She hesitates before adding grudgingly, “…The Eleventh’s not that bad.”
“The other Fatui can be though…but we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.” Albedo smiles, inclining his head towards Tartaglia. “My gratitude for your part in getting these rare research materials. I’d appreciate it if you continued to…play nice.”
Tartaglia grins as his skin prickles, and his eyes gleam with interest. But now isn’t the right time to test the prince’s mettle.
“It was nice meeting you,” The Harbinger says, his gaze lingering before he turns away, and Albedo waves while Lumine simply watches him go.
��You’re right. He really isn’t so bad,” Albedo says amiably, once the other boy has truly gone. “Even so…he’s liable to become troublesome.”
She gives him an amused smile.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” she says, bumping him with her shoulder, “But if I come across something I can’t, you’ll be the first to know.”
Albedo smiles back, then catches her hand to press his lips against its back.
“That’s what I like to hear,” he says.  
They continue down the hall, the other students either staring in awe or darting out of the way.
The two carry on, unconcerned, as those likened to gods do.  
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ethereaiin · 3 years
To the Skies | genshin impact
synopsis; sorrowful goodbyes and the bitter end of something that, maybe, they should have never started.
featuring; venti, lumine, paimon, and some mentions of aether.
To Lumine, there was nothing more important to her than finding her brother. He was constantly on her mind, the twin she lost and the only thing that kept her tied to this world. If it were not for that god she would have been long gone from Teyvat with all her memories intact and her powers untouched. More importantly, she would have Aether at her side rather than somewhere she couldn’t see nor reach.
It disheartened her to know that no matter how far she’s come, he wasn’t any closer. When could they return home, to the skies above, hand in hand as they had done so many years ago?
Lumine was beginning to think that the day would never come.
Their last encounter still weighed heavily in her mind, the words Aether imparted to her and the obvious change within him that differed so greatly from what she could hazily remember. While she lamented the grief of losing her twin, what had he endured in her absence? What could have driven him to the point of siding with the very same beings she once believed to be her foe? Lumine had the answer to none of these thoughts and Paimon, her dear friend and guide, could provide no insight either.
Her chest heaved with a sigh, and her eyes, which rested upon the night sky, lowered towards her side where Paimon rested. Tonight was peaceful. From her perch under a tree atop a hill, there were no monsters in sight. Mondstadt’s plains were as clear as can be and she relished in the silence the serenity provided. The midnight breeze was cool, as always, and its gentle caress against her skin felt like comfort. All that could be heard were the deep breaths of her sleeping companion and the quiet buzz of nature. Being left with nothing other than her thoughts, it was easy to feel herself sink into the loneliness of it all. If it weren’t for the constant squeezes she’d feel at the tips of her fingers that were in Paimon’s tiny clutch, a comfort she least expected, maybe the many forlorn thoughts that plagued her mind would have consumed her whole.
She was very much in need of a distraction and thankfully, along with the wind that encompassed her in its tender embrace, came the presence of the god who commanded it so. As the wind picked up slightly, fluttering her short golden locks, Lumine’s eyes briefly shut and only reopened when she heard the lilt of his familiar voice.
Her name rolled sweetly of his tongue, eliciting her attention and the stringent pull of her heart. She glanced over her shoulder, watching as he approached closer towards her with a slight smile on her lips. She said nothing in response, merely placing a finger over her lips and motioning towards Paimon who still slept away undisturbed.
Venti seated himself down at her side, gazing out at the same plains she had done for the past hour. He was close enough to her that she could feel the brush of his clothes against her skin and though she was one who preferred to keep a distance from others, she found herself not disliking the lack of space. He was possibly the only other person she could ever feel this comfortable with.
“I didn’t think you’d come tonight.” She finally speaks, tone low enough to not disturb Paimon’s peaceful slumber. Her lashes spider across the reddened apples of her cheeks as she runs a finger through the soft locks of Paimon’s hair, watching as the fairy smiled happily in her sleep, nuzzling her makeshift pillow as if the gesture delighted her.
Venti peered onto the sight with slight amusement, leaning closer towards her as he too spoke lowly. “I’m glad I did. You looked like you could use some company.”
When he leans back, she glances over towards him once more; her pretty golden eyes illuminated under the moon. There’s a slight twitch in her lips before they spread into an open smile and she laughs with her hand attempting to block its sound. Her laughter chimes, shaking her shoulders yet the abrupt noise is not enough to wake her sleeping travel partner.
Venti relishes in its sound, finding himself smiling along with her even if he wasn’t quite sure what it was that amused her. Still, he felt a singe of pride burn in his chest for being able to produce a laugh from her when she had once looked as if the world were coming undone right at its seams.
“Were you watching me?” She says after her laughter dies, yet her grin persists.
She’s teasing him. He could tell from her tone of voice and the insincere question that would have had most immediately denying it. Though Venti did no such thing. His grin only brightened before he cheekily giggled. With flushed cheeks, he leans in closer towards her watching as her expression grew curious with the lack of space between them.
“It’s hard not to.” He replies so simply as if the words hadn’t raced either of their hearts.
He means them though. Like every word he speaks to her, on nights like these when it’s only the two of them, he means everything. To him, Lumine is a hard person to ignore. Under the pale moonlight, he thinks she looks beautiful. Everything about her seemingly glows. She’s almost ethereal, both delicate and entrancing; and he feels that if he were to take his eyes off her for even a second, she would fade away.
He does as cursory glanced between her eyes, captivated by how they seemed to reflect so much of her emotion alone, and leaning away once again when he noticed she grew too red in the face. Despite her courageous demeanor, she was quite shy when it came to him. Her hand lifted away from Paimon, resting against her chest as she felt the thunderous beats of her heart beneath. No one had ever made her feel like this other than Venti. It was an effect most curious yet lovely to her. She was torn between hating it completely and cherishing it.
Her eyes strayed on him for a few seconds longer, the smile he wore on his lips committing to her memory before her gaze drops from his and returns back to the fields before them. Unknowingly Venti reminded her of the words her brother said and with it came the realization that maybe, the god had more to hide. A part of her wanted to believe Venti was incapable of the cruelty her brother accused all the gods of. It was the part of her that clung to the kindness and warmth he’d shown her since the day they met and the days that persisted afterward. He was always there for her in her time of need, showing up out of the blue with nothing but the gentle breeze to alarm her of his presence. She didn’t want to believe that the words, smiles, and feelings he’d shown her were all a façade.
 Yet, when she parted her lips ready to ask if her brother’s words were the truth or not, she found herself at a loss. She didn’t want to know. The cowardly side of her that she desperately wanted to hide away from the world was too afraid of the answer. What would happen if he didn’t deny the accusations? What would happen if he admitted to her a crime so awful that she could no longer see him in the same innocent light she had for so long?
It was foolish of her. So very naive to deny the truth if only to preserve the image of someone she cherished. Deep down maybe she always knew something like this was bound to happen. Her time in this world was limited regardless of her desire and their relationship. . . no matter how precious, was never fated to last forever.
She calls, her tone gentle and affectionate yet there is also a hint of sadness that he’s easily able to pick up. Her gaze meets his once more and in it; he could see her longing. Despite their close proximity, at this moment; Lumine never felt more distant. She intertwined her fingers with his, giving him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. From all the alluring smiles she’d given him, this one had to have been the saddest. She leans in closer to him and instinctively, he does the same.
“Please stay with me for a little longer,” She says and he feels each word brushed against his cheek. “Just for tonight.”
His eyes flutter shut and when their lips finally join he pretends he doesn’t feel the heartache of what can only be perceived as an end, neither does he dare to address the tear that rolls down her cheek. His fingers brush against her skin, wiping the tear and combing through her hair. He attempts to memorize everything about her, from the softness of her flesh against his to the feeling of her blonde locks in his grasp. Their connection is painfully fleeting, yet it captivates him. Even after they part he could still feel her lips. She squeezes his hand and the troubled expression she wears tells of the many thoughts running through her head. Thoughts that he would never come to know.
There are many things they keep from one another, the sadness she bears being just another secret she’ll never reveal. He wished to know her. All of her, yet in this life, their differences were far too great for him to ever act on these desires. She may have never said it, yet he could feel it all the same. This, whatever it was and no matter how brief, would end under the stars. Her silent cries fill that night, with him holding her close as her only means of comfort but even then it feels strangely empty. The lies and hidden truths neither revealed was an obstacle too great.
If only fate could have given them another chance.
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