#African Villages
theapostlesnigeria · 18 days
“I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” – John 17:14. He said I am not of this world. So if I am not of this world: Why should I clamor for the treasures and splendor of where I am not a part of? Why do I do what my Savior and His faithful Apostles and Believers of Old didn’t do? Why should I measure, judge…
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Ikenga (Igbo literal meaning "strength of movement") is a horned Alusi found among the Igbo people in southeastern Nigeria. It is one of the most powerful symbols of the Igbo people and the most common cultural artifact. Ikenga is mostly maintained, kept or owned by men and occasionally by women of high reputation and integrity in the society. It comprises someone's Chi (personal god), his Ndichie (ancestors), aka Ikenga (right hand), ike (power) as well as spiritual activation through prayer and sacrifice.
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Ikenga is exclusively an Igbo symbol. Nevertheless, various peoples of Southern Nigeria have slightly different notions of the components of an individual personality, but all agree that these various aspects can only be affected through ritual and personal effort. Some variants of it are found in Ijaw, Ishan, Isoko, Urhobo and Edo areas.
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Among the Isoko people, there are three types of personal shrine images: Oma, which represents the "spirit double" that resides in the other world; Obo which symbolizes the right hand and personal endeavor and the lvri which stands for personal determination. In the Urhobo areas it is also regarded as Ivri and in the Edo areas it's called Ikegobo
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Zulu village in South Africa
South African vintage postcard
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dailystreetsnapshots · 6 months
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Assamo, Djibouti
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yearningforunity · 4 months
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A rural village in Jamaica in the 1890s
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gregor-samsung · 4 months
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دارات [Dry Season] (Mahamat Saleh Haroun, 2006)
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I do occasionally get violently reminded that not everyone views missionaries as kinda fucking evil and someone will be telling what they clearly think is an inspirational story while I’m trying not to let the disgust show
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
got reminded of the "saying Arabs conquered and colonized North Africa is Zionist because obviously no one saying that coulx possibly draw a distinction between North African Arabs and Palestinian Arabs, and even drawing a distinction between Arabs and Imazighen is colonizer shit" school of thought
#cipher talk#I have seem Zionists co-opt the language of MENA Indigenous groups but MF that doesn't mean we're WRONG#It means they're stealing our talking points to appeal to more left leaning people#How is it you can recognize that they've co-opted the language of social justice and that that doesn't mean social justice is bad#Until the people YOU dispossess are mentioned and suddenly you're doing step 8 of the 8 steps of white settler colonial denial#Just like the Israelis do!#And yeah like. Some people don't draw the distinction. That's a product of intergenerational trauma and how our communities#Get manipulated by the US and shit. I've also met Arabs not from North Africa that refuse to draw a distinction#And see a discussion of how Arabs have hurt Indigenous Africans as an attack on them when it doesn't make sense to do so#I've also met a lot of people who DO clearly draw a distinction because the material conditions of Palestinians are that of Indigenity#Are your material conditions as a postcolonial North African with an Arab name and a mosque and skin that isn't black that of Indigenity?#Do you not have people with your face in the government (regardless of how shifty it is)? Did someone take your land or your churches land?#Do you struggle with employment? Is your tongue not the most common one? Are your cultural clothes looked at with distaste?#Are your girls targeted for kidnapping and rape to force them to not be of your culture? Are your women called whores who WANT rape?#Are you harassed by cops? Does the government try to take your kids because they have bullshit adoption laws?#Do your kids get arrested at 12 or 13 and almost sent a thousand miles away from home before pressure stays the order?#Is your language called feudal? Do people tell you they hope it dies soon? Is your name a barrier in your life?#Did they drown your fucking village?#Because all of these are things Copts and Nubians can say yes to#Before I even start on the shit done in the Maghreb or the fuckery about how Egypt defines 'Amazigh territory' (which is very complicated)
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randomnameless · 10 months
So this may be an odd ask, but if you could pick a real-world culture to be the basis of a Fire emblem nation in a future game, which ones would they be?
Given what Fodlan did to Almyra...
I mean, we're on par with "Verdane was inspired by Persia" from Jugdral, and we're not in the early 1990s anymore, so I'm not really trusting IS with any "real world culture" anymore.
But for some sort of revenge bias - after Almyra and TS, well, Hyzante - I'd like to see IS, try to get designs and clues from the Middle East, but without the 1800s bias that ultimately created Almyra.
I know FE isn't like, an Assassin's Creed game so you can't explore "real world cultures" that much, but if they could just take inspiration for clothes and designs from one "real world" place without slapping obvious prejudices it'd be nice.
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theapostlesnigeria · 29 days
“More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value (greatness) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the…
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colorsoutofearth · 1 year
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Village weaver bird (Ploceus cucullatus)
Photo by Denis Huot
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kemetic-dreams · 2 months
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What is the meaning of the name Chinua? The name Chinua is primarily a male name of African - Igbo origin that means God's Own Blessing.
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Fountain in a North African village
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1917
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docileeffects · 1 year
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allweknewisdead · 2 years
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Kaddu Beykat / Lettre paysanne (1975) - Safi Faye
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drachliebe · 1 year
been getting into them folk horror vibes and just threads where lilli is brought to human civilization after being found in the freezing wilderness and then freaky things ensue .
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