#Again Chosen is not a Durge or an evil run
hiddenbysuccubi · 9 months
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I was sleeping on the bear when I should have been sleeping WITH the bear.
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meownotgood · 5 months
also while I'm on the topic of being off topic. this is my beloved durge tav moon. her wizard boyfriend sprays her with water when she tries to bite people
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mt07131 · 1 year
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Well Solanine has taken over the world as we know it, this is all fine and good don't worry about it
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"They shouldn't make Durgetash canon, it should stay vague!"
Meanwhile what we know of Durge is:
- He's wearing matching clothes with Enver (OG Deafult Sorc Robes and Enver's fancy ass grab)
- Their weapons are matching (Stillmaker and Arbalist)
The only canonically written religious text to Bhaal is defining The Cult Leader's sin as "Cannot help but admire the chosen of your sworn foe Enver Gortash", sees the future "through Gortash's brilliant plan" (wasn't the entire "created by Bhaal" thing enough to see your future purpose, Urge?) and refers to the Dead Three's cooperation as "bosom friends", before proceeding to make excuses as to why Durge needs to delay their murder. For a very important reason of... we need to take over the world I will murder anyways first!
Orin keeps referring to their interactions with Enver is downright obscene and intended to shame you. (That's a sister slandering her siblings on-again-off-again ex if I saw one) Despite the fact that she doesn't want you to remember shit! She doesn't want you to know shit!
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Please stop talking about sucking and knotting, Orin.
And that's all aside from The Archduke of Baldurs Gate running down the stairs like an excited teenager to keep talking how you're his Nearest and Dearest, Dear Prince, how Brilliant you are, while exhibiting the most severe case of Boba Eyes in game, that made his entire 20-mins of screen time in game to be rerecorded completely for that one instance.
Sure, we might have multiple checks assuring us he is not lying and he is a lawful evil guy but hey, maybe he's just too good for the game itself and actually love-bombs a potentially dangerous amnesiac into (checks notes)swearing "A divine Oath in spirit and flesh" for his own safety.
And people will still come out and call it vague?
The only vague thing about them is the timeline
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avelera · 11 months
The thing is, I’m just so fascinated by the fact that of all the naturally “Good” aligned companions, Gale is the only one who you can convince to stick with you if you attack the Grove in BG3.
Wyll leaves immediately if you do. Karlach sticks around long enough to chew you out before taking off. Halsin obviously never joins you.
But Gale can be persuaded. All while hating himself the whole time. Horrified by what happened and what he’s taken part in. But you can point out that if he makes a principled stand and abandons the party over the murder of innocents, he will certainly die. And if you do, and succeed and persuading him, he relents. He gives in. He goes along with you.
It’s just soooo deeply fucked up that I’m still chewing over it.
By the end of my Evil Durge run, I had Gale at 100% approval. Giving Aylin to Larroakan only got -1, easily made up later. Letting Astarion Ascend was only a -1. Gale didn’t leave after the Durge became Bhaal’s Chosen, just voiced his disapproval and continued on working alongside us.
All you have to do to keep him in line is remind him again that he’s so right, so valid for wanting the Crown of Karsus. He doesn’t have make up excuses that it’s for the greater good, not you, no. If you say he’s just allowed to want it, to have it, just because it’s power, he’s so relieved to have someone finally be sensible and see things the same way he does! Gale eats out of the palm of your hand if you just encourage his worst instincts and tell him he doesn’t have to feel bad about his ambition. Or his resentment of Mystra. Or his conviction that he could do better if he took her place.
Based on all that, I have to headcanon that Gale had convinced himself that he could fix it all after, as soon as he got the Crown and ascended to become the new god of magic. Every evil is justified if it gets him to that goal. He’ll be good later. He can fix things later. But he can only fix things if he gets that power. It’s all permitted, every evil, every slaughter, if he can just reach the end goal and then he can undo it all.
Which is why I so badly want a fic where Durge or Tav take the power for themselves, enslave the world, including Gale, and then Gale… wakes up. Because wizards have a lot of natural defenses against mind control. They can regain their autonomy, like Omeleum did.
I guess I just want a fic of Gale grappling with his own moral flexibility. Wyll and Karlach had the moral strength to call out bullshit when they saw it and bounce the heck out of there.
But Gale, brilliant, promising, intelligent, good Gale didn’t. His ambition allowed him to be easily led by the nose. His will to live led him by the nose. He didn’t have the moral strength to take a stand. It’s dark and depressing, yeah, but damn do I want an angst fic where Gale after an evil run looks back and grapples with everything he allowed to happen, all in the name of becoming a god, only to be left with nothing.
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dearest-and-nearest · 11 months
Okay, so, i want Gortash in party so badly, here's few things i headcanoned for how it would be. Durge run, because it seems more fitting for me
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- After the destruction of the grove, only Wyll leaves, Karlach stays behind and, when she meets Gortash, gives you an ultimatum: it's either him or her. Gortash's taunts don't help the cause, but in theory you can convince her to just leave without attacking. Afterwards, Gortash joins the party, as he needs to deal with Orin personally.
- You can go to him from any LI, you don't have to be a loner for the whole game.
- The personal quest is tied to the House of Hope. Maybe it's about the contract with the sale of Gortash, not sure yet. If you take him there, you can get unique interactions with almost everyone on the location, when you meet the man who used to be the jailer you have to pass a persuasion/intimidation check so he doesn't raise the alarm and shear everyone at you
- There's unique dialog with Raphael too, even at the deal-making stage (Gortash won't approve it). He mocks Gortash by suggesting him go back "home", calls him by his real last name, and says that he became like that solely because of his upbringing from Rafael. After the deal, you can talk to Gortash about it, he'll snap at you and won't let the subject develop. Full dialog will be after Raphael's death, then the start of the romance can also be...?
- Additional unique dialog when meeting Gortash's parents. In the romance, Gortash will laugh that he invited MC specifically to introduce his dear parents to beloved of their lovely son. At the same time, he will disapprove for trying to contact them by tadpole, and if you do try to talk about it, he will emphasize that they got what they deserved.
- Alternate quest options with the factory and the prison. On both we instead of releasing prisoners on the contrary more oppress them + the opportunity to personally chat with Gortash's subordinates (they will snort that he told them about you all the time, they're sorry for Bhaalites, if you are the same), in addition, if Wyll previously left the party, it's Gortash who gives a quest about the dragon. He also is the main fan of dragons here and with all the polite impossibility to refuse asking to be in a party to go to look at the dragon
- Because of dragons, here are banters with Laezel, where he tries to ask more about them and sighs that he wanted a dragon when he was a kid, but even Bane didn't give him one, and someone in this world talks about justice.
- There's no good route with him. Like at all. Just no. Just like Wyll and Karlach have no evil and they argue and angry when the MC tries to move in that direction, so it is with good and Gortash. If you try to draw an analogy between his slavery and what he does to those around him, he disapprove on 30 points and warns you that okay, you don't remember, but bring it up again and blame yourself. If you try to continue, he gets angry and either attacks or leaves the party, saying that Urge has really changed too much.
- If you come to Sarevok with him, a free dose of grandfatherly grumbling is assured. If there is romance, he can also start mentioning how much Urge admired Gortash, which will give Gortash a satisfied grin. With Orin, if Gortash is in the party, it will be much harder to save the hostage (checks 30+-) and after the duel, your father will additionally condemn your choice of the chosen one (but I would like this with all romances, not just with the Gortash personally).
- The butler doesn't call him by name, but keeps telling that his lord/lady deserves much better than this. Gortash finds it funny
- He doesn't die at the brain like stupid, instead he can meet Emperor again. Thinks that becoming illythid is stupid if there's already a squid here, and after all it would be easy to betray him. Also in the finale gives the ability to summon a squad of Steel Guardians. Of course, will agitate to become an Absolute
- If you still destroy brain, then obviously romantic dialog after the finale, where he sighs that okay, to rule the world is still a little failed, but you two will practice for now on one city.
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scuttlingcrab · 3 months
Can you pls do a Durge x Raphael after their first kill at the camp? Would LOVE to see what you do with him in that situation. ;)
Thank you for this, Anon! I’ve gotten a few Durge prompts that I hope to fulfil this month, as I’m finally making my way through playing The Dark Urge for the first time! (This run is Durge resisting the Urge, haha) Hopefully by the time they release the new endings in September, I’ll go fully evil. One thing though.. I am OBSESSING over Minthara… so I’m hoping to start writing some fics focused on her real soon because MAMA MIA!
Summary: After Raphael witnesses Tav committing a gruesome murder, he begins plotting how he could use their vulnerability, and lack of memory, to his advantage.
Notes: Warnings for violence.
Link to my other work in the Devil's Archive.
In the Dark of the Night
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(Image via red-dead-sakharine)
Raphael spent another night at Tav's camp, lurking from the comfort of the treeline as he watched them eagerly, playing with his fingers in anticipation for what he hoped would be a bloody spectacle. He failed to keep count of how many nights he stood there, spying on them since their first encounter at the Druid Grove. 
Far too many at this point, embarrassing even for a Devil’s standards. 
He obviously had other imperative things to be getting on with, he would never be able to succeed in uniting the Hells by simply dawdling about and waiting for things to fall in his lap. Though much to his chagrin, being present at that wretched mortal camp slid to the top of his priority list. Even more than his infernal duties and all the discarded contracts that piled up the longer Raphael bid his time. He could practically feel the mounting pressures digging into his shoulders, his knees buckling from the weight of it all. 
Then there was the Crown of Karsus, always that damned Crown with Raphael. Since the fall of Netheril, he had been swept away by the promises of glory, of dethroning Asmodeus and occupying his seat of power in Nessus.
The wounds of that fiasco, of letting his father get the best of him, never fully healed. The mistakes played repeatedly in his memory. Over and over. As a lesson and as a punishment.
Raphael cursed all three of the Chosen for wasting the relic’s true potential on an Elder Brain, thinking that alone would aid their plights for total domination. The crime of the millennia. Those damned imbeciles! By the Gods, Raphael laughed, cried, and raged at the notion when he first heard Gortash had succeeded in breaking into Mephistopheles' vault, stealing the one and only artefact he had ever desired. 
It would all spectacularly blow up in their faces soon enough. The Crown’s earth shattering waves, its raw power, could be felt even in his House of Hope as the strength intensified, the doomsday clock proceeding with its countdown. Raphael would be there, watching their work crumble at their fingertips, witnessing firsthand the Chosen's faces warping in horror at their doomed fates. 
Despite everything, unseen forces still managed to push Raphael in the direction of those foolish mortals again and again, and towards one individual in particular. The Devil had watched each companion closely, but his obsession grew with Tav. No magic or potion could dislodge them from his waking thoughts in the days after the Nautiloid crash, or rid them from invading his dreams.
In truth, the other companions were dull, uninspiring, and Raphael quickly discarded them like a worthless piece of garbage. Of course, he could use their souls, he would never say no to that, but he had no interest in going out of his way to secure a deal when Tav offered him so much more.
At their first meeting, Raphael instantly recognised the rotting strength of Bhaal oozing from Tav, his nose twisting in repulsion from the memories the smell elicited. Yet something was different about them, unlike the other Bhaalspawn he had come in contact with. He couldn’t quite place it at first until he focused on their visage. Their skin was pale and their eyes bloodshot, flashing nervously around the room, as if they heard voices scratching against their skull. 
When was the last time Tav killed, truly? Made a glorious sacrifice in the name of Bhaal? He had never seen someone suffer such a withdrawal or resist Bhaal’s murderous temptations. They could only go on for so long until something snapped, satisfying their urge, and quieting their God.
Something big was brewing and Raphael wasn’t going to miss a moment. 
Raphael peeked his head through some bushes as he gave the camp another once over, his eyes darting to Tav near the campfire. They still remained lying on their bedroll, sleeping soundlessly. 
Without notice, Raphael’s skin prickled and he stiffened, holding on to the nearest tree trunk as his chest spasmed. His upper body continued to be yanked forwards in an abrupt, and rather rude, summons. 
“Korrilla…” Raphael hissed.
He clenched his jaw in anticipation, loud drumming filling his ears as he flickered in between the forest at the campsite and his House of Hope. The two locations could not have been more different, the contrast assaulting his senses. Images of Korrilla filled his vision as he was pulled further from the mortal plane. She stood in his central chamber, arms crossed and impatiently tapping her feet.
“You are late for a meeting, Master.” Korrilla warned, her voice rattling through his head. 
“I am busy.” Raphael growled, practically tearing the final syllable apart in his mouth.
“I can keep them waiting for only so long before they will start asking questions… I do not want to hear your complaints when they retreat back into their Iron Tower.” Korrilla raised an eyebrow as a final plea.
Raphael paused as the pair engaged in a staring contest.
“Very well. Tell Dispater I will be with him shortly. I am willing to forfeit a few more souls to appease him, that should be an effective enough apology for the Archdevil. I will join you once I am finished with this prospective client.”
With that, Raphael viciously snapped his fingers, cutting off any further communication with the Warlock. 
Raphael groaned, removing his hand from the tree. The wood was scorched, leaving a deep charred imprint where he had grasped it. His fingertips still sizzled and he blew on them, hoping to cool himself down. Let the Lord of Dis wait. This was far more pressing. He rubbed his temples, blinking away the rest of the discomfort from the summons, the world around him finally stilling. 
He peeked through the bushes again and gasped, his heart dropping to his stomach. Tav was no longer sleeping, but stood tall. They were speaking to a bright-eyed Tiefling named Alfira, who had only just joined the camp. The other companions around the campfire, Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach, remained lost in their dreams, undisturbed by whatever conversation the pair were having. 
Raphael’s scalp tingled as goosebumps ran down his spine and across his arms. And he had nearly missed it! He held his breath, remaining frozen in place, on the off chance Tav might hear his quickening heartbeat. 
Alfira smiled at Tav, looking at them with adoration and warmth, seeming to have an overall pleasant exchange. As she talked, Tav reached for the dagger at their belt, slowly unsheathing it. They aimed it at the Tiefling’s throat, unmoving as their knuckles grew whiter from squeezing the hilt. Alfira jumped back, arms out wide in shock. She laughed nervously, eyes dancing between the dagger and Tav. 
The poor thing... 
Raphael barely saw it, the movement was smooth, swift, and clean; faster than lightning, but the damage was done before Alfira could even register what happened. Within seconds, her eyes grew in terror, nearly bulging from her head as a cut appeared across her throat. She held onto the wound as blood began to gush through her fingers, quickly soaking her dress. She opened her mouth, attempting to call out for help, for anyone, but she never had a chance to utter another word. Alfira collapsed, falling onto her back. Tav lunged at her, as if caught in a trance. Their stabs were deep and personal, and seemingly never-ending. They somehow found a new spot to dig their dagger in again and again long after Alfira expired.
Blood rushed to Raphael’s head, his ears pounding like war drums as Tav began gutting the Tiefling. They proceeded to use the gore spilling from Alfira to paint the markings of Bhaal around the corpse. 
So the deed was done. It all happened in a matter of minutes, but to Raphael it felt like hours had passed as he observed from the shadows. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from the scene, they sparkled with curiosity and acclaim for the sheer skill of the murder. And for the possibilities that awaited him. 
With the dagger back in its sheath, Tav stood as still as a statue, their arms outstretched, basking in the kill.
Raphael took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair. The second act was about to begin. 
He would need to compose himself before making a grand entrance, otherwise it would scare Tav away. His usual flair for theatrics might not suit their tastes on this occasion; he needed to ease their nerves, guide them back from the spell they were under and use that to his advantage. 
Raphael teleported behind Tav, sitting casually on one of the massive boulders next to the campfire. 
“You are quite the artist.” Raphael began, crossing his arms in front of him. “I should applaud you, but I’d risk waking the others.” 
Tav twirled around, drawing their dagger at his sudden appearance. Recognition flickered in Tav’s eyes and the weapon staggered for a split second as they nearly lowered it, but they quickly changed their mind. They took a step towards Raphael, the dagger aimed at his heart.
Raphael raised his hands as an act of surrender, he wouldn't dare trigger another murderous episode so soon. Though, he let that thought remain… wondering if they would go so far as to massacre their entire camp?
“I must admit, I was rather taken by your commitment and overall execution. The nature of your work always piqued my interests. Although I don’t think I could ever stomach something such as…” Raphael tilted his head towards the corpse. “Truly, it was an honour getting to see a master perform such barbarity in the flesh.”
Raphael rose from the boulder, giving his deepest bow as a sign of respect. 
Tav turned around, only just realising the body behind them. They backed away from it, dropping the dagger as their hands trembled. 
“I… huh? No. No! W-what is going on? What is the meaning of this? Is this one of your cruel jokes, Devil?”
“A joke? Hah!” Raphael promptly covered his mouth as the laughter escaped his lips. He looked around the camp cautiously, waiting for at least one of the companions to stir, but they all remained asleep. 
He resumed, in a quieter, hushed tone.
“No, no, my murderous friend, there is no blood on my hands. See?” Raphael twirled his digits, taking a moment to admire his nails amid the glowing campfire. “Look carefully, the evidence is all around you.”
Tav’s head dropped to their hands, their eyes deepening with dread as they took in all the blood. They desperately tried to wipe away the evidence on their trousers, their nightshirt… but it remained stuck to their skin. They fell to their knees, grabbing their head and pulling at their hair.
“Oh Gods… NO! I-I don’t know… no…I… it makes no sense, I was only…”
Shadowheart stirred in the sleeping bag next to Tav. Warily, Raphael raised his index finger to his lips. 
“Hush now, else you’ll rouse the entire camp. I don’t imagine you’d find that very helpful.”  
“This is all a nightmare. Yes. A nightmare. This whole thing, it’s not real. No. Nothing is real. You’re not real. I’ll wake up and everything will be back to normal. That’s it. You’re OK. You’re OK…”
Tav folded into a ball, holding on to their knees as they rocked back and forth, muttering nonsense. Raphael titled his head, his face a mask of serenity but his eyes burned, radiating with excitement. 
“Do you have no memory of… ?” Raphael pointed towards the corpse. 
Tav shook their head, staring coldly at Alfira’s body.
“I… I don’t remember anything. Nothing. Not from tonight or before that fucking crash. I barely know who I am. It’s like I never existed.”
Tav’s face curled with distaste at the situation, their eyes glazing over in resignation. Countless opportunities flooded towards Raphael like a dam bursting, nearly knocking him over. Oh, the things he could do with this newfound knowledge, how he could shape and mould Tav as he saw fit. How utterly delicious.
All he had to do was snap his fingers and their memory would be restored… It was that easy. But the truth would destroy them. They weren’t ready to learn what they were, what they were capable of. They’d self-destruct, surely. Dooming all his future plans, the thousands of years he spent planning, scheming. No, it was not a gamble he was willing to take. Not yet.
“Perhaps I can be of service then?”
Tav slowly looked up at Raphael, their eyes concentrating on him.
“You’re unfortunately too late.” 
“My, we give up easily. The body. Allow me to dispose of it for you.”
Tav opened their mouth, their forehead scrunching. 
“I don–”
Raphael raised his hand dramatically above him, cutting their words short as he prepared his thumb and middle finger.
Alfira’s body disappeared in a flurry of sparks. Tav jumped back, suppressing a scream at the sudden fiery display.  
“I’ll give you this one for free. And mind you, this is entirely an altruistic act. I don’t ever want to hear you or any other mortal say a Devil can’t be sympathetic again.”
Tav’s eyes filled with tears as they looked away from Raphael, shaking their head in confusion. In denial. The Devil kneeled down, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder, squeezing it lightly. He allowed his fingers to soak up the warmth from Tav, leaving his hand to rest on their body for perhaps a second too long.
“Merely a taste of what’s to come, of what I can offer you in the days ahead. The next one will come at a price however, which we can negotiate in due time.”
“And my memory…?” Tav sniffed, their eyes locking with Raphael’s.
"It will return. You might not want to know who you really are, in the end. But when you’re ready, I will find you. I’ll be watching.”
Raphael stood up, patting away the dirt from his knees.
“Oh, I’d wash the blood off your hands if I were you. And maybe get rid of that little shrine to Bhaal while you’re at it. Your companions will be asking questions in the morning and you don’t want to cause any more suspicion.” 
A flaming portal appeared behind Raphael, leading straight to his Chamber of Egress.
He made one final flourishing bow to Tav, before turning away from them and walking through the gateway.
"Oh, the fun we’ll have." Raphael whispered, humming a tune as he disappeared. "Together, we’ll paint the town red."
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wafflerageface · 6 months
Top 5: Favorite Durgetash headcanons
Like my personal headcanons or ones I’ve seen?
Personal headcanons:
1. Durgetash were head over heels in love with each other, even if they expressed love in ways that seemed fucked up to everyone else. They were two incredibly lonely people that just clicked in all the right ways to make each other feel like at least one person out there cared about them, and they did.
2. Enver Gortash is autistic/ADHD and Durge was his favourite person to info dump on. I mean look at him. My wife is autistic and they have very similar mannerism and ways of thinking. (In the logical sense anyway my wife hasn’t killed anyone) Especially with how his parents described how brilliant he was even as a child, I can just imagine child Enver coming off as annoying and needy to everyone around him because he wanted to talk about his inventions and no one cared to listen. Durge, on the other hand, grew up in a temple where they were expected to behave a certain way and was essentially treated as a puppet, even if they could’ve called the shots how they wanted to. I can’t imagine being a child taken into a murder cult and feeling anything but fear, even if you don’t need to be afraid. Durge knew nothing but blood and death for years, and along comes this funky little guy that wants to rant for hours about the kind of metal he wants to build his steel watch out of?? Yeah. They loved that shit.
3. Enver is a pansexual monster fucker that will love your Durge no matter what. This man has been so lonely for so long that I genuinely think he doesn’t care what package the love comes in so long as he isn’t being used anymore. You’re a Dragonborn? Cool he can work with that. A tiefling? Excellent he’s gonna use those horns as handlebars. A cute half-elf that has a surprising appetite for blood? Absolutely and can he join the next blood bath please?? He loves seeing you work
4. Durge did not want to be Bhaal’s scion. I know a lot of people don’t like how the Durge opening makes it seem like they’re trying to “erase” that Durge was evil, but I view it more as perhaps Durge was never willing. Just because you’re fathered by a murder god doesn’t make you a murderer, and amnesia doesn’t really change who a person is, they just forget. Your brain literally just won’t let you recall memories. Now personally, I’m all for if you think your Durge hates everything about being the Chosen, or (like for my Durge) you think they just hated not being in control of themselves or allowed to kill as they please. Both are great mechanics for a well-rounded character, but I really think either way, Durge hated being what their father made them into, and would have jumped the moment they could escape. The prayer of forgiveness? A classic here’s my fake apology abusive parent so I can spare myself more abuse.
5. Enver whored himself out as a young man to get lots of power and money and he hated every second of it. We know it’s canon that he slept around a lot before the present day setting of the game, but I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. Not really. He grew up in the HoH where he was beaten and abused and nearly tortured to death on many occasions. He finally escapes with nothing to his name and once again he’s at the mercy of whoever he can convince to give him food, shelter, money, etc for the price of his body. This man absolutely has two wolves inside of him and one is a god complex and the other is an ego so crippled and fragile it’s a wonder he ever comes out of the house. When he meets Durge, he’s willing to manipulate them however he must to secure their alliance. He’s done it before, he’ll do it again. I think he’s so very surprised when Durge catches feelings back, when they go out of their way to take care of him, compliment him, even if it’s in their own fucked up fashion. I think the real sticking point for him would be when he and Durge are attending some high society to do together and they run into an old fling. Enver being upset and uncomfortable enough that they leave early and he tells Durge everything. The next day, and the following weeks, he finds severed hands, fingers, bloodied jewellery, all placed at his desk or beside his bed and he can’t help but smile. Durge bringing him pieces of their kills like a cat is so endearing to him.
I’ve got so many more but I think those are my favourite.
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crossdressingdeath · 11 months
pssst - useful Durge information here youtube
Ayyyyyyyyyyy it's my good good hat man! So sad he dies if you reject Bhaal, it makes sense but still. But he's so proud of Durge for being a good little murderer, I love it.
Obsessed with him calling Durge a demiurge, by the way. Sceleritas a demiurge's job is the exact opposite of what Durge is supposed to do. I guess the creator of a dead world has still technically created a world...?
Interesting that Sceleritas was apparently sent to guide Durge when they reached their "age of majority", given we hear his voice in the pre-Orin Heal cutscene. Is that just him connecting to Durge in the present, or does he consider their age of majority being their first killing spree? Also, one thing I find very interesting is that apparently despite fully committing themselves to Bhaal they still need Sceleritas, which with the way he talks about it suggests that even at this juncture, having taken back the mantle of Bhaal's Chosen and agreed to their given task of ending the world, they still aren't totally loyal. There's still reason for Bhaal to think they need to be managed. (Also "I shall be sick, fetch the Bucket of Bhaal" continues to be an absolutely golden line.)
Sceleritas insisting that Durge's memory loss is purely brain damage makes sense, but it does contradict Omeluum saying that you don't remember because someone doesn't want you to if you ask him about it back in act 1. Possibly he was wrong. Possibly Sceleritas is wrong. I have some suspicions, but I'll get to that in another post. Him assuring Durge he still thinks they're very clever is precious, though. It doesn't seem like Orin's digging around damaged anything aside from Durge's memory, but it's still cute that Sceleritas feels the need to assure them. Sceleritas saying the worst thing Durge ever did was giving a beggar some coin without kicking or spitting on him is very sad, although given it happened while they were en route to the Devil's Fee I do have to wonder if Gortash was there. I bet he'd tease them about going soft. I also like that one of the things making Durge better than Orin is the fact that they experienced life outside the Temple; it's unclear when exactly they showed up, but given you can be any number of classes that require certain experiences that you wouldn't be able to get in the Temple (a cleric or paladin Durge can serve gods other than Bhaal and bard Durge must have gone to a bardic college at some point) they were presumably an adult by the time they arrived. Also once again we hear about Durge being sculpted from Bhaal's own gore, which is just all sorts of concerning. And confirmation that the Urge is unique to Durge! Which is fun. Also interesting that Orin's bloodline is so far below Durge's in terms of connection to Bhaal's; she really never stood a chance at gaining Bhaal's favour as long as Durge lived.
I assume if you ask Sceleritas about if you'll be able to spare your lover his answer changes depending on the lover in question. I'll have to keep an eye out for that when I do my evil run, since Kyvir is Gay As Fuck and so has zero lovers he could create more Bhaalspawn with. Although given Bhaal in general seems to give approximately zero shits about his kid or their comfort that has some very uncomfortable implications... And it sounds like the Urge is at least sort of gone if you take on the mantle of Bhaal's Chosen? Which kind of makes sense, if Bhaal assumes he's got your leash wrapped so tight around your neck you won't step out of line again. Also, very interesting that Sceleritas refers to the tadpoling as a rebirth for Durge; he's sort of right, but it's still interesting.
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oogalaboogalabich · 4 months
I need these two magnificent bastards to sandwidge me. i swear to gaaad bro.
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Chosen Durge and an arguably more well adjusted AAstarion.
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My two Viriani's. Top is the Eeeevil evil run.
I have this vision of him draped in a bastardized mashup of monk cords and the chains of the Maesters from GoT. Where he collects little tributes from his kills and carves beads from the bones of his favorite screamers etc etc.
He also got himself some scarification (its a tattoo in the game i know) that makes him feel more one with his slayer. With his shapeshifting abilities, he could have just made it appear, but he felt that would be cheating himself out of a wonderful bonding experience with his Pet Ascendant, who has apparantly developed a taste for flaying since cazador.
Below is the Slightly Less evil run.
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I wanted to show just how deeply under Astarions influence he is when he rejects Bhaal. Thefine clothes, excessive jewelry, the halo.
He doesnt go about in his 'elf disguise' because he goes where he wants. He doesnt give a shit if people mistake his glorious ass self for a tiefling. Theyre sheep.
All shows of hubris and self importance.
After he ascends, Astarion mashes a mask on dudes face saying only he ever gets to see it ever again, starts wearing the halo as a sort of mockery towards bhaal and also to really rub in just how far Viriani is below him regardless of his partial divinity.
Vir is IIIIIINTO it bro. It's a whole thing.
I love building these alternate little versions of him. So damn fun.
for the durge fic im buildin. Also Been taking dozens of reff pics so i can figure out how i wanna draw him.
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somuchcoffeeandwine · 3 months
Another @tav-dex submission, because I finally got inspiration to draw again and also I've been doing their run. My second Durge, Yvaine
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Ignore the shitty quality, Tumblr hates me. But yeah, Yvaine! Horrid creature.
Transcript of stats because I'm told I have shitty handwriting sometimes:
Yvaine (Pronounced Yev-ine)
Lolth-Sworn Drow (Not a full Bhaalspawn, like Dark Urges are. Their mother was a drow)
Gender: No (Non-binary, They/Them)
304ish years old
7' 05" or 219 cm for non-freedom units (They are tall yes.)
Ranger, Gloomstalker (Main weapon is a heavy crossbow, it just obscure their armor and I prefer to show that off for reference purposes.)
Monk, Way of Open Hand (I honestly just find it funny with them kicking people in the face in heavier armor, this is due to my first playthough with them)
Former worshipper of Lolth. Being born a Lolth-Sworn drow does do that to you, but well... They like driders for a reason, seeing them as kin.
Bhaal: Bhaalspawn, and therefore a worshipper of his. They are called his Ranger for a reason, hunting his prey down whenever it's demanded of them. And also him claiming them caused them and Everlest, meeting for the second time, to slaughter the entire house. They would be a drider if Bhaal didn't protect them.
Stats: Similar to Everlest and the other Chosen, Yvaine has higher stats because bullshit.
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 16
Full Name: Yvaine Hun' Ani (Meaning Sisterhood of The Widow)
Background: Haunted One/Soldier (Soldier if you weren't forced to take the Haunted One)
Alignment: True Neutral. They do things outside of morality, good, evil. They live only for the hunt.
Additional ramblings below:
Yvaine was made tall because I decided one day that it was not enough for them to just be taller than first Astarion (Initial playthough, purely because I didn't have the greatest sense for them) and then Gale (Current romance, and I think the one I'm sticking with), no, they had to tower over all of their companions no matter what. They will be terrifying no matter what. But as mentioned, they are involved with Gale. Something about his autism attracted them. But they often are back with him, the two being ranged attackers, until someone gets close, and then Yvaine smashes them into bloody bits. All to protect their boyfriend. Even when they don't realize it.
Their simple method of dealing with the group's various problems when talking to people by threatening them. A crossbow held to the head solves most problems. They also don't usually speak much, preferring their actions to speak for them, and are usually blunt with speaking, as well as not using massive words. The only time they actively deceive people as well are lies of omission, as they don't like lies. Imagine how they feel about more than half the camp keeping secrets most of the time. They also get along fairly well with Halsin, the two both understanding nature well, and often sitting together whittling in comfortable silence. Safe to say, I like them quite a bit. They've got their own fanfic that's getting written, called Ranger of None. What can I say, I enjoy writing things that I might not publish
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maegalkarven · 10 months
I just thought of redeemed!Durge run AU in which Elder Brain won (Emperor or Orpheus were not strong enough/Elder Brain grew too powerful under the influence of the crown), so the Great Design was set into motion, gods freaked out (bc no one needed Ao coming to whoop their asses), grouped together and pulled the time rug back.
Which made the entire team go back to the moment right before Ketheric's death (bc it's the last point of no return, after his death Brain gets freed from one part of the command and it just spirals from that).
Gods also pull the kind of dimensional skype call like in Pillars of Eternity. Basically gods summon the team.
Which leads to the most epic yet hilarious encounter.
Imagine: the entire team (with Isobel, Aylin, Jaheira, Halsin and Minthara, let's make it a good run) standing in front of Gods in some liminal space.
I'm thinking the Dead Three, Selune and Shar (imagine how fucked up things have to be for them to be at the same place and be civil-ish), Mystra and maybe Loviathar. Oh, and Jergal is also here.
And it's all pathos and importance of stopping the Netherbrain before the world gets destroyed (and before Ao looks down and starts whooping ass.)
But at the same time most of these gods are evil, they do not know how to work together and they hold grudges.
Shar and Selune are specially seated at the further sides from each other. Myrkul is seated between Bhaal and Bane because these two reached some new levels of hatred and so he is working as a god-shield.
Bhaal blames Bane for Durge's fallout, Bane retorts he would have a better use for Durge than Bhaal, and anyway Durge ruined a perfectly good tyrant, look at him, he has feelings now! (Gortash looks offended.)
Selune stares at Ketheric without blinking and so is Shar (no one sees her eyes, but Ketheric FEELS her gaze). Myrkul tries his best not to bring the twins' attention his way. When it is brought, he argues what at least he gave Ketheric what he wanted and points at Isobel. Isobel is like "DID I ASK THO?"
Mystra says everything is Jergal's fault, if only he didn't give away his power to these three dipshits-
Which brings said dipshits fury over her head.
Loviathar just happy to see Durge who took her blessing oh so nicely. Bhaal demands Bane calls off his wife who is stealing Bhaal's child.
Someone asks "Why when some bullshit happens, it's always you three?" (meaning the dead three),to that Bhaal retorts what he wasn't there when Bane and Myrkul stole the Tablets of Fate from Ao and brought the entire Time of Troubles on their heads.
Myrkul says it's because no one invited him.
Selune says the Time of Troubles was REALLY fucked up and they lost Mystra.
Mystra is like: "I am literally here," to which she gets response "I liked the previous one better".
And the entire time the mortals (and Aylin with Durge) are like: ...so we're screwed, right?
And also NONE of the chosen can be killed bc doing that will free Netherbrain.
Karlach tells Mystra to fuck off. The entire team supports it, to Gale's bewilderment.
Jaheira stares daggers at Bhaal. Like for real tries to intimidate a god with a stare.
Orin has to be restrained bc killing her is not an option, but she will not cooperate.
Shar goes to hurt and intimidate Shadowheart in some way, to which Selune, Aylin and Isobel are like: "Literally fuck off".
Bhaal straight up tells Orin she was destined to fail bc all she was - a trial for Durge. Orin DOES NOT take it well.
Durge and Bhaal ready to kill each other because this family is MESSED UP. The team trying to hold Durge down bc "Stop, you idiot! He'll just kill you again!"
Karlach not taking it well what Gortash shouldn't be killed. Same for Jaheira and Halsin, but about Ketheric. Aylin is more reasonable about it, but deep inside she's seething.
The team snitching on Mystra to the other gods like "she told Gale to detonate netherise orb!"
Shar: I also liked the previous Mystra better.
Mystra: WTF this is so uncalled for
The gods: Did Shar and Selune just agree on something????
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astarionsbeloved · 8 months
Ny'fein Durs'rend'aen as a companion (aka: what if you could recruit redemption durge?)
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Baldur's Gate 3 Companion! Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character?  (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Ny'fein would be met on the Nautiloid, and then probably again immediately between Astarion and Gale. If for some reason you miss him there, you'll find him held captive by Kressa at moonrise.
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
Astarion: A Drow Bard? How novel. Though I wonder....Do you think he might know Drizzt?
Lae'zel: If we must.
Karlach: Do you think he knows Drizzt? Is it...would it be weird if I asked?
Wyll: He looks familiar but I don't know why. I'm sure he'll be a fine addition to our party.
Gale: I find bards quite fascinating, you know. Do you think he'd be okay answering some questions? Wait, why are Karlach and Astarion crowding around him?
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions? 
Persuasion roll of 80 to keep him on the team if you recruit Minthara. As a male drow, he wants nothing to do with her.
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Ny'fein is a redemption durge, so while I'm reasonably certain his alignment pre-tadpole is true evil, post tad-pole he's chaotic neutral. He likes when you help people, he likes a good joke, and he's not going to enjoy it if you're cruel for no reason.
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
Recruiting Minthara, regardless of circumstance. Endangering children.
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
Ny'fein is made of secrets, since he's a bhaalspawn with a memory disorder. The first hints of something will happen at the goblin camp, when the three chosen look familiar even in silhouette.
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
"Healing wounds": origin durge questlines about putting things to rights and regaining memories, and taking down the chosen.
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
When asked to stay in camp, he would pull out his violin and simply start playing a dirge. When asked to go adventuring, he'd say "ever by your side" if romanced or "as you wish" if good approval. If approval is low, he'd literally just say "fine."
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
He's truly suspicious of Shadowheart, and while he doesn't dislike her, she puts him ill at ease.
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
Quill Grootslang, a dragonborn bard who comes to camp after you meet Alfira. Sceleritas Fel. Sarevok.
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
He keeps most of those as inside thoughts, but once you've made it to moonrise his memory starts to come back and he talks a lot more. If you recruit him at moonrise, once you get to the city, he talks a LOT. There will be a special cut scene with Gortash and a separate one with Orin.
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
Ny'fein doesn't trust them but since they offered help with his memory issues, he's intrigued.
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
"He looked at me like I was food, it made me uncomfortable" "I think we should avoid him" "My claws are sharper" "I feel like I've met him before"
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
"....how did you NOT realize he was a vampire. Wait, did NONE of you know? Seriously??". No approval loss or gain, but he's def a little jealous. Of both of you.
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
If he, Shadowheart, and Astarion are with you during the Abdirak scene, expect the banter to be sexually charged and absolutely inappropriate. He's _way_ too into it.
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
Very, very suspicious. No approval loss or gain, but they won't join Tav in consumption. Roll of 100 needed to convince them to consume tadpoles.
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the Tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
if Tav sides with the goblins, they leave. If this happens, you'll find them dead in Orin's chambers just like you would find durge if they hadn't joined the party at all.
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
Ny'fein is a bard, so he'll be playing music at least a little bit. Other than that if he isn't romanced, he's flirting his head off with Rolan and Halsin, maybe even Zevlor.
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
only in so far as "Who are you going for so I don't go for them as well" and "I want to hear about it tomorrow" before sauntering off to his own conquest.
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
Seething anger. You will lose approval. He will pout.
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
He would sigh, heavily, and say "I'm putting that in the song, you know".
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
"I cannot express how much I detest you at this moment." "This isn't my scene" "Can't Astarion do it?"
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
Since they're Durge, I'm inclined to think Orin would vastly prefer to kidnap them over the other companions. I think the deception would be revealed by "Ny'fein" trying to kill whomever they have the most party banter with, and the companions thinking they've given into the urge. When Tav gets to the temple, they have to use "Help" to free Ny'fein after the fight with Orin starts. From there, Ny'fein becomes the only playable combat character, forcing Tav from the fight and into the "sanctuary" area.
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
Ny'fein gets it either way, but since he's fighting so hard against his Urge, he'd be disappointed his friends succumbed to their desire for power.
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
Ny'fein cannot offer to become the mindflayer, and if the player asks them to, their approval drops and Ny'fein will explain he only just got his soul, he doesn't want to lose it. Ny'fein will support Tav's choice but will not stay with them, romantically, if they become a mindflayer.
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
not answering since this would actually be Tav reacting to them.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
skipping this one as well since they are the durge.
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
see above.
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Ny'fein is romanceable. Tav would have to be supportive of them about their memory loss and trying to fight their dark urge.
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
They'd approach Tav if the approval is high enough, and they'd be very forward about it. If recruited at moonrise, their romance moves really fast and they're basically seducing Tav outright.
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
Poly! Theyr'e okay mono, but Ny'fein would really enjoy having multiple lovers, and they would support Tav exploring their emotions and sexuality with others as well.
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
Ny'fein's tent is bigger on the inside and Tav discovers this during the Tiefling party. They also discover Ny'fein is handy with a silence spell. Goofy, explicit scene.
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
The romance can develop in different ways depending on how the player interacts with Ny'fein, and I feel like there's a happy romance ending and a sad one.
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
A little spiteful and they certainly carry a grudge about it. Ny'fein immediately starts sleeping around, loudly, just to irritate Tav.
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
What does he desire most? What does he wish to destroy, more than anything? When do they feel most themselves?
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
Raised eyebrow, digging through their pouch, handing over a healing potion, a bottle of silver swirling oil that glitters, and a bottle that feels cold. "Trust me, you'll...you'll need these". They would want to participate after Tav x Halsin settle into their relationship.
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
Utter indifference. Their body, their choice. Though, they do worry a little about Tav after Haarlep.
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
They absolutely would, enthusiastically. 
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
A nice quiet life, somewhere nice that's a city without a bhaalist presence. They'd settle down with their polycule or Tav, or just go off on their own. Ny'fein would likely open a small bardic school.
Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
-Ny'fein is OLD. like, really old. But since he's bhaalspawn, he doesn't age properly on top of being notoriously slow-to-age-drow. -If Tav is evil, Ny'fein really struggles to stay in the party and if Tav wants to keep them it's constant persuasion rolls. -In act 2, if Kressa has Ny'fein, when you find him, he's is in the middle of being experimented on and uses the tadpole to call out to you. He compels you to rescue him and apologizes for it after. -I very much believe that if they're recruited at moonrise, they have an accelerated romance path with Tav, and are particularly inclined to romance Tav if Tav is with Astarion/Astarion and Halsin -I think that the moment he sees Gortash, there's an oddly intimate cut scene between Gortash and Ny'fein, with everyone kinda...lookin' on awkwardly. I think Karlach would be LIVID and need convincing to stay in the party after Ny'fein's past is revealed, especially because I HC Ny'fein and Gortash as former lovers. -I don't think Ny'fein ever met or knew Karlach, but I think Karlach wouldn't care too much about that. -Tav can kick Ny'fein out after learning who they are, and Ny'fein will still show up as a support character at the elder brain as long as Orin has already been handled. -As for fighting Orin, I feel like having Ny'fein in party means Orin has to be handled shortly after taking the rooms at the elfsong. It would be a timed thing and if it isn't handled, Ny'fein dies. -Sarevok would give Tav additional information and a map to save Ny'fein/take down Orin. -Orin will have definitely tortured Ny'fein. When you arrive at the temple, Ny'fein is very battered and bloodied.
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venusdevotea · 6 months
My Tavs!
I've been lurking on BG3 tumblr for a while, but I wanted to finally make a proper post showing off my characters! I've got a couple of campaigns going on, and I'm always looking to make new characters and explore different playstyles and think of fun lore. It's been so awesome to connect with other members of the community too, namely @basketobread's gorgeous mind and OC's, creator our best girl Lunara!
Without further ado, here is my first Tav Tal'riia!
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I had originally named her Karliah after the legendary archer of the nightingales in Skyrim, but then got annoyed that her name was too similar to Karlach's, so I changed it. I usually run rogues or clerics in my irl dnd campaigns, so again she was originally a rogue but then quickly realized Astarion was a rogue too so.... to make more sense having him in my party all the time, I changed her class to ranger and holy hell was that sick as FUCK. I made her strong type at first so she gives off femme himbo vibes (lovable loser rizz) because GOD I missed like half of the content in my first run.
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She is a Seladrine Drow Ranger!! Honestly haven't thought much of her personal lore because I just went for what I thought sounded super awesome to me off rip. I don't have any pictures of her in scene, because I just didn't think to take more tbh and I wasn't super proud of many of my choices and the things I missed in my excitement to finish the game asap to then.... start my next run!
Which brings us to my next two OC's, a re-run of Tal'riia's story and my first Durge Muerta! I... ended up deleting my first campaign and ran a whole do-over, since like I said, I felt increasingly dumb as time went on and after consuming more and more bg3 content online, I realized just how much I had missed in my first campaign.... SO brings us to a re-realized Tal'riia with a different skillset and playstyle. I went for sorcerer/tempest cleric, because I had heard how strong that build was, and with the cheats ring I got from the basket equipment mod, I had a lot of fun playing around. I've got a couple pics of her here:
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Tal'riia 2: Electric Boogaloo Seladrine Drow Sorcerer/Tempest Cleric (I'll post more pics of her when I get back to her story!)
Of course had to also start my first Durge Run, which I chose to go a good route (I'm too nice even in rp to go full evil, but idk, I might try it soon!) and I decided to run an eldrich fighter Durge because I feel fighter makes more sense of a chosen of Bhaal than a sorcerer? But idk that's just me. Here's Muerta!
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I actually have such an unhealthy obsession with her Muerta Half Wood-Elf Eldrich Knight Fighter (Yes the lightning jabber build) Heart of gold, little murder-y at times, but ultimately does resist her Urges. What's a little murder between friends!! Red rum is my drink of choice at a bar! POV: Durge is also casually your bff. Honestly pretty normal. Just don't meet the parents...... or the sister.
I'll share my next campaign in a separate post here. This campaign I'm running based on my dnd character I'm playing in an irl campaign with friends! I made our whole party in the character selection screen, but only moved forward with my character because.... there's only so many unfinished adventures I can have lol.
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Discussion about durge & the overall theme of breaking the cycle of abuse or becoming the abuser in bg3 Evil Durge ending spoilers ahead
So I recently finished my evil durge run and during the entire game i thought to myself "Ofc embracing Bhaal is the bad choice here, it's a situation like Shadowheart and Shar. But honestly for my character it isn't bad at all, he enjoys being a murder machine and he'd love to serve his Father as the Chosen. This somehow doesn't feel as bad as other bad-ending choices, though I have no doubt the good choice will feel very meaningful."
And I kept that opinion pretty firmly till the end bc accepting Bhaal seemingly didn't have much consequence (Note: I previously never defied the Butler either so I hadn't experienced ANY punishments for that at all, my character wanted to kill, so did Bhaal, seemed like a win-win, despite knowing narratively speaking this would be the bad ending).
But the very last choice (technically second last if you count telling your party what you just did as a choice) in the game really brought to light the part of the dynamic I was still questioning till the end,
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(everyone say hi to my evil Durge E'stir, he likes to murder and when Auntie Ethel fusses over him but he'd never admit that) Yes my character enjoyed killing blindly with no regard to whom, only caring about how many he'd kill, yes he enjoyed indulging in his urges, of course he was elated to learn he's actually Bhaals True Chosen, what better fate for a murder hobo than to be the very flesh and blood of the murder lord himself? But that very last 'choice', really showed that this wasn't a good ending, not even for him, because it isn't a choice and he'll likely never get to make a choice again, ever. As much as he'd have enjoyed bringing the world to ruin, it'll now never be out of his free will.
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so much even that even in this moment of clarity (regret even?) he could not have made a choice.
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the price for ultimate power was a total loss of control. And unlike with the companions, this price never seemed that drastic. Durge was never good, Durge never suffered at the hands of Bhaal, Bhaal has always been there, nurtured them. Unlike the others, this wasn't a path away from the light, this was never a choice of giving up on your goodness to embrace a dark power. Durge was already evil, this was just taking back your lost legacy. There was no moment before Bhaal, there was no humanity in the Bhaalspawn, a Bhaalspawn like no other. And yet the price paid is ultimately even more devastating than that of the other companions, yes Astarions soul is lost and his emotions get twisted, but as twisted as it is now he still has a form of free will (though it will never be the will of spawn Astarion again), same goes for Gale, yes he's no longer Gale Dekarios and won't act like his old self anymore but he's still acting out of an own will. Yes Wyll will continue to have to follow Mizoras will, but even then we know he can defy her, not without consequences but he can. (Side Note: I don't think Karlach even gets an evil ending? Like she imeadiatly dips on you if you slaughter the grove so her only bad ending is... well every ending but they're not evil endings) Halsin & Jaheira are entirely excluded, they're not even infected. And Minsc doesn't have a character arc either as far as I've seen (only bg3, ive heard he's in previous games (I shall play them one day)). The only two coming close to Durge in this are Shadowheart and Lae'zel but even then the arguement can be made that they still have a chance to look past their goddesses deception and break free. Not without high punishment of course, but the possibility is still there, Durge can have doubts & regrets all they want, they can do nothing about it.
Durge is essentially the narrative opposite of all other companions, the only one who goes from truely evil to getting a chance at redemption via the tadpole, everyone gets a chance at betterment via the tadpole (except Minthara lmao, she still gets that chance just not via tadpole, quite the opposite actually) and some were even questionable people before the tadpole (looking at you Minthara-) but even then they were all products of their environment. But can Durge truely be a product of their upbringing if they re quite literally Bhaals flesh and blood, solely created to bring ruin upon the world? And if the answer is 'No, Durge only exists to bring pain, by nature they're evil'... what's that prayer for forgiveness about?
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spellshite · 7 months
BG3 Masterlist because yes
Since I'm brainrotting too much about BG3 I thought it'd be a good idea to make a masterlist to find stuff because I either tag messily or Tumblr search function would just not work.
Tags I use:
#bg3 shitpost <- gaming tag? kinda? i use it for all my runs-related things and commentary
#tav: kylech <- things about Kylech
#durge: hrodak <- things about Hrodak
#durge: xarann <- things about Xarann
#tav: uruz <- things about Uruz
#durge: jaws <- things about Jaws
#tav: zenith <- things about Zenith
#tav: lukyen <- things about Lukyen
#tav: tav'keth <- things about Tav'keth
#tav: n'kosana <- things about N'kosana
#my bg3 screenshots <- as it says on the tin (sometimes I put "screenshot")
#my gif edit <- pretty clear
some older posts might be missing the tav/durge tag :( I'll fix it one day, I swear!
(some of) Art I made and shared on my art side blog (@demondepresso)
Sceleritas Fel screenshot redraw [x]
The locket "for papa" [x]
Uruz and (fake) Cherise screenshot redraw [x]
Kiss in the Sharran Temple [x]
Woe! Tadpole be upon ye! [x]
The Spider's Queen Embrace [x]
But isn't it nice? Not to know? [x] (not me giving it a good title after ages rip)
Xarann and Barcus meeting the first time [x]
Hrodak, cover them up slut! [x]
Stop eating the suspicious meat [x]
Astarion and Hrodak first meeting: how it really went [x]
Wizard Stuff [x]
Dror Ragzlin (my very first BG3 Fanart lmao) [x]
PLAYLISTS!!! (bad people only, sorry not sorry)
The Devil You Know (Raphael) [x]
Death is Not the End (Ketheric Thorm) [x]
Bane of my existence (Enver Gortash) [x]
Vampire Lord's Ascension (Cazador Szarr) [x]
Gifs I made: (reverse chronological order bc I messed up when I made the list and I didn't want to redo it again)
I procrastinated and ended up with 1 gif of N'kosana [x]
Gortash (and a bit of Durgetash) for y'all [x]
Jaws Chosen of Bhaal [x]
Jaws (sort of intro gifs? idk) [x]
Bad (Bhaal) Ending Xarann [x]
Bad (Bhaal) Ending Hrodak [x]
Xarann x Gale kisses [x]
Kylech x Wyll kisses [x]
Looked fun [x]
Oh no, not again. [x]
Wandering hand [x]
Stop licking the damn thing! [x]
Like a kitten roaring at a tiger [x]
May I kiss you? (self-indulgent OCxOrigin gifs) [x]
You little scoundrel, you. [x]
Xarann telling Gronag to fetch the bone [x]
Not with you, to be clear [x]
Disciple Z'rell [x]
I won't bite [x]
Mixed gifs (Xarann, Disciple Z'rell, Gale saying "I love you") [x]
Gif mix (Xarann petting Owlbear cub, Shadowheart, Gale, Xarann playing the Spider's Lyre, Xarann and Kar'niss, Kar'niss, Flaming Fist Marcus Landing) [x]
Gale wants to wake up from this nightmare [x]
Xarann pets the Owlbear Cub [x]
If you're expecting me to drop to my knees before you, forget it. [x]
My Tav/Durge infodumping and answers to ask games:
Tavs/Durges Character Sheets (NEW!!) [x]
What is the first thing people notice about their appearance? [x]
About Guardian's appearance [x]
Tav/Durge introduction like the Origin characters [x]
Tav/Durge character sheets [x]
5 Songs 4 Outfits tag game - Xarann [x]
Is your Tav responsible with money? [x]
Ramble about Dream Visitor's appearances and Uruz [x]
Get to Know: Uruz [x]
Get to Know: Xarann [x]
Get to Know: Hrodak [x]
Get to Know: Kylech [x]
Act 1/2/3 looks? idk how to call this [x]
Thoughts on a similarity between Xarann and Araj [x]
Uruz and the locket [x]
DnD Uruz becoming BG3 Uruz [x]
Tav Question(s) Act One [x]
Cooking headcanons [x]
How much does your Tav change over the course of the story? [x]
Tav Asks (6, 11, 19) Kylech, Hrodak, Xarann [x]
Hrodak, answer 4 Baldur's Gate 3 Development Game [x]
Tav as companion game (1, 6, 15) Kylech, Hrodak, Xarann [x]
If Evil Why Hot??? [x]
Jaws the Durge screenshot [x]
Mizora Flesh-to-Stone'd [x]
My Tavs&Durges romance moodboards [x]
My Tavs and Durges as text posts [x]
Uruz and Dream Visitor screenshots [x]
Post fireworks factory shenanigans [x]
Two flavours of Bhaalspawn [x]
"I'm a Bhaalspawn" (Hrodak, Xarann) [x]
vibe chart? [x]
watch me pepe-silviaing about the rats in the Gauntlet [x]
"You bleat well enough as it is" [x]
Xarann & friends hate Sceleritas [x]
Fetch the bone, but as screenshots instead [x]
Ask Games I reblogged:
Get to know your Tav [x]
Baldur's Gate 3 Character Development Questions [x]
26 Questions for your Tav as a Companion [x]
20 Tav QOTDs [x]
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