#Gale >:( such a downer
hiddenbysuccubi · 9 months
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I was sleeping on the bear when I should have been sleeping WITH the bear.
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galedekarios · 11 months
It's possible we could be getting hugs one day. Saw someone share datamined Shadowheart lines about her and PC hugging today.
thank you for your message, anon. 🖤 i would like that very much! i saw that datamine as well and think it would be a lovely addition for all companions.
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blissfulalchemist · 1 year
Wants to just explore the setting more in act 1 of bg3 but also wants to put druid man in party which can't happen until act 2 but then i have to pick between having the rogue be in and out of the party or tossing someone else because like Gale but Thea deserves druid man.........bg3 just let me have 5 people in my party please. I don't want to suffer the imbalance party but I will to get that romance going......
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poetryvampire · 1 month
Well, I feel like utter trash tonight so
Rating BG3 men on how well they'd take care of you on your period
This is dumb and not well thought out and probably a bit bias let's gooo
Gale 🔮 Sweetheart cannot read the room bless him. Is so ready to help easy the pain, he's cracking open dusty books, going through all his herbs, spends all day trying to craft the best potion for your needs. Very sweet but honestly Tara sitting on your lap is doing a fine job. Once you get him to cuddle you're golden 6/10
Wyll ⚔️ Cmon. Are you kidding me? He's got you babe. Need something picked up? Done. Craving something? Made. Just want to lay around in bed all day? Hell yeah he's right there with you, you couldn't get out of his arms if you wanted to.Also a fan of romance novels? Wyll would 100% read to you. Like voices and everything, really amps up the mellow drama. He's happy to keep you laughing or get sultry with it. Makes a great opening act to spicy times. 10/10
Halsin 🐻 Woof. Very happy to help chase away those cramps by some good old fashioned pounding you into the earth. You're not gonna be able to feel anything after he gets his paws on you. Not put off by blood that's nature ba-by. Also pls consider bear sized teddy cuddles. 7/10
Astarion 🍷 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 9/10
Rolan ✨️ As usual baby boy is too awkward to live. Not like super knowledgeable about them but wants to help you the best he can. Won't ask you directly though. Is a very quick study and takes note of what you need and like. If you need space or want to be glued to him hes already in place.If you're the kind of person that's laid up with cramps for a day or two he just happens to have those days off to be with you. You'll go for a hot water bottle and the kettle is already on. Honestly after awhile he knows your cycle better than you do. 8/10
Zevlor 🔥 If there's one thing this man knows it's being sore. It just comes with being a swordsman and an older gentleman. He is a god of working out sore muscles. Feeling achy? He goes all the way. Expect a long bath with a full body massage. He's gonna work out every inch of you and praise you like his personal god. Very patient really gonna go for the slow burn from sensual to sexual. Doesn't even expect anything back just wants to make you feel good. Will turn a downer day into a wildly romantic night. 11/10
Haarlep 😈 Couldnt give less of a shit. It's not that he's put off by it, he's had lots of experience with them but it doesn't do anything for him either. As for your suffering? He's a little empathetic, poor mortal with your poor weak body. That being said he does like you and to cuddle once in awhile so if you need some comfort he'll be there. 3/10
Raphael 👿 Jfc listen, he's waaaaay into it but will Not admit. In fact goes out of his way to let you know how off putting it is. He'll tell you how its nice to know you could still bare his young, like if he let's you. Loves the thought of breeding you and just the simple humanity of it that gets him. He cannot keep his hands off you but again will not admit why and will get mad about it. Like, how dare you look so good now of all times it's so rude. Guess I have to fuck you even though your pathetic little body keeps getting blood on my sheets smh -3/10
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Omg I also wanna talk about Benny and Lu! How much do you think he eventually learns about the depth of her relationship with Spencer and how fucked up her mind/ mentality was during that time?
I like to think he learns almost all or indeed all of it. But plenty is by osmosis. He’s a man who notices things, doesn’t have to ask, doesn’t have to be told, but will if needs be.
But here’s a thought, by the time they get together she’s starting to sort that out herself, realizing ways he belittled her and helped her tear herself apart. So she’s mending that, sometimes when talking or making choices with Benny she will catch herself in some familiar and awful pattern of thought or expression and she feels safe enough and real enough with him to catch it, stop, reform her thoughts and try again all in the same sentence.
And he just lets her, utterly non judgmental.
Eventually, he helps her catch it, too. Little things, but she realizes once he does that for her, that it’s something he’s done for everyone. She’s seen it some with Gale and loads to this very day with Jack, any little self hate or some downer of a verb choice that suggests worthlessness or lack of a belief in a future, and Benny will gently clip Jack’s sentence in half and add in the right thought and then Jack carries on
He starts doing it for Lu eventually. And she appreciates it since it’s a sign of his knowing but also loving the people he cares for. And she’s chief among them now.
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solradguy · 2 months
Little late but I fully get what you mean about taking a break from Guilty Gear. Ever since season 2 of Strive it's felt like the fandom has slowly been getting worse and worse. I feel like a part of it was the massive influx of people Bridget brought in. Fandoms quickly growing brings as many good people as it does bad. I've started distancing myself too because honestly it's just so much to deal with at this point. Sorry if bringing this up again was annoying, just feels good to know someone else gets it and feels the same way.
It 100% started with Bridget, yeah. I like Bridget as a character and her design/new lore with Strive is genuinely really good, but I also feel like it's super fuckin obvious that a large part of her western fanbase was located on 4chan specifically, and her inclusion in Strive brought the game to their attention. Same thing with Elphelt... And now we've got annoying people over the Lucy Cyberpunk thing 🙄
Anyway it's whatever. I'm excited for the new anime and I've been preemptively blocking people bitching about it based on just the one like 2 minute long trailer they've shown of it so far because I'm DONE with the debbie downers and I'm not letting them take this from me LOL Two minutes is NOT enough to judge a series by. Besides, it's the written by the guy that gave us friggin Lightning the Argent and Butterfly & Her Gale, and animated by the same studio that did the Find Your One Way mv. If anything there's more evidence for it kicking ass than sucking.
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thatfreshi · 1 year
"Just Drunk" (Uni AU P. 13)
tw - drunkenness, mentions of abuse
The date with Halsin goes off without a hitch. No funny business happens of course, nothing further than a peck on the cheek. It's late when you get back, with no text from Astarion. At this point it's the early hours of the morning, close to three, and you hear two familiar male voices out in the hall.
"God, I don't know how they made you an RA! You're sloppy drunk right now Astarion, it's embarrassing."
You were about to go to sleep, but apparently not anymore.
"Gale, you're such a Debbie Downer! What, can I not have a little fun?"
"No, not when you can barely walk. Did you drive here?"
"A magician never tells."
When you open your door, rubbing your eyes at the bright lights in the hall, you do indeed see Gale and Astarion, the latter leaning awkwardly against the wall.
"Thank God. Please Tav, talk some sense into him."
At this point, your albino friend is laughing to himself over nothing, clearly hysterical.
"Oh Gale, you think Tav can fix this? You think any of you can fix this?! I'm doomed! Entirely doomed! And there's nothing either of your sorry souls can do about it."
You don't know what to say. Sure, he said he was going to go get drunk, but you figured it was the kind of thing where he'd have like three drinks and just get a little loose, have some fun.
"Aster, did you really drive back to campus like this?"
Deep down, you know he's not going to answer your question with any reason, and it pains you. Everything about him right now pains you, in a way you've never felt before.
"So what if I did? Should I have called you, asked for you to drive me home? So you can keep saying pretty things at me, so you can keep getting my hopes up?"
He slides to sit down in the hallway while you and Gale just watch, unable to look away.
"It's just like he says you know. Without the magazines covers, the fashion shows, I'm nothing! Just some sad broke kid who wanted to go to law school. What a joke..."
You go to grab his hand to pull him up, to try and lead him back to his room, but he pulls the sleeve down as he stands, showing Gale all the scabbed marks you saw before, back when they were open wounds.
"Look! You think I'm so pretentious right? That my life is so perfect? Look Gale, look at them! Think you're so cool now huh? All those times you and Shadowheart talked behind my back... and now you want to be friends? All because some stranger told you I'm a good person?"
You're holding him up at this point as Gale stands in shock, unsure of what to say.
"Astarion, you need to go back to your room now. This isn't helping anyone."
You motion to Gale to help you with the lanky drunk, and he comes to your aid, trying to avert his gaze from that ripped-up arm. When you get the chance, you pull his sleeve back down. After a lot of mumbling from Astarion and some awkward movement down the hall, you get to his door. Luckily the RA master keys work on all the rooms, so Gale scans in. You lead him into his bedroom.
"Gale, can you get some water? God damn it Astarion, why?"
He's not all there anymore, starting to lose the rage he had before he got back into his room. Mumbles come out of his mouth, words you don't hear as you take off his shoes.
"What did you say?"
"I said... how was Halsin? He's a sweet one, isn't he?"
"Don't worry about that right now Aster, we need to get you some water and you need to get to bed."
As if on cue, Gale comes in with a cup.
"I don't want it from him."
Astarion glares at his fellow RA, and you motion for him to leave.
"I got it, thank you so much Gale, really."
He leaves the cup with you and makes his way out of the dorm. You try to hand the pale man the water, but he simply ignores you, staring somewhere that isn't even existent. Instead, you leave the water on his nightstand, and try to get him to lie down. When he does finally go supine, you sit by him on the bed for a moment, realizing just how horrible you feel. He tries to say something, but drifts off, falling asleep soon after.
After you know he's fully unconscious, something in you just snaps, and you start sobbing. It's impossible. His entire situation is simply impossible, and he's right. There's nothing you can do about it. You can say all the nice things you want, give him all the stuff he already knows, but there's no way out. At least not an easy one. Something in your heart winces though, as if you need to throw up, you're filled with both concern and disgust. This soul you've gotten to know so quickly, he's become such a staple, and yet lives are so fleeting. What if he hadn't made it back? Even worse, what if he had hurt someone else on the way back? That fear swallows you whole, and you decide not to leave, instead walking out to sleep on the couch.
When you awake the next morning, it's to the sound of the damned espresso machine. You rub your eyes, and look up towards the kitchenette, and surely enough there's Astarion, wide awake, even if he looks like a train wreck. For the first time ever, you see his hair a mess.
"Good morning."
He sips his coffee, and you slowly sit up. You're not sure what to say, the night prior very clear in your head. When you do go to open your mouth, he talks before you can start.
"I'm sorry you had to see that spectacle last night. I expected you'd be in bed with the hippie."
With coffee in hand, he walks over to sit next to you on the couch.
"Been a while since I've been quite that drunk."
"You... you really scared me."
Your eyes well with tears again.
"I was fine darling, just drunk."
"Yeah, but you were saying a lot of scary, sad things. You, you showed Gale your arm, yelled at him."
"I remember, sadly. Guess I'll have to deal with that at some point, but I have to leave for the fitting soon."
"You're still going to that?"
"Of course. Tav, this isn't optional. Cazador, he's not the kind that you just play disappearing games with."
That hopelessness from last night, it swims back into your system, infecting your entire nervous system. You're sick to your stomach.
"You can't! You can't... you can't go."
You're choking out sobs at this point, begging some kind of higher power to undo all of this. Astarion doesn't know what to say, unsure why you're crying so much. This is just life, and the lows are extremely low.
"That's not how it works darling. I have to. It's just how things are."
There's nothing else to say, because he's right. It just hurts, to watch him in pain, and you know only more awaits after last night's choice to ignore Cazador's phone call.
"I'll be okay. I've been through worse."
And then he gives you a weak smile, but it's genuine. A tear drops out of one of his eyes, landing on the couch.
"Now, it's best if you get going. But maybe I'll see you later?"
"Yeah... yeah, I'll see you later."
You get up and wipe at your eyes, grabbing your phone off the coffee table.
"Oh, and how were things with Halsin?"
How could he even ask about such a thing, at a moment like this?
"It... it was fine."
In truth, it was much better than fine. And yet, the memory fades in comparison to this, to what you feel right now. But, just what is it? He says nothing in return, and you leave, letting the question of what feeling is nagging at you haunt you for the rest of the day.
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dynamite124 · 9 months
Ooo, Taliesin's Gate questions, sign me up. Here's a few (very earlygame only, so as to avoid spoilers): 1. How would you find Taliesin postcrash? 2. How would he react to the knowledge that there's a tadpole in his head? 3. How would he react to finding out what ceremorphosis does, and that he's got 7 days to live? 4. What would his default camp clothes/tent space look like? 5. Are there any companions that would get a "Taliesin disapproves" blip for adding to the roster?
So I'm unable to play Baldur's Gate III due to lack of space on my computer, but I can use my imagination and I have my Astarion replace for Taliesin to fill in the gaps. ;__;
Maybe someday, I'd love to make a Taliesin Tav and do a playthrough as how Taliesin would.
I honestly don't know how to answer this one because I can't play the game so I'm unaware of the maps or names of the land.
2. Oh absolute DRAMA! He would feel VIOLATED to no end, probably constantly taking baths or looking up herbal remedies in a spiral of declining denials thinking it's something simple like the flu. "Maybe...if I take a REALLY hot bath and dunk my head in it, it'll die! Yes that's what I'll do! It's so simple! haha!"
3. Like the Debbie Downer he is during times of crisis where HE'S personally affected, Taliesin immediately vers into the negative side of things. Coming to the conclusion that they're not going to make it and makes a bucket list of things he wants to do before turning. Maybe a new hair cut? Trying something new? Admitting or becoming more forward with his feelings and opinions. Things like that, he lets go of doubt because he's out of time and just does things without a second thought.
4. Even when out on the road, Taliesin really doesn't have a clear definition of "casual" in his dictionary. He might wear something ridiculously flamboyant and not very appropriate for camping! He may need to be taken shopping for something better down the line!
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His tent space he'll keep organized. His tent style would probably look like the classic tents you'd see around the War camps of Skyrim, tall with a cot, several boxes set up for makeshift shelves where he can books lined up. A few fur blankets to keep himself warm and comfy, a little tea set on a tiny table, a rug to keep himself separated from the dirt, and another table where he can sit down and work on Berwhale, sharpening and cleaning him to make sure he's ready to do some stabbing! and a little area where Naomi can keep close and rest herself.
Astarion: Remains neutral. Considering his own introduction in Skyrim with the Dragonborn, he has no grounds for arguing about poor first impressions.
Shadowheart: Taliesin Approves
Gale: Remains neutral.
Wyll: Taliesin Approves
Lae'zel: Remains Neutral.
Karlach: Taliesin Greatly Approves
Halsin: Taliesin Greatly Approves
Minthara: Taliesin Disapproves
Minsc: Taliesin Approves
Jaehira: Remains neutral.
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andrewknightley · 7 months
OK SO I FINISHED BG3 thoughts and stuff under the cut (spoilers obvs) . Pals and mutuals that played feel free to comment it with me, and also wyll enjoyers pls do interact fkfkdk
SPOILER about the ending
-Ok so i was playing a good tav dwarf paladin romancing wyll, got my team of wyll/lae'zel/karlach, but lae'zel felt like the real main character of this story and honestly its what she deserves.
-got orpheus and turned him into a mind flayer sorry bro. and then the emperor gets angry and fights with the baddies. like gosh this guy sucks
-saved the day yadda yadda and lae'zel went away to guide her kind and LOOK SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER i was so sad but i knew it was what she wanted but IT PAINS ME
-then gale leaves me to become a god, and then astarion gets attacked by the sun and runs away and im like wow this ending is such a downer everyone is leaving me
-Ok so i cried like a baby like. i fucked up i dont know what i did wrogn i cant believe karlach is gonna die im SOBBING
-But wyll is like "WE CAN LIVE ALL FIGHTING DEMONS IN HELL" and got the coolest shit ever of these 3 going on adventures like you dont know HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS ENDING!!! im so happy aaah TOT
-then there is the epilogue and it's the cutest thing i can hug shadow heart and halsin and karlach :_) tried with astarion but i dont know if its impossible or i had him too low (every companion loves me but he finds me acceptable fgoihdgfjiodgio) anyways i wanted to hug all my friends
-gale is a god and like good for him but im like ??? damn we dont see his mission or anything he does this all off screen?? i wanted to see his struggles and stuff idk i wanted to see the FEELINGS
-anyways idk if i got a bug or something but when i get to talk with people about what i am doing is just me and karlach and 0 mention of wyll idk why TOT let me talk about my romantic companion pls
-also i had like 2 options to talk with romanced wyll and way more conver with astarion wich again i didnt even have very high on his love for me (i do love him and my chara frienenemy status tho) but why only 2 options for wyll i wanna talk with him moreeee at the end
-he did blow me a kiss it was the cutest thing tho
-Again idk if i got a bug but i never get anyone commenting on my relationship with wyll and i know the companions gossip about karlach and probs other charas >-<
-i heard a friend who had to kill karlach to get to see her gale ending so i tried in another save to see what happened (it was awful btw) and that was the only way to get an extra scene of wyll telling me to go for mizora and having other people aknowledge him in the epilogue (just with jaheira it lets me say wyll, with astarion and shadow heart they gave me answer like "oh im with my lover" and such instead of by name)
-i am a big fan of wyll but not so much of wyll missions, like they are fun to play but gosh i wanted the cool FEELINGS moments like lae'zel, shadow heart, astarion and karlach had, i feel he is straight up a classic hero tale and i want to see this man overwhelming with feelings of all the stuff he suffered. also more stuff with the dad idk i couldnt even tell him im with his son that could had been cool
-gale also feels like ???? he didnt have a proper mission and was like off screen wich is a bit weird to me ??
-my fav chara is wyll and then second lae'zel who is perfect 0 notes on her 100% increible. Then Do Not Make Me Choose for the other origin companions i cant. I love them so much. I didn't like astarion at first and i was like "really this is the man all my friends and everyone is obsessed about??" but then act 3 arrived and i was like Ah. I Get It Now. I would say my less fav is gale but because i didnt bring him anywhere so next game im def paying him more attention.
-anyways i could have some notes but in general i fucking loved this game so much TOT
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miareadsbooks · 1 year
Fourth wing (Rebecca Yarros) - MY REVIEW
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“A dragon without its rider is a tragedy, A rider without their dragon is dead.”
If somebody asked me what this book was like, I would simply say “Hunger games meets how to train your dragon.” As there is so many similarities there, and that is the best comparison I could give!!
The world building was super easy to understand, and not all at once, so the information was easy to digest. I was hooked from page 10!!
You can definitely compare the characters to the hunger games!! Violet as Katniss, Xaden as Peeta, Dain as Gale, Mira as Cinna, Jack as Cato, Imogen as clove, and Rhiannon as Joanna!! (There are so many more but I will run out of space haha!!)
I loved Xaden and Violet, but my god did their story kill me. The length of the book was very intimidating, and I didn’t like how long it took for them to even kiss, Never-mind get together! I usually hate slow burns so this was a downer, but the pay off was definitely worth it!!
As well as this, I really disliked Dain as he was such a pick me! He just gave “Pick me, choose me, love me.” vibes every where he went. Especially when he kept repeating “If you won’t leave here for you, at least do it for me.” SIR. YOU ARE A WALKING TALKING ICK. PLEASE JUST STOP. Why can’t you just accept that Violet has to do this? And rather than make her feel guilty and upset, just help her?
The dragons were super cool, And I really enjoyed the overall story, as well as her writing style!! I will definitely be reading a book from her again :)
Despite these few bad things, this book was still a five star read for me!! That ending was incredible and I genuinely loved this book🥰 It also also reminded me why I got into reading. It was a great escape and an overall really fun read!!
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maryallenc · 2 years
thoughts on weak hero class 1 and wishes if season 2 is gonna happen
i get the change in sooho's character in the drama, i do, and it makes sense and i do like some aspects of it
admittedly i still prefer that innately kind and eccentric boy whos lowkey embarrassing and kinda shameless
ridiculously charitable and takes the initiative to provide what he can to make things better for everyone using the money and prizes he earns instead of using it for himself
whos not really a fighter from the webtoon
live action sooho's got the vibes, but i cant help but notice how similar he was to ben park
if season 2 happens and it follow sieun in eunjang, then lets assume that the same characters in the webtoon would be adapted
and unlike with sooho, id really prefer it if they dont change ben's character too much
ben is a stone pillar, and hes warm and open
i kinda want them to really lean in with sieun seeing sooho's image in ben
speaking of sieun seeing sooho's image in his new friends, im looking forward to eugene gale
eugene is basically sieun's first friend in eunjang, and we got our first hint of sieun's backstory with sooho by eugene reminding sieun of sooho
esp with the latest chapters in the webtoon too
on the other hand, eugene is also basically a foil for beomseok, whos a lot more relevant in the drama than in the webtoon. so thats gonna be great too
anyway, id really prefer it if live action weak hero in eunjang would be basically sieun's healing journey after the disaster downer that was class 1
adapting sieun's backstory for the live action was pretty smart, esp as the vibes of that flashback arc is a perfect fit for the typical school bullying genre in kdramas
if theyre adapting the main eunjang story, i understand that theyd tone down the action fighting genre thing
so its gonna be a dark school drama again, esp with the war with union plot
but again!
i want it to be mainly sieun's healing journey with his new eunjang friends gradually getting close
like seriously theyre all so fucking soft for sieun and i want to see that in the drama
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bcofl0ve · 11 months
“Not every review will be a glowing review.” This was for a movie he WASNT EVEN IN! Can you accept that people treat him shitty here and in the industry? And that he doesn’t deserve that? But it will be very tough for him to get jobs when he’s treated like a joke, and every breath he takes gets 200,000K hating on him. Nobody wants to deal with for their projects that if they don’t have to. They will get less controversial actors. It’s time to come to reality. All of you.
he was the last person to play elvis in a major motion picture. he’s going to be mentioned when the next one is coming a little over one year later. yes people on twitter are assholes but no- i won’t accept that he’s screwed because he’s fucking not and i don’t know how many times i can say that twitter is not real life and hes not going to lose work when THE DIRECTORS HE WORKS WITH, the actual fucking people that count and that can influence his casting in things, speak extremely highly of him. masters of air was so willing to work with him after elvis that they hired a dialect coach, an expense to them, to help him with un-elvising his voice. if they didn’t want to do that they would’ve found someone else to play gale but they didn’t do that did they?
maybe you’ll find a willing audience for this boohooing with the people on here who are doomering about him having halloween fun with his girlfriend’s parents but you no longer have one with me. this is a firm boundary and if you send another anon like this you will be blocked. i’d love to talk again someday if you get off your high horse with wanting fans of someone to be downers about his career. until then this is the end of the road for us.
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galedekarios · 10 months
Do you think it's foolish to think that in the "and more!" we get a Gale fix for his kiss too? Or idk maybe a fix for Wyll's Act 3 romance scene not even popping up? Been wanting to finish the game, my 1st character romanced Gale and I am dead afraid to finish Act 3 with her in case the ending could be bugged with him too... and it makes me miss something.
Then I made a cleric to romace Wyll and he is bugged in Act 3 too...
I feel so let down by Larian at this point... I had a completely new window open with guides (so I won’t miss anything, and as a first time d&d type of gamer, I seriously still need the help with spells n such) and just closed all of them at this point today... I am so mad at them for treating every other companion so much worse than their lil babygirl Astarion (derogatory)...
i don't want to be a downer, anon. i really don't. but honestly? at this point, i'd just not expect much - or anything at all. and if i'm wrong, this way, we all can be pleasantly surprised. i know i would be.
but to be frank... i have been trying to give larian the benefit of the doubt for three years now. the entirety of ea my thought process had been that they need the feedback they asked for and time to refine the game after they take in the prob endless amounts of ideas and critiques that people had, that they have learned a lot of things from their mistakes of dos2 and strive to not repeat them, that they have their own statistics and numbers, which they must be using...
...only for the game to turn out the way it is now.
(and i do want to stress that despite it all - despite many, many, many criticism - i do adore aspects of it over any other game. i feel like i'm obligated to point that out whenever i'm being negative or critical.
it's my favourite game because it has my favourite ocs, my friends' ocs, and gale, who has become my favourite character across media, and some of the stories / arcs contained within it are beautifully done.)
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hanalghilan · 9 months
for the oc asks:
tavira 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 18
nel 1, 9, 10, 15
LORD okay
[ random oc nsfw asks ]
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4. Are they more of a dom, sub, or switch? If applicable, are they a top, bottom, or vers?
Switch. Truly content to lead or follow, but she leans a bit more on the dom side but she does also enjoy being taken for a ride.
5. Do they have any really out-of-left-field kinks/fantasies? Maybe even something that they wouldn't necessarily want to act on but have still thought about?
She's got a bit of a voyeurism streak so the idea of stealing away to another room at a party is a common one, but the genuinely real one she doesn't know if she would act on is to fuck while flying.
9. What's their favorite way to get in the mood? How do they set the mood?
Pretty traditional, candles, wine, soft music, etc. In order to get a riser out of her partner tho, she will tease. Staying out of reach, "accidentally" revealing too much. Pushing buttons and boundaries.
11. Are they attracted to anyone (specific person or just negative qualities) they really shouldn't be?
This is a tough one and a bit of a downer but probably people who don't treat her well. Gale is the outlier as far as partner devotion goes. Too much time thinking she's unlovable.
12. Would they be more or less likely to send a risky/risque text to their partner in the middle of a crowded/public area?
She's already sent it, she's about to send three more after Gale's over the top reaction.
18. Their favorite actions during sex--chin-grabbing, hair-pulling, wrists being pinned, etc.
Hair pulling for sure. She has to convince Gale that she wants it and it doesn't hurt to get him to do it, but the first time he wraps her braid around his hand while behind her, she convinces him pretty easily. Otherwise, she enjoys being on top and, as the answer for 9 might suggest, teasing.
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1. Are there any names they like to be called in bed/names they call their partner? Any names they wouldn't use/can't stand?
all i can think about is someone trying to call him "cornelius" in bed and both getting the ick. i think tho he would avoid anything too diminutive like babe or baby because his half-siblings' mother called them baby and Not Him
9. What's their favorite way to get in the mood? How do they set the mood?
aww my two alcoholics together. no but seriously, he's used to fucking in crowded taverns and on boats, The Mood is irrelevant... he's always kinda horny
10. Are they down for casual one-night stands?
his bread and butter. the real question is can he fathom not running away from everyone he catches feelings for
15. Describe their favorite sexual encounter.
frankly, he doesn't remember most of them because he sucks but he dated a wizard for a little while that rocked his world a couple times
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we-ask-beforewe-bite · 2 months
Dribbles the Clown: Finally - someone with steel in their spine! Come on up! Before we begin, I owe you all a most humble apology. This wasn't how the show was supposed to go. I chose you - yet you refused me. So know that this ... is all your fault.
[ Full transcript ⇩ ]
Dribbles the Clown: Buddy the dog is my very best friend, Do you know why? Quinton: why? Dribbles the Clown: Because with him, anything is paw-sable. Wa-hey! Gale: Hmm. Not to my taste, but I'll take a clown over some hack magician pulling peonies from his breeches. Dribbles the Clown: Did you hear about the scarecrow who lost a fight? Elijah: BOO! GET OFF THE STAGE! Dribbles the Clown: You hear that, Buddy? We've got ourselves a Debbie Downer! Quinton: Booo. Dribbles the Clown: Thank you to the loudmouth for volunteering for my next trick! Now, where, oh where are you..? Narrator: A bloodthirsty rush of fury engulfs you. You want to butcher the crowd, women and children alike, and soak in their innards. It is glorious. Dribbles the Clown: You - my special assistant. Come on up. Elijah: [the fiend][insight]: Fix the clown with your patron's fiendish gaze. Narrator: Your patron's truesight does not reveal any simple glamour or illusions at play. It does, however, pick up something else. The clown's eyes are brimming with evil intent. Dribbles the Clown: Come now, don't be a Cowardly Connie, Perhaps you need a little encouragement.Now, up, up - double sharp! Or poor Buddy here might think you don't like him. Elijah: Cross your arms and glare. Dribbles the Clown: Have I only mice in the audience, or does someone here know the meaning of courage. Quinton: I'll do it. Dribbles the Clown: Finally - someone with steel in their spine! Come on up! Before we begin, I owe you all a most humble apology. This wasn't how the show was supposed to go. I chose you - yet you refused me. So know that this ... is all your fault.
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falsesighted · 9 months
15. someone they used to view positively, but now view negatively 
16. someone they used to view negatively, but now view positively
15: Gale is a man he had heard of and actually thought would be a nice guy!
By mistake standards he is quite a nice guy but well..after a less than successful wizarding duel with the more classically trained spellcaster, Aljari opinions of him have dipped into the negatives. He would never admit it but he is quite jealous of the man’s superior skill.
16: Shadowheart. He used to chalk the woman up to nothing but a sarcastic downer. Most things she said elicited an eye-roll or sigh before he practically begged her to lighten up or stop commenting on every little thing that happened. Though as time moved on, and she opened up and especially after Shar’s Temple Aljari realized she has a reason for the way she is. He realizes that her sarcasm is more than dry complaints and he realized that perhaps he should stop being so judgmental to others…
He may have also realized that he harbors some stronger feelings for the Shar worshiper…
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