#(I have no save before killing the end Big Bad on my first run so Kieran gets no epilogue OR romance) God!
hiddenbysuccubi · 9 months
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I was sleeping on the bear when I should have been sleeping WITH the bear.
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
eddie's flat ass (steddie)
Dustin whips around as soon as they’re alone. “Steve!”
“I’m Eddie.”
“No, I mean you and Steve. You like him.”
“Of course I like him, Henderson,” Eddie says flatly, pressing a little harder on the gas in hopes of getting to Dustin’s house before he admits something he regrets. “We’re friends. Best buds. A couple of dudes being bros.”
“You’re full of shit,” Dustin says. “I’m not stupid. I saw that. I wish I hadn’t, but I saw it. You’re, like, stupidly into him. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie mutters. His street can’t come soon enough. 
Dustin pushes through. “When are you gonna ask him out?”
“Uh, never?”
“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” Eddie rolls his eyes. “Nothings going to happen, Henderson. Yeah, I’ve got a stupid fucking crush on your babysitter, it doesn’t mean that Steve’s interested in me. He likes girls, Dustin, did you miss that part in the dossier? He thinks we’re a couple of straight guys horsing around, if he found out I was flirting with him I could be thrown into Hunt the Freak 2: the thrilling sequel.”
Dustin’s mouth snaps shut, and he laughs nervously. “Right,” he agrees. “He likes girls. But, uh, hypothetically, if he was into guys…”
They roll to a stop sign, and Eddie turns away from the road to tell the little shit off. But Dustin’s fidgeting, staring steadfast at the road and refusing to meet his eye. 
“You know something,” he realizes. 
Eddie’s about to shake it out of him. “You’re hiding something, you little shit. What is it? Tell me.”
“I’m not,” he squeaks. 
“Bull-shit you aren’t. What is it? Is it about Steve?” Eddie pales. “Shit, does he know about me?”
“What the hell?!”
“I didn’t tell him!” Dustin yelps. “If you didn’t want him to know, maybe you shouldn’t have been so obvious!”
“Check your tone,” he snaps, hand shaking as he pulls on his hair. “Shit, shit, shit, okay, it’s fine, I just need to flee the country—“
Eddie is this close to throttling the kid. “What do you mean why?”
“Why is this such a big deal?”
“It could get me killed!” He shouts, banging a hand against the steering wheel. “He could—he could fucking tell somebody, and—“
“He wouldn’t do that!”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know that? You think someone’s a good guy until you’re interested in them, and then it’s all ‘You’re fucking disgusting,’ or ‘Freak,’ or ‘Don’t touch me, you fa—‘“
“Stop!” Dustin shouts, white knuckling the armrest. “Eddie, stop. He’s not going to tell anyone. It’s gonna be okay. It’s fine.”
“It’s not.”
“It’s fine,” Dustin stresses. “Steve doesn’t care if you’re gay. He definitely doesn’t mind you flirting with him.”
“You don’t know that,” Eddie says. 
“Yeah I do.”
There’s that deer in headlights look again. Then Dustin takes a deep breath, and his expression turns guilty. 
“I know you’re not supposed to tell people this,” he says, “but you’re freaking out really bad and I’m, like, 99% sure Steve thinks you already know.”
“Steve thinks I know what?”
Dustin tells him. 
Two hours later, he’s still laying on the floor in the trailer, looking up at the ceiling. 
Bisexual. Steve Harrington, the man Eddie’s always hailed as the patron saint of heterosexuality, likes men. 
Might like Eddie. 
“Are you flirting with me?” Eddie blurts out, and immediately tries to bolt. 
He runs face first into a wall and ends up on the ground, wishing the demobats had just killed him. 
Steve appears in his line of vision, standing over his sprawled body. Eddie is treated to a wonderful view, eyes moving from his long, athletic legs to his crotch to his chest and broad shoulders, and finally reaches his face. His very amused face. 
Eddie’s entire body lights on fire. 
“What the hell was that?” Steve asks, laughing. 
“Wile E Coyote over here. Seriously, man, that was some Loony Toons shit. I’m embarrassed for you.”
“Oh my God, shut up,” he groans. “Just let me die.”
“No way in hell. Sorry, Munson, I put too much work into saving your flat ass to throw it away like that.” Steve grins, holding a hand out for Eddie to take. He ignores it, rolling over so Steve can’t see how red his face is. 
“My ass isn’t flat,” he mumbles into the carpet. 
“Oh, it is,” Steve says cheerfully, nudging said ass with his foot, because he’s a bastard. Eddie doesn’t know why he likes him so much. Everything he does is catastrophically bad for his continued survival. “It’s cute though. I like it.”
“Henderson said, uh, that you were…umm…maybeflirtingwithme?” Eddie finishes in a rush. 
Steve’s face is open, automatically tilting his right ear towards Eddie. Eddie doesn’t know if he’s aware that’s something he does. Robin says it’s because of all the concussions, his left ear just isn’t what it used to be. 
Eddie sags, unable to lie to his wide-eyed confusion. “Dustin said you're flirting with me.”
Steve stares at him. 
Eddie fidgets under his incredulous gaze, growing more anxious by the minute. Oh God, Dustin was wrong. Dustin was wrong about everything. Steve probably doesn’t even actually like boys, Jesus. The whole thing is obviously a bust. Eddie needs to cut and run, maybe make some bullshit excuse about his uncle needing him home even though Steve knows Wayne’s working right now—
“You needed Henderson to tell you that?”
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batterycows · 6 months
Ochako’s Confession: A Togachako Analysis
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I don't usually write down or post analysis, but if I didn't put this down somewhere I was at risk of grabbing a stranger off the street and asking whether they knew about the doomed toxic yuri in hit manga series My Hero Academia.
Now, I think it was expected to some degree that Uraraka would have some big cathartic confession where she finally embraced her feelings for Izuku. And while she did admit her feeelings, the moment wasn't... that
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And honestly, why would it be? In the end, Uraraka had no reason to confess her feelings. She didn't suffer from hiding them, on the contrary. Her crush was beginning to hinder her performance as a Hero, and all bottling them up did was help her improve. Sure, suppression is bad and all but ultimately, Uraraka seemed better off pushing her feelings aside. Especially when compared to Toga, who literally broke under the pressure of her hidden feelings. There was nothing pushing Uraraka to confess other than the vague sentiment that “suppressing your feelings is Bad.”
Yet, the importance of being open about your feelings is repeatedly emphasized during Toga's and Uraraka's arcs. It's what drove Toga to villainy, and something she tried to bond with Uraraka over. Something they shared. So the setup for a confession is there, but no satisfying resolution.
That's cause Izuku is a red herring.
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Indeed, being honest about her feelings was vital for Uraraka, but it had nothing to with Izuku. Because the feelings Uraraka was suppressing all along, the ones that she needed to let out, were her feelings for Toga.
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The envy she felt during their first meeting, how lovely she found Toga's smile. How much it troubled Uraraka when it was replaced with tears. Girl likes boy is as conventional as it gets. But a Hero sympathizing for a Villain in a society that dehumanizes them? Now that makes Uraraka kind of weird. And she knows it, that these thoughts go against everything she knows about society, about her role as a Hero. So she tried pushing all that away.
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But she can't run from her feelings forever. And in the end, it's those feelings that allow Uraraka to save the day. Her arc deals with humanization. She wonders "who saves Heroes" until she's wondering "who saves Villains?" and finds that in this case, the answer is each other.
How did Uraraka and Toga save each other? By imitating each other, by being like someone they love.
Uraraka envied Toga's unapologetic openness, so she took a page from her book and told her everything she had been hiding and mulling over since they met. She stopped pushing Toga away and finally answered every one-sided conversation they've had. They're chatting about love, and Uraraka is finally responding.
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A girl's feelings can change the world, and Uraraka being honest about her feelings is what allowed her to reach Toga's heart and save her. This is how Uraraka became a Hero.
Toga also saved Uraraka by imitating her. In a very literal sense by Transforming into Uraraka (being "cute" like Uraraka) but I think also in the way she used her Quirk. Until now, Toga believed the only way for her to live freely was through violence. When her Quirk awakened, Toga used Zero Gravity to kill. But now, she's imitating Uraraka on a deeper level. Uraraka who said her Quirk isn't made to hurt people, so Toga used her own Quirk to save Uraraka. For the first time, she realized she could love and be loved without violence.
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Uraraka and Toga's confrontation was the long awaited end of a conversation. Nearly a year before Toga had tried to bond with Uraraka, asked her whether she liked someone, whether she wanted to be like them? Uraraka finally confessed: Yes, I want to be like you.
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mochatsin · 1 year
A scenario where you find yourself in the middle of trouble against demons who would either want to eat you, ruin the exchange program, and the list goes on. Sometimes, they don’t even need a reason to hurt you. Thankfully, one of the brothers arrives in time before it could get worse. Or tldr, the brothers SNAP as they save you
TW: implied torture and violence note: It’s funny because by the time I finished Satan’s part, there’s a chat on my Obey Me about MC getting full marks on their Curses and Hexes subject because of him and I think it’s a funny coincidence it's like the game can hear me. ------------
In his meeting with Diavolo, they both speculated that a faction must be growing against him, and the best way to sabotage the royal prince is to destroy the exchange program after all. 
Lucifer knows that Solomon can handle himself, but you? He’s not so confident. Sure, you can wield magic and form pacts, but there’s a long way to go and stronger enemies to face. You still didn't have the ability to summon them when you needed it without borrowing magic from the sorcerer. 
So when he heard that you haven’t been home and they couldn’t find you anywhere? His heart was banging in his ears. 
You were in charge of dinner for tonight and went out to buy some food to cater to everyone’s requests. But it’s been how many hours since you’ve left and no one can seem to contact you. Mammon went to fetch you from the grocery where you usually buy what you need, only to find your cracked D.D.D. on the ground along with some blood stains.
Lucifer immediately notifies Lord Diavolo and summons all his brothers. The aura around him is intense and his presence is demanding, rightfully so when the human under his protection suddenly went missing. 
“I want EVERYONE to find them. We are not stopping until they are safe and sound in the House. Even if our hands get dirty. Understood?” He demands, and the brothers are happy to obey with that last part.
They were willing to tear apart the entirety of Devildom just to find you. 
Lucifer ends up finding a lead first, after torturing the poor rebel he found in the dark woods to locate the hideout. He heads straight in while his brothers take care of the rest of the demons. 
You were chained by two guards in a cell. The leader wanted to have you killed in front of the royal prince, to see the horrified look on Diavolo’s face, so he kept you alive long enough.
However, Lucifer barges in the cell, with the head of the leader at his hand before tossing it aside. There is no shred of mercy in his eyes. 
“Let them go. That is an order.” 
In a blink of an eye, the demons are nothing but a puddle of red, and Lucifer is already next to you trying to undo your chains.
“Just look at me, MC. Look into my eyes.” he didn’t want you to see the leftover gore. 
With the injuries and bruises on your skin, he can tell you tried to put up a fight when you were being taken. 
“MC… I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to you sooner. But I’m here now. You’re safe in my arms, so rest…”
All the stress and tension he was feeling was gone the moment you sank into his arms, and he embraced you for as long as he could. As if you’d disappear again if he lets go. 
You don’t care about the blood staining his clothes, or the screams coming from the demons outside the cell you were in. You are safe now. 
One of the largest enemy forces against Diavolo disappeared in a single night.
A couple weeks ago, he suffered a really bad losing streak during his gambling nights. And he pissed off the big guys more since he tried to cheat his way out of it, before running away from the illegal casino with the money. 
He spent the next few days suffering from Lucifer’s punishments when he was caught, and hiding from those demons he owed money to. 
One night he receives a letter, with a very familiar stamp on it. He wanted to throw it away until he saw red stains on the envelope, so he opened it. 
“I’ll take away your greatest treasure if you don’t give me back my money.” Was written in blood. Your blood. 
He panics when he realizes that he hasn’t seen you since you both left RAD. You went home ahead since he still had to do cleaning duties in the classroom as part of Lucifer’s punishment, but he found it odd that you weren’t in your room. Now he knows why. 
He desperately tries to contact you, calls are left unanswered and text messages are filling up the inbox you haven’t opened. 
There was only one place he knew they’d take you, so he quickly runs to the casino where he last gambled.
Maybe it wasn’t wise of him to run off on his own, since he found himself surrounded by demons and that you were nothing but bait to lure him in their trap. 
But he is the Avatar of Greed, and if they thought that a bunch of lesser demons could get in his way then they are about to be reminded of how wrong they are. 
Mammon doesn’t seem so intimidating given his reputation, but that doesn’t mean he won't drive his fist through the demon’s skulls when they threaten your life as payment for measly debts. You’re priceless to him, and those threats are nothing but insulting. 
The demons that took you held you in a vault so you wouldn’t escape, and you watched as Mammon practically pulled the iron door apart to open it. 
He was panting, already in his demon form. He was drenched in blood and a bit bruised, though some wounds were already healing and while others had completely vanished. He didn’t care about those though when he saw you.
“MC! Y-your arm is bleeding!” He rushed as if you were gravely injured. Humans are fragile after all. He won’t listen to you even if you said you were fine as he checks you for any other injuries. 
He doesn’t admit that he worried, but you saw the fear from his eyes that was washed over with relief when he finally found you. 
He stopped making risky gambles and bets out of fear that more demons would target you as compensation. He also became more protective, if that was even possible in the first place. As long as he’s alive, he’ll make sure your safety is now his priority.
The only way you could bring Levi outside was if you offered to play that new AR Game. Mononoke Land was all the hype right now, so asking him to go out so you can catch spirits was perfect. 
You both had a blast going around town, at least this way you get to explore some parts of Devildom with Levi and enjoy his company.
You both stopped by a lake, since your human stamina can’t catch up to Levi who hasn’t sat down for a single second just so he could catch spirits that appeared on his phone. 
“MC look! I’ve never had this one before!” He was so excited to show you what he caught but when he turned around, you weren’t there on the spot he left you “MC?” 
Surely you wouldn’t ditch him here right? He did feel bad that he spent more time focusing on the game than paying attention to you, since you were the one who invited him out after all. 
He could hear the splashing of water and finds you walking in the middle of the lake, lured in by a siren’s song. Those kinds of things don't work on Levi, but he forgot how effective it was on human ears that you were immediately put under its spell. 
Quickly, Levi transformed and jumped into the lake. He never knew that these waters were infested with sea dwelling demons and sirens until he saw them trying to drag you into the lake. He regrets not paying more attention to where the game brought you both to. 
Luckily he’s the best among the brothers when it comes to the waters, so he was quick to save you when the siren started dragging you deeper in the water to drown you. 
It wouldn’t want to let you go and it intended to bring Levi down with it, so with a quick flick of his tail, the water started staining red. Not exactly a good idea when it started attracting more demons towards you both. 
You were unconscious from the siren’s song, and Levi doesn’t want to expose you to more harm than necessary. He brings you to shore to keep you safe, before diving back in to slaughter the rest of the fish.
These sea dwellers are nothing but shrimp compared to Levi, the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy. Water is his element and he is quick to tear them to shreds when any of them tried to get to you. 
You wake up to Levi shaking you, both of you drenched from head to toe. You don’t remember what happened, the last thing you recall was hearing someone sing and it all blacked out. 
He wraps his arms and tail around you tightly “D-dont scare me like that MC! Jeez… this is why we should shut ourselves indoors…” 
He doesn’t want to tell you what happened. But the blood red lake is all you need to know what transpired. 
You both decided to have a small study session together in the library. You were struggling a bit with the subject of Curses and Hexes, and Satan is more than happy enough to teach you the basics. 
Satan always talks about his pranks with Lucifer that revolve around curses, plus he’s the most knowledgeable out of the brothers so he was the perfect fit for a tutor. 
It was unlike you to be late for your study sessions though. Satan has been waiting for a while now in the library, long enough for him to stand up and search for you. He memorized your schedule, so he knew which classrooms to search in.  
Before he could even enter the room, he could hear a lot of mockery and laughter. But the voice he could recognize was from you, and you sounded hurt. He wasted no time barging in. 
You were just on your way to the library to meet up with Satan, until two demons from your class cornered you. They poked fun of your grades, despite the fact you’ve only been learning for a few months. They said awful things, and called you insulting names to the point tears threatened to fall. 
“Pathetic human, can’t even master something as basic as this. You’re nothing without the demon lords. Why don’t we give you a hands-on learning experience about curses?”
Before they could even chant a single phrase, Satan barged in his full demon form, the impact from slamming the door was enough to crack the walls around it.
“Say one more word from your mouth, and I’ll rip that jaw of yours off your head and fill up your throat with your teeth.” He threatened as he made a beeline towards you, kneeling down to face you.
“Mc… oh kitten, please know that nothing they’ve said is true. You don’t have to be perfect in everything, even in grades, to impress me.” He was so gentle with you, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumb. 
“I’ll have one of my brothers pick you up, okay? I just need to teach a certain demon a hands-on lesson.” he escorts you out of the classroom before he closes the door behind him. You hear the click of the lock, and just as you reached the end of the hallway you heard a lot of screaming. 
He may be the secretary of the student council, but his wrath knows no patience. He’s not waiting for an order from Lucifer or Diavolo, not when he can show these demons what to expect when they mess with his precious human.
When he gets home, he checks you for any wounds. Claw marks and scratches ran across your skin, and it took all his self control not to go back to RAD and finish what he started. But he tends to you first, kissing each wound and tears as he comforts you. 
Satan spent the next few days reminding you that you’re special to him. He would whisper sweet nothings to you when you two are alone. “If you need my help, please never hesitate to reach out to me. It brings me joy whenever I can offer you my assistance.”
Whenever you ask him why the demons are constantly coughing out frogs if they try to approach you, Satan would just smile and deny it. 
“Maybe they got cursed? Who knows.” 
Asmo wanted to take you shopping for make-up today. He insisted on giving you a makeover and after you finally said yes, he wanted to take you to several stores to see which kinds would suit your complexion best.  
You were in charge of carrying all the products that Asmo bought for you as he dragged you to another store. Most of the time though, you would sit down waiting for him to finish retouching his makeup. Every time he makes eye contact with himself in the mirror, he would take out his powder, lipstick, or comb to make sure he stays perfect.
Both of you were unaware of a succubi that’s been following you ever since you got to the mall. She has been boiling with jealousy because ever since you showed up, you were the point of all of Asmo’s attention. But now you’re all alone, a perfect time to see for herself who her rival is. 
You feel sharp nails grab the hair from the back of your head, and instinctively you drop all the bags at hand to try to pry off whoever was holding you. She yanks and pulls your head back as she hissed.
“I can’t believe that the Avatar of Lust fell for such an ugly human like you. Even laying my eyes on you makes me sick! I don’t see what he loves so much about you.”
“Then maybe you don’t need those eyes after all darling.” You hear Asmo from behind, but you can’t turn your head to his direction. Not while the succubi still has a grip on your hair.
It didn’t last though, you felt the grip loosened and heard a blood curdling scream. You wanted to turn to look at what’s happening behind you but Asmo stopped you “Sweetie, please don’t turn around. I don’t want you to see me all… messy.” 
You focus on picking up the bags that you dropped, trying to ignore the screaming and growing puddle of red that’s bleeding through the tiles. 
Asmo wraps an arm around you after you grab everything, taking you away from the scene. He still has that cheerful smile on his face and was somehow spotless from head to toe, as if nothing happened. The only evidence is the blood if he must’ve forgotten to remove under his nail polished fingernails. 
Remembering all those words, you insisted that you both go home now and Asmo agreed. He’s a little pouty seeing your frown, it’s not a good look on you. He’s tired of seeing that look on your face whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, which is why he wanted to bring you here today. If only that demon didn’t have to come and ruin it. 
“Darling… You know that you’re beautiful right? And I’m not saying that just because. I have exquisite taste after all! and I’ve seen a lot of pretty things and pretty faces. But you’re the best by far” He reminds you, and it makes you smile. He starts making a habit of telling you everyday.  
You didn’t ask about the succubi, Asmo wouldn’t tell you anyways. But you saw everything up in Devilgram though. Someone was able to record the whole thing where Asmo has stirred quite the scene when he claws out that poor succubi’s eyes behind you. Maybe that’s why he didn’t want you to look. 
It’s a miracle you didn’t get any blood on your clothes. Though you remembered how Asmo offered to wash your jacket for you so maybe you weren’t so lucky.
“Gosh! I’m so glad that video got my good side, but I do NOT pair well with blood.” He whines. Eventually, Lucifer had Barbatos take the video down quickly for damage control.
Ever since Diavolo took over Devildom, he made laws that banned humans off the menu for demons. Even if it’s been centuries since then, with new delectable food alternatives, there are still those who crave for the blood of humans.
You and Beel promised to go out on a small food trip, a reward for him after he won his recent Fangol game. You’re willing to accompany Beel anywhere he wanted to go, so he took you to dessert shops you’re both unfamiliar with. 
He seems to be having a time of his life getting to try out these new stalls! And you’re in charge of making sure he doesn’t eat the entire stock every single time.
Beel made a promise to save some sweets for Belphie, so he made a quick stop to that shop that sells Devil Honey Cookies while you wanted to check the shop across the street. Though when he came back, he couldn’t seem to find you anywhere. He entered each shop to find you but to no avail,
He never thought to search some of these shady stalls, the kinds that would hang fresh butchered bats and hog heads on the window display. He knew this stuff made you uncomfortable, so he was considerate enough not to bring you here.
That was until he overheard some demons whisper to each other “the chef said there’s a new item on the menu tonight. Something we haven’t had in a long time. A fresh human.” 
Beel dropped the honey cookies and ran straight to the kitchen, where he found the butcher sharpening his knife with you strapped to the table. You were taken away to the butcher’s shop while he was away, since the demons have been craving the meat of human flesh for centuries now. 
The blood in his veins is boiling, the air around the kitchen is suddenly heavy to breathe as he transforms. 
“Y-you’re not supposed to be here!” The chef demands, pointing the sharpened blade at Beel. He never spared the demon a glance, using his two fingers to bend the knife like a toothpick. The chef couldn’t dare to move and simply watched as Beel untied you from the table. 
The low growls from him when he saw how the restraints bruised your skin, you can tell that nothing you’d say will help sooth his nerves. Then you heard his stomach roar. 
“MC… I need you to go out of the kitchen first. I’ll meet you out front okay?” 
Once you leave, Beel turns to the chef. The last thing that poor soul saw was all the hunger in his eyes. “Bon appetit.” 
From outside, you heard this sickening CRUNCH that sent shivers down your spine. After a few minutes, Beel walks out the store as he licks his lips clean. 
“Why don’t we call it a day MC? I’m feeling kind of full now.” 
Belphie doesn’t like looking back at his old self. Back when he hated all humans. The one that manipulated and lied to you, then rewarded your help by killing you with his bare hands. 
It took a lot of apologizing and making up for it to get him to how you both are like right now. But he knows that sometimes the pain lingers. When you shiver if his hands get too close, the times he finds you rubbing your neck, or how you stopped running down the stairs since you’re afraid of falling; those were all your tells.
He knows that he’s not the only demon out there who was against having human exchange students. Those demons are far less patient and more ruthless than he is, and he’s afraid that they might do something worse if they get their hands on you. 
Belphie has been trying to look everywhere for you, but you’re nowhere in your classrooms. Confused, he calls up Beel trying to ask for your whereabouts.
“What do you mean? MC said they’ve been looking for you after you sent them a letter.”
“... what letter? I never sent them one though”
“That’s odd. MC said you were asking to meet them at the rooftop.”
Belphie hightailed it to the roof, knowing that a demon must’ve forged his name and handwriting just to trick you. When he got to the rooftop, he found the doorknob jammed locked. 
He tried to kick the door open, but doors built in RAD were built to be so sturdy and he wasn’t as strong as his twin. He thought about calling Beel over to help, but all sense of reason jumped out of the window the moment he smelled something oh so familiar. 
The smell of your blood. He can never forget the scent, especially when it lingered in his fingertips for so long after the incident. He quickly shifts into his demon form to finally kick down the door, yelling for your name. 
A demon was dragging you by the hair, trying to take you to the edge to ‘throw out the trash’ while you begged for it to let you go. 
You felt its grip on you loosened, enough for you to get up and see Belphie holding onto the demon’s wrist. 
“MC… I need you to go out and call Beel over.” He says, unable to look at you. He was afraid that he might see that fear in your eyes again if he did. So he waited until you left and closed the broken door behind you. 
The grip he has on the demon tightens up until the point it’s wrist snaps, but he looks unfazed even with all the screaming. 
“You know… I used to be just like you. I used to tell myself that I would tear apart those humans to shreds. All the things I did. They didn’t deserve that… but I know who does.”
It’s late at night in the House of Lamentation. After managing to calm down the brothers from the fuss, you try to find Belphie and see him in the bathroom trying to wash his hands. You both lock eyes and before you can say a word, you break the silence. 
“… Thank you, Belphie. I wouldn’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” 
He looks surprised, assuming that you might’ve been afraid of him after his earlier behavior. But his lips formed a smile “anything for you, MC”
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katsuizu-stuff · 10 months
Katsuki Doesn’t Want To See Izuku Die
I genuinely wholeheartedly believe that one of Katsuki biggest fears when it comes with his relationship with Deku is that Katsuki does not under any circumstances want to see Deku die
I genuinely wholeheartedly one hundred percent stand by this and no one can change my mind
Any if you’re a person who still says What about what Bakugo said to Deku, “Take a swan dive off a roof of a building”? If you don’t know anything about character development then I feel sorry for you
Katsuki has had so much character development, just like any other MHA character, but Katsuki character development is beautiful and outstanding
And if you want to disagree then you can but a very big indicator about what I’m talking about is the hospital scene/moment in S6
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Sato and Mineta are trying to hold him back because he’s injured he needs to recover and yet Katsuki is refusing to go back to his hospital room and rest
Katsuki is yelling at them “Shut up! Make me fight you and I’ll be even more likely to drop dead” to which Sato says, “Why do you have to be so stubborn about everything, dude? There’s nothing you can do to help right now.” along with Mineta “Didn’t you hear a word Sero said?” and he ends up thinking to himself “That bastard. If he dies, I’ll kill him”
And it’s even before this scene/moment that when Katsuki woke up he instantly remembered back to Deku almost getting stabbed to which he saved him along with the fact that he says “Deku” as well as when Katsuki asked about everyone else about their situation/conditions Sero refused to tell Katsuki about Deku first
Sero personally saved to tell Katsuki about Deku’s situation/condition because Sero knew he would’ve reacted the way Katsuki did
Katsuki ask, “Deku and Todoroki? Mr. Aizawa, Endeavor, and all the others. What happened to everybody?” to which Sero says, “I’ll tell you, ‘kay? But you gotta try to stay calm.”
Sero said he would tell Katsuki everything under one simple condition that Katsuki has to stay calm
And so Sero tells Katsuki everything, “Todoroki’s burned bad and Mr. Aizawa has some serious injuries, but they’ll both pull through. Everyone else has regained consciousness except…” Sero then stops for a moment and continues telling Katsuki about Izuku “The doctors said Midoriya hasn’t shown any signs of waking up.”
Sero as a fellow classmate and a friend towards Katsuki knows that Katsuki cares for Izuku in one way or another hence Sero telling Katsuki about Izuku last
There are of course other moments that proof that Katsuki doesn’t want to see Izuku die
It may seem silly or simply sound silly but Katsuki doesn’t even want to see Izuku die mentally and emotionally either
When Izuku left U.A. Katsuki states that this is the worst case scenario. That no one besides him truly knows Izuku to an extent as much as Katsuki does
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Which is why Katsuki looks so relieved that he finally found Izuku. Katsuki found Izuku before he ‘died’ not physically but mentally and emotionally. Katsuki found Izuku before all of Izuku’s hope can fall/die into ash
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If we continue then there is also the moment in the camp arc in S3
Izuku is running to save Katsuki knowing he is beat up to a point where Aizawa says that Izuku is only running on adrenaline nothing else
Once Izuku comes across with Katsuki and Todoroki his one thing on his mind is to protect Katsuki by any means necessary
And then the moment the L.O.V reveal that they still have Katsuki Izuku still has in mind to save Katsuki even if it means that Izuku has to break himself even more than he already is
And Katsuki fears that more than he feared to be taken away at that very moment he doesn’t says “Stay back… Deku” just to simply say it
Katsuki has fear written on his face and his eyes for what Izuku would do next
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Katsuki’s body moved on it own for the exact same reason Izuku’s did Katsuki didn’t want to see Izuku die before his eyes not when Katsuki is so close to him. Katsuki’s body, his mind, his soul, his heart, his over all existence didn’t want to see Izuku get stabbed to where it could be Izuku’s last battle and his last breath
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Even in the second MHA movie Izuku is beat up his arms are busted and when Izuku calls out to Katsuki the way Katsuki sees Izuku is heartbreaking I mean just look at his face the way Katsuki’s eyes go wide knowing that Izuku could die along with his true dream of wanting to be a hero
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And even in Katsuki last moments his only thought was Izuku not his family, not his classmates/friends, not his teacher’s it was only Izuku adding on to this Katsuki was so shocked to hearing ShigAFO says that the only thing that’s interesting about Katsuki is that Katsuki is the closest to Izuku than anybody else
Katsuki doesn’t want to see Deku die in any way shape or form not physically, not mentally, not emotionally Katsuki doesn’t even want Izuku’s dream of being a hero to die Katsuki doesn’t want that to happen at all
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meggannn · 5 months
hades 2 conversation dialogue my sister and i found interesting
SPOILERS obviously. my sister has been failing her runs on purpose to get more dialogue out of people. this post discusses dialogue that was not in the developer stream.
on hermes (mel and hecate are speaking about hermes and artemis at the start):
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on melinoë, artemis, and the olympians:
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on why mel is the only one who can kill chronos:
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on hecate & mel's relationship:
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on a secret order that mel is apart of:
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on mel's job at the crossroads:
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tension and secrets in the crossroads!!!!
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when you give hypnos nectar:
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(i wasn't fast enough to get his reply. hypnos says something like "zzzz... welcome to the.... zzzz"), then mel says:
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other things i didnt screengrab:
hypnos: mel can remark to charon that hypnos is still asleep, charon says "arrghhh," and mel says "wait, he's of more use this way...?" possibly implying hypnos's sleep is not what it seems
nemesis: is uhhh kind of really mean!!!! she says something to mel along the lines of "you're upset you lost a family you don't remember? i KNEW my mom, all you did was be born"
moros: you can invite moros to the crossroads and he stands near the fated list far from everyone because nobody wants to talk to doom incarnate (odysseus in particular makes a point to say he'll stay away). iirc he introduces himself as "the bearer of bad news" which i find kind of clever but also a bit sad. if you give him nectar iirc he says nobody has given him a gift/offering before. aphrodite also notes that moros has made mel's acquaintance and calls him good-looking.
hephaestus: he criticizes your weapon's workmanship when you first meet him, then later takes it back and compliments it as very good, and says "just don't go spreading it around" to the olympians.
hermes is "missing" but he's on a mission for the war to find out what chronos is scheming
artemis (and hermes) didn't tell the olympians hecate has been raising a titan-killer (mel) and the olympians don't really believe she can do it but send her boons anyway, presumably figuring why not
only mel can enter the house of hades to challenge chronos, so that's why she needs to make this journey alone
hecate is rather sweet and mentorly with mel, but she gets exhausted and irritated when mel doubts herself. i didn't grab it but there's a bit where mel says if hecate had not held back, she knows she would've lost, and hecate snaps "you know?" asking mel why she puts limits on herself
mel, hecate, selene, and artemis are part of a secret order called the silver sisters that hermes also supports. olympus does not know about it. all these gods (save hermes) also have moon iconography in their designs
pretty sure moros will be romanceable. i think his and mel's interactions are very sweet, and aphrodite notes he's arrived and calls him good-looking, which reminded me of how she commented on thanatos to zag. no idea who might be a female romance option yet (i'm assuming there is one)
hephaestus boons are a lot of fun, per my sister
the big one: HECATE AND NEMESIS KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T??? hecate maybe knew an attack was coming and didn't do anything?? nyx is also confirmed to basically be not around though we don't know where she is. and hecate is something called a handmaiden??? is she meant to serve nyx? it now seems like the children of nyx are meant to serve hecate, and eris isn't doing that, but nemesis is playing guard duty begrudgingly. so maybe nemesis thinks hecate let the house be captured/destroyed for her own ends, possibly also to get nyx out of the picture, so nyx's children would serve her(?). maye nyx is also a silver sister and hecate is now in command at the crossroads/on earth, second only to selene?
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marveling-cg · 8 days
Okay, I just turned on MHA like six weeks ago, and just finished the manga yesterday. And while I have.....thoughts -.- about that ending, I also can't help think about:
Deku's Accidental Charm Offensive & Unintentional Rehabilitation of Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight's Image
On one of Deku's first patrols with Dynamight, they wrap up a villain with no injuries, no collateral, no casualties, and Dynamight lets rip his signature shout: "FLAWLESS VICTORY!"
The PR folks at his agency (and the internet) have told him that it's off-putting and unnerving
But Deku breaks out laughing behind him, Bakugo turns for the fist bump, aggressive, still pumped up from the adrenaline
Deku returns it automatically, smile bright, cheeks flushed, eyes nearly shut
The internet thinks it's adorable
And when:
They've responded to a request to back up heroes in an adjacent zone
Bakugo's been picking up more requests for backup now that Deku's in the field -- he knows the nerd gets a kick out of working in teams, and sometimes they run into their classmates, it makes Deku smile, whatever
There's a group of villains working in a team, and the biggest of them has a quirk it takes the the BakuBros way too long to figure out, but Deku, Chargebolt, and Red Riot manage to clear the extras from the field long enough for Bakugo to finally put the big bad down
It was a messy and exhausting fight, Bakugo's barely staying on his feet in the aftermath, but then he hears a shout from a nearby roof -- Deku:
"Great Explosion Murder God --"
"DYNAMIGHT" Kaminari and Kirishima join Deku's dumbass shout, and Bakugo is tossed up on the idiot's shoulders like an American frat boy.
They're so embarrassing.
The nearby newscaster filming from the police line laughs with the rest of the nearby civilians, says something about the atmosphere of joy as the villains have finally been subdued
But especially that time:
Some overexcitable brat almost got themselves killed on Deku and Bakugo's watch
There'd been some two-bit criminal, hardly enough of a threat to be called a villain, but Endeavor'd taught them to respond quickly, and they'd never been able to kick the muscle memory
The kid, no more than 8 or 9 had seen them passing by from her window and climbed out onto her fire escape, climbing up on the rails to try and record the interaction
Thank fuck the sensors on Deku's suit had picked up the anomaly of her sudden descent
Though they'd both rushed into action, Bakugo made the save snatching the kid from the air before she'd injured herself
When he got them both on solid ground, he'd been ready to light into her -- "Listen here, you --"
But Deku had been there, hand firm on Bakugo's elbow, "Kacchan, no!" Before hip-checking Bakugo out of the way and crouching down to get at eye level with the girl
"Hey, what my buddy, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight" (Deku always says it like Bakugo had dreamed it, like it's the name of someone trustworthy) "is trying to say is that your safety is way more important than a picture or video of us. Right?"
Here Deku had turned to look up at Bakugo. His midnight green eyes stern and expectant. Reminding Bakugo:
He'd made a promise to himself. If Deku gave becoming a hero a chance -- not just doing test work with the suit, not just moonlighting between class and grading papers, but really gave partnering with Bakugo his best effort -- Bakugo wouldn't let himself do anything to get in the way of Deku becoming the #1 hero. Anything.
"Yeah kid, it's not a flawless victory if you get hurt."
Deku beamed at him as if Bakugo just plucked the moon from the sky and personally gifted to him. Bakugo's cheeks had burned. But it didn't matter (he'd thought it wouldn't matter -- smartphones are the worst) Deku had already turned back to the girl.
"And if you want to come chat with us, we'll be at the Fall Festival at _____ Park around the corner in just a couple weeks! We'll be at the ______ Agency booth!"
Business kids had gotten the bright idea that heroes ought to be more accessible, feel more a part of the communities they helped protect.
A week later, Ashido sent a tweet to the Forever 1A group chat. A video of he and Deku with the kid. The caption: "Turns out Great Explosion Murder God just needed an anger interpreter."
The first comment under the tweet: "Anger interpreter? Do you mean husband?? Look at the blush!"
Bakugo is going to kill them!
But like, after 3 months of he and Deku partnering, they're neck and neck with Todoroki - the Big 3 back in competition.
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hdusa · 5 months
that was my first time watching a lifesteal stream in like 6 months i dont know what is going on in season 5 at all . the red sky was kinda awesome. guns were scary. i hope u kill more people soon ^_^ will be trying 2 tune in more - @renchant
I can try to summarize the entire season in like 3 paragraphs it’s going to be so terrible and long I’m so sorry watch me do it here we go
So basically… lifesteal season 5 begins…. There’s a group called the PMC that consists of MinuteTech LeoWook and ClownPierce and since they’re all big strong men they beat up every other team on the server. Eventually the PrinceZam + Pangi pirate team group up with Gucci Gang (Bacon Parrot Mapicc) to beat them up because they’re really strong and scary. Eventually Clown stops logging on so they feel the need to form a new team called the Phantoms with Vitalasy Jumper and Reddoons and they go around jumping people by staying logged out and then all logging in at the same time after someone’s lured to a location. It got them a PrinceZam kill but they failed against Mapicc and Bacon. Tons of fights happen that are just PMC vs Gucci Gang + Me or LaLa Legion (Spoke Ash Ro Planet) vs Us or whatever. Eventually new members get added, Squiddo Pentar Jepex Wemmbu. There’s a gay wedding between Parrot and Ashswag. Squiddo kills the entire server at a birthday party. I made 200 backup maxed out armor sets. Midmystic makes Pangi and I an awesome pirate base and lastly a chunk of the server lowkey stop logging on.
Because of the void left by the players that are now gone (Parrot, Vitalasy kinda, Reddoons, Poafa, Woogie, Vort3x etc) Mapicc and I have no choice but to find a way to make things awesome again. We build a void trap at spawn and try to lure Minute and Planet over, successfully killing Planet (this is ok because he’s a 20 heart monster this season btw!!) Bacon joins us and decides we need two extra members so we invite Pentar and JumperWho as well. Together we formed a team called The Abyss, a group of players that want to revive the server by destroying it. By making ourselves the big bads of the server every time people logged on their goal was to kill us so that we’d stop making our void hole at spawn bigger. They tried other things like filling the hole with water and obsidian but those all got fixed relatively fast. One of the things they did was find my secret base and steal all 200 of my armor sets. This made me really mad so I destroyed the entire PMC base. After months of constant fighting over this big dumb hole to the void at spawn eventually we come up with an end goal. We were going to turn the entirety of spawn island into void. While working on this insanely large project we get jumped and after like 5 battles where Planet just keeps dying but his teammates live, he bans himself in the void hole. Before doing so he asks what our goal is so I told him activity, and he says “well in that case I guess in a way I’ve beat you”. This was like cold asf so we immediately switch gears deciding we need to make our plan way awesomer and cooler so we add a puzzle for them to solve!! It’s super long and if they couldn’t finish it in 7 days the entirety of spawn would be turned to void. Our team immediately got to work running big bedrock break machine and cleaning out layer after layer. However, as this is all happening Wemmbu Squiddo and 4CVIT reveal that they have a massive canon that will blow up literally EVERYTHING on the server unless we give them 50 hearts. They blows up 4Cs entire beautiful base to show they’re not joking around. Minute and his group are able to find the canon and break it saving the server but for a moment the entire server was united against Wemmbu and his team. The Abyss goal was completed before our final project even began which sucked, but we kept moving forward. To get people interested Minute (temporarily) added Rekrap2 Back To The Server!!!! He was here to help them finish the puzzle and after a week of us racing to void everything while they solve our puzzles, it was over and they had won. The 5 of us now had to jump into the void but that’s when JumperWho revealed she had been a mole the whole time. For 3 months of constant work on the void hole, she was betraying us. Relaying everything to Minute and his team. Filled with rage Mapicc decided to bomb her base but ended up with Clown Leo Minute Jumper and potentially more on him. I came to help but I wasn’t ready to fight Jumper, somebody I’d been allies with for 3 months. I managed to escape but I couldn’t believe it. Afterwards Pentar also left our team leaving just Mapicc Bacon and I.
The next paragraph is basically everything that’s happened since so basically the last month or so. To fix the lack of order on the server players could now run for God! Mapicc, Minute, Squiddo and 4CVIT/Reddoons decided to run. Simultaneously Branzy was now working on a carnival which was really cool! During one of the games I rigged it so that Jumper would die which was silly revenge but then for serious revenge me and Mapicc tried jumping her. Unfortunately she got Minute to save her leading to us losing badly. Afterwards the presidential god stuff starts taking priority and to campaign we ask a bunch of people to vote for us. In the end we came 2nd place, and Pentar as well as Pangi voted against Mapicc. Pentar made sense since he never said he would vote Mapicc, but Pangi had quite literally betrayed all of our trusts by voting for Squiddo. Also Minute came dead last despite helping everyone on the server regear and also saving them from void and the canon which is hilarious. The winners were 4C and Reddoons who instead of actually running themselves chose to give their presidency to CaptainSparklez! It takes him a while to join and during that time period to fill the lack of things going on Mapicc and I start an all out war against Jumper. It started with a silly spar against MinuteTech that ended up turning into a 2v2 against Jumper as well. We got them to run the first time around but the 2nd time we just lost badly. The next day Jumper said she’d deliver stone from Vitalasys old base to Midmystic so we hid in Vitalasys base all day long. It was taking a while so I changed my discord pfp and name to match Mids and got her to log on 😭😭. Once she showed up we killed her. Minute logged on and she ended up coming back but we escaped with me on the brink of death. Because of this they were angry angry at us but we didn’t care we wanted to make them more mad. We started base hunting and found Minutes somewhat old base for the anti abyss people. While searching the base Minute showed up so Mapicc got there and we 2v1d him. During the fight we spawned a wither in the base bombing the area and revealing a third of the 200 armor sets I had stolen from me during the void arc!!! Eventually Jumper showed up so we decided to run away taking our win. But after this we had another fight where they jumped us at my base and we ended up losing after an extremely long and hard fought battle. Before this I forgot to mention but Bacon Mapicc and I brainstormed a team name as well as an end goal, SPOILERS NO LIFESTEAL MEMEBRS READ BEYOND THIS!!!!
Essentially we wanted to reset the server to how it was on day one, breaking apart every team and then resetting every area back to how it looked on day one. With this goal in mind I realized we’d need to actually be able to kill people so I needed to get past being on 9 hearts. 4C/Red made hearts literally uncraftable so I had to kill. This segment is really cool there’s a 10 or 20 minute clip of everything that happens and if I tried to explain it I wouldn’t do it any justice but I’m sure somebody will link it below. Anyway after the awesome clip moment I’m evil now so I try to kill Pangi. I lead him to our old day one base and get him to help me repair it but he is wayyy too sus of me. I eventually muster up the courage to block off the bases exits and ask him over and over why he voted Squiddo, as this was supposed to be revenge for that. However, MinuteTech logs on and arrives at the base leading to them 2v1ing me but I end up escaping. We scream at each other before I leave to set up a new base. Later that night Pentar calls with Mapicc and I to join our team. Thanks to him I’m basically able to fully regear myself after losing almost everything to all the fights we had with Minute and Jumper. I end up on 12 hearts by this point and I think that’s most the shenanigans wrapped up, all that’s left is the captain sparklez stuff which this specific asker has already seen I think. For anyone else I personally believe this should be vod watched!! Up to you of course but I’m sure someone else on here would be willing to summarize that specific event sometime.
I spent an hour writing this on my phone before bed and I can’t believe it took this long. I thought it’d be shorter. Sorry!
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raayllum · 2 months
I know you were ready to lay CHET to rest after this season but… Callum still has the cube, we still don’t know *exactly* what it does but Aaravos will presumedly need it, and all that foreshadowing about Callum choosing Rayla over the greater good? I still believe
i'll have a more coherent post about this when i'm not running on under 7 hours of sleep for 24+ hours (close to 30+ now honestly) but no i feel so Fucking Crazy right now precisely because i went into s6, our penultimate season, expecting to finally get to lay CHET and its variants (5x08 my beloved) to rest after 4+ years, every season for 3 seasons in a row i've been ready to lay it down, and yet it's still on the Goddamn Table arguably more than ever before
Obviously certain things have changed — Callum's thematic associations with freedom would switch probably to having a role to play in 'unlocking' Aaravos' full power and/or giving him access to the other Startouch elves somehow — but both of those things are stuff I've considered being related to the cube before (as well as dark magic) so not much is actually changing there fundamentally.
What continues to change is the sheer assortment of evidence that Callum is going to play into Aaravos' hands for her (the initial basis of CHET), and Rayla is likewise going to refuse to sacrifice him (thereby shortly followed by mutual salvation theory), and 6x03 is a Giant Sign blinking Pay Attention in bright neon.
Rayla: Listen to me. If you ever have to choose between me and the greater good, do the right thing. Make the sacrifice.
Nevermind that 'right thing' is subjective and that sacrificing loved ones is routinely seen as Bad ("We must be willing to sacrifice, even the things we love" / "My daughter [...] and I tried to kill you") and that Aaravos (one of Rayla's primary foils) likewise demanded for Viren to 'make a sacrifice' regarding Sir Sparklepuff in 5x09. It'd be one thing, mind you, for Rayla to just bring up this Hypothetical and it could conceivably be dropped, but then Callum makes the basis of CHET's adjacent Mutual Salvation Theory explicit in tethering Rayla's request to his own:
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Rayla: What? Callum: If Aaravos ever controls me again, if he ever uses me, promise me you'll kill me. Rayla: Yes. I promise.
(There's a few different things we can read both into Callum's renewed approach and Rayla's changed response, but meta for another day).
What this conversation does, though, is link these things in the audience's mind. If half is called upon their deal in a scenario, it's only logical that the other will be too. And, of course, Aaravos has to inevitably possess Callum, and Callum (as a main protagonist and usher of a new age of magic) cannot die, so Rayla has to break her promise (a la TTM) to keep him alive, freeing up room in the narrative to Callum likewise break his (more thinly made tbh) promise as well. The easiest order of events, therefore, is for Callum to break his promise first in order to save/protect her, be possessed, and then Rayla breaks her promise in saving him. Mutual salvation and all that
The fact we have other characters and plot threads routinely referring back to and building up Rayllum's thematic basis for each plot turn in S7 is just the cherry on top.
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(We also see Rayla talk not just one but two 'monsters' down corrupted by desperation and grief, so while it may retread more territory if she does the same to Callum, there's certainly more than a precedent. For Callum, 2/3 dark magic times were for Rayla, and you don't introduce Big Extra Scary 'permanently ruined by dark magic' Stakes if you're not gonna use them as a way to escalate things, either, even if of course given that it's S7, there will be ways out and a happy ending).
Insert Callum putting the star rune sign directly down against her palm.
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I think it's likely the cube is still involved somehow (all the ominous foreshadowing including and most prevalently featured in the pawn intro doesn't suddenly go away, and was only added to in S6) and really, this is about the only parallel I personally need anymore to keep chugging along theory wise:
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Like it's Over and at this point we just gotta wait for S7, tbh, especially when a big juicy angsty mutual Rayllum plotline is more than in order after their relatively fluffy (loved) plotline in S6
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cakenpiewhyohmy · 1 year
So I slept on it, and I really think Tav is Halsins fated one.
So not going into super specifics but in dnd lore, elves typically do sleep around l, go through multiple relationships etc UNTIL they find their fated mate.
Man’s there’s so much evidence (either intentionally or unintentionally) that Tav is. You could literally do absolutely nothing besides saving him, (sometimes not even that) and his grove and man’s is head over heels for you.
In all his dialogue while he’s waiting in camp he’s flirting with you almost every chance he gets and makes it clear that he wants you.
But if it’s just a fling or casual sex, why wait?
Well I think it’s because Tav is is soulmate essentially so he’s actually so in love with them that they consume his thoughts constantly. BUT he has a lot of guilt and Trauma that he’s burdened with and he feels like he can’t even think of being happy with them until he’s righted what he feels is his biggest failure. And after it’s defeated he even has a line where he says something like “I’m yours” before trying to correct himself and saying he’s yours in battle etc. (I could literally picture him blushing at his slip up)
We don’t really get anything till act three because with the shadow curse lifted he feels free to try and follow his heart (which is now with Tav) but is a little nervous to do so. Like hes been with tons of people before Tav is the first one that hes actually in love and feels connected to (soulmates) and hes trying to pace himself. Unfortunately the world is literally at stake so he doesn’t have the luxury of time
So what does he do? Blurt out a really bad confession and then gets so giddy he wildshapes.
Like that whole scene has him so out of breath you can practically see his excitement and nervs. (He even says he feared that it was too soon)
And about the whole poly thing, for one I do think he’s mildly traumatized, a free love hippy Druid , and someone who genuinely is poly and maybe a swinger lol.
However I also think he has no intentions of seeing anyone else. Like Tav is it for him. There’s multiple lines of dialogue suggesting so, he says “you are all I want” but encourages you to share your heart with others even though you already have his (man’s even calls you “my heart” I-) I think this could be interpreted a couple different ways and proly has multiple meanings.
But if we’re running with the soulmate idea then it’s because he’s both scared and traumatized by losing almost everyone he’s loved in his life, and also afraid of being rejected outright. Like he would rather have a part of you than none at all.
Because elves that do lose their fated ones typically don’t last long without them.
The only issue is the devs did him dirty with his ending….which again can be added for angst in this HC cause why not.
-he’s secretly hoping tav chases after him (my fav so far) he doesn’t feel like he is enough and he’s so ill suited for city life that he feels he would make Tav miserable and he would be miserable and that’s the last thing he wants. Especially since the big bad is over now. He feels like he doesn’t have much use to them anymore and fears being truly discarded.
- he feels a sense of obligation towards helping others and fear of screwing up the one genuine connection he has with his soulmate like (he feels) he has with all other things he has in his life. Losing thaniel, killing the turned Archdruid, failing his grobe etc. he fears it so much he’d rather run away than have that become a reality.
-and if they’re with someone else? Even more reason to leave. I feel like they treated him like a side piece when it came to his poly romance with Astarion or Shadowheart (especially since shadowheart and him didn’t really get along lol) and this coupled with his feelings of guilt and inadequacies? Yeah man’s said quit while ur ahead.
-the same way Astarion needs reassurance, I think Halsin does too. Reassurance that he IS enough for them, wether that’s in a poly relationship or in a solo one (I still think hes a swinger but I digress).
Man even has a line when asking him about himself where he says that people look at him and think that his feelings can’t be hurt.
Long story short, Halsin has been in love with Tav since they freed him, but Is Going Through It too and doesn’t know how to cope.
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
You Protect who you Love
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Movie Franchise: Scream
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Words: 1153
Tara and Y/N are not official buy Y/N is 100% in love with her and once she gets a message from Tara that just says 'help' she speeds to Tara's house and acts on complete instinct to protect the one she loves.

That was all you saw as a text message from Tara before you were barreling yourself in your car speeding down to Tara's house, you instantly became worried as hell, not knowing what was possibly happening to her in that very moment.
No matter how many times you would call there was no pick up which stressed you out and caused you to throw your phone in the passenger seat and start speeding even more when a minute later your phone started ringing and you saw Tara's name pop up.
"I'm sorry this isn't Tara, she's a little preoccupied, currently bleeding out on her floor"
"You fucker, what did you do to her"
"Oh nothing, she lost the game so she became a human pin cushion but the real question is should I kill her.... Y/N"
"Don't you fucking touch her"
"Oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N you always were in love with Tara weren't you, to bad you both won't get your happy ending"
You heard Tara scream again meaning she must of got stabbed again just as you pulled up and you ran out the car heading straight through Tara's front door when you see someone in the classic ghost face mask.
Tara looked up at the same time as your eyes connected and you could see all the blood because you looked towards the killer, "come and get me" you said causing the ghost face to stand up and you both charge at each other.
The both of you crashing into each other which was not the smartest idea consider the ghost face person has a knife which caused you to get stabbed making you shout in pain as you kicked the ghost face person off.
The two of you kept going back and forth and you had about three stab wounds, on in the stomach, on the back of your shoulder and a big cut on your arm but you kept fighting which came to a sudden halt when you three heard the sirens.
"Times up bitch" you said and the ghost face person made a run for it to avoid getting caught by the cops as you dragged yourself over to Tara, "Tara, you still awake, oh god please be awake" you said as you finally got to her.
Her brown eyes stared up at yours and she gave you a brief nod and you brought her head up on your lap as you waited for the cops to get here, you gently caressed her face to keep her awake "don't worry Tara the cops are almost here, we're gonna be ok" you said keeping her awake.
"You risked your life and you saved me" Tara said looking up at you and you nodded "and I would do it over and over again" you said to her so gently and you meant every work and just as you said the the cops came running through the door.
"Please help her first, multiple stab would and she's losing a lot of blood" you said and the paramedics came and got to both of you and took you both to the hospital where Tara went into major surgery and you minor.
Hours Later
You managed to work some strings and you and Tara had a room together which made you feel a whole lot more comfortable so you could keep an eye on her and know she was safe, you had also just finished giving your statement to the cops about what happens and they would come and get Tara's in the next day or so.
You also had it so no one but immediate family could enter but all your friends knew what had happened and Wes said he would contact Sam to let her know about Tara and you even though you wanted to you were very tired.
You ending up sitting by Tara's bed just waiting for her to wake up holding her hand "oh god Tara, thank gosh the doctor said you were going to be ok, when you sent me that message I was so freaking scared and then getting the call and hearing you scream broke my heart, Tara if you died I don't know what I would have done, I'd have so many regrets gosh I wish I told you I loved you sooner but maybe I'll have my chance at some point soon" you say as you keep looking at her hand holding onto it.
"Maybe you just got that chance" you heard looking up to see Tara looking at you as you stared at her in shock "and maybe she feels the exact same way" she added one making your eyes go even wider as a smile made a way to your face.
"You do" you asked finally being able to say something and she nodded as you started to tear up "thank gosh you're ok Tara" you said standing up and getting a little closer to her and she ended up moving over a little wincing while doing so making you concerned "careful" you said and and she motioned for you to sit down but you were apprehensive "sit" she said and you listened.
"Y/N you saved my life, you did something no one has ever done for me and I can't repay you ever, I've loved you for a long time now but I didn't think you felt the same so I kept quite but if this has taught me anything it's that life is to short and anything can happen so I'm not gonna hide it anymore and when we're both all healed up I'm going to take you on the best date of your life, if that's ok with you?" Tara said and you had the biggest smile on your face.
"That's more than ok with me" you said and you stared into each others eyes before slowly leaning in and your lips were millimetres apart and you looked up into her eyes and she nodded before you both closed your eyes and your lips connected and what you could only describe as fireworks started to appear.
Once you pulled apart you laying down next to her to just be near her and she cuddled up to you while still being careful about both go your wounds and you two feel asleep in each others other and you couldn't tear the smile of both of your faces. 

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brainicusrotticus · 3 months
technically i played my first run of iwatex more than a year and a half ago. i focused heavily on exploration, managed to cure the shimmer and stop the famine without realizing it was possible to fail at those, and became a gardener with sym and dys.
but i remembered very little when i finally came back to the game (i remembered tammy dying, the gardeners, and the helios arriving, but that’s about it), so i decided to completely wipe my data and start fresh.
my new first run was… tragic. obviously tammy and hal died because it was a first run. i mostly did exploration. i went out and explored the month that tonin died, saw the fight, didn’t have the stats to try to save him so i ran for help, and then held his hands while he died, thinking i was tammy.
i stopped exploring for a while after that, and zeroed in on xenobotany again. i’d already done a little bit, and ended up creating the native hybrid right around the time i turned 13.
…which is also when sol’s mom pulls out the “you’re not doing enough” talk (possibly just if your rebellion is on the higher side? but mine has never not been, so i don’t know). which happened to be the event that triggered right after i made the native hybrid. so i was pissed that i’d just achieved a scientific marvel as a prepubescent child, only to be told i needed to try harder.
so i chose every angry option that presented itself. i despised her after that. i feel so strongly about it that i made it a foundational event to my view of my doctor!sol.
i stopped researching xenobotany, and started focusing on engineering instead. leaned back into exploration, too. until the famine got bad. i thought working on xenobotany might help things, make more plants and solve the problem long term.
…but it didn’t. and fluorescent died. which made feelings… complicated.
i leaned fully into engineering and exploration. managed to get to the ridges before ever fully exploring the valley. made efforts to befriend tangent, too. learned that the shimmer cure might be in the valley, but it wasn’t pollen yet so i wasn’t thinking super hard on it. helped her with some other stuff, too.
eventually, a pollen season hit and i remembered the cure. i went out exploring in the valley, but misremembered where the big event for it was and ended up using most of my stress getting to the wrong spot. i had to go back, relax for mid-pollen, and then went back out in late pollen.
i did manage to get to the glade, get what i needed, and get out. went back to the colony, last missing piece for the shimmer cure in hand.
and walked right into the story event where the shimmer finally kills geranium.
…i helped cure it the very next month. i, as a player, felt so… numb and useless about it. at this point i’d failed to save tonin, flulu, and geranium. not just failed, but tried and failed. tried so very hard.
i threw myself entirely into my relationship with tang. we started dating. i focused back on engineering because i didn’t know what else to do.
i found out what tang was working on. had been working on, for years. what i’d been helping her with, unknowingly.
i could tell she felt conflicted. that this was something she felt she had to do, but something she didn’t want to do.
i told her… i supported her.
i thought it was the first step. that if i let her know that i support her (not her project, but her), then she would know, when i told her it needed to stop, that i wasn’t mad at her. she wouldn’t have to defend herself. that she could lean on the parts of her screaming that this was wrong, and i’d support her in following the path to undoing what she had almost done.
that wasn’t a choice i was given. i just couldn’t read the writing on the walls.
i hoped the chance would come up with time passing. but it didn’t.
i decided i had to tell someone else. the only person i could think of who would be against it, and who could do something about it.
i told dys.
and he just… told me it wasn’t a serious threat. that the gardeners could handle it. i wasn’t close enough with him to make him take me seriously.
he left during the next glow.
i tried exploring again, hoping i might find something out there that would let me stop this. i broke up with tang, because i realized i couldn’t talk her out of it. i’d damned us both with that one choice.
in the end, there was nothing i could do. tangent’s cure came to pass.
i just imagine all those years sol spent sitting in the helios. thinking on the course of their life.
how they chose to run and get help instead of fighting to protect tonin. and he died because of it.
how they chose to try and focus on breeding new plants for the famine instead of working the fields. and fluorescent died because of it.
how they took one wrong turn in the valley of vertigo, delaying curing the shimmer by two months. and geranium died because of it.
how they said one wrong thing, thinking it was a path to redemption. and because of that, cal, and instance died.
…a planet died.
i know how it ends in the story. emerging more than a decade later. surviving, because that’s what humanity does.
but in my heart, it ends differently. sol refuses to stay in the helios. a season after the quarantine starts, they just leave. they venture out into the plagued wilderness to try and save something. some small bit of vertumna. something that can be regrown, like it was thousands of years ago.
…but they die with the rest of it.
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
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Pairing: Havik x Vaeternian(Vampire)!Reader 
First time writing for Havik, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: As friends/allies, the reader is blindsided before meeting with Havik to discuss important matters, starving as some time had passed before their meeting, and when Havik sees their condition, their friendship begins to show...
Warnings:  Mentions of blood, blood-sucking, mentions of injury. (Havik being a little soft because that's what I want lol) Havik's tower ending spoiler (kinda lol)
(Had this idea in mind and could only see it working with Havik for some reason)
Word Count: .6k 
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"You conquered Seidou, huh?" As much as Havik disliked the wholesome word, friends, that's what we were, happy that my friend accomplished his goal, "I knew you would."
"Something's wrong-"
We were supposed to meet as I hoped to take a big step in my plan to save my kind in the realm of Vaeternus, but I was blindsided before meeting here.
In the dark forest, it was hard to see; stepping into the moonlight, my face showed that I was drained, and the one distinctive part of me was now missing.
"Your wings-" The moonlight revealed the anger in his eyes, rage on his scarred face, and in his voice, "What happened?!"
"Simple-minded scum hating my kind, as always," I sighed, going to him, but stumbling into a tree, slowly sinking to the ground, explaining as he came to me, searching for my wings and not wanting to accept the truth, "They clipped my wings, Havik. They're gone now."
"Who did this?" Staring deep into my eyes, I could see the chaos that this created in his mind and how badly he wanted to release it, "I'll kill them."
"There's no need. I already did that," The wounds left behind after my wings were clipped left me considerably weakened; I managed to dispose of the assassin who was sent to kill me, but I was too weak to put myself in danger and not able to use my intuitive tactics now that my wings were gone, Havik realizing what was most threatening at that moment:
"You haven't eaten, have you?"
"Not since I ate that assassin," I hated how my stomach felt like an endless pit at times; now, starving on top of being wounded, the future wasn't very bright from my perspective; apologizing to Havik with a whisper, "I'm sorry, but I'm useless now."
"Don't talk like you're a weakling," Kneeling at my side, he was always hellbent on whatever task lay ahead of him and expected me to be the same way, "You're not useless, just hungry, right?"
"Very," I sighed, taken aback as he titled his head, presenting his neck to me:
"What are you waiting for?"
"A-Are you sure?" My rumbling hunger had my mouth water at the sight of his neck, but he was my friend; something in my heart conflicted with that hunger, making me hesitant.
"Yes," He huffed with impatience, rolling his eyes, so I picked myself up and rubbed the side of his neck, cooing:
"Relax, so it doesn't hurt that bad."
"Pfft, sure-"
I warned him, hunger's desperation was no longer tolerable, my fangs sinking into his neck, feeling the bit of tenseness as I pierced his skin and flesh. The first drop of blood had me humming, trying not to suck him dry.
This was more of a test of self-control rather than a feeding session. I'd never tasted anyone like him before. The taste was distinct and was urging me to be ravenous, my hums growing with every swallow, even running a hand through his hair, but his chaotic ways made me side-eye him as he was groaning and laughing:
"Ngh, ha-ha, hmm."
"Enjoying yourself?" I toyed as I picked myself up, not full, but not starving, so I was grateful, cleaning his neck with my tongue before kissing the bite softly, "Thank you for that."
He wasn't responding to me, unsure of what he was doing, till I felt his fingertips tracing up my back, wincing at the lingering pain as he trailed the slow healing wound where my wings were before.
"This is going to take some time to heal," He observed, showing a side of himself that I never imagined existing as he rubbed my side, the tone in his whisper sparking something within me, "And yeah, I did. I like the pain."
He was a maniac, but I think that's what I liked most about him; I chuckled at him with a smile as I shook my head, "Only you would." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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resi4skz · 3 months
The Runaway pt 2
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Pairing: gang leader!chan x fem!reader
Synopsis: you run into the famous boxer gang leader as you're running away from your crazy ex. But what happens when you find your way into the leader's icy cold heart?
Warnings: none for this chapter lol maybe swearing and kissing!
Pt 1 here
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You jolt up, feeling like a truck had ran you over. You groan as you lift your arms to rub sleep from your eyes. Opening your eyes, you finally notice you're not in your room or apartment. You sigh as you lay back down again. These bedsheets were so soft that made you want to go back to sleep but a knock interrupted your thoughts. You sit up again. "Yes?"
"It's me," the voice comes from the other side of the door. You stand and walk over to the door, opening it to reveal the same man from last night. "Sleep well?" He asked as he took your presence in.
"Somewhat," you replied.
"Hmm," he eyes you from bottom to top. "I'll have our doctor look at your wounds later but breakfast comes first."
It was like he was determined to feed you till you couldn't take another bite. You couldn't say no because it had been a while since you last ate a proper meal. Before John would only give you the food to eat, watching how much you eat. So you thanked god for giving you real food, not milk and cereal for days on end.
After breakfast, Chan walks with you through the long hallways, leading you to a room. Upon entering, you see beds laid out in rows with fresh crisp bedding as a man wearing a white coat walks in front of your view. "You must be Y/N."
He was handsome. He had black bair, slicked back with a few strands hanging above his eyes. And he was wearing eye glasses which completed his look. "Y/N, this is Dr. Hwang Hyunjin, our best doctor."
Dr. Hwang shook his head. "I'm not the best but I can take a look at your injuries if you'd like?"
You blinked. Once. Twice. Before you realized he was talking to you. "Oh! Yes. My injuries."
Dr. Hwang motions for you to sit on one of the beds. "Now," he inpects the brusies on your shoulders and arms. "These don't look too bad. Can I see your stomach and ribs?"
You gulp, nodding slightly as you raise the hem of your shirt up and watch as Chan's gaze hardens. "Fucking hell," he curses.
"As I expected," Dr. Hwang very cautiously and softly presses on your ribs. You jerk and hiss away in pain. "That's very badly bruised. I'm guessing he kicked you here?"
"How did you kn-"
"Know? Honey, you're not the first woman to come here that hasn't been beaten up by their husband or boyfriends."
"Fucking hell, I'm gonna kill that bastard," Chan growls.
"Calm down," Dr. Hwang jots down notes on a clipboard. "Channie hyung, I think she may have a broken rib if she was kicked."
Chan turns around, looks at you then back to the doctor. "Fine. I'll be outside if you need me." He looks at you once again before walking around.
After getting the xrays, Dr. Hwang finds no broken ribs so he gives you a prescription of very strong painkillers. Once you stepped outside the clinic, you find Chan sitting on a chair, on his phone. When he looks up, he immediately is in front of you. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah. No broken bones," you replied.
He lets out a sigh. You wondered if he was worried about you. It made your heart swell a little. "Good."
Both of you then wall, side by side, as he walks a step in front of you. When you reach his room, you hesitate. "Why'd you save me?"
You turn around. "Why me? You could've left me to die, declined when I asked for help."
"Do you think we just leave people stranded when they ask for our help?"
"Well, no but-"
"The Venom may be a vicious boxer gang but we take pride in helping other when in need. Like we did for you."
You were speechless. Partly, because you were surprised to know that such a famous boxer gang are.....big softies. "Thank you. Really."
"You're very welcome."
"Channie!" The sudden voice of a female comes from the right of us. You turn my head to see a very petite girl, wearing jean shorts and a black shirt. You didn't get a chance to look as you get yanked by the man in front of you.
"That's my next door neighbour who can't get the hint."
"And how is that my problem?" You asked.
"Please. Consider this as you owing me for saving you. Help me so she can finally get the hint!" He pleads.
"Fine," you agreed and looped your arms around his torso. Holy he's built. "Is this fine?"
He turns his head and sees the woman approaching closer. "Fuck me."
You snort. "Don't get mad at me later."
"What?" He says, turning his head back.
"This makes us even," you reply to him, yanking him down to your lips. His arms immediately slide around you, caging you in his arms. A surprised whimper escapes your mouth and you can't help but open your mouth more, letting his minty taste invade your mouth.
When he finally pulls back, his eyes are clouded with something you can't seem to put into words. "I thought we said no kissing in public."
You blink at him and then your brain comes back to reality, glancing at the woman standing 10 feet away with a frown on her face. Right. You're pretending. "yeah, well," you trace your finger from his pectorals down to his abs, "some people need to take the hint that you're taken."
"Hmm," he hums in response as he licks his lips as he eyes dart to yours. "Fuck, Y/N. I'm not a fan but you just made it easier for me to love public affection."
You giggle when he dips his head down to the crook of your neck, leaving small kisses. "Channie, please. We have company."
He groans and lifts his head. "Chan, who's this?" The petite woman asked. Was that annoyance in her voice?
"Hi, Clara," he says, his voice laced with disgust.
"Oh, this is Clara?" You said surprised. "Wow, I didn't know she was pretty."
Chan rolls his eyes and intertwines his hand with yours, making your heart beat a little faster. "Like anyone could be beautiful as you."
Okay, who was this person and where did the broody man you saw earlier go?
"Y/N this is Clara, my neighbor. And Clara," turning his head, he smiling down at you, "this is Y/N. My beautiful other half."
"Oh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend." The distraught look on her face made you want to laugh.
"Yes, well he doesn't like to show me off," you joked.
You hear him scoff and turn to look at him. "Baby, I would show you off to the world if you wanted. Heck, I wouldn't mind telling every person I see on the street to tell you're the one that makes my heart beat faster than boxing does."
You cheeks warm and can't help the goosebumps erupting on your skin. He leans down and places a soft kiss on your cheek. "Good thing you're mine, right?" He says looking down at you.
You knew this was all an act but why did it feel genuine? "Yes," you answered.
"Well, I better be going. My dad wants me to bake my casserole for dinner," Clara states, giving you a look.
"Ah, well I'm going to take this pretty lady," he smiles down at you, "to a lovely dinner."
If he's pretending to be like then you have no obligation to take it up a notch. "But I thought we were just going to do movie night? I even brought your favorite caramel chocolate," you say with a pout.
He gapes at you but then smiles. "Okay, babygirl, whatever you want, as long as you're happy."
Who brought the sweet fest on?
"Alright, well, I'll see you later, Chris."
Chan glances at Clara, his jaw ticking. "I prefer it if you don't come around anymore, Clara. It doesn't look good for the gang and I."
"Oh," she blinks, looking very defeated. "Sorry." She turns around walking out of the house.
"Okay. I think that did the trick," you say letting go of his hand. Any more and you would've kissed him again. You thought he didn't know but he surprised you with his skills.
"Thank you," he says with a smile.
"Hey, you helped me yesterday so it's the least I could do," I reply with a shrug.
"Right," he nods.
And cue the awkward silence with your tummy rumbling. You place a hand your stomach and laugh nervously. "You must be hungry. Minho make the best meat stew and Felix is known for his brownies."
"Yeah, I could eat."
Chan wasn't kidding about the stew. It was earthy, very flavorful and delicious. You were served warm rice with it and it went very well with the stew. As you went for seconds, Hyunjin, the red head, gaped at you. "Where does it all go?"
You almost choke on the bite you took. "Sorry?"
"The food. Where does it go?" He asked again.
"Oh," you take a sip of water to wash down the food, "John restricted my food intake. And I'm really hungry."
Hyunjin and the rest of the boys pause mid-bite to look at you. You glance around nervously. "What?"
Chan was sitting across from Felix, the blonde guy, who you thought was very pretty. Chan's eyes met yours only for him to look back at Felix going back to conversing. The way your heart skipped a beat had you questioning if it was hunger.
Yeah it was definitely hunger.
You go to eating the stew when a bowl of what looks like pudding is placed in front of you. You look up to see a man with a sharp nose and purple hair. "How'd you like stew?"
You nod, chewing as you cover your mouth. A lady needs to show her manners. "It's very good."
The man smiles just as another mam joins him. This one jas his cheeks full like a chipmunk. "Minho hyung, your pudding is a hit as always." You watch the two converse in a language ypu didn't quite understand. The man woth a mouthful of food glances at you and his eyes light up as he walks over tp you. "Y/N, right?"
You nod. Up close you can see that he's pretty too. Not to mention very cute, with all those puffed out cheeks. It made you want to pinch his cheeks. "I'm Han. Nice to see you up and about."
You nod once again, wincing as a sudden sharp pain goes through your body making you stumble forward. "Whoa!" Han braces your against his arms. "You okay?"
"Yes. I don't know what happened," you reply, blinking rapidly.
"Looks like you need another checkup with Dr. Hwang."
"Yup. There's a crack in your ribs, several actually."
You stare at Dr. Hwang as he looks at the xrays in front of him. "But they're treatable. With lots of rest and pain medication, along with no strenuous activity for atleast 6 months, you should be good."
Fuck. You didn't think it would get this bad. You only thought it was bruised. Guess John really did a number on you. "I forgot to ask something before. Did he hit your head at all?"
"No." John had one rule: to make my life miserable but he never hit me in the head.
He hums in response, swiveling his chair back. He rummages through a drawer and picks out a small bottle. He hands it to you. "Here. 2 times a day or if you need a third, you can take it but these are pretty strong. Just take it easy, okay?"
"Thanks," you reply with a smile.
"You're welcome."
When you're back to the room, you proceed to check the wardrobe. You're taken back by the amount of clothes in different shades of black. "Just how much does he need?" You say, inspecting a hoodie. It looked good enough so you decide to wear it. It was big enough to keep your warm and comfy enough for you to move around. You found a pair of black sweats that fit you and a pair of socks because your feet was freezing.
After being fully clothed, you glance at the bed and it calls your name. You contemplate for a second. "Fuck it." You pop one of the pain medication in your mouth with a sip of water. Once you're settled in between the sheets, you're still freezing. You wonder if there's a heating system in this place.
You sit up, pull off the covers when there's a heavy thump outside the door. It's still daytime so who is knocking? You very carefully walk over to the door. "Who is it?"
But you just hear someone groan. You open the door reavealing Chan, looking white as a sheet. "Chan? What are you-"
You don't get to finish because he takes one step further and goes limp in your arms. "Chan?!" You touch his back and it's wet. So you bring your hand up. Crimson liquid stain your fingers and you scream.
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A/N: short chapter but its here lol. Maybe another 3-5 parts for this one.
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
Ok so continuing on from this slightly bonkers ramble, I give you: More Spur-Of-The-Moment Thoughts About The Bo And The Blueberry AU.
(for clarity, i'm splitting this up into rebels-era and mandoverse-era..)
Due to the bad experiences he'd been through on the streets, Ezra was nonverbal for a long time. During his stay on Krownest, he would spend hours painting with Alrich and Sabine, because it made him feel heard even if he couldn't find the words to speak.
Bo-Katan said the adoption vows to Ezra on an impulse. She had just told him that she hadn't been able to save his parents, and he had started to cry. She had never thought of adopting him as her own son, but she changed her mind in that moment and never looked back.
Korkie and Ezra are cousins, but Korkie is honestly closer to an older-brother figure to him. Korkie was very interested in the Jedi when he was young, so he has the knowledge to help teach Ezra about the Force, and how to control and hide his powers. (When Ezra eventually gets the Darksaber, Korkie is his second-most vocal supporter. Bo-Katan is the only one who has him beat.)
When Ezra is about eight, Bo-Katan decides he does need some Jedi training, more than she and Korkie can provide, and sets out to find herself a Jedi who can teach this kid. She ends up on Gorse just in time to plummet headfirst into the plot of A New Dawn. Kanan, upon finding out what she wants, refuses to train Ezra. Bo-Katan is not so easily deterred. She makes a game out of finding Kanan and Hera, helping out on a mission, and then delicately pointing out just how many times she's saved their butts and they really owe her one and yknow Ezra could really use some Jedi lessons...
When Ezra is ten, Maul kidnaps him. Bo-Katan seeks out Kanan again--she knows she can't stop Maul on her own.
In this AU, Kanan defeats Maul, but Bo-Katan is the one to strike the killing blow. She may not be a Jedi, she may not have the Force, but she's a Mandalorian mom. Nobody hurts her boy and lives to tell the tale.
After his kidnapping, Ezra struggles with the Dark side, which gives Kanan the final push he needs to train Ezra. Ezra's recovery is difficult, but he pulls through and is brighter than ever.
Due to Kanan and Ezra training together, connections begin to form between the Mandalorian Resistance and the outside rebellion. By the time Ezra is a teenager, the two groups are cooperating fully.
Bo-Katan knows who Fulcrum is--she recognized the symbol as Ahsoka's face-marking.
Ezra built his first lightsaber with a kyber crystal he found in the Living Waters.
Ezra is much healthier, due to not having to scavenge for his food for most of his childhood. He hit a growth spurt when he was thirteen, shortly before he went to the Imperial Academy and reunited with Sabine. She says she's taller. He says they're the same height. They refuse to measure themselves together and settle it because they're both secretly afraid they're wrong. This is an ongoing argument for the next ten years.
Ezra and Sabine were both really surprised to meet each other at the Academy. I have a funny mental image in my head of them both taking off their helmets at the same time, doing a double take, and then just *spider-man pointing meme* "YOU!"
He was worried for a while that she would turn him in, either as a Force-sensitive or as a spy, but she eventually gave him a vaguely-worded hint that she was keeping his secrets for him.
Sabine still has a big falling-out with her family, but this time, since the Duchess was never used, it's more about the machine's creation itself (and Sabine's decision to run away to the Imperial Academy.) She ends up joining the Spectres for a little while before Hera convinces her to reconcile with her mother. Afterwards, Sabine (and her family) end up joining in with the Mandalorian Resisance.
Korkie, Ezra, Sabine, and Tristan earn the title of Gremlin Squad. Leia is an honorary member as well. Korkie is a lot older than them, but he has enough chaos energy to fit right in.
Ezra and Sabine spend about a year apart during their late teens. By the time they meet again, Ezra has started pulling his hair back. Sabine thanks the Force that she managed to handle the reunion normally because for the first minute and a half there was nothing in her brain except oh no ponytail hot
Thrawn is still purgilled, but since Ezra is a Mandalorian and has a jetpack, he's able to fly out of the window and doesn't get yoinked into the unknown with Thrawn.
So, Mandoverse events take place about five years sooner than in canon. this is solely for the purpose of giving ezra a Chaotic 23 Year Old Who May Not Have His Life Figured Out But By Golly He Has A Laser Sword vibe.
(I've figured some more stuff out, so bear with me because I've changed up the part about Din's introduction from what I said yesterday.)
Luke has also become an honorary member of the Gremlin Squad at this point. He and Ezra met up and discussed their Jedi training. Ezra meets Ben Solo at some point too. He recognizes in the child the same Dark influences that Ezra himself went through after Maul took him, and helps the boy pull through. Ben never Falls, thus averting the events of the sequel trilogy. Luke is secretly a little jealous that Ben thinks his honorary uncle Ezra is cooler than his actual uncle Luke, to which Ezra says, "Aliit ori'shya tal'din."
With Luke's help, the Gremlin Squad becomes the Official Jedi Search-And-Rescue Club. They go looking for more Jedi survivors and invite them to Luke's Jedi school on Mandalore. (Cal and Merrin are some of the first to show up.)
This search for Jedi ends up leading Ezra and Tristan to the planet Arvala-7... mere days after Din Djarin has already retrieved Grogu (AKA the Jedi they were looking for.)
(Din is there early because Moff Gideon's inability to take over Mandalore has moved up the timeline on some other events.)
(Also, Moff Gideon still has the Darksaber, but in this AU, he didn't get it from Bo-Katan, since Bo never got it from Sabine, because Sabine never went to Dathomir, because the events of Visions and Voices never happened. Instead, Gideon got it from Morgan Elsbeth, who took it from Maul's creepy cave and passed it on to him so he could. like. flex on the mandalorians or something idk.)
Ezra and Tristan track Din, because they're worried about Grogu. They constantly follow him for, like, basically 1 1/2 seasons of The Mandalorian. They're always just slightly behind and keep showing up a tiny bit too late to get mixed up in Plot Events.
When Bo-Katan offers to bring Din and Grogu to her Jedi Mandalorian son, Din is not expecting to see one of the two Mandalorians who have been following him constantly. The misunderstanding takes a bit of explaining to clear up.
Oh yeah also. Ezra's response to Bo telling him that she insulted Din to his face when they first met was "Oh, so you're into him?" It was a joke, but the more he saw of the two of them together, the more he started to wonder if there might actually be something there.
When Grogu gets kidnapped, the (official) members of the Gremlin Squad join in the rescue.
After winning the Darksaber and reluctantly agreeing to be Mand'alor, Ezra decides not to live in the palace in Sundari. Mandalore is a dead planet, and a Jedi needs to live with the living. He sets up as Mand'alor on Kalevala, under Bo-Katan's guidance.
Sabine is Ezra's official advisor and Korkie is his PR guy, but Korkie is the one with actual good advice and Sabine is kind of a miracle worker for PR (when she tries. which is not often.) Bo points out that it would make sense to switch their titles, but Ezra thrives on chaos and so he refuses.
Ezra refuses to sit on his Mand'alor Throne in any remotely normal or dignified way. He slouches. He lounges. He sprawls. He sits upside-down. He does one-handed handstands. He and Korkie and Tristan all squeeze together and sit on the throne in identical sets of armor to mess with people. Ezra's Throne Antics are a source of constant exasperation for Bo.
Speaking of the throne, Sabine has claimed the armrest as her official Mand'alor Advisor seat. She thinks sitting there makes her look cool. and yknow what? She's right. It does make her look cool.
Oh yeah, also, nobody knows that Sabine is Ezra's advisor. She wears a plain set of armor, keeps her helmet on, and goes by an alias. This disguise is supposedly for security purposes, but it's actually to keep herself out of the gossip holomagazines. She gets enough attention just as acquaintances with Ezra... imagine what would happen if the press found out she was the one lounging on the armrest of his Mand'alor Throne!
Sabine is also Ezra's bodyguard. She volunteered enthusiastically and kind of begged for the position. Sabine takes a maniacal delight in ferreting out assassination attempts and turning the hunters into the hunted, so to speak. It's like if Kevin McCallister was homicidal.
The first time a Mandalorian clan leader proposes marriage to Ezra, Tristan laughs so hard he falls out of his chair.
I have to leave for work now, but I'll probably ramble some more tonight!
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Butt of the Joke
Something I enjoy in stories is when you can laugh at and with a character. To me, it keeps them from seeming too "important" or flawless. We all make mistakes and being able to laugh at ourselves is nice. That's why I like when they do this with Dagur, but the method is very different from what's done to Snotlout. Something I will probably always be grateful for is that Dagur is a show character and not a movie character. Those in the movies (the rest of the Riders anyway in my opinion) had their development stunted. I'm convinced that the first movie didn't expect the franchise to get as big as it did and just needed some other people to fill out the cast. Unfortunately, they also didn't expect the shows to be super popular. So, Snotlout in HTTYD 3 is still immature enough to flirt with the widowed mom of one of his best friends when RTTE Snotlout would understand how inappropriate that is. All that's to say that the jokes for Snotlout are often at the expense of his character because he still has to end up at whatever point he's at in the movies.
I believe it's in "Shell-Shocked" that there's a joke about Snotlout suggesting they all leave the Edge and run, leaving it for the Hunters. Okay, yes, I chuckled too because it is funny to have a character be so openly fearful. Yet, this doesn't make sense for him at this point. We're on the season 4 finale of a show that happened 2 seasons after the first series. Snotlout should know by now that leaving the same Hunters who had been willing to kill them and a ship of innocent people with a disease can't be left to their own devices. Why wouldn't he want to stay and fight? Even if it's dangerous, of course the villains are going to keep coming for them. Hiccup rightfully points out that they'll just go on to Berk, but why did he have to say this? Snotlout should have known, but the joke was made without considering how much he'd grown and his own bravery and intelligence.
There seems to be a thing about Snotlout being cowardly, but I really don't think he is. In "Gold Rush," there's a wordless joke where he's just screaming his lungs out after getting captured. Not saying he hasn't shrieked when plummeting to what could be death and that's totally fine, but here? Eh, I don't think so. I feel like there would be enough bad blood between him and the Hunters by now so that he wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing how scared he is. It's also horribly futile. He's gone to save Fishlegs, the twins, and Astrid before. He knows the Hunters won't release them and nothing is even happening besides his cage being moved. I'm probably overthinking these moments, but they annoy me since they paint Snotlout as pathetic when we then see him enter a 21 vs 2 fight in "Something Rotten on Berserker Island" fearlessly. Is he a scaredy cat or not? I just want some consistency, then I'd accept whatever fit with the character I'd been shown.
Dagur's saved from this since all his development is in the show. He's not held back by the movies. So, when there's a joke at his expense, it doesn't contradict anything. I'll try to make the examples as similar as possible for comparability. Dagur's got a joke involving saying the wrong thing and it was in "Mi Amore Wing." He's proposing to have Hiccup be his best man. Yes, this is clearly a unique way to ask someone, but it's also not contradicting anything about Dagur. He's got 0 skills with picking up on social cues and responding to things the way other Vikings generally would. It's also very possible that he's never seen anyone be asked to become a best man before, so he's doing what he thinks is a good way to show he's sincere and would really be happy. I don't leave the scene thinking, "Now, why would he say that, though?" Because he's Dagur. That's enough of a reason.
Dagur's got a scared joke too in "Enemy of My Enemy." When he was on Toothless's saddle, he was terrified and the scream made it pretty clear. This made sense because there was something happening at that moment. It wasn't Dagur letting his enemies see his weakness. It was him being on a dragon for the first time, going very quickly, and not knowing what he was doing. He's even thrown off the saddle as soon as Toothless lands in another moment I thought was funny. It doesn't make him look bad, but we can still laugh at his incompetency in this area.
Both of these characters have several physical gags too where one of them gets hurt and I will admit that those always get me to laugh. It's just times like those I've mentioned for Snotty that disappoint me. I really like him too. I think if he were allowed to be a more respectable character, it would be great. Dagur proves the writers know how to do that. We can laugh at him without him doing anything that opposes what they've set up. On the other side of this, Snotlout will act one way, then contradict the very personality we just saw him develop. I can't think of a single time when I couldn't explain one of Dagur's actions through use of his personality. I think that's how it should be. If it's in-character, then it makes sense. If not, then maybe the scene should be worked on a bit longer for this to be fixed.
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