#Again need a series name
obsob · 1 year
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here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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artseuki · 3 months
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"The fluttering fiend...is drawn towards the masquerade..."
The official footage of the Anime Los Angeles Masquerade is officially out! It was an honor to participate in Such a Cool Event alongside such Cool Cosplayers, all the acts were phenomenal!
If you have a couple hours to kill (or just want to bounce around between acts), I do highly recommend checking the whole thing out! 👉[link]
Cosplay: @aseuki Photography and Editing: bakephotogatari Video Footage: @steamninja
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sandwichedbread · 11 months
Jonathan the sims 3 reviewing the photos of (not)Sasha and her definitely very real boyfriend.
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he just happens to look a lot like a bunch of stock images
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isjasz · 1 year
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The brainrot continues (Blame @vesperionnox and @cherrysherin we are dragging the whole server down with this au)
Part 1
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#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#ryu ga gotoku 3#yakuza series#yakuza 3#yoshitaka mine#snap sketches#i was thinking about all the weird mine variants that exist and theres more than i thought there was#i JUST wanted to do suit variants tho none of the extra okinawa and new year rggo cards. and a bare variant#because i can ...... also cause i needed to exercise the knowledge that his plushie's undies are white SOMEHOW#funny enough the only time i like properly assembled mines colors was on my kirin mine sheet so yay for a semiproper color sheet#anyway. the grey suit's inspo'd from the date scene in y3- that shot with him and kanda#i chose a brown tie to act as an in-between transition from blue tie to gold tie#the rggo cards are forever funny to me but while i was drawing these i remembered that for some reason#with the newest card mine's sleeve is. white ???????? its white .#i only realized this after posting these to twitter so if you saw this there first and are like 'girl his sleeve changed color'#Thats Why <- literally no one is thinking that#ok i have nothing else to say probably im gonna eat one more bowl of pasta then go to bed#i keep mentioning kirin mine so maybe ill doodle one of my things with that tomorrow ..#if not i have stuff i wanna draw tomorrow so if im not tired after grocery shopping Theres That To Look To#ok bye its pasta time <- has decided to make pasta my personality for june#oh my god wait its june now jesus christ. yeah happy pride month ive finally drawn mine again#ok bye bye pasta's calling my name
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fuedalreesespieces · 3 months
i should probably make a lunar chronicles blog to say all this shit but god. i miss them so bad. i need to see them on the big screen one way or another. i need to see kai and cinder's awkward first meeting and her - a five star professional mechanic - literally slamming his tech on its side in an effort to fix it. i need to see cinder crashing the ball in a rain-soaked dress. i need to see her and thorne break out of jail and thorne tell her about starting a prison riot over fucking soap while she just stares at him without a drop of amusement in her eyes, only for them to become best friends. i need to see scarlet aim a gun at wolf and hear wolf tell her to aim at his head because it makes for a more fatal shot, and the sick, nasty parallels later. i need to see cress and thorne stumbling over the dessert, navigating more than just sand dunes. i need to see iko get her new body and feel herself for the first time. i need to see jacin being a jackass to everyone because he's been raised in a place where being anything but harsh will ruin him. i need to see him helping winter through her hallucinations, the two of them holding back their affections at every moment because they can't display them without someone getting hurt. i need to see the final showdown, the "nice shot, cress." i need to see them all eating lemon cake at the end after weeks of eating canned military food on the rampion, eating with their hands because they all forgot cutlery, getting frosting all over their fingers. i need-
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vic-does-battlecats · 11 days
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I’ve seen several things about how Moonpaw has to be a Nightsun kit because of her name being a mix of both of theirs. At first I thought to myself ‘that’s a funny reason. The cats don’t really name their kids like that. Nightsun wouldn’t do that.’ And then I thought about it for a few seconds and came to the conclusion.. No, they definitely would. These two are sappiest most insufferably romantic couple in the series. Cats have to tell them to stop staring at each other. Breezepelt of all people is all ‘STOP TALKING LOVEYDOVEY IN PUBLIC’. They’d do something stupid like this. Thunderclan would collectively sigh and try and move on with their lives after
Drew this on paper and colored digitally for the funnies
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
hey wait we’ve never seen an elf with a tattoo. what the hell man. why aren’t we doing anything about this
actually upon further thought Shannon has somehow made an entire cast of people who would not get tattoos. how would practically no one want cool body art this sucks
upon even further thought tattoo apathy is endemic to their entire world, what the hell man that sucks. a world built without cool body art people in a world that values beauty and art…what are we doing…
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ancientstone · 1 month
The fact that the English dub for the new Black Butler still has Briana Palencia as Ciel and J. Michael Tatum as Sebastian fills me with warm fuzzies
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hellsite-detective · 4 months
Hellsite Detective in...
The Bad Banana
it was another cool day in Tumblr City. the breeze was blowin' through the streets and the rain was poundin' down hard against my window. the ceilin' fan that hung above me spun slowly and hypnotically as if blown by a wind that wasn't present. as i sat there in my chair, smokin' my cigar and watchin' that fan spin eternally, i grew hungry. thankfully i keep a small fruit bowl in the corner. gettin' up to go grab a bite, i picked a banana out of the bowl. it was a bright yellow, but you might not have known it from the monochromatic filter over the scene. as i began to unpeel it, a voice spoke from the back of my head sayin'...
...hold on...
...go ahead...
naturally confused, i spun around to see if someone had snuck in while my back was turned. but no, no one was there. however, the words continued to resound in my head. almost like they were callin' me to somethin'. i walked over to the window and took a look outside and the traffic lights at the intersection caught my eye. i looked at them, and looked back at the banana in my hand. that's when it hit me...
see, there was a post i've been lookin' for for ages. in fact, it was the post that inspired me to open my office up in the first place. it was a post comparin' the colors on bananas to the colors on traffic lights. back then, i couldn't find it. but now? i had the experience i needed. i decided to re-open this personal case of mine.
i tucked the banana into my coat and strolled through the rainy streets. i came across that hoppin' joint with jazz music always pourin' out the doors onto the street. the neon sign above the door read "The Search Bar." i headed inside, ready to do some business with my associate, but they were nowhere to be seen. they weren't sittin' at their normal booth. curious, i decided to ask the new robot bartender for help...
say, doll, you know where i can find the Boss?
[Oh! I do apologize. Don Google is upstairs in their office, but they are not seeing any visitors today.]
heh, well we'll see about that, won't we? say, what's your name?
[I am H.A.V.E.N. It stands for Hostess Attending to Virtual and Informational Needs. Essentially, my purpose is to keep track of Don Google's database so they do not have to. I also serve the drinks.]
Haven, huh? nice to meetcha, Haven. i gotta go see the Don though, whether they like it or not. i'll be seein' you later.
i tipped my hat to Haven and walked to the door leadin' to the stairwell. my mind lingered on the robotic hostess, wonderin' what an advanced artificial intelligence construct like her was doin' in this world that had it's basis in 1940's noir, but i wasn't gonna think about it too much. i headed up the stairs and into the Don's office. their goons whipped out their guns and almost took my head clean off, but the big fella themself stopped it.
the office was a far cry from the bustlin' night club on the first floor. where as the club had neon lights and kept things rather dark, probably for the best, the office was more well lit and elegant. it held a more warm atmosphere than the club, but somehow it was more oppressive in here. the walls appeared to be made of wood, bookshelves lined the walls, and a chandelier hung from the ceilin'. there was a carpet in the center of the room that had a kaleidoscope of colors rangin' from blue, red, yellow, and green. and directly across from the door was the desk. mahogany, it seemed, and real fancy too. a giant round window overlookin' the city streets was placed behind it with a large letter "G" formed in the window frames. the Don spun around in their large leather chair and puffed on their cigar.
"'Ey there, Miss Detective. What can I do ya for?"
i'm lookin' for a post involvin' bananas. specifically in relation to traffic lights. you got anythin' like that for me?"
i set the banana i had brought down on the desk and they chuckled at the sight.
"Yea, I think I got what your lookin' for."
with a wave of their hand, one of their goons fetched a file from off one of the shelves and brought it over to them. they thumbed it open with one hand, the other hand draggin' on the cigar. they slid it across the desk.
"This what your lookin' for?"
and there it was. the post that started it all. it had finally come full circle. i grabbed the file eagerly and began to leave the room, but the Don wasn't finished with me yet.
"'Ey, Miss Detective! Don't think I've forgotten about that little favor you owe me..."
i stopped dead in my tracks. preparin' myself for the worst, i stood there frozen. i couldn't even turn around to look at them. but shockingly, the conversation took a different turn.
"I'm not lookin' to cash that in just yet. Just be on the look out for a call, got it? I'm lookin' forward to our partnership."
i couldn't see them, but i knew their snide smile was bearing down on me at that moment. fear filling my body, i left the lion's den and went back to my humble office to file my prize away. as i did so, my stomach rumbled...
damn it. i left the banana with the Don...
Post Case: Closed
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writingtot · 2 months
i think one of the reasons i enjoy the percy series so much is because it’s an adaptation of the novels and not word for word the same.
at first i was a little upset by all the changes, but after rereading the books, i actually like the series even more now. as much as we all adore the books, i think we can agree that they’re not perfect. sometimes there’s plot holes, inconsistencies, or just bad writing in general. this gives rick a chance to fix those things, and that’s OKAY.
the series isn’t perfect either, don’t get me wrong, but it is nice to see the characters going on the same adventures even with some variation to the original story. i think this will allow the characters to be fleshed out more.
we have to remember that a tv show and a book is not the same medium, so the way these things are presented cannot be identical. otherwise the characters in the show would probably seem pretty flat since the books are only from percy’s perspective. the series allows us to learn more about the motives and personalities of other characters, be it annabeth, grover, or luke (personally, i’m really excited to see how his character’s story goes).
anyway, all of this is to say that the percy series is great for what it is (an adaptation of a book series). yes it could be better (cough longer and more episodes cough), but i personally really enjoy it so far.
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transvaltrans · 5 months
Looking back on the books I read this year, and was reminded of just how much Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief- absolutely frustrated and disappointed me. Spoilers ahead.
To some degree, this was going to happen; the whole series has been heavily hyped up to me, it's hard for any book to live up to such lavish yet vague praise. But, you know, I actually got through most of the book without being distracted by my own expectations. It was tense, and spare- it felt like every word mattered and hinted at an underlying truth. I love when books withhold from the reader, and nudge at you to consider what might be left unsaid. And I was so, so satisfied when my predictions paid off (totally called Gen palming the stone rather than losing it).
The worldbuilding was interesting and unique, I enjoyed that the author wasn't committed to a super specific and our-world-accurate timeframe for technology, and I found the characters compelling and variable. I always enjoy travel stories, nevermind stories about thieves.
Which is exactly why I was so annoyed by the ending.
Again: I love twists. I love being able to predict them, and I love being surprised. I did not feel like any of the twists in The Thief were unearned; it's a well-composed book, with plenty of foreshadowing.
However, one of the twists, despite being foreshadowed, absolutely blindsided me- because I would not have considered it as a possibility, due to undermining exactly what had me so excited to read The Thief in the first place. Fantasy literature sometimes shies away from politics, into pure escapism and fluff. Even some of my favorite fantasy books are pretty hollow when it comes to their fundamental beliefs, and shy away from challenging the status quo- unless it's to restore old glory (cough The Old Kingdom series).
But I can almost always count on stories about rogues, and thieves, and con artists, to at least bring up the issue of class. These characters so often come from disenfranchised backgrounds, from the poor and displaced. They're street rats and gutter scum, who have clawed their way up from the bottom, and never forget where they came from- can never forget, from the way others treat them. Theft is subversive; there's a reason we won't let go of Robin Hood, but even more self-motivated thieves often have something to say about the unfairness of wealth distribution. Stories about thieves almost always have something to say about the relationship between the wealthy and the poor.
So, yeah, I was really fucking annoyed at the reveal that Eugenides was actually the Queen's cousin. That pretending to be from a lower class background was so insufferable to him; that of course he's only so educated and knowledgeable because he's a noblemen, that it was so hard for him to pretend to be stupid and crass like a peasant. That the reason he was so pissed about being disrespected by his captors wasn't because they beat him and imprisoned him and insulted him constantly, that they treated him as less than human because he was poor and a criminal, a tool for their own use and disposal- but because he was one of them, and it injured his pride- his noble pride, not his human pride- to be treated like that. Like he wasn't one of them, and deserving of their respect.
Fuck, I hate it so much. It immediately took away my favorite parts of the book- the tension between Gen and the magus's companions, the weight of the magus having been a commoner once, the way Gen constantly stuck by himself and refused to just accept his shitty treatment- the way every monarch treated him as a means to an end. I thought there would be more tension in Gen having conflicted feelings of resentment and camraderie with the magus- I thought it would pay off with either some of them acting in his interest for once, and/or some of them rejecting their freindship and leaning back into that class difference between them.
I'm not opposed to Gen having been working for the mountain kingdom the whole time! But there are so many other ways to do that- I was suspecting that someone was holding his family hostage in some way. It's easy to imagine a story where Gen is a lower-class thief, who was also being used by his own country's royalty.
But, making Eugenides a nobleman is a subversion of the classic trope- which means it's clever and interesting. Uugh. It just exhausted me, and- disappointed me. I loved so much of this book, and it had been a while since I'd read a good low-fantasy story about thieves. It was suspenseful, with rich descriptions, and interesting character dynamics. I thought I was getting something like Fly By Night by Frances Hardinge, or The Goblin Wood by Hillary Bell- not necessarily stories about thieves, but stories about the underestimated and undervalued, peasant con artists and hedgewitches. But with more of the tension and bite of your average dnd rogue getting up to stupid shit (my go-to class since I was a kid).
I totally understand why people love this book. There is a lot I really admire within it. But man, I don't think I can get over how much that final twist- not just rejected my original interpretation of the story. That's fine, plenty of good science fiction or horror does that. But that it specifically rejects the character and story type of the lower class thief. The very name of the series, The Queen's Thief, had me expecting a story about that seeming contradiction; about the power imbalance, and a constant game of cunning, of maintaining autonomy despite being bound to a royal power. And I expect there will be some of that, in the later books; it just loses a lot of its appeal, when it turns out Gen himself is a nobleman, who was doing a favor for his cousin, the queen.
I liked that the book ended with more insight into the mountainous kingdom, and Gen's feeling of belonging and pride to a cultural group everyone else had been deriding- but that didn't have to be accomplished by him being related to the nobility of that country. None of this had to be accomplished through Gen being a nobleman; it just felt like a 'gotcha' subversion, taking away, rather than adding more.
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desire-mona · 18 days
can someone please come over and braid my hair and talk about fnaf like im 9 again thanks. can someone please come over and pretend like its all ok thanks.
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The Quarry Next-Gen Kids
Jacob and a One Night Stand:
Hannah Custos - 17 years old
She doesn’t have children but is very close with the others children.
I’ve put this because I couldn’t think of any tbh plus I see her wanting to be a fun auntie who likes kids but also likes that she can give them back to their parents.
Emma and Her Husband:
Benjamin Mounteback - 15 years old
Melissa Mounteback - 15 years old
Abi and Nick:
Zack Furcillo - 16 years old
Nathan Furcillo - 15 years old
Elijah Furcillo - 13 years old
Ryan and Dylan:
Thalia Lenivy-Erzahler - 13 years old
Laura and Max:
Ethan Brinly - 17 years old
Facts about the kids:
Benjamin and Melissa go by Benny and Missy.
Elijah goes by Eli or Lijah sometimes.
Ethan is very close to Thalia because Laura and Ryan are close. He’s protective of her and is like an older brother to her.
Nick and Abi’s sons and Ryan and Dylan’s daughter are also very close.
Eli and Thalia have crushes on each other and are best friends.
Hannah is the oldest of the kids and feels responsible for them. Zack and Ethan also feel responsible for them as they’re the next oldest after Hannah.
All of the parents are very protective over each other’s kids and will protect them.
The kids all call the others aunt or uncle.
Jacob raised Hannah as a single dad.
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dvarapala · 11 months
you know that one gif of that white lady pulling at her curtains or whatever because she's mad? that's me whenever i find out spn took bits and pieces of my culture and whitewashed it.
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nejackdaw · 4 months
Nine Five people you'd like to know better
Tagged by @thana-topsy Hi lol 👋 wasn't expecting this (/lh)
[3 Ships]
1) Celann and Charlotte. (holding them in my hands) my babies. I love they
2) I'll honestly just put it out there, Chriscariot. That album rewired my brain. The absolute gay yearning. Did you guys know about the Gospel of Judas. I've been so normal on Tumblr. Not in real life. Not in the slightest. Bible fandom has some fun stuff
3) the Mo/Resa/Dustfinger/Roxanne polycule. I am correct.
[First Ship]
I actually think that's gonna have to be Zuko/Sokka. Except I was unaware of what shipping was at the time because I was young and offline. I did think they should go out tho.
[Last Song]
Funeral Derangements (Ice Nine Kills.) Honestly surprised it wasn't something off the Judas album
[Currently Reading]
Inkheart. Again. Yes I finished the series and turned right around and started it again. I did finish The man Born to be King last night tho. Haven't seen the original JCS but yeah. That Judas and 2012 Arena Tour Judas 🤝
[Last Film]
..... Highlander.... I caught a glimpse of it a while ago and there was this cunty old man. I immediately called Bread over and well. There was not as much of him in the film as we hoped. What did we watch (hello??? Plot??? Please???) That goth guy was having the time of his life tho honestly good for him. What a bizarre experience.
[Currently Craving]
The arrival of the books I ordered. I'm gonna be so real. I am so impatient for them to arrive. Even ignoring the fact that Mortimer (my darling little blue jay plush) is being shipped to God knows where (it's Rhode Island. I feel it in my bones that for some reason another package has been redirected to Rhode Island.) Other than that, uh... draw juice. Would like to draw thing
Gonna tag @argisthebulwark @fabeong @greeneyed-thestral @forpiratereasons and @snake-snack-stede my beloved mutuals 🌹 hi guys :)
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